News and Events
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DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE ~ TUFTS UNIVERSITY NEWS AND EVENTS VOLUME IV, ISSUE III SPRING 2012 ROBERT DEVIGNE COMPLETES HIS SECOND AND INSIDE THIS ISSUE: FINAL APPOINTMENT AS CHAIR THE ELEPHANT IN THE THE DEPARTMENT WELL POSITIONED FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS 2 ROOM BEN JAYE, A ‘11 The 2011-2012 academic talented team of professors members, a Communica- year marked Robert while developing the De- tions Coordinator, and suc- ALUMNI-STUDENT OUT- 3 Devigne’s second and final partment’s curriculum and cessfully transitioned the REACH EVENT term as Chair for the De- creating additional opportu- Department from its tight partment of Political Sci- nities for student involve- quarters in Eaton Hall to ence. ment. the newly renovated Pack- CALL FOR STUDENT 4 PAPERS ard Hall. Professor Devigne came to Since his 2006 appointment Tufts University in 1991 Devigne has partnered with In the spring of 2009, after GAINING VALUABLE 4 after receiving his Ph.D. in The Fletcher School to de- receiving the greatest num- INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE Political Science from Co- velop the Political Science- ber of nominations by the EMMA OPPENHEIM, T ‘12 lumbia University in 1990. Fletcher School Joint Semi- senior class, the Tufts Sen- In the fall of 2006 he was nar Series, collaborated ior Class Council notified appointed Chair for The with other Tufts depart- Devigne that he had been PRINCETON REVIEW 6 Department bringing with ments to bring timely talks selected to deliver The Last RECOGNIZES PROFESSOR him a wealth of experience to campus including Arab Lecture. The Last Lecture is ROBERT DEVGINE and leadership. Uprising; the Revolution and based on a speech Achieving IN THE NEWS 7 its Aftermath, supported nu- Your Dreams that Randy During his time as Chair, merous student groups, Pausch, a computer science Devigne was committed to added six full-time faculty attracting and maintaining a Continued on page 3 MALIK MUFTI PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS APPOINTED CHAIR Malik Mufti, Professor of from Harvard University in Caution in Turkish Strategic International Relations, has 1993. He served as Direc- Culture: Republic as Sea been named Chair of The tor for the Middle Eastern (London: Palgrave and Mac- Department of Political Sci- Studies Program from 2003 Millian, 2009) and Sovereign ence. Mufti will succeed until 2007 and as Director Creations Pan-Arabism and current Chair Professor for the International Rela- Political Order in Syria and Iraq Robert Devigne in the fall of tions Program from 2004 (Ithaca Cornell University Author and Associate Pro- 2012. until 2010. Mufti teaches Press, 1996). Mufti is also fessor Oxana Shevel courses on international the 2003 recipient of the (Cambridge University Professor Mufti came to relations as well as the poli- Lillian and Joseph Liebner Press 2011). Tufts University in 1992 tics of the Middle East. He Award for Distinguished In the News, page 7. after receiving his Ph.D. is the author of Daring and Teaching and Advising (Tufts). PAGE 2 NEWS AND EVENTS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: A LETTER TO SENIORS BY BEN JAY, A ‘11 I know what you’re thinking: The Tufts faculty and staff Anyone interested in working “I’m about to graduate college know people world-wide do- in politics should spend some with this expensive liberal arts ing a variety of different time working on a campaign. degree and I have no idea what things—all of whom also know You will learn more about to do with it.” Don’t sweat it. people who may be able to hard work, communication Every Tufts alum has been assist you. While I will not go and time management than you there. Much like in high school on about the importance of ever expected. when people told you that sen- networking, I will tell you it ior year would be a breeze, the helped me and how, with the I spent my first week stuffing, final few weeks of senior year right outlook, you can use it to sealing, and stamping enve- in college are not so easy ei- help find a job for yourself. lopes. While this is not the ther. Having to repeatedly type of activity that makes you answer the question, “what do A few weeks before gradua- feel good about the massive you plan on doing after you tion, with the help of Professor student loans that you bor- graduate?” can make you feel Portney, I had found a policy- rowed, your positive mindset “CAREER like Bill Murray in the movie related job in Philadelphia that will help you stand out to your “Groundhog Day.” Additional- I was interested in. As per Pro- employer. By demonstrating SERVICES ALWAYS ly, when