DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND REGULATION COMMITTEE 26 January 2010 A Report by the Head of Environment ______

Application No 2/09/9032 District

Applicant County Fire Service Parish

Date of Receipt 6 November 2009 ______

PROPOSAL Outline Planning Permission for erection of new fire station

Moorclose Road, Salterbeck, Workington, , CA14 3SE ______


1.1 That planning permission is granted subject to the objection from Sport being withdrawn for the reasons stated in Appendix 1 and subject to the conditions listed in Appendix 2.


2.1 The planning application seeks outline consent for the erection of a new Community Fire Station and Locality HQ at Moorclose in Workington. A new Fire Station is required to replace the existing King Street premises that are housed in inadequate accommodation. The application is supported by a Design and Access Statement, and a Transport Statement.

2.2 The proposed 1,200 sq m development would provide a fire station comprising enclosed bays for four fire appliances, a fire training facility including a 4 storey tower, a drill yard, car parking spaces and ancillary two storey office accommodation to serve as a locality headquarters and support space such as offices, fire crew training gym, stores, laundry, lecture room, internal training facility, and community use facility. It would also provide additional training and community facilities including a wide range of safety training to 17-25 year olds.

2.3 Highway access is the only matter not reserved and the proposal is to access the highway initially at the roundabout using the existing access to the leisure centre. In the future, as and when the proposed Workington Southern Link Road is constructed, a vehicular access would be created direct to the new road.

2.4 The initial proposal would require that a section of the access road to the car park north of the site would be shared, and that an existing cycle path would be repositioned. Temporary access to the roundabout would be needed during construction of the new road and is included in the current application.


3.1 Allerdale Borough Council has no objections.

3.2 Workington Town Council have no objections but one member raised concerns about the location in an area where there were currently sporting facilities.

3.3 The Highway Authority have no objections but observed that the cycle path would need to be re-located and that a contribution to off site safety measures would be required.

3.4 The Environment Agency have no objections subject to suitable conditions on surface water management.

3.5 Sport England North West object to the proposal on the grounds that the development will lead to the permanent loss of playing field from this site.

3.6 The local Member Mr G Humes has been notified.

3.7 No representations had been received when this report was prepared.


4.1 The proposed fire station is part of a larger PFI proposal for new fire stations throughout the North West region of which five would be in Cumbria; one in Workington; two in Carlisle; one in Penrith; and one in the Lake District National Park. This committee has previously granted an outline consent (2/07/9001) and a consent for time extension (2/09/9028) for this site. However following consultations with the Highway Authority, and work by the tendering organisastions, an improved layout and site plan has been developed.

4.2 The application site is a piece of derelict land, previously used as a BMX track, and adjacent land currently used as a playing field, located adjacent to and on the east side of a roundabout on Moorclose Road in Workington. Land to the south is occupied by industrial uses and to the north by Workington Sports and Leisure centre.

4.3 The original application indicated but did not include the area of land required to accommodate any new access from the proposed Workington Southern Link Road, as it was envisaged that a separate new application would be submitted when and if it was needed. However the County Councils Transport Policy Officer has confirmed that:

“ the Workington Southern Link is identified in the Local Transport Plan for Cumbria as a future Major Scheme. It is also identified in the Energy Coast Masterplan and in the Local Plan for Allerdale and included in the list of transport schemes for which the saved Cumbria and Lake District Joint Structure Plan (JSP) PolicyT29 applies. While the whole route is not included in the Local Plan for Allerdale, the current Local Plan was for the period 1996 – 2006 and during this time the route has been amended to reflect the changing employment situation and now provides a link to the strategic employment site at Lillyhall and the strategic road network. The link from Moorclose Road to the A596/Branthwaite Road should therefore be afforded appropriate protection.”

4.4 The Fire Service has therefore developed an alternative layout that would include the land required for any future access to the Southern Link Road.

4.5 This proposal has a larger site area than the two previous applications, and is a comprehensive design that solves issues such as site levels and access to the proposed new road without requiring major and expensive remodelling in the future.

Policy context

4.6 The proposed location was selected to enable the service to respond quickly to the most vulnerable sections of the community, and the most high risk wards. It would provide additional community facilities and training to young people in the 17-25 high risk group, but also deliver such services in the surrounding schools and existing community facilities. The proposal therefore meets the legitimate development needs of Allerdale in terms of social and economic considerations in accordance with Allerdale Local Plan (ALP) Policy GP2. The proposal also conforms to ALP Policy EN9 as it would redevelop and restore derelict land in an area with adequate local infrastructure.

4.7 The PFI specification requires the development to achieve “excellent” status Building Research Establishment Energy Assessment Method (BREEAM) and provision of decentralised renewable or low carbon energy within the development is one of the elements within the design specification. The location is accessible to public transport and will be served by footpaths and cycle routes. It will therefore be sustainable and conforms to ALP Policy GP1.

4.8 The proposal has been sited to ensure that it would not prevent the development of the Workington Southern Link Road, and thus conforms to Saved JSP Policy T29.

