KISS Newsletter

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KISS Newsletter KISS Newsletter January 1, 2014 Korean International Statistical Society Volume 4, Issue 1 President’s Corner Second, KISS became one of stracts under KISS sponsor- 2013 was Inter- nine societies who host Joint ship for future JSMs. Please national Year of Statistical Meetings in 2013. also note that the best time Statistics. Montreal seemed to be a to start thinking about invit- KISS joined as perfect place for KISS becom- ed session proposals for one of the host- ing a host as KISS was first 2015 JSM will be during 2014 ing societies for formed at 2010 JSM in Van- JSM. Joint Statistical couver. Both happened to be JSM is one of the largest sta- Meetings (JSM) in Canada. As KISS became a tistical meetings that enables from 2013. host, it has brought several KISS to interact with other KSS and KISS benefits to all KISS members. societies. KISS was invited to continued close Dear KISSers, Members of KISS can register the Committee of Presidents collaboration. Happy 2014! I hope that all for JSM at a discounted rate. of Statistical Societies KISS members have a joyful In addition, members could (COPSS) friends meeting as KISS started a mentoring pro- and fruitful year! Year 2013 submit their session pro- one of special partners of gram. was another exciting year. posals or abstracts under JSM. COPSS consists of ASA, First, all statistics community KISS sponsorship and a KISS IMS, ENAR, WNAR, and SSC around world celebrated representative in JSM pro- and COPSS friends add ICSA, Statistics Year of 2013 all gram committee handles IISA, ISBA and KISS. Each soci- year long. There were nu- them. In 2013 JSM, KISS or- ety shared its activities dur- merous activities hosted ganized an invited poster ing the past year, plans for Inside this issue: jointly by many statistical session and a contributed upcoming year and shared its societies. It was our pleasure session. For 2014 JSM, KISS experiences for running an KISS at JSM 2013 2 that KISS could participate in has organized two invited organization. KISS and ICSA several of them. KISS will sessions and will organize representatives mentioned Letter from ASA 3 keep the momentum to out- many other sessions. Please their joint applied statistics reach and collaborate with consider submitting your symposium in Portland (June other societies. session proposals and ab- 15-18, 2014) as one of main Upcoming Meetings 3 activities in 2014. KISS will tions and Methods (CSAM), for their love and strong sup- Senior Column 4-5 continue to seek for opportu- from 1/2013. I appreciate ports for KISS. The future of nities to collaborate with those who have volunteered KISS will depend on mem- Member’s Profile 6 other societies. for the editorial board. bers’ participation and sup- Third, the collaborations Fourth, KISS has started a port. Please send your ideas Korean Statistical Society mentoring program for early and suggestions, and even Members’ News 6 (KSS) have been quite active. career members. Although better lead KISS to accom- There were more than 50 there will be many challeng- plish them. I hope that we KSS members who also Mentoring Program 7 es, I hope that this program continue to build upon our joined KISS in 2013. In addi- will provide opportunities for successes and work together tion, many KISS members interactions between senior to make KISS a better society Books 7 chose to join KSS via joint and junior members. Given that can serve us all in 2014 membership of KISS/KSS. the initial interests from and beyond. Both societies continue to members, I am quite confi- Call for Papers: 8 join forces to publish a peer- dent that this will become Until next time and cheers! CSAM reviewed journal, Communi- very successful. cations for Statistical Applica- I sincerely thank all members Dongseok Choi KISS Newsletter Page 2 2013 KISS Annual Meeting at JSM The 2013 KISS annual meeting Young-Jo Lee and Sin-Ho Student paper awards was held at the Joint Statistical Jung Meetings on the August 5th in KSS spring/fall meeting, Montreal. About 52 participants 5. Next year meetings: invited sessions attended the meeting. JSM 2014 (Register and 6. Communication for Statis- 1. Special opening remarks: submit abstracts under tical Applications and Professor Xiao-Li Meng KISS) Methods (http:// (Harvard University) KISS JSM 2014 program Journal.php) 2. Introduction of all the par- chair: Mi-Ok Kim ticipants. Fast review Send session proposals 3. The Executive Director Mi- Bi-monthly publication (at Ok Kim reported the last Consider organizing topic the end of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) year’s KISS activities on contributed sessions and behalf of all officers (see invited poster sessions No fees (nominal fees for below for more details) conversion to LaTeX) ICSA-KISS Joint Applied 4. President’s Invited Talk: Statistics Symposium in 7. Dinner: 44 