International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. Volume 15, Issue 7, 2021 Co-integration and Causal Relationship among South Asian and World Equity Markets; Impact of Political Uncertainty Mr. Muhammad Mahbooba, Mr. Muhammad Aksarb (Corresponding Author), Mr. Shoib Hassanc, Dr. Shahzad Hussaind, Mr. Naveed Anjume, aPhD Scholar, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, bLecturer, NUML, Rawalpindi, cPhD Scholar, COMSATS University Islamabad, dAssistant Professor, Foundation University, Islamabad, ePhD Scholar, University of Swabi, Email:
[email protected],
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[email protected] The current research study aims to analyze the relationship and spillover effect among equity markets of South Asian region (Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka) and World developed equity markets (UK and US) along with impact of political uncertainty on volatility of south Asian markets and world equity markets by taking daily time series data from July, 2000 to June, 2017. The current research employed Unrestricted VAR, Johansen Co- integration, Impulse Response Function, Variance Decomposition and VAR Grainger Causality tests. Overall results depicts that weaker correlation exist in all markets except for UK and US. Similarly, no long run co-integration is found, however, world developed markets granger cause themselves and other South Asian markets. Further, variation in all markets is almost due to their own innovation and innovation in other markets. However, KSE has no impact of other markets and major changes are due to its own innovation in short run. The study is a source of awareness for regional and international investors, bankers, fund managers, decision makers, researchers and academia towards making decisions in portfolio diversification and exploits investment opportunities.