Regional US History Bee Round 5

1. This state is where the racial Rosewood Massacre occurred. The oldest settlement in the United States, St. Augustine, is located in this state. Osceola was a chieftain of an American Indian tribe from this state, the Seminoles. What is this state, whose ballots suffered from "hanging chads" that brought about the crisis of the 2000 election? ANSWER: Florida 080-13-91-05101 2. This general created the Anaconda Plan to fight the Confederacy. He oversaw the removal of Cherokee from the southeast, and he led the forces that captured Veracruz and marched into Mexico City. He was the Whig presidential candidate who lost to Franklin Pierce. Who was this general during the Mexican American War, nicknamed “Old Fuss and Feathers?” ANSWER: Winfield Scott 027-13-91-05102 3. This man was President when Andrew Jackson invaded Florida in the First Seminole War, and Florida was ceded to the United States in the Adams-Onis Treaty. His Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, helped draft a message prohibiting European powers from interfering in the New World; that message became his "doctrine." Who is this president who served during the Era of Good Feelings? ANSWER: James Monroe 080-13-91-05103 4. This event gave an immediate boost to Eugene McCarthy's Presidential campaign, leading to a win in the New Hampshire primary. This event caused influential newsman Walter Cronkite to turn against the President's policy, and it took place in January 1968 on the lunar new year. What was this attack on the American embassy in Saigon and dozens of other targets in Vietnam? ANSWER: the Tet Offensive 019-13-91-05104 5. This university is where a physics researcher was killed in the 1970 bombing of its Sterling Hall. This university was involved in a namesake "idea" in which its faculty directly advised the state government. The satirical newspaper The Onion was founded at this university in 1998. What is this university, a "Public Ivy" and Big Ten member located in Madison? ANSWER: University of Wisconsin-Madison 019-13-91-05105 6. This device's low-slung "safety" version was introduced in the 1880s, replacing earlier models such as the "boneshaker" and the high-seated "penny-farthing." Prior to the first flight of the airplane, thse devices were repaired in the Wright Brothers' shop. What was this device whose nineteeth-century "craze" heralded the first period of unrestricted transportation for women? ANSWER: bicycles 019-13-91-05106

Regional US History Bee 5 Page 1 of 10 7. This city's water department pays a farrier to forge shoes for its zero horses. Kevyn Orr is currently serving as crisis manager for this city. Serial text-messager Kwame Kilpatrick was a mayor of this city. Mitt Romney controversially wrote an editorial called "Let" this city "Go Bankrupt;" in 2013, it declared bankruptcy. What is this beleaguered city in Michigan that contains the headquarters of General Motors? ANSWER: Detroit, Michigan 080-13-91-05107 8. This election's Democratic contenders were dubbed the "seven dwarfs." The winner of this election had sworn, "Read my lips: no new taxes" and used the Willie Horton ad to discredit his opponent, former Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis. What is this election year in which George H.W. Bush won the presidency? ANSWER: Election of 1988 [or the Bush-Dukakis Election] 080-13-91-05108 9. This man bribed New York representatives to allow him to issue fake stock during the Erie War he fought against Cornelius Vanderbilt. This man used a connection with Abel Corbin, Ulysses S. Grant's brother-in-law, to conspire to drive up the price of gold, leading to a crisis on Black Friday. Who was this financier, a "robber baron" who conspired with Jim Fisk? ANSWER: Jay Gould 080-13-91-05109 10. This building was the site of an errant B-25 bomber crash in July 1945. This building's spire was built on the pretext of being a docking station for airships, though it was actually intended to qualify it as the world's tallest building upon its 1931 completion. Dozens of TV and radio stations transmit from this building. What is this Manhattan landmark, named after the state motto of New York? ANSWER: the Empire State Building 019-13-91-05110 11. These things are planned to be fixed by reducing COLAs from their current rate of 3%. The governor of a Midwestern state used a line-item veto to eliminate lawmakers' pay for failing to fix these things. Pat Quinn has urged lawmakers to reform these to avoid bankruptcy for Illinois. What are these payments owed to state employees that Illinois is struggling to reform? ANSWER: state pensions 080-13-91-05111 12. These devices once used a compound invented by the environmentally unlucky Thomas Midgley, freon. North Carolina textile mill owner Stuart Cramer coined the name for these devices. Willis Carrier invented them in 1902 in Buffalo. What are these objects, which opened the door to economic and population expansion in the South and the Sunbelt after World War II by fighting summertime heat? ANSWER: air conditioners 019-13-91-05112 13. This President proposed a federal takeover of Medicaid in return for devolving welfare programs to the state level as part of "New Federalism." He proposed a Strategic Defense Initiative anti-missile system which was dubbed "Star Wars" and was hurt by the Iran-Contra scandal. Name this President who was in power for most of the 1980s after defeating Jimmy Carter. ANSWER: Ronald Wilson Reagan 019-13-91-05113

