U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Shay Bilchik, Administrator February 2000

From the Courthouse to From the Administrator The successful reintroduction of the Schoolhouse: Making juvenile offenders from correctional facilities into the communities in Successful Transitions which they live is fraught with chal- lenges. It is, however, an essential process in which schools play a key role in ensuring the offender’s chances Ronald D. Stephens and June Lane Arnette for success and the classroom’s status as a safe environment of learning. In This Bulletin is one of a series of OJJDP would be compelled to learn and become re- fact, the transition that a juvenile of- Bulletins focusing on both promising and sponsible citizens. The Chicago Board of fender makes from secure confine- effective programs and innovative strate- Education understood that when young ment to school will likely shape the gies to reach Youth Out of the Education people were not in school, they were often youth’s transition to the community. Mainstream (YOEM). YOEM is a joint pro- out in the community committing delinquent gram initiative of the Office of Juvenile Jus- acts. The Board also recognized that school- In 1996, the Office of Juvenile Justice tice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. De- ing was a key to prevention. While the and Delinquency Prevention and the partment of Justice, and the Safe and Board’s theory sounds simple enough, the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program Drug-Free Schools Program, U.S. Depart- process it implies is complex and is filled asked the National School Safety ment of Education. The YOEM initiative with both opportunities and risks. Center to identify strategies for en- focuses on at-risk youth who are truant, hancing services for youth out of the With the approach of a new century, a new dropouts, fearful of attending school, sus- education mainstream. pended or expelled, or in need of help rein- priority has emerged for schools to play a tegrating into mainstream schools from ju- major role in the transition of young offend- This Bulletin, one of a series address- venile detention and correctional settings. ers from confinement within a juvenile jus- ing issues related to that initiative, Each Bulletin in this series highlights one tice setting to life in the community. Schools describes effective approaches to or more of these five separate but often are being asked to shoulder the dual respon- reintegrating youth from juvenile related categories of problems that cause sibility of preventing juvenile crime and de- justice system settings into the ed- youth to forsake their education and thus veloping a responsible citizenry. The public ucation mainstream and provides place themselves at risk of delinquency. believes that school is the right place for information about promising pro- young people to be if they are to stay away grams, practices, and resources. “… We should rightfully have the from trouble and focus on learning and per- power to arrest all these little beggars, sonal development. This belief holds that With help from all concerned, juvenile offenders can return to their commu- loafers, and vagabonds that infest our the interests of young offenders can best be city, take them from the streets and served in school, where these children can nities to lead productive lives. I hope that the information this Bulletin con- place them in schools where they are obtain academic and social skills that will compelled to receive education and enable them to become good students and tains will assist them in taking the first step—successful transition to learn moral principles.” productive members of the community. school. —Chicago Board of Education, Thus, schools need to provide a coordina- 44th Annual Report, 1898 tion and support structure for promoting the Shay Bilchik success of young people who have had con- Administrator It has been over a century since the tact with the juvenile justice system. Chicago Board of Education released its now-infamous edict to arrest disruptive The successful transition of juvenile of- youth and put them in schools where they fenders from correctional systems back to school and community environments can be a difficult one. Juvenile detention and correc- tional facilities are designed to provide a structured environment with continuous supervision and a wide range of services (medical and mental health services, educa- tion, training, counseling, and recreation). Moving from this environment, with its per- sonalized care and intense supervision, to the relatively less structured environment of mainstream education settings presents problems for both the youth and the educa- tors involved in the process. For the most part, neither group is adequately prepared to address these problems. Young offenders making the transition back to school often are still affected by the social and personal influences that contributed to the conduct that placed them under the jurisdiction of the court documentation regarding these students’ to guide youth-serving professionals in the first place. Such influences, or “risk personal and scholastic histories, which toward promising programs, practices, factors,” include delinquent peer groups, makes it difficult to select appropriate edu- and resources. poor academic performance, high-crime cational placements for them. Educators neighborhoods, weak family attachments, must also deal with their own prejudices lack of consistent discipline, and physical and fears regarding juvenile offenders— Scope of the Problem or sexual abuse.1 A youth may also return attitudes that may impede decisions about According to OJJDP’s National Juvenile to school with a variety of special service placement and services for individual juve- Court Data Archive, the Nation’s juvenile needs (such as individual counseling, niles and thereby hinder their successful courts processed 1,757,600 delinquency drug rehabilitation, and family counsel- reintegration into the school setting. cases (cases involving juveniles charged ing) that are outside the scope of the with criminal law violations) in 1996.2 Each mainstream education system. case in this count represents one youth Youth Out of the processed on a new referral during the Educators, including both teachers and Education Mainstream calendar year. Although an individual administrators, face unique problems in Initiative youth may be involved in more than one helping young offenders make the transi- case during the year, this figure can be tion back to school. The main problem of- In 1996, the U.S. Department of Justice’s used to estimate that as many as 6 percent ten is a lack of complete information and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency of the Nation’s school-age youth are pro- Prevention (OJJDP) and the U.S. Depart- cessed through juvenile justice systems ment of Education’s Safe and Drug-Free A Note About Prevention each school year. Juvenile offenders re- Schools Program asked the National School turning to school from out-of-home Although reintegrating young offenders Safety Center to develop strategies for placement represent a relatively small into the education mainstream is a ma- enhancing services to youth out of the percentage of this group of students, but jor concern, emphasis should also be education mainstream. The Youth Out of managing and supporting system-involved given to building prevention programs the Education Mainstream (YOEM) initia- juveniles, including those returning from for young people before they begin a tive drew attention to the needs of five out-of-home placement, are critical to life of crime and violence. Communi- often interrelated categories of at-risk the success of all students, the vast ma- ties must improve their ability to identify youth: students fearful of attending school jority of whom have followed the rules and address the risk factors that cause because of violence, truants, dropouts, and behaved as expected. troubled youth and their families to drift suspended/expelled youth, and youth re- away from mainstream education. turning to school from correctional set- tings in the juvenile justice system. As a Impact of the Problem Many at-risk young people make the result of their separation from mainstream on Youth and Society disastrous choice of dropping out of education, youth in these categories face school or of behaving in ways that many obstacles to becoming successful, The lack of an education can make an cause them to be abandoned by or socially responsible adults. enormous difference in a juvenile’s life. pushed out of the school setting. Next Harold Hodgkinson, a demographer and to the family, school is perhaps the This Bulletin is one in a series designed education analyst, writes that dropping most formative influence in a child’s life. to address issues associated with the five out of school as a youth is a factor closely Providing meaningful educational pro- categories of youth identified by the YOEM related to being a prisoner as an adult. He grams together with support systems initiative. Its purpose is to shed light on estimates that States spend roughly $22,000 3 and networks to assist young people in successful strategies for reintegrating annually on each adult in prison. Other the learning process is essential. youth from juvenile justice system set- researchers estimate that it costs as much tings into the education mainstream and as $35,000 to $60,000 per year to incarcerate

