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Letter 44 Worlds At War 2011-12-04

Dear Dan,

In the 2nd shift part of my tenure at (G6), the , under the leadership of President Bush, went to war against Terrorism in Afghanistan (the Taliban), and against Saddam Hussein, dictator of .

Most Americans were for the war against the Taliban. But the Nation was more evenly divided, for or against, going after Saddam Hussein.

Early in the national debate the Lord made me privy to some objective information and informed opinions as to why Jesus was in favor of overthrowing the Saddam Hussein administration.

The Lord gave this data to me through a certain talk show, and the host, who I listened to while at work on my walkman radio.

The regular talk show host was also a Lieutenant in the Army National Guard, Co. C, 1st Bn., 161 Infantry, in the 81st Infantry Brigade, (my old Brigade) and as such had a more informed viewpoint than most of the other media pundits at the time.

One day he had a liberal guest on the show to discuss whether the U. S. should go to war against Saddam Hussein. Live phone calls were being taken from the radio audience to ask questions. There was one caller who stated he was from Iraq, and he gave the entire radio audience an earful.

I have included a recording of that audio on the enclosed CD so you can listen to what I heard live as it happened (click here to hear the audio clip).

P. S. The radio talk show host’s name is Bryan Suits. Bear in mind that I heard the entire 3 hour talk show live. This excerpt recording is of one caller, Muhammad, who called in to express his unique viewpoint, with dialogue between he and the liberal representative, United for Peace and Justice spokeswoman Andrea Buffa.

(NOTE - 2020-05-03: According to internet news sources, the above talk show on KVI AM-570 took place on 06 March 2003. When I was listening to Bryan Suits, the Soldier part of me wanted to join along with him on active service in the Army and ight to overthrow the Hussein regime. But my own physical disabilities prohibited me from any direct participation in military service. In the days leading up to the war, a famous football player, Pat Tillman, had volunteered for armed forces duty. But he was killed early in the war. When I heard of Mr. Tillman’s death, all I could do was listen to the news reports on my radio while at work, and grieve. This song by Bad Company, Seagull, helped me in that grieving process. After the invasion and Iraqi elections were held, David Horsey drew this cartoon. )


Romanus Theophilus

© 2020 R. C. Theophilus. Letters to God's Son. He is our Judge.