Barts and The A brief history Learn about the long and illustrious history of our medical and dental school, its famous alumni and historic campuses 1 Timeline

The London Medical Newly-built Dental Institute and Foundation of St Dental Hospital and College is established by the 1965 Students’ Clubs Union opened at Bartholomew’s Hospital 1785 1911 Dental School opened 1123 hospital’s surgeon William Blizard The London Hospital by the monk Rahere at The London Hospital

The Robin Brook Centre Women admitted to The London for Medical Education A lecture theatre is constructed Hospital Medical College following 1980 St Bartholomew’s opened at Barts 1791 at St Bartholomew’s Hospital at 1918 a shortage of medical staff in the 1546 Hospitalis re-founded the request of John Abernethy by Henry VIII aftermath of the First World War Pre-clinical teaching combined between the Medical Colleges 1989 of St Bartholomew’s and The London Merger of the former medical 1995 colleges with Queen Mary

Blizard Institute opened at , together with Centre The Medical College of St Charter of Incorporation for 2005 Bartholomew’s Hospital is recognized of the Cell 1822 1921 the Medical College of by the hospital governors First record of pupils training St Bartholomew’s Hospital 1662 at St Bartholomew’s Hospital The Medical College of St Newly built premises (now the Garrod Bartholomew’s Hospital acquired Building) for The London Hospital 1933 1887 the Charterhouse site from the The London Hospital is founded Medical College are opened Merchant Taylors’ School 1740 as The London Infirmary (renamed in 1748)

First patients admitted to the William Harvey Heart 1757 newly-built London Hospital in 2011 Centre opened at Whitechapel Dental Institute re-opened, being the first new dental hospital Establishment of the NHS. Women 2014 building the UK for 40 years St Bartholomew’s and The London admitted to both medical colleges 1900 become constituent colleges of 1948 which had a become a requirement Barts and The London the University of London of the University of London 2017 Malta opens its new campus in Gozo, Malta

2 Barts and The London - A Brief History 3 The London Hospital Medical the Garrod Building, you will see the students on a permanent basis – in fact College, England’s first medical portrait of Frederick Treves, former student today there are more women than men and surgeon to the hospital. Treves was training at Queen Mary! instrumental in setting up the Clubs Union, The London Hospital was fortunate to attract school but he is better known for coming to the some of the best educators of their time with aid of , “the Elephant Man”, staff such as Jonathan Hutchinson, Dorothy and befriending him. Joseph’s skeleton of medical education but they did allow Russell, Henry Souttar, Douglas Northfield The London Hospital was founded in is still part of the pathology collection Blizard and Maddocks a piece of land at and Francis Camps holding academic 1740 to provide care for the sick and poor today (forming part of the Doniach Gallery the eastern end of the hospital on which to positions in specialisms including pathology, of the surrounding population of the East exhibition). , neurology and forensic medicine. End of London. build a lecture theatre and museum. It was made clear that the hospital would make no The Dental School has been at The Royal In 1989, the pre-clinical teaching of Godfrey Webb, who was accepted as the financial contribution, nor would it allow the London since 1911, and has grown into a the college merged with that of St surgeon John Harrison’s pupil in May 1741, lecturers’ private pupils into the wards. The world-renowned training school. A purpose- Bartholomew’s Hospital as the Central was the first of many before the Medical new building was opened in October 1785. built Dental Institute was built in 1965, and East London Confederation (CELC), shortly before a certain Roger Taylor (of College was formally established. In 1783, ‘The London’ very soon built a strong and was re-sited at the Basic Medical Queen) trained there. The Dental Institute William Blizard and Dr James Maddocks reputation for teaching and research. Sciences Building at , Queen now occupies the former Alexandra Wing proposed to the House Committee that Amongst the many early notable alumni Mary & . Following the of the hospital and boasts state-of-the-art a medical school should be established were names such as James Parkinson, recommendations of the Tomlinson Report facilities. in connection with the hospital, so that John Langdon Down, Frederick Treves and (1992) and the governmental response students could receive practical and Thomas Barnardo. The college expanded From 1918-1922 the Medical College allowed to it (‘Making London Better’, 1993), a bill theoretical training, organized along the into new premises in 1887, with a new women to train as doctors due to the was placed before Parliament to unite lines of a University. The committee did library and pathology museum, and in devastating effect of the First World War on the medical colleges with Queen Mary & not feel that the hospital could use the 1893, formed the Clubs Union (the Students’ the hospital’s junior staff. However, it wasn’t Westfield College in 1995. resources of the charity for the purposes Association of today). If you pass through until 1947 when women were accepted as

Illustration of Sir William Blizard, London London Hospital Dental School, Illustration of new London Hospital surgeon c.1911 hospital college building