2 one youth.4 In contrast, the average cost or she were an adult. The waiver decision providing services, seldom does one to educate one student for 1 year is is based on a variety of constitutional and agency maintain a portfolio documenting about $7,000.5 It makes economic sense statutory factors, including the severity the complete range of services that have for communities to emphasize education of the offense, the age and prior record been and are being provided to the juve- over incarceration. of the juvenile, and the juvenile’s amena- nile and the juvenile’s family. bility to treatment. Although it is understood that not all juve- A prime example of inadequate information nile crime can be prevented, it is clear that After adjudication, a disposition hearing sharing is the situation that often arises promoting the development of troubled is held to determine what, if any, sanc- when a student returns to school after de- young people into responsible citizens is in tions are to be imposed and whether the tention or confinement. Educators must society’s best interests. Juveniles struggling juvenile should be placed under court or often guess about vital information missing to make the transition from the juvenile correctional supervision. Court and cor- from the student’s file, such as information justice system to school completion and rectional supervision may involve sev- about treatment history, family problems, the workforce must not be overlooked. eral measures: assignment to formal pro- probationary status, or court-ordered man- Helping them successfully reconnect with bation, placement outside the home in a dates of aftercare services that influence the education mainstream is an essential residential facility, referral to a community- schooling (e.g., attendance and behavior first step. The challenge centers on how to based program or service, or restitution requirements). The time it takes to obtain make this process happen for the good of or assignment to community service. all the information needed often leads to both the community and the young person. unnecessary referrals, duplicate services, Although many of the programs and models inaccurate information, and service delays. discussed in this Bulletin have relevance Inefficiencies in information sharing compli- Processing Cases for all youth who have come into contact cate the reintegration of juvenile offenders with the juvenile justice system, the pri- Within the Juvenile into school settings, often hindering the mary focus will be youth whose actions education process or rendering it ineffec- Justice System have caused them to be removed from the tive. It is the student who suffers the conse- Before continuing this discussion about community and their schools, i.e., those quences of this highly inefficient system of who have been detained or incarcerated. reintegrating juvenile offenders into school information sharing. and community settings, a brief explanation of the juvenile justice process is in order. There are a number of constraints on col- Information Sharing: laborative information sharing among After a juvenile is arrested, one of the first The Foundation youth-serving agencies. One such con- actions to be taken when processing the straint, the Federal Family Educational case is to decide whether the juvenile Open lines of communication among all organizations involved with juvenile offend- Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), should be placed in secure detention. Ju- also known as the Buckley Amendment, is venile detention is a process designed to ers are necessary to establish a compre- hensive treatment approach for offenders often cited as the reason educators will ensure “the temporary and safe custody not share information about students with of juveniles who are accused of conduct and their families. Open communication can prevent replication of services or, other agencies. FERPA was enacted to as- subject to the jurisdiction of the court and sure parents and students that their pri- who require a restricted environment for worse, lack of services. The ultimate goal of information sharing is to avoid stereo- vacy interests would be protected through their own or the community’s protection standards for recordkeeping, thus dis- while pending legal action.”6 Juvenile de- typing or stigmatization of the juvenile offender and to increase the probability couraging unnecessary disclosure to any tention serves to protect the community, agency of a student’s educational records. protect the juvenile, and ensure that the that he or she will successfully exit the juvenile will appear in court. juvenile justice system, avoid future con- Failure of an educational agency or institu- tact with the system, and complete school tion to comply with FERPA can result in a Although policies and practices vary and/or secure gainful employment. loss of Federal funding to that agency. Many among jurisdictions, the general proce- educational agencies have been overly cau- dure is as follows: Once the case has been Juvenile offenders and other high-risk youth encounter many problems that often tious in their interpretation of FERPA by reviewed, it can be dismissed, handled establishing policies recognizing a general- informally through a voluntary disposi- require responses from numerous agen- cies. Such youth may require counseling ized right to privacy with regard to all stu- tion (e.g., informal probation), or brought dent records and information. These poli- before a judge in a formal hearing. Gener- (both individual and family). They may also have mandatory education require- cies often pose significant obstacles to ally, the judge can either refer the case information sharing among agencies. to an adjudication hearing or conduct a ments associated with the disposition of waiver hearing, usually on motion of the probation. Personal and family problems In recent years, FERPA has been amended prosecutor. Adjudication hearings in ju- and needs can generate turmoil for youth, to promote information sharing between venile court decide whether the juvenile who may also become lost in a tangle of educators and juvenile justice system is responsible for an alleged delinquent bureaucratic agencies that too often share personnel. The Improving America’s act and are similar to the process of de- only limited information with each other, Schools Act (IASA) of 1994 (Public Law ciding whether a defendant is guilty or not resulting in fragmented assistance. In most 103–382) permits information sharing guilty in criminal court. In waiver hearings, cases, no single agency or advocate “looks (subject to State statute) between educa- the judge considers relin- after” the needs of an adjudicated youth. tors and juvenile justice system person- quishing jurisdiction over a matter and Although information about adjudicated nel on juveniles prior to adjudication. In transferring the case to criminal court, youth and their families is usually well addition, OJJDP’s review of the FERPA where the juvenile will be tried as if he documented within the various agencies statute and the current U.S. Department

3 of Education (ED) regulation (34 CFR Part National Council on Crime and Delin- inmates who participate in education pro- 99) have shown that FERPA need not quency. A research preview released in grams are more likely to be employed and stand in the way of effective interagency December 1998 summarized some of the less likely to end up back in prison than information agreements between schools evaluation queries and early findings.9 nonparticipants.11 and other agencies with whom they share Each demonstration test site has tailored Ideally, academic educational services a common interest. the IAP model to its specific needs and lo- should be the focus of detained and incar- Guidance on information sharing by and cal context. The IAP model is a descrip- cerated youth’s institutional experience. with schools in compliance with the Family tive, multifaceted, integrated approach de- State constitutions guarantee all children Educational Rights and Privacy Act is avail- signed to closely monitor juvenile offenders, the right to a free public education. Al- able from OJJDP or ED in Sharing Informa- enhance aftercare service delivery based though educational services are offered to tion: A Guide to the Family Educational on acknowledged risk and protective fac- many juveniles in confinement, this is not Rights and Privacy Act and Participation in tors, forge working collaborations among always the case. In addition, many State Juvenile Justice Programs, an indepth review diverse agencies and individuals, and education departments have not approved of FERPA and its impact on information reduce recidivism. the institutional education programs, the sharing; and in two related OJJDP Fact programs often are not designed to ad- Among the elements critical to success- Sheet publications, which offer concise dress each student’s individual educa- guidelines for information sharing.7 fully translating IAP principles into prac- tional needs, and students often cannot tice are the following case management 10 receive academic credit toward earning Individual State laws may impose some components: diplomas upon their transfer or release. restrictions on information sharing. How- ◆ Risk assessment and classification for ever, the Federal FERPA statute allows There have been efforts to upgrade pro- educational institutions to share informa- establishing [program] eligibility. grams to improve the quality of school- tion freely among themselves. If a correc- ◆ Individual case planning that incor- ing for young people in confinement and tional facility also includes an educational porates a family and community to create educational service links be- unit, the sharing of educational records perspective. tween school systems and correctional would not be precluded by Federal law. ◆ A mix of intensive surveillance and settings. In 1992, OJJDP funded a 3-year services. grant project with the National Office for Social Responsibility (NOSR) to assist ◆ Theoretical Framework A balance of incentives and graduated juvenile corrections administrators in for Intensive Aftercare consequences coupled with the imposi- planning and implementing programs to tion of realistic, enforceable conditions. The Intensive Aftercare Program (IAP) improve educational services for detained ◆ initiative, funded by OJJDP in 1988, created Service brokerage, with community and incarcerated juvenile offenders. NOSR a sustained focus on solving the problem resources linked to social networks. conducted an extensive literature search and published a report on effective prac- of community reintegration following the The youth participating in the IAP demon- tices in juvenile corrections education release of high-risk juvenile offenders from stration sites are serious, habitual offend- and a training and technical assistance secure confinement. Researchers David ers in secure correctional confinement, manual.12 NOSR also selected three State- Altschuler and Troy Armstrong developed and some are not likely to return to main- operated juvenile correctional facilities the theoretical framework for this reinte- stream educational systems. Nevertheless, to establish model learning environments gration process. The framework empha- the theoretical approaches identified by for incarcerated youth. These sites were sizes effective intervention based not only the IAP model for reintegrating juvenile Adobe Mountain School in Arizona, Look- on intensive supervision and services but offenders into the community after con- out Mountain Youth Center in Colorado, also on a process that focuses on reinte- finement are suitable for the reintegration and Sauk Centre in Minnesota. Each site’s gration during incarceration via a highly of juvenile offenders into transitional edu- vision encompassed the philosophy that structured and gradual transition period cational settings. In particular, the model’s learning is the most important compo- to bridge the gap between institutionaliza- emphasis on providing youth with com- nent of the rehabilitative process and tion and aftercare. Elements of their for- prehensive, ongoing services and supervi- must be the centerpiece of each youth’s mative work underscored the importance sion, both while they are incarcerated and institutional experience. The models of preparing youth for progressively in- when they return to their communities, sought to expand learning from the class- creased responsibility and freedom in the also applies to their transition from con- room into the entire fabric of the institu- community, facilitating youth-community finement to school settings. interaction and involvement, linking the tion, to train and empower all institu- offender with community support sys- tional staff to teach, and to make learning tems, and monitoring youth progress.8 Correctional Education: enjoyable. After 7 years of research, development, and Preparation for According to research by NOSR, effective training, the IAP project established five Reintegration educational programs within correctional facilities include not only basic academic competitively selected demonstration Preparation for increased responsibility and sites to test the model over a 5-year period: skills, high school completion, and general successful reintegration into community life educational development (GED) test prepa- Denver, CO; Las Vegas, NV; Camden and begins inside correctional institutions. Edu- Newark, NJ (which subsequently discon- ration, but also special education, pre- cation has been a part of American prison employment training, and other programs tinued participation); and Norfolk, VA. systems since 1798. The most common The remaining sites are being indepen- aimed at enhancing students’ social, cog- finding of 20 years of research is that 13 dently evaluated through a grant to the nitive, and life skills.

