Com piled and ed ited by Jimmy Ad ams

Johannes Zukertort Art ist of the board

New In Chess 2014 The Stra te gic Nimzo-In dian

Con tents

Expla na tion of Symbols ...... 8 Intr oduc tion by J. Adams ...... 9

Part One - The Ar ti cles Zukertort by H. Golombek...... 12 Zukertort by F. Reinfeld ...... 13 Zukertort in Ger many by O. Koch ...... 15 Zukertort and Anderssen by C. Sander ...... 18 The Chess Crichton by I.O. Howard Tay lor...... 21 The Zukertort Leg end by J. Adams ...... 24 The Chess Apostlen from West min ster Pa pers ...... 26 Death of Dr. Zukertort by L. Hoffer...... 28 Steinitz on Zukertort by W. Steinitz ...... 32 A Por trait of Dr.Zukertort by Rev. G.A. MacDonnell ...... 36 J.H.Zukertort: An English Appr eci a tion by J.G. Cunningham ...... 41 J.H.Zukertort: A German Appr eci a tion by H. von Gottschall...... 47 In Commem o ra tion of J.H.Zukertort by J. Mieses...... 51 Zukertort’s Break down by J. Adams ...... 54 Zukertort and Steinitz by Y. Neishtadt...... 59 Zukertort Jottings by var i ous au thors...... 94

Part Two - The Games Zukertort’s Tour nament and Match Record ...... 112 Tour na ment and Match Data ...... 114 Stu dent Years in Breslau 1862-1867 ...... 117

5 Johannes Zukertort

Berlin – Match with Anderssen 1868 ...... 136 Tour na ments at Aachen 1868, Ham burg and Bar men 1869...... 148 Victor y over Anderssen 1871 ...... 181 Lon don 1872 and Match with Steinitz ...... 201 City of London Handi ca p 1874 ...... 210 Match with Pot ter 1875 ...... 225 Simpson’s Di van Tour na ment and World Blind fold Re cord, Lon don 1876 ...258 Match with Blackburne and Tour naments at Leipzig and 1877 .....277 Paris 1878...... 302 Matches with Owen 1878 and Minchin 1879 ...... 327 Match with Rosenthal 1880 ...... 341 Match with Blackburne and Tour na ment 1881 ...... 362 1882 ...... 395 London 1883 ...... 407 Tour of U.S.A. 1883-1884 ...... 438 Tour of Eu rope 1885...... 465 World Champi on ship Match with Steinitz 1886 ...... 475 Tour na ments in Lon don and Nottingham 1886 ...... 498 Brit ish Chess Club Hand ica p, Match with Blackburne and Frank furt 1887 ...506 Last Tour na ments in Lon don 1887-1888 ...... 519

Game List ...... 531 Index of Play ers...... 539 Index of Open ings ...... 541


In tro duc tion

It is now over 100 years since the death of Johannes Hermann Zukertort, one of the great play ers of chess his tory, who par a dox i cally is re mem bered toda y more for talents he did not pos sess than for his truly remark able chess gifts. Af ter his de feat in the first of fi cial world cham pi on ship match to Steinitz in 1886 and his un timely death two years later, the chess world failed to pre serve the mem ory of Zukertort by pub lishing a col lec tion of his chess mas ter pieces. A Swed - ish book, vir tuall y un obtain able to day, did appear in 1912 – but this did not do full jus tice to Zukertort’s ill ustr ious chess car eer. Apart from that pub li ca tion, only a hand ful of Zukertort’s games have found their way into chess books and mag a zines since his death, while even fewer writ ers have drawn atten tion to his contr i butions to the art and sci ence of chess. The present vol ume is an attempt to bring to the no tice of to day’s chess world these chess mas ter pieces and re-es tab lish Zukertort to his right ful place in chess his tory as an im por tant link be tween the old com bi na tional style and mod ern posi - tional ten den cies. At heart, Zukertort remained an artist of the chess board, fol low- ing in the Ro man tic tra di tions of his teacher and the leg end ary Paul Morphy. How ever, be cause of the in crease in chess knowl edge and ref ine ment of technique , Zukertort was obliged to ally his enor mous tac ti cal abil ity to mod ern meth ods. Zukertort was a most dil i gent, prof ound and accu rate ana l yst, with a tremen dous amount of open ing the ory stored in his as tonish ing mem ory. His dash and bril - liance, com bined with soundness in build ing up an attac k and preci sion in cal culat - ing vari a tions, made him a very dan gerous op ponent and re sulted in the produc - tion of a great many el e gant games. He was also an ex cel lent end game player. Un for tu nately Zukertort’s breakdo wn in health and prema tur e death not only pre vented him from chal leng ing Steinitz to a re turn match but also did not al low him to fur ther de velop sev eral inno va tive closed and ’s pawn openings , with which he had en gaged him self in the latter part of his ca reer. Like Steinitz, he was a pi oneer , and in the path of disco v ery at times he made er rors of judge ment or un - der took mis taken plans; but once on the right track he would push an ad vanta ge home in the most force ful, di rect and clear-cut fash ion.

Per son ally, a very like able and so cia ble man, he gave up the ed i tor ship of the Neue Ber liner Schachzeitung in 1872 and left his home in Ger many, in a state of pov erty, to make a liv ing as a chess prof es sional in Eng land. Here, he rapidl y be came ac cepted as an in te gral part of the Lon don chess scene and was attac hed to the presti gious St.George’s Chess Club. He also was elected an hon or ary mem ber of the City of Lon don Club, played chess for side-stakes at the fa mous Simpson’s Di van, trav elled far and wide giv ing blindf old and si multa neous dis plays, and of course com peted in matches and tour na ments. In addi tion he was very ac tive as a chess jour nal ist,

9 Johannes Zukertort firstly as games edi tor for the West min ster Pa pers, then as a con tribu tor to the City of Lon don Chess Mag a zine and fi nally as co-ed i tor of the Chess Monthly – which he founded in 1879 with Hoffer.

