1~HE L;~~~J ./ ' . EDIATOR \, ·~t· =;======::;;:======~,,:%.;<$;."======:=::=::==::::::;=~======::;;:======VOL. xvm <', /}. C'<2/ .,,~~/~(>"C;;a.


Cincinnati- Reds--Continued- Sensational 'First Open Air Card to be Presented Spurt of Interest Here This Year YES, WE'HAVE 10 BASE BALL TEAM GIBBONS-COLLINS STABLE FAVORITES Buffaloes Slipping Fast-=-May Yet Regain Proper Position-Local Nine Thousand Can Be Accommodated Insuring Good Seats for Sport Interest Centers in Fight at League Park-Amateur All-Many Out-of-to"'n Fight, Fans in City-Men Weigh Basebal Circles Aroused Over Board't> Decision- in at Three O'Clock This Afternoon-Large Would Allow to'Play Outside City Teams Number of Bets Placed

The real sensati<}Rof the past week magnificent bit of horse flesh has The stage is all set for the big out-I'work and fight like Hail Columbia to .;b.as been the continued"winning streak been "taking all the eastern nags in,-.-u.u., door 'match tonight, to be held get the decision over the tough Darcy. of the Cincinnati Reds and the more the Grand Circuit.·The Brandeis I=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ under the auspices of the American We are in doubt about O'Donnell. or less inconsistant· play of ' the horse, with Marvin ChildS' handling i' L' 'th th bi J k b t 't I k l'k 1 d' . h f worked up as a result of a decision 1-' eglOn, ,\'1 . e venera e a -e u I 00 -8 1 e a ea pIpe cmc or Giants. Pat Moran's tempermentaJ the reins, has copped the lion's share of the board of .mrectors of the Mu- f".. II'DS HE STARIS Isaacson at the wheel as usuaL Ste"vali: McLean if he steps into the ball players have rounded into true of the money in a large number of From the betting angle the event is :ring anywhere near as good as he form the past month and are 'within events, the latest being the sensation- nicipal Association in aUow-' WELL WITH PEOPLE taking on an altogether different as- looks or is able to do his stuff in the two games of McGraw's heetle heroes= al win at Kalamazoo early this week. ing local amateur teams to play out ' h h dl d hi If t of town teams on week days. This pect, than has any fistic event that same manner e an e mse a Coming to the front like a house Brandeis will. no doubt have his lJas been staged since boxing has be- Sioux City against Earl lUcArthur in • b d ._-< t th "" 11 Ak SB puts a professional angle to the af- "1 alll hel'e to !'1 ave 0 Ions, w 0 IS In wn 00 mg a - , - = -!ough according to their wii'h in "pite .natural thing fOl; sport writers to feed pull'ed dow~.. at ':"e enA.•.present seas- ie.I' the interests of .his stable gave a little jack when the oppol·tunit.., !terms that "Jim" is still the idol of I h hI t' k ~ 1 d f ,~ cu '!' arises, of their judgment up t e pu c on lC Tel sa e ope 0 on. The suceess of Cincinnati is due few interesting facts to reporters '" ! the great mass of our people. . The averao-e lavmen is' backing the the unreliahle kind, so it is but fair in large part to the management of about the Dempsey-Gibbons fight "".' 1 _ Th: 1Iay or. told the l.arge a.udle~ce Gibbon" stable, l~rgely because that to say to late comers that they are Pat Moran and the splendid heaving:. which he declares was deliberately SOCIETY WOMEI of hIS experiences dUTIn~ hIS flveloutfit i" a mid-westenl combination going to he able to get a good seat of the popular Cuban. Adolpho ·Luque. spoiled through the efforts of eastern . : terms of office, If the ~tti~ude of the and two of the St. Paul boys have any time today but it is a fact that Rouseh has aloo been a factor. sport writers. AT PETTI.-IOHliS I ~enth ward:l's is any cnte~lan ,towardIhe~n "een here in action before. Such Ithe fans i'houTd not, wait ~til the 'Concerning fights, the Dempsey- " .. Ih~m til. ~1a:\'or need not VI orr~ ahow f a "tate of mind is a good thing for ilast minute if they Wlsh a chOIce seat. Yes,.we have no ball team in Oma- Firpo, maybe scrap, is in the making . hIs political future. !the game at that, because it tends: So far as the bleacher seats are con- ha. Not lately. The Buffaloes. have but even the frame work or frame ito create an enthusiasm that is re-I cerned, there ,,,ill be plenty of them, bOOn going Iikee hell, but the trip up work, if that is a better descrip- '~~e~ ,federal officials r~id~~ rBi:I kHAry..EY TERR~LL W~NS ~ Ifleeted in the hox office receipts. I eve~ for late comers, .as there will be PetLIJOrr~ pI~ce I~lPORTANT seems to be toward the cellar. Burch tion has only started. It is unlikely s out on Cen.el st ee.L I COl:RT CA:SE' i While Delaney, Johnny O'Donnell i aVaIlable at least tWIce as many of i gathered together a really good team the fight will be held in Buenos Aires ~ear :hlrt~-sq:th, t~ey caused. a stirI Charley Terrell, general,iy recog-l and Stewart McClean are ruling fav- J the popular priced seats as is afforded

at the beginning of the searon hut it. as Rickard knows where to hold a In SOCIety CIrcles WhICh as yet has notj nized as Omaha's foremost je\'Oelrv,. 0 h th "t. th b • : at the A.uditOlium 'd . . .. If ·h-:. "'jonte::: WIt . e maJoTI}, . e o~si . -.' , seems to have gone stale or rome-cinchI pa}wg fistic affair, and that ~UbSl edT The f'aJ.~ 1n Itse :vas ~ot i auctIOneer, was completely exonerated 1that have had theoportunity to watch i The LegIon has gone to gI'eat ex- thing. Perhaps the'" will O'et to--therIplace is in or near little old New mg out of the ordmary but If thIS or! bv Judge Dav when that J'urist !!ave i D K 0 ,,~. bId F Ohtl' 'pense to bring this ·plendid card to "' 'il! ",- I . . i .. '" I ,arc\', .. ~hlC .ae s an rg ng' . ." soon and start back in the right di- York. If Tex played the game as an~(other paper was to gIve the_ names1him a clean bill on his recent appeal! Joe Nelson are willing to place their Omaha and it \\ill be nothing less than rection. At present they are< having fair as he plays it successfully, there of at least four women who have been! from a police court charge The I· t' t t' e t '0 a cI';me l'f evel~ seat in the park is • - . .!". • I com on he eas ern con mg n· pI -.' .J a hard 'time to hold their own even would be no Dempsey-Firpo fight lill- known to have patromzed the. place j "nuicense" charge could not be upheld Ividing the m'oper odds are offered.' not sold before the ben rings for the with the weaker teams. Just now til the Ar;gentine mauler has shown t~ere would be .he:I to pay In theiin the higher court. One of the prin- After viewi;g two workouts by the first scrap of the all-star attraction. Wichita looks like the Hal Hahone of his wares against the black face high spots of sOClet:\,. . i cipal points made by Judge Day was! bunch we are inclined to believe that Both Mike Gibbons and ~1ike Col- the Western League. Icomedian, Harry Wills, of New 01'- At. least. t~-o of the lady patrons, . to the effect that the location of the Ithe gold medal is sure to be awarded lins are on the ground floor and their leans. known t.o this paper, have played the, "Umbrella'" 'is outside the cit" limits i D- 1 th h b '11 h - t (Contm'ued to Page 2) ! " 0 " ' to e anev. DUg e WI a'e.o Speaking of the great Hal, this I Amateur baseball circles are all place at lR:ervals. They are marr:ed. which mar have an important bearing 1 '_· _ and move m more or less exclusIve. on other similar cases in that neck of ~ ::c:~~::l:~:~;::~~t~:~~:~ rh~ woods. 1EVERYBODY SEEMS PLEASED WITH SENATOR CUMMIIiGS GIVES ItlSIDE ~v::~~I:~~~DI:~eat~:: ~~:c:l~~~ 1~i ~*~:~~~~~o~?~~Ec~~~~~:R;~-1 NAMING OF NEW POLICE OFFICIALS other resorts where the BudweIser:. 't d t .,p..... 'H' VIEW OF THE. RAILWAY---SITUATION · mg 1 S rea ers 0 • au'omze orne! flow~. .. Industrv," but these urgings apPal'- IDennison 'VeIl Satisfied With Dillon and Pszanowski-Both Old Still some people In the FIeld club tl h' . "1 'I "I ~ In l\.fasterful Speech Before Iowa Legislature., Goes to Bottom ~. • 0 •• • • en· y a::: gone annss "nt!l .> r.•' . Timers--No Precedents Broken-Public Pays Tribute to dIstnct assume that prohIbItIon IS a Miller;. alias W. Smith. of Railroad Troubles--Shows How' Government Failed Miser­ success. Omaha has many business and in- Dead Chief-Butler Has Learned a Few Lessons ably in Attempt at Public Ownership-Final Check l dustries and there is no excuse for -Other Changes in Prospect Shows $2,000,000,000 L-oss-Public Foots Bill PE .1 TROUBLE .: sending Omaha money out of Oma.ha . . -,--- ROS · when Omaha goods are just as good, The nammg, b)' the CIty councIl, of their . The two platoons of po- Scores of requests from people who tion A, of Iowa Transportation Law WITHHIS CHILIRER: cheap and strong. I Peter Dillon to ~ chief o~ polic.e,. and lice, sixteen strong, also marched in are :really interested in the railroad amounts to a guarantee of any return And so for once we heartily agree John pzanowskl to be hIS asSistant, the procession. The city council at- .,. transportation problem have written to the railroads. Anton Hospe, general manager of \'lith Commissioner Butler and com- wjIl doubtless please about everybody tended lli- a body. this paper askip.g for information of H~ then-'Shows How the Railroads the A. Hospe Company, 1513 Douglas pIiment him on the commendable interested in the matter. Both are Chiefs of police all over the country a

though it is far to lengthy to use it Senator Cummins Spoke as Follows: # - time of the way her husband did bUs- sporting affairs than even mOBt 0' mIg..ht favor. r :"hall. ha"e' ab<::olutelv". ,; ha'"~ dealt with man"J important cases in one single' issue, Read the first in- The Government .assumed the full iness, she left bulk of her fortune to I her personal friends knew about. The i notlung to d? Wlth It. Dan Butlel s during his. term in office, and is'ad­ stalment today, the balance of this control and op€ration of the railroads the cmdren. j additional details are now being gath- recommendatIons have been accepted, mittedly the best equipped man for the interesting and highly. informative o.n the first of January, 1918, as a Very shortly after his first wife'sl ered. i and I am glad of it. He at, lea~t place that could be found. story will be printed in each success- war measure. After the war had end­ death, Senor An.ton Hospe hunted hisl Ishould be sa~isfied. r haY.e. to lIye III Peter Dillon has been tried and ive issue of the Mediator until his et{ the director.general, Mr. William tI'ue lev€I amI married a woman of1A SHORT STORY I Omaha, and l~ makes n? difference to found not wanting. He will make an story is.completely told. G. McAdoo, came before Congress ~ormer qne"tionable character and ac-l !I ABOUT LONG PANTS. ~Oe who is chIef ?f pohc:e, although ~ efficient officer and will dignif~" the The Senator's arguments covel'S with the proposal that the Govem­ cor.ding to the childre.