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Book Reviews - Martin A. van Bakel, C.B. Wilpert, Südsee Inseln, Völker und Kulturen. Hamburg: Christians, 1987. - Leonard Blussé, Leo Suryadinata, The ethnic Chinese in the Asean states: Bibliographical essays, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian studies, 1989. 271 pages. - G. Bos, Cees Koelewijn, Oral literature of the Trio Indians of Surinam, Dordrecht-Providence: Foris, 1987. [Koniniklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Leiden, Caribbean series 6.] 312 pp., Peter Riviere (eds.) - Gary Brana-Shute, Thomas Gibson, Sacrifice and sharing in the Philippine highlands. Religion and society among the Buid of Mindoro, London: Athlone press [Londons school of economics Monographs on social anthropology No 57], 1986. x, 259 pp. - H.J.M. Claessen, Claude Tardits, Princes et serviteurs du royaume; Cinq études de monarchies africaines. Paris: Societé dEthnographie. 1987. 230 pp., maps, figs. - Mary Eggermont-Molenaar, Haijo jan Westra, Gerard Termorshuizen, P.A. Daum; Journalist en romancier van tempo doeloe. Amsterdam: Nijgh This PDF-file was downloaded from Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 02:16:45AM via free access BOEKBESPREKINGEN C.B. Wilpert, Südsee Insein, Völker und Kuituren. Hamburg: Christians, 1987. MARTIN A. VAN BAKEL This well-illustrated paperback provides an introduction to the cultures of Oceania. In about two hundred pages Clara Wilpert, with contributions by Hans Fischer, draws a reasonably clear and vivid picture of life in Oceania. The book is divided into sections covering the geographical and historical setting, the economy, the material culture, religious beliefs, and social relations. In addition, it deals extensively with the recent past, from the discovery of the Pacific by the Europeans to the present.
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