Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation OMB No 1545-0052 or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust ^O O

Department of the Treasury Treated as a Private Foundation Internal Revenue Service Note. The foundation may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements. For calendar year 2010, or tax year beginning , and ending G Check all that apply- L_J Initial return L_J Initial return of a former public charity L_J Final return 0 Amended return [---1 Address channe n Name channe Name of foundation A Employer identification number

L TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Number and street (or P O box number it mail is not delivered to street address ) B Telephone number One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 207-756-6947

City or town, state , and ZIP code C If exemption application is pending, check here ► Portland, ME 04112-9540 D 1. Foreign organizations, check here 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, H Check typea of organization: Section 501 (c)(3) exempt private foundation check here and attach computation = Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust 0 Other taxable private foundation E If private foundation status was terminated I Fair market value of all assets at end of year J Accounting method: Cash Accrual under section 507(b)(1)(A), check here (from Part ll, col (c), line 16) 0 Other (specify) F If the foundation is Ina 60-month termination 86,607,879 . (Part/, column (d) must be on cash basis) under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here Analysis of Revenue and Expenses Part I (a) Revenue and (b ) Net investment (c) Adjusted net (d) Disbursements , mss (The total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not for charitable purposes necessari ly equa l the amounts in column (a)) expenses per books income income (cash basis only) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc., received 1 , 214. N/A 2 Check [RI] dthefoundation isnotrequired toattach Sch B T+^I I nter e st savin gs and temporary 3 cahnvestmet 2,252 ,950. 2,252,950. Statement 1 4 Dividends and interest from securities 508,154. 508,154. S tatement 2 5a Gross rents

b Net rental income or (loss) UJI 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 57,3 4 7 . b Gross sales price for all c assets on line 6a 107719650. 7 Capital gain net income (from Part N, line 2) 57 ,347. 8 Net short-term capital gain 9 Income modifications Gross sales less returns `. / 10a and allowances

b Less Cost of goods sold c Gross profit or (loss) p AV 11 Other Income coca eo & C J I I t ^{ 12 Total. Add lines 1 through 11 2 , 819 , 6 5 • 2 , 8 8 , 4 51. v ) (

13 Compensation of officers , directors , trustees , etc 0. 0. 0. 14 Other employee salaries and wages 15 Pension plans, employee benefits a, 16a Legal fees c b Accounting fees W c Other professional fees Stmt 3 291,319. 281,770. 9,549. > 17 Interest 18 Taxes Stmt 4 11 , 693. 0. 0 . 19 Depreciation and depletion 20 Occupancy < 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings r- 22 Printing and publications m 23 Other expenses Stmt 5 324,969. 8,346. 316,623. io 24 Total operating and administrative o, expenses . Add lines 13 through 23 627 ,981. 290,116. 326,172. 0 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid -12, 362, 9 4 . 12 , 9-f17 26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 25 12,990,895. 290,116. 11,939,086. 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12: 8 Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements <10171230 . > b Net investment income (n negative , enter -0-) 2,528,335. c Adjusted net income (rf negative, enter -0-) N/A ii-iii-t o LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions . Form 990-PF (2010) 1 01 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 Form 990-4 (2010) TD Charitable F oundation 14-1864317 Page 2 ched schedules and amounts in the description Beginning of year End of year Part II Balance Sheets A column should be for end -o f-year amountsony (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value 1 Cash - non-Interest-bearing 232,810. 232,810. 2 Savings and temporary cash investments 2,944,607. 485,705. 4 85,705. 3 Accounts receivable ► Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ► 4 Pledges receivable ► Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ► 5 Grants receivable 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons

7 Other notes and loans receivable ► Less. allowance for doubtful accounts ► U) 8 Inventories for sale or use 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 65,558. 65,558. a 10a Investments -U.S. and state government obligations Stmt 7 23,440,571. 16,451,406. 16,451,406. b Investments - corporate stock Stmt 8 18,826,710. 18,565,696. 18,565,696. c Investments - corporate bonds Stmt 9 49,547,558. 50,329,991. 50,329,991. 11 Investments - land,buddings , and equipment. basis ►

Less accumulated depreciation ► 12 Investments - mortgage loans 13 Investments - other

14 Land, buildings, and equipment basis ► Less accumulated depreciation ► 15 Other assets (describe ► Interest Receivable ) 700,366. 476,713. 476,713.

16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers) 95,459,812. 86,607,879. 86,607,879. 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 11 ,200. 18 Grants payable 405, 000. 750, 000. u) 19 Deferred revenue

•`= 20 Loans from officers, directors , trustees, and other disqualified persons 21 Mortgages and other notes payable "j 22 Other liabilities (describe ► Cash Overdraft ) 387,076. 0.

23 Total liabilities add lines 17 through 22 803,276. 750,000. Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here ► LXJ and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. 10 24 Unrestricted 94,656,536. 85,857,879. C 25 Temporarily restricted m 26 Permanently restricted r_ Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ► U. t and complete lines 27 through 31. y 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 28 Paid-fn or capital surplus, or land, bldg., and equipment fund a 29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds Z 30 Total net assets or fund balances 94,656,536. 85,857,879.

31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 95,459,812. 86 , 607,879. Part III Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) 94,656,536. 2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a < 1 0,17 1 ,230.> Other increases not included in line 2 3 (itemize) ► Unrealized Gains on Investments 1,372,573. 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 85,857,879. Decreases not line 5 included in 2 (itemize) ► 0. 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5) - Part II, column (b), line 30 85,857,879. Form 990-PF (2010) 023511 12-07-10 2 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 Form 990-PF (2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page3 Part IV Capital Gains an Losses for Tax on Investment Income (a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e.g., real estate, How acquire (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold - Purchase (mo., 2-story brick warehouse; or common stock, 200 shs. MLC Co.) D - Donation day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.) la Various Securities - See Attac hed Various Various b c d e (e) Gross sales price (0 Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g) a 107,719,650. 107, 2,303. 57,347. b c d e Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains (Col. (h) gain minus (j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col. (Q col. (k), but not less than -0-) or (i) F.M.V. as of 12/31/69 as of 12/31/69 over col. (I), if any Losses (from col. (h)) a 57,347. b c d e If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 7 2 57 ,347. 3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6): If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c). If (loss ), enter -0- in Part I, line 8 3 N/A Part Q ua l ification U n der Section 4940(e) for Red uced Tax on ITet I nvestment I ncome (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income.)

If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank.

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? El Yes 0% No If 'Yes,' the foundation does not qualify under section 4940 (e). Do not complete this part 1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year see instructions before making any entries. (a) Base period years (c) Distribution ratio Calendar year (or tax year beginning in) Adjusted qualifying(m distributions Net value of noncharitable-use assets ( co l. ( b) divided by col. (c)) 2009 12,269,598. 97,001,070. .126489 2008 11,841,501. 89,658,755. .132073 2007 4,428,733. 19,037,286. .232635 2006 3,642,058. 17,887,399. .203610 2005 3,771,009. 24,406,301. .154510

2 Total of line 1, column (d) 2 .849317 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period - divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years 3 . 169863

4 Enter the net value of nonchantable-use assets for 2010 from Part X, line 5 4 89,659,241.

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 5 15,229,788.

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b) 6 25,283.

7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 15,255,071.

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 8 11,939,086. If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See the Part VI instructions. 023521 12-07-10 Form 990-PF (2010) 3 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 06247 1 'Form 990PF (2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page4 Part VI Excise Tax Based on I nvestment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b) , 4940(e) , or 4948 - see instructions la Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940 ( d)(2), check here ► and enter "N/A" on line 1. Date of ruling or determination letter. ( attach copy of letter if necessary -see instructions) b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check here ► and enter 1% 1 50,567. of Part I, line 27b c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b. Exempt foreign organ izations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col. (b). 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947( a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) 2 0. 3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 50,567. 4 Subtitle A (income ) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) 4 0. 5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0 - 5 50,567. 6 Credits/Payments: a 2010 estimated tax payments and 2009 overpayment credited to 2010 6a 64,720. b Exempt foreign organizations - tax withheld at source 6b c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c d Backup withholding erroneously withheld 6d 7 Total credits and payments. Add lines 6a through 6d 7 64,720. 8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. Check here EJ if Form 2220 is attached _ 8 Tax the total 9 due . If of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ► 9 10 Overpayment. If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid ► 1( 11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be: Credited to 2011 estimated tax ► 14 ,15 3 . Refunded

la During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it participate or intervene in any political campaign? Is X b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see instructions for definition)? lb X If the answer is "Yes" to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities. c Did the foundation file Form 1 120 -POL for this year? 1c X d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year: (1) On the foundation. No- $ 0. (2) On foundation managers. No- $ 0. e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on foundation managers. 0. ► $ 2 X 2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? If "Yes, " attach a detailed description of the activities 3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If 'Yes, "attach a conformed copy of the changes 3 X 4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 4a X b If 'Yes; has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? N/A 4b 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? 5 X If "Yes,"attach the statement required by General Instruction T 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either: • By language in the governing Instrument, or • By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? 6 X 7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? 7 X If 'Yes,' complete Part ll, col (c), and Part XV. 8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see instructions) ► ME b If the answer is 'Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If 'No,' attach explanation 8b X 9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(l)(3) or 4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2010 or the taxable year beginning in 2010 (see instructions for Part XIV)? If "Yes,' complete Part XIV 9 X

10 Did any persons become substantial contributors dunno the tax year? If -Yes." attach a schedule listina their names and addresses 10 X Form 990-PF (2010)

023531 12-07-10 4 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 Form 990-PF(2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page5 Part VII-A Statements Regarding Activities (continued) 11 At any time during the year, did the foundation , directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512 (b)(13)? If 'Yes; attach schedule (see instructions) 11 X 12 Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract before August 17, 2008? . _ 12 X 13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 X Website address ► http: // 14 The books are in care of E l izab et h K. Warn ► Telephone no. ► 2 0 7- 7 61- 8 7 6 Locatedat ► 1 Port an Square, Portland, ME ZIP+4 15 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 -Check here WT7F and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year ► 15 N/A 16 At any time during calendar year 2010, did the foundation have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a bank, Yes No securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? X See page 20 of the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If 'Yes; enter the name of the foreign country. cart vu - ts statements Hegaraing Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column , unless an exception applies. Yes No la During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly): (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? Yes ® No (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified person? Yes No (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? Yes No (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? ® Yes No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? Yes ® No (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? ( Exception . Check 'No' if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days.) Yes OX No b If any answer is 'Yes' to la(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53.4941 ( d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 22 of the instructions)? lb X Organizations relying on current notice a regarding disaster assistance check here ► Q c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in la, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2010? 1c X Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942 ) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 4942(j)(3) or 4942 (l)(5)): a At the end of tax year 2010, did the foundation have any undistributed income ( lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2010? Yes ® No If 'Yes; list the years ► b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets ) to the year's undistributed income? ( if applying section 4942 (a)(2) to all years listed, answer 'No' and attach statement - see instructions.) N/A 2b c If the provisions of section 4942 (a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here.

3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year? 0 Yes ® No b If'Yes; did it have excess business holdings in 2010 as a result of ( 1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969; (2 ) the lapse of the 5-year period ( or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2010.) N/A 3b 4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that 4b-I -- -I _X had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year bepmmno in 2010? Form 990-PF (2010)

023541 12-07-10 5 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 -form 990-PF 2010 TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page6 Part VII- B Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (continued) 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to: (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945 (e))? 0 Yes LX No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955); or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? 0 Yes EX No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? Yes OX No (4) Provide a grant to an organ ization other than a charitable, etc., organization described in section 509(a )( 1), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)? E] Yes EX No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific , literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? - O Yes OX No b If any answer is'Yes'to 5a ( 1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53.4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? N/A - 5b Organ izations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here ► Q c If the answer is 'Yes' to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? N/A Yes No If 'Yes, ' attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d). 6a Did the foundation , during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? Yes ® No b Did the foundation , during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly , on a personal benefit contract? 6b X If "Yes " to 6b, file Form 8870 7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? Yes ® No b If 'Yes,' did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? N/A 7b Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees , Foundation Managers , Highly Parta VIII Paid Employees , and Contractors 1 List all officers, directors, trustees , foundation managers and their compensation. Com pensation (d)ntnbutns to ( em ployee benefit a) Name and address hoursTerp week devoted (c) (Ii not paid and deferredplans account, other to position enter -0-) compensation allowances

See Statement 1 0 76,183. 0. 7,274.

z t ompensatlon of nve mynest-pale empfovees totner man tnose mcruaea on line if. n none, enter "NUNt." (a) (b) Trtlraed average Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 hourss per week (c) Compensation employee benefit plans other a Rd deferred account, devoted to position c ampe ferred llowances NONE

number of other employees paia over $bU,000 Total ► I U Form 990-PF (2010)

023551 12-07-10 6 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 Form 990-PF (2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Pagel Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly 0Part VIII Pa id Employees , and Contractors (continued) 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services. If none, enter "NONE." (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation TD Wealth Management Gr oup 1 Port l and Square, Port l and , ME 04101 Investment Services 272,221.

number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services Total ► 0 I ra n IA-H 1 aummary or ulreci Vnaniaoue Activitie s

List the foundation's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year. Include relevant statistical information such as the I number of organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc. Expenses 1 N/A




1 ran iA-rs I Summary of Prociram-Related Investments Describe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2. Amount 1 N/A


All other program-related investments. See instructions. 3

Total. Add lines 1 throug h 3 ► 0. Form 990-PF (2010)

023561 12-07-10 7 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 06247 1 Form 990-PF (2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page8

Part X Minimum Investment Return (AII domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, see instructions.)

1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes: a Average monthly fair market value of securities la 90,368,331. b Average of monthly cash balances 1b 179,566 c Fair market value of all other assets 1c 47 6 , 7 1 3 . d Total (add lines la, b, and c) 1d 91, 024 , 610 . e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and 1c (attach detailed explanation) _ le 0. 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets 2 0 . 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1d 3 91,024,610 . 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities. Enter 1 1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see instructions) 4 1 ,3 6 5,3 6 9 . 5 Net value of noncharitable -use assets . Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 89,659,241 . 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 6 4,482,962 . PartXI Distributable Amount (see instructions) ( Section 4942 ( j)(3) and (j)(5) private operating foundations and certain foreign organizations check here ► 0 and do not complete this part) 1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 1 4 , 482,962._ 2a Tax on investment income for 2010 from Part VI, line 5 2a 50,567. b Income tax for 2010. (This does not include the tax from Part VI.) 2b c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c 5 0 , 5 6 7 . 3 Distributable amount before adjustments. Subtract line 2c from line 1 3 4,432,395 . 4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions 4 0 . 5 Add lines 3 and 4 5 4,432,395 . 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see instructions) 6 0 . 7 Distributable amountas adjusted. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on Part XIII, line 1 7 4 , 432, B55 . art Qualifying Distributions (see instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc., purposes: a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc. - total from Part I, column (d), line 26 laJ 11,939,086. b Program-related investments - total from Part IX-B lb 0. 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes 2 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the: a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) 3a b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) 3b 4 Qualifying distributions . Add lines la through 3b. Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 _ 4 11,939,08 67 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b 5 0. 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 6 11,939,086. Note. The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years. Form 990-PF (2010)

023571 12-07-10 8 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 'Form 990-PF(2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page9 Part XIII Undistributed Income (see instructions)

(a) (b) (c) (d) Corpus Years prior to 2009 2009 2010 1 Distributable amount for 2010 from Part XI, line? 4 ,432,395.

2 Undistributed income , if any, as of the end of 2010 a Enter amount for 2009 only 0. b Total for prior years: 0. 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2010: aFrom 2005 2,570,734. b From 2006 2,767,742. c From 2007 3,527,119. d From 2008 7,413, 363. eFrom 2009 7,484,237. f Total of lines 3a through e 23,763,195. 4 Qualifying distributions for 2010 from Part Xll,line 11,939,086. a Applied to 2009, but not more than line 2a 0. bApplied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required - see instructions) 0. c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required - see instructions) 0. d Applied to 2010 distributable amount 4,432,395. e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 7,506,691.

5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2010 0. 0 (H an amount appears in column ( d), the same amount must be shown in column (a) ) 6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below:

a Corpus Add lines 31 , 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 3 1 ,269,886. bPrior years ' undistributed income. Subtract line 4b from line 2b 0. c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942 (a) tax has been previously assessed 0 . d Subtract line 6c from line 6b . Taxable amount - see instructions 0 . e Undistributed income for 2009. Subtract line 4a from line 2a. Taxable amount - see instr. 0 f Undistributed income for 2010. Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1 . This amount must be distributed in 2011 0 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942 ( g)(3) 0 8 Excess distributions carryover from 2005 not applied on line 5 or line 7 2,570,734. 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2011. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a 28,699,152. 10 Analysis of line 9: a Excess from 2006 2,767,742. b Excess from 2007 3 , 5 2 7 , 19 . c Excess from 2008 7, 41 3,3-6-37 d Excess from 2009 7,484,237. e Excess from 2010 7,50 6,6-9 T.- Form 990-PF (2010) 023581 12-07-10 9 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 'Form 990-PF(2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page 10 Part X IV Private Operating Foundations (see instructions and Part VII-A, question 9) N/A 1 a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2010, enter the date of the ruling ► b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a private operating foundation described in section L-J 4942(l)(3) or L-J 4942(l)(5) 2 a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years income from Part I or the minimum (a) 2010 (b) 2009 (c) 2008 (d) 2007 (e) Total investment return from Part X for each year listed b 85% of line 2a c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly for active conduct of exempt activities e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities. Subtract line 2d from line 2c 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon: a 'Assets' alternative test - enter. (1) Value of all assets (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 4942(I)(3)(B)(i) b 'Endowment' lternative test - enter 2/3 of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed c 'Support' alternative test - enter: (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in section 4942(j)(3)(B)(iii) (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization (4) Gross investment income Part xv i supplementary information (Complete this part only if the foundation had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the year-see the instructions.) 1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000). (See section 507(d)(2).) None b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest None 2 Information Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs: Check here ► 0 if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds. If the foundat io n makes gifts, grants, etc. (see instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d. a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed:

See Statement 11 b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include:

c Any submission deadlines:

d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors:

023601 12-07-10 Form 990-PF (2010) 10 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 Form 990-PF (2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page 11 (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment Recipient If recipient is an individual, show any relationship to Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager status of contribution or substantial contributor recipient a Paid dunng the year See attached statement 11,612,914.

Total ► 3a 11 612 914. b Approved for future payment See attached statement 750,000.

Total ► 3b 1750, 000. 023611 12-07-10 Form 990-PF (2010) 11 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 06247 1 Form 990-PF(2010 ) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page12 Part XVI-A Analysis of Income-Producing Activities

Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated . Unrelated b usiness income Exclu ded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e) (a) (b) c„_ (d) Related or exempt Business 1 Program service revenue: code Amount c^Sion Amount function income a b c d e f g Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 2,252,950. 4 Dividends and interest from securities 14 508,154. 5 Net rental income or ( loss) from real estate: a Debt-financed property b Not debt-financed property 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 57,347. 9 Net income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue: a b c d e 12 Subtotal. Add columns (b), (d), and (e) 0. 2,818 ,451. 1 0. 13 Total . Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) 13 2,8 1 8,1 51. (See worksheet in line 13 instructions to verify calculations FP-a-rt-XV Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes

12-07-10 Form yyU-I P (2010) 12 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 Form 990-PF (2010) TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317 Page 13 Part XVII Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of Yes No the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharltable exempt organization of (1) Cash 1a(1) (2) Other assets (2)1 1 X b Other transactions: (1) Sales of assets to a noncharltable exempt organization lb(1) X (2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization _ 1b(2) X (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets lb(3) X (4) Reimbursement arrangements lb(4) X (5) Loans or loan guarantees 1b(5) X (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations lb(6) X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees is X d If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes, complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation. If the foundation received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received.

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c )(3)) or in section 527? Yes ® No b If 'Yes,' complete the following schedule. (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship N/A

Under penaltiesLe7r ,*,,1,,'_1 declare that I have mined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements , and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete of preparer (other than t payer or fiduciary is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge Sign Here Signature of officer or trusteeL UType preparer's name repare signature Barbara J. Mc Paid CPA a ara J j.

14130513 TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317

Form 990-PF Interest on Savings and Temporary Cash Investments Statement 1

Source Amount

TD Wealth Management Group 2,252,950.

Total to Form 990-PF, Part I, line 3, Column A 2,252,950.

Form 990-PF Dividends and Interest from Securities Statement 2

Capital Gains Column (A) Source Gross Amount Dividends Amount

TD Wealth Management Group 508,154. 0. 508,154.

Total to Fm 990-PF, Part I, In 4 508,154. 0. 508,154.

Form 990-PF Other Professional Fees Statement 3

(a) (b) (c) (d) Expenses Net Invest- Adjusted Charitable Description Per Books ment Income Net Income Purposes

Investment Mgmt. & Custodial Fees 272,221. 272,221. 0. Professional Fees 19,098. 9,549. 9,549.

To Form 990-PF, Pg 1, In 16c 291,319. 281,770. 9,549.

Form 990-PF Taxes Statement 4

(a) (b) (c) (d) Expenses Net Invest- Adjusted Charitable Description Per Books ment Income Net Income Purposes

Excise Taxes 11,693. 0. 0.

To Form 990-PF, Pg 1, In 18 11,693. 0. 0.

14 Statement(s) 1, 2, 3, 4 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317

Form 990-PF Other Expenses Statement 5

(a) (b) (c) (d) Expenses Net Invest- Adjusted Charitable Description Per Books ment Income Net Income Purposes

Miscellaneous 40,080. 0. 40,080. Software Costs 58,465. 0. 58,465. Administrative Fee 226,424. 8,346. 218,078.

To Form 990-PF, Pg 1, In 23 324,969. 8,346. 316,623.

Footnotes Statement 6

Form 990-PF, Part VIII: The compensation reported on Part VIII for Michael Rayder, Foundation Manager, is included in the administrative fee reported on Page 1, line 23.

15 Statement(s) 5, 6 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 06247 1 TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317

Form 990-PF U.S. and State/City Government Obligations Statement 7

U.S. Other Fair Market Description Gov't Gov't Book Value Value

U.S. Government Obligations x 16,451,406. 16,451,406.

Total U.S. Government Obligations 16,451,406. 16,451,406.

Total State and Municipal Government Obligations

Total to Form 990-PF, Part II, line 10a 16,451,406. 16,451,406.

Form 990-PF Corporate Stock Statement 8

Fair Market Description Book Value Value

Corporate Stock 18,565,696. 18,565,696.

Total to Form 990-PF, Part II, line 10b 18,565,696. 18,565,696.

Form 990-PF Corporate Bonds Statement 9

Fair Market Description Book Value Value

Corporate Bonds 50,329,991. 50,329,991.

Total to Form 990-PF, Part II, line 10c 50,329,991. 50,329,991.

16 Statement(s) 7, 8, 9 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317

Form 990-PF Part VIII - List of Officers, Directors Statement 10 Trustees and Foundation Managers

Employee Title and Compen- Ben Plan Expense Name and Addr ess Avrg Hrs/Wk sation Contrib Account

Michael Rayder Foundation Manager One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 18.00 76,18 3. 0. 7,274. Portland, ME 041129540

Elizabeth War n President One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Mark Crandall Vice President One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Paul Young Treasurer One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

John Opperman Clerk One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

John Cunningham Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Joseph Fico Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Fred Graziano Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Scott Mullin Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Suzanne Poole Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Ed Schreiber Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

17 Statement(s) 10 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 TD Charitable Foundation 14-1864317

Michael Carbone Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Susan Cummings Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Agnes Bundy Scanlan Director One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 1.00 0. 0. 0. Portland, ME 041129540

Totals included on 990 - PF, Page 6 , Part VIII 76,183. 0. 7,274.

18 Statement(s) 10 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 TD Ch4ritable Foundation 14-1864317

Form 990-PF Grant Application Submission Information Statement 11 Part XV, Lines 2a through 2d

Name and Address of Person to Whom Applications Should be Submitted

Michael Rayder, TD Charitable Foundation One Portland Square, P.O. Box 9540 Portland, ME 04112-9540

Telephone Number


Form and Content of Applications

Grant applications are accessible solely via the internet. The web address to access grant applications is:

Any Submission Deadlines


Restrictions and Limitations on Awards

Organization must be a 501(c)(3) public charity. Organization must be located in a state with a TD Bank, NA Branch. Organization will award only one grant to any program within one calendar year. Grants cannot be made to/for the following: 1. Individuals 2. Political, fraternal, religious, or labor groups 3. Research Projects 4. Organizations or events which are not open to members of the general public. 5. Endowment Funds 6. Teams and or tournaments (e.g. baseball, softball, soccer, golf) 7. Fundraising Events 8. Deficit Spending or Debt Liquidation

19 Statement(s) 11 14130513 757052 06247 2010.03050 TD Charitable Foundation 062471 1'D Charitable Foun do tion EIN 14-1864317

TD Charitable Foundation 2010 Grants Made 12/31/2010 EIN: 14-1864317 Form 990-PF, Part XV

NOTE: All eligible organizations are public charities None of the eligible organizations are private foundations or supporting organizations that are not functionally Integrated,

Orannlzatlon Name Address Amount Purp ose National September I 1 Memorial and Museum One Liberty Plaza, 20th Floor 125,00000 9/II Initiative New York, NY 10006

United Way of Greater Portland 400 Congress Street 320,000 00 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 15200 Portland, ME 041 12 NeighborWorks America 1325 G Street NW, Suite 800 200,000 00 NeighborWorks Training Institute Washington, DC 20005

New Jersey Citizen Action Education Fund, Inc 744 Broad Street, Suite 2080 120,000 00 2010 Housing, Community and Economic Development Newark, NJ 07102 Projects

National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Inc 727 15th Street NW, Suite 900 1 15,000 00 National Training and Education (NCRC) Washington, DC 20005

Housing and Community Development Network of 145 West Hanover Street 1 10,000 00 Strengthening the Impact of CDCs Program , Inc Trenton, NJ 08618

STRIVE 28 Foden Road 35,000 00 STRIVE 1.1 Program South Portland, ME 04103

The Cooper Foundation. Inc One Cooper Plaza 100,000 00 Bright Beginnings - Neonatal Follow Up Program Camden, NJ 08103

Avesta Housing Development Corporation 307 Cumberland Avenue 100,000 00 Solar Thennal Hot Water Project Portland, ME 04101

Lawrence Community Works. Inc 168 Newbury Street 100,000 00 Newbury and Garden Streets REO Project Lawrence, MA 01841

Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven. 333 Sherman Avenue 100,000 00 Affordable Housing and Green Historic Preservation Inc New Haven, CT 06511 Initiative

Moorestown Ecumenical Neighborhood 99 East Second Street 100,000 00 Lenola Green Energy Efficiency Initiative Development, Inc dba MEND, Inc Moorestown, NJ 08057

Women's Housing and Economic Development 50 East 168th Street 100,000 00 Urban Horizons Retrofit Project Corporation Bronx, NY 10452

American Cancer Society, Eastern Division 132 West 32nd Street 85,000 00 Cancer Patient Navigation at HHC Hospitals in New York New York, NY 10001 City

United Way of Burlington County, Inc 595 Beverly Rancocas Road 76,575 00 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 226 Rancocas, NJ 08073 New Hampshire Food Bank 215 Myrtle Street 68,268 00 Emergency Food Purchase Program P 0 Box 686 Manchester, NH 03105 United Way of Central and Northeastern 30 Laurel Street 62,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Connecticut Hartford, CT 06106

Page I of 66 TD Charitable Foundation FIN- 14-1864317

Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Fairletgh Dickinson University 1000 River Road, H•DH3-17 30,000 00 Global Education Program Teaneck, NJ 07666

Local Initiatives Support Corporation-New York 501 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor 60,000 00 Sustainable Housing and Communities Program City New York, NY 10018

United Way of Pioneer Valley 184 Mill Street 57,300 00 United Way Community Campaign Spnngfield, MA 01108

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack 51 Sleeper Street 50,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Valley Boston, MA 02210

Maine Community College System 323 State Street 25,000 00 Maine s Community College Technology and Equipment Augusta, ME 04330 Initiative

Maine Community College System 323 State Street 50,000 00 Maine's Community College Technology and Equipment Augusta, ME 04330 Initiative

Lutheran Medical Center 150 55th Street 50,000 00 Nursing Care Brooklyn, NY 11220

Amencan Cancer Society, Eastern Division 132 West 32nd Street 50,000 00 Cancer Awareness Program New York, NY 10001

Harlem Educational Activities Fund, Inc 2090 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor 50,000 00 HEAF Continuum New York, NY 10027

Greater Newark & Jersey City LISC 17 Academy Street, Suite 912 50,000 00 Greater Newark Neighborhoods Program Newark, NJ 07102

Neighborhood Housing Services of New York 307 West 36th Street, 12th Floor 50,000 00 Neighborhood Stabilization through financial Literacy City, Inc New York, NY 10018 Initiatives

Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc (POAH) 40 Court Street, Suite 700 50,000 00 Sugar River Mills Green Initiative Boston, MA 02108

Champlain Housing Trust 88 King Street 50,000 00 Property Assessed Clean Energy Affordable Homeownership Burlington, VT 05401 Project

Chelsea Neighborhood Developers , Inc 4 Gemsh Avenue 50,000 00 Sustainable Homes, Sustainable Chelsea Project Chelsea, MA 02150

HAP, Inc dba HAPHousmg 322 Main Street 50,000 00 Dwight Clinton Improvement Project Springfield, MA 01 105

Coalition for a Better Acre, Inc 517 Moody Street, 3rd Floor 50,000 00 North Canal Apartments Roof/Solar Panels Project Lowell, MA 01854

Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, Inc 1240 Chapel Street 50,00000 Harrison Apartments Greening Strategy Project New Haven, CT 06511

Housing and Neighborhood Development Services, 15 South Essex Avenue 50,000 00 Valley Worker Housing Initiative Inc eke HANDS Orange, NJ 07050

NewBridge Services, Inc P O Box 336 50,000 00 Water Quality Improvement Project Pompton Plains, NJ 07444

Diocesan Housing Services Corporation of the 1845 Haddon Avenue 50,000 00 Village Apartments of Cherry Hill Preservation Project Diocese of Camden, Inc Camden, NJ 08103

Page 2 of 66 TD Charitabie Foundation LIN.14-1864317

Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Saint Joseph's Carpenter Society 20 Church Street 50,000 00 Dudley Manor Energy Efficiency Project Camden, NJ 08105

VOADV (Volunteers of America Delaware 235 White Horse Pike 50,000 00 Leavenhouse Capital Improvement Project Valley) Property, Inc Collingswood, NJ 08107

Settlement Housing Fund, Inc 247 West 37th Street, 4th Floor 50,000 00 Improving Our Assets to Brooklyn Project New York, NY 10018

Belmont Arthur Avenue Local Development 660 East 183rd Street 50,000 00 Findlay Teller Apartments Project Corporation Bronx, NY 10458

New Destiny Housing Corporation 12 West 37th Street, 7th Floor 50,000 00 Bodge Community Preservation Project New York, NY 10018

Broadway Housing Communities. Inc 583 Riverside Drive, 7th Floor 50,000 00 Heat System Management Energy Efficiency Initiative New York, NY 10031

Kimmel Housing Development Foundation 498 Union Avenue 50,000 00 Apex Affordable Housing Solar Array Retrofit Project Westbury, NY 1 1590

CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation 2100 Middle Country Road, Suite 300 50,000 00 Sustatmng Supportive Housing Initiative Centereach, NY 11720

Federation Housing, Inc 8900 Roosevelt Boulevard 50,000 00 Energy Efficiency Through New Heating System Initiative Philadelphia, PA 19115

Housing Authority of the City of Easton, PA 157 South Fourth Street 50,000 00 Neston Heights Homeownership Initiative Easton, PA 18044

Project H 0 M E 1515 Fatmtount Avenue 50,000 00 Rental Resurrection Project Philadelphia, PA 19130

Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia 4451 First Place South 50,000 00 Perry Hall Condominium Project Arlington, VA 22204

Montgomery Housing Partnership, Inc 12200 Tech Road, Suite 250 50,000 00 Edinburgh House Project Silver Spring, MD 20904

National Alliance of Community Economic 1020 16th Street, NW, Suite 305 50,000 00 Great Places Program Development Associations Washington, DC 20036

Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation 113 East Lancaster Avenue, 0414 47,000 00 Travel Fund Program and Lemonade from Lemons Program Wynnewood, PA 19096

Local Initiatives Support Corporation-CT 227 Lawrence Street 45,000 00 Connecticut Statewide LISC Program and Affiliate Programs Hartford, CT 06106

United Hospital Fund of New York 350 Fifth Avenue, 23rd Floor 45,000 00 Next Step in Care Initiative New York, NY 10118

Children's Hospital Corporation dba Children's 300 Longwood Avenue 45,000 00 Primary Care Center Hospital Boston Boston, MA 02115

The Governors Prevention Partnership 30 Arbor Street 40,000 00 Mentonng and Positive Youth Behavior Wethersfield, CT 06109

Good Shepherd Food-Bank 3121 Hotel Road 40,000 00 More Food for Maine's Hungry Imitative P O Box 1807 Auburn. ME 04211

Page 3 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation EIN•14-1864317

Oreenizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street, Room 316 40,000 00 Program Support Philadelphia, PA 19104 16

Metropolitan Jewish Health System Foundation 6323 Seventh Avenue, 3rd Floor 38,000 00 Increasing Access to Quality Health Care Brooklyn, NY 11220

Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey, Inc 310 South Street 35,000 00 Project Learn Morristown, NJ 07960

ACCION USA, Inc 115 East 23rd Street, 7th Floor 35,000 00 2010 M crolcndmg and Financial Literacy Initiative New York, NY 10010

York Street Project 89 York Street 35,000 00 Kenmare Alternative High School Program Jersey City, NJ 07302

Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Flonda, Inc 2008 Brengle Avenue 35,000 00 Food Program Orlando, FL 32808

Treasure coast rood Bank, Inc 3051 Indusinal 25th Street 35,000 00 Food Program Fort Pierce, FL 34946

Beth Israel Medical Center c/o Continuum Health Partners 35,000 00 Hospital at Home Development Department 555 West 57th Street, 18th Floor Daffodil House, Inc 1440 Mendian Place NW 35,000 00 Persons with AIDS Pennancnt Supportive Housing Project Washington, DC 20010

Vermont Foodbank 33 Parker Road 35,000 00 Network Distribution Program Bane, VT 05641

Junior Achievement of Southwest New , I I Asylum Street, Suite 601 31,000 00 Financial Literacy for Connecticut Youth Inc Hanford, CT 06103

United Way of New York City 2 Park Avenue. 2nd Floor 30,419 00 United Way Community Campaign New York, NY 10016

Junior Achievement of Maine, Inc 82 Elm Street 30,000 00 Economic Education Programming Portland, ME 04101

City of Philadelphia Department of Recreation 1515 Arch Street, 10th Floor 30,000 00 Summer Youth Programs Philadelphia, PA 19102

Volunteers of Arnenca Delaware Valley, Inc 235 White Horse Pike 30,000 00 Homeless Prevention Pmgrant and Helen Smith House Collingswood, NJ 03107

Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey, Inc 310 South Street 30,000 00 Project Leam Morristown, NJ 07960

Student Sponsor Partners 286 Madison Avenue, Suite 1601 30,000 00 Program Support New York, NY 10017

Cancer Patient Support Program, Inc P 0 Box 64700 30,000 00 Cancer Patient Support Program Burlington, VT 05406

Connecticut Community Investment Corporation 2315 Whitney Avenue, Suite 2B 30,000 00 SBA Microloan Program Hamden, CT 06518

Settlement Housing Fund, Inc 247 West 37th Street, 4th Floor 30,000 00 Semiperm Housing Program New York, NY 10018

Page 4 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation EIN: 14-1864317

Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Credit Where Credit is Due, Inc 4211 Broadway 30,000 00 Financial Education and Counseling Program New York, NY 10033

Volunteer Center of United Way 220 White Plains Road 30,000 00 Job Readiness Program Tarrytown, NY 10591

Agape Food Bank 625 McCue Road, Suite 2 30,000 00 Food Program Lakeland, FL 33815

Homeless Solutions, Inc 6 Dumont Place, 3rd Floor 30,000 00 Renovation of the Jean Street Apartments Protect Momstown, NJ 07960

Selflielp Community Services, Inc 520 Eighth Avenue, Fifth Floor 30,000 00 K-I IIA V Weathenzation Assistance Project New York, NY 10018

Hunger Action Network of New York State 275 State Street 30,000 00 Hamilton Hill Food Processing Project (HHFP) Albany, NY 12210

Hackensack University Medical Center 360 Essex Street, Suite 301 30,000 00 Cancer Center Patient Assistance Fund Hackensack, NJ 07601

Queens Library Foundation, Inc 89-11 Memck Boulevard 30,000 00 Queens Library's Youth Workforce Development Jamaica, NY 11432 Employing Teens

Drexel University College of Medicine 245 North 15th Street 30,000 00 Immigrant and Refugee Women's Health Services Program Philadelphia, PA 19102

United way of southeastern Pennsylvania 1709 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, 5th 29,719 00 United Way Community Campaign Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 United Way of Camden County 196 Newton Avenue 29,175 00 United Way Community Campaign Camden, NJ 08103

Heritage United Way, Inc 228 Maple Street, 4th Floor 25,800 00 United Way Community Campaign Manchester, NH 03103

Bergen County's United Way 6 Forest Avenue 25,325 00 United Way Community Campaign Paramus, NJ 07652

YMCA of Philadelphia & Vicinity 2000 Market Street, Suite 750 25,000 00 Program Support Philadelphia, PA 19103

Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey, Inc 310 South Street 25,000 00 Project Learn Morristown, NJ 07960

Staten Island University Hospital 475 Seaview Avenue 25,000 00 Emergency Services and Education Center Programs Staten Island, NY 10305

Staten Island University Hospital 475 Seaview Avenue 25,000 00 Emergency Services and Education Center Programs Staten Island, NY 10105

Boston Local Initiatives Support Corporation 95 Berkeley Street, Suite 202 25,000 00 Resilient Communities /Resilient Families Program and Core Boston, MA 02116 Program

National Federation of Community Development 116 John Street, 33rd Floor 25,000 00 New York Community Financial Network Program Credit Unions, Inc New York, NY 10038

Intersections International 274 Fifth Avenue 25,000 00 Ans at The Intersection Program New York, NY 10001

Page 5 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation EIN•14-1864317

Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Northern Westchester Hospital 400 East Main Street 25,000 00 Community Health Outreach Program Mount Kisco, NY 10549

Special Olympics New Jersey, Inc. 3 Princess Road 25,000 00 Family Education Program Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

United Way of Hudson County 857 Bergen Avenue 25,000 00 Housing First and Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re- Jersey City, NJ 07306 Housing Program

United Way of Hudson County 857 Bergen Avenue 25,000 00 Housing First and Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re- Jersey City, NJ 07306 Housing Program

People's Regional Opportunity Program 510 Cumberland Avenue 25,000 00 Keep ME Warm Program Portland, ME 04101

Disabled and Alone/Ltfe Services for the 61 Broadway. Suite 510 25,000 00 Community Reinvestment Program Handicapped, Inc New York, NY 10006

Nonprofit Finance Fund New Jersey 59 Lincoln Park, Suite 350 25,000 00 NFF's New Jersey Program Newark, NJ 07102

United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, Inc 80 Maiden Lane, 8th Floor 25,000 00 Special Needs Fund Program New York, NY 10038

Palisades Medical Center, Inc 7600 River Road 25,000 00 Community Outreach Program North Bergen, NJ 07047

Newark Museum Association 49 Washington Street 25,000 00 Expanding Early Childhood Education Initiative Newark, NJ 07102

St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center c/o Continuum Health Partners 25,000 00 Psychiatric Recovery Center 555 West 57th Strret, 18th Floor New York, NY 10019 NetghborWorks Greater Manchester 20 Merrimack Street 25,000 00 Notre Dame Renaissance I Capital Improvements Project Manchester, NH 03101

Harford Faintly House, Inc 53 East Bel Air Avenue, Apartment #3 25,00000 Capital Improvement Initiative Aberdeen, MD 21001

Habitat for Humanity of Martin County 2555 SE Bonita Street 25,000 00 East Stuart Green Initiative Stuart, FL 34997

Volunteers of America of Florida, Inc 906 Peachtree Street 25,000 00 Cocoa Veterans Housing Rehabillitation Initiative Cocoa, FL 32922

Osceola County Council on Aging, Inc 700 Generation Point 25,000 00 St Cloud Villas Capital Improvement Project Kissimmee, FL 34744

Capital District Community Loan Fund, Inc 255 Orange Street, Suite 103 25,000 00 Community Lending and Development Program Albany, NY 12210

Square One 947 Main Street 25,000 00 Early Education and Care for Children of Disadvantaged Springfield, MA 01 103 Families

Western New England College 1215 Wilbraham Road 25,000 00 School of Pharmacy Program Springfield, MA 01 119

Educate Central Maine 56 Drummond Avenue 25,00000 Family Support Worker Initiative Waterville, ME 04901

Page 6 of 66 TD Charitebte Foundation EIN: 14-1864317

Oreanlratlon Name Address Amount Purpose Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation, Inc 405 West 55 Street 25,000 00 Ailey Dance Kids Program New York, NY 10019 .I-

New Jersey Community Development Corporatio n, 32 Spruce Street 25,000 00 Great Falls Community Schools Initiative Inc P 0 Box 6976 Paterson, NJ 07509 Moms-Union Jointure Commission Education 340 Central Avenue 25,000 00 Main Street Marketplace Foundation, Inc New Providence, NJ 07974

Caucus Educational Corporation, Inc. 75 Midland Avenue 25,000 00 Stand & Deliver Program Montclair, NJ 07042

United Way of Chittenden County, Inc 412 Farrell Street, Suite 200 22,800 00 United Way Community Campaign South Burlington, VT 05403

Cape and Islands United Way 749 Main Street 20,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Hyannis, MA 02601

United Way of Central Massachusetts. Inc 484 Main Street, Suite 300 20,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Worcester, MA 01608

United Way of Merrimack County 46 South Main Street 20,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Concord, NH 03301

United Way of Greater Portland 400 Congress Street 20,000 00 Let's Go' Initiative P 0 Box 15200 Portland, ME 041 12 Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance, Inc 1803 Dorchester Avenue 20,000 00 Homeownership Outreach Program Dorchester, MA 02124

Western Massachusetts Enterprise Fund, Inc 4 Open Square Way, Suite 407 20,000 00 Altcmative Business Lending Holyoke, MAO 1040

University of the Arts 320 South Broad Street 20,000 00 Saturday Arts Lab Philadelphia, PA 19102

Portland Museum of Art 7 Congress Square 20,000 00 American Modems Exhibition and Education Program Portland, ME 04101

Cumer Museum of Art 150 Ash Street 20,000 00 Program Support Manchester, NH 03104

Student/Partner Alliance 60 East Willow Street 20,000 00 Educational Financial Assistance to At-Risk Youth P 0 Box 566 Millburn, NJ 07041 Cherry Hill Education Foundation. Inc 403 Chanticleer 20,000 00 Cherry Hill Environmental Education Resident (CHEER) P 0 Box 3701 Program at Mt Misery Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 90-04 161 Street 20,000 00 Capital Access Program Jamaica, NY 11432

WinterKids Education Foundation 120 Exchange Street, Suite 205 20,000 00 WmterKids Get Oustide, Get Active, Have Fun' P.O Box 7566 Portland, ME 04112 Museum of Science I Science Park 20,000 00 Community Outreach Program Boston, MA 02114

Low Income Investment Fund 350 Broadway, Suite 701 20,000 00 Affordable Housing Investment Initiative (AHII) New York, NY 10013

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Oasis - A Haven for Women and Children, Inc 59 Mill Street 20,000 00 Youth Development, After-School and Summer Camp Paterson, NJ 07501

Gift of Life Family House 401 North Third Street 20,000 00 Caregiver Lifeline Program Philadelphia, PA 19123

Interfaith Council For Action, Inc (IFCA) 138 Spring Street 20,000 00 Neighborhood Preservation Project P 0 Box 790 Ossining, NY 10562 Asociacion Puertomquenos En Marche, Inc 4301 Rising Sun Avenue 20,00000 Affordable Rental Sustamabdtty Initiative Philadelphia, PA 19140

Housing Authority of the City of Titusville, FL 524 South Hopkins Avenue 20,000 00 Titusville Towers Unit Remodel Project Titusville, FL 32796

Village of Hope Palm Beach County, Inc. dba 9078 Isaiah Lane 20,000 00 Transitional Affordable Housing Project Villages of Hope Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Can-four Supportive Housing, Inc 1398 SW I Street, 12th Floor 20,000 00 Program Support Miami, FL 33145

Merrimack Valley Hospice, Inc 360 Merrimack Street 20,000 00 End of Life Care for All Lawrence, MA 01843

Jersey City Episcopal Community Development 514 Newark Avenue 20,000 00 Affordable Housing and Community Revitalization Program Corporation Jersey City, NJ 07306

Rising Tide Capital, Inc 348 Martin Luther King Drive 20,000 00 Community Business Academy and Business Acceleration Jersey City, NJ 07305 Services

Paterson Habitat for Humanity, Inc 146 North I st Street 20,00000 1st Ward Weatherizauon Initiative Paterson, NJ 07509

Catholic Chanties of the Archdiocese of Newark 590 North 7th Street 20,000 00 English Language Training for Refugees Initiative Newark, NJ 07107

Shore Memorial Health Foundation, Inc One East New York Avenue 20,000 00 Ambulatory Prenatal Clinic Program Somers Point, NJ 08244

Children of the City, Inc 740 40th Street 20,000 00 Create Success Program Brooklyn, NY 11232

Heart of Brooklyn 789 Washington Avenue 20,000 00 Community Outreach and Commercial Revitalization Brooklyn, NY 11238 Program

Philadelphia Museum of Art 26th and Benjamin Franklin Parkway 19,000 00 Art Speaks Program P 0 Box 7646 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Berkshire United Way, Inc 200 South Street 16,000 00 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 3808 Pittsfield, MA 01202 Scenic Hudson, Inc One Civic Center Plaza, Suite 200 16,000 00 Environmental Education and Park Events Programs Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Tn-County United Way, Inc 696 Upper Glen Street 15,800 00 United Way Community Campaign Queensbury, NY 12804

Moore Center Services, Inc 195 McGregor Street, Unit 400 15,000 00 Direct Support Program Manchester, NH 03102

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Wing Memorial Hospital and Medical Centers 40 Wright Street 15,000 00 Geriatric Psychiatric Program Palmer, MA 01069

YMCA of Burlington County 59 Centenon Road 15,000 00 Prime Time After School Program Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Hofstra University 102F Hofstra Hall 15,000 00 Educational Programming Series 101 Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549 Philadelphia Theatre Company 230 South Broad Street, Suite 1105 15,000 00 Drama Contact Program Philadelphia, PA 19102

Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey, Inc 310 South Street 15,000 00 Project Learn Morristown, NJ 07960

ACCION USA, Inc 56 Roland Street, Suite 300 15,000 00 2010 Microenterpnse Empowerment Initiative Boston, MA 02129

HAP, Inc dba HAPHousmg 322 Main Street 15,000 00 First Home Program Springfield, MA 01 105

Boys & Girls Club of North Central MA 365 Lindell Avenue 15,000 00 Project Learn Leominster, MA 01453

Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic 246 Deering Avenue 15,000 00 Clinic Summer Intent Program Portland, ME 04102

Archway Programs, Inc 280 Jackson Road 15,000 00 Skills Acquisition and Training Program Arco, NJ 08004

SDTC-The Center For Discovery, Inc P 0 Box 840 15,000 00 Expanded Adaptive Physical Education and Recreation Hems, NY 12742 Programs for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Path Ways PA, Inc 310 Amosland Road 15,000 00 PathWays to Success / 2nd Chance Holmes, PA 19043

Somerset Medical Center Foundation, Inc 110 Rehill Avenue 15,000 00 Medication Assistance Program Somerville, NJ 08876

Melmark, Inc 2600 Wayland Road 15,000.00 Special Education, Vocational and Adult Training Programs Berwyn, PA 19312

Bancroft NeuroHealth 425 Kings Highway East 15,000 00 Secondary and Vocational Education for Students with P 0 Box 20 Developmental Disabilities Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Cape Cod Healthcare, Inc P O Box 370 15,000 00 Voting Nurse Association Children 's Initiatives Hyannis, MA 02601

CLASS, Inc aka Citizens League for Adult Special One Parker Street 15,000 00 CLASS Assistive Technology Center Services, Inc Lawrence. MA 01841

Community Access Unlimited, Inc 80 West Grand Street 15,000 00 HomeShare of Union County Program Elizabeth, NJ 07202

Kimball Medical Center Foundation, Inc 600 River Avenue 15,000 00 Concierge Program Lakewood, NJ 08701

Widener University One University Place 15,000 00 Educating Aspiring Business Leaders within the Global Chester, PA 19013 Community

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Orennlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose DC Central Kitchen, Inc 425 Second Street, NW 15,000 00 Culinary Job Training Program Washington, DC 20001

Associated Catholic Charities, Inc 320 Cathedral Street 15,000 00 Sarah's House Baltimore , MD 21201

Florida Community Loan Fund 501 North Magnolia Avenue , Suite 100 15,000 00 Financing Productive and Sustainable Communities Orlando, FL 32801

Marilyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish 1425 Horsham Road 15,000 00 Hospice Program Life North Wales, PA 19454

Massachusetts Association of Community, 15 Court Square, Suite 600 15,000 00 MACDC Initiatives Program Development Corporations Boston, MA 02108

Chilton Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc. 97 West Parkway 15,000 00 Chilton Memorial Hospital Pediatric Clinic Pompton Plains, NJ 07444

Eva's Village, Inc 393 Main Street 15,000 00 Eva's Kitchen Paterson , NJ 07501

Englewood Hospital and Medical Center 350 Engle Street 15,000 00 Diabetes Care for Uninsured Pregnant Women Initiative Foundation, Inc Englewood , NJ 07631

New Jersey Performing Arts Center Corporation One Center Street 15,000 00 Artist- In-Residency Programs Newark, NJ 07102

New Jersey Performing Arts Center Corporation One Center Street 15,000 00 Artist-In-Residency Programs Newark, NJ 07102

United Way of Westchester and Putnam, Inc 336 Central Park Avenue 15,000 00 Not For Profit Leadership Summit IX White Plains, NY 10606

Friends Association for Care and Protection of 113 West Chestnut Street 15,000 00 Homelessness to Independence Program Children West Chester, PA 19380

ACCION USA Florida I I I SW 5th Avenue 15,000 00 2010 Florida Microenterpnse Empowerment Initiative Miami, FL 33130

United Way of the National Capital Area 8391 Old Courthouse Road , Suite 200 14,890 00 United Way Community Campaign Vienna, VA 22182

United Way of Long Island , Inc 819 Grand Boulevard 13,315 00 United Way Community Campaign Deer Park, NY 11729

Maine Children's Cancer Program do Maine Medical Center 13,000 00 Strike Out Cancer in Kids Program Development Office 22 Bramhall Street Washington Area Community Investment Fund, 3624 12th Street NE 12,500 00 Financial Literacy and Mtcrolendmg Technical Assistance Inc Washington, DC 20017 Program

Delco Memorial Foundation 501 North Lansdowne Avenue 12,500 00 Passport to Health Drexel Hill, PA 19026

Lawrence Community Works, Inc 168 Newbury Street 12,500 00 randy Asset Building Program Lawrence , MA 01841

South Jersey Healthcare Foundation 2950 College Drive, Suite I F 12,500 00 S A F E (Sexual Accountability For Everyone) Program Vineland, NJ 08360

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose South Jersey Healthcare roundation 2950 College Drive, Suite I F 12,500 00 S A F E (Sexual Accountability For Everyone) Program Vineland, NJ 08360

Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy, Inc 334 Furman Street 12,500 00 Environmental Education Program Brooklyn, NY 11201

New Hampshire Public Radio, Inc 2 Pillsbury Street, 6th Floor 12,00000 Marketplace Concord, NH 03301

Boys Town New York, Inc. 444 Park Avenue South, Suite 801 12,000 00 Alternative Education Program for At-Risk Youth New York, NY 10016

Barre Opera House, Inc 6 North Main Street 1 1,500 00 Program Support P 0 Box 583 Barre, VT 05641 United way of the Greater Seacoast Pease International Tradeport 11,200 00 United Way Community Campaign 112 Corporate Drive. Unit 3 Portsmouth, NH 03801 United Way of Tn County, Inc 46 Park Street 10,900 00 United Way Community Campaign Framingham, MA 01702

United Way of Ocean County 650 Washington Street 10,300 00 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 1221 Toms River, NJ 08753 Monadnock United Way. Inc 23 Center Street 10,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Keene, NH 03431

United Way of Greater Nashua, Inc. 20 Broad Street, Suite I 10,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Nashua, NH 03064

Monadnock Community Hospital 452 Old Street Road 10,000 00 Healthy Beginnings Pre-Natal Program Peterborough, NH 03458

Wentworth-Douglas Hospital 789 Central Avenue 10,000 00 Affordable Oral Healthcare for Low-income, Uninsured, Dover, NH 03820 Undennsuted and Underserved Residents

Cape Cod Community College Educational 2240 Lyannough Road 10,000 00 College Connection Program Foundation, Inc West Barnstable, MA 02668

Friends of the Homeless, Inc 769 Worthington Street 10,000 00 Shelter and Housing Program Springfield, MA 01105

Hebrew Health Cate, Inc I Abrahms Boulevard 10,000 00 Laughter Is the Best Medicine Initiative West Hartford, CT 061 17

Tomorrows Cluldrens Fund, Inc. 30 Prospect Avenue 10,000 00 LEA R N (Liaison for Effective Academic Resources and Hackensack, NJ 07601 Networking) Program

New City Kids, Inc 240 Fairmount Avenue 10,000 00 Teen Life Internship Program Jersey City, NJ 07306

Project Literacy of Bergen County 355 Main Street 10,000 00 One to One Tutoring Program Hackensack, NJ 07601

Habitat for Humanity of Hudson County, Inc 68 Storms Avenue 10,000 00 Program Support P 0 Box 6483 Jersey City, NJ 07306 Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Inc 64 Passaic Street 10,000 00 Mentonng Programs - Volunteers in Protective Services and Hackensack, NJ 07601 Mentonng Moms

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Rutgers University Foundation 7 College Avenue 10,000 00 Rutgers - New Brunswick Program Winants Hall New Brunswick, NJ 07739 Cape Regional Medical Center, Inc 2 Stone Harbor Boulevard 10,000 00 Parish Nursing Program Cape May Court House, NJ 08210

Rutgers University Foundation 7 College Avenue 10,000 00 Program Support Wmants Hall New Brunswick, NJ 07739 Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 430 10,000 00 Program America New York, NY 101 18

Independence Residences, Inc 93-22 Jamaica Avenue, 2nd Floor 10,000 00 IRI Outreach Woodhaven, NY 11421

Brooklyn Arts Council 55 Washington Street, Suite 218 10,000.00 Arts in Education Programs to Underserved New York City Brooklyn, NY 11201 Public School Students

Incarnation Children's Center 142 Audubon Avenue 10,000 00 Therapeutic Transportation Program New York, NY 10032

Outreach Project, Inc 117-11 Myrtle Avenue 10,000 00 Adolescent Residential Special Services Initiative Richmond Hill, NY 11418

Fairmount Park Conservancy 1617 John F Kennedy Boulevard, 10,000 00 Growing the Neighborhood Program Suite 1670 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Lehigh Valley Children's Centers, Inc 1501 Lehigh Street, Suite 208 10,000 00 Program Enrichment and Scientist-m-Residence Initiative Allentown, PA 18103

Holy Family University 9801 Frankford Avenue 10,000 00 Health Promotion in the Community (HPIC) Philadelphia, PA 19114

Arden Theatre Company 40 North 2nd Street 10,000 00 Arden For All (AFA) Program Philadelphia, PA 19106

Philadelphia Association of Community 1315 Walnut Street, Suite 1600 10,000 00 Affordable Housing and Cotrunumty Revitalization Initiative Development Corporations Philadelphia, PA 19107

Girl scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, Inc 2633 Moravian Avenue 10,000 00 Girl Scout Leadership Experience Allentown, PA 18103

National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Delaware 2 Mill Road, Suite 106 10,000 00 HomeAble Plus Home Modification Program Chapter Wilmington, DE 19806

Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey, Inc 310 South Street 10,000 00 Project Learn Morristown, NJ 07960

Aroostook County Action Program, Inc. 771 Main Street 10,000 00 Early Childhood Education Cohort Program P 0 Box 1116 Presque Isle, ME 04769 Community Concepts, Inc 19 Market Square 10,000 00 HomeQuest NeighborWorks Homeownership Center P 0 Box 278 South Pans, ME 04281 Pine Tree Council, Boy Scouts of Amenca 131 Johnson Road 10,000 00 Comprehensive Youth Development Program Portland, ME 04102

Bonnie CLAC 250 Commercial Street, Suite 4021 10,000 00 Financial Fitness Program Manchester, NH 03101

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Child and Family Services of New Hampshire 464 Chestnut Street 10,000 00 Seacoast Homeless Youth Street Outreach Program P 0 Box 448 Manchester, NH 03105 Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua, Inc 47 Grand Avenue 10,000 00 Higher Education Mentonng Program Nashua, NH 03060

Albany College of Phannacy and Health Sciences 106 New Avenue 10,000 00 Math and Science for At-Risk Students Program Albany, NY 12208

Citizens' Housing and Planning Association, Inc 18 Tremont Street, Suite 401 10,000 00 Massachusetts Homeownership Collaborative Boston, MA 02108

Chelsea Neighborhood Developers, Inc 4 Gemsh Avenue 10,000 00 Resident Asset Development Program Chelsea, MA 02150

Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, 400 Atlantic Avenue 10,000 00 MassCore Graduation Initiative Inc Boston, MA 021 10

Western Massachusetts Council, Boy Scouts of 249 Exchange Street 10,000 00 Program Support America Chicopee, MA 01013

Junior Achievement of Western Massachusetts 1500 Main Street, Suite 217 10,000 00 Building Successful Youth P O Box 15167 Springfield, MA 01115 Colonial Theatre Association, Inc III South Street 10,000 00 Program Support Pittsfield, MA 01201

Worcester East Side Community Development 409 Shrewsbury Street 10,000 00 Community Stabilization/Revitalization Initiative Corporation Worcester, MA 01604

Franklin County Community Development 324 Wells Street 10,000 00 Food Processing Center Expansion Program Corporation Greenfield, MA 01301

Merrimack Valley Economic Development 439 South Union Street, Suite 211 10,000 00 Economic Development Programs Council, Inc Heritage Place Lawrence, MA 01843 Cooperative for Human Services, Inc 17 New England Executive Park, 3rd 10,000 00 Accessible Bathtub Initiative Floor Burlington , MA 01803 Wellspring House, Inc 302 Essex Avenue 10.000 00 Adult Education and Job Training Program Gloucester, MA 01930

InterCommumty Mental Health Group 281 Main Street 10,000 00 Community Education East Hartford, CT 06118

Klingberg Comprehensive Program Services, Inc 370 Linwood Street 10,000.00 Vocational Education Program New Britain, CT 06052

Women's Business Development Center, Inc 888 Washington Boulevard , 10th Floor 10,000 00 Entrepreneurial Training and Financial Coaching Stamford, CT 06901

Friendship Service Center of New Britain, Inc 241-249 Arch Street 10,000 00 Eat Fresh Program P O Box 1896 New Britain, CT 06050 Connecticut Housing Coalition, Inc 30 Jordan Lane 10,000 00 2010 Special Initiatives Wethersfield, CT 06109

St Aloystus Education Clinic 219 West 132nd Street 10,000 00 Job Enrichment Development Initiative New York, NY 10027

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Housing First[ P 0 Box 231268, Ansonia Station 10,000 00 Housing First' Program New York, NY 10023

Valley Home Cate, Inc. 15 Essex Road 10,000 00 Butterflies Program Paramus, NJ 07652

Bard College Office of Program Development, 10,000 00 Bard Prison Initiative Sottery Hall 109 P 0 Box 5000 Montclair State University Foundation, Inc I Normal Avenue 10,000 00 Environmental Science and Computer Technology Summer Montclair, NJ 07043 Program

Somerset Medical Center Foundation, Inc 110 Rehill Avenue 10,000 00 Medication Assistance Program Somerville, NJ 08876

Habitat for Humanity of Southern Ocean County 668 Main Street 10,000 00 Land Acquisition for Affordable Housing West Creek, NJ 08092

Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation, Inc. 61 West Jimmie Leeds Road 10,000 00 Bacltarach Transportation Program Pomona, NJ 08244

Betty & Milton Katz Jewish Community Center 1301 Springdale Road 10.000 00 Senior Congregate Meal Program Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey 6 Tem Lane, Suite 300 10,000 00 New Visions Homeless Day Shelter Burlington, NJ 08016

Bancroft NeuroHealth 425 Kings Highway East 10,000 00 Secondary and Vocational Education for Students with P 0 Box 20 Developmental Disabilities Haddonfield, NJ 08033 New York Institute of Technology Northern Boulevard 10,000 00 College fora Day Mcntonng Program P 0 Box 8000 Old Westbury, NY 11568 World Affairs Council of Philadelphia I South Broad Street, Suite 2M 10,000 00 Global Leadership Education Programs Philadelphia, PA 19107

Mt Airy, USA 6703 Germantown Avenue, Suite 200 10,000 00 Housing Counseling Program Philadelphia, PA 19119

Gwynedd-Mercy College 1325 Sumneytown Pike 10,000 00 Adult Health Center P O Box 901 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 SOME, Inc aka So Others Might Eat, Inc 71 0 Street, NW 10,000 00 Center for Employment Training (CET) Washington, DC 20001

Lola & Saul Kramer Senior Services Agency, Inc 4847 Fred Gladstone Drive 10,000 00 Home Health for Financially Needy Frail Seniors West Palm Beach, FL 33417

Center for Technology, Enterprise & Development 401 West Atlantic Avenue 10,000 00 Palm Beach County Business Incubator Expansion Delray Beach, FL 33444

Spnngpomt Foundation 13 Roszel Road, Suite C120 10,000 00 Encore Financial Planning for Seniors Princeton, NJ 08540

JFK Medical Center Foundation, Inc 80 James Street, 2nd Floor 10,000 .00 Breast Health Education Program Edison, NJ 08820

Drueding CenterfProJect Rainbow 413 West Master Street 10.000 00 Youth Services Philadelphia, PA 19122

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey 6 Tem Lane, Suite 300 10,000 00 New Visions Homeless Day Shelter Burlington, NJ 08016

Youth Alternatives Ingraham 50 Lydia Lane 10,000 00 Social Services Programs South Portland , ME 04106

Gulf of Maine Research Institute 350 Commercial Street 10,000 00 LabVenturet Building Science Literacy in Maine Students Portland , ME 04101

University of New England 716 Stevens Avenue 10,000 00 Dentists for Maine' s Future - Engaging Youth with Portland, ME 04103 Technological Innovation

Nashua Pastoral Care Center, Inc 7 Concord Street 10,000 00 Transitional Housing Program Nashua , NH 03064

Daniel Webster Council, 571 Holt Avenue 10,000 00 Adventure Program Manchester, NH 03109

Concord Hospital , Inc 250 Pleasant Street 10,000 00 Low Income Dental Services and Dentures Program Concord , NH 03301

CATCH Neighborhood Housing 76 South State Street 10,000 00 Home Buyer and Financial Success Center Concord, NH 03301

Rodman Ride for Kids , Inc 10 Lincoln Road 10,000 00 Rodman Ride For Kids Program Foxboro, MA 02035

Springfield Museums 21 Edwards Street 10,000 00 Weekend Faintly Fun Program Springfield , MA 01 103

Junior Achievement of Eastern Massachusetts 33 Broad Street, 7th Floor 10,000 00 Financial Literacy Programs 2010-2011 Boston , MA 02109

Community Economic Development Fund 965 East Main Street 10,000 00 Financial Counseling and Small Business Training Foundation, Inc Meriden , CT 06450

Paterson Education Foundation, Inc 152 Market Street , Suite 208 10,000 00 Graduating Every Paterson Child Initiative Paterson, NJ 07042

Advance Housing, Inc 100 First Street , Suite 203 10,000 00 Demarest Forms of Lafayette Sussex SLP Program Hackensack, NJ 07601

Bergen Performing Arts Center, Inc 30 North Van Brunt Street 10,000 00 Expansion of Arts Education and Outreach Program Englewood , NJ 07631

All Saints Community Service and Development 601 Jackson Street 10,000 00 BOOST Program Academic Support, Financial Literacy, and Corporation Hoboken , NJ 07030 Job Readmess/Career Exploration for Low- Income Public Housing Residents Union County Arts Center, Inc dba Union County 1601 Irving Street 10,000 00 Faintly Mentors Program Performing Arts Center, Inc Rahway , NJ 07065

Union County Economic Development Liberty Hall 10,000 00 Small Business Training, Mentonng and Technical Corporation 1085 Moms Avenue , 5th Floor Assistance Program Union, NJ 07083 Hope House 19-21 Belmont Avenue 10,000 00 Food Pantry Program P 0 Box 851 Dover, NJ 07801 Plainfield Community Development Corporation 510 East Front Street 10,000 00 Steps to Success Program Plainfield , NJ 07060

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Faith Fellowship Community Development 2707 Main Street 10,000 00 Homeownership and Preservation Program Corporation Sayreville , NJ 08872

Parkside Business and Community In Partnership, 1487 Kenwood Avenue 10,000 00 Housing Development Program Inc Camden, NJ 08103

Princeton Healthcare System Foundation , Inc 1626 US Route One 10,000 00 Home Care Health Services for Uninsured Low-Income Princeton, NJ 08540 Patients

Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation 1368 Fulton Street 10,000 00 Restoration Green Initiative Brooklyn, NY 11216

New York Botanical Garden Southern Boulevard and Kaztmtroff 10,000 00 Explainer Program Bronx , NY 10458

Dolan DNA Learning Center I Bungtown Road 10,000 00 DNA Learning Center Intern Program Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724

Mental Health Association of Westchester, Inc 2269 Saw Mill River Road, Building 10,000 00 Nuestro Futuro Program IA Elmsford, NY 10523 Interfaith Housing Development Corporation of 805 North Wilson Avenue, Bldg 100, 10,000 00 Scattered Site Acquisition and Rehab Program Bucks County Suite 102 Bristol , PA 19007 People's Emergency Center Community 325 North 39th Street 10,000 00 Digital Inclusion Program Development Corporation Philadelphia, PA 19104

Philadelphia Local Initiatives Support Corporation 718 Arch Street, Suite 500s 10,000 00 Sustainable Communities Initiatives Philadelphia , PA 19106

Family Services , Inc 610 East Diamond Avenue, Suite 100 10,000 00 Healthy Families Montgomery Gaithersburg , MD 20877

CredAbility-CCCS of Palm Beach County and the 700 South Dixie Highway , Suite 103 10,000 00 Home Buyer and Financial Literacy Education Program Treasure Coast of Florida West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Florida Community Loan Fund 501 North Magnolia Avenue, Suite 100 10,000 00 Financing Productive and Sustainable Communities Orlando, FL 32801

Jersey Short University Medical Center Foundation 1345 Campus Parkway, Suite A2 10,000 00 Preventive and Comprehensive Dental Care for the Neptune , NJ 07753 Underserved

Princeton Healthcare System Foundation , Inc 3626 US Route One 10,000 00 Home Cato Health Services for Uninsured Low-Income Princeton, NJ 08540 Patients

Friends of the North Country, Inc I Mill Street 10,00000 NYS Home Replacement Initiative P 0 Box 446 Keesevdle , NY 12944 Adults and Children with Learning and 807 South Oyster Bay Read 10,000 00 Lynbrook Group Home Improvement Project Developmental Disabilities, Inc Bethpage , NY 11714

The Housing Partnership 767 Islington Street, 2nd Floor 10,000 00 Homeward Bound Program P 0 Box 466 Portsmouth, NH 03802 Gateways Community Services 144 Canal Street 10,000 00 Partners to Health (PIN) Nashua , NH 03064

The Salvation Army -Manchester NH Corps 121 Cedar Street 10,000 00 Program Support Manchester, NH 03 101

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Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Families First Health and Support Center 100 Campus Drive, Suite 12 10,000 00 Dental Care for Low-Income Individuals Program Portsmouth, NH 03801

Marlboro College 2582 South Road 10,000 00 Nonprofit Management Program PO BoxA Marlboro, VT 05344 Fletcher Allen Health Care, Inc I I I Colchester Avenue 10,000 00 Health Assistance Program Burlington, VT 05401

Champlain Housing Trust 88 King Street 10,000 00 Financial Counseling for Rental Applicants Initiative Burlington, VT 05401

Vermont Small Business Development Center One Main Street 10,000 00 Strategic Action Steps for Success P O Box 188 Randolph Center, VT 05061 Small Business Development Center, University At do Office for Sponsored Programs 10,000 00 Small Business Counseling Albany 1400 Washington Avenue. MSC 312 Albany, NY 12222 Partnership for Strong Communities, Inc 227 Lawrence Street 10,000 00 I-Forum Education and Policy Initiative Hartford, CT 06106

Hoboken Umversrty Medical Center 308 Willow Avenue 10,000 00 Peace Camp Hoboken, NJ 07030

Help from People to People, Inc 121 West Nyack Road 10,000 00 Food Pantry Nanuet, NY 10954

Bardavon 1869 Opera House , Inc. 35 Market Street 10,000 00 Bardavon/UPAC Education Programs Poughkeepsie , NY 12601

Habitat for Humanity Newark , Inc 298 South Orange Avenue 10,000 00 Affordable Homeownership Initiative P O Box 3246 Newark , NJ 07103 Rowan University Foundation, Inc Shpeen Hall 10,000 00 Community English as a Second Language Program 40 North Academy Street, Second Floor Silvercrest Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation 144-45 87 Avenue 10,000 00 SCOPE-Sustainable Community Outreach Program for the Bnarwood, NY 11435 Elderly

