
* '/ v - -t. S'%'-■'- - .-■ .


In 1080, »iMi If Iks McCormick, Javery Hurl* One- Ball .who bit J0O right n tha acea in 1010. The top slugger of McKechnle'a Against ‘Boms’ In Short Hit group now I* Max Marshall, a rook (a brought up some time I BROOKLYN, Aug. 17, (Jgy- . from Columbus, who sports The Dodgers' five-game winning Uncertain Outlook •treek was snapped abort* acmaaajw/Sunday ON THE SPOT Sr Statistician Si reveal* B r DILLON GRAHAM four-year average for Red out­ ten Al Javery of the» 'fcflen W1*. WertS r e a d Brave* abut out the kaegtm fielder, (up to this season) waa WORK SHOES ARE BETTER Transportation Prob­ l 8 to 0 and limited .200—that** from the portion to NEW YORK. Aug. 17, |W W | provide the bulb of tna taam'a Pauline Betz Of Pittman, Cherry single safetyt> Inin n r u u •ailed gg" —Cincinnati's tromay rtald ha, lems Are A cu te: after seven Inning* Mean** of power. $2.95 Coach Says Squad Rollins Loses Named To Florida I weather. A scheduled eec n I become the graveyard of outfield. pcitponed. There have been some pretty g u a r a n t e e d $ la “Pretty F air” In Net Finals Jav tre, pitching . bla 10th vie Hope* of veterans and rook good country ball playeirs among _ ALL LEATHER 3*95 Athletic Staff tory of tha yaar and hia fifth ir* alike are buried all over the those gardener*, who couldn’t hit By RALPH WARNER lot. Player, with proven- major for Cincy, fellow* Ilka Al Siai- MANCHESTER, Aug. If, l/P)— abutouL waa Invincible except fur Seminole High School grlddera JACKSONVILLE. Aug. 17, UP) Dixie Walker's single In the league ability go there and loee. mona and Lloyd Waner and Wal- $5*00 their hatting eye. Crack minor i ly / J,rf*r and • Jim Ripple, who r fata an uncertain outlook for the Nineteen-year-old Loulie Brough —The State Board of Control yes­ fifth. Two other Dodger* reach, of Beverly Hill,, Calif, national terday named Bob Pittman and ad baa* on pease, and were left league kid, coma busting up for - didf right wwall during hi, shert r approaching football season In girl,* tennla rhamplnn ii,t year, their chance In the big show and •tint In *40. $6.oo regard to transportation and Spurgeon Cherry, both former I •trended. Through Sunday Ja continue,! her bliaterlng tour of tr y had burled 10 straight r acure suddenly atari swinging Ilk* aand- There were Johnny HUio, Iw* ached uls problem,, while the atar athlete* at the Unlvenlty lottrre In Bauk Center. Gamble, Ernie Koy, Jimmy Glee- a^uad, llaelf, lhapea up aa the East yesterday, winning her le u Inning*. * “pretty fair", according to the fourth consecutive singles title of Florida, to the athletic staff The Brevet scored both then No one ran fathom it. but all ton, Dusty Cooke and Stan Bor- ■Xpert opinion, adeanred by with a 8--3, I—0, fl—3 victory of tha school. rune off Kirby High*, who auf a flyehaaer need, to drunp Into j digaray. And Mika Dejan, from ' Coach L, L. McLocaa. over top-seeded Pauline Bets of Florida haa lost fir* aaaletant fared bl* ninth defeat. A ring! a socking slump ia to gat someonn i down Chattanooga Choo-Choo “Wa’re going to hara a fair Winter Park. Fla., in the finals Coaches to the armed service* by Tommy Holme*, followed" b y : f i"tlnn*11 °otf/ |d gras, on M* way; and a guy named Dud llafey, outfit," ha said (which ia practi­ of tha 10 th annual Essex Country ■Inca Dec. I. A & tllf i sacrifice, and an InfieM *P,k An octflelder who can't and Hank Sauer, the Bumming- cally a brasen itatamcnt to at­ Club Invitation TournamrnL Pittman, who played base out gave the vktore a In th- hit is of HUM more worth than ham butter, and Nino Denglovan- tribute to a football coach)," but Miss Brough. fourth-seeded, at Iht university, coached at first Inning. In tha second frame ■ chariot without gas. And that*, nl. Vince DIMagglo had a shot, 1 don't know what will happen then teamed with her alnglea Bradenton High School last year BOH Slstl tripled and aeorad on ■ bout how valuable moat out-J too. but h* was always striking an tha tranaporatlon a I tuition champion predrrri,nr. Margaret and prior to that time had been an Infield bit by Holm#*. Blsti fielders become after a short ecs-lout. And Eddlt Lukon. Bad ita affect on our echedult." Oiborna of Han Francisco, to de­ a t Bartow. also smacked a double, h* an.I ■ ion in Cincinnati. McKechnle migraine produce re Getting right down to the ten- ...feat Ml,a BeU and Dorla Hurt Holme, between them accoirnttrv - *l,o Included George Davl,, H ar. teat, tha Fad footballer, ire | 0f Miami In a playoff of lh< for all four Boston hits. I McKrchnlv, in hia five years ry C rafu Morri* Arnovirh, Illck Eastern grass rourls double, ft Hogan Cops $5,00(1 with the" l(«la, haa tried 30 — j West end tha new one* this year ptriim again. Only seven letler- nal, which was rained out but JAM SESSIONS count 'em—outfielder*, and mu j - Gee .Walker, Marshall, Clyde BMB wlU M ain do or die for Sunday at Rye, N. Y. Open, Beating Wood rwn their mothers would profess i Vollmar. Frank Seeory, Eric Tip- Seminole, and prospective abort- The scores were 0— I, 19 •§, ton ami Francis Kvllc her. Tha tf u ara pictured at the guards, ROCHESTER. N. Y.. Aug. 17. ALEXANDRIA. Aug. 17, M*. ‘h*'“5 MA ( H i and back/lild poaltlona. Tin and gava the winning tandem their IKK - * . - -• VJ _The officers sad merTwho'orwr-I ln Cincy uniform. Sutlstlclan Si 13 performer* McKechnle haa usod second victory In two days over W*)--Shooting7—Shooting a four^ver-parfour-over-p* 7 4 t . ^ American built iarStin \ Durirk of Dayton haa done the m the outfield at odd times this ether boyi who hat* had varied for hi, final round. Ban tie American built torpedo experience In tha gentle cam* the Miasea Beta and Hart, whom ■'v m .'K-1* In BriUln’s Mari!temoe*n Spade-work on these 30, some of >c*>on include Bucky Walter*, a they def rated Haturday for the tha mighty shot maker IIro n c i„ whom stayed around hardly long pitcher .and , Identi­ af mayhem back up tha latter* Kerahey, P a, yesterday won tha fleet keep. stepping lively to lb- winner*. Howarar, tha outlook Easel doublet championship. of Amerfcnn jabb. Ainuwt rnough to get their John Hen- fied aa a third baseman. 10,000 Times Union Open with rys in e bmscore and with whom hare apparently li In Una with , every morning when the boats are If, too bad Ktllehvr and Tip­ Kx|H*rt I.ukricatlon will iniure longer life surrounding achooli and tha fu­ 278. In port Impromptu Jam session, 1 am unacquainted. ton had to gat their major league ture, while not bright, la not dull. The round gave him a three- gare h*Jd aboard. Musk |« epp Almut 06 percent of | player's trial with Cincinnati. Bcttrr ball­ f"r ynur t ur. Wt> *re equipped to help you "W l are going to have more atrok* edge over blond Craig plied via radio and phono graph, qualifications to play tha outfield players than Utey have fallen vic­ iiikr Hit- lust of carp of your u r so It will League Standings Wood, Mamaroneck, N. Y, who W ji. rat for practice than be­ "Music warm* tha heart," stM today is his ability tn hit—hard tim of the Croiley Held Jim. So luri longer- Come in today for a check-up! fore," the coach elated. *ln finished with 72 and 281. on* officer. "The hotter it 1* th<- and often Yuu need some Dancy let’s don't expect too much of N4TIOW4I, LKAUlU In third place waa Harold (Jug) better w* like II" ti n t a Ilka LHeaa It aaemi that W la I’rl w la Pet, dams in Ih* Infield but flychasere them Just cross our fingers and more men naturally coma out. llr kin 79 II «99 I'lt’fc h U 19.419 McSpaden of Phlladalphla w" have tn pay their way Into the hope for Ih* boat. They can't Football provides boyi with a had a lilt round 78 for 282. Ml. I a ?l <1 U l C h l f . 14 If lit ‘BUNNY* GAB MASKS park if they can't propel that be any wort* than soma of the toad chance to eat In condition N Y 41 SI 141 flnffCn 41 19 .419 Hogan, maatar of tha fi,ld *lnc* agate frnceward. No on* ever gents who have mis>-ln occusvil Ted Williams of being hitter*. Now York I. |*hlUri«lphlA I bewildered the field and left him an overage good defensive S. H. ENGLISH tougher and rou*W thli year. 41 !l ft glm m |><# • * |Mi n *41 three tlrokta In edvance of hi* . nta and email children are t<> tVTTi* Sfeirvrcii - d t - Ml Ixtula I M rtriHnnatl 1*1. •Tins'-idsi'iagtri button of which already has lad ran larrup cm Hut McKech- porstlnn, that had direct inveat- I'litfafa !■ 4 hllibuffh f -1« ,v* lfarahey wliard .wn* alerted. - Tha name cornea from nw now, well, Hill haa had Juat nirnta In foreign ruuntrln at the 21ui & I'A ltK SANFORD, FLA. content to play straight, careful caret two 300 outfield hlttera In flea end id 1840 wai *3,000,000, a*, work this year." Undoubtedly, SWKItH'AM I.KSUt’ tha fact they have “tare” *1* hardest worker will be Me- coif, tearing tha gamble to tho I 0g them a rabblt-like appaarencr year. They were leal Goodman, ttinling to tha Department of W I, Pvt. tv j, pc. vainly trying to ortrtake hlfa. Commerce. hlmself. He will have an n r : i i i in i»i>.. t , t I t 41, InUrmural program tier.I n <« 1* 1*1 llll'lD la 41 us six gym class** dally, I T . , , 41 i t i l l WV.h t, ,1 .414 HI. I. i t 11 111 I'hll 41 7 iikill opening practice session IreftH ar ETTA KETT By PAUL ROBINSON wn set for Aug. 31. at New T*.fk II I'hllR.lRjpMa 1 M, a t the high school ( fliil gimt powtponwd) two wsekl before echool lli4twn ♦ Iu wuhlhiton 1-1 V(5LL WU6CT HOW'S THAT. FOR. A An erdent ejpporier of the I **• 11 I T ) hlragD t - l ju s r IN CASE BUTCH S riffftmi! I I f * i Idiutf I-1 N E A T J 0 8 .' . Dame system Mrleicai 120 OP fiUICH DOES POL LOW US - ILL u contlnu# to employ ihle set- ■ AND WS12E ME MAW with a T variation <>c N D lL O W Vje*l l g o UP CAMOUPLACE- 7H1S B u s #r. tendance to the fire home gmmea a l l A l o n e THE l been ruled that Seminole • houlil meet or tireed non-war­ BEACH- teams cannot travel by time crowd*. Bur rifzsrrvs II to a city more than The returning Wttciman are GOT SOME r Andrew Haaty, Jimmy Ridge, W. away to angag* In a —i RENTING I mtaat, and tha entire I. Hein and Charlie Gormlty, I* Da In the air. Tha ex- lineament and backa, Billy Flem­ TO DO,' - which this restriction hi, ing. Werren Dantala and Ralph • ‘other school, on Semi- Walter. Othere who were on the nine-game slat* * la not ■qu,d laet year are Frank John- IDcb- school slevan, hard- ■on. I^o Botnar, Herbert More­ able financially to use land, Tugh Carlton, Tberea Mad­ for lean, po rat I on, and «vtn den. Eugeni Blotlaury, Billy expected that such Iran,- Stringer. AI Reborn and Ray Toy, atav be filled to capari. Unaemrri; and Kmvat BnHhereon, “It will be a back. ______matter to get 30 boy, Stare who are loat to tha team l.i n train at the right time to through graduation ire Bill fft achedule engagement," Me- Ura nan, McKay Truluck, Mark Wa declared, predicting that Cleveland and Orlen Farrell In colleg* teams wilt be in for the backfleld, and Glann Odham, Junior Brown, Jack Herring, in filling date*. IU. HUCP/andtdw bjtsev camouflaged HEY.# WHERE "bright" feature for Ih* Taylor Brown and J. W. Illck* atlon la Ui* fact that in the line. 8 U8 EVS CtA& Aw/W-' HIS CAR TDLOO: LIKE 'jOu GOINS?. In the dim-out dla- Tha achedule followa: BKFDRl HBGEtS (~7 t h e B e a c h - n o w h e . and therefore, night games Hept. 23 Euetla hare. HI/ lostV* other aporta Oct. > take City there. c a n ’t f i n d IT//— - — alledT at. Oct. 0 Daytona here. CANT* PND Oct. 10 D eland here. Oct. 30 open. fT, MYSELF, Nov. 0 I-eon of Tallahaete, 1 NOW/rL A | ) ‘j I or SAi_L IN there. Nov. 13 RL Augustine here. < >UK N[ XI ISSUL Nov. 20 New Rmyma there Nov. 7A lace burg here. Classified LOST: Pay envelope, containing - A 122, name R. Swagfarty, No, • ' FOOT Malbewt Cabin Cruls- 800. Rot 807 W. Trt St R*. € r, II toot beam. 100 h. p. ward. > - - crlepe Mo-Ur. reduction drlra. loat A-l condition at bargain LOST: Tox terrier. black and lice. Sanford Boat Worka. whtta, named Mkkey. Please phona Carolina Lea, S01-J. THE LONE RANGER By FRAN STRIKER available far punch,, tnchig and remodeling HAVE YOUR watch repaired by ALL RIGHT, BOVS, NOW Low Interest rate. C ona who really t a t v i hew A IT’S THEJjONC RANGtR Y * ALL RIGHT MR U W iP HIM* Brig**, Jeweler MarneDa ive (WIVING THE W£U BWfcAW FOP' MM. , l* RAWSOME. M LOCAL PROPERTY OWNERS LET HIM DRV W5IK THE VMOHOUSE,' / SAVE: They an lnattred In A A __~ J 1 READY TO SET, Calif. MUTUAL fire In 4 Fla. Giant pepptra, ■ Mark at eggplant, S w U S " . * J i j m k R U r i and Rutgera tomato 18% aavlnga an A t f t atocky plant,, a nee each, year? i Lake Monroe, Phona Boyd A Co.

8T0N TERRIER, popple*. 110 W. 80th IL


.VM If we to bo fra*. If wt wish U Rimtmbtr Batata pnMITi Inviolate Utou Inestimable pci.l- ImttU leges for a kick we kaee been as loot m o­ A Dime Oil* ui unding—wa fllktl u F»CfJ iXitlif 1(1 - r t n u n h m i i . U.S.War Bonds

1 , VOLUME E aU b tlah ed In Minx SANFOItlt. FI.OItlltA. TUKMiU. Al CI ST I y I'M. M MUCH Ji.J Yankee Doodle Russian Armies Drive Germans Into ■rase v/i o a iu e Goes To Town, In S olom on Isles ^^^AFChief Retreat All - American Haiti n Ll* i n i l ! t ; i | ) 11ivi ( h i d Sm iff Shock Troopa [J'i*! ,1'v,7 ^ancejirublic Is Urged igaird Issues Warnings T ti g SlF u ry Of Axis Sub lirilish Bomb War T„ / v r v ___i b Take Lost (iround; I'oundaries Of Foe!*® t-0 Liberate III; Nazis (to Ahead In Japanese In Air, ' I Motorists, Retail Ashore And Afloat Warfare Turns 1 to» . -*i«d ef#m Western Caucasus RAF lmiinthu*r-w la thml German j Salvage Drive ' r ...... ■ ill;* - . »tll>. tin! I* (III (By AaaMUUd Prat*) n ifiiriilrit'e ni Utiiibrurdi to j ■ r« * 1 h II | a lit 11* On Brazil Ships j > >iu«k!i|r nifilenml ,U fiuikt, •4 lbs M !. . I ! .k J T 111 0 h.i \ I'1 (It'll In the lZ-day-oId battle of ! h "1* VVIti 1'» . . in 1 < tl will* ■I < ** I 'nnli III (flit fill At * Blf lit k Dawson Says Modern!,1; 1 at-l . 1 • «*• » mail'* Min rvir»*al the Solomona, the Navy an- I * hij;* h emuh diist, and ! U • by i i at . h'jbfil * 1 b M v,» f ■' • nounced today the United Five Vessels Arc K .i*lan I War Itcuuires All - 1 Ih- Vilri^iatl n** apturing Tt"’ I*ti|«ir A nitric i‘« riamif l-di* 1 . op’, 1 . * .» |MI l"l ■ . '•* trr<<(in.I States marines won strong 1 an " i •' 1 *.»1 i I ’inn f' T* 1 ♦ Blasted To Bottom infill wu» u f J i t i i , l in i he an lit 1 II 1 c i1 n .1.1 -1111i'kf11 fit! positions in the Guadalcsnal- I" Fi.'i M.cilt ih iii l y riirdlura ; In Last Three Days \ *lp.t -leal till Tulagl area after “rapidly” 1 M* Il t * v | .* 4■ *. »4. in 11 * ti11 ion in 1 1 .*» fiiiih* hi n -* t k 1*11* ir i^ i f..i tb. ftia* 1 h. • m. * nil if r*’. ♦ ' IllTi III 1 tit tflllliul crushing Japaneae reslstanc» (tty AC4«Kiai«d F m ii I it i * Tl # fur/ of t'i* Ant Atlantic ! in n r t * ■ ■ * 1 % ■ i* »li«n« * i F ,a * H 11 1 1 1.14 1J *| M'li r i t I 1 tin ( I l|i* • In the aurprise landing on submarine warfare* h«a struck ul Y|. ( t( \ F * hirf k it Fur ‘ t*. aniii il fttlt r* " ( * i • r • el '*. * ■ ru#' 1 II a F t "■ . M i l l \ \ -I *.11 in i'. Aur. 7. The Navy clearly Lmiil which reported yntrntio " *n nf ijialtug llrig a ' I i f ttu ocrap rf.T '. ♦ *r. •-.*<•% (*.a * * M that five of her merchant ■ lii3»- ' * .a Ft. | tf 11 a fctikt i 4*u Ih r I a t -tjitfil 11 *t.a % «n he ' 4 | t\| ...li- ill , 11 ,* 4 !_ 4 * jt kj ■ hi ll|* nil*' m( till* indicated the first nhase hnd 41 I IS. ■i uQ one u f them carry I up auhltr-r* . il Y 1 It rill ' i*l on Fran* r, *aM f U» I III I) at ti* 1 otllll y r»p- 1 • * 1 ...... M l ,; i i. * * mum tltr (an ended In defeat for tha Japanese i ‘ i .t 11 k • • _J h e fell prey to the j ruler sea ttiar->u I ‘••lb- rrrtamly went i l.te l*^itil* fill hpintwlly ■ 1 Mi. 11 ■ vk t r t •-nrIn,"* tn tha air, oahorw and afloat. uer. tn (■ * II lltl.l 4 xin wink \ 4 l Fit othrr i j I »« f ;i|i 1 lit'f it 1 jmh I ' M 4 I I HI I I ilk. -h n _ The victory w u not won with- h r i t report* iilentificd the* i >4 . II I. . i 4. .1 fe.ilhvr in lo* fa|i“ ■ * I1 Will I*V put tit u *•' • out losses, • Navy communique.troop-carry___ nr in if vrofl 11 tl ** 4 I'UtlllO' 1 i(r iHMiibcra 1 1 »r» a if (* airy Knkti t 1 l»lie ualiirij . ^ , mods cltmr, but tb# Japanese, In rill-ton Birpfmljr Her stnkmi' , I, 1 its It III*. • l.f addition to balng forcad to r»-' Y -»nk# I **»t_aj|j ir-wt.’a yalua, loat>t ati t ItaatUast .10 air Iliinr* >inc» ihrlh» war .larlnl«larlr th eir poita laid morr Ilian TUu aoldn-r. • , • i* Fir.i ti |* t«**fd lllllllr A naval foreva and had “a number" »rr» atruard, but tbp official an I 'l " '" ' hi .In i lib'll! H 'lr n iu * 1 Ire* f (tl u a • S alii* at ltmis‘11 ’ , J, • . *h n il l.f* fi kittfii* ef troopa taken priaonara. nouncvmrnt raulinn«l (( I i*. * irt I t f * 11 -1 full firtlife.ii 1 yi t 1 111* *>.4" F 11 Fill 1 tl Hii.iSv* Robbery In Auopk i I.. Tha Navy earwfoliy vvlralne.1. *»‘‘w Ua «f high loaara. K l Yti.it .Mil | m ‘ iiliiiil' t.l.ea . 1 l la. 11.. . . h*s * l.rre'it from innouncinf thtt extent of Simultaneous w**h Hrsnii n damaga to Aipvrttan force., rnm vr.l. anrxruncvmvnt - a . t ’ U. NaM* « -*i * | ■ (vililirl M \ fill 4 11 ll 1 • V, ..... •aiial mail 1 •" r t 1 1 ' atti* |«l*'fl! iftll I Similar To ‘Jobs’ Pci^«.! Ins that aoch Informatkn would »"r ff"'" !s ' » h N» 7 ' » ” h . " , u,., told uf ihc ■♦e*truciUm of u l < .t i mm FI I ktiay d o Air Base h* of valno to tha n m j . but -l r United t ta lr. > it e t >1 ie I «■ -.f M-iep had prrrlotmly auomeod that one ch4nl Thl , „ Ittel ntl .-miner Legion Ihisl Will U tf. crulaar had boar, .unk am „ounftnirn,a r, lw'| riHily.** i Oil Auv. /;l tha Atlantic alnee IVarl Uarbo. ... ‘tfh • lifer (Jen In Snap Driir i ...... Us itf hie men *a Sr i.mmMm i » ' m * UK hr I1 ilf. |l ’ •"'t I*f hie Y »I litre- iloodlej t . u in if lin e *1 • 111 *t*rte*-ftl-lnn I till ft -hi.J IVre.'M* h it v in ir t h : i s f ()| (an- . Iikit - ' 11 are «ekt»»l t.i e|*f u| aj f :' • let m It er many Y| r lie wean, »!»• i * 4 «un • • ' Iron Dnitlci". i UoM OrmilUlrt Una M. h i k h i Min t'nllnl Stale. Army h> ■ ' with the lie ferine l miunt \ • as C. s : • i r 1 t It.. i*i*l .1 -■ anil 1 Hll'1 a large acalo b»- iwprraeniaUvi1 he* I** rn ile*i|fii.iia • 'riandi» \ II ft ... ( 14 1 * *%*•! • Ml 4*4 1 end Japanaaa trr. .aid the raid on Ihr ... a - i hit, f K*‘d S t Johns Group Normandy rapltil of )(<■ i. r in each njmnuinlty A'hid ol W A li . . .1 ,.F | J . « it In nit.. Hi It n siurpriae ______jndad when Uiv fortniilkifi may ishtainr-il ft ... ■ in in •* i .* 11 * J..I1, a ■1 »h. . J 'Jepa want late retrewl mile* rorthweul of Can. ItMtS 1 Ms* tank* it n Cuts Advertising mod. bv 12 flying fortre«.r- thrvn or by cxlllug 470 > "cLand >4 4# ? Hi 91*1 He i «* . 1 n ’l ti drum W*|S- d 1 Initial American attack had “A great nail of »mi,k. airc*. 1.nit* S i % f *1... '1* \ Mill Ih. daliverwd with1 “cwmpUU • * I !• . a» • .and waa left over lM- Vinsmai (i . 4>. t \\ *•• 1 * -i.f ii ifi t i % ee." the Navy rule tad. on Budget In Half road Iracka," Kakr. aim Hr--to h Ht II, kl <>L,t | 1.4 > T (Bolemona tints) md 18 Negro Car Runs (.round rrta. chrr.nl - ■mmun l. 4 •f ' » it 1 Is* va .dl. . pnft* • aaeptanoa were dealroyvd The adeem.Ing hudyrl -f .hr big .hip. thuodeced iln.r .cl; H 1 •(III* t lie 1 H. they could f i t Into ac- St. Johna Itlver Trail A..nrlatlon I tb* firld here. Ihirnr „l i ,. Into Army Truck; ’ale* it 1 • . 1 Ooo, Tb* y m r wrt- OP “vlg- for ne»t year *■> minced so alighting after th. . b'VrlniM * HV orgua mUtanco" bet tha marine., pereent at a meeting of the gronp Tankr* Ilmtl- wen- . an ■ Driver Is Jailed lilt* i| 1 I* .11 who Wad trained In boach warfare yeateplay at the C'lt> 11,11 k%l- L*0 Blerpn and linn- apd angle fighting for montha, [ward lligglni, prr.ldr.it rrvraledI Htskrin ra t Idly ovareame the daftnaaa. Frest W’hes-lir • -i ** Senate Aimrtnc'* M. « thl* morning. The imrpo.e nf L - nf un • utnfTmhili ilint >iin ti t**f •.'Ir waa at Ihla point In Ito rw- tha aaaoclallon I. t<> tiubllclie Steps Are Taken D epcm lciils' K ill i h «ttU of tha hanJ-fowght, 11-day Slat* Road No. 3 and f S high, an Army trurk ^i Fark C m ,> III (III' i l*"f batile .that tha navy aald fUUy ami ThlrtraiDi SI reel /rwirffCn. mar t . '4 it 11 4JUI way 17 trim Jacksonville to San­ with ”[># ahbra pcaltlom Ukan by U. ford to Orlando and inland to To Have Women afternoon, In in jail fnring (hr«. WABIIISfi lu h v l- II" -itua Qi foresa h e vs aloes boon dsvsl- Cl f i t II m j .rparale eharge. and hi. . ... f he KriUtt * a|i|»f " i« *1 M } P**.| . n-i L mln^ nut -* 'M -d e n In k «*t« 1 , ' 4 ■ Own* porta aed cargo ships police by wilnrtaea, Whrs • > r.. ■ r id ■ (»■ f man a■ bsttsrM tu r tradeirmdo in pnps»rli«n to I compart al* team Iriyur i resl li|h t while irttiiiK • t ' Majk»rit \ I ads - I • tf III 4 I “ l " i J ,|t> lupplkea.. th* numbar of rlallor. , -1 Mr lllg. peal waa made today ... Murky rat-ad ' 1 • t hs- Mr lllg. peal waa made today 1., (h. Thirteenth Street, hilling tt I* a* 4 1 1 A, »l, f »| Inod. “ After tlftcuttinfulng MX■«* of “ “ I ho city for thr natitutiiHnuhi f d ir»K Army vehicle, which irto. ■ atui l> > 4 I -a I blilty of ronllnui.ig ad-.tkn 9f Bt Ua«t tM.i inf north on Park Akrfiur I n .« v art Ulng for neat aeo.un, . . d- The ■ Ir |iaf ttft * 1* I ’* 1 n T1 I -. > 11 • * K * •* Uamt. iexro trlecl tn k a»t*i l'- put cldod to reduce the liudgrt 00 **1 • ikesi oul a "f • 1 ’ - i • r i k ..»* \» " k in . Milton Dearian h»« ♦ Kittinr the truck. •* „r( \ u I mimA i i \ c l i u l u s l r v k i iMtl.-lil i perevot," Bppoiniod by Mm G. R li«* ul alirilmirtI I• i-N !«* i ml rlared, and the ■nltliera in ’ • y pajrnrnt* im i»I ft* i \.,% | th. hln * Preoent at the meeling were Of tbo Civic Rcereal ion Comii (ruck followed the cur and i*nt » I »• pariment .Milks— M ;m \ \N c i i p o n - . Andrew Slaughtor, •eerrlary of n the |>la a 4«f •11 s | , n t l«o to f i t tofr.her all ihr nun 1 it o firr ii ehoje • f two IpU» Tfictaii that it mi d-d iw* -a |d y* IlllU r \\ hilt* tbo Creator Orlando Chamiwr of of yoxuif women, prrfrrahl) Miak.’ iirm Polleo arrived on the are nr .if f 11 lm}Hi at il write F u n I Silvt-r IM tdfiir (and] Walter labrman. .ecro- tnjftgw In the aport, and to 1 to th* clinic. ecka l*efatf» Collides W ith Train tary of lb* Do Land chamber of J*®'!* two or more tram* I W hfcltr fa c e ihrer rminl i C snnsvvtt Boy Brgwton of Or- four-team league li tleairni A Undoi and Mr. Hlgglna, Semlnol# "driving drunk, leaving .lie ' mdi ( I FA MW M IR \ ii/ I* -dv «ioajh pUytra ftrt tvalUi.lr of an accident and running a > Uationinir Of Meat .4 p * . I Cm if Cbimbtr of Commtm W t could IpLiy one nijrh t d fw.i |i4-r*44( * »4M *l«i‘hiiy hi light I h Suid I’osHibility! fh. i if 4 11 Mtuiifa ^ 1*4 i the Sea U n , DtarUo aai.l vald 1 hull IlMllds .1 , whit t- Bi l * 11v• f M» t* ..r f .t-i e- I*t to ba In error plac la*t fugl t ul I 'ii lake l * "id I ret. i , id playrr* In the CITY BRIEFS -Injustice to tha Orlando Air Base diaiirtindbill field a» the Apprrn Navy IU,r I .-ague, Milton Dear!* a* and m ar every M art haw alwari Ike- lh.- lonralrd .lull in ihr eo, ni-iui. i'-r "f the town team, Ihat Ula water g j- Pilot Dies In Crash • Ii (ram Irarur .if Ihr N'u.y Air •lid O' .ii'r.iiicr hi. pitching «e- Naval Avlatlun Cadet Jack $704 In Ba.r, amaahr.1 Ihr Navj lm- l.ctiou I.nt --id Krne.t Campbell Holt, who la atationed In Miami, int uTtaSa'alarr "o'-A^TrlP*n*l. 2 0 to l.'» in the fin t will .-etch "We will field a vet- Fuia caught a 6 0 -pound aallfleb t aaapla (ran or- Jr da, Stamps “ * * an l j*. B jrga entered it In a eatlfUn •r** I'tiunding l.irut. (1 T Xwig. TV frprrarntntlve llaae team, tournament in Miami. tu p part of the wlirli hi- n large field lo drew ’ ( b i l l from as mm. Imperial Sutler, -ill much gnuclly, the Apprentice, under from. I *»■ « »llght rdge In prac­ rrdla la n com* '"7,^ tice mi Ibr Iridrpendente but lha Manager J'rk {Ilullr.l.alll Her­ outComr id the fray doubtful. ttITTON BRED IK ICE ■K'i*uV. & ring. had little dlfflrult'/ In Harry Itnbaon ia fipoctcd to ling up the flrut victory to rtart for the llaae with Lucky WASHINGTON. Aur. 1». firwt place In the hu.ldlng Colli,’. 1-rimd the place, —Chairman Kulmrr (D-SCF Ruddy Hud.on tolled cut first of He aea«m for tho other tha House Agriculture Commll mound moat of the tam e four trama, will he played Wed- raid today tha pries on cot Mt tb# Navy nnd although ntadar Utween the Carpvnlara aaad to be paid I arm era for Hard, hla main provida.1 auf- and thr Truck Drive re; and Fri- IM t trap will ba 1-tS to #41 it runa to road to victory. drv when the Electrlclani tanvla ton band on Information n A atar-atudded conteet It with thr Admlnlitration outfit, Pries Admlnlitrator (Loon H tad at the lake front lonight T el Voung, loop organltcr, dsraon and J. D. Hutaon of, SiOO o'clock, pitting the San­ today Gamas start at 0:00 F. M. Commodity Credit Corporatkw

.■ r i f e f l '

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fg yv . p u n i * ■

• Y. AUGUST 18, IMS. ■ » *•! THE SANFORD HERALD, SANFORD, n.ORID V p a g e rnnur TUESDAY,>AUGUST 18. IMS. Church Class Meets Slit Sanford Herald ' 9 • At Leonard Residence EVOLUTION MARCHES ONI Personal Activities MABJORIB ROSA COG BURN, Society Editor Mr* i*urt»r II Ltftminjr pr*- The scrap metal drive schedule*) to befln next Thurs­ lidfd over the regular builneu day la under capable leadership and will result In unbeliev­ AccaeoMftTo meeting uf th# Dependable C U u Two Briden-Elect of lh» M nt Mcthodlit Church, ably large amounta of steel, copper, Iron, tin, and alloys, which met at tha homo of Mrt. J. being turned over to the committee in charge as a verj ial Calendar Are Entertained P e r s o n a t f s .M. Ie*>n*rd. 2041 Holly Arenue, important contribution to the war effort. IMSTtmui last evening Mra. A. K. Shoe- Moat of us have been brought up on the unfounded M l» Doris Jackson waa host- makrr conducted the devotional. VERYfiXI caa last strain* st a party for E J ianey of Florida, Ala. At the roncltition of tha meet* resumption that the United Statee could, under any cir­ Is visiting his brother, O. J. end iitfi Mn l^eonan), assisted by cumstances, mine enough metals to keep any war machine tha Mlsaaa Ruth and Esther E. II Ianey, for a fe srdays. lira. laniinf, served refresh* supplied no matter how great the demands. But this is no Strang* who wlU soon bo marriod menu to the following member*: In a double wedding. The foeeta Mr ami Mr* Jsmr* Crapp* of Mra Cl*. I)• Adam*. Mr*. Nancy usual war and already, the need for metal being so great, hemmed dish towels for gifts Calm. <•», Mr*. W. C. I til I and Broel Mr. P J Weber. Mr». the word has been sent out that we are running short and to the bride-elect. Gene I e-Cette are (pending a W arrm Km* M r. Huby Middle­ that It is Imperative to search every nook and cranny foi Zinnias, tuberoses and gladioli short tlntf at Corufittjo Beach. ton. Mr. I.sbelle Ward. Mra. H. were used to decors to the Hiring, materials If the industrial furnaces are to bo fed and kept • 00 # . M , wtth Miss Ethel L. Knight, Mr* K. I). I’ritr, Mra. Kiser as hostess. room of the Jackson residence, I MDs Evelyn Stilea has re- John Callahan, Mra. M. U Tlllla. In full operation. that few U tea tot 111 Magnolia Avenue. Miss luinnl to Washington af i r vi.lt- Mra. W T Woolley, Mra. Dwight eaa rust assured t t The Townsend Ctuh will meet Carolyn Boyd and Mra. W. T .1 The organization details have been made by a Cham the Coart I loose a t liOO P.M, >'a rents In Js .tu o v ille Smith a ini Mr*. Shoemaker going to beaaase * Jackson assisted In serving the a*he, grandparents h- ber of Commerce committee under the chairmanship of C the minority. Tha ^ P. Hagan, president, pres id- tweet*. R. Dawson, and information has been released snd wil now up to full it: Tha public ta invited to at- The following persons wars L ••is T A. Stile* an*l continue to be released as to the drive's progress and as tc invited to be with the Misses *• divn who have been re«i the manner In which the scrap will bc collected. '*■ Tha Senior Y.WJk. of'the First Btrtnge: Mrs. Ralph IVan, Mrs.' In Jacksonville. S*v* retur Red O ohh Notes Taptist Church will meet at the psvid Earle, Mrs. S. M. Martins. to Sanford ti live- Hi MRS MOV MANN What we want to emphaalxe now Is the Importance ot K r i* of Mrs. W. M. Deariso, Park J r , Mra. Earl Thome of Delton, each Individual to take Inventory of his metal possessions. Arrau* at 8:10 PJf. S * . Miss Betty Thurmond, Miss Ml»» Constance Mutch ti Including those in his home and those outaldo, lying around . The Sunbeam Band of tho Dons Isbtll, Miss Lois fiagan, lantlo spent the week -erui practically unnoticed or half-buried in out-of-the-way oi First Bap •lax Church will meet1 MUs Bord, Miss Doris McCall. her parent*. Mr ami Mra a t f JO A. M. In the church for Mias Elisabeth Pippin, MDs Meisch hidden parts of the yard or grounds. In our mind's eyi Brakeem Focus Day. - Gladys Pippin, Miss Nancy Roa- we can see all manner of Implements, largo end small, lonj mGiri Scoula arc asked to bring Is* Emmeline Thurs reHBagW .i.oua b e h v ic e i Ml** Julia Belle Scott return­ since having ceased to be of any use to anybody, roposint Their registration fast to .Scout ed Sunday to her home In Alex­ meeting■ iiiir a■a t v4:00 ,w ■iP. • M. lbIt »•le —the * *,choose after It rollapie.l indigently on many properties. Thes« Implements wouk - _ H'* protopt, efficient and court*. Utt before tha camping trip to andria City, Ala after spending Michael Welchel * week here with her cousins, -is.imry, were btlieved de«,l rerve two purposes: they would Improve the vista and thei 4 •**« U W«1 help yra If poor • . •» il»e ftrftt lt*»or Thi» i, 4 would help beat Hitler. FRIDAY Mr and Mr* Boy Brown s x a tatS vi-ja,"- Celebrates Birthday M *tli /'« III VERSE FOR TODAY _ The playground of Bouthslde BKST LUNCH IN TI1E CITY C0U THK MONEY O ria a ry School will be open from1 Calibrating his eighth birthday , 1,, SlIO A.M. to 11:48 A.M. under yesterday, David Michael Welchel ‘ u , the direction of Mr*. Let Semusls., was honor guest it e party given I n, ALL PBE8CR1PTTON8 < * A ' BATURDAT • by his mother, Mrs. Hugh C .!,„ AH boy* and girls of Junior 1 Magnolia Avenue. High School age may Join the Following a "peanut hunt", Alec More Discrimination Munlor Commando* (Junior Waste Powers snd Nelli* Dam* were , W aldens) at tho Woman's Club awarded prise, for finding the number of peinuU. *** In the dlnnlng-room. bright- colored bthvons were uMt) »■ ” 1 ,5fl fl.305. A married man In Texan or aeven other state* Ih. kln, r h08® lncome 110.000 n*t (Mild only »D65 Income Ux art exalt-', ,, r£f*°n ^or thi* Et»ngu and unjuit dlacrlmluatlnt I Chroni- •" ln*tln Texas, California, LoulnUno, Arliona, New Mexl Billy «dth Mils Betty W ot in Albany, ■ i> n Mil* I h ahratl co, Idaho, Nevada and Wsahtntti «•» PHtrftift WT of At* G*., has iron# to Birmingham, £r\ti\ hurislr u*<| and fifty thou- P lhfinUEhW*-t^»Ja«to J n n s tis Ala., in l*r maid-of-honor in her • and d'dlara »tirth of inrdtr«l ami i income bclongi to hit BB IK THt SAME BOAToOT dothlagi Ada | couftin'a wedding this week •urgi« «l ati|ylira nod *urviral wife. So under the acgla of the “common property" law, •Donald, | - H|UI|>iii4ii| will |s«* nimlr availabl* residents of those states a ssig n -...... ,, BEADED FOR AKOTHf R WMERT Jarrell, | Mr. Marry lisnien hs> at to I hi iCe-el CniM uf Irrlantl in their tax returns, ll .at BOOT t. Brad- rived from (lama tu t-e tminected thriMiifl I hr Amiriran KnJ rse 0 0 * may capture Joy not In actual practice—one-half of their earnings and other MONDAT Fox, J. I with |h» E,a-Hr*f M< ,i* y S*'o I Cft-ls How avid be hi* greed; Income to their apousra. "he playground of Southilde in. A nn nt Mr Hansen left recently Oa tha strange leaves of love Tho practice will chisel 187,000,000 from the federal craft wklch would bo 100 per­ Story School will be open from | loi Norfolk \ ia ti .-egsti In in Oars most delights to feed Income of next year, tha treasury estimates. That is be­ Defense Force News cent dependable In every way. 0 A.M. to 11:45 A-M. undvr Ntllie ira m thr 1* s Naval K.'SrrYf But, he added, as long os tho (Please return direction if Mra. Lee Bamuvli. Tommy ■f they who rapture hope. cause the surtax rates rise In graduated scale. Divide thi By 8GT. RICHARD VEKNAY human element entered Into It, Mr. Eda aril S M et.II and M ast Dam how all lost goes, income by two and tho taxpayer escapes the weight of the that would bo Impossible. coat hangers) 5" fcl 1 havr *tme to Bow worm and larva* eat higher rates. And so It Is wtih an organisa­ icMrmrtl |*envao»la \ e|»rn«l several serin ll. • m • ( >1 k’aiiii** for tion of men. As long as the T* J with relatives Mr McCall is on out • turn hat r |>rr* iitailr Earth's brightest book, the ro Tho wrong of the matter la this: Citizens of eight or ( Company before they as- I n*'» 1 * tf'lttl tlgMl I ee 11 e • in human element enters Into It—I (sruiryta and FLORENCE HAMILTON **mfeled f*g drill last Thursday •!•*«•> * thr hanl tu jfa*t ply- Mates can do that legally, and tho citizens of -10 slates can and enter Into It, It will—there SEMINOLE Anna Laura Deneff not do it. The constitution of the United Sates saya: evening as they re-hashed varloos • "■«i ' uiliinatMin ri n kn iMiardi Ssrrcellxt Landscape experiences and occurranceo which will always be those who can be I Will Be Married an* a htfftiiunon air rnmir (Te Balvsdor Dell) . . all duties, imposts and excise (taxes levied by the had happened to them during the depended upon to the last ditch' » ; — w. - , fri'H ’Le Iw.ara ami thr Unr* arr (From Mori son) and then other*, of whom It bo- DRY CLEANERS tongreaa) a hall be uniform througho * “ - romp wo all attended the Sunday • Mr. aiwf Mrs. J. E. b ra e ff an lh. i Ml..I »|IK i herkrift. dire, and Monday before. Thera WM ftns to look ax though “C " Copt- a I'** ft "I rents and ■ pad and fho federal Incomo tax rates, of wuieo, arc uiiuurm pahy I* teq bountifully Mpplled, m MAGNOLIA A V t ho pel* yellow sand* throughout the nation, but when;': not a man who attended ramp dsujtftor7Anni Lsuri, fA llsrolJ C i» >1 J iinur Red Cruft* inrm* ■# ta# Unicom stand* 'legal fiction, sjma who was not aubjuct to a-good Vh°. will lot yoo down oe> tho r- In i. i auggi atlnn fur the Egga are preparing atatr* net up definitions of income,Uj the same date, EdwariTl alltkteet provocation. Thee# peo. n * L Mr- •>«* ■llevlatc the federal rugging of some sort* myself not 0. Herbet. H e ' wedding will tax burden and give an advantage! mercury ot tha Seminole excepted. But the fact that, W* R1« «to that way far any on. pr hgalnat the cltizena Chamber ot Ccmuterae: ba I Aug. 81 a t tha home of other states, u condition Is creiU h obviously ta ■ plan (hat the City could l all bcneflttod' tremendously fraan |ef the Rev. J. Bernard-Root. contradiction or the constitutional'll Sj ' ii iijj1 /. ■ rwlmmtag pool a t Ft. NEW ABRIVALS Mr and Mr*. Warrrn llerbp Congress has the power to reaftM [iklit ilUliithn. Th. snd young urn, w«rrrn. J r . a t>* pal* yellow sand* interesting quesUon of the momsn 'S Z X 'A '1 &?*•, uated firm Seminole lllgb School I’lftinvillr. N. J , wbu arv vialtini 8 will CoHgTtm d( ••Id that he esUmeted t • Itf r and Mrs. W. B. Thompson In 1888. UnUl recently, sh* was rvlstlve* here, left Sunday wil rs's a pair uf Clasped Hands •hat? Im recent years a bloc of 16 Mr. and Mr* J |>. WlUon I.. I. I an Eyeball entangled with DEtora, led by Con- a t 818,000. I m M l announce the birth of a son, Rob­ employed by th* McCrory Com. nelly, of Texas, has defeated the, el penv> their gurftift In Palatka fn, •- n of Pane aw depend* on th* master with th* rank chief Mr* A lie* 'W ish pi* of Sanford, •name Canal for Its livelihood. Drive, left yesterday war housing has made such In. County. The upki to our advantage, someUm** to petty officer. ovr disadvantage. c'elpMs, r*. U enti n o d . on lumber stories, that th# 1* from 1800 to Meibcal College of I I sclflc North***), , Ik wsa once said by a great It Dn't the largest 1 Not on# cent of aircraft designer that, If ha did At Florida State Co do tha biggest tiling* i HOt have the unpredictable, un- “YOUNG PEOPLES CLUB men, MDs Wight ri professor make* tha oartoln frailties ef the human ele­ that the two amalleot The FLORIDA HOTEL AM) CAFE of the world—rale* SgflG ment ta coorider, it woeld eerily Graeco—“hevu •sorted Th# emu! spread e f a sale lax Guinea upon the hiatei chemDtry fraternity. Is receiving the attention of na­ human race than nil tl tional merchant* who think It It* the "Solomon* th* world put togutbr wms not lh* rrault S'Ufe .‘’Sft't&jfr.* Ckarias |l. Powell, 1121 l'> • * Production has A rinuc. ha* accepted r. poeili-n in your favorite armchair, with the War DeparUnent *• A- im e n have been told to sedate Inspector of 8lgn*l Cmi- t their rad flannels In *n- Tuck your equipment and will be *toti<»i-‘ women s show, 18.7i m raV over­ Announcement (a made by th* t et up and settle down ■» of_poorly bested houses all*. 48 and wool su Ib sM J per­ somewhere on th# East Co--' it Ur. Thos* who don’t hav* cent. ’ war department that tha 03. leisurely to H* wsa formerly connected » I tor such underwear caa navv b now th* largest Hi the Dondal Golf Oil Co. Ur. Powell l.'t i .Florida. . world. Saturday for Wright Field !>•> War-Uni., Ing from Ronton enadl BARGAIN DAY ton. Ohio, while Mrs. r» » .tl ' «tegir nirlal- UM their *we children, M,r ,re» elv r *«mi » l?c££ay.F,t 5 C ..aT 'raras: B m H i ! Features — Today Esther and Charla* RIcFanl, ir •» tourrre • • I I J WEDNESDAY SPECIALS! Creek (M ick) asms tart am to bc ■ tolfid her*. They will join hint lin e t«» IH« his believe the earth mmerct « « « » « ..,ajar, P w 1 4 K loavenly lodlea ( TI \ MI-14. 8 H I U K « < PEACHES ■>f itclfsr dust this news> T hi 1841-48 rice crop ot (Tul' new .being harvested b estimated particularly IF* largest in the country's hi. lira, ihita <’ulp llotby, WAAC m*UL turn 4 His 25'' recta- •• bIh wn iwinf photofrapl t WIENERS ‘9 ralbttor., by n> mUri of the Women's Ar 1 % %• 4 i.ll 1 ).h uu the very AuilJ ar> ( orpi at Fort l>r8 Muir low. O..I of th* Irm f.n t may lb...... 1 5 c BEANS Clothes Must Last Twice j •ongl To Clean fortu -Me rnough to mar* a A 1 1 ** priir it 8 phnto contest with a p lbs 1 ‘ Them Often The Answer! I'Hf o f ih*Jr Iri.Jrr* 2 25<' • (I't Hr at Prtt / S ' Men's Frit (C i ta d Blocked) \w 2«| 1 4 4 j 4.14111 411 1. 4 IM hhl.llT REALTIES ; BEEF (llll 15c

tir.ll (M il 1 «l| 4TH V lb...... 2 5 c ROLL BUTTER

j riiii.Ai>Kir»fiA lh 4 3 c CREAM CHEESE SAUER KRAUT , 2 for 15c Can 9c rs DRESS SHIRTS ,------


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to***] ■ ■■1

ie Coach Names Texas To Preview Grid PoU Sinkwich t w e s a n f o r d i i e b a l d , S a n f o r d . F l o r i d a rAGE k ivb Lead Again In Southwestern An Ace Minnesota Top Team M d Writer Present* By HAROLD RATLIFF CHICAGO. Ao(. II. (Spatial) llopp, Nebraska fullback; Dob By R. J. SCOTT DeLand Law Firm — Figuring Uut galling um t Wiese, Michigan fullback; Jim COLLEGE 8TAT10N, Te«. — glimpse* ot tha gnat baton tha/ Rock Bottom Picture Of War t v “ t scon 5 SCR' Pettit. Stanford Lalfback, and Is Reorganized As Atg. II, (WW)-l(emer Norton, the greatest winning records la arrived in tha spotlight would Corwin Chit, Notre Dame half-# seterallsslmo of tha top illgkt tha natloo’s fcotbsll history—19 help maha tha coming football Whitehair Leaves Texas Aggies, looks for a differ- ektortoa and three losses In a season mart Interesting to tha "ft. p s . asking whether M t type fcotball fan natt fall. three year period, counting Howl fan*. Tha E*4vlra Sport* P»U for game* should be transferred to I AND. Aug Is. i,?-i Rr«tr Norton, whoso A. and M. teams game#—are not duo to be the E.-plember featured optniawl an tha big cities because of gaso­ hgva won two1 Boathwaat Conftr- champtonahlp favorites (hit year, the moat likely teams, (tore and line rationing *on an affirmative » F »* * n of (hr writ h hum n w r«( a*ee championships and llsd for Norton said. sophomores of tha tea too. > rota of 71.97 percent. A majoHte^> ( Hunly U * firm rf Mull, anti time -In the past throe years, Opposing coachaa has* bean Judgments wars gathered from of '55.78 percent believed that™ anil Whilrhmr iirrptiilal thinks Interest in tha game WUi 1___ - r k— _kl. a_T the football roachaa, tha tporte 1 many football teams ary wrecked • \ I hr rraiirnation of (hr |«(. •toad up la wartime bet adds: editon, the eportacaatara. tha by the build-up glean to som a* *Tba fans will ba viuUy Inter- public, and tha soldlm and rfete. •tar back. Publicity ruled over nilrr Naviil •f i v h t , n «1 ••tod In progress of the war and tora at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, ability in making tha All-Amer­ litnutol her* Mnn«l«v liy |» C. feotball will be mere or leas • anJ Kllington Field. Takaa, tha ican In 74.47 percent of the bal­ H .»n.I F.raltinr W f.antll* A* diversion 'Tor them. 1 don’t look world's largest multi-motor ad­ lots The Idea that football Is# i * »• til ln»of|>t‘r;itr l it ia mm fa r much enthusiasm sear who relttod to finish bafoe* going Into vanced firing school. According over-officiated was voted down • 1 Mull. Lintll* (traham MSS■H thetha championship.’*.kanmliknaMii ** tha armed services. to tha final tabulation, tha ona, by B0.74 percent. A majority 1 f •• nrh Thu lira |wirtnrr- Ha predicted that football play­ But that’s not tha story, says two, three of the season among of 57.07 percent felt that the i ffrcllvr *• e«f tntolnifht by Southwest Conference Norton. tha big trams should bo Mtnbe- aaiVita teams would riot be su­ eats would bo as good as ever Ha flgevaa Tsxaa tha team to sota, .Vitro Dame and tha Orest perior In reneral to their collect! ilaas freshmen were voted ollgl- beat, explaining that Coach D. X lain .Naval " * Training ' ' Station opponents this fall. A slight^ JrT IS SAID 1*1 A r l for vanity competition, ia Bible has • world of experienced tram. Also placed In tha fln t edge of M.83 percent! favored a*' kick event "the quality Is bound 10 were Pennsylvania. Army, restriction on the alia of uni­ Last Amsrlcaa diplomatic repre- CJLoSSfkiPVAT RjJhlL help left over although be gradu­ Ohio Stntr. Missouri, California, saotaUva to Gtrmaay, Lalaad B. suffer some," but that crowds ated that fins eleven of 1541 versity squads when competing WAS GOMPLtfLP told not bo as largo except in Georgia and Trxaa A. A U. with small college opponents. Norris (above), waa nominated by which but for a couple of slips Frank Sinkwich of Georgia, President Rooaerelt for Minister to ;c *?a p p - ■ cities when transportation would bay* bung up the greatest Kour out of five; or HUM percent 1 IK ONE YL(Mi - who n < named tha outstanding said they would enjoy football Iceland. The post U coaxidvrsd Im­ tflcuitiea arc not so pronounced. record In conference k 1st cry. It playrr of last season, polled In portant bacauaa of the prooonco of B u i l t B y < * U - was Texas that beat A. and M. as entertainment even w ith o u t# ahead of the field In the question American troops there. Mortis sue- COMPULSORY LABOR to blemish Its conference victory on who was moot likely to bo r**ds Lincoln MicVtagk, who was string although the Aggtto al­ the alar of the year. Sinkwich named Minister to South Africa. of 12,000 C*Uii^<1V V Po WA-ftRSPOurh permlstlble to mention whether it year-old Negro, was electrocuted who once drew fabuloca sums for halfbar k. M A ifoD O M , LtNIKt; APPLAft OK LAND f wearing uniforms In the movies, Among the 10 sophomores cited OOO yE A R i A<;o . MAD f J wRh'loV S t 'A1dU.lUSh ■« ,h* *uu Prijo? •>«« Monday became a 188-a-month corp rul as • most likely to succeed srerer •p . I t means we're getting down on H.tonl.y to UkV In Wm E J ' tor « * * > [ •■ • ot J - Wake- In milreal Ufalift yesterdayvrtUrtliy — and IHrk Hornier, Iowa halfback; to bualarta, Uka tha British la ton with pleasure "_____ Held, elderly frulj stand entpktrs. * ■ 1 / lie-i1 i e W . n w . tublkvyxvc <0* >XJi14r '«fv X7, “SrU vfti'H-tW ■ m M H same reason. Ia Britain, they an■ n alrnlanaairplane ffactory antn ew ksa.her*. AiOklKL IK ONt there— thl army’s. toughest _ training Ing ‘grinds. Horace Gillon, Ohio Stata and; VE^ETATioM FROM POMD-'i Russia developed tha oil out Robinson w it competed as Ha Cbhrlle Trippl. Georgia halfback; BUY A COOD USED muddled sad fiddled until tha war Y E A ft. v. HOLLYWOOD put of Baku, Caspian seaport, Fires In the United 8tatea an­ Mickey McCardlv, Southern Cali­ CAR FROM THE ACS a me right home to roost. It Th# conventiontl lunch iwriod from 9 million tons In 1920 to 1it look tha aama crisis-compulsion of from |wo lo Ik m hour* form* soma shoe tad repartee with pall million tons In 1940. nually coat about lO.OOO.humtn fornia halfback; Elroy lllrach, In TKi» Newspaper M ag brushed off to a«atha po- Uvea. Wslennsln halfback; Wallace Jltkal faaUtgn say mo fa. to blast out tha dead wood bare. ertw obtcnrtd in Chile ha« been serosa tha room. Ha rocks with A 8. Knowlaon, WPB axaautiea, reduced to 30 minutes to curtAll laughter, for what’* Ufa without I By U toT aU , thara w ant ba ' ' HOLLYWOOD. Aug. 18, (WW) •ay of the nnei aaaasitlal goods on summed It op recently whan ha ute of motor vehicle* and m vi —Wax Bear, everybody's pt|, left a laugh batwsen• a palaT a tha shelves. Thoa« a valla bis sow •aid "aaaantlar waa M n g ra- the sound stage yodallng In a are from stocks already manu­ daftnad. Things considered "so- thondaroua, hcrribU baritone. Pull He’s to t • million af ’em. Or factured. Staff Kka raitrs rw- senliaJ" a year ago ran vary well Direct Inveatment* by ths af high splrita and Maxla's oxu- 10,009, anyway. Ha ksaps their frlgaratora sad a thousand alber ba dona without In many In­ United Htatoa tn Latin Aiaeric-t •1 reticence, he xtrolled in hla names on HU—names a f people itaau will diaappaar. Thara stances, and they're Mng ruth- at the end of 1IM0 totalled U r > . M danklrt over to tha etudio rea­ who have written him faa let tore. won’t ba any re taxing of tha rules baaly Junked tor tha duration. 771,000.000, : Uarant, hi* mammoth shoulders In sudden philosophical mood. to permit limited manufacture. "Just Uka the electric power swaggering bars In ths sun. Ha Mails reflects a son tha arofsund hi Boston," Know Uon said. "Ev­ »M, .as usual, surrounded by truth that nobody can nave too erybody consider* tha power used : pals Including yours truly — If many pals. Ha says ha's seen tea Industry-wide crackdcr •ow ‘essential.' If a fleet of Al­ ETTA KETT you'vs rvrr met Maxis you'ra his many blgh-MU taka a tumbla. production af civilian gc fa ship* war* la Boa ton harbor, liy l’A lTI< ROBINSON ■ • . psL ^ . At our table fa Kant Goodman, Imminent This b tha I fa wouldn't seem too eeeentieL-1 I A L T ir u O C .T W i . JScarrsly anybody locked up a husky bright youngster about ■tap At WPB they call la abort, as tha war mores and no H IF S O M E O N E what Mails entered In Mi under- to laava for tha Army. Kent was cantration" It manna l •bear, Valuaa change, and "aa- THOUSAND ft H E T Y / D O N r Til AT" P t A i t v v o u l O O N O •M il Ha donned a )oos* jacket IS when ha mat Maxis aad mode manufacture af Ucyclaa, saatiaT* Is stuff tha military must NIIN5 HOLES ha had summoned and, Inelda of him hla Idol Ha’s Maxia’a guaet •ton**, Win ha asaaaab have to carry on tha fight. Tha r A M O T 26U t iNViTf NE - u E T M E M IX £ teat c m go by tha boards. na more th a n , 10 mlnutoa, he for a coup)* of waCks. Kent says a couple af faetorita. A UP IN THIS .# I IW ihad hb tablk hopplng ha and Mail* have ba*n pals War 4>lka manufacturara moat Tha war ha* moved a lot cloaar SOME J t a gg « ) l ifttlad down to aat, dividing •Inca they mat—"1 Jumped tor Var production or go out In tha past two wwakm. Make ao ■ \A L C ( K . hla pab Into two groups. As t e wb«a Mb* waa, 1 a w when mistake, tha United Nations fata , Ha* la would say, what’s life bit a fight-* IfFlt dlli’ • 'tough road for ths Mat tow l u iO- ' U f l ' Maxia talk* about f*la at 4 1a months. These arldaetest of real- i. Iriwatt a laugh batwsen pals? fate thinking are only saatplaa of • ‘ tha ta b of oHbarap Mat Is Ha ramaiahars tha tim e ha Waa to xffSQ fJSsva autograph hunter, iltoa pat Bob straight, ha taps. Thai was no way to maha pab- • • * , At hour's and Maxia grabbed a handful of lanck shacks anJ started Signing. Ahesatwlndedly bahe errata,areola "•'Ivor ~:^ur nspar, I aaaaMae Rssr '• tp an paying a guy who's due tha sat at 9 and can't ba ECLIPSE AU& U m l tin 1:00 o’clock? I had ban: tha hard way. Night WASHINGTON, ‘Aac- 1>. Tha principal p rodocto of Bur- kbaT I aiad to cloaa ‘cm up." CapL J. P. Hallwew, awparl • are teakwood, tin, sllvar and Our I DON'TWANr ro (3 0 ^ ■ax Is a nfcrmsd character ant of tha Naval; Obaar ■jOW >VHAT WAS THAroif^LS R. He gate on tha sat before •aid Monday thara would TWBOr ON A VAOhnON WITH . v r j i r l director, ba says. He stands total veil pa* of tha a m t MCHHari AND DAT rerrar S U N m v U - ~'U ■' 7--- 7] NAME SHE Wad and watches haw they da night of Aug. I M ) , Which Ha wants to ba a sura-anough be vlxlbla In caaiaral thrw u CLFC ENDS a. No Romeo stuff for him, tha Uatuif Btotoa. < THE COOLEST SPOT :i NAME '.m i \° ) aA • x‘| BODiE cwum, not with this mugg of i t 1 1 f T "l v.^rvew , hat ha wants to ba a big. IN TOWN— .: o d e v w-Mtured, rough character—'“a rsowiE 1 AW WHAT •f (tad cooling drinks f>FfH2EhCS BHX’S PACKAGE HOES I T p MAkE* STORE & BAR iramlttoaa. it* W. Pbs8 Bi. Ph. ta o

LONE RANGER M fllV k By FRAN STRIKER M EEBVICB THCfi£ fOX SK Jftt W6 k£ GOT ARE THIS IS U 'M TO 6£ A mi6 mtv E 5\'v.>/Vl> rn£ iCWE DANGER K-r •t Rf IWiE FOR THEVRE GON TO $£T A FORTUNE EXPENSIVE r RE FOR A LOT Of THU muNTER WHO WANTED TO , fire to tmi-s warehouse and leave us —j PEOPLE AROUND HERE > J MAst TROUBLE. ^ ^ here to r '— x ~~____ ^ - P'E' J ~\ r s o t h a t ’c, m f id d i a n




9th Inning Rally jWffUU) HIIAKK I HUSBAND# UATTONFRB GXT IIKA DAC1IH SELECT SELECTIONS I BARTOW, A *f. II. (A3—Moat TAMPA, X S f T T t, (A1)—The Gives Giants Win News on the Pigskin Front «om*n golag into divorce court Tampa rationing board vu B r RALPH WARMER are glad to rvt rid of ooa bon- thrown Into ronfnalon by an «p. fcano at a time bat ■ complain- Renumber Bataan Over Braves, 3-2 *»l k«* to il to f m ■ =* • Football la rapidly coning feta pages ratal tba general trend for ot two Jsuahand* a t esc*. l own a* a glance at apqrti tba coming aaoaon: , Tba rynplaln xiy* ah* married With Bases Loaded tgaa will reeaot The great Am-1 Tlorida'a riddled Gator* will N«k I t a l w f and No. > la 1 M 7 Man gamo U getting added In. open S*pt IP against-th* atrong without, fim ntliaa a dlrtn* H a n f o r d And 2 Out Bama Eha ..kad a dlrare* fiws» M #^ b j U & a S f S S tjm this aaoaon by lb# argual- Naval Air Btotien outfit of Jaek- and an aanutmont of bar marri- or AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER Singles Off Sain V*" “ P" •n*.^J*P Wt- oooelUo. . . Afterward, Llcb*. .» • to No. *. charting both with * Mjf_ Uy J|a*k cf interaet. ln m*n_ mae t^tha following lQ enter. • leatrllofl. NEW YOKK, Aug. IN, — Auburn, I S A N FO R D . FI.O KI DA, W ith tho baaea loaded and two VUlanova, Miaaiaalppl State, Mary land, Georgia, Miami and Gaor tarn out in the last half cf .hs t ir h t r o u b l e f U T,e> • Oeorge McAfee, ninth Inning, liabs llama .'tack, former Duke' back field are, la the ad a alngls Into right firUt / m - leading figure of lb* Jackjonvlll, UmORTON, Mont. Aug. IP. 43—When members of tho Park terday to s>>* inc New York •err lee eleven, now practicing .-cunty rationing board met te Glanta a 3-2 decision over .ha with n 100 or ao candidate*. , . •M®*1** aomc I re* thee found Hobb* Adama, u-Kanaas State Allied Troops Storm French Coast; Mai that Chairman JL A. TSomlon Boaton Bravn snd increase .hrlr mentor, Inatructa tho Go be. whe Winning atrsak In llvr games. »aa absent. Ifa nhonad. Th# reo- alao will tangle with Miami and ■on for hit abaeare—tire trouble, Tba victim . of llan u 'i rame-J Georgia, and he lad no spare. winning blow an- Johnry Fain, Florida baa loot only three or who replaced started l-ou Tf it four undergrad griddrre to Uncle after the Uianla tie. opening frame on •Inglra by Paul well rated this season, has lost played on Saturday attention. naval force* In Ike South Pacific, la Also In CaucaRUH obstreer and liaison officer with tba British In th* Far East, Sings but a couple. . . .Down In Tamp*, Grantland Rico, dean of sport* leading th* aaaault on Jap base* In Wanrr. Max Wrat and Eddie Mil. Burma, and later waa a member of th* Allied headquarters at J th* Tulagl area of Ik* Jap-hald Solo­ ARCADE | Calls Soldiers Mail “Scran” ferrl* T«------New Svslem Of ...... *" ' ter. After that, Schumacbrr held th# 8partana have a dismal .nit writers, aayi w* are stepping Into ^ liy Am m Ii UI Fm a) Mail “Scrap” Cards Tomorrow New System Of Thla la • phonsphoto. (Central p, * record-creaking season. , . . mon Island*, lit U pictured taking j them acorelcaa un four hlta until look and new head roach Jo. , a salute during the United Nations Package Store On the Soviet fighting! , 'A he gara way to a pinch hitter In Sanford’s Celery Fed* hart one Justice has a tough Job ronfrrnt adventage |n that th* lights cun Day parade In Auckland, New tea- 0 . D. FARRELL, Prop. front today, the Kuiulana me-1 A tR . fire Inspection tba eighth. . ing him. . . A t Miami, even land. Pbou* 0140, Mather BUg. Acs Adama aucersded Sehj- lw turned on here, . . .Coach Me- knowledge*! Marshal Timot- Nation Ih At ••ocas predict* an atlcndanr* equal (Central P n tt) (Formerly Raggett'a Uq. 8tore) a henko'n armies have Ih-vii (iates “ maebtr In ths ninth ami gained to last year. Set-Up In ('handed I credit for hia alilh victory agulnat driven back In the two criti- I . Of War” With Axis ‘ ^ three loaasa. cal aalienta ln tho battle for Remedy Any Aluist Toat yielded only two hlta After Ship SinkinfRftSPW* through thr first seven frames, Stalingrad, and th® Germans *****. Under Present Pin but one of them wax Mgr. Melj; NOTICE OF ELECTION also are knifing deeper into' *"1 1 ^ 0 j Ott'a 20th In the . t h e C a u casu s. A t m id-day.! Treasury Dept >*• t*f Ih* 1 fourth. iflt|>rrtios|| Mickey Witek .tailed ths w Ruasian trnopn had fallen j back before Nail reinforced c«l-1 ** otW milk U ttW It fm fill rati* Giant'* ninth inning rally by sin* m m if t In rrtj, wkiU Som lim li t gUng with on* out. Oil walked . umssa near Pyallgorek, la th* ten-, teal Caucasus. 170 aailrn south of 1 * lo remind all to bay •I amuMitis •. and both rubber* advanced t. n a* InMItut* *| wild pitch. Johnny Mil* drew an the German-ocrupied Maikop oil! * t»f •pltUuli Inlantlonal i>a*a and Young went _ f is Ids. but th* Reds declared they I •ciNiriii v t down on a foul fur the teconl Lw ■ ■nwMRwyfc r* %mf fT,r • ruAAt« v u linirvjre m te .(I |«a| frun* rs«iw to vic­ Then Rarna won ih* gan » with Th* midnight communique of! - I Sute* plane, a I in ” M» l»i«Min Bjihl "WhetSrr hia hit down the right field foul the Soviet hfgn command ackmial * I an/vt>ijr>rwtl ill* l«'*r sif • nil F K fB |i t h n»«l |T I lino, aendlng Sain to his Ifth . a* rr naaotvan a t m » Laois- edged that th* Huamlano had with I V Itratilian* # " ti(i nH'fil, III ■ tiralrf 1.1 | la run a of m i eTATU o r nonii)* drawn to new defensive positions1 •Ettinal iSe Aau i '•Href m I Y MltlT* Ilia- nt 1U 4 Mol defeat rempared with four win*. TTU1 lb# following AOWRdRMQl M l of A/titto I of Um Oao- • southeast of KleUkaya, 70 mile.! for the lul.mRliitr • M I !m- im|Mirtant thingr t« •tiiutioo Ot tho lu u Of nonlat ■ rrotiil la tl All I'till it TO Sit newt Mnniiat la fottabat. IMS a# reau that th* Germans lost I. , V M.nislry I hat the Mraalta YM l#rdaf U 0 ,000 men—430,000 killed in jrb s •* “rite* of us • Inn I. N *» 1 at k t r In fiat 1 L Ml I Russia between May i t and tu , SCI mrmy m i "rea l >ly vam#a •ah#d«i»*t » Coast I iv\lea M gnat IS and unofficial aceo.nla'Con erder of the r hie ft Osisiia* ns w of Bovirt troops throwing the in- Nta the nation " n buck sever*) mile* to n e e 'a re J'“ e Alves lluar. Cilv Motorists Are Warned To valtr*" paaltlon* *« the K-- fo^> tor the rnistl. offe Thla Russian weeping mother and her bedraggled children and pet dog Minister a brents • tend In front of ths chsrrod ruins of tholr home, somewhere on scorched down from the J>r __ Have Use T a i Stamp By Aug. 31 .HoeIt i soil They n s the family of a collective farmer. latest reports Italia which te san from Mn.,,>tr .Isle that German troop* ar* only 200 milt* from th* made into ballets t rlrh Urosny oil wells. (Cenlraf P ru t) Brasil's attackers "The Brasilian p Cily Softballers I x i ’iSV Jra.'K r, wailing orders for Jck Base dtars 1,:X Lombardi In Pinal Inning & 7^.;. Second Greatest All-Around Bali Playe oniy ivy, *ft*r smacking h-«m» flea run. A iM lal anpouArrmrnl by thr r»a. S-l!,n thr ft ft I irniag. rely lo Sa.r SoNlrt information btirwou |t t * daflnii.il | Ih. Air Bat* A ll.S in . I.e ihr John I. \ #h. . ..li.rlor ..( r>tr C«rmp0 cilUfithfl in thr Utt Biasing m ust In ibs sisth. the Sanfoid i » « f COT the I *••!(»« ! ..f Florid# ha* U t n months u a million and A rr |—iir.| lir.U iwmlenl. indcd a close, thrill •Metnmhd all firm *lr|iul> roller i qm rU r, nearly on# third cf thrwi s u r e in mg and well playr-l .ofthatl rn »• ra ty brain ••nfi.n ainrnt of ihr Change Is Made fnUlitira. and amiJ that In th«' mens. reamer with a two lun Spluirr ** *• ta i law Aim H ii ii in or* ,,f Mr IUM period th# Rowaian loam1 all .L m ihr last inning lo .li-frat iS. * ala hia % r #tr**#sf> li-rn iiia*|r hi In I se Of sSugar Th* Brooklyn oul/Dlder, who! And ba.tb.ll'. patriarch, th. •kipping llasr Stars, 11 L> tl 11 • Us. * vrioua pait* of th. *i#ir . Mr were 194,000 killed, wounded orl 1' irt adnR#im (rent field laei night Kation ( mipons a tta r a brief Injury layoff, lost gu sine* bastkall mtaotoLc *g». IrfflM at rt*# • Thr two trams. remp-***d of thr Thla |i w •>fut iilr* that #ny air point* off hi*.balling avoreg* lolls you, promptly) "Only hi the south hav* lb* -tailed out evenly. In tSr fourth I* r*°*i liablr fur th*- t#« who during lha past week and dropped "Jimmy Firii, wither it a r ll m Germans serrerded at ostnrrwc New Contin^enls • tailed oat rvrnlly In Ihr fouith •(•re nr permit- Ihr n«r of a totyiSr — '• • doubt." I w coot In advancing considerably," inning. Ihr All .tftai. r«»ll4-* l* iI n «*t«»r vrl irlr «n tas.#i U furr tSr Ik* war review said. "As for oth­ lhr«*r iuiu lo take a 7 In 4 trail 1 * hat hr*-n |»#mI -hnll Imp guilt) At tha asms llm*. however,I “I know." continued the* venei-l admialatrstion .ad the WI'B were Boston's Ernla Lombardi Irppocd aMa I'hlladrlphla A'a manager, | y er sectors, th* Germans not only1 Fhr IndrpfiMirntk c»wr taark in a mi isle mi* ■»»*•» #(»•( >i|*on r«in urged tn roUaborste In dee*top­ ' fifth, tallyinr fhr limre ..ff • tnm thrrcreif oh ill I- ln n | not from .320 to .325 whll* retain ,•*"{ “many of tha old-timtis are uuabt* to csrry cut offensive j ing a program for allocation of opantiosu, but on th* Bryansk. | • • iklivrry of H am |(saH*..f. ■n than I '• t »n, i i-*.i>r«| for In# aacond place Umbardi, ‘•■l *•“»“' W»r>*r -»• gnes i nmaut meat purr has* as h«* m * t|vr l«*#irif | ilrhi i I I mor# th#*. in .|* . .» I.,!h whoa* average cf two we*k» agn *l . •f’1' l«»*iM9*t I" ,l', l a wastem, Kalinin and northwestern eqoitahiy aa possible among fed IUm* tram tinl if U|. in the -nil. »•» perron w»r...... , s*|sr r #tr« would hav. tied Mm for tho Ira,I 'n»UW| 1 *■*!«■»*• uf Hret bo.e . A erally-insported packers. fronts th* Red army la operating Usited States medium Uint l*u| thr tim n «lull hail vu ti4 1 it >n*0tor kahili* ..I B lss.at at a Monday, h.ld hi* position ahra.l * v'rt“ ',,lY *** '' actively and has annihilated tens 3- Tie Office s f Price Admiai-I •“t” aetloei in N „f tp| u"*k tn tkllYFi Ml t’*r |sin< I .SI 1 "*# » Sen H r*»i d«*ea n»»t nf thlrd-placo Jo* Mwlwlck .f th* ;; of thousands of Germans." stration waa lastrarted k> make s|.(*e#r In tlvr mi#un* i j.iovided in plana far possible rationing sf «(*■ along With heavy I,^ I he |lat of tho bsvfrilh flam* Tha Germans moved up to tha 'j i Jack 1‘tfirr «rnl th# diatom r rryuiathiriB d u ll be qullty fra2T ,|lf lKteUM J ,d *,ton roll* / from .120 to 3U. [man ho wn bettor thlft fall- A» r Russian front la th* last two A t ths asm* time. Us* OPA *• "■M coo tin gents of Am^ * * j f«*r Ihr Irdrprndmta on thr a koaatba M dhrtaleaa (ram France, ffK*" I moRjml. Kinitff up bit nlnr hit* ' • ,»*»n thereof «hall I#,- lined not Cards Win; Trail I^ V r^ .irC B ; ir*,rr'and valkiff two m#n. I> tm ii •***rr than an ot.fine to | rw. mujrht U k) llud Man tn y neraon who u***F hia car V Brooks By V/, Gomes;» u I S XZtl. f c K ;; ,f ,K-; Martwd for thr IUm>. |. • f>*rtn( th* mmill of julv is llabl# ------I But Jimmy didn’t IlkaZ catching, annsKin* Kohoon mfUr O r iSini. with f..u» f ,r a atamp ro%rni>a t Sr |»erf«Hl I mrufinm iun« markrd mfinml him Jmk m Julv 1 I .«• I In..ugh Ju»* \E T . L0U1H, Aug. 18, (A3 - > ? ? '. ' , ... - *’ for ih llrrrinf w ti thr ratrhwr |mlr|wn 1 '*1, an*I thr r***t of ihia Rtamp T h t 8L Loul* Cardinals, busily l l * • _ funnY ‘j'ln f." Conn.. ,. attack I MilniS that theae engaged l„ playing h.und to th.i " ^ '1. r°" •' •Solomons Quiet; ith ran! ,,nr walk. F!#f h rlub m ulr «•« lainp# be lulls hi •#-*! through th# Brooklyn Dodgers' eiceedingly, ^ tuLloC. Vl.vid lo o r ^ l of h! • • Ilrctar of Inlr trial Hrvrnur (teat hare, choopwl another half, mZcI ^ S I w, r,Z Scorer ■Dick Fa l«»n ha* I f**ui 1 •• taaaeille An> Kt*-n wSo has I * w oil th# Ml# Bums'lead rv.; iu^re.l" onl, Z. s " Jap Warship Is foe four c ha Ike-1 up for Marmt • .*»• '•bUl/kl thr u|# mi|. vhojld Un Vltman of th* Navy, thn inrlurict * • I lately #ev>*i a • • ■ motkey order Sunk In Aleutians ''** Wily looser in his rellecu.Ni •» reft I n#d fhr*k I*, the roller naisKts or ptoLiCAtion ' rvd Dyson and Grergv lUyu* 1 -• of Internal r« venue. Jack»on- T«i iNillllTIIT l.C t tlOOO W».r. WABHINCrrON,' A a#. IB. t#> '■ch rapped threw out of thrtv **lie and rr«jue#i that a stamp I last knuwn (ssMsimn aa* p*w ot —A United Btatea aakararin* Funeral Rites For f'-r th* city outfit. Ilrtb Mom. I* ‘♦ •l lo them. Mr Hurt aauf. •Jcs^sdCreas » t* I'orUIsfU TNsw onk a Jap *i *o* rrali ir or ' a ear* a sterling rahibitson nf .le Y


S/rESil*”^ no re*fwct«r of thief emptied Ih* plrma are rr*. Ti [ayor W. C. II Ill's Rotlfo ()ueen Killed Mjre* toe areokr - ip truck sometime ^Am ’ iwko weald l rdlng to th* polleo In Fall From Horse Ft’Wl»it-s unitflnl will b« ORI.ANIm). Aug IJ. tA3 , «l* »tro)ol Those Of Russians 0 fell from a hors*. Protprvle atr g