visa agreement reach Schengen Kuwait hopesto KUWAIT: Forgery toolsandfakedocumentsare seenattheSalmiyaflatofa suspectedforger(left)yesterday. —KUNA to justice. ple whohadusedthesuspect’sservicestobringthem Awadhi addedthatasearchwasinprogressforpeo- flash drivesandvarioustoolsheusedforforgery. MoI andMoHdocuments,aPC,photocopymachines, found 20fakeKuwaitipassports,over45stamps, apartment inSalmiyawasraidedandthatdetectives ties foruptoKD4,000.Awadhisaidthatthesuspect’s his servicestowantedpeoplechangetheiridenti- uments inamostprofessionalandundetectableway. birth certificatesandvariousofficialbankingdoc- Kuwaiti passports,IDs,bedoondrivinglicenses, tipped offconcerningthesuspect’sactivityinforging Awadhi addedthatcriminalinvestigatorshadbeen pect wasfoundtoholdfourfakepassportshimself. announced inastatementthatthe52-year-oldsus- inal securityMajGeneralAbdulHameedAl-Awadhi passports. He wascaughtwithalargenumberoffakeIDsand suspect hadbeeninthisillicitbusinessforthreeyears. and passports,saidsecuritysources,notingthatthe transactions, securityandcivilIDs,birthcertificates KUWAIT: By HananAl-Saadoun SUBSCRIPTION Sources addedthatthesuspecthadbeenoffering Interior Ministry’sassistantundersecretaryforcrim- Master forgerarrested 4 A Tanzanianwasarrestedforforgingofficial 150 Fils AUDY COE ,21 HLIJ 9 46A No: SATURDAY, 1436 AH OCTOBER THULHIJJA 3,2015 19, US, alliesshorton Russia, Iranflexmuscle options overSyria in schoolcarnage action as10die Obama callsfor 9 • No onecountsonObama ly intervene?ItisafreefieldforPutin andtheRussians.”—Reuters wasn’t willingatanypointtointervene sowhynowwoulditsudden- ians murdered?Wellthathappened,” YafaitoldReuters.“America the move?Thathappened.Willittake hundredsofthousandscivil- slaughtered? Wellthathappened. Willittakemillionsofpeopleon Americans intervene?Wouldittake childrenandwomenbeing question inadifferentway,”hesaid.“Whatwouldittaketomakethe to aproxywarintheMiddleEastwithRussia.“Youhaveaskthat are notserious,thattheyreallydidn’tcareenough,”Yafaisaid. the AssadregimeandmainlyIraniansrealizedthatAmericans dent hadrepeatedlydeclaredthata“redline”.“Itwasthepointwhen in therebelenclaveseastofDamascus-eventhoughUSpresi- responding totheAssadarmy’sallegednervegasattacksoncivilians years agowhenObamaandhisEuropeanalliesshiedawayfrom er militaryentanglementsintheMiddleEast. in QatarandTurkey,Washingtonappearsdeterminedtoavoiddeep- waterways fromabaseinBahrainandmaintainsanairforcepresence its militarypresenceinAfghanistan.WhileitcontinuestopoliceGulf States haswithdrawngroundtroopsfromIraqandiswindingdown Hezbollah intoLebanon.ThenewaxisistakingshapeastheUnited now runsfromTehran,throughBaghdadandDamascus,via gence amongSyria,Iraq,IranandRussia,aMoscow-backednetwork of theUS-Israelaxiswithonetheirown”. year. ButforRussiaandIran,itis“nothinglessthanthereplacement date thecaliphateitdeclaredinlargeswathesofSyriaandIraqlast he argues,isitssurvival.ForIslamicState,ittocarveoutandconsoli- The sameistrueofIslamicState,hesaid.endfortheAssadfamily, Iran andLebanon’sHezbollah-doeshaveanideaof“howthisends”. ing militaryalliancebetweenRussiaandAssad’sothermainbackers- now lookliketheonlygroupwithoutaplan”.Hebelievesemerg- 2007-08 -“Tellmehowthisends”. al wholedthe“surge”ofAmericanmilitaryreinforcementsintoIraqin per, TheNational,recalledthewordsofDavidPetraeus,USgener- conflict. FaisalAl-Yafai,chiefcommentatorattheUAE-basednewspa- Iran havepushedthewartobrinkofafull-blowninternational Arabia backingtheirlocalproxies.MilitaryinterventionsbyRussiaand became asectarianwarwithregionalpatronssuchasIranandSaudi a popularuprisingagainstAssad,partofthe‘ArabSpring’,then lation isabouttogetmuch,muchworse. least aquarterofmillionpeopleanddisplacedhalftheSyrianpopu- Obama. Thegloomypredictionofmostisthatawarhaskilledat Nobody intheMiddleEastiscountingonUSPresidentBarack lable conflict,whoseregionaldimensionsarefastbecomingglobal. tion andUSretreatatcriticalmomentsinanevermoreuncontrol- that thecurrentdramaisconsequenceofongoingWesterninac- rebels aftermorethanfouryearsofwar? Vladimir PutinfromreversingthegainsmadebymainstreamSyrian European andregionalSunnialliesintervenetostopPresident The questiononeveryone’smindis:WilltheUnitedStatesandits Syrian PresidentBasharAl-Assad,andbyaninfluxofIranianforces. been wrongfootedbytheRussianjetspoundingrebelsfighting to combatthejihadithreatfromIslamicStateinSyriaandIraq,has and theyarewonderinghowitwillend.TheUS-ledcoalition,created ing withdisbeliefasRussiaandIranmountashowofforceinSyria, BEIRUT: freestyle event wins 200m Kuwaiti swimmer 47 For thatreason,hedoubtswhetherRussianinterventionwilllead Analysts anddiplomatssaytheturningpointinSyriacametwo With theKremlin’screationinBaghdadofacentretoshareintelli- After theRussian“surge”intoSyria,hesaid,“Americaanditsallies The conflicthastakenadeadlytrajectorythroughout.Itbeganas Few areholdingtheirbreath.Manysay,oftenwithvehemence, Across theMiddleEast,America’straditionalalliesarewatch- 16656 Max Min 44º 29º LOCAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Woman molested by driver

KUWAIT: The mother of a Farwaniya school- that the total overdue rent is now KD 6,700. child reported that a school bus driver He added that the tenant made excuses in the approached her and touched her body when beginning, but when he was asked to evict the kids were leaving school at the end of the the apartment, he refused. A case was filed school day. The woman reported that she and the man was summoned and detained screamed for help, which scared the driver off. pending further investigations. After reporting to the police and on checking with the school administration, the suspect, Egyptian arrested who fled the scene leaving his bus and the An Egyptian was arrested for stealing cash kids in it, was found to be a bedoon. A case from several shops in Hawally, said security was filed and the suspect is being summoned. sources. Case papers indicate that the man In another development, a citizen filed a com- went into a store asking a Filipina cashier for plaint against two detectives accusing them KD 20 change, and on handing it out, he of insulting him during interrogation. Security snatched the money and fled without giving sources said that the two officers were being the KD 20 bill. The man was chased and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah summoned for further investigations. apprehended by a store staff member and police were called. Mobile phone stolen Success at Expo shores up A Filipina beautician informed Jabriya police Landmine found that her mobile phone was stolen from the The bomb squad dealt with a landmine found beauty salon she works in. She accused three in Jahra near the road leading to Camp Kuwait’s global position Kuwaiti clients who were present when the Virginia, said security sources, noting that a mobile phone disappeared. A case was filed citizen had spotted the mine and informed MILAN: Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs the international event reflected the Kuwaiti and further investigations are in progress. the police. The mine was detonated onsite. Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al- people’s sincere desire for opening up and Sabah touted the weighty presence and terrific communication with, and amity towards, peo- 60 liquor bottles Phone insult success of the Kuwaiti Pavilion at Expo Milan ple across the world, Sheikh Mohammad An Asian was arrested in Farwaniya with a bag A female customs employee reported that 2015 as having greatly buttressed Kuwait’s Abdullah pointed out.”This success should lead filled with 60 homemade liquor bottles ready someone she did not know kept calling her international position. Kuwait’s participation in to more successes in all domains,” he said, cit- for sale, said security sources. Case papers mobile number, showering her with insults. this international event is primarily intended to ing it as a sign of the Kuwaiti people’s ability to indicate that a police patrol suspected the She added that the speaker spoke in a good deliver its cultural and humanitarian message to give more and more. man who was carrying a large travel bag. On GCC dialect and that she did not know any the world, the minister said in an interview to He attributed Kuwait’s great international approaching him, the suspect dropped the reason for such insults. Checking on the KUNA before leaving Italy late Thursday. During position to the fact that His Highness the Amir bag and ran, but he was chased and appre- caller’s number, detectives found that it was a his stay here, the Kuwaiti Minister represented Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the hended. Meanwhile, three citizens - two men landline in Jleeb. A case was filed and further His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- “Humanitarian Leader and Dean of the World and a young woman - were arrested while investigations are in progress. Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah in Kuwait’s Diplomacy”, is a model for tolerance, brother- heavily drunk, said security sources, noting National Day celebration in the country’s pavil- hood and support for the oppressed and that the suspects were stopped by a police 13-year-old driver ion at Expo Milan 2015 on Wednesday held defenseless people. The success of the Kuwaiti patrol near the southern chalets area. Security A 13-year-old GCC child lost control over a car under the banner “Feeding the Planet, Energy Pavilion has crowned great media efforts and sources added that on stopping the suspects’ he was driving recklessly in Sulaibiya and for Life”. planning involving all ministries and state bod- vehicle, policemen found three bottles in it. crashed into a wall, said security sources, not- The celebration was attended by the Italian ies, the minister added. Kuwait’s successes at One of the suspects told policemen that they ing that the kid was rushed to hospital for Prime Minister’s Representative, Undersecretary both regional and international levels are the had been to party and left when they had an treatment pending referral to the juvenile of Justice Ministry Cosimo Ferri, a number of outgrowth of its wise policy and farsightedness argument with others. A case was filed and prosecutor for investigations. senior Italian officials, including Milan Mayor under the leadership of His Highness the Amir, the three were referred to relevant authori- Giuliano Pisapia, and representatives of the His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness ties. KD50,000 embezzled countries taking part in the Expo. Sheikh the Prime Minister, he noted. The owner of a travel agency reported that an Mohammad Abdullah quoted Italian officials, The Kuwaiti pavilion at the Expo Milan 2015 ‘Old friend’ assault Egyptian accountant working for him had countries’ representatives and pavilion man- attracted large numbers of visitors who admired A citizen reported that an ‘old friend’ with embezzled KD 50,000 and fled the country. agers as having lauded the Kuwaiti Pavilion’s the country’s transition from life in desert to a whom he had some unsettled scores assault- The owner said that the accountant made a distinguished and successful presence in the modern society. The pavilion contains different ed him when they accidentally met in a move during the hajj season when business Expo Milan 2015. Marked by proper organiza- scientific, cultural and artistic activities aiming to diwaniya. The man provided a medical report was doing well. A case was filed and Interpol tion, management, amazing designs and eye- showcase history and culture of the State of about his injuries as well as information about was notified to arrest the suspect. catching exhibits, the Kuwaiti pavilion has Kuwait. Expo Milan 2015 is a major international his assailant. attracted as many as 1.3 million visitors so far, exhibition that has been held every five years Hashish dumped the cabinet minister boasted. since the 19th century. Covering 272 Acres, it Unpaid rent Abdaly customs inspectors found over 10 kg “This success springs from Kuwaitis’ loyalty expects an estimated 29 million visitors from The manager of a hotel apartment building in of hashish dumped at the northern land exit to and appreciation for their deep humanitarian May 1st-October 31st 2015. Over 140 participat- Maidan Hawally reported that a US citizen had border, said security sources, noting that nar- values, which are reflected in the humanitarian ing countries are showcasing the best of their not paid rent for several months and refuses cotics detectives were notified and an investi- realm, as Kuwait always wastes no time to lend technology, which will offer answers to ques- to be evicted from the apartment, said securi- gation is in progress, especially since this is a hand to the needy with no purpose or dis- tions revolving around health, safety and better ty sources. The manager added that the not the first time drugs were found this way. crimination,” he said. The Kuwaiti presence in food nourishment. — KUNA American had not paid rent since May and — Al-Rai and Al-Anbaa Azzam lauds participation at Bahraini cultural event

MANAMA: Kuwaiti publishing companies did well in their partici- pation in the cultural activities of Bahrain book festival, said Kuwait’s Ambassador to Bahrain Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah yesterday. In a statement to the press, Sheikh Azzam said that the Kuwaiti presence at the opening of the 22nd cultural days in Bahrain book festival was excellent - affirming that the participation will reinforce the solid ties between the two GCC countries. He lauded the Bahraini interest in spreading knowledge through the organization of such events, stressing that it is eager to support the Bahraini Ambassador to Bahrain Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah poses with other officials. people and leadership in their cultural endeavors. — KUNA LOCAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Embassy warns Kuwaitis in US Joaquin hurricane approaches

WASHINGTON: Kuwait Embassy in Washington gency on the phone numbers below: Kuwait sidelines of the opening of the first education fair has called on all Kuwaiti citizens and students in Embassy in Washington emergency line: for the new academic year, in which 12 US universi- the eastern US states to take caution in anticipa- +12022620758; Health Office emergency line: ties are taking part. The fair aims at acquainting tion of the Joaquin hurricane anticipated this +12023202415; Cultural Office emergency line: Kuwaiti students with opportunities available to weekend. The Embassy yesterday urged all Kuwaiti +12023642104. study in the US universities. The event is organized citizens and students to adhere to and comply in cooperation with the International Student with the instructions of local authorities - confirm- Kuwaiti students Network (ISN). Operating since 2000, the ISN has ing that the Cultural Office is in constant contact Meanwhile US embassy is ready to offer facilities helped US based universities and colleges connect with the students and the National Union of to Kuwaiti students willing to study in the American with qualified International students from around Kuwaiti Students - US branch. The Embassy also universities accredited in Kuwait, an official said on the world for the past 15 years. It holds student urged the Kuwaiti citizens and students to notify Thursday. Embassy Public Affairs Counselor Charles recruiting events in locations in Asia, Latin America, the Embassy and the Cultural office for any emer- G Cole made the statement to reporters on the India and Gulf countries. — Agencies GCC lauds Bahrain ‘security vigilance’

Bahrain kicks Iran envoy out

RIYADH: Secretary-General of Gulf gling of weapons and explosives, and Cooperation Council (GCC) Abdullatif training their members, and harbor- Al-Zayani has commended vigilance ing fugitives from justice.” and efficiency of Bahraini security In the face of “Iran’s repeated and apparatuses in uncovering a terror blatant violation of all norms, laws network that was hiding large and international conventions and amounts of weapons, ammunition principles of good neighborliness, and explosives to use it in terror acts. mutual respect and unacceptable In a statement yesterday, Al-Zayani infringement on the independence denounced that the terror organiza- and sovereignty of the Kingdom of tions and their supporters who are Bahrain, Bahrain has decided to recall insisting on committing their criminal its ambassador to the Islamic Republic plots to destabilize Bahrain and terrify of Iran Rashid Saad Al Dossari.” The its people. ministry statement also considered He indicated that the seizure of “Mohammad Reza Babai, Acting weapons, explosives and ammuni- Charge d’Affaires at the Embassy of tions help prevent the killing of many the Islamic Republic of Iran to the innocent people and the destruction Kingdom, persona non grata and ask of public and private properties. He him to leave the country within 72 reiterated GCC’s support to Bahrain in hours.” taking all required security measures to combat the terrorist organizations GCC FMs meet Russian counterpart and their supporters in order to main- Meanwhile, the foreign ministers of tain the security and stability of the the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country as well as the safety of citi- member states, including First Deputy zens and residents. Bahrain’s Minister Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh of Interior has announced Wednesday Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, that it uncovered the network that held talks with Russian Foreign stored amounts of weapons, ammuni- Minister Sergey Lavrov on boosting tion and explosives. political, and economic relations and cooperation. The meeting, held on Bahrain recalls ambassador sidelines of the UN General Assembly In another development, Bahrain meetings also touched upon a host of has recalled its ambassador in Iran, regional and international issues in and announced the Iranian charge addition to the agenda of the UNGA First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah with d’affaires to the Kingdom persona session. the UN Secretary Generalís Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed. non-grata, offering him 72 hours to After the meeting, Lavrov told leave. In a statement carried by the reporters that during his encounter Bahraini News Agency (BNA) with GCC Foreign Ministers, “the Gulf Kuwait FM, UN envoy Thursday evening, the Foreign States all expressed special gratitude Ministry stated that the decision was for the consistent and unchanged taken “in light of the continued Russian position on Palestinian Israeli Iranian interference in the affairs of issue.” He then continued, “We agreed for Yemen hold talks the Kingdom of Bahrain without any on many things, need to fight terror- legal deterrent or moral limits as well ists, promote political settlement in as its unlawful attempts and prac- Syria in compliance with the Geneva tices to create sectarian strife and communique, and in consent NEW YORK: First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of both at the Foreign Ministry and at the UN headquarters. Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- Also, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah met impose its hegemony and control between regime and opposition.” Sabah has met with the UN Secretary General’s Special with staff members of the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry par- over the entire region.” Kuwait delegation included Assistant Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on the side- ticipating in the 70th UN General Assembly meeting. He The ministry noted that Tehran is Deputy Foreign Minister for the line of the 70th UN General Assembly meeting. The informed the staff members on the Foreign Ministry’s doing this through “reprehensible Minister’s office Ambassador Sheikh meeting touched on the latest situation in Yemen and future plans and called on them to spare no effort in rep- tools and means which include; sup- Dr Ahmad Nasser Mohammad Al- means to bring peace and security in Yemen. Sheikh resenting their country. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled thanked porting subversion, terrorism and Sabah, Assistant Foreign Minister for Sabah Al-Khaled expressed Kuwait’s keenness on meas- Kuwait’s permanent envoy to the UN Headquarters in incitement to violence through mis- the GCC affairs Nasser Al-Muzayyen ures to end violence in Yemen. The meeting was attend- New York, Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi for his efforts leading media campaigns as well as and Ambassador to UN Mansour ed by a number of Kuwaiti diplomats and representatives in serving Kuwait. — Agencies assisting terrorist groups in the smug- Ayyad Al-Otaibi. — Agencies LOCAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

KUWAIT: Acting Deputy Foreign Minister and Assistant Foreign Minister for European Affairs Walid Al-Khabeizi and other officials and guests are seen during a celebration at China Embassy. —Photos by Joseph Shagra and KUNA Kuwait eyes Schengen visa agreement

KUWAIT: Acting Deputy Foreign Minister and reporters. He made the comments during a reviewing Kuwait’s file, he pointed out, noting growing steadily over the last decades, noting Assistant Foreign Minister for European Affairs celebration at China Embassy here to mark the that this issue will be raised during the visit of that Kuwait was the first country to establish Walid Al-Khabeizi said Thursday night that country’s national day. Kuwait is following up German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter diplomatic ties with China. Kuwait has four luck is on Kuwait’s side in the quest for secur- sound and firm steps in the negotiations with Steinmeier to Kuwait next week. “Kuwait pins representation missions in China which play a ing a visa agreement with the Schengen zone. the Schengen zone particularly after the adop- high hopes on support to its bid from key role in strengthening the bilateral ties in “The majority of the 26 Schengen zone coun- tion of the electronic passport system, he said. Germany which is considered the mainstay of all domains, he said, adding that the two tries are interested in Kuwait’s application for The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact the Schengen zone,” Al-Khabeizi went on. On countries signed 35 agreements on coopera- visa agreement,” Ambassador Al-Khabeizi told with the European Commission which is the relations with China, he said they kept tion in various fields. —KUNA Al-Salem mosque robbed KMA, MSF ink

By Hanan Al-Saadoun agreement KUWAIT: Kuwait Medical Association (KMA) KUWAIT: A muezzin working in an Abdullah Al-Salem mosque reported that an and the organization for doctors without bor- unidentified robber climbed into the ders, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) signed mosque from an open window and stole on Thursday a cooperation agreement to two plasma TV sets, which he took out enhance experiences on both ends. The through the door he opened from inside. A agreement, first of its kind for Kuwait and the case was field and further investigations are Middle East, will help KMA members join and in progress. participate with their colleagues in MSF in doing their tasks and helping suffering people KD6,000 stolen around the world due to natural disasters or A Lebanese owner of a Salmiya beauty wars, and to provide medical and humanitari- salon reported that an unidentified robber an services, KMA President Mohammad Al- had broken into her salon and stolen Mutairi said in press release. Al-Mutairi added KD6,000 from a safe, said security sources. the agreement comes from KMA duty and The woman said that reaching the salon as believe in being part of this world and to usual in the morning, she found the front reflect on its humanitarian role in various door was forced open and the safe was bro- fields. ken with the money missing. A case was field KMA chief added that MSF provide medial and further investigations are in progress. and humanitarian aid to suffering people from violence or natural disasters in 65 coun- Accident kills one tries. Established in 1963, KMA the first profes- A citizen was instantly killed and a bedoon injured when their vehicles collided along sional association in the Arabian Gulf, which Subbiya road, said security sources. includes approximately 12,000 male and female physicians working in the public and Mangaf school fire private sectors in Kuwait. MSF established in Fire broke out in a Mangaf school, said 1971, in the aftermath of the Biafra secession, security sources, noting that firemen from by a small group of French doctors and jour- Mangaf station rushed to the scene and nalists who believed that all people have the found that the fire was in the school’s right to medical care regardless of race, reli- assistant director’s office. The fire was con- gion, creed or political affiliation, and that the trolled and was prevented from spreading needs of these people outweigh respect for to the rest of the school. No casualties national borders. —KUNA were reported. LOCAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Kuwaiti-funded charitable complex for Syrian refugees inaugurated in Jordan

MAFRAQ: A Kuwaiti-funded charitable develop- charitable work. On his part, Dr Suleiman Al- crisis. He lauded the role of Ambassador Al-Duaij ment complex containing a school, an orphanage Shatti, Chairman of Kuwaiti NGO, Bonyan society in supporting charitable action in Jordan and facil- and a mosque for Syrian refugees was inaugurat- said in a joint statement to KUNA and Kuwaiti TV itating measures pertaining to the implementa- ed on Thursday. The complex was established in that the society adopted the idea of project which tion of relief and humanitarian projects provided an area of 6500 square meters - and its cost was financed by Kuwaiti charitable organizations by Kuwait to Jordanians across the country. reached one million US dollars. The inauguration and philanthropists. Meanwhile, Walid Al-Suwailem, an official of the ceremony was attended by Kuwaiti Ambassador He underlined the importance of Kuwaiti dona- Kuwaiti-based Social Reform Society, expressed to Jordan Dr Hamad Al-Duaij and a number of tion in establishing this charitable project, noting his hope that the Kuwaiti support would continue donors and officials of Kuwait’s charities as well as that the society has carried out so far about 108 to help war-traumatized families and children some specialists in the area of humanitarian and charitable campaigns since the outbreak of Syrian across the country. —KUNA KFSD partakes in Texas ‘Firefighter Challenge’ event

By Hanan Al-Sa’doun

KUWAIT: A team from Kuwait Fire Services Directorate (KFSD) is due to take part in the Texas Firefighter Challenge Event in Texas, USA. KFSD’ Deputy Director for Human Resources Development Major General Khalid Yousif Al- Terkait said that the event (held annually for over 12 years now) has been attract- ing participants from all over the world. Al-Terkait added that the event main- ly depends on firemen stamina and encourages them to regularly work out Kuwaiti Ambassador opens to maintain high fitness lev- els. “Competitors will have to wear full gear and oxy- cultural center in Albania gen masks during the con- tests”, explained Al-Terkait, KUWAIT: noting that competitors Kuwaiti Ambassador to Albania Najib Al-Bader yes- pointed out that building this project reflects deep bilateral would have to finish five terday opened a cultural center in the northern city of Tropoje, ties and promotes cultural exchange between the two coun- tasks including climbing up Albania, to develop the country’s educational infra-structure. tries. Tropojeís chief of municipality, who attended the open- Major General Al-Terkait a five floor building stairs, The cultural center is funded by the Kuwaiti Cabinet and it ing ceremony, lauded Kuwait’s initiatives to improve his coun- pull fire hoses up, run down- offers various educational and cultural courses in the fields of tyís educational and cultural infrastructures, in addition to oth- stairs and pull a 175 pound dummy in less than two minutes. computer sciences and foreign languages. The Kuwaiti envoy er fields. —KUNA “Our team’s previous results were satisfactory after winning the second and third places in UAE’s international champi- onship”, Al-Terkait underlined - wishing KFSD team the best luck in the championship due in the period of October 2-4.

Fishing completely banned within Kuwait Bay

KUWAIT: EPA’s deputy chairman, was decided on a meeting held with issued this month - afterwards, individual Engineer Mohammed Al-Enezi announced PAAFRA, the Municipality, EPA, MPW and picnic fishing might be allowed in limited that the National Committee for ‘Studying the Ports Authority. “The ban includes catches. Meanwhile, EPA chairman, Sheikh Fish Death’ has decided to ban fishing individual and commercial fishing and will Abdullah AL-Ahmed stressed that EPA within Kuwait Bay until further notice. Al- be in effect until the executive regulations would impose the environmental law Kuwaiti Ambassador to Ghana Mohammad Al- Enezi justified the decision by what he of the amended environmental law num- equally on all and that it would be very Failakawi meets Ghana Vice President Kwesi described as the critical ecological situa- ber ‘99/2015’, he underlined, noting that strictly put into practice to stop violations Amissah-Arthur. tion within the bay and stressed that it the executive regulations chart would be on marine environment. —Al-Anbaa

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Israeli troops hunt Germany in flux fetes 25 Deadly attacks claimed by killers of couple 8 years of post-Wall unity 10 Islamists in Bangladesh 12

LESBOS: Refugees and migrants arrive at the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean sea from Turkey yesterday. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the European Union’s decision to inject $1 billion to help countries overwhelmed by Syrian refugees, but said more must be done to relocate migrants. — AFP 31 migrants found in refrigerated truck Orban attacks Croatian counterpart over migrants

LILLE: French authorities yesterday found 31 England. were willing to send more than 100 police Trading barbs migrants crammed into a refrigerated truck, On Tuesday, a 20-year-old man was found and soldiers to help Hungary defend its Politicians from the two countries have alive but freezing, police said. “At around dead inside a lorry near the port of Calais, European Union borders, which could include been trading barbs since Hungary’s decision 7:30am (0530 GMT), 31 people were found crushed to death by wooden pallets. And the the border with Croatia. That could create the on Sept. 15 to close its border with Serbia inside a refrigerated heavy goods vehicle in a evening before, 15 migrants were found awkward situation of EU members guarding with a high fence protected by razor wire, layby on the A16,” police said. inside a tanker in Arras, some 95 kilometres the borders of a fellow member country with police and soldiers. Hungary’s foreign minis- The discovery was made near Dunkirk on (60 miles) further south, where they had been troops. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor ter, Peter Szijjarto, last month called France’s northern coast. A three-year-old in contact with a toxic substance containing Orban said that the parties in the Socialist Milanovic’s handling of the migrant crisis child was among the group. All but one of lead, although none of them showed any International, which includes Croatian Prime “pathetic,” while Milanovic said Hungary’s them were described as “safe and sound” adverse symptoms. Minister Zoran Milanovic’s Social Democratic border fences were a disgrace. despite the fact the temperature inside was On August 27, the decomposing bodies of Party, support migration, think the wave of Thousands of migrants a day are streaming “less than a degree” (under 34 degrees 71 people were found inside a truck at the migrants reaching Europe is a “good thing” into Hungary from Croatia, through which Fahrenheit), police said. side of an Austrian motorway in a discovery and their leaders “are following the orders not they were forced to detour because of the It was not immediately clear how long they which sparked a horrified response across so much of their people as of the Socialist fence. They are searching for clear paths had been inside the truck. Most of the group Europe as it struggles with its worst migration International.” toward Germany and other destinations in said they were Syrian nationals but one was crisis since World War II. Orban said on state radio that “we don’t the European Union. Vietnamese, police added. The driver, a consider what the Croatian prime minister Hungarian officials say they are close to Spanish national, was apparently unaware of Defending EU borders says to be the opinion of the Croatian peo- completing a fence on the Croatian border as their presence, telling police he had pulled Meanwhile, Hungary’s prime minister lam- ple.” “When they hear the Croatian prime well. Czech Interior Minister Milan Chovanec over when he heard “noise coming from his basted his Croatian counterpart yesterday, minister, I ask Hungarians not to hear a said yesterday the matter of Czech help with trailer”. accusing him of being the envoy of a global Croatian man but an envoy of the Socialist border control in Hungary would be dis- He said the lock of the truck had been left-wing organization with the job of attack- International who is supposed to attack cussed Oct. 8 at a meeting with his counter- forced and, unable to open it, had called the ing Hungary - some the strongest statements Hungary,” Orban continued, adding that he parts from Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. police. Thousands of migrants have headed yet in neighborhood disputes caused by the had refrained from criticizing Milanovic until All four countries in the so-called Visegrad towards France’s northern coast in the hope migrant crisis. now in the interest of the long-term relation- Group, or V4, are in the EU’s Schengen zone of of finding passage across the Channel to Officials in the Czech Republic said they ship between their countries. passport-free travel. — Agencies INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

UN human rights body passes Saudi proposal on Yemen

GENEVA: A leading human rights advocacy The measure that passed yesterday government to take measures to protect support further action by the council if group yesterday accused the top UN human came after Dutch diplomats this week aban- civilians, and calls on armed militia groups human rights don’t improve in Yemen. rights body of failing to improve scrutiny of doned a separate proposal calling for an to release political prisoners. It asks the UN The resolution came on the last day of abuses in war-torn Yemen by approving a international fact-finding mission in Yemen. human rights chief to report next year on the 30th session of the 47-member council, resolution presented by Saudi Arabia - a Human Rights Watch, in a statement, called the situation - though no debate on the which was created in 2006 to keep an inter- major participant in the conflict. the Saudi-led resolution “deeply flawed” matter is so far planned. national spotlight on rights abuses on The Human Rights Council vote by con- and said the Dutch backed down only after The United States, which has supported around the world - even if it cannot compel sensus calls for Yemen to receive “technical “intense pressure from Saudi Arabia.” the Saudi-led military campaign notably countries to act. assistance” on improving human rights. The “By failing to set up a serious UN inquiry with midair refueling aircraft, initially sup- Separately yesterday, Unicef said that at UN estimates that more than 2,300 civilians on war-torn Yemen, the Human Rights ported the Dutch resolution but also said it least 505 children have been killed in have died since fighting escalated in the Council squandered an important chance to was seeking compromise. Yemen, more than 600 have been recruited poor Arab Peninsula country in March, deter further abuses,” said Philippe Dam, its US Ambassador Keith Harper decried the as child soldiers, and 1.7 million are facing notably involving air power from a US- Geneva deputy director. “terrible humanitarian toll” carried out by all the risk of malnutrition as infrastructure backed, Saudi-led coalition. The Saudi-led proposal calls on Yemen’s sides in the conflict, and said the US would crumbles. — AP

Thousands of Iraqis rally for reforms

BAGHDAD: Thousands of Iraqis demonstrated in Baghdad and several other cities yesterday, urging the government to deliver on its promised reform package aimed at tackling corruption and improving services. Iraqis have been staging weekly protests since July. The movement that stemmed from exasperation over power cuts in the searing summer heat gradually led to broader demands for political reform. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, with backing from the coun- try’s most revered Shiite religious cleric, announced a reform package but change has been slow to materialise and the protests have continued. “Baghdad will no longer be silent,” chanted thousands of protesters in the capital’s Tahrir (liberation in Arabic) Square. Regular protesters-dominated by secular groups, journalists, artists and social activists-were joined yester- day by supporters of Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr. “Our participation in the protests continues because the scope of Abadi’s reforms is limited,” said Bashir al-Saadi, a young Sadr supporter. He claimed the prime minister was restrained in his efforts by his own Dawa party-of which his predecessor and rival Nuri al-Maliki is also a member-and other parties. Some civil society activists who have taken part in the protest movement since it began argued that the Sadrists should put their own house in order before campaigning against corruption in the state. “They are part of the government so they should start by removing their own ministers and MPs in front of the JERUSALEM: Israelis mourn next to the newly dug graves of Eitam and Naama Henkin, who were killed by suspected Iraqi people,” said Abu Ammar, 51. Palestinian gunmen the previous night as they were driving through the occupied West Bank, following their funeral in “Right now they are protesting against themselves, it doesn’t Jerusalem’s cemetery yesterday. Israel deployed hundreds of troops in a hunt for suspected Palestinian gunmen after make sense,” he said, surrounded by protesters waving the the couple were killed in front of their children in the West Bank. — AFP national flag and holding up banners demanding bread, free- dom and social justice. The demonstration, held under heavy protection from the Israeli troops hunt police, army and the Sadrists’ own security service, passed off without incident. Several smaller protests were also held in other cities, including the main southern hub of Basra, the Shiite shrine killers of couple city of Karbala and Nasiriyah. — AFP EU calls for justice as well as restraint

BEIT FURIK: Hundreds of Israeli troops were middle of the road, and next to it, a man in his does not aggravate the situation further,” it hunting yesterday for suspected Palestinian 30s lay on the ground with upper body gun- said. Apprehensive of rising tensions among gunmen after the killing of a settler couple as shot wounds,” Boaz Malka was quoted as say- settlers and Palestinians, the army said it would they drove through the occupied West Bank ing by Israeli media. Thursday’s shooting came be deploying “four battalions in order to pre- with their young children. hours after Prime Minister Benjamin vent an escalation of violence in the area adja- Eitam and Naama Henkin, both in their 30s, Netanyahu’s address to the United Nations cent to the location of the attack.” were shot dead in their car on Thursday night General Assembly, and a day after that of An AFP journalist saw Israeli soldiers search- as they travelled between the settlements of Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, who ing cars along roads around the attack site. In Itamar and Elon More, in the north of the said that Israel’s refusal to release prisoners and the Palestinian village of Beitillu, a short dis- Palestinian territory.Their four children, aged stop settlement activity was hampering fresh tance from Neria, assailants torched a car and between four months and nine years, were peace talks. spray-painted “Revenge Henkin” in Hebrew on found unharmed in the back of the vehicle. a nearby wall, the army said, noting that Israeli security forces were conducting an ‘Palestinian incitement’ nobody was hurt. The Henkins were buried “intensive search” on the ground combined Netanyahu condemned the killings, which yesterday in Jerusalem’s Har Hamenuhot with intelligence efforts, said army spokesman he called “the effects of Palestinian incite- cemetary at a ceremony attended by thou- BAGHDAD: Iraqis wave their national flag and banners Arye Shalicar. The Henkins were residents of ment,” vowing security services would work to sands of mourners, including their oldest child reading in Arabic: “No, no to corruption” as they demon- the central West Bank settlement of Neria, “capture the murderers and improve security Matan, and Israeli President Reuben Rivlin. strate against corruption in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square northwest of Ramallah. They “were massacred for all Israeli citizens”. The European Union “We will fight terror without fear, mercy or yesterday. Thousands of Iraqis demonstrated in the right in front of their four children,” said Peter called for justice as well as restraint. “Even in cowardice,” Rivlin told the crowd. Tensions Iraqi capital and several other cities, urging the govern- Lerner, another spokesman for the Israeli mili- the face of such a crime, restraint and calm are have been running high between Israeli police ment to deliver on its promised reform package aimed tary.A paramedic described the scene of the needed on all sides to ensure that the violence and Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa mosque com- at tackling corruption and improving services. — AFP shooting as “difficult”. “We saw a car in the witnessed yesterday and in recent months pound in Jerusalem. — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Angry Obama calls for action as 10 dead Trump and Carson’s attacks in school massacre on Muslims worry GOP elders

ROSEBURG, Oregon: A visibly angry President Barack Obama has made an impassioned plea for gun control after a shooting at an Oregon col- ‘If I win, they’re going back’ lege left 10 dead and seven wounded, saying such tragedies had become “routine”. In the close-knit community of Roseburg, large crowds turned WASHINGTON: The candidates atop the GOP out for a candlelight vigil for the victims of Thursday’s killing spree at presidential field are ramping up political Umpqua Community College, which ended with the assailant dying dur- attacks aimed at Muslims, a move designed to ing a shootout with police. appeal to hardline conservatives. But party “Somehow this has become routine,” Obama said of the attack, as he elders worry that escalating anti-immigrant blasted Congress for its failure to act in the face of such killings. “We’ve rhetoric could cost Republicans the White become numb to this... It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to House in 2016. inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun. Prayers are The aggressive words, in particular from not enough,” the stony-faced president said. “We can actually do some- front-runners Donald Trump and Ben Carson, thing about it, but we’re going to have to change our laws.” have exacerbated a widening rift between the Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin said 10 people were killed and GOP’s pragmatic and ideological wings as the seven were injured, several critically. Witnesses described scenes of terror party tries to avoid losing a third consecutive and panic as the tragedy unfolded at the school, located in a picturesque presidential election. rural region of Oregon. The gunman - identified by US media as 26-year- His relationship with the nation’s Hispanic old Chris Harper Mercer - opened fire in a classroom, then moved to other community already strained, Trump vowed rooms, methodically gunning down his victims. on Wednesday to deport any Syrian refugee One man whose daughter was wounded told CNN that the gunman, taken in by the US Most likely would be who did not attend the school, ordered students to identify themselves if Muslim, and Trump warned they could be they were Christian and then shot them. “They would stand up and he Islamic State militants in disguise. said ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just “If I win, they’re going back,” the billionaire about one second’,” Stacy Boylan told CNN, relaying his daughter Ana’s businessman said. Carson, a retired neurosur- account. He said his daughter, who survived by playing dead, told him geon, launched a petition on Thursday chal- the shooter burst into the classroom and first shot the professor point lenging the nation’s largest Muslim advocacy blank. As the community struggled for answers, the gunman’s motives - group’s tax-exempt status, escalating his whether religious hatred or a desire for notoriety - remained unknown. It ongoing rift with the US Muslim community. Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump. is not known whether he had a history of mental illness. The Council on American-Islamic Relations last month called for Carson to quit the presi- added, “The rhetoric has been terribly unfor- general.” Yet there is some evidence that anti- ‘Not a Friendly Type’ dential race after he said a Muslim should not tunate in many respects.” Foreign policy ana- Muslim rhetoric resonates with voters in both Neighbors described Mercer as a withdrawn, anxious young man who serve as president. He has since clarified his lyst Rula Jebreal cited a sharp shift in the parties. A June Gallup poll found that 54 per- lived with his mother. They told the New York Times he wore the same position, stating he wouldn’t support a radical GOP’s present-day tone compared to 2008 cent of Republicans would not vote for a well- outfit every day - combat boots, green army pants and a white T-shirt. “He Muslim who did not support the Constitution. Republican presidential nominee John qualified Muslim nominee from their own was not a friendly type of guy,” Bronte Hart, who lived in the apartment And in a Thursday radio interview, Carson said McCain and former President George W. party; 39 percent of independents and 27 per- below Mercer’s in Winchester, Oregon, told the newspaper. “He did not the same standard should apply to a Supreme Bush, who visited a mosque shortly after the cent of Democrats said the same. want anything to do with anyone.” At the candlelight vigil, families Court justice. 9/11 terrorist attacks to demonstrate religious The US Muslim population is growing, prayed, consoled one another and held their children tight in the chill He said Islam is “a lifestyle” that he’d “need tolerance. according to a May survey by the Pew night air. They brought flowers and made signs and arranged candles to to know about” before making an appoint- “Islamophobia is now an industry,” Jebreal Research Center, which found the group form the letters UCC, the college’s initials. ment to the nation’s highest court. “If I were said. “In the long run it will hurt the remains extremely small, representing just The college draws 3,300 students from surrounding communities, so the one nominating such a person, I would Republican Party and it will hurt the country in under 1 percent of the US population. — AP the loss was close to home for many in Roseburg. “Pretty much ‘every- spend a good deal of time looking at their body knows everybody’ type scenario,” Douglas County fire marshall Ray background and seeing if it is consistent with Shufler said. “So something like this affects many, many, many people.” the kinds of standards that we expect from Hurricane batters Bahamas, Cassandra Welding, a student at Umpqua, said she heard 35 to 40 shots such a position,” Carson told conservative coming from an adjacent classroom and saw a fellow student get shot as radio host Hugh Hewitt, adding that a nomi- likely heading up US East Coast she opened the door to check on the noise. “Then we locked the doors, nee would have to publicly reject Islamic law. turned off the lights and ... we were all pretty much in panic mode and There are currently no Supreme Court NASSAU: Slow-moving Hurricane ing the mobilization of National Guard called 911 and our parents and (said) ‘I love yous’ because we didn’t know vacancies and no presidential candidates Joaquin pounded the Bahamas for a sec- troops, in preparation for the storm. what would happen, if those were our last words.” adhere to Muslim law, although some conser- ond day with powerful winds and waves “I cannot stress enough that we are Brady Winder, another student at Umpqua, said he was in class when vatives have repeatedly tried to link President yesterday but it was not expected to be a talking about the real possibility of deadly suddenly he heard a loud pop coming from an adjoining classroom. He Barack Obama to Islam. He is a Christian. major threat to the U.S. East Coast, the U.S. flooding in many areas around our state,” said his teacher called out through the door to see if everything was OK Carson’s fortunes have surged since he first National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory told and then further shots rang out. “We all kind of froze and bolted out the said he wouldn’t support a Muslim president. An easterly shift in the forecast track of a news conference on Thursday. door,” Winder said. “I didn’t really have any time to think. It was fight or He raised roughly $700,000 and added more Joaquin spared the Carolinas, New York There were no immediate reports of flight.” County Sheriff Hanlin said police were alerted to the shooting at than 100,000 Facebook friends in the 36 hours and New Jersey, where Sandy killed more deaths or injuries from the Bahamas but 10:38 am and rushed to the site where two officers cornered the gunman after making the comment, said campaign than 120 people and caused $70 billion of photos posted on social media on Aklins and exchanged fire with him. He was later confirmed dead. — AFP manager Barry Bennett. property damage in October 2012. and Long Island showed major flooding The focus on Islam comes as Republicans “The forecast models continue to indi- with roads under water and waves wash- work to repair a strained relationship with the cate a track farther away from the United ing against the walls of houses. nation’s surging Hispanic population, a critical States east coast and the threat of direct Schools and business were closed on voting bloc in presidential elections. The U.S. impacts from Joaquin in the Carolinas and several islands as residents prepared for Muslim population is a fraction of the size of mid-Atlantic states appears to be decreas- the storm. “People are all getting ready, the Hispanic community, yet the party’s over- ing” rhe NHC said. Despite the more favor- shuttering up their houses, going to the all tone could complicate broader outreach able outlook, the NHC said Joaquin could store for plywood,” said Chris Gosling who efforts. still cause flooding from South Carolina to runs a voluntary ambulance service in Political observers in both parties agree, New England. The Miami-based NHC said Eleuthera, population 8,000. At 11 p.m. among them, the GOP’s 2012 presidential the hurricane, a potentially catastrophic EDT (0300 GMT), the NHC said the storm nominee Mitt Romney. More than anything, Category 4 storm on a scale of 1 to 5, was was moving west at only three miles (5 he said of his lessons from his failed cam- poised to make a sharp northerly turn on km) per hour. paign, is that Republicans must do a better Friday. Joaquin’s hurricane-force winds, which job at connecting with minority voters. The third hurricane of the 2015 extended 50 miles (80 km) from its center, “I think it’s been unfortunate that some of Atlantic season, Joaquin was about 15 were forecast to miss the larger Bahamas the rhetoric has so clouded the picture that miles (20 km) east of Long Island, with islands and the main cities and cruise ship ROSEBURG: People pray during a candlelight vigil in some people think we’re anti-immigrant. maximum sustained winds of 130 miles ports of Freeport and Nassau. Roseburg, Oregon late on Thursday, for nine people killed Nothing could be further from the truth,” per hour (215 kph), the NHC said. Storm surges will push water as high and seven others wounded in a shooting at a community Romney said, prompting audible laughs of The governors of New Jersey, Virginia, as 5 to 10 feet (1.5 to 3 meters) above nor- college in the western US state of Oregon. The shooter — disbelief from the crowd gathered at a North Carolina, South Carolina and mal tide levels in the central Bahamas, the identified by US media as Chris Harper Mercer, 26 — Washington conference on Wednesday. Maryland all declared states of emergency NHC said, with up to 20 inches (51 cm) of opened fire in a classroom at Umpqua Community College “Hey guys. My party is pro-legal immigra- and announced various measures, includ- rain possible in some areas. — Reuters in rural Roseburg, then moved to other rooms methodical- tion. Massively,” Romney pleaded and later ly gunning down his victims, witnesses said. — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

One in five of PM Cameron’s lawmakers favour ‘Brexit’

LONDON: As many as one in five of British Ahead of next week’s party gathering, “If we go down the current path where the staying in. A second Eurosceptic Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron’s lawmakers is research from the London-based Open government is asking for very little and there- lawmaker, who declined to be named, said likely to vote to leave the European Union in a Europe think-tank, which lobbies for EU fore will come back with very little ... I would there was an understanding within the party referendum, research showed yesterday, with reform, showed that out of 330 lawmakers, 69 be amazed if a majority of Conservative MPs that it had to give Cameron a chance. the “Brexit” issue likely to dominate the par- are either “firmly out” or “out leaning” while don’t campaign to leave,” he said. “If the negotiations are as people fear, they ty’s annual conference next week. 203 could vote either way. are going nowhere, then he has got a real Cameron has promised to renegotiate The research, based on public statements Fundamental change problem on his hands. It is at that moment Britain’s EU ties ahead of a membership vote and voting on EU issues, showed just 14 law- “The prime minister has said he wants fun- that we get that information that the prime by the end of 2017. He favours staying in a makers were firmly for staying in the EU and damental change ... we need to carry through minister’s position becomes fair game,” he reformed EU but has said he will rule nothing 44 were leaning towards staying in. things we say to the public, so I would hope if said. Though the Open Europe research is an out if he cannot get changes, including curbs Eurosceptic lawmaker Steve Baker, co- the renegotiation position is as thin as it cur- assessment, it is one of the first publicly avail- on welfare payments to EU migrants. chairman of the Conservatives for Britain rently looks like is going to be, the govern- able indications of lawmakers’ views. “The Splits over Europe have long plagued group, which plans to push for exit if ment recommend we leave.” problem for Cameron is what it will take to Cameron’s party, contributing to the downfall Cameron does not get a better deal, said the Open Europe said 12 out of 21 members of persuade them he has got a deal that is worth of the last two Conservative prime ministers, numbers were fairly accurate but many of the Cameron’s cabinet were undecided, with five having,” said Tim Bale, Professor of Politics at Margaret Thatcher and John Major. undecided would later switch to “out”. leaning towards out and four leaning towards Queen Mary University London.— Reuters British teen jailed for Anzac Day terror plot

LONDON: Britain’s youngest person convicted of terrorism was sentenced yesterday to a minimum of five years in jail for plotting an Islamic State-inspired “massacre” on an Anzac Day parade in Australia. The boy, nicknamed “the terrorist” by his classmates, was ony 14 when he masterminded the plot to behead police officers at a memorial event in Melbourne, from his bedroom in Lancashire, northern England. He was handed a life sentence at Manchester Crown Court but may be released after five years under the terms of the ruling. The teenager, now 15, incited alleged Australian jihadist Sevdet Besim to carry out a “major terrorist plot” which had reached its “late stages” before being thwarted by police, Manchester Crown Court heard. Passing down the sentence judge Justice Saunders said: “Had the authorities not inter- vened, (the defendant) would have continued to play his part hoping and intending that the outcome would be the deaths of a number of people.” Sue Hemming, head of special crime and counter terrorism at Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service, said the planned attack on the national day of mourning for Australia and New Zealand’s military dead was “shocking in its brutality and scope.” Besim, 18, is awaiting trial in Australia next year. The pair exchanged more than 3,000 encrypted messages as they forged the plan, with the defendant-who played the role of BERLIN: A photo taken early 11 November 1989 shows West Berliners crowding in front of the Berlin Wall early 11 “organiser and adviser”-hailing Besim’s choice of weapon as November 1989 as they watch people trying to demolish a section of the wall in order to open a new crossing point “perfect for tearing through throat”, jurors heard. between East and West Berlin, near the Potsdamer Square. Germany celebrates today the Day of Unity to mark the 25th “It is clear that the purpose of this proposed attack was to anniversary of the unification of East and West Germany. — AFP promote the ideology and agenda of Isis,” prosecutor Paul Greaney told the court at a previous hearing, using an alterna- tive acronym for IS. Germany influx fetes 25 ‘Notorious’ In custody the defendant admitted that a “a massacre would have occurred” if police had not intervened, boasting years of post-Wall unity that it would have made him “notorious”. The Muslim boy had been radicalised and recruited by IS online and “quickly became a celebrity within the jihadi Twitter community”, his Annual party to be held in business capital Frankfurt lawyer James Pickup said. Arguing for a lenient sentence, Pickup said the defendant, who pleaded guilty in July to incit- BERLIN: Germany celebrates 25 years backed her policy of extending help to the had grown up in the last quarter-century ing terrorism overseas, accepted his crimes were “barbaric, today since its historic reunification just as world’s desperate people. Volunteers and felt capable of taking on new respon- immoral and wholly wrong”.—AFP a record influx of migrants and a massive have welcomed thousands with open sibilities-as long as she did not push it too cheating scam at iconic carmaker arms and mountains of donated clothing far. “There may be setbacks, naysayers or Volkswagen have sparked a national bout and other essentials in moving scenes people who express fears,” said Nolte of of soul-searching. Merkel said made her “proud of this coun- Berlin’s Free University, pointing to the The silver anniversary of the day com- try”. foothold gained by populist anti-migrant munist east Germany and the capitalist However as the numbers have grown, movements in eastern regions. west reunited as one country comes as Merkel’s popularity has shown signs of “But there is a large liberal middle class Europe’s top economy stands at a cross- slipping as she seeks to beat back rebels in Germany, particularly in the west, which roads. within her ruling conservative bloc who is doing relatively well economically, for This year, the annual party will be held say Germany has hit the limit of its capaci- whom this ‘we can do it’ feeling res- in the business capital Frankfurt and ty. In her latest weekly podcast, Merkel onates.” Chancellor Angela Merkel and President called on Germans to recapture some of The anniversary also coincides with Joachim Gauck, both of whom grew up that “can-do” spirit that gripped the coun- revelations about widespread pollution under communism, will attend cere- try in the heady months between the fall test cheating at Volkswagen, a global monies at a concert hall with the resonant of the Berlin Wall and the remarriage of champion virtually synonymous with the motto “Overcoming Borders”. east and west. “That general feeling-when ‘Made in Germany’ brand, that have shak- Merkel, who will mark 10 years in pow- we are faced with a major task that we can en the country’s self-image of righteous er in November, is grappling with a record achieve-that, I believe, we can absolutely success. influx of refugees and migrants fleeing remember how to do,” Merkel said. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, LISBON: In this Sept 17, 2015 photo, portuguese Prime war and hardship, whose numbers are the face of hardline Germany during the Minister Pedro Passos Coelho waits for the arrival of expected to hit a million by the year’s end. ‘Lust for fame’ eurozone debt crisis and one of the archi- opposition Socialist Party leader Antonio Costa before German voters, buoyed by a robust Historian Paul Nolte said Merkel had tects of German reunification, diagnosed their second election campaign debate in Lisbon. — AP economy and job market, have largely her finger on the pulse of a nation that “greed” at the root of the scandal.—AFP

INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Taleban leader says Afghan insurgency strong KABUL: The new leader of the Afghan Taleban said yes- with Tajikistan, was a huge boost for Mansoor whose Investigation launched terday that the capture of the northern city of Kunduz leadership of the Taleban had been questioned from the Ghani has launched an investigation into how the this week was a “symbolic victory” that showed the start. At the same time, it was a humbling defeat for Taleban, with only a few hundred gunmen, could have strength of the insurgency - even though the Taleban Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and raised questions overwhelmed the city, which was defended by a few pulled out of the city after three days. over whether the US-trained military was capable of thousand government troops. Still, the three-day occupation of Kunduz was “a his- defending the country now that most coalition forces In Kunduz, residents said sporadic firefights contin- toric event,” which was “celebrated by the ordinary peo- have withdrawn. ued Friday as troops swept the city street-to-street to ple of the city,” claimed Mullah Akhtar Mansoor. “The victory is a symbolic victory for us, and more- dislodge militants still hiding in people’s homes. The city Mansoor, who spoke to The Associated Press by tele- over, it is also a historical event which will be remem- was still without water and electricity, and supplies of phone from an unknown location, was appointed the bered,” Mansoor said. “People who said we were a small food and other basics were yet to come in. Hospitals Taleban leader in August, after revelations that the force with an unchosen leader can now see how wrong were running short of medicines and facing staffing group’s founder, Mullah Muhammad Omar, had died they were about the potential and strength my people problems, doctors said. more than two years ago. The Taleban captured Kunduz have.” The Taleban have been fighting to overthrow the “We urgently need medicine supplies because the in a blitz Monday and held it until Afghan government Kabul government since their 1996-2001 regime was battle is still going on and so we expect more casual- forces pushed them out of the city on Thursday. toppled in a US-led invasion. Kunduz was the first ties,” said Saad Mukhar, head of the city’s public health The fall and three-day occupation this important city provincial capital and urban area they have taken since department. Supplies sent from Kabul were being held of 300,000 residents, along a strategic road to the border then. up on way, he added.—AP Deadly attacks claimed by Islamists in Bangladesh Murders test Bangladesh claims that radical Islam in check

DHAKA: A string of slayings claimed by radi- the Italian aid worker, Cesare Tavella, in the Minister Khaleda Zia. Proscribing Jamaat-e- cal Islamic groups has Bangladesh scrambling diplomatic quarter of Dhaka. The Sunni Islami has alienated many of its followers and to contain what appears to be a rising tide of extremist group Islamic State claimed respon- “pushed Islamists to the edge,” said Pinak extremism, and it couldn’t have come at a sibility and vowed more such killings in Ranjan Chakravarty, a former Indian ambassa- worse time - the country’s fragile economic Muslim-majority countries. dor to Bangladesh. growth is faltering this year amid renewed The government dismissed the IS claim, He noted that Bangladesh also has a large political unrest. The secular South Asian saying there was no evidence. It described the number of madrasas, or Islamic schools, large- nation - traditionally moderate even if unsta- killing as an “isolated incident.” “There is no ly funded by Saudi Arabia and running their ble at times - has repeatedly insisted it has existence of the Islamic State here,” Home own religious curriculum. religious radicalism in check and is maintain- Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said Tuesday. ing peace among its 160 million people. That That may actually be true. Still, the attacks Dozens arrested claim was severely tested this week after an present a serious challenge for Hasina, who Police have arrested about a dozen peo- Italian aid worker became the fifth person to rose to power in 2008 largely on promises she ple suspected in the bloggers’ murders, be killed this year in attacks claimed by would crack down on the radicalism that has including two students of Islamic schools who extremist groups. been evident since 2001, when the militant said they were ordered by “someone” to carry KATHMANDU: A file picture taken on September 18, 2015 A foreigner being gunned down in the group Harkatul Jihad carried out a deadly out a killing in March, officials said. But shows Nepalese Prime Minister Sushil Koirala signing a final country’s capital is bad news for Bangladesh, bombing on New Year celebrations. authorities say they still do not know who copy of the newly passed constitution at the parliament in whose economy is heavily reliant on a $25 bil- In 2004, a grenade attack by the same that person is. Kathmandu. Koirala yesterday said he would ask Nepal’s pres- lion garment industry that produces clothing banned group killed 24 at an opposition rally, All four blogger attacks were claimed by ident to begin the process of forming a new government, fol- and fashion wear for international brands and in 2005 the group Jumatul Mujahedeen groups connected to Ansarullah, which lowing the country’s adoption of a new constitution. — AFP including Zara, Benetton and Gap. Bangladesh claimed to have set 500 small allegedly has ties to the al-Qaeda branch Hassan Shariar, a well-known political bombs that exploded in unison at more than launched in South Asia last year. But officials commentator and columnist, said even 300 locations across the country. say the claims can’t be verified. Nepal PM ‘will ask though the government won’t acknowledge Police raids on suspected militant hide- Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest it, there clearly are pockets of radical Islam in outs have been a hallmark of Hasina’s govern- countries. Its 160 million people are packed president’ in forming the country. “I don’t know why intelligence ment. Some of the banned groups’ leaders in almost every corner of the low-lying delta (agencies) failed to understand that things are are behind bars and on trial, while Hasina’s nation, living uneasily at the edge of islands new government going out of control,” he said. “It is clearly evi- allies accuse the country’s main Islamist politi- eroding or sinking into the Bay of Bengal. In dent ... that they are failing to contain it with cal party, Jamaat-e-Islami, of backing the recent years, the country has been trying to KATHMANDU: Nepali Prime Minister Sushil Koirala yesterday an iron hand.” Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina groups from a distance. A court revoked the recover from a string of horrific accidents said he would ask the president to begin the process of choosing has been cracking down on radicals. Police party’s registration in 2013, effectively barring linked to its garment industry, one of the his successor and forming a new government, following the have arrested dozens of suspected members it from contesting elections. But it continues bright spots in its $572 billion economy, country’s adoption of a new constitution last month. of various hardline militant groups in recent to be allied with the main opposition which is smaller than that of Chicago or “According to my public commitment and the present provi- years, including six that have been banned. Bangladesh Nationalist Party of former Prime Shanghai.—AP sions of the constitution... I will ask the respected president to Still, the violence has continued. In take forward the constitutional process to choose the new prime February, when cleaver-wielding attackers minister,” Koirala told parliament. killed an atheist writer and blogger, US citizen Koirala had pledged to step down after the constitution- Avijit Roy, authorities called it a random, iso- Nepal’s first to be drawn up by elected representatives-was lated incident executed by religious fanatics. adopted on September 20. It marked the final stage in a peace process that began when Maoist rebels laid down their arms in Online activists 2006 after a decade-long insurgency. The charter was meant to Then it happened again. And again. And end years of inequality and cement peace but bitter disputes again. In total, four bloggers and online over its provisions have sparked deadly protests and a blockade activists - all critics of radical Islam - have been of a key trade route by demonstrators that has forced nationwide hacked to death with meat cleavers in day- fuel rationing. More than 40 people have been killed in clashes time attacks. A hit list of 84 bloggers including between police and protesters representing ethnic minorities many living in Europe and the United States who say a new federal structure laid out in the constitution will has appeared online, allegedly posted by the leave them under-represented in the national parliament. Ansarullah Bangla Team - the same banned “I call on (protesting parties) to sit for dialogue and talks and militant group that claimed responsibility or solve the disagreements,” Koirala said. Work on the new constitu- involvement in killing the bloggers. tion began in 2008 after the Maoists won parliamentary elections Bangladesh intelligence officials have DHAKA: A Bangladeshi Muslim man sells decorative religious items at a wholesale and abolished the monarchy. But power-sharing squabbles refused to confirm the list as a threat, saying it market early morning in Dhaka, Bangladesh, yesterday. Bangladesh is one of the between parties stymied progress. Lawmakers finally reached could not be independently verified, though world’s poorest countries. In recent years, the country has been trying to recover agreement in June this year, spurred by a massive earthquake they arrested two of the group’s leaders in from a string of horrific accidents linked to its garment industry, one of the bright two months earlier that killed nearly 8,900 people and left half a Dhaka last month. Then on Monday, three spots in its $572 billion economy, which is smaller than that of Chicago or million people homeless. — AFP motorcycle-riding assailants gunned down Shanghai. — AP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Plane with 10 aboard missing in Indonesia Latest in string of air safety incidents

JAKARTA: Indonesian authori- British Aerospace 146-300 aircraft in the northern city of Medan, ties launched a search yesterday in the eastern province of Papua prompting the government to for a Aviastar airline Twin Otter in 2009, killing all six crew on promise a review of the ageing air turboprop aircraft with 10 people board. In August, a passenger air- force fleet. Struggling to cope on board that went missing on a liner crashed in Papua killing all with the expansion of air travel, domestic flight on Sulawesi 54 people aboard. More than 100 Indonesia scored poorly on a island. Indonesia has a patchy avi- people were killed in June in the 2014 safety audit by the UN avia- ation safety record and has had crash of a military transport plane tion agency. — Reuters three major air crashes over the past year, including an AirAsia flight that went down in the sea Rights activists condemn JAMMU: School children, dressed as Mahatma Gandhi, participate in an event to mark on a flight from Bali to Singapore Pakistan execution the birth anniversary of the independence leader in Jammu, India, yesterday. — AP in late December, killing all 162 people aboard. Gandhi and friend The Transportation Ministry LAHORE: Rights activists in Pakistan and from the European said a search has begun for the Union condemned the execution of a convicted murderer who aircraft that lost contact on a campaigners say was a juvenile when the crime was committed. honoured in Lithuania flight from the town of Masamba, Ansar Iqbal was accused of the killing after a quarrel when he about 30 minutes before its was was a student in 1994. He was executed on Tuesday. But Namra Gilani, a lawyer for the Justice Project Pakistan (JPP), said Friday VILNIUS: Lithuania yesterday unveiled a statue dedi- to help Gandhi set up Tolstoy Farm, the community scheduled to land in Makassar that Iqbal’s family had approached the advocacy group recently. cated to global peace icon Mahatma Gandhi and his that became the headquarters of his non-violence city. “It was around 60 nautical They said Iqbal, their only son, had been born in 1978, and so great friend Hermann Kallenbach, marking the 164th movement-a radical move in racially-segregated miles from Makassar,” ministry was under 18 at the time of the crime. The EU delegation to birthday of the Indian independence leader. South Africa. spokesman J.R. Barata told Pakistan issued a statement saying the court had reportedly The bronze statue shows Gandhi standing by Attending yesterday’s ceremony, Tushar Gandhi, MetroTV. “We have now started a refused to consider new evidence that proved his age, including architect Hermann Kallenbach, who was born to the leader’s great-grandson, drew parallels between search.” an official birth certificate. Jewish parents in what today is Lithuania, in a testa- the Indian and Baltic independence movements, both “Most importantly, we will “This adds to a growing number of cases where executions ment to a decades-long friendship which began in rooted in non-violent struggle. Whereas Gandhi work out its position first,” Barata have been carried out in Pakistan for crimes allegedly carried out Apartheid-era South Africa more than a century ago. inspired massive civil disobedience in India to shake said adding that 10 people - sev- by juveniles,” the statement said. The most high-profile case was Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius hailed the off British colonialism in 1947, the so-called “Singing en passengers and three crew - that of Shafqat Hussain, hanged in August for killing a seven-year- “friendship between two people, between two Revolutions” helped Lithuania and fellow Baltic states were on board. Aviastar, which old boy in Karachi in 2004 despite an international outcry after nations” as he unveiled the 1.8-metre (six-foot) statue Latvia and Estonia break free from the crumbling flies domestic routes, said it had claims he was a juvenile at the time and was tortured into confess- in the western town of Rusne. Both Gandhi and Soviet Union a quarter-century ago. lost contact with the aircraft in ing. Iqbal’s co-accused Ghulam Shabbir was eventually declared a Kallenbach, a German citizen, arrived in South Africa “We share the heritage of having won our inde- the mid-afternoon and it had juvenile and his death sentence commuted to 14 years imprison- as immigrants in their thirties. Gandhi developed a pendence from very strong, powerful coloniser. And then contacted search authori- ment. Pakistan has hanged dozens of convicts since ending a six-year deep friendship with the wealthy Kallenbach after we’ve both done it in almost identical manner-using ties. According to Aviation-safe- moratorium on executions last December, after Taliban militants massa- they met in 1903. mass protests which were non-violent,” Tushar, Aviastar has had four fatal cred more than 150 people-mostly children-at a school. — AFP The architect donated land and financial resources Gandhi said. — AFP incidents, including the crash of a INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Thai court grants suspended sentence over royal defamation

BANGKOK: A Thai court has handed a rare February. But the court showed leniency as the “Red Shirt” street movement, which Surprise decision suspended jail term to a man convicted for Niran, 50, realised his mistake and deleted supports fugitive former premier Thaksin Since grabbing power, the junta has royal defamation, his lawyer said Thursday, the post “within 10 minutes”, his lawyer Shinawatra. stepped up online patrols for perceived roy- as prosecutions under the controversial law Suwat Apaipakdi told AFP, reducing by half Niran, whose employer-the broadcaster al insults. In record sentences passed in surge in the junta-ruled nation. and then suspending an initial five-year ASTVManager-is known for its anti- August, a Thai court jailed a 48-year-old-man It is the first suspended sentence in a sentence. Shinawatra stance, told AFP Thursday that for 30 years for “insulting” the monarchy on lese majeste case handled by a military “The court said Niran is not that old so he “respected” the court’s decision. Facebook. The same day a woman received court under the regime, according to a local still has an opportunity to contribute to the Thailand’s long-running political conflict a 28-year jail term also for posts on the social legal body, in a country where the monar- country,” Suwat added. Prosecutions under broadly pits a Bangkok-based middle class media website. Their convictions drew chy is shielded by some of the toughest the archaic law have skyrocketed since and royalist elite, backed by parts of the severe international condemnation includ- royal defamation legislation in the world. Thailand’s military, self-designated protec- military and judiciary, against rural and ing from the United Nations. Younger Thais Niran Yaowapa was found guilty tors of the monarchy, seized power in a working-class voters loyal to Thaksin. have also not escaped the law. In February a Tuesday of posting a fake report about the coup last year. His younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra’s 23-year-old student and an activist, 26, were health of Thailand’s revered but ailing King Critics say the legislation has been government was ousted following months jailed for two-and-a-half years for lese Bhumibol Adulyadej, 87, on the website of politicised, noting that many of those sen- of street protests culminating in last year’s majeste over their roles in a satirical play set an ultra-royalist local broadcaster in tenced in recent years have been linked to May coup. in a fictional kingdom. — AFP Difficult to buy a gun in China, but not explosives China says suspect in explosions died in blasts

BEIJING: A series of deadly bomb blasts in largest economy, with a widening gap NO MOTIVE China this week has shown how easy it is to between rich and poor and growing anger at Police yesterday said the suspect in the acquire explosives in the country, revealing a corruption and environmental issues. attacks in Liuzhou, in the southwestern region major gap in its huge security apparatus as “Modern Chinese society has lots of con- of Guangxi, was Wei Yinyong, 33, who was the economy slows and anger grows over tradictions, and if people want to send a mes- believed to have been involved in a dispute issues like graft and poor public services. sage about their anger or make a point, they with neighbours, the official Xinhua news TOKYO: People shout slogans and hold placards during a In a country where firearms are banned for can get explosives from any mine,” said Pan agency said. He died on the scene, it added. demonstration to denounce Japan’s Prime Minister most people, the bombings in the southwest- Zhiping, a domestic security expert at the “It indicates a serious problem in China in Shinzo Abe in Tokyo yesterday. Japanese public support ern city of Liuzhou on Wednesday, and others Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences. “It sim- terms of public security. It reflects a lack of for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has dropped in the days in recent years around the country, demon- ply isn’t possible for the police to keep an eye effective control by the government to restrict since his ruling coalition rammed through legislation in strate lax enforcement of rules to control on everybody,” he added. access to these dangerous goods,” said Jian mid-September allowing the nation’s troops to fight access to bomb-making material. The ease at which explosives can be Zhang, a lecturer in international and political abroad, opinion polls showed recently. — AFP Private gun ownership is almost unheard obtained in the world’s second-largest econo- studies at UNSW Australia in Canberra. of in China as controls are so strict, meaning my was underscored in a court case posted On Thursday morning, another blast was Japan PM’s new slogan gun crime is rare. Explosives, on the other online earlier this year as part of a govern- reported in Liuzhou, although it only caused hand, are widely available from the sprawling ment transparency drive. minor damage and no casualties. It was not stirs memories of mining and fireworks industries. In September last year, a court in south- clear if it was linked to the previous day’s The 17 coordinated blasts across Liuzhou, western China’s Yunnan province jailed a man blasts. wartime rhetoric a relatively obscure part of China, destroyed for three years after finding more than 20 kg Guangxi is home to many mines, which one whole side of a low-rise residential build- of explosives, almost 100 detonators and 1.5 use explosives, and like the rest of China it will TOKYO: A new slogan adopted by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and ing, overturned vehicles and sent bricks show- km of fuses at his house. The man, whose sur- have lots of firework manufacturers. Last year, meant to show that all Japanese will benefit from economic growth is ering into the street, images carried by state name was given as Ren, told the court he had police in Liuzhou arrested a father and son raising eyebrows among those who see it as an eerie echo of wartime media showed. At least 10 people died and been easy to buy the material by saying it was who were “unhappy with society and wanted propaganda. more than 50 were injured. for work needs, according to the judgment. In revenge” and blew up trash cans in a public Abe unveiled the goal of building a “Society in Which All 100 million The suspect was himself killed at the fact, Ren said he had been buying the explo- square using home-made firecrackers, injur- People can be Active” after his re-election as ruling party chief late last scene, but such “sudden incidents”, as China sives and storing them at home for the last ing a female bystander, according to state month. He will create a new post to oversee the plan when he reshuffles refers to them, highlight broader government decade without any problems, though he media. his cabinet on Wednesday. worries about stability in the world’s second- seemed to have no violent intent. However, explosives are not often seen in Political insiders say the phrase describes a society in which all can violence in the far western region of Xinjiang, achieve their potential. The 100 million level is where the government where China says it is battling an Islamist wants to hold Japan’s shrinking population over the next five decades, insurgency, with tight security limiting access versus 126 million now. to bomb-making materials or guns. Knives are However, some bloggers and historians say the slogan recalls generally involved in the violence there. wartime rhetoric, such as a call for all “100 million” civilians, spanning State media microblogs have already Japan’s then-colonies of Korea and Taiwan, to be ready to die, rather begun speculating on the motive for the lat- than accept defeat, in World War II. est attack in Liuzhou, with some suggesting it “Abe-chan, is this a return to 1937 and a “Movement to Mobilise the was the result of a dispute over medical treat- National Spirit?” quipped one person on an internet chat board, address- ment, a cause of several violent incidents in ing the premier by a familiar diminutive, and referring to another recent years. wartime propaganda campaign. While the Chinese government has Asked about the perception that the phrase echoed wartime rheto- ramped up health spending, hospitals are fre- ric, a government source familiar with Abe’s thinking said, “The biggest quently overwhelmed with patients. Doctors meaning is ‘inclusive growth’.” Abe, 61, has often spoken of “escaping are also badly paid, leading to corruption and the post-war regime”, a legacy of the US occupation that conservatives suspicions that staff are more interested in say eroded national pride and traditional mores. making money by prescribing unnecessary “Whether he chose this slogan consciously or as a result of a mindset drugs and treatment than tending to the sick. that doesn’t think it is somehow problematic, I don’t know,” said Sven Property disputes in a country where the Saaler, a history professor at Sophia University in Tokyo. “But it comes government legally owns all land have also from a basic sympathy he has for prewar and wartime Japan.” led to unruly protests, fights with police, Political analysts say the new slogan and Abe’s three new “arrows” of imprisonment and even suicide, and created a economic policy, ranging from a strong economy, and support for chil- major headache for the stability-obsessed rul- drearing, to a stable social security system, are aimed at wooing voters ing Communist Party. ahead of an upper house poll next July. YANGON: Myint Myint Soe, right, a candidate for Myanmar opposition leader In 2011, a man apparently angry about Abe’s support has sagged over a controversial change in defence Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party, talks with a man as the illegal demolition of his home set off policy that could allow troops to fight abroad for the first time since she hands over a pamphlet during an election campaign event yesterday, in coordinated explosions at three sites near 1945. “It’s not only pre-war nostalgia. He needed to step up the rhetoric Yangon, Myanmar. Myanmar’s general elections are scheduled for Nov. 8, the government buildings in eastern China, for the election,” Saaler said. “ But I don’t think its coincidental that some- first since a nominally civilian government was installed in 2011. — AP killing two. — Reuters thing related to wartime propaganda came up.” — Reuters Government backs Air US job growth stumbles, Fast and easy loans come at BusinessFrance restructuring 16 raising doubts on economy18a price for small businesses 20

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Corruption plagues Tunisian economy 17

WOLFSBURG, Germany: In this Sept 29, 2015 photo, people leave a Volkswagen car factory. — AP VW rivals risk bigger blow Small diesel cars vulnerable to extra regulatory costs PARIS/BRUSSELS: Volkswagen’s cheating on emissions tests has may turn out to be more critically injured. was impossible before 2019. Behind the scenes, however, divi- soured the European car industry’s heavy bet on diesel, with The blackening of diesel, whose superior fuel-economy has sions have emerged over plans for tougher real-world tests, with Renault, Peugeot and Fiat Chrysler potentially facing bigger long- been crucial to meeting ever-tougher carbon emissions rules, Peugeot and Renault aggrieved to be sharing public blame for term setbacks than the company that sparked the crisis. In the may force carmakers to spend billions fixing their NOx problem, German foot-dragging. “There is now unanimous backing for the face of that perceived injustice, tensions are mounting behind the and billions more to bring forward rechargeable hybrids. The tests among mid-market carmakers, but not with the Germans,” a united facade that European manufacturers present to regulators, average CO2 limit for European carmakers’ fleets will fall from 130 French industry source said. “The sense of injustice is real.” some of their representatives say. VW’s use of a banned “defeat gm per km to 95 gm in 2021 - a goal carmakers say cannot be met Even before the scandal, new Euro 6 engine standards were device” has drawn scrutiny of more widely practiced test manipu- if diesel sales fall significantly. The industry now faces a hefty bill set to add as much as 600 euros per car in costs from which cus- lation which, although legal, has allowed real-world nitrogen just to “commercialize technology that may have a limited long- tomers see no obvious benefit, Renault-Nissan Chief Executive oxide (NOx) emissions to surge to more than seven times their term future”, Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas said. “On top of Carlos Ghosn told Reuters in an interview last week. “No con- European limits. this, they have the burden of developing alternative powertrains sumer is willing to pay (the extra) 500-600 euros,” he said. The A renewed push to close EU test loopholes promises to add at the same time.” conundrum reflects the magnitude of diesel’s rise since 1990, billions of euros to diesel engine costs already at the limit of Goldman Sachs believes a regulatory crackdown could add when it powered 14 percent of European cars. Helped by tax mass-market viability, hitting small-car brands hardest while shift- €300 per engine to diesel costs that are already some €1,300 breaks, it now claims more than half of the market. ing demand to hybrids, where the Europeans are several years above their petrol equivalents, as carmakers race to bring real But the fuel had already lost some ground after the World behind Japanese competitors. “This VW tidal wave will accelerate NOx emissions closer to their much lower test-bench scores. That Health Organisation declared it cancer-causing in 2013, prompt- the shift,” said a senior executive at a French supplier of diesel threatens the very existence of small diesel cars, which currently ing London and Paris to announce restrictions. NOx and particu- emissions technology. “Some carmakers aren’t ready for this.” account for about 60 percent of European sales by PSA Peugeot lates are blamed for many thousands of deaths each year. “We In the near term, VW will continue to suffer the worst repercus- Citroen and Renault, and 40 percent of Fiat’s. Premium and larger expect research and development investments to increase further sions of its test-rigging, exposed by US authorities on Sept 18. The models - a bigger part of VW’s sales - can more easily absorb the as manufacturers face new and more stringent rules,” said carmaker may raise new capital, a company source told Reuters extra outlay and still turn a profit. All four carmakers declined to Emmanuel Bulle, a director at credit ratings agency Fitch. Abrupt on Thursday, if the costs of recalling millions of vehicles, fines and comment on the longer-term impact of the emissions scandal. changes to engine programs, which often take two decades to lawsuits far exceed the 6.5 billion euros ($7.3 billion) it has set In a letter to EU policymakers this week, the industry’s main pay off, may “lead to material investment writedowns”, he added aside. But when the diesel soot eventually settles, smaller victims Brussels lobby group insisted that significant progress on NOx in a note.— Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Stocks fall, bonds climb over US payrolls report

NEW YORK: US and European stocks slipped betting on a return to more normal policy. and bond prices jumped yesterday, after a The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.82 weak US employment report suggested the percent to 16,138.72, the S&P 500 stocks economy may not be strong enough to index lost 0.75 percent to 1,909.32 and the allow the Federal Reserve to raise interest Nasdaq Composite dropped 0.51 percent to rates this year. The economy created an 4,603.43. extra 142,000 jobs in September, well short The pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 of the 203,000 forecast, and August numbers erased early gains in the wake of the payrolls were revised sharply lower to show only report and was down 0.4 percent. MSCI’s all- 136,000 jobs, the US Labor Department said. country world stock index declined 0.5 per- “It was a bit of a surprise because not cent. Bond prices jumped with benchmark only was it much weaker than expected but US Treasury yields falling to their lowest in July and August were revised down and not slightly over 5 months. The 10-year US up, so it clearly suggests the economy is a bit Treasury note was last up 1-3/32 in price to weaker than expected,” said Kate Warne, yield 1.9213 percent. The US dollar index of investment strategist at Edward Jones in St major currencies which had advanced Louis. “Everyone was hoping the rebound in before the employment report also slumped the second quarter would follow on into and was down 0.9 percent to 95.343 after NEW YORK: Wall Street Trader Gregory Rowe works on the floor of stronger growth and unfortunately that is hitting a two-week low of 95.218. not the case.” Years of cheap central bank In contrast, after falling to a two-week low the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. — AP cash after the 2007-2008 financial crisis have before the report, gold prices reversed course emerging markets led by China has hit com- with trading dampened due to a week-long supported asset prices, but recent signs of a and climbed more than 2.0 percent to last modities markets and related stocks like holiday in China. US crude dropped 1.4 cents slowdown in global economic growth and trade at $1,139.06 an ounce. Silver advanced Glencore this week and ramped up volatility. to $44.12 per barrel. Brent lost 1.1 percent to the Fed’s decision last month to postpone 0.6 percent to $15.05 an ounce. Concern Copper remained soft on slowdown worry, $47.18 as the soft payrolls report raised ques- raising interest rates have spooked investors about US monetary policy and slowdown in down 1.3 percent to $5,028.50 per tonne, tions about the demand outlook. — Reuters

Gold jumps 2% after US jobs data disappoints

LONDON: Gold jumped 2 percent yesterday after US payrolls data came in much weaker than expected, denting expectations that the Federal Reserve will push ahead with its first interest rate rise in nearly a decade this year. Payrolls outside of farming rose by 142,000 last month and August figures were revised sharply lower to show only 136,000 jobs added in August, the Labor Department said. Gold had earlier slid to its lowest in two weeks on expectations for an upbeat report that would support the case for a near-term rate rise. That would lift the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding bullion while boosting the dollar. It quickly rebounded in heavy volumes after the report, rising nearly 2 percent to a session high of $1,136.10 an ounce. Spot gold was up 1.9 percent at $1,135.20 an ounce at 1334 GMT, while US gold futures for December delivery were up $20.80 an ounce at $1,134.50. “The ... data was something of a surprise. It wasn’t a great reading the previous month, but that’s also been downgraded,” Mitsubishi analyst Jonathan Butler said. “This, together with inflation remaining low, probably means the Fed is going to have to blink once again before raising rates, and of course in the short term that’s positive for gold and precious metals.” PARIS: French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron addresses the media after meeting with Air France-KLM’s US and European stock markets sank in response to the drastically Chairman and Chief Executive Officer yesterday at the economy and finance ministry. — AFP poorer than expected US jobs numbers, while the dollar fell to a two- week low against the euro on expectations the Fed will hold off raising interest rates until early next year. Among other precious metals, plat- Government backs Air inum recovered to $906 an ounce, up 0.7 percent, after earlier slumping to $888 an ounce, its lowest since December 2008. — Reuters France restructuring Oil negative after Unions foresee 2,900 job cuts weak US jobs data LONDON: Oil fell yesterday, reversing earlier gains after non-farm pay- PARIS: Details emerged yesterday of Air the airline retires 14 long-haul planes and of the impending job losses. Another source on rolls data came in weaker than expected which clouded the demand France’s alternative restructuring plan, includ- reduces flights. the airline group’s board, which met yesterday, outlook from the world’s largest oil consumer. US employers slowed ing 2,900 job cuts and possibly the first forced Unions told AFP they expected at least said the 2,900 figure had been presented as an hiring over the last two months and wages fell in September, raising layoffs, as the government publicly backed the some compulsory departures. Economy estimate of overstaffing in 2017. “These points new doubts the economy is strong enough for the Federal Reserve to airline as it faces off with unions. Air France- Minister Emmanuel Macron said the govern- were presented to the board for information, raise interest rates by the end of this year. “The jobs data was lower KLM’s management on Thursday had given a ment supported the airline’s restructuring plans but no vote has been taken,” said Didier Dague than expected so it softens the picture for the US a bit,” said Olivier green light to alternative restructuring plan and urged the pilots’ and other unions to of the FO union. Jakob, analyst at Petromatrix in Zug, Switzerland. after negotiations with its pilots’ union on an assume their responsibilities in shaping the Global benchmark Brent fell 20 cents to $47.49 a barrel by 1308 initial cost savings plan failed. “The number of company’s future. The state still holds a 17.6 Unions Blast ‘Parody’ Talks GMT. The contract had closed the previous session down 68 cents. US jobs eliminated will be 300 pilots, 700 flight percent stake in Air France. “You have to look at The airline said details of the plan will be crude was 8 cents at $44.82 a barrel. The downward move was much attendants and 1,900 ground personnel,” one the figures - the group’s financial, industrial situ- presented to the central company works com- more muted than for other assets such as stocks due to weakness in union official said. ation is difficult. So you have to carry out mittee on Monday. Three unions have called on the dollar. “The weaker dollar is acting as an anchor for crude prices, to France’s former national airline has shed reforms and so the government supports the ground staff to strike on Monday. Didier stop it participating in a risk-off rout,” said Matt Smith, director of com- over 6,000 jobs in recent years, nearly 10 per- company down the path of reform,” Macron Fauverte of the CGT union said the restructur- modity research at ClipperData, an energy database and consultancy cent of its workforce, as it sought to come to said after talks with De Juniac. ing plan would include retiring five long-haul in New York. A weaker dollar supports oil demand by making it more grips with increasing competition from low- Prime Minister Manuel Valls had Thursday planes next summer and nine others in 2017. affordable to holders of other currencies. The oil market was factoring cost carriers and Gulf airlines. However those urged all sides - “and notably the pilots” - to Management’s plan also includes “a reduction in a risk premium over Syria, where Russia and the United States are jobs were cut via voluntary departures. Chief strive for solutions on delivering savings. Asside in the frequency and capacity” of certain desti- conducting bombing campaigns. The situation was complicated by executive Alexandre de Juniac said insisted he from De Juniac’s comments, the management nations on the long-haul network, half of which the arrival of hundreds of Iranian troops in Syria to join a ground offen- “favoured voluntary departures” and that of the airline which employed 52,000 at end are currently loss-making according to manage- sive in support of government forces. — Reuters forced layoffs would be a case of “last resort” as 2014 did not comment on the purported scale ment, he said. — AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Young women abandon Germany’s rural east

BERLIN: Quitzdorf am See offers charming development desperately needed to solve Schoenfeld in northeastern Germany, she educated than their male peers and more forest, heath and lakeside scenery, but shares eastern Germany’s economic problems and originally moved to Cologne to study busi- ambitious to seek their luck elsewhere.” a problem with other such communities in lack of innovation,” said Professor Raj ness management. “I soon realised that even Steffen Kroehnert, author of another study rural eastern Germany: Many of its young Kollmorgen, a sociologist who is studying the after finishing university there were no oppor- on the trend at the Berlin Institute for women have gone. A quarter century after phenomenon. tunities for me back home, I could never earn Population and Development, said the east Germany reunited, a general exodus from the Today marks the 25th anniversary of the as much and work in the field I want,” said was affected much more than other deprived former communist East is finally slowing and union of the two German states, separated Walter, who found employment at a small regions. “The deficit of women in eastern some cities are attracting new blood. throughout the Cold War and for 21 years by a consultancy. Germany is unprecedented in Europe. Even in However, the countryside is losing women, wall. Back in 1990, then Chancellor Helmut regions around the Arctic circle in the north of creating a demographic imbalance that is Kohl promised “flourishing landscapes” for A Selective Process of Emigration Sweden and Finland - areas which are particu- most acute among the young. In many affect- the former communist east but many of its In recent decades, girls have outper- larly suffering from a flight of young women ed communities only around 40 percent of enterprises soon collapsed under the new formed boys at school in a number of from the countryside - numbers do not even residents in the 18-29 age group are female market economy, prompting citizens to seek European countries. In eastern Germany, sig- touch those of eastern Germany,” he said. After and in Quitzdorf, the figure is just 27 percent. work in the west. Between 1991 and 2013, 3.3 nificantly more women than men pass the 25 years, unemployment across the east is on Quitzdorf, which lies close to the Polish million easterners went west, while 2.1 million “Abitur” exam which allows university entry, average four percentage points higher than in border, is popular with visitors who sail, wind- moved the other way, the Federal Statistics and the gender gap is wider than in western the West. In the state of Saxony-Anhalt, the rate surf or fish on its lake. But skilled, ambitious Office reports. Net migration from the east Germany. Worried local authorities have is 16.7 percent, two and a half times more than young women are heading out of Quitzdorf remains stubbornly negative, although it has tasked Zittau/Goerlitz College in the eastern the German average of 6.7 percent in 2014. and places like it in search of jobs with good slowed in the last two years and some cities state of Saxony with investigating the reasons Wages in the east lag those in the west by a prospects, leaving behind a body of often such as Leipzig have reported population behind the exodus of women. “We are now third and local social workers describe a culture demoralised young men with fewer educa- gains. Behind the overall figures, the female talking about a selective process of emigra- of emigration in poorer communities, with par- tional qualifications. “This is not just a demo- brain drain from the countryside continues tion, with the so-called top performers leav- ents, teachers and friends encouraging young graphic problem, but rather a cultural, social unabated. One example is 26-year-old ing,” said Kollmorgen, who leads the research women to leave if they want to achieve some- and economic disaster, blocking potential for Jennifer Walter. Born in the small village of project. “Young women on average are better thing in life. — Reuters

German new Corruption plagues car sales up in September Tunisian economy

FRANKFURT: New car registrations in Germany, a key Expert warn petty graft being trivialized measure of demand in one of the most important sec- tors of Europe’s top economy, rose in September, data TUNIS: Petty graft plagues Tunisia’s economy, showed yesterday, amid fears the Volkswagen pollu- nearly five years after state corruption triggered tion-cheating scandal could weigh on sales in the sec- the fall of president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, tor. A total of 272,500 new cars were registered last partly due to lack of political will, experts say. month, an increase of five percent compared with the Corruption was endemic under long-time dicta- figure for the same month last year, according to data tor Ben Ali, whose close circle - especially his compiled by the automakers’ federation VDA. wife’s family - had an iron grip on the economy. The number of new registrations of diesel-powered Public debate has again centred around the cars increased by eight percent in September, VDA topic after President Beji Caid Essebsi in July added, calculating that diesel cars accounted for 47 per- presented to the cabinet a draft “economic and cent, or nearly half, of the entire new car market in financial reconciliation” bill that would grant Germany. German auto giant Volkswagen is currently amnesty to those convicted of corruption if engulfed in a global scandal after admitting it had fitted they return stolen public money and pay fines. 11 million diesel vehicles worldwide with sophisticated Hundreds of Tunisians defied a protest ban software that can skew emission test results. last month to demonstrate against the draft Taking the first nine months of this year as a whole, law, which they see as absolving the “corrupt” accumulated car sales were up by six percent to 2.408 of their crimes. Several people have been jailed million vehicles, the data showed. VDA chief Matthias on corruption charges or have fled the country Wissmann said that “the German automobile market since Ben Ali’s ouster. Today, “large-scale cor- remains on a good path.” The sector was seeing dou- TUNIS: President of the national authority for the fight against corrup- ruption has been put on pause... notably ble-digit growth in new orders and there was also rising tion Samir Annabi speaks with AFP journalists on Sept 28, 2015 in the because there haven’t been any big projects export demand, Wissmann said. — AFP due to security, economic and social instability,” Tunisian capital. — AFP Samir Annabi, head of the national anti-graft Government ‘Held Hostage’ now being removed one by one.” The constitu- commission set up in late 2011, told AFP. But In total, corruption costs Tunisia the equiva- tion adopted in early 2014 provides for a new “petty corruption has been on the rise,” he said. lent of two percent of its gross domestic prod- “good governance and anti-corruption” author- “Ben Ali’s large-scale corruption has disap- uct, said a World Bank report titled “The ity, but it has still not been created. In May, peared to give way to the trivialisation of petty Unfinished Revolution”, adding that this loss Essebsi, Tunisia’s first democratically elected corruption.” was particularly costly for an emerging democ- president, and US President Barack Obama Common occurrences include tax evasion, racy with a flailing economy. Deep-rooted cor- published a column in the Washington Post doctored entry exam results for public sector ruption is further illustrated in Transparency’s after meeting at the White House. “The old jobs and bribes to speed up official paper- annual Corruption Perceptions Index ranking in regime’s legacy of mismanagement and cor- work. At least 450 million dinars ($230 million) which Tunisia fell from 59th to 79th place out of ruption continues to stifle economic growth” in in bribes were slipped to state employees in more than 170 countries from 2010 to 2014. Tunisia, they wrote. 2013 alone, according to a study conducted According to experts, this drop is mostly Tarek Bahri, who is in charge of governance by the Tunisian Association for Public due to the lack of any effective anti-corruption at the presidency, told AFP that the fight to Auditors. But although there is hard evidence measures from successive governments stamp out corruption constituted “the back- against those responsible, some of them have despite them officially putting the fight against bone of the 2016-2020 development plan”. But been promoted instead of being punished, corruption high on their agenda. “There’s great if the “reconciliation” draft bill is eventually said Sharfeddine Yakhoubi, the head of the resistance,” national anti-corruption commis- passed after being discussed in parliament, “cor- association. Beyond the civil service, “a new sion head Annabi said. “Even if the government ruption could instead be reinforced,” Garoui generation of businessmen and politicians had the will to do it, the civil service - excuse the from “I Watch” said. Authorities, who maintain have grown richer” since the 2011 revolution, BREMERHAVEN, Germany: New cars of German sports expression - holds it hostage.” Annabi said his that the new bill will be a way of “turning over a sometimes gaining from this rampant corrup- car maker Porsche are parked ready for shipping at commission had only received a limited budget new leaf” and relaunching the economy, hope tion, added Mouheb Garoui, who heads “I the car terminal of this port in northwestern Germany “after a long fight” and said that “while a few that the law will allow them to recover up to Watch”, a branch of corruption watchdog yesterday. — AFP civil servants were made available, they are Ä700 million ($780 million). — AFP Transparency International. BUSINESS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 US job growth fades in Sept

WASHINGTON: US employers slammed the brakes on hiring over the last two months and wages fell in September, raising new doubts the economy is strong enough for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by the end of this year. Payrolls outside of farm- ing rose by 142,000 last month and August figures were revised sharply lower to show only 136,000 jobs added that month, the Labor Department said yesterday. That marked the smallest two- month gain in employment in over a year and could fuel fears that the China-led global economic slowdown is sapping America’s strength. “You can’t throw lipstick on this pig of a report,” said Brian Jacobsen, a portfolio strategist at Wells Fargo Funds Management in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. The weak job growth took Wall Street by surprise and US stocks sold off sharply. The dollar also weakened and yields for government bonds fell. Bets on interest rate futures showed investors only saw a 27 percent chance of a Fed rate hike in December, down from around 44 percent before the job report’s release. “(With) a weak report here, in combination with some of the other weakness that we are seeing across the globe, the odds get dinged for December,” said Tom Porcelli, an economist at RBC MIAMI LAKES, Florida: In this photo taken July 15, 2015, job seekers listen as Kaysara Mandry (center) talks about job Capital Markets. Investors saw virtually no chance the Fed would opportunities at the Domino’s booth during a job fair. — AP end its near-zero interest rate policy at its only other scheduled meeting this year, to be held later in October. US factories are feel- ing the global chill and shed 9,000 jobs in September after losing 18,000 in August, according to the Labor Department’s survey of Just how healthy employers. “There is no doubt that the events happening in the rest of the world are affecting the US economy,” White House chief economist Jason Furman told CNBC. The recent pace of job growth should have been enough to push the unemployment rate lower because only around 100,000 is US job market? new jobs are needed a month to keep up with population growth. But the jobless rate held steady at 5.1 percent. The unemployment rate is derived from a separate survey of households that showed Low unemployment no indicator 350,000 workers dropping out of the labor force last month, as well as a lower level of employment. WASHINGTON: The US unemployment rate - whole are still less likely to be working than This figure has fallen since 2012, even as the The share of the population in the work force, which includes now just 5.1 percent - grabs a lot of the atten- they were before the recession. Many analysts overall number of people out of the workforce people who have jobs or are looking for one, fell to 62.4 percent, tion each month when the government issues focus on the percentage of prime-age has grown. That suggests that most people the lowest level since 1977. Average hourly wages fell by a cent to its jobs data. Yet the rate doesn’t come close to Americans - those 25 through 54 - who have who left the workforce in recent years have $25.09 during the month and were up only 2.2 percent from the sketching a full picture of the job market. So just jobs. (People in this group are well below retire- retired or no longer want a job for other rea- same month in 2014, holding around the same levels seen all year how healthy is the US labor market? It’s a hard ment age and have usually completed their sons. and pointing to marginal inflationary pressures. The report did question to answer in the aftermath of the education.) The percentage fell from 80 percent have a few bright spots that might be welcomed by Fed chief Great Recession, which produced only a tepid when the recession began to 74.9 percent in • IS ANYONE GETTING MUCH OF A RAISE? Janet Yellen, who said last week the economy was doing well recovery and left damage that still isn’t fully 2011. It’s since recovered to 77.2 percent but Overall, pay gains are sluggish. Average pay enough to warrant higher rates this year. The number of workers repaired. It’s why the Federal Reserve has strug- remains far short of pre-recession levels. has risen just 2.2 percent over the past 12 with part-time jobs but who want more hours fell by 447,000 in gled to determine whether to raise interest Some economists, such as Andrew Levin, a months, below its long-run pace of about 3.5 September to 6.0 million. rates from record lows: If the job market is back former adviser to Janet Yellen and now a pro- percent. But there are signs that wages are pick- Yellen has signaled that the elevated number of these workers to normal, a rate hike may be justified. If not, the fessor at Dartmouth, say those figures show ing up for full-time workers. Robin Anderson, an points to hidden slack in the labor market that isn’t captured by Fed should arguably postpone any increase. that the job market still has plenty of room to economist at Principal Global Investors, says the jobless rate. A measure of joblessness that includes these Here are five things to look for: heal. Faster economic growth and a lower annual pay rose 3.8 percent this year from 2014 workers and is closely followed by the Fed fell to 10 percent, its unemployment rate could lead more people to for employees in the 34,000 retirement plans lowest level since May 2008. Economists polled by Reuters had • ARE MORE PEOPLE EITHER WORKING OR take jobs, even if they’re not looking right now, that Principal manages. expected job growth of 203,000 in September. All told, revised SEEKING WORK? Levin says. Parents who stayed home after los- That’s much higher than the official data. estimates meant 59,000 fewer jobs were created in July and Not everyone out of work is looking for a ing a job might, for example, be coaxed back to And it marks a big shift from a couple of years August than previously believed. job. A historically high number of people who work if their previous employer becomes des- ago, Anderson says, when Principal’s figures In another grim sign, the number of hours worked in the were laid off in recent years failed to find work perate to meet stronger customer demand. “If were similar to the government’s. What country fell 0.2 percent, raising the specter that some broader and stopped looking. Millions more have left their old firm is pleading with them to come accounts for the pay acceleration? Principal’s softness might have gripped the economy last month. One of the job market to return to school, care for rela- back, then they do,” Levin said. “But if there are data is more heavily skewed to full-time the biggest lodestones on America’s economy was in the com- tives or retire. Those trends have helped keep no jobs, they just stay at home longer and work employees, whose pay is rising faster than it is modity sector, which has slowed in part because of weaker the unemployment rate artificially low: The on their garden.” for part-timers, according to government data. demand from China. The price of oil has fallen nearly 50 percent government doesn’t count people as unem- Still, just 81.9 percent of all jobs are full time over the last year, and US mining payrolls, which include energy ployed if they aren’t actively looking for a job. • DOES EVERYONE ON THE SIDELINES WANT now, below the pre-recession level of 83.1 per- sector jobs, fell by 10,000 in September, the ninth straight Since the official start of the recession in Dec A JOB? cent. Should full-time employment continue to month of declines. — Reuters 2007, the proportion of adults who either have Many people who are out of the workforce rise, Anderson says, wages should pick up. a job or are looking for one has fallen from 66 don’t necessarily want to get in. Presidential percent to 62.6 percent, a 38-year low. That’s candidate Donald Trump and some commenta- • DO MANY PART-TIMERS WANT FULL-TIME equal to roughly 8 million fewer people in the tors have asserted that a record 94 million JOBS? workforce. The Congressional Budget Office Americans “aren’t working”. Yet that figure is Nearly 6.5 million people who are working says about half that decline is due to an aging misleading. It includes every retired 80-year old part time want more hours. That is down sharply population. Roughly 10,000 baby boomers turn grandparent and every 16-year-old high school from a peak of nearly 9.3 million in 2010. But it’s 65 every day, and many of them retire. But student - people who aren’t looking for work still above the 4.6 million figure when the reces- about one-third of the drop is attributable to and don’t plan to. The figure stands at a record sion began. Yellen and most economists regard the sluggish recovery, the CBO said. in part simply because of population growth. the elevated reading as another sign that the Unemployment was stuck above 8 percent as For the same reason, the number of people job market isn’t fully healed. More economic late as 2012 - three full years after the recession with jobs - 149 million - is also a record high. growth might force employers to offer more officially ended. And pay growth is still meager. Only a small portion of this group wants a hours to these part-timers. “An unusually large job. How do we know? Because the govern- number of people are working part time but • HOW LARGE A CHUNK OF AMERICANS ment asks them. In August, just 5.9 million out would prefer full-time employment,” Yellen said ACTUALLY HAVE A JOB? of that 94 million said they wanted to work. in a speech last week. “We would hope to see Even when you filter out the effects of age- They aren’t counted as unemployed, though, some decline” in that figure, she added at a WASHINGTON: This Sept 9, 2015 photo shows an employ- ing and retirements, American adults as a because they aren’t actively searching for jobs. news conference last month. — AP ee serving customers in a Chipotle restaurant. — AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Japan household spending rebounds

TOKYO: Spending among Japanese house- string of weak figures, but economists spent more on cars, household repairs, spending in August suggests that private holds rebounded in August, data showed warned the world’s number three economy domestic travel and education costs, boost- consumption rebounded last quarter,” yesterday, offering a glimmer of hope after a was still headed for recession. Consumers ing monthly spending by 2.9 percent, well Marcel Thieliant from Capital Economics above market expectations for a 0.3 percent said in a commentary. “But we still expect rise and following a modest decline in July. GDP to shrink as a result of falling invest- The upbeat figures were a rare bright ment and net exports.” spot in an otherwise gloomy string of trade, Meanwhile, other data yesterday factory output and business confidence showed Japan’s jobless rate edged up to 3.4 data that point to a contraction in the third percent in August, from July’s 3.3 percent quarter, ahead of the release of July- rate. Despite the slight gain in the jobless September GDP figures due next month. rate, Japan’s labour market was tight with a While private spending accounts for about job seekers’ survey at a 23-year high. There 60 percent of Japan’s GDP, analysts have were 123 job offers for every 100 job warned over a recession in the July- hunters in August, according to the report. September quarter - after a contraction in “This marks the strongest reading since the previous three months. 1992, and suggests that the unemployment The slowdown in Japan’s economy has rate could hit three percent in coming underlined the challenges facing Prime months,” Capital Economics said. Minister Shinzo Abe’s growth blitz, dubbed But the job seekers survey also suggest- Abenomics, as speculation grows that the ed a skills mismatch between those looking Bank of Japan (BoJ) would have to expand for work and the jobs available, added TOKYO: Japanese women push baby carts on a street in the capital its massive asset-buying plan as early as this Hiromichi Shirakawa, chief economist at yesterday. — AFP month. “The renewed rise in... household Credit Suisse. — AFP

Malaysia to boost social enterprise

CYPERJAYA, Malaysia: Until they started to build micro-hydro dams, many of the indigenous people living in remote rainforests of Malaysia’s Sabah state did not have access to electricity, forc- ing them to resort to costly ways of generating power through diesel generators. With the help of social enterprise Tonibung they learned how to build, repair and maintain the dams, a small- scale version of the big hydroelectric dams that help power large cities. Tonibung’s work is one example of how Malaysia’s nascent social enterprise sector is working to address social and environ- mental issues, said Ehon Chan, head of social enterprise at the Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC). Malaysia’s rapid economic growth has reduced poverty rates but social challenges remain in Southeast Asia’s third largest econo- my, providing opportunities for social enterprises to tackle unequal access to education, environmental sustainability, rural development and poverty, said Chan. “There is a lot of scope for social entrepreneurs in Malaysia to BEIJING: A man walks past stores in a shopping mall on the second day of the National Day holidays yesterday. — AFP work among marginalised communities or on environmental issues to make our society more equitable,” Chan told the Thomson Reuters Foundation at MaGIC’s headquarters. As other China, US rate hike examples, he cited Epic Homes which works with indigenous communities by building easy-to-assemble houses for the Orang Asli people and ARUS Academy which provides students from low-income groups with computer and coding skills. loom over summit As public funds around the world come under increasing pres- sure from shrinking economic growth, governments have become more aware of the potential of social enterprise to pro- Major emerging economies sputtering mote a more equitable and sustainable society. In Britain, for example, the government has invested heavily into the sector and WASHINGTON: Clouds are gathering over the world economy on Tuesday, likely to reflect the nating world trade and deteriorating conditions there are now more than 70,000 social enterprises, employing world’s economic leaders ahead of a meeting in gloom hovering most of all over emerging-mar- in financial markets are curbing growth more than 1 million people. Malaysia is hoping to tap into this Peru to confront the fallout of a China-sparked ket economies, whose woes have overshad- prospects in many of the major emerging growing sector, loosely defined as businesses that aim to address commodity price crash that has rocked once- owed crises in debt-troubled Greece and economies,” the OECD said. social and environmental problems while making a profit. powerful emerging markets. The impending Ukraine. “It is difficult to gauge the possible Emerging economies also face risks from prospect of a US interest rate hike, the first in negative confidence effects on the other the US Federal Reserve’s plan to raise interest Vibrant Sector nine years, further darkens the horizon for the emerging-market economies and the global rates, probably this year, for the first time since Prime Minister Najib Razak in May announced a plan to grow world’s finance ministers and central bank gov- economy as a whole,” said Andreas Dombret, a 2006, an issue expected to be discussed at the sector by allocating 20 million ringgit ($4.5 million) to MaGIC ernors who meet in the Peruvian capital of Lima member of the executive board of the length in Peru. The prospect of a US rate rise, to increase the number of social enterprises to 1,000 by 2018 from next week. Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank. which would boost returns on US investments, around just over 100. Compared to its neighbour Thailand, There is “reason to be concerned”, has raised concerns at the IMF and World Bank, Malaysia is still in the early stages of building up its social enter- International Monetary Fund managing direc- Danger worried that it could lure investors to switch prise sector. Thailand now has some 120,000 social enterprises, tor Christine Lagarde said in the run-up to the Coupled with the woes in Russia, the bot- funds out of emerging economies and into the helped by government through the creation in 2010 of the Oct 9-11 meetings IMF and World Bank. “The tom line appears clear: After driving growth in United States. Besides the flight of capital from Thailand Social Enterprise Office, which provides support and prospect of rising interest rates in the United the global economy during the 2008-2009 cri- emerging economies, a shift of capital into the advice. MaGIC aims to fill the gap in Malaysia by providing train- States and China’s slowdown are contributing sis, the major emerging economies, with the United States could further strengthen the dol- ing in setting up a business, how to access funding and network- to uncertainty and higher market volatility,” the exception of India, are sputtering. That was the lar, the currency in which the debt of many ing opportunities, along with competitions and outreach. “It’s a IMF chief added. “There has been a sharp decel- conclusion of the Organisation for Economic companies is based. Companies in emerging very vibrant sector. Lots of young entrepreneurs are keen to start eration in the growth of global trade. And the Cooperation and Development when it slightly economies, where corporate debt has quadru- a social enterprise,” said Chan. MaGIC last year introduced its rapid drop in commodity prices is posing prob- lowered its forecasts for global growth in mid- pled in the past 10 years, according to the IMF, annual Amplify Awards, a prize aimed at allowing social enterpris- lems for resource-based economies.” September. “Economic recovery is progressing could pay a steep price, forced into bankrupt- es to expand their operations and boost their impact. — Reuters The IMF is to release new forecasts for the in the world’s advanced economies, but stag- cies that hit banks and public finances.— AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Fast and easy loans come at a price for small businesses

NEW YORK: It sounded like a sweet deal: A loan bro- ker walked into Southern Girl Desserts offering the Los Angeles bakery a $40,000 loan that could be deposited in a bank account quickly. Already reject- ed for a loan from a bank, co-owner Catarah Hampshire took the offer and hired more workers to whip up peach cobblers and sweet potato cupcakes. Then the daily phone calls from brokers began. Hampshire was persuaded to take out a second loan. Later she took out a third, and then three more. In less than two years, Southern Girl Desserts took out six loans and was in a financial mess that made it difficult to buy ingredients and pay employees. “We were drowning,” says Hampshire. “I don’t know how we survived.” Southern Girl Desserts borrowed from compa- nies that make short-term loans or give cash advances to small businesses that are typically struc- tured to be paid back in under a year. Automatic payments are taken out daily or weekly, either from a bank account or from a company’s credit card transactions. Annual percentage rates can be as high as 50 percent or more, far above the APRs of traditional small business loans backed by the Small Business Administration. Those currently have APRs below 10 percent. A growing chorus of critics say short-term loans are bad for small businesses because APRs aren’t revealed, they are expensive and they can lead busi- nesses into a dangerous cycle of borrowing over and over again to keep up with payments. In at least two cases, the difficulties didn’t end when business- LOS ANGELES: In this Aug 17, 2015 photo, Shoneji Robison (left) and Catarah Hampshire, owners of Southern Girl Desserts, pose for a es filed for bankruptcy. Earlier this year two judges photo in their bakery. — AP sided with plaintiffs in separate cases against one such lender, New York-based On Deck Capital Inc., force lenders, through legislation, to be clearer that the loans she took out had APRs of more than Success Stories after it continued to withdraw payments from the about their costs, says Maria Guerra Lapacek, the 50 percent. “That was never discussed,” says Despite the pitfalls that some small business businesses while operating under bankruptcy pro- commissioner of Chicago’s Department of Business Hampshire. “I mean, I’ve purchased a home in the owners have had, there are companies that are tection. OnDeck says the problems stemmed from Affairs and Consumer Protection. But if they have no past. I know what to look for. I know about APRs, but pleased with their experience with the loans. MPD clerical errors that are now fixed. physical presence in the city, it’s tough, she says. that information was never disclosed.” Digital, which sells cables that are used to connect So why would a business owner choose loans But when Southern Girl Desserts took the third to antennas, has taken out several short-term loans with such high rates? Getting loans at lower rates is From Sweet to Bitter loan, Hampshire wasn’t thinking about APRs. A to buy large quantities of cable that it cuts up, recon- tough for small business owners looking to borrow Southern Girl Desserts first borrowed $40,000 refrigerator, mixer and ice machine all broke at the figures and sells to its customers. The Albany, $250,000 or less. Banks see the loans as too risky, or from Advance Restaurant Finance, with terms to pay same time. Cash was tight. So Hampshire, desperate Georgia-based company was rejected for a loan by not profitable enough, says Karen Mills, who led the back $1,160 weekly. Advance Restaurant Finance, to keep the business alive, borrowed money from its local bank because the company didn’t have SBA for four years and is currently a Harvard which is now known as ARF Financial, did not three different companies, Wide Merchant enough cash on hand, says general manager Ray Business School fellow. As lenders clamped down respond to requests to comment. Five months later, Investment, Yellowstone Capital and Pearl Capital. Nelson. So MPD Digital began borrowing cash from during the Great Recession, it became even harder another broker contacted Hampshire and she took a None responded to requests for comment. several lenders, including OnDeck, Kabbage and for small companies to get loans, fueling the growth second loan for $50,000 from OnDeck. She wanted OnDeck doesn’t reveal the APR to borrowers on PayPal. They were all paid back within several of alternative lenders. “I think it’s good,” says Mills. the money to keep expanding the business. About its website or in loan agreements, but CEO Noah months. Nelson says the lenders are expensive, but “We know there is a gap in small-dollar loans.” $9,300 went to pay off the remaining balance from Breslow says the company’s customer service it’s the only option. “We would be stuck,” says But these loans sometimes come at a high price. the first loan. The bakery was charged an origination agents will calculate an APR if borrowers ask. “We Nelson. “We couldn’t afford to buy enough at once.” States have laws that cap interest rates and fees for fee of $1,250 and interest of $18,500. In all, Southern can do that for customers,” says Breslow. However, Livewell Care, a Los Angeles company that pro- loans, but most state laws don’t apply to business Girl Desserts received $39,500 in cash from OnDeck, OnDeck does list APRs in SEC filings. The company vides caregivers to older people, took two OnDeck loans, says Carolyn Carter, director of advocacy at and it owed the lender $68,500. A payment of $271 reported in August that its average APR, which loans last year. The cash allowed the company to the National Consumer Law Center. Also, some was taken from Southern Girl Desserts’ credit card includes loan terms that can range from six to 24 double its staff and revenue. CEO Dorika Beckett cal- lenders partner with banks in states that don’t have receivables every business day. months, was 46.5 percent during the second quarter culated the APR of the OnDeck loan on her own and such laws. A group of lenders, brokers, advocates Seven months later, an OnDeck representative of the year, down from 56.7 percent in the same knew it was costly. When she got another loan with and nonprofits are pushing what it calls a Small called with another loan offer that would give the period a year before. OnDeck lists APRs in filings better terms to repay the OnDeck loan early, she Business Borrowers’ Bill of Rights. The guidelines are bakery a cash infusion and pay off the remaining because the SEC asked for them, Breslow says. wasn’t happy about having to pay back all of the aimed at getting lenders to follow standards they balance on the first OnDeck loan. Hampshire Most short-term lenders don’t provide APRs on interest to OnDeck - a common practice among say would protect small companies. agreed. This time, Southern Girl Desserts received their websites or in loan contracts. That makes it short-term lenders. “It didn’t seem fair,” says Beckett. One member of the group, Accion, a nonprofit $50,000 in cash. It now owed OnDeck more than hard for business owners to compare costs, critics “I should have clarified that issue, but I wasn’t think- that provides small loans and advice to entrepre- $110,000. say. On its website, OnDeck says a $25,000 six- ing that I would pay it back early when I took it out.” neurs, says it has seen an increase in businesses Since OnDeck is a public company whose stock month loan could cost an average of 17 cents per OnDeck says it has since launched a prepayment overwhelmed with debt seeking to refinance. About trades on the New York Stock Exchange, it regularly dollar borrowed. Square says on its website that bor- benefit in December that lets new customers get a 25 20 percent of loan applicants at Accion’s Chicago files paperwork with the Securities and Exchange rowing $8,500 may cost $9,605, and PayPal says an percent discount on unpaid interest. Southern Girl office have been seeking to refinance short-term Commission. In an August filing, OnDeck says that $8,000 loan may cost $8,445. Another lender, CAN Desserts finally got out of its mess late last year with loans so far this year, up from 5 percent in 2014. But getting customers to take out additional loans or Capital, says a $10,000 six-month loan could cost a another loan. This time it borrowed from Opportunity most have so much debt Accion can’t help. Those lines of credit is “important” to its future growth. business $12,000. Since the lenders are largely Fund, a San Jose, California-based nonprofit that companies are connected with lawyers that can Payment processor PayPal, which has been lending unregulated, there are no rules on how they should lends to small businesses. It didn’t need to be paid either contact the lenders and negotiate a different money to its small business customers for less than advertise their products. CAN Capital declined to back for three years and had an APR below 14 per- payment method or help them file for bankruptcy two years, says 90 percent of borrowers who pay off comment for this story. cent. Hampshire and Southern Girl Desserts co-owner protection. their loans apply for another. Square, another pay- PayPal and Square say small businesses prefer to Shoneji Robison say they tell other small business The city of Chicago, noticing more small busi- ment processor, says more than 80 percent of the know the cost of borrowing money in dollar owners to avoid short-term lenders. In August, they nesses struggling with loans and cash advances, merchants that have paid off a cash advance take a amounts, not percentages. “You think in terms of joined the coalition advocating for the Small Business plastered ads on buses and trains earlier this year second one. dollars, not interest,” the Square website says. But Borrowers’ Bill of Rights in Washington DC. When warning of predatory lenders. Mayor Rahm Emanuel The owners of Southern Girl Desserts say they according to a recent online focus group of 44 busi- their plane landed, Hampshire had two voice mes- has pushed state and federal officials to regulate the wouldn’t have accepted any of the loan offers if they ness owners conducted by the Federal Reserve, sages from brokers offering loans. She ignored them. industry. City lawyers are also looking at ways to had known the APRs. Hampshire found out later small business owners prefer knowing the APR. “We’re smarter now,” says Hampshire. — AP



A model presents the creation of Issey Miyake during the 2016 Spring/Summer ready-to-wear collection fashion show yesterday in Paris. — AFP SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Cuoco doing ‘amazing’ since her split he 29-year-old actress and her tennis player hus- band announced last week they had separated Tafter 21 months of marriage, and she is being supported through her heartache by her friends and family, including her ‘Big Bang Theory’ co-stars. Asked how Kaley is feeling, co-star Mayim Bialik told E! News: “Kaley’s amazing. She has amazing friends, she has Tom Hanks’ son has cocaine addiction amazing family. “We love her to pieces and we give hester ‘Chet’ Hanks, 25, who admitted last year he’s believes his struggles with addiction stem for his lifestyle in her as much joy and laughs as we give everybody who been battling substance abuse since he was 16, has the public eye and his difficulty trying to “fit in” and follow in sees the stuff that we do but she gets to experience it Crevealed he’s been hooked on the recreational Class A his famous father’s footsteps. He explained: “It’s been a long off camera.” Kaley cited “irreconcilable differences” drug and checked into rehab earlier this summer in order to journey discovering who I am because all the pressures that when filing for divorce earlier this week. She and 28- beat his demons. Taking to his Instagram account, the rapper I’ve dealt with in my life-you know, being the son of my dad year-old Ryan had signed a pre-nuptial agreement one said via a series of video clips: “I’ve been in rehab. I’ve been and everything.” Chet’s revelation comes just three months month before their marriage on December 31, 2013 trying to get my jazz together and I’m doing pretty damn after he was sought after by police for allegedly smashing up and she has listed their date of separation as good. “I just really had to take a look at myself and my life and a four-star hotel room at Gatwick Airport, just outside of September 3, 2015. Kaley’s net worth is approximately the way poop was going and all the crazy stupid crap I was London, after three women reportedly refused to have sex $45 million while Ryan is believed to be worth $2 mil- doing and just finally admit to myself that it wasn’t working.” with him. A few days prior to that incident, Chet - the second lion. Her divorce filing states that property and He added: “A couple months ago I was selling coke [and] youngest son of Tom and his wife Rita Wilson - allegedly had spousal support information is detailed in the pre- doing coke until I couldn’t even snort it up my nose anymore his Instagram account suspended for using the N-word in a nuptial agreement. It was recently claimed that Kaley because it was so clogged. I even smoked crack.” The musician series of posts, which he heavily defended as “free speech.” and Ryan had tried to reignite the spark between them, but there was clear “tension” whenever they went out together recently. A source said: “The few times Kaley and Ryan were out together recently, the tension was noticeable. You could tell the honeymoon phase had ended. “It seemed they were trying to work out their marriage by going on dates, but they both seemed miserable.” Following news of the split, Kaley deleted all traces of her estranged husband on Instagram and unfollowed him across her various social media accounts.

Jackman felt “powerless” as a boy

he ‘Wolverine’ star was abandoned by endure during his life after him and wife his mother at a young age and he Deborra-Lee Furness struggled to have chil- Tadmits it has had a drastic effect on his dren of their own. Hugh - who adopted son life. He said: “From the moment mom left, I Oscar, 15, and daughter Eva, ten - told Parade was a fearful kid who felt powerless. I was the magazine: “It was a hard time. We went youngest. I used to be the first one home and through IVF. Deb doesn’t give up. At a certain I was frightened to go inside. I couldn’t go point I was like, ‘Deb, let’s adopt now. “In into the house on my own. I’d wait outside, Australia at the time, you couldn’t do IVF and scared, frustrated. Growing up I was scared of adopt simultaneously. So we adopted, and it the dark. I was scared of heights. “It limited has been the greatest, most fulfilling and chal- me. I hated it, and that contributed to my lenging role of our lives.” — Bangshowbiz anger. Isn’t most anger fear-based, ultimately? It emanates from some kind of powerlessness. I was really feeling that.” It is not the only hardship the 46-year-old actor has had to SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

(From left) Bollywood actors Swara Bhaskar, Salman Khan and Sonam Kapoor pose for photographs during the trailer launch Bollywood actors Shahid Kapoor and Alia Bhatt perform dur- of their upcoming film ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’ in Mumbai. — AP photos ing the song launch of their movie ‘Shaandaar’ in Mumbai. Bollywood a blockbuster away from going global: Butala ne of Bollywood’s most successful producers believes the placing it second only to the 2014-released comedy “PK” (US$114 and starring current Indian box office king Salman Khan - has current generation of Indian film-makers is set to conquer million) - and it follows the relationship that builds between an been down to its positive message, and that Indian filmmakers as Othe world-by moving beyond the traditional song and Indian man and a Pakistani girl trapped in India. BIFF kicked off a whole are now exploring a wider reach of topics, removed from dance format. “India is still to find its “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Thursday with the world premiere of Mozez Singh’s “Zubaan”, the the romances normally associated with Bollywood. Dragon” but it’s only a matter of time,” said Amar Butala, the pro- first time a Bollywood production has opened the festival. “”Bajrangi Bhaijaan” is an incredibly positive film,” said Butala. ducer behind the smash hit “Bajrangi Bhaijaan”, the second-high- Singh’s debut is a coming-of-age story about a young man “It’s rare for a film to take such a balanced view of both India and est grossing Bollywood film of all time. who uses music to learn lessons about modern life. Other Pakistan, without taking any sides. This touched an emotional The Chinese-language martial arts epic “Crouching Tiger, Bollywood films on the program here include two productions chord.” Hidden Dragon” directed by Taiwan’s Ang Lee was a hit when it tapping into the industry’s traditions - and star-crossed lovers - in While there are more than 1,000 films produced across Indian was released in 2000, going on to win the Oscar for Best Foreign “Masaan”, an award winner at this year’s Cannes festival, and “O every year, making it by far the world’s most active film-making Language Film. It collected an estimated US$128 million from the Kadhal Kanmani”. nation, outside the country these films have only previously been international box office, still a record for a non-English language watched by the Indian diaspora, according to Butala. But he film and more than double the second-highest all-time earner, Rising stars believes times are rapidly changing. “My Beautiful Life” (1998) from Italy. The festival is also showcasing the rising stars from India’s film “Film-makers in India like everywhere in the world want their “As younger film-makers in Bollywood change the way our industry beyond Bollywood and Hindi-language movies. films to travel, to reach out to even larger audiences,” said Butala. films are made - whether it be the stories we tell or the use of Independent filmmaker’s Hari Viswanath’s debut “Radio Set” - “A mainstream Hindi language film is yet to successfully make song and dance - in the coming years we’ll see more and more about an old man alienated from his children - is in the running that giant leap. But I think the opportunity to do this is ripe.” Bollywood films reach out to the international audience,” said for Busan’s main New Currents award for first and second-time There are 16 Indian films among the 304 productions screening at Butala. He was speaking to AFP before the screening of “Bajrangi Asian filmmakers while the Assamese-language “Kothanodi”, this year’s BIFF, which will run until October 10. — AFP Bhaijaan” at the 20th Busan International Film Festival, the pre- looks at the trial and tribulations of four mothers, also makes its eminent event of its kind in Asia. world premiere. The film has taken an estimated US$91 million globally so far - Butala believes the success of his film - directed by Kabir Khan Afghan actress urges Afghan women to keep working

hen Marina Gulbahari walked the red carpet on the first female-only household in “Osama.” It was Afghanistan’s first post- night of Asia’s largest film festival, she showed the world Taleban movie and it won the Golden Globe prize for best foreign Wmore than the colorful traditional Afghan dress she was film in 2003. wearing. She showed the world the face of women in Like the young girl she played, Gulbahari’s family needed her Afghanistan. to support her parents and her seven siblings when she was For Afghan women, showing one’s face in public, not to men- young. When she was discovered by Siddiq Barmak, director of tion on a huge screen, is disliked by conservatives there, even as “Osama,” she was a teenager selling magazines at a park in Kabul, the fall of the hard-line Islamic Taleban regime allowed women to worrying about how to help feed her family. return to schools, workplaces and even to parliament. Many “What can I do to support my family?” she said. “It was (my) Afghan actress Marina Gulbahari talks with her husband women still wear a burqa, the clothing that covers women from goal to find something to bring home.” Although Gulbahari never Noorullah Azizi. head to toe with a mesh panel over the face. So walking the red went to acting school, those moments in her life provided lessons carpet and co-hosting the opening event at the 20th annual that acting schools could not. “I have experiences. Tragic experi- Busan International Film Festival was a big step not only for the ences,” she said with a beaming smile. Although she is now a big 23 year-old Gulbahari but for her fellow country people. star in Afghanistan, she “never” thought she would become an “For the moment, living in Afghanistan is difficult for normal actress. The first movie she saw was “Titanic,” watching a video- people. For women who are working as an actress, it’s more dan- tape copy when she was nine years old even though the movie gerous for them,” she said in an interview translated by her hus- was banned under the Taleban. She did not understand that the band Noorullah Azizi, who works in movie and TV production in movie was fiction. — AP Afghanistan. “About some years ago (I) got some warnings from the Taleban that you cannot work. If you appear again, we will kill Afghan actress Marina Gulbahari you.” adjusts her hair during an inter- Although little known outside the festival circle, Gulbahari is view at the Busan International already part of movie history in her country. Her first role was as a Film Festival in Busan, South young girl who had to be disguised as a boy to support her Korea. — AP photos SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Ora is reportedly dating Blink 182’s Travis Barker

he 24-year-old singer and the rocker, 39, have Rita only split from her boyfriend Ricky Hilfiger, whom become “inseparable” since they met and hit it she dated for over a year, in July after their globe trot- Toff at the Power 106 All-Star Game in Los ting careers and hectic schedules drove them apart. Angeles, California two weeks ago. A source said: “Rita Since the split two months ago, the blonde beauty has sought him out and gave him her info. They have been been romantically linked to rapper Wiz Khalifa and together every day since.” And it seems the instant Zayn Malik. Travis, on the other hand, split from wife attraction was mutual as the American drummer has Shanna Moakler - with whom he has 11-year-old son bonded with the ‘How We Do’ hitmaker over their love Landon and daughter Alabama, nine - in 2009 after five of music and shared interests. The insider added to Us years of marriage. He was also previously linked to ring Weekly magazine: “He’s really into her. He likes inter- girl Arianny Celeste. esting women and she’s beautiful.” Meanwhile, the romance will no doubt come as a surprise to fans as

Bieber wants Alba bribes her another tattoo children with make up he 21-year-old singer, who already boasts a huge port- he ‘Sin City’ star has revealed she can get her daughters folio of body art, is keen to add another inking to his col- - Honor, seven, and Haven, four - to behave by offering lection while on his whirlwind trip to New Zealand to Tthem her favorite lipsticks. She told PEOPLE magazine: T “My girls are in my makeup all day long. They love putting it promote his new single ‘What Do You Mean?’ and upcoming album. Speaking to TV3’s Story, Justin, who touched down in on me. “Whenever they’re fighting, I’m like, ‘Stop yelling at New Zealand two days ago, said: “I swear I’ll get one [a new each other and I’ll let you put my lipstick on!’” Meanwhile, the tattoo] if you hook me up with a tattoo artist. I realistically 34-year-old actress previously admitted she felt “judged” have time, I’ll get one tonight, seriously.” The ‘Baby’ hitmaker when she first became a mother. She said: “Doesn’t it feel like even has a few designs up his sleeve but refused to divulge the mean girl thing from high school sort of just transforms too many details about the sketch. Meanwhile, Justin - who into adulthood through motherhood? I think it has to do with has had a number of run-ins with the law in recent years - has hormones, right? ... “And then your hormones go crazy again thrown himself back into his music and is on a mission to turn when you’re pregnant and having a baby - and even when his life around after he went through a stage where he’d “for- you’re breastfeeding. And I feel like maybe it’s just all those gotten” who he was. He said earlier this week: “I went through hormones, and people don’t know where to put their energy, a point of doing it for myself and doing everything in the so they just start clashing.” And because of her own experi- industry for myself and I was unhappy because being able to ences, Jessica is careful about offering advice to other moms. do stuff for others is the biggest gift of all.” He added: “I was She added: “Now I’m one of those moms that gives you too robbing myself by not enjoying the moments where I much advice that you may or may not want. I think the should’ve been enjoying them and doing stuff for other peo- Bullock has biggest thing is that what works for you, or what works for ple. I forgot what I was about, what my mom raised me to be. your friend, isn’t going to work for everyone. There is no right I veered off, and I got tainted.” reportedly adopted or wrong.” a second child he 51-year-old actress - who adopted son Louis, now five, in 2010 - has reportedly expanded her Tfamily with a little girl and her boyfriend Bryan Randall, 49, is said to be supportive. A source told RadarOnline: “Sandra’s made it quite clear to Bryan from the start that she’s looking for a husband to raise kids with. “She had the paperwork ready to adopt another child but really wanted to do it with. Bryan’s incredibly supportive, loving and a brilliant father fig- ure. Sandra says he’s perfect.” ‘Entertainment Tonight’ has confirmed that Sandra has recently been seen out and about with a toddler, although she has yet to comment on the adoption reports. Sandra previously gushed that being a mother makes her feel complete. She said: “I was putting [Louis] to bed and told him that even when I’m old and gray and more wrinkly than I am now, I’ll still love him and want to tuck him in. And he asked why I have wrinkles, and I said, ‘Well, I hope some of them are from laughing so much.’ And he touched my face and said, ‘You’re not old, you’re just happy.’” SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Keitel tells politicians to make a film eteran Hollywood actor Harvey Keitel has a message for politicians the whole world over. Make a film and learn Vmore about life. “That way they’d understand each other better, and they’d understand the world,” said the straight-shoot- ing 76-year-old on Friday, who has brought his latest film “Youth” to the 20th Busan International Film Festival. Keitel is famed for the hardmen he has played in the likes of the Quentin Tarantino-directed “Reservoir Dogs” (1992) and “Pulp Fiction” (1994) and in Jane Campion’s Oscar-winning “The Piano” (1993). The actor shows his lighter side in the comedy “Youth”, which is directed by the Oscar-winning Italian Paolo Sorrentino (“The Great Beauty”). The movie sees Keitel playing an ageing film director, who Director Martin Scorsese ruminates on life’s various missed opportunities with his best friend and retired orchestra conductor, played by Michael Caine. Keitel showed he has a softer side by saying he was dismayed by what he was seeing on television and in the newspapers. “We’ve Scorsese’s all seen the picture and it seems all these lives are being cut short,” said Keitel. The American said he believed it all came down to people ‘The Audition’ “misunderstanding each other”. It was something that could be remedied if more personal stories were shared, he said. “It’s the only way I know that people can become aware of each other and understand that our desires-from whatever culture we come to premiere from-are very much the same,” said Keitel. “Experience is a path- way to awareness. The thought is that this exchange of experi- n inconspicuous cinema tucked at the back of a South Harvey Keitel ence might lead us all somewhere in life.” BIFF continues until Korean shopping mall is an unexpected setting for the October 10. — AFP Aworld premiere of a new film by an Oscar-winning director,featuring some of cinemas biggest stars. But this is just where Martin Scorsese’s “The Audition” starring Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, will debut Saturday. Studio Ghibli feted at festival The idea for the film was conceived by Australian playboy billionaire James Packer to promote Studio City, the US$3.2 tudio Ghibli may celebrate its 40th anniversary this year by qui- modern Japan that shattered the all-time box office record for a billion Hollywood-inspired casino he and his partner at etly ceasing feature filmmaking. But its place in animation histo- domestic film with earnings of nearly $150 million. This mark was Melco Crown Entertainment, Lawrence Ho, are building in Sry is secure. On its 20th anniversary, the Busan festival is recog- exceeded by “Spirited Away,” Miyazaki’s 2001 film about a girl’s the Chinese enclave of Macau, and another similar project nizing the company as its Asian Film Maker of the Year. Founded in adventures in a world of folkloristic spirits that earned JPY30.4 billion titled City of Dreams being built in Manila. 1985, Studio Ghibli is the most successful company in the history of ($253 million) - the highest total ever for any film released in Japan. The 16-minute production features in the Short Film the huge Japanese animation industry, if success is measured by box “Spirited Away” was also showered with honors, including an Showcase section at the 20th Busan International Film office numbers and international prizes. Most of those prizes and Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. And the list doesn’t end Festival. It had been scheduled to show first at the Venice numbers belong to studio co-founder and mainstay Hayao Miyazaki, there: Studio Ghibli films have been nominated for a total of four Film Festival and was one of the event’s most hotly anticipat- who also gave Studio Ghibli its name from a WWII Italian aircraft, with Oscars, as well as winning many other prizes, domestic and interna- ed screenings, but it was pulled from the program at the last ‘Ghibli’ being an Arabic word for the hot desert winds of North Africa. tional. moment due to “technical problems”, according to a state- Miyazaki and his co-founders-animator Isao Takahata and producer Ghilbi’s films, with Miyazaki’s in the lead, spurred a worldwide ment released by festival organizers. They had earlier Toshio Suzuki-intended to blow fresh winds through an industry boom for Japanese animation, though its founders’ first experiences defended showing such a commercially natured production. focused on making quick profits from cheap entertainment for kids. with foreign distributors were not always the happiest, beginning “It’s a Scorsese film, not a commercial. The casino paid for the From the beginning, Ghibli aimed higher, with quality feature anima- with ham-handed edits. When Miramax Films bought North film, but it’s not in the film at all,” Venice director Alberto tion that soared on the wings of Miyazaki’s fertile imagination while American rights to “Princess Mononoke” and chairman Harvey Barbera told The Hollywood Reporter earlier this year. being grounded in painstaking hand-animated craftsmanship. In the Weinstein suggested shortening the film for US audiences, Suzuki early days, however, audiences did not come in hoped-for numbers - sent him a Japanese sword and a note saying “no cuts.” Chosen on its merits and a corporate crash and burn looked possible. Suzuki later told this Studio Ghibli has since established strong ties with distribution US media estimated the film cost $70 million to produce writer that “We were betting the company with every film.” partners around the world, including Disney, though Miyazaki with each actor paid around $13 million to appear, but this But Miyazaki’s 1989 coming-of-age fantasy “Kiki’s Delivery Service” famously dislikes being called the “Walt Disney of Japan.” Also, has been denied by Melco Crown. Venice’s loss appears to be became the highest-earning Japanese film of the year, starting a box Miyazaki has many fans among foreign animators and directors, start- Busan’s gain. BIFF programmer Pak Dosin told AFP his festi- office streak that did not end until Miyazaki’s last film before his ing with Pixar Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter who has described val had first been approached by the film’s Hong Kong- September 2013 retirement from feature animation, the WWII- Miyazaki as “one of the greatest filmmakers of our time.” based representative in May, asking if he might be interested themed “The Wind Rises.” in screening it. He had then watched an online version of it in June before making his decision. Showered with honors He insisted the film had been chosen on its merits and Along the way came “Princess Mononoke,” a fantasy set in pre- that he “liked it very much.” The last Scorsese film to screen at BIFF was when “Taxi Driver” formed part of a retrospective program in 2009. Scorsese and De Niro are long time collab- orators and have had a number of hits together including 1995 drama “Casino”. The director also regularly works with DiCaprio. A brief trailer for the film - which showed De Niro and DiCaprio arriving at a casino, scripts in hand and appar- ently ready to audition for the same role in a Scorsese pro- duction - had found its way on the YouTube in January but was soon pulled from the site. Macau, the world’s gaming capital - with turnover of an estimated US$44 billion last year, has seen revenues drop by around 33 per cent per month over the past 15 months as a much publicized crackdown on corruption led by Chinese President Xi Jinping has kept high rollers away. A Special Administrative Region under Chinese control - it has also been urged by mainland leaders to diversify its attractions outside gaming. To that end Studio City is set to feature a Batman flight simulator, what’s claiming to be world highest figure-eight Ferris wheel and a collection of rides themed by Warner Brothers - alongside its gaming tables, in a more family friendly approach. The Busan festival continues until October 10. — AFP SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Metal innovators Korn still find ‘therapy’ years on hen Korn released its debut album in attitude of alternative rock scenes as well as 1994, the emotional rawness and vocals that swung from metal growls to rap. Whip-hop undertones sparked talk of “It was an important record and we had no the birth of a unique genre, “nu metal.” More idea we were making it,” Davis said. “At that than two decades on, nu metal may no longer time, the ‘90s, there was a lot of rock music, a be new, but Korn remains prolific, with a fresh lot of hip-hop. Everybody listened to all kinds tour starting Thursday and an album in the of music, so it was for us just to incorporate all works for next year. that,” he said. Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and Singer Jonathan Davis, famed for his Evanescence also were often described as intense performances, said there was a simple new metal, finding particular success in the reason for his robust output-music, for him, is late 1990s and 2000s. therapy. “I’m going crazy. I’ve been at home for a while, we haven’t been playing much, Love of electronica and I need my therapy,” Davis told AFP as he Korn has put out 11 studio albums and prepared for the latest tour. “I go out there Davis said that the band would work on a and get that aggression out, and that’s how new one after the tour with the aim of a mid- Her Royal Highness Princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini of Swaziland (center), the eldest daughter of I’ve managed to be happy in life,” he said. 2016 release. Davis said the next album the king of Swaziland, sits under a tree during an interview in Luve, Swaziland. — AFP The therapeutic aspect of music also would be “heavy” with “more of the tradition- explains how Davis can go nightly before al, old-school Korn sound” but would also fea- strangers and perform songs of extraordinari- ture electronic elements. Swazi princess weaves royal ly personal nature. “Daddy,” the final track on One recent album, 2011’s “The Path of Korn’s 1994 self-titled debut album, is a nearly Totality,” showed growing experimentalism 10-minute remembrance of being molested as Korn brought in dubstep beats-rhythms raps in defense of monarchy as a child, the song steadily building in anger borrowed from a type of electronic dance as Davis screams and sobs. “Faget,” another music that originated in South London. Davis itting on a cushion under a tree on a hot With an estimated 63 percent of Swazis living autobiographical song on the album with the himself has gone further into electronica in a and dusty farm with a reality TV show crew below the poverty line, Sikhanyiso says she power to make a listener uncomfortable, side career as a DJ with the stage-name Sstanding by, Swaziland’s royal princess hopes to see development funds serve the peo- describes the bullying Davis endured growing JDevil. Sikhanyiso Dlamini lays down a quick-fire rap. ple on the ground and not the politicians. “It’s a up in the southern California city of In contrast to many metalheads’ disdain “Where’s my next breath? The one that you problem when you put greedy people in pow- Bakersfield where he would wear eyeliner in for electronic dance music, Davis is full of promised me. Majesty of your faithfulness, and er,” she said. “And it’s a problem in a society like the New Wave style of the 1980s. praise for the fast-growing genre. “I really like honesty,” she sings, a stream of lyrics dripping Swaziland where the ultimate authority then the electronic scene. It’s like the hippies-it’s all off her tongue. gets blamed for everything that happens From growling to rapping about love and dancing,” he said. Electronica Wearing white sneakers, a faux tiara, and a beneath the surface.” But the royal family has Korn is performing the album in its entire- is not the only side genre for Davis who says traditional wrap around her body, the eldest been accused of being the country’s biggest ty on the monthlong US tour that opens in he also writes songs daily that include jazz. child of King Mswati III is something of a cultural drain of wealth, with a reported household Chicago. The shows follow extensive US and But he won’t share most of his music. custodian in Swaziland, one of the world’s last budget in 2014 of $61 million. European dates since 2014 to mark the 20th “I don’t ever want to stop making music,” absolute monarchies. Around her, tens of thou- anniversary of “Korn.” “I look at that record he said. “I have so many projects and so many sands of girls and young woman prepared to ‘Luxury lifestyle’ now and think it’s cool, but it’s our first songs that I never put out.” Davis relishes that travel to the nearby royal village for the Reed In a 2009 interview with her campus newspa- record... and I think we’ve gotten a lot better,” he can still play songs just for himself with no Dance, an annual virginity celebration in which per at California’s Biola University, Sikhanyiso said Davis, who is 44. But Davis felt that the risk of a house guest recognizing them. they dance topless in front of their king. said the only perk of being a princess was “the album struck a chord lyrically with fans, many “Because the minute I put it out, it’s not mine Sikhanyiso would be at their head-the chief ability to afford things, to afford a luxurious of whom who “were going through a hard anymore.” — AFP maiden of the small, land-locked nation where lifestyle”. A taste for bling was exposed last year time and needed a way out from it.” traditional ways of life still hold sway. when SwaziLeaks, an anti-monarchist Twitter Korn toured for nearly two years incessant- She says the steady flow of beats in old Swazi account, posted photos of young royals party- ly to promote the debut album, with the music first opened her to the world of hip hop, ing abroad. band’s success confirmed when it opened for and allowed her to build a local reputation as a Among them was Sikhanyiso, posing glam- metal legend Ozzy Osbourne. But Korn rap musician under the moniker “Princess orously by a pool at the Intercontinental Hotel diverged from the heavy metal prevalent in Pashu”. “The rhythm that I have from hip hop in Cannes. She made headlines again when the 1980s by incorporating the introspective derives from the cultural traditions that we have when she engaged in a debate on Twitter with here in Swaziland. They’re what inspire me,” she the People’s United Democratic Movement told AFP. “That already sounds like rap. That’s (PUDEMO), a pro-democracy organization which where we got the rhythm.” was banned after a series of small bomb attacks in 2008. Rap for royalty Sikhanyiso’s account was shut down days lat- Educated in England and the United States er, but she says she is always open to discus- and with a Masters in digital communications sions. “In Swaziland, we have a saying: people from Sydney University, the 28-year-old now sits don’t go in one direction like water. People are on her father’s powerful advisory council. And allowed to have their own opinions on things, the royal life winds its way into her lyrics. In a and it’s good,” she said. “Actually, Swaziland is music video for her fawning ballad “Hail Your the most democratic country in the world,” she Majesty”, she appears on camera as the quintes- added, explaining that the monarchy fulfilled sential Disney princess, rapping and singing her the wishes of the people and the people wanted father’s praises. a king. “My heart is stirred by a noble theme. A hum- Getting up from her cushion, with praise ble servant, I recite my verse for the king,” she singers crying out all around her, Sikhanyiso sings in a style similar to US superstar Nicki made her way singing and stamping to lead the Minaj, some of the lyrics taken from the Book of tens of thousands of waiting girls towards the Psalms. “The time has come and the time is now, royal village. “I don’t feel other people should for King Mswati’s dream to manifest within.” It is coerce this kingdom to change what it a message that fits with the political situation in believes,” she said above the din. “You see all Swaziland, where the prime minister and the these girls here. Nobody has compelled them cabinet are appointed by the all-powerful king, to be here. “They want to celebrate virginity who has been on the throne since 1986. and their lives. They’re here for a brighter Political parties are banned from taking part future. And they feel that future is with the in elections, when only candidates approved by monarchy.” — AFP chiefs loyal to the king can stand for office. Sikhanyiso-who heads a women’s empower- ment foundation-does not claim all is perfect in her father’s kingdom. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Marlith Tenazoa Del Aguila from Peru (right), and Roberta Siao from Brazil, prepare food in Marlith Tenazoa Del Aguila from Peru prepares food in the kitchen. the kitchen at the Mazi Mas restaurant in Kennington, south London. — AFP photos Feminist restaurant gives migrants a start n a feminist restaurant housed in a theatre, seven immigrant catering for private soirees, notably at the Tate Modern gallery. It female chefs are bringing a taste of their homelands to has been at the Ovalhouse since March on an arrangement that ILondoners, whilst earning themselves a stake in British society. will keep it there till at least the end of the year. The restaurant “We want to give power to the invisible women around the pays no rent to the theatre, only its gas, water and electricity bills. world,” said Roberta Siao, the 43-year-old Brazilian who runs the Mara Klein, the 27-year-old German responsible for develop- kitchen at Mazi Mas, as she worked away on preparing her pas- ing the enterprise, said it was a “very good partnership” for both sion fruit specialty. sides because the restaurant’s customers buy their drinks at the The restaurant is housed in the Ovalhouse theatre, directly Ovalhouse bar. The theatre used to be an important meeting opposite the Hobbs Gates entrance to The Oval, south London’s place for political activists and is looking to revive its position as a famous cricket ground. She said that without contacts or a net- busy hub. work of friends, she could not find a job despite her qualifications The homelessness charity Emmaus UK provides the donated and years of experience working at the Central Bank of Brazil. tables and chairs, which customers can purchase at the end of After several years spent bringing up her son, meeting the cre- each month. Due in part to these cost-cutting arrangements, the ator of Mazi Mas changed her fortunes. “Mazi Mas was the bridge part-time chefs earn a wage of £9.50 an hour, as opposed to the that really took me from being completely isolated to put me in £6.50 paid to those on the national minimum wage. “Mazi Mas the world of work and people and opportunity,” she said. gives us the chance to promote our own cuisine and culture,” said “Marlith’s ceviche”, “Roberta’s passion fruit mousse” and “Ezgi’s Marlith Tenazoa Del Aguila, speaking in Spanish. borek”-spinach, feta, and filo pastry-are some of the items on the For several years the flamboyant 50-something ran her own menu. restaurant-cum-disco on a beach in Peru, but struggled to find The house style is the cuisine of Iran, Ethiopia, Brazil, Peru, work in Britain with her limited grasp of English. For Ethiopian Nicaragua, Senegal and Turkey, which customers can try out from Azeb Woldemichael, working alongside her, the restaurant has Tuesday to Saturday. The “pop-up restaurant”-so-called because brought her “self-confidence”. it has shifted venue since its launch in 2012 — takes its name She feels the experience has taken her one step closer to her from the traditional Greek welcome “Elate na fate mazi mas”, dream of opening her own cafe. “We provide employment oppor- which means “Come eat with us”. Its creator Nikandre Kopcke tunities for migrant and refugee women who have the dream of grew up in New York and took her inspiration from her Greek opening their own business but who don’t have the platform, the Mara Klein, the German nanny, whose dream of running her own bakery was squashed by network, the connections or just the confidence to take that manager of the Mazi Mas her traditionalist husband. step,” Klein told AFP. Mazi Mas is a “business incubator”, she said. restaurant, poses for a photograph. Platform for migrants Recognizing their existence Mazi Mas started out in another theatre in Hackney, a poor- Klein said the restaurant also stands for the rights of immi- turned-hip district north-east of the city centre, and also provided grants, recognizing their existence and the benefits they can bring to British society. One regular diner, Laura Harrison, 24, said she was drawn to the “real sense of community around the food”. “The cause behind it all is amazing,” she said. David Crabtree, a brain consultant eating at Mazi Mas for the first time, said: “My wife used to take me for dates in strange places and she brought me here. “The food is absolutely excel- lent, it’s obviously prepared with love and the atmosphere is very good.”The restaurant is full most nights and a second restaurant should open in London’s trendy Shoreditch district at the start of next year, before another, permanent outlet, in the middle of 2016. Some 40 would-be chefs are on the London waiting list. A Mazi Mas has opened in Sydney, and operates exclusively with female asylum seekers as chefs. Plans to open outlets in Berlin, Lyon in France and Leeds in northern England are already under way, said Klein. “There should be a Mazi Mas in every borough of London and all over the world, really,” she said. — AFP SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Paris Fashion Week Fashion Paris

Models present the creations of Julien David during the 2016 Spring/Summer ready-to-wear collection fashion show. — AFP photos SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

2016 Spring/ Summer ready- to-wear collection

Models present the creations of Issey Miyake during the 2016 Spring/Summer ready-to-wear collection fashion show yesterday in Paris. — AFP photos TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Student-built solar motorbikes hit the road in Kenya

URUDI: Motorcycle taxi operators waiting for passengers in this village in western Kenya’s Kisumu County lounge on their vari- ous machines - but Alfred Omondi’s plug-in electric scooter stands out from the crowd. Surrounded by motorbikes running on polluting fossil fuels, Omondi sits astride his solar-powered rechargeable motorcycle, which uses technology developed by students from the University of Nairobi. Charles Ogingo, Robert Achoge and James Ogola - all final year students - have built a system they call Ecotran, which captures the sun’s energy, stores it in batteries, and uses it to charge a motorcycle’s electric motor. Much of western Kenya has no grid electricity, and the places that do face frequent power disruptions, so solar energy is a promising alternative, they say. The three students have set up a “fuelling” station with 40 solar photovoltaic units, each generat- ing 250 watts of electricity. The energy is stored in batteries before being transformed by powerful inverters into the alter- nating current needed by the motorcycle. The motorbike uses a small portable battery which, fully charged, can run for 70 kilo- meters, after which it must return to the station to be recharged while another charged battery is fitted to the bike.

Climate change The students, who have set up a company called Pfoofy Solar Ltd, put together their system in 2014 at a climate change inno- vation center at Strathmore Business School in Nairobi, where they had been sent to give practical form to their ideas. After successfully trying out the Ecotran technology on three locally bought motorcycles in Kisumu County’s Nyakach area early this year, the young innovators are now expanding the project, and powering 40 more bikes. “We were awarded $100,000 by the United States African Development Fund and Power Africa for SAN FRANCISCO: In this Aug. 26, 2015 photo, pressure is applied to a phone with a BendBot, a robot designed specifical- the ingenious innovation. It is this money that we are now using ly to test the bendability of today’s most popular smartphones. — AP to upscale the solar project,” said Pfoofy Solar manager Achoge. The new motorcycles are imported from China, he said. The students will lease the bikes to 40 riders who they have trained Why phones break: Screens get in road safety. Most motorcyclists in Kenya, like Omondi, have no bikes of their own but ride leased machines. Omondi, who used to ride a petrol motorcycle, said he used to make 1,000 stronger, yet we demand more shillings ($9.60) on a good day, but would spend about 350 shillings on fuel and another 300 to lease the bike from its own- er. Now it costs him 100 shillings (96 cents) to recharge the elec- ‘Tradeoff is phones get a lot bigger and bulkier’ tric motorbike, saving him money even as he helps the environ- ment by curbing pollution and climate-changing emissions. “The NEW YORK: Ask a roomful of people to to Corning for a custom glass that goes groceries and leaning over to unlock a only challenge is that this electric bike has low acceleration and take out their phones, and you’re bound through two rounds of ion exchange for bike. It landed on a New York sidewalk cannot work in hilly terrain,” he pointed out. to see several with cracked screens. greater strength. Even some budget and made of stone - a jagged surface perfect Ogingo, a mechanical engineering student, agreed that the Despite engineering breakthroughs, mid-range phones, including Motorola’s, for puncturing glass. “I heard it and knew technology promises lower operating costs as well as environ- screen breakage has become a part of life, are now using strengthened glass, though it was a goner,” she said. “I’ve seen so mental benefits. Taxi motorbikes are a big industry in Kenya, the leading type of phone damage. In part, made with older, weaker formulas. many people with cracked screens. I felt it employing thousands of young people. The World Health we’re to blame. We want phones that are With strengthened glass, you can still was a matter of time.” Organization estimates that between 2005 and 2011, motorcycle bigger, yet thinner, offsetting strides made pierce the armor with enough pressure, Aware of consumers’ frustrations with registrations in Kenya increased almost 40-fold, and that by 2011 in strengthening glass. We also want but it’s harder than with normal glass. breakage, HTC is offering one free replace- motorcycles made up 70 percent of all newly registered vehicles phones to be sleek: A phone that’s rugged SquareTrade, which offers protection ment for any damage, including cracks, to in the country. In the capital Nairobi the number of registered enough to withstand drops just won’t plans for consumer electronics, said that its HTC One smartphone within the first motor vehicles stood at 2.25 million in 2013, many of them older match what we expect smartphones to while phone screens used to crack after year. Unlike standard warranties, accidents vehicles emitting relatively high levels of pollution.— Reuters look and feel like. one or two drops, the latest iPhones and are covered. For other phones, we might “The tradeoff is phones get a lot bigger the Note 5 survived 10 drops each from six simply have to get a case, insurance or and bulkier,” said Rick Osterloh, president feet in tests last weekend, at least when both. Cases offer no guarantees, but they Amazon to ban sale of of phone maker Motorola. “Without a real- dropped on their corners. SquareTrade help. When Ben Wilson’s iPhone 5 fell out ly big innovation and technological break- also said the new iPhone screens are more of a private plane he was co-piloting at Google, Apple video through, it’s going to be hard to (make a durable than last year’s models. (It didn’t 9,300 feet, the case shattered but the really tough phone) in a size people test the Note 5’s predecessor for compari- phone survived. It helped that the phone streaming devices expect.” That’s not to say phones aren’t son.) landed on a pasture in northern Texas getting stronger. In fact, given how fre- But for all three new phones, the rather than a stone sidewalk. “It surprised NEW YORK: Amazon will stop allowing the sale of Google and quently we use phones throughout the screens broke right away when dropped me,” Wilson said, talking on that still-func- Apple video-streaming devices on its site as it focuses on its day, juggling them as we commute, run face down on concrete. The stronger glass tioning phone nearly two weeks later. “I own Prime Instant Video streaming service. errands and chase after small children, it’s improves the odds, but the risk isn’t zero. thought it would be in quite a few pieces.” Prime Video has become an important part of Amazon’s amazing screens don’t crack even more. Scott Forester, director of innovations for Can more be done? What about ditch- $99 annual Prime loyalty membership program. The video- The latest phones from the two leading Gorilla Glass, said Corning has made ing glass for something stronger? Plastic is streaming devices sold on the site should be able to work with phone makers - Apple’s iPhone 6s and 6s strides in withstanding the types of sur- one candidate, but it’s prone to scratch- Prime Video, the company said Thursday. “It’s important that Plus, and Samsung’s Galaxy Note 5 and S6 faces most likely to puncture glass, includ- ing. Then there’s sapphire, a mineral that’s the streaming media players we sell interact well with Prime Edge Plus - mix zinc into the aluminum ing asphalt and concrete. But he said just short of diamond in hardness. It’s Video in order to avoid customer confusion,” the Amazon frames for aerospace-grade strength. The that’s offset by glass getting thinner and extremely scratch-resistant, but its resist- said. frames will absorb more of the shock that screens bigger over the years in response ance to cracking is up for debate. It’s also Along with Amazon’s Fire TV, the site will still sell other would have gone to the glass, not to men- to consumer demand. tough to manufacture, especially in larger companies’ video-streaming devices that are compatible with tion help prevent the phones from bend- “It’s always this fine balance between sizes for phone screens. Apple uses sap- Prime Video, including Roku, Xbox and PlayStation. But Apple ing in pockets. practicality and design,” Forester said. phire for the smaller displays found on TV and Google’s Chromecast will be not be sold. Google Inc The displays also use ion-strengthened SquareTrade said half of its damage claims pricier Apple Watch models, as well as for and Apple Inc did not immediately respond to requests for glass. Samsung uses Corning’s Gorilla are for screen cracks. That doesn’t include the home button and camera lens cover comment Seattle-based Amazon has been rapidly expanding Glass 4, which gets heated in a process cracked phones people hang onto on iPhones. its Prime Video Service, including recently inked deals to that replaces sodium ions on the surface because they don’t want to pay a $75 The material used isn’t the only factor stream NBCUniversal’s critically acclaimed drama “Mr. Robot” with potassium ions. Because potassium deductible. Melissa Lefas has dropped her in durability. Apple has received a patent and a multiyear licensing agreement with CBS. ions are larger, they press together to cre- iPhone 5s a few times, but its screen sur- for using internal motors to rotate a phone Inc. shares closed up $8.83, or 1.7 percent, to $520.72 ate a stronger surface - akin to a layer of vived until the phone slipped out of an as it drops so that the glass part doesn’t Thursday. —AP armor to protect the interior. Apple turned open backpack while she was carrying hit the ground. — AP TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 People-rating app sparks firestorm

SAN FRANCISCO: Creators of an app that will associated with the Peeple startup, which some structive feedback. A firestorm of criticism at apologize for that. “Cordray referred to Peeple let people assign ratings to those they know reports valued at $7.6 million based on invest- Twitter, Facebook and other online venues as a “positivity app” that will launch in vowed to launch as planned next month as ment funding raised. Peeple is an app for rating countered that the creators of Peeple were November. planned despite online outrage at the idea. and commenting about those who one interacts either naively or intentionally downplaying how “Whether you love us or our concept or not; Peeple has been likened by critics and support- with in daily life personally, professionally, or nasty commentary can get on the Internet. we still welcome everyone to explore this online ers alike as a Yelp-style review service at which romantically, according to the “Innovators are often put down because peo- village of love and abundance for all,” the web- people are rated, without their consent, the website. ple are scared and they don’t understand,” read site message said. Peeple lets people rate same way a person might give a grade to a Founders and close friends Julia Cordray and a message from chief executive Cordray at the friends, family, dating partners, or others with restaurant or an airline. Nicole McCullough defended their creation on Peeple website. “We are bold innovators and one to five stars. Subjects being rated are not Yelp was quick to make it clear it was not Thursday as an online venue for praise and con- sending big waves into motion and we will not asked for permission.— AFP

Illegal emission systems may require more solutions

DETROIT: Volkswagen AG ‘s promise to fix pollution control sys- tems on about 11 million diesel vehicles will involve changes to software, and possibly hardware, that could leave owners with cars that deliver diminished fuel economy and performance or require more maintenance, experts said Tuesday. The German automaker’s new chief executive, Matthias Mueller, said Tuesday VW customers would need to have those diesel cars “refitted.” The company did not specify what the refitting might entail. Some analysts have said the job could cost more than $6.5 billion. A former executive of Volkswagen’s US operation said Tuesday the company may be required to change only software, and not hardware, to bring older diesel models now deemed illegal into compliance with US emissions standards. Other experts and US regulators said the German automaker likely will have to come up with two sets of solutions for two different emission-control sys- tems installed on 482,000 US diesel cars from model years 2009- 2015. VW has admitted using software that circumvented US and California pollution rules by fully activating the exhaust scrubbing systems only when the car was being put through precisely pre- scribed government emissions tests. NEW YORK: This photo shows a personal fitness application on Samsung’s Gear S2 smartwatch during a presentation. —AP VW hasn’t said why it used the illegal “defeat device” to deceive regulators. But the results, at least in the short term, were beneficial: VW was able to pass laboratory tests that showed its US diesel cars met the relevant regulations, but then switched off the Facebook jazzes up pages emission control devices while driving. The benefits of switching the pollution control systems off were different depending on which system the vehicles used, experts said. VW initially installed with new video profiles the illegal software, beginning in late 2008, on 2.0-liter four-cylin- der turbo-diesel engines fitted with devices known as “lean NOx traps,” designed to reduce nitrogen oxides in engine exhaust. Samsung begins selling new smartwatches Nitrogen oxide emissions have been linked to smog, acid rain and lung cancer. SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook is trying to jazz up users’ profiles. scroll through notifications and apps. Past models required The world’s largest social network is testing new profile videos swiping, similar to phones, which could tire out fingers given ‘Diminishes performance’ that can be created from phones and would replace a still pro- how little fits on each screen. The watch itself is also smaller - EPA on September 25 said it would take longer to fix older VW file photo. The seven-second, looping videos play automatical- roughly the size of the larger version of Apple Watch. For the diesels from model years 2009-2014 that used the lean NOx traps. ly when you look at someone’s profile page. The videos can first time, Samsung’s smartwatch will work with any Android Any device used to control nitrogen oxide emissions typically include sound, but that will play only if you click on the video. phone, not just Samsung’s, though all features might not “diminishes the performance and fuel economy” of diesel engines, For now, only some iPhone users in California and the UK can work. What’s not known yet is how good the apps will be. This according to automotive consultant Sandy Munro. Older VW make them. Any Facebook user can see them. Facebook Inc. has been one of the weak points for Samsung’s smartwatch, diesels could be made to function properly with a software fix, doesn’t have a specific date for when it will expand the feature. given that many app developers have focused instead on the said Marc Trahan, who retired in late 2014 as executive vice presi- Apple Watch and the variety of models running Google’s dent of group quality after a 35-year career with VW and its Audi Kids getting love from music services Android Wear. The S2 runs the little-known Tizen system. subsidiary. They should not need to have newer hardware Amazon noticed kids content on its Prime Music streaming Samsung has said it expects about 1,000 apps at launch, but installed, which would take much longer, require extensive “re- plan was a big hit - no surprise, really, given the popularity of rival watches have many times that. engineering” and be cost-prohibitive, he said. its Amazon Mom program for discounts on diapers, wipes and Apple Watch, meanwhile, will come to Target. The retailer Beginning in 2012, Volkswagen offered the same 2.0 TDI other items. So Inc. secured original children’s says some models and bands will be offered online starting engines with a more sophisticated and expensive emissions con- music from The Pop Ups and Lisa Loeb for free streaming to Oct 18. All stores will get them by Oct 25. Besides Apple’s own trol system called Selective Catalytic Reduction. These systems, give Prime members another reason to keep their $99-a-year stores, the watch is available at Best Buy, Sprint and T-Mobile which debuted on VW’s largest car, the Passat, injected a liquid membership. stores, along with specialty department stores and boutiques, urea solution into the exhaust to break down the nitrogen oxides. Meanwhile, a rival service, Rhapsody, is rewarding premi- mostly outside the US Apple Watch starts at $349. These systems also had software that turned them off during nor- um, $10-a-month subscribers with a feature that lets children mal driving, the company has admitted. The consequences of run- take control of music when mommy or daddy passes over a Tim Cook getting award from Human Rights Campaign ning the systems all the time will be different for consumers than mobile phone. Curated playlists keep content safe, and big Last October, Cook came out as the first openly gay chief the older, NOx traps. Ideally, the urea solution used to control colorful designs make navigating easy. You won’t need to executive of a Fortune 1,000 company. In December, HRC smog-forming gases is supposed to be replaced every 10,000 remember another password to leave the kids’ zone: There’s announced that Cook had donated a “substantial” amount to miles, typically by a dealer, but VW encountered potential prob- an unlock puzzle designed to fool a 10-year-old. Another life help fund a gay rights initiative in his native Alabama and two lems. hack: bookmarked songs are automatically downloaded. other Southern states. The specific amount wasn’t disclosed. On newer models with the SCR system, Trahan said there were That’s great for junior, who might be using a hand-me-down HRC’s Visibility Award is to be presented to Cook on concerns within the company about the urea consumption being device that no longer has a cellular plan. Saturday. “Through his example and Apple’s commitment to so great that it would require separate “fill-ups” every 5,000 miles, equality, LGBT young people, in particular, can look to Tim rather than the desired 10,000-mile intervals that are typical Samsung began selling its new smartwatches Cook’s incredible career and know that there is nothing hold- between engine oil changes. A software update on the newer Retailers carrying the Gear S2 include Best Buy and Macy’s. ing them back,” HRC President Chad Griffin said in a state- diesel models equipped with SCR devices could lead to “reduced The starting price is $300. The South Korean company ment. “They can dream as big as their minds allow them to, vehicle performance and fuel economy and increased urea use,” announced the Gear S2 in August, but gave no details on even if they want to be the CEO of one of the world’s largest said analyst Kevin Riddell of LMC Automotive. —Reuters prices then. The S2 has a circular frame that can be rotated to companies.” —AP TV listings SATURDAY, OCTOMBER 3, 2015