The present book contains a se lec tion of Zukertort’s best ca sual, odds, si multa - neous, blind fold, consul ta tion, match and tour nament games. The notes are mainly by Zukertort him self from the above-men tioned pe ri odi cals, and his arch-ri val Steinitz, who ran a mag nif i cent chess col umn in The Field. Other com men ta tors are in di cated at the end of each game. In the first part of the book have been as sem bled a col lec tion of the best ar ti cles and ex tracts about Zukertort, most of which were writ ten by his con tem porar ies, peo ple who ac tuall y knew him. These give bio graphi cal de tails and pen-por traits of Zukertort, the man and his work. The in tro duc tory com ments un der ‘Zukertort’ are taken from Harry Golombek’s ‘Chess: A His tory’ and Fred Reinfeld’s ‘The Hu man Side of Chess.’ The ‘Zukertort in Ger many’ es say has been adapted from a long nar rativ e in Deutsches Wochenschach 1913. The eye-wit ness ac count of Zukertort and Anderssen has been trans lated from Von Gottschall’s Ger man book on Anderssen. The warm tribute ‘The Chess Apos tle’ co mes from the West min ster Pa pers, while the Rev. G.A.MacDonnell’s witty, but won der fully hu man por trait of Zukertort is in fact a chapter from his Knights and Kings of Chess. Hoffer gives us a first-hand repor t of his friend and co-worker’s last hours in an obit uar y taken from Chess Monthly. The Ger man ap pre ci a tion by Von Gottschall, giv ing per sonal de tails not found else where, is a con tri bution from the Deut sche Schachzeitung, while the Eng lish ap preci a tion by Cunningham, and the as sess ment by Steinitz, are extracted from the In ter na tional Chess Mag a zine. A mod - ern eval u a tion of Zukertort, par tic u larly in re la tion to Steinitz, is pro vided by the em i nent So viet chess his to rian, Neishtadt, from his Rus sian book The First World Cham pion. Fur ther more, Mieses’ re li able and ob jec tive ‘Com mem o ra tion of J.H.Zukertort’ which appeared in the Brit ish Chess Mag a zine in 1942 as a cen te nary memo r ial arti cle of Zukertort’s birth, is repro duced cour tesy of for mer ed i tor Ber - nard Cafferty. Fi nally, I wish to thank Brian Reilly and Ken Whyld for pro vid ing me with fur ther ref erence mate rial used in this book.

As a post script, it gives me great plea sure to express my ap preci a tion of the spir ited Eng lish grand mas ter Stu art Con quest, who in 2011 took the ini tiativ e to re dis cover and un earth Zukertort’s sunken and over grown grave at Bromp ton cem e tery, West London. His subse quent coop er a t ion with Dr Marek Stella-Sawicki, Chair man of the Pol ish Her i tage So ci ety, then led to the erection of an el e gant new head stone, which was reded i cated with full reli gious rites at a well-attended cere mony held on 26 June 2012. You can see a pic ture of the high point of this cere mony on page 529. Jimmy Adams Lon don 2014

10 Johannes Zukertort

Zukertort’s Breakdown

‘In the Lon don In ter na tional Tour na ment of 1883, Zukertort per formed the amaz - ing and un par al leled feat of win ning 22 games to one de feat, receiv ing the first prize from the com mit tee no less than two weeks be fore the close of the tour na - ment. The ac count of this mag nif i cent strug gle will still be fresh in the minds of most Chess-play ers. Zukertort’s play throughout was char ac ter ised not only by ex - treme dar ing, but by sound ness and bril liancy, these qual i ties cul mi nating in his game in the first round with Blackburne, “one of the most bril liant”, says Steinitz, “on record”. His score against Steinitz was even, each player win ning one game. So se vere a contest was not as may be sup posed, with out its ef fect upon the winner. Zukertort, who from an early stage had been com pelled to sus tain him self by ter ri ble doses of ac onite , al most broke down at last, and his health, never rob ust, be gan to give his friends grave anx i ety.’

Indeed, as the above ex tract from the Brit ish Chess Mag a zine makes clear, Zukertort was at the peak of his pow ers and had achieved a tour nament result which, even today, ranks as one of the greatest of all time. Thus the fact that he lost his last three games, two of which against play ers at the foot of the tour nament ta ble, must surely be attr ibuted to his phys i cal col lapse. It is known that Zukertort not only par - took of ‘vir ulent poi son’ to over come pain, but was also par tial to opium. Nev er theless, up to a point, Zukertort played just as splen didly in these last three games as in the rest of the tour nament. Only lapses of men tal appli ca tion at crit i cal mo ments spoiled what was oth er wise an al most per fect per for mance in London.

Span ish Game T_.dMl.t Mac ken zie _Lj.sJjJ Zukertort Lon don tour na ment, 13 June 1883 J_._._._ Notes by Zukertort _J_Ji.b. 1.e4 e5 2.Àf3 Àc6 3.Ãb5 a6 ._._._._ 4.Ãa4 Àf6 5 .0-0 Àxe4 6.d4 b5 _B_._Q_. 7.Ãb3 d5 8.dxe5 Àe7 IiI_.iIi In tro duced by Anderssen, and in vari - rN_._Rk. ably played by my self. The move, I think, is su pe rior to the book con tin ua - 11...©d7 tion 8...Ãe6. If 11...c5, White would repl y 12.c4! 9.Àg5 Àxg5 10.Ãxg5 Ãb7 dxc4 13.©xb7 cxb3 14.axb3 ©c8 11.©f3 (best) 15.©xc8+ Õxc8 16.Õxa6 etc.

