11 bus time schedule & line map

11 - - - Grays - South View In Website Mode Ockendon - Pureet

The 11 bus line (Basildon - Fobbing - Orsett - Grays - - Pureet) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Basildon Town Centre: 7:15 AM - 5:15 PM (2) North : 7:05 PM (3) Pureet: 7:45 AM - 5:15 PM (4) Stifford Clays: 7:05 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 11 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 11 bus arriving.

Direction: Basildon Town Centre 11 bus Time Schedule 94 stops Basildon Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:15 AM - 5:15 PM Railway Station, Pureet London Road, Tuesday 7:15 AM - 5:15 PM

War Memorial, Pureet Wednesday 7:15 AM - 5:15 PM London Road, England Thursday 7:15 AM - 5:15 PM Comet Close, Pureet Friday 7:15 AM - 5:15 PM Chieftan Drive, London Saturday Not Operational Marlow Avenue, Pureet

London Road,

Blenheim Gardens, Aveley 11 bus Info Direction: Basildon Town Centre Aveley Library Stops: 94 Trip Duration: 103 min Hanford Road Line Summary: Railway Station, Pureet, War Memorial, Pureet, Comet Close, Pureet, Marlow St Pauls Close Aveley Avenue, Pureet, London Road, Aveley, Blenheim Mill Road, London Gardens, Aveley, Aveley Library, Hanford Road, St Pauls Close Aveley, Shannon Way, Aveley, Teviot Shannon Way, Aveley Avenue, Aveley, Usk Rd, Aveley, Shannon Way, Aveley, St Pauls Close, Hanford Road, High Street, Aveley, Teviot Avenue, Aveley Park Lane, Aveley, Stanford Gardens, Aveley, Stifford Road, South Ockendon, Garron Lane, South Teviot Avenue, England Ockendon, Gatehope Drive, South Ockendon, Dawley Usk Rd, Aveley Green, South Ockendon, Derwent Parade, South Ockendon, Erriff Drive, South Ockendon, Anton Road, South Ockendon, Arisdale Avenue, South Ockendon, Shannon Way, Aveley Railway Station, South Ockendon, Railway Station, Peartree Close South Ockendon, Brandon Groves St Pauls Close South Ockendon, Garth Road South Ockendon, Buckles Lane South Ockendon, Elwick Road South Hanford Road Ockendon, Ford Place South Ockendon, High Road, North Stifford, Grantham Way, Stifford Clays, High Street, Aveley Crammavill Street, Stifford Clays, Crawford Avenue, Park Lane, Aveley Stifford Clays, Chestnut Avenue, Stifford Clays, High Street, England Community Hospital, Stifford Clays, Long Lane, Stifford Clays, Library, Socketts Heath, Leisure Stanford Gardens, Aveley Centre, Socketts Heath, Parkside, Socketts Heath, Stifford Road, England Wood View, Grays, Heathland Way, Grays, The Haven, , River View, Chadwell St Stifford Road, South Ockendon Mary, River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary, Rigby Gardens, Chadwell St Mary, Brentwood Road, Garron Lane, South Ockendon Chadwell St Mary, Rectory Road, Orsett, School Lane, 176 Garron Lane, England Orsett, Hospital, Orsett, Rectory Road Penn Close, Orsett, Prince Charles Avenue, Orsett, Recreation Gatehope Drive, South Ockendon Ground, Horndon on the Hill, Gordon Road, Horndon Gatehope Drive, England on the Hill, Hill Crest Road, Horndon on the Hill, High Road, Horndon on the Hill, South Hill Crescent, Dawley Green, South Ockendon Horndon on the Hill, High Road, Horndon on the Hill, Dalroy Close, England North Hill, Horndon on the Hill, Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope, The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Derwent Parade, South Ockendon Hope, The Green, Stanford Le Hope, Rising Sun, Daiglen Drive, England Stanford Le Hope, The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope, Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope, Stratford Erriff Drive, South Ockendon Gardens, Corringham, Nursery Road, Corringham, Abbotts Drive, Corringham, Town Centre, Anton Road, South Ockendon Corringham, Springhouse Road, Corringham, Avontar Road, England Giffords Cross Road, Corringham, Chase Road, Corringham, Church Road, Corringham, Herd Lane, Arisdale Avenue, South Ockendon Corringham, Digby Road, Corringham, Church, Fobbing, Wheelers Lane, Fobbing, Marsh Lane, Railway Station, South Ockendon Fobbing, Greathouse Chase, Fobbing, Whitehall Lane, Fobbing, Ingleeld Road, Fobbing, High Road, Tamarisk Road, England Fobbing, Moores Avenue, Vange, The Haywain, Railway Station Vange, Bells Hill Road, Basildon, Hospital Subway, Basildon, Hospital (Northbound), Basildon, The Tamarisk Road, England Knares, Basildon, Ashdon Way, Basildon, Bus Peartree Close South Ockendon Station, Basildon Town Centre