4.9 ALP Policy L4 is the only policy that relates to the loss of playing fields and refers to community facilities only. The loss of the playing field is therefore not against Allerdale Local Plan and this is discussed in more detail below.

Highway access

4.10 The Highway Authority have no objection to the current proposal, but require that the diverted cycleway be constructed to a suitable standard. This would be required in suggested conditions 5 and 6.

4.11 The position of the highway access from the proposed Southern Link Road has been designed to achieve a safe distance from the roundabout. Details of the access would be prepared by the designers of the new road and do not need to be a consideration for this planning application.


4.12 The site disused BMX track has no nature designation on the site, but some low natural vegetation has regenerated on the boundaries and within the site. This vegetation links to much larger surrounding areas of woodland and would be replaced by the landscaping in the completed development. However I recommend that the Construction Method Statement that would be required under condition 4 should be required to include measures to prevent harm to nesting birds.

Playing Field Provision

4.13 The area required to gain access to the proposed Workington Southern Link Road includes one of two playing fields belonging to Southfield School. Both pitches would be lost in the construction of the road but this is not likely to be before 2020. Sport England have objected on the grounds that the fire station development will lead to the permanent loss of one playing field from this site.

4.14 The Headteacher of Southfield School has confirmed that the loss of the rugby pitch does not affect the curriculum needs of the school (only 1 of the 2 pitches is needed), and that the pitches are controlled by the School and are not in use by any other parties. It was resolved at a meeting of the Board of Governors that the benefits of working with the Fire Service were recognised and the Fire Station application would not be opposed

4.15 The loss of this playing field would not impact on school or community use as Southfield School state that they do not use the facility and it is not currently avaialble to the community. Alternative community provision, with changing rooms and other facilities, is available within the Moorclose Sports Centre immediately adjacent to the site.

4.16 A 2008 PPG27 assessment of playing pitches in the area as part of the evidence base for Allerdale Local Development Framework confirms that there is currently a surplus of playing fields of 0.04 ha in the District and 0.66 Ha in the Workington area, although a deficit is projected for 2021. The area of surplus is the equivalent of 1 pitch. The planning application boundary includes only 0.4 ha within the fence line of the whole playing fields area and surroundings, and only 0.16 of the actual playing field . The playing field that would be lost is measured at 0.6Ha.

4.17 Allerdale Borough Council do not object on these grounds, and informal consultations on Building Schools for the Future and proposals to relocate and improve sports facilities in the area indicate that significant opportunities exist for a new school to replace both Southfield and Stainburn, possibly on the site north of the proposed Workington Southern Relief Road, with amendments to housing land allocations to create more accessible and better consolidated areas of housing and sports provision. Proposals for the Moorclose Sports Centre are contained in Allerdale BCs Derwent Valley Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation Draft.

4.18 I therefore do not consider it reasonable to require the provision of a replacement playing field prior to the Fire Station coming into use as required by Sport Englands’s policy, as the most appropriate and accessible location for such provision cannot be ascertained at this time, and there would be no deficit in provision for the school or the town or Workington. Also there are plans being developed for additional provision to meet the 2021 requirement within the Allerdale Local Development Framework and the Building Schools for the Future Programme.

4.19 Although the proposals would temporarily reduce the provision in Allerdale below the advised level, it would not go below below the recommended provision for Workington itself. I consider that the need for a new fire station and locality HQ override this temporary reduction in playing fields. A report detailing the information above has been sent to Sport England to ask them to remove their obejction, and any reply received prior to the 26th January will be reported to Committee.

4.20 If Sport England maintain an objection on any of the three grounds within Direction, The Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009 7(b), and the Committee were minded to approve the application the local Planning Authority would have to notify the Secretary of State by sending the planning application and relevant information to Government Office North West.

4.21 The relevant grounds in the Direction are:

(i) that there is a deficiency in the provision of playing fields in the area of the local authority concerned; or

(ii) that the proposed development would result in such a deficiency, or

(iii) that where the proposed development involves the loss of a playing field and an alternative or replacement playing field is proposed to be provided, that alternative or replacement does not match 9whether in quantity, quality or accessibility) that which would be lost.

4.22 Whislt I do not consider that the proposal would result in a deficiency, and Sport Englands objection is not couched in the precise wording in the Direction, if the Committee were minded to approve the application, and Sport England do not withdraw their objection it would be advisable to notify the Secretary of State via the Government Office prior to granting consent. This would provide him with the opportunity to call in the application for his decision.

Decentralised energy provision

4.23 RSS policy EM18 requires that 10% of the energy required for non- residential development over 1,000 sq m is provided by decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy supply. Although the tendering organisations have confirmed their intention to conform to this policy it is recommended that an additional condition (4) be imposed to ensure that the development meets this requirement.

Human Rights Act 1998

4.24 The proposal will have a limited impact on the environmental amenity of the area. Any impact is minimal and proportionate to the wider social and economic interests of the community.


