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AGWAY PETROLEUM CORPORATION HEATING OILS - GASOLINE - 24 HR, BURNER SERVICE Phone 272-8002 505 TAUGHANNOCK AGWAY PETROLEUM CORPORATION HEATING OILS - GASOLINE - 24 HR, BURNER SERVICE Phone 272-8002 505 TAUGHANNOCK ITHACA DIRECTORY 265 DWORSKY LEONARD B (Diana) prof and dir Water Resources and Marine Sciences Center Cornell University h8 Winthrop pi Dwyer Thos F acct CU rl40 Giles Dyce Elton J prof emeritus CU res Flon do Lee Snow Dvce Rolf B research assoc CU res Are CLSTOM HOME Bl'lLDEU PR Dyckes Douglas F (Martha) postdoctoral assoc Planning Assistance CU h20 NT r i phammer rd (E2-5) . 273-6651 Dyckman Thos R (Alice A) prof CU h402 Win­ 140Snyder Hill Rd., Ithaca throp dr Dyer Lee D (Beth M) asst prof CU h 1001 EState Earle Wendell G r Fr oncel io) prof CU and 1st DYKEMA NORMAN D (Ellen F) v-pres-sales v-pres Tompkins County United Fund Inc mgr Morse Borg-Warner h5 Sandra pi h1318 Hanshaw rd Coy Hts Dykeman Peter A grad asst CU res Trumansburg Earnhardt Kent C instr CU r117 Sibley Dymek Eug J (Florence) dir Life Safety Ser East Geo h 109 Hyers CU h107 Midway rd East Hill School Doni Lee pr in 105-109 Stevorr Dzikiewicz MarCia (Mrs Peter A) typist TC av Hosp res Sandy Creek Tr Pk East Hill Supply Co Inc pres Gerald T Glazier v-pre s John P Ray sec Mildred M Glazier EPA REALTY Edward P Abbo" prop 708 treas Judi Roy liquor dealers 416 Eddy First National Bank Building D.272-9202 East Ithaca Food Storage (CU) 126 Maple av see plOD East Lawn Cemetery before 921 Mitchell E and M Cor Wash 310 Elmira rd East Lawn Cemetery Assn office 934 Mitchell Eades Norma (Mrs Wm D) physical therapi st Eastburn Judith A Mrs sten Agronomy CU res IC h 104 Regency 10 Ovid Eades Wm D (Norma) r n s tr ond tro rner IC hl04 Eastern Art i hc i o] Insemination Co-op Inc Chas Regency 10 J Krumm gen mgr 219 Judd Falls rd Eadie W Robt (Lauro C) prof CU res Chatham Eastman Alberto E Mrs emp Stotler Inn CU res Moss S Lo nsmq Eagon Frances P editor and asst d ir of publr­ Eastman BruceW (Al i ce M) emp Ci tv h244 cations CU h400 Triphornmer r d Coy Hts Pennsylvania av (J2) Eastman Carol L Mrs library o s s t CU res Lud­ Eager Hel en H WI d Wm H h400 T" phornrn er rd lowville (L 1) Eastman David D s uper v rs rnq editor Publica­ Eagle Envelope Co John B Burling prop 123 tions Div CU res 1245 Warren rd Heights ct Eastman Frances F Mrs medical records librar­ EAGLES LODGE 124 W Green see Fraternal ian TCHosp h302 SPlain Order of Eagles and p 45 Eastman Gera Id P (Janice L) emp Elcor Inc h Eames A Mrs h 150 Highland av 412 Hector Eanes Tho s J library asst CU r613 N Aurora Eastman Janice L (Mrs Gerald P) sten CU h Earl Gee A Jr (Winifred D) co-op ext specialist 412 Hector Poul try Indu stry CU h224 Warren pi Eastman Judith A teller Ithaca Savings & Loon Earl of Sandwich Wm Melvin rnqr B 102 Babcock Assn res RD1 Newheld Hall Terrace Hill Eastman Lester F prof CU r61 Burdick Hill rd Earl's Swap Shop Earl Mix prop 610 W State Eastman Linda B lab tech Babcock Inc r969 E Earle Br icn 0 asst Communication Arts CU res State 1871 Hanshaw r d Earle Clifford J (Lisa D) prof CU h314 Elmwooci-----------------.., av Earle Eliz (Mrs Clifford J) research assoc CU Bradley Landscaping