·n o.f this worthy, ·I If your pants are shart you are out .. ~m sure Petel . Dlllon• . '~ll,'" make gOOd office to which he has been appointed. several points, Fll'st; ment should continue~to operate the bv his first Wife, of course, is now! of breath and have a weak heart. If the place to whIch he has been ap- The promotion gives to Dillon the Results of Government Oueration !)f railroads for fiv.e years. This pro- t~-ing to jip them out of their inherit-i you have a v.leak heart you should not pointed." . salary to whicl!, he is justly entitled. the Railroads. po$al did not meet with favor, and ance. It is claimed that )a:rge dis-l ask what a kid in short pants can Beyond this brief statement, Dennl- The chief is getting along pretty well He shows~t rome law such as thereupon President Wilson announced crepancies oocured in acco~~nts<, whichIdemand in the "moYies". So we do son declined to talk. His greatest in- in years which seems not to have expressed in Seetion 15a 'was necess- that he would -return the railways to he handled. Inot blame Bob Glvnn who is sired b~' terest, however, appeared to be that effeded him in the least from a phys- ary beCause'of the c,~on:.in which their owne:rs on the first of January, _____--"-. lour friend Joe Gh"llll for hesitating Commissioner Butler was satisfied, ical standpoint, while his long years the railroads were left as the result 192ft Therea:fterbe modified th~ MILK FOR TIlE BABIES, 1before making a 5~teh as it would and that Butler has at least learned of experience "ith the department of Government operation for twenty- announcement and mea the return When'you think how hot it is don't! spoil his chances for a l

I SENATOR CUMMINS ture, and to permit .that contingency .....----- ..... ""!!\"....~ " ~.- I ' G~ RAILWAY ~~WS. to arse was simply unt1liIj;kable. . (C-ontinued' from Page I.) We knew further that the railroads MONUMENTS >The tamed at that time; and it was var- during Government operation, had not MEDIATOR iously estimated from one billion to been properly maintained; that is to Latest Designs PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY more than two billions of dollars. say, maintained according to the Perfect Service ' The ~,counts are not yet fully ad- stan"dard fixed in the Government The Mediator Publishing Co. justed, but it is now known that this contract, and this has been verified Big line of finest marble and sin~e AT lantic 7040 215 Karbach Block loss was more than $1,800,000,000, that time by the adj.ustments granite I and that probably it will reach $2,000,- which _show an unde.=-mamtenance AN INDEPENDENT PAPER 000000 notwithstanding an . 'amounting to about $220,000,000. We FRANK SV. DB00A ,, Increase 1m h t . d f iliT +- . . 'EDWL."V L. HUNTLEY, Editor and Proprietor in the rates in the s rID f 1918 f ew t a Increase ac Ies 1M meet . 25 per cent. This m:rud;J°Of cour~, the growing business o-f the Uni~ed 1215 So. 13th St. OMAUA. Per Year -. - $2.00' Single Copy 5 Cents the loss involved in the extension of States had not b~en added ~urmg p.----...... ------...... ---.....- ...... ---...... ; . Government operation. The railroads the standard contract for the perIOd th . 11'++++++'fo'fo+.y...y..y..y..y..y...y..y...y..H.y...y..y...y..y..y..ofofofH.y..+H++.y..++Hof++++++Wi- Entered as second class matter at the postofficeat of six months after March 1, 1920. were about to .be returned. to ell';; + Omaha, Nebraska, under the act of March 9, 1879.- At the time the Tr3Jlsportation ~ct O\\'Ilers for pnvate operation. Our :t :t EVERY SUBSCRIPTION IS REGARDED AS AN p ssed the h d b din whole concern was to see that they + Th NS t ... 'l;:~s so~ething ~e ~x r:::u:,e: d: should be returned ~o tha~ - they ~ e ew por sman ! OPEN ACCOUNT. THE NAMES OF SUBSCRffiERS ~. d fo 1- cr d th art could render the serVIce which the 0;. ~ m~n r n ease wages on e p WILL BEINSTA.N'tLY REMOVED FROM oDR MAILING !.. ... e .". , 0 f t.He"- empIoyes amoun~ting t 0 some- welfare of t.he coun.try lmperativelv. ...0;. Clgar Store ... LIST AT EXPffiATION. OF TIME PAID FOR, IF PUB- thing like $"800,000,000 per year. demballd~d. "thTetWtahnted tc: make lreas- 0;. :t . LISHER SHALL BE NOTIFiED; OTHERWISE THE SUB­ ona ly sure a e sen'1.ce wou d be 0;. ... 1The director generaI declined to pass d - te 'bl d th 0;. ... SCRIPTION REMAINS IN FORCE AT T~ DESIGNATED on this demand, 3Jld it was finally re- las a equa . as _POSSI ~'ro:- at e ~ CIGARS TOBACCO CANDY ... ' t th Lab B d, trib lowest cost cOllSlstent \\"'lth Its proper ...... SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. EVERY SUBSCRIBER MUS'I f errea 0 e or oar a una ...... Imamtenance 3Jld development. 0;. ... UNDERSTAND THAT THESE CONDITIONS ARE MADE created by the act. I may say, how- N '1 diti 0;. ... e. - a more penous con ons havelo;. t' t ... h d'h' stri f 0;. D· W· 0 Alt S E A PART OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN PUBLIS~ ever, that w en the Labor'.'Board, lUI d 0 th U'till d lrect Ire n por lng ven s "t'. J I menace u es e e I'" _AND SUBSCRIBER. - U y, 1920, came to conSIder the de- Stat th n th hi h . t d t I...... mand, its action re~ulted in ~ in- 'thatestime: andos:u: :hOI:a:h:ug~t'~ RESERVE YOUR FIGHT SEATS i xi MEDIATOR NEWS STANDS ~~~s~og~oc;mpe~sation amounting to during months of arduous labor was ~ : Joe Radieia . 16th and Farnam . T' , per year· n1 - d ,concentrated upon the One vital t :t ... Meyer's News Stand. 14i1 Farnam ·thhus we'tu t'were. nel hi0 hy hconfronteG I,question: H ow can tlIe 26-<>, 000 miles. 0;. a, t th e Sp ortsman's ... McLaughlin .... 208 South 14th W1 aSl a lOn In.wet e overn-'.of raliwav. upon which. the people ... ~ Holtz ... --' . 