54 Zukertort’s Break down

12.Àd2 28.®e1 Õh1+ 29.®d2 Õd1+ and If now 12.c4, then 12...bxc4 13.Ãxc4 30...Õxd7) 27...Ãc6 28.Õxa8 Ãxd7 c5 – 12.Àc3 would be, how ever, better, 29.Õxa6 Õh4 30.Õxb2 etc. The text I think, than the text move. move leads to bish ops of dif ferent 12...h6 13.Ãh4 Àf5 14.©h3 colour, but it en abled me to de fend the Àxh4 far-ad vanced b-pawn. Of course, if 14...g5 (in tend ing to pro- 22.gxf3 ©d4 23.Ãg6 Ãh4 ceed af ter 15.Ãg3? with 15...h5), then 24.©g2 Õad8 25.Õe4 15.Ãxg5. 15.©xh4 Ãe7 16.©g3 0-0 17.c3 ._.t.t.m d4 18.Õfe1 _.j._.j. Threat en ing 19.e6. 18...®h8 19.Ãxf7? J_._._Bj Over look ing the op po nent’s coun ter _J_.i._. scheme. ._.dR_.l 19...dxc3! 20.Àf3 _._._I_. If 20.©xc3, then 20...Õxf7 21.e6 Ij._.iQi ©d5!, remain ing a piece ahead. _R_._.k. 20...cxb2 21.Õab1 25...©d2? T_._.t.m A men tal aber ration; Black had an eas ily _LjDlBj. won game: 25...©d1+ 26.Õe1 (or 26.©f1 Ãxf2+! 27.®xf2 (27.®h1 J_._._.j ©xf3+ 28.©g2 Õd1+ etc.) 27...©xf3+ _J_.i._. 28.®g1 ©xf1+ 29.Õxf1 Õxf1+ ._._._._ 30.®xf1 b1©+ etc.) 26...©d2 27.Ãe4 _._._Nq. (if 27.e6, then 27...Õd5) 27...Õd4 Ij._.iIi 28.©g6 Ãxf2+ 29.®h1 Õxe4 30.©xe4 _R_.r.k. (if 30.Õxe4, then 30...©c1+) 30...Ãxe1 31.©xe1 (if 31.Õxe1 Õxf3 21...Ãxf3 32.e6 Õh3 and wins) 31...©xe1+ 21...Õxf7 would proba bly lead to a 32.Õxe1 Õxf3 and 33...Õe3. by the fol lowing line of play: 26.Õxh4 ©c1+ 27.©f1 Õd1 22.e6 Õxf3 23.exd7 Õxg3 24.Õxe7 28.©xd1 (best) 24...Õxg2+ 25.®f1 Õxh2 Black resig ns. 26.Õe8+ ®h7 27.®e2 (if 27.Õxa8, Black draws at least with 27...Õh1+ Si cil ian De fence 28.®e2 Õxb1 29.Õh8+ (29.d8©? Sellman Õe1+ 30.®d2 (or 30.®xe1 b1©+) Zukertort 30...Õd1+ 31.®xd1 b1©+ 32.®e2 Lon don tour na ment, 14 June 1883 (32.®d2) Ãxa8 33.©xa8 ©xa2+ and Notes by Zukertort wins) 29...®g6 30.d8© Õe1+ 1.e4 c5 2.Àf3 Àc6 3.d4 31.®xe1 (best) 31...b1©+ etc. – If If 3.Àc3, which is con sid ered to be the 27.Õxb2, Black wins with 27...Ãf3 best contin u a tion, I intended to repl y

55 Lon don 1883

27.Õc5 b4 28.©c4 Àe5 29.Àxe5 TsLdMl.t ©xe5 30.Õc7 d3 31.©h4+ ®g8 j.jJ_JjJ 32.©c4 32.©g3 would lead to the ex change of .j._Js._ queens, and thus prolong the con test. _._._._. 32...d2 ._I_._._ _._.iN_. ._.t._M_ Ii.i.iIi _.r._.j. rNbQkB_R ._._.j._ 4.Ãe2 j._Td._. Zukertort: The de vel op ment of the king’s .jQ_._._ bishop has been dis cussed by var i ous _._._._. ana l ysts on ever y possi ble occa sion. .i.j.iIi Here again I can not pro pose a hard and _._R_.k. fast rule, but I may state that when ever the queen’s fianchetto is adopted be fore 33.b3 play ing the d-pawn two squares, the Rather tame, but White has no sav ing op po nent’s king’s bishop ought to be move, e.g. 33.®f1 (or 33.Õf1 ©xc7 posted at e2; if, on the other hand, both 34.©xc7 d1©) 33...©xh2 34.Õxd2 play ers have ad vanced the d-pawn, the ©h1+ 35.®e2 Õe8+ 36.®f3 ©h5+ bishop may then be played at once to 37.®g3 (if 37.g4, Black mates in two d3. moves) 37...©g5+ win ning the . Steinitz: We be lieve that when the 33...©e1+ 34.©f1 Õe8 queen’s fianchetto has been played by White resigns . the op po nent it is gen er ally better to post the king’s bishop as in the text, for in some con tin gen cies the bishop can 242 Queen’s In dian De fence be well placed at f3 af ter cas tling and Zukertort remo v ing the knight. When the king’s Blackburne bishop is posted at d3 the op po nent of - Lon don tour na ment, 5 May 1883 ten gains time and ground by attac k ing Notes by Zukertort, Steinitz and Minchin it with the queen’s knight as is done by 1.c4 White in the pres ent game. Minchin: I have else where stated my 4...Ãb7 5 .0-0 d5 6.d4 Ãd6 opin ion that this is not only by far the 7.Àc3 0-0 8.b3 Àbd7 9.Ãb2 fin est game played in this tour na ment, ©e7? but prob a bly within the mem ory of the Zukertort: The routine move 9...c5 would exis ting gener a tion of chess-players . It be pref er a ble, may be fairly classed with the great 10.Àb5 game won by Anderssen of Kieseritsky Steinitz: Promptly gaining the adv an tage more than thirty years ago. of the two bish ops. 1...e6 2.e3 Àf6 3.Àf3 b6 10...Àe4 11.Àxd6 cxd6 12.Àd2