h314 Elmwood av Service Earle John B emp CU res Locke EARLE ROBERT (Marion) member Board of Education and asst v-pres marketing GARDEN CENTER Tompkins County Trust Company hl12 Kay il:? x. Triphammer Rd. Tel. :?:'ii-3i31i Guy Torbert Peter de\hsoeki 273-7511 ) ~ - Jerry True The Davenport Brand INSURANCE 102 E. State ..",. ~i," "\ CREDIT BUREAU OF ITHACA ~. REPORTS "Serving Tompkins County OYer 40 Years" COLLECTIONS 273-7023 273-6526 119 South Cayuga (2nd) ESTABLISHED 1927 266 H. A. MANNING COMPANY'S Echols John M (Nancy D) prof CU h711 Han­ shaw rd Cay Hts ACME PEST CONTROL Echternkamp Sherrill E NIH trainee CU r224 Mor" son SERVICE Eckelmann Herman J Rev (Emi Iy) research Work Guaranteed on all Types assoc CU h 117 Chr: s ropher cir of Pest and Termite Control Ecker Cath H (Mrs .lo s ) emp TCTCo h1947 Slatervi lie rd Tel. 844-8702 Ecker Jeanette (Mrs John) (A & W Restaurant) 387 Harford Rd. Dryden, N.Y. h414 Cascadilla Ecker John H (Jeanette) const wkr h414 Casca­ EASTMAN ROBE RT (Tenney Lee) pres Robert di Iia Eastman Inc res Tare Ranch Eckerlin Richd (Joan) lab tech TCHosp r1871 EASTMAN ROBERT INC pres Robert Eastman Hanshaw rd advertising agency direct mail and com­ ECKERT ESTHER (Mrs Walter) v-pres WF munications specialists 1111 Hanshaw rd Fletcher Co Inc res Danby ~, 251-1616 see front cover Eckert Robt A (Cheryl) body shop wkr Cutting Eaton Albert L (Hazel P) retired hl008 E Shore Motors Inc h85 Hornbrook rd dr Eddie's Gulf Service Edw C Joseph prop 302 Eaton Carl F (Mary A) emp Cooke's Cadillac h W Seneca 505 Hector Eddigate Coin Laundry Donald J Lucente prop Eaton Clara moi I clk IC res Dryden 323 Eddy Eaton Edw 0 (Lois H) assoc prof CU h140 Edds Lillian E ext aide CU h547 Warren rd Pine Tree rd Eddy Don regional dir Colonel Sanders Kentuc­ Eaton Eug (Lilian) emp Kolar Machine Shop ky Beef r240 Renwi ck dr h289 Cu Iver rd Eddy Donald D (Edith A Q) asst prof CU h240 Eaton Francis E (Louise) emp City h Shady Renwick dr Lane T r Pk (mh) off 655 Spencer rd Edelman Frank E (Doris 0) consultant ice Eaton John S tech as soc CU res Dryden cream Dairymen's League h419 N Cayuga Eaton Louise (Mrs Frcnc r s E) mall clk CU h Edelman Hendrik (Annakee) asst dir admn CU Shady Lane T r Pk (rnh ) off 655 Spencer rd Libraries h418 Mitchell Eaton Margt M wid H Ward h217 Esty Edelman Henry D grad stu CU h30 Sheraton dr Eaton Paul D stu r140 Pine Tree rd Edelman Herbert 0 elec eng CU res 767 N Trip­ Eaton Paulette M (Mrs Bert) orthodontist asst hammer r d Drs Baker Cacciotti Lieberman and Filios Edelman Louise Mrs s r clk PO CU r211 Pleas­ res Newfield ant Eaton Wm H (Dor i s C) ddts CU h121 Hudson Edelman Rosemary stoff attorney NYS Low Eaton Wm .Ir emp NY Hwy Dept h121 Hudson Revision Comm h Lansing Apts East 1-3F Ebel .Ios G adm asst CU res Newfield 600 Warren rd Eberhardt Louis J animal tech CU res Cayuta Edelman Wm H (Audrey M) phorrn and prop Ebert Paul A prof and chm CU res Mamaroneck Weston's Pharmacy hl03 Landmark dr Eberts Paul R (Elinor V) assoc prof CU h230 Edelstein Rivicka B (Mrs Robt M) head resident Renwick dr Ren Hts Holmes Hall IC res Holmes Hall Ebner Eberhard postdoctorol assoc CU h20 N Edelstein Stuart J asst prof Science CU res Trr phornrner rd (2A) 1 Hall Wood s dr