A Report on the Archaeological Excavations at Holy Trinity School, West Hill, Dartford, Kent This report has been downloaded from www.kentarchaeology.org.uk the website of the Kent Archaeological Society (Registered Charity 223382), Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery, St Faith's St, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1LH, England. The copyright owner has placed the report on the site for download for personal or academic use. Any other use must be cleared with the copyright owner. Archaeology South-East Units 1 & 2, 2 Chapel Place Portslade, East Sussex BN41 1DR Tel: 01273 426830 Email:
[email protected] www.archaeologyse.co.uk A REPORT ON THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS AT HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL, WEST HILL, DARTFORD, KENT Lucy Sibun with contributions by Luke Barber and David Dunkin INTRODUCTION Archaeology South-East (a division of the University College London Field Archaeology Unit) were commissioned by McCullochs plc to undertake an archaeological excavation at the site of the former Holy Trinity School, West Hill, Dartford. Planning permission for a residential development on the site had been granted by Dartford Borough Council in 1996. The site lies to the west of the modern and historic Roman and medieval centre of Dartford, on the south side of West Hill (Figure 1). The probable alignment of Roman Watling Street forms its northern boundary and the site of a medieval leper hospital is recorded to the east (SMR:TQ 57 SW 48). To the south is an outcrop of Boyn Gravel and a small number of Paleolithic handaxes have been found in the general area. According to the British Geological Survey 1:50,000 map the underlying geology is Head overlying Chalk.