Elementary gates for quantum computation Adriano Barenco Charles H. Bennett Richard Cleve y z Oxford University IBM Research University of Calgary David P. DiVincenzo Norman Margolus Peter Shor x { y IBM Research MIT AT&T Bell Labs Tycho Sleator John Smolin Harald Weinfurter yy k UCLA Univ. of Innsbruck New York Univ. submitted to Physical Review A, March 22, 1995 (AC5710) Abstract We show that a set of gates that consists of all one-bit quantum gates (U(2)) and the two-bit exclusive-or gate (that maps Bo olean values (x; y )to(x; x y )) is universal in the sense that all unitary op erations on arbitrarily many bits n n (U(2 )) can b e expressed as comp ositions of these gates. Weinvestigate the numb er of the ab ove gates required to implement other gates, such as gener- alized Deutsch-To oli gates, that apply a sp eci c U(2) transformation to one input bit if and only if the logical AND of all remaining input bits is satis ed. These gates play a central role in many prop osed constructions of quantum com- putational networks. We derive upp er and lower b ounds on the exact number Clarendon Lab oratory, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK;
[email protected]. y Yorktown Heights, New York, NY 10598, USA; b ennetc/
[email protected]. z Department of Computer Science, Calgary, Alb erta, Canada T2N 1N4;
[email protected]. x Lab oratory for Computer Science, Cambridge MA 02139 USA;
[email protected].