4 Barts and The London - A Brief History 5 The College and the Hospital were formally St Bartholomew’s separated in 1921, and in 1933-1934, the Medical College purchased the site of Hospital Medical College the former Merchant Taylors’ School in Charterhouse Square. This acquisition enabled it to re-house the pre-clinical The St Bartholomew’s Hospital has In Abernethy’s time, and for some years departments, which were previously in provided healthcare to the citizens of afterwards, a student decided his own cramped quarters on the west side of London from the same site for almost curriculum, attending lectures as he Giltspur Street. In the Second World War, however, the College suffered badly. 900 years. wished, besides walking the wards. Until 1843, students had to arrange their own Most of the buildings on the Charterhouse The first record of medical students accommodation, but in that year, the Square site were damaged or destroyed working within St Bartholomew’s Hospital governors founded a residential college and rebuilding was not completed until occurs in 1662, when the Governors gave to allow the students residence within the 1963. The Robin Brook Centre for Medical orders that “young gentlemen or doctors walls of the hospital. The first warden of the Education was opened in June 1980. or practitioners” should seek permission if college was James Paget, who had already The origins of the merger with The London they wished to be in attendance when the distinguished himself by his discovery of the Hospital Medical College lay in discussions hospital’s physicians were prescribing. In parasitic worm trichinella spiralis while still a beginning in the 1960s and the subsequent 1791, the governors agreed to the request of student, at the age of 21. In 1850, Paget was formation of joint academic departments. As the surgeon John Abernethy for a purpose- largely responsible for the welcome which with The London, the Medical College at St built lecture theatre to be constructed within Barts extended to Elizabeth Blackwell, who Bartholomew’s became part of what is now the hospital. A theatre was built between had just become the first qualified female Queen Mary University of London in 1995. Long Row and what was then Windmill medical practitioner. Today it is home to clinical skills labs, the Court, behind the West Wing, to the design Some of the names to pass through the West Smithfield library and the Pathology of George Dance. hospital include William Harvey, John Museum, which displays a unique and Students working in Barts Hunter, Percival Pott and Olympic Gold important collection of human specimens. Pathology Museum, 1960s medallist Arthur Wint.

Illustration of St Bartholomew’s Engraving of John Abernethy, Henry VIII gatehouse, Hospital in Smithfield surgeon to St Bartholomew’s Hospital St Bartholomew’s Hospital

6 Barts and The London - A Brief History 7 Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Barts is one of the leading medical worldwide presence of its campuses and its schools in the UK, renowned for its multicultural student body. quality of teaching and research. Since the turn of the century a number of important developments have taken The current school was formed in 1995 by place. The (home to the the merger of the former Medical Colleges Blizard Institute and Centre of the Cell) of The and St opened in 2005, a new Dental Institute was Bartholomew’s Hospital (with Queen Mary & established in 2014 (following extensive Westfield College). redevelopment of the adjacent Royal The faculty is made up of six institutes: the London Hospital) and, in 2017, a MBBS Institute of Dentistry, Institute of Health course was launched overseas in Malta. The Sciences Education (IHSE), Barts future looks bright for Barts and The London Institute (BCI), Blizard Institute, William as it continues to build upon its illustrious Harvey Research Institute (WHRI) and the history, with proposed expansion and Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine. plans to support a Life Sciences campus in Its history and diversity is reflected by the Whitechapel by the 2020s.

Dissection room, London Hospital c.1904

Examinations in the Great Hall, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, 1960s The Blizard Building, 2005

8 Barts and The London - A Brief History 9 Distinguished Alumni Dr Thomas Barnardo, 1845-1905 Philanthropist, who studied at the London Hospital during the outbreak of cholera in the 1860s. Barnardo opened his first orphanage in in 1867 and since then the William Harvey, 1578 - 1657 charity has become the largest of its kind in the world. Was an English physician, who was made the Physician in charge at the St Bartholomew’s Hospital in 1609. He was the first to completely describe the systemic circulation Sir Frederick Treves, 1853 – 1923 of the human body and was appointed Physician Surgeon, who attended the London Hospital Medical Extraordinary to King James I. College. He performed the first appendectomy in England in 1888, was friend and physician to Joseph Merrick (the Elephant Man) and was the first President of the Clubs Percivall Pott, 1714 - 1788 Union (precursor to current Students’ Association). Surgeon and one of the founders of orthopaedics, who served his apprenticeship at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in the 1730s. He was the first scientist to demonstrate that Sir Archibald Garrod, 1857-1936 cancer may be caused by an environmental carcinogen Physician, trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical by identifying an association between scrotal cancer in College. Garrod pioneered the field of inborn errors of chimney sweeps and exposure to soot. metabolism and discovered alkaptonuria. The Garrod building on the Whitechapel campus is named after him.

