STAMPS WEDNESDAY, April 3 974 Main St Ft 3
( I ' j" i '.' • I.V --'V: / V i ' ■ ■ ■ ■' '•> • ' •’ \" • .'X"*-,'■‘■\>y - ^ -i' ’ ' ' ■ ■■ - : .■ ■ V ' ■ ,, •■ j ' X ; , . ; '; 'a - . ‘• V'. 1' • ■ ■' - y r v ^V'-' /■ ■ ■ ',■• A ; -y i^ - :■ ■■ ' - .1 . fv »'-• <N v/ TU ESDAY, A P R IL 2, 4*CT Average Qaily Net Press ROn PAGE SIXTEEN A The WeMther . u - ToJf the Week Ended ., iMter lEttfhtns ■'■vv ;' ^ . A ■ ' ’■ March 30, 1037 t ren ee^ ef tr. S. Wtathw BiniUHi Mrs. FYances Bellows, who left about 365,000,, whs In stocks, 1 2 , s k eoldev to n ^ t. Low ki Me. The M o th ^ Bible Study group D iscussion dtvldemu and i^wikibdnk sa'vings. He will meet tofmorrow from IX to for New Orleans. La., last D ^ m -- Engaged leresstag eloudkMie Ikqndagr,'' utTown ber, hps returned to her, home, 887 also left ateut 330.250 in. real Member of the Audit 11:30 a.m. at the Buckingham O n H ighw ay l*lan estate aifff'U^.. Savings Bonds. Bureem ef Ofreutetioii.y' eoettaiiMd eold. Hlgk 4043. i CongregaUonal-Church. The .April, N. Main St. „ ' x . i ■ V His investments Included shares M.aiichi»ur>^A City o fl(i^ g e Charni h m Aipi Aoclety wUI meet « t -meeting of the lisdies Aid. Society of Aetna L ife Insurance Co. stock - X . T:80 tomorrow'itiitht at the Italiaii will take place at 8 p.m. The The Waddeirschool P T A wlU Former Director Waiter Ma- _':80 tomoi meet tomorrow night at 8 o’clock valued at 33,237.75; E. I. Dupont Amerlcaa Oiubclb.
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