Movie Buffs Associated - - Logic Puzzle

Every week since its inauguration, the local Movie Buffs Associated have shown a series of movies chosen by a selection panel, determined annually by a ballot of members, in the Municipal Offices function room each evening from Monday to Friday, and starring a particular actor/actress. The selection panel for the current year is Sally Boyden, Mark Thomson, Jessica Farmer, Laurie Davison and Mary Peters.

Last week their choice was the duo, and , and the films chosen - one per member - were (1941), (1949), (1946), Who Done It? (1942), and Hit the Ice (1943) but not respectively, and neither were they shown in that order, nor in the order in which they were released. Showing time differed each evening. From this information and the following clues, for each member, can you determine who chose which film, the day on which it was shown, and at what time?

1. Who Done It? was the choice of neither Mr. Davison 6. None of the women had a showing on Thursday or nor Mr. Thomson. Friday. 2. The 1941 release was shown two days later than 7. The 7:15 pm showing was on Friday. Miss Farmer's choice. 8. The mid-week showing, which was not Miss 3. Buck Privates was shown last. Boyden's choice, was at 7:30 pm. 4. Mr. Thomson's choice was Africa Screams which 9. Who Done It? was shown on neither hour. showed at 15 minutes to the hour. 10. Hit the Ice started at an earlier time but a day later 5. Time wise, Mary had the latest showing. than The Time of Their Lives.

Film Day Time Friday Monday 7:00 PM 7:15 PM 7:30 PM 7:45 PM 8:00 PM Tuesday Thursday Hit TheIce Wednesday Who DoneIt Buck Privates The Timeoft Africa Scream





Panel Member Sally

7:00 PM 7:15 PM 7:30 PM Time 7:45 PM 8:00 PM

Monday Panel Member Film Day Time Tuesday Jessica Wednesday Day Thursday Laurie

Friday Mark



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