Wheaton College 2009–2010 Catalog

August 2009 Wheaton College Norton, Massachusetts www.wheatoncollege.edu Contents

Wheaton: A History 3

The Liberal Arts at Wheaton 7

Academic Resources 14

Academic Standards 19

The Wheaton Community 23

Admission 29

Financial Aid 33

Costs 38

Courses of Instruction 41

The information in this catalog is current as of August 25, 2009. For updates to programs, visit wheatoncollege.edu/catalog. Wheaton: A History , like people, are shaped by the experiences, Cragin pioneered the teaching of geometry without individuals, people and events that fill their past. The textbooks, encouraging her pupils to think through and forces that sparked the founding of Wheaton College be- solve mathematical problems on their own. This teaching gan 175 years ago, with a father’s wish to memorialize method earned Miss Cragin national acclaim after she his recently deceased and much-loved daughter. In addi- left Wheaton to teach at the St. Louis Normal School tion to erecting a granite obelisk, Judge Laban Wheaton, (Missouri), where she later became principal. Five years at the urging of his daughter-in-law, Eliza Baylies Chapin after her death, National Teachers Monthly praised Mary Wheaton, decided to create a living monument. The Cragin as “a woman who came as near the ideal of true Wheaton Female Seminary opened its doors on April 22, teacher, everything considered, as any that we have 1835, with 3 teachers and 50 pupils. known.” From its founding, Wheaton Seminary was a pioneer- A third outstanding educator during Wheaton’s early ing , offering young women the means to pur- history was Clara Pike, who graduated from Wheaton sue serious study at a time when women’s educational in 1866, and returned to teach science from 1869 to options were few. In planning their school, the Wheaton 1901. At her urging, Wheaton built science facilities family turned to one of the recognized leaders of the day and acquired equipment unusually sophisticated for a in female education: Mary Lyon. Miss Lyon created the female seminary. Miss Pike regularly attended classes seminary’s first curriculum with the goal that it be equal at the Women’s Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute in the “English branches”—science, philosophy, math- of Technology, and invited MIT professors to lecture at ematics, rhetoric, history, composition, logic and religious Wheaton. In planning the seminary’s science courses, studies—to the curricula of men’s schools. Miss Pike consulted extensively with Ellen Swallow Among those whose ideas and influence shaped the Richards, the founder of the Women’s Laboratory at MIT. early Wheaton was Caroline Cutler Metcalf. Strong- willed, conscientious and creative, Mrs. Metcalf served From seminary to college as seminary principal from 1850 to 1876. Finding and Eliza Baylies Chapin Wheaton played an ongoing role retaining outstanding teachers was high on her list of in the life of the seminary. In the mid-1890s, she was priorities. Caroline Metcalf sought educators willing among the first to recognize that the age of the seminary to put aside tradition and custom to employ the most was ending. Four-year colleges were becoming the effective teaching methods possible. Graduates paid rule rather than the exception, for women as well as tribute to Mrs. Metcalf’s many contributions to their lives men. (Indeed, seminary enrollment in 1897 was a mere and to the institution by creating the Wheaton Alumnae 25 students.) Convinced that Wheaton should seek Association in 1870, in honor of Caroline Metcalf’s 20th collegiate status, Mrs. Wheaton called upon trustees to year as seminary principal; the group also elected Mrs. appoint one of their own, the Reverend Samuel Valentine Metcalf as its first president. One of the oldest such Cole, as the seminary’s first president. Within six months organizations in the country, the Wheaton Alumnae/i of assuming the position, President Cole announced his Association today numbers more than 14,000 members intention to seek a college charter “at some future time if worldwide. circumstances shall seem to warrant.” So began a massive revitalization project that Educators of vision resulted in an expanded and strengthened curriculum Lucy Larcom, who taught writing, literature and his- and an almost entirely new campus. The effect of these tory from 1854 to 1862, may be the best known of improvements was dramatic: By 1899–1900, Wheaton’s Wheaton’s 19th-century faculty. She certainly character- enrollment had more than tripled. In November 1911, ized the innovative teacher-scholars who would follow trustees announced their decision to apply for a col- her as Wheaton faculty members. The founder of the lege charter, which was granted by the Massachusetts student literary magazine Rushlight (which still exists), Legislature in February 1912. Miss Larcom also was the catalyst behind the creation The first half of the 20th century brought further of “Psyche,” an intellectual discussion group. In the expansion. In planning the physical development of classroom, she defied accepted methods of teaching Wheaton’s campus, President Cole consulted with well- history and English literature, eschewing recitation and known Boston architect Ralph Adams Cram as early as memorization in favor of discussing ideas. A close friend 1897. Cram’s pencil sketch of a “Court of Honor”—a of poet John Greenleaf Whittier, Miss Larcom compiled rectangular, open space surrounded by groups of build- several anthologies published under his name, from ings based on the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in which she received steady royalty income. Chicago—became a blueprint for campus development; Seminary teacher Mary Jane Cragin, a graduate a gymnasium, a power house, a chapel, four dormitories, of Bridgewater Normal School (now Bridgewater a library dining hall, a science building and an observa- College), made significant contributions in mathemat- tory were constructed between 1900 and 1925. Ralph ics. Nicknamed “Miss Why?” by students, Mary Jane Adams Cram would later become supervising architect

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 3 at Princeton, Rice, MIT and the U.S. Military Academy at broadened to support a colloquium in social — West Point. a forum through which the Wheaton community may Following Samuel V. Cole’s death in 1925, the address key contemporary social issues. The first Otis Reverend John Edgar Park became Wheaton’s second Social Justice Award was presented in 1990 to former president. He began his tenure by modernizing the U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop. Two years later, curriculum. Among his accomplishments: introducing the award went to Jonathan Kozol, (son of Ruth Massell departmental honors and senior seminars, instituting a Kozol ’25), author and critical observer of American system of academic majors and minors, and establishing public education. The annual Miriam Lee Tropp Memorial a Wheaton chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The year 1935 Lecture, meanwhile, has featured CBS 60 Minutes brought Wheaton’s centennial anniversary, which the correspondent Lesley Stahl ’1963, economist Elizabeth college commemorated with a two-day celebration that Janeway and Chinese political observer William Hinton, included commencement, alumnae reunions, historical among others; the Wright-Shippee Memorial Lecture has exhibits, and the performance of a pageant written by brought to campus well-known artists and art historians. English department members Ellen Ballou and Louise During his last year as Wheaton president, Dr. Barr MacKenzie. Student enrollment and the size of the Meneely suffered from cancer, and the administration faculty increased steadily during Dr. Park’s presidency, of the college fell increasingly to Dean of the College and new construction continued, including the Student Elizabeth S. May. Dr. May was named acting president Alumnae Building (1940), the first Modern building on an upon Dr. Meneely’s death, and served in that capacity American college campus. Wheaton’s growth and vitality from 1961 to 1962 during the search for a new leader. during these years is particularly noteworthy in the Trustees found President Meneely’s successor in context of two major world events: the Great Depression Dr. William C. H. Prentice, a psychology professor and and World War II. administrator from Swarthmore College who was to hold the Wheaton presidency from 1962 to 1975. In complet- Growth and transformation ing the building program necessary to accommodate A. Howard Meneely began his 17-year tenure as growing an enrollment that reached 1,200, President Wheaton president when Dr. Park retired in 1944. By the Prentice oversaw the creation of Wheaton’s Watson mid-1950s, pursuing a college education had become Fine Arts building, Meadows residence hall and Clark an increasingly desirable goal for growing numbers Recreation Center. Additionally, in 1966, the college con- of students nationwide. Noting Wheaton’s own steady structed the Elisabeth Amen Nursery School to replace enrollment growth since World War II, President Meneely the school built in 1931, which had been one of the first voiced his concern that unless college facilities and the laboratory nursery schools in the country. number of faculty increased across the country, a crisis in education could result. At the same time, Dr. Meneely Faculty-student collaboration believed that Wheaton should remain a “small” college, Wheaton built on its long-standing commitment to continuing to provide students with individualized atten- student and faculty research in the sciences with the tion and a homelike atmosphere. opening of a new science facility in 1968. Since the While agreeing with President Meneely in principle, late 1950s, students had been conducting original trustees acknowledged the changing definition of a small research in ultrasonics under the direction of Professor college and voted, in 1955, to increase Wheaton’s enroll- of Chemistry Bojan Hamlin Jennings. ment by 250 students. This initiative, combined with Grants from the National Science Foundation, the another vote taken six years later, doubled enrollment to American Chemical , and other prestigious groups 1,000 students. In turn, such growth allowed Wheaton to funded the purchase of scientific equipment and pro- expand and improve its curriculum, faculty and building vided financial support for student researchers to study program. high-frequency sound. Professor Jennings and Suzanne On the academic front, Wheaton established in 1959 Townsend Purrington ’60, described this research in an a major lecture series through the generosity of Henry article published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry in Witte Otis. (Two of Mr. Otis’s daughters graduated from 1961. Wheaton.) Wheaton Professor of Religion J. Arthur Wheaton’s tradition of faculty-student collaboration Martin developed the idea for the Otis Lecture Series to in the sciences continues as exemplified by Professor give students, as he put it, “an opportunity to hear and to of Astronomy Tim Barker and his students. With support come to know distinguished theologians and philoso- from the National Science Foundation, the Wheaton phers, and to profit from the inspiration and guidance of researchers are seeking to uncover supernovae in other a person of such intellectual stature as is usually found galaxies. In June 1994, the team logged its first discov- in our leading universities.” During the 1960s, the series ery: a dying star some 65 million light-years away. attracted such speakers as Dr. Paul Tillich and Eleanor Another of Wheaton’s most distinguished faculty Roosevelt. Today, the purpose of the Otis Fund has members was Rhodes Scholar Ernest John Knapton,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 4 professor of history from 1931 to 1968. An authority a political scientist who specializes in urban politics, on the French Revolution in general and the Napoleonic holds degrees from Cornell University, the University of era in particular, Professor Knapton wrote more than 50 California at Berkeley and U.C.L.A. scholarly articles and book reviews as well as 10 books. In addition to the appointment of a new president, Among the books he wrote was Empress Josephine, the 1992 brought two other milestones: the graduation of definitive biography of Napoleon’s wife. In May 1969 Wheaton’s first coeducational class and the enrollment Jack Knapton was the only American invited to the Third of the largest freshman class in the college’s history. The International Congress of Napoleonic Studies, held at latter propelled total enrollment to an all-time high. Portoferraio, Elba, to commemorate the bicentennial At Dale Marshall’s inauguration ceremony on October of Napoleon’s birth. At the conference, he presented a 3, 1992, trustees urged her to “heed the proud history paper titled “American Historical Writing on Napoleon in of Wheaton College, recognizing the promise of the the Twentieth Century,” for which Wheaton history major future in the strengths of the past.” The new leader also Susan Aivano Hall ’70 did much of the bibliographic was charged with engaging the whole of the Wheaton work. Wheaton recognized Professor Knapton’s achieve- family—students and their parents, alumnae/i, faculty, ments by awarding him an honorary degree and naming staff members and friends—in articulating and pursuing the social sciences building in his honor in 1972. the mission of the college. Toward that end, a strategic planning effort began Building on tradition in the fall of 1992 to identify and prioritize goals for the The 1970s also saw the inauguration of Wheaton’s coming decade. The effort involved the entire college first woman president: Alice F. Emerson, former dean of community, including alumnae/i and friends, and resulted students at the University of Pennsylvania. During her in the adoption of a plan, Excellence and Equilibrium: 16-year tenure, President Emerson continued the tradi- Wheaton in the 21st Century, for ensuring the institu- tion of campus improvement and curricular innovation. tion’s strength for the future. Physical changes included a major addition to the library; Central to the plan was the Campaign for Wheaton, a complete renovation and restoration of Mary Lyon Hall successfully concluded in June 2000 with $90 million (the oldest classroom building still in use); and the cre- raised in support for the college. The final total, which far ation of the Balfour-Hood Campus Center. The latter two exceeded the original $65 million goal, included a $10 initiatives were part of a major fund-raising campaign million gift from Trustee Adrienne Bevis Mars ’58 and her that the college conducted from 1983 to 1986. Alumnae, husband, John—the largest gift to Wheaton in its history. parents, friends, corporations and foundations contrib- The effort created a wealth of new resources in diverse uted more than $26 million for student scholarships, fac- areas, including more than 70 new student scholarship ulty development, library acquisitions and other priorities. funds, 12 new endowed faculty chairs, new programs Such support was characteristic of the renewed sense such as the Davis International Fellows program and the of purpose and pride with which Wheaton celebrated its Jane E. Ruby Lecture Series, and a host of new facili- 150th anniversary in 1984 to 1985. ties. The campaign was capped by the largest building Additions to campus facilities since the mid-1980s project in Wheaton history, the renovation of Mars Arts include the $10 million Haas Athletic Center, which and Humanities and the expansion of Watson Fine Arts opened in 1991 and supports Wheaton’s growing Center and Meneely Hall. array of intercollegiate, intramural and recreational Following the Campaign, the college’s faculty con- sports programs; Gebbie Hall, a residence for about 50 ducted a comprehensive review of the curriculum, which students, funded by a $1.2 million grant from the Gebbie resulted in the adoption of an innovative new educational Foundation of Jamestown, N.Y.; and a new bookstore, program. The Wheaton Curriculum reaffirms the college’s housed in a restored historic building and expanded to commitment to the traditional breadth and depth of the serve the local community as well as the college. liberal arts and sciences while encouraging students to In January 1987 Wheaton trustees recommended, in explore connections among their academic, co-curricular principle, that the 152-year-old women’s college open its and work experiences, and to think, learn, analyze, doors to young men. After several months of discus- evaluate, understand and express themselves within and sion among alumnae, parents and friends, the board about all aspects of their lives. approved the move in May of that year. Wheaton’s first On July 15, 2004, Ronald A. Crutcher became coeducational class—412 young men and women— Wheaton’s seventh president. A national leader in arrived on campus in September 1988. higher education and an accomplished cellist, President On July 1, 1992, Dale Rogers Marshall became Crutcher shares the college community’s commitment Wheaton’s sixth president. The former Wellesley College to active engagement with the world, and a core belief academic dean succeeded President Emerson, who left in the power of education to change lives. During his office in November 1991; Hannah Goldberg, Wheaton’s inauguration on April 16, 2005, the president observed provost and academic vice president since 1983, served that, “The world is a wonderful place, but surely it can as acting president during the interim. Dr. Marshall,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 5 be better—and Wheaton can help. Our students can be The young women and men now on campus share a force for creating a more tolerant society, one that is with past generations the rich academic tradition of more respectful of difference and open to all perspec- the liberal arts and sciences. At the same time, today’s tives and viewpoints.” students benefit from a host of curricular initiatives Under President Crutcher’s leadership, the college begun during the past two decades—new programs community drafted a strategic plan, Wheaton 2014: that help undergraduates explore ideas and concepts Transforming Lives to Change the World, that builds on across academic disciplines, link academic study with the college’s strength in providing a transforming liberal learning outside the classroom, appreciate diversity in all arts education to intellectually curious students. The its forms, and see themselves as active members of a plan envisons the college as an institution that prepares global community. graduates to live purposeful lives, be engaged in their Despite the diversity of the courses and programs communities, be scientifically and technologically liter- that constitute the Wheaton curriculum, all draw on the ate, and act effectively to promote change. Wheaton’s college’s historic commitment to the liberal arts and mission statement sums up those goals by stating: sciences. And all help us meet the challenge confront- “Wheaton College provides a transformative liberal arts ing every institution of higher learning: to prepare young education for intellectually curious students in a collab- people for lives of consequence in the 21st century and orative, academically vibrant residential community that beyond. Wheaton students and alumnae/i continue to values a diverse world.” embody Eliza Baylies Chapin Wheaton’s dream, that “the world shall be better for their having lived in it.”

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 6 The Liberal Arts at A liberal arts curriculum prepares students to think criti- The Wheaton Curriculum Wheaton cally, analyze issues closely, communicate effectively and The Wheaton Curriculum consists of four parts: assume leadership roles in the communities in which • Foundations, to assure sophisticated skills in they live and work. Students realize the benefits of the writing and quantitative analysis, and a knowledgeable liberal arts at Wheaton through a course of study that approach to the broader world. spans the broad range of academic disciplines as well as • Connections—pairs or sets of courses connected an in-depth major focus on one or more fields of particu- across disciplinary boundaries to provide a broad view of lar interest. And Wheaton is an institution engaged fully the world of knowledge. with contemporary society and issues; students’ educa- • The Major and an optional Minor, to ensure tional experience extends to a wide variety of learning students an in-depth exploration of their interests; a opportunities on campus and around the world. capstone experience completes a student’s immersion in Students at Wheaton are encouraged to to think, the major discipline. learn, analyze, evaluate, understand and express them- • Electives, to allow students to expand their intel- selves within and about all aspects of their lives. These lectual and creative interests. goals are accomplished through both the structure of the curriculum and the intellectual process that takes place The breadth requirement inside and outside the classroom. Wheaton’s liberal arts curriculum is designed to expand The Wheaton Curriculum encourages students to ex- students’ knowledge and give them the skills to make plore the conceptual and methodological approaches to informed choices and wise judgments throughout life. knowledge inherent in the academic disciplines through Foundations courses enable students to improve their connected courses that cover related topics from writing and thinking skills and expand their view of the multiple perspectives. A first-year seminar and founda- world. Connections broaden their areas of knowledge tion courses in writing, quantitative analysis, foreign and help them look at problems and issues from multiple language and the world beyond the West are followed or perspectives and across disciplines. accompanied by students’ choosing among established Foundations cross-disciplinary Connections or by creating their own. The process of making explicit the connections among During their first two years, all students at Wheaton take courses in different academic areas—painting and courses that provide a foundation for further exploration mathematics or chemistry, for example—highlight the and for the major. The schedule of courses identifies unique contributions each discipline makes to our under- courses that fulfill these requirements by using a letter standing and appreciation of the world. This innovative code in the last column of the course listing. educational program combines the breadth of the liberal First-Year Seminar. Each section of this course focuses arts with the opportunity to develop a fully dimensional on a different topic, but each is designed to illustrate how view of the world. differently people may interpret or understand these top- From the breadth of vision encouraged by the cur- ics in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. riculum’s foundation courses and Connections program, Required of students in their first semester, the course is students move to in-depth study of a discipline by designed to foster active learning and class participation choosing a major field of interest. Students may choose and stresses many of the skills needed for success at to follow the paths outlined in department and interde- Wheaton. partmental programs or forge an independent course Writing. Unless exempted on the basis of Advanced of study with guidance from faculty in the relevant Placement test scores or Wheaton’s English placement areas and academic advisors. Through the major, which procedure, all students complete a section of English culminates with a senior capstone experience, students 101 in the first year. The course is taught in small groups develop the capacity to apply the tools of scholarship to on a variety of topics; the instructional emphasis is on specific subjects of inquiry. developing writing skills. Across all levels of the major, The intensity of inside the classroom and students will encounter increasing emphasis on writing the active learning promoted by a distinguished faculty within the discipline. are matched by out-of-class learning with one’s peers in a multitude of settings on and off campus. This includes Foreign Language. Each student completes at least research, internships, service, study abroad and other two semesters of study in a single language at a level co-curricular opportunities. In all these spheres, students appropriate to the student’s proficiency. Advanced gain critical understanding of the world and the leader- language courses may also fulfill the arts and humani- ship role they can play in it. ties requirement. Wheaton offers language instruction in

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 7 Chinese, French, German, Ancient Greek, Italian, Latin, Anthropology 225 (African Cultures in Transition) with Russian, Japanese, Arabic and Spanish. Students are English 245 (African Literature) and/or Music 124 (World encouraged to include language courses early in their Music: Africa and the Americas) and/or History 143 course of study, as this may open other opportunities (Africans on Africa) and/or Political Science 203 (African within their academic careers, such as study abroad or Politics). Genes in Contexts links Computer Science 121 work in major fields (international relations, art history (DNA) with Philosophy 111 (Ethics). For a complete list, or philosophy). Students for whom English is a second see page 67. language may fulfill this requirement with English 106. Students are normally expected to take a pair or set of linked courses in the same or adjoining semesters. Quantative Analysis. Students must complete one course that emphasizes quantitative analysis. Courses Students are also invited to discover their own possible with the QA designation include courses in math, com- linked courses and to approach the faculty and propose puter science and logic, and some statistical methods a Connection. courses. Math courses are designed both for students Students are encouraged to think about possible planning to continue in math or use math in other areas connections early on, though many will prefer to fulfill and for students who do not expect to study math in this requirement in their sophomore year. (Note that if depth. Some math courses also are linked with other the chosen Connections do not include courses from courses (in art or English literature, for example) and can all three of the traditional academic divisions—arts and count toward the Connections requirement. humanities, natural sciences and social sciences— students will be expected to take at least one course in Beyond the West. Recognizing that most students will the missing division(s). Faculty advisors help students have had substantial exposure to the perspectives of plan accordingly.) Western (Europe and English-speaking North America), Wheaton expects students to complete at least The major concentration one course that focuses on an aspect of non-Western The major may be fulfilled in a variety of ways. Most societies. These courses are offered in several different Wheaton students elect a traditional academic major by departments, and may also serve other parts of the the end of the sophomore year from among more than curriculum, such as Connections or even the major. 36 available choices. The requirements for each of these Because the Wheaton Curriculum emphasizes issues established major programs are outlined under individual of race, gender and global perspectives throughout the departmental headings in the “Courses of Instruction” curriculum, a Foundations course in history, culture or is- section of this catalog. Students should meet with major sues that have been traditionally excluded from Western advisors to discuss their plans and outline their major inquiry will enhance a student’s entire academic career. programs before formally declaring their major to the Office of the Registrar. Infusions. Courses will be transformed across the curriculum to ensure that the education of Wheaton Wheaton offers a number of interdepartmental students emphasizes the study of race/ethnicity and its majors, such as international relations, psychobiology, intersections with gender, class, sexuality, religion and women’s studies, environmental studies, American civi- technology in the United States and globally. To meet lization, mathematics and economics, and religion and this goal, faculty members shall, whenever possible, philosophy, guidelines for which have been determined transform their courses through initiatives, including by the departments concerned and approved by the those supported by the Office of the Provost. faculty. Information about these majors is available under appropriate headings in the sections which follow and, in Connections greater detail, from major advisors. Wheaton’s unique Connections program provides an A student may propose his or her own independent exciting way to explore different areas of knowledge and major, which allows the student to determine and define different approaches to problems. All Wheaton students the focus of study. Such majors are normally designed must take either two sets of two-course connections with the guidance of faculty advisors and combine (a total of four courses) or one set of three connected courses from two or more departments. These majors re- courses. Courses are linked across any two of six aca- quire the approval of the provost, and must be declared demic areas: creative arts, humanities, history, math and by the end of the fifth semester. Students interested computer science, natural sciences and social sciences. in an independent major should talk with the dean of Each linked course is a regular Wheaton course that advising;petition forms are available in the advising has been approved as part of a Connection. For example, center. the Connection Darwin, , Race and Culture The minor concentration links English 235 (Empire, Race, and the Victorians) with Biology 111 (Evolution and Ecology); African Worlds links All departments offering majors also offer minor con- centrations in the same field. Some departments also

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 8 offer minors in more specialized areas. Other minors are students the opportunity to work with more advanced offered in areas with no corresponding major, including: materials or engage in additional independent work. • Development Studies Students will be expected to complete all the work for • Education (early childhood, elementary, secondary) the regular introductory courses alongside other stu- • Environmental Studies dents, but may also meet separately for additional class • Judaic Studies hours and may earn additional credit. These courses are • Latin American Studies identified in the schedule of courses for each semester • Legal Studies and, for entering students, in the advising publication • Management sent to new students over the summer. Registration for • Public Policy Studies these versions of a course will occur during the drop/add • Statistics period after classes have begun. Any student is free to • Urban Studies select an enhanced course after attending the first class Minor concentrations consist of at least five interrelated meeting and learning more about it. courses, at least one of which is taken at an advanced Experimental courses level (300 level or above). Students planning minors may From time to time, departments design new courses that consult with appropriate major advisors about guidelines are offered on an experimental basis. These courses and restrictions. Only one course in a minor program may be offered only once or may eventually become part may also be counted toward the student’s major, and of the regular curriculum. Numbered 198, 298 or 398, no course may be included in more than one minor many times such courses offer unusual opportunities to program. study at the cutting edge of a field of knowledge. Electives Individualized study The Wheaton Curriculum invites students to explore a broad range of topics, and to choose a large proportion Independent majors. Wheaton students interested in of courses based entirely on where their interests lead. creating interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary majors Additional courses in astronomy, biology, chemistry, may design their own independent major. Students will computer science, geology or physics can empower an develop their own rationale for their proposed major in alert observer of the natural world and an informed par- consultation with advisors from two or more departments ticipant in important changes happening in science and and will select an appropriate program of courses from technology. Courses in the arts—music, theatre, dance, two or more areas of study in the established curriculum. creative writing, literature, studio art and art history— Proposals must be approved by the faculty who will can offer lifelong pleasure in artistic performance and advise the program, by the dean for advising and by expression. Courses in anthropology, classics or history the provost. There is no minimum grade point average will help put contemporary events and modern cultures requirement. Guidelines and proposal forms are available into perspective. Courses in economics, psychology, in the Advising Center. Independent majors who are political science or will provide a foundation for approved for honors in that field of concentration will be understanding how individuals and groups function and designated Wheaton Scholars. interact. Additional courses in philosophy or mathematics Individual research. Individual research courses are will strengthen the ability to analyze problems, while ad- typically undertaken as yearlong courses in the senior vanced foreign language study will enrich understanding year and involve the production of a senior thesis or of others and provide a valuable tool for communicating other advanced work to qualify the student for depart- with them. Students might even want to pursue one or mental honors. These courses are numbered 500. more of these self-chosen courses through an additional Independent study. These courses are arranged Connection. individually between faculty and students, and provide This is an opportunity to take risks—taking two of the means by which students interested in pursuing these self-chosen courses for “Pass” credit (students a topic not covered in an existing course may do so earn a “Pass” with C work or better). Or students may with appropriate scholarly guidance. These courses are decide to pursue a minor, a coherent set of courses in numbered 099, 199, 299, 399 or 499, depending on the either a traditional major area or one of Wheaton’s of level of the work involved, and are normally undertaken interdisciplinary areas, such as Latin American stud- only after the first year. ies, urban studies, or women’s studies. Students may even choose a second major, such as one in a foreign Fieldwork. A number of departments offer opportunities language, that will enhance other studies. to integrate fieldwork into a student’s academic program. Students may complete up to four credits of fieldwork Enhanced courses courses (but no more than two credits within the major). Every year a number of introductory-level courses will Some fieldwork courses are a part of a department’s offer an additional “enhanced” version designed to give normal offerings, but other fieldwork opportunities are

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 9 arranged as independent study courses. who, as study abroad returnees, share their knowledge Internships. Students completing internships through the with prospective study abroad students. Students submit Career Services of the Filene Center may wish to develop study abroad applications to the Center for Global these experiences into a fieldwork or independent study Education and receive advice regarding the program course yielding academic credit. Students interested in most appropriate to meet their academic objectives. this possibility should speak with the dean of academic Prior to departure, a mandatory orientation program is advising, or appropriate faculty before undertaking the offered, as well as a reception to honor those selected to internship to determine the best way to prepare for such participate in studying abroad. a course. Normally the student can expect to complete In most cases, students who participate in Wheaton additional research and reading and a paper or project study abroad programs pay regular Wheaton compre- to be evaluated by a faculty member. Fieldwork may hensive fees that cover most overseas fees and educa- consist of work in museums, with government or social tional expenses. Details are outlined in specific program service agencies, or in business or public service offices, literature available at the Center for Global Education but it must be primarily an educational rather than a and on the center Web site at www.wheatoncollege.edu/ career-oriented experience if it is to become the basis global. Students participating in a Wheaton study abroad for academic credit. program may utilize their federal, state, merit and need- based aid while abroad. Global study and intercultural learning. Over the Students whose academic needs cannot be met past decade, the number of American students studying through Wheaton programs may petition to participate in abroad has more than doubled, and at Wheaton interna- an approved non-Wheaton program. Such petitions must tional study has become an ever more popular feature receive strong support from the faculty advisor. Staff of the undergraduate experience. Increasingly, Wheaton at the Center for Global Education will guide students students understand that study abroad enriches their through the process of identifying an appropriate non- academic experience and better prepares them for life Wheaton program. after college. In addition to the traditional semester and year- Wheaton offers an exciting range of study abroad long options, students may participate in short-term, options and activities through the Center for Global faculty-led study abroad programs. In past years, these Education and opportunities for intercultural learning opportunities have included field research in tropical through the Marshall Center for Intercultural Learning to biology in Belize and Costa Rica, sociology in Cambodia encourage students to broaden their cultural boundaries and Vietnam and elementary education/English literature and knowledge of the world. in England. The Wheaton Curriculum emphasizes the infusion of global and intercultural perspectives, and the college has Off-campus study in the U.S. set a priority on preparing every graduate to be globally Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, Portland, and interculturally competent. To support these goals, Maine. Selected Wheaton students may participate in a Wheaton now offers 33 study abroad programs in 19 semester of interdisciplinary studies with a concentra- countries, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Chile, tion in documentary photography, nonfiction writing and China, Costa Rica, Denmark, England, France, Germany, editing, and field research at the Salt Institute. Selected Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, student projects are published in the institute’s maga- Scotland, South Africa and Spain. Students select from a zine, become part of the permanent archives, and are wide range of academic disciplines, become immersed displayed in the Salt Gallery for a wider public audience. in the culture of their host country, and gain unique Enrollment is limited to approximately 25 students, who insights into themselves and their world. Students may receive close guidance and individual supervision as they also pursue intercultural learning opportunities within the develop their projects. Students learn the steps of field United States and the Americas. data collection and the development of professional skills To be eligible for study abroad, students must be in needed to shape their independent research for publica- good academic and social standing and must maintain tion. Grades and credits become part of a Wheaton an overall grade point average of 2.85. Most students student’s academic record and students pay regular elect to study abroad in their junior year, but applica- Wheaton tuition and fees for this Wheaton-affiliated tions from sophomores (second semester) and seniors program. (first semester) are considered in relation to the plan of study and preparation. Each fall, the Center for Global The Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Education sponsors a Study Abroad Fair featuring Massachusetts. Wheaton is a member of the Marine information about Wheaton overseas partner schools and Biological Laboratory Consortium in Environmental programs. Students may also take advantage of general, Science. Select students with strong backgrounds in country-specific and major-specific information meet- environmental studies may qualify for fall semester study ings, the resource library at the center, and peer advisors at this world-renowned center for research, education

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 10 and training in biology. While at the MBL, students enroll The Twelve College Exchange Program. Regional in two core lab and lecture courses in aquatic ecosys- colleges cooperating with Wheaton in exchanging junior- tems and terrestrial ecosystems, select elective seminars year students include Amherst, Bowdoin, Connecticut and undertake an independent project. A special effort College, Dartmouth, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, Trinity, Vassar, is made to understand the links between ecosystems Wellesley and Wesleyan. Admission is competitive, and on land and in water at global, regional and local scales. students should indicate strong curricular reasons for The MBL library is jointly operated with the Woods Hole wishing to participate in the exchange. Applications Oceanographic Institution, serving as a primary source and information on eligibility are available through in of scientific information for the large, multi-institutional the Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career Woods Hole scientific community. Grades and credits Services; a minimum GPA of 2.67 (B-) is required. become part of a Wheaton student’s academic record Grades do not become part of a Wheaton student’s and students pay regular Wheaton tuition and fees for academic record. For the period of study away, no fees this Wheaton-affiliated program. are paid to Wheaton; students pay tuition and fees to the host exchange institution. Wheaton merit scholarship and Williams-Mystic Maritime Studies Program, financial aid funds are not available, though students are Mystic, Connecticut. Under the auspices of Williams College and the Twelve College Exchange Program, eligible for state and federal aid programs. described below, this program offers an interdisciplinary, Washington Semester, Washington, D.C. Qualified field-based approach to studies of the sea: history of the students may spend one semester of their junior year sea, literature of the sea, oceanography or marine ecolo- at American University, participating in one of twelve gy, and marine policy. Students also learn maritime skills programs, with the approval of the appropriate Wheaton under professional instruction, including boat building, department chair. Students enroll in a core seminar, iron forging, sailing skills, celestial navigation or the his- which consists of meetings with guest lecturers from a tory and culture of sea music. The program offers three wide network of national and international organizations field seminars each semester, with a ten-day offshore and agencies and class readings. An elective course or voyage on a traditionally rigged tall ship along coastal research project is undertaken, along with an internship New England (fall semester), or the Florida Straits (spring placement two days a week. Grades do not become part semester), a ten-day seminar exploring the Pacific Coast of a Wheaton student’s academic record. For the period of California (fall semester) or the Pacific Northwest of study away, no fees are paid to Wheaton; students (spring semester), and a field seminar to the Mississippi pay tuition and fees to American University. Wheaton Delta and the Gulf of Mexico. Admission is competitive. merit scholarship and financial aid funds are not avail- Applications must be made in February of the preceding able, though students are eligible for state and federal year. More information is available in the Filene Center aid programs and may apply to American University for for Academic Advising and Career Services. Grades special scholarships. do not become part of a Wheaton student’s academic record, and students pay tuition and fees to Williams Cross-registration options College for the Mystic Seaport Program. Wheaton merit Brown University. A limited number of Wheaton stu- scholarships are not available, but Wheaton grants are dents may cross-register for Brown University courses in available. subjects or areas not covered in the Wheaton curriculum. A minimum GPA of 2.67 (B-) is required. Applications The National Theater Institute at the Eugene O’Neill and details regarding eligibility and other limitations Theater Center, Waterford, Connecticut. Under for Brown cross-registration are available in the Filene the auspices of Connecticut College and the Twelve Center for Academic Advising and Career Services. Both College Exchange Program, described below, students in institutions must approve all applications. theater may spend one semester of concentrated study in directing, play writing, acting, movement and voice, SACHEM. The Southeastern Association for Cooperation design and other electives. A final project draws together in Higher Education in Massachusetts is a collaborative all these elements, culminating in a performance open to effort among nine local colleges that allows full-time the public. Two weeks of the semester are either spent students to enroll in a limited number of courses at abroad or in New York City. NTI also offers a semester in other SACHEM institutions. Members of SACHEM are Russia at the Moscow Art Theater School. The program Bridgewater State College, Stonehill College, University is very competitive and requires an audition with NTI of Massachusetts–Dartmouth, Massachusetts Maritime staff. Grades do not become part of a Wheaton student’s Academy, Dean College, Cape Cod Community College, academic record. Students pay tuition and fees to Bristol Community College and Massasoit Community Connecticut College for the NTI Program. Wheaton merit College. Students may take courses for credit at any scholarships are not available, but Wheaton grants are of the nine colleges with the approval of their faculty available.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 11 advisors and the Wheaton Registrar, providing that such schools normally require a minimum of two semesters courses are unavailable at Wheaton. of biology, two years of chemistry (including one year of organic chemistry), two semesters of physics, one Boston Marine Studies Consortium. Wheaton students may enroll through the normal preregistra- semester of mathematics and two semesters of English. tion process in marine studies courses offered through Some schools have additional requirements and all admit the member schools of the Boston Marine Studies students who have completed majors outside of the sci- Consortium. Students may generally enroll in no more ences if their record in science courses is strong. than two courses, generally one per semester. Eligible Law. Because law schools recognize the of students must be enrolled as full-time students at traditional liberal arts education, there are no set courses Wheaton and, where appropriate, have the necessary making up a pre-law program. An interested student prerequisite courses. Courses may be taught at Bentley should select courses that will develop an ability to University, Wellesley College and the New England write, to argue persuasively and to analyze critically the Aquarium. Students must provide their own transporta- arguments of others. Students considering a career in tion. Students should direct questions to the Filene law should consult one of the pre-law advisors about Center for Academic Advising and Career Services. their academic program and to prepare for law school admissions. Wheaton offers a legal studies minor, but Pre-professional programs this minor is not a prerequisite for law school. Wheaton actively encourages students to continue their education in professional and graduate programs. Architecture and related fields. Students interested in Information and advice about graduate schools and un- architecture and art-related fields such as architectural dergraduate preparation for graduate study is available restoration, city planning, landscape design or urban in the Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career design may enroll in advanced degree programs at other Services. institutions after completing their Wheaton A.B. Their Wheaton program should include at least one year of Dual-degree programs. Dual-degree programs permit calculus and physics, as well as courses in drawing, art a student to begin graduate-level study in studio art, and architectural history and design. communications, engineering, business, theology and optometry before graduating from Wheaton. A student Communications. In addition to the Emerson College will take one to three additional years to earn a second program, students may prepare for journalism or media degree in one of these fields; the Wheaton A.B. is careers in graduate schools of journalism or com- normally awarded at the same time as the second munications. Students may prepare by completing the degree. More detailed information about these programs writing/literature program in the English department, the and the undergraduate programs of study that lead to studio art major (with an emphasis on graphic design or them is available under dual-degree programs in the photography) or the sociology major (with an emphasis catalog. Dual-degree programs exist with the following in documentary sociology or media and society). They institutions: are encouraged to meet with members of the relevant • Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College departments or the dean of academic advising about (B.S. Engineering) their interests. • Clark University Graduate School of Management Teaching. Students may earn a Massachusetts license (M.B.A.) in Early Childhood, Pre-K–Grade 2 and Students with • Emerson College (M.A. Integrated Marketing Special Needs, Elementary and Secondary school teach- Communication) ing through the Education Department. Observation and • Graduate School of Management, University of practical teaching experience through supervised student Rochester (M.B.A.) teaching is available at local private and public schools, • George Washington University (B.S. Engineering) as well as at the nursery school run by the college. • School of the Museum of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Students considering teaching careers may major in any • Andover-Newton Theological School (M.A. Religion) liberal arts field, but should meet with members of the • New England School of Optometry (Doctor of Education Department in their freshmen year to plan Optometry) courses leading to licensure. More information may be found under the Education Department listing of courses. Pre-med and other health professions. Students interested in postgraduate work in medicine, dentistry, Management. Preparation for postgraduate education veterinary and other health professions should consult in management requires no prescribed undergraduate the pre-health careers advisor early in their first year to curriculum; most schools offering the Master of Business plan a program of study appropriate to the health career Administration degree are concerned with the overall of the student’s choice. Medical, dental and veterinary quality of an applicant’s undergraduate work, and many

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 12 prefer students who have completed majors in traditional teaching and research will grow rapidly in the next liberal arts fields. Some work, however, in mathematics, two decades. A liberal arts education offers the best economics and/or the behavioral sciences is relevant for preparation for most graduate school programs, and M.B.A. programs. interested students should consult major advisors in appropriate departments at their earliest opportunity. Graduate school Further information about graduate school admissions is Many students will be interested in postgraduate available in the Filene Center for Academic Advising and education in an academic discipline or field, and will find Career Services. that opportunities for careers in college and university

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 13 Academic Academic Advising, Career Services, Administrative mentors assist students during their Academic Resources/Tutoring and first two years at the college. They offer guidance on Resources Services any administrative questions students may have, from financial to residential to life planning. They can assist Academic advising at Wheaton College is a shared re- with referrals and problem solving as students navigate sponsibility between student and advisor. Advisors assist their life at the college. students as they: • explore learning inside and outside the classroom, Major advisor. Once a student declares a major at • reflect upon their goals and academic choices, Wheaton, typically during the sophomore year, he or • plan their academic programs, and she will be advised by a major advisor. Assigned by the • monitor their progress toward completion of all departments, major advisors help students find courses degree requirements. inside and outside of the major that fit their field of interest, find faculty who share their academic focus, and Academic advisors can recommend courses and fields assist students in setting and making progress on their of study appropriate to the individual student’s interests postgraduate goals. and abilities. Students are responsible for understanding the college’s requirements and for seeking appropri- Pre-professional advisors. In addition to advisors as- ate academic advice to guide them in their choices; signed by the college, Wheaton students interested in a students, not their advisors, are ultimately responsible range of professional fields may also consult faculty with for their own academic decisions and for fulfilling the expertise in those professions. Students may seek pre- requirements for the degree. professional advice in the fields of medicine and health, Advisors may also guide students’ adjustment to the education, law, business, communications, theology, academic expectations of the college. Students should engineering and art. turn freely to their advisors for information and guidance The Filene Center for Academic Advising and in all matters that have an impact on their academic Career Services. Wheaton College offers professional activities. If an advisor is unable to help, he or she will advising and learning support through the Filene Center refer the student to other resources in the college. for Academic Advising and Career Services, which con- First-Year Seminar advisors and transfer advisors. sists of four units: Academic Advising, Career Services, All first-year students are assigned a faculty advisor Academic Resources/Tutoring and Disability Services. when they select their First-Year Seminars. Most stu- Center for academic advising dents are advised by the faculty member who serves as the instructor for their seminar. This enables the advisor Academic deans are available to deal with specialized to offer guidance based upon firsthand knowledge of the academic concerns (domestic off-campus study, study student’s academic skills. Normally, students remain with skills, learning differences, graduate school, scholarships this advisor until they declare their major. and advising for students at academic risk). In addition, Similarly, all new transfer students are assigned to they serve as part of a team of advisors. a faculty advisor. They work with that advisor to resolve Career Services any transfer credit questions and make their initial Students uncertain about their majors or students ready course choices. With the transfer advisor, students to explore the life and career implications of their identi- identify their areas of academic interest, explore major fied majors should consider consulting an advisor in the options and initiate the major declaration process. Filene Center. Staff members assist students seeking New student advising teams. In addition to their out-of-class learning opportunities, service learning, jobs First-Year Seminar advisor or transfer advisor, each new and summer stipends, in addition to helping students student is assigned peer and administrative advisors. explore the life and career implications of a range of Advising teams are led by the faculty advisor and offer academic choices. each student academic, peer and staff support through- Since its inception in 1986, the Filene Center has as- out their transition to Wheaton. sisted students in the pursuit of meaningful out-of-class- Preceptors are academic peer advisors who assist room experiences. The center’s goals are for students to new students throughout orientation and their first year discover and make connections among their academic, at Wheaton. They provide peer perspectives on academic co-curricular, civic and professional interests. Students issues and responsibilities, guide students in their work with the Filene Center in multiple ways through preliminary course selections in preparation for meetings individual advising, workshops, information sessions and with their faculty advisors, and serve as study-strategy peer mentors. During advising conversations, students tutors, offering reading, time management, note-taking gain an understanding of their goals, skills and strengths, and test-taking strategies. and next steps. To support advising, students can also

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 14 utilize the career resource library Web-based career planning skills through frequent workshop attendance learning tool kit and discuss careers with alumnae/i. and use of the center’s Web-based career learning tool kit (wheatoncollege.edu/Filene). Learning from experience. Learning from experi- ence provides Wheaton students with the opportunity to preview potential career paths, experience “real world” Gertrude Adams Professional Development connections to their course work, choose their academic Program. This program began in 1988 to provide majors and minors with greater discernment, and learn students with a comprehensive approach to examining more about their emerging interests, strengths and val- life and career choices. Projects and activities include ues. Whether undertaken during summers, winter breaks programs such as “Major Connections,” a series of or incorporated into the academic year, internships, jobs career panels that bring Wheaton alumnae/i back to and community service enable students to experience campus to talk about the links between their college and learn from the world beyond Wheaton. Students academic major areas of study and their professions. partner with staff to explore opportunities in a wide Additionally, there is an alumnae/i Filene Center Liaison variety of organizations, including museums, hospitals, Network in selected cities nationwide to assist seniors newspapers, social service organizations, government and graduates with their relocation and career network- agencies, brokerage houses and television stations. ing. The Gertrude Adams Professional Development Through this advising partnership, students learn to Program is underwritten with the generous support of a reflect upon and connect their interests and values to Wheaton alumna and trustee in honor of her mother. Visit future career and educational choices. the Filene Center online at wheatoncollege.edu/filene. By developing a relationship with advisors early and con- Tutoring and Academic Resources tinuing to meet with them often, students can integrate Peer tutors facilitate tutoring and collaborative learning experiences with their academic interests, and build a through the Center, which is open 24 hours through most portfolio of skills and relevant activities to successfully days of the academic calendar as a study space for stu- pursue graduate school and employment opportunities. dents. Kollett Hall also provides Windows and Macintosh Summer stipends. With the support of foundations, computers, laser printers, scanners, photocopiers and a alumnae/i and college funds, the Filene Center admin- fax machine for students. Students can access course- isters several competitions, which award students sti- specific software, Web, and writing applications or just pends of from $3000 to $5000 to students who devise take a quick look at e-mail as they pass through. their own summer internships, service experiences, and/ The Center is part of an ongoing planning project to or structured independent research in the United States provide technology-rich workstations, student-centered and abroad. Additionally, students can apply to funded services and inviting learning spaces. The Center’s labs summer programs to work as English as a Second and computer classrooms comply with the Americans Language instructors and camp counselors in Turkey with Act and multiple stations are equipped and summer counselor positions working with inner-city with universal access technologies, including special- youth in Providence, Rhode Island. ized software and scanners that may assist patrons with Balfour/Community/Trustee Scholars. Some hearing, visual and learning impairments. Workshops are students arrive as merit scholars to Wheaton and have a available to augment instruction from professors. The summer stipend designated for use during the summer Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career Services immediately following their sophomore or junior year. The also offers resources, programs and services for faculty Filene Center collaborates with these students to explore and for students to enhance teaching and learning options for how they can use their stipend to support across Wheaton’s liberal arts curriculum. their summer experiences Academic Resources supports collaborative student learning through the College Writing Program and the Off-campus job location. The Filene Center collects Center for Quantitative Analysis and by coordinating a local and regional off-campus job postings for summer robust tutoring program that offers students the opportu- and term-time employment. Filene Center staff partner nity to work with department-selected peer tutors trained with students to explore part-time and/or seasonal sum- and paid by the center in introductory and intermediate mer job options, and students can attend thematic work- courses across the curriculum. Students desiring to work shops offered throughout the academic year pertaining in this program, either as tutors or tutees, will find infor- to part-time and summer job search strategies. mation and schedules at wheatoncollege.edu/Kollett Workshops and Web-based resources. The Filene College Writing Program. The Wheaton College Center offers workshops throughout the year on such English Department oversees the College Writing topics as self-exploration, résumé writing, researching, Program, keeping a long-standing commitment to writing interviewing, and job-hunting techniques and strategies. as an intellectual activity. Every member of our English Students can develop and refine their career and life

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 15 Department teaches First-Year Composition (English tors, the Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career 101), which is required of all first-year students, except Services offers academic success workshops throughout those who have passed the Advanced Placement exami- the academic year. Topics covered include time manage- nation with a 4 or 5, or have passed the Wheaton ex- ment, major declaration and academic support groups. emption examination. But attention to writing proficiency The center also hosts two “for-fee” reading and study does not end with the completion of a student’s first strategy courses offered by the Baldridge Reading and year. Supported by a grant from the Mellon Foundation, Study Skills course, offered one weekend in November. the new Wheaton Curriculum allows each department to Visit the center online at wheatoncollege.edu/advising. develop its own discipline-situated approach to writing. Disability services. The Filene Center for Academic Within each department students both write to learn and Advising and Career Services also provides services for learn to write. Wheaton students with disabilities. The Assistant Dean Support for student writing is provided through for Academic Resources and Disability Services is avail- consultations with our writing associate and our peer able to discuss accommodations and services that are writing tutor program. Our writing associates teach First- available to students with documented disabilities. For Year Writing and consult individually with students about more information, see the college Web site at wheaton- their writing projects and processes. Our peer writing college.edu/Advising/Help/ADA.html. tutor program, begun in 1978, offers a collaborative learning model for students at all stages in their writing Marshall Center for Intercultural Learning development. The Marshall Center offers a variety of programs and Evidence of writing beyond the classroom takes many services to the entire college community, including forms, including publications such as Midnight Oil and individual and group academic advising, cultural month Rushlight, which are written, edited and managed by programming, advising of student clubs, and women Wheaton students. and gender programs. The Intercultural Pre-Orientation Center for Quantitative Analysis. The Center for program and New Student Orientation program, “First Quantitative Analysis supports the faculty in developing Impressions,” traditionally kick off the academic year, curricular and pedagogical resources that fulfill the col- which is filled with academic, social and cultural events lege’s commitment to making quantitative analysis and that support Wheaton College’s academic mission. numeracy an integral part of the educational experience The Center’s work is best understood through a of every Wheaton graduate. Through its QA learning three-part model of “ABCs,” as developed by Beverly associates and peer tutors, it seeks to provide students Daniel Tatum. We strive to: with the means to appreciate and further develop quanti- Affirm identity. Each and every member of the com- tative reasoning skills and numeracy, not only in calculus munity should see his or her experience reflected in and statistics courses, but also across the curriculum. the curriculum, in co-curricular programs and in social Tutoring. Peer writing tutors, trained and supervised by events. One example of how the center affirms identity is the Writing Program, provide assistance on written as- annual theme month programming. Celebrations include signments. This tutoring is available in the Kollett Center; Latino/a Heritage Month, National Coming Out Day hours are posted each semester. In addition, writing and Pride Week, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Native associates offer professional assistance to students on Peoples’ Heritage Month, Black History Month, and special projects. APIMESA (Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern South Quantitative associates in the Department of Asian) History Month. The Center supports students, fac- Mathematics and Computer Science offer professional ulty and staff who wish to develop events and programs assistance with quantitative questions. In addition, peer to recognize, celebrate and educate about many aspects Quantitative Analysis (QA) tutors provide assistance of identity, including ethnic, racial, gender, sexual identity to students in need of fundamental quantitative skills or orientation, or religious facets of identity. development necessary for success in quantitative and Build community. In addition to recognizing his or her quantitative-influenced fields such as statistics, calculus identity at Wheaton, each person should have the oppor- and mathematical concepts. Like the writing tutors, the tunity to learn about and share in the identities of others. QA tutors work out of Kollett Hall, and their hours are Community-building programs include our Intercultural posted each semester. Pre-Orientation Program, monthly theme workshops for Course tutors, trained and supervised by Academic students at different points in their Wheaton careers, our Resources staff, provide academic tutoring in all aca- specialized programming for science students, and our demic areas at Wheaton. Tutoring is offered on a drop-in women and gender programs. Through such programs basis on Sunday through Thursday evenings according the center creates safe spaces for asking questions and to the schedule, which is published each semester. In expressing curiosity about experiences different from addition to the study skills tutoring offered by precep- one’s own.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 16 Cultivate leaders. The Center aims to work individually Wheaton is transforming itself to make its educational and collectively with students toward achieving curricular experience relevant for the 21st century. For further in- as well as co-curricular success. Cultivating academic formation, visit the Center in the Davis House (9 Howard leadership and excellence through mentoring, cohort Street) or online at wheatoncollege.edu/Global/. groups and individual academic advising allows our stu- dents to set meaningful, attainable goals. Students learn Library and Information Services about the diverse array of academic opportunities avail- Library and Information Services (LIS) is a partner in the able, including travel and research fellowships, graduate provision and use of information resources and technol- school opportunities, and postgraduate fellowships ogy at Wheaton College. Its operations touch all areas and scholarships. Additionally, the Center advises and of campus life, including the resources and services of mentors students to develop leadership abilities outside the Madeleine Clark Wallace Library. A primary LIS goal of the classroom. Through their involvement in campus is to meet diverse information and technology needs for organizations, student, staff and faculty committees, learning and teaching as well as fostering a community curricular and co-curricular initiatives and other activities of self-sufficient, lifelong learners. of personal interest, students are able to develop and Within the First-Year Seminar, librarians teach basic practice their growing leadership skills. information-access skills, strategies for effective re- All programs of the Marshall Center are an extension search and methods for critical evaluation of information. of the college’s commitment to diversity as an educa- LIS technologists conduct orientations (e.g., connecting tional asset. to and navigating the Wheaton wireless network and file services, assistance in maintaining and repairing Center for Global Education computers, consulting and training students who may Students interested in study abroad opportunities may benefit from the use of assistive technologies, and so consult one of the advisors in the Center for Global on) upon request. In addition, librarians and academic Education. Both peer and professional advisors are avail- technology specialists collaborate with Wheaton faculty able to assist Wheaton students as they explore global to incorporate discipline-specific research and technol- learning opportunities. ogy skills into course work beyond the first year, with the The Center for Global Education was established intent that students develop these critical skills by the in 2002 to focus attention and resources on the task time they graduate. Students may schedule consultations of preparing Wheaton students to be globally compe- with subject specialist librarians and academic technolo- tent. The Center’s mandate is linked to the Wheaton gists for in-depth research assistance. Curriculum, which redefines a liberal education to Madeleine Clark Wallace Library. The Madeleine include a significant grounding in global perspectives. Clark Wallace Library is the intellectual hub of the The Center supports faculty as they develop academic Wheaton campus. The library’s facilities, resources and experiences that help students encounter, negotiate and services are central to and support the educational mis- understand global issues in relation to their own lives. sion of the college. LIS staff are readily available to assist The Center manages a wide range of study abroad students with research or use of the library facilities. programs, the result of numerous connections and part- The library’s collections are carefully selected to sup- nerships with overseas institutions. Wheaton programs port undergraduate research at Wheaton. They include are located in 19 countries as diverse as Australia, South over 375,000 volumes, approximately 475 newspapers Africa, Argentina, China, Denmark, Japan and Botswana. and periodicals in print, thousands of audio and video As extensions of Wheaton’s curriculum, these opportuni- recordings, microforms and many unique and historic ties enrich the academic experience of students and pro- items in Archives and Special Collections. The rapidly vide unique cross-cultural insights. Generally, students expanding collections of electronic resources, includ- participate in study abroad during their junior year, but ing more than 36,000 electronic journals, numerous sophomores (second semester) and seniors (first se- research databases, historic primary source material, mester) can also receive consideration in relation to their e-books, encyclopedias and electronic reserve course plan of study and preparation. Most forms of financial aid readings are available are available, on campus via and merit scholarships may be used on Wheaton study the Web, 24 hours a day. Off-campus access to these abroad programs. resources is available to authorized Wheaton users. The Center provides services to Wheaton’s growing Wheaton is a member of the HELIN (Higher Education and important population of international students, Library and Information Network) Consortium, a group visiting scholars and language assistants. It sponsors the of colleges, universities and health sciences libraries annual United World College retreat and works closely in Rhode Island plus Wheaton. The HELIN catalog is a with the Worldfest Committee and other student groups shared catalog used to locate and request materials to bring cross-cultural programming to campus. The in these libraries, including Brown University via the center is committed to institutionalizing global education InRhode link. Wheaton’s HELIN membership provides values on campus—one of the significant ways in which

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 17 ready access to well over 3 million volumes. Through complete their registration (as well as many forms and other cooperative borrowing and lending agreements publications), are available online through the Office of with libraries worldwide, the Madeleine Clark Wallace the Registrar. Declarations of majors and minors are filed Library assists students who need materials not available in this office by the established deadlines. Students can in local or HELIN collections. also find answers to many of their academic, registration The library provides public computing and printing fa- and graduation questions at the information desk in the cilities, opportunity to borrow laptop computers on short- Office of the Registrar. term loan, as well as both wired and wireless access for laptop users throughout the building. The library’s Elisabeth W. Amen Nursery School public computers offer productivity software, specialized The Elisabeth Amen Nursery School at Wheaton College academic software and assistive technology applications. is the laboratory school for the Psychology Department. Listening and viewing facilities for multimedia materials Students from Developmental Psychology are required are also available. Collaborative workrooms, group study to perform observation at the nursery school as a part spaces, individual carrels, study tables and comfort- of the course requirements. In the Developmental able seating arrangements are located throughout the Lab course, upperclass psychology majors conduct building. research on various topics. In addition, seniors from the Psychology Department, as well as other departments Academic computing. LIS maintains various computer such as Anthropology and Sociology conduct research as labs across the campus that include areas for students a part of their senior thesis. to access productivity software and public printing, as The Elisabeth Amen Nursery School has been a site well as subject-specific technology in areas such as for child study and research since its beginning in 1931. graphic design and photography, foreign languages, psy- The primary functions of the laboratory school are to chology, physics, astronomy, biology and geographical demonstrate good nursery school practices, provide a information systems (GIS). Many classrooms on campus sound educational setting for preschool children and have instructional technology installations (computer, serve as an active center for child study and research. projector and other equipment) designed by faculty and Thus, in addition to providing a supportive atmosphere Media Services specialists to meet specific teaching for preschoolers, the nursery school offers a wide requirements. range of experiences to college students in the fields of Office of the Registrar psychology, education, family studies and related areas. The Office of the Registrar handles all matters pertaining The children in this laboratory school benefit from expert to course registration and academic records, including guidance by teachers and college professors actively transcripts and letters certifying enrollment at the col- working in the fields of child development and early lege. The Web-based schedule of classes, catalog and childhood education; college students gain hands-on course selection process, through which students can experience in both teaching and research.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 18 Academic Credits for the A.B. degree institutions that can be applied toward graduation requirements. Students completing summer school or Standards Credit for work at Wheaton. The unit of credit is the semester course. One course credit (the equivalent January courses or who enroll at other institutions while of four semester hours of credit) is awarded upon the on a leave of absence from Wheaton normally submit completion of a semester course, and up to two credits an “Application for Transfer Credit” to the Office of the for a yearlong course. Fractional credit may be awarded Registrar before beginning course work elsewhere. for courses that involve less than a semester’s work Transfer credits must be approved by the chairperson of and these fractional credits may also be divided across the Wheaton department into which the credit shall be two semesters. These regulations govern the earning of transferred. Students must earn grades of C or better course credits: for courses to transfer successfully to Wheaton College, 1. At least 16 of the 32 credits must be earned in though transfer grades do not appear on the Wheaton courses taken at Wheaton (“in residence”); normally transcript and are not computed in the Wheaton G.P.A. these must include the last eight credits (the “senior The college also grants academic credit for scores residency requirement”). Students may, ordinarily at the earned on College Entrance Examination Board (C.E.E.B.) time of their matriculation and before the end of their Advanced Placement examinations and other exami- first year, seek transfer and/or advanced placement nations such as the General Certificate of Education credit for work or examinations completed before enroll- (British University A-Levels), the French Baccalaureate ing at Wheaton, and all students may earn transfer credit and the International Baccalaureate, as approved by for appropriate work completed at other accredited the associate dean of studies. The amount of credit and institutions. Students planning to complete the degree any conditions on recording it will be determined on the requirements in fewer than eight semesters, or wishing basis of departmental evaluation of the examination and to waive one or both semesters of the senior residency the student’s score. The college will grant advanced requirement, should petition the Committee on Academic placement credit for college-level work completed before Standing before they have completed 20 course credits. matriculation only when that work has been reviewed 2. The normal semester load is four course credits and credit recommended by the appropriate department, (16 semester hours). A full-time student must enroll in subject to the approval of the associate dean of studies. at least seven credits for any two consecutive semesters College courses taken during secondary school and used to maintain good academic standing. Students seeking for graduation requirements are not eligible for transfer. to enroll in fewer than four credits or more than 5.5 Application for credit based on placement exams or credits must have the permission of the Committee on college-level work is ordinarily made at the time of ma- Academic Standing. Part-time status (fewer than three triculation and completed by the end of the student’s first credits a semester) is only granted upon successful peti- year. A limit of eight course credits is placed on credits tion to the Committee on Academic Standing. earned in this way. 3. It is recommended that no more than 6 credits Graduation Requirements among the first 16 (normally in the first two years) be completed in any one department, ensuring that most of 1. A student must present 32 course credits for gradu- the work in the major will be completed in the final two ation. years. 2. A student must attain an average of 2.00 (C) for all 4. At least sixteen course credits of work must be credits earned at Wheaton to maintain good academic outside the field of the major. standing and to qualify for graduation. 5. Both semesters of a yearlong course must be 3. Among the 32 course credits presented for gradua- completed before final credit and a grade are earned. tion, each student must include courses that fulfill the Alternative sources of credit. Credit toward the A.B. general requirements of the Wheaton Curriculum. may be earned in ways other than through Wheaton 4. Each student must include among the 32 course courses. Transfer students may apply up to 16 credits credits presented for graduation courses that complete toward the Wheaton degree from courses earned at requirements for a major field of concentration. These other institutions before enrolling at Wheaton. These are outlined in general here, but each major has its own courses may be applied toward fulfillment of the specific requirements, which are detailed under depart- Wheaton Foundations requirement and major require- mental sections. Students are expected to declare their ments, as appropriate; however, neither the Connections majors by no later than the end of the fourth semester by requirement nor the three Divisional requirements (Social submitting a declaration form, signed by the appropriate Science, Arts and Humanities, Natural Science) may be major advisor, to the Office of the Registrar. met by any credits earned outside of Wheaton College. • The major consists of a minimum of nine courses Normally, transfer credits will be evaluated before the (more in some departments), at least three of which transfer student begins work at Wheaton. must be at the 300 level or above. Some majors require Wheaton students may also earn credit at other

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 19 more than three advanced-level courses. year. Students must complete both semesters of a year- • At least half the courses in the major must be long course to earn a permanent grade and all credits. completed at Wheaton, and at least 6 course credits in Pass/D/F. Students admitted in Fall 2003 and later may the major must be among the last 16 earned (that is, complete three courses under the Pass/D/F option. This normally completed in the final two years). permits students to enroll in courses they might not • A student must maintain an average of 2.00 (C) otherwise take, with a minimal risk to their academic across all courses taken in the major. Courses in the standing. Instructors are not informed that students major cannot be completed under the pass/fail grading have selected this option and will submit normal letter option. grades, which are then converted to P by the Office of Honors the Registrar if the course is completed with a grade of Outstanding students may attain a variety of academic C or better. This grade is not computed in the G.P.A. Any honors at Wheaton. Students with semester averages grade below C is recorded as submitted by the instructor of 3.25 (through the Class of 2011), 3.50 (effective and computed in the G.P.A. with the class entering the fall of 2008) or better may Students may select this option at any time up to two be named to the Dean’s List. Others with outstanding weeks after final registration by properly informing the achievements in particular areas may earn departmen- Office of the Registrar. Students should not expect to be tal prizes at Honors Convocation at the close of the able to use this option after that deadline in order to deal academic year. with academic difficulties in a course. The decision to Students may become candidates for honors in their use this grading option must be made on the basis of a fields of concentration at the invitation of their major student’s self-assessment of interests and abilities be- departments or advisors at the end of their junior year. fore the deadline, not on the basis of poor performance Candidates for honors complete at least two semes- after the deadline. ters of special or independent work beyond the usual Wheaton students may not elect the Pass/D/F option departmental requirements and an oral examination for courses used to fulfill the Foundations, Connections, on that work. Most students will fulfill this requirement or Divisional requirements of the Wheaton Curriculum, or with two semesters of senior thesis (Individual Research courses for majors and minors. 500) in their senior year. Candidates must also have an Incomplete courses. Students who, for reasons beyond average of B+ (3.33) in all courses in the major and an their control, find that they are unable to complete overall average of B (3.0). Independent majors who meet course work as scheduled may ask for an Incomplete the requirements for honors will be designated Wheaton by meeting with one of the deans in academic advising. Scholars. Students are expected to provide documentation of the Students may be granted the degree with Latin circumstances necessitating this Incomplete and the honors (cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum request must be supported by the instructor. Incompletes laude) on the basis of their overall academic record. are recorded with the symbol “I” and must be removed High-ranking juniors and seniors may be elected to the within a specified time, normally before the end of the Wheaton College chapter (Kappa of Massachusetts) of following semester. Incompletes cannot be granted by in- Phi Beta Kappa. Selected departments also nominate dividual instructors. The notation “NG” is used only when students to major honor societies within the discipline. an instructor has been unable to award a final grade; it Criteria vary by department. must be replaced by a letter grade or Incomplete before the beginning of the next semester. Failure to resolve Academic Standards “NG” grades or overdue Incomplete grades will result Grading. Letter grades are awarded in courses on a in the grade being converted to “F” by the close of the four-point scale as follows: following semester. A = 4.00 Occasionally, students may seek to drop or withdraw B = 3.00 from a course for which they have registered. Students C = 2.00 may do so up to the deadline simply by consulting their D = 1.00 advisor and submitting a Drop form in the Office of the F = 0 Registrar, as long as this does not leave them with fewer Plus and minus grades are proportioned fractionally than four credits of course work (a normal course load). (e.g., B+ = 3.33, C- = 1.67). Wheaton awards grades Students seeking to adjust their schedule below a normal of A+ as a commendation, but these grades award no course load or seeking to withdraw from a course after more than 4.00 points. the deadline must petition the Committee on Academic In yearlong courses, a temporary grade is awarded Standing to do so and are urged to meet with one of the at the end of the first semester and is replaced by a full- deans in the advising center to review the circumstances credit grade (most often two credits) at the end of the of their request before submitting it to the committee.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 20 When such requests are granted, the course will nor- students may also receive warnings, although instructors mally appear on the student’s transcript with the notation are not required to submit warnings for these students. “WD.” A student who wishes to withdraw from a course A student whose work is sufficiently poor as to make after the deadline without permission will receive a “WF” passing the course improbable may be prohibited by or “Withdrawal with Failure,” computed in the G.P.A. as the instructor from completing the final examination and a failing grade. failed in the course before the end of the semester. Students who have been excessively absent may also Audit. Students may elect to audit a course (register for it without doing the work that would earn academic receive a mid-semester excessive absence notification. A credit) with the permission of the instructor. Students student receiving such a notice should meet immediately seeking to audit a course must submit a Course Override with the instructor to determine the impact of those form, signed by the instructor, to the Office of the absences on their grade and the probability of successful Registrar by the audit deadline. Students may not switch completion of the course, and to resolve any registration a course from credit status to audit status after this . deadline. The grade “AU” designates successful comple- Students may also receive mid-semester commenda- tion of a course as an auditor and is assigned only when tions, identifying that the work they have completed, to the student has met the requirements of the instructor date, is of exceptional quality. Students receiving com- for attendance and participation as an auditor throughout mendations are urged to meet with their instructors and the semester. advisors to discuss further work in this area. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The col- Good standing and normal progress. To remain in good standing, a student must maintain at least a lege complies with the federal Family Educational Rights 2.00 (C) semester and cumulative average, maintain at and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA precludes the college least a 2.00 (C) average in courses in their major, and from sharing grades or other confidential information maintain normal progress toward the degree. Normal with anyone other than the student without the student’s progress requires that a student fall no more than two consent. In particular, unless a student has signed a credits behind his or her class standing. Class standing Release of Information form, parents will not be notified is defined as follows: of their son’s or daughter’s grades. This can prove a Sophomore standing—8 course credits challenge for parents accustomed to receiving report Junior standing—16 course credits cards or notices from their son’s or daughter’s school. Senior standing—24 course credits Students may complete a release through the Office of the Registrar to authorize the college to mail copies of Failure to meet any of these criteria could result in a grade reports to the individuals designated. range of institutional actions, from placing the student Similarly, if a parent wishes to have a conversation on academic probation through suspension for one year with an academic dean, instructor, faculty advisor or or academic dismissal. A student on academic proba- mentor, the student must sign a Release of Information tion who fails to regain normal good standing after one form. Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar semester may be subject to suspension or dismissal by and the Advising Center. the Committee on Academic Standing. If a student dem- onstrates exceptionally poor academic performance, the Course Completion Requirements college may suspend that student immediately, rather Course registration. Continuing students register for than first placing the student on academic probation. courses online using our web-based system known as First-time probationary students are considered in condi- WINDOW (Wheaton Information Delivered over the Web). tional good standing and remain eligible for financial aid. In order to maintain the faculty/student advising partner- (For students receiving federal financial aid, please refer ship, every student must meet with their faculty advisor to the Student Aid section for more specific information to obtain a new registration PIN in each advising period on the relationship between good academic standing preceding course selection week. Students away from and the aid award.) the campus at these times will be contacted by the Office Mid-semester evaluations. In their first year, students of the Registrar and may follow different procedures for will be evaluated in each course at the mid-semester course registration. Students not registered or improperly point; any first-year student whose work is unsatisfac- registered may not receive credit for their work. tory (below C level) at that time will receive a course Students may change course registrations without warning, which obliges the student to meet with his or penalty or fee within the first seven days of instruction her instructor immediately. Warnings are not a part of a each semester. Specific deadlines for adding courses, student’s permanent record, but provide an opportunity dropping courses, and choosing the pass/grade/fail for students to remedy academic deficiencies at a point grading option are published in the college academic when positive results are still possible. Upper-class calendar.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 21 Complete instructions for using the system, pro- any such requirement. The student will also receive an cessing exceptions and possible late fees as well as opportunity to make up any examination, study or work the academic calendar can be found on the Office of requirement that may have been missed because of the Registrar’s Web site: wheatoncollege.edu/Admin/ such absence on a particular day; however, such makeup Registrar/Registration.html examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon the school. No fees of any kind shall be Integrity of academic work. All work submitted for evaluation in a course must be completed in accordance charged by the institution for making this opportunity with the standards of academic integrity in the college’s available. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result Honor Code. All dependence on the ideas or language to any student who takes advantage of the provisions of of others in a student’s written work must be prop- this section. erly acknowledged and documented; students should Completing course work. All course assignments consult their instructors whenever they are unsure of except for final examinations or work in lieu of final ex- their responsibilities toward the Honor Code. The code ams must be completed by the last day of classes each also means that a student may not give or receive aid in semester. All final examinations or work in lieu of exams completing laboratory assignments, computer programs must be completed by the end of the examination period. or other work assigned in courses. The Honor Code also No regular course work may be submitted after the last precludes a student from submitting the same assign- day of classes. Failure to meet these deadlines may, ment in two or more classes. under special circumstances outlined above, be accom- Examinations and quizzes are normally unproc- modated by granting the grade of “I” (or Incomplete). All tored—completed without faculty present. Students Incompletes must be approved by one of the academic are on their honor to refrain from giving or receiving aid deans and require documentation of the circumstances during an exam or quiz, and are obliged by the Honor necessitating the Incomplete. Code to report any allegations of academic dishonesty, Final exams. Students normally complete their final ex- either to the College Hearing Board chair or the dean of ams during the week following the last week of classes. students’ office. Regulations governing the administering Faculty may substitute a final research paper or some of final examinations are available in the Office of the other project in lieu of an examination. Registrar and distributed each semester to all students Final examinations may be pre-scheduled or taking final examinations. self-scheduled, as determined by the instructor. Pre- Students are required to acknowledge in writing the scheduled exams are offered by the instructor during integrity of all work submitted and all exams or quizzes the final examination time associated with that class, as completed. published by the Office of the Registrar each semester. Class attendance. Students are expected to attend Once a student’s registration in a class is final, he or she classes regularly and are responsible for all work should identify any pre-scheduled final exam times prior conducted or assigned in classes they miss. Individual to making any end-of-semester travel arrangements. instructors may set individualized attendance policies Alternatively, final examinations may be self-scheduled, and enforce them. In certain classes, it may not be allowing students to select the date and time during possible to pass the course once a student exceeds the exam week in which they wish to take that course final. number of allowed absences, no matter how valid the Please note: The college cannot reschedule exams reasons for the absences. Accommodations for students to accommodate family plans or holiday travel. The exam who have missed classes, examinations or quizzes, labs, schedule is available at the beginning of each semester. or deadlines for written work will be made only at the Incompletes (I) may be granted only when circumstances discretion of the instructor, who may require the student are confirmed to be beyond the student’s control; stu- to have medical or other external confirmation that the dents must receive permission from an associate dean accommodation is justified by circumstances beyond the in academic advising and work out a contract with the student’s control. instructor for the completion of all work before the end In addition, according to Massachusetts state law, of the next semester. Failure to complete work by that any student whose religious beliefs prevent class atten- date shall result in instructions to the faculty member to dance or participation in any examination, study or work submit a final grade, with zero points awarded for the requirement on a particular day shall be excused from work still outstanding or the award of a grade of “F.”

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 22 The Wheaton Student life at Wheaton is characterized by a strong the code, should report themselves, confront others sense of community. The college has a long-standing and encourage them to report themselves, or report Community tradition of student involvement and participation in all violations or alleged violations either to the chair of the levels of campus affairs. Wheaton students become College Hearing Board or to the Senior Associate Dean aware that learning takes place both inside and outside of Students. the classroom, and they are encouraged to use their Honor Code history. The honor system for social liberal arts experience as preparation for creative responsibility at Wheaton was established in 1921 to involvement in a changing society. A residential learn- replace the demerit system that Wheaton had practiced ing environment prepares students to become global since its founding in 1834. In 1925, the honor system citizens. Students at Wheaton acquire an understanding expanded to encompass all academic work. This was the of and appreciation for responsibility by learning to man- beginning of a self-governance system at Wheaton that age their own lives, actively participating in institutional required not only academic and social integrity of stu- governance and engaging in community service. Women dents, but the responsibility of all community members and men at Wheaton learn to work in partnership, care to uphold the honor system. Over the past decades, the about others, balance independence and interdepen- Honor Code has evolved to meet the changing needs dence, and celebrate human differences. In the course of students and this institution, but it has continued to of four years here, we expect students to become open maintain unquestionable integrity and purpose. For a to differences in race, class, religion, age, gender, complete set of guidelines, please refer to the Student sexual orientation and lifestyle, culture, physical ability, Government Constitution. language and nationality. Academic responsibility. The rights and responsibili- The Honor Code ties that accompany academic freedom are at the heart Wheaton accepts and encourages individuality while also of the intellectual integrity of the college. Academic affirming the community dimensions of college life. The integrity requires that all work for which students receive Honor Code describes each individual’s responsibility as credit be entirely the result of their own effort. Plagiarism a member of the Wheaton community: will not be tolerated in any form. Examinations at As members of the Wheaton community, we Wheaton are not proctored. All students are responsible commit ourselves to act honestly, responsibly, for the integrity of their examination papers and for the and above all, with honor and integrity in all areas integrity of the work of others taking examinations. of campus life. We are accountable for all that Statement on plagiarism. The long history of the we say and write. We are responsible for the Honor Code at Wheaton College is indicative of the academic integrity of our work. We pledge that uniqueness of its faculty and students, who have worked we will not misrepresent our work nor give or hard to maintain high standards of academic integrity. receive unauthorized aid. We commit ourselves to In order to ensure that these standards are upheld, we behave in a manner which demonstrates concern must remind ourselves of the academic responsibilities for the personal dignity, rights and freedoms of all that we all inherit as members of the Wheaton com- members of the community. We are respectful of munity. college property and the property of others. We will We should all be aware that we are part of a wider not tolerate a lack of respect for these values. community of scholars, and it is the exchange of ideas, I accept responsibility to maintain the Honor information, concepts and data that make the advance- Code at all times. ment of knowledge possible. However, just as we expect A student’s continuing enrollment at Wheaton is contin- others to acknowledge the ideas that we have worked gent upon the student’s willingness to uphold and live hard to develop, so must we also be careful to recognize within the Honor Code. the people from whom we borrow ideas. At the March 7, 2003, faculty meeting, Wheaton There are several reasons why we should acknowl- faculty approved the following resolution: For all course edge our borrowing from the work of others. We do work, students will write and sign the following: “I have this certainly to show our gratitude, but also in order to abided by the Wheaton College Honor Code in this provide our readers with the opportunity to consult our work.” sources if they wish to review the evidence, consider There are specific requirements of academic and other interpretations or determine the basis for the cited social integrity that are to be followed by community material. Moreover, we can determine the author’s own members. The College Hearing Board is the vehicle that originality and insight only in the context of appropriately is used to maintain the education, application and pro- identified sources. The citation of relevant background tection of these standards set forth by the Honor Code. material is also evidence that the author has tried to Students who have violated the requirements of the become familiar with the views developed by others in Honor Code, or who have reason to believe that others the field. have violated the academic or social provisions of Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 23 Plagiarism (from the Latin for “kidnapper”) in its necessary to do so. When both students and faculty rec- most general form is the taking of ideas from another ognize their respective responsibilities and have a shared and passing them off as one’s own. Authors who fail to understanding of them, we can ensure that our system of acknowledge their sources are, at the very least, guilty academic values is upheld consistently and equitably. of being ignorant about the ethics governing the wider Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to community of scholars; at the worst, they are guilty of academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies blatant dishonesty. In any case, plagiarism in any form to works of all authors and publishers in all media. It constitutes a serious violation of the most basic prin- encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgment, ciples of scholarship, and cannot be tolerated. right to privacy, and right to determine the form, manner Plagiarism can take many forms, from the inadvertent and terms of publication and distribution. passing off as one’s own the work of another due to Because electronic information is volatile and ignorance or carelessness to the hiring of someone else easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal to write a paper or take an examination. The following expression of others is especially critical in computer examples serve to illustrate the most common forms of environments. Violations of authorial integrity, including plagiarism: plagiarism, invasion of privacy, unauthorized access, and 1. Submitting papers, examinations or assignments trade secret and copyright violations, may be grounds for written by others is perhaps the most blatant form of sanctions against members of the academic community. plagiarism. New Student Experience 2. Word-for-word copying of portions of another’s Each new academic year begins with an orientation writing without enclosing the copied passage in quota- program to welcome new, transfering and continuing tion marks and acknowledging the source in the appro- education students to the college community. In addition, priate scholarly convention is equally unacceptable. new students who are members of underrepresented 3. The use of a particularly unique term or concept groups, including international students, are invited to an that one has come across in reading without acknowl- optional two-day pre-orientation program, which intro- edging the author or source, while less blatant, is also a duces students to various campus resources. Orientation form of plagiarism. allows students to sample aspects of college life and 4. The paraphrasing or abbreviated restatement of to become familiar with the values Wheaton considers someone else’s ideas without acknowledging that an- an important part of our liberal arts tradition. Academic other person’s text has been the basis for the paraphras- choices are explored through meetings with advisors, ing is a form of academic dishonesty. student preceptors and residence hall staff, placement 5. False citation: Material should not be attributed to examinations and workshops designed to address key a source from which it has not been obtained. aspects of academic success. To strengthen a sense of 6. False data: Data that has been fabricated or al- community, orientation includes co-curricular activities tered in a laboratory or experiment, although not literally such as concerts, athletic events, and workshops on plagiarism, is clearly a form of academic fraud. residential life, multicultural diversity and the Wheaton 7. Unacknowledged multiple submission of a paper Honor Code. for several purposes without prior approval from the par- ties involved is a violation of the ethics of scholarship. Residential Life 8. Unacknowledged multiple authors or collaboration: The college has 19 residence halls and 14 houses although collaboration is entirely appropriate in many in- shared by members of all four classes. Wheaton students stances, the contributions of each author or collaborator are expected to live on campus for four years and to en- should be made clear. In cases in which collaboration is roll in the college’s meal plan. Students who live in com- not permitted, such collaboration is a form of academic munities contiguous to Norton and continuing education fraud. students may enroll as day students. Both single-sex and Although students have the responsibility of avoiding coeducational housing options are available. First-year any form of plagiarism or academic dishonesty, it is the students and sophomores live in double rooms, triples or task of the faculty to clarify these responsibilities for quads; juniors and seniors in double and single rooms. students. Although the most general forms of plagia- Room assignments for new students are based on rism are clear, Wheaton recognizes that the precise residence questionnaires. Returning students select their manner in which these guidelines are implemented may rooms in a campus-wide lottery each spring. vary across disciplines. For this reason, it is extremely Students take an active role in planning and main- important that individual faculty members and depart- taining their living environments. Residence halls are ments make explicit what their expectations are about staffed by professionals from the student affairs staff academic honesty and integrity. Faculty members also who live in each residential area. In addition, upper-class have the responsibility of making use of the Honor Code students, known as Resident Advisors (RAs), live on each procedures and reporting violations of these when it is

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 24 floor. These Resident Advisors are available to offer peer Students who participate in sports clubs are required to counseling on issues of academic and social adjustment. sign a waiver of liability and participate at their own risk. They also serve as resources within the hall, answering Wheaton students also find opportunities to discover questions about the campus, sponsoring educational and or expand upon their creative talents. They become social programs, and promoting a sense of community active in the theatre company, which often produces the and respect for diversity on the floors and in the build- works of student writers, or act in major productions ings. Students share responsibility for making decisions of the Theatre Department. They perform with student about residence policies, promoting security within their bands and read their original poetry and prose in the buildings, and maintaining appropriate standards so campus coffeehouse. The Wheaton Dance Company, residents may live together harmoniously. Trybe Dance Group, Chorale, Jazz Band, World Music The residence halls are an important learning envi- Ensemble, Voices United to Jam and the Orchestra all ronment at Wheaton. Students study together, visit and sponsor major productions each year. Four a cappella relax with friends, build friendships and work through the singing groups entertain at campus functions: the issues associated with living in a community. Residence Whims, the Wheatones, the Gentlemen Callers, and halls and larger residential areas, known as quads, The Blend. Many students write for one of the student initiate social events, faculty-led discussions, potluck publications: the Wheaton Wire, the campus newspaper; dinners and intramural teams, and sponsor campus- Rushlight, the literary magazine; or Niké the yearbook. wide events. Students interested in broadcast media take part in managing and operating Wheaton’s campus radio sta- On Campus tion, WCCS. Wheaton offers many opportunities for active learning Among college- and student-sponsored events are outside the classroom. Students, faculty and administra- drama and dance presentations, concerts, art exhibitions, tors serve together on college committees that formulate scholarly colloquia, films and lectures. college policy and organize campus events. Elected Wheaton students also celebrate a number of annual student representatives serve as members of a variety events, including Homecoming, the Academic Festival, of administrative groups, including the Student-Trustee the Boston Bash, Spring Weekend, Relay for Life and Liaison Committee, the Educational Policy Committee class-sponsored events such as Class Weekend and the and the college’s Budget Advisory Committee. Students Rosecliff formal. are regularly asked to serve on search committees and task forces of the college. Balfour-Hood Campus Center All students are members of the Student Government The Balfour-Hood Campus Center is open Monday Association (SGA) at Wheaton. The SGA Executive Board through Friday, 6 a.m. to 2 a.m., and Saturday and is composed of elected student officers who oversee Sunday, 10 a.m. to 2 a.m., during the academic year. a variety of campus functions, including the Student The following is a list of facilities and services located in Senate, Programming Council, Educational Council, the center. For further information, dial the Information College Hearing Board, Intercultural Board and Finance Desk line at ext. 3833. Committee. The SGA administers a budget from student 1962 Room. This lounge area is equipped with a 52- activities fees, which supports an extensive program of inch-screen television with access to cable and a DVD/ educational, social and cultural events, campus com- VCR. It is located on the Atrium level to the right of the munications and more than 60 student organizations Continuing Education and Day Student Lounge. each year. Activities abound in the arts, athletics, academics, Atrium. The Atrium is the large open area adjacent to politics, religion, service and communications. Special- the Information Desk on the first floor of the Balfour- interest clubs enrich intellectual and social life, and Hood Campus Center. The space is used for large cam- new organizations are formed by students every year to pus events such as the Health and Wellness Fair, campus accommodate the changing needs of the campus popu- dances, visiting speakers and dance performances. lation. Among them are academic interest clubs, global The space is also used for outside vendors to sell their awareness groups, foreign language clubs and, cultural merchandise. organizations, such as Black Students’ Association, Asian Band Practice Room. This room is scheduled and American Coalition, International Student Association, coordinated by the Band Club this room is located on Latino Students’ Association and Hillel. Additionally, po- the mezzanine level. The room is generally available at 5 litical organizations, religious groups, and various men’s p.m., after the close of the work day. and women’s groups, such as the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Campus Mail Services. Located adjacent to the Atrium Transgender Alliance and the Wheaton Organization on the first floor, the Post Office houses student, faculty for Women, contribute to the richness of our campus and administrative mailboxes, and facilities for sorting culture. Finally, a variety of sports clubs are funded and and distributing campus mail. administered by the Student Government Association.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 25 Hood Café. Located on the mezzanine level of the composed of Residence Life and Housing as well as Balfour-Hood Campus Center, off the Dimple-side Student Activities. The office is located above the Café. entrance, the Café serves as the campus coffee shop Office Services. The campus printing shop, with copy and provides a retail dining option for the Wheaton com- and fax machines, is located beyond the Atrium, behind munity. The Café offers specialty coffees, sandwiches, the Post Office mailboxes. soups, salads, muffins and bagels, as well as a variety of beverage options. Student Government Association. Offices for the Student Government Executive Board, Class Officers, Ellison Dance Studio. This large dance studio is used Programming Council, Student Banker, Wheaton Wire as rehearsal space by the Dance Company as well for (newspaper) and Nike (yearbook). This space is avail- aerobics and cultural dance classes. It is located on the able to all SGA-recognized clubs and organizations. It Atrium level of the Balfour-Hood Center and can be ac- is located on the mezzanine level of the Balfour-Hood cessed by the staircase by the Hood Café. Campus Center, above the Atrium. Fitness Center. Free weights, Nautilus stations and WCCS Radio Station. The student-coordinated radio aerobic workout equipment are available in the Fitness station, with offices and a broadcast studio, is located Center, which is located at the end of the first floor hall- near the Dance Studio on the first floor. way past the Office of Events and Conferences. Locker rooms are adjacent to the Fitness Center. The fitness Athletics, Recreation and Physical center is open from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Education Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. on weekends. Reaching for excellence on the athletic field can be the perfect complement to intellectual growth in the Game room. The Game Room, open daily from 10 a.m. classroom. Wheaton athletics, whether at the intercol- until 2 a.m., offers pool, foosball, air hockey, ping pong, legiate, intramural or recreational level, offer students darts and board games. It is located on the first floor, the opportunity to tone the spirit as well as the body, to adjacent to the Atrium. sharpen the will to succeed and the desire to compete, Information Desk. Located in the Atrium and staffed to teach the value and rewards of team-work. Wheaton by Campus Center Assistants, the Information Desk athletes are students who seek an education as well is the central location for information dissemination as opportunities to develop and mature both on the on campus. This desk handles the Info Desk Line (ext. playing field and off. The college generally attracts 3833), transportation schedules, Game Room equipment student athletes who are looking for good competition, signout, flower delivery and pickup and access to the which the New England Men’s and Women’s Conference Band Practice Room. (NEWMAC) provides, who want to develop their skills and Loft. The night spot for pizza, wings, entertainment and who want a challenge as well. social events, the Loft is located one level below the With a natatorium, gymnasium and field house, the Hood Café. The loft is open only to Wheaton students, Haas Athletic Center is the setting for both recreational faculty and staff. A Wheaton identification card is and intercollegiate athletics. The eight-lane stretch pool required to enter the Loft. The Loft is open from 9 p.m. provides a place for recreational swimming and diving, to 2 a.m. daily. intramural water polo and volleyball; it is the home of Wheaton’s nationally ranked synchronized swimming Media Center. Located on the balcony level of the sec- team and the intercollegiate swimming and diving teams ond floor, the Media Center supports campus events with for women and men. The Emerson Gymnasium offers projection systems, loudspeakers and videotaping. facilities for basketball, volleyball and badminton. The Meeting Rooms. The New Yellow Parlor and the 1960 Beard Field House, home of Wheaton’s national cham- Room are located on the balcony level of the Balfour- pion track team, includes a six-lane track, five indoor Hood Campus Center. Both rooms can be reserved tennis courts, three basketball courts, and space for long through the Office of Events and Conferences. jump and batting practice. Indoor soccer and Frisbee are Office of Events and Conferences Services. also played there. Coordinates campus events, including room reserva- In addition, the college has seven lighted outdoor ten- tions, equipment requests and food requests. It is nis courts, plus a practice court; playing fields for soccer, located on the left through the double doors to the right lacrosse, field hockey and softball; the Sidell Baseball of the WCCS broadcast booth (past the dance studio). Stadium; and the Clark Recreation Center for intramurals and social activities. The Papas Fitness Center, housed Office of Health and Wellness. Located next to the in the Balfour-Hood Student Center, contains Nautilus Office of Events and Conferences, this office provides equipment, free weights and cardiovascular machines. coordination for student health services as well as pro- Wheaton competes in the NCAA Division III. Women’s gramming and outreach focused on campus wellness. teams include cross-country, basketball, soccer, field Office of Student Life. The Office of Student Life is

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 26 hockey, volleyball, lacrosse, softball, synchronized swim- information about medical or personal histories without ming, tennis, track and field, and swimming and diving. signed authorization from the sender. This information The college fields men’s teams in baseball, cross-coun- remains confidential. try, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, tennis, track and field, Students should be aware that if they have their and swimming and diving. own insurance policy (not Wheaton’s), treatment will be Intramural activities are organized in flag football, floor billed to that policy (which is not covered by Wheaton’s hockey, volleyball, softball, soccer, basketball and water confidentiality regulations) and a statement for services polo, as well as several other sports. Recreational oppor- provided may be sent to the policy owner. tunities abound, with a full schedule of classes and the Counseling. The Counseling Center provides support availability of the fitness center and swimming pool. and counseling services to students as they deal with the Wheaton values recreational and intercollegiate inevitable problems, stress, difficulties in relationships athletics not only for its importance in developing lifelong and conflicts they will encounter in their young adult practices of fitness but for the leadership skills it fosters years. In order to meet the developmental needs of an in participants. increasingly diverse student body, the Center provides flexible and varied approaches to helping students, both Health Care on campus and with referrals to off-campus resources. Wheaton student health services are provided by The Center offers a variety of outreach programs ranging the Norton Medical Center (NMC). The NMC is as- from lunchtime discussion groups to workshops focusing sociated with Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro, on specific themes. The Counseling Center is staffed Massachusetts. The center is located on the Wheaton by licensed professionals and graduate campus on Taunton Avenue next to the bookstore. Norton interns in advanced training. Any concern that a student Medical Center provides outpatient services Monday brings to the Center is treated with respect, caring and through Friday by appointment only. Some services confidentiality. and referrals are billable to students’ required health Counseling services are confidential and free of insurance, but routine care is provided without charge charge to all Wheaton students. during Wheaton Hours, as part of the college’s service contract. Wheaton Hours are designated appointment Service, Spirituality and Social slots reserved for Wheaton students. Responsibility As an integral part of Wheaton’s commitment to transfor- Provider alternatives. Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro and the Mansfield Healther Center (in neigh- mational education, the Office of Service, Spirituality and boring Mansfield) provide direct care when the Norton Social Responsibility (SSSR), located in the basement Medical Center is not open. of Cole Memorial Chapel, coordinates three areas of personal and academic development. Through SSSR, the Emergency health care. For all emergencies, call college supports both curricular and co-curricular pro- Wheaton Public Safety (x3333) or Emergency Medical gramming that encourages students to reflect upon their Services (dial 9-911 from campus phones). actions, values and beliefs and on the ways these affect Outreach their own intellectual development, the people around The Office of Health and Wellness, in cooperation with them and the communities of which they are a part. the Wheaton Counseling Center, the Office of Student Service at Wheaton is all about partnership— Life, the Student Health Advisory Board and local public recognizing that involvement with our closest neighbors health agencies, provides regular programs on sexuality, in southeastern Massachusetts, as well as those in our stress, wellness, drug and alcohol abuse, and current extended global neighborhood, transforms students’ health topics that are relevant to college students. lives, as well as the lives of their community partners. More information on student health services, A commitment to service has long been a hallmark of including details on contacting the Office of Health a Wheaton education. Wheaton students are involved and Wellness, is available at wheatoncollege.edu/ in a broad range of local volunteer opportunities and StudentLife/Health/. participate in student-run service clubs and activities, including the Community Service Council, the HERO Confidentiality. Health service providers observe strict Tutoring Program, AIDS Prevention and Education Team rules of confidentiality in the doctor-patient relationship. (APET), and Habitat for Humanity. Under no circumstances are records ever shown or At Wheaton, spiritual exploration is valued and discussed with anyone without knowledge and written encouraged at a secular but vividly multi-faith academic consent of the student. Medical records are kept on file community. Wheaton’s support for spiritual inquiry to ensure continuity and quality health care. Only the and practice is based on the belief that such activi- health services staff has access to the contents of medi- ties enhance intellectual development by promoting cal charts. This policy means that no one has access to

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 27 religious literacy—an essential prerequisite to global to our students as they prepare to embrace the complex citizenship—and encouraging students to examine and world they are soon to inherit. re-examine their values and to live those values to the best of their ability. The college provides opportunities The Larger Community for interfaith dialogue and seasonal interfaith worship Students at Wheaton have the benefit of attending a services, in collaboration with the student-run Interfaith college in a New England town with access to nearby Alliance, and for tradition-specific study and practice Boston and Providence, Rhode Island. Boston and through such organizations as Hillel, Christian Fellowship Providence provide opportunities for internships, jobs, and the Zen Meditation Group. fieldwork or shopping. Students are also actively involved Social responsibility describes Wheaton’s approach in internships and community service projects in local to civic engagement, global citizenship and construc- communities, including Norton, Mansfield, Attleboro and tive political action. Wheaton promotes student-initiated Taunton. social activism on campus through leadership devel- The local public transportation system, GATRA, opment, training in community organizing and ample provides regular connections to trains and the Boston opportunities to explore critical political and social issues metropolitan transportation system. Students travel from a broad range of ideological perspectives. In this regularly to visit museums and to attend concerts, the richly diverse learning community, nurturing the ability to theatre or social events at other colleges and universi- build coalitions and to engage in rigorous and respect- ties. College vans are rented to student organizations for ful political dialogue with people whose experience and field trips and sponsored excursions. Students may also opinions differ from one’s own are among our most register cars on campus. There is a limit on the number important functions. Few skills will be more important of parking permits available for first-year students.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 28 Admission Wheaton enrolls a diverse group of students who share Admission Office, these items will not be returned. certain characteristics: the desire to explore knowledge Therefore, students should make all necessary copies in the classroom and in the world, the willingness to prior to including them with their application materials. seek challenges and the confidence to participate in the Please note that CDs and computer disks will not be exchange of ideas. reviewed by the Art Department. Studio art faculty will Admission is very competitive and is based on both review only slide and print portfolios. the applicant’s academic and personal qualifications. All admission offers are contingent upon completion Wheaton students come from hundreds of different of all secondary school requirements in good standing secondary schools each year, and the college recognizes (i.e., graduation or its equivalent). and values the variations in curricular background and Interviews. Students who apply to Wheaton are strongly academic preparation represented among applicants. encouraged to have a personal interview with a member Each student’s secondary school performance and of the admission staff prior to the application deadline. background will be considered individually in assessing On-campus interviews for current-year applicants are his or her potential for success at Wheaton. available by appointment between April 1 and January It is the college’s policy to admit students without 15. If you are unable to schedule a visit to the campus, regard to gender, race, color, creed, national origin or the Office of Admission will, upon request, attempt to sexual orientation. Wheaton complies with the require- arrange an interview with a member of the Alumni and ments set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Parent Admission Committee (APAC) near your home or Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, and the school. regulations in implementation thereof. Please contact the Office of Admission well in ad- Admission of First-Year Students vance to schedule an on-campus or APAC interview. We Although Wheaton does not prescribe rigid entrance recommend that you make your arrangements by calling requirements, the college strongly recommends the the office toll free at 800-394-6003 (or 508-285-8251 following high school curriculum: four years of English outside the United States) between the hours of 8:30 with emphasis on composition skills, three or four a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) Monday through years of mathematics, three or four years of a foreign Friday. Appointments for overseas students may be language, three years of social studies, and three years scheduled by e-mailing the Office of Admission at of laboratory science and several academic electives. [email protected]. Honors-level, advanced placement (AP) and International Applying. Wheaton uses the Common Application as Baccalaureate (IB) courses as well as substantive cours- its only application (with supplementary submissions). es in the visual and performing arts add further strength Students may obtain all necessary forms and instructions to an applicant’s record. These guidelines are not re- directly from the Wheaton Admission Office Website, quirements, however; each student’s program is viewed from the Common Application Website, or from most high in light of the opportunities open to him or her. Academic school counseling offices. Applications must be submit- achievement, challenge of the curriculum, evaluations by ted with the required application fee of $55 by January teachers and counselors, and writing skills are all used 15 of the student’s senior year. Applicants will be notified to determine the quality of a candidate’s record. of admission committee decisions by early April. Because The submission of SAT or other standardized test Wheaton subscribes to the Candidates’ Reply Date, results is optional. Applicants who wish their scores to admitted students wishing to enroll must do so by May 1 be considered should arrange for official score reports to with a non-refundable deposit of $300. be sent from the appropriate testing (the College Board and/or ACT) directly to the Wheaton Admission Merit Scholar Programs Office. Reports must be received no later than the ap- No separate applications is required for merit scholarship plication deadline for the corresponding decision plan. consideration at Wheaton. Students are selected from Unofficial test scores (i.e., those reported on high school the pool of first-time freshman applicants at the time of transcripts) will not be considered. Non-native English admission to the college. If a financial aid applicant is a speakers must submit the results of the Test of English merit scholarship recipient, it will reduce his/her eligibility as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or English Language for need-based financial aid. Placement Test (ELPT) exams. Because of the college’s commitment to evaluat- Class of 2010 Awards ing all applicants as individuals, the Admission Office Balfour Scholars. Established in 1983 with a gift from encourages students to submit any additional material the Lloyd G. and Mildred Balfour Foundation, the Balfour that may illuminate their particular talents and interests. Scholar award enables Wheaton to recognize entering Though not required, such submissions may include: freshmen who have demonstrated outstanding academic slides of original artwork, samples of creative writing ability, unusual talents and potential for leadership. Each and audiotapes or videotapes. Once received in the Balfour Scholar receives a $15,000 scholarship in addi-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 29 tion to a one-time $3,000 stipend to support research, this case, a student is released from the Early Decision career development or community service opportuni- Agreement and will be considered among the regular ties in the summer of either their sophomore or junior applicant pool for an April 1 decision. In some cases, year. Balfour Scholars represent the most outstanding early decision candidates may be denied admission students in the applicant pool. rather than being reconsidered with the regular decision applicant pool. Trustee Scholars. Trustee Scholars are recognized for their superior academic achievement and demonstrated Applicants accepted under the early decision plans extracurricular commitment. As a Trustee Scholar, each will be expected to pay a nonrefundable deposit of $300 student receives a $10,000 scholarship in addition to in early January (ED I) or early March (ED II). a one-time $3,000 stipend to support research, career Second Semester Admission development or community service opportunities in the Wheaton accepts a limited number of students for summer of either their sophomore or junior year. admission in the second semester. Candidates applying Community Scholars. The Community Scholars pro- for mid-year admission must complete their applications gram recognizes students who demonstrate both strong by November 15; notifications are sent by January 1. academic performance and an ongoing commitment Candidates for freshman admission may be consid- to community service and/or leadership. Community ered for mid-year entrance, depending upon individual Scholars each receive a $7,500 scholarship and a circumstances. one-time $3,000 stipend to support community service, internships or research opportunities in the summer of Deferred Admission either their sophomore or junior year at Wheaton. For many students, a college career is richer and more relevant if, between high school and college, they take Regional Scholars. The Regional Scholars program some time to gain the broader experience and added recognizes students who demonstrate both strong maturity that may come from some non-academic, academic performance and come from a region outside interim activity. For this reason, Wheaton usually will New England. Regional Scholars each receive a $7,500 grant deferred admission for one year to candidates who scholarship and a one-time $3,000 stipend to support are accepted through the normal process, upon receipt community service, internships or research opportunities of the $300 nonrefundable tuition deposit. Accepted in the summer of either their sophomore or junior year applicants who wish to enroll as full-time students in at Wheaton. other colleges before coming to Wheaton should plan to Each of these scholarship awards is renewable annu- reapply for admission, and must submit transcripts of all ally upon the achievement of at least a 3.0 GPA. post–high school academic work. Merit scholarships may be used only during terms of enrollment at Wheaton or on Wheaton-affiliated Early Admission programs. Merit scholarship funds may not be used An unusually mature and well-qualified student who for non-affiliated programs (abroad or domestic). For wishes to enter college after three years of high school a current list of Wheaton-affiliated programs abroad, may apply for early admission to Wheaton. A strong contact the Center for Global Education. For a current academic record and supporting recommendations from list of Wheaton-affiliated programs in the United States, teachers and counselors will be major factors in the contact the Academic Advising Office. evaluation of candidates for early admission. A personal interview is required. Early Decision Plan If Wheaton is a student’s first-choice college, she or he International Students may wish to consider one of the early decision plans. For Wheaton encourages applications from international “ED I,” completed applications are due November 15 and students. Students for whom English is not the native should include grades from the first term of twelfth grade language must submit scores earned on the TOEFL (and the results of the SAT or ACT exam, if the applicant in addition to all other required application materials. wishes these scores to be considered). Notifications are Students are expected to earn a minimum score of 550 sent by the end of December. Students who decide that on the paper version (or 213 on the computer-based Wheaton is a first choice after November 15 may utilize version) of TOEFL, and must submit their scores by “ED II,” which requires that all application materials be January 15 of the year they intend to enter Wheaton. To received by January 15. receive Wheaton application forms, students should write Students applying under either early decision plan are directly to the Admission Office for detailed information. free to initiate applications to other colleges, but must Where possible, the Admission Office will arrange an withdraw them when notified by Wheaton of acceptance interview with a Wheaton graduate in the applicant’s and financial aid (if eligible). home country. It is not always possible to reach a definite decision Wheaton encourages all U.S. citizens and permanent on an application under the early decision plans. In residents who seek support for their education to apply Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 30 for financial aid. Non-U.S. citizens without permanent ted. Students who have enrolled in another college or residency status who require financial aid to meet their taken courses elsewhere must submit transcripts of that educational expenses are not encouraged to apply work with their application. for admission to Wheaton, as the college is unable Students who voluntarily withdraw from the college in to provide them with need-based financial support. academic good standing and with no history of medical, Non-U.S. citizens are eligible to receive Wheaton’s merit disciplinary or academic problems may expect to be scholarships. readmitted. Students who have a history of medical, Every financial aid decision is based on a combined disciplinary or academic problems should understand evaluation of the student’s demonstrated financial need that the Committee on Academic Standing will want to and overall high school record. No student who can determine how these problems have been addressed finance only one year at Wheaton should enroll with the while the student has been away from Wheaton. The expectation that financial aid and/or scholarships will be committee will sometimes recommend that a student available in subsequent years. be conditionally readmitted with the understanding that International students at Wheaton hail from more than the student must meet specified expectations in order to 50 countries and territories, including Austria, Belgium, continue. Bhutan, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, England, Admission of Special Students France, China, Central African Republic, Germany, Wheaton encourages qualified individuals who live Guatemala, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, within commuting distance of the college to enroll as Hong Kong, Japan, Jordan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, special students in regular course work at the college. Lichtenstein, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, They are invited to discuss their specific interests with Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, the Admission Office. Students not seeking a Wheaton Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, degree may enroll in courses directly through the Office Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab of the Registrar. Financial aid is not available for special Emirates, Venezuela, Vietnam and Wales. students. Admission of Transfer Students Admission of Non-Traditionally Aged Each year Wheaton admits students to the freshman, Students sophomore and junior classes. To transfer to Wheaton, Wheaton does not offer a specific program for non- a candidate must combine strong secondary school traditionally aged students. The Office of Admission preparation, a promising record at another college and will use broadly defined and flexible criteria to assess satisfactory personal credentials. In order to receive a candidates on an individual basis, including an evalua- Wheaton degree, a student must attend Wheaton for tion of each candidate’s individual academic goals and at least two years (four semesters), one of which is background. An interview, therefore, is a most important normally the senior year, and must complete a minimum feature of the application process. Application forms of 16 course credits in residence. and interview appointments should be requested from The admission committee considers candidates for the Admission Office. Applications for the fall semester entrance in both the fall and spring terms; candidates should be submitted by April 1. for the spring term should submit their applications by November 15. They will be notified of the admission Admission of Students with Disabilities decision by early January. Wheaton is committed to achieving equal educational Transfer applicants for the fall term who complete opportunity and full participation for students with their applications by the April 1 deadline will be notified disabilities. It is the college’s policy that no qualified by mid-May. Applications received after April 1 will be person shall be excluded from participating in any col- reviewed individually and decided upon as space at the lege program or activity, be denied the benefits of any college permits. Official transcripts of college work in Wheaton program or activity, or otherwise be subjected progress should be forwarded as soon as possible after to discrimination with regard to any program or activ- the close of the term. An interview and campus visit for ity. Wheaton College will make every effort to provide transfer applicants are strongly recommended. If the reasonable accommodations and appropriate support for candidate is unable to visit the campus, the Admission otherwise qualified students with disabilities. Students Office will attempt to arrange an interview with a requesting accommodations or seeking support services Wheaton graduate near the student’s home or college. should notify the ADA/504 coordinator at least one Readmission month prior to the start of classes for a given semester so that the college has sufficient time to evaluate and Students seeking readmission to the college must respond to the request. submit an application to the Committee on Academic The college Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing. This will include a statement of their activities Standing is charged with responsibility for reviewing ap- while away from the college and of their plans if readmit-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 31 peals of college policies and practices on issues related Wheaton Admission Office. These students should to current students with disabilities and the college’s arrange to take leaves of absence from their own institu- efforts to provide reasonable accommodations and tions to assure their readmission upon completion of support. their work at Wheaton. Visiting students are considered nondegree candidates; students wishing to transfer to Visiting Students Wheaton upon completion of their visiting semester or Students attending colleges or universities within the year should follow the guidelines for transfer admission. Twelve College Exchange who wish to spend a year or a semester at Wheaton should make arrangements with Contacting the Admission Office the exchange coordinator at their own institutions. To contact the Admission Office, you may write a letter, Students from other colleges may apply for visiting call 800-394-6003, or e-mail admission@wheatoncol- student status for a year or a semester through the lege.edu. We are accessible online at wheatoncollege. edu/admission.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 32 Financial Aid Financial aid at Wheaton is a partnership that draws on combination of grant assistance from Wheaton, student the combined resources of the student and his or her loans (on which no payments are required until after the family, federal and state governments, and the college student leaves school) and/or work-study awards (sub- itself. Wheaton believes that the primary responsibility for sidized student employment). The level of grant funding paying for college lies, to the extent possible, with fami- will depend on a student’s need level, academic promise lies themselves. Eligibility for all need-based aid from and availability of funds. In years when the demand for the college is determined by a combination of financial institutional grant assistance exceeds available funds, we need and academic promise, with financial need the may not be able to fully fund every eligible aid recipient. predominant factor. In such cases, the student and family must work together Wheaton also offers merit-based scholarships to to secure adequate funding. In all cases, families are recognize outstanding academic achievement at the encouraged to seek other sources of financial assistance. high-school level and continued achievement in college. If a financial aid applicant is the recipient of one of the Federal Aid Programs college’s merit scholarships, this award will reduce his or Federal Pell Grant. This is a federal grant awarded to her eligibility for need-based aid. students with high financial need. Pell Grants may range Institutional financial aid and merit scholarship from $976 to $5,350 and need not be repaid. Wheaton support are limited to a maximum of eight semesters. requires all students applying for financial assistance to Students who require additional semesters to com- apply for Pell funds via the Free Application for Federal plete their degree are not eligible for need-based or Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. merit scholarship funding after their eighth semester. Federal SEOG Grant. The Federal Supplemental Institutional financial aid and merit scholarships may only Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is awarded to be used while enrolled at Wheaton or on a Wheaton- students who demonstrate an exceptional need for as- affiliated program. sistance. Wheaton determines the size of the student’s Determining Eligibility award based on the amount of FSEOG funds available to the college each year. Ranging from $500 to $3,000, Wheaton determines the amount that a family can these grants need not be repaid. realistically be expected to contribute toward total col- lege expenses by reviewing the family’s overall financial Federal Perkins Loan. This low-interest federal loan circumstances as presented on the financial aid applica- is offered through Wheaton to students with excep- tion. This needs analysis takes into account such factors tional need. No interest is charged and no payments as family income and assets, mandatory expenses (fed- are required until nine months after the student leaves eral, state and local taxes and Social Security payments, school. Once repayment begins, interest accrues at 5 for example), extraordinary expenses, family size and the percent. The minimum monthly payment is $40 with a number of siblings attending undergraduate college. In maximum 10-year repayment. This loan may be deferred addition to examining the family’s current circumstances, if the student attends graduate school full time. Wheaton the needs analysis attempts to assess the family’s ability determines the size of a student’s Perkins Loan, which to finance college costs. Thus, families may meet their may range from $500 to $4,000 per year. responsibility to the educational partnership through a Federal Subsidized Stafford Student Loan. This is combination of resources: savings, current income and, a federally subsidized student loan, administered by often, some long-term financing. Wheaton and funded by the Department of the Treasury. Wheaton also expects the student to pay a portion No interest is charged and no payments are required of his or her own expenses, from summer earnings, until six months after the student leaves school. At savings or other assets as well as from wages earned that time, interest begins to accrue at a fixed rate of 6 during the academic year. We typically expect students percent. The minimum monthly payment is $50 and the to contribute at least $1,600 each academic year. maximum repayment period is 10 years. Repayment may Together, the amount of the parents’ responsibility be deferred if the student goes on to full-time graduate and the student’s resources make up the expected fam- school. Repayment of principal and interest begins six ily contribution. The difference between the total cost of months after the student leaves school, graduates or education (tuition, fees, room, board, books and supplies, drops below half-time attendance. Maximum eligibility for and personal and travel expenses) and the expected freshmen is $3,500, sophomores, $4,500, and juniors family contribution is the student’s eligibility for aid. and seniors, $5,500. Sources of Aid Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loans. Students who Each year, Wheaton funds as many financially eligible are not eligible for the Subsidized Stafford Loan program students as possible. Eligible students who complete may still be eligible for a Stafford loan without the federal the aid application on time may receive a “package” of interest subsidy. Although repayment of principal is resources. A financial aid package typically includes a deferred during enrollment, interest does accrue. The

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 33 student borrower has the option of making interest levels may be subject to change based on federal or payments while in school, or having the accrued interest state budgetary constraints. capitalized (added to the principal borrowed prior to the start of repayment). Interest accrues at a fixed rate of Wheaton Grants 6.8 percent. Freshmen may borrow up to $5,500 for the The college funds these need-based student grants with year, sophomores up to $6,500, and juniors and seniors income from operating revenue, endowed funds and up to $7,500. Repayment of principal (and interest, if annual gifts from alumnae/i, parents and friends. Awards deferred) begins six months after the student leaves range from $2,000 to $39,000 and need not be repaid. school, graduates or drops below half-time attendance. Because of the college’s commitment to meeting the Repayment requires a minimum monthly payment of at needs of first-year and returning students, the availability least $50 and extends for up to 10 years. Students who of Wheaton grant aid is limited for new transfer students. wish to apply for the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan must Student Employment complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) coordi- Federal Work Study. This is a campus employment nates the on-campus student employment program. In program in which the federal government pays a por- order to work on campus, students must demonstrate tion of the student’s wage. It is intended to assist with that they are eligible to work in the United States. In ad- personal expenses (such as travel, books and supplies) dition, student employees must complete required payroll during the academic year. Although it is the student’s and work authorization forms. Students are not eligible responsibility to find a position, Student Financial to work or be paid until all required paperwork has been Services maintains an online job directory of positions completed. The SFS staff is available to help students available on campus as well as community service with these forms. opportunities. Wheaton is a participant in the America Priority for campus jobs is given to students who have Reads program, in which federal work study students are been awarded Federal Work-Study funding as a part placed as reading tutors for preschool and elementary of their need-based aid package. The college does not school students. The college holds a job fair early in the guarantee the availability of on-campus employment for fall semester during which students can meet potential all students. The college may limit the hours or earnings campus employers. Wheaton students typically work of students to comply with federal regulations and to between eight and ten hours per week; paychecks are make employment more widely available to the student issued every other week. population. For more information on student employment Special Considerations. Federal and state programs policies and procedures, visit wheatoncollege.edu/SEO. are subject to annual appropriations approval. Programs Wheaton Scholarships or funding levels may be subject to change based on There are no separate applications required for merit federal or state budgetary constraints. scholarship consideration at Wheaton. Students are State Aid Programs selected from the pool of first-time freshman applicants at the time of admission to the college. If a financial aid State Scholarships/Grants. Connecticut, Maine, applicant is a merit scholarship recipient, it will reduce Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode his/her eligibility for need-based financial aid. Island and Vermont have scholarship/grant programs for students who are residents of those states. Students Merit Scholarship Program should check with their state scholarship office for Balfour Scholars. Established in 1983 with a gift from specific eligibility information and application deadlines. the Lloyd G. and Mildred Balfour Foundation, the Balfour Wheaton requires students from these states to apply Scholar award enables Wheaton to recognize entering properly for such scholarship funds. Wheaton will not freshmen who have demonstrated outstanding academic replace anticipated state scholarship or grant dollars ability, unusual talents and potential for leadership. Each with institutional funds for students who fail to complete Balfour Scholar receives a $15,000 scholarship (starting the application process. If a state scholarship/grant is with the Class of 2013) in addition to a one-time $3,000 approved after the student’s initial aid award, the col- stipend to support research, career development or com- lege reduces the Wheaton Grant award dollar for dollar, munity service opportunities in the summer of either their providing that all need has been met. sophomore or junior year. Balfour Scholars represent the Gilbert Grants. The Gilbert Grant Program is made up most outstanding students in the applicant pool. of funds allotted to Wheaton by the Commonwealth of Trustee Scholars. Trustee Scholars are recognized for Massachusetts. Awarded to high-need residents of the their superior academic achievement and demonstrated state, Gilbert Grants usually range from $500 to $2,500. extracurricular commitment. As a Trustee Scholar, each Special Considerations. Federal and state programs student receives a $10,000 scholarship in addition to are subject to annual approval. Programs or funding a one-time $3,000 stipend to support research, career

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 34 development or community service opportunities in the available outside the college (for example, community- summer of either their sophomore or junior year. based scholarships). Students applying for financial assistance must Community Scholars. The Community Scholars pro- gram recognizes students who demonstrate both strong complete both the CSS PROFILE and the FAFSA. The academic performance and an ongoing commitment Wheaton CSS code number is 3963 and the Wheaton to community service and/or leadership. Community FAFSA code number is 002227. For more information, Scholars each receive a $7,500 scholarship and a please call the Office of Student Financial Services at one-time $3,000 stipend to support community service, 508-286-8232. Please note that need-based financial internships or research opportunities in the summer of aid is available to U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent either their sophomore or junior year at Wheaton. residents; a limited amount of need-based financial aid is awarded annually to non-U.S. citizens. Regional Scholars. The Regional Scholars program recognizes students who demonstrate both strong Required documents for financial aid academic performance and come from a region outside The Free Application for Federal Student Aid New England. Regional Scholars each receive a $7,500 (FAFSA). The FAFSA is used to determine eligibility for scholarship and a one-time $3,000 stipend to support federal and state funding and is required of all financial community service, internships or research opportunities aid applicants. The FAFSA is available from high school in the summer of either their sophomore or junior year guidance offices and college financial aid offices. The at Wheaton. FAFSA is also available on the Internet at www.fafsa. Each of these scholarship awards is renewable ed.gov. Students and their parents should complete and annually upon the achievement of at least a 3.0 GPA. submit the form to the processor as soon as possible Merit scholarships may be used only during terms after January 1 every year. Although the form asks for of enrollment at Wheaton or on Wheaton-affiliated specific information from student and parent tax returns, programs. Merit scholarship funds may not be used applicants should not wait to complete tax returns for for non-affiliated programs (abroad or domestic). For the current year before submitting the FAFSA. Complete a current list of Wheaton-affiliated programs abroad, the aid forms in early January using the best possible contact the Center for Global Education. For a current estimates of family income; can be submitted list of Wheaton-affiliated programs in the United States, later. Wheaton’s federal code number for the FAFSA is contact the Academic Advising Office. 002227. Private Outside Scholarships CSS/PROFILE application. Wheaton uses the informa- Outside sources of funding can significantly reduce tion from PROFILE to determine eligibility for institutional a student’s debt burden and work commitment over and campus-based federal funding. The PROFILE is the years. For those reasons, we encourage students available only on the Internet at www.collegeboard. to investigate as many alternative funding sources as org, and processing takes only 48 hours. A small fee is possible. If Wheaton has not been able to meet the full charged for processing; some students may qualify for a amount of a student’s need-based financial aid eligibility, fee waiver. CSS will send each student an individualized outside scholarships may be used first to replace any application based on the registration information pro- unmet eligibility. If the scholarship amount exceeds the vided. Wheaton’s institutional code number for PROFILE amount of unmet eligibility, we will reduce the “self-help” is 3963. Applicants with questions about the PROFILE portion of the package (work-study and/or student loan). service should call the Office of Student Financial Only when all self-help has been eliminated will we have Services at 508-286-8232. to reduce the grant portion of the package. Student and parent tax returns. Wheaton also Students and families should research private requires students and their parent(s) to submit copies of scholarships through as many means as possible. The their federal income tax returns to the College Board’s best sources are within the student’s local community IDOC service. Applicants should include all pages, sched- and high school. Students may use the Web to research ules and W-2 forms. IDOC will copy and send electronic a myriad of scholarship possibilities. images of all tax-related documents direct to Wheaton. Applying for Aid Students and parents who have not and will not be filing a federal tax return must send a letter stating this Once a student is admitted to the college, aid is awarded and listing all sources of income for the year. Details based on a combined assessment of financial eligibility on the process may be found on the college Website at and the overall strength of the candidate. We urge all wheatoncollege.edu/Admin/SFS. prospective students concerned about meeting college costs to apply for financial assistance when applying for Noncustodial parent’s statement. If a student’s admission. We also encourage students and their fami- natural parents are separated, divorced or never married, lies to investigate all forms of financial aid that may be the parent with whom the student does not live (the non-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 35 custodial parent) must complete a Noncustodial Parent’s the loss of a parent’s job or a sibling entering college has Statement. When the student completes the CSS the potential to increase the overall aid award. PROFILE online, they will be given instructions to forward to their noncustodial parent for the online Noncustodial Academic Standing and Satisfactory Parent’s Statement. If the noncustodial parent cannot Progress access the online form, please contact SFS. Continued receipt of federal financial aid depends on your meeting the following academic progress standards. Business/Farm Supplement. Student or parent(s) who Some of Wheaton’s satisfactory academic progress own a business or farm must submit a Business/Farm standards are the same as the academic standing Supplement to Wheaton. This form will be sent to the standards that the college applies to all students; others student with the PROFILE application. Applicants who do may be more stringent in order to comply with federal not receive this form may request one directly from the regulations governing student eligibility for funding. The Office of Student Financial Services. Applicants return Office of Student Financial Services reviews student this form directly to Wheaton when completed; returning records for satisfactory academic progress at the end of students will submit the form with their IDOC packet. If each academic year. Students must meet the following the business files a corporate or partnership tax return, standards for progress to be met. Wheaton requires a copy of the business tax return along with the Business/Farm supplement. Quantitative standard. Wheaton does not have an explicit maximum time frame in which all students Aid Deadlines must complete their degree program. The college does Submit FAFSA/PROFILE documentation by: monitor earned credits, and reclassifies students who fall Early Decision I: Nov. 15* more than two courses behind their grade level to the next class year. Students who fall more than two courses Early Decision II: Jan. 15 behind may also be subject to other institutional actions, Regular Decision Freshmen: Jan. 15 such as suspension or dismissal. Course deficiencies are Regular Decision, Transfer Candidates: Apr. 1 reviewed by the Committee on Admission and Academic Returning students: Mar. 1/Apr. 1 Standing after grades are posted each term. Submit all other documentation by: The Office of Student Financial Services utilizes the Early Decision I: Nov. 15 federal maximum time frame of 150 percent of program length as the enrollment maximum for students to Early Decision II: Jan. 15 maintain eligibility for federal funding. For the four-year Regular Decision Freshmen: Feb. 1 bachelor’s degree this is equal to six years of full-time Regular Decision, Transfer Candidates: Apr. 15 enrollment. The maximum time frame for part time Returning students: Apr. 20 students is also equivalent to 150 percent of the time to * ED I candidates cannot submit the FAFSA by Nov. 15. completion based on their enrollment level. Wheaton will send an estimated award based on the Full-Time = 4 Acad. Years 6 Acad. Years (max) CSS PROFILE, tax returns and supplements. In order to Three-Quarter Time = 5.5 Acad. Years or 8 Acad. Years finalize the financial aid award, ED candidates must file (max) the FAFSA between Jan. 1 and Apr. 1 and submit current year tax returns by May 1. Half-Time = 8 Acad. Years or 12 Acad. Years (max) It is critical that applicants complete their applications First year students who do not earn at least 70 percent on time. We cannot ensure that funding will be available of attempted credits are placed on probation for for late applicants. Late applicants may be placed on a federal aid. Students who have not earned 70 percent financial aid waitlist. of attempted credits by the end of their second year are ineligible for further federal financial aid until they Financial Aid in Continuing Years have earned enough credits to bring them up to the 70 Financial aid is awarded for one year at a time; students percent requirement. must reapply to be considered in subsequent years. As Please note that enrollment at less than full-time sta- during the first year, eligibility for aid is based both on tus requires the approval of the Committee on Admission the family’s financial circumstances and the student’s and Academic Standing. academic performance. Although the college strives to Qualitative standard. Wheaton’s satisfactory academic minimize fluctuations in a student’s award from year to progress policy requires that students must meet the year, some changes will be inevitable. A sibling’s gradu- 2.0 cumulative GPA required for graduation by the end ation from college or an increase in a parent’s salary, for of their second year. Until that time, a minimum GPA of example, would decrease the student’s need, and, cor- 1.67 must be maintained. If the student’s GPA does not respondingly, his or her financial aid package. Likewise,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 36 meet these standards, he or she will lose eligibility for may apply for need-based financial aid based on the financial aid funding. program cost (not to exceed Wheaton’s cost). Institutional need-based grant aid for non-affiliated programs is Study Away limited. In years when the demand for financial support Wheaton-affiliated programs abroad. Students participat- for non-affiliated programs exceeds available dollars, the ing in Wheaton-affiliated programs abroad pay tuition, college may reduce awards, or may limit support to one room and board charges directly to Wheaton, and may semester. Merit scholarships may not be used on non- use their financial aid award and merit scholarships to affiliated programs abroad. fund these programs. The only portion of a student’s award that is not available for use in a Wheaton-affiliated Non-affiliated programs in the United States program abroad is the work award; Wheaton does not (domestic). Although remaining eligible for federal and replace these funds unless a student has eligibility for state aid, students attending approved, but non-affiliated an increased federal Stafford Loan. Wheaton’s Center for programs in the United States are not eligible for insti- Global Education has significantly expanded the number tutional funding (need-based grant or merit scholarship) of Wheaton’s program affiliations; qualified Wheaton or work awards. This includes the 12X and American students may now enroll in a Wheaton program abroad University (Washington Semester) programs. in many countries around the world. Additional program Exceptions to this policy are for the programs at affiliations are considered each year in response to the National Theater Institute and the Mystic Maritime student and faculty interest. Program affiliations are also Program, for which a student may apply for need-based periodically reviewed and may be discontinued. To obtain grant funding only. Merit Scholarships may not be used a current list of Wheaton-affiliated programs abroad, for NTI or Mystic. contact the Center for Global Education directly or visit Eligible terms. Wheaton funding (merit and need- wheatoncollege.edu/global. based) is available only for programs during the fall and spring semesters. Students interested in participating in Wheaton-affiliated programs in the United States short-term programs (summer or winter) may contact (domestic). Wheaton maintains affiliations with a very limited number of specialty programs located in Student Financial Services to determine whether they the United States. Students participating in Wheaton- have any remaining federal or state eligibility for use on affiliated programs in the United States pay tuition, room these programs. and board charges directly to Wheaton, and may use Annual review. Study away policies are reviewed yearly their financial aid award and merit scholarships to fund and are subject to change. these programs. The only portion of a student’s award that is not available for use in a domestic Wheaton- Beyond Financial Aid affiliated program is the work award; Wheaton does Though not all students qualify for financial aid, Wheaton not replace these funds unless a student has eligibility offers a variety of programs to every family working to for an increased federal Stafford Loan. A current list of finance a college education. Alone or in tandem with Wheaton-affiliated programs in the United States may be other financing options, these programs can help aided obtained from the Academic Advising Center. families meet their contribution as well as assist all fami- lies with financing college costs. Programs may change Non-affiliated programs abroad. Students may from year to year; the staff in Student Financial Services petition for approval to attend non-affiliated programs will provide you with current program information. abroad. If the student’s program is approved, she or he

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 37 Costs and Wheaton tuition and fees represent approximately find information describing the Wheaton College Student two-thirds of the annual cost of a Wheaton education. Health Insurance Plan, the process for requesting a Payments The difference between costs and tuition fees is met waiver, and the state requirements for student health by income earned on endowed funds and gifts to the insurance on our Web site. Wheaton Fund. The plan offered by Wheaton provides twelve-month coverage for areas including preventive health care, Tuition and Fees accidents, illness, hospitalization, emotional disorders, Annual fees for 2009–2010. The tuition fee for both alcoholism and sports injuries. Information on the health resident and non-resident students is $39,565. The stu- plan and health care providers can be obtained through dent activities fee is $285 for all students. The residence the director of student health services or the Office of fee is $5,040 for room. Board charges are $4,550. All Student Financial Services. resident students are also charged a $120 network ac- The college requires international students, or cess fee and a $80 laundry facilities fee. U. S. students living abroad who do not have coverage General fee. All new students will be charged a general by a domestic carrier, to enroll in the Wheaton College fee of $50, which is used to defray the cost of common Student Health Insurance Plan. area damage to dorms and other buildings. This is a Optional accident insurance plan. Wheaton also one-time fee that is charged in the first semester of offers an optional accident insurance plan for any enrollment. student who waives the Wheaton Student Health Plan. Study abroad administrative fee. Students participat- The purpose of the accident plan is to provide low-cost ing in a non-Wheaton approved program will be charged secondary insurance coverage, particularly for varsity a $500 administrative fee per program to support the athletes (under the accident sections of both policies, Center for Global Education in providing services to varsity athletes are covered 100 percent, subject to the students. Students participating in a non-Wheaton policy limitations). short-term study abroad program (January or Summer) Other expenses. It is estimated that approximately will be charged a $250 administrative fee. This fee will $2,000 will cover a student’s general expenses for be applied to the Wheaton College student bill during such items as books, supplies, clothing, recreation and regular billing cycles. transportation during the academic year. This estimate is based on a modest standard of living and may vary from Special fees and expenses student to student depending on individual needs and • Music performance fees are $450 per semester for expectations. non majors taking performance courses for academic Fines. There are various fines administered by different credit. Noncredit lessons are $300 per semester for offices of the college. These include library fines, fines 30-minute lessons; $600 per semester for 60-minute for violation of the alcohol policy, fire safety violation fines lessons. and fines for damage to college property. Students who • The transcript fee is $2 for each copy. violate college policies will be subject to disciplinary ac- • Automobile registration is $50 per year. tion, which may also include a substantial fine. Questions should be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students Special fees are set each year and are subject to or the office issuing the fine. Failure to pay fines may change. result in the withholding of grades or transcripts or Health services fees. There are no charges for visits to prevent registration. the professional staff of the Norton Medical Center dur- Tuition policy for degree students. Tuition charges ing clinic hours. There are small charges, however, for for degree students are not based on credit hours medicines dispensed by the health center, for laboratory for courses. Though the normal course load is four work and for some clinical services. courses per semester, some students are approved by Student health insurance. All college students in the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing Massachusetts are required to be covered by health to take additional courses; extenuating circumstances insurance and to indicate that they have coverage may justify an occasional request for a reduced course equivalent to or in excess of that provided by the load. Students living on campus are required to pay full Wheaton College Student Health Insurance Plan. tuition regardless of the number of courses they take in (Information is available through the Office of Student a given semester. Additional tuition charges may apply Financial Services.) Students are automatically enrolled for enrollment above five courses in a single term. Please in the plan unless a waiver is requested and approved. In contact the Office of Student Financial Services for more accordance with Massachusetts state law, students who information. are granted a waiver must be enrolled in a health insur- Students who are within two credits of completing ance plan that satisfies state regulations. Families can the requirements for graduation and who do not live

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 38 on campus may request a prorated tuition charge; if a Payment policy. Full payment and/or acceptable docu- student chooses to reside on campus, full tuition will be mentation that demonstrates the balance will be fully charged. Students should be aware that requesting a paid must be received prior to the published deadline. reduced course load could affect the financial aid they Payment must be made in U.S. dollars and checks must are receiving in the current or future semesters. We be drawn on U.S. banks. recommend that any financially aided student petitioning Acceptable documentation includes enrollment in for a reduced course load meet with a Student Financial the Interest-Free Monthly Payment Option, a copy of an Services counselor to review the impact on their aid award letter for an outside scholarship or a copy of a eligibility. billing authorization or sponsorship letter. Please note that loans based on the creditworthiness Tuition special programs for 2009–2010. All part-time nondegree (special) students are of the borrower may not be deducted without approval required to pay for all classes at the time of registration. from the lender. A copy of an approval notice with Program Cost Condition Audit cost disbursement dates will be accepted as documentation Part-time $4,945 per course May not live in campus housing $100 per course for this type of loan. nondegree Late payment. Late payment fees will be assessed (special) student at the rate of $50 per month. Students who reside in Part-time $4,945 per course Per course; approval by petition campus housing may not be permitted to move into their degree student to CAAS and SFS only; may not live campus residences until their accounts are settled with in campus housing the Student Financial Services Office. Visiting student Full-time tuition Apply through admission office, Wheaton College policy states that any student full-time status, approved for with a balance greater than $2,000 and 60 days past campus housing due may not be permitted to enroll. In addition, college policy requires the withholding of all credits, educational Alumnae/i Audit $50 per course services, issuance of transcripts and certifications of Norton resident $150 per course Maximum four courses (no more academic records from any person whose financial than one course per semester for obligations to the college (including delinquent accounts, four semesters) $15 per course deferred balances and liability for damage) are overdue and/or unpaid. If any overdue obligation is referred either Fees may change. In the face of rising costs affecting to the college collection department or to an outside all facets of higher education, tuition and fee increases agency or attorney for collection efforts and/or legal suit, have been necessary each year for the past decade. As the debt is increased to cover all reasonable costs of such increases may continue to be necessary, parents collection, including collection agency and attorney fees and students are advised that the Board of Trustees may and court cost. Accounts referred for collection may also change the fee schedule from one academic year to be reported to a national credit bureau. By registering for the next, and make changes required by law during the any class in the college, a student accepts and agrees academic year. to be bound by the foregoing college policy as applied to any preexisting or future obligation to the college. Payments Late payments by bank or cashier’s check. The col- Statements including tuition, Schedule of payments. lege reserves the right to require that a late payment be room, board, activities fee, health insurance, phone made in the form of bank or cashier’s check, payable to and network fee, laundry and general fee are mailed in Wheaton College. This may be requested in cases where July and December. The payment due date is August the student is seeking immediate clearance of a past due 1 for the fall semester and January 1 for the spring balance for such purposes as participation in registra- semester. Other fees and miscellaneous charges will be tion, room lottery or release of an official transcript or billed as incurred through the monthly billing process. diploma. A certified or bank check may also be requested Miscellaneous charges are due on the first of the month if there is an account history of payments returned for following the billing statement. Checks should be made insufficient funds. payable to Wheaton College, include the student name and identification number, and be mailed as instructed. Interest-Free Monthly Payment Option®. Education To avoid late-payment fees, students should provide expenses can be easier to pay when spread over predict- the college with an accurate and up-to-date billing ad- able, interest-free monthly payments. Our Interest-free dress and complete payment by the published deadline. Monthly Payment Option®, offered in partnership with Please allow sufficient time to mail in payment, particu- Tuition Management Systems, Inc.,® is an alternative larly if you experience difficulty with the postal service to large annual or semester payments and helps limit in your area. Late-payment fees will be assessed at the borrowing. The Interest-Free Monthly Payment Option® rate of $50 per month. is available for an enrollment fee of $65, which includes:

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 39 convenient, interest-free, monthly payments; life insur- refunded as follows: ance coverage for your payment balance; 24-hour, Tuition Refund Per Semester toll-free automated account information through Family InfoLine and personal account service Monday through 100 percent if notice is received prior to the start of the Saturday. term. Families and students may also take advantage of Fall 2009–September 2, 2009 Tuition Management Systems’ free education pay- Spring 2010–January 27, 2010 ment counseling service, BorrowSmart®. This service 80 percent if notice is received by the end of the 2nd helps families and students make informed choices week of classes. about combining the Interest-Free Monthly Payment Fall 2009–September 11, 2009 Option® with low-interest educational loans. Using Spring 2010–February 5, 2010 BorrowSmart® helps you determine the loan amount you need, keeping your monthly payments within your 60 percent if notice is received by the end of the 3rd budget and helping reduce debt burden after graduation. week of classes. For more information or to enroll in the Interest-Free Fall 2009–September 18, 2009 Monthly Payment Option®, call 800-722-4867 and Spring 2010–February 12, 2010 speak with an education payment counselor. 40 percent if notice is received by the end of the 4th Holds week of classes. Fall 2009–September 25, 2009 Financial leave policy and registration hold. Any student whose past-due account balance is $2,000 or Spring 2010–February 19, 2010 more will have a registration hold placed on his or her 20 percent if notice is received by the end of the 5th student record. This action will prevent the student from week of classes. participating in the registration process for the following Fall 2009–October 2, 2009 term until the past-due account is paid in full. If the bal- Spring 2010–February 26, 2010 ance is not paid by the end of the term, the student will be placed on financial leave of absence for the following Room and Board Per Semester. There will be no term. refund of the room charge once classes begin each semester. Diploma and official transcript holds. Any student Seventy-five percent of the board charge will be who has a past-due account balance will have a financial refunded on a pro-rata basis determined by the date the hold placed on his or her official transcript and diploma. written notice is received by the Office of the Registrar. Once the balance is paid in full, the official record can be released. Tuition refund insurance. Because Wheaton’s refund policy provides only limited refunds for tuition, board and Room lottery hold. Any student who has a past-due fees (and only for withdrawal for non-academic and non- account balance will have a financial hold placed on disciplinary reasons), it is recommended that consider- his or her participation in the room selection process ation be given to purchasing Tuition Refund Insurance. (lottery). Once the past-due balance is paid in full, the Tuition Refund Insurance minimizes the financial loss in student can select from the remaining rooms. the event that your son/daughter is unable to complete Refund Policy the academic term due to a medical or psychological issue. The cost of this plan is automatically charged Students must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing to your student account. For those who do not wish to that they are leaving Wheaton in order to be eligible purchase the insurance, waiver forms are available for for a refund. The date the written notice is received by printing at wheatoncollege.edu/Admin/SFS/. Waiver the Office of the Registrar is used as the official date of forms must be returned to the Office of Student Financial withdrawal. The refund policy does not apply to students Services prior to the start of the term. asked to leave the college involuntarily during an aca- demic term. Students on involuntary leave or dismissal Credit balances. Wheaton College will maintain and are eligible for a prorated board charge only, based on apply credit balances for continuing students to future the last date of enrollment. charges. You may request a refund of a credit balance Eligible students who leave during their first semester by submitting a written request to Student Financial at the college will have their charges prorated based on Services. the number of weeks of attendance, until the tenth week. To request a refund, you must complete a Refund Students who complete at least ten weeks, but do not Request form, a printable copy of which is available at complete the full first semester, will not be eligible for a wheatoncollege.edu/Admin/SFS/Forms and forward it refund. to the Office of Student Financial Services. Please allow All other eligible students will have their charges 7–10 business days for a response.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 40 Courses of This section of the catalog outlines, by department, the Academic Planning Instruction requirements for all major and minor concentrations Students planning a program of study or concentration at the college and provides descriptions of the courses are urged to review requirements and course descriptions offered by each department at the time of publication. It before meeting with their advisors. Not all courses listed also provides information about dual-degree programs here are taught every year, and students should consult offered by the college in conjunction with other institu- the sources identified above for current information about tions. offerings in a particular semester. Courses are numbered While information in the catalog and in these sched- to indicate levels of advancement as follows: 100–199, ules is intended to be accurate at the time of publica- elementary or introductory; 200–299, intermediate; 300 tion, the college reserves the right to make changes in and above, advanced. Information is available on-line courses, course scheduling and instructors as necessary. through WINDOW (at https://window.wheatoncollege.edu) Up-to-date information regarding departmental require- about prerequisites that must be completed before enroll- ments for major and minor programs may always be ing in a course and whether the course fulfills a breadth obtained from major advisors or from the Office of the requirement of the Wheaton Curriculum or a general Registrar. Current information about degree require- education requirement. Most courses are offered for one ments and courses is available in the on-line version of course credit; a course credit at Wheaton is the equivalent the catalog, available at: wheatoncollege.edu/Catalog/. of four semester hours.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 41 African, African American, As a field of inquiry, African, African American, Area C: Economics and Political Science Diaspora Studies diaspora studies examines the experiences of Econ 222 Economics of Race and Racism people of African descent in the United States, Econ 252 Urban Economics Coordinator: Jonathan David Walsh Africa and the Caribbean, as well as in Latin Econ 305 International Finance America, Europe and Asia. The program allows Matthew Allen Econ 306 International Trade students and faculty to explore the range of Chair, Ruby Associate Professor of Music Pols 201 Contemporary Urban Politics interrelated cultures, histories, art, and intellectual Marcus Allen *Pols 203 African Politics Assistant Professor of Political Science contributions of Africans and people of African descent throughout the diaspora. The faculty also Pols 271 African American Politics John Bezis-Selfa views participation in co-curricular activities (stu- Pols 327 Black Political Thought Associate Professor of History dent and faculty colloquia, guest lectures, campus Area D: Literature, Film and Language Claire Buck projects) as vital to the development of students Professor of English Clas 130 Egypt in the Greco-Roman World as responsible citizens of the college community Eng 209 African American Literature and Culture Dolita Cathcart and the world. The interdisciplinary program in Assistant Professor of History Eng 235 Empire, Race and the Victorians African, African American, diaspora studies is an Eng 244 Contemporary Caribbean Literature in Shawn Christian essential component of the college’s mission to English Assistant Professor of English enable students to understand and participate in Cecile Danehy shaping the multicultural, interdependent world *Eng 245 African Literature Chair, Associate Professor of French of which they are a part. It encourages students Eng 257 Race and Racism in U.S. Cinema R. Tripp Evans to complement classroom learning with study, Eng 347 Contemporary African American Fiction Associate Professor of Art History research and internship opportunities abroad and Fr 235 Introduction to Modern French Literature Chair, Art and Art History in the United States. Fr 331 Other Voices, Other Stories: Great Works Peony Fhagen-Smith by Women from France and the Francophone Assistant Professor of Psychology Major World James Freeman The major in African, African American, diaspora Associate Professor of Economics studies consists of 10 courses. At least one Area E: History course from each of the five areas listed below *Hist 143 Africans on Africa: A Gerard Huiskamp Associate Professor of Political Science must be taken, along with two courses that focus Hist 201 North American Colonial History on the continent of Africa and are marked with Hist 209 African American History to 1877 Jacqueline M. Jones Visiting Instructor of AAADS an asterisk. Afds 103, or Introduction to African, Hist 210 African American History: 1877 to the African American, diaspora studies, is recom- Donna O. Kerner Present mended but not required. Three 300-level courses Professor of Anthropology Hist 213 The History of the Civil Rights Movement must be taken, one of which can be a capstone Hist 337 Power and Protest in the United States Paula M. Krebs course or project. The final requirement is to Professor of English Hist 339 Slavery in the Americas complete a capstone project. Capstone projects Kim Miller may involve study abroad and/or independent *Courses that focus on the continent of Africa. Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies and Art study work. Please speak with the coordinator to History; Coordinator, Women’s Studies Minor discuss possible capstone projects. Leah Niederstadt The minor in African, African American, diaspora Assistant Professor of Museum Studies, Art Area A: Art History and Music studies consists of five courses, including at least History and Curator of the College’s Permanent Arth 212 African Visual Cultures one course that focuses on the continent of Africa. Collection Arth 263 African American Art The remaining three courses may be taken from Joel C. Relihan *Arth 312 Contemporary African Arts any of the five areas listed in the major require- Chair, Professor of Classics *Musc 212 World Music: Africa and the Americas ments. Afds 103 (Introduction to African, African Julie Searles Musc 272 African American Originals I: Spirituals, American, diaspora studies) is recommended but Director of World Dance, Instructor of Music Blues and All That Jazz not required. Ann Sears Musc 273 African American Originals II: Rhythm Heuser Professor of Music Courses and Blues, Rock and Contemporary Jazz Sue Standing 103. Introduction to African, African American, Professor of English, Writer in Residence Area B: Anthropology, Psychology and Diaspora Studies Sociology An introduction to the study of Africa and its Josh Stenger *Anth 225 Peoples and Cultures of Africa Associate Professor of Film Studies and English diaspora, primarily in the Americas, but also *Anth 255 Women in Africa Europe. The course takes an interdisciplinary Jonathan David Walsh Psy 251 Multicultural Psychology Professor of French, Coordinator of African, approach to a range of historical, literary, artistic, African American, and Diaspora Studies Soc 230 Race and Ethnicity economic and political questions crucial to the understanding of the experiences of people of Russell Williams Wmst 315 Black Feminist Theory Associate Professor of Economics African descent.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 42 American Studies Hist 220 The Making of Latino America Two courses at the 300 level Hist 232 Women in North America to 1790 Two-semester senior independent research Coordinators: Alexander Bloom, Samuel Coale Hist 233 U.S. Women, 1790-1890 project John Bezis-Selfa Hist 234 U.S. Women since 1890 Greco-Roman track, 10 courses total Associate Professor of History Hist 338 U.S. Labor History Two courses in either Greek or Latin at or above Alexander Bloom or any other course in American history. the 200 level Keiter Professor of History One additional course chosen from any of the Two appropriate courses in Religion Samuel Coale above groups or from a related field is required. At Two additional approved elective courses Chair, Professor of English least one related course from another discipline Two courses at the 300 level is required. Two-semester senior independent research Kathryn Tomasek Seminar project Associate Professor of History An appropriate seminar (depending upon the indi- New Testament track, 10 courses total Major vidual focus of the major) is required for seniors. Rel 110 Literature of the New Testament: The A major in American studies is offered jointly by Eng 401 Seminars Real Jesus, Ancient and Modern Views the English and History departments. The major Hist 401 Senior Seminar and Rel 210 Jesus and the Gospels consists of 11.5 courses in History, English, Hist 050 Senior Colloquium in American Studies Religion, Art and Art History, Philosophy and One course in Classics at or above the 200 level related fields. Either Rel 109 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible English or Rel 209 Hebrew Bible Studies At least four courses are required: Ancient Studies One other appropriate course in Religion Eng 253 American Literature to 1865 One additional approved elective course Eng 255 Cultural Diversity in American Literature: Coordinator: Nancy Evans From the Civil War to the 1940s Two courses at the 300 level Department homepage: And two from the following: Two-semester senior independent research wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Classics Eng 256 The of Cultural Diversity in project U.S. Fiction The Classics and Religion departments sponsor Approved elective courses an interdepartmental major in ancient studies. Eng 260 American Voices in Lyric Combat Any course in the Classics Department at or Eng 341 Public Poetry, Private Poetry Major above the 200 level. Eng 343 Fiction of the Modern Majors in ancient studies choose one of Approved courses in the Religion Department Eng 376 Literary and Cultural Theory three tracks: Hebrew, Greco-Roman and New are those that feature any of the cultures of the or any other course in American literature. Testament. Students are required to study at ancient Mediterranean, including: History least one ancient language (Hebrew, Greek or Rel 109 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Latin) and to be able to apply that language in At least four courses are required: Rel 110 Literature of the New Testament: The a required two-semester independent research Hist 331 Social and Intellectual History of the Real Jesus, Ancient and Modern Views project. In preparation for this independent United States to the Civil War Rel 204 Scripture in Judaism, Christianity and research project, each track requires students to Islam Hist 332 Social and Intellectual History of the take two language courses at the 200 level, and United States Since 1876 six courses relevant to the ancient world, choos- Rel 209 Hebrew Bible Studies And two from the following: ing courses from those offered in the depart- Rel 210 Jesus and the Gospels Hist 201 North American Colonial History ments of Classics, Religion, Art and Art History Rel 310 New Testament: Acts and Letters Hist 202 America: The New Nation, 1776-1836 and Philosophy. Students should complete the Rel 316 Islam: Faith and Practice Hist 203 America: The Nation Divided, 1836-1876 minimum language requirement by the end of the Rel 322 Judaism: Faith and Practice Hist 204 Industry and Empire: The United States, junior year. A minimum of two courses must be at Arth 273 Greek Art and Architecture the 300 level. All majors must complete a senior 1876-1914 Arth 274 Visualizing Power in Ancient Rome independent research project (two semesters). Hist 205 America Between the Wars: 1914-1945 Phil 203 Ancient Philosophy Hist 206 Modern America: 1945 to the Present Hebrew track, 10 courses total Hist 209 African American History to 1877 (for students who enter with a knowledge of Hebrew) Hist 210 African American History: 1877 to the Present Rel 109 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible and Rel 209 Hebrew Bible Studies Two courses in Classics at or above the 200 level Two additional approved elective courses

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 43 Anthropology Anth 350 Gender and Social Organization challenge of bringing these issues into a forum for Anth 357 Indigenous Religions discussion on the Wheaton campus. (Donna O. Kerner) Chair: Bruce Owens Anth 101 is highly recommended. Majors who Connections: Department homepage: have taken a first-year seminar with a member of wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Anthropology/ the Anthropology Department faculty may petition Conx 23002 Food Donna O. Kerner to count the FYS towards credit for the major. 225. Peoples and Cultures of Africa Professor of Anthropology This course takes a topical/historical approach Minor Megan B. McCullough to the study of sub-Saharan African societies. Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology The minor in anthropology consists of either Anth The diversity of unique African cultural features 101 or Anth 102, at least one 300-level course (in kinship, economy, politics and ritual) will be Bruce Owens Chair, Associate Professor of Anthropology and at least one, but not more than two, world considered against the backdrop of historical culture area courses for a total of five courses in interactions with Europe, the Americas, the Middle Christine N. Reiser anthropology. Brown Teaching Fellow East and Asia from the precolonial period to the present. Topics covered include: lineages and Ninian R. Stein Courses stateless societies, chiefdoms and long-distance Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow in Environmental 101. Human Evolution Studies trade, slavery, colonialism and underdevelopment, Discoveries related to human and cultural evolu- social movements and resistance, cosmology, M. Gabriela Torres tion are constantly changing our view of where Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Program warfare and stratification by ethnicity and gender. Coordinator of Development Studies we came from and how we got to be the way we (Donna O. Kerner) are. This course considers the latest findings and Connections: The anthropology major provides students with an controversies concerning evolutionary theory, our Conx 23001 African Worlds understanding of human social behavior, social relationship to apes, our sexuality, bipedalism and systems and cultures within a dynamic global capacity for language, the relevance of “race,” our 226. Anthropology of Art context. It examines the social and cultural forces links to Neanderthals, the development of what This course considers art as diverse as Maori that operate within Asia, Africa, Latin America, we call civilization and other topics. canoe prows, Warhol’s Pop, aboriginal sand Europe and the Pacific, as well as in American (Bruce Owens, Dean Alfredo Varela) drawings, gang graffiti, Tibetan tangkas, children’s society. finger painting and Mapplethorpe’s photographs 102. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology from an anthropological perspective, asking: Why This course explores cultural diversity in the Major do humans make art? How and why does art contemporary world and introduces the analytical The major in anthropology consists of 10 courses affect us and those of other cultures? What are and methodological tools that anthropologists use that must include the following four core courses: the relationships between art, artists and society? to understand cultural similarities and differences Anth 102 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Artists are encouraged to participate. in a global context. This course will acquaint (Bruce Owens) Anth 301 Seminar in Anthropological Theory students with the extraordinary range of human Anth 302 Research Methods possibility that anthropologists have come to 230. Language and Culture Anth 401 Senior Seminar know, provide a means of better understanding Linguistic anthropology is concerned with the Six electives that must include: the culturally unfamiliar and offer a new perspec- many ways that language and communication At least one world culture area course from the tive through which to examine the cultures that make us what we are as human beings and affect following list: they call their own. our daily social and cultural lives. Topics covered (Donna O. Kerner, Bruce Owens, include: evolution of language; how language Anth 225 Peoples and Cultures of Africa M. Gabriela Torres) and culture affect the way we know the world; Anth 235 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America Connections: language acquisition; and language and commu- nicative behaviors associated with social classes, Anth 245 Indigenous Movements of Latin America Conx 20023 Global Music races and genders. Anth 255 Women in Africa 210. Feast or Famine: The Ecology and Politics (Department) of Food Anth 275 Peoples and Cultures of the Himalaya This course concerns how food is produced, dis- 235. Peoples and Cultures of Latin America Anth 285 Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific tributed and consumed. Topics covered include: The course looks at the issues faced by peoples Anth 295 Peoples and Cultures of South Asia how culture shapes taste, cuisine, and and cultures of Latin America primarily through food production systems, as well as the ecologi- the careful reading of . The And one 300-level elective cal, economic and political factors that cause ethnographies, as well as the associated articles Anth 306 Infancy Across Cultures famine and food shortage. Films, case studies, and films used in the course, highlight the social Anth 333 Economic Anthropology guest speakers, action/service fieldwork and realities and history of Latin American region. In modeling exercises provide opportunities to think this course we focus on understanding the inter- Anth 340 Seminar on Religion in Anthropological creatively about policy and action to increase connectedness of the Americas, the relationship Perspective food security for the most vulnerable at home between gender and state development, multiple and abroad. Students are expected to meet the forms of violence (structural, gendered, political, Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 44 symbolic and everyday), religious change, and questions are considered from ethnographic, they undergo rapid social changes in the 21st the impact of migrations, as well as the legacies autobiographical and fictional accounts. Gender, century. Some of the classic debates in anthropo- of historical constructions of race, gender and class and cultural identity will be focal points. logical scholarship will be considered, including: ethnicity. (Donna O. Kerner) the origins of the inhabitants, the reasons for (M. Gabriela Torres) Connections: local warfare, ritual cannibalism, institutionalized homosexuality and exchange without money. We Connections: Conx 23001 African Worlds will also examine current debates about economic Conx 23003 Modern Latin America 260. Women and Development development, migration, environmental threats, 240. Urban Anthropology Without a consideration of women’s lives in the political movements for integration and indepen- The 20th century has been characterized by Third World, our understanding of worldwide prob- dence, the impact of tourism and the Western massive urban growth throughout the world. lems such as poverty, famine and AIDS is seri- media, new religious movements, and language Ethnographic studies serve as a basis for study- ously deficient. This course is concerned with the revivalism. ing the causes, processes and consequences impact of conquest, colonialism and postcolonial (Donna O. Kerner) of urban migration and urbanization, as well as dependency on women in Africa, Asia and Latin cross-cultural similarities and variations in urban America. The approach is anthropological, enter- 295. Peoples and Cultures of South Asia ways of life. This course examines how people ing the subject “from the bottom up.” Through the Religious and ethnic diversity and conflict, ritual negotiate urban life as a particular sociocul- use of life histories, novels and films, we will have performance and festivity, caste, colonialism, cul- tural world. We develop an anthropological view the privilege of hearing the voices of Third World tural heritage, and modern struggles of cities by surveying rural-urban influences, women as they recount their strategies for coping over sovereignty and development schemes are neighborhoods, ethnicities, , social with the difficult circumstances of their daily lives all features of South Asia that anthropologists networks and stratification to understand how and their dreams for the future. find particularly interesting. This course explores social relations are constructed and how cultural (Donna O. Kerner) the extraordinary cultural diversity of this region, knowledge is distributed in cities, including the which extends from the Himalayas to Sri Lanka 270. Psychological Anthropology metropolitan area. and Pakistan to Bhutan in order to better under- Shamanic cures, ecstatic trance, spirit posses- (Department) stand the differences and commonalities that sion, dream interpretation, identity negotiation divide and unite its peoples. 245. Indigenous Movements of Latin America and other psychological phenomena that pose (Bruce Owens) This course takes a topical approach to challenges for anthropological explanation are Connections: contemporary challenges facing indigenous examined in order to better understand the rela- peoples in Latin America. The course uses recent tionship between sociocultural context and indi- Conx 20032 Cultural Flows in South Asia ethnographic accounts to give us an in-depth vidual experience and thought. Case studies from 298. Experimental Courses understanding of the struggles, achievements diverse cultural settings are bases for exploring Environmental Anthropology and meaning-making practices of indigenous contemporary issues and topics in this field. Clean air, clean water and food are environmental peoples in Latin America. We focus on identity- (Bruce Owens) factors that underlie all of our lives. Our cultural making practices of indigenous ethnic groups in 275. Peoples and Cultures of the Himalaya backgrounds influence how we understand and their struggles within the states of Ecuador, Peru, The Himalayan region provides extraordinary perceive where we live and the natural resources Bolivia, Guatemala and Mexico. opportunities for pursuing fascinating issues that around us as well as our ties to more distant (M. Gabriela Torres) interest anthropologists everywhere, including environments. Natural resources from land to 250. Political Anthropology the relationship between ecology and culture, oil and water are at the heart of recent and What is power and what are the many forms in the politics of gender, negotiating ethnic identity, historical conflicts as well as many international which we can see it being exercised? This course religious diversity and interaction, and globaliza- agreements. In this class, we will use the tools starts by exploring the evolution of political struc- tion. This region is also home to some of the most of anthropology to ask questions about society tures from stateless societies to advanced civiliza- widely known fantasies about the ideal society, and environment. Topics may include landscapes, tions. We will analyze some classic anthropologi- usually called Shangrila. This course uses inti- development, disasters, indigenous knowledge, cal studies of local political systems in different mate, detailed portraits of cultures and societies activism, gender and sustainability. parts of the world and then shift our focus to how that the best of anthropology provides in order to (Ninian R. Stein) changes in the global economy affect citizens in examine these issues (and fantasies) in Himalayan Native North America such areas as employment, immigration, health contexts, while at the same time providing a This course introduces students to the major and human rights. broad overview of the enormous diversity to be themes that have shaped the lives and experi- (Donna O. Kerner) found in the region and the challenges that those ences of Native American groups north of Mexico. who live there share. 255. Women in Africa We will explore the social, economic, ethical and (Bruce Owens) What contributions have women made to the so- legal issues confronting Native communities today cieties of Africa prior to colonialism? How and why 285. Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific such as concerns for sovereignty, repatriation, did colonialism affect men and women differently? The island cultures of the Pacific respresent a health, wealth and poverty, race and public What are the implications of gender inequality dazzling array of social, political and economic representation. The course is interdisciplinary for economic development in Africa today? These styles, as well as a set of puzzling questions as and draws from the fields of archeology, history,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 45 cultural anthropology, art, literature, film/media seminar examines how anthropologists have Arabic studies, law, and public policy. Prior knowledge of sought to understand such phenomena from the anthropology, Native American cultures, or Native perspectives of practitioners in order to develop Safaa A. Shaheen American history is not a prerequisite. conceptual frameworks that facilitate cross- Visiting Instructor of Arabic (Christine N. Reiser) cultural understanding. (Bruce Owens) Courses 301. Seminar in Anthropological Theory This seminar provides a selective survey of the 350. Gender and Social Organization 101. Introduction to Arabic past one hundred years of anthropological theory, A unified analysis of gender and kinship is consid- This course provides the first-time learner with with a particular focus on the contributions of ered essential to an understanding of social orga- basic knowledge and skills in Arabic. American, British and French theorists in the nization. This course starts from the premise that This is a yearlong beginning course designed development of anthropological paradigms that cultural conceptions of gender are not “natural” for students with no previous study of Arabic. are now most important in the discipline. These categories. In this course we will consider how Its goal is to provide an introduction to modern include evolutionary, functionalist, historical marriage, family and household organization both standard Arabic within the cultural context of the particularist, culture and personality, structural- reflect and structure cultural definitions of gender Arab world. The course develops the fundamental ist, symbolic/interpretive, ecological materialist, and sex-role behavior and the dynamic interaction skills: understanding, speaking, reading, writing Marxist world systems, feminist, poststructuralist, of public and private domains in the production and cultural awareness. Four class meetings per practice and postmodernist theory, which will all of culture. We will be comparing small-scale week, plus work in the language laboratory and receive major attention. Readings may include societies to more complex forms (peasant and in- media center. primary theoretical texts, classic and contempo- dustrial economies) and we will also consider the (Safaa A. Shaheen) rary ethnographies and biographical materials on differences among those societies that organize 102. Introduction to Arabic a number of influential anthropologists. descent bilaterally, matrilineally and patrilineally. A continuation of Arbc 101. (Donna O. Kerner, Bruce Owens) Seminar participants are responsible for preparing and presenting the readings and conducting two 302. Research Methods small fieldwork projects. In this seminar, students learn how to develop a (Donna O. Kerner) testable hypothesis, conduct a review of research Art History literature, define an appropriate sample and Connections: employ a range of ethnographic methodologies Conx 23006 Sexuality Chair: R. Tripp Evans Department homepage: in one or more research sites. The course culmi- 357. Indigenous Religions wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Art/ nates in the design of a pilot project and proposal. (See Rel 357 for course description.) (Previously Anth 280) Tim Cunard 398. Experimental Courses (Donna O. Kerner) Professor of Art 401. Senior Seminar R. Tripp Evans 306. Infancy Across Cultures A semester of directed research in which students (See Psy 306.) explore topics of their own choice through their Associate Professor of Art History 333. Economic Anthropology own original research. Students meet regularly in Chair, Art and Art History The seminar explores capitalism and alterna- a seminar setting, which provides a framework in Claudia R. Fieo tive forms of economic organization, challenging which to discuss the many stages of the research Professor of Art process and offer collaborative support for fel- students to reconceptualize “economy” as a Touba Ghadessi Fleming low students pursuing their individual projects. . Students compare nonmonetized Assistant Professor of Art History economic relations in different societies and Students will be expected to produce a completed Andrew Howard interactions between economic cores and periph- thesis in February as their capstone to the major. eries. This reconceptualization informs a critical (Donna O. Kerner, Bruce Owens, Professor of Art understanding of the implications for participation M. Gabriela Torres) Jake Mahaffy in the global economic system and its impact on 500. Individual Research Associate Professor of Art and Film the rest of the world. Open to majors at the invitation of the depart- Ellen McBreen (Department) ment. Assistant Professor of Art History 340. Seminar on Religion in Anthropological Sean McPherson Perspective Assistant Professor of Art History In various places throughout the world, people are killing themselves and others in the name of Kim Miller ‘religion’ or ‘religious beliefs.’ Attempts to make Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies and Art sense of these and other phenomena (such as History; Coordinator, Women’s Studies trance, fundamentalism and ecstatic worship) Ann H. Murray that we call religious often reveal deep-seated Professor of Art, Director of Beard and Weil prejudices and unfounded assumptions. This Galleries

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 46 Leah Niederstadt may substitute these courses for Arth 111 and Arth 260 American Art and Architecture: Colonial Assistant Professor of Museum Studies, Art Arth 112; if you have taken only one of the Great to 1865 History and Curator of the College’s Permanent Works courses, you may substitute this course for Arth 270 The Art of the Print Collection Arth 111 but not for Arth 112. Arth 275 Arts in an Age of Revolution: Evelyn Ruth Staudinger Two semester courses in Studio Art: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism Associate Provost and Associate Professor of Art One must be either Two-Dimensional Design Arth 276 Impressionism and Post-Impressionism History Arts 111, Three-Dimensional Design Arts 112 or Arth 333 Architecture and Identity in Modern Drawing I Arts 116. Patricia Stone Japan Associate Professor of Art The other may be any 100- or 200-level Studio Contemporary Art (1900-present) Art course. Any 100-level Studio Art course must One of the following: The Department of Art and Art History is com- be taken before the senior year. Arth 263 African American Art posed of two interdependent major programs: Seven additional courses. studio art and art history. Students majoring in Arth 312 Contemporary African Arts each of these programs fulfill coursework in both Majors must take at least one semester course Arth 314 Modern Architecture sides of the department, and some declare double from each of the following five groups, and two Arth 317 Cubism, Expressionism and Surrealism majors in both studio art and art history. semester courses from the non-Western category: Arth 318 Art since 1945 The art history program at Wheaton examines Ancient Art Arth 333 Architecture and Identity in Modern the artistic traditions of all periods and places, as One of the following: Japan well as the full spectrum of visual media. While Arth 105 Art in East Asia I Arth 360 American Art and Architecture: 1865- our curriculum is particularly strong in the history Arth 255 Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture 1945 of architecture, printmaking and painting, it also Arth 273 Greek Art and Architecture Non-Western Art encompasses the history of sculpture, photog- raphy, decorative arts, graphic media and many Arth 274 Visualizing Power in Ancient Rome One of the following: aspects of material and performative culture. To Arth 288 Buddhist Art and Architecture Arth 105 Art in East Asia I develop and sharpen students’ visual literacy, we Medieval Art Arth 106 Art in East Asia II emphasize close, object-based study in our own One of the following: Arth 212 African Visual Cultures collection and in local museums, and encourage Arth 105 Art in East Asia I Arth 208 or Arth 308 Print Cultures in Early specialized research in areas of the student’s Arth 231 Italian Medieval Art and Culture Modern and Modern Japan choice. Arth 221 Arts of India Because our approach is founded upon the Arth 288 Buddhist Art and Architecture Arth 223 Islamic Art intersection between art history and social history, Arth 352 Early Medieval Art and Culture we encourage the practice of a politically respon- Arth 353 Castles and Cathedrals Arth 224 Chinese Art and Culture Arth 225 Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese sible art history—one that weighs and interprets Early Modern Art (1400-1700) the stories these works tell concerning their Visual Culture One of the following: cultures of origin, and that considers the works’ Arth 255 Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture Arth 106 Art in East Asia II meanings within the contemporary world. Our Arth 256 Native North American Arts and Culture Arth 208 or Arth 308 Print Cultures in Early program’s emphasis upon critical thinking and Arth 288 Buddhist Art and Architecture Modern and Modern Japan its strong commitment to interdisciplinary inquiry Arth 312 Contemporary African Arts prepares students for a variety of specialized Arth 224 Chinese Art and Culture Arth 333 Architecture and Identity in Modern professions, including architecture, museum and Arth 225 Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese Japan gallery work, conservation/preservation, graduate Visual Culture Museum Studies work in art and architectural history, teaching, law Arth 232 Art and Architecture of the 14th and and business. 15th Centuries in Italy One of the following: Arth 230 Introduction to Museum Studies Major Arth 241 Northern Renaissance Painting 1400- 1550 Arth 334 Exhibiting Africa: Past & Present The art history major consists of at least 12 semester courses, including: Arth 270 The Art of the Print Arth 398 Exhibition Design Note: Students who declare an Art History Arth 401 Seminar Modern Art (1700-1900) major after the academic year 2008-2009 will be One of the followling: Arts of the Western Tradition, Arth 111/Arth 211, required to take one course in Museum Studies, taught in the fall, and Arts of Asia, Africa, and Arth 106 Art in East Asia II as well as one course in Non-Western Art, in the Americas, Arth 112, taught in the spring. It is Arth 208 or Arth 308 Print Cultures in Early addition to Arth 112, Arts of Africa, Asia and the highly recommended that these courses be taken Modern and Modern Japan Americas. Students who declare an Art History in sequence (Arth 111 or Arth 211, followed by Arth 224 Chinese Art and Culture major in the academic year 2008-2009 may Arth 112). Arth 225 Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese choose to take either one course in Museum Any student who has already taken our former Visual Culture Studies and one course in Non-Western Art in survey course, Great Works I and Great Works II,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 47 addition to Arth 112, Arts of Africa, Asia and the Dynasty (960–1279) in China, the Heian Period will be exposed to a number of supplemental Americas OR two courses in Non-Western Art, in (794–185) in Japan, and the Koryo Dynasty works within each lecture that will deepen their addition to Arth 112, Arts of Africa, Asia and the (918–1392) in Korea, through recent develop- understanding of the primary works under discus- Americas. ments. We will examine both canonical works sion. Students will be trained to place works of art For the major, the college requires at least of art and architecture, as well as popular visual and architecture within their historical contexts, three courses at the 300 level or above. culture and “folk” art production. We will be while also developing a critical vocabulary and Students may elect up to 16 credits in art. It concerned throughout with issues pertinent to familiarity with a variety of interpretive discourses. is urged that students take a course in European the broader study of visual and material culture, (Sean McPherson, R. Tripp Evans, history prior to 1800. Students who plan to do including the meaning(s) expressed by or derived Kim Miller, Leah Niederstadt) graduate work in art history are strongly advised from objects and images; transnational influences 198. Experimental Courses to develop a reading knowledge of German and and cultural hybridity in art production; the artistic French. Italian may sometimes be substituted. contributions of regional and ethnic minorities and 208/308. Print Cultures in Early Modern and Modern Japan women; material and visual culture as a reflection Development of the woodblock prints in Japan Minor of and legitimation for ; art as from the Edo period (1615–1868) through the A minor in art history consists of (Arth 111 or Arth a forum for social protest and change; issues of 20th century. We examine the technical, thematic 211) and Arth 112. Any student who has already style and artistic intent; the interplay between and stylistic development of woodblock prints, the taken our former survey course, Great Works I and material, visual and performative art forms; and work of individual print designers and schools, Great Works II, may substitute these courses for the relationship between art and cultural identity. the role of prints as reflection of and stimulus for Arth 111 and Arth 112; if you have taken only one (Sean McPherson) of the Great Works courses, you may substitute the Edo period “Floating World” of urban popular this course for Arth 111 but not for Arth 112. 111. Arts of the Western Tradition culture, and the thematic, technical and other This is an introductory course designed for changes generated by wartime prints, Three additional courses, at least one of which students who seek a survey of Western art and and the New Print and Creative Print movements must be at the 300 level. The minor is designed architecture and an understanding of critical ap- of the 20th century. Attention to issues of censor- to provide a cohesive chronological survey of art proaches to visual culture. This course covers the ship, collaborative artistic production, representa- history, augmented by in-depth study of three entire Western visual culture from prehistoric to tion of gender, sexuality and , and areas in which the student has a particular inter- 20th-century productions and approaches them dilemmas of cultural identity and . est. Studio art majors may minor in art history by from interdisciplinary and multi-theoretical per- (Previously Arth 218) taking three additional art history courses beyond spectives. Lectures focus upon a set of 40 works (Sean McPherson) the three required for the studio major (for a total chosen as paradigms of their particular period, of six). 211. Arts of the Western Tradition (Enhanced) style, or regional school. In addition, students will Arts of the Western Tradition provides an in-depth Courses be exposed to a number of supplemental works examination of Western visual culture from prehis- within each lecture that will deepen their under- 105. Art in East Asia I toric to 20th-century productions and approaches standing of the primary works under discussion. The course examines the art and architecture of them from interdisciplinary and multi-theoretical Students will be trained to place works of art and China, Japan and Korea. Lectures will survey East perspectives. Arth 211 is designed for students architecture within their historical contexts, while Asian art chronologically and thematically, begin- seeking greater academic challenge in the field of also developing a critical vocabulary and familiar- ning with Neolithic ceramics, and ending with art history than is available in the standard intro- ity with a variety of interpretive discourses. developments in Buddhist and secular art and ductory Arth 111 course (see above). Students will (Touba Ghadessi Fleming, architecture in the 9th and 10th centuries. We will approach the material on several levels: through Evelyn Ruth Staudinger, Leah Niederstadt) be concerned throughout with issues pertinent to lecture classes held jointly with Arth 111; through the wider study of visual and material culture, in- Connections: a 90-minute weekly discussion section based cluding the interpretation of meaning from objects Conx 23008 Italian Culture, Language and Society on a seminar model and including student-led and images; the relationship between archaeology Conx 20047 Molecules to Masterpieces discussions and seminal readings in the field, and and modern nationalism; cultural interconnections Conx 20025 The Math in Art and the Art of Math through a spring trip to New York City led by both and the diversity of individual cultural traditions; faculty and students, and intended to emphasize 112. Arts of Africa, Asia and the Americas reflections of social stratification in material the significance of the study of original works of The second half of the required introductory culture; issues of style and artistic intent; and the art and architecture. Because of the advanced survey of world visual culture for the Art History interplay between literary, visual and performative nature of this course, an additional half credit is major examines the art and architecture of Africa, artistic production. offered. Asia and the Americas. This interdisciplinary intro- (Sean McPherson) (Touba Ghadessi Fleming, duction to the discipline examines not only diverse Evelyn Ruth Staudinger) 106. Art in East Asia II objects and images, but also multiple approaches The course examines the art and architecture of to understanding visual culture. Each lecture Connections: China, the Japanese archipelago and the Korean focuses upon a particular object, image or site Conx 23008 Italian Culture, Language and Society peninsula. Lectures will survey East Asian art paradigmatic of a particular period, style, regional Conx 20047 Molecules to Masterpieces chronologically and thematically, from the Song school or cultural connection. In addition, students

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 48 Conx 20025 The Math in Art and the Art of Math Japanese visual culture. Our inclusive exploration addition, the course addresses issues of gender 212. African Visual Cultures of Japanese art and architecture will address and politics to understand the process of art This course provides an introduction to the rich, fundamental questions about when, how and why production and art reception in early-modern Italy. diverse and inspiring world of African art. We particular images and monuments have come to (Touba Ghadessi Fleming) be considered part of a canon of “great works” in will examine the varied ways that African art has 255. Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture the discipline of Japanese art history. shaped and been shaped by the histories and A historical and cultural examination of the (Sean McPherson) cultural values of different African peoples, both in architecture, sculpture and allied arts of the the past and during the present day. This course 230. Introduction to Museum Studies ancient Andes and Mesoamerica. Spanning the will strengthen the student’s ability to critically This course introduces students to museum first millennium B.C.E. to the time of the Spanish assess the role of art in Africa for the people who history and practice and to theoretical issues in Conquest, this course considers the role of the produce and use it, and will provide an under- museum studies. Students will explore the ways arts in the establishment and maintenance of standing of the role of African art in the West for in which museums and like institutions represent pre-Columbian political/religious authority. the people who collect, exhibit, view and study people and cultures and will consider their mis- (R. Tripp Evans) it. Topics of study will include social, political, sions, organizational structure and architecture, 256. Native North American Arts and Culture religious, philosophical, gendered and aesthetic their role in the community and the contemporary An introduction to the art, architecture and allied practices. challenges faced by museum practitioners. arts of native North American peoples. Students (Kim Miller) (Leah Niederstadt) will consider cultural periods from the prehistoric Connections: 231. Italian Medieval Art and Culture to the present and regions from the Eastern Conx 23001 African Worlds Italian medieval art is very different from that of Woodlands to the Pacific Northwest, with special 221. Arts of India the rest of Europe, because it clings to a classi- emphasis placed upon artistic production fol- This course surveys the development of Indian art cism inherited from its Roman past, augmented lowing European contact. Required museological from the Indus Valley civilization to the present, by frequent borrowings from Byzantium. The study involving local collections. studied against the background of India’s cultural course concentrates on the art of Italy from the (R. Tripp Evans) history and religious faiths. Art and architecture of time Constantine made Rome a “Christian” capital 260. American Art and Architecture: Colonial the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka, Buddhist, until the time of Giotto, with particular attention to to 1865 Hindu, Jain and Islamic. the ecclesiastical and social structures peculiar to An examination of the visual arts in North America (Sean McPherson) Italy that shaped its art in a distinct way. from the 17th century to the era of the Civil War, (Evelyn Ruth Staudinger) 223. Islamic Art considering their role in the formation of national The development of Islamic art throughout the 232. Art and Architecture of the 14th and 15th identity. In addition to class readings and lectures, Near East, Persia, Iran, North Africa and Spain. Centuries in Italy students will study original works and extant Special attention to architectural monuments and This course introduces students to the art of the structures in Boston, Providence and Newport. painting. early Renaissance in Italy, with special attention (R. Tripp Evans) paid to Florence. Issues such as technique, style, 224. Chinese Art and Culture 263. African American Art iconography, patronage, historical context and art Thematic, interdisciplinary exploration of selected This course explores the contribution of African theory are discussed in detail. art and architectural developments in China from American artists to the visual culture of the United Neolithic through modern times. Attention to 241. Northern Renaissance Painting 1400- States, from the work of 18th- and 19th-century 1550 issues relevant to study of material and visual cul- enslaved and free blacks to the production of The effects of secular patronage on late Gothic ture, including the interpretation of meaning from contemporary African American artists. Students painting in France and Flanders (Pucelle, the objects and images; the relationship between ar- examine the various strategies that African Limbourg brothers), followed by a thorough chaeology and modern nationalism; cultural inter- American artists have used to establish an inde- analysis of the realistic and mystical currents in connections and the hybridity of “native” cultural pendent artistic identity and to provide a political northern culture and painting from Jan van Eyck traditions; social stratification in the production voice for their audiences. to Hieronymus Bosch; a study of the spread of the and reception of material culture; discourses of (R. Tripp Evans) Flemish style to Germany and France and the im- aesthetic cultural values; the interplay of literary, pact of humanism (Dürer, Grünewald, Brueghel). Connections: visual and material cultural production. (Evelyn Ruth Staudinger) Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics (Sean McPherson) 242. Patronage and the Artist in Early-Modern 270. The Art of the Print 225. Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese Italy The development of woodcut, engraving, etching, Visual Culture This course will explore the relationship between lithography, etc., from the 15th century to the Survey of selected aspects of Japanese art and various patrons and artists in Italy from circa present. Special attention to the work of Dürer, architecture from Neolithic through recent times. 1400 until circa 1650. The class examines the Rembrandt, Daumier, Whistler and Cassatt. Particular attention to issues of gender, cultural influence held by patrons such as churches, Religious, social and/or political aspects of identity and social status in the production and monasteries and court rulers on art production their work also considered. Print collections at reception of art and architecture. Exploration and, in turn, how artists affected patrons’ taste. In Wheaton and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, of transnational and intercultural sources of