413 Johannes Zukertort

T_._.tM_ He had still time to equal ize the game jL_SdJjJ fully by 17...a5 with a view of ex chang - ing one of the two pow er ful bishops by .j.jJ_._ ...Ãa6, or else to make a coun ter dem - _._J_._. onstra tion on the queen’s side by ...a4, ._IiS_._ in case White stopped the ex change by _I_.i._. ©e2. Ib.nBiIi 18.e4 Õac8 19.e5 Àe8 r._Q_Rk. Steinitz: 19...Àd7, with the view of play - ing ...Àf8 and then protect ing Black’s 12...Àdf6? weak est point on the king’s side, was by Zukertort: The loss of time oc ca sioned by far better. this con tin u a tion gives to the op po nent 20.f4 g6 the first op por tunity to prepare the fol - Zukertort: Of course Black had to stop the low ing at tack. fur ther ad vance of the f-pawn. Con sid - Steinitz: Very weak, for he might have er ing, how ever, that the text move foreseen the com ing attac k of the cen tre weak ens his king’s po si tion – es pe cially pawns, which could have been eas ily the h-pawn – with out gain ing any avoided by 12...f5. The weak ness of his equiv alent, I would sug gest instead of it e-pawn did not much matter , as White 20...f5 at once. could not eas ily get at it, and in case of emer gency Black could ma noeuvre one ._T_S_M_ of his knights to f8 after remo ving the jLt.dJ_J king’s rook, and thus give am ple pro- tec tion to his centr e and king’s wing, or .j._J_J_ else he could play ...Àf6 in or der to _._Ji._. stop the ad vance of White’s cen tre ._.i.i._ pawns. _I_B_._. 13.f3 Àxd2 14.©xd2 dxc4 Ib.q._Ii 15.Ãxc4 d5 16.Ãd3 Õfc8 _._.rRk. Zukertort: Mr. Blackburne under rat ed, I think, the power of the com ing attac k. 21.Õe3 It would have been more prudent to Minchin: When Zukertort made this leave the king’s rook on the king’s side, move, he had in his mind’s eye the and to oc cupy the open file with the whole com bi na tion that fol lows, queen’s rook. down to Black’s 28th move. It may 17.Õae1! seem sin gu lar that his op po nent Steinitz: An ex cel lent move, which shows should have played the next seven fine judge ment. White has nothing to moves ex actly as an tic i pated, but it fear on the queen’s wing, and proceeds must be remem bered that Mr. with the cen tre attac k. Blackburne dou bled his rooks, with 17...Õc7 the in ten tion of play ing to c2 as soon Steinitz: Black mis ap pre hends the as he had got rid of the white king’s strength of the ad vance in the cen tre. bishop, and played for that pur pose,

414 Lon don 1883 ex pecting to win a piece. The real and posi tions do some times oc cur, es - beauty of Zukertort’s play is that he led pe cially in the end ing where it is abso - his op ponent into this trap, cor rectly lutely nec es sary to look for ward to as cal cu lat ing its real re sults. many moves as is al leged that Zukertort Steinitz: A very strong move un der any had in his mind. Moreo ver, such a pro- cir cum stances. It threatens, for in stance, cess of reason ing is of ten more easy, es - Õg3 or Õh3 fol - pe cially when the lowed by f5 and moves on one or ©h6. It has, how - both sides are ever, been sug- forced, than to look gested that clear in all di rec- Zukertort had al - tions only three ready at this point moves deep when in his mind’s eye there are many the whole com bi - com pli ca tions and na tion as it oc - sub-vari a tions. But curred up to it is any how more White’s 28th mer i to ri ous to move, in clud ing adopt such a move the sub se quent of - as the one in the fer of the sac ri fice text, which is a of the queen and pow er ful one, no the mating com bi - Joseph Blackburne matter what Black na tion six moves may an swer, as a re- deep which would sult of in tuitiv e po - have fol lowed if si tion judge ment, the sac ri fice had been ac cepted; or, in than to lay a trap for one par tic ular line fact, that Zukertort laid a most in ge - of play which was very im proba ble to nious trap 13 moves deep to his oppo - oc cur and moreo ver was quite faulty, nent at this junc ture. To this as ser tion for more than one reason, as will be we have to remark in the first place, that seen. It is in reality a depreciation of there is not the least in ter nal ev i dence this fine game to assume that its chief in the progress of the game for the ne - feature was a mere trap. ces sity of such a lone cal cu lation, and it 21...f5 would have been sim ply the height of Zukertort: 21...Àg7 would be slightly folly for any ex pe ri enced, first-class better; White would then con tinue with mas ter when play ing un der time limit 22.g4. to waste one mo ment on such a com bi - 22.exf6 Àxf6 na tion, con sid er ing all the pos si bil i ties Zukertort: He should retak e with the of the de fence that were at Black’s dis - queen, al though he would have even posal, such as the com bi na tions aris ing then a dif fi cult game, e.g. 22...©xf6 from ...Àg7, or ...®f8, or from 23.©e1 Àg7 24.g4 and White would 22...©xf6. There is nothing so very ex - have un lim ited time to force a proba bly traor di nary in reck oning so far ahead, ir re sist ible at tack.