Regional US History Bee 5 Page 2 of 10 14. This film's male lead threatened to boycott its premiere because supporting actress Hattie McDaniel was barred from attending by segregation laws. McDaniel became the first black Oscar winner for this film, which also won awards for director Victor Fleming and star Vivien Leigh. What was this 1939 Civil War epic, based on a Margaret Mitchell novel about Scarlett O'Hara? ANSWER: Gone With the Wind

019-13-91-05114 15. This was the home state of FDR's Secretary of State, Cordell Hull. Before becoming vice president, Andrew Johnson governed this state. Martin Luther King was assassinated in this state, whose namesake river lends its name to a "Valley Authority" established by FDR. What is this state, where country music was born in Nashville? ANSWER: Tennessee 080-13-91-05115 16. This man wrote a widely read autobiographical article, "A Boy Who Was Traded for a Horse" and published forty-four namesake "bulletins." He discovered processes for making vinegar out of sweet potatoes and paint out of soybeans. He was educated at Booker T. Washington's Tuskegee Institute. Identify this agricultural chemist who found hundreds of uses for peanuts. ANSWER: George Washington Carver 019-13-91-05116 17. This ethnic group of immigrants included the "Pennsylvania Dutch," and they name a neighborhood in northwest Philadelphia and a "coast" of Louisiana. Mennonites and Moravians belonged to this group. Publisher John Peter Zenger belonged to this group of immigrants, who populated much of Pennsylvania. What is this group of immigrants from the Palatine region of Europe? ANSWER: German-American immigrants 080-13-91-05117 18. This man's plan was to capture the armory in Jerusalem, and he was inspired by a solar eclipse. He attempted to lead his men into the Great Dismal Swamp, but was stopped by the local militia. He learned how to read from his master’s son. He led seven men in murdering the Travis family, and went on to lead about 75 men in a massacre of 60 others. Who was this slave who led a failed revolt in Virginia? ANSWER: Nat Turner 027-13-91-05118 19. This movement was referenced by athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos when they raised their fists at the 1968 Olympics. Popularized by SNCC head Stokely Carmichael, this concept was encouraged by Malcolm X and the Black Panthers. Identify this two-word phrase referring to the goals of self-determination sought by African-Americans. ANSWER: "black power" 080-13-91-05119 20. This policy for women was ruled unconstitutional in Adkins v. Children's Hospital, though West Coast Hotel v. Parrish upheld this type of policy. It was first introduced on the national level by the Fair Labor Standards Act. What type of law guarantees a baseline hourly income for workers? ANSWER: minimum wage 080-13-91-05120

Regional US History Bee 5 Page 3 of 10 21. This actor played a hapless prospector forced to eat his boot in the film The Gold Rush. In another movie, his character is mistaken for a Hitler-like dictator. This star of City Lights and The Great Dictator wore a bowler hat and sported a mustache in his most famous persona. Who is this silent movie comedian that adopted the “Little Tramp” persona? ANSWER: Charles “Charlie” Chaplin

