Committee on Finance and Facilities Agenda Item 4.H.i.


WINTHROP UNIVERSITY PROJECT NAME: High- Electrical Substation & System Upgrade REQUESTED ACTION: Increase Budget REQUESTED ACTION AMOUNT: $1,801,517 Internal Projected Cost: $1,831,517 INITIAL CHE APPROVAL DATE: 11/27/2019 (Phase I Staff Approval)

Project Budget Previous Change Revised Professional Service Fees $ 30,000 $ 161,047 $ 191,047 Renovations – Utilities -- 1,476,470 1,476,470 Contingency -- 164,000 164,000 Total $30,000 $1,801,517 $1,831,517

Source of Funds Previous Change Revised FY 2019-20 Capital Reserve Fund $ 30,000 $ 593,642 $ 623,642 Federal EDA Grant -- 1,207,875 1,207,875 Total $30,000 $1,801,517 $1,831,517


Winthrop University seeks the Commission’s recommendation to approve this project that will replace the university’s main substation of its 50-year-old electric distribution system. According to the university, only four of the five circuit breakers are currently functional, and the connecting wire is at the end of its useful life.

This project was included in Winthrop’s most recent CPIP as a year one project.


The following outlines the funding source for Phase II of the project:

• $623,642 from FY 2019-20 Capital Reserve Funds; and • $1,207,875 from a federal EDA grant.

Winthrop University received $7.5 million from the Capital Reserve Fund in FY 2019-20 for its Strategic Risk Management Plan. Included in its budget request was funding to replace this substation. In addition, the university received a $1.2 million federal EDA grant award for the restricted purpose of upgrading its electrical distribution system.


The college utilizes its institutional capital project funds, or excess debt service, to address deferred maintenance needs. According to the university, the fund has an uncommitted balance of $5 million.

1 Committee on Finance and Facilities Agenda Item 4.H.i.


Winthrop University projects this project to result in no changes to its annual operating costs.

2 FORM A-1, PAGE 1 OF 2

)OR '(3$570(17 USE ONLY CHE JBRC (For 'HSDUWPHQW Use Only) 6)$$  $ JBRC Staff By Jennifer LoPresti at 12:39 pm, Apr 16, 2020 $'0,1 Staff SUMMARY NUMBER A-1 Form Mailed SPIRS Date Summary FORM NUMBER


1. AGENCY H47 Winthrop University Code Name Justin Oates 803-323-2205 Contact Person Phone

2. PROJECT 95824582 High-Voltage Electrical Substation & System Upgrade Project # Name N/A Facility # Facility Name

County Code 46 - York Project Type 4 - Replace Existing Facilities/Systems New/Revised Budget $1,831,517.00 Facility Type 7 - Utilities

3. CPIP PROJECT APPROVAL FOR CURRENT FISCAL YEAR CPIP priority number 1 of 5 for FY 2020 .

4. PROJECT ACTION PROPOSED (Indicate all requested actions by checking the appropriate boxes.)

Establish Project Decrease Budget Close Project Establish Project - CPIP ✘ Change Source of Funds Change Project Name Increase Budget X Revise Scope Cancel Project

5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION (Explain and justify the project or revision, including what it is, why it is needed, and any alternatives considered. Attach supporting doucmentation/maps to fully convey the need for the request.)

This project is a component of the Winthrop Strategic Risk Management plan and will replace the 50+ year- old electric distribution system. The main substation will be replaced by a substation with five 4,160-volt circuit breakers and wiring that would be significantly more reliable. Currently, only four of five circuit breakers continue to function and the connecting wiring is at the end of its useful life. Despite regular and careful maintenance, ongoing issues with cracks and leakages create a potential for system failure. While the need for this type of project may not be apparent to students, faculty, and staff, it will enhance the university's capacity to provide a learning and living environment that is dependable, safe, and efficient, meeting Winthrop's sustainability and energy efficiency goals while reducing the university's vulnerability to system failures.

6. OPERATING COSTS IMPLICATIONS Attach Form A-49 if any additional operating costs or savings will result from this request. This includes costs to be absorbed with current funding.

7. ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE AND EXPENDITURES Estimated Start Date:December 2019 Estimated Completion Date: August 2021 Estimated Expenditures: Thru Current FY: $ $28,000.00 After Current FY: $ $1,803,517.00 FORM A-1, PAGE 2 OF 2


1. Land Purchase ----> Land: Acres 2. Building Purchase ----> Floor Space: Gross Square Feet 3. 191,047.00 Professional Services Fees 4. Equipment and/or Materials ----> Information Technology $ 5. Site Development 6. New Construction ----> Floor Space: Gross Square Feet 7. Renovations - Building Interior ----> Floor Space: Gross Square Feet 8.1,476,470.00 Renovations - Utilities 9. Roofing - Roof Age 10. Renovations - Building Exterior ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 11. Other Permanent Improvements 12. Landscaping Identify all types of significant environmental hazards 13. Builders Risk Insurance (including asbestos, PCB's, etc.,) present in the project 14. Other Capital Outlay and the financial impact they will have on the project. 15. Labor Costs Type: 16. Bond Issue Costs 17. Other: Cost Breakdown 18.164,000.00 Contingency Design Services $ Monitoring $ $$1,831,517.00 TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET Abate/Remed $ Total Costs $ 0.00 9. PROPOSED SOURCE OF FUNDING

Transfer Rev Rev Exp Previously Original/Revised to/from Object Treasurer's Sub Sub Source Approved Amount Increase/Decrease Budget Proj. # Code ID Number Fund Fund (0) CIB, Group 0.00 8115 3043 3043 0.00 (1) Dept. CIB, Group 0.00 8115 3143 3143 0.00 (2) Institution Bonds 0.00 3235 0.00 (3) Revenue Bonds 0.00 3393 0.00 (4) Excess Debt Service 0.00 3497 0.00 (5) Capital Reserve Fund 30,000.00 593,642.00 623,642.00 8895 3603 3603 FY2020 H.4001 0.00 (6) Appropriated State 0.00 8895 68800100 1001 3600 0.00 (7) Federal EDA Grant 1,207,875.00 1,207,875.00 78800100 5787 EDA # 04-79-07326 0.00 (8) Athletic 0.00 88800100 3807 0.00 (9) Other (Specify) 0.00 98800100 3907 0.00 0.00

TOTAL BUDGET $$$$30,000.00 $1,801,517.00 $1,831,517.00

 SUBMITTED BY: VP of Finance & Business Affairs April 16, 2020 Signatureif of Authorized Official and Title Date

 APPROVED BY: (For 'HSDUWPHQW Use Only) Authorized Signature and Title Date

Revised  H47


1. Provide the total projected cost of the project. Attach a summary of the costs prepared during the A&E pre-design phase to support the total cost. The projected cost of this project is $1,831,517.00.

2. Identify the source(s) of funds for construction. If any private or federal funds are included, attach a letter guaranteeing the availability of the funds. Capital Reserve Fund H.4001 and restricted federal EDA grant funds.

3. Describe and define each fund source to be used for construction. Cite any statutory authority, including the code section other provision of law for use of the funds for permanent improvement projects. If the source includes any fee, provide the name of the fee, the fee amount, the frequency of collection and when the fee was first implemented. Capital Reserve Fund H.4951, and in addition, the university applied for and was awarded restricted federal EDA grant funds for the specific purpose of upgrading the university's outdated electrical distribution systems.

4. Provide the current uncommitted balance of funds for each source described above. The EDA grant award is $1,207,875.00, which will all be used to fund this project. This is the full amount awarded as of March 18, 2020 and none has been spent as used State money for Phase 1. The remaining balance of the FY20 funds is $7.5M minus projects up for approval ($4.9M) would leave a balance of $2.6M.

5. If institution or revenue bonds are included as a source, provide when the bonds were issued. If not issued yet, provide when the bond resolution is expected to be brought for State Fiscal Accountability Authority approval. N/A

6. If a student fee is used to fund debt service, provide the current amount of the fee collected annually or by semester. Specify which.


7. Indicate whether or not the use of any funds for construction will require an increase in any student fee or tuition. Describe any increase in student fees effected in prior years that has contributed to the availability of these funds. As this project is being funded by Capital Reserve and restricted federal grant funds, no student fees are being used or affected by this project.

8. If the project qualifies for the JBRC policy requirement to meet the LEED certification/Green Globes certification as the conservation measure, please attach the findings of a cost-benefit analysis showing the anticipated energy savings over the life of the project. Additionally, attach the checklist of items to be included to achieve LEED points or a description of the energy measures to achieve LEED. N/A Rev. July 29, 2018. PERMANENTIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS REQUIREDINFORMATIONFOR PHASEIICONSTRUCTIONBUDGET 

9. If the project does not qualify for the JBRC policy requirement to meet the LEED certification/Green Globes certification as the construction measure, provide what savings/conservation measures will be implemented within the project. Explain the energy savings measures to be implemented as part of this project. If there are no energy savings measures included, state that and explain why. N/A

10. Provide the projected date (month and year) for execution of the construction contract. The projected date for execution of the construction contract is August 2020.

11. Provide the projected date (month and year) for completion of construction.

The projected date for completion of construction is August 2021.

12. Describe the programs that will use the constructed or renovated space. Because this is a campus infrastructure project all programs from instruction to institutional support will benefit from this renovation project.

13. Provide the total square footage of the building to be renovated or constructed. This renovation is not related to a building, but is a replacement for a high voltage infrastructure.

14. If a portion of the building is to be renovated, provide the square footage of the portion that will be included in the renovation. This renovation is not related to a building, but is a replacement for a high voltage infrastructure.

15. Provide the current age of the building and building systems to be renovated or replaced. The current high voltage infrastructure is over 50 years old.

16. If any new space is being added to the facility, provide demand and usage data to support the need. N/A

17. Provide an estimate of the numbers of students, faculty, staff and clients that are expected to utilize the space associated with the project or building. Annually, more than 40,000 students, faculty, staff, and community members will be affected by this project.

18. If the construction cost increased significantly from the internal estimate and/or from the total estimated cost provided on the CPIP (30% or more), provide what factors caused the cost to increase. N/A


19. If the contingency is more than 10%, explain why. N/A

20. If funds are being transferred from another project, provide the current status of the project from which funds are being transferred. N/A

21. Indicate whether or not the project has been included in a previous year’s CPIP. If so, provide the last year the project was included and year for which it was proposed. The project was included in the 2019 CPIP in Plan Year 2020.

22. Provide the economic impact of the project or project request, including job creation and retention. If there is no economic impact, provide an explanation. Renovation will be bid and provide a number of jobs for contractor firm and subcontractors hired to complete work, and materials and finishes selected will provide manufacturing jobs.

23. Discuss how maintenance of this facility construction/renovation will be addressed and funded. Because this project is replacing existing electrical distribution systems, maintenance costs are included in the university's current budget.

24. Provide the name of any account from which costs of deferred maintenance are addressed and its current uncommitted balance. Indicate the sources used to fund the account. The university's Institutional Capital Projects Fund (ICPF) is used to address campus deferred maintenance. The current uncommitted balance is $5M. Debt service fees in excess of what is needed to service current debt fund the ICPF.

25. If funding for maintenance of this facility construction/renovation has not yet been determined, discuss the steps that have been taken to address and fund maintenance of this and other facilities owned or managed by the agency or institution. N/A



1. Indicate whether or not the use of any funds for construction will require an increase in any student fee or tuition. Describe any increase in student fees effected in prior years that has contributed to the availability of these funds. As this project is being funded by Capital Reserve and restricted federal grant funds, no student fees are being used or affected by this project.

2. If the use of any funds for construction includes any student fee, provide the name of the fee, the fee amount, the frequency of collection and when the fee was first implemented. N/A

3. Provide a five-year history of each component within the institution’s tuition and fee structure designated or utilized for permanent improvements. Identify the tuition or fee component per student, per semester; the total revenue collected during the academic year; and the fund balance at fiscal year end, all delineated by academic year. Include a projection for the ensuing academic year, and any future academic years in which the fee is projected to increase. Use the following format in responding to this question and provide as many tables as are necessary to promote a clear understanding of the relationship of tuition and fee revenue designated by the institution for permanent improvements, maintenance and other facility-related expense, including debt service.

Amount Amount per Total Revenue Expended for student per Collected During Permanent Fund Balance at Academic Year semester Academic Year Improvements Year End 2014-15 593 6,340,998 63,346 4,165,624 2015-16 593 6,454,925 0 5,105,111 2016-17 593 6,402,205 250,772 5,580,195 2017-18 593 6,308,114 788,725 5,366,430 2018-19 523 5,529,883 291,858 5,711,956 2019-20* 523 5,424,752 0 N/A *Projection

NOTE: The fee in the above schedule represents the portion of required student fees that are assessed for debt service. Debt is paid and any funds in excess of what is needed for debt is transferred (by State Treasurer's staff) to the university's Institutional Capital Project Fund (ICPF) held with the State Treasurer. The Fund Balance in the far right column represents the balance in ICPF.