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 49 will be highlighted. This course culminates in the examination of Buddhist material and visual mystery held by reproductive organs and their organization and mounting of an exhibition of culture will be informed throughout with thematic function; the theological and physical challenges prints drawn from Wheaton’s collection of 1,000 questions. What do material, visual and ritual posed by human dissections; the production of impressions. culture contribute to the religious experience? illustrated anatomical treatises; the implication (Evelyn Ruth Staudinger) How can we reconcile Buddhism’s doctrinal of artists and anatomists in exploring monstrous Connections: rejection of material and visual reality with its rich bodies; and the intellectual and physical fascina- artistic legacy? To what extent can we understand tion with hermaphrodites. Conx 20020 The Art of the Print devotional objects as “art”? How have secular (Touba Ghadessi Fleming) 273. Greek Art and Architecture and religious agendas intersected in the spread 312. Contemporary African Arts An investigation of the art and architecture of the of Buddhism? How has Buddhist art, architecture This course will explore contemporary African Greek world from the Aegean Bronze Age cultures and ritual accommodated itself to widely differing art and the discourses that frame its production, to the Hellenistic period. Taught chronologically, cultural and historical contexts? How have the reception and history. Issues considered include but from a sociocultural perspective, particular iconography and aesthetic of Buddhist art both authenticity, tradition, modernity, nationality and attention is paid to the role and representation of reflected and influenced prevailing notions of African diasporic art. We will also examine the gender in Greek society. social status, gender and sexuality? complex relationship of African art to colonial- (Department) (Sean McPherson) ism, European art and its discourses, and the 274. Visualizing Power in Ancient Rome 298. Experimental Courses influence of globalization and popular culture. We After a brief consideration of Etruscan art, the Art of the Avant-Gardes, 1900–1945 will focus on several artists or artistic traditions course concentrates on Roman art and architec- This course examines the artistic avant-gardes as case studies, including the art scene in Dakar ture with particular emphasis on the cultural role during the first half of the 20th century. We study (Senegal); artistic production in post-Apartheid played by visual art in Roman society. Etruscan individual artists and their associated movements South Africa; and the revival of “traditional” forms and Roman holdings in the Rhode Island School (Cubism, Constructivism, Dada, Surrealism, e.g.) through studio art markets. We will also explore of Design Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, through select themes: the influence of mass cul- the collection and display of contemporary African and the Wheaton Collection are spotlighted. ture, non-western arts and new forms of technol- art. Readings include debates over the nature of (Evelyn Ruth Staudinger) ogy; representations of sexual and racial identity; representation in the postcolonial world, critiques 275. Arts in an Age of Revolution: and the relationship between art, nationalism, of the place of African art in the symbolic and Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism war and revolution. Critical analysis of individual monetary economies of the Western metropolis, A survey of European painting and sculpture from works of art and primary texts, especially those by African feminism as expressed in the arts, and the eve of the French Revolution to the mid-19th artists, forms the basis of the course. studies of the new contexts of so-called ethno- century. Emphasis on concurrent developments (Ellen McBreen) graphic objects. in France, England and Germany, with Italy and Students are not expected to have prior 208/308. Print Cultures in Early Modern and knowledge of African art, but some background Spain also considered. Works of art examined in Modern Japan terms of style, content and theory and in relation in either Africana studies (theoretical discourses) Development of the woodblock prints in Japan to the social and political context. or art history (historical and stylistic traditions) is from the Edo period (1615–1868) through the (Department) recommended. The emphasis in this course will 20th century. We examine the technical, thematic be on honing visual observational skills as well as and stylistic development of woodblock prints, the 276. Impressionism and Post-Impressionism techniques of theoretical analysis. work of individual print designers and schools, An examination of Impressionist and Post- (Kim Miller) Impressionist painting in France. Works of art the role of prints as reflection of and stimulus for Connections: considered in terms of style, theory, content and the Edo period “Floating World” of urban popular social context (e.g., the transformation of Paris culture, and the thematic, technical and other Conx 23001 African Worlds in the Second Empire). Emphasis on painting, changes generated by wartime propaganda prints, 314. Modern Architecture although sculpture and the decorative arts are and the New Print and Creative Print movements A study of architectural evolution in the West from included as time permits. of the 20th century. Attention to issues of censor- the French Revolution to the present, in light of (Department) ship, collaborative artistic production, representa- technological, political and social developments. tion of gender, sexuality and social status, and Particular attention focused on avant-garde move- 288. Buddhist Art and Architecture dilemmas of cultural identity and modernity. ments of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Buddhist art, architecture and ritual have reflected (Previously Arth 218) (R. Tripp Evans) and forged connections among the linguistically (Sean McPherson) and culturally diverse societies of South, Central 317. Cubism, Expressionism and Surrealism and East Asia. This course examines changes and 311. Anatomies 1400–1600: Sexual, Forbidden A study of major developments in art during the and Monstrous continuities in Buddhist art and architecture from first half of the 20th century: Cubism and related This course will look at the ways in which the developments after the death of the historical styles in France (Picasso, Braque, Sonia and body was understood and visualized in the early- Buddha in the 5th century B.C.E. through modern Robert Delaunay); Expressionism in Germany modern period. Focusing mostly on France and times. (Kirchner, Marc, Kandinsky, Münter, Kollwitz); the Italy, the class will address topics such as: the Our historically and culturally structured international Dada and Surrealist movements perceived imperfections of the female body; the

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 50 (Duchamp, Miró, Dalí). Works of art considered in architecture to suit the needs of Christian cultures 500. Individual Research terms of style, content, theory and in relation to in the Greek East and Latin West, from the early Offered to selected majors at the invitation of the their social and political context. paintings in catacombs to the year 1000. department. (Department) (Evelyn Ruth Staudinger)

318. Art since 1945 353. Castles and Cathedrals An introduction to art, art theory and criticism in The art of the Western medieval world from the Studio Art the second half of the 20th century. Emphasis 11th to the 13th centuries. Special attention paid on Abstract Expressionism, Pop art, Color-field to the Romanesque monastic pilgrimage sites, Chair: R. Tripp Evans painting, Minimal, Conceptual, Environmental and their architecture and decorations; to the castles Department homepage: Performance art. Class time devoted to issues and of northern Europe, their construction and design; wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Art/ developments through the mid-1980s. Exhibitions and to the great cathedrals of Gothic France, their Tim Cunard in Boston, Providence and Wheaton’s gallery architecture, sculpture and stained glass. Social, Professor of Art provide exposure to more recent work and an political and economic factors involved in the opportunity to engage in art criticism. production of this art are stressed. R. Tripp Evans Associate Professor of Art History (Department) (Evelyn Ruth Staudinger) Chair, Art and Art History Connections: Connections: Claudia R. Fieo Conx 20034 The Historical Context of Conx 20029 Living Architecture Professor of Art Contemporary American Culture 360. American Art and Architecture: Touba Ghadessi Fleming 333. Architecture and Identity in Modern 1865–1945 Assistant Professor of Art History Japan Between the Civil War and World War II, American Andrew Howard Development of modern architecture in Japan art and architecture demonstrated an unprec- Professor of Art from the Meiji Period (1868–1912) through edented sense of confidence. Examining the Jake Mahaffy recent decades. Chronological coverage of roles of empire building, commerce and the Associate Professor of Art and Film major stylistic, structural and spatial changes, rise of urban culture, this course will chart the Ellen McBreen supplemented by attention to thematic concerns development of American art from the American Assistant Professor of Art History such as the relationship between cultural identity, Renaissance to the triumph of the midcentury Sean McPherson architectural form, and modernity; the influence of New York School. Assistant Professor of Art History discourses of “traditional” Japanese architecture (R. Tripp Evans) Kim Miller upon modern movements in Japan and the West; 398. Experimental Courses Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies and Art the dialectic between “native” and “foreign” forms History; Coordinator, Women’s Studies and design philosophies; the influence of social Picturing New York Ann H. Murray In this seminar, we will explore artists’ attempts status, gender and colonialism upon architectural Professor of Art, Director of Beard and Weil design and consumption; competing pressures of to capture the essence of New York City, from Galleries its origins in the 17th century to the 9/11 period urbanization and preservation; issues of cultural Leah Niederstadt “authenticity” in the context of global, transna- and beyond. Considering architecture, prints, Assistant Professor of Museum Studies, Art tional cultures. photography, painting, sculpture and film, we will History and Curator of the College’s Permanent (Sean McPherson) examine the conditions under which New York Collection gave rise to a uniquely American form of urban Evelyn Ruth Staudinger 334. Exhibiting Africa: Past & Present imagery, attempting to understand the roles that Associate Provost and Associate Professor of Art This course explores the ways in which Africa and geography, politics, capitalism, race and gender History its animals, peoples and material culture have have played in New York’s development. In ad- Patricia Stone been represented by museums. We will study how dition, we will investigate how these images and Associate Professor of Art economic, political and influence designs broke from traditional practices/forms, For any questions regarding studio art, please the collection and display of Africa and Africans seeking to understand what “Modernism” means contact the studio coordinator, Andrew Howard. and how debates over cultural heritage and in its New York context. repatriation apply to the African continent. (R. Tripp Evans) The Art and Art History Department offers two (Leah Niederstadt) areas of concentration within the major, one 399. Selected Topics with emphasis on the history of art (Art and Art 336. Sex and Death in Early Modern Venice An opportunity to do independent work in a partic- History), the other with emphasis on the making This course, organized thematically, offers a ular area not included in the regular courses. of art (Studio Art). critical look into the complexities of ritual, space 401. Seminar and spectatorship in early modern Venice. Major The study of particular periods, special topics or Investigations of visual culture are framed by is- The studio art concentration consists of at least individual artists. A list for the following year is sues of gender, race and other identity categories. 13 semester courses, including: announced each spring. Subjects are chosen to 352. Early Medieval Art and Culture meet the needs and interests of the particular Arts of the Western Tradition, Arth 111/Arth 211, The transformation of late antique art and group of art history majors. taught in the fall, and Arts of Asia, Africa, and Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 51 the Americas, Arth 112, taught in the spring. It is Courses 220. Painting I highly recommended that these courses be taken Foundation programs An introduction to oil painting, focusing on the in sequence (Arth 111 or Arth 211, followed by basic problems of color, form and composition. 111. Two-Dimensional Design Arth 112). Projects will include still life, the figure and color As an introduction to visual language, this course Any student who has already taken our former exercises. Emphasis will be placed on working will focus on the development of problem-solving survey course, Great Works I and Great Works II, from perception. skills as it applies to the fundamental concepts may substitute these courses for Arth 111 and (Patricia Stone) Arth 112; if you have taken only one of the Great of design. Projects explore the integration of art 240. Beginning Photography Works courses, you may substitute this course for elements and principles as a foundation for visual Arth 111 but not for Arth 112. composition and creative expression. The fundamentals of photography including the (Claudia R. Fieo) use of the camera, composition, light and subject; Three foundation courses in studio art: Connections: developing, printing and enlarging processes also Arts 111 Two-Dimensional Design studied and performed by the student. Students Conx 20047 Molecules to Masterpieces Arts 112 Three-Dimensional Design must have a 35mm camera or a medium-format Conx 20011 Communication through Art and and Arts 116 Drawing I camera that allows for total control. Mathematics (Andrew Howard) These foundation courses must be taken before 112. Three-Dimensional Design the senior year. 250. Graphic Design I An introduction to basic sculptural concepts for One semester of Arts 402. beginners. Emphasis on learning to see three- The concept of design as communication will be One additional semester course in Art and Art dimensionally by working in a variety of media. No explored as students solve graphic design prob- History. previous experience required. lems and develop an understanding of traditional and modern typography and design layout. And six additional semester courses in studio (Tim Cunard) (Claudia R. Fieo) art from the following areas (with a possible em- 116. Drawing I phasis in the student’s major interest): drawing, Connections: An introductory course that explores basic draw- painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography and Conx 20042 Graphic Design and Web ing techniques through various media and motifs. graphic design. Studio concentrators are urged to Programming A strong emphasis will be placed on working take Arth 318. Arts 399 is normally reserved for from perception and learning to see. No previous Conx 23012 Visualizing Information fall semester seniors. experience required. 260. Film Production I For permission to enter the studio concentra- (Andrew Howard, Patricia Stone) This is a beginner’s studio production course tion, students must submit a portfolio of their introducing the student to the fundamentals of work to the department during their sophomore Connections: creative 16mm filmmaking. The student will learn year. Faculty review portfolio submissions occurs Conx 20047 Molecules to Masterpieces the basics of constructing cinematic narrative once during the fall and once during the spring Upper-level courses from concept to edit by producing a series of semester. All students who wish to be studio ma- exercises in and outside of class as well as sev- jors must be approved and accepted by the end 205. Drawing II eral larger group and individual projects. Our class of their sophomore year. Please see the studio Continued exploration of drawing principles and sessions will be spent in technical demonstra- coordinator, Andrew Howard, for more information. techniques; emphasis on personal visual state- ments. tions, critiques of projects, discussions, shooting Minor (Tim Cunard, Patricia Stone) exercises and screening films. The majority of A minor in studio art consists of five studio the student’s learning experience will come from courses, at least one of which must be at the 210. Sculpture I practical endeavors in the field and the personal 300 level. This means that the student must take A course exploring sculptural concepts based challenges each sets for him/herself (i.e, the more two foundation-level courses (Arts 116 or Arts on the observation of the human form through you work, the more you learn). 111 or Arts 112) and three additional courses, modeling and construction. Emphasis on various (Jake Mahaffy) techniques. one of which is a 300-level course. Students 261. Video Production I contemplating a studio minor should take careful (Tim Cunard) An intensive, hands-on beginner’s course in note of the prerequisites for 200- and 300-level 215. Relief Printmaking digital video making. Students work individu- courses. Art history majors may minor in studio An introduction to relief printing; students will ally and in groups to produce a series of short art by taking four additional studio courses above create both black-and-white and color prints in videos, including a final project. Focus on concept and beyond the two required for the major (for a woodcut, linocut and contemporary relief tech- development, editing, directing techniques and total of six). niques. Emphasis is placed on the development of production methods. personal imagery. (Jake Mahaffy) (Claudia R. Fieo) 262. Screenwriting Connections: This is an introductory course to screenwriting. Conx 23013 Animal Power in Religion, Art and Students learn screenplay format and the require- Science ments of the genre. Different techniques in creat-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 52 ing characters, voices and scenes are developed. This course is taught in association with the location sound recording and short form narrative. Fundamentals of dramatic writing are studied Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare. Students learn and shoot in small groups on HD and provide a general template for students’ own (Andrew Howard) camera kits and edit in Final Cut HD to produce a creative work. This is a very time-intensive course series of short films from concept to exhibition. 320. Painting II and students will produce well over a dozen short (Jake Mahaffy) A continuation of Painting I, more emphasis will form screenplays. be placed on developing an individual response to 398. Experimental Courses (Jake Mahaffy) subject matter. Painting technique, color mixing Special Topics in Printmaking: Painterly 298. Experimental Courses and compositional development within a series Printmaking to Create Print Suites and Artist Books Experimental Animation will be explored. This printmaking course will focus on painterly, This introductory course explores animation (Patricia Stone) contemporary, and safer, less toxic printmaking techniques and processes in order to provide stu- 325. Lithography materials and techniques, with an emphasis on a dents with a hands-on creative experience while This course will explore the fundamental drawing more in-depth exploration of themes, ideas and they learn the potential of this rich and dynamic techniques and printing process of stone lithogra- various formats, including artist books, to enhance form of expression. Through the class projects, phy and pronto plate lithography while emphasiz- content. Students will develop their creative students are introduced to the basic principles ing the development of personal imagery. process; they will explore materials and methods, of animation, including timing, sound and basic (Claudia R. Fieo) exploiting their potential to create unique prints editing. A wide range of independent animation and multimedia prints; and they will experiment is screened to provide creative stimulus and Connections: with different formats to see how content is af- demonstrate a variety of aesthetic and technical Conx 23013 Animal Power in Religion, Art and fected by presentation. approaches. Science (Claudia R. Fieo) (Steven Subotnick) 330. Intermediate Photography 399. Selected Topics Interactive Animation This course is designed to encourage students to explore and develop visual perception and a An opportunity to do independent work at an ad- This course introduces students to basic prin- personal point of view. Basic techniques will be vanced level. Students must preregister with their ciples of interactive animation using Adobe Flash reviewed and refined and more sophisticated independent advisor after submitting a written as our primary tool. Through the class projects, techniques introduced. This is a rigorous course statement of intent for faculty approval. students are introduced to the basic principles with weekly visual assignments. Admission to the of this new art form, including timing, sound, 402. Senior Projects course is based on portfolio examination and/or button-states and branching. A range of work will This is the capstone experience for studio art interview with the instructor. be shown, including traditional animation as well majors. This is a semester-long course that meets (Andrew Howard) as examples of interactivity to provide creative once per week for three hours. Senior students stimulus and demonstrate a variety of aesthetic 340. Figure Drawing and Anatomy are expected to produce a defining body of work approaches. Students will develop their drawing skills through in the medium of their choice, which will be (Steven Subotnick) a focused study of the human figure. Weekly exhibited in the Beard Gallery at the end of the semester. A variety of topics will be discussed 310. Sculpture II drawing sessions with the model will be supple- mented by studies from the human skeleton in this seminar. The seminar will also provide An exploration of sculptural concepts through as well as anatomical texts covering the major students with a series of critiques on the develop- some advanced techniques. muscle groups at rest and in motion. This course ment of their work as it progresses toward the (Tim Cunard) connects to Bio 106. (Previously Arts 230.) Senior Studio Majors Exhibition. 315. Intaglio Printmaking (Patricia Stone) 500. Individual Research This course introduces the various traditional and Connections: Offered to selected students at the invitation of contemporary platemaking techniques and the the department. Conx 20010 Body, Form and Motion printing process used to create an intaglio print. Emphasis is placed on experimentation and the 350. Graphic Design II development of personal imagery. This course continues to focus on design as (Claudia R. Fieo) communication with further exploration of the relationship between typography and image Connections: using traditional design techniques and computer Conx 20020 The Art of the Print graphics. Conx 23013 Animal Power in Religion, Art and (Claudia R. Fieo) Science Connections: 316. Arts in Ireland Conx 23012 Visualizing Information Arts in Ireland is a 21-day intensive studio art course. It is designed to provide studio majors and 360. Film Production II minors with an opportunity to develop their artistic This is an advanced film production course vision while living on the west coast of Ireland. focusing on directing actors, montage techniques,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 53 Asian Studies The capstone requirement for the major may be Chinese fulfilled either by (a) a senior seminar offered in a Chin 101 Introduction to Chinese Coordinator: Bruce Owens discipline appropriate to the student’s program, or (does not count toward Major/Minor) (b) an independent research project that results in Matthew Allen Chin 102 Introduction to Chinese a senior research paper, pursued under the guid- Chair, Ruby Associate Professor of Music (does not count toward Major/Minor) ance of a member of the Asian Studies faculty. Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus Chin 201 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Professor of Religion In either case, the student should discuss the capstone options with his/her major advisor as Chin 202 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Vipan Chandra early as possible, and must have a plan in place, Economics Professor of History agreed upon by the major advisor, by the end of Econ 232 Economic Development Hyun Sook Kim the junior year. Econ 233 Sweatshops in the World Economy Professor of Sociology The study of Asian languages is highly encour- Econ 305 International Finance Yuen-Gen Liang aged by the Asian Studies faculty, although lan- Econ 306 International Trade Assistant Professor of History guage study is not a requirement for the major or Sean McPherson minor. As of Spring 2009, instruction in Mandarin History Assistant Professor of Art History Chinese, Japanese and Arabic (introductory and Hist 222 Introduction to Chinese Civilization Bruce Owens intermediate) is offered at Wheaton. Additional Hist 223 Introduction to Indian Civilization Chair, Associate Professor of Anthropology study of Asian languages is available to Wheaton Hist 224 Introduction to Japanese Civilization Jeffrey R. Timm students through an agreement with Brown Hist 225 Women in East Asia: Japan and Korea Chair, Professor of Religion University. The faculty recommends that students Hist 227 Women in East Asia: China Jeanne Wilson interested in learning an Asian language consult Hist 251 Early Islamic Societies Chair, Professor of Political Science the coordinator about the various opportunities Hist 252 The Modern Middle East 1800-1992 available. Courses in Asian languages beyond Hist 352 Social Movements in Modern Islam The Asian Studies program draws upon the per- Wheaton’s two-semester language requirement spectives of anthropology, art history, economics, may be counted toward the Asian Studies major Hist 365 Modern China ethnomusicology, history, language study, political or minor. Majors considering graduate school Hist 367 Modern Japan science, religious studies, sociology, and theatre should begin study of an Asian language as early Hist 401 Intellectual Bridges Between East and and dance studies in order to provide students as possible in their undergraduate career. West with a multidisciplinary range of approaches Students are urged to take advantage of junior Japanese toward (a) a broad understanding of this vast and year abroad (JYA) opportunities available in Asia. Japn 101 Introduction to Japanese diverse area and (b) a more detailed knowledge of Many of Wheaton’s Asian Studies majors spend a (does not count towards Major/Minor) a topic or a geographical region that is of particu- semester or year in China, Japan, India and other Japn 102 Introduction to Japanese lar interest to them. Asian countries through Wheaton’s affiliation with (does not count towards Major/Minor) Major excellent programs such as the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) and the Japn 201 Intermediate Japanese The major in Asian Studies consists of 10 School for International Training (SIT). The faculty Japn 202 Intermediate Japanese courses. With the advice and approval of a in Asian Studies and the staff of the Center for student’s major advisor (either the Coordinator of Music Global Education can offer guidance on such Asian Studies or another participating member of Musc 211 World Music: Eurasia opportunities. the Asian Studies faculty), the student is expected Musc 221 Music and Dance of South Asia to develop a coherent and well-balanced program. Anthropology Musc 282 Music and Worship in World Cultures Majors should achieve a broad familiarity with Anth 295 Peoples and Cultures of South Asia Musc 309 Music Nationalism and Identity Asian cultures and a more specialized knowledge Art and Art History Political Science of at least one of three areas: East Asia, South Arth 105 Art in East Asia I Pols 209 Chinese Foreign Policy Asia or West Asia (the Middle East). In addi- Arth 106 Art in East Asia II Pols 223 Contemporary Chinese Politics tion to their geographical concentrations, a few Arth 218 Print Cultures in Early Modern Japan examples of particular topics on which our Asian Pols 263 The Politics of the Middle East Arth 221 Arts of India Studies majors have focused in recent years Pols 347 Islamic Political Thought are: human rights in Tibet, illness and culture in Arth 224 Chinese Art and Culture Pols 401 Seminar Arth 225 Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese Taiwan, Buddhist architecture, the 1965 Coup in Religion Visual Culture Indonesia, Taiwanese-PRC relations and the posi- Rel 102 Introduction to the Study of World Arth 288 Buddhist Art and Architecture tion of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia. Religions Out of the 10 courses required for the major, Arth 333 Architecture and Identity in Modern Rel 108 Engaged Buddhism the student must take one course at the 300 Japan level, and a capstone course at the 400 level.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 54 Rel 109 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible 140. The Solar System 305. Observational Astronomy Rel 212 Sacred Texts of Asia The processes that shape the surfaces and Students will use Wheaton telescopes and our Rel 230 Mysticism and Spirituality atmospheres of planets and satellites and how observatory in Australia to carry out independent Rel 316 Islam: Faith and Practice the planets have evolved in different direc- research projects, such as color imaging, as- tions. Students will learn how planetary data are trometry and photometry of near-earth asteroids, Rel 325 Hinduism: Thought and Action gathered and how to interpret those data and searching for supernovae and determining the Rel 326 Buddhism: Thought and Action will design a mission to address one of the many light curves of variable stars. Sociology remaining mysteries of the solar system. (Timothy Barker) Soc 280 Asians and America (Geoffrey Collins, Timothy Barker) 398. Experimental Courses Theatre and Dance Studies 202. Frontiers of Astronomy Thea 276 Non-Western Theatre and Performance Students will write on topics of their own choosing in modern astronomy, such as neutron stars, Minor Biology Asian Studies minors are required to take at least black holes, quasars, active galaxies, the Redshift Controversy, the Big Bang and the fate of the five of the courses listed as appropriate for the Chair: Robert L. Morris major, at least one at the 300 level, and may universe. Prerequisite: one previous course in astronomy. Department homepage: concentrate in any of the regions listed above for wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Biology the major. (Timothy Barker) Peter J. Auger 250. Ancient Astronomies Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology We will study coordinate systems, celestial navi- Susan Barrett gation, eclipses and the motions of the sun, moon Lab Instructor in Biology Astronomy and planets. We will then use this knowledge to Barbara Brennessel view the skies through ancient eyes, especially Goldberg Professor of Biology Coordinator: Geoffrey Collins those of Islamic and Mayan astronomers, and Department homepage: gain insight into these cultures and their shared Deborah Cato Instructor of Biology wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Astronomy/ passion for astronomy. (Timothy Barker) Betsey Dexter Dyer Timothy Barker Professor of Biology Professor of Astronomy Connections: Linda Kollett Geoffrey Collins Conx 20071 Ancient Landscapes and Ancient Visiting Associate Professor of Biology Associate Professor of Geology, Chair of Physics Skies and Astronomy John Kricher 298. Experimental Courses Meneely Professor of Biology John Michael Collins Bojan Jennings Professor of Physics Astrobiology Jennifer Lanni “Is there life on other planets?” is one of the most Instructor in Biology For course listings and major requirements, see fundamental questions we can ask. Though we Physics. Shawn McCafferty have not found any extraterrestrial life, we are Assistant Professor of Biology Minor rapidly changing our understanding of how life Robert L. Morris The minor in astronomy consists of Ast 130, Ast originated and evolved on Earth, what kinds of Chair, Associate Professor of Biology 140, Ast 202, Ast 250 and Ast 302 or Ast 305. environments are suitable for life, and what kinds Shari Morris of environments conducive to life exist on other Teaching Associate in Biology Courses planets. Scott W. Shumway 130. The Universe This course will be a multidisciplinary Professor of Biology Properties of stars and how they are born and die, exploration of the topic from the standpoint of Edmund Y. Tong black holes, galaxies, quasars and the origin and astronomy, biology, geology, physics and chem- Professor of Biology evolution of the universe. Weekly two-hour labo- istry, so students are expected to have previously Biologists study living systems at different levels ratories retrace the steps involved in measuring completed at least one introductory science of organization. To ensure students are exposed the age and size of the universe, with enrichment course. In addition to the textbook, the course will to all levels of biological organization, the Biology laboratories in astronomical photography and include discussion of current research articles in Department focuses students on the study of cells observing. astrobiology. and molecules, organisms and systems. (Timothy Barker) (Geoffrey Collins)

Connections: 302. Astrophysics Off-campus credit Conx 20059 Quantum Theories: Contemporary Electromagnetic radiation, properties of stars, It is essential that students get permission from American Fiction, Modern Physics and the stellar structure and evolution, the origin of the the Biology Department before taking courses Universe elements, galactic structure and evolution, and to be counted toward the major in summer active galaxies and cosmology. programs, field research programs and junior year (Timothy Barker) abroad (JYA) programs. Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 55 Major Requirements Bio 252 Parasitology and Symbiosis at least one course must be at the 300 level and at least three of the courses must have a Bio 111 Evolution and Ecology Bio 255 Vertebrate Evolution and Anatomy laboratory. Bio 112 Cells and Genes Bio 262 Plant Biology Courses (Biology 111 and 112 can be taken in any order.) Bio 331 Advanced Marine Biology Bio 348 Advanced Physiology 101. An Introduction to Biology Four 200-level courses, at least three of which Bio 375 Ornithology This course is taught using an issues-oriented must have a laboratory. approach and includes topics of current interest to Systems Three 300-level biology courses, at least two of today’s society, such as the human genome proj- Bio 201 Environmental Science which must have a laboratory. ect, genetic testing, genetically modified foods, Bio 215 Ecology Chem 153 Chemical Principles the population explosion, nutrition, cancer and Bio 231 Marine Biology Chem 154 Inorganic Reactions biodiversity. This course encourages critical think- Bio 303 Evolution ing and questioning and teaches you tools that Three related courses from biology, chemistry, Bio 317 Molecular Ecology and Evolution will enable you to evaluate scientific arguments mathematics/computer science or physics. Bio 318 Tropical Field Biology and make appropriate decisions affecting your life The 200- and 300-level biology courses must Bio 361 Vernal Pool Conservation Biology and society. This is an introductory, laboratory- include a minimum of one course from each of Bio 364 Freshwater and Marine Botany based course in biology for non-majors. Three the following biology areas: cells and molecules, hours lecture and three hours of laboratory per organisms, systems. Related majors week. Capstone Students interested in the biological sciences 106. Basic Anatomy and Physiology The capstone in biology can be fulfilled in several may consider declaring a major in Biochemistry, A survey of the essential principles in human ways. Students may conduct an independent Environmental Science or Psychobiology, and physiology combined with basic human anatomy. research project that is approved by the depart- should meet with the designated program coordi- The emphasis is placed on neuromuscular ment and supervised by faculty (Bio 499) or nators to discuss the program of interest. structures and functions, because the course is conduct research as part of an honors thesis (Bio Health professions connected to a studio art course, Arts 340, as 500). In some cases, a specially designed (Bio Students planning a career in medicine, dentistry, well as a theatre course, Thea 140. Three hours 399) course (Independent Study) may fulfill the veterinary or other health professions should con- integrated lecture/lab per week. Each student is capstone requirement. The capstone may also be sult a health professions advisor early in the first required to do a “connected project.” experienced in specially designed and designated year in order to plan a suitable program. Medical Connections: seminars (Bio 400), which are usually taken in the schools require a minimum of two semesters of Conx 20010 Body, Form and Motion senior year. biology, two semesters of physics, two semesters Conx 20001 Human Biology and Movement Area requirements of mathematics, four semesters of chemistry and 111. Evolution and Ecology To ensure students are exposed to all levels of two semesters of English. The MCATs include The study of evolution as a process, as it relates biological organization, biology majors must take material from anatomy, microbiology, physiology to patterns of distribution and abundance of or- at least one course in each of the three following and genetics. Therefore, those 200-level courses ganisms in ecosystems. Three hours lecture, three areas: cells and molecules, organisms, systems. are recommended. Also see information on Wheaton’s pre-med hours laboratory per week. Bio 111, required for Cells and molecules advising. For more information on pre-med majors in the biological sciences, may be taken Bio 211 Genetics advising contact Dean Alex Trayford in the either before or after Bio 112. Bio 219 Cell Biology Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career (Shawn McCafferty) Bio 221 Microbiology and Immunology Services. Connections: Bio 222 Bacteriology Honors/graduate school Conx 20019 The Darwin Connection: Evolution, Bio 254 Developmental Biology Biology departmental honors will be awarded on Race and Culture Bio 305 Biochemistry the basis of a B+ or better average in the major, 112. Cells and Genes an overall average of B or better, and a grade of Bio 307 Cell Evolution Introduces the cell as the basic unit of life, genes B+ or better on the individual research project. Bio 316 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology as the basic unit of inheritance, and discusses the Bio 321 Immunology Students intending to continue their study of cellular and molecular processes and principles biology in graduate school are strongly encour- Bio 324 Neurobiology shared by living organisms. Three hours lecture, aged to take organic chemistry. Graduate and Bio 347 Endocrinology three hours laboratory per week. Bio 112, pre-health programs usually require students to required for majors in the biological sciences, may Organisms have an exposure to organic chemistry, calculus be taken either before or after Bio 111. Bio 205 Nutrition and physics. (Robert L. Morris) Bio 207 The Biology of Exercise Minor Connections: Bio 220 Evolution of Invertebrates A minor in biology consists of five courses. No Conx 20026 Biopharma Bio 226 Comparative Animal Behavior more than two courses may be at the 100 level; Bio 244 Introductory Physiology Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 56 115. Natural History of New England Forests of data from Drosophila crosses. Three hours gral part of your life as a biologist; (2) being able A field-based course with observational and ex- lecture, three hours laboratory per week. to recognize and discuss all of the major groups perimental activities. Students will learn to identify (Betsey Dexter Dyer) of bacteria as well as many specific examples of the common flora and fauna of the surrounding Connections: practical (medical, environmental and industrial) forest community. The course will also examine importance; (3) understanding the evolution of Conx 20015 Genes in Context historical and contemporary human impact on the bacteria; (4) becoming comfortable with and Conx 23016 Race as a Social Construct New England forests. Field trips to coastal forest conversant on most bacterial groups in situ, in ecosystem and the Fisher Museum at the Harvard Conx 20060 The Genetics of the Autism Spectrum spite of their apparent invisibility. Forest. 215. Ecology (Betsey Dexter Dyer) (Deborah Cato) A survey of the basic principles of ecology, par- 226. Comparative Animal Behavior ticularly terrestrial ecosystems of New England. 201. Environmental Science See Psy 226. Laboratory emphasizes fieldwork. Three hours An overview of current environmental concerns lecture, three hours laboratory per week. Connections: and the scientific theory needed to address them. (John Kricher, Peter J. Auger) Conx 23013 Animal Power in Religion, Art and Population growth, community ecology, biodiver- Science sity, endangered species management, ground- Connections: water quality and introduced species. This class Conx 20063 Ecology: A Statistical Approach 227. Drugs and Behavior is not intended to be a substitute for a course in Conx 20017 Ecology and Public Policy See Psy 227. ecology and students planning to pursue careers 219. Cell Biology 231. Marine Biology in ecology or environmental science are advised The organization, functions and behaviors of An introduction to the biology of marine organ- to take Bio 215 or Bio 218 in addition to this eukaryotic cells. Cell architecture and cell motility isms from an ecological perspective. Species class. Three hours lecture per week. will serve as themes to investigate similarities and interactions, distribution patterns and adaptations (Scott W. Shumway) specializations of protist, plant and animal cells. to the marine environment for the rocky intertidal, Connections: Other topics include organelle function, the cy- soft bottom, subtidal, deep sea, estuarine and Conx 23009 The Environment toskeleton, cell division and intracellular transport. coral reef habitats. Laboratories and field trips will Lab will emphasize digital imaging to study cells provide a survey of marine algae and inverte- 205. Nutrition and cell behaviors. Three hours lecture and three brates. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory The course focuses on nutrients and their diges- hours lab per week. per week. tion and metabolism. The application of the funda- (Robert L. Morris) (Scott W. Shumway) mentals of nutrition to daily life and health issues such as dieting, exercise, weight control, eating Connections: 242. DNA disorders, heart disease, cancer, safety of food Conx 20029 Living Architecture An amazing blend of biology, chemistry, comput- additives, genetically modified foods and farming Conx 23012 Visualizing Information ing and mathematics emerges when considering practices. Students will carry out an independent the molecule “deoxyribonucleic acid” (DNA). DNA 220. Evolution of Invertebrates project. Three hours lecture per week. is the blueprint of life for all organisms on Earth The goals for this course are to make your (Shari Morris) and throughout evolutionary time. This course knowledge of the invertebrates a functional and explores DNA from the following four points Connections: integral part of your life as a biologist; to learn to of view: molecular biology, applied mathemat- Conx 23002 Food recognize and discuss all of the phyla of inverte- ics, evolutionary biology and computer science. brates as well as some subphyla and classes; and 207. The Biology of Exercise Students will analyze DNA sequences by learning to understand the evolution of the invertebrates. Responses and adaptations of the human body to to write computer programs (software) in the (Betsey Dexter Dyer) exercise with emphasis on metabolism, skeletal language Perl. Learning to write programs is a muscles and the cardiovascular-respiratory 221. Microbiology and Immunology pure, distilled form of problem solving, a vital skill system. Topics include aerobic performance, The biology of microorganisms, concentrating on for many careers and graduate studies. Historical anaerobic capacity and the relationships between bacteria and viruses and including a section deal- and ethical aspects of DNA are discussed. Counts exercise and nutrition, weight control, strength ing with the fundamental concepts of immunology. as a related course in the biology major and as a and endurance training, sex and age differences, The laboratory focuses on the techniques used to 200-level elective in the computer science major. health states, drugs and performance aids. culture and identify microorganisms. Three hours (Betsey Dexter Dyer, Mark D. LeBlanc) (Edmund Y. Tong) lecture, three hours laboratory per week. Connections: 211. Genetics (Barbara Brennessel) Conx 20015 Genes in Context The nature of genes, gene function and gene Connections: 244. Introductory Physiology regulation. The transmission of inherited charac- Conx 20005 Microbes and Health The function of various animal organ systems, teristics and the behavior of genes in populations. 222. Bacteriology especially the ways in which they interact to Laboratory includes the collection and analysis Primary goals for this course include: (1) making maintain homeostasis of the individual. Most a knowledge of the bacteria a functional and inte- examples are from mammalian systems. Three

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 57 hours lecture, three hours laboratory per week. 298. Experimental Courses tion genetics. Three hours lecture and three hours A service learning component involving three 303. Evolution laboratory per week. four-hour sessions at Sturdy Memorial Hospital in A detailed examination of the causes and mecha- (Shawn McCafferty) Attleboro is also included. nisms of evolution. This course emphasizes the 318. Tropical Field Biology (Edmund Y. Tong) major concepts of modern evolutionary biology by An exploration of the biology of tropical rain Connections: exploring contemporary issues. Topics include the forests and coral reefs. Course will be taught Conx 20061 Body and Mind basics of evolutionary genetics, natural selection, in alternating years in Costa Rica and Belize. adaptation, speciation, the origins of biological 252. Parasitology and Symbiosis Previous 200-level courses in biology and permis- diversity, evolution in modern society and the Parasitology as a world health problem with sion of the instructors required. conflict between evolution and creationism. Three discussions on economic, political and medical (Shawn McCafferty, Scott W. Shumway) hours lecture, three hours laboratory per week. aspects of parasite control. Descriptive parasitol- (Shawn McCafferty) 321. Immunology ogy and symbiosis. Genetic and physiological An overview of the mammalian immune system 305. Biochemistry interactions between associated organisms. Three with an emphasis on humans by using medical hours lecture. The chemistry and metabolism of biological case studies. Topics will include: immune cell (Betsey Dexter Dyer) molecules. The laboratory will introduce the stu- types, antibodies, self and non-self-recognition, dent to concepts and techniques of isolation and 254. Developmental Biology and HIV/AIDS. Students will review characterization of biomolecules, enzyme kinetics Cellular and molecular mechanisms of animal selected journal articles and write a paper review- and genetic engineering. Three hours lecture, four embryogenesis with an emphasis on experimen- ing a disease of their choice. Three hours of hours laboratory per week. tal method and on comparisons of patterns of lecture per week. (Barbara Brennessel) development. Topics include fertilization, mitosis (Shari Morris) and the cell cycle, pattern and axis formation, 307. Cell Evolution 323. Behavioral Neuroscience neurodevelopment, organogenesis and animal Structures and functions of subcellular compo- See Psy 323. cloning. The laboratory will include observations nents of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Evolution 324. Neurobiology of both fixed and living embryos. Three hours of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Aspects of lecture, three hours laboratory per week. cell differentiation, multicellularity and cell-cell Organization and function of nervous systems (Robert L. Morris) communication. Laboratory includes methods emphasizing cellular and molecular mechanisms. Topics include cell biology of neurons, neuron Connections: for histological preparations and an independent project. Three hours lecture, three hours labora- growth, motor proteins and the cytoskeleton, Conx 23012 Visualizing Information tory per week. physiology of excitable membranes and biological 255. Vertebrate Evolution and Anatomy (Betsey Dexter Dyer) circuits. Laboratory emphasizes experimental The evolutionary history of vertebrates and the methods and includes tissue culture and micros- Connections: vertebrate body form as revealed by the fossil copy. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory record and the anatomy of extant vertebrates. Conx 20015 Genes in Context per week. Laboratory emphasizes comparisons among 316. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (Robert L. Morris) the various classes of vertebrates with a focus The molecular basis for biological processes. 331. Advanced Marine Biology on skeletal anatomy. Three hours lecture, three Synthesis, structure, function and regulation of A detailed analysis of marine environments and hours laboratory per week. (Previously Chordate the genome, transcriptome and proteome. A the adaptations of animals to marine habitats. Anatomy and Evolution). detailed examination of genome dynamics and Topics include physical oceanography, life in (John Kricher) the control and regulation of genome expression. flowing fluids and physiological adaptations to Contemporary topics in biotechnology such as 262. Plant Biology the marine environments. Lecture, laboratory and genetic engineering, cloning, molecular medicine, An introduction to the biology of plants, including mandatory field trips are tightly integrated and infectious diseases and biological weapons will mosses, club mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads, culminate in completion of an individually chosen, also be discussed. Three hours lecture, three conifers and flowering plants. Morphology, ecol- collaborative research project. Three hours hours laboratory per week. ogy and evolution will be addressed for each lecture, three hours laboratory per week. (Shawn McCafferty) group. Laboratories will include examination of (Robert L. Morris) live specimens from all major plant taxa, student- 317. Molecular Ecology and Evolution 347. Endocrinology devised experiments and field trips. Three hours An introduction to the concepts and issues in The mechanisms by which various hormones lecture, three hours laboratory per week. molecular evolution and the emerging field of produce their actions. Emphasis on hormone (Scott W. Shumway) molecular ecology. Course emphasizes the unique receptors, the binding of hormones to receptors insights provided by the application of molecular Connections: and the subsequent effector-induced responses. methods to questions in ecology and evolution. Conx 23002 Food Topics include production, release, distribution Topics include rates and processes of molecular and metabolism of hormones. Aspects of endo- 290. Biology of Whales evolution, phylogenetic systematics, phylogeogra- crine pathophysiology and evolutionary aspects Through the Marine Studies Consortium. phy, population genetics, forensics and conserva- of endocrinology will be discussed. A library re-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 58 search paper using primary literature and an oral for conditions such as cancer, heart disease and Oceanography (200 level) presentation of the paper is also included. Three wound healing. There are numerous positive and Through Marine Biological Laboratory Semester in hours lecture and discussion per week. inhibitory angiogenic agents. The seminar will Environmental Science (Edmund Y. Tong) focus on various physiological and pathological Aquatic Ecosystems (300 level) conditions involving angiogenesis and examine 348. Advanced Physiology Terrestrial Ecosystems (300 level) how different endogenous and exogenous agents In-depth study of physiology and biophysics of the Mathematical Modeling of Ecosystems (300 level) produce their effects by acting on many different cardiovascular-respiratory system at organismal, Microbial Methods in Ecology (300 level) pathways in the vascular tissue, the extracellular cellular and subcellular levels. Discussion topics matrix and in the endothelial cells via a wide array include pathophysiological conditions, physical of growth factors and other agents on the recep- stress, environmental effects. Laboratory includes tors, the enzymes and the angiogenic genes. techniques and instrumentation in animal and Biochemistry human physiological experimentation. Three hours 402. Senior Seminar lecture, three hours laboratory per week. The seminar will explore scientific discoveries and Coordinator: Barbara Brennessel and Elita (Edmund Y. Tong) insights within the fields of ecology and evolution Pastra-Landis and their potential to influence societal decisions Department homepage: 361. Vernal Pool Conservation Biology throughout the century. Topics will include macro- wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Biochemistry/ An introduction to the biology of vernal pools and evolution, evolutionary philosophy, human evolu- their inhabitants, conservation issues surrounding tion, and ecological topics such as biodiversity Barbara Brennessel Goldberg Professor of Biology vernal pools and the science required to under- loss, food web simplificaton, emergence of new stand those issues. Students will actively engage pathogens and climate change. Elita Pastra-Landis in research on vernal pools. Three hours per week Professor of Chemistry 499. Independent Research (one semester) plus research projects and fieldwork. A student interested in understanding the One-semester independent research supervised (Scott W. Shumway) molecular basis of living systems may major in by a member of the Biology Department. Approval biochemistry, offered jointly by the biology and 364. Freshwater and Marine Botany of the department is required. chemistry departments. A background in the Taxonomy, ecology, evolution and economics 500. Individual Research (two or more physical sciences necessary to understand life at semesters) of cyanobacteria, algae and plants inhabiting the molecular level is required and the opportunity freshwater and marine ecosystems. Lake, estuary, Two semesters are normally required for depart- to study living organisms as functioning systems rocky intertidal, open ocean, kelp bed, seagrass, mental honors. is provided. salt marsh and mangrove ecosystems will be Two to four semester courses. Members of The major in biochemistry is interdisciplin- studied. Labs will include collecting trips to local the department supervise the individual research ary and requires courses from the Biology, lakes, estuaries, salt marsh and beaches as well of a limited number of advanced students with a Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics depart- as culture and microscopic examination of algae. B+ average in the major and a B average overall. ments. Three hours lecture and discussion, three hours Preliminary consultation with advisors in the area laboratory per week. of the student’s special interest and the approval Major (Scott W. Shumway) of the department are required. The major consists of the following courses or their equivalents: 375. Ornithology 999. Course Offerings through Affiliated Institutions The study of the origin, anatomy, physiology, Biology Additional information may be obtained about classification, behavior and ecology of birds. Much Bio 112 Cells and Genes course offerings through affiliated institutions emphasis on fieldwork. Three hours lecture, three and Bio 305 Biochemistry (Williams-Mystic, MBL and Marine Studies hours laboratory per week. Consortium) at the Academic Advising Office and Two of the following courses at the 200 level: (John Kricher) the department web pages. Bio 211 Genetics 390. Biology of Fishes Bio 219 Cell Biology Through the Marine Studies Consortium Through the Marine Studies Consortium. Bio 290 Biology of Whales Bio 221 Microbiology and Immunology 398. Experimental Courses Bio 291 Introduction to Marine Mammals Bio 254 Developmental Biology 399. Selected Topics Bio 380 Wetlands Ecology, Hydrology, Restoration and one of the following at the 300 level: Discussion and research on special aspects of Bio 390 Biology of Fishes Bio 307 Cell Evolution biology such as animal or plant physiology, animal Bio 391 Wetlands Bio 316 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology development, ecology, microbiology and genet- Int 210 Water Resources Planning and Bio 321 Immunology ics; content varies with the interest of students Management Bio 324 Neurobiology and instructors. Offered at the discretion of the Int 215 Coastal Zone Management Bio 347 Endocrinology department. Chemistry 401. Senior Seminar Through Williams College-Mystic Seaport Maritime Studies Program Chem 153 Chemical Principles Angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels, Marine Ecology (200 level) has great clinical significance in the treatment Chem 253 Organic Chemistry I Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 59 Chem 254 Organic Chemistry II mathematics and statistics, the bioinformatics Beth F. Cockcroft Chem 331 Aqueous Equiibria major prepares students for a world that relies on Lab Instructor in Chemistry, Department Assistant Chem 355 Chemical Thermodynamics collaboration. Matthew J. Evans Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Geology Chem 356 Quantum Chemistry Major Randall W. Hicks Mathematics The major consists of a minimum of 13 courses Assistant Professor of Chemistry Math 104 Calculus II plus a capstone experience. All 100-level courses Christopher Kalberg Physics should be completed by the end of the sophomore Associate Professor of Chemistry year. Phys 170 Introductory Physics I Nancy Lane Phys 171 Introductory Physics II Required courses Teaching Associate in Chemistry Bio 112 Cells and Genes Capstone Laura Muller Bio 211 Genetics Chair, Associate Professor of Chemistry The capstone in biochemistry shall consist of an Bio 305 Biochemistry Elita Pastra-Landis oral presentation by seniors at a symposium for Bio 316 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Professor of Chemistry biochemistry majors held in the spring semester. The presentation will demonstrate the ability of Chem 153 Chemical Principles The curriculum of the Chemistry Department in- the student to integrate biochemical concepts Chem 253 Organic Chemistry I cludes introductory courses both for students who and will be based on a review of recent primary Chem 254 Organic Chemistry II have studied chemistry previously and for those literature on an approved topic. Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem Solving who are beginning the subject. These courses aim Comp 116 Data Structures for a broad understanding of scientific theories and methods as well as an appreciation of the Comp 325 Database Systems interplay between science, the environment and Comp 215 Algorithms or Bio 242 DNA Bioinformatics society. They emphasize both theory and experi- Math 151 Accelerated Statistics mentation and prepare students for further study Coordinator: Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz and Math 241 Theory of Probability in graduate and medical schools, academic or Shawn McCafferty or Math 216 Computational Molecular Biology industrial research, and secondary-level teaching. Barbara Brennessel Capstone experience: To be determined by The use of modern instruments and computers Goldberg Professor of Biology faculty in your area of interest. for data acquisition as well as data analysis is an integral part of laboratory work. Supervised Betsey Dexter Dyer Recommended courses Professor of Biology individual research is encouraged. Bio 219 Cell Biology Michael Kahn Major Professor of Mathematics and Director of Bio 221 Microbiology and Immunology Quantitative Analysis Bio 254 Developmental Biology Chemistry courses for classes 2010, 2011 and 2012 Mark D. LeBlanc Bio 303 Evolution Chem 153 Chemical Principles Professor of Computer Science Bio 317 Molecular Ecology and Evolution Chem 154 Inorganic Reactions Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz Chem 355 Chemical Thermodynamics Chem 253 Organic Chemistry I Professor of Mathematics Chem 356 Quantum Chemistry Chem 254 Organic Chemistry II Shawn McCafferty Econ 112 Introduction to Microeconomics Assistant Professor of Biology Chem 331 Aqueous Equiibria Math 211 Discrete Mathematics Chem 332 Instrumental Analysis Robert L. Morris Phil 111 Ethics Chair, Associate Professor of Biology Chem 355 Chemical Thermodynamics Phys 170 Introductory Physics I Elita Pastra-Landis Chem 356 Quantum Chemistry Phys 171 Introductory Physics II Professor of Chemistry Chem 361 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary area of study Chem 400 Seminar involving the collection, storage, retrieval, man- Additional courses agement and analysis of biological information Chemistry Phys 170 Introductory Physics I resulting from a myriad of projects ranging from Phys 171 Introductory Physics II the sequencing of genomes to drug discovery. Chair: Laura Muller Understanding the relationship between linear Math 104 Calculus II Department homepage: sequences of DNA, the structure and function of An additional course in mathematics is recom- wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Chemistry/ proteins, and the associated scientific, health and mended for students contemplating graduate ethical implications of this information is consid- Jani Benoit studies. Associate Professor of Chemistry ered one of the greatest challenges in 21st- The curriculum offered for those planning to major Mary Buthelezi century science. Combining the strengths of the in chemistry is certified by the American Chemical Assistant Professor of Chemistry liberal arts within the context of interdisciplinary Society. Certification requires the courses needed studies in biology, chemistry, computer science, for the major plus Chem 362 and Chem 305.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 60 Chem 500 can be substituted for Chem 305, if 104. The Chemistry of Life 198. Experimental Courses the independent work is in Biochemistry. Fundamental principles of organic chemistry 253. Organic Chemistry I Chemistry courses for class of 2013 and beyond leading up to a discussion of biologically relevant The chemistry of carbon compounds, including molecules. Topics covered include amino acids, Chem 153 Chemical Principles structure and bonding, acid-base properties and proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and pharmaceuti- Chem 253 Organic Chemistry I stereochemistry. Theory of reaction mechanisms, cals, along with some discussion of the biological methods of synthesis and spectroscopy. The Chem 254 Organic Chemistry II effects of each. Three hours lecture and two hours chemistry of alkanes, alkenes, alkyl halides and Chem 298 Aqueous Equilibria (offered for the first laboratory per week. free radicals. In the laboratory, fundamental time in Spring 2011) (Christopher Kalberg) techniques for the isolation, purification and char- Chem 298 Inorganic Chemistry I (offered for the acterization of organic compounds. Three hours first time in Fall 2011) 105. Earth, Wind and Fire: Science of the Earth System lecture and four hours laboratory per week. Chem 332 Instrumental Analysis For non-science majors interested in the physical (Christopher Kalberg, Nancy Lane, Chem 355 Chemical Thermodynamics world around us. With fundamentals of geology Elita Pastra-Landis) Chem 356 Quantum Chemistry and chemistry, we examine the dynamic Earth 254. Organic Chemistry II Chem 400 Seminar system where wind, rain, rivers, ice, rocks, plants A continuation of Chem 253. The chemistry and animals interact with humans to shape and One from of aromatic, carbonyl and acyl compounds. In transform global system. Topics include plate- Chem 361 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry the laboratory organic reactions and synthesis tectonics, climate, water and soil resources and projects, including isolation and mass, infrared, uv Chem 362 Advanced Organic Chemistry alternative energy. Laboratories and field trips are and nmr spectroscopy. Three hours lecture and Chem 303 Current Problems in Environmental included. four hours laboratory per week. Chemistry (Matthew J. Evans) (Christopher Kalberg) Chem 321 Chemistry of Natural Waters 109. Edible Chemicals Connections: Additional courses For the non-science major who is interested in Conx 20069 Structure and Function of Drugs Phys 170 Introductory Physics I the chemical basis of food and cooking. The focus Phys 171 Introductory Physics II is on the chemical constituents of food, and their 298. Experimental Courses Math 101 Calculus I structures, functional properties and interactions. Aqueous Equilibria Math 104 Calculus II The laboratory component examines chemical Course will be first offered spring 2011 semester. characteristics of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids Students desiring American Chemical Society Inorganic Chemistry I and micronutrients. Genetically modified foods Certification must take all of the classes listed Course will be first offered fall 2011 semester. are discussed, with attention to their potential and above and Chem 305, Biochemistry. 303. Current Problems in Environmental their problems. Three hours lecture and two hours Students who take Chem 305 may substitute Chemistry laboratory per week. Bio 316 for Chem 361, Chem 362, Chem 303 or An overview of major biogeochemical pathways (Elita Pastra-Landis) Chem 321. and basic principles of atmospheric and aquatic Combined majors with other departments such Connections: chemistry, highlighting human perturbation as biology, physics, political science or art can be Conx 23002 Food of natural cycles. Investigation of significant arranged. 145. Art, Color and Chemistry environmental problems, including air and water , ozone depletion, global warming and The scientific basis of art media including the Minor hazardous wastes, with an emphasis on reading chemical basis for color, molecular interactions Any five chemistry courses including one at the scientific literature and writing science papers. and reactions involved in the creation of works 300 level. Only two courses can be at the 100 Three hours lecture per week. of art and methods for dating and authenticating level. (Jani Benoit) works of art. Two 2.5 hour integrated lab/lecture Courses meetings per week. Connections: 103. Chemistry and Your Environment (Laura Muller) Conx 23009 The Environment Fundamental chemical principles and chemical Connections: Conx 20048 Environmental Problem Solving aspects of air and as well as ener- Conx 20047 Molecules to Masterpieces 305. Biochemistry gy production and resources. For the non-science 153. Chemical Principles See Bio 305. major who desires an introduction to chemistry Basic concepts: atomic structure, chemical reac- 321. Chemistry of Natural Waters with applications to environmental problems. tions, thermochemistry, gas laws, quantum theory, This course will focus on the practical uses of Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per electron configurations, periodic relationships, water, soil, mineral and bedrock chemistry to week. No prior knowledge of chemistry required. chemical bonding and structure. Designed for sci- further our understanding of the processes that (Jani Benoit, Matthew J. Evans) ence majors. Three hours lecture and three hours impact surface, ground and ocean waters. We Connections: laboratory per week. will use the fundamentals of acid-base and redox Conx 23009 The Environment (Jani Benoit, Laura Muller) chemistry to better understand the natural system with an eye to assessing the impact of anthropo-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 61 genic influences. We will examine aquatic chemis- 362. Advanced Organic Chemistry 201. Intermediate Mandarin Chinese try, chemical cycles between land, ocean and Structure and reactivity of organic compounds This is an intermediate level course for modern atmosphere, as well as soil formation, weathering including reaction mechanisms and synthetic Chinese (Putonghua). The course builds on the and hydrology in both the lab and the field. methods. Discussion of primary journal reports work from the introductory Chinese course. (Matthew J. Evans) of recent synthetic accomplishments. A common Chinese phonics and basic grammar will be intro- theme throughout the course is carbon-carbon duced through lectures, exercises and assign- 331. Aqueous Equiibria bond-forming reactions. Three hours lecture and ments. The course will concentrate on acquiring Chemical equilibrium and its application to the four hours laboratory per week. the ability to understand and produce Chinese at analysis of inorganic substances, including (Christopher Kalberg) the paragraph level, such as factual description neutralization and complexometric titrations and and narration in various content areas, as well as optical methods. Three hours lecture and four 400. Seminar clear expression in intermediate level situations. hours laboratory per week. (Previously Analytical Selected topics from contemporary chemistry. The course will also help students to develop Chemistry I) (Laura Muller) their abilities to communicate in daily life. We (Randall W. Hicks) 499. Independent Research will focus on daily usage, such as describing 332. Instrumental Analysis Research under the direction of individual depart- everyday activities and talking about experiences, Theory and application of electrochemistry and ment members for two semesters. A thesis is etc. The supplemental curriculum may introduce separation techniques to the solution of chemical required. course-related information about Chinese culture, customs, history, modern social life and current problems. Three hours lecture and four hours 500. Individual Research laboratory per week. (Previously Analytical events. For better understanding and practicing, Research under the direction of individual depart- Chemistry II) multimedia materials will be used occasionally in ment members for two semester course credits. A (Jani Benoit) the class. thesis is required. A B+ average in the chemistry Connections: major is required. 202. Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Conx 20044 Mathematics of Chemical Analysis A continuation of Chin 201. 355. Chemical Thermodynamics 298. Experimental Courses Thermodynamics as a basis for consideration of the properties of matter, electrolytic and non- Chinese electrolytic solutions and electrochemistry. Three hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week. Jianping Ge Classics Students must complete Math 104, Calculus II, Visiting Instructor of Chinese Courses before taking this course. (Previously Physical 101. Introduction to Chinese Chair: Joel C. Relihan Chemistry I) This course provides the first-time learner basic Department homepage: (Mary Buthelezi, Laura Muller) knowledge and skills in Chinese. We utilize the wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Classics/ Pin-Yin system to enable us to recognize Chinese Connections: The Classics Department offers courses in the sounds. Next, an introduction to spoken and writ- Conx 20045 Mathematical Tools for Chemistry languages, literatures and cultures of Greek and ten modern Chinese. We also introduce written Roman antiquity. 356. Quantum Chemistry simplified characters. All concentrators in classical languages are Reaction kinetics with applications to mechanisms There are three objectives for this class: encouraged to participate in foreign study and and quantum mechanics. Three hours lecture and speaking and listening, reading and writing, and archaeological programs and substitutions for four hours laboratory per week. Students must Chinese culture. First is the speaking and listening some requirements may be allowed for those who complete Math 104, Calculus II, before taking this skill. The hope is that students will use Chinese undertake them. course. (Previously Physical Chemistry II) as a means of communication. Students are (Mary Buthelezi, Laura Muller) encouraged to take any opportunity to develop Major the speaking and listening skill. Next is reading Connections: The major programs offered by the Classics and writing; by the end of the year, students will Conx 20045 Mathematical Tools for Chemistry Department (nine or ten courses, with at least be able to read a short article such as a personal 361. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry three at the 300 level or above) allow students to ad, a job announcement, or movie listings. For concentrate in either of the languages individually Principles of bonding, structure and reactions in writing, students will learn to put into writing what (Greek, Latin), in the two languages combined inorganic chemistry, with emphasis on transi- they have already learned to express orally. The (Classics) or in literature and culture (Classical tion metal complexes. This includes correlation final, and perhaps most important, objective of Civilization). Concentrators in the languages will of structure and reactivity, symmetry and group the course is to gain an understanding of the wide plan with their advisor a selection of comple- theory, organometallics and catalysis. Three hours variety of nuances of the Chinese culture. lecture and four hours laboratory per week. mentary classical civilization courses (Arth 273 102. Introduction to Chinese (Randall W. Hicks) and Arth 274, Phil 203 and Rel 110 and Rel 210 A continuation of Chin 101. count as classics); concentrators in classical

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 62 civilization are required to take three semester tragedy; and the dissolution of Athenian power 356. The Ancient Romance courses in either Greek or Latin. All concentrators after the Peloponnesian War. Classics 254 forms (See Clas 256. Students at the 300 level will do are encouraged to complete a senior thesis; they a connection with Thea 351. extra reading, writing and research in projects are also encouraged to participate in foreign study (Nancy Evans) directed by the instructor.) and archaeological programs. Connections: (Joel C. Relihan) Ancient Studies Conx 20046 The Greeks on Stage 358. Tales of Troy The Classics and Religion departments have 256/356. The Ancient Romance (See Clas 258. Students at the 300 level will do drawn up guidelines for an interdepartmental Stories of lovers destined to be separated and extra reading, writing and research in projects major in Ancient Studies. In addition, the Classics reunited, of pirates and thieves, false death and directed by the instructor.) Department will work with students to provide miraculous revival, of identity lost and found. From (Joel C. Relihan) individualized programs when necessary or Homer’s Odyssey through Daphnis and Chloe appropriate: in other interdisciplinary studies; in Topics in classical civilization and The Ethiopian Tale to utopian and picaresque special preparation for graduate work in classics literature, Petronius’ Satyricon and the historical The following courses are offered at both the 200 or classical archaeology; in special preparation for fantasy The Romance of Alexander the Great. and the 300 level. All 300 level courses are desig- the teaching of Greek or Latin at the secondary (Joel C. Relihan) nated as Writing Intensive. level. 205/305. The Fall of the Roman Republic 258/358. Tales of Troy Minor The history of Rome from 133 B.C.E. to 69 C.E.: A thorough investigation of the stories concern- the problems of empire, the fall of the Roman Minors are available in each of the separate con- ing the destruction of Troy and the end of the age Republic, “band-aid” solutions, civil wars and, fi- centrations: Greek, Latin and classical civilization. of heroes, through epic (lliad, Odyssey, Aeneid), nally, Augustus and the infamous Julio-Claudians. drama (Helen, Trojan Women), late classical Courses Emphasis on political, intellectual and social and medieval tales and modern retellings and changes. Classical civilization (readings in English) adaptations. 130. Egypt in the Greco-Roman World (Joel C. Relihan) 262/362. The Ancient Landscape: From Mythology to Ecology A study of the influence of ancient Egyptian 298. Experimental Courses The land outside the walls of the city: how it was culture in the Greco-Roman world. Lectures and used and abused, praised and feared, personified discussions will examine the historical, economic, Archaeology-Bronze Age Greece in myth and religion. Topics will include agriculture literary, artistic and religious ties between Egypt The Bronze Age sites of Troy in Turkey, Knossos and ancient farming manuals, deforestation, the and Greece from the Bronze Age to late antiquity on Crete and Mycenae on the Greek mainland are of streams and fountains, the divinities of the and the early Christian era. steeped in myth. These were some of the places wild, the Eleusinian mysteries and the literature (Joel C. Relihan) associated with the fabled Trojan War and its he- roes, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Helen, Achilles and that idealizes the country life. 135. Myth and Folklore Hector of Homer’s Iliad fame, and the home of (Joel C. Relihan) Mythology and mythography of the Greeks and the Minotaur, the labyrinth of King Minos and the Connections: Romans, focusing on tales of the Trojan War. hero Theseus. But they were also real, prehistoric Conx 20071 Ancient Landscapes and Ancient Comparison with myths of the ancient Near East places around which great societies grew. In this Skies and other cultures; discussion of what myths are class, students will spend much of the semester 266/366. Women, Power and Paganism and what they reveal about the societies from investigating the artistic and archaeological re- An introduction to the study of the public and which they come. mains of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations private lives of women in Mediterranean antiquity (Nancy Evans, Joel C. Relihan) of the Bronze Age and their precursors (3000 to from classical Athens and Rome to late antiquity c. 1100 B.C.). We will look at the material culture 279. Literary Translation (fifth century B.C.E. to fourth century C.E.). The from various sites (statuary, pottery, architecture, See Ger 279. relationship of secular authority to religious cus- metal wares) and the interactions they had with tom in the Greco-Roman city-states and empires, Topics in classical literature other civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean and the social status of women within these The following courses are offered at both the 200 (Egypt, Anatolia, the Levant) and Mesopotamia. cultures as understood (and misunderstood) by and the 300 level. All 300 level courses are desig- We will also try to piece together the reasons that civic institutions and religious customs, including nated as Writing Intensive. these civilizations collapsed during the end of the medicine, law, mythology, art and politics. Special 12th century B.C. 254/354. The Drama of Fifth-Century Athens attention to religious practices that allowed (Dean Alex Trayford) The explosion of political and intellectual energy in women more visible and powerful social identities, Athens in the fifth century and its repercussions, 354. The Drama of Fifth-Century Athens including state festivals, the so-called mystery focusing on Greek historical texts (Herodotus and (See Clas 254. Students at the 300 level will do , and the emerging Rabbinic (Jewish) and Thucydides) and Greek drama (text, theatre, per- extra reading, writing and research in projects Christian traditions. formance, interpretation). Topics will include the directed by the instructor.) (Keeley C. Schell) evolution of the Athenian Empire after the Persian (Nancy Evans) War; the interrelationships of politics, religion 305. The Fall of the Roman Republic and the arts; the diverse forms of comedy and (See Clas 205. Students at the 300 level will do

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 63 extra reading, writing and research in projects readings from Greek mathematic and scientific 217/317. Roman directed by the instructor.) texts. The origins and development of Roman prose (Joel C. Relihan) (Joel C. Relihan) and verse satire. Texts will include Horace’s , Petronius’s Satyricon and Seneca’s 362. The Ancient Landscape: From Mythology 222/322. Homer, Iliad to Ecology Apocolocyntosis. Achilles and Hector at the walls of Troy. Selections (See Clas 262. Students at the 300 level will do (Joel C. Relihan) from the Iliad. extra reading, writing and research in projects (Nancy Evans) 222/322. Roman Comedy directed by the instructor.) Selections from Plautus and Terence and a Connections: 224/324. Homer, Odyssey consideration of the origins and development of Conx 20071 Ancient Landscapes and Ancient The wanderings of Odysseus. Selections from the comic drama in the ancient world. Skies Odyssey, Books 9-12. 224/324. Poetry in Motion: Didactic Poetry and Roman Science 366. Women, Power and Paganism 226/326. Attic Drama An introduction to classical poetry through the (See Clas 266. Students at the 300 level will do The tragic hero. Selections from Sophocles and study of the poetics of observational astronomy. extra reading, writing and research in projects Euripides. Selections from Vergil’s Georgics, Manilius’s directed by the instructor.) (Keeley C. Schell) Astronomica and other lyric and epic poets who (Keeley C. Schell) 290/291. Tutorial in Coptic describe the constellations and the Zodiac. Seminar A yearlong course introducing students of Greek (Joel C. Relihan) 401. Senior Seminar to the study of Sahidic Coptic. The first semester covers basic grammar; the second semester is 226/326. Eros and Erato: Love Poetry in the (Joel C. Relihan) Roman World devoted to the study of Coptic Biblical texts and The study of the conventions of love and of poetry. Greek courses their Greek originals and then to Coptic Gnostic Selections from the lyric Horace and Catullus and 101. Elementary Greek texts. the elegiac Ovid; love poetry from late antiquity A two-semester course that covers the essen- (Joel C. Relihan) and the Latin Middle Ages will also be read. tial grammar of classical Greek and introduces 351. Elementary Greek Prose Composition students to the reading of simple Attic prose. 228/328. Epics and Heroes Resources in the audio lab and the computer lab 352. Advanced Greek Prose Composition Selections primarily from Vergil’s Aeneid. will assist students in proper pronunciation and in Latin courses Heroic and anti-heroic conventions in Ovid’s Metamorphoses and in the Silver Latin epic will drill and review. 101. Elementary Latin also be addressed. (Nancy Evans) A two-semester course that covers the essen- 351. Elementary Latin Prose Composition 213/313. Theologia: Religious and tial grammar of classical Latin and introduces Philosophical Inquiry students to the reading of simple Latin prose. (Joel C. Relihan) Talking about God in Greek: hymns, narratives, Resources in the audio lab and the computer lab 352. Advanced Latin Prose Composition myths, catechisms. Translation and analysis of will assist students in proper pronunciation and in (Joel C. Relihan) key texts: Homer and Hesiod, Pre-Socratics and drill and review. Hellenistic philosophers, Septuagint and New (Keeley C. Schell) Testament, neo-Platonists. 211/311. From Romulus to Rome (Nancy Evans) The legendary history of Rome. Selections from Computer Science 215/315. Private Lives and Public Citizens the Roman historians, primarily Livy; the relation- A study of the Greek household of the Classical ship between myth and history in the Romans’ Chair: Michael B. Gousie era. Key texts include Xenophon’s Oeconomicus view of their origins. Department homepage: and Lysias’s of Eratosthenes. 213/313. Latin Epistolography wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/ComputerScience/ (Nancy Evans) The study of Roman letters and the development Tom Armstrong Connections: of the edited collection of letters as a Roman liter- Assistant Professor of Computer Science Conx 23004 Gender ary genre. Readings will be from Cicero, Fronto, Michael B. Gousie Pliny and Augustine. Chair, Associate Professor of Computer Science 219/319. Euclid and Greek Mathematics (Keeley C. Schell) A study of the origins and development of Greek Mark D. LeBlanc Professor of Computer Science mathematics. Selections primarily from Books I-VI 215/315. The Crisis of the Roman Republic of Euclid’s Elements, but with additional materials Social, political and military factors leading to the It is an exciting time to study computing. From from late Greek mathematicians. crisis of the end of the Roman Republic. Readings science to the humanities, computing is at Greek 319 is the section for more advanced will be from Caesar, Sallust, Cicero and Velleius the center of interdisciplinary scholarship and Greek language students, and includes additional Paterculus. research. Computer science at Wheaton falls into three categories: (1) a major, (2) a minor or (3) an interdisciplinary major (see Mathematics

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 64 and Computer Science). A complete look at our average in the first two computer science courses Courses computer science faculty, students and program and that the first two math courses be completed 106. Basics of Computing can be found at: wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/ by the second year. Computers may be one of the most ubiquitous ComputerScience. Required courses tools in today’s technology-saturated life, but the Studies in computer science provide students Comp 111 Foundations of Computing Theory task-oriented view many users have may be a with the necessary background and skills to de- limited one. Although the computer is an excellent sign and write software for tomorrow’s computing Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem Solving vehicle for word processing or online communica- tools. The major prepares students for graduate Comp 116 Data Structures tion with friends and family, its strength lies in the programs in computer science and/or careers in (strongly recommend at least a combined 2.67 ways it can be applied as a universal tool toward the computing industry. The minor addresses the GPA in these courses to continue) a broad range of real-world problems. This course changing needs of a liberally educated person in Four computer science core courses: explores the true nature of computers from the a technological society. Comp 215 Algorithms inside out, beginning with the physical nature Facilities Comp 220 Computer Organization and Assembly of the machine within the box and journeying Wheaton provides an impressive array of Language through the layers of how it functions and the underlying mathematical concepts. Along the way, computational work environments for students Select two of the following: computer programming becomes both accessible in computer science courses. In addition to fully Comp 335 Principles of Programming Languages networked dorm rooms, wireless access, campus and fun through “Alice,” an animation-rich 3D Comp 345 Operating Systems classrooms and labs, a dedicated computer environment in which the programmer designs Comp 375 Theory of Computation science lab features 20 dual-boot Windows/ worlds and instructs virtual actors to animate Linux servers. A networked classroom provides Two math courses scenes, perform tasks and play games using a experience in Mac OS X. Working in a blend of Math 211 Discrete Mathematics precise vocabulary that reflects real programming techniques. these different operating systems and provid- And at least one more from: ing a broad range of experience, students use Math 202 Cryptography 111. Foundations of Computing Theory a number of development environments as they Math 216 Computational Molecular Biology Discrete mathematics represents the core gain experience in an array of different program- mathematical and problem-solving principles in Math 221 Linear Algebra ming languages, including C/C++, Java, Python, computer science education. It is not possible Math 101 Calculus I Perl and LISP. to make creative and effective use of comput- or Math 102 Calculus I with Economic ers without involving oneself in mathematical Connections Applications considerations. This course introduces many of The department embraces Wheaton’s com- Electives the mathematical concepts that appear later in mitment to connections, especially in linking the computer science major. Everyday scenarios computing to the liberal arts. New entry-level Two additional computer science (or mathematics with permission) at or above the 200-level: are related to discrete topics including algorithms, offerings include Computing and Texts, connecting networks and data communication, parity and Comp 242 DNA Computing for Poets with the English depart- , finite state machines, regular expressions, Comp 255 Artificial Intelligence ment’s Anglo-Saxon Literature or J.R.R. Tolkien. matrices, propositional logic, Boolean algebra, Another new connection is Graphic Design and Comp 325 Database Systems sets and relations in databases, graphs and trees. Web Programming, connecting Graphic Design Comp 365 Computer Graphics Students use these techniques to solve real-world I in the Art department with Web Programming, Comp 399 Independent Study problems, such as forming SQL queries, designing Graphics and Design. These courses join Comp 499 Independent Research shortest-path communications between cell tow- Computer Architecture, Genes in Context, Logic Capstone ers and pattern matching across entire genomes and Programming and Visualizing Information in and volumes of English text. Comp 401 Senior Seminar computer science’s growing list of connections. (Tom Armstrong, Mark D. LeBlanc) Minor Major 115. Robots, Games and Problem Solving The minor in computer science requires comple- The major in computer science consists of a Problem-solving techniques and algorithm devel- tion of five (5) courses: minimum of 12 courses: seven core computer opment with emphasis on program design, intro- science courses, plus two mathematics courses, Required courses ductory numerical methods and object-oriented a senior seminar and two electives at or above Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem Solving programming from the client perspective. This the 200 level. For those students who place out of Comp 116 Data Structures course is intended for those seeking a thorough the introductory course(s), the additional course(s) Two other computer science courses, at least one and rigorous exposure to programming; an ideal needed to meet the minimum requirement will be at the 200-level or above. course for those considering graduate school in determined in consultation with the department. any field. Topics covered include programming One 300-level computer science course or with Courses used to fulfill the major requirements language syntax (e.g., C++, Python), coding, permission, a 300-level non-computer science may not be taken on a pass/fail basis. To major debugging, testing and good documentation style. course that contains significant work in computer in computer science, the department strongly Concepts include arithmetic and logical opera- science. recommends that students achieve at least a C+ tions; simple input and output; functions and the

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 65 introductory data structures of arrays, records and 198. Experimental Courses computer’s architecture and the choices made by classes. Three hours of lecture and a two-hour Intelligent Systems programmers, is a major theme throughout the laboratory per week. (Previously Programming “I propose to consider the question, ‘Can ma- course. Fundamentals) chines think?’”— the thought experiment Alan (Michael B. Gousie) (Tom Armstrong) Turing posed nearly sixty years ago—remains still Connections: Connections: unanswered. In the present day, our conception Conx 20022 Computer Architecture of Turing’s machine, a “robot,” is no longer a term Conx 20016 Logic and Programming 242. DNA unique to science fiction. This course provides 116. Data Structures An amazing blend of biology, chemistry, comput- the scientific and technical background to begin An introduction to the theoretical and practi- ing and mathematics emerges when considering considering Turing’s question. First, we explore cal aspects of data structures. Emphasis is on the molecule “deoxyribonucleic acid” (DNA). DNA the fundamentals of vehicle locomotion through abstract data types and the use of the C++ class is the blueprint of life for all organisms on Earth constructing robots and programming simple mechanism to support their implementations. and throughout evolutionary time. This course behaviors. Examples include stacks, queues, linked lists, explores DNA from the following four points Next, we answer the following questions: binary search trees and general trees and their of view: molecular biology, applied mathemat- Computer Vision—How do photo applications find applications. Pointers and recursion are used in ics, evolutionary biology and computer science. faces in pictures? Audio/Speech Processing— some implementations. Three hours of lecture and Students will analyze DNA sequences by learning How can your computer read a book to you? a two-hour laboratory per week. to write computer programs (software) in the Language Processing—How can Google translate (Michael B. Gousie, Mark D. LeBlanc) language Perl. Learning to write programs is a a French-language newspaper into Arabic pure, distilled form of problem solving, a vital skill 131. Computing for Poets automatically? Sensors and Effectors—How can for many careers and graduate studies. Historical The use of computers to manage the storage and a robot perceive the world and interact with it? and ethical aspects of DNA are discussed. Counts retrieval of written texts creates new opportuni- Then, can robots ever be sentient, conscious and as a related course in the biology major and as a ties for scholars of ancient and other written self-aware? Finally, we explore ethical issues 200-level elective in the computer science major. works. Recent advances in computer software, raised by artificial intelligence and artificial life. (Betsey Dexter Dyer, Mark D. LeBlanc) hypertext and database methodologies have made (Tom Armstrong) it possible to ask novel questions about a story, Connections: 215. Algorithms a trilogy, an anthology or corpus. This course Conx 20015 Genes in Context An introduction to the mathematical founda- teaches computer programming as a vehicle to tions, design, implementation and computational 255. Artificial Intelligence explore the formal symbol systems currently used analysis of fundamental algorithms. Problems The idea of a thinking machine captivates us as a to define our digital libraries of text. Programming include heuristic searching, sorting, several graph culture and our long struggle toward an approxi- facilitates top-down thinking and practice with theory problems, tree balancing algorithms, mation of that goal has pushed us to examine real-world problem-solving skills such as problem and the theoretical expression of their orders of what underlies our own thought processes and decomposition and writing algorithms. growth. Out-of-class assignments and in-class how we may create problem-solving models (Mark D. LeBlanc) labs emphasize the balance between theoreti- based on different definitions of what constitutes Connections: cal hypotheses and experimental verification. C/ “intelligence.” This course examines the funda- Conx 20056 Computing and Texts C++, Java, Perl or Maple are applied to various mentals of artificial intelligence, including search- ing for problem solutions, game playing, logical 161. Web Programming, Graphics and Design solutions. reasoning, task planning and robotics. We also As Web pages proliferate on the Internet, it is (Michael B. Gousie, Mark D. LeBlanc) explore the advanced topics of natural language becoming increasingly important to understand Connections: communication between man and machine and today’s technology. This course covers basic Conx 20015 Genes in Context the challenge of designing a machine that learns Web page design and creation using current 220. Computer Organization and Assembly from experience. (Previously Comp 355) software tools. Web pages are brought to life by Language (Mark D. LeBlanc) adding custom graphics. Students create their A detailed look at the internal organization and own animated mini-movies using Flash. The logic of computers. 298. Experimental Courses course covers basic programming, using Flash The programming portion of the course Intelligent Systems ActionScript or similar, to allow students to cre- considers a common assembly language and “I propose to consider the question, ‘Can ma- ate more sophisticated pages that include user how such instructions are translated to the chines think?’”— the thought experiment Alan interaction and real-world applications. Students binary instructions of a traditional 32-bit machine Turing posed nearly sixty years ago—remains still practice many concepts while in the classroom, language. Addressing modes and stack behavior unanswered. In the present day, our conception and design and program their own Web pages as related to subroutine calls are discussed in detail. of Turing’s machine, a “robot,” is no longer a term a major component of the course. The computer organization portion of the unique to science fiction. This course provides (Michael B. Gousie) course discusses gates, storage circuits, the the scientific and technical background to begin Connections: arithmetic and logic unit, fetch/execute cycles and considering Turing’s question. First, we explore Conx 20042 Graphic Design and Web data paths. Microcoding is discussed in detail. the fundamentals of vehicle locomotion through Programming The question of performance, in relation to a

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 66 constructing robots and programming simple tions, implementing concurrency by using threads, sor. An individual or small group works on the behaviors. and altering actual operating system software. conception, design and implementation of a sig- Next, we answer the following questions: (Michael B. Gousie) nificant computer science project. Interdisciplinary Computer Vision—How do photo applications find projects are strongly encouraged. Students are 365. Computer Graphics faces in pictures? Audio/Speech Processing— also expected to assume a greater responsibility A look at many of the mathematical tools, data How can your computer read a book to you? in the form of leading discussions and working structures, algorithms and hardware associated Language Processing—How can Google translate examples. with the creation of imagery on the computer. a French-language newspaper into Arabic The course covers aspects such as animation, 3D 401. Senior Seminar automatically? Sensors and Effectors—How can geometric transformations, projections, shading, A seminar featuring historical and/or contempo- a robot perceive the world and interact with it? texture mapping, viewing and visible surface rary topics in computer science. Roundtable dis- Then, can robots ever be sentient, conscious and determination. Modeling techniques, including cussions, student-led presentations, writing, and a self-aware? Finally, we explore ethical issues fractals, surfaces of rotation and L-systems, are major group programming project are featured. raised by artificial intelligence and artificial life. discussed. Advanced topics such as ray tracing, 499. Independent Research (Tom Armstrong) radiosity, shadows and other effects are covered An individual research project in computer sci- 325. Database Systems as time permits. Major programming projects put ence under the direction of an approved advisor. In an age of information, it is crucial to understand theory into practice, using OpenGL or other com- Typically, this involves a review of the primary how to design systems to manage and organize puter graphics application programmer interfaces. literature that leads to the design and imple- potentially large collections of data. This course (Michael B. Gousie) mentation of a computational experiment or the involves an in-depth study of the issues involved Connections: development of a large software system. in today’s database management systems Conx 23012 Visualizing Information 500. Individual Research (DBMS). Topics include the theories behind data- Research under the direction of individual base architecture, database design (including the 375. Theory of Computation computer science faculty for two semester course relational model) and DBMS implementation, as Many complex problems can be solved using a fi- credits. A thesis is required of each student well as the collection, organization and retrieval of nite state machine approach. This course is a look enrolled in this course. data through query languages such as SQL. at various kinds of such theoretical machines and (Tom Armstrong) how understanding them can lead to practical so- lutions to programming problems. Topics include 335. Principles of Programming Languages regular languages, context-free languages, finite A theoretical study of the principles that govern automata, pushdown automata, nondeterminism Connections the design and implementation of contemporary and Turing machines. The halting problem and the Wheaton’s unique Connections program provides programming languages. This includes language problem of computability versus undecidability are an exciting way to explore different areas of syntax (lexical properties, BNF notation and pars- investigated. The topics are shown to have appli- knowledge and different approaches to problems. ing); language representations (data structures, cations to compiler design; portions of a compiler All Wheaton students must take either two sets of control structures and runtime environments); and are implemented in a major project. two-course connections (a total of four courses), practical experience with language styles (pro- (Tom Armstrong, Michael B. Gousie) or one set of three connected courses. Courses cedural, functional, logical and object-oriented). are linked across any two of six academic areas: Particular focus is on object-oriented languages. 398. Experimental Courses creative arts, humanities, history, math and Labs, homework and programming assignments Parallel Computing computer science, natural sciences and social include selections from languages that are This course provides a comprehensive introduc- sciences. object-oriented (Java, C++, C#), functional (LISP), tion to the design of parallel algorithms and the Students are also invited to discover their declarative (PROLOG) and used for data-interface organization of parallel computing systems. First, own possible linked courses, and to approach (PERL), building system tools (C) and object-based we explore the fundamentals of software design the faculty and propose a Connection. Students applications (Visual Basic). in multicore and multiprocessor environments. are encouraged to think about possible connec- (Mark D. LeBlanc) Next, we investigate the challenges and benefits tions early on, though many will prefer to fulfill of building and using cluster and grid comput- 345. Operating Systems this requirement in their sophomore year. (Note ing systems. Then, we evaluate the performance Operating systems are the software core of that if the chosen Connections do not include of our own local distributed systems against a computers. This most fundamental of all system courses from all three of the traditional academic commercially available cloud computing system programs controls all of the computer’s resources divisions—arts and humanities, natural sciences, (Amazon’s EC2, Microsoft’s Windows Azure). and provides the base upon which all application and social sciences—students will be expected to Finally, we discuss the broader social and programs are written. The course introduces the take at least one course in the missing division[s]. environmental impacts of data centers and other theoretical structure of current computer operat- Faculty advisors help students plan accordingly.) high-performance computing systems. ing systems, including batch, multiprogramming (Tom Armstrong) and multiprocessor systems. Specific strategies Connections for input-output, interrupt handling, file manage- 399. Independent Study 23007. African Diaspora in New World ment and concurrency are discussed. Practical An individual or small-group study in computer The courses in this connection connect the tradi- experience is gained by writing module simula- science under the direction of an approved advi- tion of African American music to important as- Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 67 pects of American history and culture as studied These courses may be used in either the major course either concurrently with one or both of the from the perspectives of history and/or sociology. or minor in African, African American, Diaspora other courses, OR take the studio art course after Students will learn to contextualize material Studies. one or both of the other courses. Art students across courses in these disciplines. History and will present their creative work to the rest of the Connections: sociology address issues of race and ethnicity, students in the religion or psychology courses at resistance, the church, community building, and Creative Arts the end of the semester. the historical, political and economic backgrounds Musc 212 World Music: Africa and the Americas Effective with the Class of 2010, a two-course of these issues. Music explores the intangible res- History connection must link courses from at least two ervoir of creativity and spiritual energy that helped Hist 143 Africans on Africa: A Survey different areas; a three-course connection must an oppressed community not only to survive, but link courses from three areas. Humanities to flourish artistically. This connection encourages Connections: students to synthesize history and sociology with Arth 212 African Visual Cultures artistic and theological issues through music. Arth 312 Contemporary African Arts Creative Arts This may be completed as a two- or three- Eng 245 African Literature Arts 215 Relief Printmaking course connection. All connections must include Social Sciences Arts 315 Intaglio Printmaking at least one of the music courses. Effective with Anth 225 Peoples and Cultures of Africa Arts 325 Lithography the Class of 2010, a two-course connection must Anth 255 Women in Africa Humanities link courses from at least two different areas; a Pols 203 African Politics three-course connection must link courses from Rel 277 Religion and Animals three areas. 20071. Ancient Landscapes and Ancient Skies Natural Sciences We see the same sky and inhabit the same earth Bio 226 Comparative Animal Behavior Connections: as the ancient Egyptians, Athenians, Mayans and Psy 226 Comparative Animal Behavior Creative Arts Islamic thinkers did thousands of years ago. But 20026. Biopharma Musc 272 African American Originals I: Spirituals, unlike the modern world, ancient worlds do not Blues and All That Jazz separate earth from sky: for them, to understand Students taking these two courses will have coordinated opportunities to study the global Musc 273 African American Originals II: Rhythm human life in its natural environment is to under- , which has grown into a and Blues, Rock and Contemporary Jazz stand its relation to the sphere of the heavens. Students in both courses in this two-course multibillion-dollar enterprise merging economic History connection will learn to view the earth and sky principles and biomedical research to develop and Hist 209 African American History to 1877 together through the lenses of different ancient distribute therapeutics around the world. Students Hist 210 African American History: 1877 to the cultures. in Bio 112 are introduced to modern cell and Present molecular biology in both lecture and laboratory Connections: settings; those in Econ 112 are introduced to Social Sciences Ast 250 Ancient Astronomies the behaviors of economic markets, pricing and Soc 230 Race and Ethnicity and Clas 262 or Clas 362 The Ancient Landscape: product distribution. The Biopharma connec- Wmst 315 Black Feminist Theory From Mythology to Ecology tion will engage “Cells and Genes” students in 23001. African Worlds discussing the economic implications of the 23013. Animal Power in Religion, Art and The African Worlds connection enables students Science biomedical research they discuss and engage to explore the range of interrelated cultures, This connection is designed to allow students to “Microeconomics” students in the process of histories, politics, art and intellectual contributions explore the place of animals in culture and society biological research. of African people living south of the Sahara. A through the lenses of religion, science and/or the Shared lecture topics illustrating important principles from both biological and economic combination of disciplinary perspectives is critical visual arts. The connection may be completed perspectives will include vaccine development to understanding the contemporary challenges using either two or three courses. Students taking and distribution, drug therapy and human clon- that face the continent. Common areas of concern Psy 226 and Rel 277 to meet the connection will ing, and the human genome project. Through explored in this connection include the precolonial learn how two different disciplines, one from the independent laboratory research in the Cells and legacy of African cultures and civilizations and humanities and one from the natural sciences, Genes lab, students will have the opportunity to how they interacted with other parts of the world apply their varying methodologies to the same do an independent research project in which they system; the impact of European colonial over- theme. Students taking either Psy 226 or Rel 277 design and perform their own experiments, ana- rule; the link between politics, art, performance (or both) along with Arts 215, Arts 315 or Arts lyze and present their own data and make their and ritual; and the impact of African cultures on 325 will explore scientific or religious concepts of own scientific discoveries. This project will offer Europe and the Americas. animals through visual forms, in addition to their students invaluable insights into the scientific This may be completed as a two- or three- more typical expression in textual media. They process and into the inevitable pitfalls and oc- course connection. Effective with the Class of will draw inspiration and a content base from casional breakthroughs that accompany scientific 2010, a two-course connection must link courses their experiences in Psy 226 or Rel 277 as they discovery—insights critical to understanding why from at least two different areas; a three-course develop their own creative expression in Studio R&D budgets are so big in the pharmaceutical connection must link courses from three areas. Art. Thus, students should take the studio art industry.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 68 Connections: Connections: tic text. Hist 215 will provide students with the Bio 112 Cells and Genes Psy 222 Cognition background and context for this inquiry. and Econ 112 Introduction to Microeconomics or Psy 312 Perception Connections: 23010. Black Aesthetics or Psy 330 Scientific Approaches to Hist 215 History of Russia Consciousness Black Aesthetics examines African American con- Pols 345 Understanding Russian Politics and tributions to the visual arts, music and literature of and Bio 244 Introductory Physiology Society through the Prism of Film the United States. Placing African American cre- 20010. Body, Form and Motion Russ 282 Russian Film ativity within historical, sociological and political The sequence of presentations in Bio 106 on 20041. Colonial Encounters contexts, students may explore how black artists various anatomical and physiological topics will This two-course connection examines questions forged a creative culture that both illustrated their coincide with lessons and assignments in Arts of race, ethnicity, religion, gender and sexuality in unique experience and identity and transformed 340. As students learn the major bones in the the contexts of empire, nation and transnational the arts of the dominant culture within which they human body, they will also create sketches of the cultural identities. Combining the study of French worked. articulated skeleton. As they learn to draw human language and literature with either sociology This may be completed as a two- or three- figures in the lying, sitting and standing positions course makes it possible to interrogate colonial course connection. Effective with the Class and in motion, they will study the anatomical and postcolonial discourses, conflicts and identi- of 2010, a two-course connection* must link features of all the major muscles, the physiol- ties. courses from at least two different areas; a three- ogy of muscle movement, and cardiovascular course connection must link courses from three and respiratory changes during physical activity. Connections: areas. Students will be expected to produce a “con- Fr 235 Introduction to Modern French Literature *A two-course connection requires one course nected” final project. For example, a student who and Soc 200 Social Movements from creative arts or humanities with one course draws figures in different positions or in motion or Soc 280 Asians and America from history or social sciences. will write an analytical report that discusses types 20018. Communicating Information of major muscle activity produced with each Connections: Information abounds. A liberal arts education position or movement. As students understand should seek to instill not only the ability to acquire Creative Arts the anatomical and physiological basis of every and produce information, but also the ability to Musc 272 African American Originals I: Spirituals, bump, angle and curve of figure drawings, they organize and communicate it effectively. Blues and All That Jazz will refine their artistic skills. Professional and Technical Writing, Eng 280, Musc 273 African American Originals II: Rhythm This connection should significantly heighten asks students to articulate problems, make and Blues, Rock and Contemporary Jazz students’ appreciation of science and motivate recommendations and to support those recom- them to learn more about the biology of the hu- Humanities mendations using information expressed as man body while developing techniques in figure Arth 263 African American Art numbers, words and visuals. Discrete Math, Math drawing. Eng 209 African American Literature and Culture 211, similarly challenges students to analyze Connections: History information in the form of problems and to convey Arts 340 Figure Drawing and Anatomy those analyses as solutions using symbols, words Hist 209 African American History to 1877 and Bio 106 Basic Anatomy and Physiology and visuals. Language and logic, in both courses, Hist 210 African American History: 1877 to the are a means of learning material and developing Present 23018. Cinema/Kino: Film in Russia thinking processes; both courses implicitly and This two- or three-course connection is informed Social Sciences explicitly address the false dichotomy between by the interconnected nature of art, culture and Pols 327 Black Political Thought numbers and words. Students in Professional and political history in Russia. This relationship was Technical Writing learn that data play a crucial Pols 271 African American Politics made explicit when Lenin, the first leader of the role in the construction of effective professional Pols 371 African American Politics Soviet Union, declared that “for us, cinema is the arguments. Soc 230 Race and Ethnicity most important of all,” and funded film-makers Additionally, both courses use group problem 20061. Body and Mind to encourage them to record Russian history and solving and collaborative communication. An exer- further Soviet politics. But Russian film preceded This connection seeks to explore the relationship cise involving the description and reproduction of Lenin and the Soviet period, and Russian film- between mental life and the physical body. Often a Lego model in Math 211, for example, parallels makers are widely considered to be among the this relationship between the two is misunder- an abstract-drawing process-writing exercise in best, brightest and first in the West to develop the stood, or, even worse, taken for granted. This is Eng 280. Effective communication in both courses art of cinema. a complex issue, and the goal is to inspire some also explores the visual display of quantitative Students may take any two or all three of thought about (1) how the mind arises from the information, as students read and design charts, these courses. They will explore film as document physical body, (2) how the function of the brain graphs and/or figures; in Eng 280, document of history and politics in Pols 345. In Russ 282, gives rise to the structure of thought, and (3) how design (e.g., font selection, page layout, spacing, they will explore how although film reflects history damage to the brain can selectively affect cogni- and so on) also serves as an important rhetorical and political constructs, it creates a uniquely artis- tive abilities. element.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 69 Connections: experiments and as part of the Methods Section about electoral politics. Central to each course Eng 280 Professional and Technical Writing of those experiments, learn to write scripts (pro- are questions about the development of the place and Math 211 Discrete Mathematics grams, software) to search textual corpora and that came to be called America and interactions gather statistical measures. In the English courses among the peoples who encountered each other 20011. Communication through Art and Mathematics they will examine the ways that computing-based there. approaches can mesh with more traditional ap- Art and mathematics are both forms of com- Connections: proaches. munication. The concept of visual language as Eng 253 American Literature to 1865 communication is explored in Arts 111. This con- Connections: and Hist 201 North American Colonial History nection takes the idea of communication through Eng 208 Anglo-Saxon Literature or Hist 202 America: The New Nation, 1776-1836 design and extends it to communication through or Eng 259 J. R. R. Tolkien mathematics, exploring the intersection of the or Hist 203 America: The Nation Divided, 1836- and Comp 131 Computing for Poets visual language with the language of mathemat- 1876 ics. Several topics linking math and 2D represen- 20032. Cultural Flows in South Asia 20063. Ecology: A Statistical Approach tation are symmetry, tessellations, line drawings These two courses address sociocultural issues Ecology is unique among the biological sci- and fractals. central to the South Asian region of the world, ences for its dependence on applied statistical home to approximately 1.5 billion peoples, and techniques from experimental design to data Connections: they model for students the strengths of multi- analysis. This is because ecology is a field sci- Arts 111 Two-Dimensional Design disciplinary approaches to the study of this area. ence and numerous sources of variability effect and Math 127 Colorful Mathematics Anthropology and ethnomusicology study human field-collected data. That is, field data typically 20022. Computer Architecture culture from distinct but complementary disciplin- have much “noise” and it is essential to apply Students taking these two courses will connect ary perspectives. While ethnomusicology is a statistical techniques in order to detect a “signal.” the practical experience and knowledge gained relatively young discipline with a hybrid theoreti- The emergence of ecology as a strong, essential through creating electronic circuits with a theo- cal toolbox and a specifically performative focus, science in the latter half of the 20th century is retical understanding of how data are stored and anthropology brings to bear a broad and deep largely due to the availability of computers to transmitted within the structure of a computer. body of theory on the study of permit sophisticated and robust statistical proce- Comp 220 focuses on the workings of a and cultural expression. The professors of the two dures to be applied to large field-generated data computer at a relatively high level, looking courses will give guest lectures in one another’s sets. This lesson is vital for students of ecology primarily at how data in binary form (0s and 1s) classes during the semester. Students who wish and is taught during the first labs, then reinforced are transmitted through circuits, from memory to complete this connection should plan to enroll throughout the semester. It seems obvious that through the CPU to arrive at an answer. In order in both courses in the same semester. connecting with a basic course in statistics pro- vides a catalyst for students in fully understanding to represent this, we use the notion of a series Connections: how ecology is done. In turn, students of statistics of “black boxes” to describe what happens to Anth 295 Peoples and Cultures of South Asia the data in each component. In Phys 110 (a would profit from using actual data sets generated and Musc 221 Music and Dance of South Asia laboratory-based course), students actually build by ecology students. these “black boxes” and see how the electronic 20057. Early American Studies Connections: components work. This hands-on approach will The courses in this connection address America Bio 215 Ecology give students a much deeper understanding of before the 1860s. Grounded in the interdisciplin- and Math 151 Accelerated Statistics the components that are discussed at a higher ary field American studies, the connection offers level in the computer science course. students an opportunity to employ different 20017. Ecology and Public Policy disciplinary approaches to texts that are often “Anthropogenic ecology,” the effect of humanity Connections: shared across English and history. As Sam Coale on ecosystems, is an emerging area of influence Comp 220 Computer Organization and Assembly notes in his syllabus, “literature has never existed in ecology and is related to the discipline of con- Language in a vacuum. It is always a product of its particular servation ecology, which in turn deals with such and Phys 110 Electronic Circuits era, both participating in and criticizing it.” issues as ecosystem management for biodiversity, 20056. Computing and Texts Questions of interpretation characterize both reintroduction of native species, elimination of This connection is a new variation of the Poetry disciplines in their approaches to the period. invasive species and protection of endangered and the Computer Connection. Our goal is to Students in the English course read literary texts species and ecosystems. While there are many demonstrate to students how computing can be with close attention to the historical contexts in good examples of the importance of conservation used to investigate textual corpora (specifically which they were produced. In the history courses, ecology, none is better than the methods by which the dictionary or Old English machine-readable students learn to interpret a variety of primary the policies that govern the U.S. national park corpus of Anglo-Saxon and the writings of J. R. sources, including documents produced by and system are formulated. R. Tolkien). Students will use techniques such for governments, narratives and diaries written In this Connection, Bio 215 deals with the as word-frequency counts to investigate and by individuals, newspapers and other periodicals basics of ecology, including anthropogenic characterize authorship, prose and poetic style, printed between 1750 and 1876. Students are examples, while Pols 321 specifically examines and the dating of text. In the computer science as likely to find themselves listening to or singing the budget of the National Park Service. Students course students will learn to design introductory folk songs as they are reading novels or learning in this course role play in making decisions for

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 70 allocation of National Park Service funds. The park It exposes students to the concept and practice of Connections: service, probably the single largest manager of risk assessment, and the application of these in Humanities public lands, botanical and animal species, and their fieldwork. Fr 246 Introduction to French Cinema cultural artifacts in the world, owns some 357 Connections: Itas 320 Italian Cinema parks and other designated areas, encompassing Chem 303 Current Problems in Environmental 80 million acres in the United States. Ger 267 Lulu, Lola and Leni: Women of German Chemistry These connected courses enable students to Cinema learn more about the issues that must be resolved and Pols 361 Environmental Conflict Resolution Ger 374 Film and German Culture in making sound budgetary decisions. For ecology 23014. Film and Society Russ 282 Russian Film students, a pragmatic examination of the reality Increasingly, fictional film is used as a lens to view Social Sciences of budgeting in the area of conservation science the of the society that produced First-Year Seminar The Dreams We See will add immeasurably to the value of their the film. Analysts, critics and theorists rely on a Pols 225 Italian Politics introduction to the discipline. For political science variety of conceptual frameworks and models Pols 345 Understanding Russian Politics and students, an introduction to how an ecologist to interpret, analyze and assess these texts and Society through the Prism of Film views the various issues in park administration the history of their production and audience and policy making will provide insights about how reception. These approaches include film studies, 23002. Food science informs decision and priority making. culture studies and criticism in the humanities, This two- or three-course connection links the and content and thematic analysis in the social First-Year Seminar course, The Rituals of Dinner, Connections: sciences, as well as philosophic investigations of or Anth 210, which is required, to one or two Bio 215 Ecology the arguments made in film. courses in the sciences. The anthropology course and Pols 321 Public Administration and Public This connection enables students to explore covers such topics as how culture shapes taste Policy various aspects of this rich field in different and cuisine, how different forms of food produc- 20048. Environmental Problem Solving national cinemas. In the First-Year Seminar, The tion affect social structure and nutrition, and the This connection brings together two courses that Dreams We See, offered every year, students political factors that cause famine and food short- investigate and shape our relationship with the learn how to analyze selected American box office age. Currently, the course has substantial units on natural world through analysis and hands-on hits from over the last century as primary histori- eating disorders and the causes and conse- practice. It represents a multidisciplinary approach cal documents. Pols 345 relies on contemporary quences of malnutrition, as well as on to exploring the interaction between humans and films to examine political and social issues in and the controversies around genetically modified the natural world. It provides an understanding post-Communist, Russia. food. It has several components that interface of the consequences of human manipulation of In Fr 246, students learn to distinguish with and complement components of each of the the environment through analysis of some of the between modes of representation like realism, science courses as well as an extensive service major environmental problems facing the world. surrealism and subjective narratives to see how learning component. Further, students will apply this understanding to they reinforce or resist paradigms of class, gender Bio 205 contains substantial units on weight actual environmental conflict situations using the or nationalism. For Russ 282, it is a given that control and eating disorders and on critical issues theory and practice of interest-based negotiation Russian film reflects sociopolitical issues—as in nutrition, such as the world food supply and the in hands-on fieldwork assignments. well as artistic and philosophical issues: students influence of advertising. Biology students will gain Chem 303 explores the underlying biogeo- explore what artistic choices film-makers made in-depth perspectives on the cultural aspects of chemical cycles controlling the natural world and to translate these issues to the screen. In Itas food availability, food choice and eating customs. the ramifications of human disturbance of those 320, students examine how works by major Italian Anthropology students will appreciate the biologi- cycles. Environmental issues are viewed in light of film directors respond to aesthetic and cultural cal parameters underlying the contribution of how science can inform public and private policy debates and reflect the Italian sociohistorical con- nutrients to health and disease. decisions. Students are encouraged to consider text, while Pols 225 is organized around Michael Bio 262 features a survey of the plant king- the link between environmental quality and the Walzer’s concept of politics as an art of unification dom and a study of plant anatomy. Students learn human condition and to explore the possibili- and includes ten films that are narratives about the distinguishing features of each plant phylum ties for equitable and sustainable technologies. Italian unification and nation building. and of selected families of flowering plants, the Pols 361 bypasses the traditional approach of Any two-course connection must include evolutionary features of each group, the ecology politics, seeking compromise, and the law, which one course from each of the two areas, social of each group, and how plants from these groups produces frequently unstable or societally unac- or language (the First-Year Seminar course is are utilized by human societies. The course looks ceptable win-lose outcomes. It assists students counted as a social science). Three-course con- especially at plants that are important in the to learn the value of building trust among parties nections must also include courses from two of lives of students, as sources of food, beverages, in conflict, by identifying conflicted parties and the areas, but no more than one course from any medicines, industrial products and as objects of interests, generating positive responses to them, one department. aesthetic beauty. Complementary to the service and embracing rather than compromising on Effective with the Class of 2010, this con- learning component of Anth 210, students en- issues of health, safety and environmental quality. nection may be taken only as a two-course rolled in Plant Biology go out into the field of the connection. supermarket, the Harvard Botanical Museum and the cranberry bog.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 71 Chem 109 will most clearly connect in two Connections: wide range of ethical implications. This connec- arenas: the function of micronutrients and the Humanities tion permits students interested in studying the potential and problems of genetically modified genome at different levels to consider and apply Eng 240 Gender, Genre and Poetry foods. The Edible Chemicals course focuses those implications in their work. The 200-level Fr 236 Introduction to Early French Literature specifically on the chemical components of food; DNA course is team taught, by a biologist and a the constituents of food, their chemical structures, Gk 215 or Gk 315 Private Lives and Public computer scientist; students may sign up for it functional properties and their interactions. A Citizens as either Comp 242 or Bio 242. Three different laboratory component of the course examines Social Sciences upper-level courses, Comp 215, Bio 211 and Bio not only the chemical characteristics of proteins, Psy 261 Psychobiology of Sex and Gender 307, also study DNA and the genome. Any one carbohydrates, fats and micronutrients, but also Psy 275 The Body in Human Experience of these four courses may be connected to Phil their behavior together, in cooking and in diges- Psy 290 Psychology of Women 111, which emphasizes topics dealing with DNA tion. A separate section of the course focuses technology and applications. Soc 260 Gender Inequality on genetically modified foods, their potential and This connection takes as its goal increas- problems and the reality of their presence on our 20008. Gender Inequality: Sociological and ing students’ awareness and understanding of Literary Perspectives supermarket shelves. the ethical issues stemming from the use of our The major concerns of this connection are The connection must be completed with at growing knowledge of DNA and the genome. examined in Soc 260: How do we learn to be least one course from the two areas: social sci- Many students taking this connection will be women and men? How are our cultural beliefs ences (Fsem 101, Anth 210) and natural science. expected someday to make professional decisions and social institutions gendered? How do different It may be either a two or three-course connection. about DNA-related issues and an understanding sociological and feminist theories illuminate gen- Effective with the Class of 2010, this connection of the ethical implications of those decisions will der relations? How can we better understand the may be taken only as a two-course connection. serve them (and the larger community) very well. perpetuation of inequality by examining images As technology and medicine find ways to utilize of women in the media, sexism in language and Connections: genetic information, increasingly complex issues violence against women? How is sexism related to Natural Sciences with more serious consequences will emerge. racism, class stratification and ? Bio 205 Nutrition Students who have taken this connection will be A number of these questions will be pursued better equipped to evaluate and address these Bio 262 Plant Biology in Fr 236 through a close reading and discussion issues as they arise and are more likely to take Chem 109 Edible Chemicals of a series of literary texts that explore the lives a broader view of the effects of their actions. In of women who, in widely different social settings, Social Sciences addition, students will learn Perl, deemed by many confront beliefs and institutions that establish First-Year Seminar Rituals of Dinner in bioinformatics to be one of the more accessible and perpetuate gender inequality and privileged Anth 210 Feast or Famine: The Ecology and string-matching languages, useful for genome male dominance. Students will consider various Politics of Food searches and pattern matching for phylogenetic reactions to patriarchal hegemony by women in 23004. Gender trees. two traditional institutions: married life and the This two-course connection allows students to convent. Unhappily married women (Iseut, Phèdre, Connections: explore gender from a variety of disciplinary per- Emma Bovary) turn variously to adultery, , Bio 242 DNA spectives: the humanities, social science courses madness and in an attempt to deal with or Comp 242 DNA in psychology or sociology and/or the scientific their plight. Bent on expiating her sense of guilt or Comp 215 Algorithms perspective of psychobiology. through the sacrifice of her child’s freedom, a or Bio 211 Genetics This combination of courses will ask students mother forces her illegitimate daughter (Suzanne or Bio 307 Cell Evolution to consider the intersections between gender, Simonin) into the convent against her will, where sexuality, race, ethnicity and class. Eng 240 she is brutalized physically and where she and examines the ways in which poetic genres encode becomes the object of lesbian desire. Despite Phil 111 Ethics gender. Psy 290 explores gender issues by study- their apparent victimization, all of these women 20007. German Language in European History ing the psychology of women. Soc 260 focuses possess enormous strengths and adopt particular This connection seeks to place language learning on cultural norms and social structural aspects of strategies that inform their resistance to gender in an historical context. Students will learn about gender. Psy 261 focuses on the biological basis of inequality. the significance of Germany in modern European issues surrounding sex, gender and sexuality. Psy history while studying the language and literature 275 examines the construction and experience of Connections: of that nation. The two courses include consider- gender from the viewpoint of the lived body. The Fr 236 Introduction to Early French Literature ation of issues of gender, class and multi-ethni- courses will also be linked by a shared writing and Soc 260 Gender Inequality city, particularly at the intersections of German component that focuses on the variety of conven- 20015. Genes in Context and Jewish and German and Middle Eastern tions used in these different disciplines. At the 50-year anniversary of the discovery of the cultures. The German language courses may fulfill structure of DNA, it is clear that the technology the foreign language foundations requirement. and medicine related to DNA have generated a

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 72 Connections: Connections: taking Comp 161, Web Programming, Graphics Ger 201 or Ger 202 Intermediate German Hist 240 German History: 1648-Present and Design. and Ger 250 German Culture and Hist 102 The Development of Modern Europe Connections: since 1789 or Ger 276 Berlin: Site of Memory, Site of Comp 161 Web Programming, Graphics and Construction 20068. German Politics and Culture in the Design European Context or Ger 376 Berlin: Site of Memory, Site of with Arts 250 Graphic Design I Pols 215 explores, among other things, the im- Construction pact of social history on contemporary politics, the 20033. History and Politics of U.S. Foreign 20023. Global Music Policy structures and values that shape politics in differ- Global Music connects the study of culture and The Cold War and post-Cold War history studied in ent countries, and the impact of these factors on society generally (in Anth 102) to the study of contemporary public policies. Questions such as Hist 206 are intimately connected to U.S. foreign music within specific cultures and societies: Musc “what constitutes Europe?” in the face of a more policy and the foreign policy studied in Pols 229 211 considers the musical traditions of India, extensive European integration process force the forms and shapes the substance of much of the Japan, Indonesia and the Middle East, as well as peoples of the continent to examine historical history of this period. Students taking these paired Celtic and Rom (gypsy) traditions of Europe; Musc roots and contemporary cultures. courses will be exposed to the historical analysis 212 looks at the music of Africa, Latin America Ger 276 or Ger 376 Berlin examines the of critical events and documents that have had and the Caribbean, as well as ethnic music of political, social and cultural metamorphoses of a and continue to have an impact on the formula- the United States, including Native American, city with a special focus on the intercultural cross- tion and implementation of U.S. foreign policy. Anglo American, African American and Hispanic roads in literature, film, music, and architecture. They will learn about the political structures and The course investigates how new identities and traditions. relationships that led to the formulation of foreign memories are formed and how these processes Ethnomusicology and anthropology are both policy over time, and they will have a chance to are influencing the policies and politics of con- interdisciplinary fields that cross the boundaries debate and critique policies, thus developing their temporary German/European governments. of social science, the humanities and the arts critical thinking and analytical skills. in order to comprehend commonalities of the Students who take both courses benefit from Connections: the macro and micro perspectives these courses human experience across a wide range of cultural Hist 206 Modern America: 1945 to the Present offer: whereas they acquire a critical eye with variations. In addition to sharing this comparative and Pols 229 United States Foreign Policy which they will analyze and compare various project, anthropologists and ethnomusicologists forms of government and politics in Europe in also share certain methodological techniques: 20001. Human Biology and Movement one course, they are asked in the other to apply participant observation, intensive interviewing, Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the their critical faculties to deepen their understand- archival and documentary audiovisual research skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory ing of the subsequential impact the political and in local communities, often in “exotic” locations. systems is important to dancers, helping them policy changes have on the cultural and social Students will be encouraged, whenever possible, understand how the bones, muscles and joints surroundings in the everyday life of the citizens to attend performances, lectures and films that work together to produce movement and how and vice versa. enhance our understanding of cultural diversity the heart and lungs cooperate to provide energy and human expression. for continued movement. Students in these con- Connections: nected courses will relate theory and application: Ger 276 or Ger 376 Berlin: Site of Memory, Site of Connections: dancers will learn how to improve technique, form Construction Musc 211 World Music: Eurasia and stamina; biology students will find dynamic or Musc 212 World Music: Africa and the and Pols 215 Contemporary European applications for their understanding of anatomy Americas Governments and Politics and physiology. 20028. Germanies: History vs. Culture and Anth 102 Introduction to Cultural Connections: The three courses in this connection explore the Anthropology historical reality and cultural concept of Germany 20042. Graphic Design and Web Programming Bio 106 Basic Anatomy and Physiology from the sometimes compatible, sometimes The ease with which anyone can create and and Thea 110 Jazz Dance contradictory, perspectives of history and German post a Web site has resulted in a proliferation of or Thea 140 Ballet studies. Ger 250 and Ger 276 or Ger 376 exam- Web pages, most of them not very interesting 20039. Ideas of Antiquity ine 20th-century Germany through novels, films and poorly designed. This two-course connection Much of contemporary Western culture—its and other art forms. Topics in Hist 240 include the enables students to learn basic graphic design political, ethical and legal systems; its artistic, unification of Germany under Bismarck, Germany principles and then apply them to Web pages that musical and literary expressions; its scientific and World War I, Weimar culture, the rise of incorporate interesting graphics, animation and theories and rational explanations; its theological National Socialism, the Holocaust and World War dynamic content. Such successful pages can be and metaphysical commitments—originates in II, the Wall, Berlin and reunification. Only one of made only by learning programming and other the ideals and institutions of classical Greek cul- the German courses counts towards fulfilling this techniques beyond the skill of most Web masters. ture. This two-course connection focuses on the connection. Although not required, it is recommended times, places and events of ancient Greece within that Arts 250, Graphic Design I, be taken before which some of the most important classical ideas

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 73 arose. Such contextualization will illustrate both Arth 111 Arts of the Western Tradition 23015. Learning to Learn in Math and Science the universal nature and the potential applica- Arth 202 Great Works II (Enhanced) This two- or three-course connection seeks to tion of classical ideas while deepening students’ Arth 211 Arts of the Western Tradition (Enhanced) address issues in the nature and quality of math understanding of the historical conditioning and Itas 200 Advanced Intermediate Italian and science education in America by strengthen- particularity of them. ing the math and science training of potential Social Sciences teachers in unusual and stimulating ways. It will Connections: First-Year Seminar la dolce vita have immediate relevance and appeal to Wheaton Hist 100 Ancient Western History 20062. Jews in Modern Europe education minors, most of whom go on to become and Phil 203 Ancient Philosophy In this connection, students will learn how social, early childhood and elementary school teachers, 23008. Italian Culture, Language and Society political and economic factors have shaped by increasing their confidence in understanding The First-Year Seminar section forming the basis the Jewish community in Europe and how the math and science and their appreciation for the of this connection examines different ways of Holocaust, the worst catastrophe in Jewish relevance of math and science in their everyday seeing Italy and the complex nature of Italian life history, has affected Jewish identity and culture. lives. reflected in the concept of la dolce vita. Course Students will study the development of European Each of these courses devotes time to materials, in English and Italian, include films, fic- Jewish communities and their relations with the modeling appropriate pedagogies and discussing tion, history and personal accounts of life in Italy Christian world in the Medieval and Early Modern differences in learning styles, ways of knowing today. The centrality of language to the histori- eras, how modernization transformed relations and similar topics that develop stronger learners. cal disunity and eventual unification of Italy is a between Jews and Christians and how many All emphasize confidence building as science theme that runs throughout the seminar, and the Europeans responded to Jewish assimilation learners and educators. Math 133 will specifi- politics of art and the ways in which language re- attempts with anti-Semitism and persecution. cally address issues in math education through flects cultural values emerge as important themes Both courses will deal with the effects of the problem-solving activities and the infusion of in the course. These themes mean that either or Holocaust on Jewish identity, political structures gender and multicultural issues in this area. Int both of the other two courses provide stimulat- and religious thought. 111 involves data sharing and analysis, and ing interdisciplinary intersections of culture, art emphasizes both group field-based projects and and language. Combining these courses will also Connections: standards-based content and preparation for provide a strong foundation for students who wish Hist 228 European Jewish History subject-matter teacher tests. to study or travel in Italy. and Rel 232 Faith after the Holocaust Students completing this connection should Great Works II is a continuation of Arth 101, 20070. Language and Literacy plan to take the math course and the science covering architecture, sculpture and painting This connection will provide a means for students course before Education 371, 381 or 385, which in Western art from the early Renaissance to to examine what it means to be an American must be taken in the fall of the junior year, prior to the present. Among the periods covered in this through an active, engaged literacy. In Eng 256, student teaching senior year. course are Italian art of the 14th, 15th and 16th students practice critical analysis of text that are Effective with the Class of 2010, a two-course centuries, including Sienese, Florentine and depictions of and reflections on this process. In connection must link courses from at least two Venetian paintings, Renaissance architecture, Educ 240, critical analysis often centers on the different areas; a three-course connection must Italian Baroque art and architecture, as well as non-neutrality of texts and contexts, as well as link courses from three areas. modern periods of art that originated in Italy, such the idea that literacy is not always liberating or Connections: as Futurism. empowering and thus is often used to marginalize Readings in Contemporary Italian Literature or limit opportunity. Social Sciences is designed to improve students’ oral and written Educ 371 Early Childhood Curriculum abilities to communicate abstract and sophisti- Connections: Educ 381 Elementary Curriculum Educ 240 Multiple Perspectives on Literacy cated ideas in Italian. The course also introduces Educ 385 Teaching Math and Science Eng 256 The Discourses of Cultural Diversity in them to contemporary Italian writers and thus Math/Computer Science broadens their understanding of the Italian world U.S. Fiction Math 133 Concepts of Mathematics through poetry, short stories and other textual 20058. Latino Culture Natural Sciences production such as advertising and film. Itas The topic of Latino culture will be analyzed 200 is normally a fourth-semester Italian course from two academically distinct but conceptually Int 110 or Int 111 Ponds to Particles with Italian 101, 102 and 150 as prerequisites, interrelated perspectives: literature and sociol- 20029. Living Architecture but there are also usually a number of first-year ogy. Students will have the opportunity to study These biology and art history courses share the students in the course. the Latino experience in the U.S. (e.g., Mexican assumption that architecture, whether built by Effective with the Class of 2010, this con- Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, humans or by nature, follows simple structural nection may be taken only as a two-course Dominican Americans) by examining the writings, principles. These shared principles, termed “Rules connection. fact and fiction, of Latinos and the social structure to Build By” in these courses, are illustrated in the Connections: and culture of the communities in which they live. common characteristics of structures as different in scale as living cells and Gothic cathedrals. Humanities Connections: For example, the first Rule to Build By states, Hisp 300 Spanish Practicum Internship Arth 102 Great Works II “To maximize flexibility, assemble complex struc- and Soc 285 Latino Community Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 74 tures from simple repeating units.” In Cell Biology, 20016. Logic and Programming iors and risk factors associated with conditions this principle is illustrated by cell skeletons, Logical equivalence, propositional expressions caused by infectious organisms. Psy 265 uses HIV which exist in countless shapes by recombining and clear reasoning are cornerstones of learning and AIDS as a case study for understanding the common identical subunits in different patterns. In to write computer programs or software. Further intersections of behavior and infectious disease medieval architecture, the principle is illustrated grounding in logical reasoning will help students and focuses on the impact of stress on immune in Romanesque buildings that were constructed in computer science to see a theoretical side of response. The laboratory exercises in Bio 221 from modular units to create additive architecture programming and the philosophical side of writing will illuminate for students some of the practical that was efficient, flexible and diverse. The second collections of statements in languages that make clinical procedures used to diagnose infectious posits that “To construct self-supporting struc- machines perform logical instructions. Philosophy diseases. Psy 265 will help students understand tures, balance forces of tension and compres- students will benefit by focusing on the use and how psychological experience influences health sion,” a principle manifested in cells by mitotic application of logic in the writing of computer and how infectious diseases impact the lives of spindles and the arched stable scaffolds that programs and will come to see, firsthand, the chronically ill individuals. support cell division, and in cathedrals by flying point of logical precision. Connections: buttresses that support stone walls. Connections: Bio 221 Microbiology and Immunology Living Architecture students work together in Wheaton’s Imaging Center for Undergraduate Phil 125 Logic and Psy 265 Collaboration (ICUC) in several joint laboratory and Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem 20024. Modern China: Tradition and exercises. One lab utilizes techniques of polariza- Solving Contemporary Politics tion imaging to detect the forces at work on 20045. Mathematical Tools for Chemistry Students who begin this connection with Hist 365, skeletons of cells and of cathedrals. In another The two semesters of Physical Chemistry examine which covers the political, social, intellectual and lab, digital image analysis is used to detect the theoretical underpinnings of the physical cultural history of China from the late 18th cen- patterns in visual data in diverse objects and behavior of molecules at both the macroscopic tury to the present, will find they have an excellent materials. For example, this versatile technique (thermodynamics in Physical Chemistry I) and historical background for Pols 223, which focuses can be used equally well to find hidden patterns in microscopic (quantum mechanics in Physical mainly on political developments in China after neural networks—webs of interconnected nerve Chemistry II) levels. Specifically, these courses 1949. Those whose schedules do not permit this cells—as in the Bayeux Tapestry (a 230-foot-long teach the mathematical representation of molecu- order may take the political science course first. embroidery that records the Norman Conquest in lar behavior. Students taking this connection will Both courses may also count toward a major or 1066). Studying dramatically different subjects establish a diverse mathematical toolbox and then minor concentration in Asian Studies. through the shared approaches available in the use it as they solve complex physical problems. Connections: ICUC lab will crystallize students’ understanding of Hist 365 Modern China important relationships in methodology between Connections: and Pols 223 Contemporary Chinese Politics these apparently disparate fields. Chem 355 Chemical Thermodynamics or Chem 356 Quantum Chemistry 20014. Modern Italy Connections: and Math 221 Linear Algebra These two courses focus on modern Italy from Bio 219 Cell Biology or Math 236 Multivariable Calculus interdisciplinary and cross-divisional perspectives, and Arth 353 Castles and Cathedrals exploring the historical, political and sociocultural 20044. Mathematics of Chemical Analysis 20003. Logic and Digital Circuits phenomena that have shaped contemporary Italy. In Instrumental Analysis students learn to deter- Pols 225 uses case studies and films to explore In logic, students employ a variety of methods to mine the quantitative composition of a chemical current Italian policies, such as immigration, determine the truth values of statement forms and sample. What these techniques all have in com- taxes and education, through an analysis of their the validity of argument forms. These methods mon is the need to do calculations to determine historical roots in Italy’s political movements (e.g., depend on an understanding of basic logical composition and statistical analysis to interpret feminism and the 1968 international youth move- relations: negation, disjunction, conjunction and the data. Statistical methods such as those ment) and in Italy’s long-standing problems (e.g., implication. These relations also form the founda- taught in Introductory Statistics and Accelerated political bureaucracy and corruption). Itas 235 tions of digital electronic circuits. Students in both Statistics are incredibly useful in determining both approaches many of these phenomena through these courses will learn to follow specific paths the validity and significance of the data. (physical or not) in order to arrive at a conclusion literature, art (such as Futurism) and historical and or termination of a circuit. Logic students will see, Connections: literary criticism. It considers how Italy’s contem- in Electronic Circuits, the physical manifestation of Chem 332 Instrumental Analysis porary history has shaped Italian women’s lives logical rules and procedures. Physics students will and Math 141 Introductory Statistics and work, and how women and their production, in the broadest sense, have shaped contemporary be introduced to philosophical issues that arise in or Math 151 Accelerated Statistics the analysis of logical forms. Italy. Thus, students who make this connection 20005. Microbes and Health will be learning not only about modern Italy, Connections: Both these courses deal extensively with the but also about how different disciplines (social Phil 125 Logic human immune system. Bio 221 covers such science and the humanities) develop illuminating and Phys 110 Electronic Circuits topics as the role of microbes (mostly viruses and methodologies for analyzing historical frameworks bacteria) in causation of diseases, covering HIV and cultural productions. and related viruses as well as the health behav-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 75 Connections: or Arts 116 Drawing I discussions of rights, of tensions between the Itas 235 Italian Women Writers in Translation 20043. Music: The Medium and the Message federal government and the states, and of the and Pols 225 Italian Politics Our experience of music, whether by Beethoven, roles of various branches and departments of our government are all grounded in political and philo- 23003. Modern Latin America Billie Holiday, the Beatles or the Bad Plus, consists sophical theories. These theories, which Supreme This is a two- or three-course connection that of the emotions and subjective impressions Court and other judges employ often links courses from four different areas: the hu- communicated and inspired by the arrangement in deciding cases, play a central role in these manities, the arts, the social sciences and history. of sounds. As in verbal communication, both the connected courses. And while the Philosophy Students completing these courses will gain a sounds themselves and the particular method of courses employ different methodologies than do multidisciplinary understanding of the sociopoliti- organizing them determine these effects. In Musc the Political Science courses, those methodolo- cal and cultural phenomena that have shaped 114, the focus is on the vocabulary, grammar and gies complement each other and together provide contemporary Latin America. Students who can syntax of this language of sound (the “message”). students with a deeper and more sophisticated take either Hisp 280 or Hisp 316 in their connec- In Phys 107, the focus is on the actual sounds view of the law than they would have otherwise. tion will derive the additional insight that can only themselves, in terms of their mathematical and These complementary approaches help students be gained by reading texts on Latin America in the physical relationships (the “medium”). Studying appreciate not only how our system of law original language, from a distinctly Latin American musical material from both these perspectives actually works, but also how one might go about perspective. deepens our understanding and appreciation of justifying its structure and its practices—or argu- Effective with the Class of 2010, a two-course this essentially mysterious phenomenon. ing for their reform. connection must link courses from at least two Connections: different areas; a three-course connection must Connections: Musc 114 Music Theory I: Fundamentals of link courses from three areas. Harmonic Practice Phil 260 How Judges Reason Connections: or Musc 113 Introduction to Music Theory or Phil 265 Philosophy of Law and Pols 341 Constitutional Law I: The Supreme Creative Arts or Musc 115 Music Theory II: Tonal Harmony Court and the Constitution Musc 220 Music in Latin American Culture with Phys 107 or Musc 107 The Physics of Music and Sound or Pols 351 Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and History Civil Liberties 20009. Performing into Theory Hist 219 Norte y Sur: Modern Spanish America 20040. Political Theories, Political Realities: The creative process and the theoretical enter- Ideas and Practices in Past Politics Humanities prise are intertwined; artistic creation and rational Students in these connected courses will study Hisp 280 The Hispanic World: Introduction to Latin reflection influence one another reciprocally. This the material and institutional frameworks that American Culture connection engages students in the rich possibili- generated premodern political theories and will Hisp 316 Spanish American Literature II: ties of a collaboration between the performing come to understand the complexities of putting Contemporary Literature arts and philosophy. these theories in practice and the often nearly Students will critically and creatively explore Social Sciences unbridgeable gap between the ideal and the real. the boundaries between theory and practice, Anth 235 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America Early European history saw the development of reason and imagination, mind and body. We want Pols 233 The Politics of Latin America the majority of basic legal and political structures both to embolden and humble the theoretical and ideologies (e.g., common law and jury trials, 20047. Molecules to Masterpieces stance by challenging it to critically evaluate representative government and the separation Molecules to Masterpieces helps students con- pathbreaking or genre-blurring creative perfor- of church and state). Knowledge of these ideas nect the art they create in Arts 111 / Arts 116 mance. Simultaneously, we will discover the way and practices, and of the theorizing behind them, or the art they study in Arth 101 / Arth 201 to its in which ideas in their intellectual and historical becomes crucial to our understanding of such his- chemical underpinnings. All of the classes in this context affect artistic expression. In so doing, we torical phenomena as nation-state building, impe- connection look at art through an historical lens, hope to extend theory’s “self-understanding” and rialism, the conduct of war and efforts to establish focusing on what materials were used by artists demystify the creative process. systems of national and international law. in specific periods. Art, Color and Chemistry adds Connections: the explanation of why those materials were Connections: Eng 287 Writing for Performance useful in creating lasting, and sometimes not-so- Hist 101 The Development of Modern Europe lasting, works of art. and Phil 236 Aesthetics from the Medieval Era to 1789 Connections: 20067. Philosopy and Politics of Law and Pols 207 Classical and Medieval Political Chem 145 Art, Color and Chemistry Students in these connected courses will study Theory the theoretical and political underpinnings of and Arth 101 Great Works I 20030. Politics and Global Change American (and sometimes British) law. Of all the or Arth 111 Arts of the Western Tradition Politicians and government regulators often make possible areas of that law, American Constitutional decisions that affect our natural world without or Arth 201 Great Works I (Enhanced) law admits most readily to philosophical and understanding the science that explains how that or Arth 211 Arts of the Western Tradition political inquiry; and for this reason, the courses world operates. Many issues concerning the use (Enhanced) in this connection focus much of their attention and modification of our natural environment, such or Arts 111 Two-Dimensional Design on that area. The most controversial and profound

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 76 as water use, desertification, air and water pollu- Connections: Natural Sciences tion, and climate change, cross national boundar- Eng 280 Professional and Technical Writing Bio 211 Genetics ies, but global treaties often prove difficult to ratify and Pols 300 Writing Public Policy Social Sciences or enforce. Many scientists also wish to pursue 20059. Quantum Theories: Contemporary Psy 251 Multicultural Psychology their research without the distraction of politics. American Fiction, Modern Physics and the These courses offer a bridge across this divide Universe 20012. Reading Children by adding scientific information to the political Quantum Theory is the cutting-edge meta-narra- Reading Children examines literature’s respon- debate in Pols 109 and by showing the practical tive of our times. The challenges physicists face in siveness to children and their needs. Each course and political aspects of human impacts on Earth attempting to explain it to the non physicist, and explores literate processes from distinct but systems to students in Phys 160 or Phys 165. often to themselves, involve the use of language, connected perspectives; each requires students to Students completing the connection will learn counter intuitive notions about cause-and-effect read children’s literature and attends to children’s both sides of the politics-science relationship in logic, the positing of images and metaphors to responses to text. Both courses study the history detail; all students will benefit from the expanded describe the quantum field—are there electrons, of childhood as a context for understanding child- breadth of discussion in both classes. particles, waves, fields, antimatter, quarks, a hood reading. “pulsating flux,” a holographic universe (each In Eng 286, students practice critical and Connections: of these has been used to describe each of the cultural analysis of texts. In Educ 390, critical Pols 109 International Politics others)—and the idea of statistics and probability analysis often centers at the letter, word, sentence and Phys 160 Geology replacing “absolute” objects. and story levels as participants study the pro- or Phys 165 Climate Change, Past and Present cesses involved in learning to read. Connections: 20049. Psychoactive Sacramentals This connection will deepen students’ Eng 346 Contemporary American Fiction: Quirks, (No description available.) understanding about reader response theory at Quarks and Quests, or Sex, Lies and Quantum many levels of development and experience. Eng Connections: Leaps 286 brings this critical strand into the foreground, Rel 230 Mysticism and Spirituality and Phys 225 Modern Physics since authors, editors, publishers and sellers are and Psy 227 Drugs and Behavior or Ast 130 The Universe almost never members of the target audience. 20066. Public Writing 20050. Quest for Transcendence Educ 390 also focuses on these “consumers of the literature” as they grow and develop as Writing, as Stanley Arnowitz argues, “is not a skill (No description available.) readers and thinkers. Like the authors, publishers but both an art and a form of critical learning.” Connections: and sellers of children’s books, teachers are not Deployed with care and commitment, it is also a Rel 230 Mysticism and Spirituality children. The course therefore examines the chal- political agent, capable of effecting visible change lenges of planning instruction to take into account beyond the printed page. Each of these courses and Psy 260 Psychology of Religion the social and cognitive worlds of children and the recognizes the power of writing by teaching 23016. Race as a Social Construct literacy practices that will engage and enhance students to develop and apply critical thinking The courses in this connection have the common learning. skills through writing for non-academic contexts. theme of the origins and consequences of dividing In Writing Public Policy, students analyze case humans into categories based upon morphologi- Connections: studies and problem sets to draw on a variety cal characteristics. In Genetics, students will study Eng 286 Children’s Literature of information resources as they create citizens’ the complex pathways by which melanin pigments and Educ 390 Teaching of Reading and the roles in advocating public policy. Students focus are formed. A major conclusion will be an appre- Language Arts on reaching the policy audience they identify from ciation for skin tones as a continuum of shades 23011. Revolution! the citizen role they choose or are assigned to rather than as discrete and classifiable “racial” play for the individual cases. Student assess- characteristics. In Africans on Africa, students will Social change, even revolutionary change, occurs ment of each piece of policy work is a prominent explore the attitudes and opinions of the diverse in a variety of venues: in the home, at places of feature of the course. peoples of Africa for a much more complex point worship and on the streets. These connected In Professional and Technical Writing, students of view on what it means to be African or African courses allow students to examine many types learn to use writing as a means of problem posing American. Multicultural Psychology is a course of social movements and change, both in the and problem solving as they identify, research focusing on ethnic and racial identities and their U.S. and globally, and to compare and reflect on and then propose solutions to campus and/or influences on human behaviors and interactions. the methods of protest that are used in them. community problems. Students discover that the This may be completed as a two- or three- Students will study and analyze controversial way an idea is expressed is as important as what course connection. Effective with the Class of issues involving racial, ethnic and national identity, is being expressed; indeed, form and content are 2010, a two-course connection must link courses as well as religion, sexuality and class, all of nearly inextricable. Many of these final projects from at least two different areas; a three-course which shape our culture. are ultimately shared with the specific campus connection must link courses from three areas. Thea 215, Theatre and Social Change, is the leaders to whom they are written. required course in this connection. By completing Connections: Both courses allow students to experience one or more of the history and sociology courses, writing as action in the workplace and political History students will have an opportunity to apply arenas. Hist 143 Africans on Africa: A Survey historical and social perspectives and pertinent

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 77 theories of social change to their understanding Connections: Connections: of the theatre as a tool for conflict resolution. And Hist 215 History of Russia Educ 250 Schooling in America they will consider how individualized, dramatized and Russ 101 Russian Folklore and Hist 337 Power and Protest in the United stories can realize or “perform” social issues in 20064. Russian History and Politics States the theatre. This connection will focus on Russian domestic or Hist 206 Modern America: 1945 to the Present In addition to the theatre course, students or foreign policy and its roots in Russian history. 20031. Science FACTion must take one or two other courses to complete In Russian Politics or Russian Foreign Policy, either a two- or three-course connection. Note, These entwined courses introduce students to students will study the evolution of the Russian however, that only one sociology course will count the beauty and power of mathematics and show political system since the collapse of the Soviet in the connection. how mathematical ideas have influenced literary Union, or the conduct and motivational premises This may be completed as a two- or three- science fiction. Students examine how concepts of Russian foreign policy. In Russ 243 students course connection. Effective with the Class of of combinatorics, infinity, topology, logic, comput- will address both history and politics, but in 2010, a two-course connection must link courses ability, number theory and cryptography are both Russian. Students will study Russian point of from at least two different areas; a three-course interrelated and linked to the most influential view, and acquire a familiarity with the vocabu- connection must link courses from three areas. science fiction of the past 40 years: a lovely look lary needed to discuss history and politics in at the intertwinings of the nature of language and Connections: Russian. In Russian History, students will go to the language of nature. Creative Arts the beginnings of Russian society and the state, and examine the role of religion, geography, social Connections: Thea 215 Theatre and Social Change hierarchy, political power and ideology over the Math 123 The Edge of Reason or Fsem 101 Theatre and Social Change past two millennia. or First-Year Seminar The Edge of Reason History Students may connect either of the two politi- and Eng 243 Science Fiction Hist 337 Power and Protest in the United States cal science courses with Hist 215 and with Russ or Eng 101 Writing about Science Fiction 243, or with just one of the latter, making this Social Sciences 23006. Sexuality either a two-course or a three-course connection. Soc 200 Social Movements What is sexuality? What is its biological basis? Effective with the Class of 2010, a two-course Soc 230 Race and Ethnicity How does society constrain and construct it? How connection must link courses from at least two is sexuality represented and, again, constructed 20055. Russia: Challenge and Opportunity different areas; a three-course connection must in such discourses as literature, film and religion? In this connection, students will study Russia, link courses from three areas. How does sexuality intersect with race? How do one of the largest nations in the world, from the Connections: sexuality and race circulate and clash in global point of view of its history and current situa- contexts? These are some of the questions that tion. In Pols 375, students will examine current History students taking courses in this connection will challenges facing Russia, such as Hist 215 History of Russia address. crises, depopulation, environmental damage, and Humanitites More specifically, for example, students in political and economic instability, through the lens Russ 243 Advanced Russian: Grammar, History, Hist 341 will gain perspectives on the Victorian of political science theory. In Hist 215, they will Politics sexologists. Those in Anth 350 and Eng 272 may learn about the historical background of Russian deepen their understanding of transgender, while problems. In both courses students will consider Social Sciences those in Itas 235 will focus on gender violence. whether Russia is somehow “flawed” and whether Pols 249 Russian Foreign Policy Psy 261 and Soc 310 provide perspectives on it can overcome the challenges it faces today. or Pols 255 Russian Politics power and bodily pain; Soc 310 and Eng 272, on Connections: 20053. Schooling in Modern Society post colonialism and representations of gender, Hist 215 History of Russia This connection between Educ 250, Schooling in sexualities and cultures. Students completing Soc and Pols 375 The Politics of Social and Economic America and Hist 337, Power and Protest, or Hist 310 and Fr 331 will learn about Western (and Problems in Post-Communist Russia 206, Modern America, is based on the common imperialist) discourses on sexuality, nation and themes explored in all three courses. Schooling in power. Psy 275 explores the fundamental role of 20051. Russian History and Culture America covers a history of American education sexuality in the experience of the lived body and This two-course connection will explore the (historical foundations), and issues of equality and the shaping of the body image. Other combina- intersection between popular forms of art, music access to education. All three courses explore tions will provide other perspectives and focuses and literature and the historical development of issues of racial and other forms of inequality on the general topic of sexuality. Altogether Russia. Students will not only learn how the cre- and our society’s attempts at redress through there are 13 courses from three different areas ativity of individuals and communities influences education and other realms. All courses connect (history, humanities and social science) from and is influenced by political, social and economic students to pressing issues in the past and in which students may create two- or three-course developments, but also will see how academic the present. Students taking these classes will connections. disciplines approach similar issues from different be able to see seminal issues in our history from Students have considerable flexibility in creat- perspectives. multiple and important points of view. ing these connections. This may be completed as a two- or three-course connection. Effective with

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 78 the Class of 2010, a two-course connection must Connections: with On the Origin of Species (1859), that es- link courses from at least two different areas; a Chem 254 Organic Chemistry II sentially defined what has become the discipline three-course connection must link courses from and Psy 227 Drugs and Behavior of evolutionary biology. Darwin was a Victorian three areas. Students interested in this topic may gentleman, well educated and affluent. His 20020. The Art of the Print wish to take more than the two or three courses identity as a scientist was as much informed and Students completing this connection will learn to required to complete a connection. affected by his perceptions of Victorian society as understand printmaking from the perspectives by his work in science. And the impact of his work Connections: of artist, connoisseur, collector, conservator and on society, in turn, was immediate. art historian. They will discover that the material History This connection seeks to teach students taught in Arth 270 makes richer sense when they Hist 341 Sex and Culture in the 19th Century U.S. about Darwin in the context of his 19th-century have experimented with printmaking and begun to world. Information on Darwin, including his own Humanities develop their own personal imagery in Arts 315. writings—books, letters and journals—is truly Eng 272 Romancing the Novel Arth 270 focuses on the history of prints, voluminous and readily available. Students in Eng 348 Sexual Politics of Film Noir particularly the Old Masters, who were among Bio 111 will learn how Darwin the scientist was the greatest printmakers of all time. Students Fr 331 Other Voices, Other Stories: Great Works influenced, indeed molded, by Victorian culture, in this class work directly with the prints in the by Women from France and the Francophone concerns and values. Students in Eng 235 will Wheaton College Collection, learning how to World learn what evolutionary biology really is and why handle and care for them and to identify media. Itas 235 Italian Women Writers in Translation Darwin’s scientific work had such a dramatic They also learn about the history of prints from Rel 142 Religion and Sexuality impact on his era. Darwin’s writing has often been the early 15th century to the early 19th century. used in English literature courses for its general Social Sciences Becoming print collectors and organizing an eloquence and its skilled use of metaphor, as- Anth 350 Gender and Social Organization exhibition drawn from the Wheaton collection are pects that science students will find engaging and Educ 270 Issues of Adolescent Development also requirements of the course. Because there is helpful in understanding evolutionary theory. Psy 235 Human Sexuality a great deal of emphasis on the object and on the Psy 261 Psychobiology of Sex and Gender techniques of the Old Masters in the art history Connections: Psy 270 Adolescent Development class, becoming a printmaker in Arts 315 will Bio 111 Evolution and Ecology give students a wonderful opportunity to create Psy 275 The Body in Human Experience and Eng 235 Empire, Race and the Victorians prints and truly understand the intricacies of this Soc 310 Beyond Global Feminism or Eng 236 Sex, Work and the Victorians medium. Wmst 312 Feminist Theory 23009. The Environment Connections: 20069. Structure and Function of Drugs The courses in this connection investigate our Arth 270 The Art of the Print The two courses Chem 254 and Psy 227 share relationship with the natural world from different the common topic of psychoactive substances. and Arts 315 Intaglio Printmaking perspectives. They will offer multidisciplinary Drugs and Behavior is the introductory psycho- 20004. The Calculus of Microeconomics approaches to understanding the environment and our human interaction with it, to addressing pharmacology course that focuses on the action, Microeconomics becomes all the more interesting such issues as climate change, population growth bioactivity and behavioral effects of psychoactive when techniques from calculus can be applied and endangered species, and to assessing the substances, especially drugs of abuse. It includes to many of the issues it addresses. In particular, impacts—positive and negative—of technology study of dose response, binding properties and the graphic representation of marginal analysis, on the environment and human society. the effects of these drugs on normal brain chem- continuity and optimization in microeconomics Students will take one of the three science istry. Examples of such substances range from can be approached analytically through the tools courses, each of which provides a basic under- caffeine and prescription pharmaceuticals like of differentiation, the major topic in introductory standing of the underlying physical, chemical and Prozac to illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine. calculus. Many examples and projects in the in- biological processes controlling the natural world. The one thing all of these substances have in troduction calculus offered in Math 101 and Math They will learn how science can inform policy common is that they are organic molecules. 102 will have a basis in economics; problem sets decisions and how social and economic concerns Organic II focuses on the structure, physical and class time in Economics 102/112 will involve can shape the environment. In Soc 315, they properties of organic molecules with functionality application of the calculus. similar to the type listed above. will have the opportunity to consider the cultural, Connections: Included in this study is a general look at social and environmental impacts of contempo- Math 102 Calculus I with Economic Applications the reactivity of the active portions of those rary Western civilization and its technologies. In compounds. The take-away message is that all or Math 101 Calculus I Rel 242, they may explore the religious roots of compounds with similar functional groups will and Econ 102 Introduction to Microeconomics the current environmental crisis by examining the behave in a similar way, both in terms of chemi- or Econ 112 Introduction to Microeconomics spiritual origins of our ideas about nature. This may be completed as a two- or three- cal reactions and in terms of biological activity. 20019. The Darwin Connection: Evolution, course connection. Effective with the Class of Students completing this connection will have a Race and Culture 2010, a two-course connection must link courses better understanding of the intimate relationship Though evolutionary thought long preceded the from at least two different areas; a three-course between the structure of a compound and the work of Charles Darwin, it is his work, beginning biological activity it exhibits.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 79 connection must link courses from three areas. Connections: and as personal faith, religion is also undergoing None of the courses need be taken concurrently Hist 206 Modern America: 1945 to the Present dramatic change. In our increasingly globalized or consecutively. and Arth 318 Art since 1945 world, the changing face of religion has become a challenge to us all, whatever our own religious Connections: or Eng 247 African American Women’s Literature views may be. or Eng 249 Hollywood Genres Humanities But the shape of current world events need or Eng 256 The Discourses of Cultural Diversity in Rel 242 Religion and Ecology not be the only impetus for the study of religion. U.S. Fiction Natural Sciences As far back as we can see, it has always been a or Eng 257 Race and Racism in U.S. Cinema major factor in human lives. It has provided the Bio 201 Environmental Science or Musc 273 African American Originals II: contours and texture of social life; influenced Chem 103 Chemistry and Your Environment Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Contemporary Jazz intellectual, economic and political movements as Chem 303 Current Problems in Environmental or Rel 223 Religion in Contemporary America well as inspired art, architecture and music con- Chemistry 20025. The Math in Art and the Art of Math tributed fundamentally to language and literature Social Sciences Mathematics and art have always been con- and provided insight and meaning for the mass Soc 315 Society, Technology and the Environment nected. Math has been used to create works of of humanity. In its many forms, it has been the source of great suffering and of great joy. A liberal 20060. The Genetics of the Autism Spectrum art (perspective, golden rectangles, fractals, even education remains incomplete without some The autistic spectrum of behaviors is becom- visualizations of the fourth dimension), while art understanding of religion and its role in history ing increasingly connected to genetics as more has been used to expand mathematical knowl- and in individual lives. neurological and developmental pathways are edge (artistic perspective shaped the drawing Together, the courses constituting this connec- being deciphered. Psy 324 provides a rich set of of mathematical diagrams; da Vinci illustrated a tion provide a systematic overview of the world’s examples, as taught by Professor Grace Baron, math text on the Golden Mean). Math has also major religious traditions in conjunction with an authority on autism and practitioner in the been used to analyze art, for example, classify- interpretive frameworks for understanding the field. Bio 211 supplements by providing the ing figures based on their symmetry or using nature of the religious response to the inner and background needed to appreciate the genetics fractals to study 17th-century Japanese woodcuts outer worlds, the possible meanings of the diverse of childhood behavior disorders in general and or Jackson Pollock. Revolutions in art and in religious expressions, and the significance of autism in particular. math, moreover, have often been closely tied: the Renaissance in art, preceded and to some extent religious involvement in the lives of persons today. Connections: made possible, the Renaissance in math; the new Connections: Psy 324 Childhood Behavior Disorders mathematical ideas of the fourth dimension and Rel 102 Introduction to the Study of World or First-Year Seminar Visualizing Autism non-Euclidean geometry coincided roughly with Religions and Bio 211 Genetics the movement away from realism in the early and Psy 260 Psychology of Religion 20046. The Greeks on Stage 20th century. Math 122 will use the mathematical mode 20065. Theories of Imperialism The Greeks on Stage is a two-course connection of inquiry to pose and answer questions relating This upper-level connection will examine the ways that examines the history, style, techniques and to art and art history. The course will progress that nations have dealt with each other in the acting of Greek tragedy. Analysis of the social chronologically from ancient Egypt and Greece to past and present, with focus on the imbalances of and cultural contexts of drama makes students the Renaissance and move forward from there. power that have led to imperialism. In Theories of aware of the political tensions surrounding issues Although the material in the course is entirely International Relations, imperialism is examined of class, religion, gender, sexuality and national mathematical, its topics as well as many of the through the many theoretical approaches that identity. Combining the close reading of texts and examples and some of the work the students do have been proposed over the past century, from J. the analysis of scripts with actual performance will be drawn from the field of art and from mate- A. Hobson to Robinson and Gallagher. In European enhances student appreciation and understanding rials that students will encounter in Arth 102. Imperialism, theories are compared with the of the material. actual history of imperial expansion. This connec- Connections: Connections: tion will allow students to think about the ways Math 122 Math in Art Clas 254 The Drama of Fifth-Century Athens that state power, economic strength, technological and Arth 102 Great Works II and Thea 351 Advanced Acting advances and ideology have been used as tools or Arth 111 Arts of the Western Tradition of domination. 20034. The Historical Context of Contemporary orArth 202 Great Works II (Enhanced) American Culture Connections: This two-course connection enables students to or Arth 211 Arts of the Western Tradition Hist 321 European Imperialism, 1757-1939 (Enhanced) apply the historical study of modern America to and Pols 339 Theories of International Relations their understanding of the art and culture of the 20054. The Religious Response 20038. Top Secret period. Students must take Hist 206 and one of Contrary to what scholars early in the 20th What are secrets and why do we need to keep the creative arts or humanities courses. century predicted, religion today is playing an in- them hidden? Once we have secrets, how do we creasingly conspicuous role on the world stage as keep other people, companies, organizations and well as in individual lives. Both as shared tradition countries from uncovering them?

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 80 Your computer log-in password and your credit Math/Computer Science connections. card number are two secrets you want to keep Comp 365 Computer Graphics Effective with the Class of 2010, a two-course hidden from strangers. Microsoft’s source code connection must link courses from at least two Humanities is a secret, and the formula that produces Coca- different areas; a three-course connection must Fr 352 The Quill and the Brush Cola is coded, locked in a vault, and kept under link courses from three areas. tight security. Al Qaeda has secrets that the U.S. Social Sciences Connections: government wants to know. The U.S. government Psy 312 Perception has military secrets, diplomatic secrets and policy Soc 282 Visual Sociology History secrets it doesn’t want anyone, even allies, to Hist 230 U.S. Women to 1869 20002. Voting Theory, Math and Congress know. Hist 231 U.S. Women since 1869 Not all elections are determined by simply This two-course connection enables students counting who gets the most votes and declaring Hist 232 Women in North America to 1790 to relate the “hows” of encoding secret informa- that person the winner. Mathematical theories of Hist 233 U.S. Women, 1790-1890 tion in the math course to the “whats” and the voting can create alternative voting methods that Hist 234 U.S. Women since 1890 “whys” of doing so in the domains of government may then be applied to congressional elections and business in the political science and econom- Humanities as well as to the everyday functioning of the ics courses. Students will learn what information Eng 247 African American Women’s Literature legislative branch. These courses, meant to be policy makers and planners believe is necessary Eng 377 Feminist Criticism taken simultaneously, will explore the relation- to keep secret and how to construct unbreakable ship between theory and practice through a joint Social Sciences codes to keep these secrets secure. project in which students from both classes work Econ 241 Women in U.S. Economy Connections: together on a simulation of a political campaign Psy 290 Psychology of Women Math 202 Cryptography and election. Wmst 312 Feminist Theory and Pols 229 United States Foreign Policy Connections: or Pols 379 National Security Policy Math 217 Voting Theory 23012. Visualizing Information and Pols 211 or Pols 311 Congress and the Whether created or analyzed, produced for Legislative Process Dance professional or folk purposes, viewed as data or 23005. Women in the United States expression, images are an increasingly common Coordinator: Cheryl Mrozowski These seven connected courses focus on women component of contemporary communication in Christianna M. Kavaloski in the United States, addressing the intersections both scholarly and popular venues. Each of the Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre/Dance and of gender, race and class in U.S. history, in U.S. Artistic Director, Wheaton College Dance Company courses in this connection addresses the process social structures, and in U.S. literature and literary of creating information out of images and their Cheryl Mrozowski theory. Students may combine them in a variety of display. The increasing reliance on visual imagery Chair, Associate Professor of Theatre ways to create two- or three-course connections in digital communication has put a premium on The Dance minor at Wheaton College trains with different emphases, exploring the history of developing a genuine visual literacy in the encod- students in the creative art of movement, women, the positioning of women in current soci- ing and deciphering of visual communication. through both practical experience and intellectual ety, or the representations of women in gendered This connection will allow students to appreciate inquiry. Students work towards proficiency in a discourse, past and present. the importance, power and value of using visual particular tradition, acquiring both physical and Students might, for instance, trace African media for both gathering and disseminating verbal language skills pertinent to their focus, American women’s resistance to the dominant knowledge. while being exposed to a global awareness of culture in history and in literature. They could This may be completed as a two- or three- movement and its ability to articulate and express examine the relationship between women and course connection. Effective with the Class of ideas of identity, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, race industrialization in both economics and history. Or 2010, a two-course connection must link courses and nationalism. Students learn to recognize and they might explore how theories of psychological from at least two different areas; a three-course distinguish the many diverse sources of dance, development play out in literary representations. connection must link courses from three areas. including historical and contemporary streams More specifically, students taking Eng 247, of sociocultural influence and the ever-inspiring Connections: Psy 290 and Hist 234 will address body image natural world that surrounds us. The integration in a novel by Toni Morrison, in psychological Creative Arts of body, mind and spirit informs intellectual and work on anorexia, and in discussions of beauty Arts 250 Graphic Design I expressive pursuits essential to the dance minor in the 1920s. Students taking Hist 233, Eng 377 Arts 350 Graphic Design II such as dance technique, choreography, produc- and Econ 241 will discuss “woman’s sphere” tion, aesthetic integrity, dance history and dance Eng 289 Word and Image and the politics of domesticity in 19th-century . The dance minor prepares students Natural Sciences novels, drawing on the domesticity engendered by for further study and/or careers in the fields of Bio 219 Cell Biology household economies. Seven courses from three performance, choreography, dance education and Bio 254 Developmental Biology different areas (history, humanities, social science) administration. may be combined to create two- or three-course

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 81 Minor which share a focus on the process of change Dual-Degree Programs The minor consists of a minimum of five courses. and development of Third World nations. The mi- nor includes courses that focus on the concerns Contact program coordinators early. These pro- Required courses of specific regions and courses on the process of grams are highly competitive. Thea 110 Jazz Dance development in general. and Thea 140 Ballet B.F.A. in Studio Art through the School of the Minor Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) One of the following courses: The minor consists of five courses from the list Musc 262 Vernacular Dance in America M.A. Integrated Marketing Communication with below. The courses must come from at least two Emerson College Musc 292 Broadway Bound: American Musical departments and must include at least one course M.B.A. with the Graduate School of Management Theatre at the 300 level or above. They must also include at Clark University One of the following courses: at least one of the core courses (marked c) and at Musc 211 World Music: Eurasia least one area course (marked a). B.S. in Engineering, Engineering Sciences and Science Management Musc 212 World Music: Africa and the Americas Anthropology M.A. program with the Andover-Newton Musc 221 Music and Dance of South Asia Anth 210 Feast or Famine: The Ecology and Theological School Thea 276 Non-Western Theatre and Performance Politics of Food Dual-degree program with The New England At least one 300-level course. (a) Anth 225 Peoples and Cultures of Africa College of Optometry Two semesters of Thea 320, which is a half-credit (a) Anth 235 Peoples and Cultures of Latin course for each semester, or an independent America B.F.A. in Studio Art study Thea 399 with approval of the coordinator, Anth 240 Urban Anthropology Tim Cunard, Coordinator Cheryl Mrozowski. (a) Anth 245 Indigenous Movements of Latin This program awards the bachelor of fine arts America degree (and the Wheaton A.B.) after a fifth year of full-time study in residence at the School of the Anth 250 Political Anthropology Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). Development Studies Anth 255 Women in Africa Students should apply to the Museum School Admissions Office through the Wheaton coordina- Anth 260 Women and Development Coordinator: M. Gabriela Torres tor in their junior year. They will be expected John Bezis-Selfa (a) Anth 285 Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific to submit a portfolio of their work at that time; Associate Professor of History Anth 298 Native North America admissions is selective and contingent on ap- Darlene L. Boroviak proval by both schools. Interested students are Anth 333 Economic Anthropology Professor of Political Science urged to consult the Wheaton coordinator early in Vipan Chandra Economics their Wheaton careers and no later than the fourth Professor of History (c) Econ 232 Economic Development semester. Other options for Wheaton students to Gerard Huiskamp study at the Museum School are also available. Econ 233 Sweatshops in the World Economy Associate Professor of Political Science Students accepted into the program will Donna O. Kerner History normally complete the equivalent of at least two three-credit courses at the Museum School Professor of Anthropology (a) Hist 219 Norte y Sur: Modern Spanish America before beginning the fifth year in residence there John Miller Professor of Economics Hist 225 Women in East Asia: Japan and Korea and may do so either by cross-registering during the regular academic year or by enrolling in the Alireza Shomali Hist 227 Women in East Asia: China school’s summer program. Credit for this work Assistant Professor of Political Science (a) Hist 365 Modern China may be transferred to Wheaton and applied to the M. Gabriela Torres (a) Hist 367 Modern Japan Wheaton A.B. degree. The school offers day and Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Program evening courses throughout the year. In addition, Coordinator of Development Studies Political Science students will complete a studio major at Wheaton, Jeanne Wilson (a) Pols 203 African Politics Chair, Professor of Political Science including the senior seminar. They will participate (a) Pols 223 Contemporary Chinese Politics in the required exhibition of their work at Wheaton Brenda Wyss at the end of their fifth year. Chair, Associate Professor of Economics (a) Pols 233 The Politics of Latin America In addition to elective studio work in any of the The development studies minor is made up of (a) Pols 263 The Politics of the Middle East media offered at the Museum School, students courses from several different disciplines, all of (c) Pols 323 Comparative Political Development will be expected to take two courses in visual and critical studies (art history) at the school in their fifth year.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 82 M.A. in Integrated Marketing order to ensure their eligibility for admission into years. Wheaton students who gain acceptance Communication the programs. No particular academic program to this program will apply to the New England is prescribed, but a student’s three-year program College of Optometry during their junior year. If John Grady, Coordinator should include at least two courses in English they have demonstrated superior achievement in The dual-degree program with Emerson College. (including writing courses), six courses in the hu- both the Wheaton curriculum and the optometry Wheaton students who qualify for the program manities and social sciences, four to six courses standardized tests, they may begin studies at The begin by taking two graduate courses at Emerson in mathematics, two to six courses in physics and New England College of Optometry in the fourth in the summer after their junior year and may be one course in computer programming. Courses in year, after completing three years of Wheaton’s admitted to the program at that time or at the biology, chemistry or economics are also expected liberal arts curriculum, normally as a biology ma- beginning of their senior year. Wheaton students for some programs. jor. The fourth year, at The New England College then take two courses during the summer after Acceptance into a dual-degree program is of Optometry, will provide the credits needed for their Wheaton graduation and two full semesters dependent upon the strength of the student’s the student to earn the Wheaton A.B. at the same at Emerson in the year following their graduation three-year academic record at Wheaton, the time as he or she begins doctoral study. from Wheaton. degree to which the student has completed ap- This program is designed for the academi- For admission to the program Wheaton propriate course requirements for the proposed cally outstanding student who has a strong and students must have a cumulative Wheaton G.P.A. field of study, and perceived abilities and promise realistic motivation toward the optometric of at least 3.0 at the time of application. In the for the successful completion of such a program. profession. Successful applicants will be superior summer after their sophomore year, students Wheaton students must complete three years in high school students, especially in math and are urged to complete an internship in com- residence at Wheaton. science, with acceptable SAT scores. Applicants munications, which may be arranged with the will be interviewed by representatives of both Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career M.A. in Religion Wheaton College and The New England College of Services. Barbara Darling-Smith, Coordinator Optometry; it is expected that most candidates for M.B.A. with Clark University The dual-degree program with Andover-Newton this program will identify themselves at the time Theological School prepares students for careers of their admission to Wheaton or within the first John Alexander Gildea, Coordinator in religion. It permits the completion of require- semester. Wheaton students may apply in their junior year ments for the bachelor of arts degree from to the Graduate School of Management at Clark Wheaton and the master of arts degree in religion University in Worcester. Wheaton students then from Andover-Newton in five years. The degrees complete the M.B.A. program at Clark as full-time are awarded simultaneously. Students ordinarily Economics Clark students in their fifth academic year. attend Wheaton for seven semesters and spend Chair: Brenda Wyss B.S. in Engineering, Engineering three semesters at Andover-Newton. Areas of Department homepage: Sciences or Science Management concentration for the program are: wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Economics/ Bible John Michael Collins, Coordinator World Religions Maryann Buck Instructor of Economics Agreement with George Washington University al- Philosophy of Religion lows students completing three years at Wheaton Religion and Society Phoebe Chan and two or more additional years at this institution Religion and the Arts Assistant Professor of Economics to earn a bachelor of arts degree from Wheaton History of Christian Thought James Freeman and a bachelor’s degree in one of a variety of Associate Professor of Economics It is possible for students to complete teacher engineering fields. Programs in aeronautical or certification requirements in secondary education John Alexander Gildea aerospace engineering may also be arranged at Professor of Economics in the field of religion during the semesters spent other institutions on an individual basis. at Andover-Newton Theological School or to earn John Miller The program with the Thayer School of Professor of Economics advanced standing toward the degree of master Engineering at Dartmouth College requires a of divinity. Russell Williams student to spend the first two years at Wheaton, Students should consult the coordinator early Associate Professor of Economics the junior year at Dartmouth as part of the Twelve in the second semester of their sophomore year. Brenda Wyss College Exchange Program, studying engineer- Chair, Associate Professor of Economics ing and other applicable courses, and the senior Doctor of Optometry year at Wheaton to complete the A.B. degree. The The Economics Department offers a variety of Barbara Brennessel, Coordinator student then returns to Thayer in the fifth year to courses that encompass the study of economic complete the bachelor of engineering degree. The dual-degree program with The New England theories, history, institutions and quantitative Entrance requirements vary between the College of Optometry will permit prepared and techniques. Courses cover both domestic and institutions and with individual fields of study, and motivated Wheaton students with the professional international aspects of economics. They include interested students must work closely with the goal of a doctor of optometry degree to complete principles and methods of economic research and coordinator throughout their years at Wheaton in the Wheaton bachelor of arts degree and The New analysis of issues that apply both to the private England College of Optometry doctorate in seven and public sectors of an economy. Course work

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 83 at Wheaton may be augmented by participa- Econ 102 or Econ 112 Introduction to Econ 102 or Econ 112 Introduction to tion in the Washington, D.C. Economic Policy Microeconomics Microeconomics Seminar, a one-semester academic program and Econ 222 Economics of Race and Racism Econ 201 Macroeconomic Theory internship during the junior year administered by Econ 241 Women in U.S. Economy Econ 202 Microeconomic Theory American University. The Economics Department Econ 242 Economics of Education Econ 288 Foundations of Political Economy also maintains a dual-degree M.B.A. program Econ 252 Urban Economics Econ 311 History of Economic Thought with the Graduate School of Management at Clark Econ 255 Corporate Finance Econ 336 Mathematical Economics University. Econ 298 Courses Major Econ 303 Public Finance 101. Introduction to Macroeconomics The economics major consists of at least 11 Econ 309 Labor Economics and Industrial Macroeconomics covers the economic function- semester courses. These include Econ 101, Relations ing and problems of society. Major topics include Econ 102 or Econ 112, Math 101 or Math 102 Econ 361 Industrial Organization and Public Policy or another math course subject to departmental national income and growth, unemployment, infla- Econ 398 Banking and Monetary Theory approval, Math 141 or Math 151, Econ 201, Econ tion and stabilization policies, federal revenues, 202 and five other economics courses, at least The International Economy expenditures and the deficit and money and two of which must be at the 300 level and one at The minor concentration in the international banking. the 400 level. Economics courses used to fulfill economy provides students with a focus on (John Alexander Gildea, John Miller, major requirements may not be taken pass/fail international economic issues. The introduc- Russell Williams) tory economics courses give students a general either at Wheaton or elsewhere. An overall aver- 102. Introduction to Microeconomics age of C in all courses is necessary for completion perspective from which they can begin to analyze Microeconomics explains economic behavior of of the major. economic problems, while the remaining courses decision makers in the economy—consumers, Students have developed double majors and take up specific concerns. These range from business firms, resource owners and govern- interdepartmental majors in art, development problems faced by developing countries in their ments. Major topics include pricing and the studies, English, history, mathematics, philosophy, struggle for development to the international trade operation of markets for goods and services and political science, psychology, Russian studies, and balance of payments concerns of industrial- for resources, the behavior of firms and industries sociology and Hispanic studies. Students with ized capitalist countries to the transitions of the in different market settings, income distribution particular interests can design an interdepartmen- formerly centrally planned economies. and public policy. tal major with the approval of the departments Five of the following courses (or their (Brenda Wyss) involved, the dean of academic advising and the equivalents), including Econ 101 and Econ 102 or Econ 112 and at least one 300-level course, are provost. Connections: Independent study and honors work are required: Conx 20004 The Calculus of Microeconomics encouraged. Majors who are considering gradu- Econ 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics 112. Introduction to Microeconomics ate work in economics are strongly encouraged Econ 102 or Econ 112 Introduction to to take an extensive number of mathematics Microeconomics Microeconomics explains economic behavior of decision makers in the economy—consumers, courses. See the department chair to determine Econ 232 Economic Development business firms, resource owners and govern- the most appropriate choices. Econ 233 Sweatshops in the World Economy ments. Major topics include pricing and the Minors Econ 305 International Finance operation of markets for goods and services and The following minor concentrations are of- Econ 306 International Trade for resources, the behavior of firms and industries fered in economics: the American Economy, the Economic Theory in different market settings, income distribution International Economy and Economic Theory. The minor in economic theory provides students and public policy. The American Economy with a study of the analytical methods used by (James Freeman, Phoebe Chan) The minor concentration in the American economy economists. The introductory courses give a Connections: provides students with a focus on the institutions, basic development of the methodologies which Conx 20004 The Calculus of Microeconomics issues and policies of the American economy. The economists use to address the subject matter of introductory economics courses give an overview their discipline. Their introduction is pursued in Conx 20026 Biopharma of economic analysis and its application to the greater depth through the intermediate analysis 150. Principles of Financial Accounting U.S. economy. The upper-level courses in the mi- courses, Foundations of Political Economy and The principles of accounting used by economic nor develop in greater depth the study of specific Mathematical Economics. The History of Economic organizations, including the preparation and areas of the American economy. Thought examines the historical development of interpretation of financial statements. (This course Five of the following courses (or their contemporary economic theory. does not count toward the economics major.) equivalents), including Econ 101 and Econ 102 or Five of the following courses (or their (Maryann Buck) Econ 112 and at least one 300-level course, are equivalents), including Econ 101 and Econ 102 or 201. Macroeconomic Theory required: Econ 112 and at least one 300-level course, are Economic aggregates and their theoretical rela- Econ 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics required: Econ 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics tionships. Topics include national income analysis,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 84 economic fluctuations, stabilization policies, 242. Economics of Education the budget deficit, public expenditures and the inflation, unemployment, theory of aggregate de- This course introduces economic theory related to nature and incidence of the U.S. tax system. mand and supply and economic growth. General education and engages students in critical analy- (John Miller) equilibrium, Neoclassical, Monetarist, Keynesian, sis of education data and of actual and proposed 305. International Finance New Classical and Post Keynesian theoretical eduction policies. Topics include the relationship This course examines international financial rela- frameworks are considered. of education to the economy, school funding tions among nations. Topics covered include the (John Miller) mechanisms and the economics of education balance of payment accounts, foreign exchange reform initiatives in the United States and selected 202. Microeconomic Theory rate determination, monetary and fiscal policies other countries. The theory of the economic behavior of the in an open economy, global financial liberaliza- (Russell Williams) individual household, firm and market. Topics tion, financial and currency crises, debt crises, include the allocation of consumer income, cost 252. Urban Economics the debate on fixed versus flexible exchange rate and production functions, the determination of The identification, description and analysis of regimes, including “dollarization,” currency unions price and output under perfect and imperfect problems that are basically urban in nature. Topics and monetary unions. competition, the pricing and optimal allocation of include the urbanization process, urban poverty, (James Freeman) resources and welfare economics. transport, housing, urban renewal, the problems 306. International Trade (Phoebe Chan) of metropolitan government, the design of urban This course examines the effects of international environments and city planning. 222. Economics of Race and Racism trade on economic growth, income distribution, (Russell Williams) Explores the interaction of race and racism with and labor and environmental standards. The economic dynamics in society. The focus is on the 255. Corporate Finance topics covered include theories of trade, welfare United States, although several other countries The economics of corporate finance. Topics effects of trade restrictions, U.S. and E.U. trade are discussed. Topics include theories of racism, include capital budgeting, financial structure and policies, trade issues of developing nations, mul- housing issues, education, employment discrimi- the cost of capital, sources and forms of long- tilateral trade negotiations under GATT and WTO, nation, business formation and economic history. and short-term financing, the operations of the preferential trade agreements and multinational (Russell Williams) capital market, corporate taxes and the control of enterprises in the world trading system. corporations. (James Freeman) 232. Economic Development (John Alexander Gildea) Studies economic problems of developing coun- 309. Labor Economics and Industrial Relations tries and policies to promote development. Topics 262. Health Economics Economics of labor markets, labor unions and include theories of development and underdevel- This course examines issues in the health care in- collective bargaining. Topics include labor force opment, the role of the agricultural and interna- dustry from institutional, theoretical and empirical participation; employment and unemployment; tional sectors, and specific problems of poverty, perspectives. Topics include measures of health wage rates; education and training; labor market income distribution and unemployment. status, health determinants, disparities in health discrimination; issues, techniques and outcomes (Brenda Wyss) outcomes, medical treatments and technology of collective bargaining; and public policies af- assessment, health insurance, physician and hos- fecting workers and labor unions. Neoclassical, 233. Sweatshops in the World Economy pital supply, pharmaceutical industry, international institutionalist and radical theoretical frameworks This course engages students in the controversy comparisons and evaluation of are considered. regarding sweatshops and their role in the global initiatives. (James Freeman, Russell Williams) economy. We ask why sweatshops have returned (Phoebe Chan) to the United States, the richest economy in 311. History of Economic Thought the world. We also ask what role the spread of 288. Foundations of Political Economy The development of economic thought from the sweatshops in the developing world played in the A radical view of the dynamics of a capitalist mercantilist period to the present with primary alleviation and perpetuation of poverty. economy and of the dimensions of the current emphasis on the classical economists, Marx, the (John Miller) economic crises in the United States. Topics Marginalists and Keynes. Topics investigated are include the elements of Marxist theory (histori- the relationship between economic theory and 241. Women in U.S. Economy cal materialism, alienation, labor theory of value) its historical milieu, the role of paradigms in the Theories and empirical analysis of women’s work and problems of modern capitalism (imperialism, development of economic ideas and the historical in the United States. Topics include the influence sexism, racism). antecedents to current schools of economic of feminist thought on economics, a multicultural (Brenda Wyss) thought. history of women’s work, labor force participation, (John Miller) occupational distribution and wages, the gender 298. Experimental Courses division of labor in household production (house- 303. Public Finance 330. Applied Econometrics work and child rearing) and related policy issues. Analysis of the revenue and expenditure policies Applications of , a versatile (Brenda Wyss) of the public sector in light of the allocation, distri- statistical tool frequently used in empirical bution and stabilization functions of government. economic studies as well as in other social and Connections: Topics include the proper role of government, natural sciences. The primary emphasis will be on Conx 23005 Women in the United States industrial policy, the management of externalities, developing a sound understanding of the ordinary

