MA025 ! !( ⛳☠ # Plaine Petite Rivière Germon Fouache Méry Morne Mont Léopold Charles Balandier Morne Des Castaches Chajotte Grand Beaucalin Balandier Bois ! # La Hatte Anoter Marfran Bontemps Ravine Breton Lafitte ! Des Rouga Lavalace Didon Mondor A b r i c o t s ! Roche A b r i c o t s # Mont des Lafitte Obère Pierre Meroque Julinette ! Plaine Lebac Cartaches Zephir Napou Quiton Longris Guitonière Coton Morne Derrière Docan Montagnard Brière Gerve Fouache Piton Dame Chatte Morne Limet Nan Goyave # La Coude Marie Cambon # Malette La Ferrière Mahotière Magnioc ! Bordes !Moron Cimetière Dos Camp Nan Source Lan Pose Dianacou Rampas Madame narron Cadette Abricot Petit Fraise Rousselin Bel-Air Carrefour Montagnac Germain Ch!ambellan Bayard Anga Imbert Rousselin Plaine Hatte Malette Planor !( Passe Montagnac Martin Phare Barbe !( Fond Monoré Ca Nacou Théophile Fondin Barbe Duvaranne Trois Terre Rouge Boucan Bonhomme !Désormeaux sources Rouge Juliette M o r o n Desormeaux Granger Plonquette Chameau Campagne D a m e - M a r ii e Nicole Belzanine Morne Nan Duchaninoir Nan Citerne Paille Mathieu Linton La Roche Brèche Charles L'Etat Morne Duverger # Pierre Palmiste Blanche Des Nan Plic Morne # Morne Louis Morne # Deraymond Fonoin Caillard Plante#s Gélin Mariane Smith Chaine Granger Toute Smith Duvineau Dame# Jardin Marie Découverte Borne Ca Noel ⛳☠ Bar#iadèle #Morne Grande Boudince Plaine Tapona Plaine Morne Griffe C h a m b e ll ll a n Roche a Ravajou Lory Tuff Pierre Dufailly Camp Cème Morne Gras Coury Ragosse Bourdon Barrière #Mercier Bois Morne La Borde L'Anse Roc Gros Sarc Dalier J e r e m i e Déjac Nan Six !( Source Morne Dufailly J e r e m i e Dalier Tapona Babino # Morne !( !( Froide Ponce Franklin Peligrin Tapona Babino Bois Camp !( !( !( Dupoux Ponce Franklin Péligrin Lance Camp Counongo Grand !( Sources barrière Grandois Grandois Soulé Dolle ! ⛳⛡ !( Chaudes !( Soulé Vincent Fomentière ! Anse Poban!( Haut Grand !( Canelle Paraclet Jonc Lumette Martial Fourneau Dolle d'Hainault !( Nan !( Paraclet Martial De Sigon Macon !( Malette !( Casal Casal Sicard Nan Bourdon Morne Nan !( Leblanc Roche Caye Mignon Morne Camp Maçon Caye Fort Ford Banc De Gourgoue Morne Rouge Nan Nan Mala !( Gros Roche Chateau Georees Noel Bois ! Durocher !( Morne Nan Durocher !( Topy Morne Gabriel Rouge !( Belle Michel #Georges Escamel A n s e Manot Gabriel !( Nan Baid Maison Toupiase Saint !( 0 !( Escamel d ' H a i n a u l t Toupiase Morne Deux 0 Lezinc Lezinc d ' H a i n a u l t 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Km Louis 0 !( Calumette Mamelles 4 Découverte Décourverte Morne Morne 0 ! # # 2 Boyer Résolu Iba Menadrier 560000 580000 ! !( !( !( Created 12 Oct 2016 / UTC-05:00 Rivers ! City !( General !( 1:78,040 Map Document MA025_Haiti_Reference_Communes ⛳⚺ Bridge Broken ! Town !( (At A3) _Series_v1_A3 reference: Projection & ! UTM Zone 18N / WGS 1984 Chambellan ⛳⚸ Bridge Damage Village Datum !( Hamlet Grande Anse ⛳☬ Debris Glide Number TC-2016-000106-LCA ⛳⛡ Port Produced by MapAction Sud-Est ⛳☠ Flood [email protected] : Hurricane Matthew: ⛳☓ Landslide ⛳⛜ Airport Data sources Reference Series at Supported by DFID and the Ministry of Foreign ⛳⚳ Port Damage Major road Situational data: HDX/WFP Affairs of the Netherlands. Commune Level Boundaries: HDX/CNIGS ⛳⚻ Roadblock Other road Settlements: OSM The depiction and use of boundaries, names and (as of 12 Oct 2016) associated data shown here do not imply Communes endorsement or acceptance by MapAction.