Eccleston John (Ann) grad asst CU h244 Cor­ Edelstein Terry lecturer IC res East Tower IC nell Quarters Edgar Glendon gen mech CU res Cortland Edgercliff Apartments Mrs Louis Herman prop 934 Stewart av CHASE'S PRODUCE Edgerton Edith S (Mrs Loui s J) admn a sst CU Wholesale & Retail h 110 Brandyw ine dr 223 Elmira Road - 273-7250 Edgerton John W grad stu rl10 Brandywine dr Fresh Quality Produce Year Round Edgerton LOUIS J (Edith S) prof and head Guaranteed Nursery Stock Pomo logy Dept CU h 11 0 Brandywi ne dr Expert Landscape Consultants Edgerton Mary L stu r110 Brandywi ne dr Edmondson Locksley GE asst prof Govt CU r 203 W Upland rd -I. S. BARR & CO., Inc. Members New York Stock Exchange - American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) STOCKS - MUTUAL FUNDS - BONDS - SINCE 1924 501SAVINGS BA:\'K BLDG. Tel. 607- 273-6565 Robert S. Boothroyd Agency Inc. I:\Sl'R\:\( E 312 E. SE:\EC\ ST. ITHACA DIRECTORY 267 Edsall Cornelius L caretaker City res Stewart Pk rd (1) Edsall Jos R (Priscilla) maint fore City Hall h BOOl'S FLOWER SHOP 519 Willow ov Edsall Leon (Lesl ie) retired h242 Lake EDSALL MARY A asst v-pres First National DOWNTOWN 272-8410 Bank and Trust Co of Ithaca h518 N Aurora NEAR POST OFFICE Edson Isabel E h308 N Cayuga 209 N. AURORA Edwards Betty J Mrs emp IC res Condor EDWARDS EW & SON department store 200- 210 S Salina Syracuse EGNER ANTON J (Joan R) (Anton J Egner & Edwards Eliz Mrs r102 First Associates) and (Egner & Niederkorn Edwards Francis E dispatcher CU res Lodl Associates Inc) city planning and architec­ Edwards Jas A (Ruth) emp Challenge Industries ture h205 Elmwood av h103 Madison Egner Anton J& ASSOCiates (Anton J Egner) Edwards Margery M asst CU r708 Stewart o v or chitec t s 310 W State Edwards Nancy (Mrs Paul) sr adm sec Cornpu­ Egner Joan R (Mrs Anton J) c s soc prof CU h ter Services CU h 1686 Hanshaw rd 205 Elmwood o v Edwards Paul groundsman IC res Condor EGNER & NIEDERKORN ASSOCIATES INC Edwards Paul (Nancy) prop Paul" BP Service city and urban planning 310 W State Varna h1686 Hanshaw rd Ehlert Raymond L (Marqt) retired h509 Lake Edwards Priscilla C Mrs sten Business and (D-51 PubIic Admn CU res Condor Ehnholm Christian (B"qleta i phv s h409 Lake Edwards Ruth (Mrs Jas A) emp MB-W h 103 (C-34) MadIson Ehnholm Christian P postdoctoral fellow Edwards Victor H asst prof CU res 204 Pinck- Nutrillon CU r604 Winston ct (3) ney rd RD7 Ehrovclk Jean h412 Yates Edwards Wendy stu r 109 Delaware ov Eichinger Kathleen F Mrs ext aide CU res Edwards Wm groundsman IC h l 05 N Aurora Freeville Eells Karl cook Telluride Assn h119 E Spencer Eickell Harold A h20 N Triphammer rd (H-3E) (2) Eickmeyer John R research asst CU r608 E EFRAMSON GUSTAF E (Sally K) prop Bear State (3) Electric h216 E Lincoln E,ckwort Geo C asst prof CU res Freeville Eframson Josephine wid Emil concessionaire Eidelberg Boaz E teaching asst CU res Sage Taughannock Pk Concession h611 W Hall Seneca Elden Jos C (Carol I) empNYSE&GCorp h301 Egan Fr cnc rs W (Rita F) pres Egan's IGA Super Tareyton rd Mkt h 1 Winthrop 89 LUMBER & SUPPLY CO INC gen mgr Egan Wm M Jr (Marianna) painting and dec or o­ Clayton J Bowker 412 Taughannock blvd .:.
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