Connecticut Yankee

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Connecticut Yankee MONDATt MAT IT, IMS . i ^ ' r o o n m . iKanrirratrr g nrniiig Ifrfalb A m i s J M | r Olbbons Aaoambly, CathoUe Oroup C of Oanter Chureh Wom­ ■piritaal fMM of grief, paiMnal Ihe annual opring Ladloo Iota la tha death of a loved one, 930 Night of tbo Mandioatar Rotary Ladlea of Odumbus, srUl present an will maet tomorrow evening at People Reject ARE YOU LEADING A NORMAL ' About Town Mlaa Anna Brandon In a varied t ofeleck In the RobWne'room of fear, intemperance or vloa, Mr. Oub win taka place at the Coun­ Cbnter diurch houee. An Interaat- Ward urged that tha only way la AND HAPPY liTE r f T-‘ ^ «.— try Oub tomorrow evening. Din­ musical program tomorrow eve­ ning At 8:15 In the K. of C homo. Ing program la planned. W hat Is G ood which auch a poaaaaaed p en oa can Mmnd»9$t€r^4 CUy of VIOaif Charm Ite ItedM mr OM« Orehw ner Wni bo aarvad at 6:45. Tony ovetdoma their proMem Is by the WBoei alwnya^ Obrlght and hla orchaatra will Mias Brandon la a graduate of the tf* wm IwM tlwU Wfutar «»jw y Conservatory of Muaks at Color­ Manchaeter Lodge, No. 78. A.F. power of a greater oplritoal fores. M th In S fa (PODRTBHN PAGES) nlM U M l tMdCM Bt • o oloek tai play dinner mualc and alao for A A.M„ WlU hold a epeclal com­ In auch a personal crisis la apite III /' MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAT 18, IMS dancing following a program ado University. No business will Pastor Ward, in Sermon, yoL. Lxm, Na its tiM kMMMBt oC tlM OoncordU be transacted and all members munication on Tueoday, May lA of aU that others say ona cannot XiiitiMraa akurch at Wintar and of entertainment, the eom- The Maeter HaaOn Degree wUI be help oniaelf. The true help mlttaa in charge, headed by Pro­ are urged to atUnd. Program Says Religion Alone HOUBSt—Men., Twa.. WeA. II A. M. la SMS P. M. QarUM itracts. conferred by Mount Aetna Tem­ lias la the grace of a lovtnR Ck>d Ttan. Fri.. BBt„ II A M. to S P. M. gram Chairman dmoro Hohen- Chairman Mrs. Btanley Jurts, ple which la compoaed of em- Mrs. Oeno Andrelnl, Mrs.' John Able to Help Us revealed In Jesus Christ. Tha By AppeM M Onfy Pigg Go to MaAct Dcspito Strike | j y T ft T1 lln . U H. Malkart a* t» T a »^ thal, haa arranged for a number ployooa of the Aetna Fire Ineur- splritagl power of Hla prcssnce ■tiaaC would Uka to h art tboao of acta Including Doreen and Lae McHugh and Mrs. Charles Whar­ ance Company. T. Walter Relch- A cre in one’s Ufa overcomes tha spirit who kaaa not alraady boM Thompeon, acrobatic dancers and ton are In charge. The program ard. a Pact MaaUr of Manchester "If there Is any one thing which State’s Republicans ' which at the moment possomea MRS. H. A. ALDEN . UMtad la regard to the pot rack Oahrmann and Bateson In piano committee will meet thU evening Lodge, the AcUng Worship­ people i)ormmlly turn from which with Mrs. McHugh at 8 Sterling could help them in life. It la re­ one’s Ufa, and In that a new per­ 188 Main S t . Oar. Ohnrim Oak B t. n a r tfa ti IM . S-S8S8 of the Honister P.TJC dueta. ful Master. Other Manchester son la IxMm. Wadaaaday aaanlng at $:80, notify Place. rssidsnta taking put In the work ligion." said Rev. W. Ralph Ward. Aa tha Apostle Paul taught her aa aooo aa poaaible. Mrs. FloroBca Straetar and Mrs. are, Sidney W . MtocAIpine, Past Jr., minister of South Methodist when he eaiii "My grace la suffi­ Mrs. Arnold Thompson, execu­ M aster o f Warren Lodge, No. 51. church In a aermon yesterday Reported by Jews; f araca Toumaud, paat prealdenU cient for you, for my power la Get Behind Baldwin; Trinity Paat NoMa Oraato wOl of Andaraon-Bhaa Auxiliary, V. F. tive secretary of the Manchester of Portland, weU known local or­ morning. Noting the fact that In made perfect In Weakness.” When ganist; Albert D. Chspin, Past BOLTON Beasials Paili Besllen I raani yaar lanad h m a m , let ha gnaaU of Myriad Lodge of 8t^ - W„ were honored at the meeting Chapter, Red Cross; haa returned life It la s perfectly normal atti­ man la at his worst, Ood can be from New Toik where she Jios Master o f Tuscan Lodge, No. 128, tude to reject that which la for 188 X I78i 888 8m I fraas la|m, nawly bnUt aai peleaS rtglit f m Bprlnga, Wadnaeday, May 19, of the Hartford Dlatrlct County Within him at his beet. at S o’c l m . Local marnbara are Council yeatarday in Hartford. been taking an Intensive training Hartfoql; and Joseph A. Kron of our good, Mr. Ward Indicated that BOLTON-Oanth Bea«- Btaaa kanea. S taanm aa« hath. 8 m - ramlndad to bring their "Marry- Mrs. Btreetar was elected senior course. St John’s Lodge, No. 4, of Hart­ all about are people, foUowtng a ■nlahed np, aO kntnet. Sreplaeeb BaM petaa fS A M . OOVBNTBT 3-Day Battle go>roand" glfta. vice president and Mrs. Toumaud ford. Refreshments and a social perfectly normal reaction, reject­ —4 taaai Maglen shewar aai lavataty. larga fraat parch. Lata Bradley Withdraws aa banner bearer and trustee for Mary C. Keeney Tent. No. 14, hour WlU follow the degree work. ing that which could save them. aptat. 8S k 188. Dawa payamat 8S8S ta 81A88. HahiBea at 885 one year. D.U.V.C.W., will meet tomorrow He said, "If there la any normal ta 888 per nmath. BOLTON—BaM SMa Baai. Oaai 4 laraa evening at 47 Maple street A Frank Mahoney o f 41 Cedar reaction, which reveals abnormal­ ORCHESTRAS Sanaa with fn s baenneat, Svlag raam averieoklag IsJm. AlLArab Towb GiToa Ward Cheney Camp, No. 13, memorial service for deceased street who underwent an opera­ ity it Is that S t the very time, and Alice Cofran members wlU be a part of the pro­ tion Friday In St Francis hospi­ In the very places In life when Licemed Booking Agent Threat to Party Har­ Place Baldwin Uneonditionidly After Spanish War Veterans, will meet gram. A social hour wlU follow. Egypt Gives Warning tonight at the Btate Armory. S ec­ tal, is making satisfactory pro- faith in Ood, fellowship with A. P. M. The Allen Realty Company mony Averted as Na- News Tidbits tion of delegates will take place grsas toward recovery. Christ and in His Church, prajrer F l i r t i n g . ia Steage; Remding$ DtMy The son bom May IS In 8t BBALTOBS to the Department convention at and mcdiUtion could help, we RUSSELL P. BRODERICK •11 I tionid Committeeman CaBcd Frpai PF) Wlras On Delegation Souroea in Haifa De> 16f Oiarrti St Hartford Hotel Bond, June 4-6, and the na­ Francis hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kilpatrick humans turn away." 188 C'BNTB B STBBBT On Shipping o f Arms George Ashenbrenner of 185 Mc­ of Ponacook, N. H , formerly of Post Orrico B oi 92 TtkphoM t<20?4 tional convention In Boston, Aug­ Indicating the people who turn MANCHBSTBB, OONNBOTIcrr Decides Not to Ron ■ elare 500 Araba Drakra ust 4-8. Kee street has been named Bruce this town, are spending a few days Manchester PHONE BIANCHB8IEB 8188 U. B. Bmbaanr In Moscow ro- Charles. They have another small with the famUles of their sons, sway from Ood and worship are For Re-Eleetioii; Steps T o G invention ; When Dan Openiti possessed most often by the fkses to talk about deaertlan mt *Cannot Tolerate* Dcfir- ¥¥ ^ ^tskra son flve years old. WUUs, Raliph and Nelson. Ont in Desire for Sergt. J. IL McMUHn to Sovlot Advertlaement— side. Bon of regular Army colo- cry of Munitions and ! To Flood Plaina Souft United Suport for nsL McMUUn waa repertod Named Delegate • at Bh'eryhody lovea that stuff, B < 1 ' i ' ITor Supplies to Zion­ ' Of Sea o f Galilee “Chlcken-In-'nie-Rough.” Berved 1 Senator’s Aspirations SMsed" by "sxperienced Soviet Large to National Re­ Warfare Yet Atlantic dally at the Cardan Restaurant. woman agent’’,... .. TSft-Rartley ists in Palestine Now Try It todayl act provlao barring Oommunlota publican Session; Oth Tel Aviv, Israal, May 18.— Hartford, May 18.—(/P)— from labor unions beads for court 'Hi ■' (4*)—Jewish Army gourcaa Range and Fuel t*st....CentinM eCerts to settle erst Quidtij Wcked Cairo, Muy 18.— (4*)— The Big Question said the ancient all-Anb Connecticut Republicang to­ railroad dispute. day united behind Senator Eff>*ptian government warned towrn of Acre surrendered im- I'A Dairy group wants to keep tuxes Hartford, May 18— The Con­ Raymond E. Baldwin aa their on oleo, but to repeal duty on Im­ today that it “ eJmnot toler­ conditionally early today aft­ The necticut BepubUcan convention to­ United Staten and Rua- OIL HALE’S MAY DAY favorite son candidate for the ported margarine .... See anti ate” delivery of munitions er A 72-hour battle in tbd Oommunlst Mundt bOI as passing day named Senator Raymond E. presidency. A threat to party and war supplies to Zionists sia in Agreement Con­ streets. Haganah said earikkr Dewey-Ricfimon House___ Chlneae government will Baldwin a delegate-at-largo to the Under watehMI NsOanal OnardHnen, hogs roaek Wytag V «s at harmony at the State con­ in Palestine.
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    ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 13/07 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 210 - Juni 2007 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 13/07 (Nr. 210) Juni 2007 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, High-Def-Releases zu, die aufgrund ihres noch NET TERROR, der einen Monat später in den liebe Filmfreunde! geringen Marktanteils mit geringerer Priorität deutschen Kinos ausgewertet wird. DEATH Einen richtig fetten Brocken haben wir Ihnen hergestellt werden als die Standard-DVDs. PROOF ist ein typisches Tarantino ”Brain mit Ausgabe 210 unseres Newsletters anzubie- Haben auch Sie eine Meinung zu oben genann- Child”: Unheimlich viele Dialoge und dann ein ten. Auf gigantischen 97 Seiten präsentieren tem Thema? Dann schreiben Sie uns doch ein- urplötzlicher Ausbruch extremer Gewalt. Si- wir Ihnen dieses Mal Neues aus Deutschland fach ein paar Worte dazu. Gerne veröffentlichen cherlich nichts für schwache Gemüter, aber ein (über 200 Neuveröffentlichungen), den USA wir Ihre Meinung dazu in unserem Newsletter. Muss für Fans der etwas härteren Gangart, für (fast 1000 Neuankündigungen) und Japan Aber vielleicht liegt Ihnen ja auch ein ganz die Tarantino stets augenzwinkernd immer wie- (mehr als 200 Titel). Trotz dieser Titelflut ha- anderes Thema sehr viel mehr am Herzen, zu der noch eines draufsetzt. DEATH PROOF ist ben wir darauf verzichtet, den Newsletter in dem Sie uns und unseren Lesern gerne etwas als Hommage an die üblen Trash-Filme der zwei Ausgaben aufzuteilen.
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