103 North 16th \ ment had been loslUg at the rate of d .J aI"' t· 1 11 f ;a te 1'" ore . epenu m·os w 10 ,7 .or ..n rna ... + Rhin - ._. 716 North 16th :n than .$45,000,000 per ~lOnth dur- transportation, be kept in operation ~" N ow under the management of ... mg a penod of twenty-SIX months, . h . f' ... 'M1-s..II. R. McNeiL . :._1022 North 16th ·th rt' kn. 1 d t'- 1WIt faIr ef IClency and reasonable + Sinunons -- .. 1322 Dodge St. b t uagesWI ace1 am owe'.ge ,Hat the aequacv.d '1 ~• "CLINK" CLAIR ...+ Frank Douglas . 24th and Lake :v of emp oyes would b~ mcre~ed 1(TO BE" COXTINUED NEXT \VEEK) ~ ... Joe Bemrose . .,130 North 24th In the near future from SlX to eIght I_ , 0;. : llundred million dollars per year., ~ SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS TEL. JA 9852 ... Kulp ------l------2514"North 24th It was obvious to us, and mu..."i be 1 Area of tne Great Lakes. .... : N eltner . ._. 2717 Leavenworth S~perior ar~a Castle Pharmacy 622 South 16th to you, that with a prospective deficit Lake has an. of 32.000 t++++14*'H.•,;I!1.++1t+14+++14++++++1:"J..+++++i>T++1-o1-o1-o0}0++i-1..1-1-+1 of $100000000 er month .the 0 er-' square ml~es; Lake. Mlclllgan. 22,336 Sam Nicotera ._.... _. . . 15th and Farnam - " p p 1square mIles; Lake Huron. 22,978 'R~on ~ .:..:-:..:-:..:-:..:..:-:..:..:-:-:++:..:-:..:..:-:..:....:~:++:-:..:...:..:..:-:..:..:...:-:..:....:-:..:..:..:-:..:..:....:++:-:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:~ of very large part of _your square miles; Lake Erie, 9,9G8 square 6 . r ~ ..... raIlway 1lllleage would become utter- miles. and Lake Ontario 7.243 square ~ ~ in .:. PHONE JA. 3763 .:. 10,000,000 ADDITIONAL HORSE POWER ly impossible the immediate iU-/ miles. ~ ~ ~ v In an address beiore th.e American 'Railway Association .in ~·rhYrlY.V.·.·.·.·.·.·.·hV.l'hV.....~·"'.·.R,hYa"rl'Nr!'Nh·..·"'.·.·"'.·.r. ::: :~: rChicago recently Samuel" M. Vauclain, president of the Baldwlhl:: ~-- . =: :;: Paxton Hotel ' Pharmacy ~: '.Locomotive Works, made the statement that 4,000 new locomo-; PHO~E ATLANTIC 5256 •••:. .:. >. • .+. .~ tives would be put on American railroads dl,U'ing 1923. :Mr.:: .: .:. Op Da a d _light '.' , ... Th MHI =: ~: en y n I 5.: ~:::~~=e:e:~:;c~~e~: i~~o::~:; :lo~~~a;,~~~~o~ai~::~~ .~ ··.e a".~- est}-C ote ~ :~: ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF PA_~TON HOTEL:~: power. They increase the number of locomotives in jse, as of :: •••:. .:. .... :. 'i' 14th and Harney ·i· record in 192.1, from 67,386 to 71,386. ... ALL ROO M S REM 0 D E'L ED·: :;: ~: Thes& figures are sufficient to demonstrate that the day is ;: :: ~++:-:-:-:..:...:-:..:-:-:-:..:..:...:..:..:..:..:-:-:-:-:..:..:-:..:...:-:..:..:-:-:..:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:++:..:-:-:..:..:-:-:-:.. still far distant when the iron horse that has been such a stupen-.:- y,p"...-y...... v.·.·.·...... ·....·.•...... •.....·.·.Ya.....""'.a, :: dous factor, in the development of thEi'United States will be sent!~ 604 South Fourteenth Street Omaha Nebr. =: ~_...... __...... _ ...... _-----...... - ...... _ ...... ~ to the junk heap. If the day of complete electrification._ hasl -. . . '. . :: Nick S. Wranic, 'prop. Jess Reynolds, Mgr. dawned as many persons think its sun is still well below theIM "rl'''' h 'a- ""'h v.::-""rl'a "''''..''''''''rl'J',l'h..••• 'a- . horizon: Henee the outline sketch of the locomotive's career which1l;."rl'-h"rl'...Yrl'....··yrl'h..•• Yrl''''~··rlfl..... N ...y yh"•••••( '''rh''Na...... Ticker Service on all Baseball Games and Leading Sports Mr. Vauclain gave to the assembled railroad men was quite with-!.: =: I d 'd Finest and Most Exclusive Billiard Parlor in lUidille West mil an.Y ObitUary.. im. pl~cation. It was pu;'ely biograP.hieal. ".!..~ -How many; AmerIcans lmow that our O'\V11 Peter Cooper, I:: ro ·egaar· ros.. .::: phiIanthropist~ founder of Cooper Union. splendid citizen, built thei::.; :: first railroad locomotive ever constructed in the United States?I~ - THE RELIABLE JEWELERS :: The "Tom Thumb" he named it, and it was run on the Baltimorei": =: Paxton Billiard ,.Parlors and Ohio railroad. . I~ Will keep your watch in good repair and well regulated =: PRIVATE CUES OlJ'R SPECIALTY That was in 1830 when Mr. Cooper, in the early part of hisI:: In Business 37 Years :: remarkable career of achievement, was living in Baltimore, and iti::.. SIXTEENTH AND DOUGLAS • := An exclusive exhibition pit used for all Tournaments was in the extensive iron works which he erected at Canton, neal'l:: := Seating Capacity 350 the 1\laryland metropolis, that the "Tom Thunlb" ,,'as built after! -},...·.·.·.·hYa"'a ••• •.••••• •..·•••• •••..•.•.• • " ,,,: his own design and under his personal supervision. It was not! . - .~ "- Phone Jackson 9721 1516 Farnam St. precisely a traction giant measured in ten11s of today, but it did i ··TMj'::tilJ:Ef.·· Burns ~~ its work and did it successfully. The "Tom Thumb", ho\vever, i ; was not the first railroad locomotive to be used in the United \ Bandage the spot 'with , plenty of soothing States, That distinction belongs to an importation from England. ! This engine bore the name "Strowbridge Lion" and it made a few! ~n~m=ial-:Jfn Subscribe for The ediator trips on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's road at! IU...,Uflv Honesdale, Pennsylvania, before it was discarded as too heavy for 1 Cools and heals gently "k and antiseptically. .> the tracks and bridges.. ! ! _:_:_:...:_:..:_:....:....:_:..:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:-:-:-:-:,,*:...:-:-:~:..:-:-:-:...:-:..:..:-:-:..:-:-:..:_:...:..~ Other pioner loeomotives were the "Best Friend", built at the I i:~: .:. \Vest POInt..Foundry mNew.I '<:r"..Lor1\. f or a South Caromal' raih·oad,I~"lI···"··lI-··~···"-·······~""'···"···--'·"··"-············~i.i-. 1 ... • .. •• • •••••••"••••• ... •• • ••"••• • .. • •• • .. •••••• • ••• • • ... • .. 1.'. AT• 6680' .:.:~: and "Old Ironsides", built by Matthias Baldwin and put into serv-l:: DRIVE OlJT TO ::I:~: ::: ice on the Philadelphia, Germantown and Nonistown Railroad inl:· HOTEL:~: S :.1::: K PE KY 1832. "Old Ironsides", however, labored under a handicap. Iti~ orSS ::l:~: :~ could not go outdoors if it rained. . I:: ~ I* * It was in that year, 1832, that locomotive construction in thisi:: ::I:;: 1429 So. 13th ::: country began to gather the momentumthat has carried it so far. I:: =: I:~: :i: Improvemer:ts ~ mechan.Ism.kept pace with the ::apid growth ~fl:: Chi-ekeD h ek ~I:!: Splendid Meals Moderately Priced :~: the locomotive construction mdustry. The machine even now ISI:: ..:I::: .z.t not complete. It still offers an open field for inventive genius.l:: am _ =: 11'•••• ~ _•..••••..•.••.••••••••••••. 1= Absolute requirements' now on high duty locomotives, said 1\i[r. j:: W ut 1850 ;)206 Center Street ::1..-·-·-·-·-·-·..•..·-·-·-·-·..·-.-·..•..•..·-·-·-· .-.- - -.-.- - -.- -.- -.-.-.- -.+ Vauclain, are the superheater, the mechanical stoker, the feed ~ ';A. BJ'av.Y-rl'rl'h·.·.·.·.· • "'.·.·.·.v.P.l'.·.·.·.·.·.·.·rh..·.YrlY.·..· "1: I!: ·,,·.·.· ·n..BJ'a"rl'a·"' ""'..• "'.y.."'.·.·..·.·,....• ••••••• • "'''' '''••••'!- water heater and the power reverse gear. And then he added: I :-. One Dollar Down ~ "Can we expect in the near future an improvement that will purl-I I~ BOO fy water ~fore it enter.s the pump and thus prolong tp.e life. Of,,' 10'; l~ Places I Columbia ~ flues and fIre boxes1" STRAIGHT 1-: . The industry that began with Mr. Cooper's "Tom Thumb" hasi I~ 8ralol011 In I attained a husky size, but the end of its growth is still of the in-I Better andmorep1easind t"han Ii- definite future. . _ anymjldHa.vana cidar. ~ YOUf Home 'I Ask your dealer lor!lourfavorite sfJe ! ~ ...IMPORTED lEyourdeele.r cantsupply you-- write us. .a Purchase and pay for a :: FLAVORI.G~ I. LEWIS CIGAR MfG. CO. NfWARK.N.J. ~ f)OLt~ds DOW~ O~ ~ EXTRACTS, ESSEleES ArtD OILS of'~ I Largest Independent Cigar factol"lj in1he World. ==. Columbia Grafonola FOR No-N-~4.LCOHOLICPURPOSES :. ORLY your choice will be sent ~ C-orn, Scotch, Canadian, Gin. Anae, I$5.00.1 pint $8.00, any assortment. Our a: at onee to your home. -= Irish, Wheat, Bourbon, Monongahela, flavors are sold to yOll with our usual I~ $125.00 Can at our recital rooms ~ Rum, Stregga, Malt, Rye. Old Tom, guarantee to prove "The World's Pm­ -= and you will be sure to s: Aprieotte, Peach, Apple, Caliiornian est and Finest Products", to reach you I KEEPING WELL MEANS 1':- find one just the design :: B, \V1shnit, Slivowitch, Roalia, Port, in the best condition, properly packed CONSTANT '1-: and finish that you want. :: Sherry, Malaga,. :Mad.e.. rra, $M.uscatel, and to be of .fUll strength. Ageing Oil, 'I A FIGHT Maraschino, Anissette, Champagne, I4 oz" $5.00, 8 drops to gal. Bead Oil, :- ~ Grenadine, Curacao, Rose, Kirchwas- 4- oz. ~.oo, 4 drops to gallon. Brown' AGAINST CATARRH i:= Columbia Records-- The lafest Music Hils ~ ser, Creme i'fe Menthe, Vermouth, Coloring, l'pint, $3.00. Very strong, < -: Creme de Cafe, Curacao, BenedictiJ;le, !concentrated. We will furnish any # 1j:: The very latest music hits are now ready for your selec- :. Holland Gin, London Gin, Gordon, flavored pure Basic Oil that you desire YJmy~maybe dascribecl as a catarrh&l eondffion. ~ m!


Chieago.-After numerous' attempts had been made to serve upon Miss Pearl Kircher, II. warrant accusing her of passing a bad check for $108.40, the warrant was handed to Messrs. Wil- I !lam Gorman and Edward McGuire, de-I tectives of the police bureau. ".And !l0n't come back w.ith it," said the lientenant. as he instructed the de-I teeth-es "concerning their mission. "Bring the pt:isoner. Use your heads. We've had about a thausand p-Olice­ men trying to -serve this warrant until It's about worn out. She's a smart No Place Like Holmes' woman. 'Bring her in." They Use Their Heads. ,And so when McGuire had pushed Billiard 'Parlors the ben button in the Sheridan road • apartment bUilding and a sweet voice I had said, "\Vho is it?" McGuire said: 'Fresh Twice Daily in All . "Parcel pos!:." and slyly nudged Gor­ in in man the ribs token of his vast :tllItllINIffal' subtlety. . Welch's THIRTY TABLES The buzzer sounded. The detectives RESTAURANTS SOFT DRINKS went up two steps at a time, and when Also Full Line CIGARS · the door of Miss Kirch-er~s apartment CIGARS and SOFT DRINKS opened McGuire's foot strategically Hotel.' Plaza' held.It tbere. TOBACCO "Parcel P:~.;;~~:'::(W~::::'jt~t#~o~#4i ~ ~I i~ ~ -lIuJ-.-:~5) ; I LAST CAR LEAVES ;;s V-::;~~~':.:: 0 "', Ih" i.I Farnam street Une. f ( _ j' 16th and Farnam for Dundee. ,_. 1:22 1! 13th ~d Farnam for 46th 'and .,. I . W,. '. CUTInng __...... __..• 12.48 I . Ti I Depot for Dundee-:-_. , 1:1:; I ----ll ~ ! 13th and Farnam ror Depot_.__._._._._ 2:U4 I HULSE & .' I Harnev street Line i lj ~'u 133d and Parker to 6th St. ._.12:50 ! o !Of A ! 33d and Parker to Depots__.__.__.... 1:40 i ., - 16th and Center for 33d and Parker_. 1:15 I RIEPEN .] I . Park and North 24th Streets I, _._._ _._ _ _ ""~-:-~o(_•...!;o(o(-~. FUNERAL II m~ :~g-:::~~::: ~~i ~~~:.