415 Game list

Games in the ar ti cles Span ish Game Mac ken zie - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 54 Si cil ian De fence Sellman - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 55 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Mortimer Lon don 1883 ...... 57 King’s Gambit Steinitz - JHZ Lon don 1872 ...... 59 Span ish Game Steinitz - JHZ St.Louis 1886 ...... 73 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ - Steinitz St.Louis 1886 ...... 77 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ - Steinitz St.Louis 1886 ...... 80

Analysed games 1 Bishop’s Opening A**** - JHZ Posen 1862 ...... 117 2 Si cil ian De fence Neumann - JHZ Breslau 1864...... 117 3 Ital ian Game JHZ - Lowinsohn Posen 1864...... 118 4 Span ish Game JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1864...... 118 5 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 119 6 Span ish Game JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 120 7 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 120 8 King’s Gambit JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 121 9 King’s Gambit JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 121 10 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 122 11 King’s Gambit Anderssen - JHZ Breslau 1865...... 123 12 King’s Gambit JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 123 13 King’s Gambit Anderssen - JHZ Breslau 1865...... 124 14 King’s Gambit JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 125 15 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Õa1) - Stu dent Breslau 1865...... 125 16 Game Posi tio n JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 125 17 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 126 18 King’s Gambit Kornfeld - JHZ Posen 1865 ...... 127 19 Scotch Gambit JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 127 20 Dutch Def ence JHZ - Anderssen Breslau 1865...... 128 21 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Õa1) - Stu dent Breslau 1865...... 129 22 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Knorre Breslau 1866...... 129 23 Span ish Game Knorre - JHZ Breslau 1866...... 129 24 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Knorre Breslau 1866...... 130 25 Game Posi tio n von W**** - JHZ Brunn 1866 ...... 130 26 King’s Gambit Anderssen - JHZ Breslau 1866...... 131 27 King’s Gambit Anderssen - JHZ Breslau 1866...... 131 28 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ (w.o. queen) - D**** Posen 1867 ...... 132

531 Johannes Zukertort

29 Game Po si tion Anderssen - JHZ Breslau 1867...... 132 30 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ (w.o. queen) - Sen a tor Posen 1867 ...... 132 31 Bishop’s Open ing JHZ (w.o. Õa1) - Kr**** K Posen 1867 ...... 133 32 Game Po si tion JHZ - Krause Posen 1867 ...... 133 33 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Lehmann Posen 1867 ...... 134 34 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - **** Chess Club Cor re spon dence Game 1868 . 134 35 Span ish Game JHZ - Mayet Berlin 1867...... 136 36 Span ish Game General von K. - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 136 37 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Schallopp Berlin 1868...... 137 38 Si cil ian De fence Hirschberg - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 137 39 French De fence JHZ - Schulten Berlin 1868...... 138 40 King’s Gam bit Schulten - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 139 41 King’s Gam bit Mayet - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 139 42 Ev ans Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 140 43 King’s Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 141 44 King’s Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 141 45 Ital ian Game JHZ - Anderssen Berlin 1868...... 142 46 King’s Gam bit Mayet - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 143 47 Hun gar ian De fence JHZ - Mayet Berlin 1868...... 144 48 Span ish Game Schnitzler - JHZ Cor re spon dence Game 1868 . 145 49 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Schulten Berlin 1868...... 146 50 Span ish Game Schallopp - JHZ Aachen 1868...... 148 51 Span ish Game Paulsen - JHZ Aachen 1868...... 149 52 Cen tre Gam bit U**** - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 151 53 Game Po si tion Wi**** - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 151 54 Game Po si tion Von Treskow - JHZ Berlin 1868...... 151 55 Pirc Def ence S**** - JHZ (w.o. f7-pawn) Berlin 1868...... 152 56 From Gam bit JHZ - Schmidt Berlin 1868...... 152 57 Dutch De fence Schurig - JHZ Leip zig 1869...... 153 58 Ital ian Game JHZ - Minckwitz Leip zig 1869...... 153 59 Petroff De fence JHZ - Minckwitz Berlin 1869...... 154 60 King’s Gam bit Schulten - JHZ Berlin 1869...... 155 61 King’s Gam bit Schulten - JHZ Berlin 1869...... 156 62 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Schulten Berlin 1869...... 156 63 King’s Gam bit Stosch - JHZ Berlin 1869...... 157 64 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Schulten Berlin 1869...... 158 65 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Schulten Berlin 1869...... 158 66 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Von Schutz Berlin 1869...... 159 67 From Gam bit JHZ - Schmidt Berlin 1869...... 160 68 From Gam bit JHZ - Schmidt Berlin 1869...... 160 69 From Gam bit JHZ - Schmidt Berlin 1869...... 161 70 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Minckwitz Ham burg 1869 ...... 161

532 Game list

71 Bishop’s Open ing Schallopp - JHZ Bar men 1869 ...... 162 72 Ev ans Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Bar men 1869 ...... 163 73 Nimzowitsch Def. JHZ - Paulsen Bar men 1869 ...... 163 74 King’s Gam bit Ritter - JHZ Berlin 1869...... 165 75 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - H.M. Berlin 1869...... 165 76 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (blind fold) - Con sul tants Berlin 1869...... 166 77 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (blind fold) - Con sul tants Berlin 1869...... 167 78 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - A.W. Berlin 1870...... 168 79 Span ish Game Munk - JHZ Berlin 1870...... 168 80 Dan ish Gam bit JHZ - Munk Berlin 1870...... 169 81 King’s Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - L**** Berlin 1870...... 170 82 Bishop’s Open ing JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - L**** Berlin 1870...... 170 83 King’s Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - L**** Berlin 1870...... 171 84 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Dufresne & Von Schutz Berlin 1870...... 172 85 Vi enna Gam bit H**** - JHZ Berlin 1870...... 172 86 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Wladimiroff Berlin 1870...... 173 87 King’s Gam bit JHZ - Munk & Allies Berlin 1870 ...... 174 88 Ponziani Open ing JHZ - Munk Berlin 1870...... 176 89 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Munk Berlin 1870...... 177 90 Bishop’s Open ing JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - A**** Berlin 1871...... 177 91 Ev ans Gam bit Munk - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 178 92 Ev ans Gam bit Munk - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 179 93 Vi enna Game JHZ - Anderssen Berlin 1871...... 181 94 Ev ans Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 181 95 Vi enna Game JHZ - Anderssen Berlin 1871...... 183 96 Ev ans Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 184 97 Vi enna Game JHZ - Anderssen Berlin 1871...... 186 98 Ev ans Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 187 99 Vi enna Game JHZ - Anderssen Berlin 1871...... 188 100 Ev ans Gam bit Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 189 101 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - M**** Berlin 1871...... 190 102 Game Po si tion JHZ (w.o. Õa1) - X. Berlin 1871...... 190 103 King’s Gam bit JHZ - Stosch Berlin 1871...... 190 104 King’s Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - P**** Berlin 1871...... 191 105 Ital ian Game Munk - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 192 106 Span ish Game JHZ - Munk Berlin 1871...... 192 107 Span ish Game Munk - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 193 108 Ev ans Gam bit Winawer - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 195 109 Ev ans Gam bit Winawer - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 197 110 King’s Gam bit JHZ - F**** Berlin 1871...... 198 111 Span ish Game Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 198 112 Span ish Game Anderssen - JHZ Berlin 1871...... 199

533 Johannes Zukertort

113 Bird’s Opening JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - De Kostaki Berlin 1872...... 199 114 Two Knights De fence JHZ - Gos sip Lon don 1872 ...... 201 115 Span ish Game JHZ - Wisker Lon don 1872 ...... 201 116 Vi enna Game JHZ - MacDonnell Lon don 1872 ...... 202 117 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - De Vere Lon don 1872 ...... 203 118 Ital ian Game JHZ - Steinitz Lon don 1872 ...... 204 119 King’s Gam bit Steinitz - JHZ Lon don 1872 ...... 206 120 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Cous ins Lon don 1872 ...... 207 121 King’s Gam bit Ama teur - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1872 ...... 208 122 Scotch Game Hunter and Jenkins - JHZ Glas gow 1873...... 208 123 Ital ian Game JHZ - Ballard Lon don 1873 ...... 209 124 Bird’s Open ing JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Co hen Lon don 1874 ...... 210 125 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àg1) - Osborne Lon don 1874 ...... 210 126 French De fence JHZ - De Vere Lon don 1874 ...... 211 127 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ - De Vere Lon don 1874 ...... 213 128 French De fence JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Sother Lon don 1874...... 215 129 Ev ans Gam bit Coburn - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1874 ...... 216 130 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Ama teur Lon don 1874 ...... 216 131 King’s Gam bit Ranken - JHZ Simpson’s Di van, July 1874 ..217 132 Si cil ian De fence Marrett - JHZ (w.o. f-pawn) St George’s Chess Club 1874 . 218 133 Queen’s Gam bit Cochrane - JHZ St. George’s Chess Club 1874 . 219 134 Ev ans Gam bit Blydenstein - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1874 ...... 220 135 Scotch Game Oppenheim - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1874 ...... 221 136 Bishop’s Opening JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Beardsall Lon don 1874 ...... 222 137 Ital ian Game JHZ & Bird - Pot ter & Wisker Lon don 1874 ...... 223 138 Span ish Game JHZ - Ama teur Nottingham 1875...... 225 139 Ital ian Game Mar tin - JHZ Lon don 1875 ...... 226 140 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Martin Lon don 1875 ...... 228 141 Scotch Game Blackburne & JHZ - Potter & Steinitz Kensington 1875 ...... 229 142 Span ish Game Am a teur - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1875 ...... 234 143 Ital ian Game Blackburne & Potter - Steinitz & JHZ London 1875 .....235 144 Ev ans Gam bit Burn, Steinitz & JHZ - Blackburne, MacDonnell & Bird Glas gow 1875 ...... 240 145 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Moriau Lon don 1875 ...... 242 146 Queen’s Pawn Game Potter - JHZ West End Chess Club 1875 ..243 147 Bird’s Open ing Pot ter - JHZ West End Chess Club 1875 ...247 148 Dutch De fence JHZ - Potter West End Chess Club 1875 ...250 149 Queen’s In dian Def. JHZ - Potter West End Chess Club 1875 ...253 150 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Lindsay Lon don 1875 ...... 257 151 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Martin West End Chess Club 1876 ...258 152 Ital ian Game Janssens - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1876 ...... 259

