Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:11 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes THURSDAY . AUGUST 02. 2018 -Asad 11, 1397 HS AT News Report concerned over that. These organi- in April, 2019, with a commission- zations claim that the government er, Sayed Hafizullah Hashemi, KABUL: Ministry of Higher announced the date of next year’s saying that they have enough Education declared on Wednes- presidential election “in a hurry” sources and budget that let them AT News Report they are tried publicly. But we ac- day results of 2018 university en- to get saved from pressures by the hold presidential and provincial knowledge that still there are prob- trance exam, proclaiming that international community, political council elections together. But KABUL: The chief executive of- lems,” said Maisam, adding that over 60,000 hopefuls had quali- parties and other circles. Yousuf Rashid believes that those candi- fice has admitted the report pre- the national strategy of fighting fied to be enrolled in state-run uni- Rashid, head of the Free and Fair dates who fail in the legislative elec- pared by the Special Inspector corruption was prepared and peo- versities and higher education in- Election Forum of Afghanistan tion, would not accept the results General for Afghanistan Recon- ple would see achievements in this stitutions nationally. A total of (FEFA), said Wednesday that he and this would affect on the pres- struction (SIGAR) that had called regard. The SIGAR has claimed in 175,698 hopefuls had registered was doubtful the presidential elec- idential election.