=--= t~g~ :i: DIRECTORS ' ...,b . .. 16th ann F",,rnam for Fiorence 1:12 ,'f.? 'D'R' •• Z''O'R'.·0' 'D'•·c'L'AR"K .;. ,. ~"- -.!... . 16th ani:l Fa.-T.ilm for Kansas Ave__ l:U ,':' II .. .:. ''\. ~l:5:.. I 16th and Farnam for. 24th and Ames-_ 2 :03 I::: DENTIST ::: New Location . ~ I south Omaha and 42d and Grand i.:. - .:. 14th and Farnam for ,Vest Q---- 1:21 i.:. .t. 2?rd Al\l]) CmIIN'G STS. t \' 14th and Farnam for 42d and Grand... 1:2:; I(. Room 309 Karbach Bldg. .:. Phone Jackson 1226 ~~~~~....----, Dodge Street Line (+ . .;. :::; 116th and Dodge _. C\'~est) l:Z! !::~:~:~~:*::::~::':~:...:~:~: : :....:::::~:~:::7::~~:~:,. 16th and Dodge (Ea:::>t). ~ 2~Oi i -.- +- ~.-..-.- -.-+ - - -- -.. I 30th and SpaUlding for Depots__ 1:48 t'? .:. ····",········ .., ! Leavenworth and Deaf Institute1~:24!I:::' Neville Hotel .;. ·15th and FarnaJ:Il {N"orth) .f. .:. Cur~d l:;th and Farnam (South} 12:33 I':' ::: Fistula-Pay When 1, Drexel Pharmacy III A mild sYStem of treatment that Cllre5 Piles. r",tnl~ and Benson and Allbright ,":. 16th and Dod(}'e Streets .:. 13th and Bensou 1:24 other Recta!Diseases in a shorttime. WitilOut a sev"reSUI­ "Please, Lady," Implored Garmas. I. Fa: A":t1n~e If they Tire, Itch, 01f came the lady's stockings. 'Ilfth:"d F&rnam north to 24th a.nd 2:4(; W'mEling, EIeetrie WIring Smart,BumorDis· "Please, lady," implored Gorman. Ames - 3:30 116 South nth Bt. Omaht; N4 Her ans,,"er ,,"'as a silken something... 16th and Farnam-north to 24th and ITT. II T I •••• I •••••• II•, nUR. charge.ifSore,Irri- " Ames -i:20 i U tated, 1nllamed or · or-other. -!10th and Mason to 46th and CumIng_ 3:52 use Murine often. Refr~he$. ' "LadY," supplemented McGuire, 16th and Farna;m to 46th and Cumlng' 4:00 1lX~RICAN TRANS~ Granulated. I .. ~ o~ ...... e're men of family and thiS' is no I46th and CumIng to 10th and Ban- ftj... r £torflMt6loL HIU'iD1t :Bye n .._edFCo.... East Ohio St., ChieaAo fi~ A final fiing of things. Well, croft 24th Street croS$-.Town· "::18 Jackson 3429 sIr. there she, was! 24th a.nd Lake to 24th and Vinton-12:48 "Now" said she "go ahead with Uth and Lake to 42d and T, 12:35 STARCHED OR SOFT , ." • 4ltd a.nd L to 24th and VintOIl..-- 1:15 1324 Le~venwor....h your arresting., CouncIl Bluffs and Omaha Place' SaId M,Guire: "Gorman, phone for Pearl and Broadway for Omaha- 1:80 I .. 14th and Howard tor R. r. Depol:.-- 1;20 Storage and Forwarders 1924 Clark St. the wagon--and a blanket. 14th and Howard !-or Pearl and TL\.RRO-W ".And a barrel," said Gorman. The Broadway s:~ Storage Space Alway!! ~ IS A DEPENDABLE INDICATOR wagon came. Came also E. Kahn. the 104-=== OF A SMART SERVICEABLE landlord. - A vsilable. II "Oh, goodness," said Eo Kahn, "she wouldn't pass a bum check. Why, she's SOFT DRINKS COLLAR C II Yo~k got an income of $4-,000 a month. rn t lmmnnllllUUlllluunmlllUlllunlllllllll CLUETr, PEABODY & CO.• Inc. Troy, New drive you all down iil'her limousine." o·.u··r e'.0 CIGARS At whIch the lady put on herelothes.! e And when she had·signed her bonds JA.2197 TOBACCO ::~==~~a~r:ed Advertise In The Mediator to McGuire That -Mild Cigar De's M· CIGARE'ITES "Well. you wantedexcl.tement. and 01 nes you got it." Will Pay You ~ , 8 ~:.-:..e't)o~ :-:~ :+<;o('*"X~-: :-::~ Five Yearafor Each Wife. • C -HoteI li-:...... :..:..:.. ..:..:+<:-:..;..:..:..:..:-:..:..:..:«-:.. :Baltimore. Md~-Convictedof marry- I·i' ~ }ng five women without a divorce from 13th and Howard ~llIInmmU1.IUUlumlmnlllnHlmUJI1f~1. H Service First' ~: any of his former gponses. Claude M-e-! I" ,JABEZ CROSS =1·:· .:. Dougal. was sentenced to sel'V*. fiv~ I \ Best Place to Stop 5 &oft D'l'InkS. Fine AU-Cay Lunch ai:!: :i: years III prison fol:' each marnage.! :: Candles. Fun Line Best Cigars. ="i· DUNDEE PLUMBING l' Kate McDougal, bIs fifth and only I R b' :: . Poilu S...... loe. :: X ::: legal wife, declared that she will be ates y Day, =220 So. 14th at. ~Omaha. =.f. & HARD't"XTARE CO' -:. true to him. Week or Month mtm(J1lU(mnllnftlJunnnnnmuuuu~:!: vv. 5.:

Jailed for Breaking into Own Home. Moderate Prices 1* POPE DRUG co. 15: (Incorporated) " i~, M"assville, K..v.-Charged with break- 'I .Harle-lIaas Drug Co. I CaneJea. TobaoM. Drvg4, R...... 11+. lng into bIs own home during the ab- DISTRIBUTORS EMIL LEAF. Prop:. ~~:u;:a~::: Fortieth and Famam Streets ~:

renee of his father, Lansing Haley, sev- Council Bbd&, loll'&. c P'ree Delivery Nyal Remedies :i: 0 m' a h a :t: :~~,:r;u~~ is held~or action by ...UU...... UU66.u.....llItlUmmmIllUIIIIIIIUIIIUUlIIllIflUlIlflU 0-.... ten 1atI W::, FImMlIII. * t.:~~~" wo+x-t "


I~ • • • • • " ~WILD TREAT FOR TH E YOU NGSTERS i~....++.++.++.++.++:..:...:...:••:...:-:-:-:-:...:...:••:..:..:.+:.+:..:..:..:..:. SHOOTI18 OF GREAT, SEA SCENES HAlf CHILDREN FLEE - j.:. ••• FROM FIRST· "MOYIE" TRAIN "M~ou~~ HUO;:~~~:U~;V~Q FOR "CHILDREN OF JAZZ" AMAZE ::.:::r He I::: I(J'. 'I{ ·i· l.ovely Sunday." I • ~ ••• Spectacle of Express Rusnmg at hors~back ~ • The man on has stOOd' :i: r u .. :i: Seldom has such interest~en evidenced durllig the"produc­ Them Across Screen Sends through many centurIes as 'the type .++ of the haughty. lWperior person. He : S· ....g:••• ."J;ion ·()f amotion picture as was :manifested durJil.g' the filming of Them Scurrying rides wnife others plod. He :00k8 ••• Wil·~mln .:. water scenes for the Paramount picture, "Children of Jazz", down upon the 'rest of us. And ndel"!< ..:+ _ :LAirI. ••• whichis to be shown-beginningSlillday at the Strand theatre. Glasgow, Scotland.