052-13-91-05121 22. These objects were initially designed by a man who said that "form follows function." These objects, which Louis Sullivan designed, became practical in conjunction with new steel refining processes and Elisha Otis's invention of the safety elevator. What was this urban phenomenon which first appeared as Chicago's Home Insurance Building, which was ten stories high? ANSWER: skyscrapers 019-13-91-05122 23. This decade is when the Black Warrior affair soured American relations with Spain and the Ostend Manifesto was issued. Matthew Perry arrived in Japan during this decade, during which the "doughface" Presidents were in office. What was this decade in which the beating of Charles Sumner and the Dred Scott decision presaged the following decade's Civil War? ANSWER: the 1850s 019-13-91-05123 24. This cabinet member is in charge of a program that controversially labels plans as "bronze," "gold," and "silver." This official controversially overruled an FDA decision to make the morning after pill available over the counter for minors. This Democrat governed Kansas from 2003 to 2009. Who is this Secretary of Health and Human Services? ANSWER: Kathleen Sebelius 080-13-91-05124 25. This woman was offered in exchange for $70 of food to every poor Californian, which was initially accepted. She claimed to suffer from Stockholm syndrome when, under the name "Tania," she robbed the Hibernia Bank in 1974. Who was this newspaper heiress who was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army and allegedly brainwashed into aiding their acts of terrorism? ANSWER: Patricia "Patty" Hearst 019-13-91-05125 26. This man is the subject of Jon Krakauer's book Where Men Win Glory, and his death was the subject of a "cover-up" involving Colonal Ralph Kayzlarich, who said that his family should not be interested in what happened to him because he was an atheist. Who was this former Arizona State and Cardinals safety who was killed after leaving football to join the Army? ANSWER: Pat Tillman 019-13-91-05126 27. This man's Presidential campaign suggested that Vietnam should be bombed "back to the Stone Age." His capture of five states' electoral votes inspired Republicans to court his supporters with the "Southern Strategy." In 1963, his "stand in the schoolhouse door" resisted integration of the University of Alabama. Name this governor who ran an independent Presidential campaign in 1968. ANSWER: George Wallace 019-13-91-05127

Regional US History Bee 5 Page 4 of 10 28. This law was sponsored by a Vermont legislator who also names the bill that criminalized bigamy in the United States. Supplemented by the 1887 Hatch Act, it granted each state 30,000 acres of land per each of its congressmen which it could use to promote education. Institutions created under it include Cornell, MIT, and Virginia Tech. What 1862 law allowed states to create land-grant colleges and universities. ANSWER: Morrill Land-Grant Act 015-13-91-05128 29. This lawyer was Aaron Burr’s counsel during an investigation of Burr’s plans to establish an empire. He lost the presidency to James K. Polk, and he created the plan that became the Compromise of 1850. He became Secretary of State by supporting John Quincy Adams against Andrew Jackson in the “corrupt bargain.” Who was this Kentucky Senator, known as the “Great Compromiser?” ANSWER: Henry Clay 027-13-91-05129 30. This conductor’s Young Persons’ Concerts were broadcast on CBS. On Christmas Day, 1989, he conducted a performance of Beethoven’s 9th symphony that replaced the word “joy” with freedom” to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall. He worked with lyricist Stephen Sondheim to write a musical where Tony, a Jet, is killed after falling in love with the Puerto Rican Maria, whose relatives are in the Sharks gang. Who was this composer of the musical West Side Story? ANSWER: Leonard Bernstein (or Louis Bernstein) 027-13-91-05130 31. This kind of attraction was the site of a disastrous 1944 fire that left the unidentified "Little Miss 1565" behind. The largest one of these in the U.S. is operated by Feld Entertainment, which also runs Disney on Ice, and is the descendant of a show created by James Anthony Bailey and the Ringling Brothers. What is this type of traveling attraction, which P.T. Barnum operated and which often involves "three rings?" ANSWER: circus 019-13-91-05131 32. This event's causes were analyzed by Michael Lewis in The Big Short. George W. Bush passed TARP to deal with this event, which Democrats argue occurred because a bubble formed after the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. What is this event that toppled the American economy in 2007? ANSWER: the 2007 financial crisis [or the subprime mortgage crisis; prompt on the stock market crash and other answers] 080-13-91-05132 33. This initiative was spied on by Soviet agent David Greenglass via Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. This initiative was begun after Enrico Fermi and Albert Einstein wrote letters to Franklin Roosevelt. It was supervised by Leslie Groves and Robert Oppenheimer. Identify this project which, in 1945 at Alamogordo, tested the first atomic bomb. ANSWER: the Manhattan Project 019-13-91-05133 34. This film’s title character ends the movie by performing “My Mammy.” The protagonist performs “Kol Nidre” at a Yom Kippur service, and at one point, tells his audience “You ain’t heard nothing yet!” This film’s protagonist is the son of a rabbi, and performs in blackface. What is this 1927 musical starring Al Jolson, the first feature-length “talking” picture? ANSWER: The Jazz Singer


