The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Volume 32, No. 3 May-June I . 1954 James E. Armstrong, '2 Editor John N. Cacklcy, Jr., ' DAME Managing Editor ALUMNUS HAMMES GIFT WILL PROVIDE BUILDING ALL OF THIS FOR ^20 A new building to house the Notre Dame Bookstore will be erected on the Class Reunion Weekend campus in die near future, it was an nounced recently by the Rev. Theodore June li-12-13 M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., university presi Class of 1904 Howard Hall Class of 1929 Lyons Hall dent. Class of 1909 Howard Hall Class of 1934 Morrissey Hall Construction of tlie building has Class of 1914 Howard Hali Class of 1939 Morrissey Hall been made possible by a gift from Mr, Class of 1919 Howard Hall Class of 1944 Walsh Hall and Mrs. Romy Hammes of Kankakee, Class of 1924 Howard Hall Class of 1949 Sorin Hall 111., Father Hesburgh said. As presi dent of Romy Hammes Enterprises, Inc., Hammes operates auto dealer Friday, June i ships in Kankakee and South Bend, General Registration—^Law Building. One fee, $20, will be collected at Ind., and has established housing de velopments in Kankakee and Joliet, registration n'hich will cover all of the general and class expenditures. 111., Fort Lee, N. J., and Las Vegas, Class Registration and Room—Registradon will be in the halls as listed Nev. above. "Notre Dame is deeply grateful to Weekend golf tournament beginning Friday.