-The first movIe in the park are ,err superior persons .... \ I : •• . • • 0 0 show ever wItnessed by peasant chil- indeed. Yet one who easily bestrode The story calls for athrilll?-g chase, havmg as Its prmcIpals dren on the lonely island of St. Kilda, I: ;1 .... li handsome chestnut horse was seen ••+ 0 .:. , a large sailing vessel and a hyq,oplane piloted by Ted Carter, west of Scotland, so terrified them the Other Sunday afternoon to stop i .:0 ••• played by Ricardo Cortez. ,Clyde Dunbar, portrayed by Robert that th-ey stampeded !r(;m the school- beside the railing near the Sixty-sixth I... : Sl reet gate, westward. where stood a, : ••+ Cain, is a passenger. The h~oine, played by Eileen Percy, has roo~~. film was being exhibited in. the woman with many children. I·.. .:. been abducted by the schooner's crew-a rough lot, who. have schooi, bnt the exhibition was held np He reined in, borrowed an urchin .:. .+. alreadp apparently put their skipper Richard Forestall - out of when the room was vacated so ab- and set it on the pommel of his sad- 0+. : . >, , ruptly. The children.sought safety on dIe. Very gentl~- he trotted off. very :- ••• the way, the hllisides. Ilghtly .he Ulrned and, yery softly 0.. .:. '. Be~e;;n.-scenes, .th.,.e pro.duction umOtj'near .the edge .though safel.y liEf the Bt. Kllda, iso.lated during se~ral h~ cantered back, never getting be- .:. ••• .was getting everyt;lgng in readiness deck. The plane, as though yet un- months of the year by the st.or~y.At- yond the brave~ but amdons mother's I... : for one of the most thril.Iingclimaxes red human guidance, because of the Iantlc, Is inhabited by a seml-cr:lllzed sig-ht. T'hen, l1e borrow~d another :: +.+ ta'ed f l' motion pcture pur- lashed control glided gracefully people. A party of visItors, thmking 'u1"ehin and did It aga"ln. And then I·.· .:. ever s g 0, . . .' , to give the natives a treat, arranged comll~g llllother. And each time, as he handed ,.:. ++. ,'POses. A consderable crowd. had .a",'"ay to a stop further out at a moving picture entertaInment. rhe proud child baek, he slipped some- ••• :- gathered. on the loea-ton, and every- sea, for Director JerOUIe Storm had The young folks were out in full tIling into its hand. I: ·t thing was'declared to be in readiness seen to the little ,detail of fuel, plac- for~e despite the warning of their A man who walks in the park reg- 1+.· ••• for shooting. The hydroplane shot irig in the craft's tank just enough to eiders. The -audience sat unmoved lI'm·ly says he has never in many I.:" 0:0 out ac.,ross t.he wa.ter. as t.hei:amera- carry it with saf.etY to where the through a Pictu.,.re of a football match I,ears of walkIng there seen the like, ••• .++ men started tuining. In a longJ.schooner rested., and. theIr hosts were elated at their happen before. It was a very lovely I :: • ~lJllda~·.-New York Times. graceful s~oop the plane took to the I' With the stunt successfully acom- 8Pellbound interest. 'am I+t +:. . _. . d ., d linin' th h' Th. en an express tr rushed at the ~ ~ 'air and headed for the-schooner lymg phshe , the crow g e s ore audience across the screen and the but a short 4iis~ce away_ Itl;;. oc- let -o-qt a cheer. This is but 011e of Youngsters screamed and fi~d. They TESTING STRESS ON PLANES I".:. .:. ~A cupants,harnessed to parachuotes, the many gripping episop.es of a Ignored the assurances of the operator "Accelerometer" Registers Informa. : A:. -were preparing for their perilous de- splendid production, a pictw:ization of that the train was not real, so the per-I tion of Value to Builder, as Well j... ..+ , .• scent to the boat's deck. C~rter in the stage, .play, "Other Times;' .by formance was called ofl:. I as ShOWing Pilot's Ability. .:. +:. "the forward cockpit, when his plane Harold Bnghouse. The supportrng I A A was directly~ver the schooner, :ash~ cast .inclu~e~ Alec H. F1:ancis,: Frank Pet Hen and Mistress,I Not long ago the natiOnal advisory I :: d B he B h :: ,his controlling lever fast and Wlth his Gurner, LIllian Drew and Smtz Ed- Buried in Same Coffin cOmmittee for aeronautjcs undertook 0.. an at 109 'eac ..+ to . obtain Information about the .:. .:+ companion jumped, landing.periously wards. Washington.-Thoe true story of how stresses that are produced. in mao ••• .+. a pet hen recently was buried in the ,.,. I neuvering an airplane. .At the beain-". ••:: ...... ,--,pe.n 8.:-. A M. t 0 10 PM•• .~+t t~ought: ~a:~o~~~~~::~Ywr:~~~edw: ning of a series of experiments it was I :: .. JBIS THE WORLD- GOIEt The of the luscious golden observed that, wheI;l the pla~ was i... .:+ brown pIes thaL mother made-and no- fOWl came to light when one of the 1lying a straight and level course. a!.·. MAD? ASI HI'IIY body can bake pies like a woman. eyewItnesses related ~ circum- spring balance with a one-pound!.t.,V·IV·,IAN KARLS .+.: t.~. WATTS, R"IALT·O M·GR., That's 'why John W. Welch has two stances lnW&!ihington recently. ' weight attached to it would register II• : ••:. Z • . regular women-not college gradu- A few dayS" before ilie WOman's just one pound. If the craft was put ••• ••• ates--baking the pie for Welch's res- death she requested that her pet hen Into a turn or made to rise, thoe ap- ••0. Omaha girl, rides .diving horse every night at 10- ••• Exposing the whims and foibles taurants and "Gee V\'/biz" but they, b$ chloroformed and buried in the parent weight of the one-pound object ,I.:. Matinee dive Sunday afternoon at 5 .:. of' modern civilization to the ~earch­ are good and fill that pie craving as same casket with her. Having respect increased to two or three pounds,. :. .. ing X-Ray oihis, own clean:..cut un­ done. Try'm you'll say so too. for the woman's request, although It while on a downward dip the spring: ••+ .:. derstanding, Daniel Carson Good~ . - was admittedly odd and unusual, balance would indicate less than one! .:. D· Af d.:. friends procured a quantity of chlo­ man; famous author and piodll<:6r, pound or even zero. Based upon the '0·. anclng ternoon an .