4 Special education. Learning disabilities will pursue school completion. It is also Transitional Support for have been identified as an important risk important for detained or incarcerated factor that contributes to failure in school youth to develop entry-level job skills Leaving Confinement and to entry into the juvenile justice sys- and workplace competencies. After confinement, juveniles’ experiences tem. An estimated 50 to 80 percent of all and training within correctional settings Life skills. Delinquents often lack social confined juveniles are eligible for services must be linked to their experience within designed to address learning disabilities.14 and communication skills, particularly their communities. Transitional services pro- those related to problem solving and moral NOSR contends that correctional educa- vide this link. Effective transitional programs tion must provide a full array of special reasoning. Juvenile correctional education increase the likelihood of reenrollment in should offer programs and curriculums education programs and services, includ- school, graduation from high school, and ing a trained staff, a curriculum that meets that focus on the development of life skills successful employment. The lack of such and provide the opportunity for juveniles each student’s needs, training for inde- services may undo the often significant pro- pendent living and vocational skills, and to practice and apply the skills they learn. gress made by juveniles while they were in- These programs should incorporate skills linkage with pre- and postconfinement carcerated. Successful transition between educational services.15 such as goal setting, time and plan man- correctional facility and school requires inte- agement, problem solving, and conflict grated and coordinated prerelease strategies Preemployment training. While motivat- resolution; should reflect real world needs, developed and implemented collaboratively ing juvenile offenders to return to main- such as thinking creatively and working by all agencies involved in providing both stream education is a priority, correc- in teams to achieve common goals; and institutional and aftercare services to youth tional education must also focus on should help youth develop positive and their families. making the connection from education to personal qualities, such as responsibility, the workplace. Not all juvenile offenders dependability, and honesty. An important reason for coordinating transition services is to avoid problems that arise from inadequate information sharing between correctional facilities Jackson-Hinds County Youth Detention School and schools. As mentioned earlier in this Bulletin, juvenile offenders often arrive at The Jackson (MS) Public School District diagnostic evaluation, and the Test of school settings without any scholastic is committed to providing a quality interim Adult Basic Education (TABE). Depend- documentation from correctional facili- educational program that will allow juve- ing on TABE results, juveniles are placed ties. There may be delays in forwarding niles to achieve their potential while being in either a home school, general educa- correctional school records to the receiv- detained in the Jackson-Hinds County tional development (GED) test prepara- ing school. When received, information . The Youth Court tion, or special education track. may be unconfirmed, undocumented, out- School is an extension of the Jackson dated, or tainted by personal prejudices Public School District alternative school. The program teaches basic skills such and interpretation. School personnel may as reading, math, and English. Alcorn Students ages 10 to 17 served by this have to rely on personal contacts for in- program include juvenile delinquents, State University provides vocational formation. The process of obtaining the training, and Jackson State University law violators, runaways, and disruptive needed information is daunting, involving students. assists with support services such as time-consuming phone calls to previous social workers, counselors, and social institutions and encounters with individu- Program components include assess- work interns. After juveniles are released als who often refuse to disseminate infor- ment, basic academic and survival from detention, social work interns con- mation (frequently citing confidentiality skills, vocational training, support ser- duct extensive followup. If juveniles do laws) or who can provide only sketchy vices, and parent training. The school not attend school after release, they are accounts based on memory alone. These has intensive collaboration with Jackson required to attend either GED classes problems impede the timeliness and qual- State University, Alcorn State University, at the Jackson Public Schools GED/ ity of educational program development the Art Alliance of Jackson, and the ABE Center or a community program for youth who are making the transition New Hope Foundation, which all assist in the city of Jackson. from correctional facility to school. with implementation of the Youth Court School mission. The program also re- Many participants have received GED OJJDP’s training and technical assistance diplomas or have developed skills that quires parents to attend an 8-week programs stress the importance of inter- Systematic Training for Effective enabled them to make the transition agency information sharing in the coordina- back into regular school. After receiving Parenting course. tion of services. Training programs include: a GED diploma or graduating from high ◆ Police officers bring juveniles to the school, many participants have attended The School Administrators for Effective Jackson-Hinds County Youth Detention Hinds Community College. Police, Prosecution, and Probation Opera- Center, where they are booked and de- tions Leading to Improved Children and For more information about the Youth tained until they can see an intake coun- Youth Services Program (SAFE Policy), a selor. The intake counselor determines Detention School, contact Dr. Ginger M. week-long course directed at reducing Smith, Director, Jackson-Hinds County whether the juveniles are detained or re- juvenile violence in schools. The course leased. If juveniles remain longer than Youth Detention School, 400 East Silas stresses the importance of interagency Brown Street, Jackson, MS 39225; 3 days, they receive an educational agreements for information sharing and assessment that includes intake, 601–960–1700. coordination of juvenile services.

5 ◆ The Chief Executive Course, an intensive These courses have modules on laws and school and community include some for- 1-day orientation for local executives policies that impact information sharing malized system of communication among of public and private agencies. The and on techniques to maximize informa- the corrections staff and community social course emphasizes information sharing tion sharing. Sample State legislation, institutions—schools, mental health agen- as a method for improving the juvenile consent policies, and judicial orders are cies, alcohol and drug treatment centers, justice system. also available to course participants. and employment training and placement agencies, among others. The following ◆ The Serious Habitual Offender Com- In addition, OJJDP can provide direct tech- prehensive Action Program (SHOCAP), model uses a formal interagency partner- nical assistance upon request to individual ship established to address the needs of presented as a module in the SAFE jurisdictions working on improving their adjudicated youth and juvenile parolees. Policy and Chief Executive Training information sharing. To learn more about programs and also available in a 40- training and technical assistance related hour course designed to assist SHOCAP to information sharing, contact the Train- Cluster Group Model: The jurisdictions in developing their own ing and Technical Assistance Division, New Jersey Gateway unique interagency information sharing Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Academy agreements. The course requires the Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. The Gateway Academy uses a cluster group participation of policy-level officials Department of Justice, 810 7th Street NW., model to manage information and coordi- from law enforcement, schools, juvenile Washington DC 20531; 202–307–5940. nate services for juvenile offenders and detention and corrections, prosecu- their families. The cluster group comprises tion, and social services. Most effective strategies for helping juve- nile offenders make the transition into the various service agencies (e.g., educational,

Law-Related Education

Law-related education trains young Street Law, Inc., provides programs, ma- Court as well as significant current people to think critically, solve problems, terials, and services to students in kinder- cases, taught each summer in Wash- and understand legal rights and respon- garten through 12th grade and young ington, DC, at the U.S. Supreme Court. sibilities. It also demonstrates the role of people in community-based settings citizens in mitigating violence. It involves and juvenile justice settings. Key pro- Street Law also offers a new curriculum infusing conflict resolution skills with instruction about rules, laws, and the grams include: concerning community violence. legal system. Students explore and re- ◆ flect on their own and others’ perspec- The Street Law Program—a high The curriculum is being piloted in the school practical law elective class Save Our Streets (SOS) program in tives, express and defend their views, listen to the views of others, develop available in every State. Many classes Washington, DC. Youth ages 13 to 17 are taught in cooperation with local law who have been charged with weapons arguments for both sides of an issue, mediate, and formulate decisions and students. All classes make extensive offenses are referred to the program by use of legal resource persons such as the Superior Court of the District of resolutions based on multiple and often conflicting concerns. The purpose is to judges, lawyers, law students, and law Columbia, Social Services Division, enforcement personnel. Family Branch. SOS serves as a pre- train students for responsible citizenship. An additional purpose in juvenile justice ◆ adjudication service for these youth, Teens, Crime, and the Community—a most of whom have been released to or transitional educational placements is partnership program with the National to help stop juvenile offenders from en- the custody of their parents. Students Crime Prevention Council featuring a participating in SOS have ongoing court gaging in delinquent activity. curriculum designed to help young cases throughout their participation. Street Law, Inc., is a nonprofit organiza- people avoid becoming victims of crime. Each lesson within the SOS program is tion dedicated to empowering people ◆ Street Law/Juvenile Justice— designed to examine laws and issues through law-related education. Partici- lessons for use in detention settings that affect participating students and the pants in Street Law programs learn and in juvenile court alternative pro- community; discuss information on avail- substantive information about law, grams, including diversion. able community resources and how to democracy, and human rights through use these resources to benefit partici- ◆ strategies that promote problem solving, Teen Parents and the Law—a pants, other youth, and the community; critical thinking, cooperative learning, carefully developed and field-tested and provide opportunities to build conflict improved communication skills, and the adolescent parenting program. resolution skills. The lessons are taught ability to participate effectively in society. ◆ Human Rights U.S.A.—a national edu- by using law-related education’s interac- Formerly called the National Institute for cation effort designed to raise aware- tive strategies with a strong focus on stu- Citizen Education in the Law, the pro- ness of human rights issues among dent skill development. gram began at Georgetown University American citizens. The focus is on For more information on Street Law, Law Center more than 20 years ago, community groups and students. when law students developed a practical Inc., write Street Law, Inc., 1600 K Street NW., #602, Washington, DC 20006; law course that was taught in Washing- ◆ Supreme Court Summer Institute for ton, DC, public schools. Georgetown Law High School Teachers—a 5-day, teacher phone 202–293–0088; or visit www.streetlaw.org. Center’s Street Law Program continues education program focusing on the his- to operate in the District of Columbia. tory and processes of the Supreme

