August 10,1885
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■*» PORTT.AND f — PATLY PRESS. / ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862---VOL. 23._PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1885. PRICE THREE CENTS. SPECIAL NOTICES. IN MAINE. Old W. McLean. BURCLARIES of the City Hall steps. Inside the corridor Guard. Maj. George CRANT. fit successor of whe a and Governor’s J. determined, Washington generate descendants of devout heroic Commander Johnson was waiting. “Col- Foot Guard of Hartford. Ct., Maj. C. led our first troops to victory, and worthy tc ancestry are prone to belittle genius and to AT REST. umns in position, fright and left, was his Kinney. DR. E. II. Association of 105tli New York Col. take the sword laid down of REED, A Town in Under command. honor was Volunteers, up by the venerable deny the providential guardianship their Oxford County The veteran guard of 1). Hull. Tho Observance of His Funeral ir Harmon Scott who was victorious in his battle fathers' God the marvelloui Creat Excitement. erect. “Lift the remains,” he said, in clear, Veteran Zouave Association, (.'apt. T. F. Sheehan, every by ascribing Portland. Such was the man an and Botanic but low tones. The twelve men stooped to lentil Regiment New York Volunteer Veterans, demanded by afflicted achievements of heroes to opportunity or ac- Clairvoyant Physician the silver rails with gloved hands. “March” Capt. A. Chamberlin. country, and such he appeared, summoned cident, or would fain rob them of their just F|ltn New York Volunteer Safe in the of Man- was the next word, and the coffin was borne regiment Zouaves, from the of as it were to divide it with the Office the Harper The Remains of General Grant Placed F. Memorial Services in the Hall. pursuits peace, by glory by trying genera- Medical Rooms 592 ., IS. Finley, City Congress St., down the steps with measured tread across Capt. to conduct us second of Continental Providence, through the trials tion to which they belong. But the great heart ufacturing Co. Blown Open. the open space to the steps of the Idack fu- company Washington ME. Guards, Capt. J. G. Norman. of a fratricidal war, the grandest, truesj- of the people, the intuition of the world’s com- PORTLAND, in Riverside Park. neral car and placed upon the dais on the Colombo J. Guard, Capt. Cavagnaro. Full Text of the noblest and best of American citizen, mon sense, is wiser than the of catafalque. The was surmounted Italian Rifle E. Sonnabello. Various Speakers' product speculations Dr. Keed treats all chronic diseases that flesh is catafalque Guard, Capt. since the An Important Arrest Made at Win- by a splendid covered with Garibaldi E. ship days of Washington. In ac- such self-styled with “their Weir to; all eases that are given up as Incurable canopy, nodding Legion, Capt. Spazary. Addresses. philosophers, op- ostrich W. F. from the lamented Lincoln the com- of bv the allopathic and homoepathic physicians. I throp Yesterday. plumes. Immediately the two regi- Columbia Guards, Capt. Kelly, cepting positions science falsely so called.” lliree of Veteran Guards will take their case to treat and cure them. I Cud ments detailed to accompany the catafalque, companies (colored), Stission as General of the armies of the United To those who refuse to believe that their coun- four-fifths of the cases to die eau to into Capt. H. E. Williams. about given up spraug attention, and were wheeling How the Day was Observed Else- mates, he modestly said that whatever success try and their race are drifting aimlessly down he cured. Examination at a distance letter, Clues Which Lead to the Break- Thousands of Comrades and line on each side stone of SECOND DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD S. N. V. by May Sorrowing of the broad steps he achieve would be due to the the the of time and Grant with their full name and place of residence and the Hall. its Maj. Gen. where in Maine. might gallant ages, sport chance. Up of a City The band took up posi- Edward L. Mblineux, commanding. was one 2-cent and Examination second ing Cang. armies he appointed to command, and to stands revealed among the chosen of God, a stamp $2.00. tion on the right hand of the steps. Gen. Aids—Col. William .T> Denslow, A. A. G.; Lieut.- sight and consultation free. Friends Col. Gustave A. I. E. E.: Lieut.-Col. the favor of Providence which leads both na- man raised before our as the Sherman, in full uniform, linked arms with Koullier. up eyes special Oiler Hours—9 n. in. to 9. ui. J- h. Ord. Lieut.