Brandon Groves South Ockendon Bradd Close, England

Garth Road South Ockendon

Buckles Lane South Ockendon

Elwick Road South Ockendon South Road, England

Ford Place South Ockendon

High Road, North Stifford 34 High Road, England

Grantham Way, Stifford Clays

Crammavill Street, Stifford Clays

Crawford Avenue, Stifford Clays

Chestnut Avenue, Stifford Clays

Thurrock Community Hospital, Stifford Clays

Long Lane, Stifford Clays Long Lane, Grays

Library, Socketts Heath

Leisure Centre, Socketts Heath

Parkside, Socketts Heath Wood View, Grays

Wood View, Grays

Heathland Way, Grays

The Haven, Chadwell St Mary The Haven, England

River View, Chadwell St Mary 101 River View, England

River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary 1 Brentwood Road, England

Rigby Gardens, Chadwell St Mary Rigby Gardens, England

Brentwood Road, Chadwell St Mary

Rectory Road, Orsett

School Lane, Orsett

Hospital, Orsett Rowley Road, England

Rectory Road Penn Close, Orsett

Prince Charles Avenue, Orsett

Recreation Ground, Horndon on the Hill

Gordon Road, Horndon on the Hill Gordon Road, England

Hill Crest Road, Horndon on the Hill

High Road, Horndon on the Hill

South Hill Crescent, Horndon on the Hill South Hill Crescent, England

High Road, Horndon on the Hill

North Hill, Horndon on the Hill

Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope

The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope Southend Road, England

The Green, Stanford Le Hope The Green, England

Rising Sun, Stanford Le Hope Church Hill, England

The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope Southend Road, England

Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope Victoria Road, England

Stratford Gardens, Corringham 118 Southend Road, England

Nursery Road, Corringham Abbotts Drive, England

Abbotts Drive, Corringham

Town Centre, Corringham

Springhouse Road, Corringham

Giffords Cross Road, Corringham

Chase Road, Corringham

Church Road, Corringham

Herd Lane, Corringham

Digby Road, Corringham

Church, Fobbing Gildborne Close, England

Wheelers Lane, Fobbing

Marsh Lane, Fobbing

Greathouse Chase, Fobbing

Whitehall Lane, Fobbing

Ingleeld Road, Fobbing

High Road, Fobbing

Moores Avenue, Vange

The Haywain, Vange

Bells Hill Road, Basildon

Hospital Subway, Basildon

Hospital (Northbound), Basildon

The Knares, Basildon Ashdon Way, Basildon Ashdon Way, Basildon

Bus Station, Basildon Town Centre Direction: North Stifford 11 bus Time Schedule 35 stops North Stifford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:05 PM Railway Station, Pureet London Road, England Tuesday 7:05 PM

War Memorial, Pureet Wednesday 7:05 PM London Road, England Thursday 7:05 PM Comet Close, Pureet Friday 7:05 PM Chieftan Drive, London Saturday Not Operational Marlow Avenue, Pureet

London Road, Aveley

Blenheim Gardens, Aveley 11 bus Info Direction: North Stifford Aveley Library Stops: 35 Trip Duration: 39 min Hanford Road Line Summary: Railway Station, Pureet, War Memorial, Pureet, Comet Close, Pureet, Marlow St Pauls Close Aveley Avenue, Pureet, London Road, Aveley, Blenheim Mill Road, London Gardens, Aveley, Aveley Library, Hanford Road, St Pauls Close Aveley, Shannon Way, Aveley, Teviot Shannon Way, Aveley Avenue, Aveley, Usk Rd, Aveley, Shannon Way, Aveley, St Pauls Close, Hanford Road, High Street, Aveley, Teviot Avenue, Aveley Park Lane, Aveley, Stanford Gardens, Aveley, Stifford Road, South Ockendon, Garron Lane, South Teviot Avenue, England Ockendon, Gatehope Drive, South Ockendon, Dawley Usk Rd, Aveley Green, South Ockendon, Derwent Parade, South Ockendon, Erriff Drive, South Ockendon, Anton Road, Shannon Way, Aveley South Ockendon, Arisdale Avenue, South Ockendon, Railway Station, South Ockendon, Railway Station, Peartree Close South Ockendon, Brandon Groves St Pauls Close South Ockendon, Garth Road South Ockendon, Buckles Lane South Ockendon, Elwick Road South Hanford Road Ockendon, Ford Place South Ockendon, High Road, North Stifford High Street, Aveley

