Toronto Montréal New York v Z'r The Word Exchange Beyond Na, *—*^ T Carlos Monsivâis Rosa Beltrân Veronica Volkow pr Ernesto Lumbreras Daniel Sada Enrique Serna Danielle Miller Douglas Coupland Monique Larue Interview: Michael Ondaatje Leandro Urbina Thomas King Anne-Marie Alonzo Music: Janice Kulyk-Keefer De cômo Esquivel perdiô el Garcia ± — Graciela Martinez-Zalce Esquivel, Yé-Yé and Me „,.„ _ — Will Straw Media Renaissance is at the forefront of the digital information revolution providing integrated expertise to meet all of your multimedia communication requirements. info: (tel) 514 844 8866 <fax> 514 844 8267 (e-mail) UMMARY U M A R I O OMMAIRE viceVersa Vice Versa, founded in 1983 AUTUMN • OTONIO No 53 Autumn 1996 ISSN: 0821-6827 • AUTOMNE 1996 Vice Versa, the iransculiural magazine is published quarterly by Éditions Vicevcrsa, P.O. Bo» 991, Station A, Montréal, QC, Canada H3C 2W9 All rights reserved. © 1996 by Éditions Viceversa Editorial MONTRÉAL BUREAU: 3575 Boul. Saint-Laurent, suite 405, Canada and Mexico, The Word Montréal, QC, Canada H2X 2T7 Phone & Fax (514)847-1593 Exchange Beyond Nafta 4 Danielle Miller e-mail:
[email protected] DIRECTOR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Lamberto Tassinan Of Classics and Barbarians BOARD OF EDITORS: René Akstinas, Donald Cuccioletta, Karim Moutarrif, Lamberto Tassinan Mexican Literature at ASSISTANT EDITORS: Danielle Miller, Andrew Seleanu PICTURE EDITOR: Jean Facchin the End of the Century 6 Carlos Monsivais ADVERTISING: René Clark, ph (514) 847-1593 PROMOTION AND SPECIAL PROJECTS: Denis Martineau A Time to Die: CIRCULATION MANAGER: Mona Hcaley SUBSCRIPTIONS/CHANGE OF ADDRESS: P.O. Box 991, Conjugal Love 10 Rosa Beltrân Station A, Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 2W9 Arcan VI: Los Amantes 12 Veronica Volkow TORONTO BUREAU: Vice Versa, P.O.