6 mental health, probation, and child pro- tection) assembled to benefit and support New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission: each individual youth. The group meets on Transitional Services a regular basis to share information and to ensure that needed services are provided In addition to the partnership formed with ◆ A transitional specialist from NJJJC without replication. A school representative the Newark Public Schools, the New follows implementation of each re- (a principal, social worker, counselor, or Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission leased youth’s education plan and homeroom teacher) typically serves as the (NJJJC) is involved in providing transi- provides followup services to the chairperson of the cluster group; all infor- tional services to students returning student or education agency as mation governing a juvenile is disseminated from NJJJC to other schools and com- required. through the chairperson to other cluster munities throughout the State. Some of ◆ NJJJC transitional specialists are members. As a result, all cluster members these services include the following: have access to needed information, avoid- also involved in special projects, ing a piecemeal approach to collecting in- ◆ NJJJC reviews and evaluates every including apprenticeships, school- formation. As additional agencies or other student’s educational record and to-career partnerships, entrepre- interventions are needed, the appropriate consults with school district repre- neurial programs, career exploration services can be arranged, and duplication sentatives to ensure that the most and employability skill training, and of services can be avoided. appropriate educational program mentoring. has been identified for the returning For youth currently incarcerated or in resi- student. For more information about NJJJC dential placement, the cluster should be transitional services, contact Robert V. formed in time to establish communication ◆ NJJJC develops an educational after- Coté, Jr., Executive Manager, Office of with the school system prior to the youth’s care plan to meet the individual needs Education, New Jersey Juvenile Justice release. Major issues to be identified and and goals of the returning student and Commission, 9 Quakerbridge Plaza, addressed by the cluster group include provides ongoing evaluation of the 3rd Floor, P.O. Box 108, Trenton, NJ adjudication, conditions of probation, aca- student’s progress. 08625–0108; 609–631–4743. demic level and educational placement, therapy needs, and method of followup. The Gateway Academy is a partnership needs. The task force included representa- and family counseling and employment established between the New Jersey Juve- tives from NJJJC, probation, the juvenile training and placement. Academy staff are nile Justice Commission (NJJJC) and New- courts, Newark police, community service trained to provide a sound educational ark Public Schools (NPS). The partnership providers, and members of the community. program that will address the special needs of students returning from NJJJC. was formed as a direct result of the sup- Over several months, the task force con- port provided by the YOEM initiative. ducted an assessment of the needs of Student transcripts and needs are assessed Prior to YOEM efforts, NJJJC and NPS had NJJJC/Newark students. It identified poor by a team of personnel from NJJJC. This functioned as independent entities, with collaboration among service agencies as a team determines the most appropriate edu- no formal effort made to work as a team. major obstacle to the successful transition cational setting for the student, whether Agencies exchanged educational records of students from NJJJC programs to the it is the Gateway Academy or another when students moved from one system public schools. To overcome this problem, school within the Newark Public School to the other, but no personal contact or representatives from each social service District. Regardless of educational place- followup occurred. NPS recognized the agency agreed to serve as members of a ment, these students are associated with importance of improving the flow of infor- multidisciplinary panel. Panel members and receive services at the Gateway Acad- mation between the school district and are selected according to the needs of indi- emy. Each student is encouraged to be other educational providers working with vidual students to participate in a cluster involved in afterschool activities, commu- the district’s students. The Newark YOEM group formed specifically to support each nity service projects, and Saturday activi- Conference, conducted through the col- student. NPS serves as the umbrella agency ties sponsored by the Academy. Students laborative efforts of the National School under which all the service agencies work. placed at the Academy complete the Safety Center and NJJJC, helped formalize Academy’s 12-month program and then The task force also determined that a spe- NPS’s desire to facilitate this exchange of return to their regular schools to complete information. Following the conference, cial program should be developed to serve their high school education and graduate. NPS invited a representative of NJJJC to students returning to the community from become a working member of its atten- incarceration. The Gateway Academy, For more information about the Gateway dance improvement committee. which was planned under the direction of Academy, contact Jennifer Mitchell, Gate- the task force, opened in spring 1999. The way Academy, 131 13th Avenue, Newark, The attendance improvement committee Gateway Academy is a 12-month program NJ 07102; 973–733–7067. found that a large number of students designed to provide “one-stop service” were “getting lost” in the transition from for all Newark students who are returning NJJJC programs back to Newark schools. from incarceration to the public schools. Transitional Educational The committee also recognized that stu- The centrally located facility houses the Placements dents involved with NJJJC had special various service agencies working with needs that should be addressed in greater Although some juvenile parolees may even- this population of students, including pa- tually perform well in mainstream class- depth. The Save Newark’s Youth Task Force role, probation, and mental health and was organized to focus on these issues and rooms, it is often difficult for these youth social service agencies providing drug to succeed in traditional campuses

7 immediately following release from incar- behavior by these youth when they return accustomed to receiving in the correctional ceration. “Cold turkey” reentry into public to school. setting. In a transitional educational place- schools is often a formula for failure. Ju- ment, recently released juvenile parolees Alternative schools or transitional educa- veniles attempting such reentry typically can undergo careful assessment and take say that they feel lost or overwhelmed on tion centers are known as transitional edu- part in learning experiences that prepare cational placements. These placements are large traditional campuses. Also, the level them to return to mainstream class- of structure and attention that adjudicated interim steps for youth who have been re- rooms. An alternative school or transi- leased from incarceration. Such placements youth receive in correctional and resi- tional education center also reduces the dential settings is limited on traditional offer appropriate environments that gradu- risk of a youth’s getting lost in “the sys- ally reduce the level of supervision and sup- campuses. This change in structure and tem” without needed support services. attention often contributes to disruptive port from that which these youth were

Transitional Support and Placement: The Kentucky Experience

Kentucky Youth Assistance Alliance. screens each returning student, con- The school was established specifically More than 3 years ago, an alliance was ducts transition interviews, collects to address the needs of students return- formed among several Kentucky youth- appropriate data, and obtains parental ing from adjudicated residential place- serving organizations interested in eas- releases for juvenile record sharing. ment. Its design was the result of a col- ing the transition of adjudicated youth ◆ laborative effort involving the Jefferson from juvenile justice settings, including Design an “educational passport”—a County Public Schools’ Safe and Drug- form of documentation that accompa- secure treatment facilities, to educa- Free Schools Unit, the State’s Depart- tional settings. Included in the partner- nies the returning juvenile to his or her ment of Juvenile Justice, and Seven subsequent educational placements— ship were Christian County, Henderson Counties Services (the State mental County, and Jefferson County public to facilitate information sharing across health authority for the region). jurisdictions for returning students, schools; three State agencies (the Of- fice of Juvenile Justice, the Cabinet for including notification of schools re- Franklin Transitional High School cur- garding the impending releases of rently has approximately 40 students Human Resources, and the Kentucky Department of Education); the Univer- juveniles from treatment facilities or enrolled. The ratio of staff to students is incarceration. very high (the school currently employs sity of Kentucky; and the Kentucky Coa- lition for State Agency Children. ◆ 20 staff members). Students come di- Recruit and train mentors for each rectly from incarceration to the school. returning student. The first priority of the partnership was A bridge coordinator team, rather than to collect data on school-age adjudicated ◆ Monitor progress of returning students a single coordinator, screens returning youth in Kentucky. The partnership found to further assess their needs and students. The length of time students that the school systems were losing identify barriers to successful reentry. stay at the school is based on their indi- nearly 95 percent of such youth because vidual needs. The goal is to prepare ◆ the youth failed to make successful tran- Provide alcohol/drug prevention edu- students for other educational place- sitions into a mainstream school or tran- cation and other counseling and pre- ments, but students can actually gradu- sitional educational center (also known vention support to youth and their ate from the transition school if that is as an alternative school). The partner- families. what it takes to complete their second- ship also found that existing efforts to ◆ Offer support groups for juveniles who ary education. Documentation in the help adjudicated youth in these counties have witnessed violence, particularly form of an educational passport helps were flawed by problems in identifying domestic violence. (Approximately determine each student’s educational population and by inconsistent 60 percent of adjudicated youth had and treatment needs and accompanies school reentry processes, gaps in ser- a history of domestic violence in the student to his or her subsequent vices, and lack of community support. their families.) educational placements. Representa- tives from the Institute of Families, a Two years ago, the partnership became The original alliance is no longer in ex- private agency, provide counseling ser- involved in the YOEM initiative. The istence, but the approach it established vices to students and their families. project’s application for YOEM assis- is successfully addressing many of the tance proposed a model that would ad- issues and problems associated with For more information about transition dress the gaps in services to Kentucky’s successful reentry for juvenile offend- activities in Jefferson County, contact adjudicated youth. The model set forth ers. The bridge coordinator and educa- Pam Carter, Assessment Coordinator, the following objectives: tional passport concepts are part of Jefferson County Public Schools, Safe ◆ “transitional school” initiatives under- and Drug-Free Schools, 911 South Establish a uniform system by which Brook Street, Location #895, Louisville, youth in juvenile justice or treatment taken in the three counties that partici- pated in the alliance. KY 40203; phone 502–485–3260; e-mail facilities can return to a school setting. [email protected]; or Dr. Rick ◆ Create a bridge coordinator position Franklin Transitional High School. In Tatum, Principal, Franklin Transitional in each school district to facilitate the August 1999, the Franklin Transitional High School, 1800 Arlington Avenue, return of adjudicated youth to school High School, Louisville, KY, opened its Louisville, KY 40206; phone 502–485– enrollment. The bridge coordinator doors for the 1999–2000 school year. 6678; fax 502–485–6680.