10:45 Harry’s South Pole Heroes 06:00 My Name Is Earl 03:00 Bates Motel 18:00 The Comebacks 04:30 Memory Loss 11:45 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 06:30 Til Death 04:00 The Newsroom 20:00 Delivery Man 06:00 Tarzan (2013) 13:45 Shetland 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 05:00 Good Morning America 22:00 Bulletproof 08:00 Mamma Moo And Crow 14:40 Doc Martin 08:00 The Mindy Project 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Top Cat: The Movie 15:35 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 08:30 Fresh Off The Boat 09:00 Criminal Minds 11:30 The Adventures Of Don 00:10 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 17:10 Keep It In The Family 09:00 Baby Daddy 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Quixote Notebook: Cosmo Cook 18:05 Tricked 09:30 Melissa & Joey 12:00 Parenthood 13:00 Cher Ami 00:35 Bargain Hunt 19:00 Doc Martin 10:00 Melissa & Joey 13:00 Supernatural 14:30 Ernest & Celestine 01:20 Masterchef: The Professionals 19:50 Shetland 10:30 Til Death 14:00 Red Band Society 01:00 August: Osage County-PG15 16:00 Santa’s Magic Crystal 02:15 The Roux Legacy 20:45 Keep It In The Family 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 15:00 Live Good Morning America 03:00 Fruitvale Station-PG15 18:00 Top Cat: The Movie 02:50 Come Dine With Me 21:35 Tricked Jimmy Fallon 16:00 Criminal Minds 05:00 Peace, Love & 20:00 Kikoriki: Team Invincible 03:15 Homes Under The Hammer 22:30 Come Dine With Me Ireland 12:00 Men At Work 17:00 Parenthood Misunderstanding-PG15 22:00 Ernest & Celestine 04:05 Beat My Build 23:00 Coronation Street 12:30 Mulaney 18:00 Supernatural 07:00 The Railway Man-PG15 23:30 Santa’s Magic Crystal 04:55 Bargain Hunt 13:00 Fresh Off The Boat 19:00 Criminal Minds 09:00 The Fifth Estate-PG15 05:40 Come Dine With Me 13:30 Til Death 20:00 Parenthood 11:15 Peace, Love & 06:05 Masterchef: The Professionals 14:00 Cristela 21:00 Supernatural Misunderstanding-PG15 07:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 14:30 Melissa & Joey 22:00 Bates Motel 13:00 Christmas Magic-PG15 08:40 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 15:00 Melissa & Joey 23:00 The Newsroom 15:00 Paranoia-PG15 09:30 Marbella Mansions 15:30 About A Boy 16:45 The Fifth Estate-PG15 11:00 Antiques Roadshow 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 19:00 As Cool As I Am-PG15 01:30 The Hundred-Foot Journey 14:30 Come Dine With Me 00:10 I Wouldn’t Go In There: Ww2 Wilmore 21:00 Capital-PG15 03:45 Iron Man-PG15 16:30 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Special 16:30 Men At Work 23:00 The Snitch Cartel-18 06:00 Good Deeds-PG15 17:20 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 01:00 Paranatural 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 08:00 Vamps-PG15 18:10 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 02:00 Classified: Terror/Counter 18:00 Baby Daddy 10:00 Bully-PG15 19:00 Marbella Mansions Terror 18:30 Cristela 00:00 300 12:00 Heaven Is For Real-PG 20:30 Antiques Roadshow 02:55 Beast Hunter 19:00 Young & Hungry 02:00 The Omen 666 14:00 Saving Mr. Banks-PG15 03:50 Food School 19:30 Young & Hungry 04:00 The Courier 16:15 Vamps-PG15 04:45 Unlikely Animal Friends 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 06:00 The Aggression Scale 18:00 Welcome To The Punch-PG15 05:40 Jimmy Fallon 08:00 47 Ronin 01:15 Cold Creek Manor 20:00 Lone Survivor-PG15 06:35 Richard Hammond’s Wildest 21:00 About A Boy 10:15 Batman: Assault On Arkham 03:15 August: Osage County 22:15 A Single Shot-18 Weather 21:30 The Nightly Show Global 12:00 The Courier 05:30 Sleepless In Seattle 07:30 Science Of Stupid Edition 14:00 Double Take 07:15 Grace Of Monaco 00:20 Cook County Jail 08:25 Dog Whisperer 22:00 The Muslims Are Coming 15:45 47 Ronin 09:00 Till Human Voices Wake Us 01:10 Fast N’ Loud 10:15 Taiwan: Island Of Fish 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 18:00 Mercenaries 11:00 August: Osage County 02:00 Patrick Dempsey: Racing Le 11:10 19:45 Absolute Killers 13:00 I Am Ali Mans 12:05 I Wouldn’t Go In There: Ww2 21:30 Backdraft 15:00 Sleepless In Seattle 02:50 Street Outlaws Special 17:00 Till Human Voices Wake Us 03:40 How Do They Do It? 13:00 Megastructures 19:00 The Darjeeling Limited 01:15 Dedication 06:00 Marooned With Ed Stafford 14:00 Engineering Connections 21:00 Calvary 03:00 Tomorrow When The War 06:50 Dual Survival 00:00 Tyrant 23:00 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Began 15:00 Malaysia From Below 01:00 Grey’s Anatomy 07:40 Deadliest Catch 16:00 Science Of Stupid 04:45 Monsters University 08:30 Outback Truckers 02:00 Survivor: Second Chance 06:30 Starship Troopers 17:00 Danger Decoded 03:00 Devious Maids 00:00 The Omen 666-18 09:20 Manhunt With Joel Lambert 18:00 02:00 The Courier-PG15 08:45 Sweet Home Alabama 10:10 Fast N’ Loud 04:00 Survivor: Second Chance 10:30 Wreck-It Ralph 19:00 Cabin Fever 05:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 04:00 The Aggression Scale-PG15 11:00 Patrick Dempsey: Racing Le 20:00 Science Of Stupid 06:00 47 Ronin-PG15 12:15 Under The Tuscan Sun Mans 06:00 Unforgettable 01:15 Reclaim-PG15 14:15 Tomorrow When The War 20:50 Danger Decoded 07:00 Backstrom 08:15 Batman: Assault On Arkham 11:50 Street Outlaws 21:40 Building Wild 10:00 The Courier-PG15 03:00 Philomena-PG15 Began 12:40 Junkyard Empire 08:00 Chicago Fire 05:00 The Swan Princess: A Royal 16:00 Hidalgo 22:30 Cabin Fever 09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 12:00 Double Take-PG15 13:30 Auction Hunters 23:20 Malaysia From Below 13:45 47 Ronin-PG15 Family Tale-PG 18:15 Dragonfly 15:10 Baggage Battles 10:00 Unforgettable 07:00 Robot & Frank-PG15 20:00 Scream 4 11:00 Backstrom 16:00 Mercenaries-PG15 16:50 Alaskan Bush People 17:45 Absolute Killers-PG15 09:00 So Undercover-PG15 21:45 Dark Water Christmas Special 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:00 Hercules-PG15 23:30 The Sixth Sense 14:00 Chicago Fire 19:30 Backdraft-PG15 17:40 Ice Lake Rebels 22:00 RoboCop-PG15 13:00 The Book Of Life-PG 18:30 Man vs Expert 15:00 Unforgettable 15:00 Belle-PG15 19:20 Deadly Dilemmas 18:00 Chicago Fire 17:00 So Undercover-PG15 19:00 C.S.I. 19:45 Deadly Dilemmas 00:30 About A Boy 18:45 Fury-PG15 20:10 Head Games 20:00 C.S.I. 21:00 Felony-PG15 01:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 21:00 Heroes Reborn 21:00 Tethered Wilmore 23:00 A Million Ways To Die In The 21:50 Ice Lake Rebels 22:00 The Blacklist West-18 01:30 You’re The Worst 23:00 The Player 00:00 John Dies At The End 00:00 The Listener 22:40 Alaska: The Last Frontier 02:00 You’re The Worst 02:00 A Valentine’s Date 23:55 Deadly Dilemmas 01:00 Castle 02:30 Family Guy 04:00 Problem Child 2 02:00 Low Winter Sun 03:00 Baby Daddy 06:00 Major Payne 03:00 Lone Star Legend 03:30 Cristela 08:00 Big Fat Liar 03:30 Lone Star Legend 04:00 The Mindy Project 10:00 Problem Child 2 04:00 72 Hours 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 12:00 A Valentine’s Date 01:00 Pim And Pom: The Big 05:00 Cougar Town Jimmy Fallon 00:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 Soccer Dog: European Cup Adventure 05:30 Cougar Town 00:00 Dash Dolls 05:30 Fresh Off The Boat 01:00 Good Morning America 16:00 Big Fat Liar 02:45 Cher Ami 06:00 Scrubs 00:55 We Have Issues 06:30 Scrubs 01:25 Fashion Police 07:00 Switched At Birth 02:20 E! News 08:00 Private Practice 03:15 Keeping Up With The 09:00 Private Practice Kardashians 10:00 Low Winter Sun 04:10 THS 11:00 Lone Star Legend 05:05 THS 11:30 Lone Star Legend 06:00 Keeping Up With The 12:00 72 Hours Kardashians 13:00 Cougar Town 06:55 Keeping Up With The 13:30 Scrubs Kardashians 14:00 Nine Lives Of Chloe King 07:50 Style Star 15:00 Nine Lives Of Chloe King 08:20 E! News 16:00 MasterChef - The 09:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills Professionals 10:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 17:00 The Great State Of Georgia 11:10 We Have Issues 17:30 Happy Endings 11:35 Fashion Police 18:00 The Walking Dead 12:05 E! News 19:00 The Walking Dead 13:05 Stewarts And Hamiltons 20:00 The Walking Dead 14:05 Hollywood Cycle 21:00 The Great State Of Georgia 15:00 Hollywood Cycle 21:30 Happy Endings 16:00 WAGs 22:00 The Listener 17:00 WAGs 23:00 The Listener 18:00 E! News 19:00 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 20:00 Dash Dolls 21:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 22:00 E! News 00:00 23:00 The Soup 01:00 Duck Dynasty 23:30 Fashion Police 01:30 Duck Dynasty 02:00 Storage Wars Texas 02:30 03:00 The World Wars 04:00 Search For The Lost Giants 05:00 American Pickers 00:40 Come Dine With Me Ireland 06:00 01:05 May The Best House Win 06:30 American Restoration 02:00 Shetland 07:00 Shipping Wars 02:55 Emmerdale 07:30 Shipping Wars 06:20 Coronation Street 08:00 Down East Dickering 08:25 Come Dine With Me Ireland 09:00 American Pickers 08:55 Doc Martin 10:00 Mountain Men 09:50 Harry’s South Pole Heroes 11:00 A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST ON OSN MOVIES HD 12:00 Gold Hunters: Legend Of The TV listings SATURDAY, OCTOMBER 3, 2015 Superstition... 13:00 American Restoration 11:20 The Cafe 12:50 California Investigator 14:00 11:45 A Farmer’s Life For Me 13:40 Dr G: Medical Examiner 15:00 12:40 Hotel Secrets With Richard 14:30 On The Case With Paula 16:00 Pawn Stars E Grant Zahn 19:00 Alone 13:25 Casualty 16:10 Disappeared 20:00 14:15 Eastenders 17:00 Disappeared 21:00 Alaska Off-Road Warriors 16:15 The Weakest Link 17:50 California Investigator 22:00 Ice Road Truckers 17:00 The Cafe 18:40 Forensic Detectives 23:00 Pawn Stars 17:30 A Farmer’s Life For Me 22:00 Diabolical 18:25 Hotel Secrets With Richard 22:50 Deadly Sins E Grant 23:40 Blood Relatives 19:10 Doctor Who 00:30 I Almost Got Away With It 20:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 01:20 Deadly Affairs 20:45 The Impressions Show With 02:10 Diabolical Culshaw... 21:15 The Job Lot 03:15 Little People, Big World 21:45 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 03:40 Craft Wars 22:30 The Impressions Show With 04:30 Cake Boss Culshaw... 05:00 Sister Wives 23:00 The Impressions Show With 05:30 Sister Wives Culshaw... 06:00 18 Kids And Counting 23:30 The Cafe 06:25 World’s Worst Mum 23:55 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 03:06 How It’s Made 07:15 Say Yes To The Dress 00:45 The Impressions Show With 03:29 How Do They Do It? 07:40 Little People, Big World Culshaw... 04:16 Outrageous Acts Of Psych 08:05 Cake Boss 01:15 The Job Lot 04:40 Outrageous Acts Of Psych 08:30 Cake Boss 01:40 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 05:03 Through The Wormhole 08:55 Bakery Boss 02:30 A Farmer’s Life For Me With Morgan Freeman 09:45 Cake Boss 05:50 Long March Into Space 10:10 Sister Wives 06:37 How It’s Made 10:35 Sister Wives 07:00 How It’s Made 11:00 Craft Wars 07:23 How Do They Do It? 11:50 Bakery Boss 10:23 How It’s Made 12:40 World’s Worst Mum 12:38 Food Factory 13:30 Oprah: Where Are They Now? 14:57 Through The Wormhole 14:20 Oprah’s Next Chapter 03:20 Grojband With Morgan Freeman 15:10 Cake Boss 04:05 Total Drama World Tour 15:44 How The Universe Works 15:35 Little People, Big World 04:50 Teen Titans Go! 18:05 Space Pioneer 16:00 Hoarding: Buried Alive 05:10 Grojband 18:50 Hunt For A Super Comet 16:50 Say Yes To The Dress 06:00 Dreamworks Dragons: 19:40 Outrageous Acts Of Psych 17:15 18 Kids And Counting Riders Of Berk 20:25 The Big Brain Theory 17:40 Sister Wives 06:25 Ben 10: Omniverse 21:15 Redesign My Brain 18:05 Sister Wives 07:10 Ninjago Master Of Spinjitzu 22:00 Mind Control Freaks 18:30 Craft Wars New 22:45 Outrageous Acts Of Psych 19:20 Sister Wives 07:35 Transformers: Robots In 23:35 Mythbusters 20:10 World’s Worst Mum Disguise 21:00 The Undateables 08:00 Matt Hatter New 21:50 What Have I Got 08:20 Teen Titans Go! 22:15 What Have I Got 09:10 The Amazing World Of 22:40 Extreme Couponing Gumball 23:05 Mob Wives 09:55 New Adventure Time 23:55 The Undateables 10:20 New Clarence 10:40 Steven Universe 03:10 Henry Hugglemonster 10:52 Steven Universe 03:20 Calimero 11:05 Regular Show 03:35 Zou 11:50 Uncle Grandpa 03:45 Loopdidoo 12:15 Adventure Time 04:00 Art Attack 12:40 Ninjago Master Of Spinjitzu 04:25 Henry Hugglemonster New 04:35 Calimero 13:00 Ninjago: Masters Of 04:50 Zou 03:25 The Glory Stompers 05:00 Loopdidoo 04:50 The People That Time Spinjitzu 13:25 Teen Titans Go! 05:15 Art Attack Forgot 05:35 Henry Hugglemonster 06:20 Earthbound 14:10 Matt Hatter New 14:35 Ben 10 05:50 Calimero 07:55 The Crocodile Hunter: 06:00 Zou Collision Course 15:20 New Adventure Time 15:45 New Clarence 06:20 Loopdidoo 09:25 Agent Cody Banks 06:35 Art Attack 11:05 Agent Cody Banks 2: 16:10 The Amazing World Of Gumball 07:00 Calimero SCREAM 4 ON STAR MOVIES Destination London 07:10 Zou 12:45 The People That Time 16:30 Regular Show 17:20 Ninjago Master Of Spinjitzu 07:25 Jake And The Never Land Forgot 00:45 Calimero Board 11:00 A Marriage Of Flavours New Pirates 14:15 Death Rides A Horse 01:00 Zou 18:53 Penn Zero: Part Time Hero 11:25 Tales From The Bush Larder 17:40 Ninjago: Masters Of 07:55 Sofia The First 16:10 American Rhapsody 01:15 Loopdidoo 19:16 Phineas And Ferb 11:50 Cruise Ship Diaries Spinjitzu 08:20 Doc McStuffins 17:55 Troll (Epic) 01:30 Art Attack 19:40 Annedroids 12:15 Cruise Ship Diaries 18:05 Teen Titans Go! 08:45 Loopdidoo 19:20 Captain Jack 01:55 Henry Hugglemonster 20:05 Super Matrak 12:40 American Food Battle 18:50 The Amazing World Of 09:00 Limon And Oli 21:00 Fear The Walking Dead 02:05 Calimero 20:30 Supa Strikas 13:05 George Clarke’s Amazing Gumball 09:10 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 22:00 Fear The Walking Dead 02:20 Zou 20:55 Lab Rats Spaces 19:01 The Amazing World Of 09:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 23:00 The Divide 02:30 Loopdidoo 21:25 Kirby Buckets 14:00 The Wine Quest: Spain Gumball 10:00 Sofia The First 00:00 Hide 02:45 Art Attack 21:50 Kickin’ It 14:30 Great Escapes 19:40 New Adventure Time 10:30 Doc McStuffins 01:30 Nightwatch 22:15 Mighty Med 14:55 Dream Cruises 20:00 Adventure Time 10:55 Miles From Tomorrow 23:00 Programmes Start At 15:50 Hook It, Cook It 20:25 Regular Show 11:25 Jake And The Never Land 6:00am KSA 16:20 Valentine Warner’s Wild 20:50 Dreamworks Dragons: Pirates Table Riders Of Berk 12:20 Loopdidoo 16:45 Valentine Warner’s Wild 21:40 Adventure Time 12:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West Table 22:25 Johnny Test 13:00 Sofia The First 17:15 Lee Chan’s World Food 23:10 Regular Show 15:45 Jake And The Never Land 06:00 The 7D Tour 23:55 Total Drama World Tour Pirates 06:10 Boyster 17:40 Chasing Time 00:20 Total Drama: Revenge Of 16:10 Lilo & Stitch 03:25 Gator Boys 06:35 Phineas And Ferb 18:10 The Food Files The Island 16:40 Adventures Of The Gummi 04:15 I’m Alive 07:00 Penn Zero: Part Time Hero 18:35 Wineroads 00:40 Grojband Bears 05:02 Treehouse Masters 07:25 Supa Strikas 03:05 Dream Cruises 19:05 Dream Cruises 01:25 Transformers: Robots In 17:05 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 05:49 Wildest Africa 07:50 Supa Strikas 03:55 Hook It, Cook It 20:00 Hook It, Cook It Disguise 17:35 Jake And The Never Land 06:36 Call Of The Wildman 08:15 Mighty Med 04:20 Valentine Warner’s Wild 20:25 Valentine Warner’s Wild 01:50 Regular Show Pirates 07:25 Meet The Orangutans 08:40 Lab Rats Table Table 02:35 Johnny Test 18:30 Sofia The First 11:00 Wildest Africa 09:10 Phineas And Ferb 04:45 Valentine Warner’s Wild 20:50 Valentine Warner’s Wild 18:20 Biggest And Baddest 18:55 Doc McStuffins 19:15 Jake And The Neverland 09:35 Kirby Buckets Table Table 21:05 Gorilla Doctors 10:00 Annedroids 05:10 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 21:15 Lee Chan’s World Food 22:00 Whale Wars Pirates 19:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 10:30 Supa Strikas 05:35 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita Tour 22:55 Ivory Wars 10:55 Mighty Med 06:00 The Food Files 21:40 Chasing Time 01:40 Biggest And Baddest 20:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 20:35 Sofia The First 11:20 Kickin’ It 06:25 Wineroads 22:05 The Food Files BBC Entertainment 11:45 Lab Rats 06:50 My Sri Lanka With Peter 22:30 Wineroads 03:15 Getting On 03:00 Blood Relatives 21:00 Adventures Of The Gummi 03:45 Who On Earth Did I Marry? Bears 12:10 Kirby Buckets Kuruvita 22:55 American Food Battle 03:45 The Omid Djalili Show 12:35 Phineas And Ferb 07:15 My Sri Lanka With Peter 23:20 George Clarke’s Amazing 04:15 The Weakest Link 04:30 Deadly Women 21:25 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 05:20 Forensic Detectives 21:55 Ducktales 13:00 Johnny Tsunami Kuruvita Spaces 05:00 The Green Balloon Club 14:30 Penn Zero: Part Time Hero 07:40 George Clarke’s Amazing 00:10 The Wine Quest: Spain 05:25 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 06:10 True Crime With Aphrodite 22:20 Lilo & Stitch Jones 22:50 Zou 14:50 Phineas And Ferb Spaces 00:35 Great Escapes 05:45 Charlie And Lola 15:15 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Food Lover’s Guide To The 01:00 The Best Job In The World 06:05 The Green Balloon Club 07:00 Fatal Encounters 23:05 Henry Hugglemonster 07:50 Disappeared 23:20 Calimero 15:40 Phineas And Ferb Planet 01:25 Cesar To The Rescue Asia 06:30 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 16:10 Boyster 08:55 Wineroads 02:15 Lee Chan’s World Food 06:55 Charlie And Lola 08:40 Disappeared 23:35 Zou 09:30 On The Case With Paula 23:50 Loopdidoo 16:35 Boyster 09:20 Eat Street Tour 07:20 The Weakest Link 17:00 Mighty Med 09:45 Eat Street 02:40 Lee Chan’s World Food 08:05 Doctors Zahn 00:05 Art Attack 11:10 The Will 00:30 Henry Hugglemonster 17:25 Johnny Kapahala: Back On 10:10 Chefs Run Wild Tour 10:35 Doctor Who 10:35 American Food Battle FOOD SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Mastering the easy art of cooking dried beans from scratch By Sara Moulton the weekend and use it in recipes later in utes) are below. I won’t offer exact cooking quarts of water. Add the beans, stir, then the week? But there are a few things to keep times because the timing can vary widely cover and soak overnight at room tempera- ntil I went off to college and became in mind regarding dried beans. depending on the variety and size of the ture. Ua vegetarian out of financial necessi- Dried beans seem to last forever on the beans, as well as how fresh they are. I have The next day, drain the beans and rinse ty, beans really weren’t a part of my shelf, but beware: The older the bean, the offered cooking methods using both stove- them. In a large saucepan or stockpot, com- life. But once I found myself pinching pen- longer it will take to cook. So try to buy your top and a slow cooker. Whichever you bine the beans with 7 cups of cold water. nies while sharing a house with three other beans from a store that has plenty of choose, save the cooking liquid. It is deli- Stir in the remaining 2 teaspoons salt. Bring women, beans became a great and afford- turnover. There has been a long debate cious added to soups and stews. the mixture to a boil, skimming the scum able source of bulk and protein. And though about whether to soak beans before cook- that rises to the surface with a skimmer or the initial motivation was saving money, we ing them. The main reason for the pre-soak MASTER RECIPE FOR slotted spoon (that scum is protein solids). eventually grew to love the unique flavors is to speed up the cooking time. And a pre- COOKING DRIED BEANS Reduce the heat to a simmer and simmer and textures of beans, and I have continued soak does indeed do that, by about 30 min- Start to finish: 13 to 15 hours (15 minutes the beans, regularly skimming the scum, to cook with them ever since. utes. But Cook’s Illustrated magazine has active) until no more scum rises to the surface. And the best way to make beans? uncovered an even better reason. If you Servings: 10 Add the onion, carrot, celery, garlic and Starting with dried beans. Why take the time soak beans in salted water overnight, they 1 pound dried beans thyme, then simmer for 30 to 60 minutes, or to cook dried beans when you can find a not only absorb some of the salt (which sea- 3 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons salt, until the beans are just tender. Drain the wide variety of canned available? There are sons them), they also come out more ten- divided beans, reserving the cooking liquid (if several reasons. der. For years we were all told that salt made 1 medium yellow onion, quartered desired) and discard the onion, carrot, celery Dried beans cooked from scratch have a beans tough, but it’s quite the contrary. So I 1 medium carrot, cut crosswise into 4 and thyme stalks. Use the beans in recipes more uniform texture than most canned recommend a pre-soak in salted water. pieces or freeze them in 1- or 2-cup portions. beans (some of which tend to get mushed in Acid of any kind, however - tomatoes, cit- 1 celery stalk, cut crosswise into 4 pieces the can). Also, you can control what gets rus, vinegar, wine, etc. - is the enemy. It will 2 cloves garlic, crushed Slow cooker method added to the beans (particularly salt). And prevent the beans from cooking properly. If 2 sprigs fresh thyme Soak the beans as described above, then they cost much less than canned beans. A you want to add a touch of acid to your drain and rinse them. In a slow cooker, com- 16-ounce bag of dried beans yields roughly beans, add it only when the cooking is near- Preparation bine the beans with the 2 teaspoons of salt, 5 or 6 cups of cooked beans, while a 15- ly done. The basics for cooking almost all Sort through the beans to pick out any onion, carrot, celery, garlic and thyme. Add ounce can of cooked beans yields roughly 1- dried beans (except dried lentils and split random stones or sticks among them, then enough water to cover the beans by 1 inch, 1/2 cups. Finally, homemade beans freeze peas, which cook so quickly you can make rinse and drain the beans. In a large bowl or then cover and cook on high for 4 to 6 beautifully, so why not make a big batch on them from start to finish in about 20 min- pot, dissolve 3 tablespoons of the salt in 4 hours, or until completely tender. —AP WHAT’S ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Life Abundant International Fountain Church Convention

ife Abundant International Fountain gram featuring seminars, high Praises and L(LAIF Church) Kuwait invites you to her ministrations. As a prelude to the forth com- 2015 Annual Convention coming up ing convention, LAIF Church recently organ- from the 15th October - 18th October at the ized its Young Adult and Shiloh programs. The National Evangelical Church Kuwait City. This event attracted lots of Christians from differ- is a power packed and Holy Ghost filled pro- ent denominations. Announcement from US Embassy Kuwait

essage to all US citizens residing in Kuwait - standard 52-page book. Meffective January 1, 2016, the Department of As the US holiday travel season approaches, you State will eliminate the addition of supple- should consider applying for extra pages while they are mental visa pages for passports. To mitigate the impact still available or applying to renew your passport to of this change, applicants for new passports have start- ensure you have enough blank pages for visa stamps ed receiving 52-page passports as of October 1, 2014. from other countries. See for more infor- Please note that requests for extra pages on Form DS- mation on entry, exit, and foreign visa requirements. 4085 will only be accepted for current passports until For more information about how to apply for extra visa Wednesday, December 30, 2015. Starting January 1, pages and to make an appointment with American Citizens 2016, applicants who need more blank pages will need Services, please visit to apply to renew their passports and be issued the passports/additional-visa-pages.html. HEALTH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Public health emergency declared due to lead in Flint water DETROIT: Officials in Michigan declared a public water since the city decided last year to stop paying LeeAnne Walters, a Flint parent and member of the health emergency Thursday over the city of Flint’s Detroit for its water service. Water You Fighting For group. Detroit’s water system water, after months of resident complaints about its serves about 4 million people in communities across smell and taste, in response to tests that showed chil- Safety guidelines southeastern Michigan. dren with elevated levels of lead. A day after Gov. Rick Mayor Dayne Walling said Thursday residents should “This department is always willing to explore possibili- Snyder said the consequences of using the Flint River follow the county commission’s declaration on using fil- ties that may be beneficial ... for the residents of Flint and for the city’s drinking water weren’t “fully understood,” ters certified for lead removal, having water tested and the other communities that we serve,” William Wolfson Genesee County Commissioners recommended that flushing cold water for five minutes before drinking it. of the Detroit Water Department told The Associated people not use the water unless it first goes through an A coalition of local citizens and national groups peti- Press. Flint is among a number of communities that have approved filter at taps. tioned the Environmental Protection Agency on complained about the rising cost of Detroit’s water and A group of doctors called a news conference last Thursday to order Michigan and state environmental offi- sewerage service. City officials estimated the cost of buy- week to report high levels of lead in blood samples cials to reconnect Flint to Detroit water. ing water from Detroit at $16 million. They turned off from children, as the corrosive water is apparently “As evidenced by the ongoing poisoning of the chil- Flint’s tap to Detroit water in April 2014 and opted for releasing lead from old pipes in homes. It was among dren of Flint, it’s time for the EPA to take immediate Flint River water until the city switches to a new pipeline the most significant challenges to the quality of Flint action to provide us with a safe water source,” said from Lake Huron. —AP

Insurers face health overhaul losses for 2014 WASHINGTON: Health insurers will lose about $2.5 billion because patients covered through President Barack Obama’s health law last year were sicker than expected, according to government figures released late Thursday. The Department of Health and Human Services released updated numbers for a program that helps stabilize premi- ums in the health care law’s insurance markets, which offer taxpayer-subsidized private plans. Under that program, insur- ers whose medical claims costs were lower than expected pay in money to help insurers whose costs were higher. For 2014, insurers that had sicker-than-expected patients requested nearly $2.9 billion in payments, HHS said. But the government has collected only $362 million from insurers that did well. That means insurers who requested payments will get less than 13 percent of what they sought. Some plans may face financial problems as a result, Obama administration officials NEW DELHI: In this photograph taken on March 20, 2015, smoke rises from the Badarpur Thermal Power Station acknowledged. They said those are expected to be isolated in New Delhi. India, the world’s third biggest carbon-emitting country, said yesterday it was “confident” it could cases. cut its emissions intensity by 35 percent by 2030 in the run-up to a key conference in Paris later this year. —AFP A leading explanation for the shortfall is that 2014 was the first year of the program, and insurers were uncertain about where to set their premiums. Things may ultimately balance out, but it’s too early to tell. “It shows that insurers set premi- India vows to cut carbon ums too low in the first year for the health care costs associat- ed with who enrolled,” said Larry Levitt of the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. “I would expect insurer finances to intensity in Paris pledge improve as they’ve adjusted premiums and enrollment has grown, bringing in more healthy people.” The insurance industry was disappointed at what its offi- Delhi poised to play an active and influential role cials called a significant shortfall. “Stable, affordable cover- NEW DELHI: age” depends on adequate funding of the program, said a As the last major economy to one with nature.” The carbon intensity goal will up to 3 billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2030, statement from Marilyn Tavenner, CEO of America’s Health submit a target for a global climate pact, India allow India’s emissions to grow as its economy and laid out plans for adapting to changing is pledging to reduce the intensity of its carbon expands, but at a lower rate than now. “It is weather and temperatures. “This is a positive Insurance Plans, the industry lobby. —AP emissions and boost the share of electricity estimated that more than half of India of 2030 and novel Indian approach,” Saran said, adding produced from sources other than fossil fuels is yet to be built,” the government said. Prime that India was effectively sharing responsibility to 40 percent by 2030. Minister Narendra Modi has made manufactur- for taking action to protect the climate while The world’s third-largest carbon polluter ing and job creation a key promise of his seeking global partnerships on implementing filed its climate action plan to the Germany- administration, and has implored foreign com- those plans. based UN climate secretariat late Thursday, the panies and governments, with the slogan India plans a fivefold boost in renewable deadline for pledges before a December con- “Make in India,” to help. energy capacity in the next five years to 175 ference in Paris where governments are sup- gigawatts, including solar power, wind, bio- posed to adopt a landmark deal to fight cli- Global leader mass and small hydropower dams. Even with a mate change. Environmental groups following the UN cli- major boost in renewable energy, India is also As of yesterday, 146 nations accounting for mate talks welcomed India’s pledge. “India planning to expand coal power - the biggest 87 percent of global carbon emissions had sub- now has positioned itself as a global leader in source of emissions - to satisfy its energy mitted their pledges. In a 38-page submission clean energy, and is poised to play an active needs. Coal-fired power plants account for citing the country’s forefather Mohandas K. and influential role in the international climate about 60 percent of India’s installed power Gandhi, an ardent environmentalist, the Indian negotiations this December,” said Rhea Suh, capacity. government said it would slash the rate of president of the Natural Resources Defense By 2030, the government said its installed emissions relative to gross domestic product Council, a group based in New York. Climate capacity from “non-fossil fuel-based energy by 33-35 percent by 2030 from 2005 levels. analyst Samir Saran at the Observer Research resources” would grow to 40 percent. It was YANGON: Noble Heart rescue ambulance charity Already, the country has reduced its carbon Foundation, a New Delhi think tank, also not immediately clear whether that would also service volunteers prepare to transfer a patient at intensity by 12 percent since 2005, it said. described India’s targets as ambitious and include nuclear power. India said boosting its the Yangon general hospital in Yangon. With lights Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar “rooted in Indian reality,” given the fact that at renewables to that level would require help flashing and sirens blaring, volunteer ambulance said India held its submission back so it could least 300 million citizens - a fourth of the popu- with transfer of clean technology and financing driver Myint Hein weaves through traffic-choked coordinate its filing with the Indian holiday cel- lation - still have no access to electricity at all, - two of the crunch issues before the Paris deal, Yangon, a lifeline in Myanmar where healthcare was ebrating Gandhi’s birthday yesterday. “Our while hundreds of millions more make do with which is supposed to apply to all countries but crippled by decades of chronic underfunding during every action will be cleaner than what it was just a few hours a day. also include provisions for rich countries to earlier,” Javadekar told reporters, insisting that India also promised aggressive reforesta- help poor countries fight climate change and junta rule. —AFP Indian traditions and culture are already “at tion efforts, with enough new trees to absorb adapt to its consequences. —AP HEALTH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Low-nicotine cigarettes cut use, dependence, study finds

NEW YORK: A new study might help the push for regulations to limit nicotine in cigarettes. Smokers who switched to spe- cial low-nicotine ones wound up smoking less and were more likely to try to quit, researchers found. The study only lasted six weeks, and researchers call the evidence preliminary. But they say it’s the first large study to show that slashing nicotine, perhaps below an addiction threshold, is safe and leads to less smoking. The Food and Drug Administration was given the power in 2009 to mandate lower nicotine levels if it would help public health, but has not yet done so. “This, I think, provides sup- port” for lowering nicotine, said one study leader, Dr. Neal Benowitz of the University of California, San Francisco. “What our study shows is that it’s feasible,” and that people won’t smoke more regular cigarettes to compensate, he said. Results are in the New England Journal of Medicine. The FDA and the National Institute on Drug Abuse paid for the study. Two study leaders have advised companies that make smoking cessation aids, and two testified in tobacco lawsuits. Smoking is a leading cause of heart disease and cancer. Tar and other substances inhaled through smoking make ciga- rettes deadly, but the nicotine in tobacco is what makes them addictive. Some earlier work suggests they might not be if nicotine was limited to roughly 0.7 milligrams per gram of tobacco. Most cigarettes contain around 15.8 milligrams per BENTIU: George Duop sits by his two-year old daughter’s bedside in a hospital run by medical charity Doctors gram of tobacco. There are no low-nicotine cigarettes on the Without Borders in the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) base in Bentiu, South Sudan, on market; the government made special ones with several low- September 18. Duop’s daughter is being treated for malaria which swept through the crowded and unsani- er nicotine levels to test. tary camp, home to 118,000 people uprooted during the country’s 21-month long civil war. —AFP “We wanted to see how much lower it would need to be to see that effect,” where dependence did not happen or was diminished, said another study leader, Dr. Eric Donny, a measure nicotine exposure and dependence. They were paid brand. All low-nicotine cigarette users reported fewer symp- University of Pittsburgh psychologist. $20 an hour or so for the visits and extra for completing tests toms of nicotine dependence on various standardized tests. For the study, about 800 people who smoked five or more and daily calls, up to $835 in all. The study was not intended or designed to get smokers to cigarettes a day and had no interest in quitting were assigned The low-nicotine users were a little more likely to smoke quit. But twice as many in the low-nicotine group than those to smoke either their usual brand or an experimental type some regular cigarettes in addition to the ones provided in smoking standard-strength cigarettes - 35 percent versus 17 with nicotine ranging from a low of 0.4 milligram to 15.8 mil- the study, yet the overall number of cigarettes and nicotine percent - said they had tried in the month after the study ligrams, the level in most cigarettes. levels were lower in those groups. During the last week of the ended. study, those given cigarettes with low amounts of nicotine - A longer study is under way to see whether a gradual or Standardized tests 2.4, 1.3 or 0.4 milligrams per gram of tobacco - were averag- abrupt shift to low-nicotine cigarettes is best. Dr. Michael The cigarettes were provided for free, and no one except ing 15 or 16 smokes a day. That compares to 21 or 22 ciga- Fiore and Timothy Baker, tobacco researchers from the people assigned to keep smoking their regular brand knew rettes for those given the 15.8-milligram cigarettes or their University of Wisconsin, Madison, wrote in a commentary in how much nicotine any of their smokes contained. usual brand. the journal that the study shows the potential for a policy to Smokers had to report daily how much they smoked and One low-nicotine level - 5.2 milligrams - did not cause any cut nicotine that “could help to end the devastating health to make 10 office visits, some of which included tests to change in number of cigarettes smoked from smokers’ usual consequences” of smoking. —AP information SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015




