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) 8) .# 9$ # 9$ 9 SIDISrtVUU@IB!&!!"&#S@B9IV69P99I !%! %! ' $/! 1234 /",/,0 ./'% $*+,#+ '- +7)+7+0&A+ 6;&;!';7;6-0)'?7;0 )0!+"):;7 !+":;7+&&6730 7+&&?+4+3"&+"-+!@+6-3"4 !+"+40!0"6;" &+" 6 %/0 + <== >+ 0 +$$ 5 61578129137 ! "$% !& ! &' "0 )0&53 purchase of motor vehicles in " ! #$ the name of any person. Total O he chairman of the number of registered vehicles TSupreme court-appointed in Delhi has crossed over 1.45 & Environment Pollution crore. Between April 1, 2017, ' (Prevention and Control) and March 31, 2018, as many ) " Authority (EPCA), Bhure Lal, as 7,20,519 vehicles were reg- # has tossed up an alarming sug- istered in Delhi. Of these, gestion to deal with the appre- 4,76,691 are two-wheelers. As hension that air pollution the per data, total 6,61,494 vehicles "0 )0&53 gram on Delhi Pollution national Capital could further were registered in 2015 and Control Committee (DPCC) !"#$%" ) worsen. Ban plying of all pri- 6,93,159 vehicles in 2016. elhi is facing “health air quality index. $ vate vehicles! The Supreme Court- Demergency” as air pollu- An AQI between 0 and Bhure Lal’s remark has sent appointed EPCA had informed tion plunged to “severe” on 50 is considered “good”, 51 $ shock waves. If his suggestion the apex court on Monday that Tuesday. In an advisory, the and 100 “satisfactory”, 101 is implemented at any stage, it commercial vehicles like trucks Centre-run System of Air and 200 “moderate”, 201 and could lead to a complete shut- and taxis were the major source Quality Forecasting And 300 “poor”, 301 and 400 “very down of Delhi as people are of pollution in the national Research (SAFAR) asked poor”, and 401 and 500 & largely depended on their own Capital and that there was a Delhiites not to rely on dust “severe”.
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