Autumn Term – Turners Hill C of E School Issue 5 : News 2014/2015

‘Stewards Of The Earth, Eager to Learn, Faithful To God’

Welcome, from the Headteacher……

The Crosses

I stood there before the crosses glowing white in row on row Everyone a young life cut short

as the names upon them show.

The dates they died below the names tell of wars now passed and gone

Passchendaele, the Somme, and Mons of battles fought, and lost or won.

Poem by Bill Mitton

Upon reading this poem I instantly made the connection with the wonderful memorials produced by the children for this year’s remembrance events. With the help of Mr Dawes, the children produced 33 crosses bearing the names of

the 33 men who did not return from the fighting of World War 1. Although not quite on the scale of the poppy display in , they are still a very poignant tribute to those brave men and the children should be proud of their hard work. I hope you all have the chance to look at either the crosses on the village green or those within the bell tower of St Leonards and take some time to think of those young men whose names and dates of death adorn them.

On the 11th all the children attended an Armistice Day event at St Leonards and took time away from school to pay tribute to all those who have been affected by war. The children’s behaviour was exemplary and they showed true respect to all the people we were remembering. A special mention must be made of the children who read their poems and prayers as part of the service, they were moving, informative and beautifully written.

On a happier note I would like to congratulate all the Year 6 children who participated in Bikeability training this week. The children undertook a week long training course run by West County Council to allow them to safely use their bikes on the road - well done to all of you.

Plans are progressing well for the Friends of Turners Hill School Christmas event and it is not too late to get involved!

If you would like to lend a hand and help, then please contact the school office or see Lisa Hepburn - all and any help is always welcome so that we can produce an event we are all proud of and raise some funds in the process.


TURNERS HILL C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHURCH ROAD TURNERS HILL RH10 4PA Headteacher: Ben Turney, BA Ed (Hons) Telephone: 01342 715412 Email: [email protected] WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL

Autumn Term – Turners Hill C of E School Issue 5 : News 2014/2015

‘Stewards Of The Earth, Eager to Learn, Faithful To God’

RE Project As part of a recent RE project, children in Birch Class wrapped and filled shoeboxes with practical gift items for children in other countries. The Charity Samaritan's Purse will deliver these in time for Christmas and we are sure the boxes will bring delight and joy, as well as practical benefits, to those who receive them. Many thanks to the parents who generously helped their children donate shoeboxes, wrapping paper and gifts. Eleven shoeboxes were filled in total - a fantastic result!

Mufti Day On Friday 5th December there will be a mufti day. Any donations will be used in the making up of class hampers to be raffled at the Christmas Carol Concert.

Christmas Carol Concert As you will have seen on the Friends of Turners Hill School Newsletter, instead of the Christmas Fayre, we will be holding a Carol Concert Evening between 5.00pm and 7.30pm. Supported by Mrs Biggs, children will be singing throughout the evening accompanied by a chorister group. Along with this will be the traditional Santa’s Grotto, as well as extra stalls/entertainment. Refreshments of mulled wine and mince pies will be available as well as a selection of teatime favourites including burgers, sausages and fajita wraps, all served by the Farmyard Kitchen, based at Grange Farm. Any offers of help gratefully received!

Book Fair Our annual Book Fair will be held from Wednesday 19th to Monday 24th November 2014. The books will be on display in the school corridor, near the main entrance between 8.30am – 9.15am and 3.00pm - 3.45pm. Each child has been given a Book Fair leaflet which shows some of the range of books available for purchase. We hope you will take this opportunity to have a look at the books on display. This Book Fair has always proved popular with parents and our school will benefit from all sales. We shall be able to add books to our own school library.

Sponsored Walk We have raised in excess of £760 from the sponsored walk which will be split between a Septicaemia charity and the School Fund. Well done to all the children who took part!

