The Oxford Democrat.




t>. BIS BSA, « WHAT INSURES THE BEST RESULTS. on t' o on San Simon with Boon came anotner signt wnicn ommm FAMOUS BAKERY. goKuK DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN. disturbed h"*u when be looked the plttiu of where, A AMONG THE FARMERS. The beet reaulta are whet all are a Ο «sp- (act of the ma» found slain at the oomL • traveling party, inch an episode would na all to rein up and pause for time at and all are Interested in it ·* th· Bol land· Hnum ('akcgMkm Counsellor Law, posedlv after, Wky People Will Mnfftr With M Km* "He was a bandit, a robber, and de seem unlikely. The eloae ai thia one before going forward. We watched "into τ·· flow." For Um the modes of securing then. To almost •ad Make Ho Mhrt to Thro. with held in hand aa if Kor*l Family. *r<>Rl> FALLS. MAIMS. Imprort served hie fate," he mid. "Hewaaaf was at hand. weapon·* ready Kl any point there are diflterent routes, and The Nflsn is when the and in a Carmen!" called Don Ra- to meet instant danger, although what In one of the old building* which oa approach! ug lower of Qaapar Sungrado, "Carmen, rium CorrwMKltaM practical MrrtcaHur«i u>plc* Hit notai way» easy to ea* which U U in PULLEI. a man. whom and fire minnte we mw wu far away. We had bear the architectural imprint of »oQcHe"l. α>Μγ»μ all tvmmuakfttkxi* 1b- beat. A certain own one· he dweller in rural oonmmnitieA, except By OLAREHOE ing that I iaj all that ia vile of mon, cigarette pawed Queen irn.Je-t for ihia u> llum D. Ilu thought the de San Simon and la & Counselor, Ifptrtawni could hi· Itinerat- » few instance*. begins to «et» the coun- knew hi* father when the young me lieata both were finished. he had from Ciennga Ann*»'* time in Cheater, England, a Attorney ■out», Airicttkunl Kr Oxfotvl DhmctiI, Improve exchequer by roan is wuwt WW. the waa bat this recalled the circumstance that hoar· now were in the high, broken try an MAIMS. farta» M·. ing the coentry with a specific for the try nnd iu \#hat perhajw its (Copyright. bj Autbor.1 respectable and promising, bakeahop— not ordinary Uikeabop, V»KWAY, are when a lit- to the eastward. The mountains were bugs which Infest melon, cucumber, aspevt. although thero is likely to be was before he fell under the influente and minât*» prrcioos for the arnia out from theaeo- Bui Ml royal jnt ^vW« Kank a*. and vine·. "How do of m to when th«· al that scoundrel Bnt let that pass. II tle ban before it the about na, near at hand, altiioogh the THE FARMER S DUTY IN POLITICS. squash pumpkin difference· opinion traveling party ond β and above ia a use one CHAPTER XI tory, immediately you itr asked to whom he was dirt roml is At its worst. Last wa this which no disturbed me. To see and from the San trail for the roost part «till followed tht " s. HARLOW. very long night day push name "Holland*. lta wid to the Ule of aign bearing the commending tfflcicy. "Veil* as well «κ To Attempt repoat folly him there meant that Sangrado'soutlaw Simon stage station to Silver City and open plain that line between and about AUCTION >Al.tS AKK NOT A I.WATS spring, every spring preceding, to the JOHN the "vou catches the and thi* the And the proximity of the aign at agent, bag when the froet was coming ont of the woe of the worthy Senor Trinbajo about band had to the corral, bad aneaked the Apacbee are on the warpath. Man- the range* in region. To right Attorney Law, HAKt.AIS*. stuff crept urma ia no idle commercial ALU INTM.LIOtNT WORK puts this on, and ip a leetle while < were in royal myth ground, mud won hub deep and rlunji the Ion to him of hi* leading lady there like prowling coyotes, with what uel was leading the mules to the car- and left muuy minenres view, MAINS. » HONORABLE RI.K1NF.MKNÎ. he Is dead." "Pshaw !" said the other. to iumiare ui w cuatomera. p:\TIELD. to whatever it Ii would involve a narration too per· of violence and who and Felix and Carmen sometimes rocky and jagged, mostly «I could him to death In tult the tenaciously toochcd. long purpose robbery riage, pawed the of pinch mem* In anuala of the tradeafolk seemed m if the limit of badness har, to it* introduction in thia can tell? If it had been the loader that front the of little towheads who ronnded hill* or Ιυν«·1 topped dot- ι» pass. time. "Veil," said the vender, "that U haps justify group never ww a man tree*. reaches of Cheater there greater "Farming ia America is ad honorable a too." often a been reached. in rammer, when Felix and I of course had certain waa killed instead of his follower, it itood listening with unfailing admira- ted with pinon Long good vay, There U Again ■tory. than Bichard Bolland, the original ^Lwrr calling because oar (Armer· Are of aa whom been the riddance to the tion and wonder to the two handsome on which the and cao- Auctioneer. (Airly choice of way®. the ruade were dimply canal* of dust definite ground* opinion would have plain, mesquite tbn Licensed «ell owner of the bakeahop. In lHStf educated and command tbe respect will come for all at had with, bot thete world of the worst villain to- tn* grew, stretched to the southward, Pay day surely pur- interspersed very frequent interval* Lupita goue away unhinged. young strangers talking interestedly of and her PARIS. MAINS. o( mankind. There Are countrie· where with Dochena Keut young daugh- *»ΙΎΗ chases, and It Is a dsrk day If we ,re with bowlders of various size*, it mvm wai no reason for imparting our belief But so long as he lives to plot night and gether in an unknown tongue. Untitle** seemingly like the orean, the farmer Is a ter, the Printvaa Victoria, viaited the drspised menlAl, because minus the cash. Dur are like volcanic is- tm M'.-lenH·. dealers profuse ed that their condition could be no to the maestro. But for hie consolation day who knows what mischief may still aolitary peak* ri*ing he U a boor in every se use o( the word. lu and city for the purpnwof officiallyopening «miles, cultivate great suavity of worse. comes when we >d that alio would re- be on foot?" CHAPTER ΧΠ. land· from the sea. All about the south We mux Now the period suggest· perhapa waa to r -M iTH. elevate agriculture by educat- manner as as we are a new bridge that bring all long good paying in like the or at The old don's intense in its reached a era and eaxtem horizon the mirage ing the (aruiers' sons and rain* and frost get their horse kill turn, proverbial penny, voir3, They bad dangerous point of and to K. daughters." customers. Hut the smile works over to in of a Taut undula- kiuda importance proaperity I tiud the and work. worst could be well by aome and intonutiou, expressed all in their conversation, Carmen and Felix, played similitude Attorney at Law, above lines without com- the other corner of his mouth and the ing wagon breaking replaced feeling the town. Of rotirw it waa an immenno ment in An 'Hie Autumnal rains soak the soil and atage attraction not ao difficult to man- that a voice could express of and no one cun tell what the influence ting water sheet, in which nicked and MAINS agricultural exchange. back becomes much less flexible if the repressed erent fur and ο mi did SoRWAY, trees Cheater, every statement U true so (ar as It and 1 make the roads with a stift age and no uncertain to aa vindictive ness. his fucw wus a of the moment have led my com- floated island* with strange and Κ .loUacttoM a ap«cUilf. goes, intervals between settlements are too pasty, deep, keep Deep Upon might to make the viait of th·· η structures and monsters. anniethiiig have do criticism to make on the senti- And It well to bear In mod that is hard' to wheels vu his trouble time was pressing, and look of hatred, deep and intense, in utter rade to say or do had not been in- long. Is this drag they great folk» memorable. ε. holt. ment expressed. But may it not be mind. We and that become* cut into there were i. to do, to oontrnst with its kindue** of her father's call Her elo- Far off to the wrath, where the solid must learn to draw In the through, up .portant things customary terrupted by Holland wax but broadened in lift Kichard ambition*, application by Including social traces. this In- all ruts. Then a frost the maestro .tail soon to turn to the flual He did not that I and her musical voice, reveal- earth seemed first to into the mirage, ^harlm prescribed But, kinds of follow» exprowioo. suspect quent eyes 1ι·> hi* brama A Counselor, other industries than Is it not οι poor, and churned might Attorney (arming? evitability there Is still more and the mnd is frozen iuto stone, for his establish- could trace his fierce look and resent- in melodious her sentiment looking as uurabstantial a* idiadow* accepted, pre- preparation» setting ing Spanish nom·' of MAIMS. equally true that manufacturing in to consider. ily to deviae attractive method N..KWAT, This does not constitute a surface that for and in mc in to travel toward Silver ment to its true cau«e—the of interest in were a* lantern factures thrown upon is an senting roughness ment pretensions him, perilously capti- bin tlie America honorable calling because the motive best re- ahnwing loyal appreciation of HtoeA. Mala Vw>. only power. The But -mt he tendered his oere- of to the hand of his beloved to a man whose a screen, a herd of hornea, mule· and gaiMwaj those In It are well edu- City. Sangrado vating young yean a to engaged (airly sults arc insured those a u i««j *xiir*ALAtÎj*~. viait. In moment be decided by who, making «veils to us and to Don Ra- the mcnaco it meant to were southward. Be- happy cated? Is there more need educat- monious far., daughter and were not six and twenty. Nothing donkeys galloping »ΛΚλ Κ A rASS, Any of virtue of the virtue yet milk·· aom«- «mall cake* of tranncendent necessity, emphasise came hind them rode mounted men, five 01 the sons and of (armers mon and Carmen, who now out to her This I conld perceive—that of charm wan lost the naive frank- ing daughters as well as the and And as safety. by excellence, put them in a fancy box and J J necessity, seats the without her fears con- six in number, them and than those in other use(ul oc- much xest tukc their in carriage. the father, exciting by ness of her reproof and warnings lashing along Attorneys at Law, engaged In the doing as In the bavins prentut them to (he young priuceaa. Education And refinement The stativ a to to her his auxieties in the conduct with darting to left or right as if to cupations* done. While the call for hand work and keeper approached say imparting cerning Felix's Sangrado, keep oaken I Great ■- MAINS, Happy thought! Potent l.KTHKL. as Against ignorance and boorishness head work Is and and wish ua a safe journey. matter, was keeping watch and ward which have sounded startling to them to a course. To oue trained in life Pm*. imperative Indisputa- goodby might Bol land I ν Κ Herrtc*. SUwiC «ill count ever> where. Here is another ble, there Is no less a call for "I don't I need you over her with solicitouscare, which had a of the east Her upon the plain* the difference between urgent suppose give any person superciviliaed The next the little statement (rom the same column : too. a white man and an even seen year princeaa, ΛΠ" WWtOBl ST. A.M..M.D, work, warn in to look out for tho Indiana," beeu transformed into fierce anger by sentiments and her manner of express- Indian, "There is not a (armer in the whoa·· palate bad been enchanted by country The more enthusiasm we Into our he said. "You know what are, tor the evidence when he saw that them were and natural as too far awuy to identify mom than tht j j put they presented ing becoming the flavor of the Cheater became but can do better than he Is now efforts the will of the is un' rake*, & Surgeon, to-day larger be the reward, and fallen in with them once the dead man had been a follower of the well as and wise outlines and motion body, Physician there is not one you've already thoroughly practical of mid one of the flrnt doing. Moat certainly the easier the task. There Is no em- and the rider* we saw were qneen England, ITH rAUS, MAINS durin this trip. It's wise for y«m all hated Sangrado. in this of the Santa Crus valley, mistakable, but can make more clear money by who does not rtnd far girl acta after her acceaaion in 1 »:I7 waa tli#» rren ployer greater so et 1.1 Fallow·' B or» to travel With a party in introducing the he reared steel blades and firearms Indian*. OS ι>ρΜιΙιιι»Ι how to run his (arm right aud satisfaction In an who takes together. Perhaps subject among plainly of Holland a* oue of tb« rr* to Vr%. I>ut aa>l » Nb, Fortlaa'l studying employe were appointment 'a{ (ieier· his strong as yours, unless should meant more to relieve his mind by de- at her father's hacienda in this Indian Whether the horsemen far away gcttiug hold of the re«l principles of pleasure In his work as well as In his thejr warrant bolder·. So much for be or near could not bo esti- queen'a ». than he can his a on to his enemy to me. It might infested of comparatively ! HI K, profession by devoting pay, and who. whether he saws a cord of spring surprise you. you ought nouncing haunted, desperado region of α box of ntnall cakoa. nor ww il the |>ower time to tbe o( his wood or a be able to stand off a good sisci baud of that he desired to find out how mnch I the southwest To make such words mated with any certainty, ^ politics government." spades square of garden, does How long the flavor of thoae cakea 1'here is some in but is it it from an artistic as well as a I we'll news that had seen or of the true best necessary that it should be. They wert Surgeon Dentist. trulh this, pecuniary Apachca. hope get suspected object perfectly fitting and quite the thing in the ia abown between lingered royal memory not somewhat obscured by the inference standpoint. the renegades have been overtaken by that had brought the bandit aud his fol- that could be said a woman of her widening the distance us, and, MKT ΚοΑΙ» IN Al'TVMN. by the furt that 25 yearn later, when V»ITH PARIS, MAINS oue would draw? How do the h i ont before thia to station and if I had so far a* we were there wai by naturally A young minister entering upon K»vU the troops and wiped lowing the stage race under such circumstances it needs concerned, jKn>iu ] " the Prince ni Walea woa to be married, two statement* compare in sentiment? litst was about his time. divined purpose in entering the condition that she can» no danger to be anticipated from them. \ :*>4 work warrante»!, chsrge purchasing iu over an· Sangrado's only greatly a coin mi anion to Holland kind o( An will our general discomfort riding Victoria gave What educAtlon rtrst horse. This was many years ago, Senor would have liked to the corral. If such were the case, be man to whom she her But the sight of them, like that of the of f«* Trinbajo far the imparts to the cake for that (armers' sons and have with a when horses commanded a much indesmlwble. After «lays wuy wo* a omen of prepare wedding ν TkVRNS. daughters higher our for the to Silver was for, adhering to my confidences. buzzards. bad what might · ver* wrtr and Join company trip disappointed, event. It wan no wed- ^ o( the on which than do and the valua- hoix»·»· mid In and fm«t we great ordiuary I knowl«tig«* principles price they now, but our horses and with of clear of the matter confidence· come, and a seriousne** had not felt City, mules, purpose keeping Whether more intimate Mr. B· Hand our government is founded leit out? tion set the owner upon the animal UtLT «ν) vehicle* nnd ham··** th<· travel- ding cake that produced by their could travel so when emergency rose to threaten hare been between before fell upon all our party. Don Ra- Civil Engineer and Surveyor, W>bster the of which to this dominie seemed ed mad* to be w«mi down to com- light equipment, except might interchanged either, and ita exhibition earned him gives meaning "poli- young begin mon butt of his rifle from the " much fatter than his outfit that it would the don or his I gave no sign the two had been I lifted the tics" to be rhe science of ; most for his was a snioothnewi. ThfUomic* a thaw daughter, opportunity given auch tremeudoun fame that Uck Mm 1T1, government eligible purpose good parative the every Eng- has to do with have m« ant the loss of more time than that I believed the bandits' visit to have leave to the inference of tin· reader. Be- bottom of the carriage and laid that part of ethics which round ea Carmen, real the and of a na- counseled gave him this advice ami we could ufford spart* slow been inspired by any otherpurpoeo the fact that they had been to- weapon regulation government cold snap hard·'UN (bon once mon· lutr yond who haa married niuoe then haa bad Ul i(Vf r.Uoc to Um retracing of old IlM. tion or the of it# consolation: "You must to movements to with his. The in stress of where Felix izing the premonition of danger, rathei stAte, preservation expect pay adamant keep pace robbery. gether danger the Cheater baker her ': ic·!kb«<1 aa·'. correapon>laao· »olicit feel our prepare wedding peace, and the de- for what you get. if you get what you senor's carnage was rolling off up tho While I talked with her father Car- was her it may be taken as a from the in# that pervaded party •1. safety, prosperity; ΓΤΗ PARIS. MAINS. preservation our distance from the maestro'* with wonder aud admira- will fall in love alarm Her bright face took on ques- their morals." A uu.h before Philadelphia Preaa. t -, mill work, «pool machinery most seriousness hi* brow, and sho bent honest to secure the suc- our for. i haracter, the morning, but for the part it entranced her muuner that an exception among the men of the ro- ufwn «ri m-rrw*. lie· aat. U(··. them, him as if to com- aa·! thrwhln* ma. cess o( measures or satisfaction In lu broad was still iu across the broad spaces made her to them to Im< a divine- mantic, adventurous, far southwest her gaze fixedly upon η %Sra«! Sfwln*. mowing political party reputation, own de- sight appear PATENT APPLICATIONS. U-st interest» by constructing answer to the mute In ea, pump· of all Uo4a. yrwn». (rua·, ρ!» schemes ; sense, must enter Into the account. One of the as it came crawling on Here, while caressing One who knows that country and its mand an inquiry anil rr political trickery." cern rxnuU Yet too do plain ly superior foing. '.vr·, trap·, «c·, aaailv proaptv (armers or men «e generally they her At once the of sombei of ΤΙιομ Hrnt to WmK- lone to orlar Honest men. whether deal with certain is enough, after u*. like a white sail following in the child and mulling gracious- will understand why Felix eye*. signs The Vm( Majority paiml. Mms aaB on flr«t Mob 1 present take the Missourian's wagon until noon- Carmen's fare came certain with so little said between aaaiataut*. Every examiner and every money he can regardless o( the weKare It was not a good bargain and did not for the benefit of rident and the Upon quaintance, bicycle taken fall and us a wetting." he said, ae aa«intatit examiner haa hie own whford falls o( his children or the government of Insure the best result* for the dealer who time was almost arrived. transformations of expression character- them, undeniably and greatly up give apecial- city folk* who come out for just a littlr 1 she to > a the two were still race when if hud liiiu. He Let ua take the cane, of a a anl M. n>Uv A M at which are necessarily to become overcharged a wealthy customer, and That prospectors istic of the young girl of her with each other. Already, if appearances spokeu pointed ty. aay. poor AM they while iu trammer with their fancy turn- Stein'i then he had better con- who when him for it. somewhere ahead of us was plainly in- confront d strangers. She looked un- were to be trusted, they were on the very ; toward the mountains beyond iuveutor living in Oregon. II·· makea a part, possibly reprimanded by out*. the fact of course. that the by to the of being. whose were dimmed fine his mind strictly study .rave as his reason, "You are able to dicated their tracks on the serious, thon a little verge of km and bad peak, tops slightly valuable invention and deairea to ob- Kemaln lrr of month at BUCKFIELD. farm· r* and rmauent residents of th» hjr imprinted woutediy puzzled making perhaps manures and the but It." said "I but |n as if with haze und stood the soil#, crops, like; stand "Yes," he, am. dusty trail as they hud footed it along, and ga. d full at Felix for posted the bonier. Why not? A hand- against tain a patent. H·· aemln hm application to «v» w»th themselves use the η 4M Is and perplexed, r*# m ilurlrotiu^ tilrV i 'armovi Μ ν aim In IVntl-try I* not all farmers are living for money vou are and furnished village* to the ccmmiaaiouer of Work. not," immediately following their animals. They had an instant and then looked down. She some young fellow, brave and debouair, with $1Γ> pat- la Crown aa·! Brlljre own ir would l< paek My »{«> laity alone, nor for themselves and their to start a rival establishment. suffer fnuu tlu hadnetw and sank buck in her mat, reassured and to xaminer set bo good a pace that we had not as hud the unusual chance to Kpeak confi- knowing well the country and la lengua enta. It in r· f· rred tbt>< bar- »o John comfort I.ike men In other call- man's best Is himself at brocfltcd their tin '{ \ \ Κ II % ">D. r Hap Every capital by improvement ΐ.Ίΐαΐ vil UKl» « UHUi v.tar.1 «/» «m V solely. tlx m to with this man who two their two satisfied. IMfÇ f(TT p whether so llis own yet gained upon sufficiently dentially youug Espauol, days' acquaintance I. I y»'.er ta Faery Urooartc·. Fruit, ON ing» they realize that, they his highest valuation, character time.- mon· than all others put together a be- them iuto our view. There were before had bet u au utter stranger had more thau once him a cbance Prvseutly Felix fell back little Tentions. It in his to reject It if Rkthbl will It or not, are members of the is his real trademark. If his heart Is in bring days given duty ·». ·ι»«ττ. t trar» an but promptly T!i BRIMillAM. coat. must be sold as well as ••we make the best hammer In the l ult- parativv indifference, the pcopl· "That's not all of he «aid. the morning had come into the trail he was not listening, "you v. ill pardon the spontaneous, impetuous Juliet that them," anticipate the invention, examiner Attorne* at law, Crops and and have to use early 1 grown, and a of the markets ed SUtes." who live right there sta- iswh«-n "It look* :w if the was must the It is not Μ κ study .. two or three miles the stage for yoo a question. every uue of hrr countrywomen general right reject application. Β CKritLD, is as much a beyond me, plea.-·, the laws that control them ••The secret of our succe«s, said the the nod* not merely for ρ1»·ΛΛΐη>. but in hi* idea of what the name tion, followed it u mile or two and then Lu»t uici.t, know, I rain·· to the some chance the car»· of the duenna thin morning necessary that exactly the thin# business of a farmer as it is of the fimbria Iron th· you by it part of tbe president Work·, for work and business every day do—that would ;v t«»N.\\T. turned off the head- of morn that into the evvu if Iloineo's «word renegade* would they should hav·· existed before, for if any- u or we aim to again upon prairie, door uiy opened lapses, bright Ilalr of merchant politician. "is that mske every bitch of an· those who suffet I»rwKK>r. y«ar round. they But 11 have been break up into little baixlM and take the similar can be fnaud the statutes en- beat wc ever to the southeast. corral while the nieu were firing. and Milk* doublet replaced thing substantially Bi cKntLn. Μ κ. If law-making bodies, rails the bstch made." most from Lad and who would ing roads Thnt tho triu'L* marked the nroffress at Lark track fur Mexico. Tli.U nu aiu that the must to the wall, lint, acted. the orticials and courts of justice That Is the surest and before I *tood upon the step 1 hud heard by California jeun oud revolver applicant go principle quickest ni" ι κ<«*1 roads. That are \ git grxdfrom nr the Kid wen* most of all made liable to be crowing the stage more than tins, if smiih.r ha» Τ R\WSO*. are all property Included under the gen- route to "the top," where, at Is proverb- of Songrado's party that of in my room some thing* that said cartridge belt. What ! they anything any one of tin iu should for a moment between here and Silver l»ru*». McTV la*·. eral term politic*. then certainly farmers. Ullv said, "there Is always room." A and hi* commuions we felt reasonably and knew uoino thing* that were doue me MUfcpcct that the flower of love woe trail City any- beeu described in any printed publica- « Ma to thaf fact and to p^t Bi inn t». of the "au fnil perceive where and at time, all for in in tho no Irs# than ill otbrr members cvrtain farmer bought and worked ■art', uiid they indicated that it wan not outside the house- The voice came to blossoming by the mirage prairie trail I any leading tion, any language, anywhere it :s one of the are loeieusable if they do abandoned farm," and in a few upon incomprehen-iblt once the Sierra Madre acroM the line. If or if without nted or government, years j unlikely that we might encounter me of Lupitu. aud «he wa* talking with wai the vehemence of Carmen'a expre·- | world, being pate a IV 1% ot WM Ml" KT. uot take an iutereit therein. As It up ruvu Ul^ll ur^icr W| mysteries the ag*\ we mitt into nome of their par- in it has been uw-d again the undesirable visiter* who bad a man oateide the corral. IX» you kuow lion of feeliug agaiuat Uaspar Sangrado, running described print any- Trwk %nKB. farmer one well learn the cultivation that he woo at the we Hhall do welL Our salvation in iu the l*uited the exam- m.ay principles priies in the disturbances of the night the uame of the mou with whom ahe who*· desperuta oud aauduoua pursuit tics, where States, in kHILD. M*. » hi* Nut as a f-tir for all his exhibit*. The figured _ I county ALL SHOULD CONTRIBUTE. in fact that the fccout* and «tidier* t underlying profession, before, A torn bit of rvd ifilk which Fe- talked?" of her muy. before ahe met the baud- the iner should j. ft. a* a voter accountable to pos- of his success, how he insured the ν N-. K!*tv» citizen. secret" too I >r ALL from his took from answered her: aome American, have are probably pressing them closely The rub comes all the time upon the for the u>ehc mtkesof his in- be«t results and succeeded where other* Kokd· lUnrllt Alt Iilflrtl« Had All lix. swinging saddle, Felix secretly pleased I»>,n«* m U Shoul't B< terity Α ΓθΙΚ>, for tu. an cf the invention. of informing huuseif concerning tin· loved bis t\tw ." Mo-t in-n work for * past which the strange hone tracks led, beard of before that night. Sho called Love aud hate alike begin and bloom tute anticipation The farmer said that h«· ueedeRRI1.L. that arc ur sh >uld be the but i* more than was of the tint of the skirt had him and all in a iu aanny, demi- j "Well, happen A tremendous responsibility, principle* living. living something h» <·< hauled hi.* Lupita CJaspur Saugrada" ripen day money, li aid have We can do no better than the tttiDtrtl Men-haoUse. ; uo dations of the government of which v\bat we put within or upon our bodies. worn in the of the night Cunut u Arizona, like the riotous growth happen. keep wen, is thus thrown upon examiner. \v> stun· bills performance Aguiu .«poke: tropical BrcKFiKLi». Μ κ. No roll should b·· more an corn, he uld have off on and out of the of a» to safe. It is both hi* ilt individual is a fractional part. The pu y of inci- before, and it offered α hint as to where "Did hear uud do you recall of verdure, flowers und poison vine* get way danger He wants be and other us uud you education can be o>u»id»r<-d dent then ho It Is far more like- extinguished oblsgnti fa<»t a*we can." I and his net to allow a ^ ·λ t· < complete object. that adveutarous woman might what said to him—that I can· for that make the valleys of that region replied. pride duty patent \: «»!.*. to thus mare than would have Ιχνη young LupiU that fail* to reiid»r one to be satisfactory if in it* proper $1,000 courue, and meantime we must out that to have been re IWK» awl >UOk>e«rT. competent ly k»*pt bo traveling. Under the cirvuwirtauoe* him no mon· than I do for the du*t under vein· of emerald, decked with festal "Of to go ought hu a* a member of the is κ iu circulation in the little if it BlCKFIKLU. Me j erlorai duty place. Acquisitiveness good put nearby her com- de- the in readiness uj; .i:j.-t trouble The is that a great it wna natural to surmise that my father'» carriage wheel*; that I color on they wind amid ground- keep jectcd. cousequence unikr which he expects to "buoip" if not abnormally developed, There it would have buen that seems (ovinoH-nt city. im.-.sed were of the Kid's 1 hie of mountain* aud rises. If that thonderrtcnn many examiners r«j»ct almost every- » and panions gang. him ; that look upon preteu work barr, beetling t (. Ifll.DH. I>entl»A. live. and if it 14 bilanced by generosity from ston» to store and from and tï' >od the new » kukld. Jli- over un Arizona trail in a time What iu ardeut word» between tain· dousu't ter how the invention may Bt sny» : "Men will praU<> thee wh«»n thou passage ment ut his prentuuptuousnei»? bave burned broadly Ik>n't attei d * auction you hear {«tying bills and every day working good we'd lx tter make a t:i"ht ride can be found that very doe-t well to th>«elf." There is consider- encb as thi< conld not cast a permanent ahe aaid is true, lie in uot of my kind the two had Don Kaiuou's nap laated arroyo*. be, something always λ .) in of If the mill be I KKR. of to '(cure barghlu<. There the business the city. into Silver I think that will is to it. f he m art >t that can hoping able homt could have been a dozen depression ".uery thing you nti'l mere in.tcrul could kept grinding, idea." is n»cd us a bads for Mr. success. And yet in an air so clear, luminous like tiie rattlesnake, the tarantula to But in Carmen's fare and man· Don Ramon's be found rejection. BccKmu», ; .v«* t v. ithout and traveling gerous say. h ought bidding higher, nature not so as I» mi ll, instead of being idle, would have " human is sordid it a de- to to ner her —Wuehinutou Star. cannot ka»w boa much \ ou and exhilarating. Thtrewua great —to my father, myself, you. aud impressiou imparted by BE ν v you liigh>r of ntnl the had wages to and the funtien· CONTINUED.) Λ Ι' 'V. V» hlnW. often accused beirg. avenge spend, seu.* fmxiom in a the un- [TO would have hid to bid to it. I hive light in the of being fcjhe lowered her eye* second, then pervading muguetiem I read I Tbr Honble C«rria(i' \\ lire I Uiurd. ·. of all Kind·. get awards the honor wheat to the mill would have Ill· .t tiepKlr* popuUr judguieut prixe hauling ; noticed :hut »h< η mi a act loo sale is well at lurge and moving after having been lifted them to meet hi*, and there came thought of Lupita'a taunt to ■cctnu-t». *«. ! to char»*.U-r >,ud intrinsic worth. left iu the ston'u thousands of dollars, apokeu Movable carriage wheel guards are the bring about for a and at the to her cheek and brow like the senor'a COLT. advertised things usually Two men mit on a cert*in occasion iu penned up day night a warmth Saugrado—tiiat daughter A FAST made for use with tnjre to from hand to hand in multiplied chiefly light carriages m lit. all ih· art· worth, and m oy bring pass station, and Felix caroled stray sunset L. hind the darkened looked the American y the street. One was of the bird, self- stage the glows kiud.y ujkju youug are not d with fixed uuards. Arenl. inour and he failed to come to time. And nAfls; hence all Hhould contribute to you getting in or out it i.« simply held on in New Farmer. Bamon, and the cloud was lifted that You foiled the revenge of a And emile carried a mes- mitted gra«a to grow onder its feet ou • M t Λ 1 Kl Knglatil there I had the of him. Then wisely unconsciously the II Ml. advantage the cost of roads.—John M. Stahl. wax wheel.—Exchange. good bad rested his brow since man and left bim alive to it wus the of hen to Fe- the road. The farmer not pleased ■*.. B*>*ri», had suk'tessiu his which upon early yet sage message » <: l utter» ami Cuttln* FARM FAGOTS. he family, desperate ra and As for she bad the that risk for words him with the remarks and the strong in- Bi-CUIILO, Me can be made made some ex expenses for him, morning, Carmen, sting you, and you took lix that Lupita's concerning Hntlrr anil Hoar. root-cuttings unicnown, j never Blackberry bim from business and (Jampoeu, comparatively interest in the scenes revealed as It was for were true. ference»! that the poor thing had of the leave* to took away some, eager by such a cnuturo Lupita. iu a case in the Μ *e«a- ι «ην time from falling for the "Pleasures of Ben Butler, <·ν<·. ΒικΕΑβΜ. M·.. there I had the of him received 118,500 of the the frank with we were on the trail, and now it realised the sensatiou of corn and oats. advantage again. the passing carriuge, her sake that you interfered him, But thusetts court involving dam- um. R. (. ol le, PrwprWtwr. freezing up. a Burns, less fortunate, was supreme But, then, Jones is good, honest, Hope," though ■mile and excited tho and then made the mistake that was not sentiment, but "boots and sad- "What do you call your horse?" lo «11 iralns. Λ certain amount of potatoes planted joyons laugh by you for fatal Senator Hoar he U aiMOtad. « Krria#* said was for the first Kilmarnock ages injury. fellow, after all." "Yes," paid $125 of conversa- down hi* urm when mount and ride—that was the asked. ea«.b will average up fairly prodt.a- square little episodes and partages you struck merely dles"—to in ou the other year the "and that is where he has the edition of his of g side, quoted Job, .ι ι «τ other, poems—single copies tion that marked the that she have let him alone or have of the We bad far to go, aud and don't be look it?" re- Brans. ble.— American Uardeniug. journey you should order day. "Cyclone, "All that u man hath will he givi : r < we hear and advantage of which now sell for far more—aud UVyele·kmI «*ν·Λ«1·ιτ**οο·1*. all that you." have in her father's did not fire when woj· not the time and for lin- the man from the rural districts. Notwithstanding even might displayed killed him. Why you it place plied life." said Mr. KlM»oKl> ΕALLS, M*. there is No man is crowned with the for the second edition. soon bunintwea bis "That," Hoar, of hard times on the farm, $4.860 on a feast as she viewed rifle held liis life at its muzzle and gering. ine mule· were "Cyclone! What a name! He certain- say he strives carriage day " in a : r farm world's approbation, unies» your "was a plea of the devil motion some inquiry for desirable property tho and in the narrow tonch the to the carriage, our homes were bridled looks as if one hud struck him. Λ I * ima A "MJM, in A man must keep his self- eighta paradings waited only your upon trig- ly Λ new and I don't think the court woulu-he Agee lawfully. as aud we to trial, * by purchaser».—Alva secure the of afreets and of the t to Then would have and saddled quickly, again "That's what him, my •m.·. ,, H'cljjh*. Robf*. Wp*> respect if he would respect spacious plaza quai* ger dismiss it? you happeued will be more it onaccoi:;.t Ueutieman. our As we drew this. re- impressed by Bi < KVtELi>, Me. Country man have a bank of the Santa Cruz the old of a and have left were off upon journey. friend. It was just like Yon want* of the others. A may good Chronic Cured. city valley, rid the world villain of its modern indorsement." the family tyspipsla an was we to Supplying account, and s discount on his of Arizona. others dear to sway from the spot the Missouri member the awful breeze had out the farm is uot as as it yet capital yourself and perhaps yoo K>N Ί·Λ» I.DING, from practicable a and so character. "flaven't you any con- At noou our little halted hitching np his team for start, about three years ago? This was a or two ago. But, procession in safety." Ypsilauti Fresh, ripe fruits are excellent for G c»' *v C Ferais*·"^. Η*γΛ··γ· generation was asked once with the ot^g. the f irm sufficient science ?" the question for luncheon and to the horse· and Carmen we exchanged friendly words feller was a sucking colt at the time Bit khelh. Me. far ae may be. making give "Senorita Dona Velasquez ponfying the blood and toning up i'· ; of one of this order. "Yes," said the " whose cavalcade came up at was in the baru with two horses. itself would add to the mules an hour or two in which to rest Bust aman te, said Felix giving maestro, and As remedies unto happiness it is as as new. I gravely, lystem. specific oranges man ; "and good over- about the same time, made · old hummer, came THK HMV\N >ERD tu, of all concerned. and feed. The Missouriau's wagon the her formal title, Ί had having The cyclone, regular ire Sour are never used it." Those who put their girl Spanish aperient. oranges highly h Is on a mile or «.« uur own 1 *»EK. M» is for market always us. back after a 011 to Κ when the product ready aud his swarmed out meant to kill him as as I two behind Looking and dropped it uigh 100 yards aud conscientious workers. And such nooning, family and I truly farmer's business to grow we could see that the Missouri an'β twister bad raised all The late Duke of in bl- It Is the because of the to stretch their limbs now to It was not that I lime away. After the Marlborough, ]:· * I the uchieve the (test results they wagon, plad speak you. KVEU.IIBoeS'ADVKRTlsMEVp» sell, but not to upon crop. the maestro*· outfits were now trav- fences aud sheds it coald we to tlii' size of Blenheim u». speculate their own manhood.—Cor. of and a chance to look about them and to but because and the bob, inding palace, ·.t for it maintain get wished spare bim, yon * henever it is held higher prices went oat to look The two used to say, way of a that it Βίικπκια». Me. New Farmer. breathe the open air. He took a tin stood the him, and eling together. things up. by joke, I» Arvtjoo A Co., a matter of which England pail upon step beyond becomes speculation, after our with Stein'· were stone dead and the oolt— was the residence iu and from the wagon and to sell us shot that killed him would have An hour start, hones only England not safe to In.—Mirror proposed the « » it is engage MEMORANDA. and Gabilan to Which 000 worth of a ΤΙ ΓΤΙ.Ε. milk fresh from the cow that at the same moment For to the northward would you believe it?—was nowhere required #4 putty Farmer. and must be in morning, taken your life peak H G«eto· raralahlnc*. If fruit vegetables kept to the southward behind us, Don to the « indow panes in order. au. Ck|*. • wo were to make with- that reason, and for that I held peak be fonnd. fear keep Me the bouse cellar a room should be bargain glad only, λι Bvcuruu», parti- on front seat of the over hen- -Jewelry To save Ramon, sitting the "Next day I turned the tioned off in the coldest part, if the other my hand. Lupita's life, my The Hmfe Hide. to a carriage with his rifle between his which in the field half a mile E. r ri· is too warm, and made secure against own life, a hundred lives, destroy coop, lay knkll. a in tells roe he can draw bit This U best done as we to knees, to busaard sailing iu tbat coop and laying "Slowly «l'vrtliu Good*. Gud* κκ·Ι Rifle®. rats and mice. by villain such know Sangrado be, pointed away. Right two or was sbeck for — of brick and the circle· in the air, on the door which fooed down the 1100,000." t. ο t. nmkcr'·. NokwaT. Me. having the partition I could not have fired that shot Are great high so us. Soon it was "So he cau. He can draw it for door of good cement laid the rate satisfied, Dona Carmen, that in three miles ahead of oolt. He commenced kicking when he you owe* as i H ATW· h »D A undermine it. No can and several in and we took him oat in · 11,000,000,000. But if he yon CO., cannot language acting as I c d I acted right?" Joined by another, specks beard m, • ose rte# .nul SlrâJ», describe one's feelings on discovering as we look· wasu't ««cared a I tell much as SO cents insist on having the ScrofulaJruptions \es, that may bel And one the distance, growing larger harry. He bit, Mk. of in of "Bight? Ri »υω Faix·. the Victim of Impur· the work of a family rats bins showed that others of the carrion was as a cucumber. Τ be Boin. "—Detroit Free Press. Little Clrt should have acted wroug at such a time. ed, yoo, and cool Until potatoes or other vegetables. Intensely apple», have no more οI birds were flying our way. neighbors say they saw the coop goin 1. * \ Ν Mood—Suffered a room should have a window You should thought " DREWS a SOKS. Cured. Such a bad said Don Ramon the colt after it. u Hood'· SartaparMa me than if I had been a thousand miles "It's sign, through the sir and ·.*· uni Kei*ll Mfra. BurUl imW»· to the north If possible, securely VTEB rafferlae tor nearly thirty yaara open ru«jtiji| Bryaat'· PuikI, her hands tied el on the coldest side and Warsaw, N. Y-, write·: "Ports yean, I let find its when it would. I be- what be did. plain troth, T* wh to keep Keep apple· way J ■<»*> obliged warmest there dan- and a it ask the oolt Hem.lK.