8 An alternative school facility should pro- vide the least restrictive environment appropriate for a juvenile exiting a cor- rectional institution or other residential placement. The smaller pupil-teacher ratio, individualization, and therapeutic family approach available in transitional edu- cational placements can provide these juveniles with a fresh start and can ease their transition into a school environment. New Jersey’s Gateway Academy, described above as an example of the cluster group approach to transitional services, is also an example of a transitional educational placement. Another example is Arizona’s Pathfinder Project.

The Pathfinder Project Created by Alan Wright, former education transition, many Success School students Prerelease information sharing. Place- superintendent of the Arizona Department chose to engage in work-study, which ment considerations and discussions with of Juvenile Corrections, the Pathfinder maximized their independence and com- the receiving school should begin long Project provided transitional educational munity service. before the student is scheduled to depart placement for troubled youth in Arizona. from the facility. Juvenile justice system The Success School approach can be im- After 7 years of intensive reform efforts, officials should share information with the Arizona established a research-based and plemented in any public school system, school about the student’s therapeutic either as a “school within a school” or as accredited alternative school that empha- service needs, academic functioning and sized performance-based accountability a contracted partnership operated sepa- achievement, and future educational needs rately from a mainstream school. Arizona through its curriculum. The Pathfinder and goals and about aftercare conditions Project targeted disruptive, delinquent operated both approaches of Success that the school will be asked to assist in School. Each of the approaches creates a adolescents, enrolled them in “Success monitoring (e.g., compliance with school School,” and used a curriculum that pro- continuum between the “regular” public attendance, behavior, or therapy atten- school classroom and the specialized vided a continuum of educational experi- dance requirements). In addition, juvenile ences. The Pathfinder Project was re- Success School classroom. justice system officials should indicate how cently discontinued in Arizona, but the For more information about the Path- they will assist the school to help monitor Pathfinder model continues to offer an finder Project, contact Leonard Lindstrom, and enforce attendance, achievement, and alternative to traditional methods of deal- Program Administrator, Arizona Depart- behavioral standards. ing with disruptive students. ment of Juvenile Corrections, 1624 West Prerelease visit. A key factor in easing Adams, Phoenix, AZ 85007; phone 602–255– In the Pathfinder model, the purpose of the reintegration process is a prerelease Success School is to recognize and serve 5259; fax 602–255–5265. visit by the student (accompanied by the system-involved youth who have little or appropriate juvenile justice system offi- no hope for the future and who do not be- School Enrollment cial) to the receiving school. The student lieve they can achieve personal success should be transported to the school and within the traditional educational system. Many students leaving incarceration do meet with the principal and other staff Success School teaches troubled youth not have access to specialized transi- members. Classroom placement and cur- a leadership style focused on personal tional educational placements and must ricular needs can be discussed at this development and lifelong learning for reenter the school environment immedi- time. (An effective approach matches the community-based stewardship. Students ately after their release. It is unfortunate student’s learning style with the receiving learn responsibility and thus are empow- for a student to have to attempt this diffi- teachers’ instructional styles. The visit is ered to achieve success. Behavioral cult reentry without help. Many steps can also an excellent time to introduce the 16 changes observed in Arizona’s Success be taken to avoid this. student to the selected teachers.) School participants provide evidence that, Curriculum coordination. It is extremely when fully implemented, the program can This advance visit establishes first impres- difficult for any student to enter classes help students gain literacy skills at accel- sions for both the student and the school during the middle of a semester and to erated rates and can increase their com- personnel and can help both parties be- succeed academically without prior expo- mitment to learning. come more comfortable with each other. sure to the curriculum. Therefore, it is A well-planned visit can allay school A key component of the Pathfinder model worth the time and effort to make certain personnel’s fears associated with a juvenile is the transition to a mainstream school that the curriculum within the institution offender reentering the mainstream environment. In Arizona, students who is individualized to parallel that of the school, especially if the youth arrives at were properly prepared through the Path- student’s mainstream school while com- the meeting well-groomed and behaves in finder model were likely to be successful plying with the State’s educational guide- a polite and nonthreatening manner. in making such a transition. Following lines for graduation.

9 of discipline in the school must be ex- Violence elimination contract. A strategy The Family plained to parents and students during an similar to the acknowledgment statement is admission interview. Such policies give the use of a violence elimination contract The impact of the family on the academic both youth and their parents important that emphasizes the zero-tolerance policy and emotional well-being of a juvenile is information on accepted behaviors and for weapons and violence. The school crucial. If the family is dysfunctional, the disciplinary measures while removing dis- principal guides the student and parents risk for student recidivism is significantly cretionary options from school administra- through the contract, which clearly ex- greater. In short, progress achieved dur- tors and law enforcement, thus reducing plains that weapons and violence will not ing confinement or at school can be re- the possibility of unfairness in administer- be tolerated. The principal, student, and versed in the home. Receiving schools ing discipline. For instance, a policy might parents all enter into the contract, which must assist in educating parents and state that disciplinary measures for acts of also makes clear the roles of each and es- helping families obtain necessary ser- violence such as fights, threats, or bullying tablishes a team process for working with vices. Periodic family “checkups” should will be met with consistent, swift conse- the student. The student becomes aware be a requisite of working with former ju- quences for each individual and that bring- of the united efforts of school officials, venile offenders. Checkups should in- ing a weapon to the school campus will parents, the courts, and police officers to clude meetings at least once every 6 result in criminal charges and a 1-year ex- handle disruptions on the school campus. months among all agencies providing pulsion. This firearms policy is consistent The violence elimination contract may also services to a student and family to en- with the Federal Gun-Free Schools Act of call for a mandatory meeting with school sure service and therapy followthrough. 1994.17 Other zero-tolerance policies may officials to work out a resolution if the stu- address codes of conduct, gang affiliation, dent is involved in a conflict or violent situ- dress code violations, and contraband. ation on campus. Admission interview. The admission inter- view, conducted with reentering students An effective way to communicate school Another benefit of the violence elimination and their parents, is an essential part of policies is through a student/parent hand- contract is parental accountability. Par- the reintegration process. The interview book. During the admission interview, staff ents are asked to regularly observe their can elicit valuable information about the members can divide the topics covered in children and help ensure that contraband student: likes and dislikes; self-perception; the handbook and discuss the topics. For or weapons are not brought to school. student- and parent-identified academic example, the assistant principal can clarify Parents are also reminded of their respon- and vocational goals; relationships with behavior rules and the dress code, while the sibility to teach their children about gun friends, family, and authority figures; homeroom teacher or counselor can explain safety and are asked to keep any weapons past experience with the legal system; academic performance expectations. The they own under lock and key. Finally, stu- adjudication status; mental health concerns combination of both a written and verbal dents and parents agree to attend conflict and treatment; and individual strengths explanation of school policies can ensure resolution sessions with trained school and weaknesses. The interviewer(s) can understanding and encourage compliance. mediation personnel if the student is in- also observe who “controls” the family— volved in a violent situation. Attendance a parent or the juvenile. Evidence that the Students and parents should be required at these sessions can teach parents how to sign a statement acknowledging that juvenile has control indicates a problem to use the same skills with their children in the family. Steps can then be taken to they have received a copy of the hand- at home that professionals use at school. book and agreeing that they are account- provide family counseling. The admission interview also provides an opportunity for able for following school policies. This Plans and curriculum. An important step signed statement can be useful if students in the enrollment and reintegration process school staff to discuss relevant policies and rules with reentering students and or parents should ever deny knowledge of is the establishment of academic, behav- policies in the future. The school district’s ioral, and vocational goals and objectives. their parents (see below). attorney should review and approve the If the student requires special education, Transitional counseling. An individual exact wording of the acknowledgment an Individual Education Plan must be com- who has been released from a residential statement. pleted. If the student does not qualify for setting or an incarceration facility will require ongoing contact with staff from the discharging facility for followup after Gangs placement. Juvenile offenders often expe- Involvement with gangs appears to be common with many juvenile offenders. Juveniles rience feelings of abandonment in new leaving incarceration often transfer the terminology, clothing style, handsigns, and graf- settings. A phone call or a visit from a fiti associated with gang affiliation from the institution into the school setting. Whether staff counselor during the first 2 weeks of these juveniles are actual members of a gang or “wannabe” members, the gang influ- the transition can ease the student’s dis- ence is nevertheless a reality. Schools can become breeding grounds for gang rivalries comfort until rapport with new staff and and gang “ranking” (recruiting and initiating new members). Young people searching for peers has developed. Institutional staff identity often fall prey to the tantalizing notion of gang membership. Gangs can seri- should maintain contact with the youth for ously undermine the effectiveness of reintegration services and educational programs up to 6 months after release, helping the attempting to assist the former juvenile offender. Schools must pay particular attention youth to transfer positive skills and be- to providing positive alternatives for vulnerable juveniles to diminish the allure of gang haviors acquired in the old institutional membership. School administrators should keep in mind that, while they can do little to setting to the new community setting. prevent students from joining gangs and participating in gang activities off campus, they Policies and rules. Any “zero-tolerance” can seek to eliminate gang activity and its detrimental effects on campus. policies governing day-to-day administration

