The Very Hungry Caterpillar Mrs. Hyde’s Class

Caterpillar/Ian: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Everyone: By Eric Carle.

Narrator 1/Sofia: In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.

Narrator 2/Anna: One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and-pop- out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.

Narrator 3/Kiersten: Knowing there were so many delicious foods out there, he decided to travel the world.

Paella/Luke: On Monday in Spain he ate through 1 serving of paella, a Spanish dish.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Hallaca/Hensley: On Tuesday in Venezuela he ate through 2 , kind of like a !

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Yerba Mate/Elianna: On Wednesday in Argentina he drank 3 gourdfuls of yerba mate, a natural tea.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Arepa/Aetreya: On Thursday in Venezuela he ate through 4 arepas, cooked flatbreads with meat.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Gazpacho/Emerson: On Friday in Spain he ate 5 bowls of gazpacho, a cold tomato soup.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Churro/Brayden: On Saturday in Mexico he ate through 6 churros, fried sugar dough.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Gallo Pinto/Sloan: On Sunday in Costa Rica he ate through 7 bowls of gallo pinto, a rice and bean dish.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Elote/Joey: On Monday in Mexico he ate 8 elotes, corn cobs with chili powder and lime juice.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Chicha Morada/Dawren: On Tuesday in Peru he drank 9 cups of morada, a sweet drink made from .

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Paleta/Kristian: On Wednesday in Mexico he ate through 10 paletas, kind of like popsicles!

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Horchata/Nala: On Thursday in Spain he drank 11 cups of horchata, a milk drink with rice and cinnamon.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Pastel de Tres Leches/Alina: On Friday in Latin America he ate through 12 pasteles de tres leches, a “three milk cake”.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Tortilla Espanola/Mason: On Saturday in Spain he ate through 13 tortilla Española’s, a and onion omelet.

Chivito/Violet: On Sunday in Uruguay he ate through 14 chivitos, sandwiches with beef and mozzarella.

Everyone: But he was still hungry.

Pupusa/Dalton: On Monday in El Salvador he ate through 15 pupusas, a rice flour flatbread stuffed with meat and cheese.

Caterpillar/Ian: That night I had a stomachache.

Narrator 1/Sofia: The next day was Tuesday again.

Narrator 2/Anna: Now he wasn’t hungry anymore-

Narrator 3/Kiersten: and he wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore.

Caterpillar/Ian: I was a big, fat caterpillar.

Narrator 1/Sofia: He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself.

Narrator 2/Anna: He stayed inside for more than two weeks.

Narrator 3/Kiersten: Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and…

Everyone: He was a beautiful butterfly! THE END!