Commander of Royal Navy Makes Introductory Visit to

01 Oct 2014

The Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy First (FADM) Dato Seri Pahlawan Abdul Aziz Haji Mohammad Tamit calling on Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen at the Ministry of Defence.

The Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) First Admiral (FADM) Dato Seri Pahlawan Abdul Aziz Haji Mohammad Tamit called on Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen at the Ministry of Defence this morning.

FADM Dato Aziz is in Singapore for his introductory visit from 30 September to 2 October 2014. He also called on Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han and inspected a Guard of Honour earlier today. As part of his visit, FADM Dato Aziz will visit the Multinational Operations and Exercise Centre, the Information Fusion Centre, the Naval Wargaming and Simulation Centre and the Full Mission Ship-handling Simulator at Changi Naval Base later today.

The visit by FADM Dato Aziz underscores the excellent and long-standing defence relationship between Singapore and Brunei. The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and RBN interact frequently through a wide range of activities, including professional exchanges. In June 2014, the RSN and RBN conducted the flagship bilateral Exercise Pelican while sailing-in-company to Hawaii for the first time to participate in the multilateral Rim of the Pacific naval exercise. These interactions have strengthened the camaraderie and friendship between personnel of the two navies.

FADM Dato Aziz inspecting a Guard of Honour at MINDEF. FADM Dato Aziz receiving a brief at the Information Fusion Centre. On his right is Chief of Navy Rear- Admiral Lai Chung Han, who hosted FADM Dato Aziz's visit to the Information Fusion Centre.