10 When a Delinquent Offender Returns to School

Preenrollment Strategies Staff Preparation ◆ Carefully select and monitor the ◆ Contact Probation or Parole ◆ Develop and implement a crisis plan. student’s participation in extracur- Department. ricular activities. ◆ Train staff in nonviolent conflict ◆ Review juvenile records. resolution. Support Services ◆ Clearly communicate expectations. ◆ Share relevant information with ◆ Make appropriate referrals to teachers and staff members. outside agencies. Welcoming Procedures ◆ Review student/parent handbook. Classroom Management Interagency Collaboration ◆ ◆ ◆ Share relevant information and ob- Work closely with the presiding Develop and discuss Individual servations concerning the student juvenile judge and probation Behavior Plan. among teachers and staff, keeping in department. ◆ mind that incidents may be Create behavior contract that is ◆ Provide office space on campus signed by the student and parents. significant. for the probation officer. ◆ Carefully monitor the student’s be- ◆ Create joint power agreement for Placement havior, including relationships with sharing resources and juvenile ◆ Use vertical counseling, i.e., assign others, task behavior, tardiness, and records. one counselor to the student through- attendance. out the student’s tenure at school. Remember: There are no insignificant ◆ Carefully select classroom teachers. Supervision Outside the Classroom violations of school or probation rules ◆ when it comes to students who are Recruit a trained adult mentor. ◆ Provide responsible supervision in delinquent offenders. Any violations, ◆ lunchroom, library, and halls. Prepare classroom (e.g., ensure threats, or assaults must be taken communication capability in the event ◆ Assign the student a locker in a well- seriously. of an emergency; remove objects that supervised area. are potential weapons).

special education services, a similar plan, Mentors can help create links from correc- amendment to the Juvenile Justice Delin- called an Individual Service Plan, can be tions to schools and the community. In some quency Prevention Act of 1974, awards prepared. Both plans specify academic and cases, mentors help monitor youth’s compli- grants to local governments or nonprofit behavioral goals and objectives for the stu- ance with conditions of parole. organizations that partner with local edu- dent. The use of these documents, which cation agencies to programs in which provide a foundation for programming Public/Private Ventures conducted a nation- adults mentor high-risk and court-in- wide study18 on the impact of mentoring and evaluation, is essential in developing volved youth. OJJDP currently sponsors a student’s map for success. and found that adult mentoring as a strat- 170 JUMP sites in 42 States. While each egy for supporting at-risk youth does work, mentoring program under JUMP must ad- The course of study offered juvenile offend- particularly when the program is carefully here to some basic requirements, grant- ers must address the needs of the student supervised and supported by rigorous stan- ees use a variety of program designs. and the needs of the community. Problem- dards and trained personnel. Research pro- Some programs emphasize tutoring and solving skills, anger control, social skills, vides evidence of resilient children who academics, while others emphasize voca- role identification, goal-setting skills, and emerge from childhoods of poverty, abuse, tional counseling and job skills. The var- conflict resolution are important concepts neglect, and delinquency to become emo- ied mentoring programs share three to include in their educational program- tionally whole, capable adults. One of the goals: improving academic performance, ming, along with the traditional curriculum documented protective factors that contrib- reducing school dropout rates, and pre- of reading, writing, and mathematics. Vo- utes to resiliency is the presence of a venting delinquent behavior. All sites are cational skills should also be considered, source of support outside the family. Men- required to coordinate their activities depending on the age of the student. tors can be that source of support. A caring with local schools. OJJDP’s 1997 Bulletin, mentor can appropriately reflect and vali- Mentoring—A Proven Delinquency Preven- date the youth’s feelings, help with prob- tion Strategy,19 describes early efforts un- The Mentor’s Role lems, and, at times, offer considered advice. der the JUMP program and also summa- Mentoring is often touted as one of the most Mentors frequently are the means by which rizes the Public/Private Ventures evaluation young people learn of positive opportuni- cost-effective solutions to juvenile delin- of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America quency and recidivism. Mentoring programs ties outside their communities. program. OJJDP’s 1998 JUMP Report to engage community advocates and volunteer OJJDP’s Juvenile Mentoring Program Congress20 indicates that youth involved mentors who are assigned to work with de- (JUMP), established in 1992 through an in mentoring programs are less likely to linquent or at-risk youth and their families.

11 experiment with drugs, less likely to be Regular contact. All volunteers enter PAC and girls who might otherwise see a physically aggressive, and less likely to with high expectations; however, without probation officer once or twice during skip school than those not involved in regular one-to-one contact, there will be probation instead see a mentor an aver- such programs. little or no effect. Close mentoring friend- age of 50 hours during the same time pe- ships result from meeting face-to-face with riod. Youth who appeared to be caught in Central to any mentoring program is the consistency and continuity. a downward spiral have found new hope. concept of “the match.” The goal is the for- They are improving in school, are better mation of a relationship that will ultimately Listening. The most frequent need among able to cope with family situations, and benefit the juvenile. Programs that recruit young people today is for someone willing are staying out of further trouble. The PAC mentors hastily are doomed to failure. The to listen to them. Mentored youth need to program is a success because volunteer mentoring process is a complex interac- know that someone outside their own im- mentors from the community take the tion. As with all human relationships, there mediate family or peer group cares enough time to demonstrate that they care and are risks and potential trouble spots that to listen. PAC volunteers build healthy want to make a difference in the life of an must be acknowledged. Volunteers need to mentoring relationships by being good adjudicated youth. be realistically prepared for the hard work listeners. of relationship building and the potential For more information about PAC, contact Tapping resources. The ability of juvenile discouragement such efforts can bring. Mr. Kim G. Frentz, Program Director, Part- offenders to fit into community life and to ners Against Crime, 163 Madison Avenue, Key to the success of the match between a mature into productive citizens can be Suite 120, Detroit, MI 48226; 313–964–1110. mentor and a young person is providing strengthened through contact with men- mentors with appropriate training and sup- tors who help smooth the way. Volunteers port. The Public/Private Ventures study often know about networks of people who School-Based Probation found that effective programs provide men- can assist mentored youth. Once needs are Establishing partnerships between juve- tors with training that includes communica- identified, PAC volunteers pursue possible nile probation departments and schools is tion skills development, tips on relationship avenues for meeting those needs. Volun- another innovative approach to effective building, and recommendations for ways to teers often attend to very basic needs, intervention with young offenders, includ- interact with young people. In addition, such as providing food for youth and their ing juveniles on probation and, in juris- many of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of families. Finding resources can mean get- dictions where probation departments America programs evaluated by Public/ ting a youth involved in a recreation pro- also serve youth returning from incarcera- Private Ventures provided volunteer educa- gram, making arrangements for a tutor, or tion, juveniles on parole. The uniting of tion and development programs that in- providing guidance through the maze of schools and probation departments has cluded training in values clarification, child college financial aid applications. Dedi- been successful in communities and coun- development, and problem solving. cated mentors almost always find ways of ties across the United States, including filling a youth’s needs through personal Allentown, PA; Jefferson, IN; Norfolk, VA; or community resources. Partners Against Crime and Fresno, Kern, Yuba, and Monterey Detroit’s Partners Against Crime (PAC) Reporting. Certainly one of the least popu- Counties, CA. mentoring program offers one approach lar tasks among PAC volunteers is report- Educators and juvenile probation officers to the problem of repeat juvenile crime ing. Often volunteers initially perceive no share a common goal: helping young people that plagues urban centers across the relation between paperwork and success- acquire knowledge and develop skills that Nation. The PAC program matches an ad- ful mentoring. While certainly not the ob- lead to positive and productive lifestyles. As judicated young offender with a commu- ject of mentoring, the reports are essen- officials of the juvenile court, school-based nity volunteer who has been screened tial to relieving mentored youth of their probation officers provide control, supervi- and trained.21 Through PAC training, vol- most compelling problem: being under sion, and incentives that delinquent youth unteers become well versed in the five court jurisdiction. Volunteers can accu- often need to attend school regularly and characteristics PAC has determined to be rately report to the supervising probation comply with school rules and regulations. pillars for successful mentoring: friend- officer, referee, or judge that the proba- School-based probation officers can also ship, regular contact, listening, tapping tioner is complying with the court’s condi- intervene in crisis situations involving resources, and reporting. tions related to PAC participation. Such juvenile probation clients and can assist accountability helps the court to verify Friendship. Volunteer mentors build schools in handling disruptive behavior by compliance. To be truly successful, PAC friendships with juveniles during weekly clients. Schools can contribute to probation volunteers must spend the time required meetings. Often just sitting and talking objectives by providing student probation- each month to complete reports. with a young person for a long period of ers with a structured environment for learn- time is difficult. Building a friendship al- In 1995, Wayne State University in Detroit, ing basic life skills and by designing an aca- most always needs to include an activity: MI, conducted an impact evaluation of the demic program tailored to the juvenile’s visiting at a PAC chapter, going for a PAC program. The evaluation findings in- individual needs. walk, attending a movie or sports event, dicate that recidivism was 38 percent lower School-based probation officers may window-shopping, playing a game, or for PAC clients compared with a control perform a variety of specific functions: having a soft drink and a hamburger. group and more than 50 percent lower for When mentors show that they care, that PAC clients compared with probationers ◆ Notifying the school of a student’s con- they are willing to give freely of their ex- who declined to participate in PAC. ditions of probation or parole and any perience and time, and that they accept special educational or therapeutic The results of the PAC program in Detroit the mentored youth “as they are,” friend- needs that should be addressed continue to be impressive. Young boys ships are inevitable. through school programming.