St Catherine’s Hospice – Christmas Cuddlies This year we are supporting this wonderful local charity that I am sure many of you have probably heard of or had some contact with. Their Christmas Cuddlies, Ruby Reindeer (St Catherine’s Hospice Volunteer), Mr Bowtie the Penguin (big boss at St Catherine’s) and Dr Frost the Snowman (a St Catherine’s Hospice doctor), will be available to purchase from the school office for £1.50 each from Wednesday 19th November and all proceeds will go directly to St Catherine’s Hospice.

Thank you! A big thank you to Jo and Simon Pamplin for cutting the hedge along the back of our school. The children and staff can once again appreciate the fantastic view we have! Many thanks!


TURNERS HILL C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHURCH ROAD TURNERS HILL WEST SUSSEX RH10 4PA Headteacher: Ben Turney, BA Ed (Hons) Telephone: 01342 715412 Email: [email protected] WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL

Autumn Term – Turners Hill C of E School Issue 5 : News 2014/2015

‘Stewards Of The Earth, Eager to Learn, Faithful To God’

Open House & Food Bank As from Monday 17th November, we will be collecting advent calendars and selection boxes for the local food bank and Open House in . There will be a box in the school for any donations. Thank you to Bekki and Poppy McMahon for organising this fantastic way of supporting the less fortunate people in the community.

Chartwells Some information to pass on to you from Chartwells. Roast Dinner day now has NO vegetarian option and BBQ sausage and bean casserole is no longer on the menu, this day will now be jacket potato day. If your child’s dietary requirements change, please contact the school so we can make the relevant arrangements.


Wednesday 19th to Monday 24th November 2014 – Book Fair Friday 5th December 2014 – Mufti Day Friday 5th December 2014 – Disco – 6.00pm to 7.30pm Monday 8th December 2014 – 9.30am – Nativity Dress Rehearsal Tuesday 9th December 2014 – 9.30am – Nativity Wednesday 10th December 2014 – 9.30am – Nativity Friday 12th December 2014 – ‘Friends of Turners Hill School’ Christmas Event – 5.00pm to 7.30pm Wednesday 17th December 2014 – 6.30pm – Christingle, St Leonard’s Church Thursday 18th December 2014 – Christmas Lunch Friday 19th December 2014 – 1.30pm – Final Assembly – SCHOOL FINISHES AT 2.00PM Monday 22nd December 2014 to Friday 2nd January 2015 – CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Friday 13th February 2015 – INSET DAY Monday 16th to Friday 20th February 2015 – SPRING HALF TERM Monday 23rd February 2015 – INSET DAY Monday 9th to Friday 13th March 2015 – Green Week Wednesday 25th March 2015 – 9.30am – Easter Service, St Leonard’s Church Friday 27th March 2015 – 1.30pm – Final Assembly – SCHOOL FINISHES AT 2.00PM Monday 30th March – Friday 10th April 2015 – EASTER HOLIDAY Monday 25th to Friday 29th May 2015 – SUMMER HALF TERM Monday 8th June 2015 – School Photographs Wednesday 22nd July 2015 – 1.30pm – Final Assembly – SCHOOL FINISHES AT 2.00PM Thursday 23rd July 2015 – Imberhorne dedicated uniform slot for Turners Hill parents – 4.00pm to 8.00pm

SCHOOL WEBSITE: Please look at our school website ( for up-to-date news and useful information as well as excellent websites to aid your child’s learning.


TURNERS HILL C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHURCH ROAD TURNERS HILL WEST SUSSEX RH10 4PA Headteacher: Ben Turney, BA Ed (Hons) Telephone: 01342 715412 Email: [email protected] WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL

Autumn Term – Turners Hill C of E School Issue 5 : News 2014/2015

‘Stewards Of The Earth, Eager to Learn, Faithful To God’


TURNERS HILL C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHURCH ROAD TURNERS HILL WEST SUSSEX RH10 4PA Headteacher: Ben Turney, BA Ed (Hons) Telephone: 01342 715412 Email: [email protected] WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL