Uncertain Outlook
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t * '/ v - -t. S'%'-■'- - .-■ . MONDAY, AUGUST IT, I9U In 1080, »iMi If Iks McCormick, Javery Hurl* One-Hit Ball .who bit J0O right n tha acea in 1010. The top slugger of McKechnle'a Against ‘Boms’ In Short Hit group now I* Max Marshall, a rook (a brought up some time I BROOKLYN, Aug. 17, (Jgy- . from Columbus, who sports The Dodgers' five-game winning Uncertain Outlook •treek was snapped abort* acmaaajw/Sunday ON THE SPOT Sr Statistician Si reveal* B r DILLON GRAHAM four-year average for Red out ten Al Javery of the» 'fcflen W1*. WertS r e a d Brave* abut out the kaegtm fielder, (up to this season) waa WORK SHOES ARE BETTER Transportation Prob l 8 to 0 and limited .200—that** from the portion to NEW YORK. Aug. 17, |W W | provide the bulb of tna taam'a Pauline Betz Of Pittman, Cherry single safetyt> inIn n r u u •ailedgg" —Cincinnati's tromay rtald ha, lems Are A cu te: after seven Inning* Mean** of power. $2.95 Coach Says Squad Rollins Loses Named To Florida I weather. A scheduled eec n I become the graveyard of outfield. pcitponed. There have been some pretty g u a r a n t e e d $ la “Pretty F air” In Net Finals Jav tre, pitching. bla 10th vie Hope* of veterans and rook good country ball playeirs among_ ALL LEATHER 3*95 Athletic Staff tory of tha yaar and hia fifth ir* alike are buried all over the those gardener*, who couldn’t hit By RALPH WARNER lot. Player, with proven- major for Cincy, fellow* Ilka Al Siai- MANCHESTER, Aug. If, l/P)— abutouL waa Invincible except fur Seminole High School grlddera JACKSONVILLE. Aug. 17, UP) Dixie Walker's single In the league ability go there and loee. mona and Lloyd Waner and Wal- $5*00 their hatting eye. Crack minor i ly / J,rf*r and• Jim Ripple, who r fata an uncertain outlook for the Nineteen-year-old Loulie Brough —The State Board of Control yes fifth. Two other Dodger* reach, of Beverly Hill,, Calif, national terday named Bob Pittman and ad baa* on pease, and were left league kid, coma busting up for - didf right wallw during hi, shert r approaching football season In girl,* tennla rhamplnn ii,t year, their chance In the big show and •tint In *40. $6.oo regard to transportation and Spurgeon Cherry, both former I •trended. Through Sunday Ja continue,! her bliaterlng tour of tr y had burled 10 straightr acure suddenly atari swinging Ilk* aand- There were Johnny HUio, Iw* ached uls problem,, while the atar athlete* at the Unlvenlty lottrre In Bauk Center. Gamble, Ernie Koy, Jimmy Glee- a^uad, llaelf, lhapea up aa the East yesterday, winning her le u Inning*. * “pretty fair", according to the fourth consecutive singles title of Florida, to the athletic staff The Brevet scored both then No one ran fathom it. but all ton, Dusty Cooke and Stan Bor- ■Xpert opinion, adeanred by with a 8--3, I—0, fl—3 victory of tha school. rune off Kirby High*, who auf a flyehaaer need, to drunp Into j digaray. And Mika Dejan, from ' Coach L, L. McLocaa. over top-seeded Pauline Bets of Florida haa lost fir* aaaletant fared bl* ninth defeat. A ring! a socking slump ia to gat someonn i down Chattanooga Choo-Choo “Wa’re going to hara a fair Winter Park. Fla., in the finals Coaches to the armed service* by Tommy Holme*, followed" b y : f i"tlnn*11 °otf/ |d gras, on M* way; and a guy named Dud llafey, outfit," ha said (which ia practi of tha 10 th annual Essex Country ■Inca Dec. I. A & tllf i sacrifice, and an InfieM *P,k An octflelder who can't and Hank Sauer, the Bumming- cally a brasen itatamcnt to at Club Invitation TournamrnL Pittman, who played base out gave the vktore a run In th- hit is of HUM more worth than ham butter, and Nino Denglovan- tribute to a football coach)," but Miss Brough. fourth-seeded, at Iht university, coached at first Inning. In tha second frame ■ chariot without gas. And that*, nl. Vince DIMagglo had a shot, 1 don't know what will happen then teamed with her alnglea Bradenton High School last year BOH Slstl tripled and aeorad on ■ bout how valuable moat out-J too. but h* was always striking an tha tranaporatlon a I tuition champion predrrri,nr. Margaret and prior to that time had been an Infield bit by Holm#*. Blsti fielders become after a short ecs-lout. And Eddlt Lukon. Bad ita affect on our echedult." Oiborna of Han Francisco, to de a t Bartow. also smacked a double, h* an.I ■ ion in Cincinnati. McKechnle migraine produce re Getting right down to the ten- feat... Ml,a BeU and Dorla Hurt Holme, between them accoirnttrv - *l,o Included George Davl,, H ar. teat, tha Fad footballer, ire | 0f Miami In a playoff of lh< for all four Boston hits. I McKrchnlv, in hia five years ry C rafu Morri* Arnovirh, Illck Eastern grass rourls double, ft Hogan Cops $5,00(1 with the" l(«la, haa tried 30 — j West end tha new one* this year ptriim again. Only seven letler- nal, which was rained out but JAM SESSIONS count 'em—outfielder*, and mu j - Gee .Walker, Marshall, Clyde BMB wlU M ain do or die for Sunday at Rye, N. Y. Open, Beating Wood rwn their mothers would profess i Vollmar. Frank Seeory, Eric Tip- Seminole, and prospective abort- The scores were 0— I, 19 •§, ton ami Francis Kvllc her. Tha tf u ara pictured at the guards, ROCHESTER. N. Y.. Aug. 17. ALEXANDRIA. Aug. 17, M*. ‘h*'“5 MA ( H i and back/lild poaltlona. Tin and gava the winning tandem their IKK - * . - -• VJ _The officers sad merTwho'orwr-I ln Cincy uniform. Sutlstlclan Si 13 performer* McKechnle haa usod second victory In two days over W*)--Shooting7—Shooting a four^ver-parfour-over-p* 7 4 t . ^ American built iarStin \ Durirk of Dayton haa done the m the outfield at odd times this ether boyi who hat* had varied for hi, final round. Ban tie American built torpedo experience In tha gentle cam* the Miasea Beta and Hart, whom ■'v m .'K-1* In BriUln’s Mari!temoe*n Spade-work on these 30, some of >c*>on include Bucky Walter*, a they def rated Haturday for the tha mighty shot maker IIro n c i„ whom stayed around hardly long pitcher .and Bert Haas, Identi af mayhem back up tha latter* Kerahey, P a, yesterday won tha fleet keep. stepping lively to lb- winner*. Howarar, tha outlook Easel doublet championship. of Amerfcnn jabb. Ainuwt rnough to get their John Hen- fied aa a third baseman. 10,000 Times Union Open with rys in e bmscore and with whom hare apparently li In Una with , every morning when the boats are If, too bad Ktllehvr and Tip Kx|H*rt I.ukricatlon will iniure longer life surrounding achooli and tha fu 278. In port Impromptu Jam session, 1 am unacquainted. ton had to gat their major league ture, while not bright, la not dull. The round gave him a three- areg h*Jd aboard. Musk |« epp Almut 06 percent of | player's trial with Cincinnati. Bcttrr ball f"r ynur t ur. Wt> *re equipped to help you "W l are going to have more atrok* edge over blond Craig plied via radio and phono graph, qualifications to play tha outfield players than Utey have fallen vic iiikr Hit- lust of carp of your u r so It will League Standings Wood, Mamaroneck, N. Y, who W ji. rat for practice than be "Music warm* tha heart," stM today is his ability tn hit—hard tim of the Croiley Held Jim. So luri longer- Come in today for a check-up! fore," the coach elated. *ln finished with 72 and 281. on* officer. "The hotter it 1* th<- and often Yuu need some Dancy let’s don't expect too much of N4TIOW4I, LKAUlU In third place waa Harold (Jug) better w* like II" ti n t a Ilka LHeaa It aaemi that W la I’rl w la Pet, dams in Ih* Infield but flychasere them Just cross our fingers and more men naturally coma out. llr kin 79 II «99 I'lt’fc h U 19.419 McSpaden of Phlladalphla w" have tn pay their way Into the hope for Ih* boat. They can't Football provides boyi with a had a lilt round 78 for 282. Ml. I a ?l <1 U l C h l f . 14 If lit ‘BUNNY* GAB MASKS park if they can't propel that be any wort* than soma of the toad chance to eat In condition N Y 41 SI 141 flnffCn 41 19 .419 Hogan, maatar of tha fi,ld *lnc* agate frnceward. No on* ever gents who have mis<pjrredol as lad to learn to take a few knocke, Cl nr I'll 4» M SI I’hll H I 9 J I I hla fint-round 84. tlx under par, and I think tha nme will be Hm f IIi VralfHA^ HONOLULU, Aug. 17, (*>>-ln occusvil Ted Williams of being hitter*. Now York I. |*hlUri«lphlA I bewildered the field and left him an overage good defensive S. H. ENGLISH tougher and rou*W thli year. 41 !l ft glm m |><# • * |Mi n *41 three tlrokta In edvance of hi* .