Park Lane, Aveley High Street, England

Stanford Gardens, Aveley Stifford Road, England

Stifford Road, South Ockendon

Garron Lane, South Ockendon 176 Garron Lane, England

Gatehope Drive, South Ockendon Gatehope Drive, England

Dawley Green, South Ockendon Dalroy Close, England Derwent Parade, South Ockendon Daiglen Drive, England

Erriff Drive, South Ockendon

Anton Road, South Ockendon Avontar Road, England

Arisdale Avenue, South Ockendon

Railway Station, South Ockendon Tamarisk Road, England

Railway Station Tamarisk Road, England

Peartree Close South Ockendon

Brandon Groves South Ockendon Bradd Close, England

Garth Road South Ockendon

Buckles Lane South Ockendon

Elwick Road South Ockendon South Road, England

Ford Place South Ockendon

High Road, North Stifford 34 High Road, England Direction: Pureet 11 bus Time Schedule 96 stops Pureet Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:45 AM - 5:15 PM Bus Station, Basildon Town Centre Tuesday 7:45 AM - 5:15 PM Ashdon Way, Basildon Wednesday 7:45 AM - 5:15 PM The Knares, Basildon Thursday 7:45 AM - 5:15 PM

Hospital (Southbound), Basildon Friday 7:45 AM - 5:15 PM

Hospital Subway, Basildon Saturday Not Operational Lee Woottens Lane, Basildon

Bells Hill Road, Basildon

The Haywain, Vange 11 bus Info Direction: Pureet Moores Avenue, Vange Stops: 96 Trip Duration: 105 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Basildon Town Centre, High Road, Fobbing Ashdon Way, Basildon, The Knares, Basildon, Hospital (Southbound), Basildon, Hospital Subway, Ingleeld Road, Fobbing Basildon, Bells Hill Road, Basildon, The Haywain, Vange, Moores Avenue, Vange, High Road, Fobbing, Whitehall Lane, Fobbing Ingleeld Road, Fobbing, Whitehall Lane, Fobbing, Greathouse Chase, Fobbing, Marsh Lane, Fobbing, Greathouse Chase, Fobbing Wheelers Lane, Fobbing, Church, Fobbing, Digby Road, Corringham, Herd Lane, Corringham, Church Marsh Lane, Fobbing Road, Corringham, Chase Road, Corringham, Springhouse Road, Corringham, Gordon Road, Wheelers Lane, Fobbing Corringham, Town Centre, Corringham, Abbotts Drive, Corringham, Nursery Road, Corringham, Church, Fobbing Stratford Gardens, Corringham, Scratton Road, Gildborne Close, England Stanford Le Hope, The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope, The Green, Stanford Le Hope, Rising Sun, Digby Road, Corringham Stanford Le Hope, The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope, Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope, North Hill, Herd Lane, Corringham Horndon on the Hill, High Road, Horndon on the Hill, South Hill Crescent, Horndon on the Hill, High Road, Church Road, Corringham Horndon on the Hill, Hill Crest Road, Horndon on the Hill, Recreation Ground, Horndon on the Hill, Prince Chase Road, Corringham Charles Avenue, Orsett, Rectory Road Penn Close, Orsett, Hospital High Road, Orsett, Hospital, Orsett, Giffords Cross Road, England Rectory Road, Orsett, Stanford Road, Orsett, Brentwood Road, Chadwell St Mary, Felicia Way, Springhouse Road, Corringham Chadwell St Mary, River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary, River View, Chadwell St Mary, The Haven, Gordon Road, Corringham Chadwell St Mary, Palmers College, Grays, Ridgeway, , Leisure Centre, Socketts Heath, Town Centre, Corringham Library, Socketts Heath, Thurrock Community Gordon Road, England Hospital, Stifford Clays, Victoria Avenue, Grays, Windsor Avenue, Stifford Clays, Crawford Avenue, Abbotts Drive, Corringham Stifford Clays, Crammavill Street, Stifford Clays, Grantham Way, Stifford Clays, High Road Coppid Nursery Road, Corringham Hall, North Stifford, Village Hall, North Stifford, Stifford Hill Pilgrims Lane, North Stifford, Ford Place, Stratford Gardens, Corringham Elwick Road South Ockendon, Buckles Lane, Moss Upton Close, England Road South Ockendon, Garth Road South Ockendon, Brandon Groves South Ockendon, Royal Oak South Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope Ockendon, Tyssen Place South Ockendon, Railway Station, South Ockendon, Railway Station, Arisdale The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope Avenue, South Ockendon, Erriff Drive, South Southend Road, England Ockendon, Derwent Parade, South Ockendon, Dawley Green, South Ockendon, Gatehope Drive, The Green, Stanford Le Hope South Ockendon, Garron Lane, South Ockendon, The Green, England Stifford Road, South Ockendon, Stanford Gardens, Aveley, Park Lane, Aveley, High Street, Aveley, Rising Sun, Stanford Le Hope Hanford Road, St Pauls Close Aveley, Shannon Way, Church Hill, England Aveley, Teviot Avenue, Aveley, Usk Rd, Aveley, Shannon Way, Aveley, St Pauls Close, Hanford Road, The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope Aveley Library, Blenheim Gardens, Aveley, Pureet Southend Road, England Road, Aveley, Marlow Avenue, Pureet, Saladin Drive, Pureet, War Memorial, Pureet, Railway Station, Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope Pureet Victoria Road, England

