Appraisal Report Of
APPRAISAL REPORT OF: A 78.30 ACRE TRACT – AS IF VACANT AT MONTANA HIGHWAY 83 CONDON, MONTANA PREPARED FOR: Ms. Emily Cooper, Land Sections Supervisor State of Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Trust Land Management Division P.O. Box 201601 Helena, Montana 59620-1601 MARKET VALUE AS OF: April 12, 2017 PREPARED BY: Elliott M. Clark, MAI & Christopher D. Clark Clark Real Estate Appraisal 704-C East 13th Street, #509 Whitefish, Montana 59937 (406) 862-8151 704-C East 13th Street, #509 Whitefish, Montana 59937 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL May 11, 2017 Ms. Emily Cooper, Land Sections Supervisor State of Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Trust Land Management Division P.O. Box 201601 Helena, Montana 59620-1601 Re: Appraisal Report of Real Property Identified as Swan Valley Retreat, Condon, Montana (As If Vacant) Dear Ms. Cooper: In compliance with your request Elliott M. Clark, MAI and Christopher D. Clark with Clark Real Estate Appraisal viewed the above referenced property on April 12, 2017 accompanied by Mr. Claude Cassidy, Ms. Emily Cooper, and Ms. Chloe Katsilas all with the Montana DNRC. We reviewed applicable information regarding zoning, and researched and analyzed trends in real estate activity in the immediate and greater subject market area. The property viewing, reviews, and analyses were made in order to prepare the attached appraisal report in a summary format. We were requested by the client to provide an opinion of value for the subject property As If Vacant. For that reason, the value concluded in this report is based upon the Hypothetical Condition that the property was vacant as of the report effective date.
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