Regional US History Bee 5 Page 5 of 10 35. This bill was amended by Hubert Humphrey to outlaw mandatory busing programs. This law was upheld in the Heart of Atlanta Motel case, which defined a "public accomodation." Robert Byrd's filibuster of this bill failed to prevent Lyndon Johnson from signing it. Identify this omnibus 1964 law which outlawed racial discrimination in many aspects of American life. ANSWER: Civil Rights Act of 1964 019-13-91-05135 36. This Constitutional amendment was the basis of the Escobedo v. Illinois decision, which discussed who could be present at a police interrogation. This amendment was also central to a case that overturned the Scottsboro Boys decision, Gideon v. Wainwright. Identify this amendment which guarantees criminal defendants the right to an attorney. ANSWER: Sixth Amendment 019-13-91-05136 37. This man defeated Horatio Gates at the Battle of Camden as part of his leadership of the Southern theater of the Revolutionary War. His final defeat in America came at the hands of the French comte de Rochambeau, the admiral de Grasse, and George Washington in Virginia. Who was this British general, who surrendered at Yorktown to end the Revolutionary War? ANSWER: Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess and 2nd Earl Cornwallis 027-13-91-05137 38. This state’s Mormon extermination order allowed residents to kill Mormons during the Mormon War here. Thomas Hart Benton was a senator from this state. Its “bootheel” exists so that it extended south of the 36-30 North parallel, and it was made part of the Union at the same time as Maine. What is this state, which was the namesake of an 1820 “compromise” over slave states? ANSWER: Missouri 027-13-91-05138 39. This lawsuit against the district attorney of Dallas County, Texas caused Harry Blackmun to write that only “compelling state interest” justifies regulating privacy. This case was ruled at the same day as Doe v. Bolton, and its plaintiff is a born-again Christian activist named Norma McCorvey. What was this Supreme Court case that removed many state restrictions on abortion? ANSWER: Roe v. Wade 027-13-91-05139 40. This industry's 1912 strike inspired Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal." Workers in this industry formed the "Molly Maguires" secret society. The CIO was founded by John Lewis, who long led a union of workers in this industry. What is this industry which extracted an energy resource from Pennsylvania and West Virginia? ANSWER: anthracite coal mining 019-13-91-05140 41. These places' effect on free speech rights were the subject of the Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court case. Horace Mann was an advocate for these places, which were at the center of the Engel v. Vitale ruling on institutional prayer at these places. What are these places which, in 1954's Brown decision, were racially integrated? ANSWER: public schools 019-13-91-05141