+. roform and administered tqe polson conclusIons of these tests. an instru- f : , ' :. deals crushing blows to the ",super-, LEGION'S ALL ST~ lin the usual manner at the same time ment. which has been called an "ac- I... E •.. fieialities and conceits of the pres- t SHOW, LEAGUE PARK Iplacing the hen in a box, where it celerometer," was d.eslgned, to detect I.:. vening .:. ent generation in bis latest, and 1 was to be kept until the day of the and record the variation and relath'e I... ••• greatest modern screen i!Tama, 'Has i (Continued from Page One) funeraL magnitude of the forces that tend to :- :- I set up stresses in an airplane struc- ••+ +•• the. World ,Gon,e M::dl" It is t? be,' presence in the ring is sure to call The following ~orning, however, It ;::hown for the first time at the Rialto f bo t h 1 s'Il was found the p01:>on had no effect on ture when In fiight. In doing this, I.:. R·d hR·d .:. - . I or a". u. a.s muc app ause a.:: W"l the egg-layer and another dose Was says Popular Mechanics Magazine, it 1.+. r let e I es ..+ Theatre on Sunday, July.22, . 1the pnnClples, as both men are popn- adminls.tered w.fro no better results. also gives an unbiased record of the' :: :. relati\~ Across the scr~n pass ill reVIew, lar here. - Finally the day of the funeral arrived, ahlHty of pilots in handling 00+ ••• all the ~wa:rped erea.t:rres Who I This match tonight is the first oqt- and the llndeftakoer said he eould "turn ,their mal'hines in the air. and in mak- .:. .:. have come to play an Importantj door affair to be held in Omaha since the trick" in short order, so accord­ tng a ,satisfactory lan!ling. .. _._••••_ __ _ ~ .. ~ ~ole in modem .life.' There is the ·Benne Boyle's F~mousfistic carnival, ingly admillil>tere(l somefo~aldehyqe'l ...... "" wife and mother, beyond forty, who, which he staged on' JUI}' Fourth. But even at that the hen dId not go I c~~~~~~~J~~~~~~w~~-~~~~~~~~~~I~======~==~======~ ance and gets into trotth-Ie There ' ~ d. h t . d' t th t th How to comply Wlth the wom~sI . . , • j' wa" goo enoug ~ pIe Ie. a ,e request wasbeN.mi'ng qu.ite baf!Iil:ig. 0 IS the husband and father :vn ' at I weather would be. Ide:u for the out- and as relatives and friends werecg"Ath- i t~e same dan~rous age, skirt;s the i door event. RobbInS IS a good scout ering for the last rites the undertaker ' rIm of many PJ.tfalls. There IS the Iand a pretty good predictor, so fight solemnly carried the hen to the WOOd-l • son of one family and the daughter Ibugs can rest reasonably sure of fair house. whert" the hen was prepared I of another involved in entanglements weather. Fair or foul so far as the for its last sleep by chopping ofl: its I of the heart. And with these char- weather is concerned, one' thing is as- head with an ax. I acters Mr. Goodman tell his stupend- sured, all fights are going to be hum- I ously moving stor}' of the soul of Idingers. ' Vet With Broken Neck I America ~y. J_ Boasts as ~sLuckiest Man" II Mr Goodman knO\\'S women as weIll San Antonio. Tex.-HIs neck broken as he kno,:,s men. Years of travel I by a diye into the. municipal pool at j and study m all parts of the world I _OOK FOR HOARD OF BANDIT San Pedro park, J'et aliVe, the broken I have given him an unparalleled. vertehrae held firmly in a plaster cast, equipment for the sort of work upon I ::''i:>lortng Party Believes It Is on R. L. ("Jack") Perry. thiny-tllree- which he is at presen.t end. He I the Right Path ~o Robbe!". year-old \Vorld \yar \'eteran, has de- "'....,,~ cided thai he- i8 the luckiest man in shows in starkly- dramatic sitlJ-I' . Tre.asure House. the world. - I ations the crying futility of life a.<; • -- ~ N' h 1 Jerr:r served in the World war with ....._;- eo I 1-' 't t--" I t"yelllC messages from .,t. .;. J(' iJc1 as 1 eeL"""'" p p e I\e 1 uuay. I'~' .. said by an archeologist In chl,rg:e- the sixty-sixth Infantry, Rainbow dI- The matron who undergoes the ..t ...xcavations in the Balkans tu have vision. He was gassed three ti~s tortures of face-lifting and obesity .. >I to til", discovery of the suhter- and wounded seven times dnring the j cure; the stout man ,vho craves the1.'nn·an srrong:!lOld of .Ali Pasha. a fa, war and now is on the goyernment I attention of women and weakens I 'n"'f'; handit who terrurized the Bal- disabled ,list. drawing compensation. j' himself in reducing; the young \Vo-! ';an" H century ago. , Coming to San Antonio for the ben­ men who live their lives at express I • According to tl~ London Express efit of his lungs. whIch were weak- ... I rue skeletons of ~a m"n were found. ened by the gassing, Perry was run! train speed, gIVIng seldom a thought, elieved to han' neen killeli necau::;e over by an autrli'llohile soon after his I o£ what the future may brng forth.l t:ley discon~red the secret>; of All arrivaL His left leg was fractured The young man who keeps a flask in t i'a~ha's treasure house ltml its lab~'rin- above the knee. his hip pocket,who sees life only in i thine -PRSS