534 Game list

153 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Janssens Simpson’s Di van 1876 ...... 261 154 King’s Gam bit Martin - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1876 ...... 262 155 Scotch Game MacDonnell - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1876 ...... 264 156 Scotch Game Blackburne - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1876...... 266 157 Old In dian De fence JHZ - Potter Simpson’s Di van 1876...... 268 158 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Dupré Rotter dam 1876 ...... 270 159 King’s Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Ehrlich West End Chess Club 1876 ...272 160 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Wayte St George’s Chess Club 1876 . 272 161 King’s Gam bit Martin - JHZ West End Chess Club 1876 ...273 162 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Minchin West End Chess Club 1876 ...275 163 Vi enna Gam bit JHZ - Minchin St. George’s Chess Club 1877 . 277 164 Queen’s Gam bit Acc. Meier - JHZ Man ches ter 1877 ...... 277 165 Span ish Game MacDonnell & JHZ - Blackburne & Potter Kensington 1877 ..279 166 King’s Gam bit JHZ - Wayte St. George’s Chess Club 1877 . 281 167 Bishop’s Open ing JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Str. West End Chess Clubl 1877 ..283 168 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - W. St. George’s Chess Club 1877 . 284 169 Span ish Game Blackburne - JHZ Lon don 1877 ...... 284 170 Four Knights Game JHZ - Englisch Leip zig 1877...... 287 171 Ev ans Gam bit Paulsen - JHZ Leip zig 1877...... 288 172 Scotch Gam bit Metger - JHZ LeipzigJuly 1877...... 290 173 Scotch Game JHZ - Schallopp Leip zig 1877...... 290 174 Queen’s Gam bit Paulsen, Göring & Metger - Anderssen, JHZ & Schmidt Leip zig 1877 ...... 292 175 Scotch Game Göring - JHZ Co logne 1877 ...... 295 176 Span ish Game Wemmers - JHZ Co logne 1877 ...... 296 177 Four Knights Game JHZ - Hammacher, Kockelkorn, Leffman & Wemmers Co logne 1877...... 298 178 Bishop’s Open ing JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - S. Simpson’s Di van 1877 ...... 300 179 Pirc Def ence F.H. - JHZ (w.o. f7-pawn) Simpson’s Di van 1877 ...... 300 180 Ital ian Game Greenhough - JHZ Lon don 1878 ...... 302 181 Vi enna Gam bit JHZ - Webber London 1878 ...... 303 182 Bishop’s Open ing JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Str. Simpson’s Di van 1878 ...... 305 183 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Strauss Simpson’s Di van 1878 ...... 306 184 Owen’s De fence JHZ - Bird Paris 1878...... 307 185 Ital ian Game Bird - JHZ Paris 1878...... 308 186 French De fence JHZ - Ma son Paris 1878 ...... 309 187 Queen’s Gam bit Acc. JHZ - Gifford Paris 1878...... 310 188 Span ish Game Blackburne - JHZ Paris 1878...... 323 196 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Owen Chislehurst 1878...... 327 197 Queen’s Fianchetto Owen - JHZ Chislehurst 1878...... 329 198 Queen’s Fianchetto Owen - JHZ Chislehurst 1878...... 330 199 Owen’s De fence JHZ - Owen Chislehurst 1878...... 333

535 Johannes Zukertort

200 Franco-Si cil ian Def. Minchin - JHZ (w.o. f7-pawn) St. George’s Chess Club 1879 . 335 201 King’s Fianchetto Minchin - JHZ (w.o. f7-pawn) St. George’s Chess Club 1879 . 336 202 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Minchin St. George’s Chess Club 1879 . 337 203 Span ish Game JHZ - Lewis Dub lin 1879...... 337 204 Vi enna Gam bit JHZ - Hirschfield St. George’s Chess Club 1879 . 338 205 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Carr Cam bridge 1880...... 341 206 Four Knights Game JHZ - Rosenthal St. George’s Chess Club 1880 . 342 207 Span ish Game Rosenthal - JHZ St. George’s Chess Club 1880 . 343 208 Span ish Game Rosenthal - JHZ St. George’s Chess Club 1880 . 346 209 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ - Rosenthal St. George’s Chess Club 1880 . 348 210 King’s Gam bit Bird, Winawer & Blackburne - L.Paulsen, W.Paulsen & JHZ Wiesbaden 1880...... 351 211 Scotch Game X. - JHZ Wiesbaden 1880...... 354 212 Scotch Game Hammacher, Kockelkorn, Leffman & Wemmers - Von Oppenheim & JHZ Co logne Chess Club1880 ...354 213 French De fence Hammacher, Schottländer & JHZ - Bier, Schwarz & Dr. Schwede Bruns wick 1880 ...... 355 214 Span ish Game Frank, L.Paulsen & Schallopp - Niemeyer, Schottländer & JHZ Bruns wick 1880 ...... 357 215 Owen’s De fence JHZ - Tinsley Lon don 1880 ...... 359 216 King’s Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - A.B. St. George’s Chess Club 1880 . 361 217 Vi enna Gam bit Wayte - JHZ St. George’s Chess Club 1881 . 362 218 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Blackburne St. George’s Chess Club 1881 . 363 219 Two Knights De fence Steel - JHZ Simpson’s Di van 1881 ...... 367 220 King’s Gam bit JHZ - Rayner Huddersfield 1881 ...... 369 221 Four Knights Game Walter - JHZ Huddersfield 1881 ...... 370 222 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Blackburne St.George’s Chess Club 1881 . 371 223 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Blackburne St. George’s Chess Club 1881 . 375 224 Queen’s In dian Def. JHZ - Blackburne St George’s Chess Club 1881 . 378 225 Scotch Game Blackburne - JHZ St. George’s Chess Club 1881 . 382 226 Span ish Game Wittek - JHZ Berlin 1881...... 388 227 Span ish Game JHZ - Chigorin Berlin 1881...... 389 228 Ev ans Gam bit Hirschfield - JHZ Mr. Hirschfield’s house 1881 . 391 229 Vi enna Gam bit JHZ - Hirschfield Lon don 1881 ...... 394 230 King’s Gam bit Steinitz - JHZ Vi enna 1882 ...... 395 231 Stonew all Attac k Ware - JHZ Vi enna 1882 ...... 396 232 Si cil ian De fence JHZ - Paulsen,L Vi enna 1882 ...... 398 233 Scotch Game Paulsen,L - JHZ Vi enna 1882...... 399 234 Ital ian Game Schwarz - JHZ Vi enna 1882 ...... 403 235 Bird’s Open ing Fritz - JHZ Mannheim 1882 ...... 404 236 Ev ans Gam bit Dupré - JHZ Rotter dam 1882 ...... 405 237 Span ish Game Chigorin - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 407