Partnership for the Homeless 305 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor 10,000 00 Education Rights Project Intervention (ERPI) Program New York, NY 10001

Abyssinian Development Corporation 4 West 125th Street 10,000 00 ADC's Education Initiative New York, NY 10027

City Parks Foundation 830 Fifth Avenue 10,000 00 Catalyst Reclaiming the Waterfront Initiative New York, NY 10065

Westchester Medical Center Foundation, Inc 19 Bradhurst Avenue, Suite 3060N 10,000 00 Caregiver Program Hawthorne , NY 10532

Cardinal McCloskey Services 115 Stevens Avenue, LL5 10,000 00 Hayden House and Group Homes Valhalla, NY I0595

Police Athletic League of Philadelphia 2524 East Clearfield Street 10,000 00 North Penn PAL Center Adopt-a-Center Educational Philadelphia, PA 19134 Program

Montgomery County Community College 340 DeKalb Pike 10,000 00 Green-STEM Summer Program. How Scientists View the Foundation Blue Bell, PA 19422 Environment

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Oreanlwtlon Name Address Amount Purpose PethStone, PA Longwood Corporation Center South 10,000 00 SE Pennsylvania Homeownership Expansion Initiative 421 McFarland Road , Suite E Kennett Square, PA 19348 Jordan Boys & Girls Club 30 Willow Street 9,84000 Teen Mentoring The Real Game of Life Program Chelsea, MA 02150

Saint Catherine Academy 760 Talunore Drive 9,750 00 Community Based Vocational Experience Program Fairfield , CT 06825

New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Foundation 216 West State Street 9,750 00 LeamDoEam Student Achievement System in Atlantic Tremor, NJ 08608 County

Southern Ocean Medical Center Foundation 1140 Route 72 West 9,75000 Southern Ocean Medical Center's Health Clinic Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Camden County College Foundation, Inc College Drive 9,000 00 Community GatewayLueracy Program P 0 Box 200 Blackwood, NJ 08012 Inwood House 320 East 82nd Street 9,00000 Family UmverClTY New York, NY 10028

Family Residences and Essential Enterprises , Inc 191 Sweet Hollow Road 9,00000 Community Advocacy Support for Speakers Bureau Program Old Bethpage , NY 11804

United Way of Greater Union County, Inc 33 West Grand Street 8,95000 United Way Community Campaign Elizabeth, NJ 07202

Philadelphia Mural Arts Advocates 1727-29 Mount Vernon Street 8 . 50000 Art Education Program Philadelphia, PA 19130

United Way of Bucks County 413 Hood Boulevard 8,42000 United Way Community Campaign Fairless Hills, PA 19030

United way of the Greater Capital Region. Inc One United Way 8,300 00 United Way Community Campaign P O Box 13865 Albany, NY 12212 United Way of Central Jersey , Inc. 32 Ford Avenue 8,075 00 United Way Community Campaign Milltown, NJ 08850

United Way of Monmouth County, Inc 1415 Wyckoff Road 8.00000 United Way Community Campaign Farmingdale , NJ 07727

Boys & Girls Club of Manchester 555 Union Street 8,000 00 Educational Assistance Program for Low-Income Families Manchester, NH 03104

Jumor Achievement of Maine, Inc 82 Elm Street 8.00000 More Than Money Program Portland , ME 04101

Museum at Bethel Woods P 0 Box 222 8,00000 Museum School Programs Liberty, NY 12754

Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge 1601 Valley Forge Road 8.00000 Student Entrepreneur Experience Program P O. Box 706 Valley Forge, PA 19482 Health Partners Foundation 901 Market Street, Suite 500 9 .00000 Future Leaders Academy Program Philadelphia , PA 19107

Flynn Center for the Performing Ails, Ltd 153 Main Street 8,000 . 00 Spamalot Program Burlington, VT 05401

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Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Food Bank of W estem Massachusetts, Inc 97 North Hatfield Road 8,000 00 Target Hunger North Berkshire Program P O Box 160 Hatfield, MA 01038 Housing Leadership Council of Palm Beach 2101 Vista Parkway, Suite 258 8,000 00 Take Root Palm Beach County Initiative County, Inc West Palm Beach, FL 33411

Neighborhood Renaissance, Inc 510 24th Street, Suite A 8,000 00 Affordable Housing and Neighborhood Stabilization West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Program

Capitol Center for the Arts 44 South Main Street 7,500 00 Program Support Concord, NH 03301

Dorchester Bay Economic Development 594 Columbia Road 7,50000 Fairmount Indigo Line CDC Collaborative Foreclosure Corporation Dorchester, MA 02125 Initiative

YMCA of Central Massachusetts 766 Main Street 7,50000 Integrated Education Initiative Worcester, MA 01610

Greater Now Haven Community Loan Fund, Inc 171 Orange Street, 3rd Floor 7,50000 Affordable Housing Loan Program New Haven, CT 06510

Arc of Camden County, Inc 215 West White Horse Pike 7,50000 Extended Employment Continuation Initiative at the Berlin, NJ 08009 Occupational Training Center

Girl Scouts of Central and Southern New Jersey, 40 Brace Road 7,50000 Grow to Lead Program Inc Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

The Appel Farm Arts and Music Center 457 Shirley Road 7,50000 Public School Arts Education Programs P O. Box 888 Elmer, NJ 08318 Chinatown Manpower Project, Inc 70 Mulberry Street 7,50000 Certified Nurse Aide Training Program New York, NY 10013

Southern Queens Park Association, Inc 177-01 Baisley Boulevard 7,50000 Capacity Building Initiatives Jamaica, NY 11434

Urban League of Philadelphia 121 South Broad Street, 9th Floor 7,50000 Housing Program Philadelphia, PA 19107

Kids In Distress, Inc 819 NE 26th Street 7,50000 KID Preschool Plus Wilton Manors, FL 33305

Mt Blue Regional School District 115 Looming Lane 7,50000 Program Support Farmington, ME 04938

Lund Family Center, Inc 76 Glen Road 7,500 00 Educational Services Program Burlington, VT 05406

Allston Brighton Community Development 20 Linden Street, Suite 288 7,50000 Allston Brighton Affordable Housing and Asset Building Corporation Allston, MA 02134 Initiative

Memmack Valley Housing Partnership, Inc 10 Kirk Street 7,50000 Project Genesis Home Buyer Training Program P O Box 1042 Lowell, MA 01853 Hospital of Central Connecticut at New Britain 100 Grand Street 7,50000 New Britain Asthma Initiative General and Bradley Memorial P O Box 100 New Britain, CT 06050 Family Services, Inc 29 North Hamilton Street 7,500 00 Teen Resource Activity Center Program (TRAC) Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless , Inc 118 Division Street 7,500 00 Bernice' s Place Program Elizabeth, NJ 07201

Somerset County Coalition on Affordable Housing 600 First Avenue, Suite 3 7,500 00 Housing Resource Center Corporation Raritan, NJ 08869

Morristown Neighborhood House Association , Inc 12 Flagler Street 7,500 00 5 T A R S (Smart Talented Athletic Responsible Students) Morristown , NJ 07960 Program

Latin American Economic Development 433 Market Street, Suite lr 100 7,500.00 Entrepreneurial Development Training Program with Association , Inc. Camden, NJ 08102 Technology Training

Heart of Camden, Inc 1840 Broadway 7.50000 Broadway West Phase II Housing Program Camden, NJ 08104

Greater Camden Partnership I Market Street, Suite I-C 7,500 00 Camden Special Services District (CSSD ) Program Camden, NJ 08102

Community Capital Works, Inc The Bourse Building, Suite 810 7,500 00 Microenterpnse Development Program III South Independence Mall East Philadelphia , PA 19106 Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition 1207 Chestnut Street 7,500 00 Financial Education and Foreclosure Prevention Programs Philadelphia , PA 19107

Delco Memorial Foundation 501 North Lansdowne Avenue 7,50000 Passport to Health Drexel Hill, PA 19026

Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless, 600-B East Gude Drive 7,50000 Home First Inc Rockville , MD 20850

Junior Achievement of South Florida 1130 Coconut Creek Boulevard 7,500 00 Financial Literacy For Elementary School-Aged Youth Coconut Creek, FL 33066

Center for Women & Enterprise , Inc 24 School Street , Suite 700 7,50000 Financial Education for Women and Entrepreneurs Program Boston, MA 02108

Longmeadow Montessori Internationale, Inc 777 Longmeadow Street 7,500 00 Cultural, Science, Technology Programs Longmeadow, MA 01 106

Coastal Trails Coalition, Inc P O Box 1016 7,50000 Salisbury Match for Border to Boston Funding Program Newburyport, MA 01950

United Teen Equality Center 34 Hurd Street 7,500 00 Case Management Program Lowell, MA 01852

New Britain Rock Cats Charitable Foundation , Inc. 230 John Karbomc Way 7,50000 Program Support P O Box 1718 New Britain, CT 06050 American Red Cross, Jersey Coast Chapter P 0 Box 131 7,50000 Program Support Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

Mill Street Loft, Inc 45 Pershing Avenue 7,500.00 Project ABLE+ Outreach Programs Poughkeepsie , NY 12601

The RWJ University Hospital Foundation , Inc 100 Plum Street, Suite 910 7,50000 Breast Cancer Diagnostic Fund New Brunswick, NJ 08901

LADACIN Network, Inc 1703 Kneeley Boulevard 7,500 00 Pathway to Independence Program Wanamassa , NJ 07712

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Music Conservatory of Westchester 216 Central Avenue 7,500 00 Student Performing Ensembles White Plains, NY 10606

Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Delaware 1608 Walnut Street, 10th Floor 7,500 00 Financial Smarts Valley Philadelphia, PA 19103

Delaware County Intermediate Unit Education 200 Yale Avenue 7,500 00 Early Intervention Building Blocks Math Program Foundation Morton, PA 19070

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Delaware Valley 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 208 7,500 00 CF Care Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Chapter Broomall, PA 19008

Arlington Free Clinic, Inc 2921 1 Ith Street South 1,50000 Expanding Care with a Nurse Practitioner Program Arlington, VA 22204

Goodwill of Greater Washington 2200 South Dakota Avenue, NE 7,50000 Training and Employment Division Programs Washington, DC 20018

YWCA Delaware, Inc 100 West 10th Street, Suite 515 7,500 00 Department of Economic Advancement Wilmington, DE 19801

Families First of Palm Beach County 3333 Forest Hill Boulevard, 2nd Floor 7,50000 Family Self-Sufficiency Program West Palm Beach, FL 33406

Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc 5840 Johnson Street 7,500 00 Financial Education and Coaching Program Hollywood, FL 33021

The RWJ University Hospital Foundation, Inc 100 Plum Street, Suite 910 7,500 00 Breast Cancer Diagnostic Fund New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Hannah Grimes Center 25 Roxbury Street 7,50000 Rural Industry Cluster Support Keene, NH 03431

Champlain College, Inc 163 South Willard Street 7,500 00 Vermont Financial Literacy Summit P O. Box 670 Burlington, VT 05402 Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, Inc 143 Border Street 7,500 00 Affordable Housing Program (NOAH) East Boston, MA 02128

Hudson County Conunumty College Foundation, 70 Sip Avenue, 4th Floor 7,500 00 Transitional College Program Inc Jersey City, NJ 07306

Cluldren's Aid and Family Services, Inc 200 Robin Road 7,50000 Life Skills Youth Development Program Paramus, NJ 07652

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh, Inc 125 Washington Street 7,50000 East Parmenter Revitalization Program P O Box 1694 Newburgh, NY 12551 George Street Playhouse, Inc 9 Livingston Avenue 7,500 00 Theatre-at-the-Con: Initiative New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Hunterdon Prevention Resources, Inc 4 Walter Foran Boulevard, Suite 410 7,500 00 Prevention Education Initiatives Flemington, NJ 08822

Ocean Community Economic Action Now, Inc 40 Washington Street 7,500 00 Strengthening Communities in Ocean County P 0 Box 1029 loins River, NJ 08754 Interfaith Neighbors, Inc 8I0 Fourth Avenue 7,50000 Affordable Housing Program Asbury Park, NJ 07712

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Oreanization Name Address Amount Purpose Georgian Court University 900 Lakewood Avenue 7,500 00 Girls Involved in Science and Technology (GIST) Program Lakewood, NJ 08701

Brookdale Community College Foundation Trust 765 Newman Springs Road 7,50000 'Building Minds, Building Futures' for Student Success LincroR, NJ 07738

Prevention First, Inc 1405 Highway 35 North 7,50000 Life Skills Training for Asbury Park Youth Ocean, NJ 07712

Seamen's Society for Children and Families 50 Bay Street 7,500 00 Educational Fund Program for High School Graduates Staten Island, NY 10301

Developmental Disabilities Institute, Inc 99 Hollywood Drive 7,500 00 Greenhouse Recreation Opportunities Workshop (GROW) Smithtown, NY 11787

MercyFirsi 525 Convent Road 7,500 00 Budges to the Future Initiative Syosset, NY 11791

Nassau Land Trust, Inc 2417 Jericho Turnpike, Box 280 7,500 00 Grossmann Fann-Based Education Program Garden City Park, NY 11040

Prince George's Child Resource Center, Inc 9475 Lottsford Road, Suite 202 7,50000 Family Literacy Program Largo, MD 20774

Center for Child Protection and Family Support, 714 G Street, SE 7,50000 Village Faintly Support Center Inc Washington, DC 20003

Milford Housing Development 977 East Masten Circle 7,50000 Kent County Self-Help Program Milford, DE 19963

HOMES , Inc 690 NE 13th Street, Suite 101 7,50000 Housing Education and Counseling Program Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

Covenant House Pennsylvania 31 East Armat Street 7,35000 Rights of Passage Program Philadelphia, PA 19144

United Way of Palm Beach County, Inc 2600 Quantum Boulevard 6,70200 United Way Commututy Campaign Boynton Beach, FL 33426

York College Foundation, Inc. 94-20 Guy R Brewer Boulevard 2H05 6,50000 York College VITA Educational Fund Program Jamaica, NY 11451

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine 195 Lancaster Street 6,50000 Mentonng Program Portland, ME 04101

Lowell Plan, Inc, I I Kearney Square 6,50000 Downtown Evolution Plan Lowell, MA 01852

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine 195 Lancaster Street 6,50000 Mentonng Program Portland, ME 04101

The Shepherd's Way, Inc 1232 NE 26th Street 6.50000 Paul's Place Family Apartments Program Wilton Manors, FL 33305

Palm Beach School for Autism, Inc 1 199 West Lantana Road, N 19 6,500 00 Everyone Needs To Enjoy Reading Lantana, FL 33462

Lazarus House, Inc 412 Hampshire Street 6,00000 Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Through Job Training P O Box 408 Lawrence, MA 01842

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, Inc 1930 Randall Avenue 6,00000 Mmdpowcr 2010 Bronx , NY 10473

Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc 66 Wendell Avenue 6,00000 Nutrition/Meals on Wheels Program Pittsfield, MA 01201

Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc 223 East 30th Street 6,00000 Mentonng Growth Inmanve (MGI) New York, NY 10016

United Way of Gloucester County 454 Crown Point Road 5,775 00 United Way Community Campaign Thorofare, NJ 08086

Green Mountain United Way 963 Paine Turnpike N #2 5.60000 United Way Community Campaign Montpelier, VT 05602

United Way of Moms County P 0 Box 1948 5,550 00 United Way Community Campaign Morristown, NJ 07962

United Way of Windham County 28 Vernon Street, Suite 410 5,50000 United Way Community Campaign Brattleboro, VT 05301

Rantan Bay Medical Center Healthcare Foundation 471 Lawne Street 5,50000 Breast Cancer Support Program Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Community Access, Inc 2 Washington Street, 9th Floor 5,50000 Housing and Support Services Program New York, NY 10004

Christiana Care Health Services, Inc 13 Reads Way, Suite 203 5,50000 Infant Mortality in High Risk Neighborhoods Initiative New Castle, DE 19720

United Way of Somerset County, Inc 1011 U S Route 22 West, 2nd Floor 5,425 00 United Way Community Campaign PO Box 6835 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Literacy Council of Northern Virginia , Inc 2855 Annandale Road 5,332 00 Basic Literacy and ESOL Tutoring Programs Falls Church, VA 22042

United Way of Atlantic County 4 East Jimmie Leeds Road, Suite 10 5,275 00 United Way Community Campaign Galloway, NJ 08205

United Way of North Central Massachusetts , Inc 285 John Fitch Highway, Suite I 5.00000 United Way Community Campaign Fitchburg, MA 01420

United Way of Delaware, Inc 625 North Orange Street 5,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Wilmington, DE 19801

United Way of Passaic County 20 Mill Street 5,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Paterson, NJ 07514

Waynflete School 360 Spring Street 5,000 00 West End-Parkside Neighborhoods Mentonng Portland, ME 04102

Wand Hospital 200 Kennedy Memorial Drive 5,00000 Bickford Medical Simulation Program Waterville, ME 04901

SCORE, Maine District 0172 S I Lincoln Street 5,000 00 Counselors to America's Small Businesses Program P 0 Box 62 Pans, ME 04271 Mercy Hospital 144 State Street 5,00000 Gary 's House - Windows of Opportunity Initiative Portland, ME 04101

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Audubon Society of New Hampshire 84 Silk Fenn Road 5,000 00 Beech Street Elementary School Program Concord, NH 03301

SCORE Chapter 185 Seacoast 215 Commerce Way, Suite 420 5,000 00 Small Business Workshops Portsmouth, NH 03801

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation 37 Pleasant Street 5,000 00 Program Support Concord, NH 03301

Dover Adult Learning Center, Inc 61 Locust Street 5,000 00 Adult Literacy Dover, NH 03820

Great Bay Services 2061 Woodbury Avenue 5,00000 Daily Life Skills Program Newington, NH 03801

Child Health Services 1245 Elm Street 5,000 00 Teen Health Clinic Manchester, NH 03101

SCORE Chapter 199 Southern NH 275 Chestnut Street 5,00000 Fall 2010 Workshop Program Manchester, NH 03101

Shelburne Museum, Inc 5555 Shelburne Road 5,00000 American Marine Painiings Prograin Support P O Box 10 Shelburne, VT 05482 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cape Cod and the 1934 Falmouth Road 5,00000 School- Based Mentonng Program Islands Centerville, MA 02632

One Family, Inc 186 South Street, 4th Floor 5,00000 Program Support Boston, MA 02111

Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art 1040 MASS MoCA Way 5,00000 Art Assembly Program Foundation, Inc dba MASS MoCA North Adams, MA 01247

Open Pantry Community Services, Inc 287 State Street 5,00000 Loaves and Fishes Community Kitchen Program P O Box 5127 Springfield, MA 01 101 ReStore Home Improvement Center 250 Albany Street 5,000 00 Environmental Affordable Housing Improvements Education Springfield, MA 01105 Program

VNA Cate Network. Inc 120 Thomas Street 5,000 00 Telehealth Helping to Keep Elders at Home Worcester, MA 01608

YWCA of Central Massachusetts I Salem Square 5,000 00 Transitional Housing Program Worcester, MA 01608

Esperanra Academy, Inc 198 Garden Street 5,000 00 Technology -Based Remediation Program Lawrence, MA 01840

Connecticut Center for Child Development, Inc 95 Wolf Harbor Road 5,000 00 Right Start Program Milford, CT 06460

South Arsenal Neighborhood Development 2550 Main Street, 3rd Floor 5,00000 STRIVE/SAND Corporation aka SAND Corporation Hartford, CT 06120

Rebuilding Together New Britain, Inc 200 Myrtle Street 5,00000 Rebuilding Day Program New Britain, CT 06053

YWCA of Bergen County 2 University Plaza, Suite 208 5,00000 After School Program Hackensack, NJ 07601

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Jewish Board of Family & Children's Services, Inc 120 West 57th Street 5,000 00 Homeless Prevention Services New York, NY 10019

Great Neck Arts Center 113 Middle Neck Road 5,00000 Youth Arts Program Great Neck, NY 11021

Five Towns Community Center 270 Lawrence Avenue 5,00000 Head Start Program Lawrence, NY 11559

Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem 1430 Fritz Dnve 5,00000 Education and Career Programs Bethlehem, PA 18017

Wayland Community Pool, Inc 195 Concord Road 5,000 00 Senior Aquatic Programs Wayland, MA 01778

Homeowners Rehab, Inc 280 Franklin Street 5,00000 Affordable Housing Green Initiatives Cambndge, MA 02139

Wayland Housing Associates, Inc 106 Main Street 5,00000 Elderly Affordable Housing Wayland, MA 01778

Hudson Community Food Pantry, Inc 28 Houghton Street 5,00000 Food Distribution Program P 0 Box 608 Hudson, MA 01749 Rebuilding Together Bergen County, Inc P O Box 1389 5,00000 National Rebuilding Day Program Ridgewood, NJ 07451

Pattern for Progress 3 Washington Center, 2nd Floor 5,00000 Housing the Hudson Valley-Streamlining SEQRA and Land Newburgh, NY 12550 Use Decisions

Newark Public Library 5 Washington Street 5.000 00 Club Success After School Academic Support Newark, NJ 07102

All Stars Project of New Jersey 744 Broad Street, Suite 523 5,00000 New Jersey Development School for Youth Newark, NJ 07102

Moms Habitat for Humanity 102 Iron Mountain Road, Suite H 5,000 00 Program Support Mine Hill, NJ 07803

Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children 171 Clifton Avenue 5,00000 Mobile Computer Cott Initiative Newark, NJ 07104

Seton Hall University 457 Centre Street 5,000 00 Tutonng/Mentonng for Disadvantaged Youth Initiative South Orange, NJ 07079

Family and Community Services of Somerset 339 West Second Street 5,00000 Expansion of School-Based Hispanic Support Program County Bound Brook, NJ 08805

Wagner College One Campus Road 5,000 00 Civic Innovations Port Richmond Economic Empowerment Staten Island, NY 10301 Program

Jersey Shore Council, Boy Scouts of America 1518 Ridgeway Road 5,000 00 In-School and Worksue-Based Program Toms River, NJ 08755

Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness, Inc 3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4, Suite 5,000 00 Program Support 113 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Food Bank of South Jersey, Inc. 1501 John Tipton Boulevard 5,00000 Mobile Food Pantry Pennsauken, NJ 081 10

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Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey, 550 Mickle Boulevard 5,00000 Program Support Inc Camden, NJ 08103

Camden City Garden Club, Inc 3 Riverside Drive 5,000 00 Youth Employment and Training including Youth Camden, NJ 08103 Environmental Advocacy

South Jersey Youth Alliance 1301 West Forest Grove Road 5,000 00 Youth Character Education P O Box 534 Vineland, NJ 08362 Neighborhood Housing Services of Camden, Inc. 601-603 Clinton Street 5,00000 Home Ownership and Purchase Services (HOPS) Program Camden, NJ 08103

HELP USA, Inc 5 Hanover Square, 17th Floor 5,000 00 Genesis Academy New York, NY 10004

Community Environmental Center, Inc 43-10 11th Street 5,00000 Energy Audits Long Island City, NY I 1101

Wagner College One Campus Road 5,00000 Civic Innovations Port Richmond Economic Empowerment Staten Island, NY 10301 Program

Long Island Development Corporation 45 Seaman Avenue 5,000 00 Government And Private Sector Contracts Assistance Bethpage, NY 11714 Program (GAPSCAP)

Middle Country Library Foundation, Inc 101 Eastwood Boulevard 5,00000 Nature Explonum Centereach, NY 11720

Family Services of Westchester, Inc One Gateway Plaza 3,000 00 Latino Computer Connections Pon Chester, NY 10573

Boys and Girls Club of Northern Westchester 351 Main Street 5,00000 Money Matters Mount Kisco, NY 10549

Mount Pleasant Cottage School 1075 Broadway 5,000 00 Student Publishing and Copy Center PO Box 8 Pleasantville, NY 10570 Ann Silverman Community Health Clinic 595 West State Street 5,00000 Medical Program Doylestown, PA 18901

Wings for Success 490 Lancaster Avenue 5,00000 Clothing Program P O Box 1 184 Frazer, PA 19355 Easter Seals of Southeastern Pennsylvania 3975 Conshohocken Avenue 5,000 00 Summer Camp Program Philadelphia, PA 19131

SCAN of Northern Virginia, Inc 1705 Fern Street, 2nd Floor 5,00000 Parent Education Program Alexandria, VA 22302

Thrive DC 1525 Newton Street NW 5,000 00 Employment Training Program Washington, DC 20010

Samaritan Inns, Inc 2523 14th Street, NW 5,000 00 Affordable Housing Program Washington, DC 20009

Arlington-Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless, 3103 9th Road, North 5,00000 Affordable Housing Program Inc Arlington, VA 22201

National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor 363 Saulsbury Road 5,00000 Homeownership Education, Financial Literacy and Research, Inc. Dover, DE 19904 Foreclosure Prevention Initiative

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Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Centro Campesino Farmworker Center, Inc 35801 SW 186 Avenue 5,00000 Steps to Financial Freedom P 0 Box 343449 Flonda City, FL 33034 Quantum House , Inc 901 45th Street 5,000 00 Pediatric Orthopedic Housing Program West Palm Beach , FL 33407

SOS Children' s Villages of Florida , Inc 3681 N W 59th Place 5,000 00 Children's Support Services Coconut Creek, FL 33073

Ecumenical Lay Council Food Pantry 330 Main Street 5,000 00 Food Pantry Northport , NY 11768

Cancer Community Center 778 Main Street 5,00000 Maine Buddy Program South Portland, ME 04106

Coe-Brown Northwood Academy 907 First New Hampshire Turnpike 5,00000 Laptop Pilot Program Northwood , NH 03261

The PLUS Company, Inc 240 Main Dunstable Road 5,00000 Music Program Nashua, NH 03062

Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains One Commerce Drive 5,00000 Program Support P O Box 10832 Bedford, NH 031 10 Laconia Area Community Land Trust, Inc 658 Union Avenue 5,000 00 Homeownership Program/HomeBuyer Resource Center Laconia, NH 03246

Marguerite's Place , Inc. 87 Palm Street 5,00000 Transitional Housing Program Nashua, NH 03060

ReSOURCE 266 Pine Street 5,00000 Work Experience Training Program Burlington, VT 05401

Southern Vermont Health Services Corporation 17 Belmont Avenue 5,00000 Cornerstone Pediatrics Practice Initiative Brattleboro, VT 05301

Glens Falls Family YMCA 600 Glen Street 5,00000 Village Green Outreach Program and the Leaders Club Glens Falls, NY 12801 Program

Community Rowing, Inc Harry Parker Boathouse 5,00000 G-ROW (Girls Row) Boston 20 Nonantum Road Brighton, MA 02135 Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & 115 Enterprise Road 5,000 00 Asset Development-IDA Program Islands, Inc Hyannis , MA 02601

Attleboro Area School to Career Partnership , Inc 42 Union Street 5,00000 Credit for Life Fair Attleboro, MA 02703

Boys & Girls Clubs of Metrowest, Inc 169 Pleasant Street 5,000 00 Program Support Marlborough, MA 01752

Leadership MetroWest, Inc 1671 Worcester Road, Suite 201 5,000 00 Leadership Academy Program Framingham , MA 01701

Cape Cod Child Development Program, Inc 83 Pearl Street 5,00000 School-Age Program for Low-Income Children Hyannis, MA 02601

Framingham Downtown Renaissance , Inc do 161 Worcester Road, Suite 501 5,00000 Capacity Building Initiative Framingham, MA 01701

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Bridgewater Slate College Foundation 131 Summer Street 5,00000 Financial Literacy and Giving (FLAG) Bridgewater, MA 02325

Wayland Fire Department 38 Cochituate Road 5.000 00 Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation Program Wayland, MA 01778

Berkshire South Regional Community Center 15 Cnssey Road 5,00000 iCommunity (Community Engagement Through Mentonng) Great Barrington, MA 01230

Hasbro Summer Learning Initiative 1441 Main Street, First Floor 5,00000 Program Support Springfield, MA 01 103

Bellesmi Academy 94 Bradford Street 5,00000 After-School and Evening Study Program P 0 Box 1021 Lawrence, MA 01842 Mission of Deeds, Inc 6 Chapin Avenue 5,00000 2010 Beds for Kids Program Reading, MA 01867

Lawrence General Hospital I General Street 5,000 00 Pediatric After Hours Program Lawrence, MA 01841

WATCH, Inc aka Waltham Alliance To Create 517 Moody Street 5,000 00 Breaking Barriers Program Housing, Inc Waltham, MA 02453

Village for Families & Children, Inc 1680 Albany Avenue 5,00000 Early Childhood Learning Center Program Hartford, CT 06105

Northwest Connecticut Association for the Ans, 68 Main Street 5.00000 Warner Theaut Center for Arts Education Program Inc. P O Box 1012 Torrington, CT 06790 ABRI/Homes for the Brave 655 Park Avenue 5,00000 Moving Out Program Bridgeport, CT 06604

Christian Activities Council, Congregational 47 Vine Street 5,00000 Adventures to the City Hartford, CT 061 12

AYUDA, Inc 1106 Normandy Drive 5,00000 Parents Now Program Miami Beach, FL 33141

Foundation for Free Enterprise South 61 Paramus Road 5,00000 Program Support Paramus, NJ 07652

Meals on Wheels Programs & Services of 121 West Nyack Road 5,000 00 Homebound Meal Delivery Program Rockland, Inc Nanuel, NY 10954

American Red Cross, Greater New York-Rockland 143 North Broadway 5,00000 Community Safety Education and At-Risk Youth Nyack NY 10960 Development for Rockland County

Rebuilding Together Dutchess County, Inc 824 Main Street 5,00000 National Rebuilding Day 2010 P 0 Box 1695 Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Children's Media Project 20 Academy Street 5,00000 DROP (Direct Revolution of Programming) Media Lab Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Midland Adult Services, Inc 94 Readingion Road 5,00000 Meals on Wheels Employment Training P 0 Box 5026 North Branch, NJ 08876 Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center, 36 South Street 5,000 00 Outreach Center Program Inc Morristown, NJ 07960

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Oreanization Name Address Amount Pur pose JFK Medical Center Foundation, Inc 80 James Street, 2nd Floor 5,00000 Breast Health Education Program Edison, NJ 08820

Project Paul, Inc. 211 Carr Avenue 5,000 00 Educational Support Program Keansburg, NJ 07734

Community YMCA 113 Tindall Road 5,000 00 Civic Engagement/Teen Achievers Initiative Middletown, NJ 07748

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Monmouth County, 174 Main Street 5,000 00 One-to-One Mentonng Program Inc Eatontown, NJ 07724

Hope Academy Charter School 601 Grand Avenue 5,00000 Connect to Your Dreams Program Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Susan G Komen for the Cure, Central and South 2 Princess Road, Suite D 5,00000 Reach Out for Life Program Jersey Affiliate Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

The Ritz Theatre Company, Inc 915 White Horse Pike 5,000 00 Program Support Arts District Haddon Township, NJ 08107 Cathedral Soup Kitchen, Inc 1514 Federal Street 5,00000 Culinary Arts Training Program Camden, NJ 08105

Occupational Training Center of Burlington 130 Hancock Lane 5,000 00 Extended Employment Transportation County, Inc Mount Holly, NJ 08060

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mercer County, Inc 535 East Franklin Street 5,000 00 Youth Mentonng Programs Trenton, NJ 08610

YMCA Camp Ockanickon, Inc 1303 Stokes Road 5,000 00 Program Support Medford, NJ 08055

Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road 5,00000 Underserved Second Language Inclusion Learners Initiative Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Tn-County Community Action Partnership 110 Cohansey Street 5,000 00 Financial Literacy Program Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Susan G Komen for the Cure, Central and South 2 Princess Road, Suite D 5,00000 Reach Out for Life Program Jersey Affiliate Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Spnngpomt Foundation 13 Roszel Road , Suite C 120 5,00000 Encore rinancial Planning for Seniors Princeton, NJ 08540

Bowery Residents Committee, Inc 324 Lafayette Street, 8th Floor 5,000 00 Horizons Workforce Development Program New York, NY 10012

New York City College of Technology Foundation, 300 Jay Street, Nainm Hall 323 5,00000 Program Support Inc Brooklyn, NY 11209

William F Ryan Community Health Center, Inc 110 West 97th Street 5,00000 Pharmaceutical Program New York, NY 10025

Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts 2900 Campus Road, Suite 154G 5,000 00 School Time Program P 0 Box 100163 Brooklyn, NY 112 10 Children's Storefront 70 East 129th Street 5.00000 Men's and Women's Mentonng Programs New York, NY 10035

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Oreanization Name Address Amount Purpose County Museum of Art One Museum Drive 5,000 00 Financial and Visual Literacy/Gateway to Education Program Roslyn Harbor, NY 11576

Cleary Foundation for the Deaf, Inc. 301 Smithtown Boulevard 5,000 00 Reverse Inclusion Program Nesconset, NY 11767

The Morgan Center 26 Seafield Lane 5,000 00 Preschool Expenence for Children with Cancer Bay Shore, NY 11706

Backstretch Employee Service Team of New York, 2150 Hempstead Turnpike, Cottage 5,000 00 Backstretch Eye Health Initiative Inc 28B Elmont, NY 11003 Island Harvest, Ltd 199 2nd Street 5,00000 Food Collection and Distribution Mineola, NY 11501

Theodore Roosevelt Council, Boy Scouts of 544 Broadway 5,000 00 Scouueach Program America Massapequa, NY 11758

Hampton Bays Public Library 52 Ponquogue Avenue 5,00000 Library Program Hampton Bays, NY 11946

Saint Francis College 180 Remsen Street 5,000 00 Summer Science Academy Brooklyn, NY 11201

Cerebral Palsy of Westchester, Inc 1186 King Street 5,00000 Art Therapy Program Rye Brook, NY 10573

Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project, Inc 42 South 15th Street, 4th Floor 5,00000 Fresh Start Clinic Program Philadelphia, PA 19102

Wilson Area Partners in Education Foundation, Inc 2040 Washington Boulevard 5,00000 Elementary Summer Reading Program Easton, PA 18042

Housing Association and Development 513-515 Chew Street 5,00000 Affordable Housing Program Corporation Allentown, PA 18102

The Salvation Anny, Easton Corps I 110 Northampton Street 5,000 00 Emergency Family Services P 0 Box 937 Easton, PA 18044 Philadelphia Orchestra Association 260 South Broad Street, Floor 16 5,000 00 School Partnership Program Philadelphia, PA 19102

Free Library of Philadelphia-Tacony Branch 6742 Torresdale Avenue 5,000 00 Summer Program Philadelphia, PA 19135

Chester County Futures, Inc 705 Haywood Drive 5,000 00 Points to Success Financial Literacy Program Exton, PA 19341

Child Advocacy Center of Montgomery County P 0 Box 413 5,000 00 Victim's Advocate Program dba Mission Kids Blue Bell, PA 19422

Loudoun Community Health Center 224A Cornwell Street, NW 5,000 00 Medical Can; to Anyone in Need Leesburg, VA 20176

Ronald McDonald House of Delaware, Inc 1901 Rockland Road 5,000 00 Program Support Wilmington, DE 19801

