


müsïçål møvïë güïdë (2020)

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1. Why does representation matter in , film, and media? Explain your answer below.

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2. Name a family member Alexander lost during his childhood:

3. What is one piece of advice gives Hamilton?

4. H Ha [] c?

5. Finish the Lyric: Ra a a ______. S ca ______.

6. What are the names of the three Schuyler sisters?

7. King George III threatens to do this in order to remind people of his love. (Two possible answers. Name one of them.)

8. How many British troops are in Harbor? ______

9. Who volunteers b Ga Wa -hand man? How did respond?

10. According to Burr, what did name after Hamilton?

11. Who does Hamilton marry?

12. What do you learn about Angelica during the song Satisfied?

13. W B Tda cada?

14. Finish the Lyric: L d dca b ______ad


15. Who does General Washington promote to second-in-command?

16. What happens to the person in the previous question?

17. What does Hamilton realize when he sees Eliza?

18. F Lc: L a I Id . W I a ad dad . Y a

c. W ? W d? ______?

19. Which battle takes place in 1781?

20. Wa a Hc Ma d Ra Wa?

21. What message is King George III sending with his next song?

22. Who are Burr and Hamilton singing to in ? How would you describe the tone of the song?

23. Wa a J La da?

24. Hamilton called for a strong centralized government while at the Constitutional Convention. How long did he talk about his 11-point plan of government?

25. Who did Hamilton join forces with when writing The Papers?

26. How many essays did Hamilton write? ______

27. What year is it in the next scene? ______

28. Who is back from Paris? ______What is his new role?

29. What does Washington believe will happen if Hamilton does not get congressional approval?

30. Why does Hamilton not join Eliza and Angelica on their trip upstate?

31. Who is ?

32. F Lc: I wanna be in the ______.

33. What news does Philip learn about his grandfather?

34. According to Jefferson, who does Hamilton have in his pocket?

35. What news does President Washington share with Hamilton?

36. What information is shared with King George III?

37. Why do Jefferson, Burr, and Madison visit Hamilton?

38. What happened when Hamilton was 17 years old?

39. What is the Reynolds Pamphlet?

40. What will Hamilton never be able to accomplish because of its publication?

41. What happens to Philip?

42. Explain what happens in the 1800 election:

43. What excuse does Hamilton give Eliza for being up so early?

44. What information does Burr share during Point 5?

45. F L: B, d, . Mab a ac I .

If I ______, is this

how you remember me? What if this bullet is my ______?

46. Burr believes he will now be seen as the ______in history.

47. What does every other Founding Father get to do?

48. Na Ea acc:

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49. Which song, character, or scene from Hamilton impacted you the most? Why? Explain your answer below.

50. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story? is one of the songs from Hamilton and it asks a great question. What legacy do you hope to leave behind with your life? What will be your story? Explain your answer below.