Rpscripps. News Magnate, Dies on Yacht
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R.P.SCRIPPS. NEWS MAGNATE, present DIES ON YACHT Was Prindpal Owner Of The 20,000 Scripps-Howard Chain Of 24 Newspapers; Death At Engineers Estimate Pro HiROTo mw Sea Like That Of Father. Floods A t a Glance Loss At 25 Miffion^ FOR AMERICA, By ASSOCIATED PRESS k SAN DDEQO—Almost completely San Franelaco. March 4.— (AP) enty-fonr Bodies ! LOS ANOEUS»-Clty Engineer cut off. Highways, railroads out of Recof’* Robert P. Scrlpps, 43, principal IN FORTIFYING I Lloyd Aldrich estimated damage to commission. Telephone and tele- stockholder In the Scripps-Howard city structures, bridges and streets graph wires down. In excess of $3,000,000. Numerous ered Bnt Most SeTerdj|g national newspaper chain, died FlLLMORI^IsoIated completely. I hillside and canyon homea destroy- Bridges destroyed. aboard hla yacht off Lower Califor- So He Tells Budget Commit- ed. Homeless adequately cared for. INDIO—Little damage, but offi- Stricken Areas Stifl bo-i; nia, It was learned here early to- Public utilities functioning normal- cials banned sale of liquor until day. Tho publishing executive, who ly. Railroad service still ou t Com- normal conditions return. tee; Is Ready, Though, To munication lines partially restored. lated; No Food Shortage,' began hla newspaper career at tho BAKERSFIELD—City Isolated. age of 16, died while tho )racht, the RIVERSIDE—Hundreds evacuat- BURBANK—Streets filled with ed from their homes Wednesday mud. Seventy-five homeless. Novla Del Mar, was anchored off Talk About Qnhtiog T ie night returned to damaged resi- PALM SPRINGS—Facing food lios Santa Margarita Island, Lower'Cali- Angeles, March 4.—^ dences. Relief agencies caring for at shortage. Light and power service fornia. least 300. Light and power service (AP) — Seventy-four bodiei Building Of Big War Ships disrupted. Airplane chartered to Coast Guard headquarters hero restored after more than 13 hours bring tn lood. were recovered from Southern lapse. was informed that Scrippe’ body PASADENA—Damage to Rose California’s flood disaster up to SANTA ANA—Area 18 miles long was tranaferred last Wednesday Tokyo, March 4— (A P )—Japan’s Bowl and surrounding golf course 9:30 a. m. (12:30 p. m,, e. s. t ) evening to the Panama Pacific liner and 7 miles wide Inundated aa San- estimated at $200,000. Damage In Foreign Minister HlrotA urging today and fifty three had Pennsylvanto, due In Loe Angeles ta Ana river overflowed. Hundreds Aroyo Seco, location of many sum- Saturday. The time of his death world naval reduction by abolish- driven from homes, but majority mer homes, estimated at $500,000. identified. _ .?®****5?^. Angelea art shown wading through flood water at the city’s Imsiest comer was not contained in a message ing all large warships, told a parlia- able to return as waters receded. Bridges washed out. Some estimates indicated tht from the liner, ^ Ite worst rainstorm In years. Seven persons were reported dead or mlas- Damage heavy.' A ibort time after thle picture was taken, all telephone communication with Los mentary budget committee today VAN BUYS—100 homeless. death toii might reach 200. Scrippa was stricken seriously 111 cut off. Angeles was L4)NQ BEACH—Five main arte- SANTA MONICA—Damage $50,- most severeiy stricken while on a trip to Hawaii last sum- ho woa "sorry for America" If the rial bridgea closed. Others open to 000. Paving in many streets ruined. mer. Death roaulted from an inter- United States were building Pacific light traffic only. Only about 76 SANTA PAULA—280 families stiii were isoiated. There nal hemorrhage. coast defenses In fear of Japan. cared for at relief agencies. evacuated. Water four feet deep on definite reports o f 81 mi Confirmation of the death was HIrota told tha committee relations MALIBU— Isolated by sUdea and Harvard avenue and airport. in addition to the 74 given in New York city by William with the United States were .friend waahoute. All uUlIttea, Including SON IS SUSPECTED VENTURA—City streets and W. Hawkins, chairman of tho board BRITAIN MAKING BIDS ly, when a committee member broke water, cut off. -Bectiona of Roose- some homea covered by mud. found. These figures did of Scripps-Howaro. to to ask: velt highway, one of the two links EL CENTRO—Without light or include estimates from Scripps was the son of the late "But It seems the United States between San Francisco and Lof An- power. Schools reopened. county, where the m ad __ , E. W. Scripps, founder of the newa- IN MOTHER’ S DEATH Is fortlfylDg Hawaii and Alaska geles, washed out. paper chain which la represent;^ by ALTADBNA—128 families home- Ana river caused the grehl FOR PEACE WITH REICH Does the foreign minister