-h· l\.w«l*r». Cou®»» dyrup· to watch tar on the if U a coaatant sufferer tram dypapria lieve it oould not have struck me, aimed •ad if yoo don't believe T and it waa nectwary potatoes ,«tt Ll., uklutlCnmmot Ro*« kkJ Α1πκ>κ4». aight of In extreme cold weath- week stomach. Thelightest food produced was mom Good "—Detroit Free 8he would scratch her- ger freezing. Η where you might There day, strangers. the day. of hot water or a asrsrs and the forma- during er an occasional pail fljelrw, causing pela of life than for Fim H. J. she had the chance, util appointed for my days HBBT. self whenever or two may be needed, but the tkmofgaa. No matter bow careful of my lamp to soon at least And >uii, nerv κηΊ be covered with blood. that happen—so iHdly Paper*. her clothe· would colder such rooms are, up to the danger die* I caflered agoalslBf pala after **H*| ** 'fl>« e Βκ» Ajrr*· Pamid, M aise a ad Mad if It had. what would you have cared, BiUMlnir, We concluded to try Hood'· Saraaparllla, point, the better stuff will keep. 1 waa tieated by zoaay phyiidan· after cannot MOOT?" The cause of a wrong taste is a de- * had faith ta it, and Some think that young grass ■iiiastrwairmoiflrswltbnntpsnnennnthalp R Tf'TTLE, Karoford, MkIm. becau— 1 great arise MSI a I Dr. Miles' She looked at him full in the face, fect of And this may 1 sa· that she waa bear sunshine, and that grain crop is Two year· ago began takla» jodgasenk ^rteu.r Rryant's Poo·!. \n.l..ver K»1 Rue awhiia, w· could getting 'How did needed to it. ▲ nurse crop In Barra aadLtvar Pllla and Harrtaa. Wtttta and a glow mantled bcr cheek. from a natural weakness of understand- fori F Lit*. often asked protect again Ails Daily «lajce better. Peopl· the I coauaeaoad aad per· and whatever the of tbat and said winter ts often of benefit by holding a weak Improviap» Was Carmen, child and schoolgirl ing (in strength child burn her face?* they aooa able to A that snow and thus the tender grass atotlng la the treateeat I waa in or in earnest, or, which is mooh H. BRADEE*. MIUok Plantation. Male·· with aean, bat shielding Spanish, coquetry prac- faculty may consist), ah· would eartalaly twleft butin summer eat what 1 liked, with ao avfl «Ma '**» wl Sbues κ* from cold, drying winds; the taId at but her charms comrade, ■ote the case, it arise «·rte·, I>ry t»oo«ls, Roots a sine· ah· "Mr. Fclccct," ticing upon my oommonly may sh· ares not. It is now year like· sunshine as well as doe· Kottoai PrifW. grass over terme. So it who find the or the from · want of a prop» and wall di- and her rob· the of ont haggling happened might happiness waa cared by Hood's BaraapariUa The grain grass can grain. oar lancbean this bed en agree· bane of his life in the impressive and rected exercise, which alone make V * «SI A Mk1*s and whit· and soft moisture when both to- that day i.L A SON. BryKKt'e Po*l. be· is as smooth needed grow for **κιΚ* to the on even of the sadden and it and that 1 Waac· E. Farmer. able element anomal camper unprepared strong ready. Beside* ig- —a# >m«·. Dry ùim» will «a the food fortune interview, prajadisa C L Hood A Co, house on borrowed algawtte know will fad «# H' ν Mn- fiifaml by up a fine sad rnwManHal, Mmj they phnty told aad Iteil· fc^ipoUe WalsU. CiimK. putting apart from the other*, hemideonnthlng markably pruiraoted elegant μι»!— money. §0 orltetbtod with the beautiful senorita. And it was' ; TJr J'y?1 * Mourmlae OvtAtt m tfc« 4Uawraj the* •-«•οκτ A Bouajio, l^wurruai 117 Hood's Pill· 5Κ-Γ1 M» iinpgmp, ANOOVIIL MTHKL. BUCKFIELD. ESTABLISHED ΙΑ F. P. has returned from ι THE OXFORD BEARS. Now that the fair la mr Ike good Mr. J. D. Hamilton of Matte wamkeng, Wlthlngton Order of tM tew wmI·' In Oohaaeet, Mm·., ·ιtονά are relarulag te the Cam. QiudOMMiteollkt stay flu JPtmocrai, IN AU people has imnl benefited the change. Μ Κ* MM THE D04N0S OF TNC WtCK Potatoes are In aomo localities almost a Golden Croea, sprat day· jonalderabiy by Be# IMC ID ft B8DAYS. the order. Fred H. Atwood end wife of Rumford WE ARE READY! OF TNC COUNTY. failure. bare to the Interest of SECTIONS were town over the an Aadover bat A nu tu wmdv hart at the «ta· Pell· In Sunday, Preeama Bedell, boy, Mrs. new and waa to Wth, to ettend the fnoeral of To show our Fell and Winter stock SOUTH PARIS, MAINS, OCT. 5, 1897. later of Maaaacbaeette, with hit tlon In Qtlead brought you of PARIS HILL· a ad Battel wbare hi· feet were Atwood's tether. wife, are vialtiag hit parente, Mr. operated with us mean» a deal. It mean» Dr. C. D. HIU. Mr·. LouUa Marble, of Deerlog, we* Clothing. Reedy great Bsv. H. A. Mrs. Κ. K. Bedell. upon by rm Baptist Chuck, Buharta, waa «am- the of her «Uter, Mrs. Chaa. A. of careful to the newest and l>est of α τ wood A forbks, Moody Hatohiaa, a Ufl»-loBg reeldent Monday, Coroner Qoddard guest MAXIM'S, month· planning get this mo a eaae In Andover. η few last week. ssss «ïesïs" ΐ'-ικίώΐ, *»£ or A adorer, wee too ad deed Γη hie bed ned to Allen, diyi and them at a that ! » ». W«UW Vernon Allen aucceed· to the business do season's getting pricc will STu nwr last morning. Heart failure Mlaa Isabel Shirley and Misa Annie Where have the tools to productions •vaalac aft ? ·· r. a. Moadey they one IIWM ATWOOi. A.B.VOU·. Croea have been to Bath the week of the let· William Bart, luring bought allow uato sell them lower than any else. When M. 1'dIt«tmUm Church Brv. K. W. Den». Ρ» era· the cause. Aged 67 yean. paat to use them. you of the W. the of the estate. with and know how lor. PmrUatmiT 8««Ι»τ M U A. *· «■»- Tbe school teacher haa resigned attending the cUte convention tracking paraphernalia will we have succeedcd. Men's high Mr·. Mftraton and Mra. Fessendeo, of Fish· see the goods you say Suite, adraMa. .urvikwlula. MmOmoIToui haa taken C. T. II. Also on Fire Arm·and —$1 JO a rear M mM «trtetir ta al 7 JO p*gj£ο abck- aad Mrs. Weutworth charge repairs Chrtetlaa I'alon, Suaday «w«l«| one of the aaalatanta ere at Wm. Irlah'a thla and mixtures, all extra value for All tuo a y«*r. Stack· eofiw « 0«tk of the eohool. Mr. WUbnr field, Auburn, guest* shot blues, grays fancy $5. ont with a week. Samuel Richards, Tackle. Repolishing gun Advertised letter· In Pari· poet ofllce, Bat few of oar attended the of Gould Academy, while ing wool cheviots for The brown suits people had the ml»- Arthur K. Forbea, of the Oxford $6.50. prevailing plaid Oct. 1st: fair at Caatoa. on Mt. Farwell, barrels a specialty. ankle. He was of waa In town Wed- from to and C- Z. HtaaodL The Methodist took fair dare Krtjrrtune to sprain his Democrat, Parla, $5 $6.50 up. society on hi· to tbe a«ut rra τη i<«orf· Htrvot. The aboat #150, abaent from school a few day· and oeaday and Thursday way line Our Mrt. Kvult Bi>UD«U. •154. Congo people A mammoth oftoys' clothing. ulster* maltltade. travels on cru tehee yet. Danton fair. M victualing the OPTICIAN, Jo· Panrrwe -New tvp·. yrmii. Mr·. Κ. H. Cuminlng· Is doing some haa rhetorical exercise· Mra. Geo. D. Blahee and daughter, of and overcoats await you. uflMr. .fMitMMl wort·»»work»·» Ud tow Report has It that Tom French Very Interesting power, «xpertencvl work on her which wns formerly itumford were In town Wednes- •OCTH PAIII, MB* coabta· to aak· thto «tapai*···» of place ■old hla steamer to Id Co born of the were held at Gould Academy, Friday Palls, Albert D. Park. Mr». Cem- day and ECLIPSE ■plato ttd poplar. occupied by Middle Dem. afternoon. Thuraday. WARWICK AND to more from the hotel who bnt Mr». J. P. DeCoater and son of Ram· MONK Y BACK IF NOT 81'ITKD. min(p expects C. C. Warren, Esq., recently Good line of sundries. into ihU houae before winter. QREENWOÔÔT formed a law partnership with Judge ford Palla were In town this week, gaeats fty I FIT GLASSES u Bicycles. met corn hanreet la and to af Mrs. C. C. Stacto CoptM of lb· The Cnleer*allst Ladle·' Circle Tbe aweet ended, Frye, has returned to Fryebnrg prac- Spauldlng. well and m cheap aa any other Optician goods of every description will b· malletPeocnUj» o· receipt of p«ta» by of Mechanic Sporting •κΓ Th*T with the Mr·. K. W. Pierce, more than 100,000 can a were tice law. Mrs. Clarence Hutchlns loaded president, produced. Mr. J. A. in the State of Maine. got at short notice. Hand Thursday afternoon. There were four- While some yielded fairly well, The Christian Endeavor Society raised Palls vialted her brother, pieces the thla week. Thla I will prove to you on applic itlon teen ladle· present. The following considering the aeasoa, others did next the sum of 911.00 and donated It to Itawson, shells a specialty. la a In officers were elected: to aothlag, since It depended much on ladles of West Bethel to sdd to their Dr. A. R. Cole doing heavy job »t my Office. Sfcerttor· ι»π»ιΓ5*ο»·- *»«· J. H Kawaoa. what kind of tbe corn was fund. grading on hia lawn. N«rn?i Soy··' Drag PtmMhI. Mr». ground plant- chapel H. B. H4oae> Iuta* Store. Vk* PraeSOeot. Mr*. Juha Pterc·. ed. One man had an even acre from Thursday afternoon the Ladles' Club B. Spauldlng la doing exteoalre repaira MYRON W. MAXIM, FOSTER, L. B- *tw«ll BuckSeUt, Alfrwl Cota. Vmtan-, Mr». which he took while a met with Sarah W. Foster. The on bia store. ImiumO·» Mr», ft A. nearly $35, neigh- lira. N·. · Pleasant Street. rrrebor*. à.r.Uwh, Trva-urrr. Thajer. son of r. bor had an acre and a and did not officer· were elected for the Churl te Bowen, the Pari» Hill, M. I Μ·ΙΙβ·. Po*t«»«k·. AxltttM Tnuam. Mk J. Wood. half, following 5-year-old House Block, Maine. Po* 0®«e. C. K. had hla broken white South Paris, Me. f Opera Norway, KryiBl'· Po»U H J. Llbhy, » bowed that get enough to pay for hla ensuing year : Bowen, teg The treasurer'· report phosphate. football on the CoMmlMloarn' Notice. work The haakera made a at the ΓγμΜτβΙ—Mr». J. V. Partagton. watching · same of the of the past winter's good thing Τ ho gn1ale of mM next and being the poorest. pect We lorry learn that that «il appoint one will be held at the hall Friday tpple potato crops was most The club «all rn»tttora la which to The doctors found Emmons' port gratifying. man, Mr. Carlton Gardner, and his esti- ment are allowed to Now is the time S. will be George an 1 their claim·, aae In aeeetoo uniripal »ur Stork wrred at o'clock. supper the *U. : received our tion will be treasury. a stand on the Rum- way on the following i* fur *aM purpose. We have Ivterwtv an auction. Each oue necessary. liaving purchased on will be attending Mr. Bowler of Ν*. H., brother • η the alilh of aeit ami on get good rvkrr'· Haïr Bai)a«n. is expected bring of Mr. K. C. Bowler, editor of the SatunUr elghte January no sufficient to shake tbe build- the twelfth of Febrâary ne*», at : Notke* of those who come to and bring earthquake, tillage. »atnrlay ate«l thl* dfth of October, lw. Luwtrt Prlr»· aound. graphic Bryant. -lay will be sold at but no peculiar 1IKKRMK t. DA « Notice bundk-s auction, the will not leave T. Rrans and wife of Vie, Cam CARPET aamiMlvwr·' as tbe first snow- den, present occupant, Mr. Charles <-«βπ,ι,,«°ΙΜ!Γ·· ν Lan The Monday brought A. FRANK MOODT, I >airiuel tttrhanla. >ptV money will be needed. purchaser* the but Intends to move Into have been at bis brother KNITTING NotW of IVlllUin for lUmharfe light, to be sure, but did very place, Philadelphia YARNS, will be furnished with fifty checks each, M)uall, another studio and hU butines· Andrew's. lvtHl»>n for lnlmrnt of A'tmlolatrator. well for the first one. enlarge a of \►•j- with which to for their We have line The <»M roll». ρ·τ purchases, by combining some other Interests. He Misa flattie IMke has gone hick to her got good to their Charles Morgan took up one of his bee To Ut and will be expected open makes generous tern» for work for ichool dutlea at Waltham, Mass. of trees the other day and found 35 pounds very all Wool and Cotton and bundle* immediately, for the benefit the next 30 W. of Boston has been TALMAR BRAND OF SCOTCH of boner In It. A found Its days. Mr. H. Tarbox THE CELEBRATED YARN, WEST OXFORD FAIR. the crowd. I will follow till sample way fencing Rev. Mr. Jordan and family have gone with his family this week. onr 10 cent·; extra bere and was pronounced A No. 1. Wool and will find 10 o'clock. Admission DU a vacation. Villa and children of yon monument so com- Mrs. Piogree M>T IA1R ASl» l.AR<;fc>T CRÛ* l»?· ; to those who no Th«ie chimneys, THE «.barge for «upper bring Miss Amelia G rover by Brooks are at hwr father's, Mr. Wra. mon in every house 50 years ago, are accompanied on them low. ΕΥΓ.Κ SE» THERE. food. Arthur who has lived with her prices I fast and In a short time Buxton, [iordon'a. ami Yarn*. We offer the '* Ex-Governor and Mrs. Per tu m left disappearing has to of Spanish Saxony the umt for several years, gone Kalamazoo, Mlaa Josle Webster towell, Mass., Carpet room on mcoo·! floor. for their winter home will only be found among the thing* The fair of the West Oxford Agri Mondar afternoon Michigan, to spend the winter. hsa been her relatives here and as last year. We may have to advance t -.ce Perham that are not. week Edgar Morgan visiting prices later. Sx'irlT last Wednes- in The Misse· J. Bean of South now OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT cultural Tuesday, Washington. a Mrs. Hastings Paris, is at Conway. has advanced cts. » took his down and built stovepipe The 5 and «u the moût sue- will remain here a few days longer. Is friends here. Dawes and son left factory price already j M.)rj day Thursday, in which looks much visiting Mrs. Addle Frye of in It and we was called to New York chimney its place, has got lots good things ces«ful od record, both a* to the exhibit* The Governor | Heavy frost Friday night. on to go to her home at somewhat more modern but has lost all the poetry Wednesday buy early. and the attendance. The attendance on bu«lne*s and thus starts Lewlston. an you on prices. about the cavern-like oven and great LOVELL. please Wednesday was estimated at 10,)**), the «•arlier than he otherwise would. Miss Ida Ilildebrand of Maiden, who has been in open fire. largest crowd ever on the ground*. The T. Stowe Crocker, We learn of the death of Deltnar Gil- Mass., has vl«lted Miss Alice Locke. to » What a change three months will «land was Ailed to overflowing. health for a long time, submitted man of this town, who has been at work and re- grand poor about! When Mr. Davis of Min- Mr. John Hutchlns family were In- last week and Is bring a shoe In Mass. CHAS. F. RIDLON, Various entertainmcut features s *urgic*l operation in factory Rockland, turned on from a week's trip the nesota wrote us the first of June, the Tuesday troduced for the benefit of the audience, doing well. He intends spending He was sick about 3 weeks. The re- around the White Mountains. weather had been so cold and wet up to l'hère was a!