Voices for Children Foundation, Inc 1500 NW 12th Avenue, Suite 1117 5,00000 Transitioning Youth Project (TYP) Miami, FL 33136

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation , Inc 150 New Providence Road 5,000 00 Children's Specialized Hospital's Expansion Mountainside , NJ 07092

SI Mary's Food Pantry 208 Bates Street 5,000 00 Food Pantry P O Box 7291 Lewiston, ME 04243 Maine Coalition for Excellence in Education 295 Water Street, Suite 5 5 ,00000 Prepare Maine Initiative Augusta , ME 04330

Common Good Ventures 14 Maine Street, Suite 106 5,00000 Increasing Educational Attainment for Mainers Initiative Brunswick, ME 04011

Avesta Housing Development Corporation 307 Cumberland Avenue 5,000 00 Housing Choice Vouchers/Awareness Program Portland , ME 04101

Nackey S Loeb School of Communications , Inc 749 East Industrial Park Drive 5,00000 Program Support Manchester , NH 03109

Northwestern Medical Center, Inc 133 Fairfield Street 5,00000 Independence Project St Albans, VT 05478

,,, •;-„ - - i - „ _ i..aa--- •_,- -Tip .: . „ KingStreet Center, Iii , ' p t t ' ' 87 King Street ' t e; ' ,000'00 Teen Futures Pip rem.. "7 c iP.O. BoIx 1615,.;:; l ' ^' i: R't Burlingto Vr05402: {f ` ^Sl^: 7i;£` f; .a:1at i"^Y:•7_^•. ' .. •:a;-a• .tY. •.>u. .. S'C'^?6L"4^'^r k'a. f n,^ ` Columbia County Habitat for Humanity 829 Route 66 5,000 00, Columbia Street Neighborhood Revitalization Program Hudson, NY 12534

Dress for Success Boston, Inc. 989 Commonwealth Avenue 5.000 00 Professional Womcns Group/Career Center Boston, MA 02215

Key Program , Inc 670 Old Connecticut Path 5,00000 Children's Charter Division of Key - THREE LEGGED Framingham, MA 01701 STOOL Program

Midas Collaborative , Inc 20 Linden Street , Suite 288 5,00000 Mass Saves Initiative Allston, MA 02134

YWCA Cambridge 7 Temple Street 5,000 00 Resident Services Support and Advocacy Program Cambridge, MA 02139

YWCA Cambridge 7 Temple Street 5,00000 Resident Services Support and Advocacy Program Cambridge, MA 02139

Railroad Street Youth Project 60 Bridge Street 5 ,000 00 Program Support P 0 Box 698 Great Barrington , MA 01230 Springfield Boys & Girls Club, Inc. 481 Carew Street 5,000 00 Summer and After School Program Spring field, MA 01 104

American Red Cress , Pioneer Valley Chapter 506 Cottage Street 5 ,00000 Disaster Services Program Springfield, MA 01104

Lowell Community Loan Fund, Inc 450 Merrimack Street 5 ,000 00 Outreach to Low-Income Families Program Lowell, MA 01854

Kingston Chtldrens Center 12 Church Street 5,000 00 Early Childhood Program P 0 Box 337 Kingston, NH 03848 Merrimack Valley YMCA, Inc 101 Amesbury Street , 4th Floor 5,00000 Program Support Lawrence , MA 01840

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OreanIzatlon Name A ddress Amount Puroosc Brandeis University 415 South Street 5,000 00 Waltham MA Social Service Organizations Internship P O Box 549110 (MS 122) Initiative Waltham, MA 02454 Hartford Areas Rally Together, Inc, aka HART 385 Washington Street 5,00000 Home Ownership Made Easy (HOME) Program Hartford, CT 06106

Bridgeport Public Education Fund, Inc 446 University Avenue 5,000 00 Mentonng for Academic Achievement and College Success Bridgeport, CT 06604 (MAACS ) Program

The Open Hearth 437 Sheldon Street 5,000 00 Transitional Living Program P O Box 1077 Hartford, CT 06143 Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, Inc 240 Fairfield Avenue, 3rd Floor 5,00000 Comprehensive Homeownership Counseling Program Bridgeport, CT 06604

Kennedy Center, Inc 2440 Reservoir Avenue 5,00000 Opportunties Unlimited Trumbull, CT 06611

Family of Woodstock, Inc 39 John Street 5,00000 Farm to Food Pantry Feeding Program P O Box 3516 Kingston, NY 12402 Cheshire Home, Inc 9 Ridgedale Avenue 5,000 00 Specialized Educational and Computer Training for Older Florham Park, NJ 07932 Teens and Young Adults With Paralysis

Shimon and Sere Birnbaum Jewish Community 775 Talamim Road 5,00000 Early Childhood Education for All (ECEA) Center Bridgewater, NJ 08807

Grow It Green Morristown, Inc P O Box 230 5,000 00 Education and Outreach Morristown, NJ 07960

Jersey Shore University Medical Center Foundation 1345 Campus Parkway, Suite A2 5,00000 Preventive and Comprehensive Dental Care for the Neptune, NJ 07753 Underserved

Arc of Atlantic County 6550 Delilah Road, Suite 101 5,000 00 Supported Employment Program Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence, 812 East County Line Road 5.00000 Vocational Training Program (Enrichment Phase IV) Inc Lakewood, NJ 08701

Young Scholars Institute, Inc 349 West State Street 5,000 00 College Preparatory Program Trenton, NJ 08618

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Burlington, Camden & 100 Dobbs Lane, Suite 202 5,000 00 School Based Metttonng Gloucester Counties Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Thomas A Edison State College Foundation. Inc 101 West State Street 5,00000 2010 Cultural Competency and English Language Learners Trenton, NJ 08608 Summer Institute and Menionng Program

Sunset Park Alliance for Youth 783 Fourth Avenue 5,00000 Supporting Potential In our Neighborhood (SPIN) Program Brooklyn, NY 11232

Turtle Bay Music School. Inc 244 East 52nd Street 5,00000 Musical Crossroads Initiative New York, NY 10022

Girl Scouts of Nassau County 110 Ring Road West 5,00000 ScoutReach Program Garden City, NY 11530

Epilepsy Foundation of Long Island 506 Stewart Street 5,00000 Kids on the Block Program Garden City, NY 11530

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Long Island Childrens Museum I I Davis Avenue 5,00000 Juntos al Kinder/Together to Kindergarten Program Garden City, NY 11530

RSHM LIFE Center, Inc 32-34 Beckman Avenue 5,00000 After School Program Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591

City of White Plains Youth Bureau I I Amherst Place 5,00000 White Plains READS' Literacy Program White Plains, NY 10601

Women's Enterprise Development Center, Inc 1133 Westchester Avenue, Suite N-220 5,00000 15-Week Entrepreneurial Training and Technical Assistance White Plains, NY 10604 Program

Zoological Society of Philadelphia 3400 West Girard Avenue 5,000 00 Junior Zoo Apprentice Program Philadelphia, PA 19104

Heritage Conservancy 85 Old Dublin Pike 5,00000 Developing Future Stewards of the Bristol Marsh Doylestown, PA 18901

Big Brothers Big Sisters Southeastern Pennsylvani a 123 South Broad Street, Suite 2180 5,000 00 Bigs in School A School- Based Mentonng Program Philadelphia, PA 19109

ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter 321 Norristown Road, Suite 260 5,000 00 In-Home Care Program Ambler, PA 19002

Latino Economic Development Corporation of 2316 18th Street NW 5,000 00 Regional Small Business Development and Micro-Loan Washington DC Washington, DC 20009 Program

HIP Services, Inc 6525 Belcrest Road, Suite 555 5,000 00 Street Educational Fund Program Hyattsville, MD 20782

Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc 3000 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 500 5,000 00 Affordable Housing Program Miami, FL 33137

IJNIDAD of Miami Beach, Inc. 1701 Normandy Drive 5,000 00 New Generation Leadership and Workforce Institute Miami Beach, FL 33141

Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County 551 SE 8th Street, Suite 505 5,000 00 Adult Learner Leadership Program Delray Beach, FL 33483

Opportumry, Inc 1713 Quail Drive 5,000 00 Thrive by Five-A Platform for Change through West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Early Childhood Education and Intervention for Poverty Alleviation Women In Distress of Broward County, Inc. 1153 S Andrews Avenue 5,000 00 Emergency Shelter Program P 0 Box 676 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33302 Newton Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc 175 High Street 5,00000 2010 Womens Imaging Program Newton, NJ 07871

Hingham Interfaith Food Pantry 685 Main Street 5,00000 Food Pantry Hingham, MA 02043

St. Anthony Shnne/Franctscan Food Center 100 Arch Street 5,000.00 Food Pantry Boston, MA 02110

Barrington Tap In, Inc P O Box 252 5,00000 Food Pantry Barrington, RI 02806

Johnston Senior Citizens Center, Inc 1291 Hartford Avenue 5,00000 Financially Fit Program for Low-Income Seniors Johnston, RI 02919

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose East Bay Community Action Program 100 Bullocks Point Avenue 5,00000 Food Pantry East Providence, RI 02915

FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, Inc. 3300 Route 66 5,000 00 Emergency Food Distribution Neptune, NJ 07753

Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc 208 West 13th Street 5,000 00 Center CARE New York, NY 10011

NDC Housing and Economic Development 708 Third Avenue, Suite 710 5,00000 Economic and Housing Development Finance Certification Corporation New York, NY 10017 Programs

Flatbush Volunteers of Hatzoloh, Inc 1880 Ocean Avenue 5,000 00 Safety and Accident Prevention Program Brooklyn, NY 11230

Hispanic Brotherhood of Rockville Centre. Inc 59 Clinton Avenue 5,00000 Resettlement Services Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Boys & Girls Club of Souhegan Valley 56 Mont Vernon Street 5,000 00 Project Learn The Educational Enhancement Program P 0 Box 916 Milford, NH 03055 Girls Incorporated of New Hampshire 815 Elm Street 5,000.00 GirlSiart Manchester, NH 03101

Greater Burlington YMCA, Inc 266 College Street 5,00000 Child Cato and Early Education Program Burlington, VT 05401

FASNY Museum of Firefighting 117 Harry Howard Avenue 5,000 00 Distance Learning Programs Hudson, NY 12534

Teresian House Center for the Elderly 200 Washington Avenue Extension 5,00000 Montesson-Based Programs Albany, NY 12203

Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital 139 South Lake Avenue 5,000 00 Ronald McDonald Cam Mobile Program Region, Inc Albany, NY 12208

Senior Services of Albany 25 Delaware Avenue 5,000 00 Meals on Wheels Program Albany, NY 12210

Artists for Humanity, Inc 100 West Second Street 5,00000 Advanced Technology and Educational Training lmuatives Boston, MA 02127

Community Builders, Inc -New Franklin Park 132 Seaver Street, Suite 10 5,000 00 Neighborhood Network Center (NNC) Progratmning Dorchester, MA 02121 Initiative

Rebuilding Together Boston, Inc P 0 Box 301209 5,00000 National Rebuilding Day Program Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Boston Building Materials Co-op 100 Terrace Street 5,00000 Building Materials Resource Center Program Boston, MA 02120

Cape Cod Times Needy Fund, Inc 396 Main Street, Suite 6 5,00000 Neighbors in Need P 0 Box 804 Hyannis, MA 02601 Bay Cove Human Services, Inc 66 Canal Street 5,000 00 Early Intervention Program Boston, MA 021 14

Women's Institute for Housing and Economic 15 Court Square, Suite 210 5,000 00 Massachusetts Affordable Housing Development Program Development Boston, MA 02108

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod, Inc 31 Frank E Hicks Drive 5,000 00 Project Learn P 0 Box 895 Mashpee, MA 02649 New England Center for Homeless Veterans 17 Court Street 5,000 00 Veterans Training School (VTS) Program Boston, MA 02108

Boys & Girls Club of Pittsfield, Inc 16 Melville Street 5,000 00 Program Support Pittsfield, MA 01201

Greater Gardner Community Development 246 Central Street 5,00000 Small Business Assistance and FirsiTtme Homebuyer Corporation Gardner, MA 01440 Education/Counseling

Twin Cities Community Development Corporation 470 Main Street 5,00000 Elm Street Area Neighborhood Initiative Fitchburg, MA 01420

Rehabilitative Resources, Inc I Picker Road 5,00000 Elm Hill Center Historic Preservation Initiative P 0 Box 38 Sturbridge, MA 01566 Worcester Community Housing Resources, Inc I I Pleasant Street, Suite 300 5,00000 Neighborhood Stabilization - Receivership Program Worcester, MA 01609

Worcester State Foundation, Inc 486 Chandler Street 5,00000 Social Justice Education Initiative Worcester, MA 01602

Rebuilding Together Springfield, Inc 281 State Street, I st Floor 5,00000 Affordable Housing - Home Preservation/Retenti on and Springfield, MA 01103 Community Revitalization Program

Valley Community Development Corporation 30 Market Street 5,000.00 Parsons Street Initiative Northampton, MA 01060

Dunbar Community Center, Inc 33 Oak Street 5,000 00 Education Counts Springfield, MA 01109

Northern Essex Community College Foundation, 100 Elliot Street 5,000 00 College is Possible Childcare Assistance Initiative Inc Haverhill, MA 01830

Notre Dame High School 207 Hampshire Street 5,000 00 Corporate Work Study Program Lawrence, MA 01841

Coalition for a Better Acre, Inc 517 Moody Street, 3rd Floor 5,000 00 Home Preservation Center - Foreclosure Prevention Initiative Lowell, MA 01854

Connecticut Food Bank, Inc P 0 Box 8686 5,000 00 Kids' BackPack Program New Haven, CT 06531

Earthplace - the Nature Discovery Center, Inc 10 Woodside Lane 5,00000 Environmental Education for All (EEA ) Program Westport, CT 06880

Mercy Housing and Shelter Corporation 211 Wethersfield Avenue 5,00000 Hartford Transitional Living Program Hartford, CT 061 14

Ci'E, Inc 34 Woodland Avenue 5,000 00 Wealth and Asset Development Center Program Stamford, CT 06902

Women's Institute for Housing and Economic 15 Court Square, Suite 210 5,000 00 Connecticut Affordable Housing Development Program Development Boston, MA 02108

Columbus House, Inc 586 Ella T Grasso Boulevard 5,000 00 Employment Program P 0 Box 7093 New Haven, CT 06519

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Oruantzation Name Address Amount Purpose St. Luke's LifeWorks 141 Franklin Street 5,00000 New Beginnings Affordable Housing Program Stamford, CT 06901

Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center 633 Third Avenue, 28th Floor 5,00000 Free Care Program New York, NY 10017

Perry School Community Services Center, Inc 128 M Street, NW, Suite 100 5,000 00 Economic Empowerment Program Washington, DC 20001

Shelter Our Sisters, Inc 405 State Street 5,00000 Transitional Housing Program Hackensack, NJ 07601

Safe Harbors of the Hudson, Inc I I I Broadway 5,000 00 Cornerstone Residence Educational Programs Newburgh, NY 12550

Atlantic City Rescue Mission , Inc 2009 Bacharach Boulevard 5,00000 Work Readiness Program for Homeless Men P 0 Box 5358 Atlantic City, NJ 08404 Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey 253 Chestnut Street 5,00000 Alzheimers Respite Care Program Toms River, NJ 08753

Affordable Housing Alliance, Inc 59 Broad Street 5,00000 Community Outreach, Education and Supportive Services Eatontown, NJ 07724 Program

CPC Behavioral Healthcare, Inc 10 Industrial Way East 5,000 00 Emergency and Transitional Housing Program Eatontown, NJ 07724

SEARCH Day Program , Inc 73 Wickapecko Drive 5,00000 Community Work Program for Adults with Autism Ocean, NJ 07712

Samaritan Hospice 5 Eves Drive, Suite 300 5,000 00 Lower Socioeconomic Services Program Marlton, NJ 08053

Drank Foundation, Inc 205 High Street 5,00000 Acquire and Upgrade Affordable Housing Initiative Mount Holly, NJ 08060

South Jersey Eye Center, Inc 400 Chambers Avenue 5,00000 Mobile Sight Saving and Eye Health Education Program Camden, NJ 08103

Palladia , Inc 2006 Madison Avenue 5,00000 Let's Get Organized Initiative New York, NY 10035

Community Health Action of Staten Island, Inc 56 Bay Street 5,00000 Youth Task Force Peer Training Program Staten Island, NY 10301

Brooklyn Youth Chorus Academy, Inc 179 Pacific Street 5,00000 Music Education Outreach Initiative Brooklyn, NY 11201

CAMBA, Inc 1720 Church Avenue 5,000 00 Gardens Affordable, Supportive Housing Program Brooklyn, NY 11226

Kutgsborough Community College Foundation 2001 Oriental Boulevard 5,000 00 Community Financial Education Program Brooklyn, NY 11235

Brooklyn Kindergarten Society 57 Willoughby Street, 4th Floor 5,000 00 Enhanced Educational Program Brooklyn, NY 11201

Girls Incorporated of Long Island 4940 Merrick Road, #336 5,00000 Money Talks Program Massapequa Park, NY 11762

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Oreanization Name Address Amount Purpose Bethany County Corporation 102 Whitehouse Avenue 5,00000 Solutions and Strategies, Imparting a Working Knowledge of Roosevelt, NY 11575 Computer Technology

La Fuerza Unida, Inc One School Street, Suite 302 5,000 00 Latino Student Solidarity Program Glen Cove, NY 11542

Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic 60 Spence Street 5,000 00 Vocational Advocacy Program Violence, Inc P O Box 1269 Bayshore, NY 11706 EAC. Inc aka Education and Assistance 50 Clinton Street, Suite 107 5,000 00 Suffolk County Child Advocacy Center Program Corporation Hempstead, NY 11550

Westchester Philharmonic, Inc 123 Main Street, Lobby Level 5,00000 Program Support White Plains, NY 10601

Foundation of Westchester Clubmen, Inc 133A North Avenue, 9511 5,000 00 Higher Aims After-School Education and Leadership New Rochelle, NY 10804 Program

Ossining Children's Center, Inc 90 South Highland Avenue 5,00000 English as a Second Language Program Ossining, NY 10562

Community Housing Innovations, Inc 190 East Post Road, Suite 401 5,000 00 Affordable Homeownership Program White Plains, NY 10601

Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Inc 2 Great Oak Lane 5,00000 Program Support Pleasantville, NY 10570

Hope's Door, Inc 39 Washington Avenue 5,00000 Special Needs Fund Program P 0 Box 203 Pleasantville, NY 10570 Apropos-Housing Opportunities and Management 141 Tompkins Avenue 5,000 00 Weathenzathon Improvement Program Enterprises, Inc aka A-HOME Pleasantville, NY 10570

Women's Opportunities Resource Center 2010 Chestnut Street 5,00000 Family Savings Account (FSA) Program Philadelphia, PA 19103

Main Street Child Development Center, Inc 4401 Sidcbum Road 5,00000 Early Start Program Fairfax, VA 22030

National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Inc 727 15th Street NW. Suite 900 5,000 00 Women' s Business Center Program (NCRC) Washington, DC 20005

Capital Area Asset Builders, Inc 1801 K Street, NW, Suite M 100 5,00000 Financial Education-Money Management 101 Washington, DC 20006

INMED Partnerships for Children, Inc 20110 Ashbrook Place, Suite 260 5,000 00 Family Homelessness Prevention and Intervention Programs Ashburn, VA 20147

Junior Achievement of Volusta County 165 Perfect Drive 5,00000 Your Financial Future - High School Program Daytona Beach, FL 32124

Abriendo Puertas, Inc 1401 SW Ist Street, Suite 209 5.00000 After School and Summer Camp Program Miami, FL 33135

Raritan Bay Medical Center Healthcare Foundation 471 Lawrie Street 4,900 00 Breast Cancer Support Program Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Children's Crisis Treatment Center, Inc 1823 Callowhill Street 4,90000 Health and Family Services Program Philadelphia, PA 19130

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Tempesta di Marc, Inc 1034 Carpenter Street 4,80000 Program Support Philadelphia, PA 19147

Rantan Bay Medical Center Healthcare Foundation 471 Lawrie Street 4,600 00 Breast Cancer Support Program Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

L'Ecole Francaise du Maine 99 South Freeport Road 4,500 00 Program Support P 0 Box 737 South Freeport, ME 04078 Grand Central Neighborhood Social Services 120 East 32nd Street 4,50000 Mainchance Drop-In Center Services and Programs Corporation New York, NY 10016

United Way of Greater Mercer County, Inc 3131 Princeton Pike 4,100 00 United Way Couunumty Campaign Building 4, Suite 113 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 March of Dimes, Maine Chapter 60 Gray Road, Unit 8 4,00000 Program Support Falmouth, ME 04105

New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts One Granite Place 4,000 00 Program Support Concord, NH 03301

Bangor Public Library 145 Harlow Street 4,00000 Library Programs Bangor, ME 04401

Lewiston Public Library 200 Lisbon Street 4,00000 Library Programs Lewiston, ME 04240

Waterville Public Library 73 Elm Street 4,00000 Library Programs Waterville, ME 04901

McArthur Public Library 270 Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Biddeford, ME 04005

Louts B Goodall Memorial Library 952 Main Street 4,000 00 Library Programs Sanford, ME 04073

Conway Public Library 15 East Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs P 0 Box 2100 Conway, NH 03818 Manchester City Library 405 Pine Street 4,00000 Library Programs Manchester, NH 03104

Nashua Public Library 2 Court Street 4,00000 Library Programs Nashua, NH 03060

Rochester Public Library 65 South Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Rochester, NH 03867

Bennington Free Library 101 Silver Street 4,00000 Library Programs Bennington, VT 05201

Rutland Free Library 10 Court Street 4,00000 Library Programs Rutland, VT 05701

Winooski Memorial Library I Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Winooski, VT 05404

Albany Public Library-ArborfWest Hill Branch 148 Henry Johnson Boulevard 4,000 00 Library Programs Albany, NY 12210

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Oreanlzntlon Name Address Amount Purnnse Hudson Falls Free Library 220 Main Street 4.00000 Library Programs Hudson Falls , NY 12839

Framingham Public Library 49 Lexington Street 4 ,00000 Library Programs Framingham , MA 01702

Hyannis Public Library 401 Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Hyannis, MA 02601

Cambridge Public Library- Valente Branch 826 Cambridge Street 4 ,00000 Library Programs Cambridge , MA 02141

Berkshire Atheneum Pittsfield's Public Library I Wendell Avenue 4 ,000 00 Library Programs Pittsfield, MA 01201

Athol Public Library 568 Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Athol, MA 01331

Springfield City Library 220 State Street 4,00000 Library Programs Springfield , MA 01103

Lawrence Public Library 51 Lawrence Street 4,00000 Library Programs Lawrence , MA 01841

Pollard Memorial Library 401 Merrimack Street 4,00000 Library Programs Lowell, MA 01852

Peabody Institute Library 82 Main Street 4,000 00 Library Programs Peabody, MA 01960

Waltham Public Library 735 Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Waltham, MA 02451

Bridgeport Public Library 925 Broad Street 4,00000 Library Programs Bridgeport, CT 06604

East Hartford Public Library 840 Main Street 4 ,00000 Library Programs East Hartford , CT 06108

New Haven Free Public Library 133 Elm Street 4 ,00000 Library Programs New Haven, CT 06510

Silas Bronson Library 267 Grand Street 4 ,00000 Library Programs Waterbury, CT 06702

Haverstraw King's Daughters Public Library- 85 Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Village Library Haverstraw , NY 10927

West New York Public Library 425 60th Street 4.00000 Library Programs West New York, NJ 07093

Passaic Public Library 195 Gregory Avenue 4,00000 Library Programs Passaic , NJ 07055

Paterson Free Public Library- First Ward Branch 56 North Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Paterson, NJ 07522

Newburgh Free Library 124 Grand Street 4 ,000 00 Library Programs Newburgh, NY 12550

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Oraenlzntlon Name Address Auwunt Purpose Elizabeth Public Library I I South Broad Street 4,00000 Library Programs Elizabeth, NJ 07202

Plainfield Public Library 800 Park Avenue 4,000 00 Library Programs Plainfield, NJ 07060

Flemington Free Public Library 118 Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Flemington, NJ 08822

Irvington Public Library 5 Civic Square 4,00000 Library Programs Irvington, NJ 07111

Orange Public Library 348 Main Street 4,00000 Library Programs Orange, NJ 07050

Perth Amboy Public Library 196 Jefferson Street 4.00000 Library Programs Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Atlantic County Library System/Pleasantville 33 Martin L King Jr Avenue 4,00000 Library Programs Branch Pleasantville, NJ 08232

Neptune Public Library 25 Neptune Boulevard 4,00000 Library Programs Neptune, NJ 07753

Asbury Park Public Library 500 First Avenue 4,00000 Library Programs Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Ocean County Library-Lakewood Branch 301 Lexington Avenue 4,00000 Library Programs Lakewood, NJ 08701

Bridgeton Free Public Library 150 East Commerce Street 4,00000 Library Programs Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Trenton Free Public Library 120 Academy Street 4,00000 Library Programs Trenton, NJ 08608

Camden Free Public Library 418 Federal Street 4,00000 Library Programs Camden, NJ 08103

Library Company of Burlington 23 West Union Street 4,000 00 Library Programs Burlington, NJ 08016

Third Street Music School Settlement 235 East I I th Street 4,00000 School and Community Partnerships New York, NY 10003

New York Public Library-Van Nest Branch 2147 Barnes Avenue 4,00000 Library Programs Bronx, NY 10462

Brooklyn Public Library-Borough Park Branch 1265 43rd Street at 13th Avenue 4,00000 Library Programs Brooklyn, NY 11219

New York Public Library-Mulberry Street Branch 10 Jersey Street 4,00000 Library Programs New York, NY 10012

New York Public Library-Harlem Branch 2011 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr 4,00000 Library Programs Boulevard New York, NY 10029 New York Public Library-Stapleton Branch 132 Canal Street 4,00000 Library Programs Staten Island, NY 10304

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Oreanizalion Name Address Amount Purpose South Jamaica Queens Library 108-4I Guy R Brewer Boulevard 4,000 00 Library Programs Jamaica, NY 11433

Freeport Memorial Library 144 West Merrick Road 4,00000 Library Programs Freeport, NY 11520

Elmont Memorial Library 700 Hempstead Turnpike 4,000 00 Library Programs Elmont, NY 11003

Patchogue-Medford Library 54-60 East Main Street 4,000 00 Library Programs Patchogue, NY 11772

Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library I Haseco Avenue 4,000.00 Library Programs Pori Chester, NY 10573

Bucks County Free Library Ibo Bensalem Branch 3700 Hulmcville Road 4,000 00 Library Programs Bensalem, PA 19020

Bethlehem Area Public Library-South Side Branch 400 Webster Street 4,000 00 Library Programs Bethlehem, PA 18015

Free Library of Philadelphia-South Philadelphia 1700 South Broad Street 4,000 00 Library Programs Branch Philadelphia, PA 19145

Coatesville Area Public Library 501 East Lincoln Highway 4,00000 Library Programs Coatesville, PA 19320

Montgomery County Norristown Public Library 1001 Powell Street 4,00000 Library Programs Norristown, PA 19401

Upper Derby/Sellers Memorial Free Library- 100 Garrett Road 4,00000 Library Programs Municipal Branch Upper Darby, PA 19082

Bull Run Regional Library 8051 Ashton Avenue 4.00000 Library Programs Manassas, VA 20109

Hyattsville Library 6530 Adelphi Road 4,00000 Library Programs Hyattsville, MD 20782

Benning Library 3935 Benning Road NE 4,00000 Library Programs Washington, DC 20019

Essex Library I 110 Eastern Boulevard 4,000 00 Library Programs Essex, MD 21221

Garfield Park Lending Library 26 Karlyn Drive 4.00000 Library Programs New Castle, DE 19720

Harrington Public Library 110 East Center Street 4,00000 Library Programs Harrington, DE 19952

Miami-Dade Public Library-Hispanic Branch 2190 West Flagler Street 4,00000 Library Programs M amt, FL 33135

Broward County Library-Lauderdale Lakes Branch 3521 NW 43 Avenue 4,00000 Library Programs Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319

Broward County Library-Margate Catharine Young 5810 Park Drive 4,00000 Library Programs Branch Margate, FL 33063

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address A mount Purpose Palm Beach County Public Library-Lantana Road 4020 Lantana Road 4,000 00 Library Programs Branch Lake Worth, FL 33462

New Britain Public Library-Jefferson Branch 140 Horseplam Road 4,00000 Library Programs New Britain, CT 06053

Martha Washington Library 6328 Richmond Highway, Unit F 4,00000 Library Programs Alexandria, VA 22306

Boys & Girls Clubs of Middlesex County. Inc 181 Washington Street 4,000 00 Project Learn P 0 Box 269 Somerville, MA 02143 Barry L. Price Rehabilitation Center, Inc 130 Rumford Avenue, Suite 106 4,000 00 ASCENT Program Auburndale, MA 02466

Buckingham Browne and Nichols School 80 Gerry's Landing Road 4,00000 Library Programs Cambridge, MA 02138

Anderson Foundation for Autism, Inc 4885 Route 9 4,000 00 Wheels to Work Program P 0 Box 367 Staatsburg, NY 12580 Saint Francis College 180 Remsen Street 4,00000 Summer Science Academy Brooklyn, NY 11201

Elaine Kaufman Cultural Center/Lucy Moses 129 West 67th Street 4,000 00 Broadway Playhouse School Partnership School for Music and Dance New York, NY 10023

Richmond Community Services Foundation, Inc 272 North Bedford Road 4,000 00 Community Outreach, Recreation and Therapeutic Supports Mount Kisco, NY 10549

Student Advocacy, Inc. 3 West Main Street 4,00000 CLASS Project Elmsford. NY 10523

Neighborhood Housing Services of the Lehigh 239 North Tenth Street 4,000 00 Home Ownership Outreach and Housing Rehabilitation Valley, Inc Allentown, PA 18102 Programs

Young Entrepreneurs Society, Inc 26 South Main Street 4,00000 BizVenture Series Initiative Orange, MA 01364

Trinity Healing Center, Inc 7304 5th Avenue, PMB#272 4,00000 Daughters of the Lotus Initiative Brooklyn, NY 11209

New York Urban League, Inc 204 West 136th Street 4,000 00 Learning To Work Program New York, NY 10030

Central Maine Medical Center 300 Main Street 4,00000 Patrick Dempsey Center for Cancer Hope and Healing Lewiston, ME 04240 Program

St Johnsbury Works 370 Railroad Street 4,000 00 Summerfest Program P 0 Box 327 St Johnsbury, VT 05819 Rockland Center for the Arts, Inc 27 South Greenbush Road 4,000 00 Arts-in-Education for Schools Program West Nyack, NY 10994

Union Community Health Center, Inc 260 East 188th Street 4,000 00 Pediatric Obesity Treatment and Wellness Service Bronx, NY 10458

Queens Council on the Arts, Inc One Forest Park at Oak Ridge 4,00000 High School to An School Program (HS2AS) Woodhaven, NY 11421

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Easter Seals Eastern Pennsylvania 1501 Lehigh Street , Suite 201 4,000 00 Speech Therapy Support for Head Start Program Allentown, PA 18103

Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition 2323 Ranstead Street 4,000 00 Comprehensive Nutrition Program Alliance (MANNA) Philadelphia , PA 19103

Senior Community Services, Inc 600 Swarthmore Avenue 4,000 00 Senior Suppers Home- Delivered Meal Program Folsom , PA 19033

Learn to Read of St Lucie County , Inc 809 Delaware Avenue 4,000 00 Educational Supplies for Our Tutor/Learner Pairs Fort Pierce , FL 34950

United Way of Northern New Hampshire , Inc 961 Main Street 3,900 00 United Way Community Campaign P O Box 614 Berlin, NH 03570 The Partnership , Inc 1201 North Orange Street , Suite 200 3,90000 Superstars in Education Program P 0 Box 671 Wilmington, DE 19899 United Way of Hudson County 857 Bergen Avenue 3,875 00 United Way Community Campaign Jersey City, NJ 07306

United Way of Westchester and Putnam, Inc 336 Central Park Avenue 3,737 00 United Way Community Campaign White Plains, NY 10606

United Way of Clinton & Essex Counties, Inc 45 Tom Miller Road 3,600 00 United Way Community Campaign Plattsburgh, NY 12901

United Way of Rutland County , Inc 6 Church Street 3,500.00 United Way Community Campaign Rutland, VT 05701

Westchester Community Opportunity Program, 2269 Saw Mill Road , Building #3 3,50000 Financial Literacy Program Inc aka WestCOP Elmsford , NY 10523

Thornton W Burgess Society , Inc. 6 Discovery Hill Road 3,500 00 Project LIFE (Lessons in Field Ecology) East Sandwich , MA 02537

Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida , Inc 11347 SW 160 Street 3,50000 Leadership Experience - Starting Today Program Miami, FL 33157

Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership , Inc 125 Lincoln Street , 5th Floor 3,500 00 Housing Supports Program Boston, MA 02111

Rachel's Table 633 Salisbury Street 3,50000 Children's Milk Fund Worcester, MA 01609

Good Shepherd Alliance , Inc 20684 Ashburn Road 3,50000 Six Steps to Self-Sufficiency Housing Program Ashburn, VA 20147

Hope and a Home , Inc 1439 R Street, NW 3,50000 Work and Thrive Initiative Washington , DC 20009

For Love of Children (FLOC), Inc 1763 Columbia Road, NW 3,500 00 Program Support Washington , DC 20009

AHC, Inc aka Arlington Housing Corporation 2230 North Fairfax Drive , Suite 100 3,500 00 Resident Services Academic Enrichment Teen Program Arlington, VA 22201

ECDC Enterprise Development Group 901 South Highland Street 3,50000 Microenterpnse Program Arlington, VA 22204

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Orennlzatlon Nnme Address Amount Purpose Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida, Inc 1224 W Indientown Road 3,500.00 Program Support Jupiter, FL 33458

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland, Inc 83A Bell Street 3,50000 South Street Freeport Building Program P O Box 10505 Portland, ME 04104 Lower Cape Outreach Council, Inc 19 Brewster Cross Road 3,50000 Program Support P 0 Box 665 Orleans, MA 02653 NYSARC, Inc -Putnam County Chapter dba PARC 31 International Boulevard 3,50000 Family Literacy Program Brewster, NY 10509

Campaign for the Westchester Children's Museu m, 3 Barker Avenue, Third Floor 3,50000 Museum Without Walls Program Inc White Plains, NY 10601

ICY-Westchester Community Partners 600 North Broadway 3,500 00 Intergenerational Literacy Programs Yonkers, NY 10701

Westchester Residential Opportwuttes, Inc 470 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 410 3,500 00 Senior Housing Assistance Program White Plains, NY 10605

United Way of Hunterdon County 4 Walter Foran Boulevard, Suite 401 3,400 00 United Way Community Campaign Flemington, NJ 08822

United Way of Essex and West Hudson 303-309 Washington Street 3,225 00 United Way Community Campaign Newark, NJ 07102

Literacy Nassau, Inc 187 Smith Street 3,205 00 Program Support Freeport, NY 11520

