The Republican Party of is sad to inform you that a great force in New Mexico politics has passed away.

Dorothy Runnels, the widow of former Congressman Harold Runnels and mother of former Lt. Gov. Mike Runnels, has died.

Runnels, who still shined into her 90s, was a New Mexico pioneer, who devoted herself and her family to improving the lives of New Mexicans. Politics was her life, and her giving spirit was inspirational. That generosity became a huge influence on Steve Pearce deciding to get into politics.

Runnels, a registered Democrat, made history when she ran for her husband’s 2nd Congressional District seat, setting a precedent for write-in campaigns in New Mexico. When her husband, Harold, died in 1980, she boldly waged a write-in campaign as an independent and nearly beat Joe Skeen. Skeen, also a write-in candidate, was elected to Congress and would serve 22 years.

That election was the third in American history where a write-in candidate won a Congressional seat, and Dorothy’s strong finish made headlines after her successful legal fight got her name on the ballot.

Runnels’s write-in campaign helped teach New Mexico voters how that process works.

But Runnels was more than a trailblazer and a staple in New Mexico’s political world. She was kind, honest, courageous and always available to help others achieve their goals.

Chairman Pearce was especially close to the Runnels family. He worked for them, flew Runnels and her husband to and from Washington and became great friends with the family. When Pearce went into politics, Dorothy ignored partisanship and supported her dear friend. Her loyalty and devotion to the Chairman and his causes were unyielding.

“I’ve lost a friend, and I’ve lost a mentor. Dorothy will always be a part of me,” said Chairman Pearce. “She has influenced my life in so many ways, and I’ll always cherish her generosity, kindness and strong will. She was truly a New Mexico treasure and her legacy will live forever in our great state.”