*o a large attendence winter months in Colorado. mains came to this town Thursday night Chas. Warren, Esq Is to trm-nre from 98 Main St., best that time that he had nearly given up be Thursday. Κ L. St rout has one of the pairs and the funeral «III to-day (Friday), Bethel to enter the law office of Κ. K. Made Easy N. DAYTON BOLSTER i CO. the idea of raising any crops, but now Housekeeping The track has been improved so that it of work horses in this section. They at the house of Mr. S. G. Manson. He Hastings. now- he writes that his corn is the best he has E'q. Maine. is now as one of the best half- are a light as work horse· go j waa about 19 years of age. A. Is at Mrs. a regarded pair in 10 and hi« are Mr. F. Lewis boarding By tiring Norway, there were but haul hundred raised years, potatoes Mr. Charles Hutchlns and wife of mile tracks in Maine, and adays, they thirty-five to S. fleald's. 1897. as out at the rate of «00 bushel· II, oome contests on it. The sum- weight of coal up Paris Hill with ; turning Rockland are visiting at Mr. Manson's. News has been received of the death September good the acre, and no rot. One man had 440 : much ease as heavier Italie Stearns, Β. K. Brown and John maries follow many pairs. other of Mrs. Kunlce Ltbby Merrick, Sept. 11', son Robert, acres of potatoes and sold tbem the to work. lam. rt aai Mr*. Κ. H. Jackson and Menerve have gone Rockland to in Mass. s oo 9ia>. in without at her hom·» Wllbraham. GLENWOOD RANGE.] week where for #40,000 the field dig- as no new cases Moolto·. I 1 I returned from Bath last day There are yet of J. I). Lord and son of Baltimore SHEET MUSIC. I.lark Prlnc·. tbem. But there Mrs. lit been for medical treatment. ging That's farming. fever at the Center. If I < ouM ·>ηIτ Blot ert has in strength. apples Mrs. Devine of Is has A.lrep Jorlaa. 3 S 3 improved Norway stopping It Is Mid that the hou«e (•ream·. J.C. RartleU. Coral C, ( the matter. Mr. Davis says be cannot now. "Perry" t Τ 4 The annusl meeting of the Young Peo-, with her sister, Mrs. I^mar, of North Come a Time. W!a«on>, kluihail.^ an been teased by Mr. Frank Giles There'll β 5 * get of them to make apple MUST CLASS RAV«iB, M!ver an t tiohl. Al>tHbl Ν tkiog. H.nnmoaΜμ. Election reports. of Amos C. Frye Oct. 1. of better every year. And so it does. The er gardens and cucumber FOR PIANO. Για··, 2 SI 14. iSU.tSU. Harry Hodgdon. the blind singer, patches. T. !~ Ks«tman's corn ahop has clo»e«l, II M. fact i«. as the editors get older in year* The AM, Commissioners Phil- «hooting the Chute·. 3 .* clam. r< b»k. #1·»· Yarmouth. I» visiting at Herbert | County ut> *230000 cans. Ai.t. moukrx improvements. more hard work having put sur· »η·Ι .Stripe· Forever. Sou**. t t and experience, they put brook and Rldlon were In town to In- FW-le. .May berry. 1 1 | fucker"*. The Oxford I* to close this week. Ilelintn Arvlemjr Mnrrh. I and value into it. that was Harrt«on Λ>;, t ha(>Mc. 2 113 3 At the Church next Sunday spect and accept the bridge Soro«l« H'alt/e·. ! New Coods ! Baptist was an intend- Nomlnatr-i -KmIan,' 1 i i t 1 There unusually large and Tea Shelf the Kev. H. A. Roberts, built the past summer, also to lay out a Uase, Tank, High ttowena F F<-»V S 5 3 4 S morning pastor, ance at the agricultural fair, some FOR BANJO. of God." RUMFORO. road from the main road «cross Fred Nellie W illitrt4l. 4 S 4 S 5 will preach on the "Ability estimating the crowd on Wednesday nt $40.00. l>e(oontown Review Κ lack Hawk Prince. Water*. J 4 talr F. Elliott and wife from Norway farm, for the accommodation of After the sermon, the ordinance of Q Taylor's 0000. ot 2 JU. 2 » 1 4. tΛ I f; I SI Si i ». were in town last week. Now of the Largest Line· Tim·. a ill be administered. the' resident· on the west »ide of the H. W. POWER*, Open—One baptism Ν. Small Glcnwood, 8 inch » Mr. Krnest Barker from river. Sunny 3 4) I as* nr #1.V Rev. W. S. M*rtin of Boston will as- Brooklyn, | NORTH SUMNER. South Pari». Ill Church in V., is vi«itiog hi* father, Kugene Barker. S. F. as of E. cover·, Coal or Wood with Dr··· Goods ^ Wln«om Kimball'). sist tie pastor of the Baptist Peaslee, representative Bert Silver and Dell Rowe of Music at ShurtleflV Foreign Paw1ork« F em ai·! Si! Ed Elliott, Barker and S was also In town. Norway series of meetings, beginning Eugene Coe, last Sll**raa«l liokl ASUtft 3 S t special lake Satur- were In this place werk. we have ever shown, and fincy. cap Mr. Martin is an e*r- Erne»t Barker, went to the P. C. with a crew has been $15.00. plain SIl»«r Bot J.'nlan), S 4 S, Oct. 1Γ. Ripley Mrs. Frank McAllister has scalded and returned the ». I»ecetrer U>it 4 S S ne»t as well as a tine day Tueaday. Tney gr.nveiiug Az'kcoos dam, belonging and dress and whole pleading #p^ak»*r her hand. one to good patterns p.ei lli* t Prti>(* Sfclr about 70 trout ; ooe to Berlin the week nnd Either MouHont, and has bem very successful In caught weighing Mills Co. past thoroughly adapted < Ίι WakrlV-M ill·. «ingt-r. T. J. Andrews and family, Add. O.c. war! nearly five pound*. will build a scow to Uke the at CURTIS, Time, 2 » 1 4. », 2 31 1 2. hi* chosen work. supplies up and and Woodsum Cin- its work. Intermediate grades a to the An- Bowker family SOt'TII PARIS, Us and her Johu E»tes took party river for the logging camps. M Mollie Ingrahim friend, well and wife were at Franklin Con- to match. 2iS «LAS*. rVRSE dover fair. Mrs. T. S. Flint Is at F. A. THE Fair week we shall show a MUs Bro»>k«, leave this week. Sirs. visiting last week. prices IS AGENT FOB m ■laact 12 4 4 11 bave re- ference meeting Thayer Miss will re- i'has. M min and daughter Flint's. L. Vtrlem 3 4 1 I 3 Ingrahitu and Iugrahnm Mrs. Will Is at Nor- Tommy turned to their home in Auburn. Bedding working COMPLETE UNE OF GARMENTS ! IWnnir Jack. «*32 4 main a little longer, but will probtbly OXFORD. II. Ρ Ε Ruaaell 4 3 S Λ S week way. rlo«e the hou·*· some time next Mrs. Brackett went to LewUton Thurs- Ο D. Warren is at his b^me in North for Ladies, Misses, Children and 15 ·ίι·». Julia Haley 3 3S3S BYRON. WM. C. LEAVITT, Osborn fan ! H 13.11». MUs Persls X. Andrews goes Tuesday luttais Atmoat W~AtM>n 2 to attend the lecture of Miss H. K. Buckfleld for a few weeks. her Mr. Proctor, from Greene, bought day Time. Γ. 3 4. i*. 1 4. i it 1 t. 2 37 3-4, 2 27 1 4 to IMfast, to attend the wrdding of were at Don't miss these as we dire».? >m about 40 Umhs of J. K. Shaw and A. S. Hersey of Boston, given for the benefit Horace and Krnest Farrar Mowers, buy mil roe all ri a»> (i·1 cousin. Mi.s Charlotte Thorndike Sibley, last week. of Bates College. Lewlston last week. NORWAY, ME. mm some of the manufacturers <>t ·,«.■<< Haler. Ill the well-known traveler and lecturer. Young Reapers, largest Zircon There were no services at the Congre- ™ Τ ark hammer Morrill Wwalbarr, 3 3 2 Miss Grace knapp, from Mt. our ar«· on EAST SUMNER. Corn in New York and Black Nathan Ru«ell 2 < 3 wuiTTr*«>RK distkut. lloute. visited ber sister Anna and gatlonailst church Sunday. ftOTH'K. Harvesters, goods prices Roval Puke, Jr K· we 343 Mrs. Chalk of Old Orchard has been and Winnie Heald started on Whitteroore received over laat week. Agnea The «ub#rr1l>er hrrrbr *t*e» aotlre Uut he h*« Ha)lie Roltln* .Ionian Λ 3 4 J. L Saturday •topped Sunday Harrows, was lo a series of meetings on their bikes for a trip to liCVD fttlinlril· With (be will ■Srtlacr. Tlbbett» 4 3 6 fnru South Act»n, Mass., a pslr of Mr. thapman, of Kozbnrv, holding evangelistic Thursday tluljr appolntet at Belfast and Brooksville to visit their sis- antn-M· ) of the e«tite <»f 2 1 3 ilelt a after Kngine Hall. and all the tools. Time. I» 4. 17 13. re si «terni calves, a bull *nd town few days since, looking LTDIA H. FRENCH, UU· ot I'ortrr. leading farming Ayrshire The E. R. Holmes at East Oxford ter, Mr«. Frank Snell. what is known a· the "sllt- white birch with a view to here place In the IVuntr of Oxfunl, 'le·-»···-··!. »ηΊ given S. Β. & Ζ. S. Prince, Ilk» of lowered the M tine heifer, of operate are admitted to Norway, was bought by Mlu Louisa Holmes for Joslth T. Stetson has gone to Masav Wnl» m the law rtlnrcU. All i>er«>n« luring The Oftbornr half a ear" hreed. c-me from the h«rl in the near future. HOBNE BLOCK, NORWAY. half mile bicvcle record second, They demxxl· the e«ute <>f t««l thereto tre to nsaào r% »»· 1 — — k. $ _ »I1 In requcote·! pejr· went wedding to Kocbester. lie was ment • · ta « nnnjrkiM. wis tl-er*· No c«>w th*t dty g*ve About twenty-four horses trip Immediately. tKeAHitk »Wa last iwaaW V tin/U>r. married Tuesday, 21, to Miss Etta liner lot of was never αρ. Sept. Jlrt. 1XV7. KlHiAR f. GKNTl.EMAS. !♦·«< than sixteen of uiilk. and Sept. gond* put J H**T1*<»S MtAM, KKoKTKK ijturts ex- The Onborne Tooth »t»nd for Kenan's near Beml». Males of Otisfleld. The «mount greatly exceeded «II Spring mn. w> of lb- a»» »,lit-r*r" breed, g*ve camp, imirf Thecal»»*· which a narab«r attcodid the fair at pectations. Lever Set Harrow has no equal. J·» I twentv- luht I^uitr C. C. Merrill to A J McAlilrter. S qu»rti. WEST BETHEL· The Good Templars now own their i.eo >' Kteat*U rt «I fa· C. C. M«-rrtll. 1*·"» Mr. V* hitt* more h*s are the descendants Aodover. The new church U at last hall free from debt. t C. Kimball fa. C S Br>'*n. U*» G. flod«doo and wife visited hi* completed of winners In two generation·. now Imminent Κ L. Tct'M· h> Ο. H. rtdfTtr, 3St) prlie and lt« dedication I· Mr·. A. building but I· at last a "thing of Cnntou fair was a record breaker for returned fr< m a visit to Ma»«acha«^lU. School at Houghton began last Mon- Il&nnah lloiman to Ueo. A. Hulman. beaut v." U be kla attendance. UNDERWEAR Mr* Msy S day. teacher, Lucy Parlln. Hannah lloiman fa· ltd· HoIidm, Those capable of judging claimft that for 1·« NORTH BUCKrlELD Mm. Sumner is at L. Κ 9*oekl»ridire fa· L. R. U»K «I al. Preaeey teaching beautv of finish and of architecture KEZAR FALLS. Best Brands of at style Oroceriee, η *.κττοηι>. I "ts of from cur s»t:ct»i· West Byron and Mi»» Anna Knapp people pUco it to unequaled outside of the larger Percy Gould, who hat been In ijulucy, Flour and Western Feed. Mart A. to L. M K"M«u», 1 Mr. Gum Corner. for fall and winter. A assortment : Brijcg* edtlw Cant·»η cities of the state and some are bold (or Mass., the past summer, is at boon· on large MUItU. ilutman Mock »r.d M .br\ M.»\lie\ had Putatoea are rotting badly and the rash) enough to say unsurpassed even In a visit. You will find me at the Grange L. 11. Ctuue fa. E*ma L Wiler, 130 a narrow at the fair while crop «ill be light. quire escape them. A Urge number from this nlace at- Store on the afternoon of near the f*ir Mr. and Mr·. and from every aoawiT. ridirg on their wheel# Berry daughter A verv «tone Is the at fine piece of masonry tended Mr Frveburg Wednesday. and or at W wilier H ai fa· II Κ 10 went into the «and vliited at A. S. U*t my Ladies, Misses and Children. C. LorejoT. ground#. Ilolmtn Rangeley Young*» done on the abutment· which «re The Oisipee Valley Canning Co. Wednesday Saturday J. Λ Bolilrr h< Η. Ε Lotiior rltl, A*' went on to and beiug can and (u: ihruw η Mi l M Saturday Sunday. their corn 1a«t farm, where he seen, t. S. Merrill fa> (lubW, MO tbry to receive the Iron bridge which to finished canning Friday implements JiMtpblM with hi· wheel and a team ccmiug Ml*· Mattie from Brettun'* 11 L Hunt to JkOH-o >mith. Mi hiu: Young toon to Pleasant Hiver near West Th·· this Is small. at time. re- spin pack year any at fall behind ih*m went over Mille vUited her uncle, A. S. oxntB». speed Young, Bethel. The selectmen have manifested John Mclntlre, who works in the in Ladies' Goods. thera h«»th. The hnv· c*me out with a Special E. A. Perrr et al to I Ε Bennett, S*1 cently. much courage In thl* matter. woolen mill at Windham, came up home 3 but their wheels Bear· are vialtin* (ieo. I.add'» orchard. The Old Folk· C f l>urelt to 1. E. Bennett. few slight scrucbe· Ι II. K. Grover Is wludfall for a few day#. O. G. CURTIS. have been set for them. selling apples Tuesday night know what comfort it run. were very much demoralized. Trap» at one dollar and a barrel- O. L. M «son and wife have been to 1 LOT HEAVY JERSEY VESTS AND PASTS. quarter per are I. H. to Tnwn of Λ Μη». Jovce from iawrence ht« been A. S. It setting hi· bear trap*. ia to have it pair of glasses that suit- ElltnirwoiHl Pari*. Α Young Seth walks the Jefferson, Χ. Η the past week. et». e*h· < .ara J Muart to J W t bute. 1>"' M. S. U at the lake*. Wight, eighty-two, ed to the and thnt til If Only a jtue«t of Mr·. RozetU Bicknell the Whitney as and smart Charles and and eon eyes, properly. U. W Ri-lion to J. 11 Cole. 1 streets of the village erect Gould wife Fred, week. the glasses yoo *w wearing are not sult- PROBATK NOTICES. β Ε Briinr* h)Mo H Stl e». « past as ten also John and wife starte·! for NORTH PARIS. years ago. Spring ed to take tliem off. Come to To *]! Interested In either of the eiUlu W. H ( w>k fa< C. S RW-hanlwi.u et at, 1 Mrs. Melissa Cressv. of this your ere*, person· formerly Mnultonboro, Χ. II., Sunday. They hereinafter named : I LOT EXTRA HEAVY VESTS AND PANTS. A. 9 Atdnvtfa> Hattte \ *mtthetal. a of Geo. O. Chase and wife vl*lted friend* and we will tit with cnre, at now of Salem. M*«»., U guest EAST HEBRON. be about a as, you At a Probate Court, be M at Parts, In and for Halt.