AR International post-GPU/UPU France & colonies (v 1.1) I suggest reading the ar book ( first, for a general description of worldwide ar. The other exhibits, mini- & micro-, are also downloadable from Richard Frajola's exhibit site, Higher resolution pdfs are possible but require a dvd; please contact me if interested. Comments, suggestions, contributions welcomed. David Handelman
[email protected] May 2019 Revised version (1.1), December 2019. Numerous covers from the Spink sale of the Grabowski collection (November 2019) have been added; in addition, things I found lying around my office since May, as well as newly-purchased e-Bay material, have been included. Typos and errors have been replaced by better ones! Two items worth mentioning are the (apparently unique) 1897 St Pierre & Miquelon arcover (from the Grabowski sale), and the 1876 a r form returned from Belgium (rediscovered in my office—I had purchased it in March 2018). Very helpful comments were received from Mick Bister (uk) and Ed Grabowski (us). France and colonies rance adopted avis de réception service domestically at least as early as 1859, but there is even Fevidence of some form of ar in the eighteenth century. It joined the upu 1 January 1876, and most of its colonies joined in July. Although it was not required to offer ar service internationally on joining (this only came into effect in 1879), it did so immediately. In fact, pre-upuinternational ar service existed: domestic ar forms were occasionally used inter- nationally.