The Modern City: Urban Landscapes

LA 352, 2016 Pope Sixtus V (1585-90) shown with his projects in Rome Vacan Palace fresco showing new streets of Sixtus V

Domenico Fontana resurrects the Vacan obelisk New trivio at Piazza del Popolo, Pope Alexander VII, 1665-1667 Saint Peter’s Piazza, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1656-1670, Rome for Pope Alexander VII

St. Peter’s Piazza today

The enclosure movement

• 'The countrie enclosed I praise, the other delightith not me,'' Thomas Tusser

Democracy vs. Autocracy

An Essay on Criticism (1711) by Alexander Pope: But Critic Learning floursih’d most in France The rules a Nation born to serve, obeys, And Boileau still in Right of Horace sways But we, brave Britons, Foreign Laws despis’d, And kept unconquer’d, and uncivilized, Fierce for the Liberties of wit… John Evelyn 1620-1706 Royal Parks: Richmond Park, London, 1307/ 1637 Deer in Richmond Park

Green Park, Royal Park Opened to Public by Charles II 1660s Hyde Park, London 1433/1690/ 1730 Hyde Park, London, United Kingdom opened to public in 1637, Charles Bridgeman design, 1733, Great Exhibition, 1851 (Grosvenor Square) Covent Garden, Ralph Agas London map of 1572 COVENT GARDEN, LONDON 1630 by Inigo Jones

Plan of Bedford House and garden in Covent Garden drawn around 1690. Covent Garden as designed by Inigo Jones London, 1630 Grosvenor Square, London, 1721,

Paris and the French Square The City of • an island • a walled city • a Renaissance city under Francois I and Henry IV • a Baroque city under Louis XIV Paris Urbanism

Hotels Chateaux Parterre de broderie Allees Palisades Tapis- vert Bosquets

a Map of Paris, c. 1800 Place Royale/ Place des Vosge, Paris, 1605- 1612 for Henry IV, Designed by Baptiste du Cerceau Place Royale/ , Paris 1605-1612

Designed by Baptiste du Cerceau, under Henry IV of France

Place Dauphine and , Paris, 1607 by Henri IV


Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, Jacques Boyceau , 1625 Cours la Reine, Champs Elysees, for Marie de Medici, c. 1616 Champs Elysees, Paris, Part of 19th Century transformation of Paris Les Tuileries, re-designed by Le Notre for Louis XIV, c. 1664 Tuileries, palace begun in 1564 Gardens by Le Notre, 1664

Manet, Music in the Tuileries, 1862 Parterre de broderie Allees Palissades

Les Tuileries, Place Vendome,1698, for Louis XIV, designed by Jules Hardouin Mansart, Place Vendome,1698, for Louis XIV, designed by Jules Hardouin Mansart, , Paris, Jacques Boyceau , 1625 (c. 1789– 1799)

Storming of the Bastille, 1789, and then the Tuileries, Declaration of the Rights of 1792 Man and of the Citizen in 1789 Paris Urbanism

Hotels Chateaux Parterre de broderie Allees Palisades Tapis- vert Bosquets

Place Royale/ Place des Vosge, Paris, 1605- 1612 for Henry IV, by Baptiste du Cerceau

Central Park, New York City, 1860s Washington Square New York City 19th-20th centuries Paley Park, New York City, 1970s