you still have course- fessor Portney’s advice, I de- that you are willing to work work to do, applying for a job cided to speak with my State hard and can be trusted to TELLS YOU TO might as well be a full-time job Representative to see if he complete a task, no matter itself. knew anyone in the firm. As it how boring or insignificant, NETWORK . turned out, both his former you will open the door for At this point last year I was a boss and a Tufts Alum were other jobs and responsibilities THIS IS PERHAPS second semester senior with currently working there. By to be asked of you. Remem- little or no job prospects taking the following afternoon, I was ber, no one is going to give THE MOST an 8:30 am French class to on the phone with both of more responsibility to some- POWERFUL TOOL fulfill my language require- them discussing both the open one who either is incapable of ment. Many of my friends position and potential future or refuses to perform a project IN YOUR JOB were finding interesting in- prospects with the company. already given to him or her. ternships and fellowships to The following week I was giv- APPLICATION apply to while I was struggling In a perfect world, I would en the task to research events to find something that sounded have gotten the job. As we that were going on throughout ARSENAL” appealing to me. Having vol- know, however, this is not a the county and staffing the unteered for my State Repre- perfect world. The Phillies are candidates at the events. Dur- sentative for a few years prior in a hitting slump and they ing the campaign my duties to college I had always been never have butternut squash grew. I was implementing a politically active and wanted to soup at Dewick or Carmichael lawn-sign campaign that en- find a job doing policy research when you want it. compassed 8000 homes and after graduation. Despite the researching/writing briefing help of Career Services, I was When I called to thank my documents on county-wide worried that I would soon State Representative for his issues for press conferences graduate without any prospects advice, he informed me that he and other events. or plans. and a colleague were running to fill two out of three seats on I have two additional tips for Career Services always tells my County’s Board of Com- those contemplating campaign you to network. This is per- missioners. He asked if I would work after college: haps the most powerful tool in join his campaign. Yes, I quick- your job application arsenal. ly accepted! Continued on page 5 PAGE 3 NEWS AND EVENTS ROBERT DEVIGNE COMPLETES HIS SECOND AND FINAL APPOINTMENT AS CHAIR continued from page 1 of their lives as they make the command, where you are in positioned for continued transition from Tufts to life charge of your commitments success and growth. professor at Carnegie after college. and your commitments are Mellon, delivered to his stu- not in charge of you," he said. Cheers to six remarkable dents in September of 2006. "How do we get over this di- years! vorce and disconnection be- As a professor of political Devigne was asked to reflect tween this life of commitments theory Devigne’s words have _______________ on his life’s journey and and the liberal arts education?" consistently resonated with share his observations with Devigne asked. He spoke of students. In 1996 he received the Tufts community, “If you the rhetorical and life altering the Undergraduate Initiative knew this was the last lec- in Teaching Award Robert Devigne studies and questions they will be faced teaches political philosophy. He ture you would ever give, with and asked them to look (U.N.I.T.E), in 2000 he re- what would you share with ceived the Lillian and Joseph has authored two books: no further than themselves for “Recasting Conservatism: students and colleagues?” those answers. With his words Liebner Award for distin- guished teaching and advising Oakeshott, Strauss, and the he assured them that they were Response to Postmodern- "It is appropriate to call this equipped with a plethora of (Tufts), and in 2012 The the Last Lecture because it is Princeton Review named him ism” (Yale University Press valuable information and to 1994 Published in paperback directed primarily to the utilize what they have learned one of The 300 Best Professors Class of 2009," Devigne in the country. 1997), and “Reforming Liberal- in conjunction with their own ism: J.S. Mill’s Use of Ancient, said. He explained that their compass to help them navigate Devigne’s substantial contri- Religious, Romantic, and Liber- preparation was over and the decisions and transitions butions as Professor and Chair al Moralities” (Yale University that "it's the end of the be- they will face. ginning” of their journey.