United Way of Hampshire County 71 King Street 3,100 00 United Way Community Campaign P O Box 123 Northampton, MA 01061 United Way of Broward County Ansm Building 3,03700 United Way Community Campaign 1300 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Lakes Region United Way, Inc 95 Water Street, Suite I 3,00000 United Way Community Campaign Laconia, NH 03246

Children's Museum of New Hampshire 6 Washington Street 3,000 00 Program Support Dover, NH 03820

Southwestern Community Services, Inc 63 Community Way 3,000 00 Northern New England Annual CAP Training P 0 Box 603 Keene, NH 03431 Merrimack Valley Food Bank, Inc 735 Broadway Street 3,00000 Mobile Pantry Program Lowell, MA 01854

Vassar College 124 Raymond Avenue, Box 14 3,000 00 Community Outreach for Powerhouse Theater Poughkeepsie, NY 12604

The Intersect Fund 103 Bayard Street, Suite 202 3,00000 Build Your Business Empowering Entrepreneurs New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Overlook Hospital Foundation 36 Upper Overlook Road 3,000 00 Program Support Summit, NJ 07901

Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore, Inc 242 Adelphia Road 3,000 00 Girl Scout Outreach Farmingdale, NJ 07727

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Orennlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Redeem-Her 345 River Avenue 3,00000 Financial Literacy P O Box 1352 Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 Pafacom, Inc. 1301 West Forest Grove Road, 3,000 00 Program Support Building 3C Vineland, NJ 08360 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc 371 East Jericho Turnpike 3,00000 Guide Dogs and Capable Canme0) Provision Program Smithtown, NY 11787

Pediatric Cancer Foundation 5 Leatherstocking Lane 3,000 00 Complementary Therapy, Pediatric Oncology Nutrition and P O Box 785 Integrative Medicine Program Mamaroneck, NY 10543 People for People, Inc 800 North Broad Street 3,000 00 Saturday Enrichment Program (SEP) Philadelphia, PA 19130

Tem Lynne Lokoff Child Cars Foundation 100 Ross Road, Suite 160 3,000 00 Child Can: Center Enhancement Grants Program King of , PA 19406

Chester Education Foundation 2600 West 9th Street, Suite GS-100 3,000 00 Reconnecting Youth Program Chester, PA 19013

Bread & Roses, Inc 58 Newbury Street 3,000 00 Program Support Lawrence, MA 01840

Hoops Express, Inc 280 Broadway, 4th Floor 3,00000 HOPE Program Newburgh, NY 12550

Metro YMCAs of the Oranges 139 East McClellan Avenue 3,00000 Peanut Shell Child Care Center Livingston, NJ 07039

Jewish Faintly & Children's Service of Greater 705 Summcrf-ield Avenue 3,000 00 Food Pantry Monmouth County Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Center in Asbury Park, Inc 806 Third Avenue 3,000 00 Supplementary Homelessness Prevention Program Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Ocean County YMCA, Inc 1088 West Whitty Road 3,000 00 Program Support Toms River, NJ 08755

180 Turning Lives Around, Inc I Bethany Road, Building 3, Suite 42 3,000 00 Families In Transition Initiative Hazlet, NJ 07730

Youth Consultation Service, Inc 235 Main Street 3,000 00 Camden Evening and Weekend Reporting Center Progmtn Hackensack, NJ 07601

Reading Reform Foundation of New York 333 West 57th Street, Suite I L 3,00000 In-School Teacher Training Program New York, NY 10019

Curtis Riley Community Development Corporation 43 Main Street, 2nd Floor 3,000 00 Hempstead Business Mentorslup Program Hempstead, NY 11550

Patchogue-Medford Youth and Community 390 Bay Avenue 3,00000 Suite 5 Program Services Patchogue, NY 11772

NAMI New Hampshire 15 Green Street 3,00000 NAMI Connection Peer Support Program Concord, NH 03301

Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc 301 Massachusetts Avenue 3,000 00 Tanglewood Business Partners Program Boston, MA 02115

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Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Womanspece, Inc 1212 Stuyvesant Avenue 3,00000 Housing Advocacy Program Trenton, NJ 08618

Outward Bound Philadelphia Center 3250 West Sedgeley Drive 3,00000 Building Character and Developing the Leadership Skills of Philadelphia, PA 19130 At-Risk Youth, Increasing School Engagement

Maine Discovery Museum 74 Main Street 3.00000 Supporting Families, Supporting the Museum Initiative Bangor, ME 04401

Shelter From The Storm 25 Turnpike Road 3,00000 Transitional Housing Program P 0 Box 257 Jeffrey, NH 03452 Human Services Council, Inc One Park Street 3,00000 Norwalk Mentor Program Norwalk, CT 06851

Westchester Jewish Community Services, Inc 845 North Broadway 3,00000 Parent Child Home Program White Plains, NY 10603

Guidance Center, Inc 70 Grand Street 3,000 00 Parents Place program New Rochelle, NY 10801

Food Bank for Westchester, Inc. 358 Saw Mill River Road 3,000 00 Emergency Food Distribution Millwood, NY 10546

Caring for the Homeless of Peekskill, Inc 200 North Water Street 3,000 00 Fred's Pantry Initiative Peekskill, NY 10566

GUIDE Program, Inc 8643 Cherry Lane 3,00000 Going Green Initiative Laurel, MD 20707

Franklin-Grand Isle United Way, Inc. 109 North Main Street 2,800 00 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 387 Saint Albans, VT 05478 YWCA of Vermont, Inc P 0 Box 148 2,800 00 YWCA Strive Girls Leadership Program South Hero, VT 05486

United Way of North Essex 60 South Fullerton Avenue 2,525 00 United Way Community Campaign Montclair, NJ 07042

Boys and Girls Club of the Lakes Region, Inc. 291 Union Avenue 2,50000 Smart Moves Programs P 0 Box 1536 Laconia, NH 03246 Ludlow Boys and Girls Club, Inc 91 Claudia's Way 2,500 00 Program Support Ludlow, MA 01056

Baypath Elder Services, Inc 33 Boston Post Road West 2,500 00 Money Management Program Marlborough, MA 01752

Mercy Learning Center of Bridgeport. Inc 637 Park Avenue 2,50000 Literacy and Life Skills Program Bridgeport, CT 06604

Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Inc 39 Scofietdtown Road 2,50000 SM&NC in the Schools Program Stamford, CT 06903

Sterling House Community Center 2283 Main Street 2,500 00 Youth Program Assistance Fund Stratford, CT 06615

Seven Angels Theatre, Inc. Plank Road 2,500 00 Where's that Comma? Program P 0 Box 3358 Waterbury, CT 06705 Page 46 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation EIN: 14-1864317

Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Office of Concern at St Cecilia 55 West Demarest Avenue 2,500 00 Nutrition Plus Program Englewood, NJ 07631

The Salvation Army-Atlantic City Corps 22 South Texas Avenue 2,50000 Social , Educational, and Athletic Club (SEA Club) Program Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Parker randy Health Center, Inc 211 Shrewsbury Avenue 2,50000 Diabetes Management Initiative Red Bank, NJ 07701

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation-South 1415 Route 70 East, Suite 502 2,50000 Youth Ambassador Program Jersey Chapter Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Staten Island Childrens Museum 1000 Richmond Terrace 2,50000 Family Passport Program Staten Island, NY 10301

Dorot, Inc 171 West 85th Street 2,500 00 Friendly Visiting Program New York, NY 10024

Center for Independence of the Disabled in New 841 Broadway, Suite 301 2,50000 STEP UP Peer Leadership Program York, Inc New York, NY 10003

La Fuerza Umda, Inc One School Street, Suite 302 2,50000 Housing Counseling. Financial Education and Foreclosure Glen Cove, NY 11542 Prevention

Earth Force, Inc fbo Delaware Valley Earth Force 100 Greenwood Avenue 2,50000 Community Action and Problem Solving (CAPS) Wyncote, PA 19095

Adults with Developmental Disabilities 261 Old York Road, Suite A-50 2,500 00 Social Service to Support Independence Jenkintown, PA 19046

Maternal and Child Health Consortium of Chester 30 West Barnard Street, Suite I 2,50000 Kennett Square Family Center County West Chester, PA 19382

Academy of Community Music, Inc. 601 Bethlehem Pike 2,500 00 Crescendo Music Program Fort Washington, PA 19034

Fair Housing Council of Suburban Philadelphia, 225 South Chester Road, Suite I 2,50000 Fair Housing Initiative Inc Swarthmore, PA 19081

Levine School of Music 2801 Upton Street, NW 2,50000 Program Support Washington, DC 20008

Dwelling Place, Inc 610 East Diamond Avenue, Suite 300 2,500.00 Life Skills Training Gaithersburg, MD 20877

The Women's Center 133 Park Street, NE 2,50000 Low- Income Mental Health Counseling Program Vienna, VA 22180

Read-Aloud Delaware aka Read Aloud Delaware 100 West IOth Street, Suite 309 2,500 00 Volunteer Reading Program P 0 Box 25249 Wilmington, DE 19899 Actors' Playhouse Productions, Inc 280 Miracle Mile 2,500.00 Musical Theatre for Young Audiences Program Coral Gables, FL 33134

Southern Maine Agency on Aging 136 U S Route One 2,50000 Money Mmdcrs Program Scarborough, ME 04074

Opportunity Farm for Boys and Girls 215 Gloucester Hill Road 2,500 00 Academic Program Support P 0 Box 65 New Gloucester, ME 04260

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Oreanizatlan Name Address Amount Purpose Coastal Enterprises, Inc 36 Water Street 2,50000 Housing Counseling and Education Program P O Box 268 Wiscasset, ME 04578 Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, Inc 358 George Carter Road 2,500 00 Inside/Out Free Perfonnance Series Becket, MA 01223

Why Me, Inc 1152 Pleasant Street 2,50000 Childhood Cancer Lifeline Program Worcester, MA 01602

Clark University 950 Main Street 2,50000 Micro-Business Internship Program Worcester, MA 01610

House of Peace & Education, Inc 20 Barthel Avenue 2,50000 HOPE for Kids Gardner, MA 01440

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke, Inc 70 Nick Cosmos Way 2,50000 Power Hour Making Minutes Count P O Box 6256 Holyoke, MA 01041 Asian Center of Memmack Valley, Inc I Ballard Way 2,500 00 Youth Enrichment Programs Lawrence, MA 01843

Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership , 31 Jefferson Street 2,500 00 Children's and Youth Development Program Inc New Haven, CT 06511

Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury, Inc 161 North Main Street 2,50000 Homeowner Education and Loss Prevention Program Waterbury, CT 06702 (HELPP)

Hartford Stage Company 50 Church Street 2,500 00 Connections Literacy Program Hartford, CT 06103

Boys and Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc 170 Sigourney Street 2,50000 Goals for Graduation Hartford, CT 06105

Central New Jersey Council, Boy Scouts of 2245 US Highway 130, Suite 106 2,50000 Scoutreach Program America Dayton, NJ 08810

The First Tee of Greater Atlantic City 90 Mays Landing Road 2,50000 Program Support Somers Point, NJ 08244

Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County, Inc 607 North Jerome Avenue 2,500 00 Economic Response Center Initiative Margate, NJ 08402

Perkins Center for the Arts 395 Kings Highway 2,500 00 ARTS (Arts Reaching The Students) Program Moorestown, NJ 08057

Crossroads Programs, Inc 610 Beverly-Rancocas Road 2,50000 Preteen Promise Program Willingboro, NJ 08046

Woodland Community Development Corporation 1500 Federal Street 2,500 00 Seasonal Youth Employment Program Camden, NJ 08105

NIA Community Services Network 6614 11th Avenue 2,50000 smART After School Program Brooklyn, NY 11219

American Cancer Society, Brooklyn Region 17 Eastern Parkway, 5th Floor 2,500 00 Brooklyn Cancer Patient Navigation Program Brooklyn, NY 11238

Youth Service Opportunities Project, Inc 15 Rutherford Place 2,50000 YSOP Service Programs New York, NY 10003

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Oreanlvttlon Name Address Amount Puronse Fund for Public Schools, Inc 52 Chambers Street, Room 305 2,50000 Library REACH Program New York, NY 10007

Suffolk Y Jewish Community Center. Inc 74 Hauppauge Road 2,500 00 Connect To Care Initiative (C2C) Commack, NY 1 1725

Belmont Child Care Association, Inc 2150 Hempstead Turnpike 2.50000 Early Childhood Education for Children of Immigrants Elmont, NY 11003

American Red Cross in Nassau County 195 Willis Avenue 2,50000 Babysitters Training Program Mineola, NY 11501

New Ground, Inc 211 Fulton Avenue 2,50000 Financial Literacy Program Hempstead, NY 11550

Central Bucks Family YMCA 2500 Lower State Road 2,50000 Childcare Programs Doylestown, PA 18901

THE PROGRAM for Women and Families 927 Hamilton Street 2,50000 Transitional Residence Continuum of Care Initiative Allentown, PA 18101

Manna on Main Street 514 West Main Street 2,50000 Housing and Homeless Prevention Initiative Lansdale, PA 19446

Phoenix Bikes 4200 South Four Mile Run 2,500 00 Youth Entrepreneurs and Leadership Development Arlington, VA 22204

Delaware Symphony Association 818 North Market Street, Floor 2R 2,50000 Education Programs P O Box 1870 Wilmington, DE 19899 Latin American Community Center, Inc 403 North Van Buren Street 2,50000 Bilingual Adult Education and Workforce Development Wilmington, DE 19805 Program

Central New Jersey Council, Boy Scouts of 2245 US Highway 130, Suite 106 2,500 00 Scoutreach Program America Dayton, NJ 08810

Katahdin Area Council, Boy Scouts of America P O Box 1869 2,50000 Program Support Bangor, ME 04401

Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness 57 Exchange Street, Suite 205 2,50000 Student Disabilities Awareness Program Portland, ME 04101

Bishop's Charitable Assistance Fund 153 Ash Street 2.50000 Bishop's Charitable Assistance Fund (BCAF) P O Box 310 Manchester, NH 03105 Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc 814 Goggins Road 2,50000 Program Support Lake George, NY 12845

Schenectady Museum & Suits-Bueclte Planetarium 15 Nott Terrace Heights 2,50000 Powering the Future The STEM Fund Program Schenectady, NY 12308

University at Albany Foundation UAB 226 2.50000 Multicultural High School Achievers Program 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12222 Family Pantry Corporation 133 Queen Anne Road 2,50000 Back to School Program Harwich, MA 02645

Hearth, Inc 1640 Washington Street 2,500 00 Housing Homeless Elders through Hearth's Outreach Boston, MA 02118 Program

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Bethany Hill School, Inc 89 Bethany Road 2,50000 Faintly Education Program Framingham, MA 01702

East End House, Inc 105 Spring Street 2,50000 Middle School Program Cambridge, MA 02141

Fenway Community Development Corporation 73 Hemenway Street 2,500 00 Preserving the Fenway's Affordable Housing Through Boston, MA 02466 Development and Organizing

Boston Children's Theatre, Inc 316 Huntington Avenue 2,50000 Program Support Boston, MA 02116

IS 183, Inc , An School of the Berkshires 13 Willard Hill Road 2,50000 Learning through Arts (LtA) Program P O Box 1400 Stockbridge, MA 01262 Parent Academy, Ltd 31 Pratt Street, 3rd Floor 2,50000 La Academia Para Los Padres Hartford, CT 06103

New Britain Museum of American An, Inc 56 Lexington Street 2,50000 Education Program New Britain, CT 06052

Community Meals, Inc do Christ Church 2,50000 Client Subsidy Program 103 Cottage Place Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Besiwork Industries for the Blind, Inc 801 East Clements Bridge Road 2,50000 Creating Independence for People Who Are Blind Runnemede, NJ 08078

Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, Inc 4 Sawmill Road 2,500 00 Environmental Education for Underserved Students Medford, NJ 08055

Mtllvtlle Anny Air Field Museum, Inc I Leddon Street, Millville Airport 2,50000 New Jersey's Aviation Museums Flights of Discovery Millville, NJ 08332 Program

Gloucester County Special Services Education 1340 Tanyard Road 2,50000 Autism Programs Foundation, Inc Sewell, NJ 08080

Long Island Council of Churches 1644 Denton Green 2,50000 Predatory Lending Prevention/Personal Financial Education Hempstead, NY 1 1550 Program

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater 250 Marcus Boulevard 2,50000 Indoor Playspace for Children with Disabilities Initiative Suffolk, Inc Hauppauge, NY 11788

Hispanic Counseling Center, Inc. 344 Fulton Avenue 2,50000 After School Enrichment and Prevention Program Hempstead, NY 11550

Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth, Inc 34 Park Avenue 2,50000 Safe Schools Init i ative Bay Short:, NY 11706

Long Island Works Coalition, Inc P 0 Box 544 2,50000 Career Academies Wheatley Heights, NY 11798

Gurwin Jewish Healthcare Foundation 68 Hauppauge Road 2,50000 Therapeutic Recreation Program Commack, NY 11725

Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation 301.305 North 9th Street 2,50000 Chinatown Homeownership Initiative Establishing Roots Philadelphia, PA 19107

Budge of Hope Lancaster and Chester Counties 1516 Olive Street 2,50000 Single Homeless Mothers Permanent Housing Program Coatesville, PA 19320

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Encore Experiences at Harleysville 312 Alumni Avenue 2,50000 Program Support Harleysville, PA 19438

Communities In Schools of Delaware, Inc 101 West Loockennan Street. Suite 2A 2,500 00 Student Transition and Enrichment Initiative Dover, DE 19904

Mentonng Center, Inc 1 121 Lucerne Avcnue 2,50000 Lake Worth Resource Center Day Labor Program P 0 Box 284 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Gateway Community Outreach, Inc 291 SE I st Terrace 2.50000 Jumpstart Program Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

Learning for Success, Inc 5532 SW 114th Avenue 2,50000 Kids and the Power of Work (KAPOW) Program Cooper City, FL 33330

Friends of Materials for the Arts, Inc 33-00 Northern Boulevard, 3rd floor 2,50000 Education Program Long Island City, NY I 1101

Maine Humanities Council 674 Brighton Avenue 2,50000 New Books, New Readers Program Portland, ME 04102

King Street Center, Inc. 87 King Street 2,50000 Kids on the Move Initiative P O Box 1615 Burlington, VT 05402 The Hyde Collection 161 Warren Street 2,50000 School Programs and Discovery at The Hyde Glens Falls, NY 12801

Breakthrough Cambridge, Inc 158 Spring Street 2,50000 Middle School Academic Enrichment Program P O Box 381486 Cambridge, MA 02238 Cambridge School Volunteers, Inc. do CRLS 2,50000 High School Programs 459 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02138 Second Step, Inc 288 Walnut Street 2,50000 Economic Empowerment for Domestic Violence Survivors P O Box 600213 Program Newtonville, MA 02460 Heading Home, Inc 99 Bishop Richard Allen Drive 2,50000 Partnership to End Family Homelessness Program P O Box 390516 Cambridge, MA 02139 Mohegan Council, Inc, Boy scouts of America 19 Harvard Street 2,500 00 ScoutReach- Programs Worcester, MA 01609

Berkshire Community College 1350 West Street 2.50000 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute ( OLLI) at Berkshire Pittsfield, MA 01201 Community College Mentonng Program

Worcester Youth Center, Inc 326 Chandler Street 2,50000 Partnerships for Success-A Mentonng Program Worcester, MA 01602

Waterbury Hospital 64 Robbins Street 2,50000 Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI) Waterbury, CT 06708

The New Haven Reads Community Book Bank , 45 Bristol Street 2,50000 After-School Tutoring Program Inc New Haven, CT 06511

Christian Community Action, Inc 168 Davenport Avenue 2,50000 Stepping Stone Transitional Housing Program New Haven, CT 06519

Our Piece of the Pte. Inc 20-28 Sargeant Street, 2nd Floor 2,50000 Pathways to Success Hartford, CT 06105

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, 333 Sherman Avenue 2,500 00 Affordable Homeownership Development and Community Inc New Haven, CT 06511 Engagement Program

Naugatuck Valley Project, Inc 26 Ludlow Street 2,50000 Jobs for the Future Waterbury, CT 06710

New Haven HomeOwnership Center, Inc 333 Sherman Avenue 2,500 00 Comprehensive Homeownership Pre- and Post-Purchase New Haven, CT 06511 Programs

Family Life Education, Inc 30 Arbor Street South, First Floor 2.50000 Teen and Young Parent Support Program Front Hartford, CT 06106 Project Sunshine, Inc 108 West 39th Street, Suite 725 2,50000 Tutonng and Literacy Programming New York, NY 10018

Dutchess Outreach, Inc 29 North Hamilton Street, Suite 223 2,50000 Beverly Closs Food Pantry Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

PathStone Community Improvement of Newburgh 36 Chambers Street 2,50000 First Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling Program P O Box 1086 Newburgh, NY 12550 Elijah's Promise 211 Livingston Avenue 2,50000 Promise Jobs Culinary School New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Hamilton Madison House, Inc 50 Madison Street 2,500 00 Chinatown Resource Center Program New York, NY 10038

ParentJobNel, Inc PS 84 Field Office 2,50000 Financial Literacy Workshops Program 32 West 92nd Street New York, NY 10025 Sanctuary for Families, Inc P O Box 1406, Well Street Station 2,500 00 Economic Empowerment Program New York, NY 10268

Thalia Spanish Theatre, Inc 41-17 Greenpomt Avenue 2,50000 Hispanic Theatre, Music and Dance for Families Program P O Box 4368 Sunnyside, NY 11 104 Town Hall Foundation, Inc 123 West 43rd Street 2,50000 Town Hall Summer Internship Program New York, NY 10036

Junior Achievement of New York 205 East 42nd Street, Suite 203 2,50000 JA New York High School Heroes Program New York, NY 10017

Riverside Park Fund, Inc 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 455 2,500 00 Grassroots Volunteer Program New York, NY 101 15

Association for Ctuldren with Down Syndrome, 4 Fern Place 2,50000 Early Intervention Center Based Program for Children with Inc Plainview, NY 11803 Developmental Disabilities

YES Community Counseling Center 75 Grand Avenue 2,50000 Parent University Program Massapequa, NY 11758

Leake and Watts Services, Inc 463 Hawthorne Avenue 2,50000 After School Learning Hour Yonkers, NY 10705

MusicWorks 2 Manor Close 2,50000 Music Lesson Program Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591

Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry, Inc do United Methodist Church 2,500 00 Food Assistance Program 300 East Main Street P 0 Box 834 Page 52 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation EIN: 14-1864317

Oreenlwtlon Name Address Amount Purpose ArtsWestchester 31 Mamaroneck Avenue 2,50000 Life Savings Mentonng Program White Plains, NY 10601

Accion Communal Latino Amenceno de 512 West Marshall Street 2,500 00 Even Start 'ESL Family Literacy' Program Montgomery County, Inc Norristown , PA 19401

Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation I I Independence Way 2,500 00 Core Services Support Newark , DE 19713

Jewish Federation of Broward County 5890 South Pine Island Road 2,50000 WECARE Food Pantry Davie, FL 33328

United Way of Miami-Dade , Inc 3250 SW 3rd Avenue 2,41000 United Way Community Campaign Miami, FL 33129

United Way of Greater Cumberland County, Inc 629 East Wood Street , Suite 301 2.30000 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 578 Vineland, NJ 08362 Orange County United Way, Inc 30 Scott's Comers Drive, Suite 102 2,12300 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 397 Montgomery , NY 12549 United Way of Chester County 211 North Walnut Street 2,11900 United Way Community Campaign West Chester, PA 19380

Literacy Volunteers of Gloucester County, Inc 523 Egg Harbor Road 2,10000 Tutor Training Initiative P 0 Box 1106 Tumcrsville, NJ 08012 North Shore United Way, Inc 248 Cabot Street 2,00000 United Way Community Campaign Beverly, MA 01915

Breakthrough Manchester at The Derryfield School 2108 River Road 2,000 00 Program Access for Low-Income Students Manchester, NH 03104

Jersey City Public Schools 346 Claremont Avenue 2,000.00 Joint Activities Program Jersey City, NJ 07305

Raman Valley Academy 1690 Stelton Road 2,000 00 Program Support Piscataway , NJ 08854

Jersey Cares , Inc 494 Broad Street, Suite 104 2,000 00 Plant it Forward Program Newark, NJ 07102

YWCA of Trenton 140 Cast Hanover Street 2,000 00 After School Ennchmem Program Trenton, NJ 08608

Staten Island Zoological Society, Inc 614 Broadway 2,000 00 Program Support Staten Island, NY 10310

Art Education for the Blind, Inc 589 Broadway , 3rd Floor 2,00000 Independent Living Skills through the Arts for Students with New York, NY 10012 Vision Loss and Other Disabilities Program

Dominican Sisters Family Health Service , Inc 299 North Highland Avenue 2,00000 Senior Community Care Program Ossining, NY 10562

Guiding Eyes for the Blind , Inc 611 Granite Spnngs Road 2,00000 Sights on College Program Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Minding Your Mind 42 West Lancaster Avenue, Second 2.00000 Empowered Minds Floor Ardmore , PA 19003

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose The Colonial Theatre 95 Main Street 2,000 00 Student Educational Fund Program P 0 Box 77 Keene, NH 03431 Black Men of Greater Springfield, Inc. 160 Thompson Street 2,000 00 W E B Debois Academy/Summer Experience P 0 Box 4342 Springfield, MA 01 101 Girls Incorporated of Worcester 125 Providence Street 2,00000 Economic Literacy for At-Risk Girls Worcester, MA 01604

Berkshires Jazz, Inc. 46 Glory Drive 2,000.00 Pro-Ed Jazz Collaboration (Pro fessional-Educational) Pittsfield, MA 01201

Clinton Township Foundation for Educational P O Box 183 2,000 00 Ready-to-Read Clinton Township Library Initiative Excellence, Inc Annandale, NJ 08801

King Manor Museum 90-04 161st Street, Suite 704 2,00000 History Education Programs for Schools and Families Jamaica, NY 11432

Greater Allen Development Corporation 110-42 Merrick Boulevard 2,00000 Homeownership and Financial Literacy Jamaica, NY 11433

Harbor Child Care 999 Hemcks Road 2,000 00 2010 'Green' Sumner Program New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Centennial Education Foundation 443 Centennial Road 2,00000 Mini-Grant Program Warminster, PA 18974

Women's Educational Center, Inc 46 Pleasant Street 2,00000 Homeless Women and Children's Drop- In Program Cambridge, MA 02139

Ossining Public Library 53 Croton Avenue 2,00000 Program Support Ossining, NY 10562

STRIVE 28 Fodcn Road 2,000 00 Friday Night Social Program South Portland, ME 04103

Wellness Community of Central New Jersey 3 Crossroads Drive 2,000 00 Breast Cancer Networking Group Bedminster, NJ 07921

Interfaith Hospitality Network of Ocean County, 253 Chestnut Street 2,000 00 Emergency Assistance Program for Homeless Families Inc Toms River. NJ 08753

Harlem Arts Alliance 229 West 135th Street 2,00000 Harlem Arts Capacity Building Project (HACBP) New York, NY 10030

Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc 1466 Manor Road 2,00000 Learning Express-Reading on a Rainbow Program Staten Island, NY 10314

Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Montgomery 350 Sentry Parkway, Building 640, 2,00000 Intcrgencrational Programs Assisting Disadvantaged Youth County PA Suite 100 Blue Bell, PA 19422 North Penn United Way 1055 Wowpath Road, 2nd Floor 1,97900 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 99 Hatfield, PA 19440 United Way of Southeast Delaware County 2310 Providence Avenue 1,952 00 United Way Community Campaign Chester, PA 19013

United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley 2200 Avenue A, Third Floor 1,896 00 United Way Community Campaign Bethlehem, PA 18017

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose CultureLEAP 210 Park Avenue, Suite 222 1,83400 EUREKA Math at The Hanover Theatre Program Worcester, MA 01609

Northern Berkshire United Way, Inc 85 Main Street, Suite 408 1,80000 United Way Community Campaign P O Box 955 North Adams, MA 01247 United Way of Bennington County P 0 Box 1430 1,800 00 United Way Community Campaign Manchester Center, VT 05255

Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, Inc 1949 East Main Street 1,800 00 Conservation Jobs for Youth Program Richmond, VT 05477

Junior Achievement of Northeastern New York 8 Stanley Circle 1,75000 Elementary School Program in Glens Falls Latham, NY 12118

Rahway Public Schools Kline Place 1,70000 S E E ( Special Eyes on the Environment) P.O Box 1024 Rahway, NJ 07065 Mayhew 293 West Shore Road 1,700 00 School-Year Mentonng Program P O Box 120 Bristol, NH 03222 United Way of Cape May, Inc 230 East Maple Avenue 1,625 00 United Way Community Campaign P O Box 595 Wildwood, NJ 08260 The United Way of Central Maryland, Inc 100 South Charles Street, 5th Floor 1,61000 United Way Community Campaign Baltimore, MD 21203

United Way of Franklin County, Inc. 51 Davis Street, Suite 2 1,50000 United Way Community Campaign Greenfield, MA 01301

United Way of Greater Attleboro-Taunton, Inc 247 Maple Street 1,500 00 United Way Community Campaign Attleboro, MA 02703

Kids in Crisis, Inc One Salem Street 1,50000 SafeTalk Program Cos Cob, CT 06807

Staten Island YMCA 3939 Richmond Avenue 1,50000 Program Support Staten Island, NY 10312

Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic 544 MacDonough Street 1,500 00 Doing More with Less Education/Financial Literacy Program Brooklyn, NY 11233

My Future-Money Management Workshops, Inc 70 Pine Brook Road 1,50000 My Financial Future Money Management Workshops Bedford, NY 10506

Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation Ridley Creek State Park 1,500 00 Education Program Media, PA 19061

Bates Dance Festival 163 Wood Street 1,500 00 Youth Arts Program Lewiston, ME 04240

SCORE Chapter 379, Monadnock Region 34 Mechanic Street 1,50000 Small Business Workshops Keene, NH 03431

Moving Company Dance Center dba MoCo Arts 76 Railroad Street 1,50000 Creative Arts at Keene (CAKE) Program Keene, NH 03431

Essex County Community Foundation, Inc 175 Andover Street, Suite 101 1,500 00 Greater Lawrence Summer Fund Danvers, MA 01923

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R Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Andover Committee for A Better Chance, Inc 134 Main Street 1,50000 Computer Upgrade and Enhancement Initiative P 0 Box 212 Andover, MA 01810- My Sisters' Place. Inc 102 Pliny Street 1,50000 Transitional Housing and Life Skills Training Program Hartford, CT 06120

Operation Hope of Fairfield, Inc 636 Old Post Road 1,50000 Affordable Housing and Homeless Prevention Program Fairfield, CT 06824

Boys & Girls Club of New Haven 253 Columbus Avenue 1,50000 BE GREAT Graduate program New Haven, CT 06519

PS I30-M Parents Association 143 Baxter Street, Room 101 1,500 00 Art Programming New York, NY 10013

Staten Island Museum 75 Stuyvesant Place 1,500 00 Title I Education Program Staten Island, NY 10301

Riverside Symphony, Inc 225 West 99th Street 1,50000 Music Memory Program New York, NY 10025

Hospital for Special Care 2150 Corbin Avenue 1,500 00 Toy Closet in Outpatient Center New Britain, CT 06053

Academy of Mastery, Inc 193 Grand Street, Third Floor 1,50000 Entrepreneurial Course for High School Students After- Waterbury, CT 06702 School Program

Literacy Volunteers of Moms County, Inc 10 Pine Street 1,500 00 English as a Second Language Morristown, NJ 07960

New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences, Inc I Riverside Drive 1,50000 CAUSE (Community and Urban Science Enrichment) Camden, NJ 08103 Program

Boys & Girls Club of Allentown 720 North Sixth Street 1,50000 Digital Arts Suite Program Allentown, PA 18102

Northeast Delta Dental Foundation, Inc One Delta Drive 1,500 00 P A N D A (Prevent Abuse and Neglect through Dental P O Box 2002 Awareness) Program Concord, NH 03302 New Horizons for New Hampshire, Inc 199 Manchester Street 1,50000 Support of Ongoing Client Programs Manchester, NH 03103

John Andrew Mazie Memorial Foundation 1502 Wisteria Way 1,500 00 Mentonng Program Wayland, MA 01778

Gloucester Stage Company, Inc 267 East Main Street 1,50000 Program Support Gloucester, MA 01930

Greater Lawrence Educational Collaborative 480 Broadway 1,50000 Greater Lawrence Academic Bowl Program Methuen, MA 01844

Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Inc 360 Merrimack Street, Building N5 1,500 00 Financial Literacy Intiative Lawrence, MA 01843

Girls Incorporated of Southwestern Connecticut 35 Park Place 1,50000 financial Literacy Program Waterbury, CT 06702

Westhampton Beach High School 49 Lilac Road 1,50000 FIRST ROBOTICS Competition Westhampton Beach, NY 11978

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I Organization Name Address Amount Purpose United Way of Greater New Bedford, Inc 105 William Street 1,30000 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 7823 L New Bedford, MA 02742 United Way of Lamoille County, Inc 20 Morrisville Plaza. Suite B 1.30000 United Way Community Campaign Morrisville, VT 05661

United Way of Rockland County, Inc M&T Building, 2nd Floor 1,21000 United Way Community Campaign 135 Main Street Nyack, NY 10960 Capital District Gay & Lesbian Community 332 Hudson Avenue 1,10000 Capital Region Safe Schools Project Council, Inc P O Box 131 Albany, NY 12201 Albany County Rural Housing Alliance, Inc 24 Martin Road 1,00000 NPTRF-Coimnunny Training P 0 Box 407 Voorheesvdle, NY 12186 Chelsea Neighborhood Developers, Inc 4 Gemsh Avenue 1,000 00 NPTRF-LIHTC Property Manager Compliance Workshop Chelsea, MA 02150 and Certification

Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition 275 Nonligate Road 1,00000 NPTRF-NeighborWorks Training Institute Burlington, VT 05408

United way of Greater Plymouth County, Inc 928 West Chestnut Street, 2nd Floor 1,00000 United Way Community Campaign Brockton, MA 02301

Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, Inc 50 Congress Street, Suite 730 1,00000 NPTRF-Youth Worker Certificate Training Boston, MA 02109

Vermont Center for ARerschool Excellence 163 South Willard Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Certificate in Non-Profit Management Program P O Box 670 Burlington, VT 05402 Lower East Side Explore Charter School 15 Snyder Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF-Columbia University Institute for Not-for-Profit Brooklyn, NY 11226 Management Program

Doe Fund, Inc 232 East 84th Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Columbia University Institute for Not-for-Profit New York, NY 10009 Management Program

New York Cares, Inc 214 West 29th Street, 5th Floor 1,00000 NPTRF-Columbia University Institute for Not-for-Profit New York, NY 10001 Management Program

Civitas Citizens, Inc 1457 Lexington Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF-Columbia University Institute for Not-for-Profit New York, NY 10128 Management Program

United Way of Bloomfield 385 Broad Street 1,00000 United Way Community Campaign Bloomfield, NJ 07003

The United Way of Salem County, Inc 203 East Broadway 1.00000 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 127 Salem, NJ 08079 United Way of Sussex County 120 Hampton House Road 1.00000 United Way Community Campaign Newton, NJ 07860

United way of Warren County, Inc 37 Belvidere Avenue, Suite IA 1,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Washington, NJ 07882

United Way of Columbia and Greene Counties, 160 Fairview Avenue, Suite 205 1,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Inc P 0 Box 52 Hudson, NY 12534 United Way of Dutchcss County, Inc 75 Market Street 1,00000 United Way Community Campaign Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

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Oreanizallon Name Address Amount Purpose United Way of Sullivan County, Inc 33 Lakewood Avenue 1,000 00 United Way Community Campaign P O Box 1036 r Monticello, NY 12701 United Way of Ulster County, Inc. 450 Albany Avenue 1,000 00 United Way Community Campaign Kingston. NY 12401

United Way of Southern Chester County 106 West State Street 1,00000 United Way Community Campaign P 0 Box 362 Kennett Square, PA 19348 Literacy Volunteers of Orange/Athol 584 Main Street 1,000 00 Books for Babies Athol, MA 01331

Waterbury Youth Service System, Inc 95 North Main Street 1,00000 Business Entrepreneurial ( BE) Program Waterbury, CT 06702

Laconia Area Community Land Trust, Inc 658 Union Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF-NetghborWorks America Training Institute Laconia, NH 03246

The Way Horne, Inc 214 Spruce Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Effective Group and Telephone Foreclosure Manchester, NH 03103 Counseling Strategy

Community Connections, Inc 127 Whites Path 1,00000 NPTRF-Providers cAcedemy Training South Yarmouth, MA 02664

Collier Services 160 Conover Road 1,00000 NPTRF-Columbia University Institute for Not-for-Profit Wickatunk, NJ 07765 Management Program

Futures and Options, Inc. 120 Broadway, Suite 913 1,00000 NPTRF-Columbia University Institute for Not-for-Profit New York, NY 10271 Management Program

Coalition for the Homeless, Inc 129 Fulton Street 1,000 00 NPTRF-Columbia University Institute for Not-for-Profit New York, NY 10038 Management Program

Children's Museum of New Hampshire 6 Washington Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Ektron Certified System Administrator Training Dover, NH 03820

Co-Opportunity, Inc 20-28 Sargeant Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Foreclosure Intervention and Default Counseling Hartford, CT 06105 Certification

Hetnck-Martin Institute, Inc 2 Astor Place 1,000 00 After School Services New York, NY 10003

Jewish Community Council of Pelham Parkway, 2157 Avenue 1,00000 Food Pantry Inc Bronx, NY 10462

Lehman Center for the Performing Arts 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West 1,000 00 Affordable Performances for Bronx Community Residents Bronx, NY 10468

The Arc of Northern Bristol County, Inc 141 Park Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Cotnpetmg For Federal Grants Attleboro, MA 02703

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath Brunswick 85 Maine Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Effective Communications and Human Relations Brunswick, ME 04011

The Legal Project Stuyvesant Plaza 1.00000 NPTRF-Staff Training and Development Day 1475 Western Avenue Albany, NY 12203 Friendship Service Center of New Britain, Inc 241-249 Arch Street 1,000 00 NPTRF -Team Building P O Box 1896 New Britain, CT 06050 Page 58 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation EIN: 14-1864317


Oreanizatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Bangor YMCA 17 Second Street 1,00000 Program Support Bangor, ME 04401

Hancock County Auditorium Associates fbo The 165 Main Street 1,00000 Program Support Grand Ellsworth, ME 04605

Friends of the Ellen M Leach Memonal Home 58 Colonial Circle 1,00000 Activities for Low-Income Seniors Brewer, ME 04412

Windham Child Care Association, Inc 130 Birge Street 1,000 00 Child and Adult Care Food Program Brattleboro, VT 05301

College of St Joseph 71 Clement Road 1,000 00 Students Taking an Effective Path to Success (STEPS) Rutland, VT 05701 Program

Valley Health Connections 268 River Street 1,000 00 Dental Care for Low-Income People Springfield, VT 05156

Govemor's Institutes of Vermont 100 State Street, Suite 334 1,00000 Financial Aid for Low-Income Students Montpelier, VT 05602

Everybody Wins' Vennont, Inc 25 School Street 1,00000 Power Programs P 0 Box 34 Montpelier, VT 05601 Bridgeport YMCA 850 Park Avenue 1,000 00 Program Support Bridgeport, CT 06604

St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Inc 14 Penn Plaza, Suite 1615 1,000 00 Patient Care Program New York, NY 10122

Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association 31 Titus Mill Road 1,00000 River-Friendly Building Community Stewardship Pennington, NJ 08534

Long Island Housing Partnership, Inc. 180 Oser Avenue 1,00000 Mortgage and Pre-purchase Counseling Hauppauge, NY 11788

Glassboro Cluld Development Centers 31 South Main Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Creative Cumculum Training Glassboro, NJ 08028

First Home Alliance, Inc. 3138 Golansky Boulevard, Suite 202 1,00000 NPTRF -Client Management and Tracking with Woodbridge, VA 22192 CounselorMax

Citiwide Harm Reduction Program, Inc 226 East 144th Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Nonprofit Financial Stewardship Concepts and Bronx, NY 10451 Techniques for Strategic Management

Place of Hope, Inc 9078 Isaiah Lane 1,00000 NPTRF- Graphic Design, Web Design Training Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

NeighborWorks HomeOwnershtp Center of 674 Main Street 1,00000 NPTRF -Foreclosure Basics E-Leanung Worcester Worcester, MA 01610

Somerset County Coalition on Affordable Housing 600 First Avenue, Suite 3 1,000 00 NPTRF- Homeownership Counseling Certification for Corporation Raritan, NJ 08869 Executive Directors

Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation 1368 Fulton Street 1,00000 NPTRF- Achieving Excellence in Community Development Brooklyn, NY 11216

Red Hook Initiative 767 Hicks Street 1,00000 NPTRF- NY School Age Credential Program Brooklyn, NY 11231

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W Oreanlzatlon Name A dress Amount Purpose Visiting Health and Supportive Services 215 Route 31 1,00000 NPTRF-Alzhcuncrs Training for Care Staff Flemington, NJ 08822

Ecology Education, Inc. 8 Moms Avenue, Building One 1,00000 Ferry Beach Ecology School Program Saco, ME 04072

Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity 61 Main Street, Suite 204 1,000 00 Tenth Home Program P 0 Box 391 North Adams, MA 01247 Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership, 2470 Fairfield Avenue 1,000 00 Juvenile Review Board Program Inc Bridgeport, CT 06605

Greater Gardner Community Development 246 Central Street 1,000 00 NPTRF-Compliance with State and Federal Regulations, Corporation Gardner, MA 01440 Introduction to Homeownership Counseling

Tech Mission, Inc 31 Torrey Street 1,00000 NPTRF- Institute for Nonprofit Leadership and Management Dorchester, MA 02124

Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee, Inc I I Inman Street 1,00000 NPTRF- Financial Coaching Training Cambridge, MA 02139

NeighborWorks New Horizons 235 Grand Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF-Sage Timberline Online Training New Haven, CT 06513

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, Inc 504 Dudley Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Boston University's Institute for Nonprofit Roxbury, MA 02119 Management and Leadership

Midas Collaborative, Inc 20 Linden Street, Suite 288 1,00000 NPTRF-Financial Coaching 1 raining Allston, MA 02134

Somerville Community Corporation, Inc 337 Somerville Avenue, 2nd Floor 1,00000 NPTRF-Financial Coaching Training Somerville, MA 02143

Quantum House, Inc 901 45th Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Hospitality House Training, Pittsburgh, PA, 9/21/10 West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Jewish Federation of Broward County 5890 South Pine Island Road 1,00000 NPTRF-Philanthropic Giving Davie, FL 33328

Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Delaware 1608 Walnut Street, 10th Floor 1,000 00 NPTRF-NetghborWorks Training institute Valley Philadelphia, PA 19103

Community Capital Resources 7 West Cross Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Spanish Language Class Hawthorne, NY 10532

Lawrence Community Works, Inc 168 Newbury Street 1,00000 NPTRF- Financial Coaching Training Lawrence, MA 01841

Hoineowner's Rehab, Inc 280 Franklin Street 1,00000 NPTRF- Financial Coaching Training Cambridge, MA 02139

Dot Well 1452 Dorchester Avenue, 4th Floor 1,00000 NPTRF-Financtal Coaching Training Dorchester, MA 02122

Jewish Vocational Service, Inc 29 Winter Street, 3rd Floor 1,00000 NPTRF- Financial Training Coaching Boston, MA 02108

Time for Teens, Inc 26 Henry Street 1,000 00 Teen Bereavement Retreat P 0 Box 552 Southampton, NY 11969

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purpose Duffy's Hope. Inc 200 West 9th Street, Suite 417 1,00000 H 0 P E (Helping Our young People to Excel) Program Wilmington, DE 19801

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Allentown, 2141 Downyflake Lane 1,00000 NPTRF-Integrated Generalist Social Work Practice Inc Allentown, PA 18103 Workshop

Jersey City Episcopal Community Development 514 Newark Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF- NeighborWorks Tratnings Using the HOME Corporation Jersey City, NJ 07306 Program

Dorchester Bay Economic Development 594 Columbia Road 1,000 00 NPTRF-Certificate for Nonprofit Management and Corporation Dorchester, MA 02125 Leadership

Father Bill's & MamSpring, Inc 422 Washington Street 1,000 00 NPTRF-Wnte Like A Pro Quincy, MA 02169

Green Beginnings Institute P 0 Box 300098 1,00000 NPTRF-Lead-Safe Renovator Supervisor Moderate Risk Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Deleadmg Option

Capital District Community Loan Fund, Inc 255 Orange Street, Suite 103 1,00000 NPTRF-Stabilization and Growth Core Curriculum Albany, NY 12210

Interfaith Nutrition Network aka The INN 211 Fulton Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF-Leadership for Human Service Managers Hempstead, NY 11550

Consumer Credit Management Services 315 NE 2nd Avenue 1,000 00 NPTRF-Foreclosure Intervention and Default Counseling Delray Beach, FL 33444

Southern Maine Agency on Aging 136 US Route One 1,000 00 Meals on Wheels Program Scarborough, ME 04074

Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake, Inc 35 Acadia Road 1,00000 Program Support Casco, ME 04015

Youth Alternatives Ingraham 50 Lydia Lane 1,000 00 Program Support South Portland, ME 04106

Operation Tribute 59 Sanford Drive, Suite 6 1,000 00 Operation Tnbutc Program P O Box 699 Gorham, ME 04038 Fryeburg Recreation Department, Inc 2 Lovell Pond Road 1,000 00 Fryeburg Community Center P O Box 152 Frycburg, ME 04037 Amistad 66 State Street 1,000 00 Peer Services P 0 Box 992 Portland, ME 04101 Cambridge Credit Counseling Corporation 67 Hunt Street 1,00000 NPTRF-NeighborWorks Training Institute, Agawam, MA 01001

Friends Excel of Academy, Inc 1 150 Saratoga Street 1,00000 NPTRF- Institute for Non-Profit Management and Leadership East Boston, MA 02128

Presbyterian Children's Village Services 452 South Roberts Road 1,00000 NPTRF- Making Ethical Decisions that Promote Engagement, Rosemont, PA 19010 Child Safety, Permanency and Well Being

Regina Maternity Services Corporation 29 Kirkwood Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF-Intent Care and Development Merrick, NY 11566

New Neighborhoods, Inc 40 Stillwater Avenue 1,00000 NPTRF-Certified Occupancy Specialist Stamford, CT 06902

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Oreanization Name Address Amount Purpose Housing Corporation of Arlington 20 Academy Street, Suite G- I 1,00000 NPTRF-Cominumcanons for Expansion Arlington, MA 02476

Mid-Hudson Small Business Development Center SUNY Ulster 1,00000 Small Business Counseling Business Resource Center One Development Court Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association, Inc. 12 Moms Road 1,00000 Green Ribbon Trail Enhancement Ambler, PA 19002

Del-Mar-Va Council, Boy Scouts of America 100 West 10th Street, Suite 915 1,000 00 Scoutreach Initiative Wilmington, DE 19801

New Jersey Community Capital 16-18 West Lafayette Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Problem Loan Workouts Trenton, NJ 08608

Check-Mate, Inc 910 Fourth Avenue 1,000 00 NPTRF-'Changing the Work Environment, Customer Service Asbury Park, NJ 07712 Excellence Training

Adams Street Foundation, Inc 283 Adams Street 1,00000 NPTRF-Columbia University Executive Education Institute Brooklyn, NY 11201 for Not-for-Profit Management

Serviam Girls Academy, Inc 14 Halcyon Drive 1,00000 NPTRF-Nonprofit Management Certification Course New Castle, DE 19720

Bottomless Closet 15 Penn Plaza, B Level, Suite 40 1,00000 NPTRF-Colutnbia University Executive Education Institute New York, NY 10001 for Not-for-Profit Management

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cumberland & Salem 1944 East Landis Avenue 975 00 NPTRF- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Amenca Trainings Counties, Inc P 0 Box 2188 Vineland, NJ 08362 Boys & Girls Clubs of Metrowest, Inc 169 Pleasant Street 975 00 NPTRF- Public Administration Training Marlborough, MA 01752

Debt Counseling Corporation 3033 Express Drive North 97000 NPTRF-Foreclosure Counseling Training Hauppauge, NY 11749

Boys & Girls Club of Allentown 720 North Sixth Street 970 00 NPTRF- Standard First Aid & Adult/Chdd CPR Training Allentown, PA 18102

Solidandad Sin Frunteras, Inc P 0 Box 832814 95000 NPTRF-The Minority Educational Counseling/Prevention Miami, FL 33283 Class

St Agnes Senior Citizen Housing Development 1904 St Agnes Road 947 00 NPTRF- Supplemental Trusts Fund Company, Inc Uniondale, NY 11553

Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, Inc 240 Fairfield Avenue, 3rd Floor 906 00 NPTRF-Business Law 11 & Writing Paragraph to Essay Bridgeport, CT 06604

Trekkers, Inc P 0 Box 455 900 00 NPTRF- Project Adventure Tenants Harbor, ME 04860

People for People. Inc. 800 North Broad Street 895 00 NPTRF-Granlsmanshtp Training Program Philadelphia, PA 19130

Boat People SOS, Inc , Philadelphia Branch 600 Washington Avenue, Suite 18 U-A 894 00 NPTRF-Program Budgeting for the Real World Philadelphia, PA 19147

Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, 333 Sherman Avenue 85000 NPTRF-eTapestry Online Training Inc New Haven, CT 0651

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Oreanlzatlon Name Address Amount Purp ose Housing Partnership for Moms County, Inc 2 East Blackwell Street, Suite 12 840 00 NPTRF- Horne Ownership Education Certification, Dover, NJ 07801 Principles, Practices & Techniques

Charlotte White Center 572 Bangor Road 800 00 NPTRF-Planned Giving Workshop Senes, Augusta, ME, P O Box 380 Starting 1 /19/10 thru Nov 23, I day every two months Dover-Foxcrofl, ME 04426 Twin Cities Community Development Corporation 470 Main Street 800 00 NPTRF-National NeighborWorks Community Leadership Fitchburg, MA 01420 Institute

Redeetn-Her 345 River Avenue 750 00 NPTRF-Certificate in Nonprofit Financial Management P O Box 1352 Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 Episcopal Community Services of the Diocese of 225 South 3rd Street 75000 NPTRF- Parent P roject racilitator Training Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19106

Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County 181 South East Silt Avenue 750 00 NPTRF- Flonda Housing Coalition Training Delray Beach, FL 33483

Pathways PA, Inc 310 Amosland Road 75000 NPTRF-The Assets Movement at its Moment, C reating the Holmes, PA 19043 Save and Invest Economy

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of Rockville 90 Cherry Lane 750 00 NPTRF- Integrated Media Production Centre Hicksville, NY 11801

Newhallville Housing and Development 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, 705 00 NPTRF-NeighborWorks America Training Institute Corporation #203 P 0 Box 6183 Heritage United Way, Inc 228 Maple Street, 4th Floor 610 00 NPTRF-AIRS (Alliance of Information & Referral Systems) Manchester, NH 03103 Online Training Management Model

United Way of Southbridge, Sturbridge and 155 Main Street, 2nd Floor 60000 United Way Community Campaign Charlton Southbridge, MA 01550

United way of Southern Windsor County, Inc P O Box 491 600 00 United Way Community Campaign Lebanon, NH 03766

Housing Partnership Development Corporation 450 7th Avenue, Suite 2401 595 00 NPTRF- Housing Partnership Network New York, NY 10123

Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency 2 Jake Garzto Drive 590 00 NPTRF- Redevelopment Training Process Ewing Township, NJ 08628

Mount Airy Revitalization Corporation 2001 Tulpehocken Street 589 00 NPTRF- Environmental Law Forum Philadelphia, PA 19138

Athol Area United Way, Inc 545 Main Street 500 00 United Way Community Campaign Athol, MA 01331

Greene Avenue Housing Development Fund do TUC Management 50000 Low-Income Housing Program Corporation 200 West 57th Street, Suite 702 New York, NY 10019 Reading Reform Foundation of New York 333 West 57th Street, Suite I L 50000 Teacher Training Program New York, NY 10019

American Folk An Museum 45 West 53rd Street 50000 Art Education Program for Youth New York, NY 10019

Project Linkage Housing Development Fund do TUC Management 50000 Affordable Housing Program Corporation 200 West 57th Street, Suite 702 New York, NY 10019

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Art Students League of New York 215 West 57111 Street 500 00 An Training Program New York, NY 10019

Alert Engine, Hook, Ladder and Hose Co, No I, 555 Middle Neck Road 500 00 Fire Protection and Rescue Program Inc Great Neck, NY 11023

Histonc Preservation Commission of Greater Neck 2 Gussack Plaza 500 00 Historic Preservation of Great Neck Plaza Plaza P 0 Box 440 Great Neck, NY 11022 Lawrence-Cedarhurst Fire Department, Inc 75 Washington Avenue 50000 Safety Programs Lawrence, NY 11559

Project Extreme 335 Central Avenue 500 00 At-Risk Youth Programs Lawrence, NY 11559

Staten Island Inter-Agency Council for the Aging, do Sea View Hospital 500 00 Senior Housing Program Inc 460 Bnelle Avenue, Admin Bldg, Room 123 Calvary Baptist Church 123 West 57th Street 50000 LifeSkills 4 Kids Community Program New York, NY 10019

Lifeline Center For Child Development 80-09 Winchester Boulevard 50000 Therapeutic Programs for Emotionally Disturbed Children Queens Village, NY 11427

Greater Bethel Community Development 94-21 Merrick Boulevard 50000 Giving and Receiving Program Corporation Jamaica, NY 11433

Keeping Maine's Children Connected do DHHS 500 00 Keeping Maine 's Children Connected 161 Marginal Way Portland, ME 04101 Vermont Interfaith Action, Inc 152 Pearl Street 50000 NPTRF-PICO Staff Development Course Burlington, VT 05401

Metropolitan Fire Association, Inc P 0 Box 50235 500 00 Volunteer Fire Youth Explorer Educational Program Staten Island, NY 10305

Chnstian Community Outreach Ministnes, Inc 22 Maple Avenue 50000 Basic Adult Education and Training Program Danbury, CT 06810

New York Music for Youth Foundation 130 East 59th Street 500 00 Community Center Programs New York, NY 10022

Municipal Art Society of New York III West 57th Street 500 00 CITI Youth Program New York, NY 10019

Junior Achievement of New York 205 East 42nd Street, Suite 203 500 00 9th-I Ith Grade Personal Economics Programs New York, NY 10017

Citymeals-on-Wheels 355 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor 500 00 Meals to Needy New York, NY 10017

The Endowment for Inner-City Education 1011 First Avenue, Suite 1313 500 00 'Aiming for Academic Achievement' Literacy Initiative New York, NY 10022

Callen-Lorde Community Health Center 356 West 18th Street 50000 Health and Social Services Program New York, NY 10011

Nontraditional Employment for Women 243 West 20th Street 500 00 Career Training Program New York, NY 1001 1

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Organization Name Address Amount Purpose Early Stages Program, Inc 27 West 20th Street, Suite 706 500 00 Teaching Artists Program New York, NY 10011

Project Renewal, Inc, 200 Vanck Street 500 00 Next Step Money Management Program New York, NY 10014

Grand Central Neighborhood Social Services 120 East 32nd Street 500 00 Mainchance Drop-In Center Corporation New York, NY 10016

Student Sponsor Partners 286 Madison Avenue, Suite 1601 500 00 Student Sponsor Partners Program New York, NY 10017

Midwood Development Corporation 1516 Avenue M 50000 PROJECT SWEEP Brooklyn, NY 11230

Family Head Start 1 114 Avenue J 500.00 Childhood Education Brooklyn, NY 11230

Dynamite Youth Center Foundation, Inc 1830 Coney Island Avenue 500 00 Life Skills Training Program Brooklyn, NY 11230

Council of Jewish Organization of Flatbush, Inc 1550 Coney Island Avenue 500 00 Emergency HEAP Program Brooklyn, NY 11230

Esperanza NY, Inc 636 Broadway, 4th Floor 500 00 Esperanza Education Initiative New York, NY 10012

Homefirst Interfaith Housing and Family Services, 1009 Park Avenue 338 00 NPTRF-New Jersey Mental Health and the Lew 2010 Inc Plainfield, NJ 07060

Taller Puerlomqueno, Inc 2721 North 5th Street 298 00 NPTRF-Individual Giving The Essential Fundraising Tool Philadelphia, PA 19133

Westchester Residential Opportunities, Inc 470 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 410 250 00 NPTRF- Fundanientals of Fair Housing White Plains, NY 10605

WATCH, Inc aka Waltham Alliance To Create 517 Moody Street 200 00 NPTRF-Centro Presence 's Intennediate/Advanced Spanish Housing, Inc Waltham, MA 02453 Class for Community Organizers

Community Partnership Development Corporation 450 71h Avenue, Suite 2401 175 00 NPTRF-Use of Low Income Tax Credits in Affordable New York, NY 10123 Housing Development

Maine Historical Society 489 Congress Street 30,000 00 MHS Library Renovation and Expansion Portland, ME 04101

Mitchell Institute 22 Monument Square, Suite 200 30,000 00 Program Support Portland, ME 04101

Centenary College 400 Jefferson Street 25,000 00 David and Carol Lackland Center Hackettstown, NJ 07840

Northwestern Human Services of Philadelphia, Inc 620 Germantown Pike 50,000 00 Supported Employment Services for Individual Placement Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 and Support Program

Operation Warm, Inc 1653 Bnntons Bridge Road 10,000.00 Operation Warm Coal Program Chadds Ford, PA 19317

Saint Michael's College SMC Box 256 10,000 00 Green Mountain Educational Fund Program One Winooski Park Colchester, VT 05419

Page 65 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation EIN: 14-1864317

Organization Name Address Amount Purpose

Total 12,049,414 Future Contributions Payable 355,000 2010 Canceled Grant Checks Reissued in 2011 (41,500) Total 2010 Grant Expense 12,362,914

Page 66 of 66 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

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TD Banknorth N.A. Money Market 12/31/10 Sales (2) 01/01/10 To 12/31/10 1 000 0.00 116,709.82 -116,709. 82 0.00

TD Asset Memt Money Mkt Instl CI #1 12/31/10 Sales (50) 01/01/10 To 12/31/10 1.000 0.00 36,738,818.86 -36,738,818.86 0.00 Total Cash and Equivalent $ 36,855,528.68 $ -36,855,528.68 $ 0.00


Abercromb & Fitch Co CI A 01/14/10 Sold 7240 Shs 01 /11/10 32.671 223.28 236,316.21 -176,73670 59,579.51 To Goldman Sachs & Co. @ 32.6712

Page 1 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

.y^....y.r T ,, +„ -r ^ -;s 'E.5' ^ vr^r.^ ,^.. _"n• -r. ^r,rwr^,^n ^r,.. K-. X^; Fr ^,^;-+-^S ^an^•r ^ r4 ^^'It^9 -p^^ '411',"^^^, L ^^''-'^.qe,+A 5 ^ i^i¢ a ,S. ^ 9iyn\^`.f?t't li}i^^,, v , t'^a"^` ^t.+ y, L^^^^'^\'y;^;);,ar^;`^`Ft^f31r'!V`^1 ^''3,.Itv":+^5 ^`,^''r+7..TYi" `Yt7i•"v^' r''rK r^°n^ ik ^'i 1 f. i r- • .Y• , 'F a ^ n ^• z lay s • q p ^^ ry,^ a ^ai^'.M•J,, ray o-^ ^t., r.'r.'.:^i, . aCr'h ti , ^,^ t 1^ ^5t^m "^ ^do-,'1,^1•' '^F'^`' : R^.^ ^^i5':..x"'Y"^lFi;^^``^itiir^.e,,.h.^Sh.•^x.F. tt3;kr .i^tn'^'^,'ri- ^..^S^a_.h'u._^r"..Y^^;^^^^., '^"^'F^?^^^^:'^IGd ^^is^s'^``^w^kW: r i,`,.^^.;i^a^^' at^.ev • ^^^^^^^^^^^`^'^ ^:al ^9,'^'"tLr^`^},`,^AAN Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

Chevron Corporation 01/14/10 Sold 590 Shs 01/11/10 80.758 18.92 47,628.30 -58,427 70 -10,799.40 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 80.758

01/14/10 Sold 460 Shs 01/11/10 70 186 14.63 32,270.93 -41,261.25 -8,990.32 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 70 186

Fastenal Co 01/14/10 Sold 7030 Shs 01/11/10 45 880 219.19 322,316.51 -328,407.16 -6,09065 To Goldman Sachs & Co. @ 45 8799

01/14/10 Sold 8050 Shs 01/11/10 26.788 247.04 215,400.38 -194,616.79 20,783.59 To Goldman Sachs & Co @ 26 7885

01/15/10 Sold 6780 Shs 01/12/10 26.485 205 68 179,365 33 -144,511 17 34,854.16 To ESI-Execution Services @ 26.4854

Page 2 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

-^:r.^.^c+ ry..**ni^a'°.'- c-q^^'wr r^r m =1`^r ^'5jq,:rc S tia^,•!i^- 4:==ai 94 ^^r^ ^z'F • <'f: ^^'.'",'' l l`` ^':3`-,'x,Y rq R:l ' .;C}F i t - & ! ^;" .+ f,`t i 1^7 r f r{ r^• Sale`ACtllty y ', , NII' ^^i. ^. •i ^ i4r.^t^.^f^.^ON, `"^^5., Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 02/23/10 Sold 3950 Shs 02/18/10 47 281 120 87 186,640.26 -110,261.06 76,379 20 To Goldman Sachs & Co. @472813

Medtronic Inc. 03/19/10 Sold 7010 Shs 03/16/10 45.029 214.31 315,438.98 -353,661.09 -38,222.11 To Goldman Sachs & Co. @ 45.029

Ace LTD 04/13/10 Sold 260 Shs 04/08/10 53 216 8 04 13,828.20 -13,295.49 532.71 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 53.2163

Transocean LTD Zug

04/13/10 Sold 200 Shs 04/08/10 87 .245 6 30 17,442 70 -15,376 02 2,066.68 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 87.245

04/13/10 Sold 500 Shs 04/08/10 25 977 15.23 12,973.32 -15,452 75 -2,479.43 To Goldman Sachs Execution & CIr L @ 25.9771

Page 3 TD Charitable Foundation January 1 , 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number : 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

^...'-.4,.'`, n^n• ...... ;T-"-..- ---r-•-';'7 ..^.f-^..;a•"-^- eras-,! !r g?+-^.^. ^+s":."C'T•:y,^n -,'_ •-',-^^AV,r+caT' i r:•^ Y^ 1r ^'.TY" -, ^-yc zJ.-.-^•rt_ 'TTi..Ci^1'p",r^,'"R CSC .ia^i'^^^`:i^.^^r. ;--„a.._. ?!t'C',, " r. '"r y •P. ^"' ^C^ r }_ ;h: J 4, ^•Rt-; .'.i `,i^° ft ^i;,+q^:_ i^'^:-^'^`-:^^Lsry^' _ ' 7^ ^ ^,4 4+• 1y ^..:+^ Y'tiJ)•iY P.,":,r,^1 4 , ,1 r ^^ ., •.^`''^''^,.rv t ?L aS',•,'C•: .' ry, ViaJ.;,•;k?c,i'V ^^'` ^- a . nsr?^f^r^ .,,;{ M4 y- Y 'j f ^ri .7:i! ^'r^,' p• , i,` ',iiVr^ t^r`G ^; , [ ^'.T'^^ -v:^• ^` ,^ ^ ^;^^itl^A.^"33`.°..^q` "^,y''^, ` ^a. .gip:=, , t 4 ?r a^r.,^^. t,•^,.^ ^'c, ;..^: n ` ^ , _ c . Sale:Activity `^ ^T t``/ _ ^ E^} ^ q, ^.R- '^':';•) ti; i y 'tit ^^'^ L'..:.c._.:lr-^'• L ;'.1,--c.t^^:'j.C 'S, i_...... ''^ A_sh ^^saL+^:i4'.,. ^k^:e^J..^.T'ti_ck' ^d'•^Gr^^fa^: •n'iio^.•3,':....t',kilu"w.^i^cN ^^iy?"i.6iu`l...t^'^1M^Sm i`."-k^;evt.oa^ .S^,`n.:.a'^-'^tr^?:^ctc^::i,^:.^_J_.+.°...^.L^•?'::i5`wa...}^t{^,:c1{Y i .v .Z:l•a_J w: J , Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

American Express Co 04/13/10 Sold 580 Shs 04/08/10 43 630 17.83 25 ,287.57 -27,051.20 -1,763.63 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 43.63

Apache Corporation 04/13/10 Sold 210 Shs 04/08/10 106 160 6 . 68 22 ,286.92 -28,400.40 -6,113 48 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 106.16

Apollo Group Inc CI A 04/13/10 Sold 290 Shs 04/08/10 62.983 9.01 18,256 . 18 -17,393.42 862 76 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 62.9834

Autodesk Inc 04/13/10 Sold 730 Shs 04/08/10 31 . 043 22 28 22 ,638.89 -29,991 . 21 -7,352.32 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Cir L @ 31 0427

Bhp Billiton LTD 04/13/10 Sold 220 Shs 04/08/10 81 374 6 91 17,895.44 -10,192 40 7,703.04 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 81.3743

Page 4 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 -December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

i y `,^ ,' y"'^ '•;+t. mSSr^Rvm 1, ' i5.'CI i,^^ i L T=y, Sale Activity ,^ ^ s.- s K ^'^t.}'rti•,y ^,'u ^y,^ j h `_-. iS,. u •i:_:aS. ^. .s:. ': ^,4^:^.,^i^t.^r»iY fh. s^i+ ^L c r "`chE.a'.^ ,tln>aTr ^9`" LAu"" ^3. U!4i'. Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Chevron Corporation 04/13/10 Sold 230 Shs 04/08/10 77 824 7.21 17,892.36 -22,776 90 -4,884.54 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 77.8242

Cimarex Enerev Co 04/13/10 Sold 340 Shs 04/08/10 61.946 10.56 21,050.98 -22,997.36 -1,946.38 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 61.9457

Cisco Systems Inc 04/13/10 Sold 1020 Shs 04/08/10 26.323 31 06 26,818.61 -26,887.20 -68.59 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 26 3232

Clorox Co 04/13/10 Sold 310 Shs 04/08/10 63 217 9.64 19,587.48 -18,128.80 1,458.68 To Goldman Sachs Execution & CIr L @ 63.2165

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 04/13/10 Sold 380 Shs 04/08/10 50.974 11.73 19,358.54 -7,827 81 11,530.73 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Cir L @ 50.9744

Page 5 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number . 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317 *'a T; t+-...q ..g^,` 1..^^:v.R,- ^^!C"- •^ '`'A •. ^-7?maia•eyI'Y-' ^,a, - T.'+° `{rS^l^In:Fik^^:^?r^^=+j! .T1, r1S!^'3 y' ...: ^4-•^t4 < r.v-' r1; ']`:l ,vr• rfr-. MT-'-; _ ^'' .]Trr^rr '4`f"; iS -,. ni r k'^'i^ c•'1., VIttl^ ^li,+`y^ "a iR.. ., Y:.' ,^}r^• i ^)°^•y'i..•^3 [` t`y.V<'V`, '7 ^ _ +ifi y -^4.,`^iT.r^• P ^ i •I, .r .',^}^ t, 5f ,t ^ I: 1-^.• '^^-yR!` i•'- i.,f r r^ ^wY.{.4L"' '^'y .'i _i^. tr , r^ Y^;Cft.'tt.? y-•, ri.^. std tie'{ n ,^'{, r}, t^, Ca. fit` {:•.^t.., k rU^i^" A {'w; 'J. E5 47 afe^ti Ct1^ •^^ "^`'' ".' R .^tq ^.1 S `"li i} 3 t+' S`'1^!Se;,,^ ^^, t 'r: -.• vnr' ::::^ 551W .1^^j; f;r 1 h' ' ^L F. ,II ti'+..r 'C` • •a 1'1 ^,1^ '^+ `. : ^ 4• }, •x^l t Y^•t ^'hF . ^e 3. a' ' I 1,^, ^; i V r 'a't sr F , y7^ `^ F, F 1 . ,. ' ., J_. r k1 A^ r t {^::. {.^ . ^.5 Cl 'i . t' _, 1' i ^. ^"'•'nv.^'11`^^t:^li'.5 8q,^'_. '.•.a.:^•tnl ^.l^'^1^L'na"oat^^ .^aRi:^.+^^' ,s^!^^n-<'_4a ti ^,LL^C5^'^^""'t,_„x_^t'..h a'^_A,^:i^+s^ c^{'^s.WSir-, P:ai:Si^,-:^:t"i"^.,'_.,- 2 Q.•rS-rc: 'i.'. a; .^,.^'tr:.+ti;aC.t-n,'Ma^•J+ ,sr _..^'.^ .lr_i!..• :^ _ ,L : Mi r:::.t ;^t, 'I+t_. 1 Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

Colgate Palmolive Co 04/13/10 Sold 190 Shs 04/08/10 84 .595 5. 98 16,067 .07 -12,053.70 4,013 37 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 84.595

Diageo PLC ADR 04/13/10 Sold 360 Shs 04/08/10 69 .015 11.23 24 ,834.03 -28,311.66 -3,477.63 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 69.0146

Walt Disney Co 04/13/10 Sold 400 Shs 04/08/10 35 .740 12.24 14,283.76 -13,604.36 679.40 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 35.74

EMC Corporation/Mass 04/13/10 Sold 1330 Shs 04/08/10 18 .420 40.32 24,458.28 -23,356.79 1,101.49 To Goldman Sachs Execution & CIr L @ 18.42

Emerson Electric Co 04/13/10 Sold 410 Shs 04/08/10 50 .920 12 .66 20,864.54 -19 ,494.19 1,370.35 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 50.92

Page 6 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Exelon Corp 04/13/10 Sold 330 Shs 04/08/10 44.400 10.15 14,641 85 -16,051 46 -1,409.61 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 44.4

Expeditors Intl Wash Inc 04/13/10 Sold 410 Shs 04/08/10 36 640 12.56 15,009.84 -14,150.49 859.35 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 36.64

Exxon Mobil Corp 04/13/10 Sold 250 Shs 04/08/10 68 .100 7.79 17,017.21 -22,424 59 -5,407.38 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 68.1

Gallagher Arthur J & Co 04/13/10 Sold 540 Shs 04/08/10 24.560 16.43 13,245.97 -14,050.47 -804.50 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 24.56

Hewlett Packard Co 04/13/10 Sold 360 Shs 04/08/10 53.605 11 13 19,286.82 -13,424.98 5,861.84 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Cir L @ 53.6054

Page 7 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number : 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

' ^..t...^. ,.Y `i].•-1^ R' .18`x 1j, .. ^.- _ :., J4`^ , +:,1;^2 1±V:L „^a'xi ?e": v. .% rr .'Er t '^,.Fv :n, ,^"+•ry .w ^r^ .^ .t ,If ice. [ .'Vi'i ^> q. •. t.k .;, ^i '.'r'^ju Sale ActiVi Y• [ L` .: R [, yl s' 7 ^^^t R -^ .^'" 1 .ti, { a ` , +l+' _iv z .liYS.e, .ik^'4 ?, ^,µ d:,.i [yr 1 L 4, dT^YT rr GaL ^ } . A [ 1l Y AI. •^1 •^ , Y:..itY^ac'iff^!c"$ L^.a.11^ir>.^YrY.:.^ k^ti .^w+Fs^$. ^.^-t:;_ ^1.'l^Y's1.^.. _ ^"^^1^'yE9^^25v."n..L i' ^s ^`^:? a ..^,i.:^S..! i' 4wc;: .^^X'< a.'.^^^..n+.i..^1.,. .^d,LC..v'^..,. uk.y:, ^ ^`:,^.A^l..k 14, .^?:,^'. .__..1.:,:^ ... :•1 ^_ _ _. Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Home Depot Inc 04/13/10 Sold 610 Shs 04/08/10 32 985 18.65 20 , 102.14 -16 , 935.86 3,16628 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 32.9849

Illinois Tool Wks Inc 04/13/10 Sold 440 Shs 04/08/10 47.154 13 55 20 , 734.25 -23,157.20 -2,422.95 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 47.1541

J P Morgan Chase & Co 04/13/10 Sold 550 Shs 04/08/10 45 835 16.93 25,192.53 -23,919 50 1 ,273.03 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 45.8354

Johnson & Johnson Co 04/13/10 Sold 360 Shs 04/08/10 64.960 11.20 23 ,374.40 -25,880.40 -2,506.00 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 64.96

Microsoft Corporation 04/13/10 Sold 890 Shs 04/08/10 29.910 27 . 15 26,592 . 75 -25 , 302.70 1,290.05 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 29.91

Page 8 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

'4' ^`S"1f^1'\1.+, r" jJ, .-..., ^ryy ..-..,. •t'++•3--s ^5°.¢-^ .C , 'c r:'_'-.`^ ?' Yr • ^n^-• ll^lt' ?N .r , h ut.L,iFr ^'?Y Z` } ru'i A'7.^Y, 1•ii ^ \ i, °n\5Y }^ h f -^/t-.1 •-F^9. , .^rr. - f ^.Wz , 4 7 t.. (Si,l , ° .>n,., . w , !, (y }rr '; L , (4 . t ;_ _ hl1•'rr?a k ^v r ^; 't ; .,,•^ SfeActivi J'ez,,,.x , 4; ^ A fi° V " `f . i ` .. *.•61^^ l•^ ..r+.i;^ A+ ^^.i ~dfly.lwi-'e.. f^kt.J` .'fit^^.fiir. l:^JR'b^1J. itii: - ^ Y^^^^ ^k .`t'^d' .,t.J :N.1 . ^ - a u ...•. D ..,. i Llf^ ^J^{ux+:1Sn: ^ .j _A..i= ^ ^L•a...ll.r,_ {I-uL. : _ tvl... =. r - y _ .tif ... .izl^ Y^__". Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

Monsanto Co New 04/13/10 Sold 130 Shs 04/08/10 68 710 4 06 8,928 24 -16,103 10 -7,174.86 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 68.71

Novartis A G Sponsored ADR 04/13/10 Sold 390 Shs 04/08/10 52.190 12.05 20,342.05 -22,830 60 -2,488.55 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 52 19

Paychex Inc 04/13/10 Sold 660 Shs 04/08/10 30.864 20.14 20,350.29 -22,832 27 -2,481.98 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 30.8643

Pepsico Incorporated 04/13/10 Sold 290 Shs 04/08/10 66 120 9.03 19,165.77 -19,975.37 -809.60 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 66.12

Procter & Gamble Co 04/13/10 Sold 270 Shs 04/08/10 62 580 8 39 16,888.21 -17,733.60 -845.39 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 62.58

Page 9 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - Decernber 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

.. ^:^`vs s1 ;^7". ^ ^;, rra•^;^x. Tr`r'sk M{T^:^,^x „'c;,q; r_- dFS^+ '^' a q ,r ^ .. t ;^ 5 s h7 ^ ^'a^Kt^, ^ +^; '^°;t^:^:: iir^r=u'^'•' ^•'^1 } ',^Frfo:». X 7^^i•;:. ^*?" "^Sk"^ 7 5^ S d^, ''L° s ^,^, ,y,,t ^1 'dg .Sale CtlYl ^ ^ ^€' ^ '^.ri;. ^h'f_.'' .F 1,'li^...^t'.^y^-t^7r• ^ y.^t'itle'" u^ftr Y` t r .^ R, ^ va k r''^ 3 ^. !^^t^',r,'x,f-},^ ^ ^'.. (^" t^i^ ^' i ,^,±;1^,,^ X^ ^F^ilr ^ ^^ ^^^^( ^, ^{tx;rYtiSFeGJ^L^^Ji ":su1M3Nrsr.J.:i1{l^v''^.L ^L,uat '9 :iA^}r^r {^i ^+u;'S^^^:.,Y1':i}c^} :J.L.r^V^lY.YCG9r. ^ :.^.;:^^G4ti»'^.tiNn^;?r2"^ .L'M Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

04/13/10 Sold 250 Shs 04/08/10 58.000 7 75 14 ,492.25 -13,655 00 837 25 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 58

Sigma -Aldrich Corp Common 04/13/10 Sold 160 Shs 04/08/10 54 800 4.95 8,763 05 -9,333.43 -570.38 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @548

04/13/10 Sold 340 Shs 04/08/10 33 556 10.40 11,398.61 -12,35247 -953.86 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 33.5559

State Street Corp 04/13/10 Sold 280 Shs 04/08/10 46 353 8.62 12,970.33 -11,911.15 1,059 18 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 46.3534

04/13/10 Sold 390 Shs 04/08/10 57 .075 12 08 22 ,247 17 -18,263 89 3,983 28 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 57.075

Page 10 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

:^f'?S:J .: - vu't^ ^.:;c.,^„Tv4 r j;o:wri4m7. ;rr •r•.-rr-r°'."'r^';,1'-' .^,;" -^5.'.t .zi,••yn i ^P. F",1M1i-^ 'r.;.:3Lyt'kr,-.::^-'n'uai + a'i MG° 'I", ', V ^,^ ;' ' ;^i'.^F:' i^SS.tit ^[ti/k r _ a •S:s •l?f ,f^ .r}•,;'.^ Y•r 15 l i ^ ti.,^',. ,Lp '' ^ N• •, T. f eNc ivi l vYfM, , ^% F ^dn S e .c .b, r'^ .; t r ",, i rl^; 7^ ^ ^4^ T. + r l,y, L r. ^n• iu^R . F, ^` 9F 1: ^ -^.t ^ ^'y^ ,x 4t'^• 7 , r slrh ;^ ^^ f u. ,d,'4 4 l^• •1'r^ `,_ + d^. ^d„)' ' , 2 ^:s^xdka:..'^^5;^:_',`k _^:i.r^._r^w3a,^,^' ^n^i'eke:`.saY^: .+ .^'§s^.e1r'^'rY•,^ ^,^S;^w:iy3l-..i;^ r.J,A Tt.^s,.,.._..'^4' jf'-l:.r-^ts.+xuti':^. ^a^^3'^ .,.:'m,ii`:^.•i^:.:1^+S.m ^._µti:%.^rk^^^^^-4^ic.1_sr`^r ' .b _a...__^.^._,u;`a'4... Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

Texas Instruments 04/13/10 Sold 700 Shs 04/08/10 24.766 21.30 17,314.63 -22,903 86 -5,589 23 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 24.7656

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 04/13/10 Sold 350 Shs 04/08/10 51.286 10.81 17,939 15 -21,063.00 -3,123.85 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 51.2856

04/13/10 Sold 300 Shs 04/08/10 83.054 9.43 24,906 63 -23,297.98 1,608.65 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Cir L @ 83.0535

US Bancorp Del New 04/13/10 Sold 880 Shs 04/08/10 27.135 26.81 23,851.56 -29,224.80 -5,373.24 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 27.1345

Ultra Petroleum Corp 04/13/10 Sold 350 Shs 04/08/10 47.259 10.78 16,529 83 -17,782 35 -1,252.52 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 47.2589

Page 11 TD Charitable Foundation January 1 , 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317 .^ 7s !^7..^. si•-, rdw. y „ •`'1,- r; ;i ,' r-^- r r.,Ric -u yam" ,.• 1^'by^i' t , r1 u• „ 'l^T"' ,4!5^' 'S.^ 1-f; F*r 3 } ^-hi: rFr' y, r ^'Y°i^^ 'V•;. ^•' d7' 1 Fr s:y ^,,^ e ^!`. k ^ J ^'.1 ..J ^• `^^'; i ^';r^•ti (' 7^Lr 5i i S- V .rte 73 , )..^ d' J Y,1' '7 '7i i^A',. t'^,lSv'. Y .`n- •^Z,)!l`'i.':a^^. ,^ale,;Acti 'it^ ,^ r '^ ^ ,(^j^^ ,^'^., ^.,, ,•rr^.r^. _ro,,'.•.^^.,^ 5 ,^,,,^r-,,-^^•,,,^^,^.^,^-^.^,•„A•;^H' r "v. ' ti• n. " ^, `- ,," •.: .l'^ , .+( f~, ;^, ^ ^^ ^ ^ R: rk .y•,0 ' . Ht ^ , a^' § . R:- r y ^F3 "^ r ^ii'.+,.^`^-^ bv, F rt"n^''^-i•^';^°4, ,l r.'-•^ " - E^u.Fi.1^Gdi.Stf _•^'^a ^^i..-^f t - ..e )•^.^-..^^^ •^'hs..•t^'5 ' ,`i-jF,,54}.^:'4wff^' h'`r '!+t ..r^^'fd?.,:ivu^>t^C,•yf ^ ^ ^ a ^Ld.^'r,..n..^ ^^d_.,^a".r<^ ^z .•^.ss;^s::ti,•x^°.:n^ • =zn:ice?+.t;, ^. :4- .`,.:^::+.-u_ ^y-(a ^.: •."^.`.^. ^ Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

United Technologies 04/13/10 Sold 300 Shs 04/08/10 73 .710 9 38 22, 103 62 -21,07480 1 ,028.82 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 73.71

Verizon Communications 04/13/10 Sold 360 Shs 04/08/10 30 .250 10. 99 10,879 . 01 -11,517.08 -638.07 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 30 25

Wells Fareo & Co New 04/13/10 Sold 730 Shs 04/08/10 32 .270 22 30 23,534. 80 -10,095 .61 13,439.19 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 32.27

Yum Brands Inc 04/13/10 Sold 560 Shs 04/08/10 40 .130 17.18 22,455.62 -22,429.12 26.50 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 40.13

Zimmer Hides Inc 04/13/10 Sold 260 Shs 04/08/10 59 104 8 06 15,358 93 -19,193.20 -3,83427 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 59.1038

Page 12 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317 17' '? 7 x'1^ :hf'' wzK i=?} i r+ 4` 7R, .wrs'. 31^S+•.^ ^.1 *cyS'+• W,^L, ^v 4 4 : w-,^ -'-••7r r ^i.W4' .,^G'irM14 , ^`,t' ;q^"ti ><, r. ...2t rF 'i f'S'-.'f..y : c4s"f'',,a•;+S,^`Ty"x^^,"-^^:,--'S1. ' ',^ S M4 wFg ^,%S^(' 't^ -•• • Oa_Ie1V, lt^'K;; t v ,^.,^+. [ ' MOM -da ti P tiu"0n' now, ;^^^L-s:^Kt .F.4^,x.' Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Bhp Billiton LTD 05/10/10 Sold 4280 Shs 05/05/10 68 902 133 38 294,766.75 -205,791.70 88,975.05 To Goldman Sachs Execution & CIr L @ 68.9019

Transocean LTD Zug Namen Akt 05/19/10 Sold 3900 Shs 05/14/10 65.889 121.34 256,846.93 -295,770.86 -38,923 93 To RBC Dominion Securities Inc @ 65.8893

Novartis A C Sponsored ADR 06/02/10 Sold 7560 Shs 05/27/10 44 892 232.54 339,150.98 -407,092.25 -67,941 27 To Citigroup/Smith Barney @ 44.892

Autodesk Inc 06/29/10 Sold 15420 Shs 06/24/10 26.628 469.54 410,134 22 -352,302.82 57,831.40 To Morgan Stanley @26628

Cimarex Energy Co 06/29/10 Sold 1820 Shs 06/24/10 72.521 56 83 131,930.84 -123,103.52 8,82732 To Morgan Stanley @ 72 5207

Page 13 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Frontier Communications Corp

07/16/10 Sold .700 Shs 07/16/10 7 243 0.00 5.07 -5.79 -0.72 As A Receipt of Cash In Lieu of Fractions

07/26/10 Sold 1814 Shs 07/21/10 7.395 54 65 13,359 88 -14,952 33 -1,592.45 To TD Waterhouse-Itg Canada @ 7 395

08/27/10 Sold 14640 Shs 08/24/10 24.332 445.22 355,776 72 -393,519 35 -37,742.63 To Goldman Sachs & Co. @ 24 3321

Zimmer Hldgs Inc 09/20/10 Sold 5560 Shs 09/15/10 49 907 115.89 277,366 47 -385,225 78 -107,859.31 To Merrill Lynch,Pterce,Fenner & S @ 49.9069

Diageo PLC ADR 10/15/10 Sold 1490 Shs 10/12/10 70.801 31.58 105,462 20 -117,178.81 -11,716.61 To Morgan Stanley @ 70.8012

Page 14 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

°'°,;4iu,'^'r^;7",^''' s^^cx.,^ ^i^t^0..•-e:,^n-.-^-^rm-r',-^--r,T ^,,_.•"_`..^=;^-^rc. 'r :ly, rrr +^}'^.i1ax4. ^, f^c°w >• .f° ^"'^i"?ss,^?;^'Y't ^J^.•. 3`"^ ^'1 "^f ^ Si`,e,-t^,• °^` 1•.y ud7^, P` Y ,^..:^ ,^^ <}f'•; .l S7," 1'^ '^^ y^ 4^'9 ^ctF, .l •.^j; ' .Sale^Activi _ T^^Y,^^q.^,^:c'^, 3^'`^1 ;- ,^^ ^+ t :^^^ ; ^ i,, •1,''^c-, '"` ^' ^..'x'^'e+^ ^•r ^7Lfxeois-sc:iSi.'F..!'.e''._"u.^'n'^'w. ^ `^^S`if^U".xF,'c^`:Jaf:t)^^^`^^^ddiil^^tiSti^`xa.uikY:c.4.'^4i^1'^SCe:'.^%d^ .,^'ws^^.. Jv:.._'L',_.:-'P;'^.:.r. •..: s,e_;^^.:.::^1w`._.._,,..i+., Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

EMC Corporation/Mass 10/15/10 Sold 4430 Shs 10/12/10 20 201 90.11 89,398.55 -77,79745 11,601.10 To Morgan Stanley @ 20.2006

10/15/10 Sold 2650 Shs 10/12/10 52.293 55.34 138,521.11 -301,966.19 -163,445.08 To Morgan Stanley @ 52.293

EMC Corporation/Mass 10/27/10 Sold 4320 Shs 10/22/10 21.423 131.16 92,417 92 -75,865.68 16,552.24 To Itg Canada-Investment Advisory @ 21.4234

10/29/10 Sold 230 Shs 10/26/10 61.234 7.14 14,076.75 -9,876.96 4,199.79 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 61.2343

Abbott Labs Co 10/29/10 Sold 470 Shs 10/26/10 52.510 14.52 24,665.18 -23,289.02 1,376.16 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 52.51

Page 15 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317 (^'.rte. 1, le- w..;^ c 'lr.r r'..--^n. ... y X wYom"'. ..'^1 _ J^J - Tlt , $° H . ,, '°'^-'^R,.r ;,-rMp+ ^(^'L.,..---,•17qn',. ^-,•-•r ^• ,{^^^l'N_-r^ t,w•.w ,• p-:-7c--• Y A 5 ti^-0d "' . F3 ty rh^t:y,y _ Ank '^"i. l' ^, 5 kqy, 7.. r ^^ dale Acts VII ` t( ^ tp x y ^n^ {. ^.^i^r y e..^^t- r `b`,4ry'' ,-^^ r3 yti t ' ar+r;r f'. to t^`^ia^ra as wmaL a a na^n m s',' Y i 'S^'`^.'^.tg5ir, f31'y'F.^l: , ^ C „ a,. •;-^ }^ ; Y, j v^.+, ^h ^ +d j ! 4r._^od •m^ A ^ ^Ca^.:iac^**^^^..^iu"w^'."n2i.•,Nl *• ^I:^^Y^..,oLs"el's ^.^cot:6tF^'tlla^^C^r^d:^1^+1^4 :.,k`^Eo- ^.n .rsL..L"S^• .w\:.ys^iaF _i^2-^_l:.^j Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

American Express Co 10/29/10 Sold 570 Shs 10/26/10 40.140 17.50 22,862 30 -26,584 80 -3,722.50 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 40.14

Apache Corporation 10/29/10 Sold 240 Shs 10/26/10 100.350 7.61 24,076.39 -32,457.60 -8,381.21 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 100.35

Apollo Group Inc CI A 10/29/10 Sold 310 Shs 10/26/10 37.000 9 . 50 11,460.50 -18,592.96 -7,132.46 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 37

Best Buy Inc 10/29/10 Sold 240 Shs 10/26/10 43.184 7.38 10,356.83 -10,242.00 114.83 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 43.1842

Chevron Corporation 10/29/10 Sold 260 Shs 10/26/10 85.050 8 18 22,104.82 -25,747.80 -3,642.98 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 85.05

Page 16 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

^` .- T H*'i 7 n t• aGY^w M +7`"';; ' ;. Yn7rc e;T:^7; CY•- '^i: .a7 °Y•,. `.^'^:X"`;.Y'^. ..t'7f,[-'Guiti,?y : .^,"• 5 v ,,.,;,, 1 y L l' ?' -+': ' z;` t c `•4 y + " ,! ^^?^' ^,My4 .G,.,. .,.. ,^^,^.'A^`i.},Y'^ ^,,^ t ^r^ ^ ^ , •;x , ' ^(' ^^",:, .+ i Sal Activi :rrr^` LOM. ir! iK'^k .d t'•Sh^^Y :•,n. n. L^•U,S^'.^,•;,'=.'.fi' ik,; ^^ 4.pi^"a^ a; ``12` F't t•`•R.•. .fiN:t :i$4r+"' idWRINEW 1• _^l^ki4ROrt he .S: t` _f, bST G"waw ..{^-'.r5i6t?^^.`l", ,'i s -ii ^^L . ,- l• •i _ ^' • :..Si u. ^ io i UP ^r'7tS;i,`^`",.t^inw: ^ .:,1v5a 14k`^• eFk9h't":^,''L:. ^.. .•tiia Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Cimarex Energy Co 10/29/10 Sold 240 Shs 10/26/10 72.200 7.50 17,320 50 -16,233.43 1,087 07 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Cir L @ 72.2

Cisco Systems Inc 10/29/10 Sold 1130 Shs 10/26/10 23.490 34.35 26,509.35 -29,786.80 -3,277.45 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 23.49

10/29/10 Sold 330 Shs 10/26/10 66 505 10.28 21,936 30 -19,243.88 2,692.42 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 66.5048

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 10/29/10 Sold 390 Shs 10/26/10 67.020 12.15 26,125.77 -9,705.27 16,420.50 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 67.0203

10/29/10 Sold 170 Shs 10/26/10 76.210 5.32 12,950.38 -10,784.88 2,165.50 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @7621

Page 17 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317 r.,, P,, 7 _ . 37'.-."'.-an,^ :a•. '^':^r .^-.. .a-f,T,+, ^•ti_ w M( •P. `^r'' ^N• i^Y"^•n .j^.' .a1 ^•^^^^,(',' v F , .r _ ' i _ 'rT.9. •-.3^ "^:r'k 7 C. rte:. 7 rR y' +f ^n ^^^'4+,Y' _ _ .'i ' It`t.,`•• n t^vJ.:,''7, } -., _' ^^_. }e,r 714,. ^^r(7 , ^v t },^ ^ ,`PC Si . ^^y.?.:n^hL^ [•^,n+a5e 5Nt ^.t^. ,^ 'L.i,}Ytf`G1i^ } .^^^,dt.^R.^. ^'^ :.ry lti^t ^{v:`.^..L: ^i,^ •i^J',r' `7 .1'„ ^U'ale Activi ^^1•>+,^ .^. ^: ^^ '^,^^:, -k°'Y ; ^. .!v.i x i ^' S `r y^ ^<<, { ^^'^.c^ ^^.r':a^^ .c ^$ ^i.3'y, taf., rS'^+`^'^ .: rc^ `l^. ^ ^tiif^^_c.4 t;^, , Sry4! `^'i.. i,.^^4d.^ 1 PtPi i.. 1iP.^ , s+'1 :•7: 1''- i,^', (t^`F+,r1^MS _ t+wr(ru'l^i^^^nt•7Ze ^i.IS"_'xSfoG34ris^^aSt+',ho7.GL^vw,4:e4`ic a ,a,^::i^v St. •S ;,.s +^{h't _J.•,1^?i f,t^^. r @6 "^y c!" ^._ ::'_:rn.^:C.." ^^ .e ^ta^Sf Sr •^i^J 7^.'^1 ..• .u-.^ .- ... ." n. .. r^. • . ii - ,, ^ Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

10/29/10 Sold 260 Shs 10/26/10 73 815 8 13 19,183 65 -20,44731 -1,263 66 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 73.8145

10/29/10 Sold 310 Shs 10/26/10 35.890 9.49 11,116.41 -10,543.38 573.03 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @3589

EMC Corporation/Mass 10/29/10 Sold 890 Shs 10/26/10 21.088 27.02 18,741 56 -15,629 74 3 ,11 1.82 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 21.0883

Ecolab Inc 10/29/10 Sold 350 Shs 10/26/10 49.466 10 80 17,302.20 -17,016.18 286 02 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 49.4657

Emerson Electric Co 10/29/10 Sold 410 Shs 10/26/10 54 672 12.68 22,402 80 -19,494.19 2,90861 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 54.6719

Page 18 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

^ r;....^.. ..,!^.Y-s .- r ,Y sir.., rr,, 9 ";:'.s ,^1`. • •F,.. ., l^,v-. F,..r-^.,yc ^t.. • ^- ; l`.,,.^,?.r J,. .,, rf-r .^ ^••• "': - -^ ^^rr,^ t;, - c P, __ .i,' ".4i'.:'i `.t t+^".' .. .. F, X ati.^1 'r` .l a.. ^h '^ws^.ta^ r>;,, _:r^ :^^nf^'..P^ ;.a^'s}.G, if(' ^^, ^P ..^^r^'^, i ' ,t [ yr ^ r l;. .a $' ti Y^ ^ 1:'°ai'^tS Sal'e A J' ne l 17' I: 7 i:.ix.' ,J .^ `{' f %, Jr _ rf,+;d . f4F;iG .tl."•(rs-i '1^'^ .^, - Z r _ '•J,, ,'t•• ' '^1• '^'"r'^..L•.1'R^eR^s.Y.ti.'S^^.rni}.`N-^:^'•^,,1'?::"`, Fnl ^i,L . l;,ac.wh^li.3 lq.a.•t .-^^.3^.:?r,1$:."^'lx.,'4'.;;,^ . :b'•^;: •,,i:t't_1;,.^. ;as,,.e^ ,.. ^i^•Y' „ .. ^'A'^'_ la^,,..^,,..> .,.. w .,..,_., ,. '.'.,:'.^4, ':. .. Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

10/29/10 Sold 360 Shs 10/26/10 41 084 11.05 14,779 33 -17,27658 -2,497 25 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 41.0844

Expeditors Intl Wash Inc 10/29/10 Sold 250 Shs 10/26/10 49.900 7 72 12,467.28 -8,628.35 3,838.93 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 49.9

Exxon Mobil Corp 10/29/10 Sold 360 Shs 10/26/10 66.431 11.21 23,903.98 -32,291.41 -8,387.43 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 66 4311

Gallagher Arthur J & Co 10/29/10 Sold 470 Shs 10/26/10 27.350 14.32 12,840.18 -12,112.72 727.46 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 27.35

Hewlett Packard Co 10/29/10 Sold 520 Shs 10/26/10 42 990 15.98 22,338.82 -19,391.63 2,947.19 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 42.99

Page 19 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 f

Account Number 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

' "(. t .•-.,rrro-"-rf.•»,c^,, ^z*^,-r*: nw+5nr^r•^r^-±,-Q sn,> :'3, ;K{...^r^7.?, ., jl _ .. aurY'l i^^•::Ti^!,7'Tn:_ I:I ^jat' .r. '^^^'•^ .•:I,o 1-',+_ _ _ _ }•^'^^ °^ ui'^ 'fit tu•rr?^}7^, r,R,. a ^ a r. ^r . c. :'iw t-ti r iF {- • t SalerA CtlVl ^^Y +xx^ t.'^"tf:J t'^0L ''r4r itt:. bea-.,,i:^^ifs..-ks ^ •`r'^,,.... ^r.'"+:..^. t:t',.c. r!u. ;F-- i! •nC, ^•^^c^^i':. r'J' .., _ ..' :r,'. •'^`,. - . 5': :_. , Unit Transaction Tota l Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

10/29/10 Sold 760 Shs 10/26/10 31.343 23.21 23,797 70 -21,100.41 2,69729 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 31.3433

10/29/10 Sold 470 Shs 10/26/10 46.394 14.47 21,790.85 -24,736.10 -2,945 25 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 46 3943

J P Morgan Chase & Co 10/29/10 Sold 590 Shs 10/26/10 37.130 18.08 21,888 62 -25,659.10 -3,77048 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 37.13

10/29/10 Sold 360 Shs 10/26/10 63.750 11.20 22,938.80 -25,713.80 -2,775.00 To Goldman Sachs Execution & CIr L @ 63.75

Linear Technology 10/29/10 Sold 660 Shs 10/26/10 31.127 20.15 20,523 47 -19,096.37 1,427.10 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 31.1267

Page 20 TD Charitable Foundation January 1 , 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

. Y. :Y,.' til^TP` i•lary-^1r,v+i± 1t `r ::"7'T..rI'^G - C!r" \4 1•.. . .,n ^•1 r°.Gr,.'v•,'P r, ,^z[ "' 1'C , ; 'n a r,^ . .,5,.1^ ^t , ..1r'P -- n ti7.• - •"!•r (^j.'^ -0^f^ '^,. T Tifr^. ` I.y,, c fin er F ' fG ^ 4.,y^ J :i 'z •.,:. i ^ ^' 1 .'3 w .'^ aL.i^ ^+^ f,`^' . ;^ j i+ iif, • t . 4\.lr '; . ` ^•i f ,, r ti i h ' " 2 .4 1 . .) t 3 ` ^' ., S:n1 " Y Jyl tr . f< ^ L ^ 1i''^,' 1' i T17}':r '^r .1 ^, ^y , ..1 , ,, ^+ ^^•, _ ',^ r^e•: , ^'f Y,;,^,,^E .^z{ ,; L^:t _w_ .,M,r,,. fit` ,•:ti,^4 S .: •i c N ' ' 1 •L( ^ ('ti ,'l legAc.'t^_ -v(ih'^ r ^^ .1 + `^ u - t;,^ ^ ::,. . `a ^ ,...^= ' .^Y= •_ ,^:^l'^'4 _1, :^ l^r^.,^ ^ta.h^ 3 ^ ;r .,.. . r -.y, :;^ , dy`^,, ^ .C;.'r^^^^ty ^ >^7:' +, i~n' 17 `^,".4{f.^u%^f^eK .X .a: .di:1-_',* C.^S;C`F {.t^w^7 ^.F lv ^'^F^2x'F 'x .1 ^P7r .t^i.5^:{.: ..^=•u. y.Z,44ar3It:7a:^'i ;^r.Sr L..xri.2r 't c'^+]-. ^aa :.^n..^ICe {'j_iA 2...='w't .a tf^J .tr`E;^}•. ^f':^'JY .'I Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Pi ice Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Microsoft Corporation 10/29/10 Sold 990 Shs 10/26/10 25 . 825 30 14 25,536 71 -28,145 70 - 2,608 99 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 25.8251

Paychex Inc 10/29/10 Sold 800 Shs 10/26/10 28 . 068 24 38 22,430.10 -25,936 . 00 -3,505.90 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 28 0681

Pepsico Incorporated 10/29/10 Sold 280 Shs 10/26/10 64 . 655 871 18 , 094 81 - 19,255 . 69 -1,160.88 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 64.6554

Procter & Gamble Co 10/29/10 Sold 290 Shs 10/26/10 62 . 760 901 18 , 191.39 -19,047.20 - 855.81 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 62.76

Quest Diagnostics Inc Com 10/29/10 Sold 280 Shs 10/26/10 49.440 8.64 13,834.56 -15,293.60 -1,459.04 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 49.44

Page 21 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

: ^^°Rr y _ m^..v..,q^^,^y f•;;%Rtri. r:±;,^--••JfC^'^x`'°T.'f n ur7:•. cr r.. •wJ-.rr• mc^: ;^+, d ^^ .-y.^.S.•-, -r,•^^.^,^.a ^2 ' ehe << ^yY: • ,f ^„ . E'7R, ^; ^; •+;t ^.,^^+ •7c;c. , r., rv'^1^''` r! ^ r 4,^c^'•^ ^] ,,,^y .,+- kr,,u'i „tr.a' ^.' ,K ^+,:,f r '. : T57R-' ;!;, 1 ti' ^; 'Y'+^.l^t ^'1 .1 •.Sale^ ^Ctl ^^ ^^^. .3 dN'$' :t' ,, .. p ". L^"r•fii^^ v^"rit... .. A^• '' ^• 4th '-t{+C: 4 ^' t ,l^l ..^'•{' .^;' 'Sl;",w^i. in . ;•^"^{ •V: .71E^. ^'; .^. r„'d'S^"{*P p t ' !tt i .r . , y y1. ,z `= Sty:; a .1i; r rd^IrNr h^ .'. r - , vr - Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gann/Loss

Sigma-Aldrich Corp Common 10/29/10 Sold 140 Shs 10/26/10 63 190 4.35 8,842.25 -8,166.75 675.50 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 63.19

Southern Co 10/29/10 Sold 340 Shs 10/26/10 38.300 10.43 13,011 57 -12,352.47 659.10 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @383

10/29/10 Sold 300 Shs 10/26/10 40 990 9.21 12,287.79 -12,975.92 -688.13 To Goldman Sachs Execution & CIr L @ 40.99

Stryker Corp 10/29/10 Sold 370 Shs 10/26/10 51.270 11.43 18,958.47 -17,327.29 1,631.18 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 51.27

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 10/29/10 Sold 350 Shs 10/26/10 50.250 10 80 17,576.70 -20,714.75 -3,138.05 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 50.25

Page 22 TD Charitable Foundation January 1 , 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

w.^ {;_" °n• ic^..,y l^^ T^ e ". Y„ ^y.^.-. '3^i^7•x- ^,•,c^.•-' •^^ M.,^. r ^,", , r^?, ^^ '°'ni {^ `,^q.7; ix^^rc^.,rfsr;,Yr ^,'^'A^rr9r La'j'' ^ - f S v Gj.^r T^? -rtc ;°.F'^S wa ri:^ ^i'u^7,c;;^Jft^^ . ^^ ^rM1^k^irl `'. i^^ ' ;y. J= p ,y^, }{J .lr 1 ,l. .+1L:^``l ^ ^ ' lti^Y^^l'!i` ti 4'i. ^r.^1 t^ N^^~r, r .{ J l •^.y.^ y^;r 3 'i ^7jY;' Y^ ^i'\J. ^ i a^l^?^^ r ^.^1 ^r I l^! II^^ i^^^`^y,^il\^ j^ S',"F9lt,a1. ',.' :1.,^._""7'^a ^^G4 ^^,ty^ Ml,' t^\iti^^,S . ,^r L ^Y :". ply ^ Z^'.}^y^^y^. 7i.i ^'k^ j'S rt.A^W tTiK^ rv^k, `j' ' M1'' A^ rt^i 1 ( Sale Acti^i -^;`•c-^c , L'1 ti'fn u tt ^ (^l .^a t c `, ^^ 1fJ. ^ii.'4:^ . ^.^ r<"• i„ lk '-^ t' .^.,^ ^ x ^ ^._~ .eft f^;^^'a' E ^,f^ - , j ^ fi ^ y r. / .. -J^^^ {' ^ it i ^ ^'^"^r^ ^ R.+ .^ i + , y k v ii i ^' rJ' \'!` ^ y^^ • i ! Vi.' ii, - Ir •.r^*`^ii . tti S^if ^ y^ ^ ^ ^ it 1 %n.` LT,\M.^^fen^!'a: l r'^v4^'a^rf+h^^f ^i r.w x^lk ^^m }fF^ LY}::1^^. +4 ^^1 bl^^:k-^'.^^ !- .. i3.4 r1+.^.'^€ ^6J^c^Y.LY till'.u.,^.'_.}^t2n .:b.u.^.n'.d^:^:`'1 w:184v ^i. ,`4lff,4 k^l'"•:_.^t..^^ 1_71 ^ryy.J.^i.t Q^Y^tA'..!\ kv .lfi... ,K^ +L^}.•'J, v GEi .1:..:^^ d Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

3M Co 10/29/10 Sold 300 Shs 10/26/10 90 . 565 9 . 46 27,160.04 -23 , 297 98 3 , 862.06 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @90565

US Bancorp Del New 10/29/10 Sold 850 Shs 10/26/10 23 . 910 25 . 85 20 ,297.65 -28,228 . 50 -7,930.85 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Cir L @2391

Ultra Petroleum Corp 10/29/10 Sold 420 Shs 10/26/10 40 407 12 89 16,958.09 -21 , 338.81 -4 , 380.72 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 40.4071

United Technologies 10/29/10 Sold 270 Shs 10/26/10 74.657 8.44 20,149.05 -18,967.32 1,181.73 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 74 6574

Unitedhealth Group Inc 10/29/10 Sold 390 Shs 10/26/10 37.460 11.95 14,597.45 -13,332 38 1,265.07 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 37.46

Page 23 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

'T'' -ijq r'+T Ar;`.^^^r..^,^ "•,rs..^;.sms.,.-r,^:q rq: 'C'3' ^ y. j ^+^^''.!^ -+ "r: ^1,^ n * ^" y 7 R Pr r, `t'V•^i^f"G'%'^"Gi f'" , .`a ^^I' ^ a'S;^7 ?, .^cr',°'v_;J^t^ , iI' °`v, •t;1""^ 7;j; ale'Activity .. r;yJ'^ !t^yFaA ,.,a^,j. sF;`^.i•i^n rL :^i , 1 s. ^r^ rv t itfi x-,a-`y3 r+r`"t A=rS+t^'v, x w ," F' .^^+ .ut+*:'_,". '!is$tii ' Yie^lr,.e^4.,:^^.!u WtY"..Ct'^:'1'R•,"..`^ at..^="^x_..5 Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Verizon Communications 10/29/10 Sold 560 Shs 10/26/10 32.498 17 11 18,181 49 -16,80451 1,376.98 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Or L @ 32.4975

Wells Fargo & Co New 10/29/10 Sold 760 Shs 10/26/10 25.939 23.14 19,690.27 -20,945.90 -1,255.63 To Goldman Sachs Execution & Clr L @ 25 9387

10/29/10 Sold 570 Shs 10/26/10 49.665 17 58 28,291 64 -22,829 64 5,462.00 To Goldman Sachs Execution & CIr L @ 49.6653

Clorox Co 11/12/10 Sold 2720 Shs 11/08/10 62.924 57.29 171,096.80 -156,715.89 14,380.91 To Itg Canada-Investment Advisory @ 62.9243

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp 11/12/10 Sold 1900 Shs 11/08/10 62.944 40.02 119,552.82 -47,282.07 72,270.75 To Itg Canada-Investment Advisory @ 62.9436

Page 24 r

TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

oy^ 7 ° PF c'^'(Kxi b 7'.µ .^ 5 ^""" •+ 4'fi,.1 .r' : ,^.i r ^71f X t.=I M^vr a.^5;rcr ^. S: •QL ,. J'' x7 "^^.lo^ ' :Wa^e=^CtIV1^! V,4 r ,' 67, •,':>:i. '.'i;M'`ll1^i- "'T^^^".4";y;t ^t `•`'+^ ..n , - I' ax::^' ,...^^^„ ^ ^ • ^..y^eL:a9^bLw^^`' 1 .7 .+a MIN,'IN,' i ^,': ° ^^ Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

11/18/10 Sold 1800 Shs 11/15/10 63 753 37 94 114,717.82 -100,202.79 14,515 03 To Morgan Stanley @ 63.7532

11/19/10 Sold 1740 Shs 11/16/10 62.838 36.65 109,300 60 -92,010.00 17,290.60 To Morgan Stanley @ 62.8375

Quest Diagnostics Inc Com 12/07/10 Sold 2130 Shs 12/02/10 50.672 65 72 107,865.42 -110,205.60 -2,340.18 To Morgan Stanley @ 50 6719

Yum Brands Inc 12/07/10 Sold 1780 Shs 12/02/10 51.029 54.94 90,777.40 -71,292 56 19,484.84 To Morgan Stanley @ 51 0294

Quest Diagnostics Inc Com 12/08/10 Sold 2730 Shs 12/03/10 50.004 84 21 136,426 71 -133,943 64 2,483.07 To ESI-Execution Services @ 50.004

Page 25 r

TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

12/21/10 Sold 5120 Shs 12/16/10 34.633 105.40 177,214.54 -212,571.98 -35,35744 To Morgan Stanley @ 34.6328

Southern Co 12/21/10 Sold 3420 Shs 12/16/10 37.760 70.58 129,067.93 -123,072 02 5,995.91 To Morgan Stanley @ 37.7598

12/22/10 Sold 3400 Shs 12/17/10 37.728 70.17 128,203.67 -120,355.38 7,848.29 To Itg Canada-Investment Advisory @ 37 7276 Total Equities $ 7,080,731.38 $ -7,104,212.45 $ -23,481.07

Fixed Income

AT&T Corp 7.300% 11/15/2011 Dtd 11/15/02 06/17/10 Sold 330000 06/14/10 108.131 0.00 356,832 30 -365,399.10 -8,56680 To Fox Chase Capital Partners @ 108.131

Page 26 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

Alberta Energy Co 7.650% 09/15/2010 Dtd 09/15/00 06/17/10 Sold 500000 06/14/10 101.400 0.00 507,000.00 -526,562.50 -19,562.50 To Morgan Keegan & Co Inc @ 101.4

Bank of Amer Corp 3.125% 06/15/2012 Dtd 12/04/08 FDIC Gtv 06/16/10 Sold 1395000 06/11/10 104.272 0.00 1,454,594.40 -1,458,012.15 -3,417.75 To Banc/America Sec. LLC Montgomer @ 104.272

10/22/10 Sold 130000 10/21/10 104 444 0.00 135,777.20 -135,872. 10 -94.90 To RBC Dain Rauscher @ 104.444

Bank of Amer Corp 7.375% 05/15/2014 Dtd 05/13/09 10/26/10 Sold 40000 10/21/10 113.474 0.00 45, 389.60 -45,077 .60 312 00 To Credit Suissefirst Boston @ 113.474

12/13/10 Sold 1160000 12/08/10 110.518 0.00 1,282,008 80 -1,303,862.40 -21,853 60 To MF Golbal Inc @ 110.518

Page 27 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

!-.;'? t - RT,ftv 7", '^;^^^^-• r^ira•gT nt^'°. ^^3?a," ^w••*r.. :.'arwut, 'i'T ?'S!^'".'4i'''S l , rp...,^c".^n,;Xit^"'Zn r-^°^+at.. tS^r r 1 S't i7. ^RY rai;•.n _ r . e Mr :7°{,^r"7:^',^^ 7-SiFs; ^.' v •; i •" ^'SN' 7 ir^+a+^,C[sgh J, h>xsl.,^^y ^b (^ 2 u: ,rij'^1 i`:t'' t7•,F, .i, '^ ^f ` ` s .' : 4 ' all ACtIVI s9^ s^:. t,,^-i^ Ai ^^3^r- W',^x,^,x^i' t,S ^Cta t? J4^1' ^^! v r+ °r, -•Y• ''`F r ., ^i^'.s , •V' `-l.,rte F fiyac ^G r^,^:`a•^ ^r ti N ^+ ^^ t•^'7'Y^ i"' 1 s ' v`, .e,.::e'YS"dD4,is^W..i,^k.^.:i^. fs' 1^^!Iil^' ,4 rt^ ^ a ...,a1;p1. 'zz Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Bank of NY Mellon 4.950% 11/01/2012 Dtd 11/01/07 06/17/10 Sold 1115000 06/14/10 107.827 0.00 1,202,271.66 -1,114,647.35 87,624.31 To MF Golbal Inc @ 107.858

Berkshire Hathaway 4.125% 1/15/2010 Dtd 06/24/2005 01/15/10 Recd Proceeds on Maturity of 100.000 0.00 2,500,000 00 -2,545,250.00 -45,250 00 2,500,000 Par Value

Berkshire Hathaway Fin 5% 08/15/2013 Dtd 12/01/08 06/17/10 Sold 775000 06/14/10 108.905 0.00 844,013.75 -784,935.50 59,078.25 To Morgan Keegan & Co Inc @ 108.905

08/24/10 Sold 5000 08/20/10 110.673 0.00 5,533.65 -5,064.10 469.55 To Wells Fargo Securities @ 110.673

CVS Caremark Corp 4.875% 09/15/2014 Dtd 09/14/04 06/17/10 Sold 795000 06/14/10 107.519 0.00 854,776.05 -841,626.75 13,149 30 To Keybanc - Capital Mkts @ 107.519

Page 28 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

},- *i' "li';: " "P;.,.. ,n^;.:'^ .

Caterpillar Fin 5.125% 10/12/2011 Dtd 10/12/2006 02/18/10 Sold 500000 02/12/10 106.431 0.00 532,155.00 -517, 89000 14 ,265.00 To Banc/America Sec. LLC Montgomer @ 106.431

03/12/10 Sold 2000000 03/09/10 106 229 0 00 2,124,580.00 -2,071,560 00 53,020 00 To Banc/America Sec. LLC Montgomer @ 106.229

Caterpillar Fin SE 6.125% 02/17/2014 Dtd 02/12/09 04/13/10 Sold 1957000 04/08/10 112 318 0.00 2,198,063.26 -2,213,798.25 -15,734.99 To JP Morgan Securities Inc @ 112.318

Cisco Systems Inc 5.25% 02/22/2011 Dtd 02/22/06 03/18/10 Sold 1000000 03/15/10 104.381 0.00 1,043,810 00 -1,035,375.00 8,435.00 To Piper Jaffray @ 104.381

Credit Suisse Fb 6.500% 01/15/2012

10/26/10 Sold 80000 10/21/10 106 761 0.00 85,408.80 -87,507.20 -2,098 40 To Rbs Securities Inc @ 106.761

Page 29 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

rG^t" Tyc "••Nrr" t^" i t'r{a' ^'tif 1 :^t,r.^,^.,,,;5,..^ _ n.... _ x. ,, rv. -i.;,^ -+nf v 2•y^,r^,. .a3: ':q!^,' ^," t,, .-,- r-,r^x ^^; ;'^° .' ulr fit- ^1 _ :^^:^^;r♦=^yr;^,:c^^ :'ra`,.yrt, rrr.^;",;' ?v. aCarr',('•t ^ `^ f, •+•.r -^ }`'i `{ .y w'^.^ A rvb,`t 74',5 A y .-^' ','^^,• i '^'^{, T^^yk1.3P^•^.'1.vY1 1.;^•l,i '.^. 1^^, ) ?.11. „kzy`^fY>`^e } ;r 1, '^'. ^^ 7V . i !o k3^ 9•l;'`(±',}"i:^ '•i 1F ' •• ' ^ fy„j^ 'Kii.` S ; ) • " "l' '^t t ^ v!t• • .7. "i') Sale 1 ^t4 r ;lv' } .\1^ f ^ . 5,^7 .*^ '^' .d z"`4 Sz h} ar . t+ h' ^ ^v1 Y, u^.^^Y t ^1 .^ . a . /1 y .e. a ^. . L ) ^ ^ ^ N ^1 '`H (^^- .,y w^ )^i ^6 ^ 1<^ ^ q'4^: a- v. J!v ,a+I 1 i^'1-^

Deutsche Bank Ag 2.375% 01/11/2013 Dtd 01 /11/10 London 10/26/10 Sold 80000 10/21/10 102.614 0.00 82,091 20 -79,707.20 2,384.00 To Susquehanna Fin! Group LLP @ 102.614

Federal Hme Ln Bk 5 . 750% 05/ 15/2012 Dtd 05/20/02 06/14/10 Sold 795000 06/11/10 109.240 0.00 868,458 00 -848,781.75 19,676.25 To G X Clarke @ 109.24

10/22/10 Sold 145000 10/21/10 108.497 0.00 157,320.65 -154,809.25 2,51140 To Deutsche Bank Securities @ 108.497003

Fed Farm Credit Bk 3.875% 08/25/2011

03/16/10 Sold 2500000 03/15/10 104.457 0.00 2,611,425.00 -2,634,500.00 -23,075.00 To G X Clarke @ 104.457

Fed Natl Mtg Assn 4.625% 10/15/2013 Dtd 09/26/2003 06/14/10 Sold 1395000 06/11/10 109.681 0 00 1,530,049.95 -1,434,386.48 95,663.47 To Wells Fargo & Co @ 109.681

Page 30 TD Charitable Foundation January 1 , 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317 ^. [^4"T^^. A^F^! [ ^^i '_'y S d l ^7 ^.^•nC^ 'Yf _ rnw Yct 'Z'.C-i• =^.mIL^' c r 3'-.+^Y:D"I;Y ;,.•y y ^•y %7 f' 4.7 ^'sl:^w Y. .1..^IR yt::J^;N.MTr.yj.flPr^ 4{^Sl'i'fl'^7^. '>lTj^ -c^ a•'{ .^'.ti '^^f ^vy .PVa^t,y y h. 4^"' ' rJ I ,, Y. ^` - a4`?n^'y...{y'Syyl.y1VY" ^4 J.\ Y l ^5. .. $. ^p^- 1 F (^ yA '^7 ^. " MdTf' ^' i',^^'G.;"t'F-.^ ^Y i-q.'...`Jti^ YC p 'er'." . f.•tL:^„'1.^ Y.J4- :PS.d G'... 1^^ ,1y^-' , QM^ ' ! ,^.:;Vria.l"^''^..,^ ^`. 4P+.M'fy ^^ 7.F" •i^ ^l7 al IAVt1Vl b-^` ^ '. 1'•,y iN 'r^^^Yc Z'lyj'1vyi I.:^Jl--,.;`r yF ^^;{ { .: y^i #•'" ^ ' J '1 •i5! J1 . S^ 1 r^^'v .: r'^ l r_'t y^'!: "rit , . ^< ra ^^k09^v^ . s'^^.-_3s^:^rYk'^:^.^a'^,'u^•';r^' ^.^rr:^-l^ '",.,^4a.s :'..^.^.'t^^fti,'r s:^^,:^,..'J::^^„^•r_ ^r7.C'.Y'^1 ar.Y 'l^k '4e,^^;.^^^^•:^..^^Yi^."1.^i^ ^. ^^7^L^^^i•wJ. ^' , ^ Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gann/Loss 10/22/10 Sold 145000 10/21/10 111.639 0 . 00 161,876 55 -149,093 . 94 12,782.61 To Deutsche Bank Securities @ 111.639003

Fed Natl Mtg Assn 4 . 75% 03/12/2010 Dtd 03/08/2007 01/19/10 Sold 2000000 01/15/10 100 . 684 0 . 00 2,013,680.00 -2,051,340 00 -37,660.00 To G X Clarke @ 100.684

02/09/ 10 Sold 3700000 02/08/ 10 100.422 0 .00 3,715,614.00 -3 ,794,979. 00 -79 , 365.00 To G X Clarke @ 100 422

Fed Home Ln Mtg 2.125% 03/23/2012 Dtd 02/19/09 10/22/10 Sold 80000 10/21/10 102 . 518 0.00 82 ,014.40 -81,852.80 161.60 To Barclays Capital Inc. @ 102.518

GE Company 5.00% 02/01/2013 Dtd 1 /28/2003 08/06/ 10 Sold 90000 08/04/ 10 108.617 0 . 00 97 , 755.30 -92,968.20 4 ,787.10 To Citigroup Global Markets @ 108.617

10/26/10 Sold 90000 10/21/10 108 .451 0 00 97 , 605 90 -92,968 . 20 4,637.70 To Rbs Securities Inc @ 108.451

Page 31 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

r^ `r( ?`^' -°z:^' yqC 'v`{""" - ..".- ^4.,' = i+^ :' •j:t^^;' 3•♦ }.^ ^rrt,^v, , ,^`^'r'iM i^;s: 'Id .''^.'`i •• 'bi^, ^'iN'Y .YV.:s , f:'":; ^i.^'^: "r ..'^;: 3'^.^v '' ^^^ :;t- :ti-_^^^; r ,-i 'e,- ,'i (^ r?.. -,_ _ti^•th'SM^ .r.. ^ '1+'-...r'^v •^+' s r, -.<^;^;v,ta(• __'r3(,,,J"`-• ,^^-• .^ ! .,,•a^i. .ry .^-ii^._ ^ ^. 4»i .r_.,<;r•^ 4 i^n^l.• •t^ ^^ t„Y,vki^7"5^ , ^^';^jn=^^a.'K,•q^,,.^^:.'?d.^Y•;''^ ,." ...c!t.{:.-,^^h ;, 4 _ 1,,^ t".N,^7^^i ^ ,i;, h•.Y S ^ -r,:S"' ' '•^i .^l1 1.^^ ^ , i ^^7a^e.r , HCtl^i^w - 7 ; `ri [ ^•-''•°^^i^ ,f .t^r tqi, h 't' '>, ? ^ -^ N„^ ^.:' , a.. ^: ^;^' : d r, ^; fi• 1', i't i t1; ` ,., ,,a ' ;s -^, ^S"aria,cf:tS^..,^n,^^^s^l^` .k,.^".^'+!i5.u7.i'^„f s 4^eaL s..^.stai: .,..-n^;:^-v:a54uSA+.+^'l...^dta.r t ,?, . i'klr,ws:vi^xt^i]..x,.++^k^^i,•...^t§1'hStr^.t^"^„^.xME+.^^`-^fini^^.^tst:.,:i.S^:jwi;.^'`lt^c•:'. h ' ± c ^„.. Z'^;^;5^:,.S7x^.yi,"dd^..,^4•;.+JultA.-.,¢^s".>.,r^_vr.:-c,a:.^.;6`a' 1 .wtw y .^d{n^^i; ,.^^+':'z'r A^'^^ ^.^ ., ..,,.^.'^h;

Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss-

General Elec Cap 3.000% 12/09/2011 Dtd 12/09/08 FDIC Guaranteed 10/22/10 Sold 130000 10/21/10 103.041 0.00 133,953 30 -135,016.70 -1,063.40 To Morgan Stanley @ 103.041

JPMorgan Chase & Co 3.125% 12/01/11 Dtd 12/02/08 FDIC Gtv 06/16/10 Sold 1400000 06/11/10 103 438 0 00 1,448,132.00 -1,464,274 00 -16,142.00 To Banc/America Sec. LLC Montgomer @ 103 438

09/24/10 Sold 1500000 09/24/10 103 190 0.00 1,547,850 00 -1,568,865 00 -21,015.00 To UBS Financial Services Inc. @ 103.19

Kellogg Co 6.600% 04/01/2011 Dtd 03/29/01 06/16/10 Sold 565000 06/15/10 104.384 0 00 589,769.60 -588,165 00 1,604.60 To Keybanc - Capital Mkts @ 104.384

Ontario Province of 2.625% 01/20/12 Dtd 01/21/09 06/16/10 Sold 2800000 06/11/10 102.378 0.00 2,866,584.00 -2,883,804.00 -17,220.00 To Scotia Capital USA Inc @ 102.378

Page 32 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number- 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

J..^. { l'.-T1' - ^.. .^r- .. . 1y,S71 ^ 4^ : -f. ^Y-`A!^ ^ y..7^Vum_ _qrr; ,w.>-„^ 7r"°'^f S° Z ^-n.9 .^y^^! P:-^r^ ^'77r` ^'Z .. ^^^ j'!Y'^"C'=J, ,'i^• `t^,'f^:y .. ^ rY a^; .^,,^r, 1.,, ^^ ._+^., ;fy_ s^-3°v„-^^r 'r°` ^,-.^ 1 ^r^i.'?^•.,. ;r..^,` +' ^ Sale^Ai^ict M by^q^^^^^^ ^.1'fr^ :^,' 1-5 .^T^F' f;"GSIiw^...ri. .^..: v.oeatcaSAay=^esw.e^di•"^Z.{'lYrff'u^*:7sL'^in4:'

Ontario Prov Cda 4 .5% 2/03/2015 Dtd 2/03/2005 03/08/10 Sold 2250000 03/03/10 107.911 0.00 2,427,997.50 -2,258,977.50 169,020.00 To First Tennessee Securities Corp @ 107.911

Ontario Prov Cda 5 . 00% 10/ 18/2011 Dtd 10/ 18/2006 03/08/10 Sold 2500000 03/03/10 106.655 0.00 2,666,375.00 -2,604,600.00 61,775.00 To Scotia Capital USA Inc @ 106.655

Ontario Prov Cda 1 .875% 11/19/12 Dtd 11/19/09 10/26/10 Sold 100000 10/21/10 102.532 0.00 102,532.00 -100,899.00 1,633.00 To Credit Suissefirst Boston @ 102.532

Pepsico Inc 3.750 % 03/01/2014 Dtd 03/02/09 06/17/10 Sold 2500000 06/14/10 105 210 0.00 2,630,250 00 -2,599,150 00 31.100.00 To Cantor Fitzgerald & Co Inc @ 105.21

Page 33 r

TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

.riL^( '17!r cnv ^•..•,r^r^CC ' r.,.^" .. x+;•;;,'-•. _ fer'H4a'.. [F^ t^s ',^-vc,4c'3k L -, ^;'-i.,: `n., ^5r^ '.^.a`Y',^ .•_S ;'':`r"s'-5 ir. . rn•Po',i 'i^ r•"-':1 l,,`, •r. >^ ?;'.,,> - R^ ^?i„ 1'Vi^1L ..''l: "4. p;p; .-4 .1 ^^:f 1. .(N.Y^,•- .^._S•,' S•_ ^'..:^t.Y < ;•h>• i .;i ^'_' x' ^: 3Jt^,,r^4`u ^t i^• 11y^.%,'r"^ ^ CAct vl ..f•.ta ^; U 3 ` ?^ S , 4+`' ^. °4,. ::'^..^-.`., tiA i< t.'i.' --v', `^.: :. 'rY ^_ 1^•.. .r^ r ^',• ^fi •'^ ,ti' ' s:• r,^'L We ^{^;^ r 4.,, ++1'+zTx.. ^^ >,_ C.}-^I'3 ?,:,;..-' r,t,t r:; r' n^ ,t ; i , k-.{ NrNi" q s.r^.j^ e3S V. ht h r;"at t ^Itf : '"'^it F, ! , ^_ tK.Jwti v^,a •^' -,€ .a•kY_. i^r uttC YCi1CYw•^#: ^_ ..'ra •,.?3.°e_'1^ti^ai141;°i'-`_ ,. _ •.` r: ..$" _a^.n'^"^'_d_, `J.,iF.•r_e..-a .a,tTS'' .wi'zi .t.4'T;^:« Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

Pepsico Inc 3.100% 01/15/2015 Dtd 01/14/10 10/26/10 Sold 80000 10/21/10 107.259 0.00 85,807.20 -82,412.80 3,394 40 To Susquehanna Finl Group LLP @ 107.259

SBC Communications 5.10% 09/15/2014 Dtd 10/27/2004 08/06/10 Sold 90000 08/04/10 111.919 0.00 100,727 10 -98,157.60 2,569.50 To Jefferies & Co. Bonds Direct Di @ 111.919

10/26/10 Sold 90000 10/21/10 112 342 0.00 101,107.80 -97,415 87 3,691.93 To Citigroup Global Markets @ 112.342

TD Asset Memt Short Term Inv Fd #3 01/25/10 Sold 40000 Shs 01/22/10 9.850 0.00 394,000.00 -400,000.00 -6,000.00 @ 9.85

02/05/10 Sold 25000 Shs 02/04/10 9 850 0.00 246,250.00 -250,000.00 -3,750.00 @ 9 85

02/16/10 Sold 35000 Shs 02/12/10 9.850 0 00 344,750 00 -349,800 00 -5,050 00 @ 9.85

02/26/10 Sold 25000 Shs 02/25/10 9.850 0.00 246,250.00 -249,750.00 -3,500 00 @ 9.85

Page 34 TD Charitable Foundation January 1 , 2010 -December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

'}.= "*rt rrm. y^: :pi. •. ': ..,, 4;v -t.nv_'r"r ri,j^„v„^^•1.'S:t,,^"!. ri„^ ' i 'fit" ,1•^'Yoto . •ef^r^':tx y'7 i^:t ^4 -' r'f -a '^ ,'...`` ran'wt`r.!''-Heti:.C;°' .-. ^.,,yyfcC•C,^y. "y Jf , '} ^.,'SJ r_ •u :% r,i:'t^ :i';in"_-:a-i:;1 ^+^. rte ^i..;! "^+, v ,{^, '' 1L, 1 Yra'' Y 'i^T^•:Y., r1. '^' '!;tm <^;^.i ,'v ,t- `5 1. .s..", ^( i^ 1t- .7;`^^ :ic^i;U ,r,'"•+:,"' • ^-;y 2: .t r'fi',^ } iv'[`r ;fb ` ^ r : k'^ fn,,.. d f h Ufa ^^, , ^. d 4 ^.+ FF', +.^'.{; > ,' ,,^'^ 1 +`(".k -^" ;^ ^ c•:i.a`' ^, ir ,' ^,L a, 1..- aL,'•yr° •, .,,,r„•a -t•W,^ ^ ^rw .'^,^+t-n: Sale Activi . .:'mot,'F '^^..: >r-^,; ,;, :':a:^;,"° ^:;^^^' -^`r,: =•' ^ , ^:.^.,t ^ r y , z ^ ' j."^: T ; ^• •^- t ^^ ty :^ ^^'. t4 ^`' xY '+ a. ^'••:..^;'` h..^^x;^f-,.'^^'^^*^,.^k^±>^^r3':'1.xmns^.. : ^11'rJ 4.,t i•.t ,ti. - ..r^+:a` ••:'S:ir• :: ^_'^4 '^.'L .^3_is.S:+n Y • c^'d'.^:a `,' ^L t! ^An'^t ^>a.'.^'r'. ^,.^,:r am .,.^^^:a:^..^3.^,^,tx^^^^^^^^^ .^'^ ► '^ Unit Transaction Total Realized Dare Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss 05/25/ 10 Sold 30000 Shs 05/24/10 9 850 0 . 00 295 , 500 00 -299,70000 -4,200.00 @ 9 85

06/07/ 10 Sold 10000 Shs 06/04/10 9 860 0 . 00 98 ,600.00 -99,900 . 00 -1,300.00 @ 9 86

07/01/10 Sold 25000 Shs 06/30/10 9 . 870 0.00 246,750 00 -249,750.00 -3,000.00 @ 9.87

07/08/ 10 Sold 40000 Shs 07/07/10 9 . 870 0 . 00 394 , 800 00 -399,600 . 00 -4,800.00 @ 9.87

07/21/10 Sold 25000 Shs 07/20/10 9 . 870 0 00 246 , 750.00 -249 ,750.00 --3,00000 @ 9.87

08/24/ 10 Sold 35000 Shs 08/23/10 9.880 0 . 00 345,800.00 -349 , 551.00 -3,751.00 @ 9.88

09/01/10 Sold 20000 Shs 08/31/10 9 880 0 00 197,600 . 00 -199 ,600.00 -2,000.00 @ 9.88

09/10/10 Sold 20000 Shs 09/09/10 9 870 0 00 197,400.00 -199,600.00 -2 ,200.00 @ 9.87

TD Asset Mgmt Short Term Bond #4 05/25/ 10 Sold 25000 Shs 05/24/10 10 220 0 . 00 255 , 500.00 -252,250.00 3,250 00 @ 10.22

06/07/ 10 Sold 10000 Shs 06/04/10 10 220 0 00 102,199.98 -100,596 .00 1,603.98 @1022

09/01/10 Sold 10000 Shs 08/31/10 10 280 0 .00 102,800 01 -100,400.00 2,400.01 @ 10.28

Page 35 C

TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 4

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317 ` v^r•"7i°.'^•:F'^aPs"^^^T:^^tr. CT1;'r•^^ ^r^^^'^r^;Tg,^ S^w;^r,; -rrr^^fa,^^1^,.at ,m^-a^y•x ^ r^ KA, ^y^,sp ,, c-^av'^',^^^ Z ri:--^^p-}-•„ S "S i ^'• ^u T.L - y^•-(' i 's^ `tr ASr. t^, 6 4 ^•U,, 5;t;gr f K^rilr !' ^ &n, " ale activity e ^ti'K ^,t^ S;, ,.^^ ^V h i fit;' '^` `3a-cJ1"1c''''.-,.^a. "."+h :.: 1 a v4 F"^, t^'t ti i,..k m, '"J'=a c ;`j Ik^• i ', t^t^iJ+,1 ti;'^1 1? u 3 + ,^l,•:^Wr`1 r>^^ '4h^ u ,rh^°9;w- ..^..:^. dS 3t..'t.:3:-,"^I^tu1^L`dd.±^ ^` 6i'i-,^^ ^ 1. 4v y !:' ,t7,Fy,^i^it

Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gam/Loss 10/21/10 Sold 24224 . 806 Shs 10/20/10 10.320 0 . 00 250,000 00 -243,217 .05 6,782.95 - @ 10.32

10/22/10 Sold 79000 Shs 10/21/10 10 310 0.00 814,490.01 -792,123.01 22,367.00 @ 10.31

12/16/10 Long Term Capital Gains Dist At 0.000 0.00 11,867 71 0.00 11,867 71 $ .016 Per Share

12/16/10 Short Term Capital Gains Dist At 0 000 0.00 22,758.92 0.00 22,758.92 $ .031 Per Share

U S Treas. Bonds 5.750 % 8/15/2010 Dtd 08/15/00 01/19/10 Sold 2500000 01/15/10 103.183 0.00 2,579,589 84 -2,658,984 38 -79,394.54 To Barclays Capital Inc. @ 103.18359375

08/05/10 Sold 3000000 08/04/10 100.148 0.00 3,004,453.13 -3,162,070.31 -157,617.18 To G X Clarke @ 100.1484375

U S Treas. Bonds 5.000 % 08/15/2011 Dtd 08/15/01 08/23/10 Sold 3595000 08/20/10 104.644 0.00 3,761,970 90 -3,827,984.96 -66,014.06 To Banc/America Sec. LLC Montgomer @ 104.6445314

09/01/10 Sold 1805000 08/31/10 104.507 0.00 1,886,366 01 -1,900,679.10 -14,313.09 To First Tennessee Bank Bond Divis @ 104.5078125

Page 36 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number. 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

'^" ^.'C'; _^^^rr..^-. r.r;'R (r;?="-c'^=q "^.^^"t'3u^'F :'^^^'S.M ar-f.^ ^ ? 'rtey '^`. sr^./:"'^ 'r`Ys'%P^rk ^7,:.':^^r^ ': ;i"i''•"T; ;ti .•"',''[^:?7:'^: _ •7'^ ^; X ,'„ ;^C, ^'.'°} C'... ^v7.^r1, Sy xrF.Sr Fi's^ ^'":"^'.+^r,.,^°p T ± ^'i,9^. i`,. ^9.'. _r w• i p^ •l i^fN,.'a y;^V.'^ r A, w^^ ^td.; fJr. G^ ^ L . ^hn °i. .^^ 151 ^ e, 1 }qf' '' r. ` c , Acti^ty r`' ;4 ;^^! ^ , ^'u ^.r M.^: =tie ^ ,,^,}^ ^i a , rh^t. x r^:^••^^ c'^5., , i,^ ^i t ^ rk.•:^. ''^^^ ^; ,.{,^( '^^r'r-^1'^:^^q^^i'C "'1"` ^ a ;^;'a, t ^k'' ^^ ^ ^ri` ;,^..7',y ,^^^Li,,' . ,iu^^^'4 •.t ^ R•` Sale^, •., • .!"'' '1 ^ ]k'5^^^ k . yti n "'i^.+' t,K:'' h,^`^rttu,^^'b,,:^t•< C!"7'` ^ '.`a: ,^Y^r,^ii t. ^^ '^9su`3x+rfda'a^4k'h'41,1<'S`.k^^,y^psc:ilL`S.,^iM.r^,a..-^, -c7 bSC4is''tF.l^..^^.^F^^^r^5nt;+^i^,d^*) run.1':^0•'i^^^^.. ssAs^k^.Ss^^.,'^.st°_V.oS'•Lt'?A..Jy:_,'^"f^a'- ^r r ;lk^7._ :R'aLM,c^:..a^ .,^:uk:L49...s'.1u,aiY,s^'....._ ^r^^va.S.`.'^..rk,_,,.y^•^4 1:,_.,,;^rSL^'l.rr•^ ^, ,^ Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

U S Treas. Bonds 4.000 % 02/15/2014

06/14/10 Sold 435000 06/11/10 108.796 0 00 473,266 41 -467,557.03 5,709.38 To Barclays Capital Inc. @ 108 796875

10/22/10 Sold 85000 10/21/10 111 167 0 00 94,492 77 -91,361.72 3,131.05 To Banc/America Sec LLC Montgomer @ 111.167969

U S Treasury Note 3. 125% 08/31/2013 Dtd 09/02/08 06/14/10 Sold 469000 06/11/10 105.750 0.00 495,967.50 -492,903.01 3,064.49 To G X Clarke @ 105.75

10/22/10 Sold 145000 10/21/10 107 535 0.00 155,925 98 -151,898.83 4,027.15 To Deutsche Bank Securities @ 107 535156

U S Treasury Note 2.625% 07/31/2014 Dtd 07/31/09 10/22/10 Sold 115000 10/21/10 106 964 0 00 123,009.57 -121,262.11 1,747 46 To Deutsche Bank Securities @ 106.964843

Page 37 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-1864317

Unit Transaction Total Realized Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Loss

U S Treasury Note 0.875% 02/29/2012 Dtd 02/28/10 10/22/10 Sold 4000010/21/10 100.796 0.00 40,318.75 -40,134.37 184.38 To Banc/America Sec LLC Montgomer @ 100.796875

11/08/10 Sold 1160000 11/05/10 100.761 0.00 1,168,835 94 -1,163,896.88 4,939.06 To Banc/America Sec. LLC Montgomer @ 100.761719

U S Treasury Note 2.125 % 05/31/2015 Dtd 06/01/10 10/22/10 Sold 130000 10/21/10 104.894 0.00 136,362.89 -134,651.56 1,711.33 To Banc/America Sec. LLC Montgomer @ 104.894531

U S Treasury Note 1.000% 07/15/2013 Dtd 07/15/10 10/22/10 Sold 60000 10/21/10 101.445 0.00 60,867.19 -60,52969 337.50 To Wall Street Access @ 101.445312

11/08/10 Sold 1740000 11/05/10 101.453 0.00 1,765,284.38 -1,754,962.50 10,321.88 To Banc/America Sec LLC Montgomer @ 101.453125

Page 38 TD Charitable Foundation January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Account Number: 68-9528-01-6 EIN: 14-186431 a i^eti 1 IN ME a > iR Unit Transaction Total Realize Date Description Price Costs Cash Cost Gain/Los'

United Tech Corp 6.35% 03/01/2011 Dtd 02/26/2001 06/17/10 Sold 425000 06/14/10 103.818 0.00 441,226.50 -455,187.75 -13,961.25 To First Tennessee Securities Corp @ 103.818

Wal-Mart Stores Inc 2.25% 07/08/2015 Dtd 07/08/10 10/26/10 Sold 80000 10/21/10 103.501 0.00 82,800.80 -81,930.99 869.81 To Susquehanna Ftnl Group LLP @ 103.501

Wells Fargo & Co 2.125% 06/15/2012 Dtd 03/30/09 FDIC Guaranteed 10/22/10 Sold 120000 10/21/10 102.796 0.00 123,355.20 -121,862.40 1 1,492.80 To Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc @ 102 796

Wyeth 5.500% 02/01/2014

04/23/10 Sold 1160000 04/20/10 110.693 0.00 1,284,038.80 -1,279,552.75 4,486.05 To Citigroup Global Markets @ 110 693 Total Fixed Income $ 63,783,390.11 $ -63,702,561.69 $ 80,828.42

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Page 39