4. Identify any other funds not specifically designated that may be utilized or redirected for permanent improvements, maintenance and other facility-related expense, including debt service. Provide a five-year history of total collections, by fund; amounts applied to or for permanent improvements, maintenance and other facility-related expense, including debt service; and the fund balance at fiscal year end, delineated by academic year. Include a projection for the ensuing academic year, and any future academic years in which the revenue is projected to increase. Describe any portion of the source that originates from any tuition or fee component. Include all permanent improvements without regard to Joint Bond Review Committee or State Fiscal Accountability approval requirements. Use the following format in responding to this question and provide as many tables as are necessary to provide a complete and comprehensive response for each fund.

Fund Source or Name: Description:

Amount Total Revenue Portion Collected Expended for Collected During From Tuition or Permanent Fund Balance at Academic Year Academic Year Fee Revenues Improvements Year End 2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  2019-20*  *Projection

5. Describe the fund sources reflected above that will be utilized to support the project that is the subject of this Phase I proposal.

Rev. July 29, 2018.


High Voltage Electrical Substation and System Upgrade SC Project No. H47-9582-JM

Prepared For: Winthrop University Facilities Management 349 Columbus Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29733

Prepared By: Burdette Engineering, Inc. 200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607

Project # 20805A

February 20, 2020

200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607 Ph. 864-297-8717/F. 864-297-8719

This report has been prepared for sole utilization by Winthrop University. Any unauthorized use or coping without the written consent of Burdette Engineering, Inc. may be considered copyright infringement.

High Voltage Electrical Substation and System Upgrade Winthrop University

Project Index


I. Project Components, Medium Voltage Distribution Improvements 3 A. Replace , Substation No. 2 B. Maintenance / Calibration, Substation No. 1 C. Replace Existing Aged Direct Buried Cable D. Resiliency Improvements to Electrical Systems for Future Storms and Natural Disasters

II. General Plans and Schematics 4 III. Feasibility Analysis 4 IV. Proposed Method of Construction 5 V. Estimate of Useful Life 5 VI. Construction Cost Summary 5 VII. Permits Required 5 VIII. Construction Duration 5

Appendix 6

Cost Estimate Breakdown 7, 8 Photographs 9, 10 Equipment Proposed 11 – 18

Drawing List Dwg E.1 – Electrical Site Plan 19 Dwg E.2 – Electrical Single Line 20 Dwg E.3 – Delivery No. 2 21 Dwg E.4 - Delivery No. 1 22 Dwg E.5 - Details 23

2 Winthrop University

High Voltage Electrical Substation and System Upgrade Winthrop University

I. Project Components and Background for Medium Voltage Distribution Improvements

Winthrop University, located in Rock Hill, SC, is served from from two delivery points, Substation No. 1 on the east and Substation No. 2 on the west. Each delivery point, or substation, consists of Duke Energy delivering 4160V to the campus owned switchgear. From the switchgear power is distributed throughout the campus at 4160V and transformed to 480/277V, 3ph, 4W or 208/120V, 3ph, 4W at each campus owned for use at the buildings. The university has maintained the 4160V distribution with a series of switching and cabling that will allow all or part of the campus to be served from either delivery point with the advantage that in the event of a failure in a cable, that cable can be isolated and the building re-fed from another direction. Both substations are energized all the time and are generally set to serve approximately half of the main campus building loads at any given time. Given the age of Substation No. 2, should lightning or other event take down the newer 1996 substation, the campus would be especially vulnerable, having all of its power delivered through obsolete gear and protective breakers.

The bulk of infrastructure for the 4160V distribution dates to the 1960’s with Substation No. 2 installed at that time. The last major upgrade in 1996 replaced Substation No. 1 and many of the existing cables. Those direct-buried cables not replaced now are 50 years or more in age and in need of replacement. This report addresses three major areas of concern.

A. Replace Switchgear Substation No. 2 The original Allis Chalmers switchgear installed in 1968 is no longer serviceable. Spare parts are available only on secondary and used markets, and circuit protective technology has progressed greatly along with the growth of circuits for the University. This portion of the project will replace the gear with five (5) medium voltage drawout circuit breakers plus one spare and will include a new outdoor enclosure. Replacement will require outages to modify the cable entrances and to re-terminate cables. The power utility company will be required to reconstruct the MV connections to the new switchgear bus. Commissioning by factory trained technicians is included in the cost.

B. Maintenance & Calibration of Substation No. 1 The existing Cutler Hammer (now Eaton Corporation) gear installed in 1996 has mechanical issues when racking the breakers and is due for a preventative maintenance and recalibration of breaker settings. Factory technicians would provide these services during outages to be coordinated with Utility company.

C. Aged Medium Voltage Cabling As noted, there are approximately 5825 LF of existing direct buried cable, 5 kV, that have been in operation for 50 years more or less. These cables are beyond their expected life and are not installed in concrete encased ductbank, increasing the chances of damages due to routine campus construction. It is recommended that these cables be replaced, utilizing PVC ducts in an overall concrete encasement buried below grade.

3 Winthrop University

High Voltage Electrical Substation and System Upgrade Winthrop University

D. Resiliency Improvements to Electrical Systems for Future Storms and Natural Disasters Weather events bring challenges to all outdoor equipment, new or old. The desire is for the electrical system to protect its components while safely deenergizing the equipment during an abnormal event. Such events include lightning and increased moisture in equipment due to humidity, area flooding, etc. Direct buried cable has insulation ratings that are affected by deterioration from aging, moisture infiltration and exposure to voltage gradients from local lightning strikes. When lightning strikes nearby, if available, the copper of the conductors is often the most attractive electrode to dissipate the energy, which can cause high spikes in voltage, resulting in stress on the insulation that can result in failures due to short circuits, which can further damage nearby cables and raceways. If the cable is aging and already experiencing tracking of the insulation, the problem is heightened. In the case of the aging gear, moisture can encourage corrosion of parts that inhibits protective mechanical operations. The older breakers may be more susceptible to tripping upon effects of lightning and also have insulated parts that deteriorate with age and may be more likely to short than the newer breakers. Also, there are no spare parts without extensive search for used parts meaning possible extended downtimes. The newer cabling in the duct bank has improved insulation characteristics and is more protected by virtue of its duct routing and concrete cover. It is also less likely to be dug up by normal campus operations. With a 25-year warranty, the cable can be expected to carry the load for another generation. The newer breaker tolerances will be able to be programmed to best suit the loading and the associated risks, while introducing new insulation, new operative parts that contribute to the reliability during an event. While direct hits from lighting will impact any system, replacing the direct buried cable and the substation switchgear should greatly enhance the system reliability and the safety of the campus users.

II. General Plans and Schematics (Attached)

A. Dwg. E.1 indicates the locations of the substation points and the routing of direct buried cabling recommended to be replaced. B. Dwg E.2 indicates the existing 5 kV single line and interconnections, with delivery points located.

III. Feasibility Analysis

Existing conditions are depicted in attached photographs and verbal description. Only one service entrance can be brought down for service / replacement at a time so that the campus can remain in use. Duct banks can be constructed and cable pulled for termination while the direct buried cables are in use or the building is re-fed from another source. While construction sequence is important, once determined, the construction should take place during summer months as much as possible. Duct bank installation which will require some road closures temporarily but should allow campus to continue to function can occur prior to summer break. All affected land is owned by Winthrop. There are no anticipated delays or problems with the construction of the project.

4 Winthrop University

High Voltage Electrical Substation and System Upgrade Winthrop University

IV. Proposed Method of Construction

The project is proposed to be bid at one time to a single contractor. Direct Buried Cable Replacement can be separated into alternates to allow decisions to be made for available budgets and time frames. Contractors shall be qualified in High Voltage Utility work.

V. Estimate of Useful Life

The proposed new switchgear would have a design life of approximately 30 years. With proper maintenance, the gear may last longer as can be seen from experience with Substation No. 2. However, a major concern during that 30-year span is the obsolescence of manufacturing support with the rate of technology changes. The warranty for the Medium Voltage Cabling will request a 25-year time frame. Again, with proper installation and loading, cable systems can remain serviceable for longer periods of time. Installation of duct bank will allow for replacement of cable in the future with reduced installation costs and durations.

