Netaji Jayanti, also known as "Netaji Jayanti" or officially "Parakram Divas" or "Parakram Diwas" (Day of Valour), is a national event celebrated in to mark the birthday of a prominent Indian freedom fighter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. It is celebrated annually on 23 January. He played a pivotal role in Indian independence movement. He was the head of Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fouj). He was the founder-head of the Azad Hind Government.

About 5 months after the disappearance of Netaji, the Netaji Jayanti was celebrated in Rangoon on a grand and unprecedented scale. It is traditionally observed in all over India. It is an official holiday in , , and . The Government of India pays tribute to Netaji on this day.Netaji Jayanti was observed as Parakram Divas for the first time in 2021 on his 125th birth anniversary. The Forward Block and the family members of Subhas Chandra Bose demanded Government of India to declare Netaji Jayanti as Deshprem Divas (Day of Patriotism) and Mamata Banerjee is demanding to declare it as Deshnayak Divas (Day of National Hero) and a national holiday.But on 19 January 2021, the government has announced that it will be celebrated as Parakram Divas (Day of Valour) every year. So, the members of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's family, the ruling Trinamool Congress and the Left parties in West Bengal reacted sharply to the Centre's decision to celebrate the icon's birth anniversary on 23 January as Parakram Divas and not by the names they had proposed. President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday paid tributes to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on his 125th birth anniversary.

The President said Netaji is one of our most beloved national heroes who made an extraordinary contribution to India's freedom struggle."Tributes to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose as the nation commences his 125th birth anniversary celebrations. It is befitting to celebrate this day as "Parakram Diwas" to honour his boundless courage & valour. Netaji instilled the fervour of nationalism among his countless followers," the President tweeted.The Prime Minister said that the nation will always remember Bose's sacrifice for the independence of the country."Tributes to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a great freedom fighter and true son of Mother India, on his birth anniversary. The nation will always remember his sacrifice and dedication for the independence of the country.#ParakramDivas," he tweeted.Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was born in Cuttack (present-day Odisha) on 23rd January to Janakinath Bose and Prabhavati Dutt. Bose was an active part of the youth wing of Indian National Congress before becoming the Congress President back in 1938.After a fallout with top leaders in Congress, Netaji went to Germany in 1941. Netaji used to give inspirational addresses on Free India Radio which he set up with the help of the Germans.Bose was heavily inspired by Swami Vivekananda and his ideals. Bose believed in religion and followed the teachings of Hinduism. However, all religious discriminations and bigotries were completely discarded by the visionary leader.Bose travelled to Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and Imperial Germany when the Second World War broke out in order to find a way through which he could free India from British rule.

Netaji's demise still remains a mystery. Government records suggest that he died due to third- degree burns he sustained during a plane crash in Taiwan but there have been a number of theories about how Netaji faked his death in order to work secretly.

Cdt Manav Dash 4(O) CTC