Restoration of Rare Wet Terrestrial Habitat Types Of

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Restoration of Rare Wet Terrestrial Habitat Types Of Restoration of rare wet terrestrial Locations What will we do ? The project targets 11 Danish pSCI’s and cowers The project activitets are composed of the habitat types of national priority in 790 hectares on the island of Fyn and Langeland following actions: Southern Denmark and in the central Jutland. Half of the project area 350 is state owned and the other half is owned by 300 LIFE70 private landowners. 250 200 Project objectives 150 Hectare The conservation status of raised bog (7110*), 100 calcareous fens (7210*), petryfying springs 50 0 (7220*), alkaline fens (7230) and wet heaths Clearance Hydrological Grazing facilities (4010) is poor in Denmark. The project will restoration improve this situation through restoration and expansion of the habitat types. The project also 169 private landowners will be compensated targets Annex II species Fen Orchid ( Liparis economically prior to the conservation work on loeselii ) and a number af annex IV species, e.g. private areas. In addition, a public campaign to Agile frog ( Rana dalmatina ) and the moor frog ( R. increase the Natura 2000 knowledge is part of the arvalis ) occurring in the habitat types. The project project. supports the objectives of the Natura 2000 plans. Outcomes Partners Timeschedule The conservation status will be improved as The project is organized with nine partners The project period is from June 2012 to December shown here representing different Danish administrative levels 2018. 120 (municipality, state and NGO). The coordinating 100 Existing areas to be managed beneficiary is Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality. Economy 80 New nature to be developed The total budget is 4.425.000 € and the EU Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality: contribution is 2.524.000 €. 60 contact The Villum Foundation and 15. Juni Foundation Hectare 40 support the project with 671.000 € and 268.000 €, 20 Odense Municipality: contact respectively. The rest (962.000 €) is paid by the 0 beneficiaries. 7230 7110* 7210* 4010 7220* Habitat nature type Kerteminde Municipality: contact LIFE and Natura 2000 Overall, 182 ha of the core habitat types will be LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity is one of the main managed and 160 ha (e.g. arable land) will be strands of the European Union’s funding converted towards these habitat types. In addition Langeland Municipality: contact programme for the environment. It supports 25 ponds will be created or restored to benefit projects that contribute to the implementation of amphibians and an action plan for the Fen Orchid the EU's Birds and Habitats Directives, the Natura will be produced ( Liparis loeselii ). Nordfyns Municipality: contact 2000 network and that contribute to the EU's goal of halting the loss of biodiversity. The Natura 2000 network is based on the Assens Municipality: contact designations of the EU’s Birds and Habitats directive. Silkeborg Municipality: contact Website and more information Visit the project on to see current project status or contact Claus Paludan for more Danish Nature Agency Fyn: info: . contact The Foundation to the protection of birds: contact .
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