Today: Our Weekend Enjoyment Section • •' ' *F w SEEE TABLOITAm tanmaantrrD INSERT TheWeather THE DAILY Sumy today. Tomorrow sun- FINAL ny, changing to cloudiness Kwl Bank, Freehold with possible showers. Long Branch EDITION 7 28 PAGES Monniouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOt.95NO.58 RED BANK, NJ. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1972 nimiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiminainiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiimni Middletown Plans Ballot On Expansion of Schopls MIpDLETQWN —The come to a consensus we can board to come out for a new comes out the same, we'll join "As a result of large Board of Education will ask all support, to ask for the four-year high school and a' the board in its efforts." classes, teachers are pressed residents'to approve construc- most economical program switch from the present junior Overcrowding Discussed to perform at a level they are' tion of a second, three-year possible' which meets the high schools to grade 6 to 8 Earlier in the evening, the not satialed with." he stated. high school and 20 additional pressing needs of the town- middle schools. audience heard Mr. Korn and "They cannot offer students elementary school classrooms ship," Mr. Jones noted. However, in his speech, Mr. Dr. Bernhard W. Schneider, individual attention or in- in a referendum to be held Two years ago, voters re- Jones stressed that "the issue superintendent of schools, dis- :novative programs. early next year, it was an- jected a $1.5 million building is space, not whether we have cuss present overcrowding in "This overcrowding has nounced last night. program which called for a a three-or four-year high the schools at all levels. long-term effect on children," Speaking in the high school new high school and a new 28- school, junior highs or middle Dr. Schneider said that not he continued. "Student atti-, before about SO members of room elementary school. schools" and the ESP mem- only are all classes in the tudes suffer and human rela- the Committee for Estab- Since then the board had held bers present seemed to agree. present high school on split tionships change for the lishing School Priorities off asking for a new building After Mr. Jones spoke, they sessions, so are 22 fifth and worse." (ESP) Richard F. Jones, program. voted to support the school sixth grade classes. In addi- He foresaw no end to this president of the school board, After announcing the board's new proposal. Law- tion, he said about 45 elemen- overcrowding unless new fa- announced the board's unani- board's decision, Mr. Jones rence Kom, president of ESP, tary classes have between 30 cilities are built. mous decision reached in a asked his audience for its sup- said that the organization will and 36 students and "another "There are over 1,000 stu- caucus meeting Tuesday night port, to get out the "yes" vote. poll its other members and, equal number have 29 stu- dents at each grade level now and said a referendum might ESP had been pressing the "if, as we expect, the vote dents. See Middletown, Page I - AP Wirtphot* be held as early as January if I LIKE CAKE — fricia Nixon Cox, older daughter of President Nixon there are no delays at the came into New Jersey yesterday to help in the reelection of her father. ' state leyeL One of her stops was the Trenton State Fair at which she shares a piece of , cake with New Jersey's Governor, William T. Cahili, right. Center Is If the nearly $10 million George Hamld, owner of the fair. building progranxis approved, the elementary school addi- Builders Plan Court Fight tions could be operational by September' 1974 and the high school the following year, Mr. Jones estimated. Daughter of Nixon The board's plans call for a On Slab House Restriction three-year high school to house 1,875 students^with core By SHERRY CONOHAN Mr. Fishkind, president of year. The suit and the fund rais- facilities for a possible future Total Building Systems, Inc., As he spoke, the ordinance ing drive for legal purposes expansion to '2,200. 'The new POINT PLEASANT in Farmingdale, also an- that is the target of the buil- sounded the beginning of a Campaigns in State school would probably be built BEACH — The New Jersey nounced the initiation of a ders' planned suit was being stepped-up campaign by the on land already owned by the Shore Builders Association drive to raise at least $50,000 passed by the Ocean Town- association, which has some TRENTON (AP) - Tricia At the fair, she was accom- not necessarily die for George board In Iincroft. last night disclosed plans to to $60,000 to finance various ship Council. It was approved 300 members in Monmouth Nixon Cox, the President's el- panied by Gov. William T. Washington but for their new sue Ocean Township hi Ocean legal; action in the coming on a 2-1 vote. and Ocean counties, against der daughter, campaigned in Cahili in a brief tour of an ex- country. This came in re- Plans Incomplete County in an effort to over- building and zoning codes.lt New Jersey yesterday and hibit of women's activities sponse to a question about a The board has not yet de- turn a brand new ordinance considers overly restrictive. her. mother, Mrs. Pat Nixon, and a stop at an Indian craft comment by her sister Julie cided which elementary prohibiting the building of conies here today. enclosure. Nixon Eisenhower who said schools will get additional Many builders contend the she would be willing to die for homes on concrete slabs. extensive restrictions being Mrs. Nixon plans to visit a Despite tight Secret Service • classrooms, what kind of con- South Vietnamese President training center for seeing eye precautions, several elderly struction will be used, or how "We have no choice but to placed on building In some TMeu. dogs in Momstown. persons at the fair for Senior the 20 rooms will be allocated. sue. We feel we have a good areas are forcing costs up Later this week. New Jer- Citizens Day managed to Following her tour of the It hopes to work out these de- case and we're going to sue," substantially., and making a sey will be the site of cam- shake her hand and exchange Princeton Medical Center, she tails and announce a firm pro- Eugene Fishkind, chairman of more and more difficult to paign stops by Secretary of greetings with her. said many of the elderly gram at a public meeting ten- the organization's Legal Ac- build good moderately priced Health Education and Welfare During the day, Mrs. Cox patients 'told me they wished tatively slated for late next tion Committee, told the ap housing. ' week. proximately 150 personsJTthe Elliot Richardson, Sen. Rob- said that: my father luck and said they Henry D. Mayer, president association's monthly dinner ert A. Taft of Ohio; and Don- —" A recent Gallup Poll would vote for him in Novem- "Board members are de- of the association, backed tip meeting. ald Rumsefle, director of the showing her father with a 61- ber." lighted to have been able to the announcement of the legal Cost of Living Council 3G percentage-point lead over aid fund drive with a strong Mrs. Cox toured the Mer- Democratic candidate George appeal for contributions. wicfe Extended Care and Re- McGovern showed that he has "You have to realize your habilitation Unit of Princeton the support of young people. very livelihood ... is going to Medical Center, then made a — "There really isn't any Housing Authority depend on your support," he similar tour of the center's question any more that wom- told the dinner crowd at the Mental Care Unit: en should be given equal op- Beacon Manor Hotel. He said the legal action would benefit On both tours, Secret Ser- portunities to succeed." vice security regulations pre- — "We cannot afford a gen- the small builder most of alL cluded newsmen from accom- eration gap that shuts out the The builders association al- Creation Is Scored ready has initiated legal ac- paning her. young or the old." After the second tour, Mrs. — "The elderly want dig- ByJMMcCOBMICK ordinance creating a Housing preferably one-story, that tion against Dover Township Cox said her visits were not nity, not charity." Authority. would contain 20 senior citizen hi a dispute over an ordinance political but conceded, that in — People are willing to give MARLBORO - Irate citi- The stormy session, attend* units and 30 low income units. regulating bonding for buil- this election year she was their life for a cause, not nec- zens threatened a referendum' ed by more than 200 persons, The mayor said that one ders. Mr. Fishkind, in his re- combining them with other essarily for another person. last night when Township lasted four and a half hours. building for senior citizens port to the group, said the more political functions. American revolutionaries did Council voted 4-1 to adopt an The lone negative vote was could be constructed in the matter now was in negotiation cast by the only Republican northern Morganville or east- with the township but if no on council, John J. ern Marlboro Village area, agreement was reached in a McLaughlin. and the low income units See Court. Page 2 • ' And although both parties could be in the predominantly Pact to Limit Arms tried to keep partisian politics black Texas Road area. out of the discussion, most Mayor Salkind said that the residents who spoke in opposi- number of units had been sug- South Viets tion to the authority were Re- gested by the federal Depart- publicans.
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