·■ A. Smith et ate to A. S Au.lrt»·. place, will gone week. et» In Bethel last week. Mr. Chase and hi* lower th.»n any other the of on the third of 50 to A. S. 1 her sister. Mrs. Mart ht Kecord. If October remains as It came In It price* place. Connty Oxford, Tuesday Only l.ei»r*1a An«lrc*«. Ouarl Andrew», Id the rear of oar Lord one thousand Mert Warren le at work tor Kd •on have gone to the lumber will be the of *07. Hill» Is the only opticUn in this September, ll'WU. George counted novelty HIRAM. hundred and seren. The has ever eight ninety following Thaver. wood· to work. George came out of the The Canton fair was well county that personally attended M V Wheeler to J Κ Re>!mae. patronized Rev. Hervey H. Hoyt and wife, (a^ matter having lieen presented for the action FIXE GOODS at 75 cte. and $1.00. HOMlKKV »m·· a while. wood· last week and will a new an school and has for it U Power Co. to C- E. AI. Warren is at h for try by the people from this vicinity. Minnie Rankin,) of St. Johnsbury, Vt., optic*) diplnnu thereupon hereinafter Indicated, hereby C K. Smith io IWrt Bi«bee have ice this time. name. ORUKKKl) Children and in \N Wiley, Jim Bicknell and Will pi A. F. Eastman and wife celebrated came to East Hiram last week to Infants, Cashmere, t. Κ smith to Ε Μ Ο! lhaai. Μ«· bury That notice thereof be given to all persona In N'en at work on Sumner Hill the James Koblnson came out cf the woods Ix>ok out for quack 4,Dre." and the past the tenth anniversary of their marriage their son, I.uclan, 3 and 3 tere»ted by causing a ropy of thla order to l>e Good·. WuuMTWL been at work on account aged years like who to as week. wliere he has In Gunge Hall Sept. 25th. A large who died of cholera Infantum try pass graduate opti- tiuMlthcd three week· succesidrrly In the Ox- lté». E WILtui fa> I .or* Μι Keen, S> months, ford a at South we are a ont· of poor health. of Invited were cian»—All you with wiud and chi]dl*te Court to held at «aid Pan·, the that price guaranteed the lowest. bv the advent of a little mails. third Tue*dav of Oct. A. O. at nine of the School commenced last Monday. daughter, Sept. chair upholstered In plush, tlx dinner and of rare and his —simply buy dlplotn-t by I>«7, EARTHQUAKE. gent promise, We have the clock In the forenoon, ami be heard thereon if Alice teacher. 30?h. chairs, silverware, glass sets, Uble stricken friends have the Open evi-ry evening. West Pari.·*, Sept. 25, 1*ί>7. Davenport deep sympathy of Electric they «ee cause : is at Selden Mrs. David Young la growing weaker linen, towels and various articles from only perfect arrangement As I was (torn bed, Frank Andrews work for of our community in their bereavment. gettiog up my aa the weeks go by. different Individuals. The host furnished Lights for tenting the eve in the evening. WILLIAM E.CCSIIMA*. late of l'art·.de a I looked to the clock and Barrett, also James Bicknell and Willie Mr·. Cutler of Portland re- ceased Will and for thereof after nap. up Steven» went to Harrison last George Will our friends in Oxford Co. petlUon probate Bisbee of North Bucklleld. Charley oysters for hto guests. The evening was visited her Mrs. J. F. kindly by llerrlrk C. Darls and Rboda J. noticed the pendulum, at the instant. »top wife's cently friend, to us whenever a of has been In week after his goods. In social converse and well en- report traveling opti- Presentedtubman, toe executor* therein named. THOMAS with a sudden tremble. The Adams Oregon passed Twitchell. SMILEY, swinging. Henry ia cian call* on them? Oscar Kimball drawing lumber for has removed to LIZZIE E. late of deceased. same the length of the the place visiting. Mrs. Mary F. Itankln LUCAS, Paria, trembling app**.tred J. F. Littlehale. E. to her Hills' priccs are much the lowest. Will and petition for thereof presented Next door to Post was Sarah Barrett is a while with ^°Maud Davis visiting brother Gorham to board her while probate Office, stove pipe. The tir*t thought I had staying daughters S7 oth- M. Given the executor therein Barrett. Wm. Bradbury has been very sick for and relatives In •Solid gold spectacle frame#, #1 ; by Balph law, that it was an shock. so 1 her aunt. Miss A. E. Lynn. attend the High and Xormil named. earthquake some time with fever. they ers ask $3.00 for same. We aUo h»ve :i The circle had a box typhoid All remains quiet since the youthful I School·. W. Merrill ha· removed reached for my a'tnanac, and made the Congregational Henry solid frame. Oold filled UEO RUE W. BRADBURY, late of BrownfleM. Mr. la now sick with the same were arrested. Decoster cheaper gold note: i">.at supper at the church last Wednesday Ayers burglars Arthur to Mrs. Rankin's house. deceaaed. Petition for the of following "Saturday. Sept disease. frames, $1.25, warranted for ten year·; appointment wrote and requested A. C. Dow ana I Wm. P. Buck has returned from Massa- George W. Gray aa administrator by Maine. 4 minute* 1 p. M„ clock evening. 00 same. We offer preaented Norway, past pendulum Nathaniel has returned home Isaac to as he wanted I others ask #*2 for the Nellie M. niece. a Will Cushman is on the sick list. Young Osgood visit him chusetts. Gray, stoppwd for the instant with sudden at and Lensea fit m his son's, where be has been visit- to talk with them. are In no cheap filled 30c. 75c. 25c. fluttering." Mrs. C. B. Adams has gone to Jay on They hurry On Sunday, the 19th, Bev. Mr. Saers, WALLACE E. CHAPMAN, late of Porter, and is now very weak. to the Invitation. and upwards. deceased. Petition for the appointment of Nettle was to see how would a visit. ing, accept at the church, The My object many Congregational baptized M. Chapman aa administratrix Italian War is Over. Mrs. Hollis Is at her sister's James Allen from Hermon to A»a B. Kimball and and Mrs. presented by notice it. I am very sure it was a visiting visiting Mr. wife, William Chapman. a ' hto Mrs. Allen. No for examination. once m ri\ shock, As 1 have this week. The next will be Oct. daughter, Henry Willi· R. Burnell, and were ad- charge Peace reigns though slight. experi- grange meeting they AMOS r. MAXWELL, late of rrrebunc,de- Several from here went to tb« Caoton one Frank Pierce has a very horse. to the church. > enced them in different parts of the 9 at 7:30 v. M. The first in each crsfty mitted Congregational Satisfaction Guaranteed. ceased. Pinal account, also personal account fair P. The past week, two nights, he hts service was also said for allowance world, I may notice this, wh*n others I Wednesday. month will be in the evening at 7:30 The communion Don't if is against estate, presented by SMILEY hto headstall off and an delay your sight troubling Orln R. Maxwell, administrator. SHOE STORE would but if no one does notice Μ the la»t one In the time at the slipped pushed observed. Mr. Geo. P. Merrltt of Massa- not, this, day you, but visit at once NORWAY LAKE. vote of the luner door open and slid the outer rail-1 a former an ELRRIDGE 11. of Bethel Pint we'll let it go. usual hour, by grange, Sept. chusetts, pastor, preached PIPIELI), from the an road door with his teeth and Into account presented for allowance Elmer O. emerge* battle with abundant *upi"> Ε Β EX B. Hi'MPHREY. Mrs. Esther Welch and Mrs. Addle •23. gone excellent sermon, also another in the by VIVIAN W. HILLS, Mlllctt, guardian. kinds of Scott, who have been stopping at David Mrs. Sewall of Sumner ha» been visit- the field and helped himself to evening. gri- JAMES P. DUNHAM, late of de- ED WAROS—ANDREWS. Flood's returned to Boston Thursday. Mr·. Lizzie Goweil a week. lle was detected by leaving the prints The thermometer has around Graduate Norway, ing hopped Optioian. oaaeed. first and final account for Mrs. I.. A. Is In Colebrook. of his teeth on the cross bar of the door. 37 to 73. presented At noon on September :*»th Charles Bradbury Frank Gowell went to Poland Sept. this week from Solid allowance by Daniel B. Duuliam, administrator. T. L. and L. R. Uodsdon are I Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and, FOOTWEAR. Edward* of Pari* Hill was united in visiting her mother. •JO, to see C. H. who worka at Rogers Mt. Washington has been tipped with Churchill, Silver Plated Ware, etc." Rtp-lring ASA IIΚ RR1M AN, late of Norway, deceaaed >"* at "u Mr·. Alice Oxoard of Is vls- the Poland House. building each a ben house. soow. Wc ask the of Oxford to call ami marriage with Lacy Andrews, one of Norway Spring promptly attended to. "Good work coste Pinal account presented for allowance by Albeit people County at Tucker's. Fuller some Charles Snell to making repairs on I. S learn*, administrator. Paris* most popular and successful iting Berj. G. G. found ripe straw- no more." and our courteou» and hto brother's Grant Keene I goods get We you school teachers, at the home of the Mrs. Charles Kyerson Mrs. John 24 buildings. HEBRON. M \RY E. and ETTA L. prices. guarantee berries, Sept BABTLETT, wanla. ::l t0* children wet3® at Mrs. Sarah will move in as soon as for them. »f Woodstock. treatment whether or \N hi,;i bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. America Howe and Mosely Damon was at Mrs. Dlantha ready Rev. Mr. Roberts of Paria preached House Me. Petition for license to sell arc you purchase goods not. Opera Block, Norway, convey real estate P. Bart- Andrews. The was Marston s, Thursday. Fuller's, 23. bere last presented by Mary ceremony performed Sept. BROWNFIELD. Sunday. lett, guardian. you are welcome to make our store h«N"l groom'» tanday I ALBERT D. PASS. Register. E. N. λ away. A. D. Andrews. The students held their first n"s*"β. Vm"; ship Charles "d academy eWFTT^Mgr A CARD OF THANKS. Mr. Ernest Ingalls and Mr. Stephie Fogg, lycenm Wednesday evening. in Mr. Ansel Bean from Lowell, Mass., since oar and friends were Roe were successful taking the prize WATERFORO. Master Norman Richardson Is spend- neighbors EA8T ire friends In thto for draft cattle at fair. visiting village. ] the week at his Π. A. so kind as to assist us in every way pos- Fryeburg No work has been done on the electric ing grandfather's, The Gardners, who have the I , sickness, decease and Mr. Fred Sanborn is sawing the spent Bushman's. sible. during the road since the riot except to finish the rammer in have returaed to their I lumber for the new hotel to be built at town, will be in Underwear, Dur Stock of Footwear Fall and Winter our dear and moth- The crop very light for burial of companion ι wampiog as far as the Flat. Dome In Providence, Β. I. apple c } we wish to our Walker's bridge. , l his vicinity. er, express gratitude by Mr. Dunning, who took thi bridgea Mr. Brosra to tick, also them in this manner for A large delegation attended the fair at Ivory qalte Rev. 8. D. Richardson has some of kindly thanking (ο build, ia now working on the town Mrs. Warren Hill. is will do wC" the thus rendered. Frjeburg, Wednesday, from this place. 11 be handsomest Flemish pears complete in every Ladies all help twtdge near A. S. Bean's. It will be Beauty Ladies' Underwear department. i° ve have ever seen. This is meant to included the choir for travel the last ot this week. EAST BETHEL. for a5 and cents. t° call and examine our stock and see the new style· LVNCHVILLE. ready sweet In blossom and 50 who left their work to furnish musk-. S. 8. Giison and wife of Brocfctoo, Mr. Bert· Holt of Dorchester, Ma··., We have peas Fred McKeen and wife, from tfber flowers also, and had uMlll Top β··4· this season, also our line of Misses' and Child*0» Instrumentai and vocal, and also all Hyde Haas., and Ed wife and η a tew weeks at H.B. HoltV green peas Gents' Underwear Mass., are relatives in this Hodgman, spending rom oar three In snoces- those who brought such a profusion of Park, visiting of have been at J. and Mrs. Geo. K. Hastings visited Γ garden days for cU. goods. Our stock of laughter, Medford, Jr. iton this of 50 end $1.00. flowers with which to decorate the place. W. Atherton's. week—Champion England casket. Minnie and Everett McKeen are at rariety. work at the corn at North Water- BOYS' AND MI88E8' UNDERWEAR K» hard L. Cole and Family. shop SUMNER. ier aunt fro· Lowell, to ford. May., ' a f.w weeks at her borne la this ROXBURY. »5 and 50 cent·. Wen's, Youths' and Boys' Shoes is Mr. and Mrs. Charles Back and Mrs. G. W. Metcalf of Anbnrn spent J Complete A Biddeford paper says : "Some of the I This aatumn weather Is all that could Fanake returned from ast Saturday and Sunday with her SHOES AND local sports who acted aa 'cappers' at daughter recently and Mr·. Mlltott and two children I « desired. BOOTS, RUBBERS Rumford and Andover, where have ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parlln. ?1Mr! the fair were themselves victimized by they 1 >f Par»· were the inert· of her sister, Banters are scouring the woods for at reasonable also earn two weeks. Carl Abbott, who haa been working prices. from a shoe to a dress shoe. We those whom they had helped to gull visited the past in. Geo. K. Hastings, tost we*. fame that doe· not exist. I never knew working Holt wee at home from η Whitman, Man., has retarned hose. others. Several of them who had con- Addie Norway Mr. Leander 8wan, Miss Abbto 8wa® ι mall game so scarce In many yean. • large stock of Bearer and Felt for winter. over Nellie Foster, who has been at the goods tracted with their employers for $3 a Sunday. < iDd Mr. and Mr». Horsce Swanof Pari· John Haston Is the champion shot ot AMIUMTION OF ALL H. B. McKeen and west to Lake House the past sonuser, KINDS. were to collect their family ttangeley at J. H. 8wan's last waefc. bis He shot a hive on the day, unable wages 1 s a short rtalted M eoanty. jay Weat Stoneham to tee Mre. Mc- taking vacation. his Winchester rifle. and wer- forced to conclude that the Sunday and Charles C. Kimball stag with Keen's Mr. and Mre. Wm. Ο em- Alice Newell Is risking In Fein concerning *hoaor among thieve·* parents. arm In thto with The Mile· Brothers fro· Lewiston E. W. 0. & G. W. adage w dont know- placeι GRANT FROTHINGHAM. has la le it M. B. and bat HARLOW, was aatrae. Who aay sympathy 1 irowa for a larewfar· H., Taylor's hunting, Mr. hae to to Several froas (Ms ridnlty hem been MUaa^N. for them? Bat laat that a pretty chsaa Scully gone Norway mi will eeva«are la a tew auks cport sp pas Market work in the shee nklng In the Gbntea fair. μ PARIS MAINE. 7 8q., β··!* W*' daaa of fakirs to give the raa of a hlrr shop. HILL, D. A. Beck-1 D. Fletcher, Hartford, Id. Bouquet : #*f orA Tho school board haW a 4 TutUe, NORWAY. ïh c gemocrat meeting ANDROSCOGGIN VALLEY. Mrs. C. D. Fletcher lit: Mrt. L. W. PILE OFPOINTS. Wort Pari· lart Saturday. ££·J·"***; Gent·' Driving Clasa.—George Mon- Smith, Canton, Sd. Gladioli: Μη. H. M. M. Wtar will hate » ■«* ·*- F. C. Morrill m m attendant al th« W. Poland dehlUa tame. Aetera : THE 8ΤΟΛΥ OF THE CONTEST FOR STORE! ON ro*. Termor*, C. M. Street when BLUE ANNUAL FAIR OF TMI 80CIITY IJ lit; Packard, let, tractive boue ·· Danlerth fhlr at North Waterford 3d. Mn·. L. W. Smith 1st; Mra. J. F. THE COMBINATION CASES. SOCTHPARIS. Saturday. CANTON GROUNDS. PolBt' M ; B. O. Dana Doe, — Ltvermore. Sd ; Mrt. H. W. Poland 3d. Get a new railroad tien· S-yertr-old·: MÉ» 1*1*1 UllWAT. c«rd—pockK »**» °/ 3d M. K. Panslea : Mr·. John lit ; size or fall w.i*».Ralph Potter 1st; G. M. Park ; Tyler.Hartford, Whew! forttun la tbe alio· factory, hM goœ ««et. *. IW, Mm Im«« Aouth grown—at the Democrat BKt SHOW or CATTLE AXP GOOD RACKS lin»! »N«r 3d. 3 old : M. E. Mra. H. W. Poland Sd. FnchiU : Mra. back lo η. lioWW. β 40, >N A. M., 43 p M office. Hartford, years How tbe Ltd Never Mind J'WI» tïotef — kejth, potnU piled op! A. *.. 3 * a. η(0( Roacoe C. Jos le Liver The contest for the Combination Cases .«uivlay tralaa Wla« lowa. Gray began work Monday BREAKING AtTLWANCB WlOHtiUAT. tenglll, Llvermore Fslls, let; p. j,. Mlacellaneona Gammon, the church. the mercury ; go the almanac. Winter is next 8 « P. ■. Baptist by ap, r* A. morning tor tbe Suteof Maine Wood Weat 3d ; D. A. Oorllu more, bronxe 10o., toilet coahlon offered the Democrat cloeed ai hood Mr·. «tot lo Ν. —PROI'ITS IK Til Κ ΤΕΙΑΗ ΚΪ. wrett, Sauner, casting, by Hebbard Gorhaa, Π·, door. Frost will soon be on the vh tk r**is r\wr ornes. Kim Co. at Weat Pari·. 3d· knit lace kerchief 10. knit 10, Jack breathing 15, illppen last Friday and up to that time It woold Thursday, her former home, where me t» a. ï 00 A. m. |o rack < HBce Hour» 11» «ο : M; Matched Horse·.-Wilson Shaw oil 10, fancy apron will for a ihort time. windows. The Seneca Club will meet with Mm. 1st; painted paper have a wlaer nan than Solo- vlalt M p. MibbMh Srbool Uft j Driving Tuesday, Bncknam'i department the lower clothe high, « « *η·Ι Mildred M. Croes, Norway. M you? piled Tu^.!»t evening, and of last was Id 1 D· A. Tut- a and furnlsh- Will Austin haa steam Into Mrs. '•r*> «*r m#*»tn< ChrW-' who was oat day Thursday week, •vwir: tised with prettily draped put Saa>Uv evenla*. Judge Wilson, getting ?,"r»er l9i 1J8t,e<,r* Wallace H. Moore, Rumfonl Fall·. (1 in Kadeavor "«««ι* luck with the rest of the fair». While tle, 1st; Moses Young, Hart- ed little room In the hall. W Steven*' house on Main Street. mi the Τ·ρ. Price· at Ike Bolton. Rev. 1, A. Keen Pm from his took a setback last waiting upper Inthrop QaaMfy Hftho»lt«t V hurrh, I Illness wa» a Wed- BuçkAeld, Motile 8. Cole, Bnckfleld. • 2d. Falls firm· was at on «i l*r, week, gui confined to the house, enterprising B. Lovell Centre. see Μ) B. School the of the wa» a Mc- Joeepblne 9learn·, We want to the OrerCMts and *nk*, 4& a. ; sahbath fair, nnmb«r: Richard Israelson & M. and C. «11 the week. _ you a bot to nesday, big day of Mars, Marx, , I Salt·, prvat'hlaic · p. even Improving. wa· the η te°.,n Klla 8. Heald, Ea»t Sumner. !» « Κ ρ worth Leprae j great Improvement, and there Colll«ter,Sr?· Canton, 1st. H. McKenzie & Co., were on hand with Town Treasurer Henry J. Bangs to we for Τ p. meetln* Donald 11. Boa·, South Parte. IJNtcr· tell $1·.·#. lui ay«r meeting prayer Dr. C. Κ Back has a new attendance ever seen at a fair on Herd cows, four in number: ta. Cloak lu front of ι «** evealn* acquired largest trade llnea of carmen The Novelty the name of <>acar U. making great Improvements Tu. !.v m»l«|,. mretln*. Vrfclav (In Mason, Maaon.) | are state. But if Τ· J. Pa«tor team, and the railroad will hereafter these as a A 1st. ton alio made a dl*- bis «tore and realdenee In a the best in the yon ehurch. Rev. Ka>u«teu. ; grounds. Thursday, day, Berry Rose, Store of Lew la large Pranda H. Swett, by putting They bargains 45 a. Sat* ! Norway. i»n » prearhlnc wrrtce fc> W.; lo«e «ome of the that he has was all that could be asked and Jersev cow: S. M. cement extend» from the .n.lay, patronage for, H>oroughbr*d of ladle*' garment· and for·. Charte· S. South Parte. sidewalk. It don't want to $io, will values at ν 12 ■.. r r inretlmt 7 00 P. plav Stuart, pay give you great «ι- .·**>! ι'ray her* tofore It. while the crowd was not up to that of King, 1st and 31; A. P. Russell 3d. The White machine and the Elm House to the corner of tiectlnx Tue» lay evening. given aewlng Part· South Parte. property — Graog·, and Wednesday, It waa large enough to put Thoroughbred Jersey Heifers. 3 In of aklllfnl operators, Main snd Whitman Streets. $7.50 $5.00. ST ATM» HKSTUKia. C. E. Toloitn has rented rooms in Standard, charge a little surplus In the treasury. tears old: A. F. Russell 1st; S. M were of and BIG FIGURES. Dr. H. Bartlett attended the D»vto Block and will remove his in- doing ipeclment plain fancy L. Frye- f Λ \ M Kr*u*r meeting Tueailay ereala*~ I As a whole, the fair compare· well King, South Paris, 2d. 3 old: S. for the edification of the multi- And here la the of tbe contest In and Mon'· τ vf..r* full moo·. surance office from the Maxim years aewlng story or building was a show 1 | Boy·' Young Wearing Apparel. v MV* regular bm with other years. There big M. Kln| 1st; A. F. Russell id. year of our citizens the Otl«- Mount Ια!*», to ibe new locution. tude. detail aa told by the figures : b°M«ny enjoyed Thur*lay evening of each woeV—Aurora of horses and cattle, and a good show In "· K"",Sd· An extensive line of were shown fleld and North Waterford fairs We lead in these ; lamps during goods. aau thliM Mon.lav evening*~ CLASS MO. ΟΜΧ. ► ent, drat I The grange will hold weekly meetings th.» ladle·' departments. Vegetables and Slot's: from the store of C. L. Hutchin- a·· h :ti.lg«, No. from now on. A very attractive pro- fruit That's the way they bull, years son. Brown will build dwelling I> Κ ^rsey Kiel· M. MMw, SaaU ^71^ Lot U· Do Your Custom '·>··» as.) fourth KrMar· of each gramme has been for next an· this ft,Jhtiro"*h1î,Ired and A* F· Rue' a Pwto,....MMI bouse and stable on the lot " Tailoring. w«-l arranged year, any way. * ',d; Misa A. C. Blcknell exhibited ahow CtarlN ·. ftaatk tHl.l reilowa* Hall. Stwrt, Part·,—U40UT In afternoon. ad' case of fine Parte ΙβΜΙ the Edwards lot on P*rli Street which 1 —Kart» i.rui», *ero*J «aturiar of Saturday 2» millinery. Urn age, testk Part·,. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and for Ρ H THE CATTLE. 1 : Saath IW· Repaired. Agent in The urange «tore ta op«a fbr tmlc Thoroughbred ball, year old, Jersey F. E. Talnter of Lewlston had on ex- Ira. C. L. Back, Parte· | be recently purchased. ι Mr. Charlea Deerlng of the I>eering DaaalA ■· Bean, Saath Part·,.. v*,s;·,. aa-l NUunlaï afternoon*. Canton, Haitford, Sumner, and the S. M. 1st and 2d. a McPhall a Packard Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Williamson are the best House in Maine. ~iay Harvester was at King, hibition piano, Dye ο », .—v^.Hs.l an·! fourth Moo.tara of Co., Chicago, visiting I ! adjoining towns have a more than local Thoroughbred Jersey bull calf: S. M organ, and a of music on sale. CLASS KO. TWO. visiting In this week. Th"y ·.· tiobUk. the home of his quantity Farmlngton f h grandfather. Judge as town· and let and Γ .ah Parla U»lgv. No Til. ate. reputation cattle-raUlng ; King, 2d. Κ. E. of Eaat Wilton exhibited Inciudea the town of Pari· outelde the rlllaire | made the teem. l»eerlng. for a few days last week. Hardy trip by ii Μ η r\enlng<« of ea- h tn»nil> the visitor to this fslr who comes or 2 vears : and arch for Mr. of was Ui!inI lay goes Thoroughbred bull, Guernsey, I the Champion evaporator corporation. Dearborn, Auburn, ι· Κ. Hail. lnj !n ii»· Α Kev. T. J. Kamsdell, Mr. and Mrs. C. at the time when the cattle are moving D. A. Corliss 1st. sugar makera. Part· HUI AeaAeaijr, Parte Hill, MUAT | town Monday looking for rooms lo .. \ K.- *' k KtmltaU Poet, Sa. 14K. m«*u Mr. and 11. F. will find the road full of handsome Richard to commence business of ι- full Is *i. Λ. R. E. Tolman. Mrs. Morton, which repair- o· or b«fora boo·. NOTES FROM Til Κ II λ LI.. CLASS SO. THRKC. the of oxen and steers. It Is in the M2?°,rPu*hbredHere,ordbu,l·Canton, 1st. saws and such work. Η all. and Mrs. A. C. Hall, attend Baptist strings Mciollister, Include· the town of Norway. ing « Κ K'mbal! Relief i'orpa meet· dint an>l oxen and steers cat- Hereford: A fine collection of was »t state convention at South Berwick this din ction of thst the bun photographs Ntlrfrad M. SSSI* I A harvest dinner will be served tl.e « ». of *mcà monih. la ti Creu, Rcrwif, & alnj» NOYES ar».lay week. tle vndustry specially tends. A close ob- Elv,?,ruf.hbred bridge Petteoglll, l«t and 2d. shown by J. Warden DeShon. Praaete Η. β watt, Xarwajr, I7MI vestry, Oct. 6th, from 121 ANDREWS, Congregational of oxen \ t «I ρ—>4. .ay Rmuh Lo>tco·.! aa.1 fourth Woln^a All steers was at to at 2 A. B. has his house and least equal thst (.rade bull, years: Conant, was aad T. P. Richardson had <·«»·& mouth r are to be but the small. Include· the town» of Rum font Bethel. nentnir> of Lodge requests present the state Fanciers of a 1st. quality, quantity Chase. No. meet· «Terr fair. good pair Canton, p«lntcd by IJbby & Clothiers in Oxford Κ f Haui,In UhIm. SI, at the next Oct. to Wallace H. Bear·, BaalM rail·.. County. S, ex- Leading regular meeting. of cattle are sore to find here 1 0,d: G. M. Park A feature of the We W. Whltcomb I » ... % reniai at Ma«onk: Mall pretty bu'l' year striking grange m understand that H. transact business, and to rehearse \ M v "W»y ηη·1 V,uth J'arl* Couacll. «peclal pier, ty to please their taste. Moit of ls^md* hibit was the stand of cut flowera in Mlaa Bwata, InalM, 14*4 and dauchter are to «pend the winter in ν ι-ret» la ii. A. K. Hall e*«rr Tue*lv the work. Plareaoe M. RaafaH, lOM degree them are White Face·. Devon cow: Sewell Staples bouqueta. Bajrt. Kllea Da«|laM, Bithtl, NT* [ Philadelphia. Dr. C. R. Davis, who was in the prac- Richard McColllster of Canton showed ^Grade Mrs. W. K. DeCoster exhibited an Im- M. L. Kimball, Esq., F. H. Noyes and a cow: Pet- clam no. ma. Η ifii of Trade inertia* W>dnr*da} tice of for a whiie at South herd of thirteen, Herefords and Dur- Grtde Durham Elbrldge mense fungus on which waa painted a W. C. Leavltt attended the Andover I dentistry Inciudea the lowna of Buckflcld, Canton, ev«*tiiaf. Paris with his brother, J. W. Davis, a ham*. A Hereford bull. Durham cows, tenglll, Llvermore Fall», 1st. beautiful landacape. It waa much ad- Dit-1 f* and two steer·. Grade cow: A Held and Oxfonl. been sick »nd wlff to IWtoo few years since, died at hto home in yoke of Hereford Jersey Berry Rose, mired. Mrs. Frank Hurd, who has V*. Booker go Maille U. BuekatM, Mil· I D. the itd of Elbrldge Pettenglll A Son of East (antou, Itt; A. F. Russell 2d; Urorre Cale, for a time, continues about the Γ·<· for » frw d»v«. Washington, C.% Septem- A chair and mat made of cut flower·— Wa4e C. Traak, DlatoM, 8747 long »d*jr Livermore exhibited 33 head of 3d. | same. are entertained for ber. cattle, Darrlngton, mostly asters—by Mrs. D. A. Fletcher, Slight hope· k for rh*· of time on th«* of 23 cows, and several = G. M. Park 1st; class no. stx. ching? consisting yoke attracted the moat attention of anything her recovery. left, The member· of Wm. K. Kimball Post also several and Ismbs. vSSf* l.I®re,ord 2.1. lnclndea the towna of Pryeburg, Brownfleld, irtutd. lK)n't get of steers, sheep Elbrldg· Pettenglll was not Mrs. 8. L. Moody of Stoneham Is stop- and Belief are invited to attend a in that department, though It Corps S. M. King, of Klngleslde Farm, South Grsde Heifers.—3 years old : Elbrldge lllram, Porter, Denmark, Lore», Waterfotd, at Severs*. M-«. J. Bean U vUiting the tnoit extensive exhibit. ping Percy .... Ha«tin*9 camj>flre at Norway, with llarry Bust Paris, exhibited his noted herd of Cattle 1st and 2d; A. F. Russell 3d. Greenwood and Albany. snd Mrs. of Portland visit- Fall ! » of wrek«. Pettenglll, Mr. Knight i.4 in IWthe! for coopte Post, on Thursdav." tH-t. ll'b, exercises Bteara·, LaraII 7M8 Club Jerseys, consisting of two -year· old; Elbrldge Pettenglll, Ut In the department of paintings, two Jaaeaklao I. Ctr., ed In town during the week. Mrs. Styles M-. iie*n *** there over Sandsr. to at 10 o'clock a. *. All A. Baa4* Wlthaa, Dauaarh, MM commence two two bull l*t and fine marine# were shown Kate K. was I rafton. I old bulls, 1-year-ola bull·, (Jersey). by E. Km Mall, La vail, MM Knight formerly Mabel members are invited. μ r a and : «'-lie 1 M ttir< ba»ine«« iu«*n of Bethel. tn*d? The Kawson on Park Street has two 2-vear-old heifers, two yearling Grade heifers 1 year Elbrldge' pieces Fryebarg L. were on of Mount w >»#h- place by Bllawartk W. Hater er, Parier, M Noyes top HAT8, a call U*t w«?ek. one calf. Thi· herd are Ut; W. D. Tucker, East Sum- mon, and some chemical oil by a mo»t :! I»♦ nn^r*t p!ea.*ant been sold to Miss Edith Willis, a teacher heifers, heifer Pettenglll portraits MM* ·. Walker, Ma. Prjrekarg,. ington Sunday, and witnessed A of l^ewiston. After well known to the fair patrons of the ner. (HoUteln), Ut; Berry Row, Henry Howe Parla. beiutlful sunrise. B.>*k»>r urif^. who hnve from being repaired CUM MO. «vr*. I» F. *nd s of the Canton lit ; A. F. 2d has been b«»u Saratoga Spring*, are stopping M. (.Jersey),3d. occupi- I IK-1IXle* tbe town· of Hebron, Sumner, Hart-1 ' WilHC and a new wherever exhibited. G. I'ark her brother, J. O. Smith, K*q., suits, from their with hit brother. I". parents, probably prizes ed with an exhibit made by Canton Peru, Aadorer and Woodatoek. visiting trip R a of Grade heifer calves : A. F. Russell, fonl, house built upon the vacant lot In the George Russell, pair working It Included of all de- at Presque Isle, for the put three week-», W How ker. I). A. CorlUs Grange. producta ■lia B. Deal·, Kaet Baauser, ·1»βΜ j near future. (Jersey), Ut; (Guernsey) of farm work stock, has returned. A. E. Bradburν Ut. partments except CLAM MO. aiUHT. Ih* A.