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 85 least squares method, thus enabling students to 403. Global Economic Controversies although licensure is sometimes required by read, understand and evaluate studies using this This seminar will highlight a series of current in- employers. technique. Students will use the computer to run ternational debates. Students will study competing Current information about the performance of their own regressions. perspectives and will develop their own positions Wheaton graduates on the Massachusetts Tests (James Freeman) on each topic, both in writing and in classroom for Educator Licensure (MTEL) is available for the discussions. The debates chosen for discussion Class of 2000 and the Class of 2003. 336. Mathematical Economics each semester will depend on timeliness, class Introduction to the application of mathematical Criteria for Admission to Minor Programs interests and recent research. Potential topics tools and techniques to economic analysis. Topics Upon entry into Educ 240, Educ 250 or Educ 260, include globalization of environmental protection, include solving linear economic models using a student may apply to enroll in the Education trade liberalization, international labor standards matrix algebra, comparative static analysis, multi- Department’s minor concentration. This process and immigration. variable optimization with and without constraints, involves three steps: first, the student meets with (Brenda Wyss) and linear programming. the appropriate Education Department coordinator (John Alexander Gildea) for planning and assessment; second, the Minor Concentration Form must be approved by the 361. Industrial Organization and Public Policy coordinator and the student’s major advisor; and The role of the large business corporation in the Education third, the student submits the form to the college United States economy. The competitive structure registrar. of American industry and problems of monopolis- Chair: Mary Lee Griffin Criteria for Retention and Admission to the tic behavior and performance. Policies to promote Coordinator: Vicki L. Bartolini, Mary Lee Griffin Practicum and for Licensure better market performance. (Early Childhood and Elementary Education), Scott All students seeking licensure must take and (Phoebe Chan) Gelber (Secondary Education) pass the Communication and Literacy sections of 398. Experimental Courses Department homepage: the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) before the fall of the senior year as a Banking and Monetary Theory wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Education/ condition for entry into senior level curriculum This course studies the nature of money and Vicki L. Bartolini courses and the Practicum. Additionally, the credit in a modern economy; the operations of Professor of Education subject matter tests for elementary (MTEL General banks, the Federal Reserve System and financial Scott Gelber Curriculum) and early childhood (MTEL Early markets; the impact of the money supply on Assistant Professor of Education Childhood) licensure minors must be passed prices, income and employment; United States Mary Lee Griffin prior to student teaching. The MTEL Foundations monetary policy and its relationship to other forms Chair, Associate Professor of Education of Reading Test (elementary and early childhood of stabilization policy; and current domestic and Claire L. Mallette licenses), and the specific subject matter for sec- international monetary problems. (Previously Econ Visiting Instructor of Education ondary subjects, must be taken before completion 213) Marge Werner of student teaching and graduation. Normally, to (John Alexander Gildea) Director, Nursery School gain admission to the practicum, students must 399. Selected Topics The offerings of the Education Department serve maintain a GPA of B- and receive a B- or better A course for advanced students, the content of those interested in the liberal study of educa- in education curriculum courses. Students must which is determined according to the interests tion as well as those preparing for a career in also be in good social standing in the college of the students and the instructor. This course is teaching. Although no major is offered, courses in order to participate in the practicum (or any offered at the discretion of the department. in education include opportunities for teaching education courses with fieldwork components). and for meeting licensure requirements for public Students must demonstrate satisfactory comple- 401. Seminar: Topics in Law and Economics school teaching at the early childhood (Pre-K–2), tion of fieldwork experiences and show promise of Economic analysis of legal rules and institutions. elementary (1–6) and secondary (8–12) levels in fulfilling the Massachusetts Licensure Standards. Topics include the common law doctrines of Massachusetts. Completion of the practicum does not guarantee property, contracts and torts, plus and the licensure. To achieve Massachusetts licensure, legal process. Minor students must demonstrate basic competency (Phoebe Chan) Students who are planning to seek licensure in the Massachusetts Department of Education 402. Seminar: Current Economic Issues with a minor in education and student teaching Professional Teaching Standards and pass all in their senior year should consult with the ap- A discussion of problems and controversies facing relevant sections of the Massachusetts Tests for propriate coordinator as soon as possible in their today’s policy makers and an economic analysis Educator Licensure (MTEL). Students then apply Wheaton career. Early, careful advising enables of the costs and benefits associated with various to the state to be licensed. students to plan their four-year schedules to meet policy solutions. Topics chosen for discussion will Requirements for licensure all Massachusetts licensure requirements. All depend upon class interest, recent research and education courses required for licensure involve Described below are the specific requirements current events. field study and training in area schools. Students for Massachusetts teacher licensure at the early (John Alexander Gildea) considering teaching in independent schools or childhood, elementary and secondary levels, charter schools may not need to be licensed, as well as departmental requirements for the general minor. All students seeking licensure must

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 86 take and pass the Communication and Literacy Educ 250 and Educ 260; Educ 251; Educ 375; elementary education and take appropriate course sections of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Educ 385 and Educ 390. All of these, as well as work in the interdisciplinary field of elementary Licensure (MTEL) before the fall of the senior required arts, sciences and humanities distribu- education. He or she must also pass the fol- Year as a condition for entry into senior level cur- tion course work, must be completed before the lowing three Massachusetts Tests for Educator riculum courses and the Practicum. Additionally, two practicum courses, Educ 396 and Educ 395. Licensure: MTEL Communication and Literacy, the subject matter tests for elementary (MTEL Also required are Eng 286, Math 133, Psy 203 MTEL Foundations of Reading and MTEL General General Curriculum) and early childhood (MTEL and one of the following: first aid, lifesaving or Curriculum Test. Early Childhood) licensure minors must be passed CPR training. Major requirements for Elementary Education prior to student teaching. The MTEL Foundations Fieldwork A Wheaton student will complete a major concen- of Reading Test (elementary and early childhood A student must complete a minimum of 20 hours tration (usually equivalent to at least 36 semester licenses), and the specific subject matter for sec- of classroom observation, tutoring and teacher hours of credit) in a liberal arts subject-matter ondary subjects, must be taken before completion assisting in each of two prepracticum courses. field relevant to elementary education. Please of student teaching and graduation. Licensure regulations are determined by the consult the departmental coordinators to deter- Students seeking licensure in either program state of Massachusetts; thus, students must stay mine appropriate subjects for the major. must also undertake at least one January, spring abreast of possible changes. or summer internship in an educational setting Minor requirements in Elementary Education prior to student teaching. This internship should Practicum requirements A student must complete the prepracticum and be at least 40 hours in duration. A record of During the senior year, a student will complete a the practicum. The prepracticum consists of this internship will go in the student’s Education semester-long two-and-one-half-credit student courses and experiences specifically designed Department file. teaching practicum plus a one-credit seminar to meet the licensure standards. The practicum Finally, students must have achieved a B- in teaching methods. While student teaching, involves full-time student teaching and practice cumulative GPA, at least a B- in the curriculum Wheaton students will intern at the cooperating in the role of a classroom teacher at cooperating courses, maintained overall “good social standing” schools for the entire school day and will follow schools. The following prepracticum courses are within the college, and obtained permission from the public school calendar. Students may take required: two of the three courses Educ 240, Educ the department in order to gain admission to the only one additional Wheaton credit during the se- 250 and Educ 260; Educ 251; Educ 385 and student-teaching practicum. mester and this must be fulfilled after the regular Educ 390. All of these, as well as required arts, school hours. A student must notify the depart- sciences and humanities distribution course work, Early Childhood Education: Teachers of Students With or Without Disabilities ment chair of any incomplete grade from the must be completed before the two practicum (Pre-K–2) previous semester. An incomplete may disqualify courses, Educ 396 and Educ 395. Also required To qualify for licensure, a student must complete the student from admission to the practicum. One are Math 133 and Math 141, Psy 203 and one of the major concentration and a minor program hundred hours of practicum must be completed the following: first aid, lifesaving or CPR training. in early childhood education with appropriate at the Pre-K through kindergarten level and 200 Licensure regulations are determined by the course work. He or she must also pass the fol- hours at the 1–2 level. One setting must be an state of Massachusetts; thus, students must stay lowing three Massachusetts Tests for Educator inclusion classroom. abreast of possible changes. Licensure: MTEL Communication and Literacy, Arts, sciences and humanities distribution Practicum requirements MTEL Foundations of Reading and MTEL Early course work in the field of early childhood educa- During the senior year, a student will complete a Childhood Subject Test. tion semester-long two-and-one-half-credit student A student must also take approximately nine Major requirements for early childhood educa- teaching practicum plus a one-credit seminar in tion courses equivalent to 36 semester hours of credit reflective teaching practices. While student teach- A Wheaton student will complete a major concen- in the following areas: psychological foundations, ing, Wheaton students will be at the cooperating tration (usually equivalent to at least 36 semester children’s literature, the sciences, mathematics school for the entire school day and will follow the hours of credit) in a liberal arts field relevant to and the social sciences. These requirements are public school calendar. They may take only one early childhood education. Please consult the de- normally met by careful selection of liberal arts additional Wheaton credit during the semester partmental coordinators to determine appropriate courses that fulfill Wheaton’s general distribution and this must be fulfilled after the regular school subjects for the major. requirements. Consult the departmental coordina- hours. A student must notify the department chair tors for a list of courses that are especially recom- Minor requirements in early childhood educa- of any incomplete grade from the previous se- tion mended. Specifically, students are also required mester. An incomplete may disqualify the student A student must complete the prepracticum and to take Math 133 to fulfill their mathematics from admission to the practicum. the practicum. The prepracticum consists of requirement, unless a waiver is granted by the Mathematics Department. Licensure regulations Arts, sciences and humanities distribution courses and experiences specifically designed course work in the field of elementary educa- to meet the licensure standards. The practicum are determined by the state of Massachusetts; tion involves full-time student teaching and practice thus, students must stay abreast of possible A student must also take approximately nine in the role of a classroom teacher at cooperat- changes. semester courses equivalent to 36 semester ing schools. The following prepracticum courses Elementary Education (Grades 1–6) hours of credit in the following areas: literature, are required: two of the three courses Educ 240, To qualify for licensure, a student must complete the sciences, mathematics and the social sci- the major concentration and a minor program in ences. These requirements are normally met by

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 87 careful selection of liberal arts courses that fulfill Practicum requirements 260. Teaching and Learning Wheaton’s general distribution requirements. During the senior year, a student will complete a This course has its focus at the crossroads where Consult the Education Department faculty for a semester-long two-and-one-half-credit student theory and educational practice intersect. Through list of courses that are especially recommended. teaching practicum plus a one-credit seminar in readings, discussions and field experiences, stu- Specifically, students are also required to take teaching methods. While student teaching, the dents will examine their beliefs as well as myths Math 133 and Math 141 to fulfill their mathemat- Wheaton student will intern at the cooperating and metaphors related to teaching and learning. ics requirement, unless a waiver is granted by the school for the entire school day and follow the Weekly fieldwork is required. Mathematics Department. Licensure regulations public school calendar. The student may take only (Vicki L. Bartolini) are determined by the state of Massachusetts; one additional Wheaton credit during this semes- thus, students must stay abreast of possible ter and this (full-credit or half-credit) course must Perspectives on the learner changes. meet after the close of school. Students must 225. Global Education for Intercultural Competence Secondary education (grades 8–12) (Modern notify the department chair of any incomplete foreign languages: 5–12) grade from the previous semester and this may This course is intended to introduce students Students may prepare for Massachusetts teacher prevent admission to the practicum. to the fundamental concepts associated with licensure in a secondary school in one of the intercultural competence. It is also intended to General Minor in Education following major concentrations: English, history, make them more aware of the skills, attitudes mathematics, biology and three modern foreign Upon application, a student may be admitted to a and knowledge necessary for global citizenship languages: French, German and Hispanic Studies. general minor in education. Normally this does not as they embark on a cross-cultural immersion To qualify for licensure, a student must complete include preparation to teach, but rather provides experience. Its central premise is that our past, appropriate courses in the major and fulfill the an opportunity to study specific issues and related present and future raise questions that can only course requirements leading to a minor in sec- topics in education. Five courses are required, be understood when we look beyond our borders. ondary education. He or she must also pass the three of which must be education courses. The As such, success in negotiating this increasingly appropriate sections of the Massachusetts Tests remaining two courses need not be within the complex, interdependent and interconnected for Educator Licensure. department, as long as they are appropriately world requires that we understand these issues related to the subject of study. One 300-level and the forces that shape them. Major and minor requirements in secondary education course is required. Permission of the Education Students will be introduced to theories of Department faculty is necessary. Massachusetts licensure standards require globalization and cross-cultural communication. They will also explore how the values they hold demonstration of subject-matter competence as Courses well as teaching competence during the student complement or diverge from the global processes teaching practicum. Each participating academic Foundations of education at work and in the end, have a more developed department has therefore developed a specific Students fulfill the foundations of education sense of their obligations as global citizens. set of course requirements and other experi- requirement by taking two out of the following 251. Special Education, Pre-K–12 ences in the major that fulfill the subject-matter three courses: This course surveys the history of special educa- standards. Before students undertake a second- 240. Multiple Perspectives on Literacy tion in the United States, including national and ary education program, they must consult with This course explores the roles of teacher and state special education laws and procedures for their major advisor and the secondary education learner through the lens of students’ literacy identifying and servicing children with special program coordinator. At that time, the student development. Classroom contexts and the needs. Current special education models and and department advisor will plan a major program intersection of home, community and school form strategies for working with children with special that meets the subject-matter requirements of the foundation of this field-based course. Through needs in the regular classroom will be examined. the Massachusetts licensure standards, as well a shifting focus on theory and practice, students Field observation is required (9 hours). as the minor program to fulfill the student’s minor conceptualize and reconceptualize the roles of (Marge Werner) concentration requirements in secondary school teacher and learner. 270. Issues of Adolescent Development education. (Mary Lee Griffin) Multiple perspectives on the physical, cognitive A student must take the following prepracti- Connections: and psychosocial transitions related to adolescent cum courses: two of the three courses Educ 240, Conx 20070 Language and Literacy development. Topics include current versions of Educ 250, and Educ 260; Educ 251, Educ 270 developmental theory; specific issues related to and Educ 391. All of these must be completed 250. Schooling in America early, middle and late adolescence; the adoles- before the practicum courses, Educ 396 and Educ A survey of the American school, emphasizing cent peer culture; sexualities and sex education; 395. historical and sociological perspectives. Readings multicultural issues in adolescence; and changing Fieldwork will focus on the history, goals and structure of American schools, as well as current issues such male/female roles. Field experience is required A student must complete a minimum of 75 hours as the standards movement and recent innova- (20 hours). of pre-practicum and internship experience in tions such as multicultural education. This course is cross-listed with Psy 270. school settings, including field placements for (Scott Gelber) (Peony Fhagen-Smith) education courses and a minimum 40-hour internship. Connections: Connections: Conx 20053 Schooling in Modern Society Conx 23006 Sexuality

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 88 275. Learning in the Social Sciences appropriateness of current curricula, methods and 022. Intellectual and Social Development in This course examines the literacy skills needed for materials will be considered in light of philosophi- the College Years social studies reading and writing. Through a dual cal and practical objectives. A minimum of 20 College transitions highlight intellectual and focus on pedagogy and social studies content, hours of fieldwork, scheduled as a lab. social development in late adolescence. Change the course explores theoretical perspectives, (Mary Lee Griffin) may promote instability or higher functioning. Outcomes may be mediated by a range of sup- methods and materials brought to bear on the Connections: study of history, geography, economics and civics port. This course, for preceptors, explores college Conx 20012 Reading Children and government in the elementary classroom. student development/coping and the efficacy of Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for History 391. Secondary School Curriculum transitional support systems. and Social Science outlines academic content and A study of the secondary school curriculum 026. Introduction to ESL Tutoring skills essential to the study of human experience, (grades 8–12) with emphasis on approaches to (Susan Dearing) past and present. teaching at the secondary level and the methods 030. Head Residents Seminar (Mary Lee Griffin, Claire L. Mallette) and practices used. Discipline-specific train- ing in teaching methods will be provided. Field Designed for head residents, this course will help 299. Selected Topics experience: a minimum of 20 hours of classroom students develop the skills required for leadership A course for interested students on aspects of observation and participation in area secondary and program planning roles in residence halls. the American educational system, the content schools. Specific issues such as homophobia, prejudice and topics of which are determined according to (Scott Gelber) and racism will be addressed. the interests of the students and instructor. This 049. Teaching Assistants’ Seminar The practicum in teaching course is offered at the discretion of the depart- This course is designed for upper-level students ment. 395. Seminar in Teaching Methods who are teaching assistants in large introductory 375. Issues in Early Care and Education A series of two-hour seminar sessions that use courses. Through weekly readings and discus- This course examines complex issues determining the Massachusetts Professional Standards for sions the teaching assistants for each course and affecting the quality of early care and educa- Teachers to focus on effective instructional strate- explore and apply different teaching strategies, tion for young children. Current research related gies and classroom management techniques. discuss issues that arise when working with to notions of childhood as well as national and The seminar provides opportunities for reflection, students and reflect upon various aspects of the international policies will be discussed. Students support, sharing and guidance during student college teaching experience. choose among several options for off-site visits, teaching. The seminar must be taken concurrently (Scott Gelber) according to interests, transportation and sched- with Educ 396. (one credit) 220. Introduction to Tutoring Writing uling availability. Section 1. Early Childhood (Vicki L. Bartolini, An introduction to the theory, methods and prac- (Vicki L. Bartolini) Mary Lee Griffin) tice of tutoring in the writing of essays and other Curriculum and methods Section 2. Elementary (Vicki L. Bartolini, Mary college assignments. As peer tutors, students will provide assistance to other students through 385. Teaching Math and Science Lee Griffin) individual tutoring and perhaps workshops. This course is designed to develop a conceptual- Section 3. Secondary (Scott Gelber) (Previously Educ 025) ization of teaching and the role of the teacher in 396. Student Teaching Practicum in the Public (Susan Dearing) early childhood and elementary education settings Schools (grades Pre-K–6). The planning, instruction and A full-time, full-semester student-teaching Summer Internship evaluation phases of teaching will be examined experience in which students assume increasing 070. Brighton Internship Program with a particular focus on the curriculum areas professional responsibility for teaching in a local This course, typically offered in June, places of math and science. A minimum of 20 hours public school. Concurrent enrollment in Educ 395 Wheaton education minors for two weeks as fieldwork is required, scheduled as a lab. A series is required. By permission of the instructor. classroom interns in British primary school class- of workshops in the arts, health, technology and Section 1. Early Childhood (Vicki L. Bartolini, Mary rooms. The two school sites are Woodingdean MTEL test preparation complete the course. Lee Griffin) Primary School and Down’s View School, both (Previously Early Childhood and Elementary (Vicki L. Bartolini, Mary in Woodingdeen, U.K. This experience allows Curriculum) Section 2. Elementary Lee Griffin) Wheaton education students to observe and learn (Vicki L. Bartolini) about British literacy and numeracy practices as Section 3. Secondary (Scott Gelber) Connections: well as the education implication of implementing Conx 23015 Learning to Learn in Math and Peer counseling and tutoring a national curriculum in these school settings, one Science 020. Developmental Issues for College a “typical school,” the other a school for profound 390. Teaching of Reading and the Language Students special needs students. Arts An introduction to student development theories, (Mary Lee Griffin) An introduction to reading, writing and related this course is one component of the residence language activities in early childhood and elemen- hall staff selection process. Areas addressed will tary education with emphasis on the development include leadership styles, values clarification and of an understanding of the reading process. The interpersonal skills.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 89 English are taught through a variety of literary, critical and portfolio of work to the department early in the theoretical approaches and all courses integrate first semester of the junior year. Detailed guide- Chair: Samuel Coale concepts and scholarship on race and its inter- lines are available from the department. Students Department homepage: sections with class and gender. hoping to apply for admission to the concentration wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/English/ The English Department participates in inter- are strongly advised to discuss their course plans disciplinary major programs in American Studies, with the director of the creative writing program, Daniel Robert Block Theatre and Dance Studies, and Women’s Studies preferably by the end of their first year or during Brown/Wheaton Faculty Fellow and others. the first semester of sophomore year. Deyonne Bryant English majors wishing to study abroad The English major with a concentration in Samuel Valentine Cole Associate Professor of English, Curriculum Coordinator may do so through Wheaton’s Center for Global creative writing consists of 11 or more courses Education sites in England, Scotland, Ireland, beyond the 100 level, including: Claire Buck Australia and New Zealand. At least six courses in literature, including Eng Professor of English Majors who plan their junior year away should 290, one literature course at the 300 level and James Patrick Byrne take at least four courses toward their major Eng 401. At least one course must be in literature Visiting Assistant Professor of English (Eng 101 does not count toward the major) from before 1800 and at least one course must Constance Campana before leaving. All 300- and 400-level English be in contemporary literature. Teaching Associate in English requirements must be taken at Wheaton. Majors At least five writing courses above the 100 Shawn Christian contemplating graduate study in literature or com- level, normally including three courses at the 200 Assistant Professor of English munications should normally take Eng 306, Eng level and two courses at the 300 level or above. Beverly Lyon Clark 313, Eng 376, and Eng 377, among at least 13 The concentration must include at least one 200- Professor of English English courses beyond Eng 101. or 300-level sequence (poetry writing/advanced Samuel Coale poetry writing or fiction writing/advanced fiction Chair, Professor of English Major in English writing). Students who successfully complete an The major in English consists of 10 or more Katherine Conway advanced writing course may be invited to under- Associate Professor of English courses in English beyond the 100 level. These take an Eng 499 independent study in writing or requirements include: Susan Dearing a 500-level honors project, with the permission of Associate Professor of English Eng 290, a section of Eng 401, two other courses the department. at the 300 level or above and two courses that Michael Drout Other concentrations focus on literature written before 1800. The 300- Prentice Professor of English The following are examples of other potential and 400-level courses must be taken at Wheaton. Talitha Espiritu concentrations within the English major. A student Assistant Professor of English Major in English with a concentration wishing to create a concentration not listed, or to Ruth Foley The English major with a concentration requires modify a listed concentration, needs to petition Visiting Assistant Professor of English 11 courses. Students fulfill the same require- the department for approval. ments as for the basic English major and also Paula M. Krebs The concentration in literature, film and race choose a five-course concentration, for a total of Professor of English The five courses can include such courses as Eng 11 courses in the major. It is normally desirable Lisa Lebduska 209, Eng 247, Eng 255, Eng 256, Eng 257, Eng that one of the five courses in the concentra- Associate Professor of English and Director of 347. College Writing tion be at the 300 level or above. One of the five courses can, with the approval of the department, The concentration in colonial and postcolonial Sherry Mason literature Visiting Assistant Professor of English be taken in a department other than English. In The five courses can include such courses as Eng general, if a student wants to count a course Charlotte Meehan 235, Eng 244, Eng 245, Eng 246, Eng 247. Associate Professor of English, Playwright-in- that is not specifically listed for a concentration Residence in the catalog, he or she needs to petition the The concentration in drama The five courses can include such courses as Eng James Mulholland department for approval. Similarly, a student who Assistant Professor of English wants to create a concentration that is not listed 241, Eng 246, Eng 252, Eng 273, Eng 274, Eng below needs to petition the department. Students 287, Eng 288, Eng 309, Eng 310, Eng 388. Sue Standing Professor of English, Writer in Residence who want to major in English with a particular The concentration in gender concentration should normally apply by the end of Josh Stenger The five courses can include such courses as Eng Associate Professor of Film Studies and English the junior year. 236, Eng 240, Eng 247, Eng 272, Eng 327, Eng David Williams The concentration in creative writing 348, Eng 377. Teaching Associate in English With permission of the department, a student The concentration in medieval/Renaissance interested in creative writing may enroll in a literature The English curriculum offers a balance of old program that emphasizes writing and literature The five courses can include such courses as Eng and new literature, film and print media, writers equally. Students wishing admission to the 207, Eng 208, Eng 273, Eng 306, Eng 309, Eng recognized in the traditional canon and writers creative writing concentration should submit a 310, Eng 313. who have been traditionally marginalized. Courses

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 90 The concentration in poetry completed a one-semester peer tutoring course immigrants of the later 20th century. As you learn The five courses can include such courses as Eng that is jointly offered by the English and education about the differences between high school and 208, Eng 232, Eng 240, Eng 260, Eng 283, Eng departments. college writing expectations, we will use formal 313, Eng 326, Eng 341, Eng 383. You will be asked to do a lot of writing at and informal writing as a tool for learning, reflec- The concentration in modern and contempo- Wheaton, and this course will help you to do it tion, and communication. Expect to write a lot and rary culture and media well. You will work with the instructor and your read a lot, including the writing your student peers The five courses can include such courses as Eng classmates on different kinds of writing assign- produce. 249, Eng 250, Eng 256, Eng 257, Eng 258, Eng ments, and you’ll become more comfortable with (Claire Buck) writing while you improve your skills. Most sec- 272, Eng 286, Eng 341, Eng 343, Eng 348, Eng Section A03 Writing about London 376. tions include both formal and informal writing, and From Big Ben to the Tower of London and a quick you will confer with the instructor about individual Major in dramatic literature and theatre pint at the pub: is this your idea of London? In drafts and, at times, read and respond to other The major in dramatic literature and theatre is this class, we will explore the history of modern students’ writing in a workshop setting. administered jointly by the Theatre and English London. We will read and write about a variety of (See also Spring 2010 Semester sections.) departments. See the Theatre and Dance Studies literary and historical writings, as well as visual department listing for additional requirements. Fall Semester 2009 texts such as maps, paintings, television shows and films, in order to look behind the tourist’s Minor Section A01 Writing Beyond the Classroom This section of first-year writing focuses on the London. From the 18th century onward, the city The English minor is in literature and consists of was the metropolitan center of the British Empire, at least five courses, one of which must be at the rhetorical skills and strategies that you will need to participate in the many conversations taking as reflected in the buildings, the layout of the city, 300 level or above and one of which is Eng 290 and its inhabitants. You will study topics such as or the equivalent. place in your classrooms, on campus, and in the broader world beyond the classroom. We might the use of architecture to reflect England’s idea of Courses begin with a brief work of fiction that lends itself itself as an imperial nation, and the ways in which to at least three possible interpretations, such as different neighborhoods, and even particular Interview Courses materialist, postcolonial and semiotics. You will streets, come to symbolize the class and racial 002. Interview for Fiction Writing learn about audience, among other rhetorical relations of the city. We will look at the diverse See Eng 284 for course description. strategies, and the kinds of evidence you’ll need peoples who have lived in and left their mark on 007. Interview for Advanced Playwriting to persuade the various interpretive communities London: the ruling elites who governed England and designed the city; the working-class poor of See Eng 388 for course description. to which you’ll write. Students enrolled in this sec- the 19th century slums, including Irish and Jewish 013. Interview for Advanced Poetry Workshop tion of first-year writing should end the semester with a better understanding of what is considered immigrants; and the South Asian and Caribbean See Eng 383 for course description. “good writing” in academic environments and in immigrants of the later 20th century. As you learn Writing courses for first-year students and the broader world. about the differences between high school and sophomores (Deyonne Bryant) college writing expectations, we will use formal and informal writing as a tool for learning, reflec- 101. Writing Section A02 Writing about London tion, and communication. Expect to write a lot and Required of all first-year students except those From Big Ben to the Tower of London and a quick read a lot, including the writing your student peers who have passed the Advanced Placement exami- pint at the pub: is this your idea of London? In produce. nation with a 4 or 5 or have passed the Wheaton this class, we will explore the history of modern (Claire Buck) exemption examination, which is given by invita- London. We will read and write about a variety of tion. The focus for the writing and reading varies Section A04 Writing about Reality and Risk literary and historical writings, as well as visual from section to section, permitting students to texts such as maps, paintings, television shows Writing about Reality and Risk will focus on the follow special interests and explore new material. and films, in order to look behind the tourist’s ease with which we use the term “reality” and will All sections introduce students to some college- London. From the 18th century onward, the city seek to discover the many levels of its meaning level literacy practices. The topic for each of the was the metropolitan center of the British Empire, by examining what is “real” in the essays, fiction, sections will be announced before the date of as reflected in the buildings, the layout of the city poetry, and occasional play that will constitute course selections and sent to all entering students and its inhabitants. You will study topics such as our weekly reading. These works will cover such during the summer. Recent topics have included the use of architecture to reflect England’s idea of authors as Emma Goldman, Joan Didion, Arthur popular culture, London, multicultural lives, the itself as an imperial nation, and the ways in which Miller, Sophocles, Virginia Woolf, Auden, Blake, environment and and authority. different neighborhoods, and even particular Flannery O’Connor, James Joyce and many At least one short paper each week or a streets, come to symbolize the class and racial others. The level of attention we apply to each longer paper biweekly is required. Focus is on relations of the city. We will look at the diverse reading will uncover the risk each author has understanding invention, composing, revising and peoples who have lived in and left their mark on taken to say something real; we, in turn, will come editing processes and using them. Students are London: the ruling elites who governed England as close as we can to engaging in the reality encouraged to engage in conferences outside of and designed the city; the working-class poor of each author presents, taking something of a risk class with their professors and to seek the help the 19th century slums, including Irish and Jewish ourselves by doing so. This course is writing and of Wheaton’s student writing tutors, who have immigrants; and the South Asian and Caribbean reading intensive and includes the keeping of an

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 91 academic journal, active participation in class of view. Early class discussions will grow out of Section A10 Writing as Discovery discussions and engagement with each other’s our efforts to collectively define HOUSE music and This section of English 101 will explore some of written work through the ongoing process of peer use that definition as a framework for reading the many ways writing functions as a means of review and workshops. course texts. We will also evaluate and model discovery—of who we are, what we think and (Constance Campana) essays to critically analyze course material, apply know, and what we have to say to others. Within strategies and thoughtfully articulate our insights a workshop format, the challenges of writing ef- Section A05 Writing about H.O.U.S.E. Music about what makes a piece of writing effective. fectively in college will be addressed through fre- To develop and apply strategies that writers use in Class assignments and activities for this section quent one-to-one consultation with the instructor producing effective writing, this section of English will include weekly readings; participating in/or regarding individual students’ work in progress. 101 will employ musical samples, a series of leading class discussion; in-class journaling; peer Assignments are designed to provide ample op- contemporary writings such as Anthony Thomas’ feedback and editing sessions; short response portunity for independent and creative exploration The House the Kids Built, documentary films such papers; longer, peer-edited, prompt-driven papers. while enabling students to gain confidence in a as Paris Is Burning and related writings such (Shawn Christian) variety of writing modes, both formal and informal, as Phillip Brian Harper’s The Subversive Edge: by means of a process involving idea generation, Paris Is Burning, Social Critique, and the Limits of Section A07 Writing about Chocolate, Dragons drafting, revision and editing. Subjective Agency, which demonstrate why some and Other Problems (Susan Dearing) groups in the United States and abroad believe The course will be conducted as a workshop, with that “it’s all about house music.” students completing assignments tailored to their Section A11 Writing about Environmental The essays students will examine are useful individual writing needs and conferring frequently Arguments for studying the craft of written discourse because with the instructor. Most assignments will be ana- Nature. We worship it, battle it, defend it, preserve they demonstrate, for example, how writers con- lytic essays of the sort expected in other college it, buy it, sell it, define it against our art, our ceptualize a project, examine cultural practices, courses (e.g., comparison and contrast, deductive enemies, ourselves. So what is it? And what are contemplate audience, develop a claim into an essay, book review and literary or quantitative the current conversations surrounding it? How argument, or manipulate structure to convey point analysis), yet some of the topics will allow for do various texts form and inform these conver- of view. Early class discussions will grow out of creativity (e.g., dragon fighting, eating chocolate, sations, and how do we enter the exchange? our efforts to collectively define HOUSE music and and personal experiences). Finally, how do our own relationships, histories use that definition as a framework for reading (Beverly Lyon Clark) and experiences with nature and technology filter these arguments? Through reading, discussing, course texts. We will also evaluate and model Section A08 Writing about Chocolate, Dragons essays to critically analyze course material, apply and Other Problems researching and writing about arguments sug- strategies and thoughtfully articulate our insights The course will be conducted as a workshop, with gested by authors as diverse as Ursula LeGuin about what makes a piece of writing effective. students completing assignments tailored to their and Robert Bullard, we will engage the kinds of Class assignments and activities for this section individual writing needs and conferring frequently critical reading and writing needed to participate will include weekly readings; participating in/or with the instructor. Most assignments will be ana- in college life. Writing will unfold as a means of leading class discussion; in-class journaling; peer lytic essays of the sort expected in other college self-reflection, self-expression and communica- feedback and editing sessions; short response courses (e.g., comparison and contrast, deductive tion with others. Peer reviews, collaborative papers; longer, peer-edited, prompt-driven papers. essay, book review and literary or quantitative writing, in-class workshops, and conferences (Shawn Christian) analysis), yet some of the topics will allow for with the professor will help you to hone and creativity (e.g., dragon fighting, eating chocolate, understand your literacy processes. The course Section A06 Writing about H.O.U.S.E. Music and personal experiences). culminates with the submission and presentation To develop and apply strategies that writers use in (Beverly Lyon Clark) of an electronic final portfolio that will be due on producing effective writing, this section of English the last day of classes. 101 will employ musical samples, a series of Section A09 Writing as Discovery (Lisa Lebduska) contemporary writings such as Anthony Thomas’ This section of English 101 will explore some of The House the Kids Built, documentary films such the many ways writing functions as a means of Section A12 Writing about Los Angeles as Paris Is Burning and related writings such discovery—of who we are, what we think and Los Angeles: the City of Angels. How has a city as Phillip Brian Harper’s The Subversive Edge: know, and what we have to say to others. Within burdened with such divine hope come to symbol- Paris Is Burning, Social Critique, and the Limits of a workshop format, the challenges of writing ef- ize all that is most sinfully and hopelessly human Subjective Agency, which demonstrate why some fectively in college will be addressed through fre- about American culture? Why does it continue to groups in the United States and abroad believe quent one-to-one consultation with the instructor attract those whose sense of the American dream that “it’s all about house music.” regarding individual students’ work in progress. is tinged with golden hues, those who read in the The essays students will examine are useful Assignments are designed to provide ample op- tale of Icarus not a cautionary narrative but rather for studying the craft of written discourse because portunity for independent and creative exploration an achievable desire? Is it the possible com- they demonstrate, for example, how writers con- while enabling students to gain confidence in a modification of LA as the utopian realization of the ceptualize a project, examine cultural practices, variety of writing modes, both formal and informal, American dream? In Los Angeles, Morrow Mayo contemplate audience, develop a claim into an by means of a process involving idea generation, has said: “Los Angeles, it should be understood, argument, or manipulate structure to convey point drafting, revision and editing. is not a mere city. On the contrary, it is, and has (Susan Dearing) been since 1888, a commodity; something to be

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 92 advertised and sold to the people of the United Is lived experience harmonious (as reflected in possible answers, along with the work of Louise States like automobiles, cigarettes and mouth naturalistic drama) or chaotic (where the narrative Erdrich, Martin Espada, Barbara Kingsolver, .” arc is less of a rainbow and more of a downward Nelson Mandela and others. If you’re really good, This course will examine how writing about spiral)? We will analyze the ways various artists/ we’ll spend a class or two with Will Smith. This the city has both contributed to and critiqued the writers/filmmakers explore and share their ver- course will have elements of traditional lecture commodification of LA and the glorification of the sions of reality. We’ll discover common threads and discussion along with workshop and small Californian dream. How does writing continue and asymmetries in our own perceptions as we group work. We’ll use the different aspects of cul- to construct the metaphorical cityscape, while look at constructions of meaning, truth in fiction ture as a framework to discuss the larger issues effectively arguing for a reconsideration of the LA and illusions behind certain truths. We’ll start by of writing in both formal and informal assign- story? We will attempt to uncover and map the exploring the line between fiction and nonfiction; ments. Each student will have frequent one-on- pluralities of life in LA, from alienation to segrega- fact and opinion; image and evidence. one consultations with the instructor. There will tion, through a number of different discourses: When we read something, we know words be an emphasis on process and revision while we detective fiction, essays, films, sociopolitical can mean lots of different things, but in such an develop the skills needed for college-level writing. history, and drama. We will be reading work objective genre as photography, is truth easily (Ruth Foley) from writers such as Mike Davis, Joan Didion, visible? Then we’ll look at films by Antonioni, Section A17 Writing about Multicultural Lives Raymond Chandler, John Dunne, Anna Deavere Herzog, and Zana Briski as we explore the power What do you think of when you hear the word Smith and others. of images to define, not merely record reality. “culture”? Race? Religion? Traditions? Language? (James Patrick Byrne) Readings include a play (Edward Albee), a novel Gender? What does it mean to be living among (fiction contextualized in real events and images), Section A13 Writing about Los Angeles people who embody different aspects of culture? selected essays and short stories. Los Angeles: the City of Angels. How has a city What does it mean to identify with more than (Sherry Mason) burdened with such divine hope come to symbol- one culture simultaneously? We’ll look at some ize all that is most sinfully and hopelessly human Section A15 Writing about Image and Reality possible answers, along with the work of Louise about American culture? Why does it continue to When we speak of reality—reality TV, say, or nar- Erdrich, Martin Espada, Barbara Kingsolver, attract those whose sense of the American dream rative realism—whose reality do we mean? What Nelson Mandela and others. If you’re really good, is tinged with golden hues, those who read in the does an accurate representation of reality look we’ll spend a class or two with Will Smith. This tale of Icarus not a cautionary narrative but rather like, and is there such a thing as objective reality? course will have elements of traditional lecture an achievable desire? Is it the possible com- Is lived experience harmonious (as reflected in and discussion along with workshop and small modification of LA as the utopian realization of the naturalistic drama) or chaotic (where the narrative group work. We’ll use the different aspects of cul- American dream? In Los Angeles, Morrow Mayo arc is less of a rainbow and more of a downward ture as a framework to discuss the larger issues has said: “Los Angeles, it should be understood, spiral)? We will analyze the ways various artists/ of writing in both formal and informal assign- is not a mere city. On the contrary, it is, and has writers/filmmakers explore and share their ver- ments. Each student will have frequent one-on- been since 1888, a commodity; something to be sions of reality. We’ll discover common threads one consultations with the instructor. There will advertised and sold to the people of the United and asymmetries in our own perceptions as we be an emphasis on process and revision while we States like automobiles, cigarettes and mouth look at constructions of meaning, truth in fiction develop the skills needed for college-level writing. wash.” and illusions behind certain truths. We’ll start by (Ruth Foley) This course will examine how writing about exploring the line between fiction and nonfiction; the city has both contributed to and critiqued the fact and opinion; image and evidence. Spring Semester, 2010 commodification of LA and the glorification of the When we read something, we know words Section B19 Writing Beyond the Classroom Californian dream. How does writing continue can mean lots of different things, but in such an This section of first-year writing focuses on the to construct the metaphorical cityscape, while objective genre as photography, is truth easily rhetorical skills and strategies that you will need effectively arguing for a reconsideration of the LA visible? Then we’ll look at films by Antonioni, to participate in the many conversations taking story? We will attempt to uncover and map the Herzog, and Zana Briski as we explore the power place in your classrooms, on campus, and in the pluralities of life in LA, from alienation to segrega- of images to define, not merely record reality. broader world beyond the classroom. We might tion, through a number of different discourses: Readings include a play (Edward Albee), a novel begin with a brief work of fiction that lends itself detective fiction, essays, films, sociopolitical (fiction contextualized in real events and images), to at least three possible interpretations, such as history, and drama. We will be reading work selected essays and short stories. materialist, postcolonial and semiotics. You will from writers such as Mike Davis, Joan Didion, (Sherry Mason) learn about audience, among other rhetorical Raymond Chandler, John Dunne, Anna Deavere strategies, and the kinds of evidence you’ll need Section A16 Writing about Multicultural Lives Smith and others. to persuade the various interpretive communities What do you think of when you hear the word (James Patrick Byrne) to which you’ll write. Students enrolled in this sec- “culture”? Race? Religion? Traditions? Language? tion of first-year writing should end the semester Section A14 Writing about Image and Reality Gender? What does it mean to be living among with a better understanding of what is considered When we speak of reality—reality TV, say, or nar- people who embody different aspects of culture? “good writing” in academic environments and in rative realism—whose reality do we mean? What What does it mean to identify with more than the broader world. does an accurate representation of reality look one culture simultaneously? We’ll look at some (Deyonne Bryant) like, and is there such a thing as objective reality?

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 93 Section B20 Writing about Reality and Risk arguments and presenting textual evidence that this course will teach you to read like a writer and Writing about Reality and Risk will focus on the demonstrates complexity and is able to sway write like a critic. ease with which we use the term “reality” and will readers. John M. Lannon’s The Writing Process (Talitha Espiritu) seek to discover the many levels of its meaning (10th edition) will be our primary text, but we Section B25 Writing about the Journalistic by examining what is “real” in the essays, fiction, will read the nightmarish Innocent Man by John Tradition poetry, and occasional play that will constitute Grisham and Walter Mosley’s Devil in a Blue Powerful imagery, moving stories and unforget- our weekly reading. These works will cover such Dress. We will focus research around cultural table quotes all make for great journalism. But the authors as Emma Goldman, Joan Didion, Arthur practices that bring harm to others yet seem to craft of writing news and criticism for the popular Miller, Sophocles, Virginia Woolf, Auden, Blake, resist reform. In defining and redefining crime press grows as much from a “readerly” approach Flannery O’Connor, James Joyce and many we will question, research, and, through writing to writing as it does from the other stand-bys of others. The level of attention we apply to each multiple drafts, perhaps even reach audiences the craft: skilled observation, rigorous reporting reading will uncover the risk each author has beyond our classroom. and critical thinking. This course is about reading taken to say something real; we, in turn, will come Class texts include films that will be shown to write. We will revisit Civil War hospitals and as close as we can to engaging in the reality outside of class on a weekday evening. If you battlefields with Walt Whitman; follow the muck- each author presents, taking something of a risk can’t make class viewing times, however, you may raking paths of Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair; go ourselves by doing so. This course is writing and see the film on your own. Library viewing rooms to war with Edward Murrow, John Hersey and Neil reading intensive and includes the keeping of an make this option possible. Sheehan; and immerse ourselves in the coun- academic journal, active participation in class (Katherine Conway) terculture with Hunter S. Thompson. With these discussions and engagement with each other’s Section B23 Writing as Discovery pieces of writing as our companions and guides, written work through the ongoing process of peer This section of English 101 will explore some of we will learn to read deeply, excavating the review and workshops. the many ways writing functions as a means of reporting methodologies, expressive devices and (Constance Campana) discovery—of who we are, what we think and storytelling techniques that have allowed great Section B21 Writing about know, and what we have to say to others. Within reporters to confront their objects of analysis. Exactly what is postmodernism? And are we still a workshop format, the challenges of writing ef- Through in class reading and writing workshops, “in” it, or have we moved on? Can it be related fectively in college will be addressed through fre- this course will teach you to read like a writer and to something as esoteric as quantum theory in quent one-to-one consultation with the instructor write like a critic. physics? Or evolution and “intelligent design”? regarding individual students’ work in progress. (Talitha Espiritu) What are the “special” attributes of the postmod- Assignments are designed to provide ample op- Section B26 Writing about Los Angeles ernist writer? How have their subjects and visions portunity for independent and creative exploration Los Angeles: the City of Angels. How has a city shifted from more traditional texts? while enabling students to gain confidence in a burdened with such divine hope come to symbol- We will read a novel a week, and then discuss variety of writing modes, both formal and informal, ize all that is most sinfully and hopelessly human it in class, focusing on such authors as Thomas by means of a process involving idea generation, about American culture? Why does it continue to Pynchon, Toni Morrison, Don DeLillo, Joan Didion, drafting, revision and editing. attract those whose sense of the American dream Tim O’Brien, Edward Albee, Paul Auster, John (Susan Dearing) is tinged with golden hues, those who read in the Cheever and others. Students will lead discus- Section B24 Writing about the Journalistic tale of Icarus not a cautionary narrative but rather sions on each text that we wrestle with and will Tradition an achievable desire? Is it the possible com- write a 5-page paper every two weeks. In terms Powerful imagery, moving stories and unforget- modification of LA as the utopian realization of the of writing, we will focus on thesis-driven argu- table quotes all make for great journalism. But the American dream? In Los Angeles, Morrow Mayo ments, backed up by clear and logically organized craft of writing news and criticism for the popular has said: “Los Angeles, it should be understood, evidence from the texts we discuss. press grows as much from a “readerly” approach is not a mere city. On the contrary, it is, and has We will also attempt to shape and form our to writing as it does from the other stand-bys of been since 1888, a commodity; something to be own definition of postmodernism and its effects the craft: skilled observation, rigorous reporting advertised and sold to the people of the United on our consumer culture, imperialistic ambitions, and critical thinking. This course is about reading States like automobiles, cigarettes and mouth and media-driven images. Quantum Theory plays to write. We will revisit Civil War hospitals and wash.” a role in this postmodern age as well, and we will battlefields with Walt Whitman; follow the muck- This course will examine how writing about look into it in relation to the books we read. raking paths of Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair; go the city has both contributed to and critiqued the (Samuel Coale) to war with Edward Murrow, John Hersey and Neil commodification of LA and the glorification of the Section B22 Writing about Crime and Injustice Sheehan; and immerse ourselves in the coun- Californian dream. How does writing continue The rhetoric of mystery, crime, or court narratives terculture with Hunter S. Thompson. With these to construct the metaphorical cityscape, while has become a dominant discourse in American pieces of writing as our companions and guides, effectively arguing for a reconsideration of the LA culture. We will discuss conventions that cast we will learn to read deeply, excavating the story? We will attempt to uncover and map the characters as victims or transgressors and reporting methodologies, expressive devices and pluralities of life in LA, from alienation to segrega- examine the assumptions within those conven- storytelling techniques that have allowed great tion, through a number of different discourses: tions. Using this lens in a college writing class reporters to confront their objects of analysis. detective fiction, essays, films, sociopolitical allows us to practice various methods of creating Through in class reading and writing workshops, history, and drama. We will be reading work

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 94 from writers such as Mike Davis, Joan Didion, myths—in a variety of contexts that challenge and the final large report, students will also be Raymond Chandler, John Dunne, Anna Deavere class and cultural assumptions about what required to attend at least one career-related Smith and others. is important to know. Authors ranging from workshop or seminar offered by the Filene Center (James Patrick Byrne) Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglas to and to prepare a short report based on that Jamaica Kincaid and Joan Didion have taken up seminar. Section B27 Writing about Image and Reality this subject with wildly different ideas in mind. (Lisa Lebduska) When we speak of reality—reality TV, say, or nar- Together, we will engage a variety of writings, at rative realism—whose reality do we mean? What least one film, a radical encyclopedia, and likely Connections: does an accurate representation of reality look a play in production to begin to shape a critical Conx 20018 Communicating Information like, and is there such a thing as objective reality? approach to what we study and why. All of this will Conx 20066 Public Writing Is lived experience harmonious (as reflected in be taken up with the goal of creating a dynamic naturalistic drama) or chaotic (where the narrative 281. Creative Nonfiction environment for your rhetorical writing to grow. arc is less of a rainbow and more of a downward Workshop participants will study and practice the Writing and rewriting will be our mantra, as well spiral)? We will analyze the ways various artists/ techniques of creative nonfiction through guided as peer critiques, intellectual rigor and stimulating writers/filmmakers explore and share their ver- exercises. Significant writing and revision. Open to conversation. Be prepared to share your brilliance, sions of reality. We’ll discover common threads sophomores, juniors and seniors with permission generosity and enthusiasm for the luxurious life of and asymmetries in our own perceptions as we of the instructor. the mind and the responsibility that comes with it. look at constructions of meaning, truth in fiction (Deyonne Bryant) (Charlotte Meehan) and illusions behind certain truths. We’ll start by 282. Literary Translation exploring the line between fiction and nonfiction; 010. Basic Writing An introduction to the theory and practice of liter- fact and opinion; image and evidence. A small class for students who want individualized ary translation. In addition to reading translations When we read something, we know words instruction and practice in writing and who need and discussing the pleasures and problems of can mean lots of different things, but in such an to achieve a satisfactory level of proficiency in translation, students will undertake individual objective genre as photography, is truth easily written academic English. In addition to one class projects in translation of poetry and fiction of their visible? Then we’ll look at films by Antonioni, meeting per week, students meet individually with choice. Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors Herzog, and Zana Briski as we explore the power the course instructor and a writing tutor to identify with reading competency in one or more lan- of images to define, not merely record reality. and pursue solutions to specific writing problems. guages in addition to English. Previous experience Readings include a play (Edward Albee), a novel The course is normally taken either prior to or at in creative writing is desirable, but not required. (fiction contextualized in real events and images), the same time as English 101. (Sue Standing) selected essays and short stories. (Susan Dearing, Constance Campana) (Sherry Mason) 283. Poetry Writing: Form and Craft 060. Writing for Multilingual (ESL) Students An introduction to poetry writing and poetics. Section B28 Writing about Multicultural Lives English 060 is designed to help non-native Student writing, as well as issues of craft and What do you think of when you hear the word speaking of English to gain the knowledege, skills technique, will be discussed in class and in indi- “culture”? Race? Religion? Traditions? Language? and practice necessary to succeed at college vidual conferences. Some experience in writing Gender? What does it mean to be living among writing. Students who place into this course must poetry is preferred, but not essential. people who embody different aspects of culture? take it for two semesters, once concurrently with (Sue Standing) What does it mean to identify with more than English 101 in the fall semester, and then once one culture simultaneously? We’ll look at some more in the spring, in order to fulfill the first-year 284. Fiction Writing: Form and Craft possible answers, along with the work of Louise writing and foreign language requirements. With This course is designed to give students practical Erdrich, Martin Espada, Barbara Kingsolver, permission of the instructor, other students for knowledge of the basics of craft as well as insight Nelson Mandela and others. If you’re really good, whom English is a second language may elect to into the creative process. Workshop participants we’ll spend a class or two with Will Smith. This take the course once for one-half credit or twice will study and practice the techniques of writing course will have elements of traditional lecture for one full credit. the character-driven story through guided exer- and discussion along with workshop and small (Ruth Foley) cises. Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors group work. We’ll use the different aspects of cul- with permission of the instructor. 198. Experimental Courses ture as a framework to discuss the larger issues (Deyonne Bryant) of writing in both formal and informal assign- Other writing courses 285. Literary Journalism ments. Each student will have frequent one-on- 280. Professional and Technical Writing Combines practice in expository journalistic writ- one consultations with the instructor. There will An advanced course in practical writing, with ing with basic reporting skills and discussion of be an emphasis on process and revision while we emphasis on writing as problem solving and on the cultural work of journalism. The focus in the develop the skills needed for college-level writing. conciseness and clarity. Each student will select class will be on depth rather than timeliness, on (Ruth Foley) a particular local problem requiring a professional rewriting and revision rather than writing quickly. Section B29 Writing about Knowing and Not or technical solution, research the history of that Students should expect to publish some of their Knowing problem, and write a report recommending a work in an appropriate forum. We are going to explore and explode systems course of action to a specific audience. In addition (Paula M. Krebs) of knowledge building—and their surrounding to preparing frequent shorter writing assignments

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 95 287. Writing for Performance readings as models, will be discussed in work- tual property; licit and illicit forms of exchange; What is performance? From the wave of a hand shop sessions and individual conferences. collective intelligence and participatory culture. and the way we hold utensils to our intonation (Sue Standing) Embedded within these and myriad other exam- patterns and use of vocabulary, what often appear ples are questions to which we will strive to find 384. Advanced Fiction Workshop to be “unconscious” behaviors actually play out answers: When my username lets me be anyone This course allows students to study and practice as signifying performances for spectators on the I want, what happens to our sense of Self? When various aspects of fiction writing through work- stage of everyday life. Together, we will recre- you can connect to anyone, anywhere at any time, shops and readings in the long story, the novella ate, revise, expand and contextualize our own what happens to neighborhoods? To nations? How and the novel. Class discussions will be based on performances and “stage” them—everywhere but are Google and Wikipedia changing what it means the students’ manuscripts and selected published in the theatre. Readings in philosophy, perfor- to “know” something? In a world where borders works. Significant written output and revision are mance theory, art history, theatre and current are easy to miss and hard to police, who belongs? expected of workshop participants. events will help to foster a climate of heightening Who doesn’t? Who decides? (Deyonne Bryant) and transforming the details and language of We will cast our net wide in the pursuit of autobiography. 388. Advanced Playwriting answers to these and other questions, consulting (Charlotte Meehan) After we’ve written one or two plays, what we both “popular” and “academic” sources such as: have to hold onto in those terrifying moments of visual media and video games, online fan commu- Connections: facing the blank page are more refined instincts; nities and social networks, cultural studies, literary Conx 20009 Performing into Theory a sharper sense of immediacy; some tools for criticism, and feminist, queer and critical race 288. Playwriting: Form and Craft creating character, dialogue, setting and dramatic theories. Students should expect to be part of a highly participatory learning community, as we will Conflict. Paradox. Mystery. Suspense. Gossip. arc, and probably a stronger determination to all be teachers and students of the material both Poetry. Lies. All the ingredients of great plays. make the beast fly. Through a series of writing in the classroom and in various online spaces, From dreams, memories, coupons, newspaper exercises and an ongoing discussion of individual including a class blog and wiki. articles, rare books, overheard snippets of conver- creative process, we will focus on developing, (Josh Stenger) sation, visual images and sounds, you will be en- shaping, refining and energizing our content. couraged to create fragments of dramatic writing Plays written in this course will be included in Third Cinema the annual spring New Plays Festival. Readings (i.e., dialogues, monologues, settings) unique to Peoples of color are the majority filmmakers of of contemporary plays, theory, manifestos and your own imagination and temperament. Then our the world. Ironically, the aesthetically and politi- reviews will supplement our creative work. focus will shift to revision and expansion—deep- cally diverse cinemas of Asia, Africa and Latin (Charlotte Meehan) ening character, refining language and building America continue to be a “minority” presence in a dramatic arc. Readings of contemporary plays, 398. Experimental Courses film studies. This advanced film course focuses theory, manifestos and reviews will supplement Rhetoric and Advanced Composition on Third Cinema theory—the only body of film our creative work. theory that did not originate in Europe or North This course explores ancient and contemporary (Charlotte Meehan) America. Originally tied to the political agendas of concepts of rhetoric and composition. As individu- the decolonizing world, Third Cinema has since 289. Word and Image als and collaborators, we will compose and deliver expanded to embrace indigenous, hybrid and This course focuses on interrelations between numerous arguments for a variety of audiences. transnational forms of cinematic production and creative writing and visual imagery. Following ex- Student work will culminate with the submission political mobilization. What affinities exist between plorations of writers’ responses to visual phenom- of a digital portfolio containing written, visual and the cinemas of Black America and Black Brazil? ena (including painting, sculpture, photography, (possibly) oral arguments. What are the continuities and discontinuities artists’ books, scientific imagery and other media) (Lisa Lebduska) and artists’ responses to language, you will have between the of Bollywood films and the Culture and New Media the opportunity to write about and to create “national popular” in New Latin American cinema? multimedia pieces and to collaborate with others, New technologies of communication do more than How have indigenous elites in the Philippines and both inside and outside the class. This course is shape how we produce and share information, Senegal set the political agendas of their respec- designed primarily for creative writing students, ideas and images. They respond to and accelerate tive vanguard cinemas? Through a mix of case but artists, musicians, dancers, filmmakers and profound cultural changes. In this course, we studies and theoretical explication, this course will others interested in multimedia projects incorpo- will focus on the relationship between culture give advanced film students the tools to embark rating texts are also encouraged to enroll. and “new media,” a term that describes the on original research on Third Cinema and the pro- (Sue Standing) convergence of formerly distinct media—cinema, ductive dialogues that may be opened up within television, print, photography, etc.—in a digital and between “minority” communities. Connections: environment. (Talitha Espiritu) The ascendancy of new media is being felt Conx 23012 Visualizing Information 399. Independent Writing across a broad spectrum of cultural institutions 383. Advanced Poetry Workshop As part of the creative writing concentration, after and practices—libraries, museums and universi- successful completion of at least one advanced Intensive practice in the writing of poetry. ties; the authorship and ownership of intellec- Exercises and independent work, using assigned writing workshop, students may be invited to

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 96 undertake a semester of independent writing early 18th century, this course examines the enor- the abolition of slavery in British colonies would under the guidance of and with permission of the mous political, social and literary changes that have on traditional relations among social classes instructor. occur with the advent of modern Great Britain. We and races. This course will examine Victorian (Deyonne Bryant, Charlotte Meehan, will read more traditional authors such as Swift, literature that explores ideas about women’s role Sue Standing) Rochester, Dryden and Pope, as well as recently and sexuality as well as literature that focuses on “discovered” authors like Lady Mary Wortley new kinds of work and the concerns about class English literature and languages Montagu, Anne Finch and Aphra Behn. We will that arose from the changes of industrialism. We After successfully completing English 101, all look at Pepys’s accounts of England during fire, will read poetry, nonfiction prose, novels, travel students are encouraged to take any English plague and political upheaval; explore the emer- literature and plays. Department course at the 200 level, except gence of modern journalism in Addison, Steel (Paula M. Krebs) English 290, which should be taken once at least and Haywood; and read travel narratives that will one other 200-level English course has been suc- help bring into focus British encounters—and Connections: cessfully completed. responses to encounters—with the cultures and Conx 20019 The Darwin Connection: Evolution, 207. Medieval Literature: Beowulf and Others people of the Americas, the Near East, India and Race and Culture The class will examine medieval literature from the Pacific Islands. 240. Gender, Genre and Poetry the Anglo-Saxon period to the end of the 15th (James Mulholland) Poets are male. Muses are female. But what century. All texts will be in translation or modern- 232. Romantic Reveries and Revolutionary happens when the conventions get reversed? ized. We will read Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Visions This course introduces you to the study of poetry Green Knight and Dante’s Inferno as well as vari- What has the British Romantic legacy of writ- by focusing on how gender gets associated with ous shorter texts from the Old and Middle English ers like Wordsworth and Keats, Coleridge and types of poetry and what individual poets do to periods. Shelley left us? How did they grapple with their subvert or refuse those associations. We will (Michael Drout) revolutionary ideals as well as their own historical also ask what gender has to do with categories 208. Anglo-Saxon Literature circumstances? We will critically and culturally such as race, class and sexuality in the writing of Students in this class will learn Anglo-Saxon, the examine their poetic exploration of the mind in all poetry. You will read poems from different periods earliest form of English. We will mix the study its psychological complexities, the political dimen- and cultures with an emphasis on the relationship of language with the study of literature and by sions of their lyric assertions and the images that between works that have come to exemplify a the end of the semester students will be able still seem to affect our contemporary culture. particular genre, such as Homer’s epic poem The to translate Anglo-Saxon poetry. Readings will (Samuel Coale) Illiad or sonnets by Shakespeare and later works that revise those models. include famous and beloved poems such as 235. Empire, Race and the Victorians Beowulf, The Dream of the Rood, The Wanderer (Claire Buck) By the end of the 19th century, Britain had the and The Seafarer as well as prose texts and less most powerful colonial empire in the world. Connections: well-known poems. The course uses King Alfred, That empire was acquired during a key time in an experimental computerized learning assistant. Conx 23004 Gender the formation of European and American ideas (Michael Drout) 241. Modern Drama about race and we have inherited many of the Victorians’ assumptions about race, ethnicity Although it is impossible to read all the plays of Connections: and relations between Western Europe, Africa, the modern period in one semester, by reading Conx 20056 Computing and Texts Asia and America. This course explores literature the “blockbusters” alongside lesser- and little- 209. African American Literature and Culture about the British Empire, the political, social and known avant garde plays, we will together build a A survey of African American literature and its sometimes even sexual issues that underlay the foundation for taking up the important question of interplay with other modes of cultural produc- acquisition of colonies and the scientific writings how the “canon” becomes encoded. Supplemental tion in African America. Students will examine that helped to shape definitions of race. We readings of particular productions, manifestos, representations of African American experiences will read poetry, nonfiction prose, novels, travel theoretical essays, biographical accounts and in poetry, drama, autobiography, fiction and film/ literature and plays, and we will share resources historical material will enrich individual and collec- documentary. Individual projects and small- and some class time with Bio 111. tive responses to the dramatic texts. In this way, group work will enable students to engage in the (Paula M. Krebs) all of us become active participants in keeping contexts out of which the experiences detailed in the “body” of modern drama alive. Authors will the texts emerge. Connections: include Samuel Beckett, Bertolt Brecht, Georg (Shawn Christian) Conx 20019 The Darwin Connection: Evolution, Büchner, Jean Genet, Lorraine Hansberry, Eugène Race and Culture Ionesco, Eugene O’Neill, Gertrude Stein, August Connections: Strindberg, Tennessee Williams and others. 236. Sex, Work and the Victorians Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics (Charlotte Meehan) Male and female Victorians were obsessed with 224. Eighteenth-Century Literature and “the Woman Question” in employment, educa- 243. Science Fiction Culture tion and other public and private areas. Upper-, This course is an examination of recent science By introducing students to the poetry, prose, middle- and working-class Victorians wondered fiction (mostly written after 1970) and the ways drama, and culture of the late 17th century and about the effects that both industrialization and in which the genre fits into and shapes the wider

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 97 culture. In most years, the course will be linked national culture, the role of the United States in emergence of film narrative, genre, silent features to Math Thought and students will be required contemporary Irish culture, and debates about the and the star system; formation of the Hollywood to take both courses in order to take either one. of homosexuality. We will read drama, studio system; American “race movies”; Soviet In those years the course will focus on the ways poetry and fiction by familiar figures such as montage; German expressionism; French impres- that mathematics and science fiction interact to Wilde, Yeats, Lady Gregory, Joyce, and Friel and sionism; documentary and avant-grade cinema describe the contemporary world and shape the less-familiar figures such as Marina Carr, Frank and so on. future. When not linked to Math Thought, the McGuinness, Marie Jones and Mary Dorcey. (Josh Stenger) course will examine the ways that science fiction (Claire Buck, James Patrick Byrne) 252. Contemporary Drama: The Tip of the creates worlds and offers salvation, and how gen- 247. African American Women’s Literature Iceberg der, power and race are developed in a science This course is about American feminist fiction of Just as painting changed with the invention of fiction context. the 1970s and 1980s. Participants will examine the camera, contemporary plays continue to be (Michael Drout) how the discourses of Women’s Liberation and influenced by television and film. Some play- wrights use the influence to create a new twist Connections: Black feminism reshaped the imaginative con- on the realistic tradition, while others write highly Conx 20031 Science FACTion structions of women’s lives in American society. In addition to revisiting the major social movements theatrical, often nonlinear pieces that can only 244. Contemporary Caribbean Literature in in America of the 1930s to the 1980s, students be performed for the stage. We will address the English enrolled in the class will also apply contemporary inherent tensions between these dramatic strate- An introduction to the work of Anglophone theories of identity and subjectivity to the feminist gies, taking up the question of how content (politi- Caribbean writers who grapple with the issues realist fiction of the Seventies and Eighties. Some cal, socioeconomic, race, gender and aesthetic of colonialism, class, race, ethnicity and gender attention will be given to the early Chicana femi- concerns) affects form. Readings will range from in a context of often-conflicting allegiances to nist movement. Texts include those by authors recent Pulitzer Prize winners to hot-off-the-press Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. The main Marge Piercy, Marilyn French, Alice Walker and unproduced plays by some of America’s most emphasis will be on fiction and poetry published Cherry Moraga, among others. The course ends renowned, as well as emerging, playwrights. since the 1950s, but we will also read some ear- with the question: Is there an enduring feminist (Charlotte Meehan) lier 20th-century literature to better understand aesthetic? the priorities and concerns of later writers. As we 253. American Literature to 1865 (Deyonne Bryant) read, we will find some common concerns reap- A critical and cultural exploration of works and ideologies from Navajo and Hopi tales of origins pearing, such as anti-imperialism and national- Connections: ism, migrancy and homeland, and the relationship to Puritan pathologies and predestined patterns, Conx 20034 The Historical Context of of literature to oral traditions and Caribbean music from enlightened progress to slave narratives and Contemporary American Culture such as calypso, reggae and dub. Authors usually romantic reveries. Writers will include Wheatley, Conx 23005 Women in the United States include Derek Walcott, Kamau Brathwaite, Louise Edwards, Bradstreet, Franklin, Hawthorne, Stowe, Bennett, Grace Nichols, Olive Senior, V. S. Naipaul, 249. Hollywood Genres Douglass, Poe and others. We will examine litera- The Mighty Sparrow and Jean Binta Breeze. What makes a western a western, a musical ture as historical and cultural document as well as (Claire Buck) a musical? For Hollywood, genre has histori- individual testimony and demonic vision. cally served as a form of product differentiation (Beverly Lyon Clark, Samuel Coale) 245. African Literature organized around specific narrative codes and An introduction to sub-Saharan African literature, conventions. Genres reveal much about how Connections: orature and film in English and English translation. Hollywood interacts with and responds to shifts in Conx 20057 Early American Studies Authors usually include Chinua Achebe, Ama Ata audience tastes and cultural values. The course 255. Cultural Diversity in American Literature: Aidoo, J. M. Coetzee, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Buchi will introduce students to a variety of Hollywood From the Civil War to the 1940s Emecheta, Bessie Head, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Wole genres and theories of generic formation in order A critical survey of race, class, ethnic, gender and Soyinka and Amos Tutuola, among others. to increase our understanding of the commer- immigration issues by the richly diverse authors (Sue Standing) cial, artistic and ideological function of genres. of America’s late 19th and early 20th centuries. Required weekly film viewing. Works by African American, Asian American, Connections: (Josh Stenger) Native American and Anglo American writers Conx 23001 African Worlds such as Chesnutt, Dunbar, Du Bois, Hughes, 246. Modern Irish Literature Connections: McKay, Eastman, Eaton (Sui-Sin Far) Standing A study of the role of literary culture in the Conx 20034 The Historical Context of Bear, James, Wharton, Chopin, Hemingway and formation of modern Ireland since the late 19th Contemporary American Culture Faulkner. century. We will examine the response of Irish 250. Film History I: Cinema to 1940 (James Patrick Byrne, Samuel Coale) writers to English racial stereotypes of the Irish This course examines motion picture history from 256. The Discourses of Cultural Diversity in and their attempt to create new images of Ireland the late 19th century to the advent of World War U.S. Fiction and Irishness. Topics will include the viability II. Students will be introduced to the artistic, tech- Examination of writers since the post-World War II of the Irish language in modern literature, the nological, industrial and social dimensions of film period from a variety of discourses and traditions use of Irish mythology, the place of women in during these decades. Areas of focus may include:

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 98 in U.S. culture, including Native American, African texts, but also how to “talk” to the powerful media Connections: American, Latino/a and Asian American. institutions that touch our lives. Conx 23006 Sexuality (Shawn Christian) (Talitha Espiritu) 273. Malcontents, Monarchy and Revenge in Early Modern Drama Connections: 259. J. R. R. Tolkien The decades from 1590 to 1640 produced some Conx 20070 Language and Literacy Sometimes called the “author of the century,” J. R. R. Tolkien left his mark on both scholarship of the richest—and most violent—drama written Conx 20034 The Historical Context of and the popular culture. Whether or not The Lord in English. Playwrights such as Marlowe, Kyd, Contemporary American Culture of the Rings is “literature” is one of the major Dekker, Jonson, Webster, Beaumont and Fletcher 257. Race and Racism in U.S. Cinema topics of this course. Students will read Tolkien’s as well as Shakespeare dramatized nationhood U.S. cinema has always struggled with both major works, including The Hobbit, The Lord of the and nightmarish revenge for London audiences race and racism. This course examines the long, Rings, and The Silmarillion, as well as his medi- who also were entertained by bear baiting and complex history of representations (and erasures) eval scholarship. We will also examine Tolkien’s public hangings. As global exploration and com- of racial difference in U.S. film. Although most sources, including Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the merce accelerated, the English public and private mainstream films and public discussions frame Green Knight, Old Norse poetry and saga, and the theatres excited playgoers by portraying foreign race as a black-and-white issue, this course Finnish Kalevala. The reading load for this course characters and societies as degenerate and understands racial formations in the U.S. to be is greater than 2000 pages (plus all three Peter immoral. Students will read selected plays and more multiple. We will watch films from a wide Jackson films), so students should be prepared. historical and cultural texts, perform and produce historical range that speak to and problematize (Michael Drout) scenes, and write a variety of papers as well as a the experiences of Chicanos, African Americans, revenge play to understand more fully the social Asian Americans, Native Americans and Anglo Connections: and imaginative worlds of early modern English Americans (yes, white is a race, too) in the U.S. Conx 20056 Computing and Texts theatre. Required weekly film viewing. (Katherine Conway) 260. American Voices in Lyric Combat (Josh Stenger) Who can claim to be an “American” voice? And 274. Restoration Theatre and Beyond From Aphra Behn’s The Rover to The Beggar’s Connections: how? Langston Hughes or Walt Whitman? Emily Dickinson or Elizabeth Bishop? Hart Crane or Opera to Sheridan’s School for Scandal, this Conx 20034 The Historical Context of Sylvia Plath? T. S. Eliot or Marianne Moore? This course covers shifting modes of humor, wit and Contemporary American Culture course will explore American poetry from several sophistication portrayed on the English stage, 258. Introduction to Film Studies vantage points, including race, gender, class, while taking into account the social, cultural and Current trends stemming from the globalization of historical circumstance, cultural imperative, political elements driving change in the English the media and its accompanying media synergies linguistic patterns and the whole uncertain idea of state. The course covers the Restoration antimor- make it untenable to view the cinema as a dis- an “American” voice. alist backlash, the theatre’s relationship to the crete, unitary phenomenon. This course addresses (Samuel Coale) mid-18th-century rise of the novel, the late-cen- this phenomenon in a parallel manner by bridging tury move toward sensibility and the changes to 271. Nineteenth-Century Narrative the disciplinary divides between film theory, media English theatre that arrived with the 19th century. and cultural studies. Conjoining theoretical and The 19th century had many different storytell- (James Mulholland) historical approaches to cinematic texts, institu- ing modes, from the satirical romances of Jane 276. Victorian Poetry tions and audiences, this course explores the mul- Austen to the psychological realism of George tidimensional nature of the cinema and its place Eliot to the ghost stories of Dickens and the Victorian culture valued poetry: children recited it in society: (1) as representational spaces with detective tales of Arthur Conan Doyle. This course in the parlor, soldiers sang it en route to battle and textual properties and reading protocols enabling provides an overview of the many kinds of nar- the queen kept Tennyson on her bedside table (his the creation of “meaning,” (2) as a unique industry rative loved by 19th-century Britons and helps poetry, that is). This course brings you a range of driven by political and economic agendas; and (3) students develop skills in close reading as well as Victorian poetry and highlights some of the recur- as a social practice that audiences “do,” involving historical and cultural analysis. rent themes of the period (such as imperialism relations of subjectivity and power. (Beverly Lyon Clark, Paula M. Krebs) and gender roles) as well as issues of form (with special attention to the dramatic monologue, As such, we shall survey various approaches 272. Romancing the Novel to the study of the cinema, and work through cru- comic poetry and narrative poetry). A course addressing both high-culture and pop- (Paula M. Krebs) cial questions regarding film analysis (e.g., what is culture romances, from Jane Austen to Harlequin. the relationship between film and literature?), the Works may include Pride and Prejudice, Jane 286. Children’s Literature political economy of the media (e.g., is the cinema Eyre, Daisy Miller, The Making of a Marchioness, An in-depth historical survey of British and U.S. a democratic institution?) and audience reception Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Lolita, Oranges Are Not children’s literature focused on appreciating (e.g., what is a fan? Why do we adore “stars”?). the Only Fruit, The English Patient, a Harlequin the texts as literature, but also addressing their By engaging these issues, this course will teach romance and criticism of romance fiction. responsiveness to children’s needs and interests you not only how to engage critically with media (Beverly Lyon Clark) and other cultural contexts. Readings include Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Little Women,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 99 The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Charlotte’s Web, Where the varying ways in which writing induced readers is constructed by the sonneteers as well as the Wild Things Are and much more. to become writers themselves and how this shift Jonson, Herrick, Queen Elizabeth I and Amelia (Beverly Lyon Clark) influenced the formation of subjectivity, social Lanyer. Through our close reading, we’ll examine relations, gender and race. the literary conventions of form and meter and Connections: (Daniel Block) the divergence from such conventions made by Conx 20012 Reading Children Donne, Herbert, Marvell, Milton and Bradstreet. 306. Chaucer (Katherine Conway) 290. Approaches to Literature and Culture A study of the Canterbury Tales and other This course introduces current debates in the field Chaucerian verse in the original Middle English. 320. Beowulf of English studies. It tackles a variety of ways of We will discuss the ways that Chaucer portrays In this course students will translate all of approaching literary and cultural texts, includ- the social and cultural struggles of the 14th Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon poem that is usually ing film, from the Freudian to the feminist to the century as we marvel at the poet’s skill with verse called the earliest English epic. Topics of discus- postcolonialist. What difference does knowledge and laugh at his dirty stories. Students do not sion will include manuscripts and material culture, about the historical period or cultural context in need previous experience with medieval literature comparative philology, heroism and epic morality, which a text was written make to the way we read or Middle English to be successful in the course. influence, adaptation and oral tradition. Students it? Does knowing the author of a text change our (Michael Drout) must be proficient in Old English, having taken reading of it? Is film authorship different from either Eng 208 or its equivalent. literary authorship? Does our own class, 309. Shakespeare and the Performance of Cultures (Michael Drout) race or gender affect our reading? We will read “What is my nation?” This key question from theory about language and representation, race 325. The Eighteenth-Century Novel Henry V can be interjected into many of in literature and the economics of literary and Before the 18th century, novels in English did not Shakespeare’s plays. This course will look espe- cultural production, and we will test these ideas exist. By the end of the 18th century, however, cially at how Shakespeare’s plays serve to define on literature and other kinds of texts such as many cultural figures worried about the seemingly places and peoples. We will investigate how dif- advertisements, film and other visual media. obsessive novel reading that was going on among ferent productions may have aided rebellion and (Claire Buck, Shawn Christian, Paula M. Krebs) young (particularly female) readers. This course question how others may be used for affirmation will examine what changed between 1700 and 298. Experimental Courses of nationhood. How have different productions 1800 to make the novel the most important genre Introduction to English Renaissance Literature fortified pride—and prejudice? Richard III, and of English literature. We will explore the novel as and Culture: Queens, Kings, Wooing and Henry IV, Henry V, along with Hamlet, Othello, Wedding a historical and literary phenomenon. We will see Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of the many ways that the novel answered the grand Elizabeth I, England’s (eternally) Virgin Queen, Venice, Troilus and Cressida and the Tempest social and cultural questions which dominated inspired lyrics, epics, and plays. We’ll read and may be among the plays we’ll read. the 18th century. What is the difference between decipher some sonnets, perform scenes from (Katherine Conway) men and women? What makes a human life Shakespeare, and get metaphysical with John worthwhile? How should I relate to my family and Donne. As a class we’ll attend a play together, 310. Shakespeare and the Company He Keeps loved ones? What makes a story seem truthful or practice “close reading,” and report on persons Focusing on Shakespeare’s poetry and plays false? By reading the prose of Defoe, Haywood, and passions of English early modern culture. and the sources he used as well as the social Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Burney and Austen, Writing requirements include maintaining a and cultural contexts that produced them, this we shall find out. journal that explicates our reading, a play review, course looks, too, at the dramatic responses the (James Mulholland) a material culture project and an analytical paper. Bard’s work provokes. We’ll read, for instance, (Katherine Conway) Shakespeare’s ‘English’ sonnet and compare it 326. Eighteenth-Century Poetry: Epic, Satire to some of Sidney’s Petrarchan sonnets. We’ll and Wit, 1660–1798 Eighteenth-Century Bristish Literature and the Technology of Writing read Hamlet, King Lear, and Henry V, Othello, As Coming after the English Civil War, the period You Like It and Twelfth Night, among others, to from 1660 to 1800 involved some of the most This course reconstructs the shock accompanying understand the ideas and conventions of thought significant transformations in British life, and the proliferation of writing in 18th-century British and bias among the early modern English literary poetry played a crucial part. We will begin by culture. Through readings from Addison, Swift, and play-going culture. Using documents con- looking at vicious satires of gender and sexual Richardson and Coleridge, among other less- temporary with Shakespeare’s writing, we’ll see relations and of political and religious beliefs familiar authors, we will examine the discomfort how Shakespeare’s ideas are perhaps unoriginal, composed by Rochester, Behn, Pope, Swift and associated with writing’s capacity to produce and how his inventions, experiments and riffs are Montagu. Then, we will chart how poetry changes change. Today a similar kind of uneasiness is extraordinary. when authors discover new motives for writing— on the rise as the internet encourages readers (Katherine Conway) such as financial gain or describing the exotic to create their own texts. Given our heightened locales in Scotland, India and America—or when awareness of the effects that online media have 313. Early Modern English Poetry poetry is written by figures who had historically on us, we will juxtapose past and present uncer- We begin with Skelton and proceed to son- been excluded from it, like lower-class workers or tainties about what the technology of writing does. nets by Wyatt, Surrey, Sidney, Drayton, Spenser, African Americans. Finally, we will see what hap- Taking 18th-century British poetry, prose, and fic- Shakespeare and Mary Wroth. Various theoretical pens at the end of the 18th century when poetry tion as its point of departure, the course explores perspectives will help us to consider how gender

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 100 becomes visionary and spiritual, as it does for focus on James Joyce’s Ulysses, the second half American studies and cultural studies. Required Blake, or self-consciously “ordinary,” as it does for on works by Virginia Woolf. weekly film viewing. Wordsworth and Coleridge. (Claire Buck) (Josh Stenger) (James Mulholland) 346. Contemporary American Fiction: Quirks, Connections: 341. Public Poetry, Private Poetry Quarks and Quests, or Sex, Lies and Quantum Conx 23006 Sexuality Leaps Is rap poetry? Do poetry slams encourage “bad” In this course we will read a selection of novels 349. Harlem Renaissance and Modernity poets? We will look at questions like these in by Paul Auster, Joan Didion, Don DeLillo, Toni An important period for artists in North America, order to examine two competing ideas about po- Morrison, David Plante, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Europe, Africa and the Caribbean, the Harlem etry’s role in the contemporary world. Is poetry the Stone and others. We will focus on postmodern Renaissance (1919–1940) was also a chronicle last refuge of the individual in a world dominated modes of structures and vision as a way of seeing of social and political dynamics such as uplift by corporations, as poet Robert Pinsky argues? our world from different and controversial per- philanthropy and migration. This course examines Or can poetry be the effective vehicle for public spectives, as well as those explored by a selection its emergence as a distinctive current of black culture, as when Maya Angelou read her poetry form such critics as Colin McGinn, Christopher literature and arts in the modern world. at Clinton’s presidential inauguration? Poets will Norris, Todd Gitlin, Terry Eagleton, Wendy Steiner, (Shawn Christian) usually include established writers like Sylvia Linda Hutcheon and others. Plath, Robert Lowell, Adrienne Rich, Rita Dove, Joy 357. Cinema and the City The course will also explore and examine Harjo and Yusef Komunyakaa and newer names From its beginning, cinema has been fascinated (from a nonscientific perspective, in terms of like the gay, Cuban American poet Rafael Campo with the city as a site of social cohesion, capital language and images) the effects and influences and slammers such as Willie Perdomo and Tracie flows and intense ideological conflicts. From of quantum theory on contemporary fiction in Smith. Hollywood to Bollywood to Hong Kong, from Soviet terms of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and (Claire Buck) socialist realism to German expressionism, Italian the difficulty of the relationship between language neo-realism and the French New Wave, virtually 343. Fiction of the Modern and quantum experience, which seems to flaunt all major film movements have a special relation- Fiction responding to the radical changes in the and evade every logical way we have of trying to ship to the metropole. In this course, we will adopt late 19th and early 20th centuries—industrial- describe it. In this regard race, gender, sexuality an interdisciplinary approach to understanding ization, urbanization, colonization, mass culture, and class can be seen from entirely new perspec- the relationship between film production and con- the women’s movement and the influence of Marx tives and shed light on the constant confrontation sumption, urban space, architecture and cultural and Freud. We will study writers who searched between “essences” and “relationships.” geography. Required weekly film viewing. for new ways to represent and explore experi- (Samuel Coale) (Josh Stenger) ences that the traditional novel did not or could Connections: not express. The thematic focus of the course 376. Literary and Cultural Theory Conx 20059 Quantum Theories: Contemporary will vary from year to year, but will always include This course enables students to explore in greater American Fiction, Modern Physics and the comparison between writers from the modern- depth some of the ideas introduced in Eng 290. Universe ist period with one or two later-20th-century or Topics will change from year to year, but the contemporary novels. Readings by writers such 347. Contemporary African American Fiction course will include the study of language theories, as Djuna Barnes, Joseph Conrad, Jean Rhys, D. This course is a study of Black postmodern fic- postcolonial theory, cultural studies theory, and H. Lawrence, Jack London, E. M. Forster, James tion. Students enrolled in the class will examine film and media theory. This course will be espe- Joyce, Samuel Selvon, Monique Ali, Sadie Smith, formal innovations in post-Soul and “post-racial” cially important for students who wish to attend Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner and writers repre- African-American fiction, especially graphic texts, graduate school in English. senting the Harlem Renaissance. and the impact of these innovations on African (Shawn Christian, Paula M. Krebs, Josh Stenger) American literary history. Students must take Eng (Claire Buck) 377. Feminist Criticism 290 before taking this course. 344. Woolf and Joyce and Others (Deyonne Bryant) Do women read or write differently? Has their In different ways, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf work been marginalized? What difference do revolutionized the forms of the novel to focus on 348. Sexual Politics of Film Noir race, class and sexual orientation make? We will the inner world of the mind as well as outer “real- Film noir refers to a group of films made primarily explore U.S., British and French approaches to ity.” But they also focused on psychological as in the decade or so after World War II and which feminist criticism; also psychoanalytic, Marxist, well as social experiences that had been tradition- frequently addressed, in the narrative terms of African American, queer, postcolonial and cultural- ally marginalized. They brought into focus—and the thriller, crises surrounding gender, sexuality studies approaches. into question—”realistic” forms of storytelling that and race in American culture. The course will (Beverly Lyon Clark) investigate through a feminist framework how the had been rendered invisible. They challenged con- Connections: sexual politics of postwar films noir and of more ventional ideas of literature, politics and gender. Conx 23005 Women in the United States And they stretched the limits of thought, feeling recent neo-noirs engage and diagnose these 398. Experimental Courses and expression through dazzling experimentation crises. The course will have strong applications for and comedy. The first half of the semester will students interested in film studies, gender studies, Rhetoric and Advanced Composition This course explores ancient and contemporary concepts of rhetoric and composition. As individu-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 101 als and collaborators, we will compose and deliver expanded to embrace indigenous, hybrid and or pursue further study in graduate or professional numerous arguments for a variety of audiences. transnational forms of cinematic production and programs in environmental science. Student work will culminate with the submission political mobilization. What affinities exist between of a digital portfolio containing written, visual and the cinemas of Black America and Black Brazil? Major (possibly) oral arguments. What are the continuities and discontinuities Core courses (Lisa Lebduska) between the popularity of Bollywood films and the Bio 111 Evolution and Ecology “national popular” in New Latin American cinema? Bio 112 Cells and Genes Culture and New Media How have indigenous elites in the Philippines and Bio 201 Environmental Science New technologies of communication do more than Senegal set the political agendas of their respec- shape how we produce and share information, Bio 215 Ecology tive vanguard cinemas? Through a mix of case ideas and images. They respond to and accelerate Chem 153 Chemical Principles studies and theoretical explication, this course will profound cultural changes. In this course, we Chem 154 Inorganic Reactions give advanced film students the tools to embark will focus on the relationship between culture on original research on Third Cinema and the pro- Chem 253 Organic Chemistry I and “new media,” a term that describes the ductive dialogues that may be opened up within Chem 303 Current Problems in Environmental convergence of formerly distinct media—cinema, and between “minority” communities. Chemistry television, print, photography, etc.—in a digital (Talitha Espiritu) Math 104 Calculus II environment. or Math 151 Accelerated Statistics The ascendancy of new media is being felt Other special courses across a broad spectrum of cultural institutions or Math 141 Introductory Statistics 401. Seminars and practices—libraries, museums and universi- Seminars study individual authors or special Phys 160 Geology ties; the authorship and ownership of intellec- topics. A list for the following year is announced Internship tual property; licit and illicit forms of exchange; each spring. Students will be asked to express Students must complete an internship or collective intelligence and participatory culture. preferences among the subjects offered. Each independent research project with an environ- Embedded within these and myriad other exam- group meets weekly. There are certain sections mental focus. Internships must be approved by ples are questions to which we will strive to find especially suited to writing and literature majors the program coordinator in advance. Internships answers: When my username lets me be anyone and to American Studies majors. should be completed no later than January of the I want, what happens to our sense of Self? When senior year. Independent research may receive you can connect to anyone, anywhere at any time, 500. Individual Research and Writing credit, but other internships will not normally be what happens to neighborhoods? To nations? How Open to senior majors by invitation of the depart- given college credit. are Google and Wikipedia changing what it means ment; other interested students should consult to “know” something? In a world where borders with the chair of the department. Electives are easy to miss and hard to police, who belongs? Four courses from the following list, including at Who doesn’t? Who decides? least two courses at the 300 level, one of which We will cast our net wide in the pursuit of must be from the biology listing: answers to these and other questions, consulting Engineering Bio 211 Genetics both “popular” and “academic” sources such as: Bio 221 Microbiology and Immunology visual media and video games, online fan commu- (See Dual-Degree Programs) Bio 226 nities and social networks, cultural studies, literary or Psy 226 Comparative Animal Behavior criticism, and feminist, queer and critical race theories. Students should expect to be part of a Bio 231 Marine Biology highly participatory learning community, as we will Environmental Science Bio 252 Parasitology and Symbiosis all be teachers and students of the material both Bio 262 Plant Biology in the classroom and in various online spaces, Coordinator: Scott W. Shumway and Jani Benoit Bio 303 Evolution including a class blog and wiki. Department homepage: Bio 317 Molecular Ecology and Evolution (Josh Stenger) wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/EnvironmentalScience Bio 318 Tropical Field Biology Third Cinema Jani Benoit Bio 331 Advanced Marine Biology Associate Professor of Chemistry Peoples of color are the majority filmmakers of Bio 361 Vernal Pool Conservation Biology the world. Ironically, the aesthetically and politi- Scott W. Shumway Bio 364 Freshwater and Marine Botany Professor of Biology cally diverse cinemas of Asia, Africa and Latin Bio 375 Ornithology America continue to be a “minority” presence in The environmental science major provides stu- Chem 254 Organic Chemistry II film studies. This advanced film course focuses dents with the necessary background in biology, Chem 321 Chemistry of Natural Waters on Third Cinema theory—the only body of film chemistry and mathematics that is required to Chem 331 Aqueous Equiibria theory that did not originate in Europe or North understand natural processes and to apply the Chem 332 Instrumental Analysis America. Originally tied to the political agendas of methodology of scientific research to environmen- the decolonizing world, Third Cinema has since tal problems. The program is designed to prepare Phys 165 Climate Change, Past and Present students to work in the environmental field and/

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 102 Phys 227 Remote Sensing integrate the knowledge they acquire with their Internship Phys 298 Meteorology and Oceanography in-depth knowledge in their major, and to gain Students must complete an internship or inde- Phys 298 Scientific Computing practical experience through an internship with an pendent research project with an environmental Bio 999 Course Offerings through Affiliated environmental focus. focus. Internships must be approved by the pro- gram coordinator in advance. Internships should Institutions Minor be completed no later than January of the senior Additional information may be obtained about The minor in environmental studies consists of year. Indpendent research with a faculty member course offerings through affiliated institutions five courses selected from the group listed below. may receive credit, but other internships will not (Williams-Mystic, MBL and Marine Studies At least two courses must be selected from the normally be given college credit. Consortium) at the Filene Center for Academic humanities and social sciences and at least two Advising and Career Services and the Biology from natural sciences. At least one course must Department Web pages. be at the 300 level or above. In addition, each student is required to complete an internship Through the Boston Marine Studies Consortium: related to the environment. French Studies Bio 380 Wetlands Ecology, Hydrology, Restoration Humanities and social sciences Bio 390 Biology of Fishes Chair: Cecile Danehy Anth 101 Human Evolution Department homepage: Through Williams College-Mystic Seaport Anth 210 Feast or Famine: The Ecology and wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/French/ Maritime Studies: Politics of Food Marine Ecology (200 level) Kirk Anderson Clas 262 or Clas 362 The Ancient Landscape: Goldberg Associate Professor of French Oceanography (200 level) From Mythology to Ecology Cecile Danehy Through Marine Biological Laboratory Semester in Econ 360 Economics of Regulation Chair, Associate Professor of French Environmental Science: Int 210 Water Resources Planning and Edward J. Gallagher Aquatic Ecosystems (300 level) Management Henrietta Jennings Professor of French Studies Terrestrial Ecosystems (300 level) Int 215 Coastal Zone Management Jonathan David Walsh Mathematical Modeling of Ecosystems (300 level) Phil 111 Ethics Professor of French, Coordinator of African, African American, and Diaspora Studies Capstone Pols 321 Public Administration and Public Policy The capstone may be fulfilled by taking an appro- Pols 361 Environmental Conflict Resolution In the Department of French Studies, we believe priate senior seminar (Bio 401) or by conducting Rel 242 Religion and Ecology that a nation’s language, literature and culture are inseparable and that French and Francophone an independent research project which has been Soc 315 Society, Technology and the Environment approved by the coordinator and supervised by literatures are privileged cultural archives. In Natural sciences a Wheaton faculty member (499) or conduct addition, studying a culture in its own language Bio 201 Environmental Science research as part of a senior honors thesis (Bio, and investigating the similarities and differences Chem, or Physics 500) Bio 215 Ecology within and among national cultures offers critical Bio 221 Microbiology and Immunology insights into our own linguistic and cultural tradi- Bio 226 or Psy 226 Comparative Animal Behavior tions. Bio 231 Marine Biology The faculty members in French studies at Wheaton want to give all students access to the Bio 252 Parasitology and Symbiosis Environmental Studies beauty and power of the French language and to Bio 262 Plant Biology the rich diversity and high achievements of French Coordinator: Scott W. Shumway Bio 290 Biology of Whales and Francophone cultures in the very broadest Department homepage: Bio 291 Introduction to Marine Mammals sense. wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/EnvironmentalStudies/ Bio 303 Evolution Donna O. Kerner Bio 318 Tropical Field Biology Major Professor of Anthropology The French studies major consists of 10 or more Bio 331 Advanced Marine Biology Scott W. Shumway courses, at least two of which must be taken the Bio 361 Vernal Pool Conservation Biology Professor of Biology senior year. Bio 364 Freshwater and Marine Botany The minor in environmental studies is designed Required Bio 380 Wetlands Ecology, Hydrology, Restoration to help students appreciate the diversity and Fr 235 Introduction to Modern French Literature Chem 103 Chemistry and Your Environment complexity of current environmental issues. Fr 236 Introduction to Early French Literature Chem 303 Current Problems in Environmental Solving environmental problems requires an Fr 245 Contemporary France interdisciplinary approach and frequently involves Chemistry Courses in Culture and Linguistics collaboration of individuals with expertise in the Phys 160 Geology natural sciences, social sciences and humani- Bio 999 Course Offerings through Affiliated At least one of: ties. Therefore, students are encouraged to view Institutions Fr 307 Translation, Art and Craft the environment from different perspectives, to Fr 320 From François I to François Mitterrand: A Cultural History of Politics and Architecture

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 103 Fr 346 New Wave and Newer: French Cinema Courses Introductory culture and literature courses since the 1950s Intended for students who have studied French Language and culture courses Fr 352 The Quill and the Brush for three or four years in secondary school, whose Students who have studied French before are Fr 356 Theater and French Society placement scores indicate comparable prepara- placed in these courses according to their tion or who have completed French 211 (with Period courses performance on the Wheaton placement test. permission of the instructor) or French 221. At least one course in each of the following Enrollment in each section is limited to 20 periods: students. (French 102, 211 and 221 are yearlong 235. Introduction to Modern French Literature Middle Ages or Renaissance (Fr 301 or Fr 302) courses.) Postcolonial encounters: What does it mean for the colonized to write in the language of the Seventeenth or 18th century (Fr 327 or Fr 329) (Cecile Danehy) colonizer? We will try to answer that question Nineteenth or 20th century (Fr 331, Fr 347, Fr 102. Beginning French through film screenings and the reading and 349, Fr 356 or Fr 357) Develops the ability to understand and speak discussion of novels, plays, poems and essays by Electives authentic French in a meaningful context. The 20th-century French writers such as Marguerite At least two other courses above Fr 245 (may French in Action videodisks and cassettes intro- Duras as well as Vietnamese, African and West include those listed above). duce students to language, customs, culture and Indian Francophone writers. (By prior arrangement with the chair of the French everyday life in France. Four classes per week, (Cecile Danehy) plus work in the language lab or media center. Department, students may substitute Arth 276 or Connections: Arth 353 for one of these electives.) 211. Intermediate French Conx 20041 Colonial Encounters Senior concentration course A thorough review of French grammar, mainly 236. Introduction to Early French Literature In consultation with the faculty of the department, through short texts. Students will develop a richer Reading and discussion of novels and plays by each senior will designate a 300-level course as a vocabulary and a broader knowledge of French major French authors from the Middle Ages to “senior concentration course,” in which the senior and Francophone culture, including literature and the 19th century. We will read, discuss and write major will engage in course work beyond that film. Three classes per week, plus weekly meet- about Tristan et Iseut, Racine’s Phèdre, Diderot’s undertaken by other students. This advanced work ings with the French language assistant. La Religieuse and Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. will include additional oral reports, longer or more (Kirk Anderson) (Edward J. Gallagher) frequent writing assignments and the develop- 221. Reading and Conversation ment of a substantial annotated bibliography. Connections: Designed to enhance the student’s ability to read, Conx 20008 Gender Inequality: Sociological and Study Abroad write and speak French through close study and Literary Perspectives A number of the major requirements may be met discussion of selected readings—fiction, plays, Conx 23004 Gender during a junior year spent at a French-speaking poetry, essays and articles, as well as films, university in study programs approved by the newscasts and multimedia programs in French. 245. Contemporary France department. Application to such programs is Frequent short papers and/or oral presentations. What does it mean to be French today? What fac- made during the first semester of the sophomore In the first semester, the course will emphasize tors contribute to French national identity and how year. Note that the college requires that at least reading; in the second, the emphasis will be on has that identity evolved in recent years? In this one-half of the courses in the major be taken oral communication. course, we look at the values that define French at Wheaton. Students with a good mastery of (Edward J. Gallagher, Jonathan David Walsh) identity and how they are transmitted from one the French language who are majoring in other generation to the next. We look closely at educa- 279. Literary Translation fields can pursue these fields during a junior year tion, government, religion, demographics and See Ger 279. abroad with the approval of their major depart- social policies as they affect work, race relations ment. The department strongly recommends a full 295. Advanced French Grammar and and the family. We conclude by studying how the year of study abroad in a French-speaking country Composition European Union has changed French identity and for all majors. In this course students will develop reading and politics. Majors are encouraged to select courses in composition skills necessary for advanced course (Jonathan David Walsh) areas such as European history, philosophy, reli- work in French. The course is designed to bring 246. Introduction to French Cinema gion or history of art, which will strengthen their students to an advanced level of proficiency in awareness of the French cultural background. grammar and composition through intensive What is implied by the expression “the seventh Work in other national literatures, including practice of oral and written language skills and a art”? How have French directors both resisted and English, is strongly encouraged. comprehensive review of essential and advanced- appropriated the dominant Hollywood formula? level grammatical structures. How have they challenged social, political and Minor (Jonathan David Walsh) sexual norms? In what ways have French direc- The French minor consists of five French courses, tors influenced world cinema? A survey of classic including at least two at the 300 level. films from the silent period, Poetic Realism, the

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 104 New Wave, and more recent filmmakers. Directors 320. From François I to François Mitterrand: A include Cixous, Leclerc, Duras, Letessier, Hébert, studied may include Ganz, Carné, Renoir, Cocteau, Cultural History of Politics and Architecture Ernaux, Djébar, Tadjo, Bâ. Truffaut, Godard, Rohmer, Buñuel, Varda, Denis, Focusing on great works of art and architec- (Jonathan David Walsh) ture, from the châteaux of the Loire Valley, Beineix, Ozon, Haneke. Connections: (Jonathan David Walsh) Fontainebleau and Versailles to the great works of Napoléon, Haussmann and François Mitterrand, Conx 23006 Sexuality Connections: we examine the construction of French national 346. New Wave and Newer: French Cinema Conx 23014 Film and Society identity while investigating the personal and since the 1950s Advanced culture and literature courses political motives that have driven French heads What is implied by the expression “the seventh Before enrolling in a 300-level course, students of state to build a cultural empire with universal art”? How have French directors both resisted should have completed at least two of the three aspirations. and appropriated the Hollywood formula? How required courses at the 200 level (French 235, (Cecile Danehy) have they challenged social, political and sexual 236 and 245). Prerequisites may be waived by norms? Discussion of films by Truffaut, Varda, 327. Moralists and Misanthropes, Sociability Claire Denis, Godard, Buñuel, Tavernier and oth- the instructor for students with special prepara- and in Literature of the Ancien tion. Régime ers. Lectures in English; readings, written work and discussions in English (Fr 246) or in French 301. Medieval French Literature Examines texts from mid-17th- to mid-18th- (Fr 346). Representative works of the 12th through the century France that influenced public opinion and (Jonathan David Walsh) 15th centuries in modern French translation: La shaped modern moral and social ideas. Special Vie de Saint Alexis, La Chanson de Roland, Tristan attention is paid to the notions of sociability, hon- 347. Literature, the Arts and Society from the et Iseut, Chrétien de Troyes’ Lancelot, Aucassin nêteté, the birth of individualism and to related Dreyfus Affair to Vichy et Nicolette, Les Lais of Marie de France, La questions of language and reciprocity. Readings Emphasis on representative shorter works in Châtelaine de Vergy, Le Mystère d’Adam and the include essays, plays and novels by authors like prose, theatre, poetry and cinema. Readings may poetry of François Villon. La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyère, Molière, Marivaux, include Proust, Apollinaire, Colette, Césaire, Sartre (Edward J. Gallagher) Voltaire, Diderot, Graffigny and Rousseau. and the surrealists. Consideration of issues such (Jonathan David Walsh) as the decline of the realist novel, cross-pollina- 302. Renaissance Literature and Society tion in the arts, the communal loss of innocence Not for a thousand years had there been such 329. Love and Libertinage in the Early French Novel after the “Great War,” and the birth of négritude. an upheaval in Western Europe as in the 16th From the late 17th century onward, French novels (Kirk Anderson) century, marked by the end of Rome’s hegemony depict the waywardness of heart and mind, love and the consequent fragmentation of Christendom 349. Les Trente Glorieuses and worldliness in stories that helped define the and, paradoxically, by a concomitant rediscov- The 1945–1975 period was marked by both novel as we know it today. As they test the realms ery of the pagan cultures of ancient Greece material prosperity and cultural ferment. Is of nature and reason, they bear witness to the and Rome. We will consider these and other there a relationship between these two worlds? dramatic social and ideological changes that oc- aspects of the period as we read and discuss the Particular focus on France in the 1950s. Likely curred over the course of the 18th century before Heptaméron of Marguerite de Navarre; Rabelais’ readings: existentialism (Sartre, Camus), postwar the Revolution, changes reflected in sometimes seriocomical epics Gargantua; and Pantagruel; poetry (Prévert, Ponge), feminine voices (Beauvoir, disturbing power strategies between the sexes. and selected essays by Montaigne, the inventor Sarraute, Duras, Rochefort), essays in cul- Readings include works by Mme de Lafayette, of the genre; as well as the poetic badinage of tural criticism (Barthes) and the nouveau roman Abbé Prévost, Crébillion fils, Mme Riccoboni, Marot, works of the Lyonnais poets Maurice Scève (Robbe-Grillet). Diderot, Laclos and Sade. and Louise Labé; du Bellay’s Les Regrets; and (Kirk Anderson) (Jonathan David Walsh) representative works from the prince of poets, 352. The Quill and the Brush Pierre de Ronsard. 331. Other Voices, Other Stories: Great Works What do we mean by “word” or “image,” and (Edward J. Gallagher) by Women from France and the Francophone World what do we do with them individually or in 307. Translation, Art and Craft This course studies novels and short stories combination? In this creative writing course, we An exploration of what the phrase “lost in transla- by contemporary women writers whose work investigate the relationship between word and tion” implies. Translation is considered here not defies traditional literary forms and introduces image in graphic novels or medieval tapestries; as an end in itself, but as an effective means new modes of expression, whether as narrative we deconstruct advertisements, photographs and to enrich vocabulary, to refine writing style, to experiments, figures of discourse or alternative movies. Students’ work will take many forms, review grammar and to appreciate better what texts—the body, for example, as metaphor or from surrealist “Cadavres Exquis” to poems, col- is “untranslatable” in French and English. Not “text.” We explore how these writers respond lages, short stories and short videos. Theoretical recommended for students seeking extensive oral to marginalization, subjugation or oppression texts by Barthes, Sontag and Berger. practice in French. through literature and how their stories operate (Cecile Danehy) (Kirk Anderson) on a political level. The course begins with a short Connections: introduction to French feminist theory. Authors Conx 23012 Visualizing Information

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 105 356. Theater and French Society Julie Searles Section A02 Director of World Dance, Instructor of Music Through the study of plays by major French The Economics of Sports playwrights of the 17th, 18th and 20th centuries, Alireza Shomali Professor James Freeman (TTh) we will attempt to define how mentalities and the Assistant Professor of Political Science political and social environment of these periods Josh Stenger Section A03 helped shape theatrical masterpieces by Corneille, Associate Professor of Film Studies and English Energy and Civilization Racine, Molière, Marivaux and Giraudoux. M. Gabriela Torres Professor Jason Goodman (MW) (Cecile Danehy). Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Program Coordinator of Development Studies Section A04 David Vogler Television Professor of Political Science Professor Talitha Espiritu (MW) First-Year Seminar David Wulff Professor of Psychology Section A05 American Cities/American Suburbs Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus The First-Year Seminar (FYS) is designed for and Professor Scott Gelber (TTh) Professor of Religion required of new students at the beginning of their Dolita Cathcart college studies. It offers students the opportunity Section A06 Assistant Professor of History to learn in small classes through reading and Plagues, Pandemics and Pestilence regular discussion, writing and critical engage- Beverly Lyon Clark Professor Shari Ackerman-Morris (TTh) Professor of English ment with controversial ideas. Sections are taught Betsey Dexter Dyer by faculty representing every part of the college’s Section A07 liberal arts curriculum. Professor of Biology On the Nature of Friendship Each section focuses on a topic from current Talitha Espiritu Professor Nancy Kendrick (TTh) Assistant Professor of English events or history or within one of the traditional areas of academic study which has generated James Freeman Section A08 controversy among the scholars, policy makers Associate Professor of Economics The Art of Observation-Perception in Practice and others who have grappled with it. The role Scott Gelber Professor Jake Mahaffy (TTh) of controversy in shaping human understanding Assistant Professor of Education and motivating social and political action is the Section A09 Jason C. Goodman common theme which unites all sections. As Assistant Professor of Physics Storytelling Through Computer Animation students develop their own positions in the topics Professor Marc LeBlanc (MW) John Grady of their seminars, they learn how knowledge and Professor of Sociology understanding depend on the clash and synthesis Section A10 Tim Harbold of multiple points of view. They can also expect The Inner Lives of Animals Associate Professor, Director of Music in to develop a range of academic skills, including Performance, Choral Director Professor David Wulff (MW) critical reading and thinking, writing and oral Nancy Kendrick presentation, library research and the use of Section A11 Professor of Philosophy electronic technology for their learning. Psychology and Horror Hyun Sook Kim Section topics and descriptions vary from year Professor Jason Reiss (MW) Professor of Sociology to year and are available below. Recent sections Paula M. Krebs have covered topics in the arts, ecology, interna- Section A12 Professor of English tional relations, social and public policy, personal Border Crossers: Immigrants, Nations and a Mark D. LeBlanc development, the sciences and history. Students Multicultural World Professor of Computer Science typically are placed in a FYS section by late Professor Michael Mezzano (MW) Jake Mahaffy June before registering for other first-semester Associate Professor of Art and Film courses. The instructor of their FYS section is Section A13 Sean McPherson normally their faculty advisor for the first year. Social Empowerment through the Performing Arts Assistant Professor of Art History First Year Seminar Sections, Fall Professor Julie Searles (MW) Shari Morris 2009 Teaching Associate in Biology Section A14 Section A01 David E. Powell Rituals of Dinner Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Russian Studies In Search of the Muse: Why Do We Make Professor Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus (TTh) Music? Tommy Ratliff Professor of Mathematics Professor Tim Harbold (MW) Section A15 Jason E. Reiss The Dreams We See: Film in Society Assistant Professor of Psychology Professor John Grady (MW)

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 106 Section A17 German Courses la dolce vita Language courses Professor David Vogler (TTh) Coordinator: Francoise Rosset We encourage students both to begin and to Department homepage: continue their study of German at Wheaton. We Section A18 wheatonma.edu/Acad/German focus on proficiency and communication in our Fear in the Making of the Americas Laura Bohn language classes. During orientation, we provide Professor M. Gabriela Torres (MW) Visiting Instructor of German a placement test for incoming students with a background in German. Up to two Wheaton Section A19 Annekathrin Lange Visiting Assistant Professor of German graduation credits (awarded after completing Truth, Reconciliation and Forgiveness a German course at Wheaton) may be earned Professor Dolita Cathcart (TTh) Tessa Lee Assistant Professor of German by those students who matriculate with a score of 4 or 5 on the German Advanced Placement Section A20 Francoise Rosset Chair, Coordinator of German & Russian, Examination (ETS). The Complete Amateur Naturalist Associate Professor of Russian Professor Betsy Dyer (MW) 101. Elementary German The German Department offers courses in This course develops the ability to understand and Section A21 German language, literature, film and culture, both speak German in a real-life context. Extensive use Russia in Crisis in German and English. Students may choose to of video and tapes to develop skills in listening, Professor David E. Powell (TTh) major in German or in German Studies—or to speaking, reading and writing. Special atten- minor in German. We have recently been active tion paid to cultural aspects of language and to Section A22 in film and video, in theatre and in multicultural Germany after the Wall. Three classes a week Class Matters studies—and active in connections with history plus a weekly intensive session with our German Professor Hyun Kim (TTh) and in the sciences. language assistant. 102. Elementary German Section A23 Major A continuation of Ger 101 with emphasis on Water, Water Everywhere: The Legacy of Major in German speaking and listening skills through use of video the 1927 Flood of the Mississippi River and Hurricane Katrina The major in German consists of ten courses and video filmmaking. Professor Thomas Ratliff (MW) beyond the level of Ger 201 and includes a 201. Intermediate German minimum of four courses at the 300 level and Ger A course that puts to practical use German skills Section A24 401. Beyond the basics of language and litera- acquired at Wheaton or elsewhere. We will pay ture, we concentrate on film and video filmmak- Children’s Literature in a Multicultural Society special attention to contemporary Germany. This ing; theatre; pedagogy and multicultural studies. Professor Bev Clark (MW) course consists of three hours of class a week Major in German Studies and a weekly intensive session with our German Section A25 In this major, students pursue interdisciplinary language assistant. Too Much Information? Knowledge and (Tessa Lee) Cultural Citizenship on the Internet studies in a number of fields that relate directly to Professor Josh Stenger (TTh) German; it does not require as much proficiency Connections: in the language as does our German major. Conx 20007 German Language in European Section A26 Students construct their own program of 10 History courses: six within the German Department and, Asian American Visual Culture 202. Intermediate German Professor Sean McPherson (TTh) with our approval, four in other departments. The six courses must include at least two courses at A continuation of Ger 201 with an emphasis on Section A27 the 300 level and German 401 or the equivalent. speaking and listening through the use of video and video filmmaking. On Democracy We encourage students to go abroad on our (Tessa Lee) Professor Alireza Shomali (WM) exciting Wheaton in Germany program at the University of Regensburg in consortium with Connections: Section A28 Vanderbilt and Wesleyan. Each year, this program Conx 20007 German Language in European Sports, Schools and Society features a resident director from one of these History three German faculties. Professor Paula Krebs (WM) 240. Advanced German Minor The emphasis of this course is on increasing The German minor provides a global component reading, speaking and writing skills. Reading of lit- to many other majors. It consists of five courses in erary and nonliterary texts; viewing of videos and German, with one at the 300 level. film; writing of short compositions and conversa- tions in German. (Tessa Lee)

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 107 241/341. Kafka and the Kafkaesque 364. German Theatre and Culture majors meeting with faculty on a weekly basis. This course examines Kafka’s life and major This course will offer students the experience of (Tessa Lee) works in the historical and social context of early- observing the process of working on the produc- 500. Individual Research 20th-century Central Europe. Central themes are: tion of a play by a professional theatre company in Honors thesis research. Many of our seniors are generational conflicts, the function of humor and Freiburg, Germany. In collaboration with students now choosing to do innovative two-semester parody in his writings, modernity in and as crisis, and instructors in German theatre classes being honor theses, which they begin preparing for in the figure of the outsider as well as the “foreign,” conducted simultaneously at Colgate University, terms of research and connections while junior the eccentric, the illogical, the uncanny—the Lafayette College and Vassar, the class will year abroad. Kafkaesque. Several film adaptations that attempt interpret the play and develop a well-researched (Tessa Lee) to visualize Kafka’s imaginative depths will also plan for its staging. In addition to viewing a tape be studied. of the performance and analyzing other materials Courses in English (Tessa Lee) (costume and set designs), students will have the These courses are conducted in English; all read- chance to interview actors, designers and the 242. Introduction to German Studies ing and writing is in English translation. There are director of the German production at the Theater This advanced course emphasizes German no prerequisites and no knowledge of German or Freiburg via video conferencing throughout the cultural studies: an introduction to the studies of of German culture is expected. Additional work for term. literature, culture and film. German majors to get 300-level credit. 370. Classicism and Romanticism in German (Tessa Lee) 250. German Culture Literature An interdisciplinary course in 20th-century This class will be a survey of ideas and liter- Courses in literature and culture German culture, history, politics and thought. ary movements in Germany between 1750 and These courses are conducted in German and all Weekly examination of historical sources, mate- 1850. Particular attention will be given to the reading and writing is in German. rial and popular culture, and novels/arts/film, transition from the Classical to the Romantic 302. Business German looking for continuity and contradictions. Topics Period: the critique of the Classical by Romantic include: World War I, Weimar culture, Insiders and This course is designed to broaden students’ authors, the role of Shakespeare as a model for Outsiders, the German Other, Hitler, the Holocaust, knowledge of German as a language of com- both, the elevation of music as the highest form the Wall, Berlin and post-unification. This course merce and industry. Emphasis is given to busi- of artistic expression, the long career of Goethe is sometimes team-taught and always has a ness terminology, development of communication encompassing both periods. Authors to be read number of guest speakers. skills, and current international business topics. include Goethe, Schiller, Lessing, Schlegel, Kleist, (Tessa Lee) Students will be introduced to differences in Brentano, Eichendorff, Büchner and Heine. “small c” culture and communication in the world 374. Film and German Culture Connections: of German business transactions and will be Conx 20028 Germanies: History vs. Culture encouraged to take the internationally recognized This course consists of a weekly film series “Pruefung Wirtschaftsdeutsch” (International focusing on Expressionism, New Wave and the 262. The Morality and Fate of Forbidden Knowledge Business German Exam) administered by the newest films from Germany. Enhanced by a study This course will investigate the perplexing ethical German Chamber of Commerce. of fairy-tale and romantic novella and readings in questions raised by the Renaissance shift in at- (Tessa Lee) contemporary German literature. (Tessa Lee) titude toward the Faust legend. The flirtation with 303. Telling Fantastic Tales: Märchen und forbidden knowledge will be studied by drawing Connections: Novellen on religious, mythological, literary, philosophical From fairy tales and the fantastic novellas and Conx 23014 Film and Society and scientific texts. Taking recent developments love stories of the Romantic Era to modern stories 380. Identity and Difference in German Culture in genetic engineering as a case in point, we will of the Wall and reunification, the course focuses What does it mean to be a German today? Recent ask to what extent the pursuit of knowledge can on the art of telling stories in German: cultural political, cultural and literary debates in Germany enhance or be damaging to human experience. context, purpose and technique. have addressed the question of who is allowed (Tessa Lee) (Tessa Lee) to claim Germany as their “home,” their Heimat. 267. Lulu, Lola and Leni: Women of German 304. Literary Greatest Hits: Erbe und Canon Literary (prose, poetry) and nonliterary (film, popu- Cinema lar music, journalism) texts by intercultural writers A survey of great works of German literature This course examines the women of German and artists of the last two decades challenge the and the Germans who created them. Canon- cinema, as filmmakers, as subjects of male narrow and exclusive concept of “Germanness.” building, cultural icons, concepts of genius and filmmakers, and as spectators. While each film This course will explore important moments in the greatness—and alternative canons that call the will be explored in relation to the sociohistori- history of their struggle and responses to these “Germanness” of that culture into question. cal, politicocultural and aesthetic contexts of its challenges. (Tessa Lee) production, the primary focus will be on the (Tessa Lee) image and representation of the female body 341. Kafka and the Kafkaesque 398. Experimental Courses and agency and the principal characteristics of (See Ger 241) women’s filmmaking explored through such no- 401. Senior Seminar (Tessa Lee) tions as a “feminine aesthetic.” This class covers Intensive, independent, self-designed research for a wide variety of works from the early beginnings

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 108 of German cinema to the present. Each week class must have a strong intermediate compe- (For descriptions of majors and minors, see is thematically structured around one film and tence in a foreign language. Classics.) several readings, on topics such as “the male 298. Experimental Courses Courses gaze,” “gender and modernity,” “the body beauti- These courses are taught in English. German ma- 101. Elementary Greek ful,” “fascist aesthetics,” “the Cold War and sexual jors have the option to get 300-level credit with A two-semester course that covers the essen- repression,” and “female spectatorship.” Reading extra reading and work assignments in German. and discussions of contemporary feminist (film) tial grammar of classical Greek and introduces Introduction to German Literature theories will aid us in addressing the issue of students to the reading of simple Attic prose. gender and agency both from the viewpoint of This course, taught in English, introduces students Resources in the audio lab and the computer lab production and consumption, as it also deepens to the literary and cultural world of German- will assist students in proper pronunciation and in our understanding of the women’s movement in speaking countries. Through an eclectic selection drill and review. Germany as well as in America. In addition, we of text and other visual materials, we will study (Nancy Evans) will expand our knowledge of basic film aesthetics literary works of different periods (18th-century and apply this knowledge to the interpretation of to 21st-century) and genres (novel, short story, Intermediate courses the films viewed during the semester. drama, poetry) in their cultural and sociopolitical The following 200-level courses are open to (Tessa Lee) contexts. students who have successfully completed Greek Literary Translation in Theory and Practice 101; students who have previously studied Connections: This course encompasses both the theory and Greek must take the department’s placement Conx 23014 Film and Society practice of translation. The main work of the test. These courses do not form sequences. 273. Film and German Culture course will be to develop the students’ own skills Each course combines grammatical study and This course consists of a weekly film series in translation. To achieve this, students will be review with practice in close reading and textual focusing on Expressionism, New Wave and the introduced to professional translators, translation analysis. Students will learn how to study and do newest films from Germany. Enhanced by a study agencies and organizations which support the research in specific disciplines in both primary of fairy tales and romantic novella and readings in work of translators in America. Students enrolling and secondary materials. Readings in the original contemporary German literature. in this class must have a strong intermediate are supplemented by readings in English; critical (Tessa Lee) competence in a foreign language. writing in English is stressed. These courses will frequently be offered as connections courses. 276/376. Berlin: Site of Memory, Site of Holocaust Construction This course will investigate the problems and con- 213/313. Theologia: Religious and Philosophical Inquiry Berlin is attracting profit—and thrill-seekers— troversies surrounding the depiction of the Nazi Talking about God in Greek: hymns, narratives, once again, recapturing something of the vibrant period in German history from the perspectives of myths, catechisms. Translation and analysis of energy of the Roaring Twenties before its im- historians, playwrights and poets, literary critics, key texts: Homer and Hesiod, Pre-Socratics and minent descent into fascism and the subsequent documentary and feature film directors and artists Hellenistic philosophers, Septuagint and New construction of the wall that would divide this city constructing public memorials in commemoration Testament, neo-Platonists. and the world at large during the Cold War. This of the Holocaust. course examines the political, social and cultural (Nancy Evans) 376. Berlin: Site of Memory, Site of metamorphoses of the city with a special focus Construction 215/315. Private Lives and Public Citizens on the intercultural crossroads in literature, film, (See Ger 276) A study of the Greek household of the Classical music and architecture. We will investigate how (Tessa Lee) era. Key texts include Xenophon’s Oeconomicus new identities and memories are formed at this and Lysias’s Murder of Eratosthenes. Connections: local and global construction site. (Nancy Evans) (Tessa Lee) Conx 20068 German Politics and Culture in the European Context Connections: Connections: Conx 20028 Germanies: History vs. Culture Conx 23004 Gender Conx 20068 German Politics and Culture in the 219/319. Euclid and Greek Mathematics European Context A study of the origins and development of Greek Conx 20028 Germanies: History vs. Culture mathematics. Selections primarily from Books I–VI 279. Literary Translation in Theory and of Euclid’s Elements, but with additional materials Practice Greek from late Greek mathematicians. The course encompasses both the theory and Nancy Evans Greek 319 is the section for more advanced practice of translation. The main work of the Associate Professor of Classics, Program Greek language students, and includes additional course will be to develop the students’ own skills Coordinator of Ancient Studies readings from Greek mathematic and scientific in translation. To achieve this, students will be Joel C. Relihan texts. introduced to professional translators, translation Chair, Professor of Classics (Joel C. Relihan) agencies, and organizations that support the work Keeley C. Schell of translators in America. students enrolling in this Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 109 222/322. Homer, Iliad Montserrat Perez-Toribio legal studies, management, music, philosophy, Achilles and Hector at the walls of Troy. Selections Assistant Professor political science, psychology, religion, sociology, theatre, women’s studies or a second language. from the Iliad. Mary Beth Tierney-Tello (Nancy Evans) The major consists of nine courses distributed Professor of Hispanic Studies as follows: 224/324. Homer, Odyssey The Hispanic Studies Department offers a broad Hispanic civilization and culture The wanderings of Odysseus. Selections from the range of courses in the language, literature and Hisp 260 The Hispanic World: Introduction to Odyssey, Books 9-12. cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Spain’s Social and Cultural History 226/326. Attic Drama The department complements its curriculum through Wheaton’s interdisciplinary Programa de and The tragic hero. Selections from Sophocles and Estudios Hispanicos en la Universidad de Cordoba Hisp 280 The Hispanic World: Introduction to Latin Euripides. (PRESHCO), in Spain, which offers courses in American Culture (Keeley C. Schell) various aspects of Hispano-Muslim art and Hispanic literature 290/291. Tutorial in Coptic civilization, Spanish art, economics, history, geog- Two 300-level literature courses. A yearlong course introducing students of Greek raphy, language, literature and music. PRESHCO Senior seminar to the study of Sahidic Coptic. The first semester is sponsored by a consortium of Oberlin College, One senior seminar (Hisp 400) that allows stu- covers basic grammar; the second semester is Smith College, Trinity College, Wellesley College, dents to integrate the diverse perspectives gained devoted to the study of Coptic Biblical texts and Wheaton College and the College of Wooster. in courses and readings. their Greek originals and then to Coptic Gnostic Before enrolling in a first Spanish course at Electives texts. Wheaton, all students who have studied Spanish Four more elective courses at the 200 level (start- (Joel C. Relihan) must take the placement exam given by the ing with 220 or above) or 300 level. department. Advanced courses Applicants for admission who intend to Study Abroad The department’s 300-level courses concentrate continue the study of Spanish at Wheaton are The opportunity to study abroad is an integral part exclusively on the improvement of Greek language strongly advised to take the Spanish Achievement of the program of Hispanic studies at Wheaton. skills. Students in the 300-level versions of the Test of the College Entrance Examination Board. Serious students of Hispanic studies are expected above intermediate courses read the Latin texts Applicants who have taken an advanced place- to spend their junior year or a semester abroad, covered in the courses with which they meet and ment course in Spanish language or literature with PRESHCO in Spain, PMCSP in Mexico, or other, related texts. Greek and Classics majors are and who score 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement another approved program in Latin America or strongly urged to take 351 and 352 in sequence. Examination administered by the Educational Spain. 351. Elementary Greek Prose Composition Testing Service may receive up to two Wheaton Minor 352. Advanced Greek Prose Composition degree credits for this advanced work upon successful completion of a 300-level course in Any combination of five courses at the 200 level Connections: Hispanic studies at the college. (starting with 220 or above), including at least one Conx 23004 Gender at the 300 level or equivalent. Major Courses Requirements are intentionally broad and flex- ible to accommodate the diverse interests of Language courses Hispanic Studies students, while being sufficiently focused to as- Language courses at the elementary and interme- sure development of appropriate knowledge and diate levels in Spanish are offered on an intensive Chair: Tommasina Gabriele skills. Students interested in this program should basis and are taught with an eclectic, functional Department homepage: discuss their plans with the department as early five-skills approach. This integrated approach wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Hispanic/ as possible in order to design an individualized simultaneously develops all the fundamental Francisco Fernandez de Alba program of study depending upon their personal skills: speaking, comprehension, reading, writing Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies preferences and career aspirations. and cultural awareness. In language courses, Majors and minors in Hispanic studies usually Charles Finn classroom practice in speaking is supplemented Visiting Instructor of Hispanic Studies go on to further studies or employment in a wide by work in the language laboratory. variety of areas. These include graduate studies, Jose Raul Guzman Our language courses offer students an op- Visiting Instructor of Hispanic Studies teaching, law, government, publishing and editing, portunity to acquire communication skills while interpreting, personnel work and a multitude of developing an awareness and appreciation of Bernadette Houldsworth positions in international relations, business and Hispanic culture. These courses are designed for Instructor of Hispanic Studies banking. students in any field or major that benefits from Domingo Ledezma The department encourages students to the ability to communicate in Spanish and knowl- Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies, develop a second major or minor in such areas edge of Hispanic culture and civilization. Coordinator Latin American Studies Program as American studies, anthropology, art, computer Hector Medina science, economics, education, English, history, international relations, Latin American studies, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 110 101. Basic Spanish students will discuss contemporary topics with many different and divergent voices make up A yearlong course conducted by intensive oral the goal of ensuring good communication skills. Latin American identity and culture. method for students with no preparation in the Attention will also be placed upon developing Connections: language. Its goal is to provide more than a basic students’ knowledge of syntax and writing ability. Conx 23003 Modern Latin America knowledge of Spanish while developing the funda- Four class meetings per week plus work in the mental skills: understanding, speaking, read- language laboratory and media center. Literature survey courses ing, writing and cultural awareness. Four class 240. Advanced Oral and Written 305. Literary Currents in Spain I: From the meetings per week plus work in the language Communication II: Composition Middle Ages to the End of the Golden Age laboratory and media center. This course is designed to improve students’ A study of literary movements and genres in Spanish literature from the medieval period to the 102. Basic Spanish writing skills in Spanish, with emphasis on the end of the Golden Age through the reading and (Continuation of Hisp 101.) practice of various types of writing: formal letters, diaries, poetry, essays, short stories, and analysis discussion of representative works. 105. Review of Basic Spanish of literary texts and social and political issues 306. Literary Currents in Spain: 18th, 19th and Intensive one-year review of the basic structure in the Hispanic world. Attention is also given 20th Centuries of Spanish for students with some previous to improving conversational skills. Three class A study of literary movements and genres in knowledge of the language but who are not ready meetings per week plus work in the language Spanish literature from the 18th century to the for intermediate work. Intensive oral method. laboratory and media center. present through the reading and discussion of Comprehensive grammar review, with activities representative works. 260. The Hispanic World: Introduction to designed to improve the fundamental skills: listen- Spain’s Social and Cultural History 315. Spanish American Literature I: ing, speaking, reading, writing and cultural aware- A study of the major trends and development in Colonialism to Modernism ness. Four class meetings per week plus work in the evolution of Spanish society and culture, from A study of Spanish American literature from the the language laboratory and media center. its origins to the present, from historical, political, colonial period to 1910 through the reading and 106. Review of Basic Spanish social, artistic and intellectual perspectives. discussion of representative works. (Continuation of Hisp 105.) (Hector Medina) 316. Spanish American Literature II: Contemporary Literature 150. Intermediate Spanish 270. Studies in Latin American Culture: Cuba This intensive one-semester course provides and the Pursuit of Freedom A study of Spanish American literature from modernism to the present through the reading further development and practice of all language An advanced course that provides an introduction and discussion of representative works. skills. Comprehensive grammar review, with to Cuban culture while maintaining and improving activities designed to enhance the fundamental Spanish language skills. The course is designed Connections: skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and to give students an overview of the evolution Conx 23003 Modern Latin America cultural awareness. Four class meetings per week of Cuban culture and society from the colonial Studies in literature plus work in the language laboratory and media times to the present, with emphasis on the 19th center. 320. Studies in Spanish Literature of the and 20th centuries. Readings include novels, Middle Ages and the Golden Age 200. Advanced Intermediate Spanish short stories, plays, poetry, essays and historical 330. Studies in Spanish Literature of the 18th Reading and discussion in Spanish of a number sources. Some of the authors that will be consid- and 19th Centuries ered are José María Heredia, Gertrudis Gómez of Spanish and Spanish American texts (drama, 340. Studies in Spanish Literature of the 20th novel, short stories and poetry). Nonliterary texts de Avellaneda, José Martí, Nicolás Guillén, Lydia Century Cabrera, Alejo Carpentier, , Guillermo such as films and music will also be included. The 350. Studies in Spanish American Literature: course is designed to (1) to improve students’ Cabrera Infante, Lourdes Casal, Nancy Morejón Narrative and Dolores Prida. ability to communicate orally and to express 355. Voyages, Navigations and Shipwrecks (Hector Medina) themselves in written Spanish; (2) to broaden This course introduces advanced Spanish their understanding of the Hispanic world; (3) to 280. The Hispanic World: Introduction to Latin students to the study of Early Modern Spanish introduce them to contemporary Hispanic writers. American Culture texts, offering a scholarly approach inclusive Four class meetings per week plus work in the An advanced course that provides an introduction of Humanities Computing tools, particularly the language laboratory and media center. to Spanish-speaking Latin American culture while TEI and XML mark-up languages. Goals of the 220. Advanced Oral and Written maintaining and improving Spanish language course are to improve the ability of the students Communication I: Conversation skills. The course is designed to give students in reading and understanding primary sources, Designed to improve students’ ability to speak an overview of the diverse cultures of the region, and to initiate them in the experience of scholarly Spanish at an advanced level, the course provides moving historically from the first encounters of research in literary texts. intensive practice in conversational skills through colonial times to the various communities that (Domingo Ledezma) reading and discussion of current works that make up present-day Latino culture. While the reveal sociocultural aspects of the Hispanic world. temptation in such a course is to attempt to 360. Studies in Spanish American Literature: Drama and Poetry Using political and social ballads, popular verse, obscure differences in order to present a coherent idioms, articles, short stories, plays and films, narrative, our focus will rather be on the way 370. Studies on Hispanic Women Writers 399. Independent Study

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 111 400. Seminar in Hispanic Studies: The credits per semester. All courses may be counted Close reading and analysis of representative texts Multicultural Route of Don Quijote de la toward a major or minor in Hispanic studies. from the 19th century. (Spring) Mancha Students interested in PRESHCO or other pro- (Montserrat Perez-Toribio) 1613. Seminar: Studies in 20th-Century grams in Latin America or Spain should consult Literature Special course with the PRESHCO coordinator and the Center for Critical analysis of key texts from the Generation Global Education. 298. Experimental Courses of 1898 to the present. (Fall) 300. Spanish Practicum Internship Courses offered by PRESHCO 1614. Seminar: 20th-Century Feminist Expression In collaboration with the The Filene Center for Language An examination, through various media, of Academic Advising and Career Services, majors 1301. Advanced Oral and Written feminist expression in contemporary Spain with and minors in Hispanic studies are placed in Communication particular attention to currents in Spanish feminist agencies in Massachusetts or Rhode Island that Three class hours per week plus additional prac- thought. (Spring) need Spanish-speaking volunteers. Students tice outside class. An exploration of various kinds will be able to increase their fluency in Spanish of textual material viewed as examples of linguis- Fine Arts through personal and continued contacts with tic registers with special attention to semantics 1700. The Music of Spain the language and, at the same time, assist the and discourse in the contemporary Spanish world. A panorama of Spanish music with a focus on its Hispanic community in programs related to This course is normally required for all students most significant and distinctive aspects, from the foster care, refugees, hospitalized children and during their first semester in Córdoba (unless medieval period to the polyphony of the Golden adolescents, battered women and their children, exempted by the resident director, in consultation Age and the nationalist trends of the last two legal advocacy, crisis, AIDS, substance with individual campus coordinators). (Fall and centuries. (Fall and Spring) abuse, runaways, family emergency shelter and Spring) 1701. Spanish Art: From the Islamic Period to in after-school programs, etc. Readings and class 1306. Topics in Spanish Phonology and El Greco discussion will focus on the literatures, histories Linguistics A survey of the most significant artistic expres- and cultures of Latinos in the U.S. and other is- A review of Spanish phonetics and phonology with sions—architecture, painting and sculpture— sues pertaining to this community. an eye toward improving pronunciation and facil- that emerged in Spain from the 8th to the 16th Connections: ity in identifying different accents and dialects. centuries. (Fall) Conx 20058 Latino Culture Together with extensive class work, students may 1702. Spanish Art: From Velázquez to Picasso Course in translation choose to participate in a practicum working with A continuation of the course described above, local nongovernmental organizations or in other 235. Contemporary Latin American Fiction in exploring artistic milestones from the 17th to the Translation settings to increase contact with contemporary 20th centuries. (Spring) language usage. (Fall and Spring) Readings in translation of significant works by 1720. Seminar: Methods and Techniques in modern authors from Latin America. 1310. Translation Andalusian Art Restoration (Also see courses offered through PRESHCO.) Theoretical and practical aspects of the transla- An integrative seminar entailing classroom tion of both literary and nonliterary texts. Classes instruction, extensive fieldwork and hands-on PRESHCO are centered on the discussion of weekly transla- practice in the creation and restoration of arts Hisp 999 tion exercises and are directed toward increasing specific to Andalusia. (A portion of this course PRESHCO is housed in the University of Córdoba’s students’ linguistic competence in both English takes place at the Escuela de Artes Aplicadas y Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, where courses are and Spanish. (Spring) Oficios Artísticos de Córdoba.) (Spring) taught in Spanish by professors of the University Literature 1730. History of Spanish Architecture of Córdoba and other foreign scholars. This inter- An examination of the principal works of Spanish disciplinary program has been in operation since 1601. Introduction to Spanish Literature I architecture from prehistoric times to the modern 1981 and has three basic objectives: An examination of representative texts and liter- works of Antoni Gaudi and Rafael Moneo. (Spring) 1. To encourage the personal and intellectual ary movements from the medieval period to the growth that comes from living and studying in a Golden Age. (Fall) History foreign country; 1602. Introduction to Spanish Literature II 1401. Roman Andalusia 2. To increase the student’s command of the An examination of representative texts and literary An exploration of the social and cultural history of Spanish language; movements from the 19th and 20th centuries. the Roman aspects of Andalusia, from the second (Spring) century B.C.E. to the 5th century C.E. (Fall) 3. To foster knowledge and appreciation of Spanish culture through studies in the humani- 1611. Seminar: Studies in Spanish Theatre 1404. The Spanish Middle Ages ties, social sciences and fine arts as they pertain Focusing on a different historical period each An examination of the unique configuration of to Spain. semester, the seminar will explore key aesthetic, Christian, Islamic and Jewish cultures in Iberia cultural and political facets of selected represen- Applicants must have completed Hispanic Studies during the medieval period. Focus on political, tative texts. (Fall) 200 or the equivalent prior to participation in the economic and social factors, as well as contact program and may receive as many as four course 1612. Seminar: Studies in 19th-Century with other European powers. (Fall) Literature

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 112 1405. Imperial Spain, 1492-1711 jurisprudence, economics and society. (Fall) Offerings at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras The inner history of the “Spanish Century,” when 1912. Women in Spanish Society PRESHCO students, as part of their academic Spanish military might was peerless and Spanish An inquiry into how a feminist focus reconfigures program, are encouraged to take a course offered influence was supreme in Europe and America, is both the content and form of cultural and archival as part of the regular offerings at the Facultad examined in all its contradictions. (Spring) research. The course examines gendered notions de Filosofía y Letras or another division of the 1406. The Colonization of America of space, education, religion and culture through a University of Córdoba (for example, economics, A critical examination of political, cultural, variety of periods in Spanish history. (Fall) education or law). Doing so can facilitate greater economic and racial cross-currents between 1914. From Text to Film: Spanish and Latin integration into Spanish student life and offers Spain and the Americas during the colonial period. American Cinema students an extensive array of courses in areas Particular focus on the making and implementa- Focusing on six novels by Spanish and Latin not common in study-abroad programs. Additional tion of the policies of the Spanish monarchy in the American authors that have been adapted for film, fees required by the university for a one-credit New World. (Spring) the course examines questions of form, medium course are covered by the PRESHCO program. The grade received is transferred to American 1407. Political Reform and Social Change, and narrative. (Fall) grading standards and reported to the home insti- 1808-1936 1915. The Semitic Legacy in Hispanic Societies tution for program credit. Given the fact that the An analysis of the political transmutations that An analysis of the formation of “semitic culture” Spanish university calendar differs considerably followed the great wave of bourgeois revolu- (primarily Hebrew and Arabic) in both Eastern and from that in the U.S. (requiring accommodations tions in Western Europe, which brought with Western contexts and its lasting influence on the in terms of class meetings and due dates for as- them the movement known as Constitutionalism. Spanish ways of life and culture. Emphasis given signments and examinations), students interested Examination of the particular transformations oc- to the role of Córdoba as a crossroads of intel- in this option should speak to their coordinator casioned by the dual nature of Spanish economic lectual, cultural and artistic currents. (Fall) development. (Spring) before departure or with the resident director 1916. Islam: Beginnings, Introduction into upon arrival. 1410. Seminar: El Franquismo and the Spain and Contemporary Andalusia Transition to Democracy In addition to informing students about the An examination of the origins of Islam in Arabia many offerings of the University of Córdoba, the An analysis of the complex period of the Franco and its introduction into and evolution within dictatorship, from its Civil War beginnings to program identifies a short list of courses that Spain beginning in 711 C.E. Particular attention may be of particular interest to students learning its conclusion and the transition to democracy. to the diversity of Islamic religious thought and (Spring) about Spain and its culture. These offerings are philosophy, competing notions regarding lasting enhanced for program participants by additional Geography Islamic influence in Spanish identity, and the role course meetings and discussion sections. A list of Andalusia as a cultural site for contemporary 1500. The Geography of Spain of these courses is available approximately two Islamic thought. (Spring) A study of the basic components of the Iberian months before the beginning of each semester Peninsula in its ecological, human, economic and 1917. Image, Gender and Sexuality: and is sent to all accepted students. Contemporary Spanish Cinema social dimensions, and an analysis of Spanish Students interested in PRESHCO or other pro- Focusing on recent Spanish films by important landscapes and regional diversity. (Fall) grams in Latin America or Spain should consult filmmakers, the course analyses the ways in Philosophy with the PRESHCO coordinator and the Center for which societal codes dealing with gender and Global Education. 1811. Political Philosophy: Spain and Latin sexuality are presented, explored and oftentimes America subverted. (Spring) An examination of the development of concepts of nationhood, colonialism and human rights within a Archaeology Spanish and Latin American context. (Fall) 1920. Andalusian Archaeology: Theory and History Practice Interdisciplinary courses and seminars A course encompassing both theory and hands- Chair: Anni Baker 1910. The European Union: Economics and on practice. Readings and lectures in archaeologi- Anni Baker Society cal theory and methods (including differences Chair, Associate Professor of History An examination of the impact of the political econ- between American and European approaches), John Bezis-Selfa omy of the European Community on the economic complemented by extensive practice at local sites. Associate Professor of History and social structures of member states (growth, (Fall) Alexander Bloom employment, standard of living), with special 1921. Theory and Methods in the Study of Keiter Professor of History emphasis on present-day Spain. (Spring) Prehistoric Material Culture Dolita Cathcart 1911. The European Union: Political Structures Taking advantage of Córdoba’s rich offering of Assistant Professor of History and Institutions research sites, this course combines an under- An examination of communitarian forms of gov- Vipan Chandra standing of general approaches to the study of Professor of History ernment and political cooperation among member prehistoric remains with hands-on practice in the nations. Particular focus on ways in which partici- Yuen-Gen Liang Facultad´s “Laboratorio de Prehistoria,” visits to Assistant Professor of History pation in the EU and adherence to a supranational the Museo Arqueológico de Córdoba and other structure have informed Spanish government, local research facilities. (Spring)

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 113 Dana M. Polanichka their concentration. Education minors and double perspective will be uniquely African. We will focus Assistant Professor of History majors may be allowed to take a seminar that is on the interruption of African development and Kathryn Tomasek outside their concentration. the strategies of resistance and accommodation Associate Professor of History Additional information adopted by various groups through an examina- History is the study of the human past. Historians No more than three 100-level courses shall be tion of selected texts, literature and film. look for continuities, evolution and sudden counted toward the major. (Dolita Cathcart) change in societies over time, and they construct The department welcomes courses taken Connections: narratives based on disciplined research and during a semester or year abroad, and will accept Conx 23001 African Worlds analysis. The members of the History Department a maximum of three courses toward the major, Conx 23016 Race as a Social Construct are scholars and teachers whose work covers including one outside the area of concentration. 222. Introduction to Chinese Civilization different time periods and regions of the world, History has a unique place in the Connections This course examines the main political, social, and history majors are encouraged to work with program. It can be connected with another course intellectual and cultural events and currents of as many different department members as pos- in any other discipline. In addition, the depart- China from ancient times to the present in the sible. As they move through the program, majors ment encourages its students to take a variety of context of changing territorial and economic will practice skills that they will carry through life: courses in other disciplines that are related to the realities. thinking critically about their own assumptions, study of history, whether or not they are part of an (Vipan Chandra) making persuasive arguments based on solid official Connection. evidence, and recognizing analytical strengths and Guidelines have been established for inter- 223. Introduction to Indian Civilization weaknesses. departmental major programs combining history This course examines the main political, social, in- As a central part of the liberal arts curriculum, with art, economics, political science, philosophy tellectual and cultural events and currents of India the discipline of history enables its students to de- or religion. The department also participates in from ancient times to the present in the context of velop a mature understanding of human relations. a number of other interdepartmental or com- changing territorial and economic realities. In their courses, history majors will examine the bined major programs including African, African (Vipan Chandra) influence of social, political, economic and cultural American, Diaspora Studies, American Studies, institutions on society, reflect on the relationship Asian Studies, German, International Relations, 224. Introduction to Japanese Civilization between the individual and the community, and Russian and Russian Studies, and Women’s This course examines the main political, social, in- identify the role of power in human relations. Studies. tellectual and cultural events and trends of Japan Sometimes seen as one of the humanities, other History majors are eligible to pursue a high from ancient times to the present in the context of times as a social science, history offers a unique school teaching license through the Education changing territorial and economic realities. way of understanding the human experience. Department. (Vipan Chandra) Major Minor 225. Women in East Asia: Japan and Korea The major program in history requires a minimum The history minor consists of at least five courses. This course examines the influence of Shintoism, of 10 courses. These include: Four courses must be in a single area. One Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, colonialism, communism, democracy, feminism and changing Area of concentration course must be outside the area of concentration. economic forces in shaping women’s lives from Five courses in an area of concentration: United At least one of the four courses of concentration ancient times to the present. States, Asia or Europe. At least two of these five must be at the 300 level or above. No more than (Vipan Chandra) courses must be at the 300 level or above. two 100-level courses may count for the minor. History courses are also included in the follow- 227. Women in East Asia: China Outside the concentration ing special minor programs: African, African Three courses outside the area of concentration, This course examines the status roles of women American, Diaspora Studies, Development one of which must be in each of the other two ar- in Chinese society from ancient times to the Studies, Latin American Studies and Management. present. The influence of Confucianism, Daoism, eas. The third course should normally be in Latin Buddhism, modern nationalism, communism and American, Caribbean or African history. Courses contemporary liberal and feminist ideas as well Junior colloquium Africa and Asia as changing economic forces in shaping women’s Hist 302 is required of all majors, and is normally 143. Africans on Africa: A Survey lives is the main focus of the course. taken during the junior year. Those on leave of Africa’s development paralleled European devel- (Vipan Chandra) absence (LOA) or approved study at another opment up to the eve of European colonization institution may, with instructor approval, take the 251. Early Islamic Societies of the continent. Whereas the African slave trade course in the second semester of the sophomore Surveys Islamic history from 600 C.E. to the end robbed the region of millions of her people, a year. All majors must take the course by the first of the 18th century. Begins with the late-antique distinctly African holocaust, the slave trade and its semester of the senior year. world of the Byzantine and Sasanian empires and eventual demise in the early 19th century also set progresses to the life of Muhammad, the estab- Seminar the stage for European colonization. This course is lishment of the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates, Hist 401 is a capstone course required of all ma- a broad survey of the history of the African conti- political disintegration during the Crusader and jors, and is taken during the senior year. Students nent prior to colonization, during colonization and Mongol invasions, and the rise of the Ottoman will normally take the course with an instructor in through the postcolonial period to the present. Its Empire. Explores the emergence of Islamic culture Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 114 through such topics as religious practice and law, Europe Industrial Revolution on European warfare, and gender and minority relations, literature and art 100. Ancient Western History the development of new military technology. The and architecture. A survey of pre-Christian Western societies, course will end with an in-depth examination of (Yuen-Gen Liang) including Neolithic, Celtic, Egyptian, Greek and the First and Second World Wars. (Anni Baker) 252. The Modern Middle East 1800–1992 Roman cultures, up to the advent of Christianity Surveys the history of the Middle East from and the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 215. History of Russia 1800-1992. Major themes in the 19th century West. Topics covered will include women, family, A survey of the growth and development of include the internal reform efforts under Ottoman religious beliefs and the development of art and Russia from its medieval foundations to the recent and Egyptian regimes; European military, political, ideas. breakup of the Soviet Union. Topics include: politi- economic, and cultural intervention; the evolution (Dana M. Polanichka) cal, social, religious and economic developments; of new paradigms in politics and society; and the Connections: the conflict of Eastern and Western traditions; emergence of Islamic modernist and reform intel- Conx 20039 Ideas of Antiquity Russia’s emergence as a European power; 19th- lectuals and movements. century revolutionary and reform movements; 101. The Development of Modern Europe from In the 20th century, this course will focus the Medieval Era to 1789 the creation of the Soviet Union and its flawed on the rise of nationalism; World War I and A study of the foundations of modern Europe. drive for modernization and domination in global the partition of the region; the settlement and Among the topics examined are the development politics, and the collapse of the USSR and Soviet establishment of Israel; independence move- of modern states, the emergence of a capital- Bloc. ments and the establishment of nationalist states; ist economy, the Renaissance, the Reformation, (Anni Baker) globalization and industrialization; Islamic social overseas expansion, the Scientific Revolution and Connections: and political movements; the Arab-Israeli conflict; the Enlightenment. Conx 20051 Russian History and Culture and European and American intervention in the (Yuen-Gen Liang) Conx 20055 Russia: Challenge and Opportunity post-colonial period. Connections: (Yuen-Gen Liang) Conx 20064 Russian History and Politics Conx 20040 Political Theories, Political Realities: Conx 23018 Cinema/Kino: Film in Russia 352. Social Movements in Modern Islam Ideas and Practices in Past Politics 228. European Jewish History Analyzes the historical development of Islamic 102. The Development of Modern Europe since This course is a survey of the history of Jewish reform, modernism and political movements 1789 communities in Europe, from the Middle Ages to from 1800 to 1992. Contextualizes movements A study of Europe from the French Revolution the present. Topics include the Jewish experi- in Islamic societies undergoing colonialization, to the present. Topics include: the industrial ence during the Crusades; the expulsion of Jews modernization, Europeanization and globalization. revolution, nationalism, romanticism, imperialism, from Spain; the Jewish Enlightenment; Jews Compares such movements to other contempo- democracy, socialism, communism and fascism; in Eastern Europe and Russia; assimilation and raneous ones, including nationalism, liberalism, the impact of two world wars; totalitarianism; and anti-Semitism; the Holocaust and the creation of feminism and . Studies the devel- Europe’s post-World War II renaissance. the state of Israel. opment of diverse notions in “Islam” espoused by (Anni Baker) (Anni Baker) these movements. Connections: (Yuen-Gen Liang) Connections: Conx 20007 German Language in European Conx 20062 Jews in Modern Europe 365. Modern China History A close look at China’s political, social and cultural 240. German History: 1648–Present 207. Medieval Europe development from 1842 to the present. Focus A survey of German history from the end of the A survey of the history and culture of Europe, will be on both the foreign and domestic factors Thirty Years’ War to national reunification in the 300–1300. Topics include: the institutions of in China’s transition from its imperial past to a 1990s. Topics include: absolutism, the unification feudalism and the monarchy; the development of modern nation-state. of Germany under Bismarck, Germany and World monasticism, Christian philosophy, and heresies; (Vipan Chandra) War I, the Weimar period, the rise of National the role of women in religion and society; relations Socialism, the Holocaust and World War II, division Connections: between Jews, Christians and Muslims; the rise and the problems of a newly reunited Germany. Conx 20024 Modern China: Tradition and of the state. (Anni Baker) Contemporary Politics (Dana M. Polanichka) Connections: 367. Modern Japan 214. European Military History Conx 20028 Germanies: History vs. Culture A detailed look at the multifaceted transforma- An introduction to the history of war and the 298. Experimental Courses tion of Japan since the Meiji Restoration of 1868. armed forces in Europe. We will begin in the Japan’s ambitions, achievements and problems 1400s with the technological and tactical 314. Renaissance, Reformation and Revolution: Europe 1350–1650 will be closely examined. The major focus will developments that led to “modern warfare.” We An upper-level course exploring the dissolution of be on political change, but attention will also will discuss the development of 18th-century the medieval synthesis and the rise of humanism; be directed to intellectual, social and economic military states such as Prussia; the 19th-century developments in culture and thought in Italy and questions. “people’s army” of Napoleon; the impact of the (Vipan Chandra) on the Continent; and heresy and Reformation.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 115 Includes an examination of intellectual develop- as gender and homosexuality to the Middle Ages, 205. America Between the Wars: 1914–1945 ments of the late Middle Ages and their impact on and discuss the legacy of medieval ideas about The two world wars bracket a period of extremes social class, gender and popular culture. sexuality and the body. in American history: the Roaring Twenties and (Yuen-Gen Liang) (Dana M. Polanichka) the Great Depression of the 1930s. This course will follow the political and social history of 321. European Imperialism, 1757–1939 The Americas these years, with special attention to the lives of This course focuses on European imperialism 201. North American Colonial History individual Americans, the artistic creations of the from the late 18th to the early 20th century. Provides an introduction to the colonial history of period and the diplomatic questions which begin We will consider the factors that led to imperial North America. Topics include: indigenous societ- and end the era. expansion in the late 18th century and study the ies before contact with Europeans and Africans; (Alexander Bloom) colonial experience from the point of view of those European reconnaissance and colonization; the who lived it. We will examine how imperialism 206. Modern America: 1945 to the Present rise of indentured servitude and racial slavery; changed colonized societies; how imperialism Despite America’s preeminent position in the social and cultural exchange among and between influenced culture in Europe; and the development world since 1945, the anxieties of the Cold War native peoples, Africans, and Europeans; con- of resistance and opposition in the colonies. and the nuclear age pervaded postwar life. Issues nections of North America to the Caribbean Basin (Anni Baker) such as civil rights, McCarthyism, Vietnam, the and Atlantic world; conflicts between European , Watergate, economic fluctua- Connections: colonizers for dominance of North America; tions and political cynicism all raised particular Conx 20065 Theories of Imperialism and social, political and economic development concerns. This course will trace American history of mainland British North America in the 18th 351. War and Peace in the Mediterranean in these years—political, social and cultural. World 1400-1700 century. (Alexander Bloom) This course compares the histories of the Spanish (John Bezis-Selfa) Connections: and Ottoman empires, two hegemonic states Connections: Conx 20033 History and Politics of U.S. Foreign that emerged simultaneously on opposite ends Conx 20057 Early American Studies of the Mediterranean. Studies the formation of Policy 202. America: The New Nation, 1776–1836 political institutions, society, and cultures in each Conx 20034 The Historical Context of community and the political military conflicts that Considers the process by which Americans cre- Contemporary American Culture ated a new nation and forged a national identity divided the two from each other. Also focuses on Conx 20053 Schooling in Modern Society the different ways that Christians, Muslims and from the period of the Revolution through the 209. African American History to 1877 Jews interacted in these two empires. Jacksonian era. Topics include: the course of Examines the early history of people of African (Yuen-Gen Liang) American political growth; the experiences of Native Americans, African Americans and women descent in North America, placing the experiences 370. European Radical Movements in the new republic; the beginnings of northern in- of African Americans at the center. Includes a sur- An examination of political movements, social dustry; and the flourishing of reform movements. vey of African history before European incursions groups and cultural trends through which (Kathryn Tomasek) and attention to enslavement, culture, women’s Europeans searched for new understandings experiences, community and family life among Connections: of the world before and after the devastation of both free and enslaved blacks, and the role of Conx 20057 Early American Studies World War I. Radical movements based on ideolo- African Americans in the American Revolution, the gies such as rural populism, anarchism, feminism, 203. America: The Nation Divided, 1836–1876 Civil War and Reconstruction. Marxism, fascism and biological racism will be Explores the development of divergent patterns of (Dolita Cathcart) explored, as well as artistic and cultural groups life in three distinct regions of the United States Connections: like the Futurists, the Ballet Russe and the French (the West, North and South) in order to compre- Conx 23007 African Diaspora in New World avant-garde of the 1920s. hend the emergence of sectionalism, the violent Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics (Anni Baker) struggle of the Civil War and the readjustments of the Reconstruction years. 210. African American History: 1877 to the 398. Experimental Courses Present (Kathryn Tomasek) Sex, Gender, and the Body in the Medieval East This course follows the freed slaves and other and West Connections: African Americans from the end of Reconstruction This class will explore conceptions of sex, Conx 20057 Early American Studies through the institutionalization of segregation, the gender, the body, and sexuality in Byzantium and 204. Industry and Empire: The United States, migrations north, life in urban America, the civil western medieval Europe (c. 300–c. 1400 CE). 1876–1914 rights movement after World War II and the con- Topics will include the roles of women in society; Examines how industrialization in the late 19th temporary realities of race in the United States. the manipulation of Christian bodies through century transformed work, home life, class Particular interest will be paid to cultural history, , asceticism, and ritual; and the blurring of dynamics, ethnic diversity, gender relations, race family life, gender roles and identity. traditional gender lines through same-sex rela- relations, politics and foreign policy. Such changes (Dolita Cathcart) tions, cross-dressing, martyrdom, and castration. redefined what it meant to be American and led to Connections: In reading primary and secondary texts, we will the creation of the modern nation. Conx 23007 African Diaspora in New World consider how we apply modern concepts such (Dolita Cathcart) Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 116 213. The History of the Civil Rights Movement 219. Norte y Sur: Modern Spanish America (Kathryn Tomasek) This course will examine, through readings and Explores key themes in modern Spanish Connections: films, those events that led up to and included the America’s history through focus on Mexico, Conx 23005 Women in the United States civil rights movement in the United States, as well Argentina and other nation-states. Topics include: as those mass movements it inspired throughout nation-building and economic development in the 234. U.S. Women since 1890 the 1960s and the 1970s. We will explore the 19th century; the decline and abolition of slavery; This course surveys the history of women in the hopes and dreams, actions and strategies of the the experience of indigenous peoples under United States in the 20th century. Beginning progressive members of this movement, which national rule; the roles of western Europe and the with an examination of suffrage and numerous began decades before sit-ins galvanized student U.S. in shaping political, economic, and cultural movements for social and economic change, activism. This course will center on the histori- developments; the Mexican Revolution, Cold War the course challenges students to explore the cal context that helped to shape the political and and Socialist Revolutions, and recent efforts at complexities of women’s experiences. Throughout of the times. We will examine how economic and political reform. the course, particular attention is paid to intersec- the basic tenets of this movement continue to (John Bezis-Selfa) tions among multiple identities grounded in social constructions of gender, race, class and sexual influence us today. Connections: (Dolita Cathcart) orientation in local, national and international Conx 23003 Modern Latin America contexts. 216. Caribbean Worlds 220. The Making of Latino America (Kathryn Tomasek) This course addresses history of the Greater Examines history of peoples who together Connections: Caribbean, which centers on islands that border comprise the largest “minority” in the United Conx 23005 Women in the United States the Caribbean Sea and extends to places where States, from Latino perspectives whenever pos- peoples and ideas from Caribbean have gone, sible. Focuses on experiences of four national 331. Social and Intellectual History of the United States to the Civil War such as Boston, New York, Miami, London, Paris, groups—Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and The evolution of American society from the Africa and Brazil, since 1492. The course empha- Dominicans—to consider how Latinos have colonial period to the Civil War and how various sizes the relationship between Greater Caribbean shaped and been shaped by life in their home- Americans attempted to describe, explain or alter and the development of the modern world. lands and in the U.S. the world in which they lived. Readings will come (John Bezis-Selfa) (John Bezis-Selfa) from primary sources, such as Franklin, Paine, 217. Mundo Brasileiro 232. Women in North America to 1790 Douglass, Emerson and Thoreau, as well as works Explores the construction of Brazil and its This course surveys the history of women in colo- of contemporary social history. diaspora since 1500 through documents, schol- nial North America. The course begins by examin- (Alexander Bloom) arly works, fiction, music and film. Topics include: ing interactions among indigenous inhabitants; environmental change, colonization and its impact 332. Social and Intellectual History of the colonizers from Spain, France and Great Britain; United States Since 1876 on indigenous peoples, African slavery and its and enslaved Africans. The focus then narrows to The response of American intellectuals, analysts legacies, migration to and from Brazil, gender the British North American colonies and the expe- and writers to the changes accompanying the norms, politics and economic development, the riences of women of Native American, European growth of modern American society from the rise of mass culture, urbanization and industri- and African descent through the period of the Industrial Revolution to the present day. Readings alization, how outsiders have viewed Brazil, and American Revolution and its immediate aftermath. will include William James, Emma Goldman, the impact of all these on Brazilians’ struggle to Throughout the course, particular attention is paid Henry Adams, and Richard Wright, define what is “Brazilian.” The course will try to to changing constructions of gender and race, as well as contemporary analysts of modern connect class and campus to Brazilian communi- exploring their intersections with class, religion American life. ties of southern New England. and region. (Alexander Bloom) (John Bezis-Selfa) (Kathryn Tomasek) 337. Power and Protest in the United States 218. First Global Societies: Colonial Latin Connections: America Democracy, citizenship and civil rights in the Conx 23005 Women in the United States Provides an introduction to early modern history United States are not static concepts unaffected of the Hispanophone and Lusophone Americas, 233. U.S. Women, 1790–1890 by societal change, or apt to be changed without principally through interpretation of documents. This course surveys the history of women in the pressure from marginalized populations. In this Topics include: indigenous societies before con- 19th-century United States, exploring changing course, we will examine how the growing con- tact with Europeans; conquest and colonization constructions of gender, race and class during a sciousness and activism of several marginalized of the Americas by Iberians; the rise of African period of significant economic and political devel- populations during the 20th century developed slavery; social, economic, political and cultural opment. The course examines the emergence of into social movements that changed the meaning developments under colonial rule, and revolutions the women’s rights movement among members and the delivery of democracy, citizenship and for national independence. of the emerging white middle class as well as civil rights. These changes directly affected the (This course will not be offered 2009–2011.) the changing experiences of free and enslaved lives of marginalized populations in the United (John Bezis-Selfa) African American women. Students complete States, and indirectly the lives of the majority original research in diaries held in the Wheaton population and global communities as well. College Archives and Special Collections. (Dolita Cathcart)

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 117 Connections: approaches including subaltern history, the history course includes many field trips, ranging from Conx 23011 Revolution! of identity, and postmodernism. short on-campus explorations to daylong expedi- Conx 20053 Schooling in Modern Society 399. Selected Topics: Independent Work tions on Boston Harbor, Cape Cod and Quabbin Reservoir. 338. U.S. Labor History Offered from time to time to allow students to The first semester will focus on water Explores the history of work and working study a particular topic not included in regular problems on Cape Cod; the second semester (Int Americans from the colonial era to the present. courses, or to engage in fieldwork programs for 111) will focus on energy problems. Students are Examines how race, technology, politics, gender, credit in conjunction with the Filene Center for encouraged to take both semesters (the experi- organizational innovations and global economic Academic Advising & Career Services. ences you have in the second semester will build changes have shaped workers’ consciousness 401. Senior Seminar on those you have in the first), but enrolling for and their experience of work. The seminar is the department’s capstone experi- only one semester is acceptable. (Dolita Cathcart) ence for its majors. Using the skills they have Early childhood/elementary education minors developed in their previous coursework, students 339. Slavery in the Americas are strongly advised to take this course both will conduct research using primary source docu- Examines slavery and slave societies in the semesters to meet their science requirements. ments and write an original research paper. Americas (mainly colonial British North America (Deborah Cato, Kathleen Morgan) 500. Individual Research and the United States, Caribbean and Brazil) Connections: Selected majors are invited by the department from the rise of the Atlantic slave trade to aboli- Conx 23015 Learning to Learn in Math and to pursue individual research in preparation for tion. Emphasizes understanding of slavery and Science enslavement through interpretation of primary writing an Honors Thesis. 111. Ponds to Particles sources. (John Bezis-Selfa) See Int 110. (Deborah Cato, Kathleen Morgan) 340. Gender and Work in the 19th Century U.S. Connections: What is work and who is a worker? Have the Interdepartmental Conx 23015 answers to these questions changed over time? Courses listed here are offered from time to time This course examines the persistence of a gender 210. Water Resources Planning and by faculty members in more than one department. Management division of labor that has differentiated women’s See also Connections for a listing of connected Through the Marine Studies Consortium. work from that of men; that division’s organization courses. over time, place and occupation; and its variations 215. Coastal Zone Management by race, class and region. Courses Through the Marine Studies Consortium. (Kathryn Tomasek) 098. Experimental Courses 225. Maritime History 341. Sex and Culture in the 19th Century U.S. OTSOG:* Logic and Language Through the Marine Studies Consortium. Examines the history of thinking about the nature Examining the deep inter-relations between and meaning of sexuality, with particular attention math, logic and language, this year-long seminar to the religious, medical, psychiatric and sexologi- course continues the explorations begun in the cal discourses in the United States and Europe; innovative “Science FACTion” course. Among International Relations popular responses to these discourses; and the other topics, students will study transformational changing boundaries between “” and generative grammar, philology, etymology, science Coordinator: Darlene L. Boroviak “deviance.” fiction, mathematical and literary foundations of Department homepage: (Kathryn Tomasek) machine consciousness, the literature of Jorge wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/IR Luis Borges, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, Connections: Darlene L. Boroviak Turing machines, Church’s Thesis, 1st- and 2nd- Professor of Political Science Conx 23006 Sexuality order theories of logic, nonstandard analysis, and The international relations program prepares stu- Departmental Courses constructivist mathematics. dents for the complexities of globalization by chal- 302. The Junior Colloquium * OTSOG = “On the Shoulders of Giants” lenging them to develop a broad understanding This course introduces students to history as an (Tom Armstrong, Michael Drout) of international issues from historical, economic academic discipline. Students will begin by exam- and political perspectives. Students can tailor the 110. Ponds to Particles ining theories of history that have been used by program to meet their specific objectives. Want to know how science connects to the real historians over the centuries. They will learn about Students wishing to participate in various world? This interdisciplinary course is totally the approaches and methods of professional exchange programs, junior year abroad, or other hands-on, problem-based science, with authentic historians, and they will begin to plan their own relevant programs should consult with the pro- applications. You’ll work as part of a team in original research projects. Rather than dealing gram coordinators at an early date to ensure that service to a local township to solve real problems with a specific historical subject, the readings in they can complete all requirements. International for that community. Using “just-in-time” teaching, this course will be chosen from different eras of relations majors are encouraged to participate in your instructors will serve you as coaches and history and geographical regions. Special atten- relevant internship and/or fieldwork experiences, partners in your problem-solving endeavors. The tion will be given to more contemporary historical both in the U.S. and abroad.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 118 Major Pols 325 European Integration Soc 240 Conflict and Genocide The major in international relations consists of Pols 345 Understanding Russian Politics and Soc 270 Immigration 10 courses, plus competency at the intermediate Society through the Prism of Film Evaluated fieldwork experience (overseas intern- level in a modern foreign language. The major Pols 375 The Politics of Social and Economic ship program or relevant Washington, D.C., U.N. includes five core courses, at least four courses Problems in Post-Communist Russia or other domestic experience.) in one geographical area concentration and at Asia ++ Pols 309 and Pols 339 may not be used as least one applied topics course. Each major’s both core courses and applied courses. Each program should be carefully constructed with the Anth 285 Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific may count for either a core course or an applied coordinator. Students who plan to do graduate Anth 295 Peoples and Cultures of South Asia course. work in international relations should develop Hist 222 Introduction to Chinese Civilization substantial proficiency in a foreign language. Hist 223 Introduction to Indian Civilization Minor Students are also encouraged to develop the Hist 224 Introduction to Japanese Civilization The minor in international relations requires the research and analytical skills appropriate for the Hist 365 Modern China completion of Econ 305 or Econ 306, Pols 109, major by taking either a research methods course Hist 367 Modern Japan Pols 229, Pols 309 and one course from the in political science or history or an analysis course Pols 209 Chinese Foreign Policy Applied Topics Courses of the major program. in economics. Students should take Math 141 for Pols 223 Contemporary Chinese Politics their quantitative analysis requirement. Courses Rel 212 Sacred Texts of Asia Core courses 402. Senior Seminar Rel 328 Buddhism and Development Required of all students. Econ 305 International Finance Middle East/Africa/Latin America Anth 225 Peoples and Cultures of Africa or Econ 306 International Trade Italian Studies (note that Econ 101 and Econ 102 are prerequi- Anth 235 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America Anth 245 Indigenous Movements of Latin America sites) Coordinator: Tommasina Gabriele Hist 143 Africans on Africa: A Survey Pols 109 International Politics Department homepage: Pols 229 United States Foreign Policy Hist 217 Mundo Brasileiro wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/ItalianStudies/ Hist 219 Norte y Sur: Modern Spanish America Pols 309 International Law and Organization Alberto Bianchi or Pols 339 Theories of International Relations Hist 252 The Modern Middle East 1800–1992 Assistant Professor of Italian Studies or 402 Senior Seminar Hist 352 Social Movements in Modern Islam Tommasina Gabriele Pols 203 African Politics Chair, Professor of Italian Studies, Coordinator of Foreign language Pols 233 The Politics of Latin America Italian Studies Competence at the intermediate level in a modern Pols 263 The Politics of the Middle East Kerra Gazerro Hanson foreign language. (For languages taught at Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian Studies Wheaton, the equivalent would be passing Fr 211, Pols 273 Inter-American Relations Ger 202, Itas 200, Russ 211 or Hisp 150.) Pols 333 Popular Movements and Religious The program of Italian Studies offers courses in the language, literature, civilization, art and Area concentrations Sentiment in the Americas politics of Italy. Each major must choose four courses in one of Rel 316 Islam: Faith and Practice the following areas, including courses from at Applied topics courses Major least two departments, at least one of which must At least one of the following courses must be part The major in Italian studies consists of at least be political science. With permission, students of the major: nine courses (starting with Itas 200 or above). At may substitute an appropriate course other than Anth 210 Feast or Famine: The Ecology and least four of the nine courses must be in Italian. those listed. Politics of Food Courses Europe and Russia Anth 240 Urban Anthropology Nine courses from the following: Hist 102 The Development of Modern Europe Anth 250 Political Anthropology Itas 200 Advanced Intermediate Italian since 1789 Anth 260 Women and Development Itas 220 Advanced Oral and Written Hist 215 History of Russia Anth 333 Economic Anthropology Communication: Composition and Conversation Hist 240 German History: 1648–Present Econ 232 Economic Development Itas 235 Italian Women Writers in Translation Hist 321 European Imperialism, 1757–1939 Econ 233 Sweatshops in the World Economy Itas 260 Italian Civilization Pols 215 Contemporary European Governments Hist 214 European Military History Itas 305 Studies in Italian Literature I and Politics ++Pols 309 International Law and Organization Itas 306 Studies in Italian Literature II Pols 225 Italian Politics Pols 323 Comparative Political Development Itas 320 Italian Cinema Pols 249 Russian Foreign Policy ++Pols 339 Theories of International Relations Itas 330 Modern Italian Theatre Pols 255 Russian Politics Pols 379 National Security Policy Arth 231 Italian Medieval Art and Culture Pols 265 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe Soc 200 Social Movements Arth 232 Art and Architecture of the 14th and

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 119 15th Centuries in Italy 102. Basic Italian Studies in literature or culture Arth 274 Visualizing Power in Ancient Rome Continuation of Itas 101. 320. Italian Cinema Arth 332 Art and Architecture of the 16th Century 150. Intermediate Italian This course introduces students to Italian cinema, in Italy This intensive one-semester course provides film analysis and 20th-century Italian history Arth 336 Sex and Death in Early Modern Venice further development and practice of all language (including fascism, war, the “economic miracle” Arth 401 (When it concerns Italian topics) skills. Comprehensive grammar review, with of the 1960s and migration). We will study Pols 225 Italian Politics activities designed to enhance listening, speak- cinematic techniques and styles through close visual readings of films by Rossellini, De Sica, Other combinations are also possible, if students ing, reading, writing and cultural awareness. Fellini, Antonioni, Pasolini, Wertmüller, Bertolucci take advantage of special courses that deal di- Four class meetings per week plus work in the and others. We will see how these films reflect rectly with Italy and/or Italians in America offered language laboratory and media center. the aesthetic and cultural debates in the Italian by other departments. Such courses will vary from Advanced intermediate language courses sociohistorical context. Required weekly film view- year to year. 200. Advanced Intermediate Italian ing and readings. We also encourage majors to spend their Reading and discussion in Italian of Italian texts (Alberto Bianchi) junior year abroad with an approved program, (drama, novel, short stories, poetry). Nonliterary such as Middlebury in Florence or Ferrara and Connections: texts such as films and music included. Designed the Institute for the International Education of Conx 23014 Film and Society to improve the students’ ability to communicate Students (IES) in Milan or Rome. orally and to express themselves in written Italian; 330. Modern Italian Theatre Minor to broaden their understanding of the Italian This course explores the shifting zones between The minor in Italian studies consists of at least world; to introduce them to contemporary Italian stage and audience, between written text and five courses from the course list for the Italian writers. Four class meetings per week plus work social intervention. Beginning with Pirandello’s studies major (starting with Itas 200 or above). At in the language laboratory and media center. seminal masterpiece, Six Characters in Search of an Author, students will explore the radical least two of these courses must be in Italian. Connections: artistic and political potential of theatre in modern Courses Conx 23008 Italian Culture, Language and Society Italian society. Readings and viewings may Language courses 220. Advanced Oral and Written include: avant-garde Futurist theatre; De Filippo’s Communication: Composition and Neapolitan theatre; Martinelli’s Afro-Italian col- Language courses at the elementary and interme- Conversation laborations; and works by Betti, Pasolini, Maraini, diate levels in Italian are offered on an intensive This course is designed to improve the stu- Ginzburg and the renowned Fo-Rame team. basis and are taught with an eclectic, functional dent’s speaking and writing skills in Italian at an (Tommasina Gabriele) five-skills approach. This integrated approach advanced level and will develop fluid conversa- develops simultaneously all the fundamental tional and writing skills through intensive practice. 399. Selected Readings skills: speaking, comprehension, reading, writing Three class meetings per week plus work in the Course in translation and cultural awareness. language laboratory and media center. Our language courses offer students an op- 235. Italian Women Writers in Translation portunity to acquire communication skills while Civilization course A study of the dramatic shifts in social, politi- developing an awareness and appreciation of 260. Italian Civilization cal and economic roles of Italian women in the Italian culture and civilization. These courses are A study of the major trends and development in 20th century, beginning with Aleramo’s famous designed for students in any field or major that the evolution of Italian society and culture, from its autobiographical novel, A Woman (1906). Includes benefits from the ability to communicate in Italian origins to the present, from a historical, political, the complex treatment of women under fascism; and knowledge of Italian literature, culture and social, artistic and intellectual perspective. representations of women as wives and mothers; civilization. women in the workforce; women’s political vic- Literature survey courses Before enrolling in a first Italian course at tories (suffrage and divorce); personal and social Wheaton, all students who have studied Italian 305. Studies in Italian Literature I struggles for sexual self-determination; the place must take the placement exam given by the A study of literary movements and genres from of Italian women writers in the canon. Amongst department. the medieval period to the end of the 16th century the readings: Sibilla Aleramo, Maria Messina, through the reading and discussion of repre- Dacia Maraini, Alba De Céspedes. Lectures, Elementary language courses sentative works by Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, discussions, readings, films and papers in English. 101. Basic Italian Machiavelli, women writers of the Renaissance Italian majors and minors may select to do read- A yearlong course conducted by intensive oral and others. Discussion of the Inquisition and ings and papers in Italian. method for students with no preparation in the Venice’s central role in print culture. (Tommasina Gabriele) language. Its goal is to provide more than a basic 306. Studies in Italian Literature II knowledge of Italian by developing the fundamen- Connections: A study of literary movements and genres from tal skills: understanding, speaking, reading, writ- Conx 20014 Modern Italy the 17th century to the present through reading ing and cultural awareness. Four class meetings Conx 23006 Sexuality and discussion of representative works by such per week plus work in the language laboratory authors as Galileo, Carlo Goldoni, Giovanni Verga, 298. Experimental Courses and media center. Grazia Deledda, Anna Banti and Italo Calvino. Words, Images and Lies

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 120 This course focuses on the role of words and im- appropriate communicative skills and an accurate Intermediate courses ages in the construction of “truth” in Italian literary command of basic grammar will be emphasized. The following 200-level courses are open to and cinematic discourse, from medieval literature Students will learn more useful expressions that students who have successfully completed Latin to 20th-century film. By analyzing the interplay can be used in daily lives, further grammar, more 101; students who have previously studied Latin and the transition between different cultural con- vocabularies and Kanji. Students will begin to must take the department’s placement test. These texts and systems of signifiers, the course aims to read short stories, essays and so on. Also they will courses do not form sequences. Each course reflect on the question of language as a source of learn oral skills, like how to interview or make a combines grammatical study and review with knowledge and a vehicle for representation. short speech. Three weekly class meetings, and practice in close reading and textual analysis. (Alberto Bianchi) language laboratory work. Students will learn how to study and do research in specific disciplines in both primary and second- 398. Experimental Courses 202. Intermediate Japanese ary materials. Readings in the original are supple- Students will continue to develop the four basic Words, Images and Lies mented by readings in English; critical writing in skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing This course focuses on the role of words and im- English is stressed. These courses will frequently at an intermediate level in Japanese. Culturally ages in the construction of “truth” in Italian literary be offered as connections courses. and cinematic discourse, from medieval literature appropriate communicative skills and an accurate 211/311. From Romulus to Rome to 20th-century film. By analyzing the interplay command of basic grammar will be emphasized. The legendary history of Rome. Selections from and the transition between different cultural con- Students will learn more useful expressions that the Roman historians, primarily Livy; the relation- texts and systems of signifiers, the course aims to can be used in daily lives, further grammar, more ship between myth and history in the Romans’ reflect on the question of language as a source of vocabularies and Kanji. Students will begin to read view of their origins. knowledge and a vehicle for representation. short novels, poems, essays and so on. Also they (Alberto Bianchi) will learn oral skills, like how to interview or make 213/313. Latin Epistolography a longer speech. Three weekly class meetings, The study of Roman letters and the development and language laboratory work. of the edited collection of letters as a Roman liter- ary genre. Readings will be from Cicero, Fronto, Pliny and Augustine. Japanese (Keeley C. Schell)

Naemi Tanaka McPherson Latin 215/315. The Crisis of the Roman Republic Visiting Instructor of Japanese Social, political and military factors leading to the Joel C. Relihan Chair, Professor of Classics crisis of the end of the Roman Republic. Readings Courses will be from Caesar, Sallust, Cicero and Velleius Keeley C. Schell 101. Introduction to Japanese Paterculus. Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Students will develop the four basic skills of 217/317. Roman Satire speaking, listening, reading and writing at an el- (For descriptions of majors and minors, see The origins and development of Roman prose ementary level in Japanese. Culturally appropriate Classics.) and verse satire. Texts will include Horace’s communicative skills and an accurate command Courses Satires, Petronius’s Satyricon and Seneca’s of basic grammar will be emphasized. Students 101. Elementary Latin Apocolocyntosis. will master the basic pronunciation of Japanese, (Joel C. Relihan) and learn the Hiragana and Katakana syllabaries, A two-semester course that covers the essen- tial grammar of classical Latin and introduces as well as 58 Kanji. Three weekly class meetings, 222/322. Roman Comedy students to the reading of simple Latin prose. and language laboratory work. Selections from Plautus and Terence and a Resources in the audio lab and the computer lab 102. Introduction to Japanese consideration of the origins and development of will assist students in proper pronunciation and in comic drama in the ancient world. Students will continue to develop the four basic drill and review. skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing (Keeley C. Schell) 224/324. Poetry in Motion: Didactic Poetry at a beginning level in Japanese. Culturally ap- and Roman Science propriate communicative skills and an accurate 150. Review of Latin An introduction to classical poetry through the command of basic grammar will be emphasized. A one-semester review of Latin forms and syntax study of the poetics of observational astronomy. Students will learn more useful expressions which for students who have had some high-school Selections from Vergil’s Georgics, Manilius’s can be used in daily lives, further grammar, more Latin but not enough to be ready for intermediate- Astronomica and other lyric and epic poets who vocabularies and Kanji. Three weekly class meet- level, author-based courses; this course is de- describe the constellations and the Zodiac. ings, and language laboratory work. signed to prepare students for Intermediate Latin (Joel C. Relihan) in the spring. Offered every fall; students must 201. Intermediate Japanese 226/326. Eros and Erato: Love Poetry in the first take the Department’s placement test. Students will continue to develop the four basic Roman World (Joel C. Relihan) skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing The study of the conventions of love and of poetry. at an intermediate level in Japanese. Culturally Selections from the lyric Horace and Catullus and

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 121 the elegiac Ovid; love poetry from late antiquity perspective. Students in Latin American Studies History and the Latin Middle Ages will also be read. develop an integrated understanding of the Hist 216 Caribbean Worlds 228/328. Epics and Heroes cultures and histories of Latin America, as they Hist 217 Mundo Brasileiro Selections primarily from Vergil’s Aeneid. complete a program based on various disciplines, Hist 219 Norte y Sur: Modern Spanish America including art, anthropology, history, Hispanic Heroic and anti-heroic conventions in Ovid’s Hist 220 The Making of Latino America studies and literature, political science, sociology Metamorphoses and in the Silver Latin epic will Hist 339 Slavery in the Americas also be addressed. and music. The minor’s interdisciplinary approach provides a broad awareness of the complex set Music Advanced courses of relations that have shaped Latin America and Musc 212 World Music: Africa and the Americas The department’s 300-level courses concentrate the lives of its people across continents. The cur- Musc 220 Music in Latin American Culture exclusively on the improvement of Latin language riculum also affords students the chance to study skills. Students in the 300-level versions of the Latino and Hispanic American populations within Political Science above intermediate courses read the Latin texts the United States. Pols 233 The Politics of Latin America covered in the courses with which they meet and The Latin American and Latino Studies Pols 273 Inter-American Relations other, related texts. Latin and Classics majors are Program is part of a wider, interdisciplinary Pols 333 Popular Movements and Religious strongly urged to take 351 and 352 in sequence. effort at Wheaton to develop an appreciation Sentiment in the Americas 351. Elementary Latin Prose Composition and broader understanding of the diversity and Sociology (Joel C. Relihan) dynamism of cultures in Latin America, the U.S. and the world. Soc 285 Latino Community 352. Advanced Latin Prose Composition (Joel C. Relihan) Minor The minor consists of five courses as described below. Those interested should consult the Legal Studies coordinator and/or participating faculty to design Latin American Studies their program. Coordinator: Jay S. Goodman Language competence Jay S. Goodman Coordinator: Domingo Ledezma Language competence at the advanced level Professor of Political Science, Program Coordinator of Legal Studies Department homepage: of Portuguese or Spanish (for Spanish, the equiva- wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/LatinAmStudies/ lent would be passing Hisp 220). Stephen Mathis Chair, Associate Professor of Philosophy Matthew Allen Additional courses Chair, Ruby Associate Professor of Music Five courses selected from at least three of the The legal studies minor defines an area of study John Bezis-Selfa five disciplines listed below. At least one of the within the liberal arts. It includes courses that Associate Professor of History five courses must be at the 300 level or higher. examine legal institutions from a humanistic or Francisco Fernandez de Alba social science perspective. Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Anthropology Minor Gerard Huiskamp Anth 235 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America Associate Professor of Political Science Anth 245 Indigenous Movements of Latin America Students are required to take a minimum of five semester courses in the minor. Although it is Domingo Ledezma Art Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies. possible to take only courses in philosophy and Coordinator Latin American Studies Program Arth 255 Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture political science, courses from related fields, including sociology and psychology, may be Hector Medina Hispanic Studies included or substituted with the approval of one of Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Hisp 270 Studies in Latin American Culture: Cuba the coordinators. Julie Searles and the Pursuit of Freedom Director of World Dance, Instructor of Music Hisp 280 The Hispanic World: Introduction to Latin Philosophy Mary Beth Tierney-Tello American Culture At least two required: Dept. Chair, Professor of Hispanic Studies Hisp 300 Spanish Practicum Internship Phil 255 Feminism, Philosophy and the Law M. Gabriela Torres Hisp 315 Spanish American Literature I: Phil 260 How Judges Reason Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Program Colonialism to Modernism Phil 265 Philosophy of Law Coordinator of Development Studies Hisp 316 Spanish American Literature II: Phil 321 Contemporary Social and Political A. Javier Trevino Contemporary Literature Philosophy Professor of Sociology Hisp 350 Studies in Spanish American Literature: Political Science The Latin American and Latino Studies Program Narrative At least two required: is an interdisciplinary minor concentration, Pols 291 Judicial Politics designed to introduce students to the study of Special courses are also offered occasionally diverse cultures and peoples of Latin America and on women writers from Latin America and other Pols 309 International Law and Organization their diaspora-movements from a hemispheric topics.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 122 Pols 341 Constitutional Law I: The Supreme Court Any economics course other than 101 or 102 not Applications and the Constitution included in the core requirements. Math 104 Calculus II Pols 351 Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and Eng 280 Professional and Technical Writing Math 211 Discrete Mathematics Civil Liberties Hist 338 U.S. Labor History Math 221 Linear Algebra Pols 022 Legal Issues in Public Policy: Family Law Math 211 Discrete Mathematics Math 301 Real Analysis Pols 023 Legal Issues in Public Policy: Criminal or Math 221 Linear Algebra or Math 321 Abstract Algebra Law Pols 321 Public Administration and Public Policy Math 401 Seminar Pols 024 Legal Issues in Public Policy: Torts Soc 215 Working: Society and the Meanings of Five additional courses at the 200 or 300 Pols 025 Legal Issues in Public Policy: The Law of Work level, at least two of which are at the 300 level. Sexuality and Gender Thea 102 Public Speaking Comp 115, Robots, Games, and Problem Solving, may be used to fulfill one of the additional 200- level courses. The department recommends that at least Management Mathematics five courses be completed by the end of the second year. For those students who place out of Coordinator: John Alexander Gildea Coordinator: Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz calculus, the major consists of a minimum of 10 John Alexander Gildea Department homepage: courses. Any additional course(s) needed to meet Professor of Economics wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Mathematics/ the minimum requirement will be determined in consultation with the department. The courses included in the management minor Bill Goldbloom Bloch Students who are considering attending are those that would be particularly useful for a Professor of Mathematics graduate school in mathematics are strongly student intending to earn an M.B.A. or to seek Rachelle C. DeCoste encouraged to take both Math 301, Real Analysis an entry-level position in business. However, the Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Math 321, Abstract Algebra. Students who minor does not encourage students to develop Michael Kahn are education minors and are student-teaching business skills in any narrow sense. Rather, Professor of Mathematics and Director of during spring of the senior year can substitute an drawing on the breadth and depth of the courses Quantitative Analysis additional 300-level course for the Senior Seminar offered in the liberal arts tradition, the minor Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz with departmental approval. seeks to foster an understanding of business’ role Professor of Mathematics Courses beyond Math 104 used to fulfill the in society and to reinforce a high level of literacy Madani Naidjate major requirements may not be taken on a pass/ in the basic areas of quantitative and communica- Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics fail basis. To major in mathematics, a student tion skills. Tommy Ratliff needs at least a C+ for the average of her or his Minor Professor of Mathematics Calculus I and Calculus II grades. The minor in management consists of six courses. Janice Sklensky Assistant Professor of Mathematics Minors Required core courses Harrison Straley Mathematics minor Mathematics/Computer Science Teaching Associate in Mathematics/Computer The mathematics minor requires five courses: Science One course from: Math 101 Calculus I Math 101 Calculus I The Mathematics and Computer Science or Math 102 Calculus I with Economic Math 104 Calculus II Department offers students a commitment to Applications Comp 106 Basics of Computing combining our knowledge with cutting-edge Math 104 Calculus II technologies, initiating majors into the lush and Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem Solving Math 221 Linear Algebra varied realms of mathematics. You will leave or Math 236 Multivariable Calculus Quantitative methods Wheaton with the fundamentals, heightened One additional course at the 300 level Math 141 Introductory Statistics powers of analysis and logic and a firm grasp on the first stage of your career. A bachelor’s degree One additional course at the 200 or 300 level Microeconomic theory in mathematics is a key that unlocks hundreds of Statistics minor Econ 202 Microeconomic Theory different doors, ranging from law school to sys- The minor consists of a minimum of five courses, Additional courses tems analysis to a career in business to graduate only one of which may be counted both for the Three courses from the following list, at least study in mathematics. minor and for the student’s major. one of which must be outside the Economics Major Required courses Department, and at least one of which must be at The mathematics major consists of a minimum of Math 141 Introductory Statistics the 300 level. 11 courses. Normally, the courses will be: or Math 151 Accelerated Statistics Math 101 Calculus I and Math 251 Methods of Data Analysis or Math 102 Calculus I with Economic Discipline-specific advanced course

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 123 At least one 300-level course that incorporates 104. Calculus II 127. Colorful Mathematics statistical methods in a discipline-specific context, Taking the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus as a The mathematics behind coloring, drawing and chosen from: starting point, Calculus II explores the solution of design will be investigated and the art of coloring, Econ 330 Applied Econometrics definite integrals, and their applications, by both drawing and design will aid in the study of other Math 342 Mathematical Statistics analytic and computational methods. These ideas math topics. Topics include: African unicursal trac- Psy 340 Laboratory in provide a gateway to improper integrals and the ings, coloring maps, coloring graphs, symmetry, careful study of infinite series. Additional topics border patterns and tessellations. Psy 343 Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology include techniques of integration, numeric inte- (Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz) Psy 345 Laboratory in Developmental Psychology gration, volumes of revolution and Taylor series. Connections: Psy 348 Laboratory in Animal Communication and (Janice Sklensky, Michael Kahn) Cognition Conx 20011 Communication through Art and Chem 331 Aqueous Equiibria 122. Math in Art Mathematics Soc 302 Research Methods in Sociology This course investigates mathematics in the 133. Concepts of Mathematics context of some of its myriad connections with Mathematical foundation Required of elementary education minors. the art and architecture of various cultures past Mathematical topics that appear in everyday life, One course, chosen from: and present. Possible mathematical topics include with emphasis on problem solving and logical Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem Solving systems of proportion, the development of the reasoning. Topics include ratios and proportion, Math 101 Calculus I Golden Ratio by the ancient Greeks and its con- alternate bases, number theory, geometry, graph Math 102 Calculus I with Economic Applications nection to Fibonacci numbers, the geometry of theory and probability. Math 221 Linear Algebra perspective, classifying different symmetries, non- (Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz, Math 241 Theory of Probability Euclidean geometry and the fourth dimension, Harrison Straley) tessellations, and fractals. Elective Connections: (Janice Sklensky) One additional course chosen from either of the Conx 23015 Learning to Learn in Math and two lists above, or an independent study (399) Connections: Science with approval of the minor’s coordinator. Conx 20025 The Math in Art and the Art of Math 141. Introductory Statistics 123. The Edge of Reason Courses Strongly recommended for social science Consciousness has been memorably described as students. This course aims to answer several 101. Calculus I a flashlight trying to illuminate itself. (Perhaps art profound questions: Given the impossibility of Calculus is the elegant language developed to is the human activity that best understands the collecting complete data, how do we accurately model changes in nature and to formally discuss surrounding darkness?) The Edge of Reason is the answer questions about a large population of notions of the infinite and the infinitesimal. The boundary between light and dark: the mathemat- people, industrial products or mechanical universe is perceived and understood by observ- ics at the border between knowing and not-know- devices? How do we test interesting hypotheses ing changes and the derivative is the premier ing. In this course, we’ll use logic and reason to which apply to a large group? On each space intellectual tool for grasping and precisely de- grapple with ideas and concepts that are literally flight, the Challenger had a one in 15 chance of a scribing change. Topics include techniques of dif- beyond the reach of human imagination. The Edge failure of a critical part—how do we understand a ferentiation, the graphical relationship between a of Reason is for anyone interested in understand- statement such as this? The notions of confidence function and its derivatives, and the Fundamental ing the mental models our minds make. While intervals, hypothesis testing and probability Theorem of Calculus. Applications may include people who enjoy math are encouraged to take provide a framework for answering these and carbon-dating archeological finds, modeling the course, the only prerequisites are an open other questions. May not be counted toward the population growth and optimization. No previous mind, a big mouth and an inquiring spirit. The mathematics major. experience with calculus is assumed. payoffs are keener analytical abilities, a new way Connections: (Madani Naidjate, Rachelle C. DeCoste) of looking at reality, a penchant for expressing Conx 20044 Mathematics of Chemical Analysis Connections: the inexpressible and the ability to tolerate sleep 151. Accelerated Statistics Conx 20004 The Calculus of Microeconomics deprivation. An intertwined co-requisite is Eng 243 taught Strongly recommended for science and gradu- 102. Calculus I with Economic Applications by Michael Drout at the same time, on alternating ate school-bound social science students. This The mathematical content is very similar to that of days. This is a yearlong course consisting of one course covers all the questions and tools of Math Math 101, but the natural connections between class each semester. By taking both semesters, 141, plus a deeper look at probability, tests of the techniques from Calculus I and microeconom- students will attain the QA and AH designations significance, regression and ANOVA. May not be ics are emphasized. For example, the derivative and also fulfill a two-course Connections require- counted toward the mathematics major. from calculus is applied to the marginal analysis ment. However, a student may enroll in only The (Michael Kahn) and optimization that are approached graphically Edge of Reason. in microeconomics. Connections: (Bill Goldbloom Bloch) (Madani Naidjate) Conx 20063 Ecology: A Statistical Approach Connections: Conx 20044 Mathematics of Chemical Analysis Connections: Conx 20031 Science FACTion Conx 20004 The Calculus of Microeconomics

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 124 202. Cryptography 217. Voting Theory 251. Methods of Data Analysis We live in an ocean of information and secrets, This course examines the underlying mathemati- Second course in statistics for scientific, business surrounded by codes and ciphers. Actions as pro- cal structures and symmetries of elections to and policy decision problems. Case studies are saic as making a call on a cellphone, logging onto explain why different voting procedures can give used to examine methods for fitting and assessing a computer, purchasing an item over the Internet, dramatically different outcomes even if no one models. Emphasis is on problem-solving, inter- inserting an ATM card at the bank or using a sat- changes their vote. Other topics may include the pretation, quantifying uncertainty, mathematical ellite dish for TV reception all involve the digitizing Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem concerning the principles and written statistical reports. Topics: and encrypting of information. Companies with manipulation of elections, Arrow’s Impossibility ordinary, logistic, Poisson regression, remedial proprietary data and countries with classified Theorem, measures of voting power, the theory methods, experimental design and resampling information: all kinds of organizations need a of apportionment, and nonpolitical applications of methods. way to encode and decrypt their secrets to keep consensus theory. (Michael Kahn) them hidden from prying eyes. This course will (Tommy Ratliff) 285. Mathematical and Statistical Consulting develop from scratch the theoretical mathematics Connections: Teams of students explore current problems of necessary to understand current sophisticated Conx 20002 Voting Theory, Math and Congress interest acquired from area businesses and gov- crypto-systems, such as the government, industry ernment agencies. The student groups construct and Internet standards: the public-key RSA, the 221. Linear Algebra and determine appropriate techniques for investi- DES and the Rijndael codes. How might you draw a 3D image on a 2D screen gating and solving clients’ problems. Each group (Bill Goldbloom Bloch) and then “rotate” it? What are the basic notions behind Google’s original, stupefyingly efficient meets clients regularly to provide progress report. Connections: search engine? After measuring the interacting Results of investigations are delivered by way of Conx 20038 Top Secret components of a nation’s economy, can one find scholarly report and professional presentation to 211. Discrete Mathematics an equilibrium? Starting with a simple graph of the sponsoring organization. Combining the iron rules of logic with an artist’s two lines and their equations, we develop a theory (Michael Kahn, Tommy Ratliff) sensitivity is part of the aesthetics of a mathemat- for systems of linear equations that answers 298. Experimental Courses ical proof. Discrete mathematics is the first course questions like those posed here. This theory leads 301. Real Analysis that asks students to create their own rigorous to the study of matrices, vectors, linear transfor- This course takes a rigorous approach to func- proofs of mathematical truths. Relations and func- mations and geometric properties for all of the tions of a single real variable to explore many tions, sets, Boolean algebra, combinatorics, graph above. We learn what “perpendicular” means of the subtleties concerning continuous and theory and algorithms are the raw items used to in high-dimensional spaces and what “stable” differentiable functions that are taken for granted develop this skill. means when transforming one linear space into in introductory calculus. Much more than simply (Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz) another. Topics also include: matrix algebra, an advanced treatment of topics from calculus, determinants, eigenspaces, orthogonal projections Connections: this course uses beautiful and deep results about and a theory of vector spaces. Conx 20018 Communicating Information topics such as the Cantor set, Fourier series and Connections: 212. Differential Equations continuous functions to motivate the rigorous Conx 20045 Mathematical Tools for Chemistry Since the time of Newton, some physical pro- approach. cesses of the universe have been accurately mod- 236. Multivariable Calculus (Bill Goldbloom Bloch, Tommy Ratliff) This course is a continuation of the rich field of eled by differential equations. Recent advances in 321. Abstract Algebra ideas touched upon in Calculus II and extends the mathematics and the invention of computers have This course is an introduction to the study of ab- ideas of the derivative, the integral and optimiza- allowed the extension of these ideas to complex stract algebra. We begin with sets, and operations tion to functions that depend on several variables. and chaotic systems. This course uses qualitative, on those sets, that satisfy just a few basic proper- Topics include vector-valued functions, multiple analytic and numeric approaches to understand ties and deduce many more properties, creating integrals, alternate coordinate systems, the gradi- the long-term behavior of the mathematical an impressive body of knowledge from just these ent, vector calculus and Green’s Theorem. models given by differential equations. few initial ideas. We use this approach to focus on Connections: (Bill Goldbloom Bloch, Rachelle C. DeCoste) structures known as groups. Symmetry, permuta- Conx 20045 Mathematical Tools for Chemistry 216. Computational Molecular Biology tion groups, isomorphisms and homorphisms, Mathematical models and computer algorithms 241. Theory of Probability cosets and factor groups will be covered, as well played a role in sequencing the human genome This course is an introduction to mathematical as an introduction to rings, domains and fields. A and continue to play a role as biologists deal models of random phenomena and process, secondary focus will be developing the student’s with enormous amounts of data that need to be including games of chance. Topics include combi- ability to write rigorous and well-crafted proofs. processed and analyzed. This course deals with natorial analysis, elementary probability measures, (Janice Sklensky) conditional probability, random variables, special the theory (but not computer programming) of 327. Graph Theory distributions, expectations, generating functions the computational techniques used in molecular A graph is a mathematical structure consisting and limit theorems. biology. of dots and lines. Graphs serve as mathemati- (Michael Kahn) (Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz) cal models for many real-world applications: for

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 125 example, scheduling committee meetings, routing 398. Experimental Courses Tommy Ratliff Professor of Mathematics of campus tours and assigning students to dorm History of Math rooms. In this course, we study both the theory This class is a mathematics class that devotes Janice Sklensky Assistant Professor of Mathematics and the utility of graphs. Offered at the discretion considerable attention to how certain mathemati- of the department. cal ideas and selected mathematicians related to The mathematics and computer science major (Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz, the history of humankind. We will not only learn brings together aspects of theoretical and applied Rachelle C. DeCoste) about the great and near great mathematicians, work that reinforce each other well. The major 331. Geometry but we will devote considerable attention to se- provides sound undergraduate preparation for a A comparison of Euclidean and non-Euclidean ge- lected important mathematical ideas in addition to world of work that increasingly involves computer ometries with an emphasis on understanding the their relationship to the culture of the times and of use. The major also provides excellent preparation underlying structures that explain these geom- the future. Most of the mathematics content will for graduate study in computer science or applied etries’ fundamental differences. At the instructor’s come from the mathematics that proceeded the mathematics, as well as in quantitatively oriented discretion, the geometries of the Euclidean plane Middle Ages; however, we will make forays into programs in management or public policy. and Euclidean manifolds will be compared with selected mathematical ideas that are currently Department home page: spherical and hyperbolic geometries. receiving research attention. Mathematics: wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/ (Tommy Ratliff, Rachelle C. DeCoste) (Harrison Straley) Mathematics/ Computer Science: wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/ 342. Mathematical Statistics 399. Independent Study ComputerScience/ This course covers mathematical theory of fun- An individual or small-group study in mathemat- damental statistical techniques and applications ics under the direction of an approved advisor. Major An individual or small group intensively studies a of the theory. Topics: estimation and associated The major consists of a minimum of 13 courses. subfield of mathematics not normally taught. An likelihood statements regarding parameters, hy- Courses beyond the 100 level used to fulfill the independent study provides an opportunity to go pothesis testing theory and construction, ANOVA, major requirements may not be taken on a pass/ beyond the usual undergraduate curriculum and regression, Bayesian and resampling methods for fail basis. inference. deeply explore and engage an area of interest. Required courses (Michael Kahn) Students are also expected to assume a greater responsibility, in the form of leading discussions Math 101 Calculus I 351. Number Theory and working examples. or Math 102 Calculus I with Economic Divisibility properties of the integers, prime and 401. Seminar Applications composite numbers, modular arithmetic, congru- A seminar featuring historical and/or contempo- Math 104 Calculus II ence equations, Diophantine equations, the distri- rary topics in mathematics. Roundtable discus- Math 211 Discrete Mathematics bution of primes and discussion of some famous sions, student-led presentations and writing are Math 221 Linear Algebra unsolved problems. Offered at the discretion of featured. Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem Solving the department. (Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz) Comp 116 Data Structures Comp 215 Algorithms 361. Complex Analysis Comp 220 Computer Organization and Assembly Complex numbers first arose naturally during Mathematics and Language the algorithmic process of finding roots of cubic Computer Science polynomials. Extending the ideas of calculus to Five additional courses beyond the 100 level Either three in math and two in computer science complex numbers continues to bring forth beauti- Chair: Michael B. Gousie ful ideas such as the Mandelbrot Set and powerful or four in math and one in computer science, Tom Armstrong including a Senior Seminar (Math 401 or Comp applications to quantum mechanics. This course Assistant Professor of Computer Science will take primarily the geometric perspective in 401) and at least two courses at the 300 or 400 Bill Goldbloom Bloch understanding the many surprising and elegant level. Professor of Mathematics theorems of complex analysis. Offered at the discretion of the department. Rachelle C. DeCoste Assistant Professor of Mathematics (Bill Goldbloom Bloch, Rachelle C. DeCoste) Michael B. Gousie Mathematics and 381. Combinatorics Chair, Associate Professor of Computer Science Economics A study of graph theory and general counting Michael Kahn methods such as combinations, permutations, Professor of Mathematics and Director of Coordinator: John Alexander Gildea, Rochelle generating functions, recurrence relations, Quantitative Analysis (Shelly) Leibowitz principle of inclusion-exclusion. Offered at the Mark D. LeBlanc discretion of the department. Professor of Computer Science Department home page: Mathematics: wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/ (Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz) Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz Professor of Mathematics Mathematics/

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 126 Economics: wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/ Music coursework in listening, performance, music Economics/ literature and history, music criticism, composi- Bill Goldbloom Bloch Chair: Matthew Allen tion and theory. Electives enable majors to pursue Professor of Mathematics Department homepage: advanced study in areas of personal interest. James Freeman wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Music/ Many traditional and interdisciplinary courses are Associate Professor of Economics open to majors and nonmajors alike. Matthew Allen John Alexander Gildea Chair, Ruby Associate Professor of Music Individual performance instruction is avail- Professor of Economics able either for credit or on a noncredit basis Leslie Amper in piano, harpsichord, organ and voice; most Michael Kahn Visiting Assistant Professor of Music in Professor of Mathematics and Director of Performance of the standard orchestral instruments (violin, Quantitative Analysis viola, cello, bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, Rick Britto Rochelle (Shelly) Leibowitz Visiting Instructor of Music in Performance, trumpet, trombone, tuba); and jazz (guitar, jazz Professor of Mathematics Director of Wheaton Jazz Band piano, saxophone). Students may participate for credit or noncredit in a variety of faculty-directed John Miller Jeffrey Cashen Professor of Economics Instructor of Music in Performance ensembles, including Chorale, Chamber Singers, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, Wind Symphony Tommy Ratliff Seta der Hohannesian Professor of Mathematics Professor of Music in Performance and World Music Ensemble. The interdepartmental major in mathematics and Sheila Falls-Keohane Major economics provides an opportunity for students Instructor of Music in Performance, Director of The major in music consists of 11.5 semester World Music Ensemble interested in both economic and mathematical courses: analysis to use certain mathematical concepts Daniel Hann Visiting Instructor of Music in Performance Musc 114 Music Theory I: Fundamentals of and techniques in understanding and analyzing Harmonic Practice economic problems, processes and policies. A Tim Harbold Musc 115 Music Theory II: Tonal Harmony student with this combination of disciplines would Associate Professor, Director of Music in Performance, Choral Director be prepared for graduate study at institutions Musc 214 Music Theory III: Form and Analysis stressing mathematical economics. Courses Zarina Irkaeva or another theory course at or above the 200 level Instructor of Music in Performance beyond Math 104 and Econ 102 used to fulfill the Musc 209 Western Music I: Medieval, major requirements may not be taken on a pass/ William MacPherson Renaissance, Baroque fail basis. Assistant Professor of Music or Musc 210 Western Music II: Classical, Joanne Mouradjian Romantic, Modern Major Assistant Professor of Music in Performance, Musc 211 World Music: Eurasia The major consists of a minimum of 14 courses: Soprano Soloist or Musc 212 World Music: Africa and the 7 Economics courses and 7 Mathematics courses. Earl Raney Americas Economics Assistant Professor of Music in Performance, Music Director and Conductor of the Chamber Two additional 200-level courses, other than the Econ 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics Orchestra, Wind Symphony, and Brass Ensemble; required history or theory courses. Econ 102 Introduction to Microeconomics Brass Instructor Two 300-level courses. Normally, 300-level cours- or Econ 112 Introduction to Microeconomics Ilana Ringwald es for the major should be taken at Wheaton. Econ 201 Macroeconomic Theory Visiting Assistant Professor of Music in Performance Musc 402 Senior Conference Econ 202 Microeconomic Theory One year (1 credit) of individual performance Econ 330 Applied Econometrics Lisa Romanul Visiting Assistant Professor of Music in study and one year (.5 credit) of ensemble Econ 336 Mathematical Economics Performance performance. One course at the 400 level in Economics. Julie Searles Students who place out of Musc 114 or Musc Mathematics Director of World Dance, Instructor of Music 115 through proficiency tests must still take three theory courses. No course taken pass/fail can Math 101 Calculus I Ann Sears Heuser Professor of Music satisfy a major requirement. or Math 102 Calculus I with Economic Applications Jorge Soto Minors Chamber Orchestra Concert Master Math 104 Calculus II There are five minor concentrations in music, Math 141 Introductory Statistics Guy Urban each involving five semester courses. For all Associate Professor of Music or Math 151 Accelerated Statistics minors, 300-level electives should be taken at Math 211 Discrete Mathematics The Music Department offers a variety of ap- Wheaton. proaches to the study of musical traditions from or Math 221 Linear Algebra Music history around the globe. Using the tools of both the Musc 114, Musc 115, Musc 209, Musc 210 and One course at the 300 or 400 level. musicologist and the ethnomusicologist, majors one course at the 300 level. Two additional courses at the 200 or 300 level. learn multiple forms of music analysis, through

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 127 Music theory and composition Requires some background in music notation and musical offerings of Brazil and Native American Musc 114, Musc 115, Musc 214, Musc 307 and basic music theory, determined by placement test music cultures found here in the United States. Musc 308. offered online and during the first class meeting. (Julie Searles) American music Students who have not studied music before Connections: should register for Musc 113, Introduction to Musc 114, Musc 115, two courses from Musc Conx 20023 Global Music Music Theory. 220, Musc 262, Musc 272 and Musc 273 and Conx 23001 African Worlds (Earl Raney, Guy Urban) Musc 292, and one course in American music at 214. Music Theory III: Form and Analysis the 300 level. Connections: Approaches to analyzing compositional forms, Conx 20043 Music: The Medium and the Ethnomusicology phrase structure and more advanced harmonic Message Musc 113 or Musc 114, Anth 102, Musc 211 progressions in music of the 18th- and 19th- or Musc 212, one course from Musc 220, Musc 115. Music Theory II: Tonal Harmony century Western repertoire. 221, Musc 262, Musc 272, Musc 273, Musc Four-part diatonic progressions and voice leading, (Guy Urban) 282, Musc 292, and one course in ethnomusicol- simple modulation, analysis of works and excerpts ogy at the 300 level. from 18th- and 19th-century Western reper- 220. Music in Latin American Culture Study of Latin American and Latino/a music cul- Music performance toire. One 30-minute lab per week in addition to tures and the syncretization of European, African Musc 114, Musc 115, Musc 214, another music regular class meetings. Prerequisite Music 114 or and indigenous influences in the U.S., Caribbean, course at or above the 200 level, at least one year permission of the instructor. Central and South America. Topics covered of a double-credit performance course (two years (Guy Urban) include indigenous/native, mestizo and African- are strongly recommended) and a required half Connections: based musical forms; samba, salsa, merengue recital. Conx 20043 Music: The Medium and the and other dance musics; and the Nueva Cancion For a definition of “double-credit,” see Courses in Message (“New Song”) movement. Performance. 209. Western Music I: Medieval, Renaissance, (Matthew Allen) Baroque Courses in History and Theory Connections: The study of representative compositions in their 100. Introduction to Music Conx 23003 Modern Latin America historical settings. Lecture, listening, discussion. For students with little or no experience, learning (William MacPherson) 221. Music and Dance of South Asia to understand the elements, structure and emo- A study of the inseparable worlds of music and tional expressiveness of music through attentive 210. Western Music II: Classical, Romantic, Modern dance on the South Asian subcontinent (India, listening to performances from many cultures and Pakistan, Nepal and other countries), traversing a The study of representative compositions in their historical periods. Considerable lecture demon- stylistic spectrum from popular and folk to high- historical settings. Lecture, listening, discussion. stration. art classical genres and a range of performance (William MacPherson) (Jeffrey Cashen, Earl Raney) settings encompassing ritual, festival, musical 107. The Physics of Music and Sound 211. World Music: Eurasia theatre, concert hall and cinema. An ethnomusi- See Phys 107. An ethnomusicological study of music and other cological approach places the arts within social, expressive arts within human culture. Focus on political, historical and religious contexts. Connections: classical, folk and popular musics from a variety (Matthew Allen) Conx 20043 Music: The Medium and the of traditions including Bulgaria, India, Indonesia Message Connections: and Ireland. This course seeks to develop critical Conx 20032 Cultural Flows in South Asia 113. Introduction to Music Theory skills, theoretical understanding and appreciation Designed for non-music majors or students with for the musical diversity that surrounds us. 242. Conducting little music theory background who wish to gain (Julie Searles) Develops a repertoire of skills necessary for experience with the fundamental concepts of leading effective rehearsals and intelligent Connections: music notation, scale forms, intervals, triads and performances. Emphasis on learning efficient con- Conx 20023 Global Music rhythmic structures. Includes individual computer- ducting techniques that will work with singers and assisted instruction. 212. World Music: Africa and the Americas instrumentalists. Other topics include rehearsal (Matthew Allen, Jeffrey Cashen, Guy Urban) An ethnomusicological study of music and other technique, score reading, performance-related expressive arts within human culture. Focus on music analysis and ear training. Labs with singers Connections: musical traditions and aesthetics of the African and instrumentalists. Conx 20043 Music: The Medium and the continent, including Ewe, Dagbamba, Mande and (Tim Harbold, Earl Raney) Message Shona peoples, vocal traditions of South African 262. Vernacular Dance in America 114. Music Theory I: Fundamentals of and Arab music traditions found in Egypt. The Harmonic Practice The study of American vernacular dance as an Americas are represented through the diverse Music notation, scale forms, intervals, triads, indicator of significant historical, social and artistic seventh chords, rhythmic structures, part-writing.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 128 trends, contextualizing dance in the contemporary Asia (Madame Butterfly, South Pacific and The 307. Composition cultural climate that both shaped and reflected King and I); and romantic treatments of American The development of technical facility in music the influence of dance as an expressive form. history (The Girl of the Golden West, 1776 and composition through individual study and group Consideration of relevant theoretical works from Oklahoma!). Emphasis on film viewing and discus- discussion and analysis. the fields of dance ethnography, ethnomusicol- sion. (Guy Urban) ogy and culture studies, and experience with the (Ann Sears) 308. Analytical Survey of Western Music dances themselves through lecture demonstra- 298. Experimental Courses tions. Discovering the interactions of time, space, lan- (Julie Searles) Opera guage, timbre and form as they occur in Western A survey of the 400-year history of opera. Topics European music from the Middle Ages to the 21st 272. African American Originals I: Spirituals, include: Words, drama and music; singers and century. Blues and All That Jazz vocal technique; characterization, roles and ste- (Guy Urban) African American music from early spirituals reotypes, interpretation, design and staging; and to bebop and the historical and social context 309. Music Nationalism and Identity social history, including patrons, opera houses in which the music was created. A balance of This course examines the crucial role played by and audiences. Examples will be mainly from the lecture, listening and discussion. Considerable music in the construction of individual, community Western European operatic canon, but will also use of film. and national identity in the 19th and 20th cen- include operetta, musical theatre, non-Western (Ann Sears) turies. Through the lens of art, folk and popular genres and film scores. Lecture, discussion, music traditions, we will study music “revivals”; Connections: listening and viewing and live performance. No the role played by music in nationalist move- Conx 23007 African Diaspora in New World music reading ability required and no music ments in Europe, the Americas and Asia; and the theory prerequisite. Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics culture clashes that occur when musical systems (William MacPherson) 273. African American Originals II: Rhythm encounter each other. and Blues, Rock and Contemporary Jazz Jazz Harmony (Matthew Allen) African American music from rhythm and blues This course takes the student from the most 312. American Musical Traditions to 1945 to rock and roll, from Latin-influenced Cubop and basic techniques such as interval theory, chord This class will survey the cultivated and vernacu- Brazilian Bossa Nova to contemporary jazz. Study construction and inversion through diatonic lar traditions of American music, both sacred of the influence of African-based musical aesthet- harmony, chord scale theory, diatonic modes and and secular, from the Yankee tunesmiths and ics and traditions in the United States since 1945. modulations. Other topics include the original immigrant musics of the colonial period to jazz A balance of lecture, listening and discussion. blues progression and its variations, the original and musical theatre at the end of World War II. Considerable use of film. “Rhythm” change form and its variations, John Considerable independent listening, viewing and (Rick Britto) Coltrane’s tri-tonic system of harmony, a study writing. Connections: of re-harmonization, song forms, slash chords, (Ann Sears) Conx 20034 The Historical Context of hybrid chords, the bebop and pentatonic scales, Contemporary American Culture superimposition on chords and how to read a lead 315. Politics of Movement Conx 23007 African Diaspora in New World sheet and memorize tunes easily. This course explores the dynamic issues such Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics Students will learn all of this through analysis as race, gender, class and sexuality through of popular and jazz standards from the 1930s to revolving world dance case studies. We look at 282. Music and Worship in World Cultures the present day. Students will also get the chance how definitive dance styles materialize through Study of music and dance in religious and spiritual to compose music assignments for this class! negotiation and the appropriation of marginalized practice in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. (Prerequisite: Musc 115) influences and how people use dance and music We will explore the dialectics between: sacred (Rick Britto) to define, reinforce and empower personal and and secular, virtuosity and devotion, and religious shared identity. belief and sociopolitical forces, in Islam, Judaism, 302. ‘The Modern Composer Refuses to Die!’: Music in the 20th Century (Julie Searles) Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and indigenous African and Native American spirituality. Composer Edgard Varèse’s rallying cry reflects the 332. Teaching Music in the United States (Matthew Allen, Julie Searles) rebellious spirit of composers who emerged from Introduction to important philosophies in music the decaying European classical and romantic education, teaching styles, learning strategies and 292. Broadway Bound: American Musical music tradition of the 19th century striving to Theatre curriculum design. Includes teaching practicum at create new musical languages and ideals. The the Elisabeth W. Amen Nursery School. A survey of American musical theatre, focusing course will survey the important composers of the (Ann Sears) on three areas: the African American experience 20th century, their music and their interactions (through shows such as The Green Pastures, with the other arts, in the context of the cultural 398. Experimental Courses Cabin in the Sky, Show Boat, Carmen Jones, and political upheavals of that period. Arts Administration Porgy and Bess and The Wiz); Western views of (Guy Urban) Students will explore the organization and administrative workings of performing arts groups,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 129 including symphony orchestras, choral ensem- Jeffrey Cashen These two semesters required for credit are usu- bles, chamber music ensembles, folk, jazz and Instructor of Music in Performance ally but not necessarily consecutive. Membership rock bands, among others. Lectures, individual Seta der Hohannesian in some ensembles is by audition (see descrip- readings and guest presentations will focus Professor of Music in Performance tions below), but there are no pre- or corequisites. primarily on the non-profit arts organization in the Sheila Falls-Keohane A student may count a maximum total of two areas of publicity, marketing, fundraising, board Instructor of Music in Performance, Director of ensemble credits (four years of participation) relations and programming, as well as managing World Music Ensemble toward the 32 credits required for graduation. a concert series or festival, the recording industry, Daniel Hann Individual performance courses community music schools, the touring artist, and Visiting Instructor of Music in Performance Private lessons are available for voice, piano, jazz educational residencies. Outside presenters from Tim Harbold piano, guitar, jazz guitar, organ, harpsichord, con- various area arts organizations will share insight Associate Professor, Director of Music in ducting and most orchestral instruments. Lessons into outreach and programming opportunities/ Performance, Choral Director may be taken with or without academic credit. challenges created by race, gender and ethnicity Zarina Irkaeva Fees apply, but are waived for majors. Credit les- in the current sociopolitical climate. Students will Instructor of Music in Performance sons have corequisites. See below for details. interact with local arts organizations and concen- William MacPherson trate on a specific genre for their final projects. Assistant Professor of Music Credit lessons and fees: Credit lessons award (Earl Raney) Joanne Mouradjian half-credit per semester. Each semester of les- Assistant Professor of Music in Performance, sons includes 12 private 60-minute lessons or the 399. Selected Topics Soprano Soloist equivalent; six hours of preparation are required May be offered from time to time to allow stu- Earl Raney weekly. Credit students must pay a private lesson dents to study a particular topic not included or Assistant Professor of Music in Performance, tuition fee of $500 per semester; however, there not emphasized in regular courses. Music Director and Conductor of the Chamber is no fee for declared music majors. Students may 402. Senior Conference Orchestra, Wind Symphony, and Brass Ensemble; declare majors as early as the second semester Brass Instructor A course designed to culminate work done in the of their first college year. Lesson fees are nonre- music major. Topics, format and instructor(s) will Ilana Ringwald fundable after the end of the registration period. vary, but the course will include weekly seminars Visiting Assistant Professor of Music in Practice pianos, harpsichords and organ may be Performance and the writing, presentation and discussion of a used without extra fee. Students must assume substantive paper. Lisa Romanul the cost of credit or noncredit lessons taken off Visiting Assistant Professor of Music in (William MacPherson) campus. Performance 500. Individual Research Julie Searles Noncredit lessons and fees: Lessons without Offered to selected majors at the invitation of Director of World Dance, Instructor of Music academic credit are offered at any level of ability. Fees are charged each semester based on the the department. Students interested in such a Ann Sears program, which is normally carried out by candi- Heuser Professor of Music length of the lessons: $335 for twelve 30-minute lessons; $500 for twelve 45-minute lessons; or dates for departmental honors, should contact the Jorge Soto department chair during the junior year or at the Chamber Orchestra Concert Master $670 for twelve 60-minute lessons. These fees are non-refundable after the end of the registra- very beginning of the fall semester of the senior Guy Urban tion period. year. Associate Professor of Music See also courses in Music Performance. Courses in ensemble and individual performance Corequisites for credit lessons: To earn aca- are offered to enhance a student’s musical demic credit for lessons, students must also take understanding, technical excellence and artistic one additional course in the Music Department expression. Students may participate in a variety each year. (It is recommended that students take Music Performance of faculty-directed ensembles, and individual per- Musc 114-Musc 115 as a sequence during their formance instruction is available either for credit first year of lessons.) The required schedule of or on a noncredit basis. co-requisites is as follows: Coordinator: Tim Harbold Ensemble performance courses * 2nd semester of credit lessons (Musp 002, 102, Department homepage: 202, 302, 402): Musc 114 or Musc 115 or any wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Music/ Students may participate in any of six faculty- 200-level Music course directed ensembles with or without academic Matthew Allen Chair, Ruby Associate Professor of Music credit: Chorale, Chamber Singers, Chamber * 4th semester of credit lessons (Musp 004, 104, Orchestra, Jazz Band, Wind Symphony and World 204, 304, 404): Musc 115 Leslie Amper Visiting Assistant Professor of Music in Music Ensemble. Criteria for credit are available * 6th semester of credit lessons (Musp 006, 106, Performance from the director of the ensemble or the Director 206, 306, 406): Musc 115 and any 200-level of Performance. Ensemble participation is also Rick Britto Music course Visiting Instructor of Music in Performance, available on an audit or a pass/grade/fail basis. To qualify for Director of Wheaton Jazz Band If taken for credit, two semesters of participation Auditions and placement: are required, resulting in half-credit for the year. performance study with academic credit, a

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 130 student must pass an audition with the instructor. Courses in Performance 035. Wheaton Chamber Singers Auditions are scheduled during orientation and The Chamber Singers are an advanced vocal Ensembles may also be scheduled privately with the instruc- ensemble open to all students by audition. The tor at the start of each semester. Students who 010. Wheaton College Chorale group rehearses two hours weekly, performing wish to progress to the next level of study and are The Wheaton Chorale is open to all students two to three times each semester. Repertoire con- committed to more advanced repertoire and more by audition. The Chorale rehearses three hours sists of music from various traditions, including intensive practice will request promotion at the weekly, performing two to three times each major works, standard Western-practice choral end-of-semester jury and must have the approval semester. Repertoire consists of music from literature, folk musics of the world, jazz, gospel of the instructor. various traditions, including major works, standard and more. Western-practice choral literature, folk musics of Lessons for beginners: Beginning singers and (Tim Harbold) the world, jazz, gospel and more. instrumentalists will be expected to take noncredit (Tim Harbold) Lessons lessons until they have achieved a level of profi- Registration for all lessons is administered at the ciency acceptable for credit study. An exception 015. Wheaton Chamber Orchestra beginning of each semester via yellow cards only, is granted for music majors, who may take credit The Chamber Orchestra is open to all Wheaton available from Registrar or Music Department. lessons at the 000 level in order to fulfill major students who play orchestral string instruments. For all credit lessons, the first digit of the course requirements or learn a new instrument. The orchestra rehearses weekly and presents number will reflect the level of study. The second several concerts each year, both on and off Group lessons: Group lessons may be offered for and third digits (01-08) will reflect the number campus. Repertoire includes music from the voice and some instruments. Class size is limited of semesters of credit study on a given instru- Renaissance through the 20th century and to four to six students and the students will share ment. Fees and corequisites apply. See “Individual often involves collaboration with other campus the fee for one-hour, noncredit lessons. performance courses” above. ensembles. Registration: Registration for all lessons, (Earl Raney) 001-008. Performance Study whether for credit or not, is administered via 000-level lessons reserved for majors. completion of “yellow cards,” which are available 020. Southeastern Massachusetts Wind 101-108. Performance Study from the Registrar, from the Music Department, Symphony 201-208. Performance Study or from the instructors of lessons. Yellow cards The Wind Symphony is open to all Wheaton require both student and instructor signatures and students who play woodwind, brass or percussion 301-308. Performance Study should be submitted to Nancy Milka in the Watson instruments. The ensemble rehearses weekly and 401-408. Performance Study Fine Arts administrative office, Watson 101. presents several concerts each year, both on and 400-level lessons reserved for advanced students off campus. Repertoire includes standard wind who are also preparing for a credit recital Music 400-level Lessons and Recitals: 400-level ensemble and concert band literature from the 415 or Music 420. credit lessons are reserved for students preparing Renaissance through the 20th century. for a half-credit recital Musp 415 or full-credit Lessons available: (Earl Raney) recital Musp 420. Typically, students will take two Piano: (Leslie Amper, Lisa Romanul, Ann Sears, semesters of 400-level lessons in preparation for 025. Wheaton Jazz Band Guy Urban) a full-credit recital, and one or two semesters of The Jazz Band is open by audition to Wheaton Jazz Piano: (Rick Britto) 400-level study in preparation for a half-credit brass and woodwind players, guitarists, bass play- Organ/Harpsichord: (William MacPherson) recital. Students taking 400-level lessons are ers, keyboardists, percussionists, drummers and Guitar and Jazz Guitar: (Jeffrey Cashen) expected to practice 12 hours weekly. Students vocalists. Other instruments may be incorporated Voice: (Joanne Mouradjian) may enroll in the Musp 415 or Musp 420 recital with permission of the instructor. Repertoire Violin: (Sheila Falls-Keohane) courses only in the semester of the recital, and covers a wide range of styles, including swing, only if they have passed a Permissions Jury at the bebop, progressive and fusion jazz. The ensemble Viola: (Ilana Ringwald) end of the previous semester. 400-level lesson rehearses weekly, presenting several perfor- Cello and Bass: (Zarina Irkaeva) fees apply as usual (see above), but there is no mances each year. Flute: (Seta der Hohannesian) additional fee for credit recitals. (Rick Britto) Saxophone and Jazz Saxophone: (Rick Britto)

Specific requirements for all credit performance 030. World Music Ensemble Other woodwinds: Contact Director of Performance (Tim Harbold) courses may be obtained from the instructor of The World Music Ensemble performs music from the course or the Director of Performance, Tim a variety of world traditions, including Brazilian, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone and Euphonium: (Earl Harbold. Irish and South Indian music. Open to all singers Raney) Percussion: (Daniel Hann) Major and instrumentalists regardless of background, the ensemble is a workshop for both learning Conducting: (Tim Harbold, Earl Raney) See the major in music. repertoire and for learning how music is taught Other instruments Minor in different cultural settings. We rehearse weekly Contact Director of Performance Tim Harbold and give a public performance at the end of the with questions about other instruments. Qualified See the minor concentration in music perfor- semester. students may pursue credit or noncredit study of mance. (Sheila Falls-Keohane) any instrument not listed above with off-campus

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 131 teachers approved by the department. However, At least two courses (in addition to Phil 401) are to reason clearly and precisely. Analysis of logical this study, whether for credit or not, is paid for required at the 300 level or above. Not more equivalence, soundness and the relation of truth by the students, who must also provide their own than two courses at the 100 level, other than to validity. transportation. logic, may count toward the major. Students may (Nancy Kendrick) See also courses in Music History and Theory. be invited by the department to become honors Connections: candidates or to elect other independent work. Conx 20003 Logic and Digital Circuits Guidelines have been established for interdepart- Conx 20016 Logic and Programming mental major programs combining Philosophy Philosophy with Religion, Political Science or History. Intermediate courses Minor 203. Ancient Philosophy An introduction to the thought of Plato and Chair: Stephen Mathis The minor consists of five philosophy courses, in- Aristotle: knowledge and truth, the nature of real- cluding one at the 300 level and one from each of Department homepage: ity, the good life and the good society. Attention the following special areas: value theory (Phil 236, wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Philosophy also to Socrates and the pre-Socratic philoso- Phil 265, Phil 311 or Phil 321) and metaphysics M. Teresa Celada phers. (Phil 224, Phil 245 or Phil 325). Only one course Assistant Professor of Philosophy (John Partridge) at the 100 level, other than logic, may count. Nancy Kendrick The department also participates in the minor Connections: Professor of Philosophy programs in Environmental Studies, Legal Studies, Conx 20039 Ideas of Antiquity Serene J. Khader Public Policy, Psychology and Women’s Studies. Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies/ 207. Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant Philosophy Courses The foundations of theory of knowledge and Stephen Mathis metaphysics through the writings of Descartes, Chair, Associate Professor of Philosophy Introductory courses Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Kant. John Partridge 101. Introduction to Philosophy Attention to the ways in which these thinkers Associate Professor of Philosophy An examination of fundamental problems of anticipate various issues in contemporary thought. philosophy. Topics will vary and may include faith (Nancy Kendrick) The Philosophy Department offers a broad range and reason, appearance and reality, the relation of courses in traditional areas of philosophical 208. American Philosophy of mind and body, human nature, nihilism and inquiry. In addition, the department provides sev- America’s contribution to philosophical thought, morality. This course does not assume previous eral courses of interest to students with specific focusing on the classical pragmatists Charles study of philosophy or intent to specialize. career goals, such as law, medicine and business. Pierce, William James and John Dewey and their 111. Ethics influence on contemporary issues of gender, race, Major An introduction to moral reasoning through the and religion. Emphasis on epistemological and The major consists of 10 semester courses. study of ethical theories and their application to metaphysical concepts, such as belief, truth, the Required courses practical problems such as capital , nature of knowledge and justification. Phil 125 Logic world hunger, animal rights and the environment. (Nancy Kendrick) Phil 203 Ancient Philosophy Special attention to developing and defending 211. Normative Ethics Phil 207 Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant one’s own moral positions. Readings from tradi- tional and contemporary sources. This course examines in depth four important Phil 401 Advanced Seminar in Philosophy Connections: approaches to morality: deontology, utilitarian- (in the senior year) ism, virture ethics and feminist ethics of care. Conx 20015 Genes in Context Special areas Readings drawn from historical and contemporary 121. Individual and Society At least one course is required from each of two sources. special areas: An introduction to social and political philosophy, (Serene J. Khader) with special emphasis on the individual’s role in Value theory various approaches to the proper constitution of 224. Minds and Machines Phil 236 Aesthetics the state. Emphasis will be placed on develop- Can a computer think? What is the nature Phil 265 Philosophy of Law ing and defending one’s own positions on both of thought? How does technology affect our Phil 311 Ethical Theory theoretical and practical issues. Readings from conception of ourselves? This introductory course Phil 321 Contemporary Social and Political traditional and contemporary sources. explores issues in the philosophy of mind. Philosophy (Stephen Mathis, Serene J. Khader) (Nancy Kendrick)

Metaphysics and Epistemology 125. Logic 225. Philosophy of Religion Phil 224 Minds and Machines An introduction to categorical, propositional See Rel 225. and predicate logic with particular emphasis on Phil 245 Philosophy of Science 233. Philosophy and Literature methods of discovering and proving the validity of Plato began the ancient quarrel between poetry Phil 325 Metaphysics arguments. Designed to improve students’ ability and philosophy; this course seeks rapprochement.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 132 Philosophical examination of the relationship reasoning; designed to provide students with a 388. Tutorial among readers, writers and literary texts, illumi- basic understanding of the judicial process. The student will do all the work required for nating the nature of the mind and imagination, the (Stephen Mathis) any 200-level course not already taken, plus domain of ethics and the task of moral philosophy. Connections: additional independent work to be arranged in Topics include existentialism, the paradox of fic- advance with the instructor. Conx 20067 Philosopy and Politics of Law tion and ethical criticism. 398. Experimental Courses (John Partridge) 265. Philosophy of Law A survey of key issues in legal philosophy and 401. Advanced Seminar in Philosophy 236. Aesthetics legal theory, such as the nature of law, the role Topics will vary from year to year, according to The branch of philosophy that concerns itself with of the ethical in the law and punishment theory. the interests of students and members of the beauty and art. Examines the main historical and Materials will draw on the social sciences as well department. Required of majors and minors in contemporary theories of art and the aesthetic as philosophy to develop a framework for study of their senior year, encouraged for junior majors experience. Special emphasis on the nature of legal institutions across cultures. and minors. aesthetic value, the limits of aesthetic theory and (Stephen Mathis) 500. Individual Research the contributions of aesthetic inquiry to other Connections: philosophical fields. Conx 20067 Philosopy and Politics of Law (John Partridge) Connections: 298. Experimental Courses Physics Conx 20009 Performing into Theory Advanced courses 241. Bio-Ethics 311. Ethical Theory Chair: Geoffrey Collins A consideration of ethical issues raised by bio- An in-depth examination of theories in norma- Department homepage: technologies. Possible topics include: labora- tive ethics and meta-ethics. Topics drawn from wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Physics/ tory-assisted reproduction and human cloning, consequentialist and nonconsequentialist theories, Timothy Barker enhancement of human traits, designing future moral prohibitions, moral rights, autonomy, Professor of Astronomy children and stem cell research. naturalism, cognitivism and noncognitivism and Xuesheng Chen (M. Teresa Celada) practical reason. Professor of Physics (M. Teresa Celada) 242. Medical Ethics Geoffrey Collins Associate Professor of Geology, Chair of Physics A consideration of current ethical controversies in 312. Feminist Theory and Astronomy medicine. Topics will be drawn from life and death (See Wmst 312 for course description.) John Michael Collins issues, resource allocation, experimentation with (Serene J. Khader) Bojan Jennings Professor of Physics human subjects and ethical issues in the practice 321. Contemporary Social and Political of health care. Jason C. Goodman Philosophy Assistant Professor of Physics (M. Teresa Celada) A critical examination of recent theories of a The Wheaton Physics/Astronomy Department just society, including the work of Nozick, Rawls, 245. Philosophy of Science provides students with an outstanding individual- Habermas, Young and Benhabib. Offered in An examination of modern views about the ized curriculum that challenges them to become alternate years. nature of science. One emphasis is on episte- involved in every stage of the experimental pro- (Stephen Mathis) mological issues: scientific knowledge and its cess, from the design of the experiment through distinctiveness, observational evidence and theory 325. Metaphysics the interpretation of data. The mark of a Wheaton construction, and scientific method. A second An investigation of philosophical problems involv- physics education is to complement rigorous emphasis concerns issues about science, values ing space and time, causation, agency, contin- course work with substantive experiences that call and democratic society. gency and necessity, and the distinction between for students at all levels to confront uncertainty in (M. Teresa Celada) mind and matter. an experiment, and to make rational and informed 255. Feminism, Philosophy and the Law (Nancy Kendrick) decisions as to how to probe nature’s ways. Capstone experience An examination of issues in law and philosophy 329. Nineteenth-Century Continental posed by feminist theory, including how society Philosophy All majors in their junior or senior year are views women and their roles, and how that view Critical examination of post-Kantian idealism required to participate in a research project for affects the legal and societal status of women. and the materialist turn in the context of the one semester or for a summer. Each student is (Stephen Mathis) German Enlightenment. Intensive study of some required to write a report and give an oral presen- tation on the project. 260. How Judges Reason of the following thinkers: Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Marx, Feuerbach, Kierkegaard and A consideration of fundamental issues in the Major in Physics Nietzsche. conception and practice of law in the United The major in physics consists of a minimum of (John Partridge) States. Emphasis on the analysis of forms of legal 11 semester physics courses, as outlined below, chosen in consultation with members of the

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 133 department so as to form a coherent program in Ast 140 The Solar System and control devices. Students will gain insight support of the student’s interests and goals. Ast 202 Frontiers of Astronomy into the way computers work and learn how to Required courses Ast 250 Ancient Astronomies use microcomputers to control simple devices. Phys 170 OR Phys 180 Introductory Physics I Ast 302 Astrophysics No previous work in physics or electronics is required. (Enhanced) Ast 305 Observational Astronomy (Xuesheng Chen) Phys 171 OR Phys 181 Introductory Physics II Phys 170 Introductory Physics I (Enhanced) and/or Phys 171 Introductory Physics II Connections: Phys 225 Modern Physics Phys 225 Modern Physics Conx 20003 Logic and Digital Circuits Phys 298 Modern Physics II Phys 350 Experimental Physics Conx 20022 Computer Architecture Phys 350 Experimental Physics and an additional 300-level course or Phys 399 130. The Universe At least three of the following four core courses. Selected Topics Properties of stars and how they are born and die, black holes, galaxies, quasars and the origin and Students planning to attend graduate school in Physics and Engineering: Dual Degree evolution of the universe. Weekly two-hour labo- physics or astronomy should take all four of the Students who are interested in using physics as ratories retrace the steps involved in measuring courses below: a base to pursue an engineering career should the age and size of the universe, with enrichment Phys 310 Statistical and Thermal Physics consider participating in a Wheaton dual-degree laboratories in astronomical photography and Phys 311 Classical Mechanics program in engineering. This program allows observing. Phys 314 Electric and Magnetic Fields students completing three years at Wheaton and (Timothy Barker) Phys 370 Quantum Mechanics two or more additional years at another institution to earn a bachelor of arts degree from Wheaton Connections: Two or more of the following courses: and a bachelor’s degree in Engineering. Conx 20059 Quantum Theories: Contemporary Phys 110 Electronic Circuits Departmental honors American Fiction, Modern Physics and the Phys 226 Optics Departmental honors will be awarded to students Universe Phys 227 Remote Sensing who successfully complete the Senior Honors 140. The Solar System Ast 302 Astrophysics Thesis and have an average of B+ or better in the The processes that shape the surfaces and Phys 360 Geophysics major and an average of B or better overall. atmospheres of planets and satellites and how Phys 398 Mathematical Physics Minor in Physics the planets have evolved in different direc- Phys 398 Computational Physics Print a minor planning worksheet tions. Students will learn how planetary data are gathered and how to interpret those data and Phys 398 Electric and Magnetic Fields II The minor in Physics consists of a minimum of will design a mission to address one of the many Mathematics requirement five courses, including Phys 225 and Phys 350, remaining mysteries of the solar system. chosen in consultation with members of the Math 236 Multivariable Calculus (Geoffrey Collins, Timothy Barker) department. Recommended courses outside the department Minor in Astronomy 160. Geology Math 221 (Linear Algebra) and Math 212 The minor in Astronomy consists of Ast 130, Ast The origin, evolution and behavior of the Earth, (Differential Equations) are highly recommended 140, Ast 202, Ast 250 and Ast 302 or Ast 305. the processes that shape the Earth today and for students planning on pursuing graduate school investigation of the geologic record to see how Courses in physics, astronomy, engineering or related these processes have operated in the past. Topics fields. 107. The Physics of Music and Sound include earthquakes, volcanoes, erosion, rocks We also recommend that students take a For students of music and others. What sound is, and minerals, the interior of the Earth, Earth course in computer programming, such as Comp how sounds combine, the distinctions between history and plate tectonics. Laboratories and field 115. musical and nonmusical sound, the characteris- trips to investigate local geology are included. tics of sounds produced by different instruments, Major in Astronomy and Physics (Geoffrey Collins) sound recording and reproduction, and human This interdisciplinary major, requiring at least 10 Connections: perception of sound. Includes lecture demonstra- courses, provides an opportunity for students tion. Conx 20030 Politics and Global Change to pursue their interest in astronomy at a 165. Climate Change, Past and Present deeper level than is possible through the minor (John Michael Collins) A detailed survey of the physical processes in astronomy by taking courses in physics that Connections: which control the long-term state of the Earth’s provide additional perspective on the fundamental Conx 20043 Music: The Medium and the atmosphere and ocean, including discussion of principles underlying astronomical research. This Message how climate has changed over the Earth’s history, major is not recommended for students planning 110. Electronic Circuits and how it might change in the future. Emphasis to do graduate work in astronomy; such students A laboratory-oriented introduction to modern on feedback processes and interactions between should major in physics. electronics, which progresses from simple circuits physical climate, biology and human society. Required courses using discrete solid-state components to those (Jason C. Goodman) Ast 130 The Universe using integrated circuits common to computers

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 134 Connections: 226. Optics trometry and photometry of near-earth asteroids, Conx 20030 Politics and Global Change Geometric and wave optics, including reflection, searching for supernovae and determining the light curves of variable stars. 170. Introductory Physics I refraction, scattering, diffraction, interference, po- larization and nonlinear phenomena. Applications (Timothy Barker) The principles of Newtonian mechanics as applied to microscopes, telescopes, spectroscopy, lasers, to solids, liquids and gases. Introduction to heat 310. Statistical and Thermal Physics fiber optics, holography and a variety of modern and thermodynamics. Recommended for students The principles of the physics of systems having optical materials. The course includes a significant in science, mathematics and engineering dual- many particles. A statistical (microscopic) ap- amount of laboratory work outside of class. degree programs. No previous work in physics is proach to the thermodynamic (macroscopic) prop- (John Michael Collins) assumed. erties of many-particle systems, such as pressure, (John Michael Collins) 227. Remote Sensing volume, temperature, entropy, free energy and heat capacity. 171. Introductory Physics II A great deal can be learned about the Earth by studying the different wavelengths of light (John Michael Collins) The fundamentals of electric and magnetic reflected or emitted from its surface. Students will phenomena including circuit theory. The theory of 311. Classical Mechanics learn the theory, collection and interpretation of oscillations and waves. Introduction to geometrical Advanced topics dealing with classical mechani- remotely sensed data from aircraft and satellites, and physical optics. Recommended for students cal systems. Small oscillations and waves. The through hands-on projects related to geology, in science, mathematics and engineering dual- calculus of variations, Fourier analysis and series ecology, human land use and environmental degree programs. solutions of differential equations are some of the monitoring. (John Michael Collins) mathematical methods developed and used. (Geoffrey Collins) (Xuesheng Chen) 180. Introductory Physics I (Enhanced) 250. Ancient Astronomies An enhanced version of Phys 170, offering stu- 314. Electric and Magnetic Fields We will study coordinate systems, celestial navi- dents an opportunity to work at a faster pace and/ Classical electricity and magnetism, electromag- gation, eclipses and the motions of the sun, moon or with more advanced materials. Typically these netic fields and waves. Vector calculus and much and planets. We will then use this knowledge to courses award an additional half credit for the of potential theory will be developed and used view the skies through ancient eyes, especially extra work and time required of them. throughout the course. those of Islamic and Mayan astronomers, and (John Michael Collins) (Xuesheng Chen) gain insight into these cultures and their shared 181. Introductory Physics II (Enhanced) passion for astronomy. 350. Experimental Physics An enhanced version of Phys 171, offering stu- (Timothy Barker) Advanced laboratory. Students will perform a dents an opportunity to work at a faster pace and/ Connections: variety of experiments from the various branches or with more advanced materials. Typically these Conx 20071 Ancient Landscapes and Ancient of physics and astronomy chosen to suit their courses award an additional half credit for the Skies individual needs and interests. extra work and time required of them. (Xuesheng Chen) (John Michael Collins) 298. Experimental Courses 360. Geophysics Modern Physics II 198. Experimental Courses Applications of quantum mechanics to atomic and Use of the principles of physics to understand 202. Frontiers of Astronomy molecular systems. Topics include the hydrogen current geologic phenomena and the evolution of Students will write on topics of their own choosing atom, the fine and hyperfine interactions, spin, the Earth and planets. Topics include the structure in modern astronomy, such as neutron stars, and angular momentum. Many-electron atoms, and evolution of the interiors of the Earth and black holes, quasars, active galaxies, the Redshift simple molecules, bonding, and rotational and vi- other planets, deformation of solid material, seis- Controversy, the Big Bang and the fate of the brational motions are also discussed. Throughout mology, heat generation and transport, dynamics universe. Prerequisite: one previous course in the course, basic concepts of quantum mechan- of the ocean and atmosphere, hydrology, gravity astronomy. ics, such as wavefunctions, energy levels, quan- anomalies, geomagnetism and impact cratering. (Timothy Barker) tum states and quantum numbers are stressed. (Geoffrey Collins) 225. Modern Physics (John Michael Collins) 370. Quantum Mechanics Introduction to the special theory of relativity, 302. Astrophysics The principles of quantum mechanics. atomic physics, nuclear physics and elementary Electromagnetic radiation, properties of stars, Schroedinger’s equation and applications to some quantum theory. This course may be considered stellar structure and evolution, the origin of the physical systems. Observables, operators and to be a third semester of introductory physics. elements, galactic structure and evolution, and expectation values. Operator algebra. Angular (Xuesheng Chen) active galaxies and cosmology. momentum and spin. Approximation methods. (Xuesheng Chen) Connections: (Timothy Barker) 398. Experimental Courses Conx 20059 Quantum Theories: Contemporary 305. Observational Astronomy American Fiction, Modern Physics and the Students will use Wheaton telescopes and our 399. Selected Topics Universe observatory in Australia to carry out independent Independent study on topics in physics, as- research projects, such as color imaging, as- tronomy or geology not covered by the regular

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 135 course offerings. Content varies with the interest Major Pols 323 Comparative Political Development of students and instructors. The major in political science consists of ten se- Pols 333 Popular Movements and Religious 499. Independent Research mester courses, including four core courses and Sentiment in the Americas A research project in physics, astronomy or one course from each of the four area groupings. American geology supervised by a faculty member of the At least three of the ten courses must be at the Pols 201 Contemporary Urban Politics 300 level or above. Majors should complete Pols department. Pols 211 Congress and the Legislative Process 200 before their senior year and are encouraged 500. Individual Research Pols 221 Women in Politics to take Math 141 for their math requirement. Any Investigation of a problem in physics, astronomy student may propose an individual major program Pols 231 The American Presidency or geology under the guidance of a faculty for consideration by the department’s entire Pols 271 African American Politics member. Need to write a thesis and take an oral faculty. The department welcomes individual Pols 291 Judicial Politics examination. Open to junior and senior majors research on the part of its majors. Pols 321 Public Administration and Public Policy who are candidates for departmental honors. Core courses Pols 326 Political Psychology Pols 101 The American Political System Pols 331 Media and Politics Pols 200 Modern Political Inquiry: An Introduction Pols 341 Constitutional Law I: The Supreme Court Political Science to Research Methods and the Constitution Pols 401 Seminar Pols 351 Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Chair: Jeanne Wilson And one of: Pols 361 Environmental Conflict Resolution Department homepage: Pols 207 Classical and Medieval Political Theory wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/PoliSci Pols 391 Advocacy and the Governmental Process or Pols 227 Modern Political Theory Theory Marcus Allen Pols 307 Freedom and Justice Assistant Professor of Political Science Pols 207 Classical and Medieval Political Theory Pols 327 Black Political Thought Darlene L. Boroviak Pols 227 Modern Political Theory Pols 347 Islamic Political Thought Professor of Political Science Pols 307 Freedom and Justice International relations Jay S. Goodman Pols 327 Black Political Thought Professor of Political Science, Program Pols 109 International Politics Pols 337 Power and the State Coordinator of Legal Studies Pols 209 Chinese Foreign Policy Pols 347 Islamic Political Thought Gerard Huiskamp Pols 229 United States Foreign Policy Associate Professor of Political Science Pols 249 Russian Foreign Policy Minor Jenna E. Lukasik Pols 273 Inter-American Relations Guidelines have been established by the eco- Assistant Professor of Political Science Pols 309 International Law and Organization nomics, history, political science, sociology and David E. Powell Pols 339 Theories of International Relations anthropology departments for interdepartmental Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Russian Studies concentrations. The department offers a joint Pols 379 National Security Policy Alireza Shomali minor in Urban Studies with the sociology and Assistant Professor of Political Science Comparative Western societies anthropology departments. David Vogler Pols 115 Introduction to Comparative Politics It is possible for nonmajors to have a minor Professor of Political Science Pols 215 Contemporary European Governments concentration in either American politics or Jeanne Wilson and Politics comparative politics/international relations. Each Chair, Professor of Political Science Pols 225 Italian Politics minor consists of a minimum of five courses in the appropriate area. The minor in American The Political Science Department offers a Pols 255 Russian Politics politics must include Pols 101 and at least one broad range of courses in the field of American, Pols 265 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe course in American politics at the 300 level. The international and comparative politics (encom- Pols 325 European Integration minor in comparative/international politics must passing non-Western and Western systems) Pols 335 Politics of Divided Societies include Pols 109 or Pols 115 and at least one and political theory. To acquaint students with Pols 345 Understanding Russian Politics and course in international or comparative politics at important research techniques, the department Society through the Prism of Film the 300 level. offers a course in modern social science research Pols 375 The Politics of Social and Economic methods. Every student majoring in political Problems in Post-Communist Russia Courses science participates in a department seminar. 101. The American Political System Participation in political campaigns, individual re- Comparative non-Western An introduction to American politics using a search and other field projects is encouraged. The Pols 203 African Politics systems approach and covering aspects of politi- department sponsors a semester in Washington, Pols 223 Contemporary Chinese Politics cal behavior along with institutional description D.C., under the American University Washington Pols 233 The Politics of Latin America and analysis of public policy. Open to freshmen, Semester Program. The faculty also supports and Pols 263 The Politics of the Middle East sophomores and juniors. maintains information on appropriate junior year (Jay S. Goodman) abroad studies in political science. Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 136 109. International Politics community development, housing, education and est groups, executive liaison, policy outcomes and After a brief introduction to salient events in world welfare will be explored via field work. the impact of reforms. politics since World War II, basic concepts in 203. African Politics (Marcus Allen) the analysis of international politics are consid- An introduction to African politics. The course will Connections: ered. The course will analyze the various types focus on major issues, including political change, Conx 20002 Voting Theory, Math and Congress of international actors (nations, international institutions, processes, economic development, organizations, liberation movements, multinational 215. Contemporary European Governments female roles, ethnicity and foreign policy. and Politics corporations), their goals and how they seek to (Gerard Huiskamp) A comparative study of contemporary European attain them, and will explore the determinants of political systems. Special attention given to the international political behavior. Connections: relationship of government structures and the (Darlene L. Boroviak, Jeanne Wilson) Conx 23001 African Worlds policymaking process. 207. Classical and Medieval Political Theory Connections: (Darlene L. Boroviak) Conx 20030 Politics and Global Change Ancient and medieval political philosophies harbor specific understandings of politics. For the Connections: 115. Introduction to Comparative Politics ancients, political philosophy and political involve- Conx 20068 German Politics and Culture in the The comparative study of the political process in ment in society entwine; they imply each other. European Context Western and non-Western societies. No political According to the medieval political philosophy, 221. Women in Politics system will be studied in depth, though the course God is overwhelmingly present in both spheres of This course examines gender, race and class provides the concepts and tools for such study in nature and politics. One may justifiably argue that as categories of analysis for understanding the the future. the post-Renaissance idea of politics breaks with political experiences of individuals in U.S. society. (Gerard Huiskamp) the above notions of politics. In an attempt to elucidate the conceptions and 198. Experimental Courses In this course, we will closely read and discuss ideas that shape cultural and sexual identities, some of the main texts of classical political Science and Public Policy this course will consider all types of women. We thought while the above themes direct our investi- Why do some public policies fail while others will examine how feminist analysis and womanist gation of the nature of politics. We will inquire into work? Why does Congress pay attention to certain analysis reconceptualizes political science and the ancient idea of citizenship, the relationship issues and enact public policy while ignoring other politics. between moral values and political practices, and issues? Who sets the political agenda and deter- 223. Contemporary Chinese Politics the relevance of theology for politics. Socrates, mines what public policies will be enacted? What An introduction to the political institutions and Plato and Aristotle are the main figures here. We are the factors that determine who the winners processes of the People’s Republic of China. also need to study Niccolo Machiavelli in order and losers are in the policymaking process? This Covers the political experience of the PRC since to see how, at the threshold of the Renaissance, course provides an introduction to these questions 1949 with a focus on the post–1978 era. the dramatic break from traditional concepts of through an examination of U.S. public policy and (Jeanne Wilson) politics takes place. This break has a constitutive the policymaking process and its application to part in the makeup of the modern world, the world Connections: science policy. We will pay particular attention to in which we live with all its joys and disasters. Conx 20024 Modern China: Tradition and the political, social and economic institutions and (Alireza Shomali) Contemporary Politics actors that shape the policymaking process and implementation of U.S. public policy. Throughout Connections: 225. Italian Politics the course, we will regularly use and apply case Conx 20040 Political Theories, Political Realities: An examination of the dramatic changes in con- studies to understand the multiple dimensions of Ideas and Practices in Past Politics temporary Italian politics that mark the transition the policymaking environment. 209. Chinese Foreign Policy to the Second Republic. Through a series of case studies and films, the course will focus on topics 200. Modern Political Inquiry: An Introduction An introduction to the study of Chinese foreign such as political culture and the myth of a “back- to Research Methods policy. The course will focus on providing explana- ward” Italy, feminism and the “youth question,” An introduction to the guiding principles of mod- tions for China’s foreign policy behavior as well as electoral reforms, immigration, bureaucracy and ern social science research, along with instruction inquiring into the major issues that have shaped corruption, the fight against the Mafia, federalism in the actual use of research techniques, including the development of the foreign policy of the and local government reform, and Italy and the surveys, statistical analysis of political data and People’s Republic of China. European Union. data processing by computers. (Jeanne Wilson) (David Vogler) 201. Contemporary Urban Politics 211. Congress and the Legislative Process Urban, suburban and metropolitan government, Connections: An analysis of who gets elected to the House of and policy problems. The course will focus on Conx 20014 Modern Italy Representatives and the Senate, how they get local political conflict in the context of the federal Conx 23014 Film and Society elected and what they do once in office. Topics system in which both the national government covered include: elections, constituencies, party 227. Modern Political Theory and the states play important roles. Policy formu- organizations, committees, rules and norms, inter- This course begins with reflection on modernity lation, implementation and evaluation, including and examines a select number of modern political

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 137 thinkers whose ideas have in part, and effectively, behavior with an emphasis on Russia’s struggle tion, participants model real-world international shaped the way we live our lives, understand the to define a foreign policy strategy in a post-com- interactions between countries. meanings, and, define the purposes of our social, munist world. Approximately one-quarter of the (Gerard Huiskamp) political, and, economic involvements. The nature course will be devoted to historical antecedents of 291. Judicial Politics of modern politics, the autonomy, the sover- the Soviet period. Focuses on judicial politics in the United States as eignty, and also, the alienation of the Enlightened (Jeanne Wilson) reflected in the criminal law process. The course individual, also the ideal of democracy and its Connections: is organized in terms of points of discretion where modern enemies are among concerns that lead Conx 20064 Russian History and Politics political decisions are made: the police and arrest, the path of our inquiry. Throughout this course treatment of the accused, bail, plea bargaining, we read Emmanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill on 255. Russian Politics conspiracy law, contempt, sentencing and . Enlightenment, and Individualism. The course will be directed to an examination of (David Vogler) Also Thomas Hobbes tells us about the “scientific” the attempts since the dissolution of the Soviet amorality of Modern/Realist Politics and under- Union to set a course for an emergent Russian 298. Experimental Courses state. Some time will also be spent on examining lines the centrality of power to it. Likewise, Carl State and Local Government Schmitt articulates the concept of sovereignty (we political processes in the other CIS states. State and local government is the pursuit of direct will see the service that his articulation offers to (Jeanne Wilson) democracy and self-governance, as Alexis de both Fascism and Conservatism) and “presents” Connections: Tocqueville observed in his seminal 1835 book the structure of the Modern/Realist Politics. Karl Conx 20064 Russian History and Politics Democracy in America. The American political Marx discloses the secret, and the danger, of the 263. The Politics of the Middle East system is a federal system with many com- Capitalist mode of social life and Hannah Arendt ponents of state and local government. In this investigates the existence, or rather the absence, An introduction course in contemporary Middle course, we will chronicle the development of state of conditions necessary to humane life in Modern East politics focusing on the internal dynamics and local governments from the beginning of time. of Middle East societies, the political relations direct, local government as Tocqueville observed. (Alireza Shomali) among states in the region and the involvement of the superpowers in Middle East affairs. First, we will study the political environment 229. United States Foreign Policy (Alireza Shomali) of state constitutions, federalism and political An examination of the goals of American foreign culture. Then, we will examine the political inputs, 265. Politics and Society in Eastern Europe policy and of the making and implementing of including interest groups, political parties and policy to attain those goals in the Cold War period. After a brief introduction to the history of Central public opinion. Next, we will explore the political (Darlene L. Boroviak) and Eastern Europe, the course will focus on the institutions that are comprised of the executive, current situation in each of the nations of the legislative and judicial branches in state and local Connections: area. Attention will be directed to the political, government. Last, we will analyze timely public Conx 20033 History and Politics of U.S. Foreign economic and social developments in these policies in metropolitan areas of the New England Policy countries, as well as the progress they have made region. A variety of case studies will be examined. Conx 20038 Top Secret in shifting to political democracy and a market Environmental Public Policy economy. 231. The American Presidency Environmental Public Policy provides an intensive (David E. Powell) Development and problems of presidential leader- introduction to the contemporary environmental ship in an era of crises. Includes both a historical 271. African American Politics policy issues and debates in the U.S and global analysis of the development of presidential The relationship between African Americans and contexts. We will pay particular attention to the powers and the application of those powers in the American political system since moving from political, social and economic institutions and contemporary American politics. protest to politics in their quest for freedom is actors that shape the policymaking process and (David Vogler) the course’s central theme. Examined are the implementation of environmental public policy. 233. The Politics of Latin America changing role of civil rights organizations and the Specific public policy dilemmas will be presented An introduction to the dynamics of politics in related successes of varied strategies for political in class in a debate style including policy areas Latin America. Themes include political economy, empowerment on this quest for freedom. related to climate change, transportation, energy military authoritarian intervention, transitions to (Marcus Allen) and pollution. Other environmental policy contro- versies will critically be examined including areas democracy, social movements and the U.S. role Connections: related to environment justice, hazardous waste, in the area. Countries used as examples include Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador natural resources and population growth. The 273. Inter-American Relations and Chile. course concludes with an analytical case study This course will instruct students in the theory and (Gerard Huiskamp) on sustainability and greening efforts on college practice of international negotiation through the campuses. Connections: analysis of case studies as well as role-playing 300. Writing Public Policy Conx 23003 Modern Latin America through a negotiation simulation—”the interna- This course is designed to develop students’ abili- tional relations of the Americas.” In this interactive 249. Russian Foreign Policy ties to conceive and write public policy, for local, Web-based simulation of international negotia- A study of contemporary Russian foreign policy states, national and international decision-making

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 138 arenas. Students will examine a real-world cases ties and similarities across Asia, Africa and Latin in the politics of various societies. The course will and then move on to their own topics of interest, America. look at how various societies respond to the chal- for implicit or explicit policy audiences. These (Gerard Huiskamp) lenges posed by this conflict. Various theoretical latter policy pieces may be one or more in num- approaches will be explored. Case studies include 325. European Integration ber, according to individual students’ interests. Canada, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Belgium, A study of various attempts to unify Western Students are encouraged to bring interdisciplinary Cyprus, Sri Lanka and the U.S. Europe, including the European Union and NATO; perspectives to the course. (Gerard Huiskamp) the implications of the establishment of a com- Connections: mon market in Western Europe in 1992; and the 337. Power and the State Conx 20066 Public Writing impact of changes in Eastern Europe on European This course deliberates on the natures of Power 307. Freedom and Justice integration. and the State and consults with a select number This course deliberates on the nature of justice (Darlene L. Boroviak) of modern political thinkers accordingly. We begin and freedom and consults with a select number of with thinking about the philosophical and socio- 326. Political Psychology classical and modern political thinkers according- logical meanings of power that include concepts See Psy 326. ly. We begin with thinking about the significance such as authority, control, interest and influ- of freedom and responsibility for our meaningful 327. Black Political Thought ence. The contrast between power and violence, existence and see how freedom and responsibility An introduction to African American political and the democratic ideal of rationalizing the use of should be reflected in the realm of political life. social ideas. Through critical examination of major power through public communicative actions, a Liberty and liberalism, the negative vs. positive expressions of that discourse, we hope to arrive at class-based definition of power, power as social understanding of freedom and the shortcomings some understanding of the principles, goals and privilege and finally, a feminist understanding of of this understanding, a feminist view on modern strategies developed by African American women power signify our other steps in this study. faces of oppression and, finally, the relationship and men. Focus is on major philosophical, theo- Subsequently, we will look into the makeup of between freedom and development comprise retical and ideological formulations put forward the State as an embodiment of political power: other stages of our deliberation. during the 19th and 20th centuries. In light of the inquiry into the absolutist, pluralist and consti- Next, we will move to the notion of justice and historic and comtemporary problems associated tutional forms of this embodiment follows our hear from sages like Plato, Aristotle and Kant with race, class and gender oppression, we will debate on the State’s power. We will also listen about it. The subsequent topics are the distribu- probe the manner in which these structures of to the anarchists’ arguments against the State tive idea of justice, the ideal of global justice and domination and exploitation have differentially and learn about the interaction between the intel- the relevance of justice for justifying modern wars. and similarly impacted the lives of black women ligentsia and the State. Lastly, the course ends We will also see another interpretation of justice and men. with a narrative of the State’s collapse through as respect for the total otherness of “the other.” (Marcus Allen) revolution. Following this interpretation we will find a subtle Connections: (Alireza Shomali) and innovative characterization of justice as the Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics 339. Theories of International Relations impossible/gift. The course surveys theories of international rela- (Alireza Shomali) 331. Media and Politics An intensive study of media in political cam- tions (e.g., realism, the causes of war, functional- 309. International Law and Organization paigns, using video archive materials and student ism, decision-making analysis) with the underlying A study of the role of international law and orga- projects on media in gubernatorial and Senate goal of providing students with a framework—or nizations in international relations. Attention given campaigns. frameworks—with which to analyze and critique to the legal relations of states through analysis of (Jay S. Goodman) behavior in the international arena. cases and documents. Some emphasis given to (Jeanne Wilson) the United Nations. 333. Popular Movements and Religious Sentiment in the Americas Connections: (Darlene L. Boroviak) Religious sentiment and popular social move- Conx 20065 Theories of Imperialism 321. Public Administration and Public Policy ments in the Americas. A study of religious senti- 341. Constitutional Law I: The Supreme Court An analysis of theories of administrative behavior ment in the Western tradition and how different and the Constitution and current policy problems. The last half of the conceptions of divinity have influenced contempo- A study of the politics of the U.S. Supreme Court course is an administration “game” based on the rary social movements. The course examines both and the Constitution, with analyses and debates budget of the National Park Service. defensive working-class movements (the Christian on major Supreme Court decisions on the powers (Jay S. Goodman) identity movement; white supremacists and of the president, Congress and the courts, the citizen militias) and groups focused on popular Connections: proper role of national and state governments in a empowerment (the civil rights movement; libera- federal system, and the guarantee of a republican Conx 20017 Ecology and Public Policy tion theology and participatory action-research). form of government. 323. Comparative Political Development (Gerard Huiskamp) (David Vogler) A broadly comparative survey of the political 335. Politics of Divided Societies Connections: economy of less-developed countries, diversi- A study of the role of ethnic or cultural divisions Conx 20067 Philosopy and Politics of Law

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 139 345. Understanding Russian Politics and privacy, private property rights, capital punish- government. Students will develop familiarity with Society through the Prism of Film ment, the right to die and related issues. the practices of politics and public policy through An examination of political and social issues in (David Vogler) study and hands-on experience, and will learn to post-communist Russia, relying heavily on films— Connections: read, analyze and draft legislative or administra- primarily those produced in Russia (with English tive documents. Students will evaluate how those Conx 20067 Philosopy and Politics of Law subtitles)—to understand the situation within the involved in political advocacy roles can advance country. Topics include the transition to political 361. Environmental Conflict Resolution society’s best interests. Fieldwork will take democracy and a market economy and social A fieldwork-based course. The classroom place in Massachusetts or Rhode Island State problems such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, component will focus on the theory and practice Legislatures. HIV/AIDS, environmental degradation, the war in of interest-based resolution of environmental 398. Experimental Courses Chechnya and the situation of women. conflicts and on their merits, building on the (David E. Powell) work of Fisher, Urey and Susskind. In fieldwork Social Welfare Policy The modern social welfare state in the U.S. has its Connections: assignments, students will analyze the interests of the conflicted parties, develop strategies for roots in the Roosevelt Administration’s New Deal. Conx 23014 Film and Society interest-based negotiation of compromise and Popular income security programs such as Social Conx 23018 Cinema/Kino: Film in Russia develop scenarios for this negotiation. Class simu- Security and Aid to Families with Dependent 347. Islamic Political Thought lation developed by the Program on Negotiation at Children (AFDC, also known as “welfare”) began This course investigates the origins and Harvard Law School. This course may be counted in 1935 as part of the federal government’s social metamorphoses of a host of ideas and intellec- toward the minor in Environmental Studies. welfare policy. This course systematically exam- tual tendencies that is commonly referred to as Connections: ines the evolution of these public policies, and it analyzes the political history surrounding social Islamic Political Thought. The recent worldwide Conx 20048 Environmental Problem Solving resurgence of political Islam and its growing welfare issues in the U.S. First, we will begin a 375. The Politics of Social and Economic historical overview of social welfare policy. Next, importance in international and domestic affairs Problems in Post-Communist Russia make an examination of this intellectual genre we will explore the policy debates surrounding Course examines the social and economic a timely study. After all, contemporary Islamic income security programs and the consequences problems, and the successes and failures, intellectual currents both refer to and rely on past of poverty. Then, we will examine the contro- encountered in the effort to transform Russia into and present political philosophies and, in so do- versies of policy reform and service delivery of a “modern” capitalist state. ing, remind us that without a deep understanding health care in the U.S. Last, we will explore the Among the issues covered will be Russia’s of these philosophies we will not be able to fully dimensions of the U.S. educational system and demographic crisis, migration into and out of understand the nuances of many contemporary alternative approaches. the country, drug and alcohol abuse, crime, the events. social/political and economic position of women, 401. Seminar In this course, we will examine the fact that prostitution, abortion, STD’s (especially HIV/AIDS), American Politics profound disagreement existed among early and environmental deterioration, the crisis in health Focuses on contemporary issues facing the medieval Islamic thinkers over major political care, political and economic corruption, and the American political system. concepts. While a number of Muslim intellectuals re-emergence of religion as a political and social (David Vogler) strive to accommodate Western modernity and force. Purpose is to analyze public policies as both the Islamic way of life, others reject modernity International/Comparative Politics cause and effect of strains in Russian society. altogether and embrace various forms of Islamic Focuses on global processes and trends charac- (David E. Powell) Fundamentalism. teristic of the current international order. Throughout this course we will address Connections: (Jeanne Wilson) this intellectual and sociopolitical reality and Conx 20055 Russia: Challenge and Opportunity 421. Government Fieldwork specifically underline a branch of contemporary 379. National Security Policy Individually designed and supervised fieldwork Islamic thought that seeks to reconcile modernity Focuses on issues of national security and strate- in agencies of state and local government or a and Islam. No doubt, the path towards such a gies for policy implementation in the United States political campaign in Boston, Providence and sur- reconciliation cuts through issues such as the and Russia in the post-Cold War era. Topics cov- rounding communities. A semester of tutorial work relationship between Islam and human rights, ered include missile defense, terrorism, weapons (or its equivalent) with an instructor before and gender equality, tolerance, democracy and liberal- of mass destruction, military doctrine and military after the field experience and a paper relating the ism, which we will discuss in class. preparedness. scholarly literature to the experience are required. (Alireza Shomali) (David E. Powell) Students who enroll in this course are expected 351. Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and Connections: to work a minimum of eight hours a week at their Civil Liberties Conx 20038 Top Secret internship. Additionally, at the conclusion of the A study of U.S. Supreme Court decisions, with internship experience, students must complete 391. Advocacy and the Governmental Process analyses and debates on affirmative action, equal a Work and Public Service Record through the This course is designed to give students exposure protection, abortion rights, freedom of speech Filene Center for Academic Advising and Career to the advocacy process within a not-for-profit and religion, government searches and seizures, Services. Enrollment on an as-available basis. organization that is attempting to influence state

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 140 Short courses Psychobiology or Bio 226 Comparative Animal Behavior 020. Model United Nations or Psy 227 Drugs and Behavior Preparation for and participation in a national Coordinator: Kathleen Morgan, Meg Kirkpatrick, Math 141 Introductory Statistics model United Nations conference (The Harvard Robert L. Morris or Math 151 Accelerated Statistics National Model U.N.). The course may be taken Department homepage: Bio 244 Introductory Physiology for credit more than once as long as different wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Psychobiology/ or Bio 255 Vertebrate Evolution and Anatomy states are represented. Conference costs, includ- Jani Benoit Psy 341 Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience ing room and board, are the responsibility of the Associate Professor of Chemistry At least one semester of chemistry: Chem 103 student. Course begins on or about November 1. Meg Kirkpatrick or Chem 104 or Chem 153 or Chem 154. No add or drop after this date. Enrollment limited Assistant Professor of Psychology Two 300-level courses from each of the two to 20 students. Kathleen Morgan contributing disciplines (biology and psychol- 022. Legal Issues in Public Policy: Family Law Associate Professor of Psychology; Williams Chair ogy), at least one of which must include a lab. This course uses a law school casebook in Social Sciences (2005-2010) Suggested lab courses include the following (but and law school teaching methods to look at the Robert L. Morris others will be accepted with permission of the current law of marriage, divorce, child custody, Chair, Associate Professor of Biology advisors): Psy 334, Psy 336, Psy 343, Psy 345, property divisions, procreation, abortion, adoption Rolf Nelson Psy 348, Bio 303, Bio 305, Bio 324, Bio 331, Bio and domestic violence. (Half credit) Associate Professor of Psychology 348, Bio 399. (Jay S. Goodman) Jason E. Reiss A documented research, internship or 023. Legal Issues in Public Policy: Criminal Assistant Professor of Psychology practicum experience of no fewer than 120 hours, Law The interdepartmental major in psychobiology typically after the sixth semester. This course uses a law school casebook and law is intended to fill the needs of students seeking Different electives may be appropriate school teaching methods to look at the current understanding of the biological bases of behavior. depending upon the career goals that a particular law of the common law of homicide, as- The field of psychobiology includes all of the student may have for himself or herself. Options sault, battery, arson, burglary and rape, and the interface, between psychology and biology, such among these or others are best decided upon legal defenses to each. (Half credit) as neurobiology, psychoneuroimmunology, animal in consultation with one of the psychobiology (Jay S. Goodman) behavior, psychopharmacology, cognitive neuro- advisors. 024. Legal Issues in Public Policy: Torts science, neuroendocrinology, health psychology, Recommended electives This course uses a law school casebook and law physiological psychology and developmental Bio 201, Bio 205, Bio 215, Bio 221, Bio 231, Bio school teaching methods to look at the develop- psychobiology, to name a few. Psychobiologists 303, Bio 318, Bio 347, Phil 224, Psy 211, Psy ment of the law of personal injury, including examine the evolutionary, physical and biological 222, Psy 227, Psy 265, Psy 235, Psy 312 bases of behavior and experience. In doing so, intentional torts, negligence, products liability, Recommended for graduate training in neuro- strict liability, libel and fraud. (Half credit) they focus on the physical structures, chemicals science (Jay S. Goodman) and physical events involved in the production of Bio 305, Bio 324, Phys 170, Phys 171, Psy 222, behavior. Students majoring in psychobiology will Psy 227, Psy 312 025. Legal Issues in Public Policy: The Law of be prepared for graduate training in any of the Sexuality and Gender Recommended for graduate training in animal fields mentioned above, as well as for professional behavior A mini-course on an important current legal issue. training in medicine or veterinary medicine. They Bio 215, Bio 305, Bio 318, Psy 211, Psy 312, Topic: The Law of Sexuality and Gender. (Half also may find jobs in research laboratories, zoo- Psy 348 credit) logical parks, aquariums, industry or education. (Jay S. Goodman) Students interested in the health professions Major are encouraged to consult one of the health 029. January Internship in Washington, D.C. Students majoring in psychobiology are encour- career advisors in addition to their advisor in An opportunity for students to work as interns aged to pursue independent research as a way to psychobiology. in the nation’s capital and meet weekly for integrate the two fundamental disciplines. structured discussion. The Filene Center for Work and Learning provides support in developing Requirements intern positions. Students will be required, without Bio 111 Evolution and Ecology Psychology exception, to work in Washington from January 3 Bio 112 Cells and Genes through January 24. Psy 101 Introductory Psychology Chair: Bianca Cody Murphy or Psy 225 Brain, Mind and Behavior Department homepage: Psy 202 Methods wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Psychology/ Bio 211 Genetics Grace Baron or Bio 219 Cell Biology Professor of Psychology or Bio 254 Developmental Biology Michael Berg Psy 226 Comparative Animal Behavior Associate Professor of Psychology

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 141 Peony Fhagen-Smith Psychology Seminar or thesis Assistant Professor of Psychology Psy 202 Quantitative Research Methods Psy 400 Psychology Senior Seminar Meg Kirkpatrick Biological Honors Work Assistant Professor of Psychology Two of the following: Students with an overall GPA of 3.4 or higher are Linette G. Liebling Psy 225 Brain, Mind and Behavior encouraged to consider completing an honors Visiting Instructor of Psychology Psy 226 Comparative Animal Behavior thesis in psychology. Proposals for honors theses Kathleen Morgan Psy 227 Drugs and Behavior must be reviewed and approved by the depart- Associate Professor of Psychology; Williams Chair ment, generally in the spring of the junior year. in Social Sciences (2005-2010) Psy 235 Human Sexuality Psy 500 Senior Honors Thesis Bianca Cody Murphy Psy 261 Psychobiology of Sex and Gender Chair, Professor of Psychology Psy 265 Health Psychology Students who undertake a senior thesis must also take the Senior Seminar in Psychology. Rolf Nelson Psy 275 The Body in Human Experience Courses in the following subject areas outside Associate Professor of Psychology Psy 341 Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience of psychology are also recommended: writing; Nancy Olin Psy 348 Laboratory in Animal Communication and philosophy, including logic and ethics; other social Visiting Instructor of Psychology Cognition sciences; computer science; biology and the Derek Price Psy 367 Cognitive Neuroscience physical sciences. Associate Professor of Psychology Individual Jason E. Reiss Minor Two of the following: Assistant Professor of Psychology Students minoring in psychology should take five Psy 203 Developmental Psychology Gail Sahar psychology courses, at least one of which must Professor of Psychology Psy 211 Learning and Memory be at the 300 level. A minimum of five credits is Psy 221 Experiencing: The Phenomenology of Lee Thompson required. Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Everyday Life Courses Cooper R. Woodard Psy 222 Cognition Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Psy 241 Personality: The Study of Lives 101. Introductory Psychology A survey of the basic principles and findings of David Wulff Psy 247 Abnormal Psychology Professor of Psychology Psy 312 Perception psychology as a social and biological science and practice. The offerings of the Psychology Department are Psy 315 Social and Emotional Development intended to reflect the remarkable diversity of Psy 324 Childhood Behavior Disorders 202. Quantitative Research Methods Surveys fundamental principles of quantitative re- topics and approaches that constitute modern- Psy 330 Scientific Approaches to Consciousness search methodology, including both experimental day psychology. Many students may want to Psy 343 Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology and correlational methods, as well as basic issues begin their exploration of psychology by taking a Psy 344 Laboratory in 200-level course focused on a particular topic. in research ethics. This course is foundational to Psy 345 Laboratory in Developmental Psychology Psy 101, which is not required for the major, is the departmental program of literacy in psychol- Psy 369 Clinical Psychology intended as an overview of the field for those who ogy and exemplifies infusion of race, ethnicity and do not expect to concentrate in psychology. It can, Sociocultural gender perspectives into psychology. Majors in however, be counted toward either the major or Two of the following: psychology and psychobiology are advised to take the minor. Students with scores of 4 or 5 on the Psy 232 Social Psychology this course in their sophomore year if possible. AP psychology test will be credited for Psychology Psy 251 Multicultural Psychology 203. Developmental Psychology 101. Psy 260 Psychology of Religion An introduction to concepts and methods for a scientific and ecologically sensitive approach to Laboratories and field placements Psy 270 Adolescent Development development, with a primary focus on the multiple Psy 272 Psychological Anthropology On-campus laboratory facilities include the influences that create change and continuity, Psy 290 Psychology of Women Elisabeth Amen Nursery School, human and universals and cultural specificity. Development animal experimental labs and a psychobiology lab Psy 306 Infancy across Cultures from conception to late childhood is emphasized. that includes a vivarium. Off-campus fieldwork Psy 326 Political Psychology Includes observation in the Elizabeth W. Amen with either children or adults may be conducted Psy 334 Practicum in Nursery School. in community-intervention agencies, psychiatric Psy 336 Child Development in the Navajo Nation (Peony Fhagen-Smith, Derek Price) mental hospitals, social service agencies and Psy 340 Laboratory in Social Psychology industrial organizations. 211. Learning and Memory Of the six courses in the above three categories, A study of memory from behavioral, cognitive Major one must be a 300-level course and one must be and biological perspectives. Reviews principles of The major consists of at least 10 credits. a laboratory course (i.e., at least two 300-level classical and operant conditioning as they have Statistics psychology courses are required). been established through animal research and Math 141, or Math 151, or Bio 212. applied in behavior therapy; takes a cognitive

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 142 approach to human memory, with an emphasis action of drugs to the consequences of their use chodynamic theories, and humanistic psychology. on information-processing theories; and explores for society. Readings, discussions and films will be used in recent work in functional brain imaging and with (Meg Kirkpatrick, Kathleen Morgan) this course to explore such topics as differences neuropsychological patients. Connections: in worldviews and in means of communication; (Rolf Nelson, Jason E. Reiss) the acculturation process; stereotyping, prejudice, Conx 20049 Psychoactive Sacramentals discrimination and racism; cultural identity devel- 221. Experiencing: The Phenomenology of Conx 20069 Structure and Function of Drugs Everyday Life opment; and building multicultural competence. 232. Social Psychology An introduction to the phenomenological approach (Peony Fhagen-Smith) An introduction to the systematic study of human in psychology and its use for illuminating ordinary, Connections: social behavior. Considers how people perceive everyday experiences as well as uncommon ones. Conx 23016 Race as a Social Construct and react to others and how they are affected Applies phenomenological methods and interpre- by social situations. Topics include attitudes, 260. Psychology of Religion tations to achieve new insights into such activities prejudice, helping, aggression and interpersonal A descriptive and interpretive study of religious as writing, imagining and driving a car, as well attraction. content and of religious attitudes, experiences as to the less-accessible experiential worlds of (Gail Sahar, Michael Berg) and practices. Drawing on biological, behavioral, children and autistic, blind or paralyzed adults. psychoanalytic, Jungian, existential-phenome- (David Wulff) 235. Human Sexuality nological and humanistic viewpoints, this course 222. Cognition A comprehensive introduction to the biological, considers the nature of religious experience; the behavioral, psychological and cultural aspects A survey of scientific studies of everyday thinking, meaning of religious images, creeds and rituals; of human sexuality. Considers the relation of with particular attention to language, problem and the origins and significance of individual dif- sexual values and behavior; anatomy, arousal and solving, reasoning and decision making. Serves as ferences in religious outlook. response; sexual behavior and orientation; issues an introduction to cognitive neuroscience, which (David Wulff) of gender; sexuality through the lifespan; sexual examines information processing in conjunction problems; and important social issues such Connections: with its underlying neural mechanisms. Current as rape, abortion and pornography. Classroom Conx 20050 Quest for Transcendence experimental research will be incorporated into exercises, films and guest presentations. Conx 20054 The Religious Response the classroom discussions. (Linette G. Liebling, Nancy Olin) (Rolf Nelson, Jason E. Reiss) 261. Psychobiology of Sex and Gender Connections: An exploration of the possible biological underpin- Connections: Conx 23006 Sexuality nings of sex differences in human behavior. Conx 20061 Body and Mind Examines the relationship between hormones 241. Personality: The Study of Lives 225. Brain, Mind and Behavior and the central nervous system in determining A study of the nature of human personality, An introduction to biopsychology through a survey how the sexes participate in many different areas including its structure, development and ongoing of topics such as nervous system structure and of human behavior. Some of the main topics of dynamics. Employing a variety of classic and function; neuronal physiology; structure and this course are the sexual differentiation of the modern theoretical perspectives and research function of the sensory and motor systems; and brain, how the brain and behavior connect, sex findings, this course addresses the fundamental the physiological bases of emotion, motivation, differences in animal behaviors, the evolution of question of how we are to understand ourselves learning, and abnormal and social behaviors. sexual differences, the biology of sexuality and and others in the diverse situations in which (Meg Kirkpatrick, Kathleen Morgan) sexual attraction, and sex differences in parenting, humans find themselves. aggression and aging. 226. Comparative Animal Behavior (Cooper R. Woodard, David Wulff) (Meg Kirkpatrick) An introduction to evolutionary theory as an 247. Abnormal Psychology organizing framework for comparing representa- Connections: A survey of the chief forms of psychological disor- tive behavior patterns in humans and other animal Conx 23004 Gender der and current modes of explanation and treat- species. Includes analysis of both the mecha- Conx 23006 Sexuality ment. Issues include the definitions of normality nisms and the functions of behaviors. and abnormality and the goals of intervention. 265. Health Psychology (Kathleen Morgan) Case studies focus the discussion. Presents a biopsychosocial model of health that Connections: (Bianca Cody Murphy) addresses how biological, psychological and Conx 23013 Animal Power in Religion, Art and social processes and their interaction influence Science 251. Multicultural Psychology our physical well-being. Topics include mind-body Multicultural psychology is the systematic study 227. Drugs and Behavior interactions, health behavior and interventions, of all aspects of human behavior as it occurs in patient-doctor relationships, and chronic and An introduction to the study of drug use, abuse settings where people of different cultural back- advanced illnesses. and addiction, with a focus on recreationally grounds encounter each other. Multiculturalism (Michael Berg) used drugs. Topics range from the neurochemical has been considered a “fourth force” in the field Connections: of psychology, supplementing behaviorism, psy- Conx 20005 Microbes and Health

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 143 270. Adolescent Development enter our eyes to the experience of seeing the 334. Practicum in Human Services Multiple perspectives on the physical, cognitive world spread out before us. Topics include depth Students intern in a community mental health or and psychosocial transitions related to adolescent perception, perspective in art, color, perceptual human service agency for one day or two half- development. Topics include current versions of organization, motion, attention and awareness. days a week. They receive supervision both at the developmental theory; specific issues related to (Rolf Nelson, Jason E. Reiss) agency and by the professor. The weekly class adolescence and emerging adulthood; the adoles- Connections: meeting integrates the fieldwork experience with cent peer culture; sexualities and sex education; the theoretical literature. Placements may address Conx 20061 Body and Mind multicultural issues in adolescence; and changing issues such as homelessness, family violence, Conx 23012 Visualizing Information male/female roles. adolescent pregnancy, AIDS, mental illness and (Peony Fhagen-Smith) 315. Social and Emotional Development child care. In this course, the growth of social and emo- Connections: (Grace Baron) tional competence that emerges from children’s Conx 23006 Sexuality 336. Child Development in the Navajo Nation experiences in their relationships with others (e.g., 272. Psychological Anthropology parents, other children, cultural context) will be A cultural perspective on child development is See Anth 270. explored through in-depth reading and discussion sought through service learning relationships with a Navajo community school and domestic hosts 275. The Body in Human Experience of such topics as attachment, emotions, gender in Arizona during January. Service may include A survey of the many ways that the body condi- role development, development of the self, moral classroom instruction and field supervision of tions or is an object of our daily experience and development and more. students, as well as domestic chores for our host is framed by history, culture, religious tradition, Special attention will be given to books such families. Readings, reflective exercises, journal ethnic identity, gender, age and health. Among as Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression writing and literature searches all will contribute the topics will be the effects of human physiology in Girls by Rachel Simmons; Dan Kindlon and to papers developed during spring semester. and posture on human experience, language, and Michael Thompson’s Raising Cain: The Emotional Additional fees may be necessary for travel. symbols; the body image and bodily experience; Life of Boys; and The Skin We’re In: Teaching our (Derek Price) and efforts to transform the body through - Teens to Be Emotionally Strong, Socially Smart, ing, piercing, mutilation, body-building and plastic and Spiritually Connected by Janie Ward. 337. Practicum in Psychological Research surgery. (Peony Fhagen-Smith) Students intern in one of several research (David Wulff) 324. Childhood Behavior Disorders laboratory settings for six to eight hours a week, Connections: A survey of behavioral disorders of childhood receiving supervision by the laboratory manager. A weekly class integrates student experiences with Conx 23004 Gender in both clinical and educational settings, with a the variety of research methods in psychology and Conx 23006 Sexuality review of various perspectives on etiology and treatment. Emphasis on evaluation of the effec- with the theoretical literature. Placements may be 290. Psychology of Women tiveness of treatment. in a number research setting, including both on- Examines psychological theories and research (Grace Baron) and off-campus programs. about women and gender. Discusses similarities (Rolf Nelson) as well as gender differences and the multiple Connections: 340. Laboratory in Social Psychology causes for those differences. Explores the ways Conx 20060 The Genetics of the Autism Spectrum The study of the important conceptual, practical in which ethnicity, class and sexual orientation 326. Political Psychology and ethical issues involved in doing social psy- interact with gender in the U.S. The study of psychological influences on political chological research. Students will conduct studies (Bianca Cody Murphy) thinking and behavior. Personality and politics, in- using experimental and correlational methods and tergroup conflict, political cognition and genocide Connections: learn to write an APA-style paper. are some of the topics to be considered. Conx 23004 Gender (Gail Sahar, Michael Berg) (Gail Sahar) Conx 23005 Women in the United States 341. Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience 330. Scientific Approaches to Consciousness 298. Experimental Courses An introduction to the physiology of behavior, with How does the brain give rise to a conscious 306. Infancy across Cultures a special focus on neurophysiology, neuroanatomy awareness of our surroundings? What is the The nature and nurture of infants from the and sensory physiology. Six hours a week, lab/ relation of the body to the mind? Are animals perspectives of Western research, and of selected lecture combined. conscious? This course approaches the recently non-Western contemporary societies, especially (Meg Kirkpatrick) emerging field of consciousness studies, which the Navajo. Examines childbirth, newborn capaci- attempts to address questions like these and 343. Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology ties, caretaker-infant relationships, early experi- others, from a cognitive, neuroscientific and ence and changes during infancy, all in cultural The design, implementation, evaluation and inter- philosophical perspective. contexts. Includes field observations. pretation of experiments in memory, perception (Rolf Nelson) (Derek Price) and other topics in cognitive psychology. Following Connections: experience in carrying out predesigned labora- 312. Perception tory experiments, students will work in groups Conx 20061 Body and Mind A detailed look at the processing of visual infor- mation, from the moment that photons of light Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 144 on developing and carrying out their own original will engage in critical thinking about current Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus research projects. trends in psychology as well as considering ap- Professor of Religion Understanding of the scientific process will be plications of psychological concepts to real-world Jeffrey R. Timm further facilitated through discussions of journal problems. Chair, Professor of Religion articles in the field. 500. Individual Research The study of religion plays two roles. It provides a (Rolf Nelson, Jason E. Reiss) quintessential liberal arts experience for all stu- 344. Laboratory in Qualitative Research dents and cultivates religion majors. The Religion An introduction to and exploration of qualitative Department seeks to provide specialized courses research methods in psychology and the emerg- Public Policy Studies for students majoring in the discipline, and ing frameworks in which they situated today. general courses for students who are interested in Methods include memory work, Q-methodology, Coordinator: John Miller religion but are pursuing other majors. phenomenology, narrative psychology and John Miller Major grounded theory, among other possible ap- Professor of Economics The religion major consists of nine semester proaches. The minor in public policy studies is an interdis- courses. (David Wulff) ciplinary program designed to introduce students Requirements to the analytical skills and institutional perspective 345. Laboratory in Developmental Psychology Rel 102 Introduction to the Study of World characteristic of careers in public service. Courses Students will address research questions in early Religions address the political context of policy making, childhood development through quantitative or alternative disciplinary approaches to policy Rel 401 Seminar qualitative research methods. Students will design formation and implementation, and appreciation and seven courses selected from three of the fol- and implement the specific methodologies in of value conflicts in the policy process. In addition, lowing areas. At least three courses will be taken the Elizabeth W. Amen Nursery School, analyze students are encouraged to pursue substan- from one of these areas; at least two courses the data and interpret the results in written APA tive policy issues that draw on the expertise of from a second area; and at least one course from format. Ethical issues will be addressed. Wheaton faculty members in such areas as envi- a third. (Peony Fhagen-Smith, Derek Price) ronmental regulations, , techno- Scriptural studies 348. Laboratory in Animal Communication and logical development, labor-management relations, Rel 109 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Cognition poverty and welfare, anti-trust and regulation, and Rel 110 Literature of the New Testament: The A comparative introduction to current theories and health care. Real Jesus, Ancient and Modern Views methodologies for investigation of the nature of communication in, and cognitions and problem- Minor Rel 204 Scripture in Judaism, Christianity and solving abilities of, nonhuman animals. Lab/ The minor consists of six courses, at least one of Islam lecture combined. which must be at the 300 level, including: Rel 207 Introduction to Rabbinic Literature Rel 210 Jesus and the Gospels (Kathleen Morgan) Econ 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics Rel 212 Sacred Texts of Asia 367. Cognitive Neuroscience or Econ 102 Introduction to Microeconomics Rel 310 New Testament: Acts and Letters An investigation into the field of cognitive neuro- And one course in statistical or research methods: Rel 342 Liberation Theology science, which unifies several subdisciplines such Math 141 Introductory Statistics as cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and Western religious traditions neuroscience in order to understand the biological or Pols 200 Modern Political Inquiry: An Rel 204 Scripture in Judaism, Christianity and mechanisms that underlie key components of Introduction to Research Methods Islam the human mind such as perception, attention, or Soc 302 Research Methods in Sociology Rel 223 Religion in Contemporary America memory and language. Other courses may be selected by students in Rel 232 Faith after the Holocaust consultation with the coordinator. No more than (Jason E. Reiss) Rel 282 Music and Worship in World Cultures three courses in any department may count 369. Clinical Psychology Rel 322 Judaism: Faith and Practice toward the minor. An introduction to the field of clinical psychology. Rel 323 Seminar in Jewish Thought Considers the basic tools of the clinician, includ- Rel 342 Liberation Theology ing interviewing, observation and assessment; the Asian and non-Western religious traditions major theories of counseling and psychotherapy; Rel 108 Engaged Buddhism and professional and ethical issues. Case studies, Religion Rel 212 Sacred Texts of Asia demonstrations and videotapes will be used. Chair: Jeffrey R. Timm (Bianca Cody Murphy) Rel 316 Islam: Faith and Practice Department homepage: Rel 325 Hinduism: Thought and Action 398. Experimental Course wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Religion/ Rel 326 Buddhism: Thought and Action 400. Psychology Senior Seminar Barbara Darling-Smith Rel 357 Indigenous Religions Senior psychology majors will participate in a cap- Assistant Professor of Religion stone experience in a seminar format. Students

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 145 Contemporary and comparative religious 108. Engaged Buddhism 204. Scripture in Judaism, Christianity and thought An introduction to contemporary Buddhist thought Islam Rel 142 Religion and Sexuality and practice, exploring the role of Buddhism in This course focuses on the religious function of Rel 162 Perspectives on Death and Dying addressing issues of social and environmental sacred scriptures in the three Western religious Rel 204 Scripture in Judaism, Christianity and concern. Basic concepts, text traditions and his- traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Islam tory of Buddhism will provide the foundation for Attention will be paid to scripture as myth of Rel 208 Religion in Modern Literature understanding the contemporary developments of origins; the relative importance of sacred story, prophecy and law in the three traditions; authority; Rel 225 The Philosophy of Religion “engaged Buddhism” and its response to issues and the importance of interpretative traditions. Rel 230 Mysticism and Spirituality of social justice, race, gender, ethnicity, consum- erism, advertising culture, info-age technology We will also investigate the ritual functions of Rel 232 Faith after the Holocaust and the natural environment. scripture, artistic representations and contempo- Rel 242 Religion and Ecology (Jeffrey R. Timm) rary efforts to interpret the relevance of textual Rel 260 Psychology of Religion traditions. Rel 277 Religion and Animals 109. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) An overview of the diverse, sometimes conflicting, Rel 340 Seminar on Religion in Anthropological 207. Introduction to Rabbinic Literature Perspective religious perspectives represented in the Hebrew scriptures concerned primarily with the bibli- This course introduces the most important rab- At least three courses at or above the 300 level, cal texts as the expressions of religious beliefs binic documents of antiquity: the Mishnah and the including Rel 401, are required of all majors. and ways of life. Examination of the historical Babylonian Talmud (the Bavli). Attention will be Interdepartmental majors contexts and literary forms and traditions of the paid to their ritual, mythic and ethical dimensions, Majors in religion and philosophy and religion texts and the concrete social situations to which especially their distinctive exegetical and theologi- and history are offered jointly with the Philosophy these texts are religious responses. Focus on the cal approaches to the Torah. and History Departments, respectively. Students Bible’s treatment of general themes in the study (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) electing either joint major should consult with the of religion, such as ideas of the holy, religious lan- 208. Religion in Modern Literature chairs of the two departments concerning the guage and myth, ritual, monotheism and goddess This course examines modern fiction as a means courses required. worship, prophecy, theodicy, salvation, gender, the of exploring diverse views on the nature and The Classics and Religion Departments have religious value of the secular and interpretation. meaning of human existence and the search for drawn up guidelines for an interdepartmental (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) faith. The writings of such novelists as Katherine major in Ancient Studies. For the Dual-Degree Paterson, Zora Neale Hurston, Umberto Eco, Programs with Andover-Newton Theological 110. Literature of the New Testament: The Real Jesus, Ancient and Modern Views Aharon Appelfeld, Nagib Mahfouz, Orhan Pamuk, School, contact Barbara Darling-Smith. The literature of the New Testament, with special Flannery O’Connor and some contemporary Minor attention to the form and content of the New religious poets are to be considered. Minor concentrations are available in comparative Testament documents, their relationship to one (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) another and their witness to the character of early religion, Bible, world religions and Judaic studies. 210. Jesus and the Gospels Christianity. A minor consists of five courses approved by the This course studies selected versions of the life (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) department, one of which must be at or above of Jesus across many genres (scholarly, fictional, the 300 level. Rel 102, though not required, is 142. Religion and Sexuality cinematic and devotional) and across many strongly recommended. For the minor in Judaic A study of religious views on sexual choices, centuries (from canonical and apocryphal Gospels studies, contact Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus. life styles and problems of today, including love, to medieval allegories to modern novels and Courses marriage, sex roles, homosexuality, celibacy, films) in order to explore the ways generations of contraception, abortion, and sexual and domestic Christians at different times and places have fitted 102. Introduction to the Study of World Religions violence. the story to their own needs and situations. A survey of the major world religions for the be- (Barbara Darling-Smith) (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) ginning student. Religions discussed will include Connections: 212. Sacred Texts of Asia indigenous religions (American Indian and African Conx 23006 Sexuality A study of some of the major religious tradi- traditions), religions of India (Hinduism, Jainism 162. Perspectives on Death and Dying tions that have emerged in South and East Asia. and Buddhism), China (Taoism and Confucianism) Study of the grief process. Exploration of cross- Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism and those originating in the Middle East (Judaism, cultural rituals surrounding death and speculation will be explored by considering representative Christianity and Islam). Religion will be considered from various religions on immortality, resurrection scriptural texts and subsequent commentary as a worldview expressed through doctrine, myth, and reincarnation. Investigation of end-of-life traditions as a way to uncover their respective ethical system, ritual, personal experience and moral questions. answers to fundamental questions about ultimate society. (Barbara Darling-Smith) reality, humanity and salvation. Connections: (Jeffrey R. Timm) Conx 20054 The Religious Response

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 146 223. Religion in Contemporary America variety of disciplines, texts and media will be modernism. Course may involve field trips to an An overview of the wealth of diversity in religions employed, including films and outside experts. Islamic center and interviews with contemporary practiced in the U.S., including a study of (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) Muslims. mainstream Protestantism, Judaism and Roman Connections: (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) Catholicism, as well as Native American traditions, Conx 20062 Jews in Modern Europe 322. Judaism: Faith and Practice Evangelicalism, African American religion, Eastern This course introduces the distinctive dimensions religious traditions and feminist spiritualities. 242. Religion and Ecology of Jewish religious and cultural worldviews in (Barbara Darling-Smith) An exploration of resources from various religious traditions for developing a healthy respect for theory and in practice. Students will study not only Connections: nature and the environment, as well as a study of classic Jewish texts, but also visit local syna- Conx 20034 The Historical Context of the religious roots of the current environmental gogues, observe celebrations of Jewish holidays Contemporary American Culture crisis. Also includes discussions of ecofeminist and conduct interviews with members of the local 225. The Philosophy of Religion spiritualities and deep ecology. Jewish communities. A study of questions emerging from the (Barbara Darling-Smith) (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) philosophical analysis of religious thought. Both Connections: 323. Seminar in Jewish Thought religious and anti-religious thinkers will be Conx 23009 The Environment This seminar is intended to deepen students’ considered on fundamental issues: the existence understanding of major trends of Jewish thought 260. Psychology of Religion of God, the status of revelation and faith, the and to practice the methods characteristic of (See Psy 260) problems of conflicting truth claims of different the academic study of Judaism. Students will religions, immortality and human destiny. Special 277. Religion and Animals analyze common readings in class discussion and attention will be given to contemporary challenges This course analyzes what religions have had to pursue independent study culminating in a major to traditional, patriarchal theology. say about human relationships with other animals research paper in consultation with the instructor. (Jeffrey R. Timm) and whether religious traditions have included or (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) excluded animals from humans’ moral responsi- 230. Mysticism and Spirituality bilities. Topics include an exploration of animals in 325. Hinduism: Thought and Action An examination of mysticism as well as other story and animals as religious symbols; an explo- A thematic and conceptual inquiry into some of forms of personal religious consciousness and ration of similarities between human animals and the most important religious and philosophical the way individuals have integrated religious nonhuman animals; and a look at how religious traditions within Hinduism. Major consideration experience with their general understanding of traditions can foster ethical regard and compas- given to questions about the nature of ultimate existence. Attention will be given to accounts of sion for animals. reality, suffering and liberation, language and mysticism and spirituality found in different cul- (Barbara Darling-Smith) revelation, personal existence and death, eros and tures and historical periods. Fundamental issues asceticism, myth and ritual. Regular film and other Connections: include: the character of religious experience, the audiovisual presentations will provide insight into significance of gender in spirituality, self-real- Conx 23013 Animal Power in Religion, Art and the contemporary Hindu worldview. ization and self-transformation, the relationship Science (Jeffrey R. Timm) of interior experience and public life and altered 282. Music and Worship in World Cultures 326. Buddhism: Thought and Action states of consciousness. (See Musc 282) (Jeffrey R. Timm) A thematic and conceptual inquiry into some of 310. New Testament: Acts and Letters the most important religious and philosophical Connections: This course studies Pauline Christianity through traditions within Buddhism. Attention given to Conx 20049 Psychoactive Sacramentals an examination of the Letters of Paul and Luke’s the major schools of Buddhist thought, as well Conx 20050 Quest for Transcendence Acts of the Apostles. We will pay special attention as topical inquiries into issues regarding women 232. Faith after the Holocaust to the social historical context and structures of in Buddhism, meditation practices, Buddhist art The death of six million Jews at the hands of Pauline Christianity. We will discuss its ideals of and architecture and the influence of Buddhism the Nazis and their collaborators in World War II community and authority, its Christian self-defini- on contemporary Western religious pluralism. The represents a radical challenge to faith in Judaism, tion in regard to emerging Rabbinic Judaism, the course features close readings of Buddhist texts in Christianity and in Western humanism. The significance of religious conversion for Pauline in translation and regular audiovisual presenta- course begins with an historical overview of the Christianity, and the relationship of early Christian tions. Holocaust and then uses literature of Holocaust literature and ethics to other Greco-Roman literary (Jeffrey R. Timm) survivors and the philosophical and theologi- and cultural conventions (e.g., Acts and ancient 328. Buddhism and Development cal response of Jewish and Christian authors to novels). This special study/tour takes students to Bhutan articulate the challenge of the Holocaust to faith. (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus) for three weeks to study Buddhism and develop- The course concludes with a discussion of the 316. Islam: Faith and Practice ment. Traditionally, Buddhism has emphasized implications of the Holocaust for Western culture. Pagan Arabia, the life and teaching of development in the form of individual and collec- Because the questions that this course explores Muhammad, the spread of Islam, the develop- tive “psycho-technologies” designed to transform are highly varied and defy simple answers, a ment of Muslim thought, Islamic mysticism and affliction and confusion into enlightenment. In the

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 147 case of Bhutan, (and for contemporary engaged Russian and Russian Students who do outstanding work in either Buddhism in particular), development also con- Russian major may become members of Alpha cerns implementing Buddhist paradigms from the Studies Epsilon, the Wheaton College Chapter of the top down by developing Buddhist social theory, in National Slavic Honor Society, Dobro Slovo. Chair: Francoise Rosset economic development, as well as in environmen- Department homepage: tal and cultural conservation. Major in Russian Studies wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Russian/ During this study/tour, students will examine The Russian studies major is a broad-based, development in Bhutan from the bottom up, Anni Baker interdisciplinary course of study. Students acquire through visits to monasteries, temples and sacred Chair, Associate Professor of History a basic knowledge of Russia and the former places, as well as from the top down, i.e., by Thomas W. Dolack Soviet Union through the study of Russian culture, exploring contemporary Bhutanese approaches to Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian language and literature combined with econom- economic development, to environmental conser- David E. Powell ics, history and politics. vation and to the forces of globalization. Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Russian Studies NOTE on rotation of courses: We offer different (Jeffrey R. Timm) Francoise Rosset courses to our majors during their four years Chair, Coordinator of German & Russian, of study. Russian literature and culture courses 340. Seminar on Religion in Anthropological Associate Professor of Russian rotate on a three-year cycle; a few are on a four- Perspective year cycle. (See Anth 340) Jeanne Wilson Chair, Professor of Political Science This major consists of a minimum of 10 342. Liberation Theology Brenda Wyss semester courses. Theology is rational reflection upon faith; libera- Chair, Associate Professor of Economics Russian language tion theology is reflection by people of faith who Russian and Russian studies is dedicated to the Four semester courses selected from: find themselves in situations of oppression. In idea that we should approach Russian culture Russ 110 Beginning Russian I this course we will read the writings of vari- from a holistic point of view, setting traditions of Russ 111 Beginning Russian II ous groups—global women and men, African Russian art and literature in the context of ever- American women and men, and white women— Russ 210 Intermediate Russian I changing Russian culture, politics and history. Our and their struggles to relate Christian and Jewish Russ 211 Intermediate Russian II primary gateway is the Russian language. teachings to liberation. Russ 240 Advanced Russian I Russian and Russian studies offers students (Barbara Darling-Smith) Russ 241 Advanced Russian II a wide range of courses in the Russian language 357. Indigenous Religions (from the elementary to the advanced level), in Russ 242 Advanced Russian Conversation and An exploration of the rituals, myths and symbols Russian art, culture, film and literature, as well Grammar of indigenous religions and the interconnec- as history, economics and politics. We have a Russ 243 Advanced Russian: Grammar, History, tion between these religious forms and native Department of Russian with a traditional major in Politics ways of life. Focuses on Native North American Russian language and literature, and an interdis- Russian literature and culture religious traditions, but indigenous religions in ciplinary program in Russian studies with courses Three semester courses selected from: Africa, Australia and Latin America will also be taught by the departments of Russian, economics, Russ 101 Russian Folklore considered. history and political science. We also offer two Russ 200 or Russ 300 Russian Literature: Icons (Barbara Darling-Smith) minors. Students may choose either the traditional to Revolution major in Russian or the interdisciplinary major in 398. Experimental Courses Russ 201 or Russ 301 Russian Literature: From Russian studies. 399. Independent Study Revolution to the Present Connections and capstones Advanced students, in consultation with the Russ 203 Russian Drama Russian and Russian studies have a few estab- appropriate instructor, may arrange to pursue Russ 281 Russian Arts and Culture lished connections, but many more are in the independent study on topics not covered by the Russ 282 Russian Film works. A capstone experience is required of all regular course offerings. Russ 284 Women in Russian Culture Wheaton students. Ours may be fulfilled through 401. Seminar course work (a senior seminar), but also through Russ 305 Topics in Russian Literature Selected topics will be chosen to integrate and research and other projects. In Russian studies, Russ 351 Selected Prose Writers supplement the work done in the major. Each this might include presenting your research Russ 352 Russian Poetry member of the seminar will write a paper and will at the annual Harvard-Wellesley-Wheaton Russ 370 Russian for the Arts, Business and present an oral report to majors and members of Undergraduate Symposium in the spring. Politics the Religion Department. Students are strongly encouraged to experi- Courses in other departments (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus, Jeffrey R. Timm) ence Russia itself. Wheaton offers several options Three semester courses selected from at least for study in Russia on a junior year or semester 500. Individual Research two different departments. Courses include: abroad program. There are also options for Open to majors by invitation of the department for Econ 288 Foundations of Political Economy summer study in the United States or in Russia. work culminating in a senior honors thesis. Students normally get credit for such study, and Hist 215 History of Russia early consultation with the department is advised. Pols 249 Russian Foreign Policy

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 148 Pols 255 Russian Politics Russ 282 Russian Film Class work is supplemented by one hour per Pols 265 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe Russ 284 Women in Russian Culture week of language laboratory work. Pols 345 Understanding Russian Politics and Russ 305 Topics in Russian Literature (Thomas W. Dolack, Francoise Rosset) Society through the Prism of Film Senior seminar 111. Beginning Russian II Pols 375 The Politics of Social and Economic A continuation of Russ 110 with further emphasis Russ 402 Seminar Problems in Post-Communist Russia on grammar and conversation. Class work is With permission of the department, the Senior Pols 379 National Security Policy supplemented by one hour per week of language Seminar can be replaced with another equivalent laboratory work. The major requires a minimum of three courses capstone experience, as long as the student has (Francoise Rosset) at the 300 level. These may be selected from taken a minimum nine courses. the culture courses or from the courses in other The major requires a minimum of three courses at 210. Intermediate Russian I departments. Substitutions by permission of the the 300 level or above. Substitutions by permis- Written and spoken Russian. More fundamen- department. A capstone experience is required of sion of the department. A capstone experience tals of Russian grammar, with emphasis on oral all Wheaton students and may be accomplished is required of all Wheaton students and may be practice, comprehension and composition. Class through course work, research or other projects. accomplished through course work, research or work is supplemented by one hour per week of Major in Russian Language and other projects. language laboratory work. Literature (Thomas W. Dolack, Francoise Rosset) Minors in Russian and Russian The Russian language and literature major is Studies 211. Intermediate Russian II designed to provide students with a sound knowl- We offer two minors, one entirely in Russian, the Continuation of Russ 210. Written and spoken edge of Russian language, culture and literature. other an interdisciplinary minor. Russian. More fundamentals of Russian gram- Students who choose this major often have had mar, with further emphasis on oral practice, some prior study of Russian, or they may do sum- Minor in Russian Language comprehension and composition. Class work is mer study or a semester or junior year abroad. The minor in Russian language, done entirely in supplemented by one hour per week of language NOTE on rotation of courses: We offer different Russian, requires a total of five courses: four se- laboratory work. courses to our majors during their four years mesters of language courses, and one semester of study, Russian literature and culture courses chosen from Russ 351, Russ 352 or Russ 370. Advanced language courses Please note that these four courses are not rotate on a three-year cycle; a few are on a four- Minor in Russian Language and Literature sequential. They can be taken in any order. year cycle. The minor in Russian language and literature al- The major consists of a minimum of nine semes- lows you to do part of the course work in English. 240. Advanced Russian I ter courses. It consists of three language courses and two Review of Russian grammar. Russian roots and courses in Russian literature or culture. (The latter word formation. Russian syntax and composition. Russian language and literature in Russian courses include Russ 101, Russ 200 or Russ Emphasis on vocabulary building. Four semester courses, beginning at the ad- 300, Russ 201 or Russ 301, Russ 203, Russ 281, (Thomas W. Dolack, Francoise Rosset) vanced language level: Russ 284, Russ 305. Substitutions possible with 241. Advanced Russian II Russ 240 Advanced Russian I departmental approval.) Review of Russian grammar. Russian style and Russ 241 Advanced Russian II Both minors require a minimum of one course at syntax, with emphasis on composition. Russ 242 Advanced Russian Conversation and the 300 level or above—this is a college-wide Grammar 242. Advanced Russian Conversation and requirement. Grammar Russ 243 Advanced Russian: Grammar, History, Review of Russian grammar. Emphasis on oral Politics Courses comprehension and verbal proficiency. Russ 351 Selected Prose Writers Language courses 243. Advanced Russian: Grammar, History, Russ 352 Russian Poetry We administer language proficiency/placement Politics Russ 370 Russian for the Arts, Business and tests in September and January each year. A Review of Russian grammar. Emphasis on Politics student may skip the first or the first two years of verbal proficiency and Russian cultural/political Russian and place directly into the advanced-level Russian literature and culture courses in English vocabulary. courses. Students who have taken two, three or Four courses selected from: Literature and culture courses given in Russian more years of Russian at the secondary school Russ 101 Russian Folklore level are expected to place into Russian 210 These courses are designed for Russian majors Russ 200 or Russ 300 Russian Literature: Icons (or the Russian 240 series, with departmental and are conducted in Russian, but are open to all to Revolution permission). qualified students with permission of the depart- ment. Russ 201 or Russ 301 Russian Literature: From 110. Beginning Russian I Revolution to the Present 351. Selected Prose Writers The principal elements of the Russian language, Russ 203 Russian Drama including reading, writing, speaking and cultural The study in Russian of selected prose works by Russ 281 Russian Arts and Culture awareness. Emphasis is placed on colloquial some of the following writers of the 19th and 20th language and the ability to converse in Russian.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 149 centuries: Pushkin, Lermontov, Pavlova, Gogol, Russian wooden architecture, the myths of St. 284. Women in Russian Culture Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Teffi, Chekhov, Petersburg and Moscow, Russia’s expansion into A historical survey of the cultural and political Zamyatin, Zoshchenko, Bunin, Solzhenitsyn and the Caucasus and Siberia, 19th-century music, impact of women in Russia, with emphasis on the Tokareva. and trends in 19th-century painting. 20th century. Works by and about women, includ- 352. Russian Poetry 201. Russian Literature: From Revolution to ing works by Russian women in politics, literature A survey in Russian of poets from the early 19th the Present and poetry, theatre and painting. century to the present. Emphasis both on analysis The study of Russian literature and culture in the (Francoise Rosset) 20th century, from the turmoil of the Revolution and on reading/performance of poetic works. 285. Russian Jewish Culture through the terror of Stalin’s Soviet Union to the (Francoise Rosset) This course discusses Russian Jewish culture momentous changes of the 1990s. The focus and its extraordinary role in Russian literary and 370. Russian for the Arts, Business and will be on literature and art, grappling with Politics social history. The Jews of Russia created an aesthetic concerns amid censorship, purges and A study in Russian of the special terms, jargon original culture that combined profound religious rapid political change. Readings might include: and style used in specific professional fields, in- piety with extreme secularism, and political and Akhmatova, Babel, Zamyatin, Nabokov, Gorky, cluding the art world and museums, international aesthetic conservatism with daring experiments in Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn, Bitov, Baranskaia, business and politics. Also includes a brief survey literature, arts and film. Tokareva, Petrushevskaia. Cultural materials of Russian computer terminology. The course will cover the most important cover the avant-garde, Soviet theatre and ballet, (Francoise Rosset) issues of Russian-Jewish coexistence and will samizdat and other unofficial art, glasnost and the focus on the cultural, linguistic and ideological 402. Seminar new trends of the past few years. transformation of Russian Jews in the late 19th Integration of the student’s work in previous 203. Russian Drama and 20th centuries, from pious Yiddish-speaking courses through independent work chosen with A survey of modern Russian theatre, including shtetl dwellers to secular Russian-speaking the approval of the department. some opera and ballet. The course includes a urbanites. Literary works of major 19th- and 500. Individual Research brief history of Russian theatre and its traditions 20th-century Russian writers, and guest lectures Open to senior majors by invitation of the depart- in directing and set/costume design. Readings in- on art, religion, history and political history, will ment. clude a variety of short to full-length plays by such provide the primary material for discussion. writers as Pushkin, Gogol, Ostrovsky, Chekhov, Taught with the Department of Religion. Courses given in English Kharms, Gippius, Erdman, Shvarts, Aitmatov, 298. Experimental Courses Courses in culture, literature and civilization con- Petrushevskaia and Nina Sadur. ducted in English are open to all students without (Francoise Rosset) The Russian Novel regard to foreign language proficiency. Many of This course is an examination of the great classic these courses have Connections pending. 279. Literary Translation Russian novels from Pavlova’s Double Life (1848) Note on rotation of courses: We offer different (See Ger 279) through Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Pasternak courses to our majors during their four years 281. Russian Arts and Culture to Tolstaya’s recent The Slynx (2000). Some of study. Russian literature and culture courses Begins with a brief survey of Russian political discussion of critical theories about the genre of rotate on a three-year cycle; a few are on a four- history, then focuses on Russian and Soviet art, the novel. This course, all readings, assignments year cycle. including some non-Russian works from former and discussion, are entirely in English. 101. Russian Folklore republics of the Soviet period (Georgia, Armenia, A more advanced version of this course is A general, interdisciplinary introduction to Russian Latvia, Central Asia). Includes ballet and theatre, available as Russ 305. culture with special emphasis on folklore, tracing cinema and classical music as well as bard music (Francoise Rosset) its development from pre-Christian times to the and formerly underground rock, some literature 300. Russian Literature: Icons to Revolution and poetry, and art from the icons to the avant- present. The course will center on the study of Advanced version of Russ 200. folk tales, epics and ballads; beliefs, traditions and garde to unofficial and official art. (Francoise Rosset) 301. Russian Literature: From Revolution to superstitions and the influence of folklore on the the Present development of Russian literature and art. 282. Russian Film Advanced version of Russ 201. Connections: The course will acquaint you with the culture of 305. Topics in Russian Literature Conx 20051 Russian History and Culture modern Russia through its cinema. Lectures with Topics will vary to meet student demand and 200. Russian Literature: Icons to Revolution discussion and analysis of a series of Russian interest and might include: the Russian novel, the A broad survey course with primary emphasis films from Eisenstein to current productions, Silver Age, Soviet classics, Russian women writers on the classics of the 19th century. The study of emphasizing content and moral/political issues as or others. strong passions and clashing beliefs in 19th-cen- well as artistic technique. See Russ 298, The Russian Novel, for course tury Russian literature and culture. Focus on love Connections: description. and social commentary in the works of Pushkin, Conx 23018 Cinema/Kino: Film in Russia (Francoise Rosset) Lermontov, Gogol, Pavlova, Chekhov, Dostoevsky Conx 23014 Film and Society and Tolstoy. Cultural materials include icons and

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 150 Sociology indignation. The theory section provides major theories, paradigms and the sociological imagina- sociological perspectives for examining certain tion. A senior thesis and an oral defense of the Chair: Kersti Alice Yllo public issues. Finally, the problems section takes thesis are required. Department homepage: an in-depth look at specific social problems such (A. Javier Trevino, Hyun Sook Kim) as pollution, poverty and crime. wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Sociology/ 500. Individual Research (Department) John Grady Open to majors at the invitation of the depart- Professor of Sociology 190. Self and Society ment. Hyun Sook Kim This course examines theoretical modes of Deviance and Professor of Sociology sociological inquiry and empirical research 211. Karen M. McCormack through an in-depth study of the self and society. Assistant Professor of Sociology Through classical and contemporary readings, five This course provides a multidisciplinary approach to understanding crime and criminal behavior. The A. Javier Trevino areas are explored: the construction of the self; Professor of Sociology and sexuality; the power of social individual actor, the social environment, the law and the criminal justice system will be exam- Kersti Alice Yllo structures and circumstances; deviance; and Chair, Professor of Sociology, Coordinator of globalization and social change. ined in order to better understand violent crime, Faculty Development This course is intended only for sociology , gangs, , white-collar crime, etc. We will also focus on the Jennifer Zoltanski majors or prospective majors. All others can be Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology admitted only by permission of the instructor. alternative of . (Karen M. McCormack, Kersti Alice Yllo, (A. Javier Trevino) The sociology program focuses on human social Hyun Sook Kim) behavior, social organization and cultures, and 221. Deviance and Social Control contemporary social problems. Issues of race, 198. Experimental Courses The primary objective of this course is to develop ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, religion and 301. a sociological and critical analysis of various types technology—within both the United States and of deviant behaviors and deviant statuses, includ- The primary objective of this course is to provide a global context—are addressed in a wide range ing criminality, delinquency, alcoholism, mental broad overview of the major sociological theorists of courses. illness, physical defects, etc. and theories. Accordingly, the student will become (Karen M. McCormack, A. Javier Trevino) Major familiar with the classical (pre-World War II) as The major program in sociology requires 10 well as with the contemporary (post-World War II) 240. Conflict and Genocide courses and must include: theoretical paradigms in sociology. Students will The course offers a comparative study of cultivate their sociological imaginations as they Soc 190 Self and Society genocides, which are examined in relation to learn to apply the theories. modernity, colonialism, nation-building, wars and Soc 272 Analyzing Social Trends (Karen M. McCormack, A. Javier Trevino) postcolonialism. It also investigates why some or Math 141 Introductory Statistics 302. Research Methods in Sociology cases of mass killings have not been acknowl- Soc 301 Sociological Theory An introduction to the scientific method and its edged as genocides. Soc 302 Research Methods in Sociology application to sociological research. Topics include (Hyun Sook Kim) Soc 402 Senior Seminar formulation of research problems, sampling, mea- 311. Violence against Women or Soc 403 Senior Pro-seminar surement, data collection and analysis. Emphasis This seminar explores the nature of violence is on research design. Students are expected to take Soc 190 in their against women, focusing on current research on (Karen M. McCormack, Kersti Alice Yllo) freshman or sophomore year, Soc 301 and Soc woman battering, rape, child sexual abuse and 302 in their junior year and Soc 402 or Soc 403 402. Senior Seminar pornography. Students will compare theoretical in their senior year. Students must also take Soc A semester of directed research in which students approaches and will critically examine empirical 272 or Math 141. receive individual attention while carrying out an research. The impact of race, ethnicity and class Minor empirical study. The seminar offers guidance and on the abuse experience are considered. A major part of the seminar involves original research by The minor in sociology requires five courses, one a framework for the many stages of the research students on an issue of their choice. The semester of which must be at the 300 level. process. Students will be expected to produce a thesis and present it publicly in February. will culminate in a symposium on violence against Courses (John Grady, Karen M. McCormack, women organized by seminar members. Kersti Alice Yllo) (Kersti Alice Yllo) Introductory/core courses 104. Contemporary Social Problems 403. Senior Pro-seminar Inequality and social change This course is organized into three sections. First, The pro-seminar deals with conceptual analysis 095. Cultures, Communities and Change the social action section deals with how social and critiques of theories, methodologies and para- Taught in Vietnam and Cambodia, this three-week change can be realized through the implemen- digms employed by sociologists and by different course focuses on the socioeconomic, cultural tation of political strategies and tactics in the sociological schools of thought. Various themes and political change of Southeast Asia. The course creation and /or alleviation of problems of moral are explored through the application of concepts, is field based and includes the study of local

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 151 markets, factories, agricultural coops, housing 270. Immigration mobility and persistent poverty, with a particular projects, NGO programs, museums and historical There are currently massive and rapid move- focus on the dynamics of race and gender. sites. ments of people across national borders for jobs, (Karen M. McCormack) (Hyun Sook Kim) residence, political asylum, family integration, 398. Experimental Courses trade, business and tourism. This course explores 200. Social Movements multiple causes and consequences of immigra- Institutions and social organization The course examines national liberation move- tion. 175. Media and Society ments, social revolutions, and labor and environ- (Hyun Sook Kim) The role and influence of the media in con- mental justice movements. The course explores temporary societies, with specific attention to the local and global impact of colonialism and 280. Asians and America questions regarding: the influence of the media capitalism and struggles to confront deepening A multidisciplinary study of social and cultural over people’s lives in “,” the political forms of oppression, injustice and inequality. encounters between Americans of Asian descent ideology inherent in mass media messages, the (Hyun Sook Kim) and America as an empire. The course examines organization of media industries and the media as topics such as Orientalism, colonialism, Asian Connections: means for subcultural expressions. wars, capitalism, slavery, “coolie” labor, racial ex- Conx 20041 Colonial Encounters (Karen M. McCormack) clusion, citizenship restrictions, and transnational Conx 23011 Revolution! and panethnic solidarity movements. 215. Working: Society and the Meanings of 210. Inequality (Hyun Sook Kim) Work What is social “class” and how do we understand What role does work play in people’s lives? Why is Connections: class inequality? How does one’s “class” position work organized the way that it is? Should it or can Conx 20041 Colonial Encounters shape one’s social standing and life’s chances? it be changed? How does work affect the way that The course focuses on class analysis from various 298. Experimental Courses people treat each other? Can work be controlled perspectives and investigates social stratifica- Sociological Concepts and managed? This course will address these tion, inequality, mobility, poverty, wealth, power, This course considers some of the major ideas questions while investigating the social, political domination and commodification in the globalized that have shaped social thinking from the early and cultural forms of work in the U.S. and Japan. world. 1800’s until today. These ideas—which include (John Grady) (Hyun Sook Kim) the notions of differentiation, organicism, social 225. Health and Medicine 230. Race and Ethnicity critique, alienation, , social disorganiza- This course will examine medicine as an institu- tion, social system, structuration, agency, , This course focuses on historical and contempo- tion and explore the consequences of its orga- and deconstructionism—will be considered in rary issues of race and ethnic inequalities in the nization for public policy. Should doctors control sociohistorial context. In addition, some of the United States. Our goal is to examine sociological health care? Should medicine be socialized? Has major metaphors, conceptual methodologies and theories of race and ethnic relations and to un- medicine made us healthier? Does our system taxonomies of sociological thought will also be derstand how the social construction of race, and of health care devalue women? The course will discussed. racism have influenced organizations, institutions investigate these and other questions. (A. Javier Trevino) and identities. (John Grady) (Karen M. McCormack) 310. Beyond Global Feminism 235. Families in Transition Connections: This is a course on feminist epistemology. It ex- Has the obituary for the American family been Conx 23007 African Diaspora in New World amines how various forms of feminist knowledge written prematurely? How can we better under- are constructed and deconstructs notions such as Conx 23010 Black Aesthetics stand contemporary families by studying families “woman,” gender, gender oppression, patriarchy, Conx 23011 Revolution! cross-culturally and in diverse social and racial/ women’s liberation, women’s rights and sister- ethnic groups? How does a social scientific 260. Gender Inequality hood. The course examines contentious debates analysis illuminates the nature of gender, dating, How do we learn to be women and men? How about and among Western, Third World, global, marriage, parenting, violence and divorce? We are our cultural beliefs and social institutions gen- postcolonial, poststructural and transnational explore the changing nature of the family as an dered? How do different sociological and feminist feminisms. institution as well as the transitions individual theories illuminate gender relations? How can we (Hyun Sook Kim) families undergo. better understand the perpetuation of inequality Connections: (Kersti Alice Yllo) by examining images of women in the media, Conx 23006 Sexuality sexism in language and violence against women? 255. Living in Cities: How is sexism related to racism, class stratifica- 320. Race, Gender and Poverty Cities are the most important form of settlement tion and heterosexism? This course is designed to enable students to in the modern world. They are workshops of (Kersti Alice Yllo) think critically about the causes and conse- innovation in technology, culture and manners. quences of poverty and the complex and dynamic Because the city is a settlement and not an Connections: intersections of race, gender and social class. We institution, the course will encourage students to Conx 20008 Gender Inequality: Sociological and will cover key sociological theories of stratification, use methods and concepts derived from several Literary Perspectives disciplines to understand the city. The course Conx 23004 Gender

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 152 explores the organization, growth and conflicts of for mapping and spatial analysis. It will focus Statistics a number of the world’s major cities. on mapping and analyzing environmental and (John Grady) socioeconomic data. The topical focus of the Coordinator: Michael Kahn course will vary from year to year, and may 285. Latino Community Michael Kahn include: Growth and Development in the greater The course will examine the various Latino popu- Professor of Mathematics and Director of Boston area and The Human and Environmental Quantitative Analysis lations in the United States: Mexican Americans, Impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans and Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Statisticians work with information collected by the Gulf Coast. etc. Issues that are unique to these popula- scientists and decision-makers in the hope of (John Grady) tions will be considered: culture (normative and making sense of complicated questions. Statistics esthetic), bilingualism, the immigrant experience, 272. Analyzing Social Trends is concerned with approaches for gathering, family life, the church, education and so on. Have you ever wondered whether the population managing, organizing, analyzing and presenting (A. Javier Trevino) is growing too fast? How many of us are poor? information. It helps scientists and decision- makers of all kinds learn from experience and Connections: How ethnically diverse are we? Is the American family falling apart? These questions are debated make decisions in the presence of uncertainty. Conx 20058 Latino Culture all the time in the media. But are they telling the Good statistical practice requires familiarity with 315. Society, Technology and the Environment whole story? This team-taught course will provide probabilistic ideas and includes the ability to Have our cities created a way of life that is impos- the key to analyzing descriptive statistics— design experiments or surveys; to summarize and sible to sustain? Is our technology out of control? including how they are constructed, displayed and analyze observational data; to build mathemati- How should we relate to our environment? We will disseminated—to illuminate the stories that lie cal models with probabilistic components; and to consider these and other questions in an explora- hidden behind the headlines. draw conclusions while quantifying the uncertainty tion of the impact that our social relations and (John Grady) associated with those conclusions. technological systems have had on the conditions of human existence in contemporary society. 282. Visual Sociology Minor (John Grady) What do snapshots, home movies and advertising The minor consists of a minimum of five courses, tell us about modern societies? What role should only one of which may be counted both for the Connections: graphic design play in ? What do minor and for the student’s major. Conx 23009 The Environment we do when we go to the movies (whether in Required courses 322. Calcutta or Boston), and what do we see when we Math 141 Introductory Statistics This course examines the interrelations between get there? These are a few of the questions that or Math 151 Accelerated Statistics law and various aspects of society. It employs social scientists ask as they produce or interpret and Math 251 Methods of Data Analysis a comparative and historical approach and ad- the images that the camera has made, which play dresses such questions as: How and why does an ever more important role in how we view and Discipline-specific advanced course law develop? Under what social conditions does conduct our lives and communicate with others. At least one 300-level course that incorporates a differentiated legal system emerge? How do (John Grady) statistical methods in a discipline-specific context. legal systems vary with different forms of social Connections: One course chosen from: institutions? Conx 23012 Visualizing Information Econ 330 Applied Econometrics (A. Javier Trevino) 392. Feminist Research Math 342 Mathematical Statistics 362. Fieldwork in Formal Organizations This seminar examines critiques of traditional Psy 340 Laboratory in Social Psychology Students will acquire skills in organizational social science and its methods, focusing on Psy 343 Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology analysis, fieldwork, and participatory action the controversies that surround the scientific Psy 345 Laboratory in Developmental Psychology research which will be developed in the seminar method, objectivity, politics and the purpose of Psy 348 Laboratory in Animal Communication and and through an internship approved by the research. We will explore “feminist methodology” Cognition instructor. Interns must spend at least 3 hours per and debate whether such a thing even exists. Chem 331 Aqueous Equiibria week at their work site. Class time will allow for The seminar also focuses on models of feminist Soc 302 Research Methods in Sociology students to integrate theory and method with their research and looks at the connections between Mathematical foundation experiential learning. the personal, political and intellectual. (Karen M. McCormack) (Kersti Alice Yllo, Karen M. McCormack) One course chosen from: Comp 115 Robots, Games and Problem Solving Specialized methods Math 101 Calculus I 262. Mapping Society: Introduction to Math 102 Calculus I with Economic Applications Geographic Information Systems (GIS) This course will introduce students to Geographic Math 221 Linear Algebra Information systems (GIS), a powerful software Math 241 Theory of Probability

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 153 Elective Students are encouraged to study away from With permission from English and Theatre One additional course chosen from either of the Wheaton for at least one semester during their Department chairs, dramatic literature courses two lists above, or an independent study (399) junior year. Popular programs include the National offered through other departments (e.g., Musc with approval of the coordinator. Theater Institute in Waterford, Connecticut, and 292 or Clas 254) may be used to satisfy this London’s British American Drama Academy requirement. and the Boston University Internship Program. Theatre Students have also participated in programs in Thea 103 Introduction to Theatre Theatre and Dance Studies France, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. In an effort to gain valuable theatre experience Thea 275 The History of Western Theatre Chair: Cheryl Mrozowski in a professional setting, students also frequently Thea 276 Non-Western Theatre and Performance Department homepage: arrange internships with area companies. Past Thea 371 Ensemble Experiments http://wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/Theatre/ connections have been established with Trinity Concentrations Katherine Conway Repertory Company in Providence, American Three credits in one of the following areas of Associate Professor of English Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, the Huntington specialization: David Cook Theatre in Boston, and the Roundabout Theatre in Technical Director and Instructor New York. Acting/Directing Thea 101, Thea 202, Thea 211, Thea 311, Thea Stephanie Daniels Major Associate Professor of Theatre 351 The major in theatre studies and dance is admin- David M. Fox istered jointly by the theatre and English depart- Theatre Design Professor of Theatre ments. It includes a minimum of twelve courses: Thea 203, Thea 204, Thea 205, Thea 302 Christianna M. Kavaloski eight from theatre and four from English (or other Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre/Dance and Dance departments offering dramatic literature courses Artistic Director, Wheaton College Dance Company Thea 110 and Thea 140 or four semesters of during a given semester—see explanation below). Thea 320, Jennifer Madden Three concentrations are available within the Visiting Instructor of Theatre and either Musc 262 or Musc 292 major: acting/directing, theatre design and dance. Charlotte Meehan The major must include three courses at or above All acting/directing and dance concentrators must Associate Professor of English, Playwright-in- the 300 level. take one course from theatre design. All theatre Residence With careful planning and appropriate ap- design concentrators must take one course from Cheryl Mrozowski proval, double majors and self-designed majors either acting/directing or dance. Chair, Associate Professor of Theatre are also welcome possibilities. Requirements for students who declare their Clinton O’Dell major fall 2009 and beyond Assistant Professor of Theater Design Requirements for students who declared their major before fall 2009 Acting/Directing and Design/Tech Track The Department of Theatre and Dance Studies Theatre Studies and Dance offers students a wide array of courses in acting, Theatre directing, theatre design and history, dance, English Thea 101 Beginning Acting dramatic literature, playwriting and film theory. Four courses from the English Department, Thea 103 Introduction to Theatre Central to the department’s mission are the including at least one course in Shakespeare (Eng Thea 205 Stagecraft development of communication skills—both oral 309 or Eng 310) and three courses from among Thea 275 The History of Western Theatre and written—careful attention to how theatre and the following: Thea 276 Non-Western Theatre and Performance dance function as collaborative art forms, and Eng 241 Modern Drama Thea 371 Ensemble Experiments (by department an emphasis on theatre and dance as windows Eng 242 Hollywood Film since 1970 interview only) to diverse cultures, lifestyles and intellectual Eng 246 Modern Irish Literature perspectives. or Thea 399 Selected Topics Eng 249 Hollywood Genres The Watson Fine Arts Center contains two THREE courses in one of the following areas as performance spaces: the Dorothy Littlefield Weber Eng 258 Introduction to Film Studies specialization: ’38 Theatre, a 350-seat proscenium house with Eng 273 Malcontents, Monarchy and Revenge in Acting/Directing a modular thrust, and the Kresge Experimental Early Modern Drama Thea 202 Beginning Directing Theatre, a “black box” with flexible seating Eng 274 Restoration Theatre and Beyond that can accommodate up to 120 spectators. Eng 287 Writing for Performance Thea 211 Intermediate Acting Productions in these theatres, directed by both Eng 288 Playwriting: Form and Craft Thea 311 Intermediate Directing faculty and students and numbering an average Eng 348 Sexual Politics of Film Noir Thea 351 Advanced Acting of six per year, cover a lot of territory: everything Eng 357 Cinema and the City Design/Tech from an annual Dance Concert and New Plays Eng 388 Advanced Playwriting Thea 203 Introduction to Scene Design Festival to ancient Greek tragedy, modern real- ism, Shakespeare, farce, Beckett, musicals and Thea 302 Introduction to Lighting Design Moliere. Thea 398 Experimental Courses

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 154 Dramatic Literature series of prepared speeches, debates and the collaborative work that is theatre. Students ONE course from: impromptu exercises. Appropriate for all majors. direct both original and established scripts. Eng 309 Shakespeare and the Performance of (Jennifer Madden) (David M. Fox) Cultures 211. Intermediate Acting 399. Selected Topics Eng 310 Shakespeare and the Company He This course takes the acting fundamentals put Independent research and/or practicum at the Keeps forth at the beginning level to a critical next step. advanced level monitored by a faculty member. TWO of the following courses: Students confront the emotionally high stakes of Theatre design Thea 215 Theatre and Social Change more demanding and more complicated dramatic 203. Introduction to Scene Design Eng 241 Modern Drama worlds. The plays of Russian writer Anton Chekhov serve as an important focal point in the class. Development of critical thinking through the study Eng 246 Modern Irish Literature Limited to sophomores, juniors and seniors. of design development, scenic styles, elements Eng 252 Contemporary Drama: The Tip of the (Stephanie Daniels) of design and methods of visual presentation of Iceberg scenic design. Design projects range from script Clas 254 The Drama of Fifth-Century Athens 298. Experimental Courses analysis to collage, color and 3D visual presenta- Eng 273 Malcontents, Monarchy and Revenge in Intermediate/Advanced Ballet tions. Early Modern Drama Intermediate/advanced ballet is a technique class (Clinton O’Dell) Eng 274 Restoration Theatre and Beyond that builds upon the principles and vocabulary 204. Introduction to Costume Design Eng 287 Writing for Performance of classical ballet as covered in beginning ballet. Development of critical thinking from a costume Class is comprised of three sections: barre, center Eng 288 Playwriting: Form and Craft designer’s viewpoint. Emphasis will be given and allegro. Emphasis is placed on correct body Musc 292 Broadway Bound: American Musical to script analysis, period research, fabric, color alignment, development of whole body movement, Theatre theory and the sketching of finished costume musicality and the embodiment of performance Eng 388 Advanced Playwriting renderings. style. Ballet is a performing art, and its expression (Clinton O’Dell) A second semester of Shakespeare Dance Track lies in the proper technique as well as in artistic execution. More advanced elements of classical Minor 205. Stagecraft dance are taught in conjunction with increasingly Examination of the technical challenges encoun- The theatre and dance studies minor consists of challenging dance combinations. tered in mounting a major production. Backstage at least five interrelated courses, at least one of (Christianna M. Kavaloski) procedures, construction techniques, theatre which normally shall be at the 300 level. The mi- safety, tool operation and maintenance, drafting, nor includes Thea 103, Thea 371 and three other 351. Advanced Acting materials and supplies. Students will be assigned courses approved by the department chair in one Focus on the proper use and all-too-frequent mis- crew positions in department productions as a or more of the following areas of specialization: use of “style” in the theatre. The class encounters practical aspect of their training. acting/directing, theatre design, theatre history, via readings, games, improvisations and presenta- dance, dramatic literature, playwriting and film tions the worlds of Greek and Shakespearean 302. Introduction to Lighting Design theory. In special circumstances and with approval tragedy and absurdist tragicomedy. Students must An examination of the fundamental principles of from all department faculty, minors may substitute keep a weekly journal and present at least three light. The development of original design projects independent projects for Thea 371. scenes. Limited to juniors and seniors. from the perspective of a lighting designer. The (David M. Fox) skills of a lighting designer: script analysis, draft- Courses ing, instrument and color selection. Students will Connections: be assigned crew positions in department produc- Acting Conx 20046 The Greeks on Stage tions as a practical aspect of their training. 101. Beginning Acting Directing Students in this course are introduced to the 399. Selected Topics internal and external demands of turning psychol- 202. Beginning Directing Independent research and/or practicum at the ogy into behavior. The bare necessities of invest- Examination of the myriad theories/practices of advanced level monitored by a faculty member. play direction with special emphasis on the fun- ing yourself in the moment, genuinely talking and Theatre history listening, playing objectives and personalizing damentals of script analysis, overall organization, 275. The History of Western Theatre material are initially explored via games, improvi- use of space and collaborative creation. Practical sations and exercises. A midsemester monologue directing problems encountered via scene work Focus on the evolution of Western drama from and final scene are also presented. from plays both classical and modern. ancient to modern times. Diverse theatrical styles, (David M. Fox, Stephanie Daniels) (Stephanie Daniels) movements and production modes are examined via scripts, research projects and videotapes. 102. Public Speaking 311. Intermediate Directing (Jennifer Madden) This course provides the student with greater This course takes directing fundamentals put 276. Non-Western Theatre and Performance self-confidence and ease with speaking, while forth at the beginning level to a critical next step. enhancing use of language, delivery and orga- Strong emphasis on what is meant by directorial An overview of various non-Western performance nization. Students will participate in an intensive concept, vision or interpretation and how it affects traditions and methodological approaches. The course investigates a wide variety of performanc-

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 155 es, carnivals and religious rites from Melanesia 399. Selected Topics Urban Studies and Asia (Papua New Guinea, India, Sri Lanka, Independent research and/or practicum at the Japan, China, Korea, Tibet, Java and Bali), the advanced level monitored by a faculty member. Coordinator: John Grady Caribbean, and Africa. Live performance and film Other courses Marcus Allen complement assigned readings of scripts, theo- Assistant Professor of Political Science retical writings and anthropological studies. 020. Rehearsal and Production Students receive a half-credit for participating John Grady (Jennifer Madden) Professor of Sociology as actors, assistant directors, designers, stage 292. American Musical Theatre managers or technicians in a faculty-directed M. Gabriela Torres Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Program A survey of American musical theatre focusing on mainstage production. Limited to two semesters. three areas: the African American experience, the Coordinator of Development Studies 103. Introduction to Theatre American view of Asia and the romantic treatment Russell Williams of American history. Emphasis on film viewing and A survey of plays from the ancient Greeks to the Associate Professor of Economics present with an emphasis on how to transform discussion. This course is cross-listed with the An interdepartmental minor in urban studies the written word into relevant live performance. Music Department. is offered by the departments of Anthropology, Appreciation of the theatre through a brief study (Ann Sears) Economics, Political Science and Sociology. of its history, acting-directing-design theory and Dance practicum, and discussion of tragic vs. comic Minor 110. Jazz Dance visions. The minor consists of five courses: (David M. Fox) Introductory through intermediate jazz dance Pols 200 Modern Political Inquiry: An Introduction technique, including the study of body isolations, 199. Selected Topics to Research Methods syncopation and specific jazz dance traditions. Independent research and/or practicum at the or Soc 302 Research Methods in Sociology Emphasis is placed on enhancing musical and introductory level monitored by a faculty member. Pols 321 Public Administration and Public Policy rhythmic phrasing, efficient alignment, clarity in 215. Theatre and Social Change or Econ 252 Urban Economics complex movement combinations and the refine- A course that investigates how theatre can be Pols 201 Contemporary Urban Politics ment of performance style. A working knowledge used to help communities talk about difficult Soc 255 Living in Cities: Urban Sociology of jazz dance is the desired goal of this course of issues regarding race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, study. or Anth 240 Urban Anthropology economic status, religion and politics. Writers (Cheryl Mrozowski) Soc 362 Fieldwork in Formal Organizations and/or performance artists studied include Anna or Anth 302 Research Methods Connections: Deavere Smith, Moises Kaufman, Tony Kushner, or Psy 334 Practicum in Human Services Conx 20001 Human Biology and Movement Danny Hoch and Suzan-Lori Parks. 140. Ballet (Stephanie Daniels) Introductory through intermediate study of the Connections: principles and vocabularies of classical ballet. Conx 23011 Revolution! Women’s Studies Class comprises three sections: barre, center 299. Selected Topics and allegro. Emphasis is placed on correct body Independent research and/or practicum at the Coordinator: Kim Miller alignment, development of whole body movement, intermediate level monitored by a faculty member. Department homepage: musicality and the embodiment of performance wheatoncollege.edu/Acad/WomensStudies/ style. The fundamental requirements of classical 371. Ensemble Experiments dance are taught in conjunction with dance Development of a theme-based theatre project, Darlene L. Boroviak Professor of Political Science combinations. including the writing and performance of a script, (Cheryl Mrozowski) the design of sets, lights and costumes, and Deyonne Bryant the preparation of effective publicity. This is the Samuel Valentine Cole Associate Professor of Connections: English, Curriculum Coordinator Theatre Studies and Dance Department’s senior Conx 20001 Human Biology and Movement seminar/capstone experience. Students may peti- Claire Buck Professor of English 320. Dance Company tion for an alternative capstone. Limited to senior This course offers an in-depth exploration of majors and minors. Dolita Cathcart Assistant Professor of History the aesthetic and performing issues surround- 398. Experimental Courses ing specific dance idioms—ballet, modern, jazz M. Teresa Celada 500. Individual Research and others—through the study and performance Assistant Professor of Philosophy Honors thesis work monitored by one or more of selected repertory works. Students receive a Vipan Chandra faculty members. half-credit for participation in the Wheaton Dance Professor of History Company. Limited to four semesters. Beverly Lyon Clark (Cheryl Mrozowski) Professor of English

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 156 Shawn Christian Bianca Cody Murphy Major Assistant Professor of English Chair, Professor of Psychology The major in women’s studies consists of at least Barbara Darling-Smith Ann H. Murray nine courses, including Introduction to Women’s Assistant Professor of Religion Professor of Art, Director of Beard and Weil Studies, Feminist Theory, and the Senior Seminar. Galleries Susan Dearing Three or more additional courses must be taken Associate Professor of English Leah Niederstadt at the 300 level or above. Women’s Studies Assistant Professor of Museum Studies, Art Nancy Evans majors who have taken a first-year seminar with History and Curator of the College’s Permanent Associate Professor of Classics, Program Collection a member of the Women’s Studies faculty may Coordinator of Ancient Studies petition the Women’s Studies Coordinator to count John Partridge R. Tripp Evans that FYS towards credit for the major. Women’s Associate Professor of Philosophy Associate Professor of Art History studies majors are urged to pursue internships, Chair, Art and Art History Montserrat Perez-Toribio service learning opportunities and independent Assistant Professor Peony Fhagen-Smith research that will complement their course work Assistant Professor of Psychology Dana M. Polanichka in women’s studies. Assistant Professor of History Touba Ghadessi Fleming Assistant Professor of Art History Francoise Rosset Introduction and theory Chair, Coordinator of German & Russian, Wmst 201 Introduction to Women’s Studies Tommasina Gabriele Associate Professor of Russian Chair, Professor of Italian Studies, Coordinator of Wmst 312 Feminist Theory Italian Studies Gail Sahar Wmst 401 Senior Seminar Professor of Psychology Jessica Hayes-Conroy Women in U.S. society Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow Ann Sears Heuser Professor of Music Two of the following: Gerard Huiskamp Econ 241 Women in U.S. Economy Associate Professor of Political Science Sue Standing Professor of English, Writer in Residence Hist 232 Women in North America to 1790 Nancy Kendrick Professor of Philosophy Evelyn Ruth Staudinger Hist 233 U.S. Women, 1790–1890 Associate Provost and Associate Professor of Art Hist 234 U.S. Women since 1890 Donna O. Kerner History Professor of Anthropology Soc 260 Gender Inequality Josh Stenger Serene J. Khader Soc 320 Race, Gender and Poverty Associate Professor of Film Studies and English Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies/ Other courses may qualify with permission of the Philosophy Mary Beth Tierney-Tello women’s studies advisor. Dept. Chair, Professor of Hispanic Studies Hyun Sook Kim Professor of Sociology Kathryn Tomasek Women in international perspective Associate Professor of History Meg Kirkpatrick Two of the following: Assistant Professor of Psychology M. Gabriela Torres Anth 255 Women in Africa Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Program Paula M. Krebs Anth 260 Women and Development Coordinator of Development Studies Professor of English Anth 350 Gender and Social Organization Jonathan David Walsh Tessa Lee Arth 225 Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese Professor of French, Coordinator of African, Assistant Professor of German African American, and Diaspora Studies Visual Culture Stephen Mathis Arth 311 Anatomies 1400–1600: Sexual, Brenda Wyss Chair, Associate Professor of Philosophy Chair, Associate Professor of Economics Forbidden and Monstrous Karen M. McCormack Clas 266 Women, Power and Paganism Kersti Alice Yllo Assistant Professor of Sociology Chair, Professor of Sociology, Coordinator of Econ 233 Sweatshops in the World Economy Sean McPherson Faculty Development Fr 331 Other Voices, Other Stories: Great Works Assistant Professor of Art History Academic advisor for the major: Kim Miller by Women from France and the Francophone Charlotte Meehan World Associate Professor of English, Playwright-in- Women’s Studies is an interdisciplinary academic Ger 267 Lulu, Lola and Leni: Women of German Residence program explicitly dedicated to the study of Cinema John Miller women, gender and sexuality in all areas of hu- Hisp 370 Studies on Hispanic Women Writers Professor of Economics man life. As an academic field, Women’s Studies starts from the assumption that gender shapes Hist 225 Women in East Asia: Japan and Korea Kim Miller Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies and Art both individual lives and social institutions. Our Hist 227 Women in East Asia: China History; Coordinator, Women’s Studies curriculum provides students with a theoretical Itas 235 Italian Women Writers in Translation Laura Muller framework for analyzing and acting upon the Russ 284 Women in Russian Culture Chair, Associate Professor of Chemistry intersections of gender, race, class and sexuality, Soc 310 Beyond Global Feminism both historically and in contemporary societies Wmst 228 Transnational Feminisms worldwide.

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 157 Electives Wmst 315 Black Feminist Theory Hist 232 Women in North America to 1790 Two of the following not used above: Wmst 399 Independent Study Hist 233 U.S. Women, 1790–1890 Anth 255 Women in Africa Wmst 500 Individual Research Hist 234 U.S. Women since 1890 Anth 260 Women and Development Hist 340 Gender and Work in the 19th Century Minor Anth 350 Gender and Social Organization U.S. The minor in women’s studies consists of five Arth 225 Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese Hist 341 Sex and Culture in the 19th Century U.S. or more courses: Wmst 201, Feminist Theory or Visual Culture Transnational Feminisms, and three electives, only Hist 398 Sex and Gender Arth 298 Construction of Early Modern Gender one of which may be taken at the 100 level. At Italian Arth 336 Sex and Death in Early Modern Venice least one class must be at the 300-level. Students Itas 235 Italian Women Writers in Translation Arth 311 Anatomies 1400–1600: Sexual, who have completed at least one 300-level theory Itas 298 Constructing Women Writers and Saints: Forbidden and Monstrous class (Wmst 312 or Wmst 315) are strongly en- 1200–1500 Clas 266 Women, Power and Paganism couraged to take Wmst 401, the Senior Seminar Econ 233 Sweatshops in the World Economy (with permission of the instructor). Students are Philosophy Econ 241 Women in U.S. Economy encouraged to do an interdisciplinary independent Phil 255 Feminism, Philosophy and the Law study and related internships. Eng 236 Sex, Work and the Victorians Political Science Eng 240 Gender, Genre and Poetry Women’s studies courses Pols 025 Legal Issues in Public Policy: The Law of Eng 247 African American Women’s Literature Sexuality and Gender Anthropology Eng 272 Romancing the Novel Anth 255 Women in Africa Psychology Eng 348 Sexual Politics of Film Noir Anth 260 Women and Development Psy 261 Psychobiology of Sex and Gender Eng 377 Feminist Criticism Anth 350 Gender and Social Organization Psy 235 Human Sexuality Fr 331 Other Voices, Other Stories: Great Works Psy 290 Psychology of Women by Women from France and the Francophone Art History World Arth 225 Status, Gender and Identity in Japanese Religion Hisp 370 Studies on Hispanic Women Writers Visual Culture Rel 142 Religion and Sexuality Hist 225 Women in East Asia: Japan and Korea Arth 298 Construction of Early Modern Gender Russian Hist 227 Women in East Asia: China Arth 336 Sex and Death in Early Modern Venice Russ 284 Women in Russian Culture Hist 232 Women in North America to 1790 Arth 311 Anatomies 1400-1600: Sexual, Sociology Hist 233 U.S. Women, 1790–1890 Forbidden and Monstrous Soc 260 Gender Inequality Hist 234 U.S. Women since 1890 Classics Soc 298 Sexuality Hist 340 Gender and Work in the 19th Century Clas 266 Women, Power and Paganism Soc 310 Beyond Global Feminism U.S. Economics Soc 311 Violence against Women Hist 341 Sex and Culture in the 19th Century U.S. Econ 233 Sweatshops in the World Economy Soc 320 Race, Gender and Poverty Hist 398 Sex and Gender Econ 241 Women in U.S. Economy Soc 392 Feminist Research Itas 235 Italian Women Writers in Translation Phil 255 Feminism, Philosophy and the Law English Women’s Studies Phil 398 Plato Seminar Eng 236 Sex, Work and the Victorians Wmst 201 Introduction to Women’s Studies Pols 025 Legal Issues in Public Policy: The Law of Eng 240 Gender, Genre and Poetry Wmst 312 Feminist Theory Sexuality and Gender Eng 247 African American Women’s Literature Wmst 315 Black Feminist Theory Psy 261 Psychobiology of Sex and Gender Eng 272 Romancing the Novel Wmst 399 Independent Study Psy 235 Human Sexuality Eng 348 Sexual Politics of Film Noir Wmst 401 Senior Seminar Psy 290 Psychology of Women Eng 377 Feminist Criticism In addition, many departments offer special courses and seminars with topics applicable Rel 142 Religion and Sexuality French to the major or minor. Please see the Women’s Russ 284 Women in Russian Culture Fr 331 Other Voices, Other Stories: Great Works Studies advisor for permission to count the course Soc 260 Gender Inequality by Women from France and the Francophone towards either the major or minor. Soc 298 Sexuality World Courses Soc 310 Beyond Global Feminism Hispanic Studies Soc 311 Violence against Women Hisp 370 Studies on Hispanic Women Writers 201. Introduction to Women’s Studies Soc 320 Race, Gender and Poverty An introduction to topics and themes in women’s History Soc 392 Feminist Research experiences from a cross-cultural, historical Hist 225 Women in East Asia: Japan and Korea and interdisciplinary perspective. Topics may Hist 227 Women in East Asia: China include women’s historical roles in the family,

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 158 the workforce and public and private spheres in 312. Feminist Theory Connections: different societies; the psychology of changing This advanced-level course is designed to explore Conx 23007 African Diaspora in New World gender roles; images of women and how they are in depth many of the theoretical frameworks and 398. Experimental Courses constructed; women’s perspectives in literature methodological issues that are touched upon in 399. Independent Study and in the sciences; and the roots and prospects women’s studies and gender-balanced courses. of the contemporary women’s movement. The course focuses on historical and contempo- Advanced students, in consultation with an instructor, may arrange to pursue independent 228. Transnational Feminisms rary writings from a range of perspectives, includ- ing liberal feminism, radical feminism, socialist study on topics not covered by the regular course This course examines the challenges for feminist offerings. organizing across borders posed by the global feminism and postmodernism. Special topics such 401. Senior Seminar capitalism, cultural difference and the legacy of as racism, lesbianism and international women’s imperialism. Course readings include a combina- issues are also examined. A semester of directed reading and research tion of empirical texts on social movements and Connections: where students will examine significant issues at philosophical texts on moral and the Conx 23005 Women in the United States the forefront of feminist theory and research, as epistemology of understanding across difference. Conx 23006 Sexuality well as the principal theoretical debates within (Serene J. Khader) the field of women’s studies. Topics chosen for 315. Black Feminist Theory discussion will depend on class interest, recent 298. Experimental Courses The class will examine critical and theoretical research and timeliness. Potential topics include Gender and Geography issues in Black feminism from the 1960s to the postcolonial feminisms, women and war, and present, focusing on the influential contemporary As a point of entry to discussions of gender, place black feminist theory. Black feminist intellectual tradition that emerged and culture, this course will explore the diverse Students will pursue an original research in the 1970s. From this perspective, students will ways in which geographers have conceived of, project and will produce a thesis as their capstone explore certain themes and topics, such as work, analyzed and redefined gender as a contested to the major. Students and instructor will meet family, politics and community, through read- spatial practice. In particular, using contemporary regularly in a seminar setting to discuss readings ing the writings of Black feminists. We will also geographic texts, we will explore the gendered and the stages of the research project. study the ways in which women and men have dynamics of geographic research methods, nature (Kim Miller) worked together, toward the eradication of race discourse, resource management, embodiment and gender inequality, among other systems of 500. Individual Research and health, agriculture and food, and globaliza- oppression, which have historically subjugated Open to senior majors by invitation of the tion, among other topics. Emphasis will be placed Black women. Although emphasis will be placed Program. All other interested students should on recognizing and researching cultural difference on Black feminist traditions in the United States, speak with the program coordinator or Women’s across these various topical areas. Readings and at the end of the semester we will consider Black Studies academic advisor. class discussion will build through individual and feminism in global perspective. group assignments toward a final research paper/ (Kim Miller) presentation. (Jessica Hayes-Conroy)

Wheaton College Catalog 2009–2010 / 159