North Hill, Horndon on the Hill

High Road, Horndon on the Hill

South Hill Crescent, Horndon on the Hill South Hill Crescent, England

High Road, Horndon on the Hill

Hill Crest Road, Horndon on the Hill

Recreation Ground, Horndon on the Hill

Prince Charles Avenue, Orsett Prince Charles Avenue, England

Rectory Road Penn Close, Orsett

Hospital High Road, Orsett St Giles Close, England

Hospital, Orsett Rowley Road, England

Rectory Road, Orsett

Stanford Road, Orsett

Brentwood Road, Chadwell St Mary

Felicia Way, Chadwell St Mary St Teresa Walk, England

River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary 22 River View, England

River View, Chadwell St Mary 101 River View, England

The Haven, Chadwell St Mary The Haven, England Palmers College, Grays Chadwell Road, England

Ridgeway, Little Thurrock Wood View, Grays

Leisure Centre, Socketts Heath

Library, Socketts Heath

Thurrock Community Hospital, Stifford Clays

Victoria Avenue, Grays

Windsor Avenue, Stifford Clays

Crawford Avenue, Stifford Clays

Crammavill Street, Stifford Clays

Grantham Way, Stifford Clays

High Road Coppid Hall, North Stifford

Village Hall, North Stifford High Road, England

Stifford Hill Pilgrims Lane, North Stifford

Ford Place South Road, England

Elwick Road South Ockendon

Buckles Lane 8-12 South Road, England

Moss Road South Ockendon

Garth Road South Ockendon

Brandon Groves South Ockendon

Royal Oak South Ockendon

Tyssen Place South Ockendon Canterbury Parade, England

Railway Station, South Ockendon Tamarisk Road, England

Railway Station Tamarisk Road, England

Arisdale Avenue, South Ockendon

Erriff Drive, South Ockendon

Derwent Parade, South Ockendon Daiglen Drive, England

Dawley Green, South Ockendon Dunning Close, England

Gatehope Drive, South Ockendon

Garron Lane, South Ockendon

Stifford Road, South Ockendon

Stanford Gardens, Aveley Stifford Road, England

Park Lane, Aveley 22 High Street, England

High Street, Aveley New Maltings, England

Hanford Road

St Pauls Close Aveley Mill Road, London

Shannon Way, Aveley

Teviot Avenue, Aveley Teviot Avenue, England

Usk Rd, Aveley

Shannon Way, Aveley

St Pauls Close

Hanford Road

Aveley Library

Blenheim Gardens, Aveley

Pureet Road, Aveley

Marlow Avenue, Pureet Tank Hill Road, London

Saladin Drive, Pureet

War Memorial, Pureet London Road, England

Railway Station, Pureet London Road, England Direction: Stifford Clays 11 bus Time Schedule 53 stops Stifford Clays Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:05 PM Bus Station, Basildon Town Centre Tuesday 7:05 PM Ashdon Way, Basildon Wednesday 7:05 PM The Knares, Basildon Thursday 7:05 PM

Hospital (Southbound), Basildon Friday 7:05 PM

Hospital Subway, Basildon Saturday Not Operational Lee Woottens Lane, Basildon

Bells Hill Road, Basildon

The Haywain, Vange 11 bus Info Direction: Stifford Clays Moores Avenue, Vange Stops: 53 Trip Duration: 62 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Basildon Town Centre, High Road, Fobbing Ashdon Way, Basildon, The Knares, Basildon, Hospital (Southbound), Basildon, Hospital Subway, Ingleeld Road, Fobbing Basildon, Bells Hill Road, Basildon, The Haywain, Vange, Moores Avenue, Vange, High Road, Fobbing, Whitehall Lane, Fobbing Ingleeld Road, Fobbing, Whitehall Lane, Fobbing, Greathouse Chase, Fobbing, Marsh Lane, Fobbing, Greathouse Chase, Fobbing Wheelers Lane, Fobbing, Church, Fobbing, Digby Road, Corringham, Herd Lane, Corringham, Church Marsh Lane, Fobbing Road, Corringham, Chase Road, Corringham, Springhouse Road, Corringham, Gordon Road, Wheelers Lane, Fobbing Corringham, Town Centre, Corringham, Abbotts Drive, Corringham, Nursery Road, Corringham, Church, Fobbing Stratford Gardens, Corringham, Scratton Road, Gildborne Close, England Stanford Le Hope, The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope, The Green, Stanford Le Hope, Rising Sun, Digby Road, Corringham Stanford Le Hope, The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope, Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope, North Hill, Herd Lane, Corringham Horndon on the Hill, High Road, Horndon on the Hill, South Hill Crescent, Horndon on the Hill, High Road, Church Road, Corringham Horndon on the Hill, Hill Crest Road, Horndon on the Hill, Recreation Ground, Horndon on the Hill, Prince Charles Avenue, Orsett, Rectory Road Penn Close, Chase Road, Corringham Orsett, Hospital High Road, Orsett, Hospital, Orsett, Giffords Cross Road, England Rectory Road, Orsett, Stanford Road, Orsett, Brentwood Road, Chadwell St Mary, Felicia Way, Springhouse Road, Corringham Chadwell St Mary, River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary, River View, Chadwell St Mary, The Haven, Gordon Road, Corringham Chadwell St Mary, Palmers College, Grays, Ridgeway, Little Thurrock, Leisure Centre, Socketts Heath, Town Centre, Corringham Library, Socketts Heath, Thurrock Community Gordon Road, England Hospital, Stifford Clays

Abbotts Drive, Corringham

Nursery Road, Corringham Stratford Gardens, Corringham Upton Close, England

Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope

The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope Southend Road, England

The Green, Stanford Le Hope The Green, England

Rising Sun, Stanford Le Hope Church Hill, England

The New Courthouse, Stanford Le Hope Southend Road, England

Scratton Road, Stanford Le Hope Victoria Road, England

North Hill, Horndon on the Hill

High Road, Horndon on the Hill

South Hill Crescent, Horndon on the Hill South Hill Crescent, England

High Road, Horndon on the Hill

Hill Crest Road, Horndon on the Hill

Recreation Ground, Horndon on the Hill

Prince Charles Avenue, Orsett Prince Charles Avenue, England

Rectory Road Penn Close, Orsett

Hospital High Road, Orsett St Giles Close, England

Hospital, Orsett Rowley Road, England

Rectory Road, Orsett

Stanford Road, Orsett

Brentwood Road, Chadwell St Mary

Felicia Way, Chadwell St Mary St Teresa Walk, England

River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary 22 River View, England

River View, Chadwell St Mary 101 River View, England

The Haven, Chadwell St Mary The Haven, England Palmers College, Grays Chadwell Road, England

Ridgeway, Little Thurrock Wood View, Grays

Leisure Centre, Socketts Heath

Library, Socketts Heath

Thurrock Community Hospital, Stifford Clays 11 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved