30 bus time schedule & line map

30 - Newport via Old , Castleton, View In Website Mode Park

The 30 bus line (Cardiff - Newport via Old St Mellons, Castleton, Tredegar Park) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Cardiff: 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM (2) Newport: 6:40 AM - 8:05 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 30 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 30 bus arriving.

Direction: Cardiff 30 bus Time Schedule 43 stops Cardiff Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Monday 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM Friars Walk 15, Newport 22-24 Upper Dock Street, Newport Tuesday 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM

Kingsway Centre, Newport Wednesday 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM Emlyn Street, Newport Thursday 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM Ebenezer Terrace, Newport Friday 6:45 AM - 8:25 PM Commercial Road, Newport Saturday 7:15 AM - 8:25 PM Police Station, Newport Cardiff Road, Newport

Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport Cardiff Road, Newport 30 bus Info Direction: Cardiff , Newport Stops: 43 Cardiff Road, Newport Trip Duration: 55 min Line Summary: Friars Walk 15, Newport, Kingsway Waterloo Road, Centre, Newport, Ebenezer Terrace, Newport, Police Station, Newport, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Mcdonald`S, Maesglas Belle Vue Park, Newport, Waterloo Road, Maesglas, 100 Cardiff Road, Newport Mcdonald`S, Maesglas, Post Oce, Maesglas, Shops, Maesglas, Park Drive, Maesglas, Tredegar Post Oce, Maesglas Park, Newport, Cleppa Park, Newport, Celtic Springs, Newport, Blacksmith's Way, Coedkernew, Berryhill Shops, Maesglas Farm, Coedkernew, Pound Hill, Castleton, Halfway 195-197 Cardiff Road, Newport Garage, Castleton, Post Oce, Castleton, Bryn Hafren, Castleton, Wyevale Garden Centre, St Park Drive, Maesglas Mellons, Vaindre Lane, Old St Mellons, Llaneirwg Cardiff Road, Newport Way, Old St Mellons, Bluebell Inn, Old St Mellons, The Mount, Rumney, School, Rumney, High School, Tredegar Park, Newport Rumney, Witla Court, Rumney, Highcroft, Rumney, Claremont Crescent, Rumney, Carpenters Arms, Cleppa Park, Newport Rumney, Ty Mawr Road, Rumney, Ipswich Road, , Colchester Avenue Bottom, Penylan, City Celtic Springs, Newport Link, , Royal Oak, Roath, Stacey Road, Roath, Cardiff Road, Coedkernew Priest Road, Roath, Pierceeld Place, Roath, Inrmary 5, , Fitzalan Place, Blacksmith's Way, Coedkernew Adamsdown, Queen Street Station Stop Hf, Cardiff, Customhouse Street Jl, Cardiff Berryhill Farm, Coedkernew

Pound Hill, Castleton

Halfway Garage, Castleton

Post Oce, Castleton

Bryn Hafren, Castleton

Wyevale Garden Centre, St Mellons , Old St. Mellons Community

Vaindre Lane, Old St Mellons

Llaneirwg Way, Old St Mellons

Bluebell Inn, Old St Mellons

The Mount, Rumney

School, Rumney

High School, Rumney

Witla Court, Rumney

Highcroft, Rumney

Claremont Crescent, Rumney

Carpenters Arms, Rumney Newport Road, Community

Ty Mawr Road, Rumney Newport Road, Rumney Community

Ipswich Road, Penylan Newport Road, Cardiff

Colchester Avenue Bottom, Penylan Newport Road, Cardiff

City Link, Roath

Royal Oak, Roath

Stacey Road, Roath

Priest Road, Roath 156 Newport Rd, Cardiff

Pierceeld Place, Roath

Inrmary 5, Adamsdown

Fitzalan Place, Adamsdown Newport Road, Cardiff Queen Street Station Stop Hf, Cardiff