participants New ASA Fellows Drs. Portland (6/15-18, 2014 KISS Officers’ Reports Executive Director: Oregon webpage for Communica- 12/26/2013 title registration renewal tions for Statistical Appli- 2012 Carry Forward:$2,756.76 cations and Meth- 2013 Income: $5,746.53 ($50), Oregon CT-12 report ods (CSAM), the official 2013 Expense: $ 681.73 ($10), IRS tax report, KISS journal of KSS and KISS, 2013 Balance: $7,821.55 banner, 2013 Year of Sta- has been added. Online tistics: Add Hangul logo membership registration Program Chair: Invited and Hangul to “Statistics” system has been working sessions for KSS spring poster. well. A newsletter was meeting (2 sessions), JSM published in January, 2013 program committee: Communication Director: 2013. Jae-Kwang Kim -1 invited Mailing lists and the KISS Treasurer (Dr. Jong-Min poster session (organized website (http:// Kim): Report membership by Mimi Kim) and 1 con- have been paid and Financial reports: tributed session, IASC updated, especially a new KISS Financial report as of satellite meeting (8/22- 23), at Yonsei University, session proposals and (4 invited sessions), JSM participate in student 2014 program committee: awards. Contact: Mi-Ok Kim, JSM 2015: [email protected] Mikyoung Jun, JSM 2016: Ji-hyun Lee ICSA-KISS Joint Applied Statistics Symposium: Marriott Riverfront Down- town, Portland, Oregon Executive Committee Pro- gram Committee, Local Committee, Student awards subcommittee, Short course committee, Please submit contributed Volume 4, Issue 1 Page 3 Awardees at JSM 2013 Founders Award: Xiao-Li North Carolina at Chapel IMS Travel Awards: Meng (Harvard U) Hill) Yeonwoo Roh (U of Illinois ASA Fellow, 2013: Young- at Urbana-Champaign), Nonparametric Section, Seung Jun Shin (North Jo Lee (Seoul National U), Student Paper Award: Sin-Ho Jung (Duke U) Carolina State U), Yeonwoo Roh (U of Illinois Sungyoung Shin (U of Risk Analysis Section, Stu- at Urbana-Champaign) dent/Young Researcher North Carolina at Chapel Paper Competition, runner- Health Policy Statistics Hill) up, Beom Seuk Hwang Section, Student Paper (NIH/NICHD) Award; Hwanhee Hong (U of Minnesota) Biometric Section:,Byar Award: Kyu Ha Lee Statistical Learning and (Harvard U) Dara Mining, Student Pa- per Award: Min Jin Ha (U of Biometric Section, Student North Carolina at Chapel Paper Competition/Travel Hill) award: Noorie Hyun (U of Letter from ASA: Society Collaborations Key to the Success of Our Profession, Ronald L. Wasserstein, Executive Director The importance of collabora- A long term, ongoing example Korean International Statistical partners benefit as the mem- tions among the statistical soci- of collaboration is the Joint Society as partners. We antici- bership of KISS become active eties is hard to overstate. The Statistical Meetings. Five socie- pate more societies to join as participants, giving talks, get- major challenges we face as a ties (ASA, IMS, SSC, ENAR, and well. ting involved in activities, and profession require resources WNAR) collaborated to form so on. that are well beyond those of these meetings, by far the larg- Collaborations work when any individual society. The est annual gathering of statisti- Once societies begin to think there is mutual benefit for each International Year of Statistics cians in the world. In recent regularly about intersociety of the partners. The collabora- illustrates this very well. No years, we’ve increased the size collaborations, great things can tion of KISS in the JSM is a one society could have got this of the “J” in JSM with the addi- happen. We look forward to great illustration of this. As a going, but five societies collabo- tion of the International Society seeing what new collaborations young society, KISS benefits rated to get it started, and now for Bayesian Analysis, Interna- may arise between KISS and from the exposure resulting hundreds of societies have put tional Chinese Statistical Asso- the ASA, and among KISS and from being listed as a partner in together to make Statis- ciation, International Indian the other international statisti- for JSM partner. At the same tics2013 a success. Statistical Association, and the cal associations. time, JSM itself and the other Upcoming Meetings from 8:30 - 10:20 AM. ENAR 2014, March 15-18, tics Symposium of ICSA Organizer: Cheolwoo Park and KISS, June 15-18, 2014, Baltimore, MA, USA, Joint Statistical Meetings Speakers: Yoonkyung Lee, 2014, Portland, OR, http:// 2014, August 2-7, 2014, Todd Ogden, Juhyun Park meetings.cfm Boston, MA, USA, http:// Discussant:: Sebastian Kurtek Keynote Speaker: Robert KSS 2014 Spring (5/23-24, "New Frontiers of Longitu- Gentleman (Genetech) & Sha- meetings/jsm/2014/ Statistics Korea)/Fall dinal Data Analysis", ron-Lise Normand (Harvard U.) index.cfm Meetings (TBD), Korea, Wednesday, 8/6/2014, Banquet Speaker: Sastry Pantu- KISS will sponsor two invit- from 8:30 - 10:20 AM.
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