Colorado Tennis 2010 Sanctioned Tournament Schedule

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Colorado Tennis 2010 Sanctioned Tournament Schedule 2010 BIGBOOK THETHE OFFICIALOFFICIAL PUBLICATIONPUBLICATION OFOF TENNISTENNIS LOVERSLOVERS It’s TIME TO PLAY MEADOW CREEK T ENNIS & FITNESS 2007 Private GET FIT • HAVE FUN • MAKE FRIENDS Facility of the Year 7 Indoor & 3 Outdoor Courts – Beautiful Lounges & Locker Rooms Tennis Boot Camps – Instructional & Conditioning Play all season under the best indoor lighting in Colorado Get your game ready for the competitive season in our high-energy 6-week camps. Sign up as a team or an individual Active Adult Programs all ages – Fulltime Program Director on Staff Leagues, Socials, Drills, Tennis Trips, Permanent Court Time, Dartfish Junior Programs – All Ages & Abilities Video lessons, Seminars, Aerobics and Yoga Group & private lessons, drop-in drills, high school boot camps Young Adult Memberships (under 35) FUN supervised instructional summer camps with tennis and The best deal around. ONLY $57 PER MONTH swimming Professional Teaching Staff: Summer Memberships 7 USPTA certified teaching professionals with an average of Tennis, pool & fitness memberships $308.00 – NO INITIATION FEE 20 years experience QUICKSTART for ADULTS: CARDIO TENNIS: LEARN TO PLAY TENNIS...FAST! GET-FIT SATURDAYS 11 am-12 pm • 6-week Quickstart Lesson Program $99 (includes membership privileges) • Quickstart equipment package option $99.95 (includes racquet, bag & balls) caLL us beFore You buY teaM uniForMs – MeaDow creek wiLL beat anY LegitiMate written oFFer MEADOW CREEK TENNIS PRO SHOP “PERSONALIZED SERVICE AT ONLINE PRICES” OPEN TO THE PUBLIC racQuets • bags • shoes • cLothing • tennis accessories teaM uniForMs: great Discounts / huge selection / on-time Delivery 6305 WEST 6TH AVENUE IN LAKEWOOD • (303) 232-6272 2010 BIG BOOK OF COLORADO TENNIS 1 ABOUT USTA COLORADO AA DistrictDistrict ofof thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates TennisTennis Association,Association, USTAUSTA ColoradoColorado isis thethe governinggoverning bodybody ofof tennistennis inin ourour state.state. USTAUSTA Colorado’sColorado’s missionmission isis toto promotepromote andand developdevelop thethe growthgrowth ofof tennistennis inin Colorado.Colorado. WeWe dodo thisthis inin aa numbernumber ofof ways.ways. WeWe provideprovide grantsgrants toto organizationsorganizations thatthat wantwant toto introduceintroduce tennistennis toto theirtheir communitiescommunities andand wewe offeroffer scholarshipsscholarships toto juniorjunior playersplayers whowho seekseek toto taketake theirtheir gamegame toto thethe nextnext level.level. WeWe coordinatecoordinate adultadult leagueleague playplay forfor 27,00025,000 playersplayers acrossacross thethe state,state, andand offeroffer programsprograms forfor juniorjunior playersplayers ofof allall agesages andand abilities.abilities. OurOur sanctionedsanctioned tournamenttournament schedsched-- uleule offers more than 160150 events this year, including several opportunities for wheelchair athletes.athletes. WeWe areare inin thethe parks.parks. WeWe areare inin recreationrecreation centerscenters andand inin privateprivate clubs.clubs. WeWe areare inin schoolsschools helpinghelping physicalphysical educationeducation teachersteachers introduceintroduce ourour kidskids toto aa gamegame thatthat theythey cancan playplay forfor aa lifetime,lifetime, keepingkeeping themthem fitfit andand healthy.healthy. WeWe believebelieve thatthat fundamentalfundamental tennistennis principlesprinciples likelike sportsmanship,sportsmanship, hardhard workwork andand personalpersonal responsibilityresponsibility translatetranslate intointo evev-- eryery areaarea ofof ThroughThrough tennistennis wewe areare helpinghelping peoplepeople realizerealize theirtheir potentialpotential bothboth onon andand offoff thethe court.court. WeWe areare moremore thanthan 20,00020,000 membersmembers strong,strong, butbut ourour scopescope isis notnot confinedconfined toto thosethose playersplayers alone.alone. WeWe representrepresent thethe nearlynearly 500,000500,000 tennistennis playersplayers inin ourour state,state, providingproviding informationinformation andand opportunitiesopportunities toto playplay forfor eacheach andand everyevery oneone ofof them.them. WeWe reachreach outout toto allall players,players, includingincluding thosethose ofof diversediverse culturalcultural backgrounds,backgrounds, mentallymentally andand physicallyphysically challengedchallenged athletes,athletes, andand underservedunderserved communities.communities. DiversityDiversity andand InclusionInclusion isis aa strategicstrategic prioritypriority forfor USTAUSTA ColoradoColorado andand oneone ofof ourour corecore values.values. DiversityDiversity allowsallows usus toto touchtouch “All“All ofof America”America” andand InclusionInclusion allowsallows “All“All ofof America”America” toto touchtouch WeWe inviteinvite youyou toto findfind outout moremore aboutabout thethe lifetimelifetime sportsport ofof WeWe willwill helphelp youyou findfind aa court,court, findfind aa program,program, findfind aa leagueleague oror findfind aa WeWe willwill helphelp youyou putput thethe FUNFUN backback inin FITNESS.FITNESS. SoSo whetherwhether youyou wantwant toto learnlearn toto playplay tennis,tennis, getget backback intointo thethe sport,sport, oror justjust findfind moremore opportunitiesopportunities toto playplay thethe game,game, we’rewe’re herehere toto GRASSROOTS TENNIS IS OUR GAME. WE PLANT IT, GROW IT, AND NURTURE IT. WE’RE USTA COLORADO. IT’S TIME TO PLAY. 2 2010 BIG BOOK OF COLORADO TENNIS TO PROMOTE AND DEVELOP THE GROWTH OF TENNIS IN COLORADO USTA COLORADO GATES TENNIS CENTER 3300 E BAYAUD AVE, SUITE 201 DENVER, COLORADO 80209 ph: 303/695-4116 • fx: 303/695-7631 web: COLORADOTENNIS.COM Photo by Kurt Desautels, USTA Colorado 2010 BIG BOOK OF COLORADO TENNIS 3 4 2010 BIG BOOK OF COLORADO TENNIS © 2010 United States Tennis Association Colorado District TAKE YOUR GAME TO THE NEXT LEVEL HOW TO BECOME AN EFFECTIVE TENNIS ADVOCATE PAGE 9 If you build it, they will come. Now, if you only knew how to build it. Don't worry, we've got you covered. From simple renovation to brand-new construction – conception through com- pletion – we give you the USTA's 8-step plan that can turn your tennis dreams into reality. COLORADO TENNIS CONNECT WITH TENNIS PAGE 16 (USPS #013-371) is published quarterly, On-Line Or In Print, Stay Connected To The Sport You Love plus a special issue in February (The Big Book of Colorado Tennis). Free subscriptions are available, contact the editor. Periodical postage paid at UNPLUG YOUR KIDS PAGE 18 Denver, CO. How To Help Your Child Succeed In (and through) Tennis POSTMASTER, QuickStart Tennis Update SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Junior Tennis Menu USTA Colorado 3300 E Bayaud Ave #201 Denver, CO 80209 COLORADO ADULT LEAGUES PAGE 26 What's New In 2010 NTRP: Revisited COLORADO TENNIS Finding The Perfect Match Kurt Desautels, Editor League Calendar [email protected] Phone: 303.695.4116 x203 Karen Engel, Advertising 2010 TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE PAGE 37 [email protected] We tell you where to find the best tennis action Phone: 303.322.4266 2009 Final Junior and Adult Rankings Sanctioned Tournament Listings Media Kits available at: Find the perfect summer camp for your kids (hint: check the ads) 2010 BIG BOOK OF COLORADO TENNIS 5 USTA CO STAFF Administration: FRITZ GARGER Executive Director x204 [email protected] ANITA COOPER USTA COLORADO phone: 303.695.4116 Administrative Assistant Gates Tennis Center toll free: 800.531.7438 x200 [email protected] 3300 E Bayaud Ave fax 1: 303.695.7631 THERESA DICKSON Suite 201 fax 2: 303.695.6302 Accountant Denver, CO 80209 web: x208 [email protected] Adult Leagues: 2010 USTA COLORADO BOARD OF DIRECTORS* JASON ROGERS DELEGates AT-LARGE REGIONAL REPResentatives Adult League Program Director, IT Support Rob Scott (Louisville), President Karen Brandner (Southern Colorado), Treasurer x202 [email protected] Taryn Archer (Denver), Vice President Aaron Clay (Western Slope) KAILEY JONAS Alden Bock (Evergreen) Carol Baily (Mountain) Adult League Coordinator Hai Ho (Broomfield) Jon Messick (Northern Colorado) x210 [email protected] Carolyn Peters (Highlands Ranch) Kathleen Winegardner (Boulder), Secretary Nancy Pflughoeft (Loveland) TAYLOR MCKINLEY Art Rimando (Denver) SPECIAL CateGORY MEMBERS Adult League Coordinator x206 [email protected] Debbie Yoder (Denver) Susan Hommel (Colorado Tennis Umpires Association) Rich Young (Colorado Springs) Lew Kosich (United States Professional Tennis Association) BRAD BREHMER Nicole Hola (Colorado Youth Tennis Foundation) Senior Breakfast League Coordinator Bill Trubey (Wheelchair Tennis) x209 Ryan Pena (Diversity) Junior Recreation: * Several positions are up for election at the USTA Colorado Annual Meeting in March 2010 DAN LEWIS Junior Leagues Director x207 [email protected] Community/Grassroots Tennis: ADVErtisER LISTINGS KRISTY HARRIS Air Force Academy Sports Camps 55 Community Development Director x300 [email protected] All Season Tennis Courts 31 The Broadmoor Back Cover KRISTY JENKINS Broomfield Swim & Tennis Club 27, 64 USTA Schools Coordinator Coatings, Inc. 15 x301 [email protected] Colorado Athletic Clubs Inside Back Cover Marketing/Diversity: Denver City Open 67 Denver University Summer Camps 62 PAULA MCCLAIN Marketing/Diversity
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