4.25 The proposed development would enable the Fire and Rescue Service to provide an enhanced public service and with the conditions proposed would have no significant adverse impact on the area. I recommend that the application be approved subject to the objection from Sport England being withdrawn.

Shaun Gorman Head of Environment


Mrs Maggie Mason, Kendal, tel: 01539 713548, email: [email protected]

Background Papers

Planning Application File Reference No. 2/09/9032

Electoral Division Identification

Moorclose Mr G Humes \\ccc-prdc-fp05\kendal\filing\planning\applications\allerdale\2009\2099032

Appendix 1 Ref No. 2/09/9032 Development Control and Regulation Committee 26 January 2010



1 This application has been determined in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Acts, in the context of national and regional planning policy guidance and advice and the relevant development plan policies.

2 The key development plan policies taken into account by the County Council before granting permission were as follows:

Allerdale Local Plan 1999

Policy GP1: The Council seeks to ensure that new development is broadly sustainable in terms of global impact, natural resources and local environmental quality.

Policy GP2: The Local Plan seeks to cater for the legitimate development needs of the people of Allerdale. Development likely to cause unacceptable harm will be resisted; exceptionally where significant social and economic considerations outweigh environmental harm, approval may be justified.

Policy EN9: The Council will approve proposals to redevelop or restore derelict or contaminated land in appropriate urban or rural areas provided that: (iv) a satisfactory site investigation and risk assessment is submitted; (v) a satisfactory scheme or restoration and risk assessment is submitted; (vi) the proposed development is acceptable in terms of access and design and potential pollution; and (vii) the local infrastructure is adequate to serve the development.

Policy L4: Proposals for development which would lead to the loss of existing community facilities will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that there is no shortfall in such facilities existing in the locality or satisfactory alternative provision will be forthcoming in the locality.

Regional Spatial Strategy (adopted September 2008)

Policy EM 18 Decentralised Energy Supply

Plans and strategies should encourage the use of decentralised and renewable or low-carbon energy in new development in order to contribute to the achievement of the targets set out in Table 9.6 and 9.7a-c. In particular, local authorities should, in their Development Plan Documents, set out:

• targets for the energy to be used in new development to come from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon energy sources, based on appropriate evidence and viability assessments; and • the type and size of development to which the target will be applied.

In advance of local targets being set, new non residential developments above a threshold of 1,000m² and all residential developments comprising 10 or more units should secure at least 10% of their predicted energy requirements from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources, unless it can be demonstrated by the applicant, having regard to the type of development involved and its design, that this is not feasible or viable.

Cumbria and Lake District Joint Structure Plan (2001 – 2016) – saved by RSS

Policy T29: Safeguarding future transport schemes

Transport schemes, including lines of routes, set out in Schedule 2 will be safeguarded from development. Disused railway lines and canals should be protected from development where there is potential for future reuse as viable transport routes.

3 In summary, the reasons for granting permission are that the County Council is of the opinion that the proposed development will assist in providing fire and rescue services, the proposal is in accordance with the development plan, and there are no material considerations that indicate the decision should be made otherwise. Any harm will reasonably be mitigated by the planning conditions and informatives included in the notice of planning consent. Furthermore, any potential harm to interests of acknowledged importance is likely to be negligible and would be outweighed by the benefits of the development.

- Appendix 2 Ref No. 2/09/9032 Development Control and Regulation Committee 26 January 2010 Conditions

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved whichever is the later.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

2 The reserved matters shall comprise:

• Site layout, surfacing, disabled access, and diversion of underground pipes and cables, • Foul and surface water drainage, including scheme for design, implementation and management of a sustainable drainage system • planting and landscaping, • scale and appearance of the buildings and all other structures, • car parking and detailed design of the access to the highway. Application for approval of these matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of two years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

3 The reserved matters shall be submitted in accordance with the approved documents, hereinafter referred to as the approved scheme, which shall comprise the following documents:

3.1 the planning application form, dated 3 November 2009 3.2 drawing WK-01 Rev PO1A 3.3 drawing WK-02 Rev PO2 3.4 drawing WK-03 Rev PO2 3.5 the design and access statement 3.6 the transport statement 3.7 the decision notice. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt.

4 No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Statement shall provide for:

• Traffic management and safety measures; • The diversion of adjacent cycle route; • Measures to prevent harm to nesting birds; • Measures to control surface water run-off during construction, and

• Measures to control noise, dust and mud/debris.

Once approved the measures within the Statement shall be implemented in full.

Reason: To ensure that no operations take place which would lead to an unacceptable impact upon highway safety or amenity of adjacent land users.

5 No development shall take place until details of the route and construction of the diverted cycle route shown on plan WK-02 rev P02 been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

6 No part of the development shall come into use until the cycle route required by condition 5 has been completed.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

7 No development the site shall take place until a scheme detailing the installation of renewable energy generation capacity of at least 10% of the energy use of the development on site shall be submitted for the approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Once approved the installation shall be implemented in full. Reason: To provide capacity to generate a percentage of the development energy use in accordance with RSS Policy EM18.