536 Game list

238 Scotch Game Mortimer - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 408 239 Queen’s Gam bit Ma son - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 408 240 Four Knights Game Mac ken zie - JHZ London1883...... 411 241 Queen’s Gam bit Skipworth - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 412 242 Queen’s In dian Def. JHZ - Blackburne Lon don 1883 ...... 413 243 Vi enna Game JHZ - Bird Lon don 1883 ...... 418 244 French De fence JHZ - Sellman Lon don 1883 ...... 419 245 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ - Rosenthal Lon don 1883 ...... 420 246 Span ish Game Winawer - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 421 247 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - Englisch Lon don 1883 ...... 422 248 Span ish Game Englisch - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 425 249 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - Ma son Lon don 1883 ...... 427 250 Ital ian Game Noa - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 428 251 Ital ian Game Chigorin - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 430 252 Span ish Game Steinitz - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 432 253 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - Blackburne Lon don 1883 ...... 435 254 Span ish Game Rosenthal - JHZ Lon don 1883 ...... 436 255 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - Judd Manhattan Chess Club 1883..438 256 Span ish Game Judd - JHZ Manhattan Chess Club 1883..439 257 Vi enna Gam bit JHZ - Delmar Manhattan Chess Club 1883..440 258 Dutch De fence JHZ - Simonson Manhattan Chess Club 1883..441 259 Pirc De fence Hanham - JHZ (w.o. f-pawn) Manhattan Chess Club 1883..442 260 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Delmar Manhattan Chess Club 1883..443 261 Span ish Game Sellman - JHZ Balti mor e 1883...... 443 262 Span ish Game Judd - JHZ St. Louis 1884 ...... 445 263 Span ish Game Moehle - JHZ St. Louis Chess Club 1884 ...446 264 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ (w.o. Àb1) - Phillips To ronto 1884 ...... 447 265 Vi enna Game JHZ - Berry Montr eal 1884 ...... 447 266 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Payne Boston Chess Club 1884 ....448 267 Scotch Game JHZ - Wright Boston 1884 ...... 449 268 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Limbeck New York Chess Club 1884 ..450 269 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Marti nez Phila d elphi a Chess Club 1884 451 270 Scotch Game Marti nez - JHZ Phila d elphi a Chess Club 1884 452 271 Ital ian Game JHZ - Marti nez Phila d elphi a Chess Club 1884 453 272 French De fence JHZ - Labatt New Or leans 1884 ...... 454 273 Ital ian Game McConnell - JHZ New Or leans Chess Club 1884 455 274 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - Buck, Dunn, & Seguin New Or leans Chess Club 1884 456 275 Pirc De fence J.Jones - JHZ (w.o. f7-pawn) Lead ville 1884 ...... 457 276 Three Knights Game JHZ - F.Jones Lead ville 1884 ...... 459 277 Vi enna Game JHZ - Frank lin San Fran cisco 1884 ...... 459 278 Vi enna Game JHZ - Frank lin San Fran cisco 1884 ...... 460 279 Span ish Game Fewings - JHZ Southampton 1884 ...... 461

537 Johannes Zukertort

280 Scan di na vian De fence JHZ - Kenny Southampton 1884...... 462 281 Vi enna Game JHZ - Booth Brigh ton 1884 ...... 463 282 Ital ian Game Hirschfield and Hoffer - JHZ Lon don 1885 ...... 465 283 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Foord Manchester 1885 ...... 466 284 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Ser geant Brixton Chess Club 1885 ....467 285 King’s Gam bit JHZ - Bonaparte Wyse Paris 1885...... 468 286 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Bouzon Amiens 1885 ...... 469 287 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Schröder Berlin 1885...... 470 288 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Ranneforth Berlin 1885...... 471 289 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Hirsch Leip zig ...... 471 290 King’s Gam bit JHZ - Weicke Magdeburg 1885...... 472 291 Vi enna Game JHZ - Kastner Chemnitz 1885 ...... 472 292 Two Knights Def. JHZ - Gerold Glauchau 1885 ...... 473 293 Ev ans Gam bit JHZ - Schmid & Seydel Dresden Chess Club 1885 ...473 294 Hun gar ian De fence JHZ - Whitby Liverpool Chess Club 1885 ..474 295 Scotch Game Steinitz - JHZ New York 1886 ...... 475 296 Slav De fence JHZ - Steinitz New York 1886 ...... 480 297 Slav De fence JHZ - Steinitz New York 1886 ...... 484 298 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ - Steinitz New Or leans 1886 ...... 488 299 Span ish Game JHZ - Pollock Lon don 1886 ...... 498 300 Span ish Game Taubenhaus - JHZ Lon don 1886 ...... 499 301 King’s Gam bit Bird - JHZ London 1886 ...... 500 302 Four Knights Game Mac ken zie - JHZ Lon don 1886 ...... 501 303 King’s Gam bit JHZ - Pollock Nottingham 1886 ...... 502 304 Vi enna Game JHZ - Thorold Nottingham 1886 ...... 503 305 Ital ian Game Taubenhaus - JHZ Nottingham 1886 ...... 504 306 French De fence JHZ - Trenchard Brit ish Chess Club 1886.....505 307 French Def ence Mundell - JHZ (odds 2 moves) London 1887...... 506 308 Queen’s Indian Def. Wain wright - JHZ (odds 2 moves) London 1887 ...... 506 309 Franco-Si cil ian Def. Lowe - JHZ (odds f-pawn + 2 moves) London 1887 .....507 310 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - Gunsberg Lon don 1887 ...... 508 311 Queen’s Pawn Game JHZ - Blackburne Lon don 1887 ...... 511 312 Vi enna Game Blackburne - JHZ Lon don 1887 ...... 514 313 Ev ans Gam bit Fritz - JHZ Frank furt 1887 ...... 516 314 Queen’s Gam bit JHZ - Taubenhaus Frank furt 1887 ...... 517 315 French De fence JHZ - Ma son Lon don 1887 ...... 519 316 Queen’s Gam bit Burn - JHZ London 1887 ...... 520 317 Two Knights De fence JHZ - Pollock Simpson’s Di van 1888 ...... 521 318 Vi enna Gam bit JHZ - Grundy Simpson’s Di van 1888 ...... 523 319 French De fence JHZ - Gunsberg Brit ish Chess Club 1888.....524