believe MOROVIA—Two hundred refu- less; 60 autos washed away. ^ i e a In many large cities of the floods in the area. United States. Ho leaves his wid- tbe American people fully under- gees boused at American Legion VENICE—400 homeless. CommU' stand Japan?" and Elks clubs. Metropolitan Loe ow and six children. RECEIVES BUT 19 CENTS t Woman’s Body Found nity without gas eight hours. "Japan's policy toward the Unit MONTROSE — Several bridges Began Work At Ifi But At Same Time % e k FOR MANY BIO WORDS | POMONA — Estimated damage and all the commuitities in ed States already Was made clear out, communication disrupted and In excess of $250,000. Hundreds of Scripps was boro In San Diego highways Impassable. Angeles county, were g< New York, March 4.— (AP) — ' Kitchen With Knife In my speech opening the Llet. We refugees. •?kl at 16 began his newspaper ca- Anning At Top Speed; To are doing our best to promote SAN BERNARDINO—1,000 ref- VIOTORVIIXB—300 homeless about business as usual, reer os a reporter and correspond- TraumaUc shock, indljgesUon. j fracture of the crown of the friendship through an exebanga ugees In Municipal Auditorium. Waters rising as rains continue to is no food shortage, and ent. A graduate of Pomona Col- Neck; Seen Leaving Home Blocks of streets buried under de- lege (Cal.), Scripps became editorial lower righ first bicuspid and meosages with Secretary Hull. "This run off mountains. health problem, county ^nd Over 000 Millioiis fracture of the lower left third policy will be unchanged in the fU' bris. Gas, electric and telephone NEWPORT-BALBOA—Marooned. director of the Scrippa-Howard and service out. dais said. Scrippa-McRae newspapers in 1917. molar— ture. Sufficient food and other supplies. Chicago. March 4.—(A P )—Blood Some estimates of In the same year he married Mar- On Her Navy This Year* Thooe were the ills Jake Kri- "However, If It la true the Unit- steins on toweU and In a wash basin ed Stetee Is fortifying the Paclflic were as high as $26,000,i Culbortwon, who lurvivoz vitsto, a tailor, alleged be suf- him together with their children, fered in encountering a bit of lent support today to a police theory coast to provide against Japan, but engineers a g re^ it am oorry for America. Aa long as Robert Paine, Jr„ Charles Edward, London, March 4— (A P )—Jltghty stone In bis restaurant ooup, and that Mrs. Theodore Danlelsen, 47, ^ weeks before a figure Margaret Ellen, NaCkey Elizabeth he sued for 31,000. we fully understand each other, Samuel Holtslnger, and Edward Britain, arming at top speed the found dead In her home with a 10- am confident there arill be no troa A. P. REPORTER DESCRIBES pe determined. In Los A Wyllto, m . > while she dickers for peace with Ihri A municipal Court jury award, inch kitchen knifs embedded In the city the damage was es' ed him a Judgment Tor 10 cents , throat, was, a alayei'‘s victim. ble between Japan and America." Mr. Scripjw wof preatdent rupe'a dictators, will spend over Difference In Meoalnge ed at $3,000,000. traaauror o f tho E. W. Scrippa com. —prloe of the soup. | PoUoa Ueut. John Walah said It 8800,000,000 on her navy this yqgr— eras doubtful that the woman com- A foreign office apokeaman said FLOODS FROM AIRPLANE Watata Becedtoi pany. and a diractor of tha Newo- later that white 'T am aorry lo t Recoding water loft a panoi paper Bnterorisa Askoclation oorv- not counting a vast construction mitted suicide or was killed acci- program which likely win Include dentally because of the position of America" was a literal translation of mud-covored and wrackad ho. Ice, the Newspaper Information of HInota's words the meaning sarvice, and of the United Presa battleshipe of more than 38,000 the wound In the left side of the dobris-Iaden highways, wasksd tons. neck. He said aha was right hond- Americana and to Japaneae was dif- Flies Over Inundated Towns bridgM, damaged orchards aoeoclatlons. He also was a trustee JAPANESE HALTED of Miami University. He main- Details of the building program ed. ferent. fai tos, and torn raUway tracksi , „ tained homea In Woet (^heater, Ohio, hinge upon current Informal dis- He ordered a search for the wo- HIrota's meaning might be ex' LATE NEWS Rod Cross and municipal offtcM il and at Miramar, Son Diego coun- cussions with American and French man’s 16-year-old son Theodore, pressed better, tbe foreign office And Cities Bndges Down said It would be several days bsCsra' ty, Cal. _ naval experts on what to do about BY U. S. MARINES Jr. The police official aald Mrs. spokesman said, thus: "1 am sorry on accurate estimate waa i Japan’s refusal to disclose her Irene HIpellus, a neighbor of the America feels tbe necessity of tek' Everywhere; Thonsands of the storm damage or the B.