12 The Allentown model uses a dual case Sentenced To Serve—Personalized Learning Under management system for student probation Supervision (STS PLUS) clients. Juveniles are assigned two proba- tion officers: a school-based officer, who STS PLUS is a Minnesota program designed for delinquent youth who have experi- develops treatment plans and handles enced educational and vocational deficiencies and who are under the supervision of day-to-day monitoring of the student’s the court. The STS PLUS coordinator, school counselor, and probation officer create behavior, and a court-based officer, who a personalized plan to help the client complete educational and vocational goals. Par- attends all court proceedings and handles ticipating youth receive significant incentives: school credit is given for community ser- other out-of-school probation functions vice projects, and a portion of the court-ordered community work service is pardoned relative to that student. The school-based when the participant follows the personalized educational plan. Youth also receive probation officers spend the majority of rehabilitation service referrals and counseling as needed. their time on campus. STS PLUS community service is performed in small groups (eight students or fewer) The primary goal of probation officers is under the direction of a trained crew leader. Participants select worksites from a list to provide guidance by helping juvenile of proposals submitted by public agencies and nonprofit organizations around the probationers avoid situations that may county; about half of the worksites involve environmental tasks, such as removing lead them into further involvement with garbage, painting over graffiti, and planting trees. The Minnesota Department of Cor- the juvenile justice system. Improving the rections operates the STS PLUS work crews and provides the trained crew leaders. school performance of student probation- Juvenile STS PLUS crews work Monday through Friday during the summer months ers is a key objective for achieving that and on weekends during the school year. goal. To monitor improvement, the two agencies must share relevant information STS PLUS goals are as follows: increase life skills, improve school performance, en- with each other. The probation officer hance decisionmaking skills, assist youth in developing long-term goals to facilitate needs to be aware of the prior academic success, reconnect the offender to the community, provide a way for the offender to functioning of the student. The school make amends to the community, and reduce delinquency. needs to know about special education or Program funding sources include the Minnesota Department of Corrections; the Min- treatment needs that can be addressed nesota Department of Children, Family and Learning; Carver County Court Services; through district services. and the Carver-Scott Educational Cooperative. At the inception of the Allentown program, Program evaluation findings include the following: STS PLUS reduces patterns of juvenile record sharing was a major con- delinquent behavior (there is a 4-percent recidivism rate among participants); the cern for both the school district and the program motivates youth to achieve educational, vocational, and individual goals probation department. The confidential- and improves their attitudes about school, law-abiding behavior, and the commu- ity of sensitive information needed to be nity; participants learn important life skills such as how to set positive long- and preserved to avoid labeling or otherwise short-term goals; participants are highly satisfied with the program; and STS stigmatizing juveniles. These issues were PLUS is a cost-effective approach that can provide significant financial benefit worked out in a formal information-sharing to the community. agreement, which bases release of records on each agency’s legitimate need to know. For more information about STS PLUS, contact Jerome Kleis, Juvenile STS PLUS Crew Leader, Carver County Court Services, 600 E. 4th Street, Chaska, MN 55318; In addition to specifying information- 612–496–8920. sharing arrangements, written agreements between the school district and probation department also outline funding arrange- ments and reporting structures and iden- ◆ Monitoring the attendance, school ◆ Counseling young people in danger of tify exactly what is expected of each of performance, and behavior of youth being expelled due to truancy problems. the parties involved. (Funding arrange- on probation or parole or undergoing ments vary. For example, a school and a informal behavioral adjustment. The Allentown Model probation department may jointly pay ◆ Conducting home visits and coordinat- The practice of physically placing full-time the salaries of the officers involved, or ing intervention services that must be juvenile probation officers on school one agency may provide the entire fund- obtained for students and families from campuses was first put into effect by ing while the other furnishes office space sources outside the school system. Lehigh County Juvenile Probation and the and equipment.) Allentown School District in Pennsylvania.22 ◆ Coordinating reentry conferences for In developing a school-based juvenile pro- students returning to school following The goal of the program was to strengthen bation program, precautions must be collaboration between the school district placement in a juvenile justice facility. taken to ensure that the initiative is not and the probation department toward ◆ actually creating additional referrals to Providing services to minors who are meeting their common objectives. By and/or increasing involvement of youth not wards of the State but were referred creating a mutual understanding of each with the justice system. To guard against to probation for a variety of reasons other’s duties, functions, and limitations, this possibility, school-based probation (including minor offenses, school disci- the two agencies enhanced their ability officers should work only with youth al- pline and behavior problems, and fam- to coordinate services for juveniles and ready on juvenile probation and should ily difficulties). their families. not serve as general disciplinarians for

