Zooniverse: Observing the World’s Largest Citizen Science Platform Robert Simpson Kevin R. Page David De Roure Department of Physics Oxford e-Research Centre Oxford e-Research Centre University of Oxford University of Oxford University of Oxford United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT data is shown to users in the form of images, video and au- This paper introduces the Zooniverse citizen science project dio via one of the Zooniverse websites. Volunteers are shown and software framework, outlining its structure from an ob- how to perform that required analysis via a simple guide or servatory perspective: both as an observable web-based sys- tutorial such that they can then identify, classify, mark, and tem in itself, and as an example of a platform iteratively label them as researchers would do. developed according to real-world deployment and used at The first Zooniverse project, Galaxy Zoo [4, 3], launched scale. We include details of the technical architecture of Zo- in July 2007 and successfully engaged 165,000 volunteers in oniverse, including the mechanisms for data gathering across the morphological classification of images of galaxies. The the Zooniverse operation, access, and analysis. We consider early success of this first project led the team behind it to the lessons that can be drawn from the experience of design- explore new research domains and types of task and user ing and running Zooniverse, and how this might inform de- interface. velopment of other web observatories.