VI. The cost of construction for these components are:

1. Replace Substation No. 2 Switchgear $ 575,850

2. Service Substation No. 1 Switchgear $ 84,700 3. Replace Direct Buried Cabling w/ 5KV cable in duct bank $ 979,920

Sub-Total (includes 10% contingency) $1,640,470

Engineering Costs $ 164,047

EDA Administrative Costs (COG) $ 27,000

Total Project Costs $1,831,517

VII. Permits Required

1. The Authority having Jurisdiction is the Office of State Engineering (OSE).

2. It would be anticipated that a land disturbance permit be required for duct bank installation from SCDHEC.


5 Winthrop University


200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607 6 Ph. 864-297-8717/F. 864-297-8719

Cost Estimate Breakdown

1. Replace Switchgear, Substation No. 2

A. Equipment (Include Contractor markup) $426,000 Figure includes commissioning and one spare breaker. B. Demolition of existing Switchgear $ 20,000 C. Pit modification/fence removal and putback $ 15,000 D. Installation of new switchgear enclosure $ 35,000 E. Retermination/Utility Rework/Splicing $ 20,000 F. Testing $ 7,500 $523,500 10% contingency $ 52,350 TOTAL $575,850

2. Maintenance/Calibration, Substation No. 1

A. Test / Calibration $ 27,000 B. Paint (Electrostatic) $ 15,000 C. Spare Breaker $ 30,000 D. Coordinate with utility / inspect terminations $ 5,000 $ 77,000 10% contingency $ 7,700 TOTAL $ 84,700

3. Replace Existing and Aged Direct Buried

A. DUCT Bank / LF COST / LF (Means 2020) (6) 4” in trench $ 84.84 (3) #4/0 5KV $ 24.40 (1) #2 GND (600v) $ 1.96 Trench/backfill $ 3.14 Concrete $ 14.32 128.70 X 1.10 $141.50 / LF

Duct bank pricing includes 10% difficulty factor for very congested underground site utilities.

Cost Estimate 1 of 2

200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607 7 Ph. 864-297-8717/F. 864-297-8719

B. Existing Cable runs to be replaced

1. Substation No. 1 – Wofford (1503’) 1503 LF 2. Wofford to Richardson (232’) 232 LF 3. Richardson to Sims (404’) 404 LF 4. Sims to Thompson (524’) 524 LF 5. Kinard to Dacus (965’) 965 LF 6. Owens Annex to Dinkins (918’) 918 LF 7. Kinard to Byrnes (216’) 216 LF 8. Thompson to Lee Wicker (606’) 606 LF 9. Rutledge to Tillmans (457’) 457 LF Total LF 5825 LF

C. Total Costs for Replacing Direct Buried Cable

1. Duct Bank Cost: 5825 LF x $141.50/LF = $ 824,237 2. Terminations (aprox. 90) $ 27,000 3. Manholes (Est. 6@ $6,600 installed) $ 39,600 $ 890,837 10% contingency $ 89,084 TOTAL $ 979,920

Cost Estimate 2 of 2

200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607 8 Ph. 864-297-8717/F. 864-297-8719


1. Substation No. 2 Switchgear Enclosure Circa 1968 2. Front View Substation No. 2 Switchgear

3. Scavenged Breaker Assembly 4. Substation No. 1 Switchgear Enclosure 1996

200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607 9 Ph. 864-297-8717/F. 864-297-8719

5. Front View, Substation No. 1 Switchgear 6. Substation No. 1 1996

7. Substation No. 1 1995

200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607 10 Ph. 864-297-8717/F. 864-297-8719

Equipment Proposed

200 Regent Park Court Greenville, SC 29607 11 Ph. 864-297-8717/F. 864-297-8719 Detail Bill of Material Project Name: Winthrop University - Burdette Negotiation No: GVEA0425X8K1 General Order No: Alternate No: 0000

Item No. Qty Product Description 1 Medium Voltage Medium Voltage Assemblies, 4160V, 3-Phase, 3-Wire, 60 Hertz, Assemblies 25 kA, 1200 Amps Main Bus Rating

Designation 5kV South Loop

Structure 1 Cell, 5kv 1200 A 0 Cable lugs, extra sets (1st included) A Compartment - Voltage transformer 5 kV D Compartment - Dummy breaker 5 kV 1200A 3 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 1 Kirk key interlock 1 Breaker Control , Electroswitch Series 24 1 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green)

Structure 2 Cell, 5kv 1200 A 0 Cable lugs, extra sets (1st included) B Compartment - Breaker compartment 50 VCP-W 25kA 1200A 3 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 1 Breaker Control Switch, Electroswitch Series 24 1 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green) 1 Common protection for motor, close, and trip ckts 1 Relay - Protective - Eaton - EDR-3000H D Compartment - Breaker compartment 50 VCP-W 25kA 1200A 3 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 1 Breaker Control Switch, Electroswitch Series 24 1 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green) 1 Common Fuse protection for motor, close, and trip ckts 1 Relay - Protective - Eaton - EDR-3000H

