Final Evaluation of GESTERRA Capacity Building Programme on Land Management and Administration Within DINAT

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Final Evaluation of GESTERRA Capacity Building Programme on Land Management and Administration Within DINAT 2020:1 Sida Decentralised Evaluation NIRAS Sweden AB Final Evaluation of GESTERRA Capacity Building Programme on Land Management and Administration within DINAT Final Report Final Evaluation of GESTERRA Capacity Building Programme on Land Management and Administration within DINAT Final Report December 2019 Bente Topsoe-Jensen Elias Ainadine Alícia da Silva Calane Clemente José Macia Sida Decentralised Evaluation 2020:1 Sida Authors: Bente Topsoe-Jensen, Elias Ainadine, Alícia da Silva Calane and Clemente José Macia The views and interpretations expressed in this report are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. Sida Decentralised Evaluation 2020:1 Commissioned by Sida Copyright: Sida and the authors Date of final report: 20.12.2019 Published by Nordic Morning 2020 Art. no. Sida62269en urn:nbn:se:sida-62269en This publication can be downloaded from: SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCY Address: SE-105 25 Stockholm, Sweden. Office: Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm Telephone: +46 (0)8-698 50 00. Telefax: +46 (0)8-20 88 64 E-mail: [email protected]. Homepage: Table of contents Table of contents ..................................................................................................................... 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................. 3 Preface ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 6 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 14 1.1 Evaluation objectives and scope ................................................................................ 14 2 Main Evaluation Findings................................................................................................. 18 2.1 The GESTERRA results framework ........................................................................... 18 2.2 Land governance (Comp.1) ........................................................................................ 20 2.3 Land administration services and National Land Cadastre (Comp.2) ......................... 31 2.4 Programme management ........................................................................................... 42 3 Main Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 55 3.1 Relevance .................................................................................................................. 55 3.2 Efficiency .................................................................................................................... 56 3.3 Effectiveness .............................................................................................................. 57 3.4 Impact ......................................................................................................................... 58 3.5 Sustainability .............................................................................................................. 59 3.6 Revisiting the intervention logic .................................................................................. 60 4 Lessons Learned and Recommendations ........................................................................ 62 4.1 Key lessons learned ................................................................................................... 62 4.2 Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 64 Annex 1 – Terms of Reference.............................................................................................. 66 Annex 2 – Inception Note ...................................................................................................... 67 Annex 3 – List of documents consulted .............................................................................. 68 Annex 4 – List of persons consulted ................................................................................... 74 Annex 5 – Data collection work program ............................................................................. 77 Annex 6 – Questionnaires ..................................................................................................... 79 Annex 7 – DINAT Organisational chart ................................................................................ 81 Annex 8 – Intellectual property rights SiGIT........................................................................ 82 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms Portuguese abbreviations are used in the text when referring to Mozambican institutions and common concepts. AENA Associação Nacional de Extensão Rural / National Rural Extension Association AQUA Agència de Qualidade Ambiental / Environmental Quality Control Agency Centro Nacional de Cartografia e Teledeteção / National Centre for Cartography and Remote CENACARTA Sensing CNFT Campanha Nacional de Fiscalização de Terra / National Land Inspection Campaign CSO Civil Society Organisation CUT Conta Única de Tesouro / Single Treasury Account DAF Departamento de Administração e Finanças / Administration and Finance Department DelCom Delimitação Comunitária / Community delimitation DCIT Departamento de Cadastro e Informação sobre Terras / Dep.of Land Registration and Information DGIT Departamento de Georeferenciação e Titulação de Terras / Dep.of Georeferencing and Land Titling DINAT Direcção Nacional de Administração de Terras / National Directorate of Land DINOTER Direcção Nacional de Ordenamento Territorial / National Directorate of Territorial Planning DNTF Direcção Nacional de Terra e Floresta / National Directorate for Land and Forestry Direcção Provincial de Terra, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural / Provincial Directorate for Land, DPTADER Environment and Rural Development DSI Departamento de Sistemas de Informação / Department for Information Systems DUAT Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra / Land title document Sistema Informático do Sistema de Administração Financeira do Estado / Digital State Financial e-SISTAFE Administration System FCT Fórum de Consultas sobre Terras / Land Consultation Forum FGD Focus Group Discussion FNDS Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável / National Fund for Sustainable Development LGAF Land Governance Assessment Framework LTR Land Tenure Registration GoM Government of Mozambique Instituto de Formação em Administração de Terras e Cartografia / Institute for Land Management INFATEC and Cartography Training iTC Iniciativas de Terras Comunitárias MCA Millennium Challenge Account MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation MSC Most Significant Changes MINAG Ministério de Agricultura / Ministry of Agriculture Ministério da Terra, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural / Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural MITADER Development PAAO Plano Anual de Actividades e Orçamento / Annual Activity Plan and Budget 3 ABBREVIATIONS AND AC RONYMS PC Programme Committee PDUT Plano Distrital de Uso de Terra / District Land Use Plan PFM Public Financial Management PRODEZA Programa de Desenvolvimento de Zambézia / Zambézia Development Programme PROMER Programa de Mercados Rurais / Rural Market Program RAG Reparticao de Apoio Geral / General Support Section RDUAT Regularização das ocupações de terras / Regularisation of land occupations RGC Repartição de Gestão de Conflictos / Conflict Resolution Section RMA Reparticão de Monioria e Avaliacão / Monitoring and Evaluation Section SDAE Serviços Distritais de Actividades Económicos / District Services for Economic Activities SDPI Serviços Distritais de Planeamento e Infraestrutura / District Services for Planning and Infrastructure SMART Specific, Measureble, Accepted, Relevant and Time-bound SiGIT Sistema de Gestão e Informação de Terras / Land Information and Management System SPGC Serviços Provinciais de Geografia e Cadastro / Provincial Geographic and Registration Services TA Technical Assistance ToC Theory of Change ToR Terms of Reference 4 Preface The final evaluation of the Swedish-Dutch financed Land Management and Administration Capacity Building Programme – GESTERRA1 – in Mozambique was commissioned by the Embassy of Sweden in Maputo (Sida). The evaluation has been undertaken by a team from NIRAS consisting of Bente Topsøe-Jensen (team leader), Elias Ainadine, Alícia da Silva Calane and Clemente José Macia. From NIRAS head office in Sweden, Emelie Pellby has managed the process, and the quality assurance has been undertaken by Ted Kliest. The eval- uation took place from August to November 2019 with two weeks field work in Mozambique in September 2019. The evaluation team thanks all persons and institutions involved in the data collection process – staff from involved government institutions in Mozambique, Embassies of Sweden and the Netherlands, key informants from civil society, private sector and academia, as well as land titleholders at community level, which were met during the fieldwork, resulting in more than 40 interviews. We sincerely hope that the results of the evaluation will provide all stakeholders with lessons learned which could serve as an input to future efforts to strengthen support to land sector management and
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