Scuderi TP (1) La.Indd

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Scuderi TP (1) La.Indd PRODUCTS & SERVICES Engine Expo 2010 Exhibitor Booth 3540 Split-cycle revolution SCUDERI IS SET TO REVEAL RESULTS THAT PROVE ITS NEW ENGINE IS EVEN MORE EFFICIENT THAN FIRST EXPECTED With so much progress The next hurdle was to prove already made, Scuderi needs these theoretical results in no introduction. The Massachusetts- prototype form, which is where based company has a very visible Scuderi is today – hard at work presence in engine technology, with an independent test team at having fi rst caught the industry’s Southwest Research Institute in attention with the claim that it had San Antonio, Texas. solved the issues associated with Stephen Scuderi, VP and patent split-cycle thermodynamics. attorney for the Scuderi Group, is Called the Scuderi Cycle, the following progress closely and is company’s solution sounded too in confi dent mood. “Last year we good to be true. But it was true – unveiled our prototype, with a fi rm lower emissions, more effi cient belief it would prove our simulations; combustion, and a diesel-like now that the engine is up and torque curve were all modeled in running, we can say for sure it computer simulations based on a does,” he says. “Through engine new, split-cycle design that speeds in the range of 1,000 to separated the four strokes of a 3,250rpm, we continue to see conventional engine over two successful and consistent paired cylinders: one for intake/ combustion, with the diesel-like With testing ongoing, a Scuderi split- compression and the other for torque curve that was predicted.” cycle engine could be launched onto the market within the next fi ve years power/exhaust. The most surprising characteristic So good were the performance of the new engine design is its predictions that some hailed the torque curve. Because of its unique Right through its preliminary Scuderi Cycle – which requires no breakthrough as the most notable combustion process of ‘fi ring after testing, the Scuderi engine has new components or technology advancement in IC engines since top dead center’, the Scuderi shown more power, higher over a regular, four-stroke Otto the Otto Cycle. engine can put the peak pressures effi ciency, and lower emissions Cycle engine – offers. created by combustion than a conventional gasoline Now, the industry is waking up at the peak torque engine. “Overall we have found to the potential this engine design points on the effi ciency improves between 10- could deliver – smaller, more crankshaft. As a 20%, depending on the level of effi cient, leaner and greener result, maximum turbocharging. The Scuderi Cycle engines, with benefi ts for both torque can be allows lower peak temperatures diesel and gasoline powertrains. reached at speeds and preliminary results show NOx With 14 of the world’s top 20 below 1,000rpm emissions reduced by up to 80%,” manufacturers now in advanced and maintained notes Scuderi. discussions with the group, it’s throughout the With this knowledge, some may possible a Scuderi split-cycle entire speed range of have been tempted to move earlier engine could be on the road within the engine – similar to a in pronouncing that the future had three to fi ve years. diesel, but at the weight, cost, arrived, but the world has come emissions and internal pressures of to Scuderi. At a time when the a gasoline engine. Because power pressure is on all OEMs and engine output is a result of speed and builders to act quickly in reducing Lutz Deyerling at Scuderi torque, the Scuderi gasoline engine emissions and fuel consumption, E. [email protected] Early testing (at the lower speed ranges where all solutions are being considered. W. results show NOx output most driving takes place) will And none are better than those is down by generate more power than a that require minimal re-design and 80% conventional gasoline engine. development, something which the ONLINE READER501 ENQUIRY NO. June 2010 / Engine Technology
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