Regional US History Bee 5 Page 6 of 10 42. This former wife of John Timberlake was defrauded by her third husband, the dance teacher Antonio Buchignani. Because she remarried a senator soon after her first husband’s death, John C. Calhoun’s wife publicly shunned her. Who was this wife of a secretary of war, whose social ostracism led to Andrew Jackson dismissing part of his cabinet and having Martin van Buren become his vice president in the “Petticoat Affair?” ANSWER: Margarent O’Neill “Peggy” Eaton 027-13-91-05142 43. This religious denomination operates public "reading rooms" and publishes a foreign affairs-focused newsmagazine called its "monitor." This denomination was founded by the author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy. What is this Christian church which preaches that medical care should be avoided and replaced with prayer? ANSWER: Christian Science [or Church of Christ, Scientist] 019-13-91-05143 44. This landmark's restoration was funded by a 1983 campaign led by Chrysler donated one penny from every American Express purchase. This statue holds a tablet inscribed with the Emma Lazarus poem "The New Colossus." Frederic Bartholdi designed this statue, with structural assistance from Gustave Eiffel. It was a gift for the American centennial from France. Identify this iconic statue which stands on an island in New York Harbor. ANSWER: the Statue of Liberty [or Liberty Enlightening the World] 019-13-91-05144 45. This author wrote a travelogue detailing the trip of the Quaker City through Europe called The Innocents Abroad. The feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons figures in a novel by this author about a boy who travels down the Mississippi River with Jim, an escaped slave. Who is this regionalist author originally named Samuel Clemens, who created Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. ANSWER: Mark Twain [or Samuel Clemens before it is read] 080-13-91-05145 46. This state celebrates the unique July 24 holiday of Pioneer Day. This state is where an 1848 harvest was saved by the "," which is why a "Seagull Monument" is found at its in front a large "Assembly Hall." This state is the origin of the longest-running radio show in the world. What is this home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? ANSWER: 019-13-91-05146 47. This system of governance caused conflicts which were the subject of the Annapolis Convention. The Northwest Ordinance is one of the laws created under this document that remained in force after it was replaced. Shays’ Rebellion in Massachussetts demonstrated the weaknesses of this document. What was this document that was created to govern the United States, before it was replaced by the Constitution? ANSWER: Articles of Confederation 027-13-91-05147 48. This ethnic group may have been the subject of signs indicating none of them "need apply," a topic debated by historians. Members of this ethnicity controlled nineteenth-century Tammany Hall and won civil service appointments that led to the nicknaming of police vehicles as "paddy wagons." What was this group that emigrated in large numbers from a potato famine? ANSWER: Irish-Americans [or immigrants to the U.S. from Ireland, etc.] 019-13-91-05148

Regional US History Bee 5 Page 7 of 10 49. This landmark was conceived by Doane Robinson as a tribute to western icons such as Red Cloud and Lewis and Clark. Senator Peter Norbeck funded a reformulated program for this landmark, which began work in 1927 under the direction of sculptor Gutzon Borglum. What is this landmark in South Dakota's Black Hills that depicts George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt? ANSWER: Mount Rushmore 019-13-91-05149 50. This state was the namesake of an "Exposition and Protest" written by its senator, John C. Calhoun. It threatened to secede over the “Tariff of Abominations” during the Nullification Crisis. Robert Anderson was besieged by P.G.T Beauregard’s forces in 1861 in this state’s Fort Sumter. What state was the site of the first battle of the Civil War, in the harbor of its city Charleston? ANSWER: South Carolina 027-13-91-05150 51. This procedure was the subject of the 2002 Atkins v. Virginia case, which exempted the mentally retarded from it. This process was reinstated by the Gregg v. Georgia case, which resumed it after Furman v. Georgia suspended it as cruel and unusual punishment. Identify this controversial sentence for capital murder, practiced in thirty-two states. ANSWER: the death penalty 019-13-91-05151 52. This sport's championship was first won consecutively by Oklahoma A&M and St. John's, during the 1940s when it had two rival championship tournaments. Former powerhouse CCNY was derailed by a point-shaving scandal in this sports, whose longtime contenders include Kentucky, Kansas, and Duke. What is this sport whose 2013 championship was won by the Cardinals of the University of Louisville? ANSWER: NCAA Division I men's basketball 019-13-91-05152 53. This country's U.S. ambassador, Henry Lane Wilson, orchestrated a coup against its leader in 1913 during the Ten Tragic Days. A year later, President Wilson responded to the Tampico Affair by ordering American occupation of Veracruz. During World War I, British intelligence intercepted a German request for this country to wage war on the United States. What is this country which the Zimmerman telegram was sent to? ANSWER: Mexico 015-13-91-05153 54. This woman graduated from Stanford Law, after which she was offered a job as a secretary at a law firm before being forced to become a deputy District Attorney in San Mateo. She replaced Potter Stewart, after having been the first female Majority Leader of the Arizona State Senate. She was the swing vote in the cases Lawrence v. Texas and Bush v. Gore. Who was this first female Supreme Court Justice? ANSWER: Sandra Day O’Connor [or Sandra Day] 027-13-91-05154 55. This century included the purchase of Manhattan for about 60 guilders by Peter Minuit. During this century, the Dominion of New England was created under the leadership of Sir Edmund Andros. In this century, Englishmen fought the Pequot War and King Philip's War against American Indian tribes. What is this century when Jamestown and Plymouth founded? ANSWER: the 17th Century 080-13-91-05155