-Col. John Y. Cnl- Full Text tions and men. And p. my7sntf to the Gen. Buckner of and Gen. Phil Cowan, O.; of Mr. Blaine’s Address in how great the change. immediate instrument of His purpose, as clear- [Special Press.] Kentucky, yer, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Skene, surgeon; Sheridan stood with Gen. E. John- engineer; From confusion, order; from distrust, confi- as Moses or as Daniel or OxFoitD, Aug. 9.—Welchville is enjoying a Joseph Judge Advocate Albert E. Lamb; Lieut.-Col. Augusta. ly Joshua, David, INSURANCE. ston. The iron gates went back and they M.; Lieut.-Col. John dence ; from fear, courage. Maidens who had not the millions great sensation. On Friday morning last Henry Arthur, Q. Foord, Cyrus. To-day, only sixty entered. The white-scarfed pall-bearers Com. of Sub.; Maj. Hobert Herbert, A. D. C.; despaired of their lovers, and wives who had of his countrymen, but the six hundred mil- Superintendent Walker, of the Harper Man- Their Last Sad Tribute of came out from City Hall, and with them Mai. H. s. Kingsley. A. D. C.; Capt. Howland In accordance counted husbands Pay Respect D. with the request of the au- lost, hoped again. Weeping lions of the civilized world acknowledge that ufacturing of that went to were the men of the Grand Army of the Re- Ferrlne, signal officer. Company village, thorities, places of business in this city were mothers dried their tears. Bankers who had by his invincible valor and consummate wis- the public. Then the band sounded a funeral THIRD BRIGADE. company’s office at (i o’clock, as usual, to to the Dead Commander. almost •losed their vaults, opened wide the iron dom armed treason was discomfited, and that W.D. LITTLE dirge, the pall-bearers descended with slow, Third buttery, Capt. H. S. ltanquin. universally closed Saturday, after 1 p. & open the room and start the mills. doors. The sailor as he hoisted the but for him the sun of CO., counting sad steps, and the guard of honor of the Brig. Gen. C. T. Christensen and staff. m., flags drooped at half-mast from the ship- rusty our republic must have The office is a small one-storied U. S. Grant of were seen sup- Thirteenth regiment, Col. A. C. Barnes. anchor, the marine as he the deck, the gone down at noon. 31 EXCHANGE structure, post Brooklyn, ping, public and and many paced STREET, Seventeenth separate company, Capt. Miller. private buildings, sentinel as he trod was and the mills are porting the casket with its covering of ama- his weary beat, filled But a still awaited him “not situated about a hundred of the store windows were festooned in black peaceful victory Established iu 1843. ranth velvet and its bars of silver. FOURTH BRIGADE. with a new feet distant. polished courage and a new inspiration. less renowned than those of war.” The con- There were six on each side. Preceded Gen. William H. Brownell and staff. and white and of General Millions of Line the by Brig. displayed portraits The burning sands of the the and queror of the rebellion was destined t? redeem Reliable Insurance Fire or When Mr. Spectators Way the across Col. E. C. Ward. gulf, bayous against Lightning in first Walker entered the office he pall-bearers, they walked slowly Twenty-third regiment, Grant decorated. The sun of the Col. L. Fiukelmeler. appropriately lagoons Mississippi, the mountains of his country’s honor tarnished by a demoralized found room the road to the catafalque, passed up the Thirty-second regiment, class American and Co's at Lowest Rates. that the had been entered dur- E. F. shone and its wrere Tennessee and the of re-echoed Foreign to the Tomb. movable steps and deposited their burden of Forty-seventh regiment. Col. Gaylor. brightly rays tempered plains Virginia and recreant Congress. By his veto of ing the and the which was one of ARMED AND the battle of “Grant and Victory.” Also Life and Accident Insurance. night, safe, the black bier beneath the canopy with its BODIES FROM THE STATES CITIES. by the breeze from the ocean. cry the inflation bill, President Grant strangled the small had been First The excellences of General Grant’s character Telephone 701. jel7snly sizes, removed from the wealth of nodding plumes. The steps were regiment Pennsylvania National Guard, At 2 p. m., Bosworth Post, No. 2, G. A. repudiation in its cradle, and to the same good Col. T. E.'Wiedersham. It., are building. There was no traces of it any- taken away, the troops fell in on either side best understood by contrast with the right arm the nation owes a restored union Gray Invincibles, Capt. John F. Kennard. Commander Gatley, headed by Chandler’s of the catafalque, and Col. Beck advanced to peculiarities of other successful soldiers. and a solvent Later when no THE PORTLAND DAILY where. Mr. Walker immediately proceeded Gate City Guards of Atlanta. Ga., Lieut. William to treasury. yet, PRESS, the head of the line of black horses before Band, marched City Hall.