Dr James Parkinson, 1755 – 1824 Surgeon (among various other occupations), whose Professor Dorothy Russell, 1895 – 1983 alma mater was the London Hospital. He is best Pathologist, studied at The London Hospital Medical known for his 1817 “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy”, College at the tail end of the First World War. She later the first description of what is now known as Parkinson’s became Director of the Institute of Pathology and disease. Professor of Morbid Pathology at The London Hospital.

Sir James Paget, 1814 - 1899 Professor Dame Parveen Kumar Pathologist, who entered as a student at the St Gastroenterologist, who studied medicine at Barts. She is Bartholomew’s Hospital in 1834. He is considered one of currently a Professor of Medicine and Education at Barts the founders of scientific medical pathology and gave and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, who his name to several medical conditions first described by co-founded and co-edited Kumar and Clark’s Clinical him, notably Paget’s disease of the bone. Medicine, a standard medical textbook used across the world.

Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, 1836 - 1917 Physician, who studied private at the London Hospital Professor Irene Leigh Medical College (among other schools) tand became the Dermatologist, trained at The London Hospital Medical first woman to gain a medical qualification in Britain. She College. Her research has focused on keratinocytes, non- founded the London School of Medicine for Women in melanoma skin and genetic skin diseases. She 1874, becoming the first dean of a British medical school was elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1999 there in 1883. and appointed CBE in 2012.

10 Barts and The London - A Brief History 11 Whitechapel

Heritage trail New Road Whitechapel Charterhouse Square A East Mount Street The Dental Hospital Raven Row Raven Row A The former Royal London F Joseph Rotblat building – 1935

Hospital – 1757-1876 Milward Street One of the original buildings of the former Cavell Street

Most of the 18th and 19th century sections St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical The Royal Turner Street of the hospital have been retained following College which was formerly the anatomy London Hospital the transfer of services into the new building department. It is named after Professor B in 2012. The building will become the Civic Joseph Rotblat, physician and Nobel peace

Centre for the London Borough of Tower prize winner. Street Fieldgate Stepney Way Hamlets. G Dean Rees House - 1894 C D B Garrod Building – 1854-1909 Formerly the Headmaster’s house of the Newark Street Newark Street This building includes the old library of the Merchant Taylors’ School which occupied London Hospital Medical College, former the site from 1874-1933. The building is E pathology museum (now the SCR), Doniach named after Professor Dame Lesley Rees, Ashfield Street

Gallery (where the skeleton of Joseph former Dean of St Bartholomew’s Hospital Road Great Sutton Street Roa Building Goswell

Medical College. The Blizard Merrick is exhibited), original anatomy Crescent Row

lecture theatre (Milton) and even a skeleton Memei Street

Fordham Street Fordham treet S alden W

of a Victorian giant! The building is named Street Northburgh t Stree Sycamore

after Sir Archibald Garrod, a Barts trained Street Memei t

West Smithfield Stree Berry physician. Great Sutton Street est

Baltic Street W C BLSA Building – 1965 H Gatehouse and North Wing – Whitechapel

Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. 1700-1730 Clerkenwell Road Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. The historic gatehouse to St Bartholomew’s Towards Farringdon Towards Barbican Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Hospital is the site of the only known statue Tube Station Tube Station Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. of Henry VIII in London. The North Wing West Smithfield (designed by James Gibbs) contains the Cloth Fair D Whitechapel Library, St Philip’s Great Hall, Hogarth’s stunning murals and Church – 1888-1892 the hospital museum and archives. Little Britain

Bartholomew Close Built as a parish church by Arthur Cawston, Towards St Pauls Tube Station this grade II* listed building is now a medical I Pathology Museum – 1879 library. The church was deconsecrated in The museum is home to over 4000

1979 and renovated by The London Hospital pathological specimens, some of which date Yard Glasshouse H Medical College in 1988. The Royal London back to the 19th century. The space is now Frann Street

Rutland Place Rutland F

4 Hospital Museum is located in the crypt and a multi-purpose facility which hosts events, Hosier Lane I tells the fascinating story of the hospital and academic seminars, exams and public healthcare in the East End. engagement activities. G J

Cock Lane E Floyer House – 1934 J Library – 1879 Giltspur Street

Barbican This hall of residence was extended in The library of the former Medical College Charterhouse Tube the 1950s but retains much of its original of St Bartholomew’s Hospital retains many Square features. It is named after Professor Mike of its original features such as the grand

Floyer (1920-2000), former Dean of The fireplace along with busts of famous Barts Charterhouse Mews Goswell road t

London Hospital Medical College. physicians and surgeons. Carthusian Street

Charterhouse Square WestGiltspur Stree Smithfield

12 Barts and The London - A Brief History 13 Funded by The Medical College of Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital Trust