13 mainstream, educators and other con- Conclusions Probation/School Liaison cerned members of the community The move from the closely monitored Program need to redouble their efforts to pre- vent the youngest children from tak- environment in a secure facility to less structured life in the community can be In this Norfolk, VA, program, seven ing a similar path. In the wake of re- overwhelming to the juvenile offender. probation/school liaison counselors work cent school shootings, the public has Youth reentering public school systems 8 hours per day every school day moni- exerted increasing pressure on school from custodial settings frequently are alien- toring attendance, behavior, and aca- officials to identify at-risk youngsters ated from the formal education process. demic performance of court-supervised as early as possible so that appropri- Without help, they may drop out of school youth in middle and high school. The ate intervention services can be pro- counselors receive training in their liai- vided. In attempting to respond to son function. They also participate in public demands, school officials are disciplinary hearings and serve as a hindered by the fact that human be- An Essential Ingredient bridge between school personnel and havior is not often predictable, par- probation officers. ticularly when a troubled individual A story is told about Calvin Coolidge, may display few outward signs. the 30th President of the United States: The purpose of the program is to provide ◆ a Norfolk Court Services Unit presence Overcrowding in juvenile detention President Coolidge and Mrs. Coolidge in the schools so the probation officers and correctional facilities often means were staying at the Willard Hotel in responsible for students on probation or that, before another youth can be de- Washington, DC, during the President’s parole can be immediately aware when tained or confined, officials must de- first days in office. One night, the Presi- these students are truant or are experi- cide who will be released in order to dent awoke to discover a burglar in the encing other types of problems. Approxi- make room for the new resident. Many room, going through the President’s mately 800 students participate in the times the youth being released are not belongings and attempting to remove a program during each school year. fully prepared for reintegration into wallet and pocket watch. The President mainstream schools and society. said, “I really wish you wouldn’t take The probation/school liaison counselors These youth and their families may that,” referring to the watch. He asked receive office space, telephone access, need additional or enhanced services the burglar to read the engraving on the and other support from the schools to to help support them through the watch, which said: “Presented to Calvin which they are assigned. Norfolk Public transition. Coolidge, President of the Massachu- Schools also provides administrative ◆ Educators sometimes have unfounded setts Senate.” support that includes payroll and other fears and prejudices regarding juvenile billing functions. Coolidge then identified himself as the offenders. Preparing educators to work newly sworn-in President of the United During its 3 years of operation, the pro- with these youth is essential. The pre- States, persuaded the burglar to relin- service curriculum in university-level gram has improved school attendance, quish the wallet and watch, and then behavior, and academic performance of teacher preparation programs should engaged the young man in quiet con- equip young teachers with the skills court-supervised youth. versation. The burglar explained that he and knowledge they need to work with and his roommate were unable to pay For more information about the the full spectrum of students, including their hotel bill or purchase their train Probation/School Liaison Program, those who have had contact with the tickets back to their college campus. contact Leslie Arnold, Probation/School juvenile justice system. At the school Liaison Program, 800 East City Hall level, open lines of communication and To the young man’s amazement, Mr. Avenue, P.O. Box 1357, Norfolk, VA well-trained, informed teachers can Coolidge gave him $32 from the wallet, 23501; 757–441–2811. make the crucial difference in reinte- as a loan, and then advised him to grating juvenile offenders into main- leave the room as unconventionally as stream education. he had entered, to avoid detection by the student body. The Allentown model ◆ Lack of coordination and collaboration the Secret Service. requires that school-based probation be among schools, juvenile justice systems, reserved for youth within the jurisdiction The President chose to show compas- and community social institutions has of the juvenile court. School-based offi- sion, but he did not want it publicly been a serious impediment to the devel- cers may also work with student parolees, known that he had been so forgiving. opment and delivery of effective after- either alone or in concert with parole/ After all, he was a “law-and-order” poli- care programming for juvenile offend- tician. The story did not become public aftercare staff. 23 ers. Petty turf battles, power struggles, knowledge for many years. and refusal to share information must Remaining Problems give way to a spirit of cooperation and This story is not specifically about way- teamwork to better serve the needs of ward youth returning to school from in- Several challenges continue to face troubled youth and their families. This carceration, but it does illustrate an schools and communities as they attempt call for unity has been made before but essential ingredient of the process: to deal with problems of crime and vio- has often gone unheeded because of compassion on the part of adults who lence among youth: funding limitations, community resis- are charged with shaping the lives of ◆ In addition to helping to reintegrate tance, competition for resources, or lack young people and helping them achieve young people who are already in of leadership. responsible citizenship. trouble and outside the education

14 or be expelled for exhibiting inappropri- 4. Wilson and Howell, p. 193. 13. Robert J. Gemignani, Juvenile Correc- ate behaviors. These high-risk youth can- tional Education: A Time for Change, OJJDP not be expected to succeed in a vacuum. 5. In the 1994–95 school year, the public Update on Research (Washington, DC: U.S. schools spent $7,163 per pupil (in 1997 Young people, particularly troubled young Department of Justice, Office of Justice Pro- people, need structure, supervision, and constant dollars). See Thomas Snyder and grams, Office of Juvenile Justice and De- John Wirt, The Condition of Education, support. Schools and community agencies linquency Prevention, October 1994): 2. 1998 should seek to improve their capacity to (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education 14. Jessica Portner, “Jailed Youths Get respond effectively to the needs of these Education troubled youth. Statistics, June 1998): 58. Shortchanged on Education,” Week, October 2, 1996. 6. David W. Roush, Juvenile Detention A number of significant and innovative pro- Training Needs Assessment, grams and strategies have been developed Research 15. Gemignani, p. 2. Report (Washington, DC: U.S. Department for helping delinquent youth reenter the 16. Information for this section was devel- education mainstream. Foremost is the of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Pre- oped by Melissa C. Caudle in “Returning trend toward improving communication to School from Incarceration,” School Safety vention, April 1996): 4. among all of the agencies and other enti- Update (Westlake Village, CA: National ties involved in helping these youth de- 7. See Sharing Information: A Guide to the School Safety Center, February 1996): 1–4. velop and achieve positive goals. Commu- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act nities must forge partnerships among and Participation in Juvenile Justice Programs 17. Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, 20 U.S.C. Section 8921 (1994). public and private youth-serving agencies (NCJ 163705, June 1997); A Guide to the to provide a continuum of treatment and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 18. Joseph P. Tierney, Jean Baldwin, and aftercare services for juvenile offenders (Fact Sheet #78, May 1998); and Information Nancy L. Resch, Making A Difference: An and their families. Sharing and the Family Educational Rights Impact Study of Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Privacy Act ( Educational services provided to juvenile Fact Sheet #39, July 1996); (Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures, available from the Juvenile Justice Clearing- offenders, both within juvenile correctional November 1995). facilities and outside in the community house (write JJC, P.O. Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000; phone 800–638–8736; or 19. Jean B. Grossman and Eileen M. Garry, schools, must reflect current educational Mentoring–A Proven Delinquency Preven- philosophy, curriculum content develop- e-mail [email protected]) and also avail- able online at www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org. tion Strategy, Bulletin (Washington, DC: ment, and instructional techniques. Instruc- U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Jus- tion must be relevant to these students’ 8. David M. Altschuler and Troy L. Arm- tice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice interests and needs and must allow them strong, Intensive Aftercare for High-Risk and Delinquency Prevention, April 1997). to make connections to real-life situations. Juveniles: Policies and Procedures, Program These students can profit from challeng- Summary (Washington, DC: U.S. Depart- 20. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin- ing tasks that allow them to develop ment of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, quency Prevention, 1998 Report to Con- problem-solving skills. They also need Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency gress: Juvenile Mentoring Program (JUMP), job skills training to prepare them for fu- Prevention, September 1994): 4. Program Report. (Washington DC: U.S. ture employment. With the full support of Department of Justice, Office of Justice their schools and communities, they can 9. See Reintegrating Juvenile Offenders Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and make the transition back to school and Into the Community: OJJDP’s Intensive Delinquency Prevention, December 1998). build a future as responsible and success- Community-Based Aftercare Demonstration 21. Kim Frentz, “Pairing Juvenile Offenders ful adults. Program, Research Preview (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of with Volunteer Advocates,” School Safety Justice Programs, National Institute of Update (Westlake Village, CA: National Endnotes Justice, December 1998): 2. School Safety Center, April 1997): 1–3. 1. John J. Wilson and James C. Howell, 10. David M. Altschuler and Troy L. Arm- 22. Megan Clouser, “School-based Juvenile Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Vio- strong, “Aftercare Not Afterthought: Test- Probation: Everyone Benefits,” School lent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders, Re- ing the IAP Model,” Juvenile Justice III Safety Update (Westlake Village, CA: Na- search Report (Washington, DC: U.S. De- (December 1996): 16. tional School Safety Center, December partment of Justice, Office of Justice 1995): 1–4, reprinted with permission Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and 11. Paul E. Barton and Richard J. Coley, from Pennsylvania Progress, March 1995, Delinquency Prevention, October 1993): 5. Captive Students: Education and Training Vol. 2, No. 1. in America’s Prisons (Princeton, NJ: Edu- 2. Anne L. Stahl, Delinquency Cases in cational Testing Service, 1996). 23. Altschuler and Armstrong, Intensive Juvenile Courts, 1996, Fact Sheet #109 Aftercare for High-Risk Juveniles: Policies (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Jus- 12. See Effective Practices in Juvenile Cor- and Procedures, p. 7. tice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of rectional Education: A Study of the Litera- Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preven- ture and Research 1980–1992 (NCJ 150066, tion, May 1999): 1. 1994), available from the Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse (write JJC, P.O. Box 6000, 3. Harold Hodgkinson, “A Demographer’s Rockville, MD 20849-6000; phone 800–638– View,” in Marla Higginbotham, ed., What 8736; or e-mail [email protected]). Governors Need to Know about Education (Washington, DC: National Governors’ Association, 1995): 54.

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Points of view or opinions expressed in this Acknowledgments document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or Ronald D. Stephens, Ph.D., is Executive Director and June Lane Arnette is policies of OJJDP or the U.S. Department of Associate Director of the National School Safety Center (NSSC) in Westlake Justice. Village, CA. Photograph page 2 copyright 1999 Photodisc, Inc.; photograph page 9 copyright The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin- Weststock. quency Prevention is a component of the Of- fice of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Share With Your Colleagues Justice, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Unless otherwise noted, OJJDP publications are not copyright protected. We encourage you to reproduce this document, share it with your colleagues, and reprint it in your newsletter or journal. However, if you reprint, please cite OJJDP and the authors of this Bulletin. We are also interested in your feedback, such as how you received a copy, how you intend to use the information, and how OJJDP materials meet your individual or agency needs. Please direct your comments and questions to: Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse Publication Reprint/Feedback P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849–6000 800–638–8736 301–519–5212 (fax) E-Mail: [email protected]