Regional US History Bee 5 Page 8 of 10 56. This tribe signed the treaty of New Echota to give up their lands. This language’s writing system is a syllabary created by Sequoyah. They were one of the Five Civilized tribes, along with the Seminole, Creek, Chickasaw, and Choctaw. What is this Indian tribe that was forced to settle in Oklahoma after traveling the Trail of Tears? ANSWER: Cherokee 027-13-91-05156 57. This denomination included Moses Brown, the founder of the first cotton thread factory in the U.S., and the founders of the first American anti-slavery society. Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon belonged to this denomination. Identify this pacifist, egalitarian form of Christianity which found a refuge from British persecution in Pennsylvania. ANSWER: Quakers [or Quakerism; or Religious Society of Friends] 019-13-91-05157 58. This man's monopoly was opposed by the "Silent Brigade" of Kentucky in the most violent extended conflict in post-Civil War America, the Black Patch War. This owner of the American Tobacco Company created "the richest girl in the world" when he left his fortune to his daughter. Identify this man who also endowed Trinity College of Durham, North Carolina into the university which now bears his name. ANSWER: James Buchanan Duke 019-13-91-05158 59. This legislation was named for the running mate of George McClellan in the 1864 Presidential election. It was intended to end a system known as the Spoils System. Signed into law by Chester A. Arthur and spurred by the assassination of James A. Garfield, this law forbade consideration of nepotism and political affiliation in hiring for many government posts. What is this 1883 Civil Service reform act? ANSWER: Pendleton Civil Service Act 015-13-91-05159 60. This man changed his last name from "Little" to protest the loss of African identity in America. This disciple of Elijah Muhammad denounced "blue-eyed white devils" before his trip to Mecca, after which he preached racial harmony. He was killed in February 1965 while giving a speech in Manhattan. Who was this former spokesman for the Nation of Islam and militant black activist? ANSWER: Malcolm X 019-13-91-05160

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61. This territory was divided by James II between George Carteret and Lord Berkeley; later, it was governed by Philip Carteret. Ben Franklin's illegitimate son William governed this colony during the Revolutionary War, when George Washington crossed the Delaware to surprise a group of Hessians on Christmas Day. What is this colony, the site of the Battle of Trenton? ANSWER: New Jersey 080-13-91-05161 62. This medium's most lauded early example was George Herriman's Krazy Kat. The appearance of one of these features by Richard Outcault in Joseph Pulitzer's New York World inspired the term "yellow journalism." What was this popular entertainment medium whose examples included Gasoline Alley, Blondie, and Peanuts? ANSWER: comic strips [or newspaper comics; prompt on comics so as to distinguish from comic books] 019-13-91-05162 63. This artistic movement included the creator of collages such as The Calabash. Another member of this movement wrote the poems "Mother to Son" and "The Weary Blues." Romare Bearden, Countee Cullen, and Langston Hughes were part of this artistic movement, which emerged in a New York neighborhood in the 1920s. Name this movement in which new art and literature was produced by African-American creators. ANSWER: the Harlem Renaissance 019-13-91-05163 64. This man won his current position by defeating attorney Paul Sadler to succeed Kay Bailey Hutchinson. In a September action, this man read from Green Eggs and Ham and quoted Star Wars, although Harry Reid said it was a “waste of time.” Who is this Texas Senator who spoke for twenty-one hours in a 2013 speech opposing the Affordable Care Act? ANSWER: Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz


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