Analysis of Whole Genome Sequence Data on a Tropical Admixed Cattle Breed, the Creole Cattle of Guadeloupe
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1 ANALYSIS OF WHOLE GENOME SEQUENCE DATA ON A TROPICAL ADMIXED CATTLE BREED, THE CREOLE CATTLE OF GUADELOUPE. Adam G. 1, Esquerre D. 2, Bouchez O. 2, Bardou P. 3, Klopp C. 3, Boussaha M. 4, Naves M. 1 1 Unité de Recherches Zootechniques UR143, INRA Centre Antilles Guyane, Domaine Du- clos, Prise d’Eau, 97170, Petit-Bourg (Guadeloupe), France 2 GET PLAGE, INRA, 31326 Castanet Tolosan, France 3 SIGENAE, INRA Toulouse, 31326 Castanet Tolosan, France 4 UMR GABI, INRA Jouy en Josas, 78350 Jouy en Josas, France Abstract: The Creole cattle of Guadeloupe is a local breed originated from various admixture event, of European taurine, west African taurine and indicine ancestries. It evolved under natural selection in tropical environmental conditions for 5 century, and was also influenced by traditional management practices. It represents therefore a good model for studies on adaptation to the tropics. The genome of 23 sires representative of the population has been sequenced, at a mean depth of 18X. These data were analysed in order to detect genetic variants (SNP and structural variants), present in this population. A total of 33 billion of SNP, among them 10% of new SNP were detected. A total of 13000 structural variants were also detected, among them 685 confirmed in more than half of the samples. Various analyses were performed on these variants, including their functional annotation, identification of genes and pathways associated with these variants. A comparison with other breeds from various origins was performed, in order to identify common or specific variants. An analysis of selection signatures reveals 474 regions with a significative selection signal. The main results of this study will be presented during the symposium. They highlight the importance of some genomic region that may explain the physiological mechanisms that can be involved in adaptation to tropical environment and their underlying variation. [DATE] [NOM DE LA SOCIETE] [Adresse de la société] 2 SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION IN THE CARIBBEAN: QUEEN CONCH (MOLLUSCA) AS INDICATOR OF CLIMATIC CHANGE Aldana Aranda D. 1, Enriquez-Diaz M.R 1., Oxford H. 1, Delgado G. 1, Mateo J. 1, Volland J-M2., Bouchon C. 3, Paris C.4, and Gros O 2. 1- Cinvestav IPN Unidad Mérida, Yucatán México, 2-UMR ISYEB, UFR SEN, Departement de Biologie, BP 592. 97159 Pointe-à-Pitre cedex. 2- UMR 7205 ISYEB UFR SEN. Université des Antilles 97159 Pointe-à-Pitre cedex. Guadeloupe 3- Unité FRE BOREA, University of French West Indies, Campus Fouillole, B.P. 592, 97159 Pointe-à- Pitre, Guadeloupe 4- Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, USA. [email protected] Abstract: The queen conch, Strombus (Lobatus) gigas (Linnaeus 1758) is a marine gastropod mollusk. This is an endemic species from the Caribbean Sea, it is present in the water of 37 countries of the Caribbean Sea. It is a valuable marine benthic invertebrate of significant commercial importance in the Caribbean, with an important export trade worth millions of US dollars. The main international markets for conch meat are the USA (79% of the trade) and the French West Indies, with 20%). Also, conch is also consumed locally and its shell and other products sold as curios to visiting tourists in the Caribbean. However, populations have been depleted throughout the Wider Caribbean by overfishing. This species is indexed in Apendix II of CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). The aim of this work was to show results of a scientific collaboration in the Caribbean with various Universities, showing the effect of climatic change on abundance of larvae in this region, in the process of shell calcification and concentration of pollution by microplastics in various sites from the Caribbean. 3 BIOEFFICACY OF ALGAL EXTRACTS AS BIOELICITORS IN HORTICULTURAL CROPS Ali O., Dookie M., Ramsubhag A., and Jayaraj J. Department of Life Sciences Faculty of Science and Technology, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago Email: [email protected] Abstract: The bioefficacy of algal extracts obtained from Ascophyllum nodosum and Sargassum filipendula for plant growth stimulatory and bioelicitor activities in tomato and sweet pepper was evaluated. Foliar applications of 0.5% seaweed extracts have resulted in significant reduction of disease incidence caused by the pathogens, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria and Alternaria solani in tomato and sweet pepper under greenhouse and field conditions. Treatment with seaweed extracts significantly improved plant growth parameters including plant height, leaf number, root and shoot dry biomass and chlorophyll content. Treated plants produced significantly higher fruit yields. An investigation into the mechanism of disease resistance and growth induction revealed the effect of the extracts in elevating defense-related enzymes including phenylalanine ammonia lyase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase, as well as the levels of total phenolic compounds and upregulation of genes involved in defense responses and hormonal synthesis. Both crop plants treated with extracts had significantly higher expression levels of the PINII and ETR-1 marker genes compared to controls. This was coupled with the increase in gene transcripts involved in auxin (IAA), gibberellin (Ga2Ox), cytokinin (IPT) synthesis and several proteins involved flowering regulation, which would have possibly contributed to enhancement of plant growth and yield and disease resistance. 4 SHARING TRADITIONAL AND ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE FOR SUSTAINABLE CARIBBEAN LIVESTOCK FARMING: THE SCIENTIFIC DIMENSION OF RETRO-INNOVATION Alexandre 1 G., and Ceresita 1,2 T. 1) Unité de Recherches Zootechniques, INRA Duclos, Guadeloupe 2) Unité Expérimentale, PTEA, INRA Duclos et Le Moule, Guadeloupe Abstract: There is a growing concern about the lack of adoption of some technologies at the farm level. The context, as a whole, may influence the successful use of innovations. The transfer of technology policy is criticized, particularly in tropical regions, for its inadequacy to the sociocultural context of the livestock farming system (LFS). Meanwhile, livestock keepers have steadily accumulated indigenous experiences that have built resilient LFS. Some of them have contributed to the design of innovations, through specific and adapted scientific trials, where researchers have tested the hypothesis: how to put science into farmers' long-standing sustainable practices? Results show synergistic interactions between traditional and academic knowledge. Among others are : - using the very traditional male effect practice for small ruminant, is studied as an alternative and efficient reproduction management increasing the herd productivity without any hormonal treatment; - feeding animals with by-products in crop-livestock farm unit is empowered through technological process that deliver pellets combining these sources on the basis of their nutritive and agronomic characteristics; - managing the land and pasture resources through traditional tethering practices has become a very relevant and valid experimental tool to assess intake at pasture ; - dividing the livestock offspring between owners and breeders (known as “di moitié”) is the key principle used between donors (NGO’s or foundations) and landless farmers known as sharing gift animals with others in order to implement LFS. In order to implement innovations that fit into the local LFS context, we should: - analyse in terms of human values, the causes leading to the rejection of certain other traditional practices in an official context, whereas in an unofficial context, they are relevant for local farmers ; - implement collaborative studies between farmers and researchers in a win-win approach, thus strengthening capabilities to innovate ; - improving organizational cultures and behaviours and fostering networks and linkages. 5 Poster FIFTY YEARS OF RESEARCH IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION IN MARTINIQUE: LESSONS FOR AGROECOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS. Alexandre G., Archimede H., Mahieu M., Moutoussamy M., and Naves M. Unité de Recherches Zootechniques (URZ), INRA Duclos, Guadeloupe Abstract: For fifty years, the team URZ has been supporting Martinican livestock production (MLP) through varied actions (research on station, on farms collaborative trials, training, expert missions, etc.). This has led to a strong partnership with professional organizations and decision-makers in Martinique. Here are some actions that have generated ( ) feeding (FS), genetic (GP) and labelling strategies: 1) for feeding : - nutritionnal value of tropical fodders designing grazing systems wih large and small ruminants associated or not ; - forage conservation (hay and round wrapped bales) support a hay production subsector ; - feeding with banana (silage or fresh fruits) and pineapple byproducts creation of cattle fattening units. 2) genetic policy programs : - established from the 1990s for sheep and from 2000 for Brahman cattle owing to : - a 20 year-assessment of performances and genetic variation (reproduction, growth, health); - an effective and coherent partnership: expert missions, technical reports (application for national accreditation ; databases analyse s), methodological supervision (qualification grid, creation of selection centres). 3) for meat labelling studying : - interactions of FS and GP to address the meat quality of Martinican ruminants - use of local feedstuffs with OvinMartinik (a past 3 year-project ) ;