Customhouse Street Jl, Cardiff Custom House Street, Cardiff Direction: Newport 30 bus Time Schedule 43 stops Newport Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Monday 6:40 AM - 8:05 PM Customhouse Street Jl, Cardiff Custom House Street, Cardiff Tuesday 6:40 AM - 8:05 PM

Greyfriars Road Gg, Cardiff Wednesday 6:40 AM - 8:05 PM 1 Kingsway, Cardiff Thursday 6:40 AM - 8:05 PM Dumfries Place Hd, Cardiff Friday 6:40 AM - 8:05 PM Dumfries Place, Cardiff Saturday 7:15 AM - 8:05 PM Inrmary 3, Roath

Elm Street, Roath

Oakeld Street, Roath 30 bus Info Newport Road, Cardiff Direction: Newport Stops: 43 Stacey Road, Roath Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Customhouse Street Jl, Cardiff, Royal Oak, Roath Greyfriars Road Gg, Cardiff, Dumfries Place Hd, Cardiff, Inrmary 3, Roath, Elm Street, Roath, City Link, Roath Oakeld Street, Roath, Stacey Road, Roath, Royal Oak, Roath, City Link, Roath, Colchester Avenue Colchester Avenue Bottom, Penylan Bottom, Penylan, Ipswich Road, Penylan, Castle Avenue, Rumney, Ty Mawr Road, Rumney, Ipswich Road, Penylan Carpenters Arms, Rumney, Llanrumney Ave, Rumney, Highcroft, Rumney, Taunton Crescent, Rumney, High Newport Road, Cardiff School, Rumney, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Rumney, Castle Avenue, Rumney Bluebell Inn, Old St Mellons, Llaneirwg Way, Old St Mellons, Wern Fawr Lane, Old St Mellons, Wyevale Castle Avenue, Rumney Community Garden Centre, St Mellons, St Olaves, Castleton, Ty Mawr Road, Rumney Coach & Horses, Castleton, Halfway Garage, Castleton, Pound Hill, Castleton, Berryhill Farm, Carpenters Arms, Rumney Coedkernew, Blacksmith's Way, Coedkernew, Celtic Springs, Newport, Cleppa Park, Newport, Tredegar Newport Road, Llanrumney Community Park, Maesglas, Park Drive, Maesglas, St Thomas` Llanrumney Ave, Rumney Church, Maesglas, Shops, Maesglas, Harlech Retail Park, Maesglas, Mcdonald`S, Maesglas, Waterloo Road, Maesglas, Belle Vue Park, Newport, Royal Highcroft, Rumney Gwent Hospital, Newport, Police Station, Newport, Kingsway Centre, Newport, Friars Walk 15, Newport Taunton Crescent, Rumney Taunton Crescent, Llanrumney Community

High School, Rumney

Mount Pleasant Avenue, Rumney

Bluebell Inn, Old St Mellons

Llaneirwg Way, Old St Mellons

Wern Fawr Lane, Old St Mellons

Wyevale Garden Centre, St Mellons St Olaves, Castleton

Coach & Horses, Castleton Newport Road, Marsheld Community

Halfway Garage, Castleton

Pound Hill, Castleton

Berryhill Farm, Coedkernew

Blacksmith's Way, Coedkernew

Celtic Springs, Newport Cardiff Road, Coedkernew Community

Cleppa Park, Newport

Tredegar Park, Maesglas

Park Drive, Maesglas Cardiff Road, Newport

St Thomas` Church, Maesglas Old Cardiff Road, Newport

Shops, Maesglas

Harlech Retail Park, Maesglas 144 Cardiff Road, Newport

Mcdonald`S, Maesglas Cardiff Road, Newport

Waterloo Road, Maesglas

Belle Vue Park, Newport 67 Cardiff Road, Newport

Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport 13 Cardiff Road, Newport

Police Station, Newport 2 Cardiff Road, Newport

Kingsway Centre, Newport Ebenezer Terrace, Newport

Friars Walk 15, Newport 22-24 Upper Dock Street, Newport 30 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved