and gave all his money to the sup WOMAN'S SUITS DRIVE MAN TO port of his family, so that he did not POVERTY AND SUICIDE have money to pay his way in, yet Stamford, Conn., March 24. In he envied the boys and girls did the twilight of a life filled with many have money to gain admission and spectacular episodes that gained him who were mside baying a good , notoriety throughout the country In his own words, he was lonely and ruined his career, Harry Thurs.-to- n outside. A Big Brother to whom this Peck, 58, professor in Columbia boy was paroled could see that he had University and an author of repute, healthful amusement in the places suicided by shooting himself through where this amusement is provided the . and of the boy does not know, Prof. Peck's suicide was the climax He could direct the boy's mind in of a long train of difficulties which the channel of study, of interesting began in June, 1910, when Miss Es- reading. He could implant the seed ther Quinn of Cambridge, Mass., a of ambition and worthy desire to be newspaper woman, sued the profes- come a success in life. sor for $50,000 for breach of promise Other boys have been arrested in of marriage, alleging that he had" poolrooms, another place where boys maintained improper relations with lounge who do not want to stay her for months. This suit was filed no Peck's first wife had divorced home amidst squalor jmd have after " where to go. And one-doe- not need him and he had married another wo- - to be a reformer to realize that a man, a "brain affinity." poolroom will not implant very The publication of Miss Quinn's healthful ideas m a young brain. suit against Peck caused a great sen- Judge Scully appeals not only for sation inNew York and throughout Big Brothers to whom he can parole educational circles the country over these boys, but he asks that business and columns of Miss Quinn's- - sensa- houses that- - are in need of the serv- tional story were printed. This hurt ices of boys of from 17 to 21 shall Peck greatjy. Miss Quinn woja her send him their names, so that he will suit ior $&u,uuu and later another be able to'send-the- boys who need suit for $100,000 for libel. It marked employment. the end of Peck's prominence in edu- There has .never been a better cated circles and forced him into chance for men of every creed and bankruptcy. nationality in whose hearts grows He was living in a $4 room when the flower of human kindness; to he suicided. perform a lasting service toward the betterment of the race., , COLORED TEETH LATEST STYLE And Judge Scully believes there are Colored teeth to match your hair. many, many Big Brothers who1 will with a range of hues as varied as in respond to this appeal, once it has the new line of wigs, were suggest- reached them. There cannot be too to the international Dental Con- many, and any Big Brother who gress in session here today by Pro- spends a day in the Boys' Court will fessor Edwin T. Darby of the Uni realize the necessity of his versity of Pennsylvania. He hinted with the "Big Brother" who pre- that the time may come when fash- sides over it. ionable woman will have her hair, gown and fillings of her teeth all of whereIs SHE? one color. ' It is contended that women over 30 "Nowadays the artistic sensibili years of age are eligible to the office ties of dentists are shocked by too . of governor of Illinois. But where is great a display of gold in the mouth," the Illinois woman who is over. 30? said Prof. J3arby.