Structure 3 Cell, 5kv 1200 A 0 Cable lugs, extra sets (1st included) B Compartment - Breaker compartment 50 VCP-W 25kA 1200A 3 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 1 Breaker Control Switch, Electroswitch Series 24 1 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green) 1 Common Fuse protection for motor, close, and trip ckts 1 Relay - Protective - Eaton - EDR-3000H D Compartment - Breaker compartment 50 VCP-W 25kA 1200A 3 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 1 Breaker Control Switch, Electroswitch Series 24 1 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green) 1 Common Fuse protection for motor, close, and trip ckts 1 Relay - Protective - Eaton - EDR-3000H

 Detail Bill of Material Page 2 of 3 Project Name: Winthrop University - Burdette Negotiation No: GVEA0425X8K1 General Order No: Alternate No: 0000

Structure 4 Cell, 5kv 1200 A 0 Cable lugs, extra sets (1st included) B Compartment - Breaker compartment 50 VCP-W 25kA 1200A 3 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 1 Breaker Control Switch, Electroswitch Series 24 1 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green) 1 Common Fuse protection for motor, close, and trip ckts 1 Relay - Protective - Eaton - EDR-3000H D Compartment - Provision for future breaker 5 kV 1200A 3 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 1 Breaker Control Switch, Electroswitch Series 24 1 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green) 1 Common Fuse protection for motor, close, and trip ckts 1 Relay - Protective - Eaton - EDR-3000H

Structure 4 Sheltered aisle 1 Roof mounted exhaust fan 1 Heater in aisle 4 Control Wire Gauge - #14 4 Control Wire Color - Gray 7 CT Wire Gauge - #14 SIS 7 CT Wire Color - Gray 1 Wire Gauge - Standard #14 1 Ground Wire Color - Green 4 Wire Identification 4 General Wire Markers - Adhesive wrap-around 4 Harness Wire Markers - Adhesive Wrap-Around 4 VW-1 Type Wiring 4 Insulated Lock-In Fork wire lugs 7 terminal block 4 Device nameplate 1 Accessories - standard set 1 Test jumper 1 Breaker lifting yoke 1 Set of extension rails 1 Maintenence tool for manually charging the breaker 1 Levering crank

Qty List of Materials 4 Cell, 5kv 1200 A 5 Breaker compartment 50 VCP-W 25kA 1200A 1 Provision for future breaker 5 kV 1200A 1 Dummy breaker 5 kV 1200A 21 CT, single ratio, standard accuracy 2 Voltage transformer 5 kV 1 Kirk key interlock 4 Sheltered aisle 1 Roof mounted exhaust fan 1 Heater in aisle 0 Cable lugs, extra sets (1st included) 4 Control Wire Gauge - #14 4 Control Wire Color - Gray 7 CT Wire Gauge - #14 SIS 7 CT Wire Color - Gray 1 Ground Wire Gauge - Standard #14 1 Ground Wire Color - Green 4 Wire Identification 4 General Wire Markers - Adhesive wrap-around 4 Harness Wire Markers - Adhesive Wrap-Around

 Detail Bill of Material Page 3 of 3 Project Name: Winthrop University - Burdette Negotiation No: GVEA0425X8K1 General Order No: Alternate No: 0000

Qty List of Materials 4 VW-1 Type Wiring 4 Insulated Lock-In Fork wire lugs 7 Short circuit terminal block 4 Device nameplate 7 Breaker Control Switch, Electroswitch Series 24 7 M22 LED light assembly, qty 2 (red & green) 6 Common Fuse protection for motor, close, and trip ckts 1 Accessories - standard set 1 Breaker lifting yoke 1 Set of extension rails 1 Levering crank 1 Maintenence tool for manually charging the breaker 1 Test jumper 6 Relay - Protective - Eaton - EDR-3000H 1 Total Freight Price

Eaton Selling Policy 25-000 applies.

All orders must be released for manufacture within 90 days of date of order entry. If approval drawings are required, drawings must be returned approved for release within 60 days of mailing. If drawings are not returned accordingly, and/or if shipment is delayed for any reason, the price of the order will increase by 1.0% per month or fraction thereof for the time the shipment is delayed.













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