Local Component: Coastal Zones Monitoring Nomenclature Guideline Date: 15/02/2021 Issue: 1.2

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Local Component: Coastal Zones Monitoring Nomenclature Guideline Date: 15/02/2021 Issue: 1.2 Copernicus Local Land Monitoring Services – EEA/DIS/R0/18/008 Production of Very High Resolution Land Cover/Land Use dataset for Coastal Zones of the reference years 2012 and 2018 Service Contract No EEA/DIS/R0/18/008 Copernicus Land Monitoring Service – Local Component: Coastal Zones Monitoring Nomenclature Guideline Date: 15/02/2021 Issue: 1.2 prepared by: In cooperation with CZ Nomenclature Guideline, Issue: 1.2 Date: 15/02/2021 Page 1 Consortium Partners: Consortium Composition for the Copernicus Local Land Monitoring Services: Production of Very High Resolution Land Cover/Land Use Datasets. Coastal Zones. Organization’s No. Organization’s name Country Start End short name 1 Planetek Italia s.r.l. PKI Italy 2019 2020 2 Planetek Hellas E.P.E. PKH Greece 2019 2020 3 Telespazio Iberica S.p.A. TPZ Spain 2019 2020 4 GeoVille Information Systems GmbH GeoVille Austria 2019 2020 Contact: GeoVille Information Systems and Data Processing GmbH Sparkassenplatz 2 6020 Innsbruck Austria Phone: +43 512 562021-0 – Fax: +43 512 562021-22 E-Mail: [email protected] – Internet: https://www.geoville.com/ Copyright notice: The contents of this document (based on the "Final nomenclature guideline of Riparian Zones, Issue 1.3" from 31/05/2018) are the copyright of European Environment Agency (EEA). It is released by European Environment Agency on the condition that it will not be copied in whole, in section or otherwise reproduced (whether by photographic, reprographic or any other method) and that the contents thereof shall not be divulged to any other person other than of the addressed (save to the other authorised officers of their organisation having a need to know such contents, for the purpose of which disclosure is made by European Environment Agency) without prior consent of European Environment Agency. CZ Nomenclature Guideline, Issue: 1.2 Date: 15/02/2021 Page 2 Document Control Information Settings Value Document Title: Coastal Zones Nomenclature Guideline Production of Very High Resolution Land cover/Land use datasets of coastal Project Title: zones Document Main Florian Innerbichler (GeoVille), Alexander Kreisel (GeoVille), Christian Gruber Authors: (GeoVille) Document Co- Authors: Project Officer: Hans Dufourmont (EEA) Project Manager: Claudio La Mantia (PKI) Doc. Version: 1.2 Coastal Zones project consortium Distribution: Project officer and European Environment Agency Services European Commission Services Confidentiality: Public Document Approver(s) and Reviewer(s) Name Role Action Date Hans Dufourmont Project Officer Document History Revision Date Created by Short description of changes Classes 832 Estuaries and 833 Marine inlets and fjords GeoVille, PKI, PKH, have been swapped. 1.2 15/02/2021 TPZ Reservoirs are defined under 821 Natural lakes and not 822 Reservoirs GeoVille, PKI, PKH, 1.1 01/10/2020 Update of codes according to change in Nomenclature TPZ GeoVille, PKI, PKH, 1.0 24/01/2020 Final Nomenclature Guideline TPZ GeoVille, PKI, PKH, Preliminary Nomenclature Guideline (incl. adaptions 0.3 19/12/2019 TPZ after training, comments to be clarified by EEA) GeoVille, PKI, PKH, Preliminary Nomenclature Guideline (including all 0.2 06/12/2019 TPZ adaptations resulting of the User Consultation) GeoVille, PKI, PKH, Preliminary Nomenclature Guideline (before User 0.1 21/09/2019 TPZ consultation) Applicable Documents ID Document Name / Content 1 EEA/DIS/R0/18/008 Framework Service Contract CZ Nomenclature Guideline, Issue: 1.2 Date: 15/02/2021 Page 3 2 EEA/DIS/R0/18/008 ANNEX I – TENDER SPECIFICATIONS 3 EEA/DIS/R0/18/008 Specific Contract 4 Minutes of Meeting for Kick-Off (22 May 2019) Table of Contents I. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6 II. LC/LU Product Description ............................................................................................................. 6 III. Coastal Zones LC/LU Legend ........................................................................................................... 8 IV. Mapping Rules .............................................................................................................................. 11 V. Definition and rules for change mapping ..................................................................................... 14 VI. Description of Mapping Features ................................................................................................. 18 1 Urban ................................................................................................................................................ 21 2 Cropland ........................................................................................................................................... 76 3 Woodland and forest ...................................................................................................................... 112 4 Grassland ......................................................................................................................................... 139 5 Heathland and scrub ....................................................................................................................... 166 6 Open spaces with little or no vegetation ....................................................................................... 177 7 Wetland ........................................................................................................................................... 201 8 Water............................................................................................................................................... 226 List of Tables Table 1: Product specifications .............................................................................................................. 7 Table 2: Detailed CZ LC/LU classes and cross reference to MAES Level 2 ............................................. 9 Table 3: List of allowed comments ...................................................................................................... 13 Table 4: High level description of the CZ LC/LU nomenclature ........................................................... 18 CZ Nomenclature Guideline, Issue: 1.2 Date: 15/02/2021 Page 4 Abbreviations & Acronyms AOI Area of Interest CLC CORINE Land Cover C.C.D. Crown Cover Density CNES Centre National d'Études Spatiales (National Centre for Space Studies) DEM Digital Elevation Model DWH Data Warehouse of the European Space Agency EC European Commission EEA European Environment Agency EO Earth Observation ESA European Space Agency EU European Union EU-DEM European Digital Elevation Model EU-HYDRO European Hydrography Layer EUNIS European Natural Information System GIO GMES Initial Operations HR High Resolution HRL High Resolution Layer IGN Instituto Geografico Nacional (National Geography Institute) IR Infra-Red IM.D Imperviousness Density LC/LU Land Cover/Land Use LPIS Land Parcel Identification System LUCAS Land Use/Cover area Frame Statistical Survey MAES Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services MMU Minimum Mapping Unit MMW Minimum Mapping Width(s) N/A Not Applicable N2K Natura2000 NDVI Normalised Difference Vegetation Index NIR Near Infra-Red OSM Open Street Map RZ Riparian Zones SPOT Satellite Pour l´Observation de la Terre SIOSE Sistema de Información sobre Ocupación del Suelo de España (Information System on Land Use-Spain) T.C.D./TCD Tree Cover Density UA Urban Atlas VHR Very High Resolution WMS Web Map Service CZ Nomenclature Guideline, Issue: 1.2 Date: 15/02/2021 Page 5 I. Introduction This document provides a comprehensive Land Cover/Land Use nomenclature guideline for the Copernicus local land monitoring product Coastal Zones, which is covering the detailed description of all level 5 classes, their geographic characteristics, available input datasets and relevant methods to interpret the respective classes. II. LC/LU Product Description The Coastal Zones Land Cover/Land Use product is providing a detailed LC/LU dataset for areas along the marine coastline of the EEA39 countries. A 10 km inland buffer zone and the CLC (Corine Land Cover) buffer zone seawards along the coastline define the Area of Interest (AoI) of the CZ mapping. In the first project phase the AoI was amended to include all areas relevant for the Coastal Zones product (estuaries, coastal lowlands, nature reserves). The total covered area on land along all European coastline is approximately 715.000 km². The CZ component contains 3 complementary service elements: a) LC/LU status maps for the reference year 2012 b) LC/LU status maps for the reference year 2018 c) LC/LU change layer 2012-2018 derived from and fully consistent with a) and b) to characterize the evolution of the coastline over time The Coastal Zones LC/LU layer differentiates 71 thematic LC/LU classes. The layers are based on satellite image classification to derive the 2012 and 2018 LC/LU situation. A key element is a visual interpretation and delineation of LC/LU from VHR satellite imagery for the reference years 2012 and 2018. The change detection layer makes use of the LC/LU 2012 status information, applying a visual change interpretation and delineation using the VHR satellite imagery from the reference years 2012 and 2018. The nomenclature is designed based on the MAES ecosystem typology, as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. Furthermore, this LC/LU nomenclature ensures compatibility to other European established LC/LU products such as
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