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Arrival Flights on Saturday 3/10/2015 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 Airlines Flt Route Time IRA 669 Mashhad 17:10 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 PIA 205 Lahore 00:15 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 KAC 101 London/New York 10:00 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 RJA 649 Amman 10:15 SYR 343 Damascus 00:25 JZR 357 Mashhad 17:30 KAC 511 Mashhad 10:20 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 IRM 1181 Mashhad 10:25 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 QTR 1071 Doha 10:40 THY 772 Istanbul 00:35 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 SVA 500 Jeddah 18:00 SYR 342 Damascus 10:55 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 FDB 065 Dubai 18:05 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 IRM 1180 Mashhad 18:10 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 18:20 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 JZR 356 Mashhad 11:40 OMA 643 Muscat 02:05 CLX 856 Luxembourg 18:50 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 QTR 1076 Doha 02:55 KAC 104 London 19:00 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 AGY 685 Sohag 12:40 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 IAW 158 Al Najaf 13:00 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 IRM 1189 Mashhad 13:10 PGT 860 Istanbul 03:45 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 THY 1464 Istanbul 03:55 KAC 742 Dammam 19:40 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 OMA 642 Muscat 13:15 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 AGY 684 Sohag 19:50 NIA 152 Cairo 13:35 THY 5582 Bursa 05:05 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 IRC 6512 ABD 13:50 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:00 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 JZR 529 Asyut 06:00 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 ABY 121 Sharjah 20:20 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:40 BAW 157 London 06:35 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:20 IRC 527 Mashhad 15:00 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:40 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 KAC 174 Munich 20:55 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:45 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 KNE 481 Taif 15:10 KAC 204 Lahore 07:50 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 KLM 415 Amsterdam 21:25 IZG 4168 Mashhad 15:30 KAC 354 BLR 07:55 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 KAC 741 Dammam 15:55 KAC 154 Istanbul 08:10 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:00 KAC 344 Chennai 08:15 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 KNE 463 Madinah 16:00 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 AIC 987 Chennai/Hyderabad 22:25 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 IZG 4162 Mashhad 16:10 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:00 MSC 407 Sohag 22:45 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 JZR 157 Dubai 22:55 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:45 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:15 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:50 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:20 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 RJA 648 Amman 09:30 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:55 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 FDB 071 Dubai 23:55 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 SYR 341 Damascus 10:00 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 Departure Flights on Saturday 3/10/2015 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 Airlines Flt Route Time UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 JZR 325 Al Najaf 11:20 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 IRA 666 Esfahan 18:10 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 RBG 556 Alexandria 00:05 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 AGY 680 Alexandria 11:40 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:45 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 KAC 563 Amman 18:30 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 JZR 156 Dubai 18:35 OMA 641 Muscat 11:50 KLM 413 Amsterdam 00:55 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 IAW 157 Al Najaf 12:00 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 SYR 344 KAC/Damascus 01:25 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 NIA 151 Cairo 12:35 PIA 206 Lahore 01:30 FDB 066 Dubai 18:55 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 IRM 1187 Tehran 19:10 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 SVA 505 Jeddah 19:30 IRC 6511 ABD 12:50 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 ETD 9910 Abu Dhabi 19:35 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 13:55 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 IRC 526 Mashhad 14:00 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 CLX 856 Hong Kong 20:20 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 KNE 460 Riyadh 14:10 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 KAC 287 Dhaka 20:40 IZG 4167 Mashhad 14:30 THY 765 Istanbul 04:55 KAC 331 Trivandrum 20:45 KAC 540 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 AGY 681 Alexandria 20:50 IZG 4161 Mashhad 14:50 QTR 1077 Doha 05:05 KAC 1543 Cairo 20:55 JZR 257 Beirut 14:55 THY 1465 Istanbul 05:55 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 ABY 127 Sharjah 14:55 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:00 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 KNE 462 Madinah 15:05 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 MSR 607 Luxor 21:40 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:50 JZR 256 Beirut 07:30 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 KAC 173 Munich 07:45 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:00 JZR 324 Al Najaf 07:55 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 KNE 472 Jeddah 16:00 BAW 156 London 08:30 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 KAC 539 Sharm el-Sheikh 08:50 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 KAC 512 Mashhad 16:10 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:25 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 KAC 118 New York 16:30 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 ETD 9909 CCU 16:35 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Word Search Puzzles 69. An esoteric or occult matter that is traditionally secret. CROSSWORD 1038 72. Leave or strike out, as of vowels. 73. Used of a single unit or thing. 74. A genus of Psittacidae. 76. Norwegian mathematician (1802-1829). 77. A lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the blood. 78. Any of the chemical elements fluorine or chlorine or bromine or iodine or astatine. 79. A small cake leavened with yeast. DOWN 1. Young sheep. 2. A characteristic state or mode of living. 3. German states who as chancellor of West Germany worked to reduce tensions with eastern Europe (1913-1992). 4. (music) The speed at which a composition is to be played. 5. A federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment. 6. The basic unit of money in Vietnam. 7. (Old Testament) The eldest son of Isaac who would have inherited the Covenant that God made with Abraham and that Abraham passed on to Isaac. 8. An elongated leather strip (or or strip of similar material) for bind- ing things together or holding something in position. 9. Long-tailed arboreal mustelid of Central and South America. 10. Goddess of criminal rashness and its punishment. 11. French diplomat who supervised the construction of the Suez Canal (1805-1894). ACROSS 12. Mentally or physically infirm with age. 1. A three-year law degree. 13. An organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a com- 4. A support or foundation. mon policy for the sale of petroleum. 12. A state of southwestern India. 14. The highest level or degree attainable. 15. Relating to or characteristic of or occurring in the air. 22. The basic unit of money in Nigeria. 16. Not faithful to religion or party or cause n. 25. Any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark 17. A drug combination found in some over-the-counter headache that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads Yesterday’s Solution remedies (Aspirin and Phenacetin and Caffeine). of fruits. 18. A master's degree in fine arts. 27. Represent in bodily form. 19. A group of mountainous islands in the Atlantic off the northwest 29. Inflammation of the urethra of unknown cause. coast of Africa forming Spanish provinces. 31. Whitish fibrous membrane (albuginea) that with the cornea forms 20. A crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry. the outer covering of the eyeball. 21. East Indian annual erect herb. 32. A United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by 23. Drought-tolerant herb grown for forage and for its seed which loans guaranteed by member governments. yield a gum used as a thickening agent or sizing material. 33. By bad luck. 24. The unlimited 3-dimensional expanse in which everything is 35. An Indian side dish of yogurt and chopped cucumbers and spices. located. 36. Or or relating to or caused by tides. 26. A native or inhabitant of Denmark. 37. Administer an oil or ointment to. 28. Sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat) section or component of 46. Liquid containing proteins and electrolytes including the liquid in something. blood plasma and interstitial fluid. 30. (ophthalmology) Impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregu- 47. A Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria. lar conformation of the cornea. 48. United States swimmer who in 1926 became the first woman to 34. An ancient Greek city famous for military prowess. swim the English Channel (1903- ). 38. A white trivalent metallic element. 50. Enter into a list of prospective jurors. 39. Any of various units of capacity. 51. A detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work. 40. Lengthen or extend in duration or space. 52. A town in western Kentucky on the Ohio River. 41. Humble request for help. 53. A person's brother or sister. 42. Toward the mouth or oral region. 56. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. 43. An officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer. 57. 1 species. 44. The branch of engineering science that studies the uses of elec- 59. Tropical American tree grown in southern United States having a tricity and the equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and communication. whitish pink-tinged fruit. 45. A doctor's degree in dental surgery. 60. A clique that seeks power usually through intrigue. 49. Tender and brittle. 62. Tropical American trees with palmately compound leaves and 54. Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer. showy bell-shaped flowers. 55. A resort city in western Florida. 63. A unit of dry measure used in Egypt. 58. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling). 64. An ancient upright stone slab bearing markings. 61. Noisy quarrel. 66. The basic unit of money in South Africa. 65. Comprises tropical American species usually placed in genus 67. A stick that people can lean on to help them walk. Masdevallia. 70. Relating to or containing the azo radical. 68. Imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time) from 206 BC 71. (of roads) Made of logs laid down crosswise. to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy. 75. An associate degree in nursing.

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Yesterday’s Solution SPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Yankees beat Red Sox, Rangers roll

NEW YORK: The New York Yankees clinched runs and three hits in 2-1-3 innings in the final an AL wild-card spot Thursday night, ending a start of his 17-year major league career. Kenley two-year absence from the postseason by Jansen pitched a perfect ninth for his 35th beating the Boston Red Sox 4-1. save. Carlos Beltran and rookies Greg Bird and Rob Refsnyder all homered for the Yankees in ROYALS 6, WHITE SOX 4 the franchise’s 10,000th regular-season win. Jonny Gomes drove in three runs and Alex Rodriguez and the Yankees open the banged-up Kansas City moved into a tie with playoffs with a winner-take-all game on Toronto for the AL’s best record. The Royals Tuesday. Houston leads the race for the second were minus outfielders Lorenzo Cain and Alex AL wild-card spot. Rios, and designated hitter Kendrys Morales New York had failed to reach the playoffs in (left quad tightness) and catcher Salvador consecutive years for the first time since its Perez (swelling in right thumb) each departed 1982-93 drought, just before the start of a during the game. Cain was sidelined by a sore golden age that included five World Series right knee, and Rios was scratched because of titles and seven AL pennants from 1996-2009 a stiff back. Kris Medlen (6-2) pitched six for the now-retired Derek Jeter and Mariano innings of two-run ball, and Ryan Madson Rivera. tossed a perfect ninth for his third save. CC Sabathia (6-10) won for the second Chicago’s John Danks (7-15) lost his third time since the All-Star break. Dellin Betances straight start. got three outs for his ninth save in 13 chances. Rich Hill (2-1) wound up with the loss. RAYS 4, MARLINS 1 Jake Odorizzi allowed one run over seven RANGERS 5, ANGELS 3 innings as Tampa Bay beat Jose Fernandez and The Texas Rangers clinched a wild-card spot Miami for a three-game sweep. Odorizzi (9-9) and moved to the cusp of the AL West title, scattered four hits, walked two and struck out with Adrian Beltre’s three-run double backing seven. Brad Boxberger pitched the ninth for Derek Holland in a win over Los Angeles. his 41st save. The Rangers (87-72), in the playoffs for the Fernandez (6-1) gave up two runs, 11 hits first time since 2012 after a 95-loss season, are and fanned nine in six innings. The Rays said it a win or a Houston loss away from their first was the first regular-season game ever division title since winning two straight and between AL and NL teams during October. going to the World Series in 2010-11. Houston and Arizona will start a three-game The Angels are a game behind the Astros interleague series Friday night. and tied with Minnesota for the second wild- NEW YORK: Yankees Carlos Beltran (right) points skyward as he crosses the card slot. Holland (4-3) allowed three hits and NATIONALS 3, BRAVES 0 three runs in 6 1-3 innings for his first win plate after hitting a second inning solo home run off Boston Red Sox starting Stephen Strasburg continued his strong since Sept. 5. Shawn Tolleson got his 35th save pitcher Rich Hill in a baseball game. —AP September to help Washington beat Atlanta. in 37 chances. Beltre broke a 1-all tie with a Strasburg (11-7) gave up six hits and struck out CUBS 5, REDS 3 bases-clearing double off Andrew Heaney (6- holds the record with a 48-game string in 1978. seven in six innings. In his final four starts of the 4) in the fifth. Austin Jackson hit a three-run homer, Jason Hammel (10-7) threw five shutout season, he finished 3-0 with an 0.62 ERA. He Anthony Rizzo added an RBI double and innings to match his career high in wins. struck out 44 in 29 innings. ORIOLES 6, BLUE JAYS 4 Chicago kept alive its slim hopes for home-field Hector Rondon got his 29th save. John Lamb Rookie Felipe Rivero retired all six batters he The AL East champion Toronto Blue Jays advantage in the NL wild-card game. (1-5) took the loss. faced in the eighth and ninth innings for his rested their regulars a day after clinching the The Reds lost their 12th in a row. The Cubs first save. It was the first save opportunity for DODGERS 3, GIANTS 2 division title, and Manny Machado homered moved within two games of idle Pittsburgh in the Nationals since closer Jonathan Papelbon twice for Baltimore. the race for home field in Wednesday’s NL Brett Anderson gave up four hits in 7-2-3 was suspended for the final week of the sea- The game was delayed by rain for nearly 3- wild-card playoff game. innings as the NL West champion Los Angeles son. Braves rookie Ryan Weber (0-3) struck out 1/2 hours. Blue Jays ace David Price was Joey Votto singled to reach base for the Dodgers wrapped up their road schedule. a career-high 10 in seven innings. scratched from his scheduled start. Drew 47th straight game, the longest since Kevin Anderson (10-9) retired 14 straight batters Hutchison (13-5) took the loss. Todd McFarland Millar’s 52-game stretch in 2007. Pete Rose at one stretch. Tim Hudson (8-9) allowed three PADRES 3, BREWERS 1 (1-2) got the win and Zach Britton posted his Ian Kennedy struck out 11 in what was likely 35th save. his final start with San Diego. The Padres MLB results/standings underachieved this year, extending their post- TWINS 4, INDIANS 2 season drought to nine seasons despite a ros- Pinch-runner Eduardo Nunez scored from ter overhaul that included adding stars such as third base on a wild pitch and Torii Hunter hit a Baltimore 6, Toronto 4; Philadelphia 3, NY Mets 0; Chicago Cubs 5, Cincinnati 3; LA Dodgers 3, Matt Kemp, Justin Upton, Wil Myers, Derek sacrifice fly in the ninth inning as Minnesota San Francisco 2; San Diego 3, Milwaukee 1; NY Yankees 4, Boston 1; Minnesota 4, Cleveland 2; Norris and James Shields. San Diego will finish beat the Indians and moved a little closer to an Washington 3, Atlanta 0; Tampa Bay 4, Miami 1; Texas 5, LA Angels 3; Kansas City 6, Chicago with a losing record for the fifth straight sea- AL wild-card spot. White Sox 4; Arizona 8, Colorado 6. son. Facing a crushing loss, the Twins scored a American League National League Kennedy (9-15) is eligible to become a free run in the eighth to tie it and then two Eastern Division Eastern Division agent. Craig Kimbrel pitched the ninth for his unearned runs in the ninth off Cody Allen (2-5). W L PCT GB NY Mets 89 70 .560 - 39th save. Milwaukee starter Taylor Jungmann They’re tied with the Angels, one game behind Toronto 92 67 .579 - Washington 81 78 .509 8 (9-8) took the loss. Houston for the second wild-card berth with NY Yankees 87 72 .547 5 Miami 69 90 .434 20 DIAMONDBACKS 8, ROCKIES 6 three games left. Glen Perkins (3-5) pitched a 1- Baltimore 78 81 .491 14 2-3 eighth and Kevin Jepsen worked the ninth Atlanta 64 95 .403 25 Welington Castillo had a go-ahead two-run Boston 78 81 .491 14 Philadelphia 62 97 .390 27 for 15th save. Tampa Bay 78 81 .491 14 double with two outs during Arizona’s four-run seventh inning. Phil Gosselin hit an inside-the- PHILLIES 3, METS 0 Central Division Central Division park home run for Arizona with two outs in the Jerad Eickhoff struck out 10 in seven innings St. Louis 100 59 .629 - seventh to start Arizona’s rally. Replays Kansas City 92 67 .579 - and Darin Ruf hit a two-run homer as the Pittsburgh 96 63 .604 4 appeared to show the ball clearing the yellow Minnesota 83 76 .522 9 Phillies beat the NL East champions to com- Chicago Cubs 94 65 .591 6 line on top of the wall in left field and then Cleveland 78 80 .494 13.5 plete a three-game sweep. Milwaukee 68 91 .428 32 bouncing back onto the field. Chicago White Sox 74 85 .465 18 The Mets have a one-game lead over the Cincinnati 63 96 .396 37 By the time left fielder Rafael Ynoa retrieved Dodgers for home-field advantage in their divi- Detroit 73 85 .462 18.5 the ball and threw it back toward the infield, sion series next week. Eickhoff (3-3) gave up Western Division Gosselin was headed for home. Castillo had his two infield singles, two doubles and no walks. Western Division double off reliever Justin Miller (3-3) and Luis Garcia got for his second save in four Texas 87 72 .547 - LA Dodgers 89 70 .560 - scored on two wild pitches by Boone Logan. tries. Rookie Sean Gilmartin (3-2) made his first Houston 84 75 .528 3 San Francisco 83 76 .522 6 Enrique Burgos (2-2) got the win in relief for career start for the Mets after 49 relief appear- LA Angels 83 76 .522 4 Arizona 78 81 .491 11 the Diamondbacks despite allowing a run and ances. He allowed two runs and three hits in Seattle 75 84 .472 12 San Diego 74 85 .465 15 two hits with two wild pitches in the seventh. five innings. Oakland 66 93 .415 21 Colorado 66 93 .415 23 Silvino Bracho pitched a scoreless ninth for his first major league save. —AP SPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Brazilian jiu-jitsu wrestles its way onto world stage

RIO DE JANEIRO: New Zealander Jason Lee lies face down on a Rio de Janeiro floor, his arm twisted in a painful lock. But the 26-year-old couldn’t be happier-it’s exactly what he came halfway around the world to experience. As pastry chefs might make pilgrimages to France or mystics to India, so hardened fighters from around the globe beat a path to Rio gyms to learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a formerly obscure martial art that has become an unlikely success story and export. Once restricted almost entirely to the Latin American country, Brazilian jiu-jitsu is one of the world’s fastest-growing forms of unarmed combat, credited with igniting the mixed martial arts or MMA cage fight- ing phenomenon, and popular from the United States to the Middle East and Asia. At the cramped GFTeam academy in a section of northern Rio rarely visited by tourists, Lee is one of four non-Brazilians among the 20 or so men and women grap- pling on the mats. Clearly the gringos-as foreigners in Brazil are teasingly dubbed-didn’t come for the fancy facilities: the gym is open to a noisy sidewalk, has a dodgy toilet, and is so small that fighters literally bounce off the padded walls. The real attraction is simple: more than half of everyone in the room wears the elite black belt. “They refer to this place as the champion factory,” Lee says. A wiry, soft spoken man, Lee was a karate black belt in New Zealand when he stumbled across jiu-jitsu. Less than three years later- BRAZIL: Brazilians practice jiu-jitsu in Rio de Janeiro. Once restricted almost entirely to the Latin American country, after reaching blue belt, stage two in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu is one of the world’s fastest-growing forms of unarmed combat, credited with igniting the mixed martial long haul to jiu-jitsu black-he was suffi- arts or MMA cage fighting phenomenon, and popular from the United States to the Middle East and Asia. —AFP ciently hooked to grab a plane to Rio. “There’s something about jiu-jitsu,” Lee been just as busy. “I have students here kicking banned, there are fewer injuries said. “You fall under the spell.” from Bermuda, Argentina, Iran, France,” than in other martial arts. Rolker Gracie, another of Helio’s sons, said But given that jiu-jitsu’s goal is submis- LEGENDARY FAMILY in an interview, sitting cross legged on the sion through arm locks and choking com- In about 1914, with jiu-jitsu barely green and red mats of his jiu-jitsu school, petitors often end up briefly unconscious- known outside Asia, Japanese immigrant the Gracie Academy, in Rio de Janeiro. ”soft” is a relative concept. At the Rio and jiu-jitsu master Mitsuyo Maeda intro- “I go to Africa for seminars, I go to GFTeam academy, headquarters of a net- duced the sport to Brazil by giving lessons Buenos Aires for seminars, and my broth- work that has spread across Brazil and the to the sons of businessman Gastao Gracie ers go to, Kuwait, everywhere,” Gracie, 51, United States, the air filled with cries and in the Amazon jungle city of Belem. said. “I have a brother living in Spain, a the thwack of limbs against mats. One But it was Gracie’s youngest son Helio- brother in Honolulu, a brother in San Brazilian pressed ice to a huge swelling considered too sickly to take part-who Diego, a brother and two sisters in Los around his eye. would make history. Helio, according to Angeles. And they’re all teaching jiu-jitsu.” “I’ve broken my nose three times and legend, spent years watching his brothers While the Gracies are jiu-jitsu royalty, dislocated both knees,” said Jacob from the sidelines before finally getting a it’s an actual royal, Sheikh Tahnoon bin Mackenzie, a multiple champion black belt chance. When he did, he had a novel idea: Zayed of Abu Dhabi, who has emerged as from Canada who trains at GFTeam. why not adapt the traditional moves to the sport’s biggest new booster. “The training is really hard here. Here suit his weaker physique? The supposed A huge UFC fan, Sheikh Tahnoon creat- there are no tourists or special prices for weakling proved right. ed his own Abu Dhabi Combat Club with gringos.” But getting that Brazilian connec- Experimenting and refining, Helio came annual tournaments featuring prize fights tion is worth the pain. up with techniques that would allow worth up to $40,000, turning the oil-rich After training for years in Brazil, skilled smaller practitioners to dominate emirate into a new capital for the much- Mackenzie, 29, is in high demand as a sem- bigger, stronger opponents-and with that, traveled martial art. The United Arab inar teacher in a dozen countries. “A lot of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, or BJJ, was born. The Emirates are also the engine pushing the the Brazilians who come over to teach Gracies have since turned the sport into a next wave of expansion, with jiu-jitsu can’t explain the techniques, so being from remarkable family empire. being included for the first time in 2018 Canada and speaking English is a real Arguably the most successful has been Asia Games in Jakarta and, the UAE hopes, plus,” he said. Helio Gracie’s oldest son Rorion, who eventually the Olympics. Lee also hopes to leverage his Rio expe- launched the Ultimate Fighting rience into a career back home. “I want to Championship or UFC in the United States THE ‘SOFT ART’ open a martial arts academy eventually. in the 1990s, kicking off today’s hugely To Brazilians jiu-jitsu is the “arte suave,” Coming here made sense,” he said. “I want BRAZIL: New Zealander Jason Lee popular, multi-million dollar MMA industry. or soft art. Others liken jiu-jitsu to physical to get recognized accreditation so I can (top) practices jiu-jitsu in Rio de But the rest of the extended family has chess and it’s true that with hitting and say: ‘I trained in Brazil.’” —AFP Janeiro. —AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

No hiding for England as Australia crunch match looms

LONDON: England coach Stuart Lancaster Football Union last year. “The fact is that if we Wales was excellent. He gave us what we hemisphere Rugby Championship, boast an knows the consequences of failure if his side don’t win today then we won’t go through were looking for-his defensive strength and array of back-line talent including Folau, are beaten by Australia in a World Cup ‘Pool from the pool stage. qualities but his kicking game was excellent,” playmaker Matt Giteau and scrum-half Will of Death’ clash at Twickenham today. “I understand the consequences, I under- Lancaster said. Genia. Defeat will see England, who suffered an stand the accountability and responsibility “There’s a black and white assumption Wallabies coach Michael Cheika has tried agonising 28-25 loss to Wales last weekend, for delivering in this World Cup, 100 percent. people have made that if George Ford plays to insist that England, who’ve won last two become the first world championship hosts There’s no hiding away from it.” we play fantastic, creative, attacking rugby Tests against Australia on the back of a pow- to fail to reach the knockout stages. He added: “The picture would be com- and when Owen Farrell plays we don’t. I erful forward effort, believe his side have a Australia, two-time World Cup winners, pletely different on Saturday night after a don’t subscribe to that view personally.” Up “weak” pack. who come into the tournament as one of the win. The old analogy that a week is a long front, No 8 Ben Morgan and lock Joe “No I don’t,” said Lancaster. “They’ve most in-form sides with stars such as full back time in sport is absolutely true in this case.” Launchbury start in place of the injured Billy improved but I think we can put pressure on Israel Folau sense they can beat the English. England, changing their midfield line-up Vunipola and Courtney Lawes respectively. them. They’ve got two very, very good break- England have won three of the five World yet again, have recalled Jonathan Joseph at England prop Joe Marler has found him- down experts (Michael Hooper and David Cup encounters between the two nations, outside centre after he missed the Wales self in the spotlight this week after Bob Pocock).” including a famous victory in the 2003 final defeat with a chest injury. Dwyer, coach of the Australia side that beat Cheika, who on Thursday named the over Australia. A classic match is promised. Brad Barritt has returned to inside centre, England in the 1991 World Cup final, accused same team that beat Fiji 28-13 in Australia’s “We’re obviously aware of what is at stake with rugby league convert Sam Burgess him of scrummaging illegally. opening game, said: “They (England) have - you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to dropped to the bench in a match where Lancaster was having none of it. “I think done it to us, they’ve stuck it to us (in the work it out,” said Lancaster who, controver- Owen Farrell again starts at fly-half after a our scrum has been good, honest and excel- pack) the last couple of times so there’s noth- sially, was given a contract extension beyond flawless goal-kicking display against the lent across the last three years,” he said. ing we can say in our room that’s going to the 2019 World Cup in Japan by the Rugby Welsh. “Owen Farrell’s performance against Australia, who won this year’s southern make any difference. —AFP Ravens soar over Wales, France make Steelers in OT

PITTSBURGH: Justin Tucker stood at the podium, faced the media it three out of three and cracked a joke while cradling the game ball under his right arm. “You probably don’t want to hear some kicker stand up here and give a detailed explanation about a kick,” Baltimore’s kicker said on LONDON: A tired Wales edged past Fiji while Thursday after the Ravens beat the Steelers 23-20. France endured some uncomfortable “I’m sure you’d rather hear about guys throwing touchdowns moments in their win over Canada on passes or catches.” Not on this night. The pinpoint kicking of Turner Thursday, as both sides made it three wins and the scattershot performance of his Pittsburgh Steelers counter- out of three in the Rugby World Cup. Despite part, Josh Scobee, made a big difference. a crippling casualty list and being drawn in Tucker’s third field goal of the game, a 52-yarder with 5:08 remain- the toughest pool in the history of the tour- ing in overtime, gave the Ravens their first win of the season. nament, Wales backed up their win over The Ravens drove 32 yards in eight plays for the field goal. The England on Saturday with a 23-13 defeat of winning march came after the Steelers drove to the Baltimore 33-yard Fiji in a breathless Pool A clash. line on their second possession of overtime but eschewed a game- France, meanwhile, scored two late tries winning field goal attempt by Scobee on fourth-and-1. Scobee to secure a bonus-point 41-18 win over a missed two field-goal tries, from 49 and 41 yards, in the last 2:24 of spirited Canada in Pool D, in what was a the fourth quarter. Steelers quarterback Michael Vick threw incom- much tighter match than the score line sug- plete to give the ball back to the Ravens (1-3), who erased a 13-point, gests but which puts the French on the brink second-half deficit and avoided their first 0-4 start. of the quarter-finals. “In this league, most games come down to three points,” Ravens The Welsh win means that England must coach John Harbaugh said. “We have a great kicker.” beat Australia on Saturday or they will Scobee, acquired in a trade just before the start of the season after become the first main host nation not to spending the first 11 years of his career with the Jacksonville Jaguars, make the group stage. said he felt awful about his performance. However, an English win could mean that “I feel like I let the team down, and it’s not something that I ever bonus points could decide the outcome. If want to remember doing,” Scobee said. “It’s a bad feeling. I wish I had that is the case, Wales may rue having squan- CARDIFF: Wales’ captain Sam Warburton is tackled during the Rugby World been able to come through, but it just wasn’t my night.” dered a couple more try-scoring chances Cup Pool A match between Wales and Fiji at the Millennium Stadium. — AP Ravens running back Justin Forsett rushed for 150 yards on 27 car- against Fiji that may have earned them ries while quarterback Joe Flacco completed 20 of 33 passes for 189 extras. yards and one touchdown with one interception. Baltimore wideout Speaking after Thursday’s match, an CRUNCH MATCH Finn Russell ruled out for their toughest Kamar Aiken had five catches for 77 yards and a touchdown. “One of exhausted Wales captain Sam Warburton Australian coach Michael Cheika has match of the campaign so far against South the greatest feelings in the world is winning a game in the National said that was not a major issue. “It is disre- reverted to his first choice starting side for Africa on Saturday. Football League because it’s so hard,” Flacco said. — Reuters spectful to Fiji to talk about a bonus point,” today’s crunch match against England, with Coach Vern Cotter made 10 changes to he said. twin openside flankers David Pocock and his team for the contest in Newcastle, with “After the turnaround we had and Michael Hooper in the back row, Cheika will Duncan Weir replacing Russell at flyhalf. because we knew Fiji are a completely differ- hope the combination, which was first tried Flanker Blair Cowan comes straight into the ent team now. Credit to Fiji they made it very out in the victory over New Zealand in starting line-up after replacing the injured difficult for us, breaking the line and forcing August, will give the Wallabies an edge at Grant Gilchrist in the squad. Prop Gordon us to make a lot of tackles.” the breakdown over England’s less mobile Reid and centre Richie Vernon also make France had to wait until late in the game flankers. England have recalled centre their first starts of the tournament. to snatch a try-scoring bonus point against a Jonathan Joseph, who returns after missing History points to South Africa as firm Canadian side who were never afraid to the Wales defeat with a chest injury, with favourites on the back of 11 wins from their counter-attack at pace or spin the ball wide fans hoping his quick feet and outside last 12 meetings, the most recent of which and stood toe to toe in the physical break will add some threat in the backline was last year’s 55-6 drubbing in Port exchanges. to go alongside their traditional forward Elizabeth. Coach Philippe Saint-Andre was happy to strength. Samoa and Japan also named their sides see his side notch a third win but was never He will line up outside defensive organ- for the other Pool B match in Milton Keynes able to completely relax. “I was a bit stressed iser Brad Barritt, while Owen Farrell retains on Saturday where Japan will be seeking to because you never know with the French his place at flyhalf after an assured perform- make it two wins in a tournament for the way, what will happen,” he said. The 2011 ance against Wales last week. England have first time. runners-up had previously notched up sterile beaten the Wallabies in four of the teams’ Off the field, Tonga prop Tevita Mailau PITTSBURGH: Baltimore Ravens fullback Kyle Juszczyk wins over Italy and Romania and will be hop- last five meetings but both coaches are has been cited for foul play related to a (44) is upended by Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback ing to find their flair for their final match expecting the tightest of encounters today. tackle made during the match against Antwon Blake (41) in the third quarter of an NFL foot- against Ireland on Oct.11 which will probably It was not good news for Scotland on Namibia on Tuesday. Mailau’s hearing will ball game. —AP decide the group winner. the injury front, with their main playmaker take place late yesterday. — Reuters SPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Haze threatens Singapore World Cup meet