«*e4«ors *nd chief mginrer h*\e Moses Young, Hartford, exhibited 1st; (Hereford) but handiwork the John Carter has gone to California FURNISHINGS. : household comprised I Bridgton News Bridgton cordially °,d: R McColllster Include* the town· of Mexico, Boxbury, Byron, ."vha^ed four of the "l*nderwriter$* oxen in town team, working larger of it, and iiullta were a pre- • here he will remsln. *} endorse* the following In the Bridgton J»10®' .SUTrVr^.-veart X. Perkins 3d. part Grafton, i- r. for u«e in the limitn I matched oxen, matched ·**"·< 1st; C. H. Bonney 2d; a Gllead, Maeon, Hanorer, Newry, t'pton, C D. Waters of St. Λ t., KitinguUher*·' * 1 3-year-old feature. It was tastefully Johusbury, to the Portland Evening Ex- 2 old: N. Perkins Ο. E. dominating Stow and the «ereral Planta •f thr budget matched vearltng steers, snd entered years 1st; and attractive exhibit. Stoneham, Sweden, Sunday with Dr. B.F.Bradbury. corporation. : arranged passed LARGE STOCK JUST IN. press oxen in all the classe* in drawing. **** oW °· κ· Turner tlon· In Oxfonl County. We understand th«t Miss Etta Mlllett I ha« worked in! J Fred who School W. ...· Bigvlow, Principal Waller L. t.rmy of live lite*» John T. Glover, and J. H. Nash, Liver- ,Γ1ΓΤ Merrltt 2d; Walter Russell The antiquarian exhibit made by OecarU. Maeaa, Bama, SOTM has sold her dressmaking business to Κ Ifti her'» barber for nbont a veer, iner. l· Homtay at hi* home In South 1'arl*. By .j 1 A arti- (Por Donald H. Bean. South Parla.) *hop more exhibited beef oxen. •»d. Trained steers year old: D. W. Kodbird of Jay Included many Ml·* Hattl* the wav the Brt'lrton H!*h "vhool U .iurt now an Falls, Akkte ...M7· I/>nf. to hi* home in Foxcroft, called Elmer Merrltt cle· of historic Interest and manv which Waa4bary,Swwl*a, be <'·■»* institution of which Brt.ijrton people air iu*t!y E. 1« Andrews, Hartford, a pair of Tuttle, Buckfleld, Ut; A. J. Mlake, «Ilea·, M It (a reported that there will soon a the lllneM of hi* father. U not | eves. bel- her* by prouumner, matched J-. in modern hou«es; parts retire. Ills friends will much re- SOUTH PARIS, MAINE. i! 'Uifhton of I>ixtleld. all the of its hii- Henry Fraaele H. Swett, .87081 many School made in years Beef oxen : J Π. Nash. Llvermore from in 179*2, a Marwajr, beeniau 1 anton f- ir and bound over on the vear-old steer·. brought England powder gret this step as the maior has torv ; and its standard was never higher j 1st John T. Glover 2d. horn which did service in the Continental CI.AM no. TE*. of of W. D. Tucker, East Sumner, matched Fails, ; excellent landlord, and tbe hotel has illegal transportation than In this The defeated candidate the second to-day. Il-vear-old steers. "lown teams, oxen : Moses Young 1st. army, and various other articles «corlnK j been, under his management, greatly liquor. ... Sum- It not to the lot of number of reran I le»· of cla··. « On Friday I>eputy Sheriff Penley A. insane, matched 3-year-old Steers 3 jears old: Alton Ames. collection, does fall highest point· ■,gff^r.»irffT:^r» *T^ Mi*« Helen M. who "Roy to and the as- Ckarlee 8. Btaart. 8aatk Parte, MMT King, graduated came to South Parto with James S. I-are ner, 1st. every family possess; | H. Cummlngs of Pari· and Normal Suhool 3 In this ^Snu^E^ from the Karmington of Bethel, who is bound over on the Young, matched 3-year-old Drawing.—Steers years old: George sortment of ancient spectacle» CLASS MO. SLBVBX. Mrs. Fannie Burr,of Oberlln, Ohio, have haï a a* as^Utant in 9tChas. t*t June, position of malicious mischief. It seem· \ oung, Hartford, 1st; B. J. Turner, collection was a for weak eyes. The defeated condldate «coring the third blrh· been at E. F. Smith'· this week. is I charge steer·. sight visiting the «chool at Fartniogton. That ... 2d ; S. F. Stetson 3d. Steers lie·· of cla··. and high that a· the outcome of a lawsuit l3oe's Oscar Turner, steers 1 and 2 years old, Buckfleld, STRAY NOTES. e*t number of polnU reran J. M. Cummlng·' four horse barge to Miss King * a high compliment hou«e had been taken on execution and and 3 years old D. A. Tuttle. Buckfleld, 1st; Part· (·»·««, ft·atk Parla, 80M8 and double matched 2-year-olds. of Auburn a very many single carriage· and # <· Sumner. 2d N. C. T. Xevens exhibited «cholar*hip ability. sold to the creditor, but Lane has D. A. Tuttle, Buckfleld, a pair of R. Newell, ; PCrklns, to left the duly fine line of carriages. Tbe contest just closed bas proved village Saturday morning carv- of the new school hnu*e is continued to occupy It. A short time trained matched iteers. WL ing members of Harry Rust Poet, So. I The shell yearllnK β some be one most successful and Inter- see down one of the a ol Draft oxen.—Vnder feet 10: J. A. li. W. Moore of Canton showed of tbe so that we can begin to ago he began t«-arlng Elmer Merrltt also exhibited pair M G. A. R·, and W. R. Corps, to Ox- completed, a har- room* will the owner of the trained Ames, Sumner, 1st; George Young 2d; good carriages, and good single ever by tbe Demo- a how it will look. The school chimneys, whereupon vearllngs. : esting Inaugurated fort attended «mprtre by arrest on the of Moses 3d. I'nder 7 feet 2Inches : ness on a wkrelhey as as ooald be de*»red. having house canted his charge Wm. T. West Sumner, 3-year- Young dummy. crat. Invitation of T. A. Robert· Poet, G- A. be light Bonney. 2d. in the malicious mischief. He made no old steer·. Oscar Turner 1st; Moses Young was those who want each two large double window* attempt The Llvermore Falls Band furnished The In »t week mw soro· very lively R. A most enjoyable day reported For he saw the til door be- steers. Size: R. Russell 1st: J. H. a window on each side. to get ball until j V Perkins, 3-vear-old Any George the North Turner bv «11 end, and triple music Wednesday, and in claMes one, present. Llvermore Falls, 2d; Moses done, * Port- fore him. when he weakened. He had Richard McColllster. Canton, 3-year- Nash, Cadet Band on Both furnish- hustling especially The North Wsterford fair was miles from rail ν advertised at Thursday. The temperance no difficulty In securing ball in South ^ oung 3d. tbr« e and six, and the scon; exceeded attraction to grptSat- a cheaper Heating the au·-! : ed good entertainment. rosny Norway people Efectra Park T·cedar, under to his home in J· and Draft horses, 2Λ00 or under Paris, and returned Walter Russell, A. Russell, ; pounds urday. went and counted It the of the Good was indefi- S. East Asa F. Whitman Works ex- anybody's expectations. Many pic«^ Templars, Bethel. S. Record. Buckfleld, yearling F. Estes, Bethel, 1st; The Agricultural best time for tbe «eason. of the George The contest, while exciting and ear- Λ ara t il s than a Sub- nitely Four -peakers Canton,2d; C. G. Thompson, hibited a line of their good·, including been ρ ρ land, good (Kxrponed. of ;he Buti- steers. I Campbell, Mrs. Jonsthan Blake, who has 'rom were detaiued by sickness, Supt. Wlnstow Β. Young. 3d. the of the Cornfield corn neat, hat been of the mo*t friendly away Llvermore, King planter, •lek for a long time. Is slowly gsinln*. of themselves or in their families, ner Match Company, handed the ΙΚ·ακ>- FOtLTKT. ewe: rhester etc. of ither Sheep.—Thoroughbred cider mill», feed cutters, character throughout and the wisdom She Is In her chslr «bout the house some an a match?* made Steam or Hot .:id a* the weather was unsuitable for crat burn h of parlor by Canton showed trio P. 1st; P. C. Barker | F. L. Walker of Hamlin, Temple, wan over on the claeacs for defeated csnlldates has and able to sit a of the stantia! Hot Air to this last week that were with- "What the trouble the up greater part ί<».'Γ met t.:*. it wa- e'et ided drop company of White Wyandotte fowl and two trio* Canton. 2d and 3d. Flock of sheep, six out the beet matches we have other *ide of the ground· this morning?" demonstrated itself. day. exception chick* the name strain, all hand- In number: C. W. Walker 1st; P. C. w of of * «··«._» _i ii-.. ·> water, I i 1 1 ever seen. For some time 'this til asked one spectator of another. "Well," ecore {taut some birds. Ι>·ΓλΓΙ In recognition of the very Urge U la Mori King of Boston, * former I « as the "one feller he A Uimi tarfriN Vugustus company ha* (κ*η making experiments fowl Southdown: D. A. reply, thought Furnace was in to* η last W. I#. Adam·, Brown Leghorn Thoroughbred buck, nude the Parte Grange, It being *ev-1 for thoae who ko Io-**y ·■tigrelational old sulphur match. Grade C. W. Walker lit; Mr. ti. Hatch Democrat have voluntarily added cl»ss rraln* aot(. like tbe inert any house in the ••Brim-*tone Corner," stalled, chicks. sheep: ig> from combine* the convenient form of the Petten- tin· starter of the race*, and did the of Mocha or Java roiee. A of Grain Ο S9 Merton Ellis, of game chicks and Chester P. Hamlin 2d ; ΚI bridge eleven and the In the cop i remodeled it. Mr. Kin* is year* and pair manner. placed grange | I· t. A. Tuttle, Buckfleld, two trios of Grade buck; Elbridge Pettenglll, lit enforced, Grain Ο bulhla up. Aak jour Krocer for $70.00. \r years younger. matches, and the smell of It don't dience were given the benefit of the an- To Mis· Elsie M. Bolster of Sooth Urala O. Mc. sn1»· of the «treet in front of the hotel the of 41 showed dairy products, canned goods, { White chick*: F. L. Walker, Athletics. In the day· Howe, <>n Main Street Saturday at age Wyandotte tons and Lewlston In South Part·, Sept. 17, to the wife of Lln- the and household m inufacturea. and 21- Hock chicks : A.1 her own and *«H MHMwhtt, leaving vear*. She leave·» a husband and two honev, 1st Plymouth fourth inning, with the score standing test, managed campaign wooil L. Foirera. a «on. are near the street—lu a Λ Rose, Canton, exhibited spec!-1 I>. Grafftm. North 1st and of her im- In to the wife of Imuw Pin H. the which «on* 4 and 10 years. She was Berry Llrermore, 1 to 1, the Cantons began to pound worked up nearly the whole Sutwijt, Sept. 18. aged beets, a ton. Sherman ν» are now down men* of unions, carrots, 21. G «ne chicks : D. A. Tuttle, Buck- jrree, W.) Hersey. '•l %ir. to They the few week* of turnips, at the end of the Inning the wae Ceorge sj>eak. great sufferer during b»ll, and mense score in a Held that well to the of Fred A. ae» ι In Byron, Sept. », wife ν b.-re are convenient of midst and Held. 1st on each of two strains. Gsme was to 1 in of Canton but they her sicknes*. Cut off in the very «quashea. score 7 favor ; j a· to Knapp, a ton. Richard McCollister. Canton Point, ι fowl: Merton Ellli lit; D. A. Tuttle' worked by candidates just eager » f ife's activities and loose lost them tbe advantage responsibilities, fielding Bolster 1· the her when to all human pumpkins. 2d. had and the Athletic· won, win as herself. Mis· popu- Buckfield, Me.· and her sister.· g family > they gained, Mr- True of this place, bv C. C. Canton, and on MARRIED netded. was sad in the Potatoes Kill·, Berry <& Ro*e, Canton, 1st onions, to 8. Fred lar of Mr. and Mr·. X. F "f New (« r, aere re- foresight most 10 Dyer umpired. daughter Dayton AND a Interest Richard McCollliter. Cirror·, heeu, squishes, 2d on ; a to relatives extreme. Mr*. Maxim's central turnip*, a fir® Bolster of South Paris. She Is only In North Re*. Α. Κ g from \i«it Monday t'ranberrie* br Jessie Gammon, IJver- j rrie». l«ton work bad 101 Part·. Sept. 30, by Bryant, to which she was de- cranbt Richard McColllster, Prompt prevented Mr. Edward· anndi- will long cherished. sympathy were burned redemp- other candidate. del·!. tb*t ties of pears, plums and grapes BeIIflower, William'· Favorite, Gardt n blanket* beyond contest than any single aell that Mrs lfoe« out to the surviving member* of spples, -h< i« doing «ο W. W. Graven·, tion, and the horse got uncomfortabiv of whol in afflictive brre»vement. by Rr-dblrd, Jay. Royal, Mcintosh Red, Nodhead, Miss Mildred Cross Norway, « first uf thi« the family th*ir ι ming home the of W. Γ». Tucker, 2d on Bartlett warm, but the conflagration which might The fun· ra! will be held Tuesday after- Specimen· pears by iteîn. King Tompkins, leads in her class, is one of the most DIED. »eek. Eiût Sumner. l»t on Seckel 1st on Urg- have resulted was averted by quick noon at 2 o'clock., petrs, ladies in She j«nd sugar B. F.1 of n-lsed bv one work. popular young Norway. Maple svrup by ent variety apples per- j In South Part·, Oct. i, L. (Stowell), wife ··'- * h it wer*i«c In Walkenrllle!** Sheriff Thad- Amy Glover, Hartford. Mrs. II. W. Poland, 1st on exhibit of 1st on col- is the daughter of Deputy of Waller P. Maxim, 41 AT BUCKFIELD. | son, plums, The Portland and Rumford Falls ag»l year·. \ uj I the mator and lord high BURGLARS Wilton. on score In Parla, 90. Levi D. Stearn», β» Sumner, Κ. E. Hardy, East li ctIon of 1st Delaware grapes, ran late to Hum- deus Cross. lier Urge shows that Sept. a*cd tn a* grapes, Hallway special trains r <>f that embryo suburb city bread bv under 15, Lillian Worden, Chan-: yean. Brown girl Ν Muscadine, Clinton, ft ml Falls and ChWholm'a Hills, and on she has some good friends. In Hartfonl, Sept. 28, Cyru* Merrill, aged ·· 'ed th· m inocrat eanctum la«t TO KIKLK THE Canton. Μ ΛΚ Κ AN ATTEMPT Walker. Canton, Iva Tirrell, son·, Allen W. I). Tucker. a to about 82 rears. as Seedlings. Thursday only late train Lewlston who started In the !>v with a «mile on hi« face W. Canton. Mr. Donald H. Bean, In D. C., 23, C. K. Dirta, QRESS Walker, Jennie Washington, Sept. tyEW pALL ni τ λκε frightened C. 1st on exhibit of QOODS! Chan-, This in kwt orne* Honey by pears. and way stations. arrangement of South Pari·. * TbAt of a winning candidate bread and brown bread South Purls class, afterwards decided to formerly Wheat by nery, 1st on cranberries. excellent accommodations to In Rockland, Uih, Delmar Oilman of Lorell, λ of AWAY. gave contear, ard· c'u