SINGAPORE: The thick haze that has blanketed swimmers on Friday morning to brief them neighbouring Indonesia burning forests to clear city of Guadalajara withdrew as the 2017 host, parts of Southeast Asia is threatening to disrupt about the situation and explain the various con- their land for agriculture. citing financial problems caused by falling oil this weekend’s World Cup swimming meet in tingency plans in place. Only three cities, all in Asia, remain in the prices. Singapore, with officials considering cancelling The 800 metres and 1500m events have running to host the 2021 and 2023 world swim- Budapest, which had originally been award- the two-day event if the air quality worsens fur- already been scrapped from the programme ming championships after two more potential ed 2021, agreed to step in at short notice and ther. FINA, swimming’s world governing body, and the start of the morning heat sessions had bidders dropped out, swimming world’s govern- host the biennial event in 2017 but a new site has already cancelled the longer distance events been pushed back an hour. ing body FINA told Reuters. At least eight coun- for 2021 was needed, with Gwangju, South because of concerns for the health of competi- For events with smaller entry numbers, the tries had expressed some interest in wanting to Korea already confirmed for 2019. China and tors, and has contingency plans to call off the top qualifiers, based on existing entry times, host the sport’s showcase event but just three Japan both put forward several candidate cities entire meet if the pollution levels deteriorate. would only swim in the evening finals, in order candidates remain in contention: Doha (Qatar), but have now finalised their preferred choices, FINA executive director Cornel Marculescu to reduce the number of times athletes have to Fukuoka (Japan), and Nanjing (China). FINA will Marculescu said. said the fate of the meet, which is the fifth leg of race at Singapore’s Aquatic Centre, where races vote to decide which two will host the 2021 and Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province, was the annual global World Cup series, would are held in an outdoor pool. 2023 championships at a meeting in Dubai on the host city for the 2014 Youth Olympics while depend on the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) Marculescu said the PSI readings would be November 8. “We have three for the moment, Fukuoka was the site for the 2001 swimming readings. checked 60 minutes before the schedule start of definitely three,” FINA executive director Cornel world championships. The tiny but ambitious The PSI levels, determined by Singapore’s each session. If they were above 200, the session Marculescu told Reuters yesterday. “Nanjing, Qatar has been steadily scooping up more and National Environment Agency, have consistently would be postponed for an hour, then cancelled Fukuoka and Doha are the bidders. This is the more of the world’s major sporting events as been over 100 in the past few weeks, putting if the smog levels remained too high. finished deadline.” other potential bidders drop out, often spooked them in the “unhealthy” range. “We are deeply disappointed with the haze Australia and Germany were the first two by the enormous costs. Oil and gas-rich Qatar “In the event that the 3-hour PSI reading threat,” he said.”However, the health and safety countries to quit the bidding race and were fol- has already been awarded next year’s road exceeds 200, and enters the very unhealthy of our athletes, guests, officials, volunteers, lowed by Argentina. Two others, Turkey and cycling world championships, the 2018 gymnas- range, no races will take place,” Marculescu told spectators and staff are our top priority.” United Arab Emirates, had also been interested tics world championships, the 2019 athletics a news conference, reading from a statement. Southeast Asia has suffered for years from but have since withdrawn. FINA was forced to world championships and the 2022 Soccer Marculescu said FINA held talks with the annual bouts of smog caused by farmers in find a new host city for 2021 after the Mexican World Cup. —Reuters Venus downs Vinci WUHAN: Venus Williams beat Roberta Vinci in a closely fought three set match yesterday, settling a score on behalf of her sister Serena, to reach the Wuhan Open finals. The seven-time Grand Slam-winner was a match point down to the Italian at one stage, but eventually saw her off in a final set tie break. “I mean (there were) a lot of ups and downs. I hope that on a day when I’m playing how I’d like it’s a more straightforward match. She’s definitely tricky. She finds a way to hang in there,” said Williams. Williams looked comfortable going into the third set, securing a 4-1 lead over Vinci. But the shock US Open finalist pushed back, evening the score before finally falling to the American veteran 5-7, 6-2, 7-6 (7/4). “I’m of course really sad because I lost. But if I think all the tour- nament (it) is okay. I played incredible, won four matches here, (a) semi final, 7-6 in the third against Venus,” said a stoic Vinci. It was Vinci’s second consecutive semi-final meet against a member of the Williams family, after downing world number one Serena in the US Open, an upset that denied her a calendar-year Grand Slam and a record-equalling 22nd major title. “If I could I would give this win to Serena at the US Open, but it doesn’t work like that in tennis,” Williams said on court after the match. Williams-who with 46 career titles has more wins to her name than the other semi-finalists com- bined-will face Wimbledon finalist Garbine Muguruza today. THAILAND: Serbia’s Novak Djokovic hits a return against Spain’s Rafael Nadal during a training session ahead of their Muguruza downed Germany’s Angelique Kerber in two sets 6-4, exhibition tennis match at the Hua Mark indoor stadium. —AFP 7-6 (7/5), despite falling during the second set tie break and injur- ing her ankle.“I knew (it) was going to be a very physical match. You know, (I’m) happy to be able to win in two sets because I never Djokovic seeks perfect six win against her in two sets,” said Muguruza. The 21-year-old Spaniard and world number eight entered the semi-finals as the highest ranked player, after retirements and BEIJING: No tournament exemplifies the add gloss to a forgettable year. 10 titles, including three Grand Slam tro- shock defeats cleared out the top seeds. Muguruza will rise to a rise of Novak Djokovic like the China Open But for Stan Wawrinka’s rapier back- phies. career-high of number five having made the semi-finals, and and the remorseless Serb is hungry to hand in Paris, Djokovic could have A victory in Beijing, with the Shanghai would reach number four if she takes the title today. extend his incredible unbeaten run in touched down clutching a calendar-year Masters and ATP World Tour Finals to Williams will re-enter the top 20 after her semi-final perform- Beijing-and this time, flanked by his broth- Grand Slam after he won three out of four come, would complete another 10-trophy ance, and still has an outside chance of qualifying for the season er. The world number one has an unblem- of the season’s major finals. haul plus career-high earnings which finale in Singapore if she wins at Wuhan and has a strong perform- ished 24-0 record after winning five times Djokovic stands out from the men’s already top $14 million. ance in next week’s China Open.—AFP in the Chinese capital and after stamping “Big Four” after he subdued Murray in the Gluten-free Djokovic also draws on tra- his authority on men’s tennis this year, few Australian Open final, Federer at ditional Chinese medicine for inspiration, look like toppling him. Wimbledon and the US Open, and but marriage and fatherhood have also What’s more, the Serb will be joined by dethroned Nadal on the clay of Roland done him no harm at all after he wel- his brother Djordje, eight years younger Garros. “The mental strength and the level comed his first child a year ago. and ranked 1,485 places lower, who has a of tennis is difficult to equal,” an admiring In the context, his advice to young wildcard and will team up for an all- Nadal said of Djokovic this week, ahead of players in Bangkok was telling: enjoy what Djokovic doubles pairing. an exhibition match against the Serb in you do. “This is the main source of motiva- The unprecedented sight will continue Thailand. tion, love and really being able to stand up a tennis tradition in the Djokovic house- “I texted him after the US Open, but I every morning and understand why hold after their elder brother Marko want to say today in a public way, it’s they’re doing what they’re doing,” he said. reached a career-high ranking of 581. amazing the way he’s playing during the While Djokovic is all smiles, an emo- Djordje’s presence notwithstanding, whole season.” tionally exhausted Williams has already Novak Djokovic headlines an event which It’s a testament to Djokovic’s methods pulled the plug on 2015 after she narrowly is feeling the effects of a long and hard and application that he has flown to far- missed out on the first calendar-year year, with Serena Williams and Maria flung Beijing at the tail-end of five tough Grand Slam since 1988. The absence of Sharapova both out of the women’s draw. campaigns and emerged victorious each Williams and injury-troubled Sharapova The 28-year-old’s path to an eighth title time. throws the women’s draw wide open, with CHINA: Venus Williams of the US celebrates her victory over of 2015 has been eased by the no-shows The only time he has skipped the China world number two Simona Halep also Roberta Vinci of Italy in their women’s singles semi-final of Andy Murray and Roger Federer, Open was in 2011, during his glorious 70-6 shocked in Wuhan this week by 66th- match during the Wuhan Open tennis tournament. —AFP although Rafael Nadal arrives looking to season in which he compiled a career-best ranked Brit Johanna Konta.—AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Derby demolition memories fresh as Real visit Atletico

MADRID: Real Madrid make the short trip across the Spanish capital to face rivals Atletico tomorrow seeking revenge for their 4-0 humiliation at the Vicente Calderon in the league last sea- son. Their biggest defeat in a Madrid der- by in 27 years precipitated a Real col- lapse as they surrendered a command- ing lead in the La Liga title race that allowed eternal rivals Barcelona to claim a historic treble of league, Copa del Rey and Champions League. Real defender Alvaro Arbeloa sparked tensions ahead of the biggest FRANCE: Lyon’s Alexandre Lacazette reacts after losing a La Liga game of the season to date by challenge in this file photo. claiming the derby remains the biggest game of the season for Atletico. Lyon seek Reims remedy “We know that the game on Sunday is always the game of the year for PARIS: Paris Saint-Germain renew their rivalry with bitter foes Atletico and we will have to play well,” Marseille at the Parc des Princes tomorrow as Laurent Blanc’s the former Liverpool man warned after MADRID: Atletico’s coach Diego Simeone gestures during a match in this file men bid to retain their unbeaten start going into the internation- Real saw off Malmo 2-0 in the photo. —AP al break. PSG have a four-point lead over nearest rivals Saint- Champions League in midweek. Etienne in Ligue 1 and made it two wins from two Champions Cristiano Ronaldo took his career tal- the Champions League for the second and is also set for a month on the side- League group stage matches with a 3-0 triumph away to ly to 501 goals with a double in Sweden consecutive season by Madrid in their lines. “It is not just 11 or 12 players that Shakhtar Donetsk on Wednesday. “Our start to the Champions and moved level with Raul as Real last meeting back in April. win competitions, there are reserves League is perfect but we’re still not qualified for the next round,” Madrid’s all-time leading goalscorer in However, that defeat ended a seven- behind and now some of those that PSG captain Thiago Silva told Canal+ after the match in Lviv. the process with 323. game unbeaten run against Real. wouldn’t have had so many minutes “Now we have to rest up and starting Thursday we’ll prepare And the Portuguese would love the “Tomorrow will be a special game for will get their chance,” said Argentine ourselves for tomorrow. Marseille have plenty of qualities, it’s vindication of breaking the record at everyone. Lately we have played very defender Javier Mascherano. “Those of always special to play against them.” the Calderon after the criticism he well against them, above all here at us that are fit need to keep going and Wednesday’s performance in Ukraine was arguably PSG’s received for hosting his 30th birthday home and we hope it continues like know that whilst we win games there is most complete display this term, a worrying sign for a Marseille party just hours after the 4-0 defeat this,” added Atletico captain Gabi. less time left until those important play- side languishing down in 15th place, 12 points behind their arch back in February. Real boss Rafael Benitez may be able ers return.” rivals. Despite thumping wins over Troyes and Bastia, OM have Meanwhile, Atletico’s early-season to recall the injured trio of Gareth Bale, Elsewhere, Celta Vigo have the lost four of eight league matches so far and new boss Michel is optimism has been diminished by back- James Rodriguez and Sergio Ramos, opportunity to move top for 24 hours still adapting to the French mentality. to-back defeats against Villarreal and who have all missed the last four on Friday when they host Getafe. “It appears that in French football players preserve themselves Benfica in the past week. games. Leaders Villarreal are favourites to so they don’t play too many matches in a row, and they choose Diego Simeone’s men were beaten Spanish international Koke remains stretch their winning streak to six their matches within reason. This surprises me but I have to get at home in the Champions League for Atletico’s only injury doubt, with league games when they visit Levante used to it,” said Michel, in quotes published by French sports dai- the first time since 2009 by the Simeone tasked with deciding between tomorrow. ly L’Equipe. Portuguese champions on Wednesday. the misfiring Jackson Martinez or Former Manchester United boss “They tell me that when there are big games coming up, “In these moments it is normal that Fernando Torres to partner Antoine David Moyes’s position as Real Sociedad against PSG for example, that this is normal behavior. I have to the team isn’t happy due to the defeat,” Griezmann up front. Barcelona could boss will come under more scrutiny accept it but I have trouble understanding it,” added the former said Simeone. “We will return to train- move four points clear of Real on should the Basques fail to secure just Real Madrid midfielder, who spoke of certain players asking to sit ing and focus on what is clearly an Saturday when the injury-ravaged their second win of the campaign at a out Thursday’s home Europa League clash against Slovan Liberec, important game for everyone. I don’t European champions travel to Sevilla. Malaga side that has yet to score a goal which OM lost 1-0. think there will be much motivation The blow of losing Lionel Messi for this season. And Valencia will be aiming Recent history is not on the Spaniard’s side either as PSG have needed to play on Sunday.” two months was intensified as Andres to continue their upturn in form with a won the last seven meetings between the two clubs, including a Atletico also have reason to seek Iniesta hobbled off during Barca’s 2-1 third consecutive win when they visit 3-2 victory at the Stade Velodrome in April that effectively sig- revenge as they were eliminated from win over Bayer Leverkusen in midweek Athletic Bilbao.—AFP nalled the end of Marseille’s title challenge. Lyon’s woes in front of goal persisted in their midweek 1-0 Champions League defeat at home to Valencia as last season’s runners-up continue to struggle to overcome a long-term injury to Nabil Fekir. Lewandowski relishing Hubert Fournier’s men enter today’s showdown with fourth- placed Reims, unbeaten in their last five, already eight points adrift of PSG. Bayern-Dortmund clash “Winning against Reims would be a good remedy to (Tuesday’s) disappointment,” Fournier, whose side have won just BERLIN: Robert Lewandowski aims to add matches against Hoffenheim and has done before. “This is the game every- one of six matches since losing Fekir, told the club’s website. to his incredible goal-scoring run in Darmstadt. Bayern-Dortmund matches are one in Germany wants to see and we’re “There are more expectations than last season, perhaps too Bayern Munich’s Bundesliga showdown billed as ‘Der Klassiker’ in Germany in looking forward to it. As a striker you many right now for several reasons. against ex-club Borussia Dortmund in mimmick to Spain’s ‘El Clasico’ between always want to score more goals, you can “Alexandre (Lacazette) is a case in point. He’s struggling, just Germany’s ‘Der Klassiker’ tomorrow. Barcelona and Real Madrid. never be satisfied,” said Lewandowski. like the rest of the team, to meet people’s expectations,” Fournier The Poland hot-shot has netted 10 This is the 19th time the teams have Bayern’s Germany forward Thomas said of the reigning Ligue 1 Player of the Year, who has scored times in his last three games alone and has met in the last five years and Dortmund Mueller is just as enthusiastic. “It’s a sum- just one goal this term and was left out of Didier Deschamps’ lat- scored 17 goals for club and country this lead the series with nine wins, two draws mit meeting of the country’s best. The est France squad. season. and seven defeats. whole of Germany’s football community “(But) we’re just four points from second place, so it’s not an He backed up his spectacular five goals Bayern, however, won the match that will be looking in our direction with great irreversible situation,” added the OL coach. Second-placed Saint- in just nine minutes for Bayern against truly mattered by claiming a 2-1 win at excitement on Sunday,” said Mueller. Etienne, who had their five-match winning run emphatically Wolfsburg last week with two more in a 3- Wembley in the 2013 Champions League It seems ridiculous to suggest, but the snapped by Nice last weekend, will aim to get back on track at 0 win at Mainz last Saturday in the final. The Bavarians won both league title race could effectively be as good as Caen, while third-placed Rennes, coming off three successive Bundesliga. meetings last season, but Dortmund took over should Bayern finish the weekend draws, go to mid-table Monaco. He then bagged a hat-trick in the 5-0 both the German Cup semi-final in Munich seven points clear if they beat Borussia Free-scoring Nice have racked up 13 goals over the course of a win at home to Dinamo Zagreb on last April on penalties and the 2014 and third-placed Schalke fail to beat three-match winning streak and will look to continue their ascent Tuesday in the Champions League. Bayern German Super Cup title against Bayern. Cologne at home. The Bavarians have won at home to Nantes. Promoted Angers, one of four teams five top the Bundesliga table with seven wins Dortmund still have their work cut out in the German league title by at least 10 points off the pace, host Bastia, Lorient face Bordeaux, while goal- from seven to lead second-placed their bid to halt Munich’s seemingly points in each of the last three seasons shy Lille kick off week nine against fellow strugglers Montpellier Dortmund by four points after Thomas relentless march to an historic fourth and only dropped points after each of late yesterday. —AFP Tuchel’s team drew their last two league straight Bundesliga title, which no team their title wins had been confirmed.—AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015

Matches on TV Arsenal seek aggression (Local Timings) in Man United showdown English Premier League Palace v West Bromwich 14:45 LONDON: Per Mertesacker has challenged he could be forced to freshen up the team. but completes his three-match ban in the “The solution is recovery,” van Gaal said. Southampton fixture. “We are not playing beIN SPORTS 6 HD Arsenal to show more aggression as they look to recover from their latest European “That’s why it’s so difficult to prepare for the well, this is not a good moment, but we have Aston Villa v Stoke City 17:00 flop in tomorrow’s showdown with Premier match against Arsenal. “As a manager, you players to get out of this easily.” beIN SPORTS 12 HD League leaders Manchester United. Arsene want to prepare out on the training pitch, and Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers is Wenger’s side suffered an embarrassing 3-2 you cannot do that because you need fresh- one of the few Premier League bosses under Bournemouth v Watford 17:00 home defeat against Olympiakos in midweek ness. “There is another solution, which is to more pressure than Mourinho at present and beIN SPORTS 6 HD that left them in severe danger of missing out change your squad.” Like Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton would dearly love to add to his wor- Manchester City v Newcastle 17:00 on a place in the Champions League knock- who host Southampton on Saturday, are also ries in the 225th Merseyside derby tomor- out stages for the first time in 16 years. licking their wounds following a painful row. The Reds are unbeaten in their last 10 beIN SPORTS 1 HD Adding to the Gunners’ humiliation was Champions League defeat that raised meetings with Everton in all competitions Norwich v Leicester City 17:00 the horrendous blunder from goalkeeper David Ospina, who dropped a corner into his beIN SPORTS 7 HD own net to gift the Greeks their second goal Sunderland v West Ham 17:00 and in the process triggered a barrage of criticism for Wenger for his decision to rest beIN SPORTS 11 HD regular first choice Petr Cech. But Arsenal Chelsea v Southampton 19:30 defender Mertesacker offered no excuses for his team’s second successive European loss beIN SPORTS 1 HD and admitted they must rediscover their fighting spirit to avoid another damaging Spanish League defeat against in-form United. “At home we should be much more Sevilla v Barcelona 17:00 aggressive from the start and be more dynam- beIN SPORTS 2 HD ic. That is what our game is all about,” Mertesacker said. “When we play like we did Granada v Deportivo 19:15 (on Tuesday), with that lack of concentration beIN SPORTS 4 HD and discipline, then we have got no chance. “I Espanyol v Gijon 21:30 think everyone will have regrets. It will take a couple of days to recover and to think about beIN SPORTS 4 HD Manchester United, which will be a good LONDON: Arsenal’s Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain lays on the pitch after missing a chance in this file photo. —AP Las Palmas v SD Eibar 23:00 opportunity to play our style of football again.” beIN SPORTS 1 HD While Wenger is certain to restore Cech to renewed questions about their lethargic form. dating back to October 2010. Malaga v Real Sociedad 23:05 his starting line-up if he is fully fit, After watching Chelsea punished for But an end to that run at Goodison Park Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal more defensive mistakes in a 2-1 defeat at this weekend would further complicate beIN SPORTS 2 HD has to decide whether to make changes four his former club Porto, Blues boss Jose Rodgers’ position after a stormy few weeks days after a 2-1 Champions League victory Mourinho once again expressed his frustra- which saw Carlo Ancelotti and Jurgen Klopp Italian Calcio League over Wolfsburg. tion at his players’ inconsistent efforts. linked with his job as Liverpool fell off the United head to the Emirates Stadium, But Chelsea striker Diego Costa remains early pace in race to qualify for the Carpi v Torino 19:00 where the Gunners have won just once this confident the champions, who are languish- Champions League. season, on a four-match winning streak in all ing in 14th place following last weekend’s And Everton’s Belgium striker Romelu beIN SPORTS 3 HD competitions which has lifted them one draw with Newcastle, can still mount a suc- Lukaku is relishing the chance to make Chievo Verona v Hellas 21:45 point clear of second placed Manchester City cessful title defence as long as they don’t let Liverpool suffer. “The derby is a different beIN SPORTS 3 HD and three ahead of fourth placed Arsenal. the criticism get to them. game. It is about the personal pride and the But van Gaal said immediately after the “To come out of this we need to be all pride for us as a club,” he said. “The side that Wolfsburg game that his players were “suffer- together, and for everyone to give a little is hungrier is going to win this game tomor- German Bundesliga ing” after playing six matches in 18 days and more,” said Costa, who played against Porto row.” —AFP Hannover v Werder Bremen 16:30 beIN SPORTS Ingolstadt v Eintracht 16:30 Milan look to ambush Napoli beIN SPORTS MILAN: Mario Balotelli and Keisuke Honda remain 1983-84, Milan have conceded at least once in Andrea Bertolacci was scathing about his fellow Hertha v Hamburger 16:30 doubtful for AC Milan when the stuttering Serie A their opening six games of the season. teammates. “Genoa didn’t scare us and the match beIN SPORTS 9 HD giants host on-form Napoli looking to avoid It is a statistic of questionable importance, but was decided by one episode... but we have to stop becoming the Partenopei’s second big-name vic- it points to Milan’s defence before facing a Napoli going out and playing with the wrong attitude: Hoffenheim v Stuttgart 16:30 tim tomorrow. It took Napoli four games to secure side that has hit 12 goals in six league outings, we have to put that in our heads straight away beIN SPORTS 3 HD their first Serie A win this season but, after shaking only one less than fellow title hopefuls Roma, who and get ready for Napoli,” he said. Five of Napoli’s M’gladbach v Wolfsburg 16:30 off the cobwebs with a 5-0 thumping of Lazio, have scored a league-leading 13. league goals have come courtesy of Argentinian they now have Serie A pundits purring about their Mihajlovic last week came under fire for his international Higuain, whom Sarri believes is “one beIN SPORTS 4 HD scudetto-winning potential. team’s questionable tactics, but Milan midfielder of the best” strikers in the world. Napoli humbled champions Juventus 2-1 in “He should be aware that he is one of the best clinical fashion at their San Paolo stadium last centre-forwards in the world and so he should French League week when Gonzalo Higuain hit a stunner before play like it,” said Sarri. Napoli’s win over Juventus Lyon v Stade de Reims 18:30 setting Lorenzo Insigne up for the winner. last week had tongues wagging about their title- And Higuain was again on target on Thursday winning potential, but it is Fiorentina and Inter beIN SPORTS 5 HD night when he scored the second goal in a 2-0 win Milan who are currently setting the pace. Angers v Bastia 21:00 at Legia Warsaw in Europa League action. Striker Inter won their opening five games for the first Balotelli is expected to start on the bench, at best, time since the 1966-67 season, when they finished beIN SPORTS 9 HD after missing several training sessions this week runners-up to Juventus. ES Troyes v Guingamp 21:00 due to a slight muscle injury while playmaker But Roberto Mancini’s men looked anything beIN SPORTS 5 HD Honda missed training Thursday with flu. but title contenders last week in a 4-1 humbling at The only positive note for Milan ahead of home to Fiorentina, who saw Croatia striker Nikola GFC Ajaccio v Toulouse 21:00 Sunday night’s clash is the fact that Napoli have Kalinic score a hat-trick. beIN SPORTS 2 HD claimed only two points from their three away Fiorentina went top thanks to a superior goals games in the league so far. difference than Inter and are expected to keep OGC Nice v Nantes 21:00 Otherwise, Milan coach Sinisa Mihajlovic has their lead after hosting struggling Atalanta on beIN SPORTS 12 HD plenty to keep him concerned.Last week’s 1-0 POLAND: Napoli players celebrate after Sunday, when Inter face a tough trip to defeat to Genoa meant that for the first time since scoring a goal in this file photo. —AP Sampdoria. —AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 Kuwaiti swimmer wins gold in 200m freestyle in Bangkok

KUALA LUMPUR: Kuwaiti swimmer Yousef Al-Askari won gold yesterday in the 200m freestyle event of the 8th Asian Age Group Championships currently held in Bangkok, Thailand, with participation of 31 countries. In the tourney’s second day, Al-Askari end- ed the competition in the 18 year-old and above category in 01:51.75 minute, coach Ayman Al-Enaizi, head of the Kuwaiti team told KUNA. Meanwhile, swimmer Abdulaziz Al- Thowaihi finished in sixth place in the 400m freestyle event, Al-Enaizi noted, adding that Kuwaiti swimmer Ahmad Al-Bader is to com- pete in the 200m breaststroke event tomor- row in addition to swimmer Yousef Al- Loughani in the 1,500m freestyle, 15-17 year- old category, and swimmer Al-Thowaihi in the 100m butterfly event, 15-17 year-old category. Kuwaiti powerboat racer Youssef Al-Rubayan The 8th Asian championship for Age Group is held under the auspices of the Asia Kuwaiti swimmer Yousef Al-Askari won the first place in the 200m Swimming Federation (AASF) and is to last Kuwait’s Rubayan finishes until October 7. —KUNA freestyle event of the 8th Asian Age Group Championships. third in F1 powerboat world championship South Africa stun India in first T20

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti powerboat racer Youssef Al-Rubayan came DHARAMSALA: South Africa put on a fourth in the time race, but finished third in the overall stand- thrilling batting display to brush aside SCOREBOARD ing at the end of the fourth round of the F1 Powerboat World India by seven wickets in the first Championship in China’s Liuzhou City between October 1-2. Twenty20 match in Dharamsala yester- DHARAMSALA, India: Speaking to KUNA by phone, Al-Rubayan said he was so day and grab the lead in the three- Scoreboard of the first Twenty20 international between India and happy to make this big achievement during the event which game series. South Africa at the Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association ground in Dharamsala yesterday: attracted world powerboat racers representing 10 teams from In a high-scoring encounter played India: 35-0 (w1), Duminy 1-0-8-0 (w1). 12 countries. before a sell-out crowd of 23,000 at the Thanking those who encouraged and supported him dur- R. Sharma c Morris b Abbott 106 picturesque venue, the tourists chased South Africa: ing the championship, he confirmed that he was gearing up S. Dhawan run out 3 down India’s challenging 199-5 with V. Kohli c Duminy b Abbott 43 H. Amla run out 36 for the fifth round of the event due in China mid-October. two deliveries to spare. He hoped that he would make a fresh victory and raise the S. Raina lbw b Morris 14 AB de Villiers b Ashwin 51 India’s innings after being sent in to flag of Kuwait during the fifth round of this international M. Dhoni not out 20 F. du Plessis b Aravind 4 bat revolved around a superb 106 off championship. A. Rayudu run out 0 JP Duminy not out 68 66 balls by opener Rohit Sharma, ably Teams from France, the UAE and Finland came first, second A. Patel not out 2 F. Behardien not out 32 supported by Virat Kohli’s 27-ball 43. and third respectively. The F1 Powerboat World Extras: (lb2, w8, nb1) 11 Extras: (lb5, w4) 9 Championship is an international motorboat racing competi- But the Proteas, helped by the Indian bowlers’ inability to grip the ball Total (for five wickets, 20 overs) 199 Total (for three wickets, 19.4 overs)200 tion for powerboats organized by the Union Internationale Fall of wickets: 1-22 (Dhawan), 2-160 Fall of wickets: 1-77 (Amla), 2-93 (de Motonautique (UIM). in the evening dew, made light of the stiff target following a rip-roaring (Kohli), 3-162 (Sharma), 4-184 Villiers), 3-95 (du Plessis). The championship will resume in Abu Dhabi in December, (Raina), 5-184 (Rayudu). Bowling: Kumar 4-0-40-0 (w1), Aravind while the seventh and final round will take place in UAE’s opening stand of 77 from 53 balls Bowling: Abbott 4-0-29-2, Rabada 4- 3.4-0-44-1, Mohit 4-0-40-0 (w1), Patel Sharjah on December 18. —KUNA between Hashim Amla and AB de Villiers. Amla hit 36 off 24 balls and de 0-32-0 (w2), de Lange 4-0-47-0 (nb1, 4-0-45-0 (w1), Ashwin 4-0-26-1 (w1), Villiers contributed a typically aggres- w2), Morris 4-0-46-1 (w1), Tahir 3-0- South Africa won by seven wickets. sive 51 from 32 deliveries that included Cook ready for seven fours and a six. India claimed three wickets for 15 Dhawan was run out for three attempt- be played in Cuttack on Monday and Pakistan challenge runs to reduce South Africa to 95-3, ing a second run. India were coasting the third in Kolkata next Thursday. but JP Duminy and Farhaan Behardien at 160-1 in the 16th over before the South Africa will also play five one-day DUBAI: England captain Alastair Cook and coach Trevor stepped in to hit a match-winning tourists hit back with four wickets in internationals and four Tests during Bayliss were confident yesterday that their squad, fresh from partnership of 105 that came off just the final overs. The second match will their 10-week tour of India. —AFP their Ashes triumph, was ready to face Pakistan in a three- 55 balls. match Test series starting later this month. Left-handed Duminy returned Cook’s men face not only an unabated charge from rival unbeaten on a 34-ball 68 that was spinners, but also searing temperatures and unfamiliar condi- studded with seven sixes, three off tions in the United Arab Emirates-a boost for the Pakistan them from successive deliveries by team, who have been playing their home matches in the UAE left-arm spinner Axar Patel. since 2009 due to security concerns at home. Behardien chipped in with 32 not Cook said his maturing team was ready for the challenge out. Sreenath Aravind, a 31-year-old just two months after beating Australia to regain the Ashes 3- left-arm seamer from Karnataka, made 2 — albeit in familiar conditions. “We have got a young and exciting side and we are very a forgettable international debut as he clear in our mind how hard it is going to be and what a chal- was hammered for 44 runs in 3.4 lenge it is,” said Cook after the team’s first training session. overs, including a last-over six by He said his players will have to adapt to the conditions Duminy. quickly. “It is warm, something we have to get accustomed to, In India’s innings, Sharma plun- so the first two training sessions tend to be hard work. dered 12 boundaries and five sixes in “That’s part of the conditions we’ve got to face. Pakistan his maiden T20 century, displaying a are probably a bit more used to it than we are, but we’ll be spectacular array of strokes all round fine. Just a bit of sweat, blood and tears for the first bit.” the ground. Cook said grabbing the opportunities will be the key to Kohli became the first Indian bats- success. “Last series we probably should have won it,” he said man to score 1,000 T20 runs as he of England’s 3-0 rout by Pakistan in 2012. “We had opportuni- blazed his way to three sixes and a ties to win that series but Pakistan hung in and really won the four. The pair put on 138 off 74 balls for DHARMSALA: India’s Rohit Sharma hits a six during the first Twenty20 critical moments. —AFP the second wicket after Shikhar cricket match against South Africa yesterday. —AP Venus downs Vinci SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 OCTOBER SATURDAY, SportsSports 44

GERMANY: Augsburg’s Hong Jeong-ho (left) and Markus Feulner (right) challenge for the ball with Partizan’s Stefan Babovic during the Europa League Group L soccer match. —AP El Shaarawy heads Monaco to victory

LONDON: Stephan El Shaarawy took a small The biggest game of the night on paper boss Rodgers, who made a number of to the scoresheet after recently coming back step towards refuelling his career at Monaco pitched Monaco against Tottenham, two changes for their clash with Sion at Anfield following 15 months out through injury. when the AC Milan loanee came off the teams who have shared a number of famous but was again faced with some familiar prob- The 28-year-old, who is still working his bench to rescue a late 1-1 draw against players over the years including Dimitar lems as his side’s goalscoring issues were way back to form after a series of knee Tottenham Hotspur in the Europa League’s Berbatov, Juergen Klinsmann, Emmanuel once more in evidence. injuries, struck in the 90th minute to com- second round of group matches on Adebayor and Glenn Hoddle. Liverpool took the lead through Adam plete a resounding victory with a low shot Thursday. The Group J encounter had looked to be Lallana after four minutes but after Ebenezer beneath the keeper. Italian El Shaarawy, who was rated as one heading Tottenham’s way when they took Assifuah levelled 14 minutes later, the hosts One of Rossi’s former clubs Villarreal con- of the most promising young players in the lead with a goal from a resurgent Erik failed convert a number Group B encounters. tinued their good start to the campaign as world football before his career plateaued at Lamela in the first half. Schalke’s Franco Di Santo bagged a hat- the surprise La Liga leaders secured a 1-0 vic- the San Siro, came on in the 60th minute and Argentine Lamela bagged his third goal in trick in a 4-0 home victory over Asteras in tory in Group E against Viktoria Plzen with headed home to prevent Tottenham claim- his last four games, following up to tap Group K while Fiorentina crushed Leo Baptistao netting in the 54th minute. ing a second straight victory. It was another home after new England call-up Dele Alli’s Portuguese side Belenenses 4-0 away in Borussia Dortmund grabbed a late equaliser largely disappointing evening for English shot was parried by Monaco keeper Danijel Group I with the injury-plagued Italy striker through Gonzalo Castro to draw 1-1 at PAOK clubs in Europe, after Chelsea and Arsenal Subasic. Giuseppe Rossi scoring his first goal since Salonika in Group C, while Lazio withstood a were beaten in the Champions League this Yet the introduction of El Shaarawy May 2014. Di Santo’s treble for Schalke came late fightback to win 3-2 in Group G against week, as Liverpool’s woefully inconsistent seemed to turn the tide in the hosts’ favour within 17 first-half minutes, with the St Etienne, who had two players sent off. start to the season continued with a 1-1 and his headed leveller nine minutes from Argentine rounding off his hat-trick with a Fenerbahce fought back from two goals home draw against Swiss side Sion. time ensured the spoils were shared. penalty a minute before halftime. down in Group A to draw 2-2 at former Yet while Brendan Rodgers’s team again Despite being pegged back, Spurs will be Klaas-Jan Huntelaar grabbed his 49th European champions Celtic, with Brazilian struggled to put the ball in the net, there satisfied with their night’s work and top their European goal to make it 4-0 six minutes Fernandao scoring twice in five minutes was no shortage of goals elsewhere as group with four points, two ahead of third before the final whistle to leave Schalke top either side of halftime for the Turkish outfit. Schalke 04 and Fiorentina both scored four place Monaco who have now drawn both of Group K with two wins from their opening Ajax Amsterdam, another former European times to record heavy wins against Asteras their opening matches. two games. champion, could only draw 1-1 at Norwegian Tripolis and Belenenses respectively. There was less satisfaction for Liverpool Fiorentina’s Rossi made a welcome return side Molde.—Reuters